Generative Multi-hop Retrieval

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Generative Multi-hop Retrieval

                                                                 Hyunji Lee                                       Sohee Yang
                                                                  KAIST AI                                         KAIST AI

                                                                  Hanseok Oh                                   Minjoon Seo
arXiv:2204.13596v2 [cs.IR] 25 May 2022

                                                                   KAIST AI                                     KAIST AI

                                                      Multi-hop retrieval is the task of retrieving a series of multiple documents that
                                                      together provide sufficient evidence to answer a natural language query. A com-
                                                      mon practice for text retrieval is to use an encoder to map the documents and the
                                                      query to a common vector space and perform a nearest neighbor search (NNS);
                                                      multi-hop retrieval also often adopts the same paradigm, usually with a modifica-
                                                      tion of iteratively reformulating the query vector so that it can retrieve different
                                                      documents at each hop. However, the inherent limitations of such a bi-encoder
                                                      approach worsen in the multi-hop setting. As the number of hops increases, the
                                                      reformulated query increasingly depends on the documents retrieved in its previous
                                                      hops, which further tightens the embedding bottleneck of the query vector and
                                                      becomes more prone to error propagation. In this paper, we focus on alleviating
                                                      these limitations of the bi-encoder approach in multi-hop settings by formulating
                                                      the problem in a fully generative way. We propose an encoder-decoder model
                                                      that performs multi-hop retrieval by simply generating the entire text sequences
                                                      of the retrieval targets, which means the query and the documents interact in the
                                                      language model’s parametric space rather than L2 or inner product space as in
                                                      the bi-encoder approach. Our approach, Generative Multi-hop Retrieval (GMR),
                                                      consistently achieves comparable or higher performance than bi-encoder models in
                                                      five datasets while demonstrating superior GPU memory and storage footprint.1

                                         1    Introduction
                                         Finding the relevant knowledge from a massive collection of information is often formulated as a text
                                         retrieval problem. A large portion of the text retrieval literature focuses on finding the single most
                                         relevant paragraph or document (i.e., no hop) to the given query[1–3]. When we cannot answer a
                                         query with a single document, the task is often formulated as a multi-hop retrieval problem, where
                                         one needs to retrieve a series of multiple documents that together provide sufficient evidence to
                                         answer the query [4–6]. For example, to answer the question “Where did the form of music played by
                                         Die Rhöner Säuwäntzt originate?” (Figure 1), we first need to retrieve the form of music played by
                                         Die Rhöner Säuwäntzt and then where the form originated from2 .
                                         Both no-hop and multi-hop retrieval tasks are often approached by encoding both the query and
                                         the retrieval sequences to a common vector space and then finding the sequence whose embedding
                                         is closest to that of the query. This bi-encoder approach for retrieval is often considered a de
                                         facto standard, where heavy computations such as obtaining the dense embeddings of the retrieval
                                             1 We    will make our code and configurations publicly available.
                                             2 See   Appendix A.1 for more examples of multi-hop retrieval tasks.

                                         Preprint. Under review.
Bi-Encoder Retrieval (BE)                                         Generative Multi-hop Retrieval (GMR)

                               “Skif e is a music genre with
                              blues … Originating as a term
                                  in the United States”
                                                                                                                                                         Pre x Tree
                                                                     Dense Corpus Index
                               “Die Rhöner Säuwäntzt are
                               a Skif e-Bluesband … playing                                           Skif e        is      a      music   …                     Root
                                        Skif e-Blues”       MIPS

                                        Dense Query
                                                                     Dense   Passage                    Die      Rhöner     Säuwäntz       …               Die        …   Skif e
                                                                      Dense Retrieval
                                          Vector                          Vector
                                                                     Sequence Vector
                                                                                                                                                  Rhöner         Mile
                                                                                                                   GMR                                            .
                                           Query                     Retrieval Sequence                                                                           .
                                                                                                              Encoder-Decoder                                     .
                                          Encoder                          Encoder                                                               Säuwäntzt
                                                                                                                                                     .                    music
                                            Query                         Passage
                                                                    Retrieval Sequence
                                                                                                                   Query                                               .

                                     Hop1               “Where did the form of music played by Die Rhöner Säuwäntzt originate?”

                                                                                                                                               Hop1 Output
                                     Hop2               “Where did the form of music played by Die Rhöner Säuwäntzt originate?
                                                        Die Rhöner Säuwäntzt are a Skif e-Bluesband … playing Skif e-Blues”                    Hop2 Output

                                     Hop3               “Where did the form of music played by Die Rhöner Säuwäntzt originate?
                                                         Die Rhöner Säuwäntzt are a Skif e-Bluesband … playing Skif e-Blues
                                                    Skif e is a music genre with blues … Originating as a term in the United States”


Figure 1: Comparison  between bi-encoder and Generative Multi-hop Retrieval (GMR) for multi-hop retrieval.
During the first hop retrieval of GMR, to generate the second token, Rhöner, it finds the potential next tokens
([Rhöner, Miller]) by searching through the prefix tree with the previously generated tokens. We mask out tokens
that are not in the potential next tokens and find the token with the maximum score from unmasked tokens,
which in this example is Säuwäntzt. Finally, when it retrieves the  token, the generation ends, and the
generated output is the retrieval sequence of the query. In second hop retrieval, it adds the retrieved sequence at
the end of the query, so that the accumulated query is used as the input query of the second hop.

sequences in the corpus can be done offline, and one can search over a large number of items with low
latency through nearest neighbor search (NNS) or maximum inner product search (MIPS) [3, 1, 7–11].
While such a bi-encoder approach performs well on many retrieval tasks, it has also shown to suffer
from information loss when encoding a long query or document into a fixed-size embedding [12, 2].
The problem becomes even more critical in multi-hop retrieval as previously retrieved items are
appended to the query while iterating through multiple hops. The reformulated query gets longer as
the number of hops increases, and therefore the query embedding gradually gets incapable to contain
the entire information.
In this paper, we argue that a fully generative approach to multi-hop retrieval may be the solution. We
propose Generative Multi-hop Retrieval (GMR), an encoder-decoder model that attempts to memorize
the entire target corpus in a generative manner and retrieves the most relevant sequence from the
corpus by generating the entire sequence with the aid of constrained decoding. By interacting in
the whole parametric space of the model trained on the target corpus during the retrieval process,
GMR overcomes the bottleneck problem of the bi-encoder approach that can only operate on L2
or inner product space (Figure 1). Earlier work in generative retrieval [13, 2, 14] performs retrieval
by generating the entity or the document id that represents the target paragraph or document; GMR
instead generates the entire text of the target paragraph, which we believe is more suitable for multi-
hop retrieval that requires modeling the interaction between longer queries and more fine-grained text
The main contributions of our paper are that:

  • We show the inherent limitation of bi-encoder retrieval in multi-hop retrieval tasks: its perfor-
    mance decreases as the number of hops increases and is vulnerable to error propagation.
  • We show that Generative Multi-hop Retrieval (GMR) is robust in solving multi-hop retrieval
    tasks, performing higher or comparable on five datasets. It is especially strong in multi-hop
    retrieval settings close to real-world scenarios and datasets with a low unseen rate.
  • We introduce multi-hop memorization which effectively memorizes the target corpus and show
    that it improves the performance of GMR.

Given that generative retrieval shows high performance on five datasets with high memory efficiency
compared to the traditional bi-encoder retrieval models, we suggest that generative retrieval has the
potential to be a practical alternative for not only the canonical (no-hop) text retrieval tasks as shown
in Tay et al. [13], Bevilacqua et al. [14] but also for multi-hop retrieval tasks as explored in this work.

2    Related Work
Multi-hop Retrieval As the importance of multi-hop retrieval increases, it has been actively
studied [15, 10, 16, 17]. There has been a line of previous works that assume non-textual metadata
such as knowledge bases, Wikipedia hyperlinks, or entity linking exist and leverage such metadata to
solve multi-hop retrieval tasks [16, 18–20], but they are not expandable to cases where the metadata
does not exist. Thus, another line of research focuses on a more straightforward approach of expanding
the bi-encoder architecture (showing high performance on no-hop retrieval) to multi-hop retrieval
and has shown high performance [10, 21].
While extending bi-encoder retrieval to a multi-hop task setting has shown good performance,
previous studies [12, 22] show that bi-encoder suffers from information loss when condensing the
text into a fixed-size vector. Especially in multi-hop tasks, the input text of the model gets longer as
the number of hops increases, where it is highly likely to fall into bottleneck problem as Luan et al.
[12] showed. Thus, it is worth exploring the changes in the fundamental approach to overcome the
inherent limitations of bi-encoder architecture. Our work suggests that a generative method can be an
effective alternative to the bi-encoder approach for multi-hop retrieval tasks.

Generative Retrieval Cao et al. [2] first propose a generative retrieval model, GENRE (Generative
Entity REtrieval), which achieves comparable or higher performances on entity retrieval tasks than
bi-encoder models and suggests that generative retriever cross-encodes the input and output effi-
ciently, capturing the relationship between the two without information loss due to its autoregressive
formulation. To ensure that all generated retrieval sequences are from the corpus, they perform
constrained decoding using the prefix tree. Recently, concurrent works DSI [13] and SEAL [14] show
generative retrieval methods in no-hop retrieval settings. DSI (Differentiable Search Engine) generates
structured identifiers of each corpus by clustering the contextualized embedding and experiments
NQ subset (NQ-10k, NQ-100k, and NQ-320k), showing higher performance than Sentence-T5, a
bi-encoder model. SEAL (Search Engines with Autoregressive LMs) retrieves by generating ngram
using FM index and retrieving the paragraph or document that contains the ngram. It tests on NQ and
KILT benchmarks and shows that the generative retrieval model can even outperform well-designed
bi-encoder models such as DPR [1] and GAR [23]3 . To see the effectiveness of explicitly generating
the entire retrieval sequence, we compare GMR with our re-implementation of DSI4 which we further
expand to multi-hop retrieval setting for a fair comparison.

3    Generative Multi-hop Retrieval
Multi-hop text retrieval can be defined as the task of retrieving a set of sequences from a target
corpus D given a query x. To model the relationship between the multiple target sequences, multi-
hop retrieval is often approached by iterating through multiple hops where the previously retrieved
sequences are appended to the end of the previous query and form an augmented query at each
hop [16, 10, 17, 15]. In this paper, we focus on multi-hop retrieval tasks that resemble a real-world
scenario [15]: the oracle number of hops and the correct order of retrieval sequences are not given for
each query at the inference time, and the number of oracle hops varies in a wide range.
Canonical text retrieval can be formulated as retrieving a sequence dŷ = arg maxd∈D P(d|x) given
the query x, where d ∈ D is a retrieval sequence in the target corpus D. The retrieval is considered
successful if dŷ = dy where dy is the ground truth target. On the other hand, multi-hop retrieval aims
on finding the set of sequences retrieved through k hops, Dŷ = {dyˆ1 , · · · , dyˆk }, given the query x. Here,
dyˆi is the sequence retrieved at the i-th hop conditioned on the query x and the sequences retrieved at
the previous hops, i.e., dyˆi = arg maxd∈D P(d|x, dy
quence using constrained decoding as in the right side of the Figure 1. The generation goes
over multiple hops to retrieve a set of sequences. To decide the text to retrieve, GMR uses
                 |d|     ( j)        (< j) ), the probability of generating the token d ( j) conditioned
         ˆ ) ∝ ∏ j=1 P(d |x, dy
4     Experimental Setup
4.1   Fixed and Dynamic Multi-hop Retrieval

We formulate two settings of multi-hop retrieval tasks: fixed and dynamic multi-hop retrieval settings.
Our ultimate goal of multi-hop retrieval tasks in the inference step is to retrieve a set of relevant items
when given an input query x. However, since k, the oracle number of items in a set, varies depending
on x and task, it is difficult to know the k beforehand in a real-world scenario. Therefore, due to this
limitation, in most cases, k is fixed to a certain number.
Fixed and Dynamic multi-hop retrieval setting differs by whether the retrieval process continues
till the maximum retrieval hops or stops in the middle. Fixed setting is commonly used in previous
multi-hop retrieval tasks which a model retrieves till the maximum retrieval hop. Whereas, a dynamic
setting is more applicable to solving multi-hop retrieval tasks close to a real-world scenario; rather
than iterating until the given maximum number of hops, the model itself predicts when to stop the
process by generating the special token DONE and stops in the middle. We add the algorithm of both
settings and detailed benefits of dynamic settings in Appendix A.11.

4.2   Datasets

We use five datasets with various characteristics of which we show brief descriptions below. Appendix
A.3 and Appendix A.2 show the overall statistics, datasets examples, and detailed description of the
train and test settings of each dataset.
HotpotQA Yang et al. [4] propose an open domain multi-hop question answering dataset, which
requires seeing multiple Wikipedia passages through logical reasoning or sequential processing. The
number of retrieval sequences is fixed to two.
Entailment TreeBank (EntailBank) Dalvi et al. [6] propose a reasoning tree construction task
where it forms a tree with the hypothesis as the root node and evidence sentences are leaf nodes. We
experiment on the leaf node retrieval of Task3: retrieval of leaf nodes (sentence) from the corpus
given a question and an answer as the input. We call the dataset EntailBank in short.
StrategyQA Geva et al. [24] propose a multi-hop open-domain question answering dataset where
the reasoning steps are implicit in the question, and thus relevant strategies are required to answer the
question. Given a question, the model retrieves the evidence sentences from the corpus.
RuleTaker-Open Clark et al. [25] propose a synthetic rule-based dataset to measure the model’s
reasoning ability over the rules expressed in natural language. Based on the released dataset, we
create a new task, RuleTaker-Open, to make the task close to a real-world setting. Given a query, the
model retrieves nodes of the graph, which are sentences from the corpus, and the nodes are connected
in order to construct a graph.
Explagraphs-Open Saha et al. [26] propose a generative and structured commonsense-reasoning task.
We reformulate the task to open-domain retrieval setting and name it Explagraphs-Open, considering
a single path (subject-relation-object) as a retrieval sequence.

4.3   Bi-Encoder Retrieval Models

For each dataset, we compare the results with a bi-encoder retrieval model as a baseline. For HotpotQA
dataset, we use MDR which is a widely used bi-encoder retrieval model for the corresponding dataset.
For the rest of the datasets, we compare with Sentence-T5 (ST5), a bi-encoder retrieval model using
T5 [27], to use the same number of parameters and initial checkpoint with GMR.
MDR Xiong et al. [10] propose an iterative bi-encoder retrieval model, MDR, which extends DPR to
a multi-step setting.
ST5 ST5 is an encoder-decoder model [28]7 that uses the first decoder output as the sequence
embedding. It serves as the base architecture of our baseline bi-encoder to compare the performance
with GMR using the same number of parameters and initial pre-trained checkpoint.
Baseline Bi-Encoder Retriever (BE) In order to compare the multi-step generative retrieval to a
bi-encoder retrieval, we create a simple counterpart such that the bi-encoder retrieval can be as well
adapted to fixed multi-step and dynamic multi-step retrieval tasks. For fixed multi-step retrieval, we
train the bi-encoder (BE) to maximize P(dyi |x, dy
Table 1: Retrieval sequence recall rate (R@5) of fixed multi-step retrieval task and F1 score (F1@5, F1@10, F1@20 where each
number indicates the maximum retrieval step) of dynamic setup on the test set. We compare results between GMR and BE (ST5)
where GMR outperforms over BE for all three datasets. GMRL means GMR with LM memorization and GMRM means GMR with
Multi-hop memorization. The bold text shows the best score of the dataset.
                             EntailTree                     StrategyQA                         Explagraph-Open

                      BE      GMR         GMRL   BE      GMR      GMRL      GMRM       BE     GMR      GMRL       GMRM

      Fixed R@5       31.5    53.6        54.3   37.4    44.9      45.5      45.6      27.0    32.9      32.4      34.6
    Dynamic F1@5      24.9    48.2        47.4   38.1    41.9      42.6      43.1      25.0    35.5      35.7      36.2
    Dynamic F1@10     19.4    52.1        51.7   36.9    44.3      45.0      45.2      24.6    40.0      40.8      42.1
    Dynamic F1@20     16.9    52.5        52.2   36.5    46.6      47.1      47.9      25.4    41.5      41.3      42.6

in MDR [10]. For dynamic multi-step retrieval, we add the special single-token text DONE to the
corpus as done in GMR. When training the model, one extra retrieval step is added at the end as well;
at the point when the retriever retrieves all the target texts, the model has to retrieve DONE text using
MIPS. At inference, the model retrieves texts until it retrieves the special token or the number of
retrieval reaches the predefined maximum retrieval step. Details are in Appendix A.6.

4.4     Evaluation Metric

In a fixed multi-hop retrieval setting, for HotpotQA, we calculate retrieval sequence recall following
the evaluation metric of MDR [10]. For multi-hop datasets with varying numbers of ground truth
retrieval steps (Explagraphs-Open, EntailBank, and StrategyQA), we first calculate the retrieval
sequence recall rate (R@k) of each query and average over the number of queries [6, 26]. Furthermore,
in a dynamic multi-hop retrieval setting, since the number of predicted retrieval sequences varies,
we measure the retrieval sequence F1 score (F1@k) 8 . We calculate the F1 score by retrieving k
sequences from the target corpus and removing null elements. For RuleTaker-Open, we newly define
an evaluation metric (Appendix A.4) that measures the graph construction success rate since we do
not have the information on ground truth retrieval sequences.

5     Experimental Results

In Section 5.1, we compare the results of GMR and bi-encoder models in fixed and dynamic settings
with five different datasets. In Section 5.2, we show the limitations of bi-encoder retrieval models,
discuss the effect of unseen rate in GMR, and show GMR’s efficiency on storage and inference time.

5.1     Results

Results of Bi-Encoder Retriever and GMR We compare results between bi-encoder and GMR
in fixed and dynamic multi-hop retrieval settings. Table 1 shows the overall performance of the
bi-encoder baseline (BE) and GMR variants on three datasets in fixed and dynamic multi-hop retrieval
settings. We further compare results between our base model, the generative multi-hop retrieval
model (GMR), and the base model with additional new memorization methods such as multi-hop
memorization (GMRM ) and LM memorization (GMRL ). For all three datasets, GMR shows a higher
retrieval sequence recall rate of top-5 in a fixed setting and a higher retrieval sequence F1 score in a
dynamic setting than bi-encoder models. Also, in most cases, both LM memorization and multi-hop
memorization methods help on improving the performance of GMR.
Table 2 compares the result between GMR and MDR [10] in HotpotQA dataset. While the score of
GMR is lower than that of MDR [10], its score is comparable to that of MDR- (a variant of MDR
without linked negative, memory bank, and shared encoder). One reason why the performance of
GMR is similar to MDR-, not MDR, would be that the techniques such as hard negative training
or memory bank are nontrivial to be applied to the generative retrieval of GMR; this suggests
an important further direction to close the gap. Also, since the HotpotQA dataset is fixed to two-
     8 To
        compare performance between two settings, we also evaluate the retrieval sequence F1 score of fixed
conditional retrieval task following dynamic conditional retrieval but by fixing the number of retrieval step.

Table 3: Retrieval sequence recall rate (R@5) of fixed multi-hop re-
                                                            trieval task on test set. We compare results between GMR and DSI* to
Table 2: Retrieval sequence recall rate of HotpotQA offi-
                                                            show effectiveness of explicitly generating the entire sequence in multi-
cial full-wiki dev set. Scores of DPR, MDR- and MDR
                                                            hop retrieval task. GMR outperforms both DSI* models on all three
are from Table 3 of Xiong et al. [10]. MDR- indicates a
variant of MDR without linked negatives, memory bank,
and shared encoder.                                           Model             EntailTree       StrategyQA        Explagraphs-Open
    Method          Top-2      Top-10      Top-20             atomic-DSI*           28.0              0.0                   23.4
    DPR              25.2       45.4        52.1              naive-DSI*            7.7               0.0                   8.6
    MDR-             59.9       70.6        73.1              fix-GMR               53.6              44.9                  32.9
    MDR              65.9       77.5        80.2

    fix-GMR          57.7       68.8        73.9                a Since DSI is not open-sourced, we reproduced the model ourself
    fix-GMRL         55.0       65.3        71.4            which is DSI* in this table. We show NQ results of DSI* in Appendix
                                                            A.12. We couldn’t reproduce DSI-semantic so we skip the result of it.
                                                            We plan to update the table when the official code of DSI is released.

hop, which is relatively short, bi-encoder models suffer less from bottleneck and error propagation
problems compared to other datasets that necessitate a larger number of hops.
By analyzing the result of the GMR and BE on HotpotQA and RuleTaker-Open, it can be seen that
the prediction results of the two retrieval models have different characteristics. When comparing the
top-2 prediction of GMR and MDR on HotpotQA9 , in most cases MDR gets wrong by failing to
retrieve the second hop target even though the first hop prediction is correct, whereas GMR mostly
gets wrong when the first-hop target is not explicitly expressed in the query. In the RuleTaker-Open
dataset, where the task is to construct a reasoning graph by dynamic retrieval setting, the success
rate10 of GMR and GMRM on constructing the reasoning graph outperforms BE by 300% and 385%
respectively. Also, GMR constructs more complex and diverse reasoning graphs by the retrieval
process, suggesting that GMR is strong at retrieving highly structured items such as reasoning chains
and graph relations. Moreover, the rate that the bi-encoder misses the DONE token, which indicates
the retriever to stop the iteration, is more than twice as high as that of GMR showing that GMR is
good at capturing when to stop thus robust on the dynamic setting.

Importance of Explicit Generation in Multi-hop Retrieval Task GMR retrieves a sequence by
explicitly generating the entire retrieval sequence using constrained decoding, unlike the previous
generative retrieval methods in order for the retrieval model to grasp and understand the relationship
between the input query and retrieval sequences well. Since our approach focuses on retrieval
sequences with granularity smaller than page level so that we can add previously retrieved sequences
to an input query, Cao et al. [2] which is a previous work that retrieves by generating an entity(title
of a page) is not directly applicable to such fine-grained multi-hop setting. Therefore, we compare
our model with our replication of DSI [13]11 which is a concurrent work that assigns an id for all
corpus and retrieves relevant documents by generating an id. We expand DSI which experiments
only on no-hop settings to multi-hop settings by retrieving an id of a relevant document and iterating
by adding the text of the id at the end of the input query as in GMR. From Table 3, we can see that
GMR outperforms DSI on all three datasets showing the benefit of generating the entire sequence in
multi-hop retrieval task. DSI especially shows a low recall score in StrategyQA, which has more than
four times the corpus set than the other two. Such tendency of the performance degradation as the
size of the target corpus increases can also be seen in the DSI paper by comparing the result between
NQ-10k and NQ-320k. These results suggest the difficulty of expanding to a larger corpus set in DSI
unlike GMR.

    9 Details in Appendix A.9
   10 F1 cannot be calculated on RuleTaker-Open because the ground-truth retrieval sequence is not known at
each step. See Appendix A.4 for details of RuleTaker-Open and the results.
   11 Of the three proposed methods from DSI, we did not report the Semantic String Docid since we could not
reproduce the result of Hits@1 and Hits@10. In contrast, we show better performance than in the original paper
in Atomic Docid (atomic-DSI*) and comparable performance on Naive String Docid (naive-DSI*). We show
details and the NQ result of our replicated DSI in Appendix A.12.

         EntailBank        Explagraphs-Open
                                                         StrategyQA                                  Minor                 Major
50                        70
                                                                                                BE       GMR          BE       GMR
40                        65
30                        60                                                           Str    -23.6%     -1.7%      -71.2%     -20.7%
20                                                                                    Exp     -46.9%     -49.3%     -91.1%     -75.8%
                          50                    35
                          45                    30
                                                                                      Ent     -14.0%     -11.1%     -55.1%     -39.6%
     0   2    4   6   8        0   2   4   6         0    1   2   3   4       Table 4: Effect on error propagation (Equation 5.2) of bi-
Figure 2: Hop-R@5oracle (y-axis) over number of hops (x-axis) in the          encoder model (BE) and GMR on three datasets: StrategyQA(Str),
figure. The red line and the black line each show performance of the          Explagraphs-Open(Exp), and EntailBank(Ent). We test on two cases
bi-encoder model (ST5) and GMR. GMR shows relatively consistent               where we replace previous retrieval sequence with BM25(minor) and
performance over all numbers of conditions in the conditional query.          by randomly sampling a sequence from corpus(major). Numbers in
For all three datasets, we can see that performance of the bi-encoder         the table indicates how much the performance degrades when error
tends to degrade as the number of hops increases after a certain thresh-      occurs in previous hop compared to a setup when there are no such
old value.                                                                    error.

5.2          Analysis

Limitation of Bi-Encoder Retrieval Models As shown in several previous works [2, 12, 22],
bi-encoder approaches have an inherent limitation that their retrieval performance decreases in
proportion to the dimension of the fixed-size embedding to perform the search. Luan et al. [12]
especially show that the performance decreases more severely as the length of the encoded sequence
gets longer. In our work, we further investigate such bottleneck of bi-encoder in multi-hop retrieval
task and show that (1) bottleneck problem: performance of bi-encoder model consistently decreases
as the number of hops increases (the number of sequences added to initial input query increases),
and that (2) error propagation: the bi-encoder approach is more vulnerable to error propagation than
generative retrieval approach, which we show by several experiments simulating the case where a
retriever fails to retrieve the ground truth sequence at the previous hop.
For the ease of analysis, we compare the performance of bi-encoder retriever (ST5) and generative
retriever (GMR) on three datasets under the setting where we assume that a ground-truth order of the
sequences to retrieve exists and the goal is to retrieve the one gold target sequence dyi of each i-th
hop. The performance is measured as hop-R@5oracle = 1{dyi ∈ top-5d∈D P(d|x, dy
truth retrieval target at the i-th hop. We divide the level of severity of the mistake into two: (1) when a
minor error occurs and (2) when a major error occurs at the previous hop. For the former, we find the
non-oracle but most relevant sequence from the corpus set using BM25 and use it as derrori−1 . For the
latter, we randomly sample a sequence from the corpus set and use it as derrori−1 .
The effect of error propagation is measured as the relative drop rate of hop-R@5 from the ora-
cle setup, hop-R@5oracle = 1{dyi ∈ top-5d∈D P(d|x, dy
to achieve a 40% inference time reduction with respect to ST5 (FP32) with the same number of
parameters. Note that in the absence of the optimization process, GMR is 24.6 times slower than
ST5, signifying the importance of early stopping. GMR saves an average of 70.2% on total storage
footprint (model parameters + index) compared to MDR which further increases to 79.1% saving
in early stopping setting by constructing index till the early stopping point. See Appendix A.10 for
detailed information.
In this paper, we show that the bi-encoder model has inherent limitations in multi-hop retrieval
in that the bottleneck problem becomes a severe problem as the number of hops increases and is
more susceptible to error propagation. We present GMR, an encoder-decoder model that performs
retrieval by generating the entire target sequences with the aid of constrained decoding, which is
generally more robust than bi-encoder models as it achieves higher or comparable performance in five
multi-hop retrieval datasets. We also introduce two corpus memorization methods, LM memorization
and multi-hop memorization, to further improve GMR’s performance. Our experimental results
demonstrate that a well-designed generative approach for multi-hop retrieval is highly competitive
with respect to bi-encoder methods and deserves further explorations in the community.

Limitations and Future Work As shown in Table 2, GMR is still not as good as the best bi-
encoder retrieval system (MDR) for HotpotQA. We suspect that there are largely two reasons: first,
HotpotQA has exactly two hops, whereas GMR seems to have comparative advantages when the
number of hops is large and dynamic; second, bi-encoder retrieval is a relatively mature research area,
whereas generative retrieval is quite new and the community is yet to discover advanced techniques
that fully leverage it.

 [1] Vladimir Karpukhin, Barlas Oguz, Sewon Min, Patrick Lewis, Ledell Wu, Sergey Edunov,
     Danqi Chen, and Wen-tau Yih. Dense passage retrieval for open-domain question answering.
     In EMNLP, 2020.

 [2] Nicola De Cao, Gautier Izacard, Sebastian Riedel, and Fabio Petroni. Autoregressive entity
     retrieval. In ICLR, 2021.

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Table 5: Cases where multi-hop retrieval is necessary.

 Input                                            Output

                                                  Output 1

                                                   Die Rhöner Säuwäntzt  Die Rhöner Säuwäntzt are a Skiffle-Bluesband
                                                  from Eichenzell-Lütter in Hessen, Germany. The line-up consists of Martin Caba, Christoph
                                                  Günther and Christoph Leipold playing Skiffle-Blues with lyrics based on Rhön Mountains
                                                  dialect and other Hessian dialects varieties. The expression "Säuwäntzt" means pork belly and
                                                  refers also to untidy or unruly children and youth.
 Where did the form of music played by Die
 Rhöner Säuwäntzt originate?                      Output 2

                                                   Skiffle  Skiffle is a music genre with jazz, blues, folk and American folk
                                                  influences, usually using a combination of manufactured and homemade or improvised instru-
                                                  ments. Originating as a term in the United States in the first half of the 20th century, it
                                                  became popular again in the UK in the 1950s, where it was associated with artists such as Lon-
                                                  nie Donegan, The Vipers Skiffle Group, Ken Colyer and Chas McDevitt. Skiffle played a major
                                                  part in beginning the careers of later eminent jazz, pop, blues, folk and rock musicians and has
                                                  been seen as a critical stepping stone to the second British folk revival, blues boom and British
                                                  Invasion of the US popular music scene.


                                                   Gunmen from Laredo  Gunmen from Laredo is a 1959 American west-
                                                  ern film produced and directed by Wallace MacDonald, which stars Robert Knapp, Maureen
                                                  Hingert, and Walter Coy.
 Gunmen from Laredo starred which narrator
 of "Frontier"?                                   Output2

                                                   Walter Coy  Walter Darwin Coy (January 31, 1909 – December 11, 1974)
                                                  was an American stage, radio, film, and, principally, television actor, originally from Great Falls,
                                                  Montana. He was best known for narrating the NBC western anthology series, "Frontier",
                                                  which aired early Sunday evenings in the 1955–1956 season.

A     Appendix
A.1      Examples of Multi-hop Retrieval Task

There are many cases where multi-hop retrieval is necessary: a query cannot be solved by a single
document but needs more than one relevant document to provide sufficient evidence together. To
find the answer to the first example of Table 5, we first need to look at what music Die Rhöner
Säuwäntzt played and then find where the music originated from. Similarly, to find the answer to
the second example, we need to find who was starred in Gunmen from Laredo and then find who
narrated the Frontier.

A.2      Dataset Examples

Examples of each dataset (input and output forms) are in Table 6.

A.3      Dataset Details

HotpotQA Yang et al. [4] propose an open domain multi-hop question answering dataset, which
requires aggregating multiple Wikipedia passages through logical reasoning or sequential processing.
The number of retrieval sequences is fixed to two. HotpotQA consists of two types of questions:
comparison and bridge. Comparison questions, a rationale/evidence type of multi-hop dataset, do
not necessitate iterative retrieval since the two entities can be retrieved by the query itself. However,
bridge questions consist of evidence in the reasoning chain from where it has to retrieve the second
step based on the first one. We use the official Wikipedia dump provided by Yang et al. [4], use 2%
of the official train dataset as a dev set, and report the scores on the official dev set.

Entailment TreeBank (EntailBank) Dalvi et al. [6] propose a reasoning tree construction task
where it forms a tree with a hypothesis as the root node and evidence sentences are leaf nodes. The
dataset has three settings, and among them, we experiment on Task3, an open setting. Task3 consists

Table 6: Dataset examples

          Task              Input                                                     Output

                            Step 1 Input (a query)                                    Step 1 output (evidence passage)

                             The Oberoi family is part of a hotel            Oberoi family  The Oberoi family
                            company that has a head office in what city?                                                      in hotels, namely through The Oberoi Group.
   Paragraph Retrieval
      (HotpotQA)            Step 2 Input (a query with previous output)               Step 2 Output (evidence passage)

                             The Oberoi family is part of a hotel            The Oberoi Group  The Oberoi
                            company that has a head office in what city?    Oberoi family  The Oberoi family is an Indian family that is        30+ luxury hotels and two river cruise ships in six
                            famous for its involvement in hotels, namely through      countries, primarily under its Oberoi Hotels & Resorts
                            The Oberoi Group.                              and Trident Hotels brands.

                            Step 1 Input (a query)                                    Step 1 output (evidence sentence)

                                                                                      A dentist is a surgeon who specializes in dentistry, the
                             Does a dentist treat Bluetooth prob-
                                                                                      diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases and
                                                                                      conditions of the oral cavity

                            Step 2 Input (a query + Step 1 Output)                    Step 2 Output (evidence sentence)

                             Does a dentist treat Bluetooth prob-
    Sentence Retrieval
                            lems?   A dentist is a
    (EntailmentBank,                                                                  Technological problems are typically handled by IT
                            surgeon who specializes in dentistry, the diagnosis,
      StrategyQA)                                                                     professionals
                            prevention, and treatment of diseases and conditions
                            of the oral cavity 

                            Step 3 Input (a query + Step 1 & Step 2 Output)           Step 3 Output (evidence sentence)

                             Does a dentist treat Bluetooth prob-
                            lems?   A dentist is a
                            surgeon who specializes in dentistry, the diagnosis,
                            prevention, and treatment of diseases and conditions of   Bluetooth is not a physical entity
                            the oral cavity   Tech-
                            nological problems are typically handled by IT profes-

                            Step 1 Input (a query)                                    Step 1 output (evidence sentence)

                             belif: marriage is the best for a family
                            unit. argument: Marriage is a predictor of health and     marriage; created by; love

                            Step 2 Input (a query + Step 1 Output)                    Step 2 Output (evidence sentence)
 Reasoning Path Retrieval    belif: marriage is the best for a family
      (RuleTakers,          unit. argument: Marriage is a predictor of health and
      Explagraphs)                                                                    love; causes; health and happiness
                            happiness.   marriage;
                            created by; love 

                            Step 3 Input (a query + Step 1 & Step 2 Output)           Step 3 Output (evidence sentence)

                             belif: marriage is the best for a family
                            unit. argument: Marriage is a predictor of health and
                            happiness.   marriage;               health and happiness; used for; family unit
                            created by; love   love;
                            causes; health and happiness 

of two steps; the first is to select a leaf node from the corpus set when given a question and an
answer, and the second is to construct a reasoning tree through the selected leaf node. We perform
the first step, the leaf node retrieval. Since the leaf node and the root node are not directly connected,
there is a less tight connection between the input query and gold outputs than in other datasets. We
experiment on the first step of Task3 (leaf node retrieval). As in the paper, we use both EntailBank and
WorldTreeV2 [29] datasets when training a retrieval model. We compare the results with ST5 since

Table 7: Overview of the five datasets. Seq Len column shows the average num-
ber of retrieval sequence tokens for each retrieval sequence in given target cor-
pus. Hops column shows the average number of necessary hops to answer a
query in test set. Unseen column shows the rate of test queries consisting of       Table 8: Error rate for each error type in RuleTaker-Open.
                                                                                    Results are from 200 test sets.
only the retrieval sequences unseen during the training process.
                                                                                           Error Rate (%)             GMR        ST5
         Dataset           Corpus (MB)       Seq Len      Hops      Unseen

       HotpotQA                1,595           78.6         2       18.9%                  Node Num Error              0.5         5
       EntailBank               0.7            12.5        4.6       2.7%                  Start Node Error            9.5         0
       StratgyQA                7.0            13.1        2.7      98.2%                  End Node Error              20         28
    Explagraphs-Open            0.5             9.6        4.5      95.5%                  Missing Edge Error          19         50
     RuleTaker-Open             0.7            13.1         -       0.0%a                  Success                     51         17

    a We calculate the rate with prediction result since there are no
gold retrieval sequences.

there is no released bi-encoder model, and as in the paper, we use both EntailBank and WorldTreeV2
[29] datasets when training a retrieval model.

StrategyQA Geva et al. [24] propose a multi-hop open-domain question answering dataset where
the reasoning steps are implicit in the question and need some strategy to answer the question. When
given a question, the model retrieves the evidence sentences from the corpus. Since only the train
dataset contains evidence annotation, we split it into 75/5/20 (%) and used it as a train/val/test set,
respectively. Also, based on the given corpus, we split the given paragraph-level corpus to sentence
level using NLTK [30] to match the granularity of the evidence and add the annotated evidence
sentences to the corpus.

RuleTaker-Open Clark et al. [25] propose a synthetic rule-based dataset to measure the model’s
reasoning ability over the rules expressed in natural language. Based on the released dataset, we
create a new task, RuleTaker-Open, to make the task close to a real-world setting. Given a query, the
model retrieves nodes of the graph, which is a sentence from the corpus, and the nodes are connected
in order to construct a graph. Details of the construction method are described in Appendix A.4.

Explagraphs-Open Saha et al. [26] propose a generative and structured commonsense-reasoning
task. When given a belief and an argument, a model predicts whether the argument supports or
counters the belief and generates (retrieves) a reasoning graph to explain the prediction. While the
original dataset needs generation on constructing the reasoning graph, which is limited to generative
models only, we expand the task to an open-domain retrieval setting to compare with the bi-encoder
models by constructing the corpus and name it Explagraphs-Open. We consider a single path (subject-
relation-object) as a retrieval unit and construct the corpus by dumping all the possible paths provided
from the dataset.

A.4     RuleTaker-Open

RuleTaker dataset is a synthetic rule-based dataset used to measure the model’s ability on reasoning
over rules [25, 31, 32]. Given a small corpus of textual facts and rules, the model has to answer the
question, retrieve, and construct the graph-structured proofs. As in Tafjord et al. [31], we use the
maximum depth dataset D5 for training.
To evaluate the model performance in the open-setting, i.e., Task3 in Dalvi et al. [6], we newly
construct a large corpus and divide the train/dev/test dataset by the unique query set from the original
D5 dataset.

Dataset Construction We dump all the facts and rules from the original D5 train/dev/test datasets
to construct the corpus and collect 1621 unique queries, which we split into 1300/121/200. We
remove cases with NAF and FAIL cases for rule-based evaluation, remove graphs with less than two
nodes to ensure that the fact from the corpus itself could not be the proof, and remove graphs with
more than ten nodes to fit in the maximum length of T5 model. Also, we added DONE at the end of

Algorithm 1 Finding the missing edge
Require: Input Corpus P
  T := An empty list to append or remove facts from P

  for all sentence s ∈ P do
      if s is a rule then
           divide s to assumptions A and result r
           for all assumption a ∈ A do
                if a in T then
                     T .remove(a)
                     return False                                                          . Missing edge
                end if
           end for
           T .append(r)
           T .append(s)
      end if
  end for

  if T is empty then
      return True                                                                       . No missing edge
      return False                                                                         . Missing edge
  end if

graph construction for dynamic stopping.

Evaluation Metric In RuleTaker-Open, there are various possible answer graphs for a query, unlike
the previous RuleTaker dataset. Therefore, to check whether the prediction graph is correct, a new
evaluation metric is necessary. Since each textual sentence can be divided into a simple format,
subject-relation-object, when considering the constructed method [25], we evaluate the result by a
new rule-based method.
We check whether the constructed graph is well-constructed by four steps.
        •   Node Num Error: The number of evidence should be larger than 2.
        •   Start Node Error: First word (subject) should be the same.
        •   End Node Error: Last word (object) should be the same.
        •   Missing Edge Error: There should be no missing edge.
Table 8 shows the rate on each constraint for both the bi-encoder model and GMR. Each error in the
table corresponds to the item on top with the same name.
Missing Edge Error is evaluated by Algorithm 1; when given a prediction graph (P), we divide the
sentences into rules and facts and check for the missing edge in the prediction order. When the
algorithm returns True, the graph is considered to have no missing edge.
Predicted reasoning graph of GMR and Bi-encoder retrieval (ST5) are in Appendix A.5

A.5    RuleTaker-Open Prediction Results

The prediction result from the model, predicted corpus (P), is in the gray box, and the final node
is colored in yellow. The Missing nodes are colored in red, and the leftover nodes are colored in
blue. If there is a red or blue node, it means that it failed to construct the reasoning graph. We show
two examples for each retrieval method and success and failure cases (missing edge error case) in
Figure 3, Figure 4, Figure 5, and Figure 6.

A.6    Details of Bi-Encoder Retrieval Models (ST5)

We use ST5 model [28] as the architecture of the bi-encoder baseline to compare the performance
with GMR using the same number of parameters. The input text is fed into T5-encoder, and the first

Predicted Corpus (P):
   Predicted Corpus (P):
                                                                                               1.     The lion is young.
      1.     The cat is kind                                                                   2.     If something is young then it eats the lion.
      2.     The cat is kind                                                                   3.     If something eats the lion then it is kind.
      3.     If something is kind then it chases the cat                                       4.     The lion is young.
      4.     If something chases the cat then it is young.                                     5.     If something is young then it eats the lion.
      5.     If something is kind and young then it is cold.                                   6.     If something eats the lion then it likes the lion.
                                                                                               7.     If something is kind and it likes the lion then the lion eats the cow.
      6.     If something is cold then it visits the dog.
                                                                                               8.     If something eats the cow then it eats the rabbit.

                                                                                                           4               5           6
                                                            5             6                                                                       7             8
             1                3            4                                                               1               2           3

                                      (a) Example1                                                                                 (b) Example2

                                                                         Figure 3: Success Examples of GMR

                                                                                              Predicted Corpus (P):
   Predicted Corpus (P):
                                                                                                1.    The bear is kind.
      1.    The mouse is cold.                                                                  2.    The bear is kind.
      2.    The mouse is cold.                                                                  3.    If something is kind then it chases the bear.
      3.    The mouse is cold.                                                                  4.    If something chases the bear then it is big.
      4.    If something is cold then it eats the dog.                                          5.    If something is kind and big then it is rough.
      5.    If something is cold and it eats the tiger then the tiger is kind.                  6.    If something is rough then it likes the bald eagle.
      6.    If something is cold and kind then it is red.                                       7.    If something likes the bald eagle then it likes the tiger.
      7.    If something is red then it sees the mouse.                                         8.    If something likes the tiger then it likes the lion.
      8.    If something sees the mouse then the mouse is green.                                9.    If something likes the bear and it likes the bald eagle then it is round.
      9.    If something is green then it sees the squirrel.                                   10.    If something is round then it likes the bear.

                                            6           7            8           9
                                                                                                                                        5         6             7          8
                   2              5
                                                                                                 2             3               4
                                                3               4
      It eats the tiger                                                                                                                                         9          10

           (a) Example1: Leftover node (blue) and missing nodes (red)                                                  (b) Example2: Leftover node (blue)

                                                                         Figure 4: Failure Examples of GMR

                                                                                               Predicted Corpus (P):

                                                                                                 1.     The rabbit is big.
   Predicted Corpus (P):                                                                         2.     If someone is big then they need the rabbit.
                                                                                                 3.     If someone needs the rabbit then they are big.
      1.      The rabbit is blue.                                                                4.     If someone is big then they like the rabbit.
      2.      If something is blue then it sees the rabbit.                                      5.     If they like the rabbit then the rabbit is kind.
      3.      If something sees the rabbit then it is big.                                       6.     If someone is kind then they visit the rabbit.

                          1            2               3                                        1                  2               3         4              5              6

                                      (a) Example1                                                                                 (b) Example2

                                                        Figure 5: Success Examples of Bi-encoder (ST5) Retrieval

decoder output of the T5-decoder is taken as the sentence embedding. We follow the implementation
details in Ni et al. [28] except for two settings: (1) as in Karpukhin et al. [1], we use the inner product
instead of cosine similarity when calculating the similarity since inner produce shows a higher recall
rate than cosine similarity for overall dataset (2) we change the hyperparameters for a fair comparison
with GMR.

A.7        Details of Generative Multi-hop Retrieval

LM memorization For the path retrieval task (RuleTaker-Open, Explagraph-Open), the subject
and the relation are given, and the model generates the object and for the sentence and paragraph
retrieval task (NQ, HotpotQA, EntailBank, StrategyQA), the first 70% of the sentence is given as
input, and the model generates the rest.

Predicted Corpus (P):

             1.   The mouse eats the rabbit.
             2.   The rabbit eats the mouse.
             3.   If something eats the mouse then it visits the rabbit.
             4.   If something visits the rabbit then it eats the rabbit.
             5.   If something visits the mouse and it eats the rabbit then the
                  rabbit is cold.
             6.   If something is cold then it eats the rabbit.                                 Predicted Corpus (P):
             7.   If something visits the rabbit and it eats the rabbit then the
                  rabbit is kind.                                                                1.   The mouse chases the dog.
             8.   If something is kind then it eats the mouse.                                   2.   If the mouse chases the dog then the mouse is red.
                                                                                                 3.   If the mouse is red then the mouse visits the tiger.
                                                                                                 4.   If something visits the tiger then the tiger chases the mouse.
                                                                                                 5.   If something chases the tiger and the tiger chases the mouse
                                                                                                      then it sees the mouse.
      1                                                                                          6.   If something sees the mouse then it sees the dog.
                                                                                                 7.   If something sees the dog then it chases the mouse.

      2           3           4            5            6             7            8        1          2             3            4            5            6          7

                      Something visits          Something visits                                                         Something
                      the mouse                 the rabbit                                                               chases the tiger

          (a) Example1: Leftover node (blue) and missing nodes (red)                                           (b) Example2: missing node (red)

                                                       Figure 6: Failure Examples of Bi-encoder (ST5) Retrieval

Multi-Hop Memorization For a conditional memorization method, we experiment GMR with
multi-hop memorization in which we generate pseudo-multi-hop queries and train a retriever with
not only the original training dataset but also generated queries during the retrieval step. To generate
pseudo-multi-hop queries, we first train a model which generates a query when given a set of retrieval
sequences. After training the query generation model, we sample multiple sets of retrieval sequences
from a given target corpus. To sample ones relevant to each other as in the original datasets, we
construct a graph of the target corpus and sample a subgraph from the entire graph. The method of
constructing a graph varies by the characteristic of the dataset. We found it challenging for some
datasets to build a meaningful graph; in the EntailBank dataset, it is hard to identify which word in
the retrieval sequence should be the node. Therefore, we generate pseudo-multi-hop queries with only
Explagraphs-Open and StrategyQA, which we could build a meaningful graph with a given target
For Explagraphs-Open, since items in the target corpus are a path, we keep the object and the subject
of items as a node of the graph and connect the two nodes when the subject of one sequence matches
the object of the other. For StrategyQA, we construct a graph by adding entities of retrieval sequences
in the target corpus as nodes and connecting the two nodes when a retrieval sequence contains both
entities. We sample sub-graphs from the constructed graph by iterating through retrieval sequences
in the target corpus and using the retrieval sequence as the start node. Sampled retrieval sequences
are given as input to the query generation model to generate pseudo queries, which are further
trained together with the original training dataset to train the retrieval model. The number of retrieval
sequences in sampled sub-graphs ranges between the minimum and the maximum number of retrieval
sequences in a dataset. Also, in StrategyQA, we remove sentences without any entity or those with
more than four entities; sentences with more than four entities often contain various information in a
sentence, making the sentence irrelevant to other sentences in a sample subgraph even though the
entity matches. After we generate queries, we go through the filtering process to remove incorrectly
generated queries: remove sentences without the end tokens. We use pre-trained T5-large [33] to train
the query generation model.
See Appendix A.8 for details of hyperparamters.

A.8       Experimental Setup Details

We train both ST5 and GMR using pre-trained T5-large checkpoint from Wolf et al. [33] as the
initial checkpoint. We use the same hyperparameter setting when training GMR and ST5 model for a
fair comparison. We observe that hyperparameter change does not change the tendency of results
after experimenting over a combination of settings used in previous models [1, 28, 27]. Also, we
use different hyperparameters for different tasks: retrieval corpus memorization and retrieval. For all
experiments, we use 8 32GB V100 GPUs.

LM Memorization The LM memorization step aims to show GMR a corpus it will retrieve and
save it implicitly before the retrieval step. We keep the learning rate to 1e-5, which is relatively low
than the retrieval step, to maintain the linguistic ability the model learned during pre-training [34].
We train the model from T5 pre-trained checkpoint for every dataset using Adafactor with a constant
learning rate of 1e-5 with batch size 240 till the maximum of 3 epochs.
Increasing the LM memorization epoch does not always lead to higher performance. This is because
as the model is trained on a new dataset, catastrophic forgetting of previously learned parts occurs [35],
and in this case, the linguistic ability of the model learned during the pre-training step. To prevent the
following process from occurring, we follow Jang et al. [34] and reduce the learning rate to 1e-5 and
use checkpoint of epoch 3 as the initial checkpoint for all retrieval tasks.

Multi-Hop Memorization We train a model that generates a pseudo-multi-hop query for multi-hop
memorization when given a set of retrieval sequences. We dump all the train, dev, and test set of
retrieval datasets to train such a model and concatenate all retrieval sequences as a long sequence as
an input and the corresponding query as an output. We set the configuration the same as in Retrieval

Retrieval Step The retrieval step aims to retrieve the gold item from a large-scale corpus. For
GMRL , we use the checkpoint from LM-memorization as the initial checkpoint, and for the rest of
the models (ST5, GMR, GMRM ), we use the T5 pre-trained checkpoint as the initial checkpoint12 .
For GMRM , we train the model using both the training dataset and generated dataset from the T5
pre-trained checkpoint. For both ST5 and GMR (including GMRL , GMRM ), we train using Adafactor
with a learning rate 1e-4 with a linear warm-up for the first 10% of training and then linear decay
with batch size 120 till a maximum of 30 epochs.

A.9    Manual Analysis on HotpotQA

We conduct manual analysis on HotpotQA by comparing the top-2 prediction result of the GMR
and MDR, a bi-encoder retrieval model. From the two question categories in HotpotQA (bridge and
comparison questions), we manually inspect 30 sampled examples where one model fits and the other
is wrong in Appendix A.9. MDR mostly got wrong by missing the second hop item though it got
the first hop correct and GMR was wrong for cases where the first-hop item is not written explicitly
in the query but by sharing a specific part of a sentence. When the item is written explicitly in the
query, GMR tend to get it correct, which shares with the result that GMR shows a higher score on
comparison questions than MDR. We suggest this result is because GMR can directly cross-encode
between the input and the output without any information loss.
To be specific, we divide the error case into four:
(1) When the first-hop retrieval item is not written explicitly in the query but by sharing a specific
part of a sentence.
(2) Though it is written explicitly in the query, it retrieves the wrong document by giving attention to
an irrelevant part of the query.
(3) Detail of the title is wrong (i.e., when the gold document has the title Do you Love Me (Not That
I Can Dance), the model retrieves a document with the title Do you Love Me (2NE1 song) instead;
when do you love me is in a query, the model misses to understand the details correctly.)
(4) The retriever got the first hop correct but failed to retrieve the second hop item correctly.
When comparing the number of models matched in the bridge question with each error case, among
the four cases, MDR is often wrong in the second (1.3 times) and fourth cases (2.2 times), and the
GMR is most often wrong in the first case (6 times) along with the third case (2.8 times)13 .

A.10       Storage Footprint

Table 9 shows the overall storage footprint of three models: MDR, GMR, and GMR with early
stopping. Where GMR with early stopping does not generate every word in the retrieval target text
but stops generation as soon as the partially generated text can uniquely identify the target text
and saves only till the point. Table 11 shows that GMR shows higher memory efficiency with a
  12 GMR       is GMR with LM memorization and GMRM is GMR with multi-hop memorization
  13 the   value in parentheses shows the ratio of the error rate compared to the other model

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