GAZETTE - Rosebank College

GAZETTE - Rosebank College
From the Principal                                                             VOLUME NO. 14 – 20 MAY, 2019

Dear Parents, Students, Staff and Friends of Rosebank,

The Nation has voted and we all hope that when government is duly
declared it gets on with ‘the job’.

I take this opportunity on behalf of the Rosebank Community to
congratulate Dr Fiona Martin for firstly committing to public life - a huge
task when coupled with her already big commitments to her business and
family. We have no doubt that her formation here at Rosebank and the
influence of her family and study, will ensure she will bring to the task a                Year 7 Science
strong work ethic, a deep set of core values, a strength of intellect and
professional wisdom, a caring disposition and a generosity of heart.

I also take this opportunity to formally thank Mr Craig Laundy who has
served our community of Reid with steadfast commitment, generosity
of heart and strength of character and who provided excellent example
and mentoring to our students, in particular our immerging leaders. Craig
demonstrated on many occasion, in the mayhem of the past six years,
what integrity and conviction is about even when there is a great personal
price. We also extend our gratitude to Craig’s family who generously
allowed him to pursue a public career with the intrusion and loss of
privacy that it entails. We look forward to an opportunity to welcome
both Fiona and thank Craig more publically in the near future.

In our competitive approach to politics there can be but one winner.
So to Sam Crosby, our other special alumni we offer our support and
appreciation for stepping up and seeking the privilege of representation
of the Reid community. Sam, along with his family and supporters
undoubtedly, gave of their best. While I have no doubt that Saturday
evening would have been deeply disappointing, I am sure we will continue
to see Sam serving our community in many varied and important ways.
                                                                                           Year 8 Science
Sam is passionate about the common good and ensuring that the limited
and precious resources of the local and national community are well
distributed and managed.

At Rosebank Last Friday evening, one of the topics debated was “we get
the politicians we deserve”. The various teams approached this vigorously
from different angles based to some extent on whether they were given
the affirmative or negative challenge. The debate had me thinking about
the notion of ‘what do we deserve’? Not in a negative sense of blame and
revenge, but in the sense of what do we, as created and loving humans,
need and deserve.
There will be much spoken about this in the weeks ahead as the new
Morrison Government sets about redefining the nation’s agenda in the
post-election context and identifying the key players who will implement
it. However, I fear that the real conversation Australians need to have may
get lost once again in the practical trivia and possible divisions of a hung
GAZETTE - Rosebank College
parliament or minority government with, the balance of power held            Year 12 Industrial Technology
by the minorities. What I believe is needed in the Australian dialogue
is an antidote to what Benedictine Sister, Joan Chittister OSB
refers to as “a world where power and bullying, egregious greed and
pathological individualism, authoritarianism and narcissism has left a
sense of community behind”. This is a world that teaches ‘that pride
is the basic flaw in the human system’. She proposes, in following St
Benedict’s advice who found himself immersed in a similar world,
that ‘Humility, the cornerstone of society, of civilization, of the social
order, is its corrective.”

We pray that as the government and the opposition, balance, leaders
and agendas take shape, we begin to see a huge amount of humility.
If Scott Morrison truly ‘believes in miracles’ than what we should be
seeing is a leadership style that acknowledges the hand of one who
created and brought us all into being and has called us forward to
serve and build community. As with all authentic leadership, there is
a recognition that it’s not about the leader, not about power and not
about ego. It is about the mission!! It is about the sacred act of co-
creation. It is about serving and enabling. It’s about, in St Benedict’s
words, ‘arranging all things so that the strong have much to long for
and the weak have nothing to fear’. We need a leadership where
no one is left behind and the resources of the nation are equitably
distributed so we can be our best. I believe we are emerging out of
a divisive, destructive, selfish era in the nation’s history and we are
being given an opportunity to move ahead with vision, hope, justice
and trust. Australians have now voted. Will we get the politicians we

Tom Galea

GAZETTE - Rosebank College
Dates for the                    From The Assistant Principal
                                       You're Invited!
                                       With NAPLAN behind us and a range of assessment, exam blocks
                                       and trials still ahead for all of our students, I would like to extend
   Monday 27 May                       an invitation to all parents and friends of the College, to attend an
   School Photos                       important Parent Workshop, hosted by Elevate Education. Details of
                                       the workshop are as follows:
   Monday 3 June
   Athletics Carnival                  Parent Workshop - Elevate Education
                                       Date:Tuesday, 4 June 2019
   Wednesday 5 June                    Venue: Rosebank College SRSC
   Year 10 Drama Evening               Time: 7pm
                                       (This is a parent only event)
   Friday 7 June
   Open Day in Lieu                    RSVP required (click on link):
   Friday 21 June                      73jh6WN6YqAWgqR-Ngn1s7jvfuF5Ju3KeBilEQ/viewform
   Benedict Day

                                       We highly recommend that you join us on the evening, to be a part
                                       of an empowering conversation around supporting your children in
Students can now purchase items
                                       every facet of their education journey. The workshop will enable you
from the Uniform Shop using their
                                       to feel more confident in imparting valuable and lifelong skills to your
student card. Funds need to be
                                       children across a range of topics including:
transferred onto student cards prior
to any purchase made.
Payments / Top - Ups can be made           •    Time Management: How parents can help their child
through our Parent Portal On-line               manage their time effectively, so they can maintain a balanced
payments system.                                routine, not leave tasks to the last minute, and avoid

Any enquiries regarding                    •    Study Support: What kind of work is most valuable in
enrolments for 2021, 2022 and                   helping to achieve higher marks? Presenters will discuss what
2023 please phone the                           good study looks like so parents can help their children work
Enrolment Registrar                             smarter.
direct on 02 9713 3118                     •    Motivation: Sometimes, the most difficult part of studying in
                                                high school is simply being motivated enough to do the work.
                                                This seminar will help parents understand the key drivers
                                                behind student motivation, and how to leverage these to help
                                                their child reach their potential
                                       "The schools that see the greatest behavioral change from their students
                                       are those that bring the parent community into the conversation.This
                                       workshop provides parents with strategies to get on the same page as their
                                       children so that the skills taught in class are reinforced at home." - Elevate

                                       Parents who attend will also be provided with access to the Elevate
                                       Parent E-book to follow up and extend on the best ways to support
                                       their child through high school.  

                                       I hope to see you all there.
                                                                                             Mr Paul Hardwick
                                                                                             Assistant Principal

GAZETTE - Rosebank College
From the Dean of Ministry
Unveiling Mary                                               with Mary should be”. Surely there was some other path
Sister Patty Fawkner SGS                                     between sentimental attachment and outright rejection.
The month of May is dedicated to Mary of Nazareth.           I have a healthy scepticism of visions – my own or other
Patty Fawkner reflects on her own Marian journey from        people’s.Yet while on retreat a number of years later,
‘naïve piety’ and disillusioned critic to contemporary       an image (was it a vision?) came to me. I saw the back
model and spiritual companion.                               of two women with arms linked standing side by side
                                                             beneath the cross of Calvary. Without seeing their faces I
Mary figured strongly in my childhood devotion and           knew one to be Mary and the other to be me.
imagination.                                                 My prayer had been answered; my relationship with
                                                             Mary was that of companion. She stood alongside me
There were the Scriptural stories of the Annunciation        as together we gazed, not at each other, but at her son
and Visitation and the inevitable Nativity pageant at the    Jesus.
end of year school concert. We loved the stories of
Mary’s apparitions to children at Lourdes and Fatima,        It occurred to me that this is the journey we all need
and many of us wore a miraculous medal, scapular and,        to take in matters of faith and belief – from naïve
for girls, the Child of Mary blue cloak. We prayed the       idealisation, through a necessary stage of critical
Angelus, Memorare, litany and family rosary.                 suspicion and disillusionment, to, what the esteemed
                                                             French philosopher Paul Ricouer calls, a “second naïveté”.
Each May, I would create a small altar with flowers and      My initial naïve piety could not sustain an adult faith.
candles and adorn it with as many images of Mary I could
find. I was particularly fond of the centrepiece – a small   My scriptural studies with their tools of historical and
statue which glowed in the dark. It was for good reason      literary criticism were a necessary, though at times
that my siblings named me “Pious Patty”! Truth be told, in   confronting, challenge to a literal interpretation of
regard to Mary, we were all pious.                           Scripture. If God didn’t make the world in seven days, if
                                                             Mary didn’t really see an angel, if Jesus didn’t really walk
The change in such piety was inevitable. As a young nun I    on water, what within the Bible was true? What do these
could no longer accept at face value the Marian tradition    stories mean? What do they mean for my faith?
in which I was reared. I reacted to what I perceived
as a non-biblical, saccharine Marian fervour. Clad in a      Ricoeur says that we do not need to repudiate the
child-of-Mary-look-alike cloak, and with her English rose    stories of faith, but we do need to integrate them
complexion, the popular images of Mary made her seem,        with an “informed engagement” with both the
in every way, not like us. She appeared more at home         text and the complexity of our adult experience.
on a marble pedestal, than in Nazareth – a very non-         Beyond childish literalism I can engage with my faith
romantic village, home to peasants and local craftsmen       with a critical intelligence borne of sound scriptural and
who were the “tradies” of their day.                         theological scholarship as well as a childlike wonder and
                                                             imagination in the presence of mystery.
I was critical of the tendency to divinise Mary even
though I appreciated that this was some compensation         Instead of viewing biblical texts and creedal statements
for an overly patriarchal theology of God. The devotion      with only a deconstructive “hermeneutic” or perspective
of successive popes who honoured Mary as virgin and          of suspicion, I can become a critical lover. By asking my
mother, and the ideal feminine to which all women were       suspicious questions, yes, but also engaging a hermeneutic
urged to aspire, I found irksome. Women’s feminine           of trust and creative imagination.
“genius” and complementarity seemed to be an
endorsement of Mary’s meekness and mildness, passivity       I wish to honour Mary with biblically-based
and subservience.                                            interpretations which are more suited to contemporary
                                                             life. When we engage with the scriptural texts with a
I was disdainful of most forms of Marian devotion, and       second naïveté, with Mary as companion and one of us,
disdainful of those people for whom such devotion was        rather than one beyond us, we recognise, as theologian
precious. The certainty of my stance was patronising and     Elizabeth Johnson says, a strong, resilient and self-
harsh. From being an uncritical lover, I had become an       possessed woman. In her acclaimed book, Truly our Sister,
unloving critic.                                             Johnson points out that in the Annunciation narrative,
                                                             Mary says her “yes”, amazingly without recourse to
Having all but given up on Mary, I felt something stir       the traditional male authorities of her day: “Exercising
within and prayed, “God, show me what my relationship        independent thought and action, she asks questions and
GAZETTE - Rosebank College
takes counsel with her own soul. In a self-determining act of personal autonomy, she decides to go for it.” And the
rest, we can say, is salvation history!

Liberation theologians and seekers of justice love Mary for her Magnificat in which she celebrates a God who has
“brought down the powerful from their thrones, and lifted up the lowly.” The Virgin Mary of any first naïve piety could
not have written this hymn of praise, says spiritual writer Ronald Rolheiser.

Rather than the litanies I recited as a child where I honoured Mary with inscrutable names such as “Tower of ivory”,
“Mother inviolate” and “Singular vessel of devotion,” I would like to take the lead from blogger Christine Schenk, who
praises Mary as “marginalised woman”, “unwed mother”, “refugee woman with child”, “mother of a political prisoner”,
and “seeker of sanctuary”.
There will be no luminous statue of Mary on any altar I may create this May. But in my prayer space I have a beautiful
image of the Annunciation. This May I pray that Mary, my companion and sister in faith, may continue to help me look
with compassion in the direction of her son and all those who suffer with him.
This article was first published in the May 2019 edition of
The Good Oil, the e-magazine of the Good Samaritan Sisters                                      Dr Paul O’ Shea                                                                            Dean of Mission

Meningococcal Vaccination
for Year 10 Students

Dear Parents/Guardians,

The NSW Minister for Health has
announced the start of a school-
based meningococcal vaccination
program targeting Year 10 students
in Term 2 2019. The vaccination
date scheduled for Rosebank
College is Thursday 6 June
2019. Nurses will administer the
vaccine during Home Room run
through Periods 1 to 4.

Students receiving the vaccination
are required to complete the
consent form and return it on the
day of vaccination. Students will
receive the consent form on Friday
24 May.

Your support is greatly appreciated
and will help maintain the heath
and well-being of our students and
the broader community.

If you have any questions please do
not hesitate to contact your local
Public Health Unit on 1300 066

Harry Vomvellis
Assistant Dean of Administration
(Senior School)

GAZETTE - Rosebank College
Diverse Learning News
Gifted Education                                               the “Focus On Ability” film festival. Several groups of
Calling all students who have the drive and initiative to      students have been working on their videos since late
complete an independent project in an area of passionate       last term. Entries close in two weeks so if you have a son
interest. The Future Is Now! And we want to know how           or daughter who is involved please support them to keep
you are going to shape the future. This year InnovatED is      up the good work and remind them that good editing is
all about how you see the future. If you want to create a      the hallmark of film quality. There are various prizes to
model, a film, a performance, a product, an art installation   be won, with some winners having the opportunity for
or anything else, to express your vision for the future ask    exposure to international audiences. There is also a prize
Ms McArthur for an Expression of Interest and submit           for most popular film and we hope the whole College
your idea now! You can email me at the address below or        community will get behind our students’ entries. Stay
come and see me in the Diverse Learning Office in the          tuned for more information on when and how to vote.
bottom of O Block to collect the form. Complete and
submit your expression of interest and start down a path       In the first week of this term twenty enthusiastic writers
of discovery, working towards your contribution to the         accompanied me to a student day at the Sydney Writers’
Rosebank College Showcase at the end of the year. Don’t        Festival, below is a compilation article highlighting
delay, remember The Future Is Now!                             their experience of the day. Thank you to the following
                                                               students who contributed to this article: Erika Okubo-
Rosebank hosted the inaugural NSW Ethics Olympiad, on          Fleming, Stella Vardanega, Jamie Truong, Holly Birmingham,
Saturday May 18. We had a team of enthusiastic ethicists       Nathan Wrigley, Mikaela Calcagno, Chloe Hong, Jack
who have thoughts on everything from data violence             Batchelor, Harley Hatzimihail, Charlotte Durham, Lily
to drone wars to de-extinction and everything in               Hole, Rutva Molkar, Sophia Sullivan, Jack Harris, Stefani
between and they were keen to take on the challenge of         Zarkovic and Brendan Murphy
discussions on these fraught topics with the best minds
from thirteen other schools in NSW. Matthew Wills who          Sydney Writer’s Festival Excursion
recently retired from Hale School in Western Australia
to pursue his passion to bring Philosophy and Ethics to        On Friday 3 May, 20 students from years 7-10 attended the
school students, facilitated the competition with the help     Sydney Writers Festival with Ms McArthur. At the festival,
of attending teachers and the support of Professors of         we listened to four successful authors from around Australia
Ethics from various Sydney universities. This was a day of     and the world speak about their books, writing experiences
big ideas and collaboration as students strived to find an     and methods.They shared with us their stories, their journeys
ethical pathway through the challenges of modern life.         from an either enthusiastic, or absolutely uninterested reader/
                                                               writer as a child, to a successful author. From right at home in
In another look at the challenges of modern day living,        Australia to New York City we experienced a diverse group of
the second debate in the IQ2 series is on the evening of       speakers who focused on diversity itself, speaking about topics
Wednesday June 12 and looks at the idolising of youth.         as different as indigenous and LGBTQI issues to the power
My thanks go out to Mr Sinclair-Kydd who will supervise        of beauty and dystopic landscapes; there was something for
the College excursion to this event in my absence,             everyone.We were exposed to a plethora of varying views and
as I will be attending the Yr 10 Learning Progress             opinions all orbiting around the key concept of equality.The
Meetings (LPMs) and subject selection evening. As part         four speakers touched on a number of key areas including
of the subject selection process, I will be discussing         unrealistic beauty standards and various discrimination issues,
the possibility of completing units towards a university       such as fighting for indigenous rights and racism, bullying,
degree while still attending the College, for those            and civil rights such as the acceptance of the LGBTQI+
students identified with high potential in terms of their      community. One quote from Ambelin Kwaymullina that stuck
academic competence.                                           with us was “once equality has to be earned, it’s no longer
                                                               equality”.We also had the wonderful opportunity to meet the
Preparations are also underway for competing in the Da         authors and have our books signed.
Vinci Decathlon at Knox Grammar School at the end of
May. Rosebank College will field one team each in the
Years 7 & 8 and Years 9 & 10 days and competition is hot       Overall, it was a great experience and one that greatly helped
for a place on the team. I urge all interested students to     Overall it was a wonderful experience to meet the authors
submit their applications to the box outside the Diverse       and understand their thought process when making their
Learning Office as soon as possible.                           novels.This taught us not only the process of writing a unique
                                                               book, but also how they managed to become a successful
Also due at the end of this month are short films for          writer.There were two things that were common between the

GAZETTE - Rosebank College
four authors, firstly that all the authors had something that they each liked to write about.The second thing was about ‘writer's
block’, with most of the authors saying that they don't believe it exists and that it is just a part of writing.The authors also tried
to inspire the audience to write in exotic places, rather than in an enclosed room or office, as writing outside can help various
ideas to flow.

We thoroughly enjoyed the day and recommend it to any keen readers with creative minds even if you do not plan on being an
author. It is a great experience and we learnt a lot!
For any questions or queries about this article or about the EnrichED Program at the College, please contact me on
the email below.
Cheryl McArthur
Gifted Education Teacher

Once again, a big Thank you to all
our generous families who have
expressed an interest to host this
coming July 2019. We will be wel-
coming 30 international students
from our partner schools.

Ms. Lidia Barron
IBSSSEP Coordinator

GAZETTE - Rosebank College
Sports Report
Representative Sport Report: CBSA/SCC

CBSA Senior Soccer Report: Rosebank 6 defeated Lakemba 0
Round 3 in the CBSA Senior Soccer Competition saw Rosebank chasing their second win against Holy Spirit
Lakemba. The Rosebank midfield quickly asserted their dominance with a mountain of possession. After some
pinpoint passing and a few close shots, the deadlock was broken with a Holy Spirit own goal. Man of the match,
Samuel Rodrigues, then displayed some fancy footwork in a crowded penalty box but was denied by a hand-ball on
the goal line, with the resultant red card reducing Lakemba to 10 men. Anthony Kyriazis calmly slotted the penalty
and it was all one-way traffic from here with Samuel Rodrigues adding another goal for Rosebank to take a 3-0 lead
at half time. The defence was rock-solid all game, with left-back Oliver Portas making a stunning full-field run on the
counter-attack and leaving a trail of defenders in his wake on his way to put the boys 4 goals up. Zane Dragatogiannis
capped off a brilliant performance in
midfield with some flair and finesse to
claim a fifth goal for the team after a
few assists. In the final play of the game,
striker Oscar Derkatch broke his goal-
scoring drought with a well guided
header to seal an emphatic 6-0 victory.
Goalkeeper David Parpaiola was also
exceptional, making various critical saves
to keep his clean sheet.

SCC Intermediate Netball Report: Rosebank 27 defeated Liverpool 25
The SCC Intermediate Netball team played a fantastic game on Thursday, edging out All Saints Liverpool 27-25 to
claim the win. In attack Simona Bertuccio, Lara Zuzza and Chelsea Ashwood displayed great composure and patience,
staying calm under the physical pressure from All Saints. Olivia Gilchrist had outstanding hands over the defence
which helped build the pressure and allowed for Charlise Gardner, Sienna Tierney and Chloe Tselis to receive
numerous intercepts. Our whole court defence allowed us to gain a crucial intercept in the dying minutes which
we were then able to capitalise on to come away with a late goal and the win. A fantastic whole team effort that
epitomises that hard work pays off.

SCC Senior Netball Report: Rosebank 45 defeated Liverpool 8
The SCC Senior Netball team side off to a great start again this season, with another convincing win this week
against Liverpool 45-8. Amy O’Neill, Jasmine Gryllis and Kasey Spratt caused lots of headaches for the opposition
with their smothering defence and ability to restrict access into their shooting circle. The quick transition from
defence to attack following a turnover was made to look effortless by the strong drives and changes of direction
from Emily Fiori and Jess Callander in the middle. The team’s efforts were quickly rewarded each time by the great
circle rotation and shooting from Gnima Sagna, Lucinda Della Marta and Shannon Germon. In the end, Rosebank ran
away for a comfortable 37 point victory and remain undefeated after 3 rounds.

Rosebank girls selected in Sydney Catholic Colleges Representative Soccer Team
Congratulations to Aisling Farrell, Ellie Jones,Vanessa Vlach, Aleisha Camporeale and Ava Calabria who have been
selected to represent Sydney Catholic Colleges in the NSWCCC Football Championships on June 4-5. From this
tournament, the New South Wales Combined Catholic Colleges Soccer team is selected

CBSA and SCC Results (Week 3)
 Comp Sport                             Opposition Score                   Player of match
 SCC      Junior Netball                Liverpool      Defeated 11 - 25 Catherine Nunez
 SCC      Intermediate Netball          Liverpool      Won 27 - 25         Olivia Gilchrist
 SCC      Senior Netball                Liverpool      Won 45 - 8          Amy O’Neill

GAZETTE - Rosebank College
SCC     Senior Soccer                Liverpool       Won 14 - 0         Ava Calabria
CBSA    Junior Soccer                Lakemba         Won 6 - 1          Ethan Di-Giacomo
CBSA    Intermediate Soccer          Lakemba         Won 4 - 0          Sebastian Portas
CBSA    Senior Soccer                Lakemba         Won 6 - 0          Samuel Rodrigues
CBSA    Junior Rugby League          Lakemba         Defeated 4 - 34    Lee Howlett
CBSA    Intermediate Rugby League Lakemba            Defeated 6 - 36    Elias Kiraz
Weekend Sport Results

Competition       Team                 Opposition             Result             Player of Match
FDLC Girls Futsal U13/14 Yellow        Schols White           Won 7-1            Sonya Kalachian
FDLC Girls Futsal U13/14 Green         Schols Yellow          Defeated 3-1       Alana Giangrasso
FDLC Girls Futsal U13/14 Pink          BYE                    BYE                BYE
FDLC Girls Futsal U15/16 Blue          RBC Purple             Defeated 2-0       Gabrielle Ohmer
FDLC Girls Futsal U15/16 Purple        RBC Blue               Won 2-0            Peta Constantinou
FDLC Girls Futsal U15/16 Orange        Schols Pink            Won 6-0            Sonya Kalachian
FDLC Girls Futsal U17/18 Red           Schols Red             Draw 2 All         Alexandra Van Reyk
FDLC Girls Futsal U17/18 Silver        RBC Gold               Defeated 5-1       Ava Calabria
FDLC Girls Futsal U17/18 Gold          RBC Silver             Won 5-1            Melita Georgiadis
IWSNA Netball     U13’s Firetails      SCHOLS Magenta         Won 26-13          Chloe Nikiforidis
IWSNA Netball     U13’s Parrots        GNC Geminis            Defeated 18-23 Ricki Ganiastis
IWSNA Netball     U13’s Sparrows       JNC Dolphins           Defeated 2-34      Lauren Herbert
IWSNA Netball     U13’s Cranes         BNC Laminars           Defeated 3-36      Chloe Malifitana
IWSNA Netball     U14’s Darters        FDAS Firetails         Defeated 15-19 Lorena Mifsud
IWSNA Netball     U14’s Falcons        SCHOLS Mint            Won 16-14          Natalia Stefanou
IWSNA Netball     U14’s Swans          FDAS Jaspers           Defeated 5-19      Livia Fryer
IWSNA Netball     U15’s Kookaburras    LWNC Red Stripes       Defeated 14-29 Charlise Gardner
IWSNA Netball     U15’s Bluebirds      FDAS Ravens            Defeated 7-10      Rianna D’Agostino
IWSNA Netball     U15’s Raptors        FDAS Kites             Defeated 4-19     Alannah Hickry
IWSNA Netball     Cadet Finches        HNC Firetails          Won 59-18         Brigette Coco
IWSNA Netball     Cadet Hawkes         LWNC Black Spots       Defeated 23-46 Antoinette Lofaro
IWSNA Netball     Cadet Toucans        SCHOLS Red             Draw 23-23        Alexandra Dytor
IWSNA Netball     Senior Lorikeets     TNC Polecats           Won 51-30         Sophie Boswell
IWSNA Netball     Senior Eagles        HNC Falcons            Defeated 25-47 Claudia Spliadis
                                                                                Mr Anthony Gray and
                                                                                Mrs Katherine Johnson
                                                                                Co-curricular Assistants

GAZETTE - Rosebank College
Extended Day Program
Bookings are now open for Term 2.                               facilitate the program in a supportive small group
Study Group, Subject Specific Group Tutoring and                environment. These 1 hour sessions include 15 minutes
Individualised Tutoring                                         of afternoon tea and 45 minutes of tutoring at a cost of
The Extended Day Program is an initiative of Rosebank           $25 per session (if already participating in the Extended
College that operates after school five (5) days a week         Day Program/Individualised Tutoring on that day, the
from the end of the school day to 6:00pm. The program           additional cost is only $10).
offers a fun, interactive learning structure for all students
from Year 7 to 12.                                              During Term 2 the Extended Day Program will be
                                                                offering Group Tutoring for:
There are three different programs that are offered                 • Year 7 Mathematics, Monday and Thursday
through the Extended Day Program:                                        afternoon
    • Extended Day Program Study Group                              • Year 8 Mathematics, Monday afternoon
    • Subject Specific Group Tutoring                               • Year 12 English, Thursday afternoon
    • Individualised Tutoring                                       • Year 12 Chemistry, Friday afternoon
                                                                To enrol, please go to the Extended Day Program
Extended Day Program Study Group                                Booking Website (
Students have opportunities for academic assistance
with study, assessments and homework for all subject            Individualised Tutoring
areas. The Study Group cost is $30 per afternoon with           Bookings are now open for Individualised Tutoring
a discount for multiple afternoons per week. The cost           during Term 2. Individualised tutoring is a great
is inclusive of 3:15pm to 6:00pm. To enrol, please go to        opportunity for students to gain confidence in subjects
the Extended Day Program Booking Website (https://              they are struggling in and allows the tutors to tailor                                         the program to individual learning needs. Individualised
                                                                tutoring is offered in 45 minute time slots. Please
During Term 2 the Extended Day Program will be offering         contact the Extended Day Program Manager Danielle
a specific study group for                                      Puhlmann at or call
    • Year 9 Mathematics, on Monday afternoon                   on 9713 3108 for further information.

Subject Specific Group Tutoring: 3:15pm - 4:15pm
Small Group Subject Specific Tutoring is a brilliant
opportunity for students to revise each week. Tutors

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Open Days & Info Sessions                  Saturday 18 May | 12.30pm – 2.40pm     Engineering & Technology Cadetships
                                           | UNSW Sydney                          (ETCAD) Program. Cadets combine
Athletic Pathways to the US May            Year 11 Ace Biology Seminar            study at the university of their
27 | 6pm – 8pm | Sydney Cricket            Saturday 18 May | 3.30pm – 5.40pm |    choice with paid work at Cubic
Ground Find out more.                      UNSW Sydney                            Transportation Systems. Cubic is a
                                                                                  global leader in devising and running
UNSW | Create Your Career                  University Programs                    integrated transport management
Evening    Wednesday 29 May |                                                     systems. In Sydney, the firm is
6.00pm – 8.30pm | UNSW Randwick            Notre Dame’s Young Achievers           responsible for the Opal card.
Campus, Colombo Theatres Find              Early Offer program gives Year 12      Applications close on 21 June. Find
out more and register                      students the opportunity to secure     out more and apply here
                                           a place at the university before       UTS Co-op Scholarships -
Creative Careers Youth Forum               commencing final exams. If you excel   Round 1 applications for UTS co-op
Waverley Council is trialling new          academically and can demonstrate       scholarship programs - the Bachelor
program that expands the concept           co-curricular achievement and          of Accounting and Bachelor of
of work experience to help young           leadership, or if you are committed    Information Technology are now
people aged 15 – 24 transition to          to extra-curricular achievement        open.
employment. It kicks off with a to         and leadership, we encourage you
inform on career pathways for work         to apply for the Notre Dame Early      University of Sydney |
in film, music, visual arts, tech or and   Offer 2020 today. Find out more        Scholarships Information
other creative industries. Further         Students who have started their        Evening 30 July | 6.00pm – 7.30pm
information                                application are reminded to            | University of Sydney, Camperdown
                                           complete and submit it asap.           Campus Find out more and register
Chartered Accountants
Australia and New Zealand                  A Day in the Life of a Nursing         William Blue Scholarships, Full-
flagship careers fair is here to           Student                                fee Scholarship. Find out more
inspire young       individuals in the     Wednesday 10 July 2019, 10:00am –      Billy Blue College of Design
world of Accounting and Business.          2:00pm (registration from 9.30am)      Scholarship.Value: $10,000.
This is a great opportunity for year       160 Oxford St, Darlinghurst. Find      Closing dates in May, August and
12 and first year university students      out more                               January. Find out more
with an interest in Accounting,                                                   Workshops & Courses
Business and Finance to meet and           MACQUARIE LEADERS AND
connect with employers. Students           ACHIEVERS – Early Entry                JMC Academy | Character and
will also have the opportunity to          program                                Life Drawing Workshop
find out more about cadetship              Macquarie Leaders and Achievers        Digital TV Studio Workshop –
opportunities available within             is our new early entry program         Sydney. Find out more and register:
their organisations.30 May 2019,           that recognises a student’s
Chartered Accountants ANZ Office,          academic performance alongside         UNSW | Girls in Business Camp
Level 1, 33 Erskine, Street. Sydney        their extracurricular activities       Monday 8 – Wednesday 10 July |
2000, 4 - 6pm session is tailored to       that demonstrate leadership,           9.30am – 2.30pm | UNSW
Year 12 students.                          community service and personal         Girls in Business – High Risk to High
                                           achievement. APPLICATIONS              Tech is an immersive winter camp
University of Wollongong |                 OPEN: JUNE 3. APPLICATIONS             designed for girls in year 10 and 11
Open Day                                   CLOSE: 26 AUGUST                       who want to explore their future
Saturday 3 August | 10.00am –              W: MQ.EDU.AU/LEADERS-AND-              in the Information Systems and
4.00pm | UOW Wollongong Campus             ACHIEVERS E: futurestudents@           Actuarial industries. Find out more
Find out more and register                                     and register

Year 11 Free Science Seminars              Scholarships & Cadetships              UNSW | Exploring STEM
– UNSW Sydney                                                                     Careers Application
Year 11 Ace Physics Seminar                Engineering & Technology               Monday 8 & Tuesday 9 July | 9.00am
Saturday 18 May | 9.30am – 11.40am         Cadetships Program – Now               – 5.00pm | UNSW Kensington
| UNSW Sydney                              Open                                   Campus
Year 11 Ace Chemistry Seminar              Applications are open for the          Join Science 50:50 and UNSW

Women in Engineering for an           Army Reserves - every thought of
exciting one-day holiday program      getting involved? Find out more.
exploring careers in STEM. Find out
more and register                     For further information on any of
Careers & Jobs                        the above, please contact Mrs Angela
                                      Pavicic, phone 97133169, apavicic@
Highest Paying Trade Jobs in or Mrs Jenine
Australia Find out what the 10        Smith, phone 97133105, jsmith2@
highest paying trade jobs are here:

                                                                   Uniform Shop
                                                                    New 2019 Opening Hours
                                                                    Mondays        8.00am - 12.50pm

            Extended Day                                           Tuesdays:       11.30am - 4.00pm

              Program                                               Wednesdays:    11.30am - 4.00pm
                                                                    Thursdays:     8.00am - 12.50pm
                   Phone: 02 9713 3108                              Please note an appointment
  Website:             is required for fittings
        EXAM PREPARATION | ACTIVITIES | AFTERNOON TEA               Do you have a second-hand uniform which
                                                                    is clean (unstained), presentable and would
                                                                    be appreciated by another student? If so,
                                                                    please drop it off at the Uniform Shop at
                                                                    general reception during opening hours.

                                                                    Lost property is now located in the
                                                                    Uniform Shop.

                                                                           Homework Support
      Rosebank College Maths Teachers are                           Homework Support is now available every
     available to help you during lunch every                        Monday at lunchtime in Seminar Room 1
             week for the entire year.                                              of the SRSC.
          Maths @ Lunch is being held in                           The SRSC will still be open each afternoon for
              J202 on Wednesday and                                               individual study.
       Friday of every week during Lunch
       - no booking required, just come in                         This is a drop-in service for ANY student who
     whenever you need some extra support.                             would like assistance with homework
                                                                               and/or assessment tasks.

                                                                   Students who attend receive a stamp in their
                                                                    diary so that parents and Coordinators can
                                                                          acknowledge their commitment
                                                                               to achieving their best.

                                                                               Diverse Learning Team

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