Graph-based Modeling of Online Communities for Fake News Detection
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Graph-based Modeling of Online Communities for Fake News Detection Shantanu Chandra♣ , Pushkar MishraF , Helen Yannakoudakis♠ , Madhav NimishakaviF , Marzieh SaeidiF , Ekaterina Shutova♣ ♣ ILLC, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands F Facebook AI, London, United Kingdom ♠ Dept. of Informatics, King’s College London, United Kingdom,,, {pushkarmishra, madhavn, marzieh } Abstract modeling the structure, style and content of a news article (Khan et al., 2019; Pérez-Rosas et al., 2017), Over the past few years, there has been a sub- no attempts have been made to understand and ex- arXiv:2008.06274v4 [cs.CL] 23 Nov 2020 stantial effort towards automated detection of ploit the online community that interacts with the fake news on social media platforms. Exist- ing research has modeled the structure, style, article. content, and patterns in dissemination of on- To advance this line of research, we propose line posts, as well as the demographic traits SAFER (Socially Aware Fake nEws detection of users who interact with them. However, no fRamework), a graph-based approach to fake news attention has been directed towards modeling detection that aggregates information from 1) the the properties of online communities that in- content of the article, 2) content-sharing behavior teract with the posts. In this work, we pro- pose a novel social context-aware fake news of users who shared the article, and 3) the social detection framework, SAFER, based on graph network of those users. We frame the task as a neural networks (GNNs). The proposed frame- graph-based modeling problem over a heteroge- work aggregates information with respect to: neous graph of users and the articles shared by 1) the nature of the content disseminated, 2) them. We perform a systematic comparison of sev- content-sharing behavior of users, and 3) the eral graph neural network (GNN) models as graph social network of those users. We furthermore encoders in our proposed framework and introduce perform a systematic comparison of several novel methods based on relational and hyperbolic GNN models for this task and introduce novel methods based on relational and hyperbolic GNNs, which have not been previously used for GNNs, which have not been previously used user or community modeling within NLP. By using for user or community modeling within NLP. relational GNNs, we explicitly model the different We empirically demonstrate that our frame- relations that exist between the nodes of the het- work yields significant improvements over ex- erogeneous graph, which the traditional GNNs are isting text-based techniques and achieves state- not designed to capture. Furthermore, euclidean of-the-art results on fake news datasets from embeddings used by the traditional GNNs have a two different domains. high distortion when embedding real world hierar- 1 Introduction chical and scale-free graphs1 (Ravasz and Barabási, 2003; Chen et al., 2013). Thus, by using hyperbolic The spread of fake news online leads to undesirable GNNs we capture the relative distance between the consequences in many areas of societal life, notably node representations more precisely by operating in the political arena and healthcare with the most in the hyperbolic space. Our methods generate rich recent example being the COVID-19 “Infodemic” community-based representations for articles. We (Zarocostas, 2020). Its consequences include politi- demonstrate that, when used alongside text-based cal inefficacy, polarization of society and alienation representations of articles, SAFER leads to sig- among individuals with high exposure to fake news nificant gains over existing methods for fake news (Balmas, 2014; Norton and Greenwald, 2016). Re- detection and achieves state-of-the-art performance. cent years have therefore seen a growing interest in 1 automated methods for fake news detection, which A Scale Free Network is one in which the distribution is typically set up as a binary classification task. of links to nodes follows a power law, i.e., the vast majority of nodes have very few connections, while a few important While a large proportion of work has focused on nodes (hubs) have a huge number of connections.
We also make the code publicly available2 . tures derived from the article, news source, users and their interactions and timeline of posting to de- 2 Related Work tect fake news. They construct two homogeneous Approaches to fake news detection can be catego- sub-graphs (news-source and user sub-graph) and rized into three different types: content-, propa- model them separately in an unsupervised setting gation- and social-context based. Content-based for proximity relations. They also use the user’s approaches model the content of articles, such stance in relation to the shared content as addi- as the headline, body text, images and external tional information via a stance detection network URLs. Some methods utilize knowledge graphs pre-trained on a self-curated dataset. and subject-predicate-object triples (Ciampaglia Our formulation of the problem is distinct from et al., 2015; Shi and Weninger, 2016), while other these methods in three ways. Firstly, we construct a feature-based methods model writing style, psycho- single heterogeneous graph consisting of two kinds linguistic properties of text, rhetorical relations and of nodes and edges and model them together in a content readability (Popat, 2017; Castillo et al., semi-supervised graph learning setup. Secondly, 2011; Pérez-Rosas et al., 2017; Potthast et al., we do not perform user profiling, but rather com- 2017). Others use neural networks (Ma et al., pute community-wide social-context features, and 2016), with attention-based architectures such as to the best of our knowledge, no prior work has HAN (Okano et al., 2020) and dEFEND (Shu et al., investigated the role of online communities in fake 2019a) outperforming other neural methods. Re- news detection. Third, to capture the role of com- cent multi-modal approaches encoding both tex- munities, we only use the information about the tual and visual features of news articles as well as users’ networks, without the need for any personal tweets (Shu et al., 2019c; Wang et al., 2018), have information from user’s profile and yet outperform advanced the performance further. the existing methods that incorporate those. Fur- Propagation-based methods analyze patterns in thermore, since our methods do not use any user- the spread of news based on news cascades (Zhou specific information, such as their location, race and Zafarani, 2018) which are tree structures that or gender, they therefore do not learn to associate capture the content’s post and re-post patterns. specific population groups with specific online be- These methods make predictions in two ways: 1) haviour, unlike other methods that explicitly in- computing the similarity between the cascades corporate user-specific features and their personal (Kashima et al., 2003; Wu et al., 2015); or 2) rep- information by design. We believe the latter would resenting news cascades in a latent space for clas- pose an ethical concern, which our techniques help sification (Ma et al., 2018). However, they are not to alleviate. well-suited to large social-network setting due to 3 Datasets their computational complexity. Social-context based methods employ the users’ For our experiments, we use fake news datasets meta-information obtained from their social media from two different domains, i.e., celebrity gossip profiles (e.g. geo-location, total words in profile de- and healthcare, to show that our proposed method scription, etc.) as features for detecting fake news is domain-agnostic. All user information collected (Shu et al., 2019b, 2020). Recently, several works for the experiments is de-identified. have leveraged GNNs to learn user representations FakeNewsNet3 (Shu et al., 2018) is a a pub- for other tasks, such as abuse (Mishra et al., 2019), licly available benchmark for fake news detection. political perspective (Li and Goldwasser, 2019) and The dataset contains news articles from two fact- stance detection (Del Tredici et al., 2019). checking sources, PolitiFact and GossipCop, along Two works, contemporaneous to ours, have also with links to Twitter posts mentioning these arti- proposed to use GNNs for the task of fake news cles. PolitiFact4 is a fact-checking website for po- detection. Han et al. (2020) applied GNNs on a ho- litical statements; GossipCop5 is a website that fact- mogeneous graph constructed in the form of news checks celebrity and entertainment stories. Gossip- cascades by using just shallow user-level features Cop contains a substantially larger set of articles such as no. of followers, status and tweet mentions. 3 On the other hand, Nguyen et al. (2020) use fea- 4 2 5
Training Testing Graph Encoder GNN u1 Lgraph u2 GNN u3 u4 sg Ug LR Text Text Text LR Classifier Llr Text ssafer Text Text Test Sample Text Text RoBERTa Text Encoder st Text Text Text Text TextText TextText Text Text Text Text RoBERTa TextText Text Text Text Text Ltext Encode Aggregate Classify Figure 1: Visual representation of the proposed SAFER framework. Graph and text encoders are trained independently followed by training of a logistic regression (LR) classifier. During inference, the text of the article as well as information about its social network of users are encoded by the trained text and graph encoders respectively. Finally, the social-context and textual features of the article are concatenated for classification using the trained LR classifier. compared to PolitiFact (over 21k news articles with 4 Methodology text vs. around 900) and is therefore the one we use in our experiments. We note that some articles have 4.1 Constructing the Community Graph become unavailable over time. We also excluded 60 articles that are less than 25 tokens long. In For each of the datasets, we create a heteroge- total, we work with 20, 350 articles of the original neous community graph G consisting of two sets set (23% fake and 77% real). of nodes: user nodes Nu and article nodes Na . An article node a ∈ Na is represented by a binary bag- FakeHealth6 (Dai et al., 2020), is a publicly avail- of-words (BOW) vector a = [w1 , .., wj , .., w|V | ], able benchmark for fake news detection specifically where |V| is the vocabulary size and wi ∈ {0, 1}. in the healthcare domain. The dataset is collected A user node u ∈ Nu is represented by a binary from healthcare information review website Health BOW vector constructed over all the articles that News Review7 , which reviews whether a news arti- they have shared: u = [a1 | a2 | ... | aM ], where | cle is reliable according to 10 criteria and gives it denotes the element-wise logical OR and M is the a score from 1-5. In line with the original authors total number of articles shared by the user. Next, of the dataset, we consider an article as fake for we add undirected edges of two types: 1) between a scores less than 3 and real otherwise. The dataset is user and an article node if the user shared the article divided into two datasets based on the nature of the in a tweet/retweet (article nodes may therefore be source of the articles. HealthStory contains articles connected to multiple user nodes), and 2) between that are news stories, i.e., reported by news media two user nodes if there is a follower–following rela- such as Reuters Health. HealthRelease contains tionship between them on Twitter.8 We work with articles that are news releases from various insti- the “top N most active users” (N=20K for Health- tutions such as universities, research centers and Story, N=30K for GossipCop) subset and motivate companies. HealthStory contains a considerably this decision in Section 6.2. To avoid effects of any larger set of articles compared to HealthRelease bias from frequent users, we exclude users who (over 1600 vs around 600) and is therefore the one have shared more than 30% of the articles in ei- we use in our experiments. We again note that ther class. The resulting graph has 29, 962 user some articles have become unavailable over time. nodes, 16, 766 article nodes (articles from test set We also exclude 27 articles that are less than 25 excluded) and over 1.2M edges for GossipCop. tokens long. In total, we work with 1611 of the Meanwhile, the HealthStory community graph con- original set (28% fake and 72% real articles). tains 12, 266 user nodes, 1291 article nodes (test set articles excluded) and over 450K edges. 6 7 8 We use Twitter APIs to retrieve the required information.
4.2 SAFER: Fake news detection framework Convolutional neural network (CNN). We adopt the sentence-level encoder of Kim (2014) at the The proposed framework – detailed below and vi- document level. This model uses multiple 1-D sualized in Figure 1 – employs two components convolution filters of different sizes that aggregate in its architecture, namely graph- and text-based information by sliding over the length of the article. encoders, and its working can be broken down into The final fixed-length article representation is ob- two phases: training and testing. tained via max-over-time pooling over the feature Training phase: We first train the graph and text maps. encoders independently on the training set. The RoBERTa. As our main text encoder, we fine-tune input to the text encoder is the text of the article the transformer encoder architecture, RoBERTa and it is trained on the task of article classification (Liu et al., 2019b), and use it for article classifica- for fake news detection. The trained text encoder tion. RoBERTa is a language model pre-trained generates the text-based features of the article con- with dynamic masking. Specifically, we use it to tent st ∈ Rdt where dt is the hidden dimension of encode the first 512 tokens of each article and use the text encoder. The graph encoder is a GNN that the [ C L S ] token as the article embedding for clas- takes as input the community graph (constructed sification. as detailed in §4.1). The GNN is trained with su- pervised loss from the article nodes that is back- 4.4 Graph Encoders propagated to the rest of the network. The trained We experiment with six different GNN architec- GNN is able to generate a set of user embeddings tures for generating user embeddings as detailed Ug = {u1 , u2 , ..., um } where ui ∈ Rdg , dg is the below: hidden dimension of the graph encoder and m is the total number of users that interacted with the article. Graph Convolution Networks (GCNs). GCNs These individual user representations are then ag- (Kipf and Welling, 2016) take as input a graph G gregated into a single fixedP size vector defined by its adjacency matrix A ∈ Rn×n (where via normal- m dg n is number of nodesP in the graph)9 , a degree matrix ized sum such that sg = i=1 i /m, sg ∈ R u where sg denotes the social-context features of the D such that Dii = j Aij , and a feature matrix article. The final social context-aware representa- F ∈ Rn×m containing the m-dimensional feature tion of the article is computed as ssaf er = sg ⊕ st , vectors for the nodes. The recursive propagation where ⊕ is the concatenation operator. This form of step of a GCN at the ith convolutional layer is given aggregation helps SAFER to retain the information by: Oi = σ(ÃO(i−1) W i ) where σ denotes an ac- 1 1 that each representation encodes about different tivation function, Ã = D− 2 AD− 2 is the degree- aspects of the shared content. Finally, ssaf er is normalized adjacency matrix; W i ∈ Rti−1 ×ti is used to train a logistic regression (LR) classifier the weight matrix of the ith convolutional layer; on the training set. Intuitively, the trained text en- O(i−1) ∈ Rn×ti−1 represents the output of the pre- coder captures the linguistic cues from the content ceding convolution layer and ti is the number of that are crucial for the task. Similarly, the trained hidden units in the ith layer, with t0 = m. graph encoder learns to assign users to implicit on- Graph Attention Networks (GAT). GAT line communities based on their content-sharing (Veličković et al., 2017) is a non-spectral architec- patterns and social connections. ture that leverages the spatial information of a node Testing phase: To classify unseen content as fake directly by learning different weights for different or real, SAFER takes as input the text of the article nodes in a neighborhood using a self-attention as well as the network of users that interacted with mechanism. GAT is composed of graph attention it. It then follows the same procedure as detailed layers. In each layer, a shared, learnable linear above to generate the social context-aware repre- transformation W ∈ Rti−1 ×ti is applied to the sentation of the to-be-verified test article, ssaf er , input features of every node, where ti is the number and uses the trained LR classifier to classify it. of hidden units in layer i. Next, self-attention is applied on nodes, where a shared attention 4.3 Text Encoders mechanism computes attention coefficients euv between pairs of nodes to indicate the importance We experiment with two different architectures as 9 text encoders in SAFER: A is symmetric, i.e., Aij = Aji , with self-loops Aii = 1.
of the features of node v to node u. To inject graph vectors of first-order neighbor nodes through a nor- structural information, masked attention is applied malized sum. R-GAT also follows the same setup, by computing euv only for nodes v ∈ U(u) that except the aggregation is done using the graph at- are in the first-order neighborhood of node u. The tention layer as described in GAT. This architecture final node representation is obtained by linearly helps us to aggregate information from user and ar- combining normalized attention coefficients with ticle nodes selectively from our community graph. their corresponding neighborhood node features. Hyperbolic GCN / GAT. Chami et al. 2019 build GraphSAGE. SAGE (Hamilton et al., 2017) is an upon previous work (Liu et al., 2019a; Ganea et al., inductive framework that learns aggregator func- 2018) to combine the expressiveness of GCN/GAT tions that generate node embeddings from a node’s with hyperbolic geometry to learn improved repre- local neighborhood. First, each node u ∈ G ag- sentations for scale-free graphs. Hy-GCN/GAT gregates information (through either mean, LSTM first map the euclidean input to the hyperbolic or performing max-pooling after passing them space (we use the Poincaré ball model), which is through a linear layer) from its local neighborhood the Riemannian manifold with constant negative k−1 hk−1 v , ∀v ∈ U(u) into a single vector hU (u) where sectional curvature -1/K. Next, analogous to the k denotes the depth of the search, hk denotes the mean aggregation by the GCN, Hy-GCN computes node’s representation at that step and U(u) is set the Fréchet mean (Fréchet, 1948) of a node’s neigh- of neighbor nodes of u. Next, it concatenates the bours’ embeddings while the Hy-GAT performs node’s current representation hk−1 u with that of its aggregation in tangent spaces using hyperbolic at- k−1 tention. Finally, Hy-GCN/GAT use hyperbolic non- aggregated neighborhood vector hU (u) . This vec- Ki−1 ,Ki tor is then passed through a multi-layer perceptron linear activation function σ ⊗ given the hy- (MLP) with non-linearity to obtain the new node perbolic curvatures -1/Ki−1 , -1/Ki at layers i − 1 representation hku to be used at depth k + 1. Once and i where ⊗ is the Möbius scalar multiplication the aggregator weights are learned, the embedding operator. This is crucial as it allows the model to of an unseen node can be generated from its fea- smoothly vary curvature at each layer. tures and neighborhood. 4.5 Baselines and Comparison Systems Relational GCN/GAT. R-GCN (Schlichtkrull et al., 2018) and R-GAT are an extension of GCN We compare the performance of the proposed and GAT for relational data and build upon the tra- framework with seven supervised classification ditional differentiable message passing framework. methods: two purely text-based baselines, a user- The networks accept input in the form of a graph sharing majority voting baseline, a GNN-based “so- G = (V, E, R) where V denotes the set of nodes, cial baseline” and three architectures from the liter- E denotes the set of edges connecting the nodes ature. and R denotes the edge relations (u, r, v) ∈ E Baselines. The setup for the baselines is detailed where r ∈ R is a relation type and u, v ∈ V . The below: R-GCN forward pass update step is: 1. Text-baselines. We use the CNN and RoBERTa architectures described earlier to obtain X X 1 (i−1) (i−1) (i−1) article representations. The input to the CNN en- h(i) u = σ Wr(i−1) hl + W0 hu r r∈R l∈Uu cu,r coder is ELMo embeddings (Peters et al., 2018) of the article tokens, while RoBERTa uses its own (i) where hu is the final node representation of node tokenizer to generate initial token representations. r u at layer i, Uu denotes the set of neighbor indices 2. Majority sharing baseline. This simple base- of node u under relation r ∈ R, Wr is the relation- line classifies articles as fake or real based on the specific trainable weight parameter and cu,r is a sharing statistics of users that tweeted or retweeted task specific normalization constant that can either about it. If, on average, the users that interact with be learned or set in advance (such as cu,r = |Uur |). an article have shared more fake articles, then the Note that each node’s feature at layer i is also in- article is tagged as fake, and real otherwise. formed of its features from layer i − 1 by adding 3. Social Baseline. We introduce a graph-based a self-loop to the data with a relation type learned model that measures the effectiveness of purely using the trainable parameter W0 . Intuitively, this structural aspects of the community graph captured propagation step aggregates transformed feature by the GNNs (without access to text). The user
node embeddings are constructed as described ear- using the AdamW (Loshchilov and Hutter, 2017) lier, but with the article nodes being initialized ran- optimizer (except for Hy-GCN/-GAT that use Rie- domly. Here, the community-based features solely mannian Adam; Bécigneul and Ganea 2018) with capture properties of the network. The classifica- an early stopping patience of 10. For GossipCop, tion is done using just the social-context feature by we use a learning rate of 5 · 10−3 for Hy-GCN/- an LR classifier. GAT; 1 · 10−4 for SAGE and R-GAT; 1 · 10−3 for Comparison Systems. We compare the perfor- R-GCN; and 5 · 10−4 for the rest. We use weight mance of the proposed framework with three meth- decay of 5 · 10−1 for RoBERTA; 2 · 10−3 for SAGE ods from literature: and R-GCN; 1 · 10−3 for the rest. We use dropout 1. HAN (Shu et al., 2019a). Hierarchical atten- of 0.4 for GAT and R-GCN; 0.2 for SAGE and tion network first generates sentence embeddings R-GAT; 0.5 for CNN; and 0.1 for the rest. We use using attention over (GRU-based) contextualised node masking probability of 0.1 for all the GNNs word vectors. An article embedding is then ob- and attention dropout of 0.4 for RoBERTa. Finally, tained in a similar manner by passing sentence we use a hidden dimension of 128 for SAGE; 256 vectors through a GRU and applying attention over for GCN and Hy-GCN; and 512 for the rest. Mean- the hidden states. while for HealthStory, we use a learning rate of 2. dEFEND (Shu et al., 2019a). This method 1 · 10−4 for SAGE; 1 · 10−3 for R-GAT; 5 · 10−3 exploits contents of articles alongside comments GCN, Hy-GCN/GAT; and 5 · 10−4 for the rest. We from users. Comment embeddings are obtained use weight decay of 5 · 10−1 for RoBERTa; 2 · 10−3 from a single layer bi-GRU and article embeddings for GAT, SAGE and R-GCN; and 1 · 10−3 for the are generated using HAN. A cross-attention mecha- rest. We use dropout of 0.4 for GCN; 0.1 for Hy- nism is applied over the two embeddings to exploit GCN/GAT and RoBERTa, 0.5 for CNN; and 0.2 for users’ opinions and stance to better detect fake the rest. We use node masking probability of 0.2 news. for GAT and R-GCN; 0.3 for Hy-GCN/-GAT; and 3. SAFE (Zhou et al., 2020): This method uses 0.1 for the rest. Finally, we use attention dropout of visual and textual features of the content. It uses 0.4 for RoBERTa and a hidden dimension of 128 a CNN to encode the textual as well as visual con- for SAGE; 256 for Hy-GAT and 512 for the rest. tent of an article by initially processing the visual Results. The mean F1 scores for all models are information using a pre-trained image2sentence summarized in Table 1. We note that the simple model10 . It then concatenates these representations majority sharing baseline achieves an F1 of 77.19 to better detect fake news. on GossipCop while just 8.20 on HealthStory. This highlights the difference in the content sharing be- 5 Experiments and Results havior of users between the two datasets and we Experimental setup. We use 70%, 10% and 20% explore this further in Section 6.3. We can also of the total articles as train, validation and test splits see this difference in the strength of social context respectively for both datasets. For CNN we use 128 information between the 2 datasets from the per- filters of sizes [3,4,5] each. For HAN and dEFEND formance of the social baseline. Social baseline we report the results in Shu et al. (2019a), while variants of all GNNs significantly (p < 0.05 under for SAFE in Zhou et al. (2020). We use the large paired t-test) outperform all text-based methods in version of RoBERTa and fine-tune all layers. Due to case of GossipCop but not in case of HealthStory. class imbalance, we weight the loss from the fake However, all the social baselines outperform the class 3 times more (in line with the class frequency majority sharing baseline demonstrating the contri- in each of the datasets) while optimizing the binary bution of GNNs beyond capturing just the average cross entropy loss of the sigmoid output from a 2- sharing behavior of interacting users. Note that we layer MLP in all our experiments. We use dropout observe similar trends in experiments with CNN as (Srivastava et al., 2014), attention dropout and node the text-encoder of the proposed framework. masking (Mishra et al., 2020) for regularization. Finally, in case of GossipCop, all the variants We use 2-layer deep architectures for all the GNNs. of the proposed SAFER framework significantly For Hy-GCN/-GAT we train with learnable curva- outperform all their social baseline counterparts as ture. We run all experiments with 5 random seeds well as all the text-based models. The relational 10 GNN variants significantly outperform all the meth-
Model GossipCop HealthStory † HAN 67.20 - dEFEND† 75.00 - Text SAFE ‡ 89.50 - CNN 66.73 53.81 R o BERT a 68.55 57.54 Maj. sharing baseline 77.19 8.20 Social baseline SAGE 87.11 43.05 GCN 88.37 44.86 GAT 87.94 46.13 R - GCN 89.68 46.28 R - GAT 89.21 46.89 H y- GCN 87.45 44.90 H y- GAT 85.56 43.09 Graph SAFER SAGE 93.32 58.34 Figure 2: t-SNE plots of test article embeddings produced by GCN 93.61 58.65 GAT 93.65 58.55 RoBERTa alone (top) and SAFER (R-GCN) (bottom). Fake R - GCN 94.69 61.71 articles are in red and real in black R - GAT 94.53 62.54 H y- GCN 93.64 61.81 H y- GAT 92.97 61.91 and real classes when the community features are Table 1: F1 scores (fake class) on GossipCop and Health- combined with the textual features of the articles Story. († ) denotes results reported from Shu et al. (2019a) compared to using textual features alone. and (‡ ) from Zhou et al. (2020). Bold figure denotes signifi- cantly better than other methods for that dataset. Underscore 6 Analysis figures denote significantly better scores than baselines but not significantly different from each other. 6.1 Effects of graph sparsity and frequent users Graph sparsity can affect the performance of GNNs ods, while the hyperbolic variants perform on par as they rely on node connections to share informa- with the traditional GNNs. In case of HealthStory, tion during training. Additionally, the presence of we see that the traditional GNN variants signifi- frequent users that share many articles of a particu- cantly outperform their social baseline counterparts lar class may introduce a bias in the model. In such but not the best-performing text-based baseline (i.e., cases, the network may learn to simply map a user RoBERTa). However, the relational and hyperbolic to a class and use that as a shortcut for classifica- GNNs significantly outperform all other methods. tion. To investigate the effects of these phenomena, Overall, we see that the proposed relational we perform an ablation experiment on GossipCop GNNs outperform the traditional GNN models, in- by removing the more frequent/active users from dicating the importance of modelling the different the graph in a step-wise fashion. This makes the relations between nodes of a heterogeneous graph graph more sparse and discards many connections separately. Hyperbolic GNNs are more expressive that the network could have learned to overfit on. in embedding graphs that have a (deep) hierarchical Table 2 shows the performance of the GNN mod- structure. Due to the nature of the datasets and limi- els when users sharing more than 10%, 5% and tation of Twitter API (all retweets are mapped to the 1% articles of each class are removed from the same source tweet, rather than forming a tree struc- graph. We see that the performance drops as users ture), the community graph is just 2 levels deep. are removed successively; however, SAFER still Thus, hyperbolic GNNs perform similar to the tra- outperforms all the text-based methods under the ditional GNNs under our 2-layer setup. However, 10% and 5% setting, even without the presence of if more social information were available, resulting a possible bias introduced by frequent users. For in a deeper graph, we expect Hy-GNNs to exhibit the 1% setting, only the hyperbolic GNNs outper- a superior performance. form the baselines and this setting illustrates that In Figure 2, we use t-SNE (Maaten and Hinton, under extremely sparse conditions (65% of original 2008) to visualize the test articles representations density of an already sparse graph), the R-GNNs generated by RoBERTa and SAFER (R-GCN). We struggle to learn informative user representations. see a much cleaner and compact segregation of fake Overall, we see that Hy-GNNs are resilient to user
Optimum threshold for top N users Setting ρ SAFER F1 62.5 val-F1 R - GCN 81.87 60.0 test-F1 R - GAT 82.27 excl.>10% 0.78 H y- GCN 82.16 57.5 F1(fake) per split H y- GAT 81.81 55.0 52.5 R - GCN 77.16 R - GAT 77.32 50.0 excl.>5% 0.71 H y- GCN 77.13 47.5 H y- GAT 77.01 45.0 R - GCN 65.89 All Top60k Top40k Top20k Top8k Top6k R - GAT 65.32 Top N user subsets excl.>1% 0.65 H y- GCN 71.99 H y- GAT 72.05 Figure 3: Validation and test set performance of the SAFER (GCN) framework over varying subsets of most active users Table 2: Results of SAFER variants on varying subsets of on HealthStory. user nodes on GossipCop. ρ denotes relative graph density. Bottleneck is the phenomenon of “over- biases (if any) and can perform well even on sparse squashing” of information from exponentially graphs. many neighbours into small fixed-size vectors (Alon and Yahav, 2020). Since each article is 6.2 Optimum support for effective learning shared by many users and each user is connected to GNNs learn node representations by aggregating many other users, the network can suffer from bot- information from their local neighborhoods. If the tleneck which affects learning. In a 2-layer GNN unsupervised nodes have very sparse connections setup, the effective aggregation neighborhoods of (e.g., users that have shared just one (or very few) each article node exponentially increases, as it ag- article(s)), then there is not enough support to learn gregates information from all the nodes that are their social-context features from. The effective within 2-hops away from it. neighborhood that a node uses is determined by the Due to these observations during our initial ex- number of successive iterations of message passing periments, we choose to use just the “top N most steps, i.e., the number of layers in a GNN. Thus, in active users”. We define “active users” as those that principle we can add more GNN layers to enable have shared more articles, i.e., have sufficient sup- the sparse unsupervised nodes to gain access to port to learn from, and hence can help us capture back-propagating losses from distant supervised their content-sharing behavior better. In Figure 3 nodes too. However, simply stacking more layers we show the validation and test performance over leads to various known problems of training deep varying subsets of active users in HealthStory. We neural networks in general (vanishing gradients and see that as we successively drop the least active overfitting due to large no. of parameters), as well users, the validation and test scores show a posi- as graph specific problems such as over-smoothing tive trend. This illustrates the effects of bottleneck and bottleneck phenomenon. on the network. However, the scores drop after a Over-smoothing is the phenomenon where node certain threshold of users. This threshold is the features tend to converge to the same vector and optimum number of users required to learn effec- become nearly indistinguishable as the result of tively using the GNNs – adding more users leads applying multiple GNN layers (Oono and Suzuki, to bottleneck and removing users leads to underfit- 2019; NT and Maehara, 2019). Moreover, in so- ting due to the lack of sufficient support to learn cial network graphs, predictions typically rely only from. We see that validation and test scores are on short-range information from the local neigh- correlated in this behavior and we tune our opti- bourhood of a node and do not improve by adding mal threshold of users for effective learning based distant information. In our community graph, mod- on the validation set of SAFER (GCN) and use eling information from 2 hops away is sufficient to the same subset for all the other GNN encoders aggregate useful community-wide information at for fair comparison. The best validation score was each node and can be achieved with 2-layer GNNs. achieved at the top20K subset of most active users Thus, learning node representations for sparsely while the test scores peaked for the top8K setting. connected nodes from these shallow GNNs is chal- Thus, we run all our experiments with the top 20K lenging. active users for HealthStory, and similarly top30K
likely to share articles of one class predominantly. This again restricts the GNNs from learning infor- mative representations of these users, as it struggles to assign them to any specific community due to mixed signals. 7 Conclusion We presented a graph-based approach to fake news Figure 4: Article sharing behavior of 3 kinds of users (left) detection which leverages information-spreading and; Average of real and fake article shares of type (c) users behaviour of social media users. Our results demon- (right). strate that incorporating community-based model- ing leads to substantially improved performance in this task as compared to purely text-based models. for GossipCop. The proposed relational GNNs for user/community 6.3 Effect of article sharing patterns modeling outperformed the traditional GNNs indi- cating the importance of explicitly modeling the As discussed earlier, results in Table 1 show that relations in a heterogeneous graph. Meanwhile, there is a difference in the article sharing behavior the proposed hyperbolic GNNs performed on par of users between the two datasets. To understand with other GNNs and we leave their application for user characteristics better, we visualize the article user/community modeling to truly hierarchical so- sharing behavior of users for both the datasets in cial network datasets as future work. In the future, Figure 4. We visualize the composition of 3 types it would be interesting to apply these techniques to of users in the datasets: (a) users that share only other tasks, such as rumour detection and modeling real articles, (b) only fake articles and (c) those that changes in public beliefs. share articles from both classes. We see that the majority of the users are type (c) in both datasets (57.18% for GossipCop and 74.15% for Health- Story). However, 38% of the users are type (b) in GossipCop while just 9.96% in HealthStory. Fur- thermore, we visualize the average of real and fake articles shared by type (c) users on the right in Fig- ure 4. From these observations, we note that the GNNs are better positioned to learn user represen- tations to detect fake articles in case of GossipCop, since: (1) The community graph has enough sup- port of type (b) users (38%). This aids the GNNs to learn rich community-level features of users that aid in detecting fake articles; (2) Even of the 57% type (c) users, they are much more likely to share ar- ticles of a single class (here, real). This again helps the network to learn distinct features for these users and assign them to a specific community. However, in case of HealthStory, the GNNs struggle to learn equally rich user representations to detect fake articles since: (1) The community graph has only around 10% of type (b) users. This limits the GNNs from learning expressive commu- nity level features for users that are more likely to share fake articles and thereby are not able to use them for accurate prediction. (2) A vast majority of users (74%) share articles of both classes. To add to that, these bulk of users are considerably less
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A Appendix A.1 Text preprocessing T rue P ositive P recision = T rue P ositive + F alse P ositive We clean the raw text of the crawled articles of the GossipCop dataset before using them for train- ing. More specifically, we replace any URLs T rue P ositive and hashtags in the text with the tokens [url] Recall = T rue P ositive + F alse N egative and [hashtag] respectively. We also replace new line characters with a blank space and make A.5 Training Details sure that class distributions across the train-val-test 1. To leverage effective batching of graph data splits are the same. during training, we cluster the Graph into 300 dense sub-graphs using the METIS (Karypis A.2 Hyper-parameters and Kumar, 1998) graph clustering algorithm. All our code is in PyTorch and we use the Hug- We then train all the GNN networks with a gingFace library (Wolf et al., 2019) to train the batch-size of 16, ie, 16 of these sub-graphs are transformer models. We grid-search over the fol- sampled at each pass as detailed in (Chiang lowing values of the parameters for the respective et al., 2019). This vastly reduces the time, models and choose the best setting based on best memory and computation complexity of large F1 score on test set: sparse graphs. 1. CNN: learning rate = [5e-3, 1e-3, 5e-4, 1e-4], 2. Additionally, for GCN we adopt ”diagonal dropout = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6], weight enhancement” by adding identity to the origi- decay = [1e-3,2e-3] nal adjacency matrix A (Chiang et al., 2019) and perform the normalization as:Ã = (D + 2. Transformers: learning rate = [5e-3, 1e-3, I)−1 (A + I). 5e-4, 1e-4], weight decay = [1e-3, 1e-2, 1e- 1, 5e-1], hidden dropout = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 3. For SAGE we use ”mean” aggregation and x0 0.5], attention dropout = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, normalize the output features as x0i where, k i k2 0.5] x0i is x0i = W1 xi + W2 · meanj∈N (i) xj . 3. GNNs: learning rate = [5e-3, 1e-3, 5e-4, 4. For GAT, we use 3 attention heads with atten- 1e-4], weight decay = [1e-3, 2e-3], hidden tion dropout of 0.1 to stabilize training. We dropout = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5], node mask concatenate their linear combinations instead = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5], hidden dimension = of aggregating, to have a output of each layer [128, 256, 512] to be 3 × hidden dim. The set of best hyper-parameters for all models A.6 Results with CNN text encoder are reported in Table 3. The results of the proposed SAFER framework A.3 Hardware and Run Times with CNN used as the text-encoder are reported in Table 5. We can note similar trends in the per- We use NVIDIA Titanrtx 2080Ti for training formance although the scores are slightly lower as multiple-GPU models and 1080ti for single GPU compared to GossipCop. ones. In Table 4 we report the run times (per epoch) for each model. A.7 Effect of graph sparsity and frequent users A.4 Evaluation Metric In Table 6 we report the performance of all the We use F1 score (of the target class, ie, fake class) GNN variants of the proposed SAFER framework to report all our performance. F1 is defined as : for different subsets of highly active users. P recision × Recall A.8 Community Graph F1 = 2 × P recision + Recall A portion of the community graph is visualized in where, Precision and Recall are defined as: Figure 5.
Graph Text GCN GAT SAGE R - GCN R - GAT H y- GCN H y- GAT CNN R o BERT a −4 −4 −4 −3 −4 −3 −3 −4 Learning rate 5 · 10 5 · 10 1 · 10 1 · 10 1 · 10 5 · 10 5 · 10 5 · 10 5 · 10−4 Weight Decay 1 · 10−3 1 · 10−3 2 · 10−3 2 · 10−3 1 · 10−3 1 · 10−3 1 · 10−3 1 · 10−3 5 · 10−1 Attention dropout NA 0.1 NA NA 0.1 NA NA NA 0.4 Hidden dropout 0.1 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.1 Node masking prob. 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 NA NA Hidden dimension 256 512 128 512 512 256 512 384 1024 Learning rate 5 · 10−3 5 · 10−4 1 · 10−4 5 · 10−4 1 · 10−3 5 · 10−3 5 · 10−3 5 · 10−4 5 · 10−4 Weight Decay 1 · 10−3 2 · 10−3 2 · 10−3 2 · 10−3 1 · 10−3 1 · 10−3 1 · 10−3 1 · 10−3 5 · 10−1 Attention dropout NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.4 Hidden dropout 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.1 Node masking prob. 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.3 NA NA Hidden dimension 512 512 128 512 512 512 256 384 1024 Table 3: Best Hyper-parameters for all the models on GossipCop (top) and HealthStory (bottom). GossipCop HealthStory Method No. of GPUs Run time (per epoch) No. of GPUs Run time (per epoch) CNN 4 15 mins 4 1.25 mins R o BERT a 4 6 mins 4 3 mins SAGE 1 8.77 secs 1 1.49 secs GCN 1 6.06 secs 1 1.91 secs GAT 1 6.76 secs 1 1.96 secs RGCN 1 6.92 secs 1 1.40 secs RGAT 1 7.88 secs 1 2.16 secs H y- GCN 1 10.39 secs 1 1.64 secs H y- GAT 1 16.50 secs 1 2.97 secs Table 4: Per epoch run times of all the models 4089 3504 3634 3142 3807 15143 3290 6094 3799 3959 3691 3996 2909 13647 3913 3936 3877 3637 3696 3860 3991 3004 142 3557 3112 1936 30 3930 3495 3063 1628 361 16749 43411 2823 15102 3724 15114 3347 3525 993 975 2908 4110 3360 2893 6670 1481 1126 1827 2109 1152 14622 3354 3397 4138 3823 15112 15192 3230 685 2993 3982 4315 1456 12111 6863 2876 15249 254 4211 352 2631 852 3847 3325 3340 3204 3981 3568 1114 2746 574 14710 1180 1938 6054 3221 7069 3704 15255 3163 15247 12455 2229 3318 3717 3892 4088 8509 15038 14602 2153 4162 4074 4153 4304 14822 14991 1542 14600 1364 3540 15160 3088 3066 14943 8653 4294 2199 4151 2767 739 14714 1375 3605 3570 3711 4075 15724 15141 1727 2431 2363 23016 4096 371 4121 1949 3205 2030 112 8934 2241 1366 3387 3720 3856 4085 3914 4181 3269 675 2530 3750 15109 4324 767 2760 14733 761 14550 14474 4115 4176 1159 4055 4171 3714 10752 15035 3501 3675 2556 1052 9276 9904 7166 25462 3683 27908 3032 5397 3606 3202 848 1029 2949 7300 13574 2678 14842 32358 2762 2923 15718 15158 15228 15262 3999 654 22293 790 941 2996 843 3867 2565 596 13 14827 16808 21443 14959 41153 3897 14840 16753 8044 3644 470 15021 11732 34814 44981 30355 46681 31154 392714528 3162 15730 2932 10278 12633 4086 286 23584 32439 7333 4072 3741 552 781 14749 9034 2093 34428 33375 443 2050 15207 3659 2665 581 41491 3430 201 15257 12165 3062 2905 1207 1550 2069 14788 29152 40429 2796 801 693 3270 3211 3716 12471 2464 30845 797 75 2296 1631 7296 346 1357 3187 2877 7194 2616 2233 2088 16858 7304 3480 3236 4109 4070 4305 133 9206 1358 43052 9271 3550 5020 175 26357 4378 15135 2426 14932 597 1424 2422 17040 1511 89 7279 4065 24976 25086 7289 4345 3233 4299 3078 4194 1225 2393 2586 8786 433 2696 1867 1584 7278 15775 7273 4243 3885 3214 281 7361 3268 3929 3259 36097 14890 2019 3783 6011 4349 465 14562 7205 3849 15094 2669 2104 1747 11499 16760 10 3643 4023 2985 4362 4184 3803 14608 836 7852 34985 5722 2907 14673 1107 3977 3363 3190 2524 1646 12527 14949 3144 3218 3283 15120 15239 3676 845 14866 3024 14864 888 2261 1624 3932 3009 3919 4148 4025 15231 7332 9469 1890 39789 3093 19043 1303 23735 29119 4382 14995 13345 39087 5737 14947 2205 10855 5789 5563 6981 849 15189 11422 9305 1371 6380 7163 Figure 5: Visualization of a small portion of the fake news community graph. Green nodes represent the articles of the dataset while red nodes represent users that shared them. A.9 t-SNE visualizations this article, we see that on average these users shared 5.8 fake articles while just 0.45 real ones A.10 Qualitative Analysis (13 times more likely to share fake content than We assess the performance of the SAFER (GCN) real), strongly indicating that the community of variant on Gossipcop in Figure 7a. We see that users that are involved in sharing of this article are the first article is a fake article which RoBERTa responsible for propagation of fake news. Taking incorrectly classifies as real. However, looking at this strong community-based information into con- the content-sharing behavior of users that shared sideration, SAFER is able to correctly classify this
Model GossipCop HealthStory † HAN 67.20 - 20 dEFEND† 75.00 - 10 Text SAFE ‡ 89.50 - 0 20 10 15 10 CNN 66.73 53.81 5 0 5 20 20 R o BERT a 68.55 57.54 10 15 20 10 0 10 Maj. sharing baseline 77.19 8.20 (a) SAGE 91.11 56.34 GCN 91.95 56.84 GAT 92.41 56.91 SAFER R - GCN 93.48 60.45 10 15 R - GAT 93.75 61.58 0 5 5 H y- GCN 92.34 59.75 10 15 H y- GAT 91.56 59.89 20 20 20 10 10 0 0 10 10 20 Table 5: F1 scores (fake class) on GossipCop and HealthStory 20 † (b) using CNN as the text encoder. ( ) denotes results reported from Shu et al. (2019a) and (‡ ) from Zhou et al. (2020). Bold 20 figure denotes significantly better than other methods for that 10 dataset. Underscore figures denote significantly better scores 0 than baselines but not significantly different from each other. 10 20 20 15 10 5 0 Setting ρ SAFER F1 20 10 0 10 20 15 10 5 SAGE 82.14 (c) GCN 81.40 GAT 81.01 Figure 6: 3-D t-SNE plots for representations of test articles excl.>10% 0.78 R - GCN 81.87 produced by (a) SAFER(GAT) (b) SAFER(GCN), and (c) R - GAT 82.27 SAFER(RGCN). Red dots denote fake articles. H y- GCN 82.16 H y- GAT 81.81 SAGE 76.96 tures indicate that the users interacting with the GCN 76.87 GAT 77.07 article share 16.2 fake articles and 7.8 real ones excl.>5% 0.71 R - GCN 77.16 R - GAT 77.32 on average (2.1 times more likely to share fake). H y- GCN 77.13 SAFER takes this information into account and H y- GAT 77.01 classifies it correctly as fake. Similarly for the sec- SAGE 69.52 ond article, the interacting users share 40 real and GCN 69.14 GAT 68.67 19.96 fake articles on average (2 times more likely excl.>1% 0.65 R - GCN 65.89 to share real) which helps the proposed method to R - GAT 65.32 H y- GCN 71.99 correctly classify it as real. H y- GAT 72.05 Table 6: Results of SAFER variants on varying subsets of user nodes on GossipCop. ρ denotes relative graph density. article as fake. Similarly, the second article is a real article which is misclassified as fake by RoBERTa by looking at the text alone. However, the GNN features show that the users that shared this article have on average shared 533 real articles and 96.7 fake ones (5.5 times more likely to share a real article than a fake one). This is taken as a strong signal that the users are reliable and do not engage in malicious sharing of content. SAFER is then able to correctly classify this article as real. We observe similar behavior of the models on HealthStory in Figure 7b. The first article is mis- classified as real by RoBERTa but the GNN fea-
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