Page created by Lillian Mendoza

  NZ GovTech is part of
  Creative HQ, an organisation
  working to support the smart
  people in government.
  Creative HQ is a wholly-owned
  subsidiary of WellingtonNZ.

       +64 4 381 4440                   A globally unique accelerator programme.
                                        The NZ GovTech Accelerator provides an            opportunity for local and central government
                                        agencies to tackle some of the biggest and
                                        more urgent issues facing Aotearoa.

© Creative HQ 2021
PROBLEM-SOLVING                                    We create a business case, get
                                                    funding, implement it, and then
                                                                                                         When solutions don’t work it is often
                                                                                                         the result of two problems:

 DÉJÀ VU                                                                                                 1
                                                    often end up with a solution –
                                                    which could be a product, policy                              THERE IS LITTLE KNOWLEDGE OR
                                                                                                                  EMPATHY BUILT WITH THOSE WHO
                                                    or service – that does not meet the
                                                                                                                  ARE AFFECTED BY THE PROBLEM.
                                                    needs of the end-user.

                                                                                                                  THERE IS LITTLE EXPERIMENTATION,

  Too often decisions are made                                                                                    TESTING AND ITERATION DONE
                                                                                                                  TO ENSURE THE SOLUTION
                                                                                                                  ACHIEVES THE DESIRED OUTCOMES

  with little knowledge and                                                                                       BEFORE IT’S INITIATED.

  experience of the problem that
  a solution seeks to solve.
  This comic strip shows two different approaches
  to decision making. We often see the red
  version played out in the public sector, while
  the orange version is the GovTech alternative.

                                                    ‘Problem solving – déjà vu’ created by Creative HQ             Illustration by Josh Sanoria IG: @sanoriadisenyo
© Creative HQ 2021
WHAT IS THE                        The NZ GovTech Accelerator is a 13-week
  NZ GOVTECH                         government innovation programme that takes                            We can very
  ACCELERATOR?                       place annually in Wellington.                                         easily break down
                                     It takes projects and staff from government agencies who              barriers to work
                                     are tackling complex problems and applies innovation                  together better.
                                     methodologies to create solutions that work. The programme
                                     aims to solve root-cause problems, facilitate collaboration, and
                                                                                                           Technology, data,
                                     upskill participants – driving better outcomes for citizens.          all that stuff is
                                                                                                           really important in
                                                                                                           this. So I’m really
                                                                                                           supportive of the

  Through COVID-19, innovation
                                                                                                           public service
                                                                                                           looking at ways to
                                                                                                           be innovative.
  has emerged as the single most
  important ingredient of any
                                                                                                          Hon Poto Williams
                                                                                                          Minister for Building
                                                                                                          and Construction

  modern economy.
  Our public sector has embraced innovation as it      Creative HQ and our GovTech programmes support
  was essential to navigate through COVID-19. It’s     the government to solve big challenges to create
  now key to solving other increasingly complex        a modern, agile and adaptive Aotearoa. We have
  problems, and New Zealand has been recognised        a unique opportunity to accelerate public sector
  as a global leader of public sector innovation.      innovation to create a culture within government
  The government acknowledges it must look             that empowers public servants to innovate.
  beyond traditional methods of solving problems
  to ‘deliver the outcomes Aotearoa needs’.

  WHY CREATIVE HQ                    NZ GovTech is part of Creative HQ, an                                          WHY A COHORT     We repeatedly see the value in bringing teams
                                                                                                                                     together as part of a cohort; creating cross-
  SUPPORTS GOVTECH                   organisation working to support the smart                                      APPROACH WORKS   government relationships, encouraging the re-use
                                     people in government because we believe                                                         of good ideas, and sharing lessons learnt. While
                                     entrepreneurs are everywhere.                                                                   an energetic and supportive environment, there
                                                                                                                                     is a steep learning curve for many, made better
                                     We work with public servants across central and local                                           by journeying together with waiata and wharf
                                     government who have vision and passion for what high                                            jumps. We’re seeing the GovTech network result
                                     impact government services could look like. We believe in                                       in new collaborations beyond the accelerator.
                                     immersive and experiential learning through highly structured
                                     engagements. We see how innovation at the policy level can
                                     enable systemic change to improve outcomes for citizens.

© Creative HQ 2021
  Our 2020 accelerator saw eight                                                                                                           THE COHORT’S JOURNEY DOESN’T
                                                                                                                                           END AT DEMO DAY.

  teams dedicated to solving complex                                                                                                       We cannot wait to see the impact they will
                                                                                                                                           have on the public sector and citizens.

  problems, from equity and inclusion to                                                                                                   To learn more about their three-month journey,
                                                                                                                                           check out the GovTech highlights video.

  environmental education and housing.
                                                                                                                                           To read more about the 2020
                                                                                                                                           teams, see our website.

                               A big part of creating lasting impact is ensuring that these projects
                               share their success with the broader community. Demo Day was an
                               opportunity for the teams to showcase their citizen-centric solutions
                               developed over three-months of hard work. The event was attended
                               by ministers, government officials, stakeholders, media and the public.
                               Experience it for yourself, watch our 2020 Demo Day video.

                                                                                                         I want to congratulate the
  What I love about                                                                                      GovTech accelerator for
  GovTech is that                                                                                        demonstrating just how
  we’ve been able                                                                                        important innovation is,
  to send our staff                                                                                      it’s these examples that can
  through a process                                                                                      teach all of us across the
  where they                                                                                             public sector how to make
  dedicate time to                                                                                       the best value out of the
  thinking about                                                                                         resources we’ve got, and
  innovation that                                                                                        how to innovate into the
  really makes a                                                                                         future for the betterment
  difference in our                                                                                      of the people that we serve.
                                                                                                         Hon David Clark
  Barbara McKerrow                                                                                       Minister of the Digital Economy
  CE Wellington City Council                                                                             and Communications

© Creative HQ 2021
Participants gain
confidence, leadership
skills and a customer
focused mindset
With over 60 government staff having been through the
NZ GovTech Accelerator, Victoria University of Wellington (VUW)
undertook research on the 2019 GovTech cohort.
                                                                                                   I now have an      My communication      I use journey
This research highlighted the accelerator as ‘a method for growing                                 ability to think   really improved,      mapping tools
human capital/people’s skills – an organisation’s strength’.                                       differently and    I also gained         back in my job.
‘Accelerators can be used as part of agency’s talent development and                               be a bit more      leadership skills,
retention, as well as long term agency culture change.’                                            effective but      resilience, problem
                                                                                                   it’s also about    solving skills,
The three key skills developed through the accelerator were:                                       knowing that I     negotiation skills,
                                                                                                   can do it.         and I now think of
                                                                                                                      myself as a more
                                                                                                                      creative person.

                                    LEADERSHIP                          3
                                                                        CUSTOMER FOCUS

‘An improvement to their            ‘Skills gained in self-awareness,   Skills gained in design
abilities in articulating ideas     honesty and understanding of        thinking, agile project
confidently, as well as a general   team dynamics, negotiation          management, service
increase in self-belief.’           ability, and improved critical      design, journey mapping,
                                    thinking concerning product         and problem validation.
                                    and solutions delivery.’
  INVOLVED AND                                                                                   3.5                                 8

                                                                                             billion litres
                                                                                         of drinking water saved                projects

  Over the last 3 years,
                                                                                         $38 million                           15,000
  we’ve worked on…                                                                    annual economic benefit                  data points
                                                                                        can be created by enabling   created on the innovative capability
                                                                                         easy access to LiDAR data    of four government organisations

  30                              17 are still active                 13 are funded
                                   10 of the other 13 projects have
                                   had their insights and learnings
                                   incorporated back into their
                                   government teams’ work.


  WITH OVER…                                     OUR PARTICIPANTS
                                                 WERE FROM…

 120                                             8local government bodies
  direct participants
  Not to mention the interviewees,
                                                15central government agencies
  stakeholder groups, and leadership
  members involvement in every project.         12NGOs or startups
© Creative HQ 2021
Past projects from the
  NZ GovTech Accelerator                                                                   17           1

  and how they align to the United Nation’s                               Innovation Barometer          Safer Sooner
                                                                        Procurement for Impact
  Sustainable Development Goals                                                                         Spring
                                                                                                        Grey’s Ave

                             Youth Voices
                            Supersmooth                                                                                3
                             Safer Sooner
                                                                                                                       Safer Sooner
                                                                                                                       WCC Accessibility
                                    Stride                        15
                 Engaging in a smart city
                                                      Calm the Farm                                                    Manawa
                                                                EARS                                                   Swell
                        My Info. My way.
                                                          Think Kaka                                                   Grey’s Ave
                   Innovation Barometer
                                                  Elevation Aotearoa                                                   The Wellbeing Protocol
                      The risk calculators            Squawk Squad
                 Procurement for Impact
                                                                                                                       Community Connect
                                                     Calm the Farm                                                     Squawk Squad
                                                   Water that Counts                                                   Elevation Aotearoa
                         Calm the Farm
                              Think Kaka                                                                               5
                       Water that Counts
                         Squawk Squad                                                                                  Safer Sooner

                                 Elevation Aotearoa

                                                                  11                                                   Taiwan Water
                                                                                                                       Leakage Detection
                                                    WCC Accessibility
                                                            Unlocked                                                   Think Kaka
                                                            Marama                                                     Water that Counts
                       10                       Community Connect
                                                        Safer Sooner                                                   8
             Youth Voices                             Calm the Farm
     Community Connect                                      Manawa                                                     Experts on Demand
                 Unlocked                                      Stride                                                  Elevation Aotearoa
              Accessibility                                    Arrive
  Engaging in a Smart City                   Engaging in a Smart City
                       Ira                        Elevation Aotearoa
                     Swell                         Water that Counts                             9
                 Manawa                                    Grey’s Ave
  Procurement for Impact                              One Wellington                             Experts on Demand
   The Wellbeing Protocol                     The Wellbeing Protocol                             Taiwan Water Leakage Detection
          One Wellington                                                                         Community Connect
                Grey’s Ave                                                                       Procurement for Impact

© Creative HQ 2021

                     As a government, we are not                    Below are eight case studies from the
                     content with the status quo.                   last three years. We’ve seen projects
                                                                    progress fast as genuine cross-agency
                                                                    collaborations in a supportive community
                     Hon Megan Woods                                with government staff growing their customer
                     Minister of Research, Science and Innovation   focused mindset of testing and iterating.

© Creative HQ 2021
EARS: Improving outcomes                                                                                                                                                 This development
                                                                                                                                                                           would not have
  for seabirds through                                                                                                                                                     been possible
                                                                                                                                                                           without applying
  automated reporting                                                                                                                                                      new ways of solving
                                                                                                                                                                           problems pioneered
                                                                                                                                                                           by Creative HQ’s NZ
                                                                                                                                                                           GovTech Accelerator
                               The accelerator saved the Department of                                                                                                     programme.
  Time and money saved
                               Conservation (DOC) and Fisheries NZ (part of
                               MPI) two years of development and $360,000 on                                                                                               Dr Igor Debski
  The value of a prototype
                               the RFP for a fishing vessel bycatch compliance                                                                                             Seabird Researcher
                               monitoring system.                                                                                                                          Department of Conservation
  Cross-agency collaboration

                               The Antipodean Albatross             2018   A team from DOC and
                                                                           Fisheries NZ participated in
                               population is critically
                                                                           the NZ GovTech Accelerator.
                               endangered due to by-catch
                               mortality in international waters.
                               Mitigation techniques are
                               regulated and when used, they
                               work, but we have no visibility      2019   DOC further developed
                                                                           technology in-house.
                               or enforcement of commercial
                               fishing vessel compliance.
                                                                                                           ACCELERATOR VALUE
                               The creation of an electric          2020   FEBRUARY
                               automated monitoring system to              Fisheries NZ successfully
                                                                           funded and tendered
                               ensure commercial fishing vessel
                                                                           a technology company
                               compliance with internationally             to build EARS.
                               regulated mitigations (night
                               setting, streamer lines, and line-
                               weighting) while incentivising
                               vessels with better management
                                                                           The EARS unit built and         COST SAVING                      TIME SAVING                     CROSS-AGENCY
                                                                           tested on a high seas vessel.
                               and supply chain transparency.                                              Significantly reduced the cost   The accelerator reduced the     COLLABORATION
                                                                                                           of the RFP by an estimated       development time by 12-24       DOC and Fisheries NZ
                                                                                                           $360,000 as Fisheries NZ         months. This was significant    collaborating from the get-go,
                                                                                                           knew exactly what they           because the population is       meant Fisheries NZ understood
                                                                                                           were tendering for.              declining by 10% per year.      that the solution was more
                                                                           EARS unit was shipped
                                                                           to NZ for the trial.                                                                             aligned to their work (in
                                                                                                                                                                            fisheries monitoring than DOC
                                                                                                                                                                            Seabird Biodiversity) and they
                                                                                                                                                                            then led the tendering process.

© Creative HQ 2021
2018   AUGUST

  Spring: Building a financially                                                                                                                                               A team was formed led
                                                                                                                                                                               by the Ministry of Social
                                                                                                                                                                               Development (MSD)

  resilient workforce
                                                                                                                                                                               looking at financial
                                                                                                                                                                               hardship in New Zealand.

                                                                                                                                                                               Received continued financial
                                                                                                                                                                               support from MSD with

                             The accelerator helped Spring to secure                                ACCELERATOR VALUE                                                          matched funding from
                                                                                                                                                                               the Digital Government
  Mindset of testing
  and iterating              investment from a compelling solution and                                                                                                         Partnership Innovation Fund.

                             story, and embed a culture of quickly testing                                                                                              2019   JANUARY
  Importance of supportive
                             and iterating.                                                                                                                                    The team hired another
                                                                                                                                                                               developer and designer,
  community                                                                                                                                                                    making a team of five.
                             PROBLEM                             SOLUTION
                             608,000 NZ households live in       Spring is a digital platform for                                                                              The team launched
  Secured investment from                                                                                                                                                      a series of trials in
                             financial hardship, while 715,000   employers that empowers their                                                                                 Wellington and Gisborne.
  a compelling story
                             additional households are at        employees with the knowledge,      MINDSET OF CONTINUOUS               STAKEHOLDER GROUP
                             risk of tipping into financial      pathways and practical tools       TESTING AND ITERATING                                                      MARCH
                                                                                                                                        Bringing together subject-
                             hardship. Many of those             needed to directly improve
                                                                                                    The accelerator process instilled   matter experts and government          The learnings to-date from
                             affected are the working poor.      their financial wellbeing.                                                                                    the Spring trials provide
                                                                                                    the mindset of user-centricity      stakeholders into one
                             Money is coming in and going                                                                                                                      the sector’s best and most
                                                                                                    and continuous testing and          Stakeholder Group to provide           immediate response to
                             out just as quickly with little
                                                                                                    iterating to better serve their     coherent guidance and                  online predatory lending.
                             money leftover for financial
                                                                                                    users and customers, who have       support enabled the team to
                             emergencies. This impacts                                                                                                                         NOVEMBER
                                                                                                    evolved since the accelerator.      pivot and navigate challenges
                             the workplace, with financial
                                                                                                                                        as smoothly as possible.               The team was based out of
                             stress in employees leading                                                                                                                       Creative HQ with coaching
                             to a decrease in productivity,                                                                                                                    and community support.
                             engagement and retention.
                                                                                                                                                                        2020   JANUARY
                                                                                                                                                                               Spring became its own
                                                                                                                                                                               incorporated entity.

                                                                                                                                                                               End of Ministry of Social
                                                                                                                                                                               Development funding.
                                                                                                    INSIGHT EVIDENCE HELPED TO          CREATIVE HQ COMMUNITY
                                                                                                    ATTRACT OTHER FUNDING                                                      SEPTEMBER
                                                                                                                                        Working at Creative HQ
                                                                                                                                                                               Their business model
                                                                                                    Evidence of the problem,            the year post-accelerator              pivoted to deliver to
                                                                                                    resulting solution concept,         meant the team sustained               workplaces to create
                                                                                                    and support to tell their story     their momentum, received               financially resilient
                                                                                                    succinctly, meant the team          ongoing coaching, and                  workforce.

                                                                                                    were in the right position          support and inspirations from
                                                                                                    to successfully apply to the        other startup teams facing             OCTOBER
                                                                                                                                                                               New World Porirua came on
                                                                                                    DIA Digital Government              similar challenges and trying
                                                                                                                                                                               as the first corporate client.
                                                                                                    Partnerships Innovation             other business models.
                                                                                                    Fund, a new funding                                                 2021   EARLY-2021
                                                                                                    stream for MSD’s Building                                                  Final development
                                                                                                    Financial capability team.                                                 stage ahead of public
                                                                                                                                                                               launch in April 2021.
© Creative HQ 2021
Manawa: Improving social                                                                                                                     ACCELERATOR VALUE

  services for whānau

  Māori NGO partnerships
                           The accelerator enabled two Māori NGOs                                  The accelerator allowed
                           and the Social Wellbeing Agency to work in                              us and NGOs to work                         MĀORI NGO PARTNERSHIPS
                           partnership and with autonomy in a way that                             together on an even                         The accelerator helped establish a trusted
  Team autonomy
                           secured significant project funding.                                    footing in a genuine                        partnership, reflected in NGO team members.
                                                                                                                                               Having the partnership process right
                                                                                                   partnership that’s                          from the get-go opened up conversations
  Secured investment       PROBLEM                            SOLUTION                             continuing today.                           and meant Māori Data sovereignty and
  from compelling          Government agencies get            The team proposed an app                                                         ensuring a two-way value was intuitive.
  solution and story       whānau information through         that asks individual whānau
                           contract reporting and reviews     members questions about              Atawhai Tibble
                           of social services; it’s siloed,   their wellbeing based on the         Chief Māori Advisor
                           not whānau-focused, and            famous Whare Tapa Wha                SWA
                           doesn’t measure what matters       model (i.e. mind, body, spirit,
                           to them. Whānau are the big        relationships). It also asks them
                           users of social services but       to rate their service provider.
                           don’t feel trusted and listened    This solution efficiently captures
                           to, resulting in services that     whānau voice, measures
                           don’t meet their needs.            wellbeing, service satisfaction,     2019    A team from Te Hau Āwhiowhio
                                                                                                           ō Otangarei Trust, Te Tihi o        TEAM AUTONOMY
                                                              and provides quick feedback                  Ruahine Whānau Ora Alliance
                                                                                                                                               The team working on this project were
                                                              to the system, to ultimately                 Charitable Trust (the backfilling
                                                                                                                                               given autonomy to make decisions and
                                                                                                           of staff was financed by SWA),
                                                              change the way services are                                                      follow the solution that emerged from
                                                                                                           and the Social Wellbeing
                                                              contracted and designed.                     Agency spent close to full time     the evidence gathered and their deep
                                                                                                           focused on the problem for
                                                                                                                                               understanding of the problem.
                                                                                                           three months through the NZ
                                                                                                           GovTech Accelerator – following
                                                                                                           an innovative methodology.

                                                                                                   2020    EARLY-2020
                                                                                                           Following the output of the
                                                                                                           accelerator, the team received
                                                                                                           significant funding from
                                                                                                           the DIA Digital Government
                                                                                                           Partnership Innovation Fund.

                                                                                                                                               ALTERNATIVE FUNDING SECURED
                                                                                                           Progression slowed down
                                                                                                           with changing priorities due        Evidence of the problem, resulting solution
                                                                                                           to COVID-19 response.               concept, and support to tell their story
                                                                                                                                               succinctly, meant the team were in the right
                                                                                                   2021    LATE-2020–2021
                                                                                                                                               position to successfully apply to the DIA Digital
                                                                                                           A series of facilitated sprints
                                                                                                           with the NGOs involved
                                                                                                                                               Government Partnerships Innovation Fund,
                                                                                                           to build the product.               a new three-year funding stream for SWA.

© Creative HQ 2021
Engaging in a smart city:                                                                                   ACCELERATOR VALUE

  Maximising public
  engagement for a better city
                                                                                                              DEPTH OF PROBLEM INSIGHTS                       PROJECT CHAMPION
                              The accelerator helped Wellington City Council                                  The depth of the problem discovery data means   Having ownership of the project and its
  User insights as evidence
                              (WCC) gain a holistic understanding of their                                    they have brought back to WCC a deep holistic   direction meant that, once back in-house,
                                                                                                              understanding of engagement and the more        the team member was able to continue driving
                              engagement needs and created a fit-for-                                         complex organisation challenges to be solved.   it. Their advice is to ‘be patient, repeatedly
  User-focused project
                              purpose solution through root-cause problem                                                                                     bring it up with the why, you’re the driver.’
                              discovery by a committed and driven team using
                              innovative processes.
  Fast, holistic progress

                              PROBLEM                             2019   AUGUST
                                                                         The team from WCC, GWRC
                              With less than 40% of Wellington
                                                                         and Intergen (first formed
                              showing up to vote for local               through the Smart Seeds
                              elections, and considerably less           programme) participated in
                              taking the time to put in their            the NZ GovTech Accelerator.          REMOVAL FROM BAU ACCELERATES PROGRESS           USER-CENTRIC SKILLS
                              two cents throughout the term,                                                  WCC wanted to examine ways to improve           The accelerator embedded a mindset of
                              the city needs to find a way        2019   OCTOBER
                                                                                                              engagement. The focused time in the             user-centricity that their respective agencies
                              to get more people involved                The working prototype
                                                                         was tested on the Council’s          accelerator meant they were able to make        have recognised and sought to use.
                              in local decision making.                                                       real progress and explore a ‘completely
                                                                         Skate Park consultation.
                                                                                                              holistic engagement approach’.
                                                                         WCC team member joins
                              The team created a multi-                  WCC’s communications
                              channelled digital platform                and engagement area to
                                                                         continue driving the project.
                              where people can create
                              personalised profiles which
                                                                  2020   OCTOBER
                              filters through the decisions
                                                                         Approval granted to develop
                              they want to engage with, based            the mobile engagement
                              on what’s important to them, in            tool with Paperkite.
                              addition to an analytics back-end
                              to assist Councils’ understanding   2021   FEBRUARY
                              of the public sentiment.                   The prototype was tested on the
                                                                         Innovating Streets engagement
                                                                         at Bicycle Junction in Newtown.
                                                                         This prototype contributed user
                                                                         research to inform the tool build.

                                                                         The project team are continuing
                                                                         to test the tool on projects that
                                                                         come up for consultation.
© Creative HQ 2021
Greys Ave: Creating                                                                             ACCELERATOR VALUE                                      2020   MAY–JULY
                                                                                                                                                                NZ GovTech Accelerator

  inclusive, connected
                                                                                                                                                                project scoping and
                                                                                                                                                                team formation.
                                                                                                           LEADERSHIP BUY-IN

  and thriving communities
                                                                                                           Demo Day was a valuable opportunity
                                                                                                           to get project visibility with Executive
                                                                                                           Leadership and Board members for buy-in.
                                                                                                           The event was also live streamed allowing
                                                                                                           staff from across the country to watch,
                                                                                                                                                                Investment approved for
                                                                                                           generating interest across Kāinga Ora.               three of the accelerator
                             The accelerator helped Kāinga Ora create a                                                                                         team members to continue
  Secured Investment                                                                                       INVESTMENT SECURED
  from Leadership            user-centric solution which in turn secured                                                                                        full time on the project.
                                                                                                           Senior leaders understood the insights and
                             investment from Kāinga Ora’s leadership team,                                 saw the value of the solution. This meant
  Time and money saved
                             saved time, money and resources. It is evident                                investment was approved for a growing
                             the accelerator has increased staff growth and                                team (including three from the accelerator
                                                                                                           team) to operationalise the solution.         2021   FEBRUARY
                             professional development.                                                                                                          The team started
  Staff and organisational                                                                                                                                      operationalising the
                                                                                                           THE PROCESS SAVES TIME
  development                                                                                                                                                   solution with recruitment
                             PROBLEM                           SOLUTION                                    ‘All the data on the insights, impact and            underway to expand the
                                                                                                           outcomes gathered through the Problem                team to eight people.
                             The current approach to           A framework and a digital
                                                                                                           Discovery process were invaluable post-
                             social housing in NZ, often       platform that incentivises
                                                                                                           programme for an additional needs
                             leaves people feeling isolated,   community engagement
                                                                                                           analysis, which saved at least 6-9 months.’
                             with a lack of connection and     using time banking and
                                                                                                           The storyboard and prototype based                   JUNE–DEC
                             sense of community, resulting     virtual token currency to
                                                                                                           on user feedback also saved significant              Platform trial period
                             in poor social outcomes.          activate communal spaces.                                                                        on three or four sites
                                                                                                           design and development time.
                                                               This provides an opportunity                                                                     across New Zealand.
                                                               for the whole community to                  ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT
                                                               contribute and use their skills.
                                                                                                           This project has been a catalyst for
                                                                                                           Kāinga Ora opening up to new ways of
                                                                                                           problem solving and coming up with
                                                                                                           solutions, which they have embedded           2022   EARLY-2022
                                                                                                           in parts of the organisation.                        Business case development
                                                                                                                                                                to secure investment for
                                                                                                                                                                roll out across other similar
                                                                                                                                                                density developments.
                                                                                                           PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT
                                                                                                           Staff growth in new ways of working
                                                                                                           evident from the immersive learning
                                                                                                           style of the programme.
                                                                                                                                                                Greys Ave complex
                                                                                                                                                                finished, platform launched
                                                                                                           DIVERSE TEAM                                         in the community.
                                                                                                           Upfront work to get the right team
                                                                                                           members, including a workshop and
                                                                                                           Creative HQ’s CH3 assessment tool,
                                                                                                           meant the team had the diversity of
                                                                                                           skills and experience needed.

© Creative HQ 2021
Innovation Barometer:
  Data enabled strategic decisions                                                                           ACCELERATOR VALUE

                                                                                                                      COMMUNITY BUILDING EVENTS
                                                                                                                      The accelerator provides extensive support
                                                                                                                      to refine the project’s concept with a focus
                                The accelerator enabled the Innovation
  Importance of supportive                                                                                            on the value through a develop, critique
  community                     Barometer to complete a successful pilot with                                         and improve cycle. Sharing the Barometer’s
                                four organisations, collecting 15,000 data points,                                    story at the midway events and Demo
                                                                                                                      Day helped socialise the tool with the
  Product test and
                                while testing and developing the product along
                                                                                                                      community it’s for – public servants and
  reflect process               the way. They were able to move quickly with                                          senior leaders from across government.
                                access to more resources and built a community
                                                                                                                      PRODUCT TEST AND REFLECT PROCESS
  Greater access to resources   around the kaupapa.                                                                   The accelerator process is designed for
                                                                                                                      rigorous testing and iterating of the project’s
                                PROBLEM                                                                               product with government senior leaders to
                                Senior govt leaders see
                                                                      2019   Interviews with 60+
                                                                                                                      deliver a more robust and user-centric tool.
                                                                             future and current
                                innovation as vital for achieving            govt leaders to learn
                                a unified ‘modern, agile and                 innovation in the public                 GREATER ACCESS TO RESOURCES
                                                                             sector is vital but hard.
                                adaptive public service’. However,                                                    The team benefited from the ability to tap
                                they currently lack the data                                                          into different programme staff’s skill sets
                                and insights to make evidence-
                                                                      2020   EARLY-2020
                                                                                                                      when needed, notably the ‘Designer Labtech’
                                                                             Concept of the NZ
                                based strategic decisions                    Innovation Barometer was
                                                                                                                      (Innovation Intern) support was vital to the
                                to lift their organisation’s                 created and progressed with              fast paced product iteration phase. This was
                                innovative ability. Without                  funding from the Digital                 an efficient way to make progress without
                                this data, progress towards                  Government Partnership
                                                                                                                      requiring an additional full time team member.
                                                                             Innovation Fund.
                                the vision is near impossible
                                because ‘you can’t manage                                                             STAKEHOLDER GROUP
                                                                      2020   FEBRUARY
                                                                                                                      Bringing together project partners such as
                                what you don’t measure’.
                                                                             Formal partnership with
                                                                             Victoria University of
                                                                                                                      New Zealand G2G at NZTE and DIA into one
                                                                             Wellington, and ongoing                  stakeholder group meant that guidance
                                SOLUTION                                     partnership with New                     and support was cohesive and constructed
                                                                             Zealand G2G at NZTE.
                                The Innovation Barometer is a                                                         to achieve the goals of the 2020 pilot. The
                                cross-government measurement                                                          regular cadence of the meetings meant
                                tool that provides government                                                         partners felt invested in the project and
                                                                             Barometer team in the
                                organisations with rich data on              accelerator to design the
                                                                                                                      that their unique expertise was valuable.
                                their innovative ability that is             Product and run the pilot.
                                currently unavailable. As a result,                                                   COHORT SUPPORT
                                organisations can take specific       2021   FEBRUARY                                 As a small team they benefited from the cohort
                                actions learned from their data              Insights presentation to                 support and camaraderie. Each team was
                                and case studies to improve                  the Digital Public Services              tackling a different issue but facing similar
                                and track progress over time.                Branch of DIA highlighting               challenges and could learn from each other.
                                                                             alignment with the Strategy
                                                                                                                      Having these government teams progressing
                                                                             for a Digital Public Service.
                                                                                                                      in parallel acted as a constant reminder of
                                                                                                                      who the Barometer was meant to serve.
© Creative HQ 2021
Elevation Aotearoa:                                                                                                                                                 2020   SEPTEMBER
                                                                                                                                                                             A team with skills in UX

  Easy access to LiDAR data to improve
                                                                                                                                                                             design, learning design,
                                                                                                                                                                             LiDAR and regional council
                                                                                                                                                                             came together as part of the

  economic, social, and environmental
                                                                                                                                                                             NZ GovTech Accelerator.
                                                                                                         ACCELERATOR VALUE

  outcomes regionally                                                                                             ORGANISATIONAL CAPABILITY                                  DECEMBER
                                                                                                                                                                             One team member moved
                                                                                                                  Within their organisations, the team have
                                                                                                                                                                             to LINZ to continue the
                                                                                                                  catalyzed the mindset shift to root-cause                  work alongside the team
                                                                                                                  problem discovery and working closely with                 member from the Bay of
                                 The accelerator supported LINZ and regional                                      customers, instead of jumping to a solution.               Plenty Regional Council.
  Organisational mindset shift
                                 partners to work in partnership to create                                        They’re also questioning the report writing
                                                                                                                  default, instead, taking a more agile approach
                                 the LiDAR platform that could enable $38m                                        and questioning ‘could a decision be made
  User insights as evidence
                                 additional economic benefit to Aotearoa.                                         through a conversation if the right people are in   2021   EARLY-2021
                                                                                                                                                                             Building central
                                 The governance structures established mean                                       the room?’ LINZ is embracing this mindset shift.
                                                                                                                                                                             repository using existing
  Progress from dedicated
                                 they’re set up for success.                                                      USER INSIGHTS AS EVIDENCE
                                                                                                                                                                             geospatial software.
  seconded team
                                                                                                                  The user interview data supports ‘the
                                 PROBLEM                             SOLUTION                                     why’ and justifies their approach as they
  Cross-agency collaboration     By 2023, LiDAR would have been      A digital platform and                       interviewed over 40 relevant parties.
                                 captured for 80% of Aotearoa. If    partnership between central and
                                                                                                                                                                             Agreement to develop case
                                 we don’t actively work to enable    local government that ensures                                                                           studies in partnership with
                                 easy access to this free dataset,   people can access and use LiDAR              REMOVAL FROM BUSINESS AS                                   Scion and Landcare.
                                 NZ won’t realise the potential      data, including links to download            USUAL ACCELERATES PROGRESS
                                 $38m annual economic benefit.       the data, educational resources,             It’s a luxury in government to be able to
                                                                     offerings, case studies, and                 focus on one project. By participating full
                                                                     a place to connect with local                time within a fixed timeframe removed
                                                                     experts and other LiDAR users.               from business as usual, the team were
                                                                                                                  able to accelerate progress beyond
                                                                                                                  what would be possible internally.                         MARCH
                                                                                                                                                                             All the relevant stakeholders
                                                                                                                  CROSS-AGENCY COLLABORATION                                 came together to discuss
                                                                                                                                                                             partnerships, the work
                                                                                                                  LINZ and regional partners were able to                    plan and agree to the
                                                                                                                  work together on even footing, with both                   Terms of Reference.
                                                                                                                  deeply invested in the outcome. Having
                                                                                                                  this buy-in has supported the acceleration
                                                                                                                  of progress and solution development.
                                                                                                                  DIVERSE TEAM SKILL SETS                                    Future plan to take this
                                                                                                                  Upfront work to get the right team members                 LiDAR work and extend
                                                                                                                                                                             to all elevation data, such
                                                                                                                  led to bringing together a UX designer,                    as bathymetry and aerial
                                                                                                                  learning designer, LiDAR expert, and someone               photogrammetry. This
                                                                                                                  with a regional council lens. This meant                   framework could also be
                                                                                                                  the team had the diversity of skills and                   extended to other datasets,
                                                                                                                                                                             not just elevation.
                                                                                                                  experience needed for a successful project.

© Creative HQ 2021
Procurement for Impact:                                                                               ACCELERATOR VALUE

  Creating a more diverse, agile
  and resilient supply chain across                                                                                                                      CROSS-AGENCY COLLABORATION

  the Wellington region
                                                                                                                                                         This multi-agency project facilitated collaboration
                                                                                                                                                         across the region, bringing together seven
                                                                                                                                                         councils, key stakeholders, diverse suppliers,
                                                                                                        LEARNING THE ROOT PROBLEM                        central government, Iwi and mana whenua whose
                                                                                                        Councils were able to deep-dive into the         perspectives were captured in the commitment. This
                                                                                                        problem, gaining better visibility of barriers   allowed the team to gain buy-in from stakeholders
                                The accelerator helped council’s in the Wellington                      to engaging with diverse suppliers.              who supported the impact it would create.
   Root-cause problem
   identification               region to collaborate to improve equitable
                                outcomes for their communities by focusing on
   Balance of autonomy
                                the root of the problem and through alignment
   and agency guidance          with post-COVID-19 regional recovery plan.

                                PROBLEM                             2020   OCTOBER
   Cross-agency collaboration
                                Councils in the Wellington                 A team from councils in
                                                                           the Wellington Region
                                Region want to achieve                     participated in the NZ       RIGHT BALANCE OF AUTONOMY                        CLEAR COUNCIL PROGRESS ON
   Driving council priorities   broader outcomes through                   GovTech Accelerator.         AND AGENCY GUIDANCE                              STRATEGIC PRIORITIES
                                their collective spend and
                                                                                                        The team were able to work on this project       The commitment contributes to long-
                                engage with a more diverse                 DECEMBER
                                                                                                        full time for three months, providing them       term economic recovery by keeping money
                                supply base. They struggle to              Upper Hutt City Council
                                                                                                        autonomy to explore, test, and validate          circulating in our communities longer,
                                engage with Māori, Pasifika                and WellingtonNZ sign
                                                                           Te Upoko o Te Ika a          ideas with the guidance of stakeholders.         which is a regional strategic priority.
                                and social entreprises who
                                                                           Māui Commitment.
                                experience structural barriers
                                to winning council contracts.       2021   FEBRUARY
                                SOLUTION                                   Greater Wellington
                                                                           Regional council supports
                                Te Upoko o Te Ika a Māui                   the commitment, putting
                                Commitment is a region-wide                it through the formal
                                agreement between councils                 signing process to be
                                to take a shared approach to               signed by April 2021.

                                supplier diversity by increasing
                                spend with Māori, Pasifika
                                                                           The team received a
                                and social enterprise through
                                                                           video from the Minister
                                targets. Creating a more diverse,          of Local Government
                                agile and resilient supply                 Hon Nanaia Mahuta
                                chain across the region.                   showing her support
                                                                           for the commitment.

                                                                           The team continues to work
                                                                           with remaining councils
                                                                           to get the commitment
                                                                           signed and targets
© Creative HQ 2021                                                         embedded into strategy.
  to the support from our 2020 partners and all of the people involved

                         FOUNDATION PARTNERS
                                                    Minister Clark                Ramya Ravishankar                   John Allen
                                                    Minister Mahuta               Tess Meyer                          Tammy Downer
                                                    Minister Williams             Francine Jones                      James Roberts
                                                    Minister O’Connor             Simon Devries                       Jan Pierce
                                                    Di Grennell                   Leo Gene Peters                     Matt Noyes
                                                    Dave Moskovitz                Marwan Jamal                        Roger Carman
                                                    David Cunliffe                Robbie Nicol                        Jane Jujnovich
                                                    Luke Ball                     Michael Molony                      Sue McLean
                                                    Suse Reynolds                 Stephen Cummings                    Al Cross
                                                    Stuart van Rij                Jane Bryson                         Lucy Baker
                                                    Geoff Simmons                 Pete Hodgson                        Brett Cockeram
                        PROGRAMME SUPPORTERS
                                                    Bryce Golden-Chen             Colin Kennedy                       Vibhuti Chopra
                                                    David Udy                     Alexandra Lutyens                   Helmut Modlik
                                                    Madeleine Taylor              Catherine Jones                     David Perks
                        PROGRAMME SUPPORTERS
                                                    Judith Eastgate               Brett Holland                       Kristen Wilson
                                                    Ruth Harley                   Jenni Hamilton                      Andrew O’Donovan
                                                    Stephen Harrison              Georgia McConnon                    Simeon Berry
                                                    Nick Churchouse               Aishley Khanijoe                    Julie Watson
                                                    Julie Treanor                 Benjamin Alder                      Jennifer Ferreira
                                                    Christian Tanner              Emily Dwyer                         Cheryl Reynolds
                                                    Beth Clarke                   Kelcey Braine                       Mischa Mannix-Opie
                     NZ GOVTECH IS A PROGRAMME OF
                                                    Max Salmon                    Alessandra Orsi                     Lou Sanson
                                                    Kurt Hawkins                  Ciara Craig                         Laura Reitel
                                                    Andrew Cox                    Amanda Wilkins                      James Roberts
                     NZ GOVTECH IS A PROGRAMME OF
                                                    Helen Simonson                Leigh Taggart                       Jon Herries

                                                                         Event photography and videography by FolkYeah!
                                                                                     Other photography from:
                                                                        Aishley Khanijoe, Alessandra Orsi and Ashley Church

© Creative HQ 2021
  Want to be involved in the
  next NZ GovTech Accelerator
  focusing on sustainability?
  1  All you need is an idea or a complex
     problem that needs to be solved.

  2  Provide the NZ GovTech team with some
     details around your project and they’ll
     talk you through the next steps.

                                                                Thank you to Creative HQ,
                                                                who have led four years
     JONNIE HADDON                   SALLY HETT                 of government innovation
     HEAD OF GOVTECH                 GOVTECH INNOVATION         through the NZ GovTech
                                     SPECIALIST                 Accelerator.
     LinkedIn                        LinkedIn
     Jonnie oversees Creative HQ’s   Sally supports the teams   Hon Nanaia Mahuta                                 Learn more about Creative HQ’s
     GovTech programmes, including   and the delivery of the    Minister for Local Government, Foreign Affairs,   GovTech programmes online at:
     the NZ GovTech Accelerator.     NZ GovTech Accelerator.    and Associate Minister Māui Commitment  

© Creative HQ 2021
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