Global Consumer Trends Fueling Growth - ADM

Page created by George Daniels
Global Consumer Trends Fueling Growth - ADM
Global Consumer
Trends Fueling Growth
Global forces, growing tensions, and the ongoing COVID-19
pandemic are causing consumers to continue to adjust their
priorities and considerations as they try to establish a sense of
normalcy – leading to a growing urgency for businesses to
understand shifting expectations and behaviors. While no one can
truly forecast the future, there are signals in the marketplace that
make it possible to determine the direction in which things are
headed. Discover the key consumer trends fueling global growth
now and in the future, and how ADM can help you unlock winning
innovation and opportunity.

Global Consumer Trends Fueling Growth - ADM
8 Global Consumer Trends Fueling Growth

Nourishment for           Plant-Based           Microbiome as the     Clean & Transparent
 the Whole Self            Lifestyles           Root of Wellness            Sourcing

 Humanization         Precise & Responsible        Sustainable        Advanced Renewables
   of Pets               Animal Feeding             Goodness             & BioSolutions

                  Because innovation is essential to everything you do, our team is at the
                  forefront of global trend insights that inspire new ideas and solutions.
Global Consumer Trends Fueling Growth - ADM
Nourishment for
the Whole Self

Consumers are seeking accessible nutrition
via nutrient-dense, delicious whole foods to
support holistic health – with an increased
focus on mental health and emotional well-
being. They connect what they eat to how
they feel, mentally and physically, and are
looking for empowering, accessible, and
proactive solutions tailored to their own
unique tastes, diets, and other health goals.
Global Consumer Trends Fueling Growth - ADM
A Winning Edge – Why ADM
                                                          • Proprietary taste modification and texture capabilities for
                                                            solutions that please consumers in their quest for more
                                                            lifestyle diets (sugar-reduced, fat-reduced, sodium-
                                                            reduced, gluten free, etc.)

Growth Opportunities                                      • Expertise in product development for protein-forward,
                                                            nutrient-balanced solutions (fiber, proteins, vitamins, and
• Inherently functional whole foods for holistic health
  (physical, mental, emotional) and satiating nutrition
                                                            wholesome foods such as ancient grains, beans, pulses,
                                                            nuts & seeds)
• Personalized solutions for reducing stress and
  improving cognitive health                              • Wide variety of science-backed solutions for specific
• Purposeful indulgence, nostalgic and exploratory          conditions – metabolic health, skin health, mental and
  flavors                                                   mood support, and women’s health – including inherently
• Free-from negatives and reduced sugar and                 functional botanicals
• Accessibly priced and widely available to create        • Fully integrated solutions from ingredients to market-
  more inclusive health + wellness products for all         ready finished products

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Global Consumer Trends Fueling Growth - ADM
Plant-based eating has gone mainstream as
consumers look to accessible, inherently
functional and wholesome plant-based
nutrition to support healthy and
environmentally friendly lifestyles. They
embrace innovations that deliver on taste
and texture expectations, with rising
standards related to clean processing and
real ingredients.
Global Consumer Trends Fueling Growth - ADM
A Winning Edge – Why ADM
                                                         • Expertise in alternative proteins and flavors for full
                                                           solutions in plant-based capabilities for meat and dairy
                                                           replacement, as well as formulations with plant protein

Growth Opportunities                                     • Established experience with flavors, colors, and integrated
                                                           nutrition solutions and product development know-how
• Inherently functional, plant-based, targeted
                                                           across a range of food and beverage product formats
• Future-proofed health halo via real, simple            • Access to an unparalleled portfolio for integrated, turnkey
  ingredients and sourcing narratives                      solutions
• Accessible through flexible formats, affordable
  pricing and kid-friendly flavors                       • A global network of diverse, nutrient-dense protein
• Plant-based versions of traditional, authentic           solutions that offer great taste and texture
  regional cuisine with well-sourced local or regional
  specificity                                            • Botanicals to elevate flavor and nutritional profile

                           Your Edge. Our Expertise. Discover more at
Global Consumer Trends Fueling Growth - ADM
Microbiome as the
Root of Wellness

Consumer are increasingly connecting the
health of their microbiome to their overall
immunity and well-being and are proactively
seeking personalized foods and ingredients
that fortify gut health. They are also often
looking to combine this with options to
relieve stress and anxiety and boost sleep
and energy to support their overall health
and wellness.
Global Consumer Trends Fueling Growth - ADM
A Winning Edge – Why ADM
                                                       • Proprietary, in-house probiotics tailored towards
                                                         functional health (skin health, metabolic and digestive
                                                         health, immunity)

                                                       • Science-based know-how and capabilities to transfer
Growth Opportunities                                     across market segments in both Human and Animal
• Fibers that support healthy digestion and gut
  microflora – good bacteria associated with
  healthful properties – including prebiotics,
                                                       • Vast array of functional ingredients to blend and tailor
  starches and newer fiber formulations (e.g., those     towards personalized, science-backed functional health
  from cacti, tubers, and bamboo)                        solutions
• Products, ingredients, and production methods        • Health & Wellness solutions for Human and Animal
  that emphasize natural, fermented, and living
  foods                                                  industry segments
• Combined pre/pro/synbiotics for more targeted        • Microbiome solutions designed specifically for infants,
  gut health solutions and additional functional         toddlers, and young children
  ingredients that go beyond gut health

                          Your Edge. Our Expertise. Discover more at

                                                                                         *via Biopolis’ scientific studies/clinicals
Global Consumer Trends Fueling Growth - ADM
Clean & Transparent

Clean label is now a baseline standard
for consumers seeking healthy
products. Future-forward attention is
on a product’s entire supply chain –
who made it, how it’s made and where
it’s from. Seeking reassurances on
health and safety for themselves and
their communities, consumers expect
narratives and verifiable assurances
that their product was sourced and
produced responsibly.
Global Consumer Trends Fueling Growth - ADM
A Winning Edge – Why ADM
                                                    • Long heritage in colors, flavors, and fruit & vegetable
                                                      preparations for clean-label-friendly solutions

                                                    • Proprietary extraction technologies in colors and flavors;
                                                      taste modification capabilities for turnkey solutions
Growth Opportunities
                                                    • Wholesome nutrition solutions supported by a vast
• Transparent/traceable ingredients highlighting      portfolio of ancient grains, nuts and seeds, beans,
  purity, safety and wellness standards
                                                      pulses and organic product offerings
• Focus on all aspects of link to sustainability,
  including personal, social, environmental and     • Sustainably-sourced ingredients from select farm and
  economic                                            local communities to mainstream final products
• Provincial, hyper-local ingredients with clear,
  authentic origins
• Novel sourcing that fosters community
  resiliency and environmental efforts

                             Your Edge. Our Expertise. Discover more at
of Pets

Pets are increasingly being treated as
family members, especially as pet
parents recently spent more time at
home bonding with their pets and
identifying their unique needs.
Challenged by changing lifestyles and
return to work, pet parents wish to
proactively support their pet’s physical
and mental well-being and are
increasingly expecting high quality
ingredients and tailored functional
A Winning Edge – Why ADM
                                                    • Fully integrated solutions partner from ingredient to
                                                      turnkey finished product development in Pet Food

                                                    • Vast array of wholesome and science-backed,
                                                      functional ingredients tailored to health-forward pet
Growth Opportunities                                  offerings and solutions
• Human-grade, whole food to support quality of     • Expertise in Human Nutrition allows for a deeper
  life in body and mind
                                                      understanding of Pet Nutrition, as we adopt and
• Science-backed, real-food solutions for             translate key human trends into what is most
  proactive health management with species-           applicable for pets’ health and well-being
• Variety of customizable and functional benefits   • Expertise in animal nutrition to offer solutions that
  for whole pet                                       consider species-specific dietary needs to maximize
• Culinary attributes and quality production          companion animals' health for the long term

                            Your Edge. Our Expertise. Discover more at
Precise & Responsible
Animal Feeding

Growing awareness of the
interconnectedness of the animal
protein supply chain has increased
demand for optimized feed solutions
that support human & animal nutrition
in an efficient and environmentally-
friendly manner for a range of animal
species. Precision in how farmers raise
and feed livestock and fish can address
such needs when mindful attention is
paid to animal nutrition and responsible
resource management.
A Winning Edge – Why ADM
                                                      • Deep knowledge of feed additives and ingredients and
                                                        nutritional needs of animals including optimized animal

                                                      • Holistic approaches for the reduction of antibiotic use and
Growth Opportunities                                    alternative means to support animal health
• Precise nutrition for specific health or regional   • Positive animal welfare impacts and strong development
  needs with science-backed, species-specific
                                                        of alternative production methods

• Exceed local and federal regulations to meet        • Improvement of the nutritional profile and organoleptic
  consumer needs for sustainability throughout          quality of end-animal products
  the production chain (e.g., methane reduction)
• Enhanced digitization to support traceable          • Lower cost of production through tailored nutrition
  animal feed agriculture and husbandry
• Highlighted role of animal feed and husbandry in    • Services (formulation, innovation, training) to enhance
  responsible ecology and aquaculture                   efficiency and sustainability

                              Your Edge. Our Expertise. Discover more at
Sustainable Goodness

Consumers view sustainability more
holistically than ever before as they
connect it to what is right and just for
themselves, their family, the
community, environment and,
ultimately, the future of humanity.
Consumers see it as a moral imperative
for companies to take action within the
supply chain to protect environmental
and social aspects of agriculture
A Winning Edge – Why ADM
                                                • Farmer and grower programs, connecting farming to final
                                                  product and bringing increased transparency to supply

                                                • Strong link to sustainability commitments and policies to
Growth Opportunities                              help brands and companies achieve ESG goals aligned to the
                                                  UN’s Sustainable Development Goals
• Beyond organic claims, certifications and
  narratives (e.g., regenerative agriculture)   • Over 13,000,000 acres of ADM’s supply chain involved in
• Innovations that work towards drawing down      sustainable agriculture projects and programs
• Protecting social and human rights in the
  supply chain
• Reduction of food waste

                             Your Edge. Our Expertise. Discover more at
Advanced Renewables &

With increasing impacts of climate change
and plastic pollution, the use of finite
materials and the production of physical
waste, with its associated longevity, is
becoming a paramount issue for
consumers. Consumers now expect
innovative solutions from corporations in
efforts to mitigate climate change and
protect resources via plant-based materials
and processing practices that reduce waste
and energy use from development to
A Winning Edge – Why ADM
                                                • Long-standing history and track record of investments in
                                                  technology and partnerships for production of plant-based

                                                • Scalable impact to deliver tangible results
Growth Opportunities
                                                • Ability to create and experiment with new technologies to
• Waste reduction and innovative energy and       foster and ignite plant-based product development to drive
  material solutions at many stages of the        sustainable market solutions
  supply chain
• Looking beyond recyclable to biodegradable,   • Industrial BioSolutions providing plant-based solutions for
  replacing with bio-based plastics, reducing     industrial applications such as paper and packaging,
  end-product waste                               construction materials, plant health, fermentation and home
• Adoption of circular economy practices and      and personal care
• Consumer-centric tools for waste-reduction

                           Your Edge. Our Expertise. Discover more at
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