Get Fuller, Thicker Hair With PRP - SkinCare Physicians

Get Fuller, Thicker Hair With PRP - SkinCare Physicians
Volume 16, Issue 1, 2019

Get Fuller, Thicker Hair With PRP
Treating hair loss has been a challenge         injuries, PRP also helps to encourage
for decades. Many men and women                 regrowth and thickening of hair by
struggle with vitamins, lotions, lasers,        stimulating resting hair follicles. The
and shampoos, often with limited                platelets found in blood plasma
success. Hair transplantation is the            contain high levels of growth factors,
exception and gives beautiful results,          which are messengers that tell our
but it isn’t for everyone. Fortunately,         cells to function optimally.                 The mission of SkinCare Physicians
a new technique called PRP (platelet                                                         is to deliver personalized service
                                                The process is simple, safe and              along      with   ethical,   skilled,
rich plasma) is changing the way our            quick. To obtain PRP, a small sample         comprehensive care. Our renowned
dermatologists treat hair loss in men           of the patient’s blood is drawn and          physicians offer a broad range
and women.                                                                                   of diagnostic and therapeutic
                                                separated in a special centrifuge.
Used for over a decade in orthopedics           The platelets can then be collected          procedures, providing patients
to enhance healing after surgery and            and injected into the patient’s area         with unparalleled service. This
                                                of thinning hair with virtually no risk      vision is the cornerstone of who we
                                                of allergic reactions. Each session          are and what we do.
                                                lasts about 30 minutes and occurs
                                                on a monthly basis for the first three     long as they continue with the PRP
                                                months. Then, we recommend a               program, which is remarkable. Don’t
                                                treatment every three months for           let thinning hair get you down. We
                                                another nine months to maintain            now have a natural, non-invasive
                                                and boost new hair growth, followed        solution to get thicker and fuller hair
                                                by annual maintenance injections.          again. Book a consultation to see if
         Before                         After   Patients retain their new hair for as      PRP is for you.
Photos courtesy of Shilpi Khetarpal, M.D.

  Frozen Is Out, Natural Is In… The New Botox
  A quiet revolution is changing the world of                                around the eyes, and between the eyebrows
  Botox treatments, and SkinCare Physicians                                  can be gently smoothed away. The neck can be
  is at the forefront of this exciting change.                               treated to improve the appearance of muscular
  Frozen is out… natural is in!                                              bands, sagging skin, and prominent jowls. With
                                                                             the proper expertise, upper lip lines can also be
  We have all seen the over-filled, over-
                                                                             improved with Botox. Importantly, when using
  Botoxed celebrities on TV, but those days
                                                                             our techniques results usually last as long as 4-6
  are a thing of the past in New England. At
                                                                             months, which is longer than the national average
  SkinCare Physicians we simply prefer the
                                                                             of 3-4 months. When combined with carefully
  natural look, and know how to achieve
                                                                             placed fillers to the mid and lower face, our expert
  it for all of our patients. Colleagues
                                                                             injectors achieve truly remarkable results.
  around the country refer to it as the
  “Boston Strategy”, and many have adopted it because our            For most patients, we can prevent fine lines and wrinkles
  technique works. The strategy is to simply relax wrinkles          from forming, and in almost all individuals we can soften
  in a targeted way, rather than freezing the face to attain         or eliminate lines that have already formed. Other
  a wrinkle-free but completely unnatural appearance. Our            complementary procedures that are popular with our
  physicians have written scientific articles and lectured           patients include Fraxel and Thermage, which address skin
  extensively about the optimal use of Botox and similar             texture and laxity. So ask us about how a combination of
  products, Dysport and Xeomin, with an emphasis on                  these treatments might help you enjoy a natural, youthful
  achieving natural results. Wrinkles of the forehead,               appearance.

SkinCare Physicians | Volume 16,
                             16 Issue
                                 Issue 1,1, 2019
Get Fuller, Thicker Hair With PRP - SkinCare Physicians
What’s Hot at SkinCare Physicians
  Better Skin Tightening With The                                       come to love both the preventive and skin tightening
                                                                        effects of Thermage over the past two decades, and
  New Thermage FLX                                                      the new Thermage FLX technology allows us to add
  SkinCare Physicians was one of the first two practices                significant benefits to what was already a successful skin
  in the world to acquire the new Thermage FLX device,                  tightening program. The treatment takes less than forty-
  and was the first practice in the world to perform                    five minutes and is performed by our skilled Thermage
  Thermage back in 2000. The enhanced capabilities                      nurses. We are able to tighten skin predictably on the
                                of the updated FLX skin                 face, jawline, and neck, with more than 95% of patients
                                tightening technology allows            achieving noticeable results. The new FLX platform also
                                us to deliver more precise,             allows us to treat other areas of the body including the
                                predictable, and superior               abdomen, arms, and thighs. There is zero recovery, and
                                results as compared to                  results are seen in as little as two weeks. Please ask your
                                previous generations of                 provider what the exciting Thermage FLX technology can
                                Thermage. Our patients have             do for you.
  Photos courtesy of Ivan Rosales, M.D.

Enhanced Fat Removal Technology                                         PicoToning: One Laser To Improve
SkinCare Physicians has pioneered the art of body-                      Skin Texture And Color
shaping with CoolSculpting for nearly 10 years, and                     PicoToning can now improve both
the results are better than ever. Areas of fat on the                   skin tone and discoloration with
abdomen, hips, love handles, arms, chin, and thighs can                 minimal downtime. The procedure
be successfully treated in just a few comfortable sessions.             uses a special setting on the PicoSure
A key ingredient to success is properly evaluating these                laser and is safe for most skin types.
areas of fat, and determining which will respond optimally.             PicoToning improves discoloration and
This is an important part of the procedure, and is what                 stimulates collagen production. It also
makes our team of experts so uniquely skilled. Using the                helps to smooth divots and depressions, and therefore is
enhanced CoolAdvantage                                                  an effective treatment for mild to moderate acne scarring.
technology, we can help                                                 PicoToning is uniquely suited for individuals who are
you achieve results that are                                            hoping for less downtime after a laser procedure. The
better than ever without                                                comfortable 15-minute treatment leaves the skin pink
surgery.                      Photos courtesy of David Carfagno, D.O.
                                                                        for approximately 2 days. Best results are seen after a
                                                                        series of 3-6 sessions. PicoToning is an excellent choice
                                                                        for individuals with busy schedules who want to improve
                                                                        brown spots, skin texture and stubborn acne scars.
Fraxel Quick Recovery: A New
Favorite                                                                Filler Versatility: From Lips To
Over the past year, Fraxel Quick
Recovery (FQR) has quickly
                                                                        Cheeks To Earlobes !
become one of the most popular                                          Soft tissue fillers such as Restylane,
laser procedures at SkinCare                                            Juvéderm and Belotero allow us to
Physicians. FQR is particularly                                         improve aging skin, carefully enhancing
useful for treating sunspots, and                                       appearance with a simple procedure.
terrific at improving skin texture                                      Frequently, patients come to us with a specific problem.
and color, as well as preventing fine lines and aging.                  Perhaps they desire fuller lips, softer nasolabial folds or
FQR utilizes our Fraxel Dual laser, which has been a                    more subtle marionette lines. We can successfully tackle
workhorse for treating aging skin and acne scarring                     these concerns since fillers are extremely versatile. We
for many years. During an FQR session, trained                          can also recommend further facial enhancements that
SkinCare Physicians nurses apply gentle laser energy                    patients may not have considered. For instance, we can
so that the procedure is more comfortable for                           conservatively replace volume loss in cheeks and jawlines
patients and the downtime is shorter – usually 24-48                    to give the face a more youthful profile. Fillers may also
hours – as compared to our classic Fraxel sessions.                     help repair earlobes that no longer hold earrings upright
Quick recovery and superb efficacy make FQR an                          by firming up the piercing hole and strengthening the
ideal laser procedure for patients who need to go                       lobe. We encourage you to come discuss any cosmetic
back to their activities quickly. Please ask if FQR                     concerns, as we often have an innovative, non-invasive
might address your skin concerns.                                       method to address even the trickiest of aesthetic worries.

SkinCare Physicians | Volume 16,
                             16 Issue
                                 Issue 1,1, 2019
Get Fuller, Thicker Hair With PRP - SkinCare Physicians
The Bulletin Board
Skin Cancer: Limit Your Risks                  for wrinkles, lasers for tattoo removal,      Growing Again!
                                               and treatments for rosacea, warts
Every year in the U.S. more people are         and seborrheic keratoses. SkinCare            A BIG thank you to all of our loyal
diagnosed with skin cancer than all            Physicians is proud of its nearly 20 years    patients! It is because of your continued
other types of cancer combined. Skin           of research contribution to dermatology       support that SkinCare Physicians is
cancer has become a significant public         and cosmetic medicine, and is excited         adding new facilities to make your
health concern that is relevant for 1 in 5     to see its ongoing impact in the field of     experience with us even better. We
Americans by the age of 70. Luckily, you       dermatology.                                                          recently opened
                         can decrease your                                                                           a new innovative
                         risk of developing                                                                          SkinCare
                         melanoma and          The New Buzz In Aesthetics:                                           Research suite,
                         non-melanoma                                                                                where we
                         skin cancers by
                                               Hydrafacial                                                           perform some
                         protecting your       Hydrafacial is a relaxing, painless                                   of the world’s
                         skin from harmful     facial treatment that delivers instant        most exciting cosmetic and medical
                         UV rays through       gratification in a 30 or 60 minute            dermatology clinical trials. Our cutting-
                         broad spectrum        session with no downtime. It uses a           edge aesthetic treatment suite will open
                         sunscreen, clothing   patented technology that removes dead         in early 2019, which will enable us to
with UPF rating and broad brimmed              skin cells and extracts impurities while      deliver the superb care for which we are
hats. Remember that sunscreen lasts            simultaneously infusing the new skin          known in a stunning new environment.
only 1-2 hours and should be re-applied                                  with hydrating      Please come visit.
frequently. Finally, schedule an annual                                  and moisturizing
visit for a full skin exam with one of our                               serums as well
qualified providers to assess your skin                                  as customized       A Nurse’s New Career Path
cancer risk.                                                             boosters tailored
                                                                         to meet your        Colleen Gaffney, one of our long-time,
                                                                         needs. The non-     valued registered nurses, is stepping
                                                                                             up to a new role. After obtaining her
Not Your Ordinary                              irritating procedure leaves the skin
                                                                                             Master of Science in Nursing and
Dermatology Practice                           clearer, quenched and radiant. Frequent
                                                                                             receiving further
                                               treatments help restore skin health and
As a patient of SkinCare Physicians, you       improve the appearance of fine lines,         expert training with
can be assured that you are receiving          wrinkles, oily skin, and pigmentation. It     our dermatologists,
the absolute highest standard of               is suitable for all skin types and ages.      she now practices
                   care with the most          Schedule a Hydrafacial with one of            as a certified Nurse
                   state-of-the-art            our skilled aestheticians and enjoy the       Practitioner (FNP),
                   technology available        soothing experience.                          in Dermatology.
                   in the country. Year                                                      Colleen has extensive
                   after year, for over                                                      experience in
                   a decade now, the           Customized Skin Care,                         CoolSculpting,
                   majority of our                                                           Thermage and miraDry, and is skilled
                                               Maximum Results                               in all aspects of dermatology. You will
                   are consistently            Have you ever dreamed of an all-in-           enjoy her thorough and compassionate
                   recognized by their         one serum designed for your unique            dermatology care.
peers as among the best in Boston.             skin concerns? It is now possible
Again this year, an astounding 10 of our       with Custom D.O.S.E, a revolutionary
physicians made Boston Magazine’s                                     technology             Taking Pride In Our
2018 Top Doctors list! Come and                                       developed              Community
experience the difference whether you                                 by L’Oréal in
                                                                      conjunction with       Each year, the staff at SkinCare
have a medical or an aesthetic skin
                                                                      our dermatologists.    Physicians participates in activities
                                                                      During your            that benefit our community. This year,
                                                                      visit at SkinCare      we arranged a school supply drive for
                                                                                             School on Wheels of Massachusetts, a
SkinCare Research At Its                                              Physicians, your
                                                                                             holiday gift drive to benefit local low
Finest                                                                provider will guide
                                                                      you through a          income and homeless children, and a toy
This has been the busiest year yet for         series of questions and evaluate your         drive for Birthday Wishes. Also, some
SkinCare Research. Our staff moved into        skin’s needs and goals. This assessment                              of our physicians
                       a renovated suite       will be fed to the Custom D.O.S.E                                    volunteer their
                       and orchestrated        machine which will precisely mix the                                 time to Impact
                       more clinical studies   perfect serum formula from a wide                                    Melanoma,
                       under the guidance      selection of proven brightening and                                  an important
                       of our physicians       anti-aging ingredients. Your made-to-                                organization
                       than ever before.       order skin serum will be ready on the                                whose mission is
                       We investigated         spot with your name, the ingredients                                 to educate the
                       new soft tissue         and a customized ID for refills. What are                            public about skin
fillers, neurotoxins, procedures for           you waiting for to try it?                    cancer and skin cancer prevention. All of
excess fat and cellulite, microneedling                                                      us take pride in helping our community.                                                             SkinCare Physicians | Volume 16, Issue 1, 2019
Get Fuller, Thicker Hair With PRP - SkinCare Physicians
1244 Boylston Street, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467

Dr. Kenneth    Dr. Jeffrey   Dr. Michael   Dr. Robin    Dr. Thomas
   Arndt         Dover        Kaminer       Travers       Rohrer

 Dr. Jeffrey   Dr. Karen     Dr. Brooke    Dr. Laurel    Dr. Tania
   Sobell         Kim          Sikora       Morton       Phillips

Dr. Katrinka    Dr. Kay        Kelly       Kathleen      Colleen
   Heher         Kane        Buchanan,      Brodt,       Gaffney,
                               PA-C        FNP-BC        FNP-BC

Our Mission
We strive to bring our experience and commitment to academic and clinical
excellence to our practice through the latest in medical, surgical, cosmetic,
and laser services. At SkinCare Physicians, we offer a broad range of
treatments to our patients who have dermatologic, aesthetic, skin cancer,
cutaneous, surgical or other medical or appearance-related concerns.

Our Affiliations                                                                                                     1244 Boylston Street
We are proud to have formal academic and teaching relationships with many                                           Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
of the preeminent teaching institutions in New England. Our doctors are                                              Phone: (617) 731-1600
nationally and internationally recognized for their leadership, and nowhere is                                        Fax: (617) 731-1601
this more evident than in their impressive array of academic appointments at                             
major universities. Our affiliations include Yale University, Harvard University,
Boston University, Tufts University, and Brown University.

               Keep up with the latest updates all year long:

Aestheticians • Blepharoplasty • Botox/Dysport/Xeomin • Cellfina • CoolSculpting • Clear + Brilliant • Fillers • Fraxel laser • Glycolic acid chemical peels
Hair transplantation • Hydrafacial • Kybella • Laser hair removal • Laser removal of red & brown spots • Laser resurfacing • MiraDry • Mohs surgery • Pediatric,
adult, and geriatric dermatology • Microneedling • Pellevé • Photorejuvenation • PRP • Restylane/Juvéderm/Radiesse/Sculptra/Belotero/Voluma/Volbella
Sclerotherapy • Skin cancer surgery • Tattoo removal • Thermage
Get Fuller, Thicker Hair With PRP - SkinCare Physicians Get Fuller, Thicker Hair With PRP - SkinCare Physicians Get Fuller, Thicker Hair With PRP - SkinCare Physicians Get Fuller, Thicker Hair With PRP - SkinCare Physicians Get Fuller, Thicker Hair With PRP - SkinCare Physicians Get Fuller, Thicker Hair With PRP - SkinCare Physicians
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