GCSE Options 2019 A guide for Year 9 pupils and their parents on GCSE/ IGCSE subject choices - Alderley Edge School for Girls

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GCSE Options 2019 A guide for Year 9 pupils and their parents on GCSE/ IGCSE subject choices - Alderley Edge School for Girls
GCSE Options
A guide for Year 9 pupils
and their parents on GCSE/
IGCSE subject choices
GCSE Options 2019 A guide for Year 9 pupils and their parents on GCSE/ IGCSE subject choices - Alderley Edge School for Girls
GCSE Options 2019 A guide for Year 9 pupils and their parents on GCSE/ IGCSE subject choices - Alderley Edge School for Girls
Message from the Headmistress

Dear Girls

For the last three years, in Years 7 to 9, you have had a very full
and varied programme of subjects to study. This is because we
wanted you to have as much opportunity as possible to experience
these subjects before making your choices for GCSE.

However, now it is time for you to make some choices! This is a
very exciting time but can also worry some of you a little as you
think about the implications of these choices.

There are some compulsory subjects which you will take through
to GCSE – English Language, English Literature and Mathematics.

You will also take all three Sciences (Biology, Physics, and
Chemistry) which will result in a double GCSE award or a triple         Mrs Jeys
GCSE award. You will also take a Modern Foreign Language                Headmistress
(French, German or Spanish).

All the other subjects that you study at present will be chosen from
the option blocks - and you must choose three (or two if you
choose Triple Science).

You must think very carefully about this and choose for the right
reasons (am I good at it, is it a subject I enjoy?) and not the wrong
reasons (is my friend doing it, do I like the teacher?).

You will have lots of help and guidance from your subject teachers,
tutors and from the Heads of Year but it is really important that
you make the choice that is right for you.

Please read the booklet carefully and start to think about the
exciting opportunities which await you in Years 10 and 11. If
anything at all is unclear, please ask.

Mrs Jeys
GCSE Options 2019 A guide for Year 9 pupils and their parents on GCSE/ IGCSE subject choices - Alderley Edge School for Girls
How to make your choice of
GCSE subjects

This booklet has been prepared       Some points to remember are:
to help you in your choice of
GCSE subjects. For the first         • choose subjects which you
time in your school career you         like and want to do
are being asked to make a
major decision, namely which         • choose subjects which you
optional subjects you will             are capable of doing and with
continue to study. The decision        which you feel at ease
is an important one and you
must discuss it with your            • do not choose a subject just
parents and teachers. It is            because your friend is doing it
important that you read this
booklet carefully and if you are     • do not choose a subject just
unsure of anything you must            because you like the teacher
ask for help.
                                     • choose subjects which
                                       give you a wide choice for
                                       the future.

Timeline for making your choice
of GCSE subjects

1. PSHE lessons in the Autumn        5. On Thursday 10 January,           Remember it may not be
   Term will focus on GCSE              you are invited to attend the     possible to change subjects
   Option Choices.                      Year 9 Parents’ Evening with      once you have made your
                                        your parents. You will have       choice.
2. The School’s GCSE Option             the opportunity to discuss
   Choices Booklet will be              your choice of GCSE subjects
   available electronically at the      with your subject teachers.
   end of the Autumn Term.
                                     6. Friday 18 January is the
3. In the week commencing               latest date for handing in
   Monday 7 January, your               your GCSE Option Choices
   subject teachers will advise         Form to your Form Tutor.
   you about the requirements
   for studying their subject at     It is very important that you
   GCSE level.                       seek help and advice from your
                                     teachers. If you have a particular
4. You will have an individual       career in mind you must check
   appointment with Mrs              with Mrs Hilsley or your subject
   Hilsley, the School’s Career      teachers that you have chosen
   Adviser, during school time.      the correct subjects.
GCSE Options 2019 A guide for Year 9 pupils and their parents on GCSE/ IGCSE subject choices - Alderley Edge School for Girls
Curriculum for Years 10 and 11

Examined Subjects                  It may not be possible to offer
                                   all of the subjects listed if there
These subjects are divided into    is not sufficient demand.
two groups:
                                   Non-Examined Subjects
• Core Subjects
• Optional Subjects                It is important for your general
                                   education that you follow
Core Subjects                      courses in non-examination
                                   subjects. You will have such
You must study all of these        lessons in PE and PSHE.
subjects at GCSE level:

• English Language
• English Literature
• Mathematics
• A Modern Foreign Language
  – You must choose a
  language you are already
  studying, either French,
  German or Spanish
• Science – either Double or
  Triple Award.

Please note: If you choose
Triple Award Science as a core
subject, you may only choose
two optional subjects. If you
choose Double Award Science
as a core subject, you may
choose three additional
subjects from the option blocks

                              Year 10 Option Blocks 2019-2020
        You should choose one subject from each block/column. Subjects in the same block
          cannot be taken together as they are taught at the same time on the timetable.

       Option A                   Option B                   Option C                 Option D
         French               Design Technology                  Art                   Business
        German                     Drama                 Computer Science               Food
        Spanish                   Geography                      DT                    History
       Core Skills                 History                   Geography                  Latin
                                Triple Science                   ICT                      PE
                                                               Music            Religion and Philosophy
                                                      Religion and Philosophy     Second Language
GCSE Options 2019 A guide for Year 9 pupils and their parents on GCSE/ IGCSE subject choices - Alderley Edge School for Girls
Information on GCSE reform
and the new grading system

                             “New” GCSE Grading System (reformed)
    U         1         2         3         4          5           6   7       8        9
    U       G       F       E      D            C              B           A       A*
                            “Old” GCSE Grading System (non-reformed)

The process of reforming all     GCSEs will be graded from 9
GCSE qualifications began        (the highest) to 1 (the lowest).
in September 2015. The           The chart above shows how
government’s stated intention    the current grading of GCSEs
in reforming GCSEs is to make    compares with the new grading
the courses more rigorous, by    system. The proportion of
introducing a new grading        pupils who achieve a grade 4
system and by moving away        and above will be the same as
from Controlled Assessments      the proportion who currently
towards longer final             achieve a grade C or above.
examinations at the end of the   A grade 4 will count as a
two year course.                 ‘standard’ pass; a ‘good pass’
                                 will be a grade 5. In addition, the
                                 proportion of pupils achieving
                                 grade 7 and above will be the
                                 same as the proportion who
                                 currently achieve a grade A or
                                 A*, making the new grade 9
                                 equivalent to an A** grade.
GCSE Options 2019 A guide for Year 9 pupils and their parents on GCSE/ IGCSE subject choices - Alderley Edge School for Girls
Non–Examination subjects in the curriculum

Physical Education – PE             Pupils also pursue a period of       The underlying aims of the
                                    work experience at the end of        programme are to encourage
All pupils throughout Key           either Year 10 or Year 11 for        pupils to develop mutual
Stage 4 will continue to have       which they are prepared during       respect and support, think
timetabled lessons of PE and        their PSHE lessons.                  about issues concerning
will participate in a variety of                                         themselves, social problems in
activities including Hockey,        The Citizenship programme            society and the environment
Netball, Athletics, Tennis,         aims to encourage pupils ‘to         and to develop informed
Rounders, Badminton and             play a helpful part in the life of   opinions. It also encourages
Fitness.                            their schools, neighbourhoods,       pupils to be aware of and care
                                    communities and the wider            for others, to talk about feelings
Pupils are made aware of the        world’. Topics that are covered      and be sensitive to the feelings
many benefits of regular             include Human Rights, Citizens       of others. Throughout the
exercise to their health and as     and the Law, Democracies in          programme pupils learn to be
a purposeful way in which to        Action and Global Concerns.          constructively critical and
use their leisure time. Pupils                                           questioning. They are expected
will continue to be encouraged      The PSHE programme aims              to be responsible for their own
to attend extra-curricular          to advance and support each          behaviour and learning.
activities and may represent        pupil's personal and social
AESG in matches.                    development and to raise
                                    awareness of a variety of health
PSHE                                issues.

In Years 10 and 11 the pupils       The Religious Studies
follow a PSHE course. During        programme ensures that, for
this course they follow a           those girls who do not choose
programme of study relating         RS as a GCSE option, key areas
to Careers Education and            are covered and discussed in an
Guidance, Citizenship, and          open forum. RS plays a vital
Religious Studies (non-examined).   role in preparing girls to face
                                    the society that awaits them
The Careers Education               as young adults and to make
and Guidance programme              informed, balanced and
encourages pupils to                sensible decisions.
undertake a series of activities
which aim to increase their         Although there is no formal
self-development, manage their      assessment involved in these
careers and explore opportunities   areas of study, pupils are
available to them.                  encouraged to develop key
                                    skills of problem solving,
                                    communication and working
                                    with others.
GCSE Options 2019 A guide for Year 9 pupils and their parents on GCSE/ IGCSE subject choices - Alderley Edge School for Girls
Homework and School Examinations

The homework allocation for        Homework Allocation              Year 10 and Year 11
each subject is shown here.
You must remember that in          Art and Design                   Up to 2 hours
some GCSE subjects there is        Business Studies                 2 x 40 minutes
an element of Controlled           Design and Technology            2 x 40 minutes
Assessment. In some subjects       Drama                            2 x 40 minutes
pupils will have to hand in        English Language                 3 x 40 minutes
their homework the next day,       English Literature
in others they may be given        Food Technology                  2 x 40 minutes
an extended period of time         French                           2 x 40 minutes
to complete the work. It is        Geography                        2 x 40 minutes
obviously very important that      German                           2 x 40 minutes
pupils organise their time         History                          2 x 40 minutes
carefully and meet any given       Information Technology           2 x 40 minutes
deadlines.                         Latin                            2 x 40 minutes
                                   Mathematics                      2 x 40 minutes
Pupils will have school            Music                            2 x 40 minutes
examinations in all subjects in    Religious Studies                2 x 40 minutes
November and May in Year 10.       PE                               2 x 40 minutes
These are internal examinations    Sciences
to assess progress and, although   Physics            double        1 x 45 minutes
important, do not count towards                       triple        2 x 40 minutes
the final GCSE grade.               Chemistry          double        1 x 45 minutes
                                                      triple        2 x 40 minutes
Mock examinations will be held     Biology            double        1 x 45 minutes
in November of Year 11 and if                         triple        2 x 40 minutes
you achieve a satisfactory mark
in these examinations you will     Spanish                          2 x 40 minutes
be entered for the appropriate
tier in the GCSE examinations      Allocations are minutes per subject per week.
in May and June.
GCSE Options 2019 A guide for Year 9 pupils and their parents on GCSE/ IGCSE subject choices - Alderley Edge School for Girls
Additional Information

GCSE Controlled                     Entry Tiers at                   Support available for
Assessments                         GCSE/IGCSE level                 GCSE pupils
The importance of the work          For some GCSE subjects, two      All departments provide
carried out during Year 10          levels of entry are possible:    lunchtime clinics for pupils who
and Year 11 cannot be over-         Foundation Level and Higher      need extra help with revision,
emphasised, particularly            Level. The vast majority of      homework, exam questions or
because Controlled Assessments      entries at AESG are made at      some other aspect of their GCSE
form part of many GCSE              Higher Level, but occasionally   course. In addition, some pupils
courses. A Controlled               the Foundation Level is          receive support from Mrs Hill
Assessment may take the form        recommended for a particular     our Learning Enhancement
of a project, a piece of research   pupil in a particular subject.   Co-ordinator.
or some fieldwork.
                                    The final level of entry is      Pupils who have been identified
Controlled Assessment tasks         decided upon in consultation     as Gifted or Talented in a
are time limited and are            between the subject teacher,     particular GCSE subject are
carried out in lessons during       the pupil and her parents.       encouraged to attend lunchtime
the school day.                                                      masterclasses, complete
                                    Grouping for GCSE                extension tasks and attend
In general, performance in a        subjects                         relevant events publicised by
Controlled Assessment task is                                        Mrs Billington, who, alongside
assessed by teachers in school      You will be taught in ability    Mrs Millar and Mrs Dawson,
and then moderated by the           sets for:                        co-ordinates our Gifted,
Examination Board.                                                   Talented and Interested
                                    English                          programme, ‘Symposium’,
For subjects in which                                                and ‘Lunch and Learn’ events.
Controlled Assessment is an         Mathematics
integral part of the GCSE
course, failure to complete this    Double Award Science
work could mean that a pupil
would not be awarded a GCSE         French/Spanish
grade for the subject.
                                    For all other subjects your
                                    groupings will depend upon
                                    your choice of subjects.

Accuracy of information
in this booklet
All of the information in this
booklet is correct at the time of
printing. However, examination
specifications can change.
Pupils will be notified of any
major changes to the content or
structure of any GCSE course
they choose.
GCSE Options 2019 A guide for Year 9 pupils and their parents on GCSE/ IGCSE subject choices - Alderley Edge School for Girls
Core Subjects
GCSE English Language
AQA Specification A

Why study GCSE English                    The preparation and assessment of
Language?                                 Spoken Language is also a
GCSE English Language is a                compulsory requirement of the
compulsory subject for all pupils         course of study. You will develop
and the skills which you will gain are    speaking and listening skills and be
transferable across the curriculum.       encouraged to use spoken Standard
You will learn how to read texts          English effectively through a range
actively and critically, employing        of activities.
close reading skills to retrieve
information. In the course of your        How will you be assessed?
studies, you will be encouraged to        This is a linear course and as such,
make inferences and give informed         is designed to be taken over two
comments on language in use. You          years with all assessments taken at
will also produce your own writing,       the end of the course. There will be
experimenting with different              two terminal written examinations,
audiences and purposes. In short,         each comprising 50% of the final
studying English Language will            mark. Each exam is 1 hour 45
develop crucial reading, writing,         minutes long and worth 80 marks.
speaking and listening skills which       Both papers will assess Reading in
are fundamental to any further            Section A and Writing in Section B.
                                          Paper 1: Explorations in Creative
What will you study?                      Reading and Writing
You will read and be assessed on          This paper examines a response to
high-quality, challenging texts from      one literature fiction text in Section A
the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries.        and descriptive or narrative writing
The texts will be taken from a range      in Section B.
of genres and types and will act as
stimulus material to help develop         Paper 2: Writers’ Viewpoints
your own writing by providing             and Perspectives
effective style models. The texts will    This paper examines a response to
include literature and extended           one non-fiction text and one literary
literary non-fiction, and other writing   non-fiction text in Section A and
such as essays, reviews and               writing to present a viewpoint in
journalism (both printed and online).     Section B. Non Examination
The literary fiction texts will be used   Assessment: Spoken Language You
to help pupils consider how               will also receive a separate grade for
established writers use narrative         Spoken Language. For this unit, you
and descriptive techniques to             will be assessed on your ability to
capture the interest of readers. You      present, respond to questions and
will also explore how writers have        feedback and on your use of
particular viewpoints and                 Standard English. The tasks will be
perspectives on issues or themes          set and assessed by the teacher
that are important to the way we          throughout the course and will be
think and live our lives. You will be     separately endorsed at the end. This
taught how to produce your own            does not contribute to your final
creative text to demonstrate your         GCSE English Language grade.
narrative and descriptive skills in
response to a written prompt,
scenario or visual image. You will
learn how to write for a specified
audience, purpose and form.
GCSE English Literature
AQA Specification A

Why study GCSE English                   How will you be assessed?
Literature?                              Assessment takes the form of two
GCSE English Literature is an            external examinations. Paper 1 is
excellent course for developing          entitled Shakespeare and the
analytical skills and improving your     19th-century novel. This is a
ability to present an argument in an     written paper of 1 hour 45 minutes
academic style. By studying GCSE         in length and constitutes 40% of the
English Literature, you will become      final GCSE mark. In Section A you
more aware of the cultural, social       will answer one question on a
and political context in which           Shakespeare text and in Section B
literature was created. Not only will    you will answer one question on a
this course widen your reading, it       19th century novel. In both sections,
will also help increase your             you will be required to write in detail
confidence to offer and deliver your     about an extract from the texts and
own opinions. GCSE English               then to write about the texts as a
Literature is a compulsory subject       whole.
for all pupils at AESG.
                                         Paper 2 is entitled Modern texts
What will you study?                     and poetry and comprises 3
This course allows you to                sections: modern texts, poetry and
experience a range of Literature with    unseen poetry. This is a written
a wide variety of appeal drawn from      paper of 2 hours 15 minutes in
contemporary and modern texts,           length and constitutes 60% of the
texts from across the globe and          final GCSE mark. In Section A:
texts which have had a significant       Modern Texts, you will answer one
influence on our literary and cultural   essay question from a choice of two
heritage. To that end, you will study    on your studied modern prose or
one Shakespeare text and one             drama text. In Section B: Poetry, you
nineteenth century novel alongside       will answer one comparative
more modern prose and drama              question on one named poem
texts. The focus is on you engaging      printed on the paper and one other
with your reading through exploring      poem from your chosen anthology
key themes, ideas and issues,            cluster. Section C requires you to
characterisation and settings in         respond to an unseen poem and to
order to build confidence in your        compare this poem with a second
skills of critical evaluation. Poetry    unseen poem.
will also be studied in preparation
for an examination module; you will
study a cluster of thematically linked
poems from the anthology.
Throughout the course, you will also
learn the skills necessary to enable
you to respond to a previously
unseen poem. You will learn to read
in depth, critically and evaluatively,
so that you are able to discuss and
explain your understanding and
ideas and make connections across
your reading. In addition, you will
develop your writing skills to
produce work which is accurate,
effective and analytical. You will be
encouraged to acquire and use a
wide vocabulary, including the
grammatical terminology and other
literary and linguistic terms.
Edexcel GCSE

Why study GCSE Mathematics?                 What happens next?                      Handling Data:
Mathematics is all around us in             Many Sixth Forms, Universities or       Representation and interpretation of
everyday life. In fact, the world as        careers require you to have reached     data and the study of probability.
we know it would not exist without          a minimum standard in Mathematics.      Information is all around us – it is
mathematics! The apps on your               If you achieve a high grade and enjoy   important to know how to analyse
phone, the prices you pay, the cars         the subject, you may choose to take     and interpret it correctly.
on the streets and the gas and              A Levels in either Mathematics or
electricity bills for your homes all rely   both Mathematics and Further            The new style GCSE places an
on mathematics. However, studying           Mathematics.                            increased emphasis on problem-
Mathematics has far wider benefits.                                                 solving questions.
It helps develop logical thinking,          What will be studied?
pattern recognition, reasoned               GCSE courses build on the work          How will you be assessed?
argument and clear communication,           studied in Years 7 to 9, developing     There are two Tiers of entry in GCSE
for example. Harder topics help             and extending topics already met        Mathematics:
develop abstract ideas and                  and introducing new concepts and
speculative questioning.                    techniques. These fit into four broad   Foundation Tier (aimed at grades
                                            areas:                                  1- 5) and Higher Tier (aimed at
Many of the techniques you learn                                                    grades5-9).
will be useful in other subjects            Number:
including Physics, Design,                  Including indices, surds, proportion,   At Foundation Tier, around half
Geography, Business, Economics,             ratio, fractions, decimals and          the marks are targeted at grades 4
Computing, Psychology and                   percentages. A large focus on this      and 5; at Higher Tier around half the
Biology.                                    part of the course is an appreciation   marks are targeted at grades 7-9.
                                            of ratio and proportional change.       A grade 5 has the same value at
Mathematics is a compulsory                                                         both Tiers; it doesn’t matter how
subject and there is the opportunity        Algebra:                                you earn it!
for able and interested students to         Including linear equations, quadratic
study extra courses in Further              equations and simplification of         Your examination is taken in the
Mathematics and/or                          algebraic expressions. Questions        summer of Year 11. There are three
Statistics.                                 may use algebra to model real life      examination papers; one non-
                                            situations.                             calculator paper and two calculator
                                                                                    papers. Each paper is worth 80
                                            Shape, Space and Measure:               marks, and your final grade is based
                                            Including area, volume, similar         on the total score from all three
                                            shapes, Pythagoras’ theorem,            papers. Some of the questions will
                                            trigonometry, circle theorems and       be set in the context of ‘real-life’
                                            vectors. This is a key topic in any     situations; it is important that you
                                            design-related activity.                learn how to identify important
                                                                                    information, plan your route through
                                                                                    a solution and communicate your
                                                                                    steps clearly.
IGCSE Modern Foreign Language – French

You must choose a language you   Why study GCSE French?                     The International World:
are already studying: either     The ability to communicate in              Tourism at home and abroad, life in
French, German or Spanish. You   French is a valuable asset in the field    other countries, world issues.
may study two languages.         of commerce and industry. In
                                 addition, a foreign language can be        You will also have regular lessons
                                 an important qualification in Travel,      with our French assistant in small
                                 Tourism, Banking, Journalism and           groups, to help develop your
                                 the Diplomatic Service. It can be          listening and speaking skills.
                                 studied in conjunction with any
                                 other subject at university, and           How will you be assessed?
                                 university courses which include           Assessment is by final examination
                                 French typically include a year to         at the end of Year 11.
                                 be spent studying or working in a
                                 French-speaking country, such as           Paper 1   (Listening)          25%
                                 Switzerland, Canada or even La             Paper 2   (Reading)            25%
                                 Réunion.                                   Paper 3   (Speaking)           25%
                                                                            Paper 4   (Writing)            25%
                                 What will you study?
                                 You will be taught the language            Is this for you?
                                 skills necessary to enable you to          IGCSE French is for you if you enjoy
                                 communicate in a French-speaking           the structures and sounds of French
                                 country and, at the same time, you         and want to build further upon the
                                 will develop an understanding of the       solid foundation which you already
                                 culture and countries where French         have. Learning the French language
                                 is spoken. You will use the target         gives you access to an exciting
                                 language actively in role-play             culture of art, music, literature,
                                 situations and learn to talk about         theatre and food. It will also open
                                 events and express opinions. The           doors in the world of business.
                                 use of authentic texts in listening
                                 and reading activities helps to
                                 promote your comprehension skills.

                                 Through enjoyable and intellectual
                                 stimulation you will acquire the
                                 skills, language and attitudes
                                 needed for study, work and leisure in
                                 your adult life.

                                 You will study five areas of

                                 Everyday Activities:
                                 Home life and school, food,
                                 health and fitness.

                                 Personal and Social Life:
                                 Self, family and personal relationships,
                                 holidays and special occasions.

                                 The World Around Us:
                                 Home town, environment,
                                 people, places and customs.

                                 The World of Work:
                                 Continuing education, careers,
                                 communication in the work place.
IGCSE Modern Foreign Language – German

You must choose a language you   Why study GCSE German?                     You will build on the knowledge
are already studying: either     German is one of the most                  gained in Years 8 and 9 and acquire
French, German or Spanish.       commonly spoken languages in               the language skills to enable you to
                                 Europe. An ability to communicate          communicate in a German-speaking
                                 in German is a valuable asset to           country as well as learn about
                                 have when considering future               different aspects of the culture. The
                                 careers since many employers               learning of grammar and vocabulary
                                 actively recruit those with language       is an integral part of the course. You
                                 skills. As fewer people now study          will use German actively in role-play
                                 German at school it is also a unique       situations and learn to converse on
                                 selling point to have on your CV.          a wide range of topics. You will read,
                                 German combines well with many             hear and see authentic texts and
                                 other subjects at university.              situations. You will learn to write
                                                                            creatively and with a high degree of
                                 The IGCSE German course is an              accuracy.
                                 international qualification which
                                 aims to develop a high level of            How will you be assessed?
                                 competence in the four skills of           Assessment is by final examination
                                 Speaking, Listening, Reading and           at the end of Year 11.
                                                                            Paper 1   (Listening)           25%
                                 What will you study?                       Paper 2   (Reading)             25%
                                 You will study five areas of               Paper 3   (Speaking)            25%
                                 experience:                                Paper 4   (Writing)             25%

                                 Everyday Activities:                       Is this for you?
                                 Home life and school, food,                This IGCSE is for you if you have
                                 health and fitness.                        enjoyed learning German so far,
                                                                            enjoy working out puzzles and like a
                                 Personal and Social Life:                  challenge. Not only are you learning
                                 Self, family and personal relationships,   a practical skill which can sit easily
                                 holidays and special occasions.            alongside any career path you
                                                                            decide to follow, but you are
                                 The World Around Us:                       learning all sorts of thinking skills
                                 Home town, environment,                    which will stand you in good stead
                                 people, places and customs                 later in life.

                                 The World of Work:
                                 Continuing education, careers,
                                 communication in the work place.

                                 The International World:
                                 Tourism at home and abroad, life
                                 in other countries, world issues.
IGCSE Modern Foreign Language – Spanish

You must choose a language you   Why study GCSE Spanish?                    The World of Work:
are already studying: either     Spanish is one of the most widely          Continuing education, careers,
French, German or Spanish.       spoken languages in the world, and         communication in the work place.
                                 therefore, Spanish would be a useful
                                 complement to other subjects for           The International World:
                                 future career opportunities since          Tourism at home and abroad, life in
                                 many employers seek linguists.             other countries, world issues.
                                 The IGCSE is an international
                                 qualification and provides                 You will also have regular lessons
                                 progression to Spanish A Level and         with our Spanish assistant in small
                                 other equivalent qualifications.           groups, to help develop your
                                 Spanish combines well with many            listening and speaking skills.
                                 other subjects at university and
                                 offers many transferable skills.           How will you be assessed?
                                                                            Assessment is by final examination
                                 What will you study?                       at the end of Year 11.
                                 You will be taught the necessary
                                 skills to enable you to communicate        Paper 1   (Listening)          25%
                                 in a Spanish-speaking country              Paper 2   (Reading)            25%
                                 whilst simultaneously gaining an           Paper 3   (Speaking)           25%
                                 insight into the culture of the same       Paper 4   (Writing)            25%
                                 communities. You will learn to use
                                 the language actively in role-play         Is this for you?
                                 situations and to express your             This IGCSE is for you if you enjoy
                                 opinions. You will understand              the Spanish language and culture.
                                 authentic Spanish with listening and       Equally, if you like the challenges
                                 reading activities. Grammar and            presented by piecing together new
                                 vocabulary will be learned as part of      structures and possess the
                                 each language theme.                       problem-solving skills required to
                                                                            work out the meanings of words
                                 Through enjoyable and intellectual         from the context given, this is a
                                 stimulation you will acquire the           good choice of IGCSE for you.
                                 skills, language and attitudes
                                 needed for study, work and leisure
                                 in your adult life.

                                 You will study five areas of

                                 Everyday Activities:
                                 Home life and school, food,
                                 health and fitness.

                                 Personal and Social Life:
                                 Self, family and personal relationships,
                                 holidays and special occasions.

                                 The World Around Us:
                                 Home town, environment,
                                 people, places and customs.
GCSE Combined Science – Trilogy (Double Award)

Why study GCSE Combined                  What will you study?                      In your Physics lessons you will
Science – Trilogy (Double Award)?        In your Biology lessons, you will         learn about forces, energy resources
Studying Science will help you to        learn about organ systems in the          (including the use of fossil fuels and
learn about how and why things           human body, including the nervous         global warming as critical problems
work in the way they do. From the        system and the digestive system.          for this century), waves (including
complex functioning of the human         The specification also includes           modern technologies such as
body to the development of the           topics on the environment,                imaging and communication
most sophisticated means of              inheritance and photosynthesis.           systems), electricity, magnets, the
modern communication; Science            There are opportunities to learn          particle model of matter and finally
is all around us. It is not just about   about relatively new techniques           radioactivity and nuclear physics.
learning facts; Science is also about    and technologies, such as genetic
developing the skills of critical        engineering and the therapeutic           How will you be assessed?
thinking, data analysis, problem         use of stem cells.                        The course is divided into Biology,
solving and application.                                                           Chemistry and Physics topics
                                         In your Chemistry lessons you will        that will be assessed via six
It is, therefore, not surprising that    learn why chemical reactions occur.       examinations taken at the end of
Science is a core subject of the         The specification includes topics on      Year 11. Each examination is 1 hour
National Curriculum and that a           combustion, extraction of metals          15 minutes long. Questions testing
GCSE Science qualification is a          and neutralisation. Factors such as       experimental and investigative skills
minimum requirement for entry to         how to alter the rate of a reaction       are also included in each
many university courses. The             and how to analyse substances are         examination.
Double Award Science course              also covered. You will also find out
combines the study of Biology,           how chemists strive to minimise the       Biology Paper 1              16.67%
Chemistry and Physics and leads to       use of limited resources and energy       Biology Paper 2              16.67%
the award of two GCSE grades. You        consumption in the manufacture of         Chemistry Paper 1            16.67%
are taught by three different subject    useful products and how chemists          Chemistry Paper 2            16.67%
specialist teachers and have 12          develop ways of disposing products        Physics Paper 1              16.67%
Science lessons per fortnight.           at the end of their useful life in ways   Physics Paper 2              16.67%
                                         that ensure that materials are used
If you take the Double Award course      sustainably.                              There are no Controlled
and later wish to continue a Science                                               Assessments.
subject to A Level, you will be able
to do so, provided you achieve the                                                 Remember
required grades.                                                                   You must choose either Double
                                                                                   Award or Triple Award Science.
GCSE Biology, Chemistry, Physics (Triple Award)

Why study GCSE Biology,                  How will you be assessed?                Is this for you?
Chemistry, Physics (Triple Award)?       Each Science GCSE covers a range         Triple Award Science is a course
Following the GCSE Triple Science        of topics that are examined in two       that is designed for pupils who have
course gives pupils the opportunity      written papers at the end of Year 11.    a genuine interest in Science and
to spend more time on their study        Questions testing experimental and       are keen to learn more about
of Science (18 periods per fortnight,    investigative skills are also included   Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
compared with 12 periods per             in each examination. Each                In order to succeed you will need
fortnight for Double Award Science)      examination is 1 hour 45 minutes         to have already demonstrated an
and leads to the award of three          long. This means that you will have a    aptitude for Science. You are
separate GCSE grades in Biology,         total of 6 Science examinations at       expected to have strong analytical
Chemistry and Physics. The               the end of Year 11.                      and evaluation skills as well as the
transition from Science GCSEs to                                                  ability to apply your knowledge to
Science A Levels may be easier for       Biology GCSE                             unfamiliar problems.
pupils who have followed the Triple      Biology Paper1                  50%
Science course, as several topics        Biology Paper 2                 50%      It is also important to remember that
for each Science are covered in                                                   taking the Triple Award Science
more detail and additional topics are    Chemistry GCSE                           option gives you one fewer option
introduced.                              Chemistry Paper 1               50%      choice. If you wish to follow a
                                         Chemistry Paper 2               50%      broader curriculum and keep your
What will you study?                                                              future options open, the Double
Biology – the specification covers all   Physics GCSE                             Award Science course may be more
of the Double Award Biology GCSE         Physics Paper 1                 50%      suitable for you.
topics, plus some further topics         Physics paper 2                 50%
including the structure of DNA,                                                   Remember
cloning methods in plants and            There are no Controlled                  You must choose either Double
animals, evolution and a study of        Assessments.                             Award or Triple Award Science.

Chemistry – the specification covers
all the topics studied in the
Chemistry sections of the Double
Award Science GCSE plus further
topics including the properties of
transition metals, chemical cells and
fuel cells, synthetic and naturally
occurring polymers and additional
quantitative chemistry.

Physics – the specification covers all
the Double Award Science GCSE
topics plus further topics including
moments, pressure, lenses, static
electricity and space physics.
GCSE Art and Design (Fine Art)

Why study GCSE Art and Design?           What will you study?                      Unit 2 – Externally Set Task
Choosing Art and Design enables          The Fine Art endorsement will allow       This is the examination element
you to explore your creativity and       you to explore and produce work           provided by AQA. You will receive an
develop your skills in a diverse range   using a range of the following            examination paper with a choice of
of media through an exciting             techniques: drawing, painting,            seven starting points. You will
practical based course.                  printmaking, mixed media, collage,        choose one question from the paper
                                         assemblage, sculpture and                 and produce work on it in a very
Art and Design has increasing            photography. Your teacher will            similar way to the sustained project
relevance to many aspects of our         guide you in order to develop your        for the portfolio. The examination
daily lives. Virtually everything that   technical skills, and support you         will be carried out over a number of
we own or look at has been               in trying new processes and               weeks beginning in January of Year
designed. We now live in a visual        techniques so that you can develop        11 and will conclude with a final
world that has its roots in Art and      the confidence required to realise        piece of work undertaken during
Design. Think about television and       your ideas.                               10 hours of supervised time.
film, web pages, interior design,
architecture, cars, fashion and much,    Unit 1 – Portfolio                        How will you be assessed?
much more. Art is everywhere; it’s       This is the coursework element, in        You will be assessed on your
not just a painting on a wall. Modern    which you will complete a sustained       portfolio, which is worth 60% of
businesses need people who have          project in response to a given            your total mark, and the externally
the ability to think creatively and      theme. You will demonstrate your          set task, which is worth 40% of your
adopt a disciplined approach to          knowledge, skills and understanding       total mark.
difficult situations. Many of the        of methods of recording,
study skills that you learn in Art and   experimenting with materials and          Is this for you?
Design can be used in a lot of your      techniques and the work of other          If you answer yes to some of the
other subjects. In fact, Art is very     artists documenting your journey          following questions, then GCSE Art
cross curricular as every subject        from the initial starting point through   and Design could be for you.
expects you to think creatively, to      to your final piece/s. You will also
explore, experiment and be curious.      be required to present a selection        • Do you enjoy expressing yourself
                                         of further work that has resulted           creatively?
                                         from mini projects, workshops and         • Do you enjoy having more
                                         responses to gallery, museum or             freedom to develop your own
                                         site visits.                                ideas?
                                                                                   • Are you independent, motivated
                                                                                     and determined?
                                                                                   • Do you have a willingness to
                                                                                     experiment and explore?
                                                                                   • Do you enjoy working in a
                                                                                     creative and progressive working
                                                                                   • Do you struggle with revision
                                                                                     based courses?
                                                                                   • Are you hoping to go into an Art
                                                                                     and Design based career?
GCSE Business

Why study GCSE Business                  In Year 11, we move on to look at the     Is this for you?
If you have enjoyed doing Enterprise     growth of business, focusing on the       This GCSE is fun, lively and thought
in Year 9, then you will really          four main functions in the context        provoking – we look at product
enjoy GCSE Business! This is an          of larger businesses: marketing,          development, talk about what is
accessible and fascinating subject       operations, finance and human             happening in the business world
which has an impact on every area        resources. You will look in more          and review marketing campaigns.
of our everyday lives. In the GCSE       depth at successful marketing – the       By the end of the course you will
course we apply knowledge to             product life cycle, building a brand      have a solid understanding of how
different real world organisations       and how to build an effective             businesses operate.
ranging from small enterprises to        marketing mix. In operations, you
large businesses which operate           will learn about the importance of
across the globe.                        research and development, how we
                                         manufacture quality products,
You will already be familiar with        manage stock, stay competitive
many of the concepts and ideas           and deliver good customer service
we discuss and should find it            that meets legal requirements. You
easier to add more depth to your         will also revisit some of the financial
understanding and analysis. We           concepts from Year 10 including
also use a mixture of qualitative and    cash flow, revenue, costs, break
quantitative data so, whether you        even and profit. In the topic on
prefer essay based or numerical          people, you learn about motivation,
subjects, there is something which       how organisations can be
links to your personal strengths.        structured, remuneration and the
                                         vital role of communication. Finally,
What will you study?                     you will look at the wider world of
As shown in the course details           business: ethics, environmental
below, the design of the course          issues, economic issues and
starts with small businesses and         international trade, and the impact
more simple concepts which               of government and the EU.
gradually build into a thorough and
detailed understanding of the world      How will you be assessed?
of business by the end of Year 11.       There are two written examinations
                                         which are taken at the end of Year 11.
In Year 10 we focus on the start up
of small businesses. The topics          Theme 1 on Investigating Small
includes what inspires entrepreneurs     Businesses is a 90 minute, 90 mark
to start a business and what skills      paper with a variety of multiple
they need to have to be successful;      choice, short answer and extended
for example, understanding               answer questions.
customers, researching the market
and thinking creatively. You will also   Theme 2 which is about Building a
learn about the use of social media,     Business has a similar structure and
the reliability of data in market        is also 90 minutes long and worth 90
research and how businesses use          marks. The papers have equal
technology.                              weighting and there is no Controlled
                                         Assessment as part of the course.
GCSE Computer Science

Why study GCSE Computer                 What will you study?                       Is this for you?
Science?                                Computer Science is an intellectually      Computer Science is at the centre
Take a look at the world around you.    challenging yet very practical and         of a STEM (Science Technology
How close to a computer are you?        rewarding subject. It is an intensely      Engineering and Maths) education.
When was the last time you used         creative subject where you can             Studying this subject will give you a
one? Life without computers is          apply the knowledge and skills             real advantage in today’s technology
almost unimaginable. The power          learned in the classroom in exciting       driven world. You will make the leap
of computers is utilised in all areas   and inventive ways.                        from using other people’s software
of life, from medicine to space                                                    to being able to design and create
exploration. Computer Science           You will learn to:                         your own. Maybe you could invent
goes way beyond just writing code.      • think creatively, innovatively,          the next Facebook or Snap Chat?
                                          analytically, logically and critically   GCSE Computer Science will give
Steve Jobs (Apple Co-Founder)           • apply the principles of computer         you the skills to become a
once remarked...                          science, including abstraction,          Technology Entrepreneur… but
“Everybody in this country should         decomposition, logic and data            even more than this, it will give you
learn how to program a computer…          representation                           the skills you need for any career
because it teaches you how to think”.   • analyse problems in                      because Computer Science teaches
                                          computational terms and solve            you how to think.
By studying this highly valued            them by designing, writing and
subject you will develop the skills       debugging programs
and knowledge to give you that          • apply mathematical skills relevant
competitive advantage in any              to computation.
future career. You will develop
computational thinking skills such      How will you be assessed?
as analysis, decomposition, logic       You are assessed by two written
and algorithmic thinking.               papers:

“Computational thinking will be a       Unit 1: Computer Systems (50%)
fundamental skill used by everyone
by the middle of the 21st Century.      Unit 2: Algorithms, Computational
Just like reading, writing and          Thinking and Programming (50%)
arithmetic”. Wing (2011)
                                        You will also complete a Practical
                                        Programming Project which is
                                        compulsory but does not count
                                        towards your final grade.
GCSE Design Technology

Why study GCSE Design                    How will you be assessed?
Technology?                              The examination will make up 50%
Every product is designed.               of your final mark. The examination
Designers find solutions to              brings together your core
problems, make our lives better and      knowledge of all material areas and
enhance our lives aesthetically. The     in-depth knowledge of textiles. A
Design Technology GCSE course            minimum of 15% of the paper will
allows you to explore the design         assess your mathematical and
process to create products that          science skills as applied within a
meet real life needs.                    design and technology context. The
                                         controlled assessment project will
What will you study?                     make up the final 50% of your mark.
In Year 10 you will be taught all the
key skills you need to succeed. We       Is this for you?
will build on the knowledge you have     If you are interested in the world
already and you will become familiar     around you, curious about how
with woods, metals, plastics, papers     products develop and reach the
and boards as well as our specialist     market and are keen on problem
area of textiles. You will use this      solving then you will enjoy Design
knowledge to develop product             Technology. The course has a 15%
design ideas and solutions and you       design related mathematics content
will make prototypes using our           so you should be comfortable with
Laser cutter, 3D printer and sewing      basic mathematics. The course can
machines. In Year 11 the exam            support you in many future careers
board will release a ‘context’ upon      including fashion, engineering,
which you will base your controlled      architecture, industrial design and
assessment project. You will             business.
develop your own design brief and
work through the design process to
create your final product. Your
project will have a textiles focus but
can also incorporate any of the other
material areas as part of your final
product. Your controlled
assessment will be worth 50% of
your final mark.
GCSE Drama

Why study GCSE Drama?                      How will you be assessed?               Is this for you?
In Drama lessons you are encouraged        Component 1:                            This course is perfect for you if you
to explore and engage actively in a        Devised Performance                     have a genuine interest in theatre
wide range of creative activities to       • 40% of the GCSE – 60 Marks            and performance. A willingness to
enable you to develop as a successful      • Internally assessed (by your          work collaboratively and creatively
and independent learner. You will be         Drama Department) and Externally      with your peers is essential!
given the opportunity to demonstrate         Moderated.
competence in a range of practical,
creative and performance skills. You       There are two parts to the
will learn how to work imaginatively       assessment:
and creatively in collaboration with       1) A portfolio examining the entire
others; generating, developing and         devising process
communicating your ideas. You will         2) A performance of the devised
develop a multitude of skills, including   performance
collaboration, communication and
an understanding of how to evaluate        Component 2:
and make progress. The course              Performance from Text
has a balance between engaging             • 20% of the GCSE – 48 Marks
prescribed texts and stimulating           • Externally assessed by a visiting
devising work; this will provide you         examiner.
with variety, challenge and fun.
                                           Component 3:
You may not wish to pursue a               Theatre Makers in Practice
career as a performer but many             • 40% of the GCSE – 60 Marks
career paths will benefit from the         • Written examination 1 hour and
study of Drama, for example,                 30 minutes.
marketing, advertising, the law and
teaching; indeed, anything which           Section A
requires public speaking or good           • 45 Marks
communication skills.                      • One question (broken into six
                                             parts) on an unseen extract from
What will you study?                         the chosen performance text
Component 1: (40%) Devised                   studied.
– Create, rehearse and perform a           Section B
  piece of drama                           • 15 Marks
– Evaluation of the devising process       • Two questions on a live theatre
  and performance                            performance you have seen
                                           • Pupils may take notes of up to 500
Component 2: (20%) Performance               words into the examination for this
from Text                                    section.
– Presentation of two key extracts
  from a performance text

Component 3: (40%) Theatre
Makers in Practice – Written
– Practical exploration and study
  of one play
– Live Theatre Evaluation
GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition

Why study GCSE Food                       This new GCSE in Food Preparation        How will you be assessed?
Preparation and Nutrition?                and Nutrition is an exciting and         Written examination
The food industry is one of the           creative course which ensures
world’s fastest growing industries.       you will develop a thorough              Paper 1:
In fact over 20% of the top 100           understanding of nutrition, food         Theoretical knowledge of food
British Companies are in food             provenance and the working               preparation and nutrition and from
manufacturing.                            characteristics of food materials.       the five core topics (above)
                                          At its heart, this qualification         1 hour 45 minutes
The food and drink industry is            focuses on nurturing your practical      100 marks
booming, with employment                  cooking skills to give you a strong      50% of GCSE
reaching the heights of 650,000           understanding of nutrition.
people and an annual turnover of                                                   NEA – Non-exam assessment
£66 billion. The opportunities to         Food preparation skills are              100 marks
work within the food industry really      integrated into five core topics:
are endless.                              • Food, nutrition and health             Task 1:
                                          • Food science                           Food investigation - understanding
Some examples of careers in               • Food safety                            the working characteristics,
food are:                                 • Food choice                            functional and chemical properties
food scientist, dietician/nutritionist,   • Food provenance                        of ingredients. A written or
food sales and promotion, product                                                  electronic report (1500 – 2000
development, consumer                     What will you study?                     words) including photographic
technologist (sensory analysis and        During the course you will be given      evidence of the practical
product tasting), chef / baker /          the opportunity to practise a wide       investigations.
caterer, food journalist / food critic,   range of skills along with developing    30 marks
environmental health officer, health      a greater understanding of nutrition;
& safety inspector, food service          the science behind food as a             Task 2:
management, delicatessen /                material, and wider environmental        Food Preparation Assessment –
restaurateur, food wholesaler,            aspects associated with food.            knowledge, skills and
production & manufacturing, quality                                                understanding in relation to the
assurance / standardisation,              This qualification is linear, and        planning, preparation, cooking,
purchaser (buys and sells food from       consists of examination assessment       presentation of food and application
around the world), packaging              and non-examination assessment at        of nutrition related to the chosen
technologist, teacher.                    the end of the course.                   task. Pupils will prepare, cook and
                                                                                   present a final menu of three dishes
                                          The course is taught in a “hands on”     within a single period of no more
                                          practical way; consequently the          than 3 hours, planning in advance
                                          purchase of additional ingredients is    how this will be achieved. 70 marks
                                          essential. Time will also need to be
                                          allocated to visiting the supermarket.   Task 1 and Task 2 together will count
                                                                                   for 50% of the GCSE.
                                          In Year 10 you will cook
                                          approximately once a week along          Is this for you?
                                          with completing a series of modules      You will enjoy Food Preparation and
                                          involving written work and food          Nutrition if you are organised and
                                          experiments.                             enjoy experimenting with food.
                                                                                   When choosing this course, it is
                                          In Year 11 you will concentrate on       more important to enjoy a large
                                          completing two Non-Examination           variety of foods than have a natural
                                          Assessments (NEAs) using a variety       flair for cooking: we will teach you
                                          of research and investigation            how to cook! You will also have an
                                          methods. You will respond to one         inquiring mind and want to know all
                                          of three specified tasks set by the      about the food you eat and what it is
                                          exam board. You will experiment          needed for in the body.
                                          and trial ideas for the NEA and
                                          prepare for your examination in
                                          the Summer term. You will work
                                          independently on the task which
                                          is set by the examination board.
GCSE Geography

Why study GCSE Geography?                Fieldwork Investigation                   How will you be assessed?
Geography is a varied and wide           Pupils need to undertake two days         You will take three examination
ranging subject which incorporates       of Fieldwork. This will enable you to     papers at the end of Year 11:
aspects of both the physical and         gain an understanding of the
human environments. It develops          environment by first hand                 Paper One:
written, graphical and oral skills and   investigation and by applying             Living with the physical environment
it also helps us to understand the       knowledge and concepts learned in         (worth 35% of GCSE)
world in which we live. Geography is     the classroom. The two Fieldwork
an excellent ‘bridging’ subject          inquiries will be carried out in          Paper Two:
between the Arts and Sciences and        contrasting environments and will         Challenges in the human
allows pupils to keep their options      include aspects of both physical          environment (worth 35% of GCSE)
open when considering A Level            and human geography. There will
studies in the future.                   be a compulsory overnight                 Paper Three:
                                         residential trip to Cranedale in York     Geographical applications (worth
What will you study?                     in Year 11 (usually towards the end       30% of GCSE) Is this for you?
This exciting and relevant course        of September but this is subject to
presents geography in a balanced         availability and approval:                Yes if:
framework of physical and human          approximate cost is £235                  • You enjoy learning about people
themes and investigates the link         per pupil). This specialist centre has      and their societies, economies,
between them. You will travel the        an excellent academic reputation            cultures and managing their
world from the classroom, exploring      and Health & Safety record –                environments
case studies in the United Kingdom       see https://cranedale.com/                • You are keen to learn and develop
(UK), newly emerging economies                                                       a wide range of skills.
(NEEs) and lower income countries        Geography Field Trip
(LICs). Topics of study include          We run a biennial residential trip to
climate change, poverty,                 Iceland which will give you the           And finally... If you are interested in a
deprivation, global shifts in            opportunity to develop your               career that involves travel, you will
economic power and the challenge         knowledge and understanding of            not be disappointed. Geographers
of sustainable resource use.             the topics covered in class and to        really can work anywhere in the
                                         improve your fieldwork techniques.        world!
In lessons, we aim to provide you        In four days we visit many features
with a variety of activities to meet     of the island in order to build up real   “Geography is a living, breathing
your needs. We pay particular            life examples in preparation for your     subject, constantly adapting
attention to examination technique       examinations. We also make sure            itself to change. It is dynamic and
alongside group and pair work            there is time to enjoy the geothermal     relevant. For me geography is a
activities that develop your learning    pools the island has to offer!            great adventure with a purpose.”
and confidence in the subject.                                                     Michael Palin
Mentoring sessions will also provide
you with an opportunity to ask for
further help and advice. We
encourage you to order ‘Wider
World’ magazine to extend your
wider reading within the subject. We
also encourage the use of ICT and
video clips to help improve your
understanding of the patterns and
processes we investigate.
GCSE History

Why study GCSE History?                   Section B:                                  Section B:
                                          Wider World Depth Study – Conflict          British Depth Study including the
History is amazing – it’s all about       and tension, 1918–1939                      Historic Environment: Restoration
people and their lives! It also helps     This study covers the aftermath of          England, 1660–1685
us understand the world that we live      World War I and the failed attempts         You will study the relationship
in today. This course enables you to      to prevent World War II. You will           between Crown and Parliament (e.g.
study the most interesting parts of       study the attempts to make a fair           the issue of succession), together
British, European and World History.      peace settlement after WWI, the             with religious intolerance (e.g. the
Diversity is assured and it offers        Treaty of Versailles (e.g. Article 231)     Popish Plot) and the character of
something for everyone!                   and its impact (e.g. German                 Charles II as King. You will also look
                                          resentment). You will also look at          at crises (e.g. the Great Plague) and
What will you study?                      the formation and successes and             the development of popular culture
You will study people’s lives in a        failures of the new international           (e.g. coffee houses). This section
range of historical contexts. You will    peace-keeping organisation, the             also includes a study of the growth
also be supported with additional         League of Nations and the reasons           of empire (e.g. East India Company),
subject clinics to enhance your           for its final collapse. Finally, you will   trade (e.g. slave trade) and war. A
performance (if you need them!)           look at the growing international           castle/stately home specific to the
and trips to develop your learning        tension following Hitler’s                  Restoration must also be studied
outside the classroom. The                appointment as Chancellor, how              and referred to in your examination.
department has successfully run           this escalated and the events
GCSE Trips to the USA in 2012,            immediately preceding WWII                  How will you be assessed?
2014 and 2016 and plans to run its        (e.g. Poland).                              You will sit two examinations at the
next in 2019.                                                                         end of the two year course. Both will
                                          Paper 2:                                    last 1 hour 45 minutes and will be
The course is divided into four           Shaping The Nation                          worth 50% of the GCSE.
sections which are examined in two
papers; each section is worth 25%         Section A:                                  Is this for you?
of your final mark. The options that      Britain: Power and the people:              History is an extremely popular
will be taught are as follows:            c.1170 to the present day                   subject which provides excellent
                                          The story of how British people             support for anyone thinking about
Paper 1:                                  fought to gain the rights that we           careers in management, business,
Understanding The Modern World            enjoy today. You will look at               the media, law, journalism or
                                          medieval constraints on kingship            politics, to name but a few! History
Section A:                                (e.g. Magna Carta), the origins of          develops study skills and thinking
America, 1920-1973:                       parliament (e.g. role of Simon de           skills and is therefore outstanding
Opportunity and inequality                Montfort) and popular revolt (e.g.          preparation for life in the Sixth Form.
You will study how America became         Peasants’ Revolt). You will also
so rich in the 1920s and how              examine popular uprisings in the
American society changed, looking         Early Modern era (e.g. Pilgrimage
in detail at the changing role of         of Grace), ‘Divine Right’ vs.
women, the growth of the                  Parliamentary authority (e.g.
entertainment industry (Hollywood)        English Civil War) and the right
and American attitudes towards            to representation (e.g. American
racism, immigration and organised         Revolution). You will look at the
crime (Al Capone). You will also          extension of the vote in the 19th and
study the impact of The Wall Street       20th centuries (e.g. Chartism) and
Crash on American lives and the           various forms of popular protest
attempts by President Roosevelt to        (e.g. the Anti-Slavery Movement).
help America recover. (The “New           Finally, you will study women’s
Deal”) You will also learn about the      rights (e.g. Suffragettes), workers’
impact of WWII and how it changed         rights (e.g. the1926 General Strike)
American Society. Finally, you will       and minority rights (e.g. Brixton
study post-war America and the            Riots) and Britain’s development as
development of television, Rock and       a multi-racial society.
Roll, Martin Luther King Jr and
racism. You will also look in detail at
the social policies of Presidents
Kennedy and Johnson and the
campaign for racial, gender and
human rights. (e.g. Roe vs. Wade).
You can also read