Graduate and Professional Studies Program Guide 2021-2022

Page created by Marvin Mitchell
Graduate and Professional Studies Program Guide 2021-2022
Graduate and Professional
Studies Program Guide
Graduate and Professional Studies Program Guide 2021-2022
Areas of Study
These icons help identify
                               Plan for
programs of interest
throughout this guide.         Success
                               at Mohawk
     Communication Arts
                               Mohawk is a leader
                               among Ontario's
     Community Services        colleges. Deeply
                               rooted in our
     Health                    community and the
                               demands of the
                               present, we have a           We are transforming               We strive to
                               global perspective that
                                                            the way we deliver                ensure an inclusive
                               addresses the needs
                                                            educational                       environment for
                               of the future.
                                                            experience.                       everyone.
    We're committed to                                      As leaders in remote and          Our focus is to create an
    sustainability                                          virtual education, we will        environment that reflects
                                                            provide you with an exceptional   all identities, where every
                                                            learning experience, face-to-     student belongs, is welcomed
         We encourage you
         to view this PDF
                                                            face, online, or a mix of both.   and has a voice.
         digitally and visit
         our website using
         the links included.

         If you choose to
         print individual
         pages or the full                               Once registered as a student, you are part of the Mohawk Students’
         document, use the
                                                         Association (MSA) – your student government, and built-in best
         landscape setting
         for best results.                               friend on campus. Learn more at and follow the
                                                         MSA at       /MSAMohawk.

Graduate and Professional Studies Program Guide 2021-2022
Majlinda Qarri

We have an                    We are leaders in                   We are inspiring                   We have innovative
impressive track              experiential learning.              students to be                     faculty that reflect
record as a                   Mohawk programs offer a wide        the sustainability                 our core values.
                              range of hands-on, practical
community leader.             learning to prepare you for
                                                                  leaders of                         Our faculty are experts in
                                                                                                     their field and bring real-word
City School by Mohawk         your future career, including       tomorrow.                          experience to the learning
breaks down barriers to       co-op, applied research,            As the first Ontario college to
education by offering                                                                                environment. Majlinda Qarri,
                              placements and simulation.          earn a STARS® Gold Rating          faculty member and researcher
free college courses to                                           for sustainability, Mohawk is
Hamilton neighbourhoods.                                                                             with Mohawk’s Energy & Power
                                                                  taking action to promote a         Innovation Centre, helps
                                                                  sustainable lifestyle.             Canadian companies develop
                                                                                                     innovative energy solutions for
                                                                                                     the future.

                     Students and learning are at the heart of all we do.
                     From orientation to graduation, Mohawk offers services and activities to help you get the most out of
                     your education, prepare you for your future career and make your college experience memorable.

Graduate and Professional Studies Program Guide 2021-2022
Dean's Message
                                         Welcome to Mohawk College. With students from 100+
                                         countries around the world enjoying our wide range of
                                         programs and services, you’ll find Mohawk College to be a
                                         leader among Canadian Colleges, and truly an exceptional
                                         education destination. Deeply rooted in our community and
                                         the demands of the present, we have a global perspective
                                         that addresses the needs of the future, with a commitment to
                                         transform you into a future ready, global professional.

                                         As a leader in experiential learning, Mohawk provides hands-
                                         on experiences to prepare you for a successful and rapid
                                         transition to the workforce. We pride ourselves in offering our
                                         students a rich learning environment that includes an amazing
                                         variety of experiential learning opportunities including co-op
                                         programs, labs, capstone projects, field trips and simulations.
    Anuraj Bajwa                         It also positions Mohawk as an ideal college for employers
    Dean, International & Partnerships   interested in partnering with us and in recruiting our highly
                                         desirable, job-ready graduates.

                                         With an appreciation for innovation and diversity, we offer
                                         an international experience that transcends borders. Our
                                         programs allow us to adapt to new ways of learning while
                                         welcoming multiple perspectives, experiences and skills. We
                                         offer an authentic Canadian Education experience to our
                                         students and look forward to learning more about your culture
                                         while you learn more about ours.

Graduate and Professional Studies Program Guide 2021-2022
Explore. Connect. Apply!                                                            Your step-by-step guide to
                                                                                    becoming a Mohawk student
For international students the college application process has a couple of extra, very important steps. Mohawk International is here to help with
personal guidance on how to navigate the process. We are available to you as your plan your educational journey in Canada!

To book an appointment or speak with a member of our International team, please contact us at

                    STEP 1
                    Choose Your                               Mohawk offers a wide range of more than 100 programs that open career
                    Program                                   opportunities for international students.

                    STEP 2
                    Prepare Your                              Download the Mohawk application and be sure to include passport, transcripts
                                                              and application fee.

                    STEP 3                                    Please include all documents, indicate your country of citizenship and indicate
                    Submit Your                               the chosen program & start date. Submit application package to: intered@

                    STEP 4
                                                              If your application is successful you will receive a letter of acceptance from
                    Receive Letter                            Mohawk College.
                    of Acceptance

                    STEP 5
                    Apply for your                            With your letter of acceptance, you should immediately apply for your sttudy
                    Study Permit
Graduate and Professional Studies Program Guide 2021-2022
Connect with us online!                                                                                   Need help
                                                                                                          along the way?
Attend a Live Event - Webinar Wednesdays.
                                                                                                          Connect with the Mohawk Discovery
Join us for a webinar with our market specialists and learn all about what Mohawk College                 Team—we’re here to help you
has to offer you.                                                                                         research education pathways at
                                                                                                          Mohawk and take advantage of free
    Register to attend a Live Event                                                                       resources and one-on-one support.
                                                                                                          Contact us
Visit Open House Plus                                                                                     E: intl.representatives@
Access a curated collection of the latest information from academic programs, student           
services and supports. Listen to messages from our Deans, review Q & A, and learn                         T: 905-575-2460
everything you need to know about Mohawk.                                                       

Contact International Recruiting
                Maggie Chen 陈玺如                     Ricardo Rivera                      Vinay Joshi                          GJ Park
                Market Specialist                   Market Specialist                   Market Specialist                    Market Specialist
                China, Asia-Pacific                 Mexico, Central &                   India, South Asia                    Korea and Japan
                Phone: 1-905-575-1212               South America                       Phone: 1-905-575-1212                Phone: 1-905-575-1212
                ext. 4703                           Phone: 1-905-575-1212               ext. 4661                            ext. 4340
                微信 (WeChat):                        ext. 4029                           Email: vinay.joshi@                  Email: geukjoon.park@
                Mohawk-College                      Email: ricardo.rivera@               
                Email: maggie.chen@                           Languages: English,                  Languages: English,
                          Languages: Spanish                  Hindi and Punjabi                    Korean and Japanese
                Languages: English and              and English

                David Thompson                      Nathan (Nam) Tran                   Lana Belau                           Breska Ulhaq
                Market Specialist                   Market Specialist                   Market Specialist -                  Market Specialist
                Africa and the                      Southeast Asia                      Europe, CIS and Russia               The Middle East,
                Caribbean                           Phone: 1-905-575-1212               Phone: 1-905-575-1212                North Africa, and
                Phone: 1-905-575-1212               ext. 4892                           ext. 4470                            South Asia (exclude
                ext. 4146                           Email: nathan.tran@                 Email: svitlana.belau@               Sri Lanka, Mauritius)
                Email: david.                                            Phone: 1-905-575-1212
                thompson31@                         Languages:                          Languages: English,                  ext. 4470
                          Vietnamese and English              Russian and Ukrainian                Email: breska.ulhaq@
                Languages: English                                                                                 
                and Yoruba                                                                                                   Languages: Farsi,
                                                                                                                             Dari, Hindi and English
Graduate and Professional Studies Program Guide 2021-2022
Find your
perfect career
Complete our short Career Match
questionnaire to receive
                                        Future Student App!
a personality profile report, along
with a list of programs that may
be right for you. There are lots of
factors to consider but this is a      Find out about all the exciting
great way to begin your               opportunities at Mohawk College

career exploration.

 Take the quiz now
                                      Use the app to learn
                                      about all the exciting
                                      programs, services and
                                      supports at Mohawk
                                      College and what your
 Learn more                           future could look like
 about careers                        studying with us!
 Our Career Coach tool will
 help you explore local data
 on wages, employment,
 job postings and associated
 educational training.
 Plus, complete the career
 assessment to learn about
 career suggestions based
 on your interests.

   Explore careers
                                         Download the app Here

Graduate and Professional Studies Program Guide 2021-2022
As a Mohawk student
and graduate, you'll
have options.
                                     Our Future Ready Alumni
’Pathways’ describe the route you    Check out more Alumni stories
can take to achieve your ultimate
education and career goals. From
a preparatory certificate to a
diploma, a diploma to a graduate
certificate or degree, we help you                                   Meet Efua,
understand your options.
                                                                     international student
You'll find pathways maps and
further educational opportunities                                    ″My decision to undertake
on the Pathways and Credit                                           The Human Resources
Transfer webpage.                                                    Management post-graduate
                                                                     program at Mohawk College
                                                                     has been a very rewarding
                                                                     one. Right from the very
    Future Ready                                                     start we were highly
                                                                     engaged and exposed
       Toolkit                                                       to tremendous depths
                                                                     of practical knowledge.
      Tools and resources to
     prepare you for learning                                        The professors facilitated
        and life at Mohawk                                           a positive learning
                                                                     environment and were
                                                                     always available to guide
                                                                     us along. Mohawk College
                                                                     has given me the platform
                                                                     to build a network of
                                                                     indispensable professional
                                                                     friendships and equipped me
                                                                     with the knowledge, skills,
                                                                     abilities and experiences to
                                                                     relentlessly pursue a lifelong
                                                                     career in Human Resources

Graduate and Professional Studies Program Guide 2021-2022
Faculty Spotlight
                                                                                  Plan for
    Carol Valentine Fleck B.Sc., P.Log, is a Supply Chain and Logistics
    professional with over twenty years of Canadian, US and international         Success
    supply chain and operational experience. Carol has a high degree
    of operational competencies and expertise within all areas of                 We've joined           MOHAWK
                                                                                                       FUTURE READY

                                                                                  forces with         PREMIUM
    manufacturing management, production, operations, quality, customer                               PROGRAM
    care, forward and reverse logistics, budgets, capital planning, financial     ten leading
    reporting, inventory management and planning. This comprehensive              employers in
    experience allows Carol to bring practical experience of Supply Chain         the Hamilton
    Management knowledge to the classroom.                                        Region to create the
    Program: Supply Chain Management                                              Future Ready Premium
                                                                                  Employer Program, a new
                                                                                  partnership designed to
                                                                                  actively engage industry
    Krissy Doyle-Thomas, Ph.D. is a Professor at Mohawk College and a             and community partners
    Medical Neuroscientist. Her research uses cutting-edge brain imaging and      in the training of job-ready
    modulation technologies to explore innovative ways to treat children with     college graduates.
    neurodevelopmental and communication disorders. As part of an academic
    clinical team at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, Krissy has   The initiative will provide
    applied her innovations within a clinical setting specifically to support     Mohawk students with:
    treatment for children with autism spectrum disorders.
                                                                                  •   New learning modules
    Programs: Brain Disorders Management, Mental Health and Disability                to support career
    Management                                                                        development throughout
                                                                                      your program of study
                                                                                  •   Early exposure to
                                                                                      significant employers
                                                                                      in the region
    Tim Tuck joined the Public Relations graduate certificate program as a
                                                                                  •   New experiential learning
    faculty member in 2007, following a 22-year career in journalism and              and applied research
    public relations. His public relations career has taken him through the           opportunities
    worlds of entertainment, sports and municipal government. As a Senior
                                                                                  •   Opportunities to explore
    Communications Officer with the City of Hamilton, Tim managed public
                                                                                      company-specific jobs
    relations campaigns. Tim has been accredited by the International                 prior to graduation
    Association of Business Communicators (IABC) and has served on the
    board of local and regional chapters.                                         •   Post-graduation
                                                                                      job search advising
    Program: Public Relations                                                         and support
Graduate and Professional Studies Program Guide 2021-2022
Plan your future at Mohawk!

     Apply once
     and earn two,
     • Apply once and gain acceptance into two
       one-year graduate certificates – Start Fall 2021,
       complete Spring 2023
     • Simplify your study permit application
     • You could qualify for a 3 year Post-Graduate
       Work Permit*
     • Gain valuable Canadian experience
     • Specialize your skills with complementary
       programs that will prepare you for your career

      Contact a Market Specialist

Explore Programs
The following pages offer an overview of our wide variety of graduate and professional studies programs. We encourage you to visit the program
webpage to read more about experiential learning opportunities, review the program of study and admission requirements, and more.

Analytics for Business Decision Making ................................. 12                                      Educational Support (Intensive) ......................................... 16

Autism and Behavioural Science ......................................... 12                                      Global Business Management ............................................. 17

Brain Disorders Management ............................................. 13                                      Human Resources Management .......................................... 17

Business Analysis ............................................................ 13                                International Business Management .................................... 18

Concurrent Disorders ....................................................... 14                                  Mental Health and Disability Management ............................. 18

Cyber Security Analytics ................................................... 14                                  Public Relations .............................................................. 19

Digital Health ................................................................. 15                              Supply Chain Management ................................................ 19

Early Childhood Education (Intensive) .................................. 16                                      Virtual Reality Multimedia Production ................................... 20

    What is a credential?                                                                                            OCD Ontario College Diploma
                                                                                                                     DEG Degree
    A credential is the certification awarded to a graduate upon successful
    completion of all the requirements of an approved program.                                                       OCGC Ontario College Graduate Certificate

Applicants are encouraged to review the program web pages for admission requirements, including police checks, field placement/clinical requirements, equipment purchases and for details on how to apply.
Learn more about careers at .

Applicants must provide translated and notarized transcripts and diploma(s)/degree(s) from their high school (secondary school) and higher education institute (if applicable). Applicants                   11
whose first language is not English will be required to demonstrate proficiency in English. Visit to read more.
Area Program                         Description                             Career opportunities            IELTS   Credential Campus   Start
     Analytics for Business          This program prepares you to            Graduates may work in            6.5    OCGC      Fennell   Sept
     Decision Making                 become a skilled data professional      positions such as data            and an essential contributor            analyst, business analyst,
                                     to business decision-making             data scientist and business
                                     processes. Learn to analyze and         intelligence analyst. Fields
                                     interpret digital information and       of employment include
                                     use business intelligence and data      technology sector, marketing,
                                     analytics software with a focus on      finance, sports and
                                     data identification, consolidation,     entertainment, insurance and
                                     communication, reporting,               health care.
                                     manipulation and trending.
                                     Graduates may pursue obtaining
                                     the Certified Analytics Professional

     Autism and                      You will learn to apply evidence-       Graduates may work               6.5    OCGC      Fennell   Sept
     Behavioural Science             based treatments to teach               in positions such as            individuals with Autism Spectrum        instructor therapist,
                                     Disorder (ASD) as well as               behaviour therapist or
                                     design, implement and evaluate          Applied Behaviour Analysis
                                     treatment plans using behavioural       (ABA) therapist. Areas
                                     strategies. Graduates will know         of employment include
                                     how to train caregivers to              community / private
                                     implement techniques with their         treatment agencies, private
                                     children and will have also gained      family residences, hospital/
                                     an understanding of Applied             clinical settings and
                                     Behaviour Analysis (ABA) therapy,       school boards.
                                     in the intensive behaviour
                                     intervention application with
                                     children with autism.

12   Business   Communication Arts         Community Services   Health      Technology
Area Program                                       Description                                            Career opportunities                          IELTS        Credential Campus                Start
            Brain Disorders                         As the first program in Ontario                        Graduates work in                               6.5        OCGC                   Fennell   Sept
            Management                              to focus on brain disorders                            rehabilitation clinics, athletic                                                            or Jan
                      management, graduates will be                          centres, hospitals, research                                                      Online
                                                    well prepared to support clients                       institutions, schools and
                                                    or work behind the scenes in                           school boards, retirement
                                                    research or policy development.                        homes and non-profit
                                                    Through lectures, patient                              organizations.
                                                    simulations, specialized training
                                                    and guest speakers, this program
                                                    engages a variety of learners.
                                                    Fully online or in-class options
                                                    are available for coursework, with
                                                    a field placement (336 hours)
                                                    occurring in the final semester.

            Business Analysis                       Learn a variety of business                            Graduates may work as                           6.5        OCGC                   Fennell   Sept
                      analysis techniques and skills                         an analyst specializing in
                                                    to support new or improved                             business, business process,
                                                    innovative business processes.                         program quality, data,
                                                    Coursework includes enterprise                         operations, or business
                                                    analysis and planning, quality                         systems. Other roles include
                                                    assurance methodologies,                               change management
                                                    programming fundamentals,                              specialist and project
                                                    and database design and                                manager, working in
                                                    management. Work in computer                           areas such as information
                                                    labs, using current software to                        technology, financial and
                                                    test and apply course concepts.                        insurance institutions,
                                                    A field placement in the business                      health and social services,
                                                    analysis sector allows you to                          government and public
                                                    further enhance your educational                       sector, manufacturing and
                                                    experience by applying learning to                     business professional/
                                                    real world problems.                                   consulting.

Applicants are encouraged to review the program web pages for admission requirements, including police checks, field placement/clinical requirements, equipment purchases and for details on how to apply.
Learn more about careers at .

Applicants must provide translated and notarized transcripts and diploma(s)/degree(s) from their high school (secondary school) and higher education institute (if applicable). Applicants                    13
whose first language is not English will be required to demonstrate proficiency in English. Visit to read more.
Area Program                         Description                             Career opportunities           IELTS   Credential Campus   Start
     Concurrent Disorders            Building on previous academic           Graduates work in               6.5    OCGC      Fennell   Sept            work, you will learn to assess,         positions such as case
                                     treat and work with individuals         manager, mental health
                                     and families battling addiction and     worker, community worker
                                     mental health issues who present        and addiction worker
                                     complex diagnosis and treatment         in a variety of settings
                                     challenges. Coursework includes         including community
                                     development of counselling skills,      agencies, day programs,
                                     pharmacology for concurrent             detoxification units, mental
                                     disorders, supporting families          health/addiction services
                                     living with concurrent disorders,       and shelters.
                                     and relapse prevention and
                                     harm reduction. Additionally,
                                     you will attain job-ready skills by
                                     completing field placements in
                                     community organizations.

     Cyber Security                  You will develop an understanding       Graduates work in               6.5    OCGC      Fennell   Sept
     Analytics                       of cyber security concepts,             areas such as cyber            industry best practices for securing    security operations,
                                     information systems, sensitive          cyber security threat
                                     data and applications to protect        assessment and policy
                                     organizations against fraud, data       testing, identity and access
                                     breaches and other vulnerabilities.     management with personal
                                     Learn how to defend against a           privacy, and auditing
                                     cyber attack by participating in        and security review.
                                     real world cyber attack simulations     Employment sectors
                                     in our brand new, state of the art      include financial/banking,
                                     Cyber Lab. Graduates will be well       computing services,
                                     prepared to develop, implement          medical, education,
                                     and evaluate cyber security             government, airlines,
                                     strategies and solutions for various    research institutions, law
                                     operating systems, networks,            enforcement and military.
                                     applications and databases.

14   Business   Communication Arts         Community Services   Health      Technology
Area Program                                       Description                                            Career opportunities                          IELTS        Credential Campus                Start
            NEW Digital Health                      This program provides extensive                        Graduates may work                              6.5        OCGC                   Fennell   Sept
                      hands-on learning opportunities in                     in positions such as
                                                    business, health and technology                        clinical systems analyst,
                                                    in our state-of-the-art labs,                          information systems
                                                    preparing grads for the rapidly                        specialist, business
                                                    growing field of digital health.                       processes analyst, health
                                                                                                           records manager, health
                                                                                                           systems technician
                                                                                                           and health informatics


     Digital Health
     Graduate Certificate
     Mohawk’s new Digital Health Graduate Certificate combines
     computer science, health and business to give you the skills and
     experience to design and develop IT healthcare solutions.
     Learn more at

Applicants are encouraged to review the program web pages for admission requirements, including police checks, field placement/clinical requirements, equipment purchases and for details on how to apply.
Learn more about careers at .

Applicants must provide translated and notarized transcripts and diploma(s)/degree(s) from their high school (secondary school) and higher education institute (if applicable). Applicants                    15
whose first language is not English will be required to demonstrate proficiency in English. Visit to read more.
Area Program                         Description                              Career opportunities           IELTS   Credential Campus   Start
     Early Childhood                 This fast-track program has been         Graduates work in a             6.0    OCD       Fennell   Jan
     Education (Intensive)           designed for those who have              variety of settings which            already earned a related degree          include (but are not limited                     Online
                                     or diploma. Learn about the              to) child care centres,
                                     physical, cognitive, social and          family support/resource
                                     emotional needs of children. A           programs, before and after
                                     Living Lab provides a realistic early    school programs, early
                                     years environment for hands-on           intervention and support
                                     learning. Field placements are built     services, licensed home
                                     into the curriculum to provide you       child care/agencies and
                                     with the opportunity to integrate        kindergarten classrooms
                                     classroom learning into practice         in the elementary school
                                     with groups of children in the           system.
                                     community. Coursework includes
                                     child development, curriculum,
                                     inclusive classrooms, supervision
                                     and administration, and health
                                     policies and practices.

     Educational Support             This fast-track program has been         Graduates may work              6.5    OCD       Online    Sept,
     (Intensive)                     designed for those who have              in positions such as                                       Jan or            already earned a related degree          educational assistant or                                   May
                                     or diploma. You will develop             learning facilitator within
                                     skills to work within a school or        school boards, private
                                     alternative setting to support           schools, community
                                     students with exceptionalities.          facilities offering special
                                     Field placements are built into the      education, and college and
                                     curriculum to provide you with           postsecondary programs.
                                     opportunity to integrate classroom
                                     learning into practice with groups
                                     of children in the community.
                                     Coursework includes technology
                                     and adaptive devices in education,
                                     transition planning, and physical,
                                     multiple and communication

16   Business   Communication Arts         Community Services   Health       Technology
Area Program                                       Description                                            Career opportunities                          IELTS        Credential Campus                Start
            Global Business                         Gain a critical understanding                          Graduates may work in                           6.0        OCGC                   Fennell   Sept
            Management                              of the important elements                              positions such as business                                                                  or Jan
                      of global business, a cultural                         development executive,
                                                    orientation to Canada, and the                         financial analyst, marketing
                                                    language and communication                             analyst, transportation
                                                    requirements to be effective in                        manager, customs
                                                    a global business setting. Year                        broker, inventory control
                                                    one is designed to expose you                          coordinator, purchasing
                                                    to foundational international                          agent or procurement
                                                    and Canadian business practices                        clerk.
                                                    and help you to strengthen your
                                                    English communication, math,
                                                    and statistical skills. Advanced
                                                    international business practices
                                                    will be covered in your second
                                                    year, including Supply Chain,
                                                    Marketing, Sales and Negotiation,
                                                    E-Commerce, Finance, Business
                                                    Analytics and Project Management.
                                                    All course work is linked through
                                                    the completion of an international
                                                    business capstone project.

            Human Resources                         This graduate program provides                         Graduates may work in                           6.5        OCGC                   Fennell   Sept
            Management                              training to those seeking                              positions such as human                                                                     or Jan
                      employment in the human                                resources generalist,
                                                    resources profession or to those                       recruiter, training and
                                                    currently working in the field who                     development specialist,
                                                    wish to upgrade their training and                     compensation and benefits
                                                    gain professional accreditation.                       administrator, labour
                                                    You will develop strategic skills                      relations officer or health
                                                    to effectively manage a diverse                        and safety specialist.
                                                    workforce in today’s ever-changing
                                                    business environment. Courses
                                                    provide credits toward the Certified
                                                    Human Resources Professional
                                                    (CHRP) designation. You will gain
                                                    practical experience during a work
                                                    placement in the final semester.

Applicants are encouraged to review the program web pages for admission requirements, including police checks, field placement/clinical requirements, equipment purchases and for details on how to apply.
Learn more about careers at .

Applicants must provide translated and notarized transcripts and diploma(s)/degree(s) from their high school (secondary school) and higher education institute (if applicable). Applicants                   17
whose first language is not English will be required to demonstrate proficiency in English. Visit to read more.
Area Program                         Description                           Career opportunities          IELTS   Credential Campus   Start
     International        Gain the necessary product                       Graduates may work in          6.5    OCGC      Fennell   Sept,
     Business Management management skills to support                      positions such as product                                 Jan or global strategies and opportunities              manager, foreign affairs                                  May
                          within an organization. Graduates                analyst, international
                          are well prepared to develop                     account representative,
                          an international market entry                    logistics and distribution
                          strategy for a service or product,               specialist, business
                          create an international business                 development executive,
                          plan to support the global                       transportation manager,
                          strategy of a company, and                       customs broker analyst,
                          investigate and analyze aspects                  inventory auditor,
                          of international trade for an                    purchasing agent or quality
                          organization. Participating in                   assurance manager.
                          interactive business simulations
                          and applying program knowledge
                          through a capstone research
                          project are essential components
                          of the program.

     Mental Health                   Investigate the experience of dual    Graduates work in              6.5    OCGC      Fennell   Sept
     and Disability                  diagnoses, including diagnostic       hospitals, research                                       or Jan
     Management                      criteria, intervention strategies     institutions, schools and                       Online            and supports for clients and          school boards, retirement
                                     families. Graduates will be well      homes and
                                     prepared to support clients with      non-profit organizations.
                                     mental illness and disabilities as
                                     well as work behind the scenes in
                                     research or policy development.
                                     Fully online or in-class options
                                     are available for coursework, with
                                     a field placement (336 hours)
                                     occurring in the final semester.

18   Business   Communication Arts        Community Services   Health     Technology
Area Program                                       Description                                            Career opportunities                          IELTS        Credential Campus                Start
            Public Relations                        You will be immersed in the public                     Graduates may work                              6.5        OCGC                   Fennell   Sept
                      relations industry through classes,                    in positions such as
                                                    labs, hands-on assignments and                         communications/
                                                    team-based projects. You will                          information officer,
                                                    learn how to plan, develop and                         marketing specialist,
                                                    execute effective public relations                     social media specialist,
                                                    strategies and enhance skills in                       content strategy specialist,
                                                    event planning, public speaking                        special events coordinator,
                                                    and presentation. An industry-                         speechwriter, publicist or
                                                    based field placement in a public                      media relations officer.
                                                    relations or communications
                                                    setting is integrated into the
                                                    program curriculum. Graduates
                                                    are well prepared to formulate PR
                                                    strategies for all types and sizes
                                                    of organizations, use social and
                                                    digital media in PR planning and
                                                    execution and write professional-
                                                    level PR materials.

            Supply Chain                            Gain an advanced understanding                         Graduates work in positions                     6.5        OCGC                   Fennell   Sept,
            Management                              of supply chain within the goods                       such as planner supply                                                                      Jan or
                      and services sectors. You will                         chain, logistics analyst,                                                                   May
                                                    learn the financial implications of                    supply chain specialist, and
                                                    supply chain decisions on overall                      procurement specialist.
                                                    business profitability, efficiency                     Areas of employment
                                                    and stakeholder satisfaction.                          include the aviation
                                                    Graduates from this program are                        industry, manufacturing,
                                                    well prepared to coordinate the                        public sector, natural
                                                    efficient handling and movement                        resources or third-party
                                                    of goods, services, materials                          logistics.
                                                    and related information within
                                                    and between supply chains.
                                                    The Supply Chain Management
                                                    program has an active
                                                    relationship with the Hamilton
                                                    Oshawa Port Authority.

Applicants are encouraged to review the program web pages for admission requirements, including police checks, field placement/clinical requirements, equipment purchases and for details on how to apply.
Learn more about careers at .

Applicants must provide translated and notarized transcripts and diploma(s)/degree(s) from their high school (secondary school) and higher education institute (if applicable). Applicants                    19
whose first language is not English will be required to demonstrate proficiency in English. Visit to read more.
Area Program                         Description                           Career opportunities            IELTS   Credential Campus   Start
     Virtual Reality                 This is the first graduate            Graduates may work in            6.0    OCGC      Fennell   Sept
     Multimedia                      certificate in Ontario exclusively    positions such as game
     Production                      focused on Extended Reality (XR)      designer, virtual reality            (virtual/augmented/mixed reality      artist, interactive designer,
                                     and storytelling). Through a          digital media producer
                                     concentrated curriculum—taught        or augmented reality
                                     by leading XR industry experts        programmer.
                                     and delivered in state-of-the-
                                     art lab facilities—you will learn
                                     to develop and apply state-of-
                                     the-art immersive technology
                                     skills in accordance with legal,
                                     ethical, social and environmental
                                     regulations. Students will study
                                     in Mohawk’s new Augmented and
                                     Virtual Reality Training Centre.

20   Business   Communication Arts        Community Services   Health     Technology
   Fennell Campus
   135 Fennell Avenue West, Hamilton

Mohawk College, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to alter information, including but not limited to, modifying program availability, program length, campus locations, or curriculum, or to adjust fees,
admission requirements, policies or procedures at any time. Read more at

Language & Culture Centre
The Lanuguage & Culture Centre (LCC) is Mohawk's year-round destination for events, conversation, a quiet space (sometimes!), student
success workshops and cultural celebrations. A great place to meet a friend or to make one. Drop in to socialize, meet with staff, sign up to
volunteer, meet a Peer Mentor, inquire about EAP programs and more. Everyone is welcome at the LCC – and that means you!

We've always promised there is more to Mohawk than classes. And at the LCC, we prove it. For event listings and more information, visit

The Language and Culture Centre (LCC) is...                               Embrace international culture
•    The community hub for international diversity                        Our Language & Culture Centre hosts academic and social activities
•    Where you will find a variety of cultural and language support       and celebrates diversity through cultural festivals on all campuses
                                                                          and in Hamilton’s community. Mohawk welcomes students from
•    A group of experienced, friendly and multicultural staff who will    more than 90 countries. The International Square service hub at
     help you adjust to your new life at the college and in your new      Fennell Campus helps international students make a successful
     community of Hamilton                                                transition to Mohawk, as well as make friends and gain leadership
•    A comfortable environment where you will find an exciting            skills.
     blend of academic activities, international celebrations, social
     interaction, and community involvement
•    Your home away from home

                                                                                                                   PHOTO: Pictured here are
                                                                                                                   some of the dedicated
                                                                                                                   volunteers of the Language &
                                                                                                                   Culture Centre, and Ola Salah
                                                                                                                   – International Welcome and
                                                                                                                   Orientations Officer. The mural
                                                                                                                   pictured is a representation of
                                                                                                                   “home”, as pictured through
                                                                                                                   our community’s favourite
                                                                                                                   meals, by local artist Norman

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     Mohawk College derives its name
     from the Mohawk Nation, one of the
     Six Nations of the Haudenosaunee
     Confederacy. The Confederacy marks
     a union of peace and friendship, and
     Mohawk College honours that union
     by recognizing the Six Nations of the
     Grand River and the Mississaugas of
     the Credit First Nation.
     We acknowledge that the territories
     on which Mohawk College and its
     campuses are situated are governed
     by the Between the Lakes Treaty,
     the Dish with One Spoon Wampum
     Agreement, and the Upper Canada
     Treaty Agreement. These agreements
     are binding to this day and represent
     our mutual commitment to maintain
     healthy, reciprocal and respectful
     relationships with the many Indigenous
     nations and peoples of this area.
     We acknowledge this and iterate
     our dedication to inclusivity, to
     friendship and to valuing the ongoing
     contributions of Indigenous peoples
     and communities.

24    Version #45849 February 2021
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