Get closer to the world's rarest animals

Page created by Leo Chen
Get closer to the world's rarest animals
Get closer to the world’s rarest animals        				                                            SPRING 2023

                  At a glance • Animal Focus • In memory of Paul Durber • Conservation Matters •
                  Stationery Photographic Competition• Farewell to Kubwa • Red tape hampering
                  on Conservation • Nooz in Focus • Ringing feathered Friends • Retail Therapy • Events
Get closer to the world's rarest animals

                                Derek Grove, Zoo Director

              Dear members,
              & adopters
              Welcome to the 2023 spring
              edition of ZooNooz, with a
              slightly new look!
              What’s been happening at DZC over the last few months…

              • Work is continuing to extend and improve the facilities
                for the giraffe, parma wallabies and red panda, while the
                construction of a Changing Places facility within the
                Lorikeet Lookout toilet block is nearing completion

              • Plans have been submitted to the local authority for a
                new Visitor and Education Centre and we have been
                fortunate to have been match-funded by the Black
                Country Local Enterprise Partnership in the delivery
                of this initial design and development phase.

              • Following many months of notable births, sadly we’ve
                recently lost a few of our older animals, including
                Kubwa the giraffe, Bactrian camels, Charles and
                Jimandi and Yasmin the red panda. Staff and regular
                visitors who have known these animals for many years
                can take solace that their offspring are continuing
                conservation programmes both here at DZC
                and at collections throughout the UK.
Get closer to the world's rarest animals
Animal in FOCUS
Cameroon sheep
Ovis aries
 Fun Facts

                    e e p is  a d o m  e  s ti cated
The Cameroeoenpsfrom West Africa which
breed of sh ported to Europe.
has been ex
                    b re e d, th  e C a  m  e  roon
 Known as a hoawir ool, but thick, tight hair,
 Sheep has na undercoat during winter                                         p’s large,
 with an extr                                          The Cameroon shee           ated
  months.                                              pronounced eyes eisitu
                                                       on the sides of tho fier ldheofadvis sion.
              s t k n o w n  fo r  th e ir unique      give them a 270 stay on the
  They are beur, with a black head, belly               This helps them ators!
  brown colo                                            lookout for pred
   and legs.

Get closer to the world's rarest animals
In memory of Paul Durber

                                     Paul Durber

We’re remembering with fondness DZC gardener, Paul Durber.

Paul, who was part and parcel of zoo life for more than 30 years, tending the 40-acre site as part of our gardening
team, sadly passed away at the end of last year, aged 60.

Zoo Manager Matt Lewis, said: “We were all incredibly saddened to hear of Paul’s passing.

“Personally, I had the pleasure of knowing him both as a work colleague but also as a friend for 33 years.

“He always had a smile on his face and was a genuinely nice person who always took the time to say
hello as well as asking how you were.

“Not only was he a much-valued colleague, he was also friendly face for many of our visitors too.
“He will be sadly missed.”

                                                   Our poison dart frogs have made themselves very much at
                                                   home in one of our recent Amazon wishlist gifts!

                                                   Thank you to those generous supporters who purchase enrichment
                                                   items off our online list, it’s greatly appreciated by our animals big
                                                   and small!

                                                   Recent deliveries included seeds, feeding bowls and festive treats
                                                   for some of our smaller animals in the farm barn.

                                                   If you’d like to take a look at our Amazon wishlist, you can easily access
                                                   it by clicking on the yellow star at the bottom of our website homepage.

                                                   There’s a large variety of fun and practical items on there, which have
                                                   been specifically chosen by our zoo keepers to benefit the animals in
                                                   their care, which once purchased from the list, get delivered directly
                                                   to us.

                                                   Current items on the list include herbs and spices for our big cats, tasty
                                                   lick treats for our giraffes, artificial plants to decorate our Reptile House
                                                   exhibits and wax worms for our birds.
Get closer to the world's rarest animals
Thank you for all the kind letters, cards, messages and flowers we
received following the death of Kubwa, our male giraffe, earlier this year.
Your support has been greatly appreciated by everyone at DZC, and especially his keepers at this sad time.

The Ungulates team were particularly touched by a gift and card from the Africa Team at Noah’s Ark Zoo
Farm in Bristol, where Kubwa’s son, Kito, transferred in 2018.

The staff also sent a lovely video of Kito, who is now aged eight, adding his own special message to the card
in the form of a few licks!

However, we’re proud to say Kubwa’s legacy will live on, as a sample of skin from his flank has been sent to
an animal Living Biobank, where it has been cryogenically frozen, joining hundreds of biological specimens
of endangered mammals, birds, fish, amphibians and reptiles preserved for future animal regeneration.

Curator Richard Brown, said: “Here at DZC we’re committed to the education and research of animal
species in a bid to save them from extinction.
“Kubwa was such a big presence at DZC for over a decade and we’re pleased, even in death, he is still
able to contribute to such an important project.”                                                               5
Get closer to the world's rarest animals
    As we move forward into our 86th year,
    we’re building upon our commitments as a
    21st century zoo with the launch of a new
    conservation strategy, which is a five-year
    roadmap outlining the necessary steps to
    achieve a series of ambitious conservation
    projects, helping to protect the world’s
    rarest animals.

Get closer to the world's rarest animals
Through our new strategy we hope to........                                           Six strategy goals
INSPIRE - by connecting our 300,000 annual visitors to the
natural world as well as highlighting native habitats and species.                         Conservation              Education &
                                                                                          Based Research
EMPOWER - by enabling staff and visitors to act positively and
make a change for nature and conservation.
PROTECT - by supporting conservation locally and                                Staff
                                                                                                                     Inspire        Breeding
internationally through facilitation, partnerships, action and              Development                                              Healthy
leading by example.
We will achieve this through six strategy goals

– Conservation Partnership (P)                                                              Conservation             Sustainable
                                                                                              Partners                 Practice

- Breeding Healthy Populations (I)
- Conservation-Based Research (E)
- Education & Behaviour Change (I) (E)
- Staff Development (E)
– Sustainable Practise (P)

                                                 And we’ve already got to work…
                                                 We’ve created new and exciting education activities and
                                                 workshops for the 18,000 learners that attend each year
                                                 on school visits, as well as strengthening our partnership
                                                 with local colleges and universities and we’re in the
                                                 planning stage for a new visitor engagement and
                                                 education centre which will enable us to welcome
                                                 more learners on site.
                                                 Our native species management plan is currently in
                                                 development, which will help ensure our site is the best
                                                 possible home for native wildlife.
                                                 And we’re ever-growing our contributions to overseas
                                                 conservation projects who are helping create a sustainable
                                                 future for wildlife in their native areas.
                                                 Last year alone was the largest financial commitment to
                                                 field conservation we’ve ever made, donating around
                                                 £40,000 to in-situ projects across the globe.
                                                 So where in the world are we supporting…
 New supported project for 2023, find out more
 in the Summer edition of ZooNooz!

Get closer to the world's rarest animals
DZC joins call for an end to red tape
hampering conservation
Love might be in the air for our newest breeding pair, Arctic foxes,
Tommy and Grace, but red tape is making animal conservation
programmes really difficult at the moment.
We’ve joined over 75 other conservation
organisations in an open letter, issued to
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, to call on the
British Government to negotiate with the
European Commission and enable the
transfer of zoo animals between Britain
and the EU.

Since leaving the EU, zoo animal transfers
have plummeted by 85 per cent and transfers
are down from 1,400 transfers per year, to
just over 200.

Here at Dudley Zoo and Castle, we’ve
seen a number of animal transfers affected
due to long processing times of necessary
paperwork and documentation post Brexit.

And DZC Curator Richard Brown, who manages the black lemur European Endangered Species
Programme (EEP) and International Studbook (ISB), making recommendations about which
lemurs are suitable for exchanges or breeding, has also felt a direct impact of the red tape, with
recommended moves out of the UK proving challenging.

Maintaining carefully managed healthy populations of species is vitally important for the
long-term survival of so many endangered species across Europe, with these delays only
threatening their future.

BIAZA, the British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums, has been working with officials to
resolve the issues so that its members can continue contributing fully to international breeding
programmes. However, without an agreement between Britain and the EU that removes
unnecessary red tape, the number of animal transfers will never reach the levels seen before
the UK’s exit from the EU.

BIAZA CEO, Dr Jo Judge, said: “Government has not replaced the framework that lets zoo
animals move easily between Britain and the EU. The red tape swamp has made it extremely
difficult for zoos and aquariums to fully partake in the international conservation programmes
that are so important to many species.”

Get closer to the world's rarest animals
Curator Richard Brown pictured with Black Lemurs which are part of the
  European Endangered Species Programme.

“We are facing a biodiversity crisis and need to be coming together more than ever to
save species from extinction.”

Species that are extinct in the wild are completely reliant on breeding programmes to survive
and animals born in zoos require close international cooperation to ensure a species can
thrive as a vital back-up to declining wild populations.

The BIAZA campaign calls for the negotiation of an EU-UK Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)
agreement which would enable more zoo and aquarium species to be moved as part of
vital conservation breeding programmes.

Get closer to the world's rarest animals
Nooz in Focus
     Josie and Kira obviously thought
     their tea tasted better from each
     other’s troughs this day!
     In addition to daily leafy browse, our
     girls also tuck into bran and oats, as
     well as carrots, apples, banana and
     cabbage. Work is progressing well
     on the new giraffe paddock – make                                               Can you help us by donating potted
     sure to check the next ZooNooz for                                              or rooted bamboo for our new red
     more updates!                                                                   panda exhibit?
                                                                                     A large portion of the red panda diet
                                                                                     consists of bamboo and we’d like to
                juvenile Lin
Button, our
                                                                                     use any donations to build up our
                 h, has now co
two-toed slot
                                                                                     own supply on-site.
off mum, Flo
                                                                                     Other animals who are fans of the
        h ot o w as when keeper                                                      tasty green leaves include our
This p                           se lf
                  ing all be her                                                     chimpanzees, tapirs and giraffe.
 found her sitt                 y fi rst
                  x for the ver                                                      If anyone has any potted or rooted
 in the nest bo
                   tucking into            Alpha male gelada, Ebano, has             bamboo and are able to deliver,
  time, happily
  breakfast.                               been showing off his red chest patch,     donations can be dropped off at the
                   looks pretty                                                      Safari Gift Shop.
   We think she                   nd       which earns them the species
                   her newly-fou           nickname ‘bleeding heart baboon’.
   chuffed with
                    !                      As the only grass-grazing primate         And speaking of red pandas, our one
                                           in the world, who move around             year-old female, Ember, has topped
                                           using a shuffle gait, geladas can’t       the list of DZC’s most adopted
                                           display their reproductive status         animal of 2022! She only joined us
                                           via their bottoms like other primate      last spring, but has already amassed
                                           species, hence this hairless              a legion of fans, resulting in her
                                           heart-shaped area on their chest,         knocking both of our Linne’s
                                           which indicates the individual’s          two-toed sloths off the top spot
                                           hormone levels.                           over the festive season!
                                            The brighter red in colour it is
                                            shows they’re looking for love!

          Our baby orangutans, Jim and
          Joe, are getting more and more
          confident and independent each day
          and we love these photos taken by
         DZC visitor Maureen Allen, of them
         getting to grips with the climbing
         frames and webbing in the outdoor
         They’re now at the age when they’re
         starting to venture away from Jazz
         to go and explore, but she’s always
         got a close eye on them!
                                                                                     If you haven’t been
                                                                                                          on site to spot
                                                                                    her yet, say hello to
                                                                                                           Loki, our
                                                                                    newest addition in
                                                                                                         the Small
                                                                                    Primate House.
                                                                                    The six-year-old fem
                                                                                                         ale white-faced
                                                                                    Saki monkey, on the
                                                                                                         left of the photo,
                                                                                   has arrived from Dr
                                                                                                        usillas Park in
                                                                                   East Sussex to pair wi
                                                                                                           th our resident
                                                                                   male, 21-year-old Ri
                                                                                   And keepers have re
                                                                                                        ported they’ve
                                                                                   been getting on very
Spring is a busy season for
  our feathered friends.
Over the coming season they’re going to be finding a mate and building nests in readiness
to raise their young over the warmer months and our gardens, parks and green spaces
start coming alive with the sound of their beautiful birdsong!

We have hundreds of native birds living in and around our 40-acre site all year round and
Upper Primates Keeper, Emma Dingley, is helping us conserve them through bird ringing.

Emma, who is a licensed bird ringer with Belvide ringing group, volunteers her time for the
early morning activity, where she catches birds in mist nets in off-show areas, before
recording information including their weight and sex.

Amongst other birds, during her latest ringing session, she caught this stunning nuthatch
and gorgeous goldfinch.

After recording their specific details, she then rings them with a small identification tag on
their leg, which will allow us to track them if they’re caught in the future.

  How can we look after our garden birds during the spring?
  Birds need a lot of energy during the coming months, so continue feeding them good
  quality seed mixes and mealworms.

  Avoid food waste by feeding bruised or excess fruit, such as apples, pears, berries
  and grapes to birds.

  And as the weather gets warmer, avoid using peanuts, fat and bread.

  Find out more about feathered friends by visiting the RSPB – or the British Trust for Ornithology -

       Nuthatch                 Goldfinch

                                                               Upper Primates Keeper
                                                               Emma Dingly pictured
                                                               holding a Great Tit.
             STAT MPETITION
          TO G R A P H I C C O
        Calling all budding photographers
     Following the success of last year’s DZC photography
     calendar competition, we’re now on the hunt for a
     fabulous animal image to put on a variety of stationery
     items for the Safari Shop!

     We’re asking zoo visitors to submit up to two portrait
     animal photos from their visit over the last 12 months
     and our judges will pick their favourite to feature on a
     new stationery range, including a notepad, acrylic
     keyring, magnet, book mark and eraser, which will be
     on sale in time for the summer holidays.

     The competition is open to all ages, but there’s not long
     to apply, as the closing date is Sunday, April 30.

     Happy snapping!


     • The competition is open to all ages.
     • The closing date is 30 April 2023.
     • Entries must be emailed to
     • Files must be saved as a JPEG in the entrant’s name.
     • Up to two entries per person.
     • Files must be at least 1MB in size.
     • Images must be portrait.
     • There must not be people in the photo.
     • Images must be natural. They may be enhanced to
       make it brighter or clearer, but not manipulated in any way.
     • No watermarks or signatures should be included on the image.
     • Images must have been taken within the last 12 months.
     • The photographer retains copyright.
     • By submitting your images to the competition, you consent
       to them being used across all DZC platforms (print, digital
       and social media).

p I N TO S P R I N G !
 put a ste               i Gift Shop
                            o u r S a far
Retail th e r a p y f r o m
                          DZC Branded
     A Jog in the
   park or BE COOL
      in the gym

                                                               Dudley T
                           Dudley Tiger Hoodie                   Hawaiiganer Hoodie
 Dudley Tiger Hoodie            Hot Pink                            £32.99Blue
       Mocha                     £32.99                         100% Co
                              100% Cotton                                 tton
   100% Cotton

                                                             bags for life
                                  oval jute bag

               Recycled                            Snake
               beakers                            Jute bag
                £9.99                              £4.00

                t o p u r ch a s e o nline
  All available
              visit www.dud                                                           13
cute c u d d l i e s

                                                  Cassowary £12.99
                 Rainbow Boa £15.99



                         Axolotl £14.99

                                purchase online
14         All available to
We’re offering the chance for visitors
to discover more about Dudley Castle
with five after-hours talk and tours.
Led by former Castle Keeper, Adrian
Durkin, each two-hour event will
focus on a different theme relating
to the 11th century castle’s history.
Tuesday 30th May – Medieval Knights
Friday 30th June – Bows & Bangs              Tickets for the evenings which all start at 6.30pm, cost £5 for adults
Wednesday 26th July – English Civil War      and £2.50 for children aged (8-15yrs)
Wednesday 16th August – Elizabethan Era      A family ticket for two adults and two children is priced £12 and
Wednesday 30th August – Medieval Times       all All funds raised from these events will go towards the ongoing
                                             upkeep and restoration if the Castle.

 WAKE UPHaveTHE            ZOO
             you ever wondered what it’s
                                                 like to wake up some of the rarest
                                                 animals in the world at one of the
                                                 country’s busiest zoos?
                                                 Sunday 7th May 2023 I Sunday 10th September 2023
                                                 We are offering an early morning guided tour giving visitors the opportunity
                                                 to go behind the scenes and get close to a variety of exotic animals.
                                                 Follow the Keepers as they go about their daily duties of feeding, cleaning
                                                 and caring for some of the rarest animals in the world and learn about the
                                                 vital conservation work carried out at the award winning tourist attraction.
                                                 Animals vary and subject to change.
                                                 Wake up the Zoo tour lasts approx. 2 hours (starting at 8.45 am) and you are
                                                 welcome to spend the remainder of the day on the Zoo at your leisure.
                                                 Cost: £49.50 per adult and £39.50 per child (minimum 8 years)
                                                 including Zoo admission.
                                                 Finish your tour with a breakfast bap
                                                 and hot drink in our Queen Mary
                                                 Restaurant, included in the cost..

 BOOK ONLINE WWW.DUDLEYZOO.ORG.UK                                                                                               15
 or call 01384 215313 LIMITED AVAILABILITY
Our annual Under                                                                                             Just weeks after stepping off the stage,
                                                                                                              Wolverhampton Grand Theatre has announced
 5’s day is back!                                                                                             popular panto pair, Tam Ryan and Ian Adams,
                                                                                                              will be returning for this year’s festive
                                                                                                  28th and
                                                                                                THURSDAY      pantomime, Snow White, which DZC is once
UNDER 5’S                                                                                        29th JUNE
                                                                                                              again sponsoring!
                                                                                                              And they’ll also be joined by popular
                                                                                                              CBeebies Presenter and local
                                                                                                              Kingswinford girl, Evie Pickerill, who
                                                                                                              is returning to the title role of Snow
                                                                                                              White, after wowing audiences as
                                                                                                              Cinderella in 2021.
• Meet Monty the Monkey & Jambi
                                                                                                              We’re delighted to have extended
  the Tiger                                                                                                   our partnership with the attraction
* Goody Bags                                                                                                  for another two years and we’re
• Craft Activities                                                                                            already looking forward to this
* Tombola                                                                                                     year’s Christmas show, which is
• Zoo Admission                                                                                               also being written by Tam and
                                                                                                                                                              Ian Adams &
• Minibeasts Encounters                                                                                       Ian, promising laughs aplenty!              Tam Ryan feeding
                                                                                                                                                          nectar to lorikeets
• Flip/Dippy the Clown                                                                                        Chief Executive and Artistic Director of    in lorikeet lookout
* Face Painting                                                                                               Wolverhampton Grand, Adrian
* Extra charges apply                                                                                         Jackson said: “We are delighted to
                                                                                                              welcome Tam, Ian and Evie back this year.
                                                                                                              Evie is an incredibly talented performer
                                                                                                              and was a huge hit with our audiences –
BOOK ONLINE NOW                                                                                               she truly makes a pantomime magical.
                                                                                                              Snow White promises to be our most                                                                                          exciting pantomime yet. We are busy

or call 01384 215313
                                                                                                              preparing many surprises that have
                                                                                                              never before been seen in a
                                                                                                              Wolverhampton pantomime and

                                                                                                              together Tam Ryan and Ian Adams
                                                                                                              are already working on a fabulously
                                                                                                              funny script. We are commissioning
                                                                                                              brand new sets and costumes to

                                                                                                              create a lavish family pantomime
                                                                                                              that will be the unmissable festive
                                                                                                              event this Christmas!”

                                                                                                              Tickets for Snow White are already on sale at
                                                                                                     with further casting
                                                                                                              set to be announced soon.

   CALLING ALL BEAVERS                                                                                       Join us for a fun-filled day at Dudley Zoo & Castle &
                                                                                                             learn about some of the world’s rarest animals
         & CUBS!
                                                                                                             as you go!
                                                                                                             Activities include:
  DISCOVERY DAYS                                                                                             • Guided Zoo Tour
                                                                                                             • Environment Workshop
                                                                                                             • Self-led Trail around the Zoo
                                                                                                                                                  3202 YLUJ

      SATURDAY 8TH & 15TH
           JULY 2023
                                                                                                                 £8.00 PER CHILD
                                                                                                                 £9.00 PER ADULT
                                                                                                                1 free Adult admitted with
                                                                                                                 every 7 paying children.
  Details are correct at time of going to press. We reserve the right to close parts of the Zoo and Castle
  as necessary. Please call prior to visiting. Dudley Zoo and Castle cannot be held responsible for any
                                                                                                              Minimum of 10 paying children.              GIRL GUIDES & SCOUTS
  error, subsequent alterations or inconveniences arising therefrom.
              BOOK ONLINE NOW or call 01384 215313
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