Gastrointestinal disturbances - Myeloma UK

Page created by Marc Hodges
This Infosheet explains what gastrointestinal disturbances are, what
causes nausea, vomiting, constipation and diarrhoea in myeloma
patients, how they are treated and some tips for self-management.

What are gastrointestinal                 a few days) or chronic (persisting for
disturbances?                             longer periods of time, usually more
Gastrointestinal (GI) disturbances        than two weeks).
are issues involving your stomach         Severe or long-term vomiting,
and intestines. This can include          constipation or diarrhoea can lead
nausea, vomiting, constipation and        to more serious conditions, so any
diarrhoea. These are very common          vomiting or change in your normal
side effects in myeloma patients,         bowel habits should be reported
and can upset normal day-to-day life      to your doctor or nurse. If you feel
and be distressing to live with.          awkward or embarrassed discussing
GI disturbances can be acute              your bowel habits, try to remember
(lasting for a short time only, such as   that your doctor and nurse will be

  Myeloma         Symptoms and
  Infosheet       complications
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used to talking about it and that      If you find blood (either bright red
they are there to help prevent and     or dark and like coffee grounds) in
manage any side effects of myeloma     your vomit you should seek medical
and its treatment.                     advice immediately.

                                       What are the causes of nausea and
Nausea and                             vomiting in myeloma patients?
vomiting                               Nausea and vomiting are very
                                       common in myeloma patients. They
What are nausea and vomiting?          can be due to a number of reasons.
Nausea is a feeling of queasiness,     Myeloma treatment and
unease and discomfort in the upper     supportive treatment
stomach, with an urge to throw up or
be sick (vomit).                       Treatment for myeloma is the
                                       most common cause of nausea
You may not necessarily vomit if you   and vomiting in myeloma patients.
have nausea.                           They are common side effects
                                       of chemotherapy drugs, such as
What are the symptoms of nausea        cyclophosphamide and melphalan,
and vomiting?                          and other anti-myeloma drugs, such
The symptoms of nausea and             as bortezomib.
vomiting include:                      Some supportive treatments can
„„Feeling like you need to vomit or    also cause nausea and vomiting.
    actually vomiting                  For example, some people can feel
„„Queasiness                           sick during or after radiotherapy.
                                       Antibiotics and some painkillers can
                                       cause nausea and vomiting too.
„„Excessive sweating and
                                       If you have previously been affected
                                       by nausea and vomiting during
„„Dry mouth                            treatment, you may anticipate
Severe or persistent vomiting can      that you will experience the same
lead to:                               symptoms again. This can induce a
                                       type of nausea called anticipatory
„„Stomach pain
„„Damage to the throat

Infection                                    Treatment for other illnesses or
Certain bacterial and viral infections       conditions may also cause nausea
cause nausea and vomiting. These             and vomiting. You can check
infections are often contagious, so          whether any other treatment you
if you have been around others who           are having can cause nausea and
have had stomach bugs it is not              vomiting by consulting the patient
uncommon to pick up an infection             information leaflet (PIL) included
too, especially because myeloma              in the drug pack. You should make
patients have a higher risk of               your doctor or nurse aware of any
developing infections.                       other treatments you are taking for
                                             other illnesses or conditions.
Other symptoms of an infection
include diarrhoea, abdominal                 How are nausea and vomiting
cramps and pain, a high temperature          treated?
and loss of appetite.
For more information see the Infection and   Nausea and vomiting are usually
myeloma Infosheet from Myeloma UK
                                             treated with anti-emetics, for
                                             example metoclopramide,
Stress, anxiety and nervousness              granisetron and ondansetron. They
Strong emotions, in particular stress,       will be prescribed along with your
anxiety and nervousness, can make            myeloma treatment to prevent or
you feel sick or vomit.                      minimise these side effects.
                                             You should take your anti-emetic
For more information see the Infopack for    medications regularly as prescribed.
living well with myeloma from Myeloma UK     Do not wait until you feel sick, as the
                                             drugs won’t be as effective this way.
Pain                                         If you find the anti-emetics you have
Severe pain can cause nausea and/            been prescribed are not effective
or vomiting.                                 when taking them as prescribed, ask
                                             to try a different one as there are
Other illnesses and conditions               several types available.
Other illnesses and conditions can
                                             Other treatments
be responsible for causing nausea
and vomiting, for example, diabetes          If your nausea and/or vomiting
or travel sickness.                          are not directly caused by your
                                             myeloma treatment, you may be

                                                          Infoline: 0800 980 3332   3
given treatments other than anti-           sick, try putting light perfume
emetics to help. This could include         onto a handkerchief that you can
painkillers, antibiotics or relaxation      use to help mask the smell
aids like complementary therapies.        „„Certain scents may help, for
                                            example lavender. Speak to a
Tips for self-management                    complementary therapist who
„„It is important to keep drinking          should be able to recommend
    as vomiting can dehydrate you.          some aromatherapy scents to
    Allow your stomach to rest after        help with your nausea
    vomiting then sip drinks such as      „„Try to take your mind off how
    still or sparkling water or fizzy        you feel – talk to people, watch a
    drinks                                  film or listen to soothing music to
„„Ginger may help settle your               distract yourself
    stomach. Try ginger tea, non-         „„Relaxing breathing exercises or
    alcoholic ginger beer/ale or ginger     lying down in a darkened room
    biscuits                                may help to reduce feelings of
„„Mint can also help with nausea.           nausea
    Try mint tea, mints or chewing        „„Fresh air may help – try sitting
    gum                                     outside or near an open window
„„Eat little and often. Snacking on       „„Calm your anxiety or stress with
    plain, cold or room-temperature         relaxation techniques
    food may be more palatable than
    hot meals. If you can’t face eating   „„If vomiting is severe, fluid can be
    solid food, high calorie drinks may     replaced by special preparations
    be more tolerable                       available through your GP or from
                                            a chemist
„„Avoid spicy, fatty or acidic foods
„„Avoid your favourite foods to
    prevent you associating them with
    nausea and vomiting
„„Avoid strong smells if they
    exacerbate your nausea, for
    example avoid cooking or keep
    the window open during food
„„If hospital smells make you feel

Constipation                             „„A feeling that you have not
                                           completely emptied your bowels
What is constipation?                    If constipation is not treated it can
                                         cause more severe symptoms,
Constipation is defined as having
difficulty emptying your bowels.
When you are constipated, bowel          „„Swollen, painful stomach, often
movements occur less often than            accompanied by stomach cramps
they would normally and they may         „„Loss of appetite
be dry, hard and painful.
It is important to know what your
normal bowel pattern is because
constipation is relative to your usual   „„Excessively runny diarrhoea – this
habits and this varies between             may occur if you bowel is blocked
patients. Some people have two             with hard faeces
or three bowel movements a day           „„Headache and thirst
whereas for others three or four
movements per week might be              What are the causes of
more normal.                             constipation in myeloma patients?
It is worth remembering that in the      There are several reason why
majority of people, the digestive        you may have constipation as a
system slows down with age, so as        myeloma patient. It is important
you get older, you may need to move      to know what has caused your
your bowels less often.                  constipation, as this will help both
                                         you and your doctor or nurse treat it
What are the symptoms of                 effectively.
                                         Myeloma treatment and
The symptoms of constipation
                                         supportive treatment
                                         Some treatments for myeloma can
„„Fewer than three bowel
                                         cause constipation as they slow
  movements a week
                                         the moving of faeces through the
„„Pain or discomfort when opening        bowel. This causes more water to be
  your bowels                            removed from the faeces, resulting
„„Passing small hard stools              in dry, hard stools.
„„Feeling bloated and tired              Treatments and supportive

                                                       Infoline: 0800 980 3332   5
treatments that may cause                    Dehydration
constipation include:                        Your body needs a lot of fluid to help
„„Thalidomide, lenalidomide                  move food through your intestines
    (Revlimid®) and bortezomib               and also to keep your faeces soft.
    (Velcade®)                               If you are not drinking enough fluid
„„Anti-sickness drugs (e.g.                  and you become dehydrated, your
    granisetron, ondansetron)                faeces will become hard and you
                                             may have difficulty opening your
„„Some chemotherapy drugs (e.g.              bowels.
„„Most strong painkillers (e.g.              Lack of exercise/poor mobility
    codeine, tramadol, oramorph )   ®
                                             If you are unable to exercise or it
                                             is hard for you to get around then
Hypercalcaemia                               you may lose muscle tone in your
Myeloma bone disease can increase            stomach area and in your intestine.
the amount of calcium in your blood          As these muscles are needed
which can cause hypercalcaemia.              to help move food through the
Symptoms of hypercalcaemia                   digestive tract, the decrease in
include constipation and                     muscle tone can cause constipation.
dehydration, as well as increased            Prolonged sitting can also lead
thirst and confusion.                        to constipation, as the effects of
                                             gravity can help to move food
For more information see the Myeloma bone    through your intestines.
disease and bisphosphonates Infoguide from
Myeloma UK
                                             Stress, anxiety and depression
                                             Periods of prolonged stress,
Poor diet/loss of appetite
                                             anxiety or depression may cause
If your diet is lacking in essential         constipation.
nutrients, particularly fibre, then
you are more likely to become                For more information see the Infopack for
constipated. Fibre helps keep your           living well with myeloma from Myeloma UK
bowels healthy and active. It also
helps keep your faeces soft and              Change in routine
increases the speed with which
your food is digested. You may not           Many people become constipated
be eating enough fibre if you have a         as a result of a change in their
supressed appetite.                          daily routine – this can sometimes

happen during a stay in hospital          self-management and an over-the-
when your normal diet is disrupted        counter treatment. However, if your
or if you are travelling long distances   constipation persists for more than
to appointments.                          a few days, you should speak to your
                                          doctor or nurse.
Other illnesses and conditions and
their treatments                          Laxatives
Other illnesses and conditions            If your doctor decides that you need
that some myeloma patients may            a prescription treatment for your
have can cause constipation,              constipation you are likely to be
for example Parkinson’s disease           prescribed a laxative. Laxatives are
or an underactive thyroid                 a group of oral drugs used to relieve
(hypothyroidism).                         constipation. They are available as
Treatments for other illnesses            tablets, liquids and powders.
or conditions may also cause              If you are taking any treatments that
constipation, for example some anti-      are known to cause constipation
depressants (e.g. amitriptyline).         (e.g. strong painkillers) then it
You can check whether any other           may be worth checking with your
treatment you are having can cause        doctor to see if you need to take a
constipation by consulting the            mild laxative regularly to prevent
PIL included in the drug pack. You        constipation.
should make your doctor or nurse          Table 1 outlines the different types
aware of any other treatments you         of laxatives that are commonly
are taking for other illnesses or         available for constipation and their
conditions.                               possible side effects.

How is constipation treated?              Other treatments
There are many over-the-counter           If your constipation is not relieved by
remedies available to relieve             oral laxatives, then you may need to
constipation as well as a number of       have a suppository or an enema.
prescription-only treatments your         These are treatments given directly
doctor may consider.                      into your back passage and,
If you notice symptoms of                 though uncomfortable, they can
constipation, you may benefit             be extremely effective at relieving
from first visiting your local            acute constipation. It is important,
pharmacists for practical advice on       however, that you only use

                                                       Infoline: 0800 980 3332   7
Type             Examples          How they work          Side effects Notes
Bulk             Fybogel           Supplement             Bloating        Not suitable
forming          Celevac           dietary fibre          and swollen     for immediate
laxatives                          Increase weight        stomach,        relief
                 Normacol                                 wind
                                   and softness of                        Must be taken
                                   faeces                                 with at least
                                   Can take several                       one glass of
                                   days to work                           water

Stimulant        Senna             Cause the              Stomach         To be taken at
laxatives        Bisacodyl         muscles in             cramps and      night
                                   the bowel to           swelling,
                 Co-               contract               wind
                                   Can take 8 – 12
                                   hours to work
Osmotic          Lactulose         Increase the           Stomach         Must be taken
laxatives        Lactitol          amount of water        cramps and      under medical
                                   retained in            swelling,       supervision
                 Magnesium         the intestines,        wind, colic
                 salts             therefore              type pain
                                   making the
                                   faeces softer
                                   Can take up to 3
                                   days to work
Stool            Arachis oil       Increase the
softener         Docusate          fluid content of
laxatives        sodium            stools making
                                   them softer
Table 1. Types of laxatives used to treat constipation.

suppositories and enemas under the               platelet count is low.
advice of your doctor or nurse: this
is because they should not be used               Natural treatments
regularly, and could cause bleeding              There are many natural treatments
from your back passage if your                   available to treat constipation, most

of which can be bought without a           cakes, sugar
prescription.                            „„Ensure that you are well hydrated
These include:                             – drink 2-3 litres of water a day.
„„Fibre supplements e.g. bran or           Hot drinks, such as decaffeinated
  psyllium husks – these must be           coffee, tea or hot water with a slice
  taken with at least one glass of         of lemon may help to stimulate a
  water                                    bowel movement, especially if had
                                           with breakfast
„„Flaxseed (or linseed) oil or seeds
  – these must also be taken with at     „„Avoid caffeine, because
  least one glass of water                 although it can stimulate your
                                           bowels, caffeine can also cause
„„Syrup of figs – a natural fruit          dehydration which can make
  remedy                                   constipation worse
Sometimes natural treatments can         „„Avoid alcohol because it can also
interact with other treatments that        cause dehydration and make your
you may be taking so it is important       constipation worse
to inform your doctor or nurse about
any natural treatments that you wish     „„Try to incorporate gentle exercise
to try.                                    into your day. This can be walking,
                                           swimming or other low-impact
Tips for self-management and               exercises. If you have difficulty
prevention                                 exercising, moving your muscles
                                           and limbs while sitting may help
There are many things you can try to
help prevent constipation or reduce      „„Try to minimise the stress in your
its severity. These include:               life. Relaxation exercises can often
                                           help, as can talking about your
„„Increase the amount of fibre
  in your diet. High fibre foods
  include bran-based cereals, fruit,     „„Aim to have a regular time when
  vegetables, beans, pulses and            you go to the toilet, for example
  wholegrain bread                         shortly after breakfast. If possible
                                           try not to hurry and avoid
„„Eat prunes and other dried fruits
                                           straining when trying to open your
„„If your appetite is poor then eating     bowels
  small amounts of high fibre foods
                                         „„Use a footrest while you are going
  throughout the day may help
                                           to the toilet to raise your knees
„„Limit the amount of refined food         above your hips
  that you eat e.g. white bread,

                                                      Infoline: 0800 980 3332   9
Diarrhoea                                What are the causes of diarrhoea
                                         in myeloma patients?
What is diarrhoea?                       Myeloma treatment
Diarrhoea is the passing of loose or     Some treatments for myeloma can
watery stools more than three times      cause diarrhoea. They include the
a day.                                   drugs bortezomib and panobinostat
If you have diarrhoea, it is important   (Farydak®), which can cause acute
to deal with it straight away, as        onset diarrhoea, meaning it can
excessive loss of water through          occur within 24 hours of treatment
your stools can lead to dehydration,     beginning.
which can be serious. Dehydration        Other established treatments for
is more likely to occur and is more      myeloma such as lenalidomide and
serious in the elderly.                  pomalidomide (Imnovid®) can cause
Diarrhoea can have a significant         late onset diarrhoea which may
impact on your quality of life. It can   start many months after treatment
make you anxious about leaving           beginning.
your home and make you feel limited
in what you can do.                      Infection
                                         Certain bacterial and viral infections
What are the symptoms of                 cause diarrhoea. These infections
diarrhoea?                               are often contagious, so if you have
The symptoms of diarrhoea include:       been around others who have had
                                         stomach bugs it is not uncommon
„„More than three loose or water
                                         to pick up an infection too, especially
  bowel movements per day                because myeloma patients have a
„„Cramping stomach pains                 higher risk of developing infections.
„„An urgent need to go to the toilet     Other symptoms of an infection
„„Nausea or vomiting                     include nausea, vomiting,
                                         abdominal cramps and pain, a high
                                         temperature and loss of appetite. It
„„Headache                               is important to tell your doctor if you
„„Loss of appetite                       suspect your diarrhoea is cause by
                                         an infection.

                                         For more information see the Infection and
                                         myeloma Infosheet from Myeloma UK

Constipation and laxatives                  treatment you are having can
Excessively water or runny                  cause diarrhoea by consulting the
diarrhoea may occur as a result             PIL included in the drug pack. You
of constipation, as your bowel is           should make your doctor or nurse
blocked with hard faeces, so only           aware of any other treatments you
loose and watery stools can make            are taking for other illnesses or
their way past the blockage.                conditions.

Laxatives used to treat constipation        How is diarrhoea treated?
can also cause diarrhoea.
                                            Your doctor will assess the cause of
Stress, anxiety and depression              your diarrhoea to determine what
                                            treatment is right for you.
Periods of prolonged stress, anxiety
or depression may cause diarrhoea.          If your diarrhoea is a side effect
                                            of your myeloma treatment, your
For more information see the Infopack for   doctor may adjust your treatment
living well with myeloma from Myeloma UK    schedule, reduce the dose or
                                            temporarily stop treatment until it
Bile Acid Malabsorption (BAM)               improves. If the diarrhoea does not
                                            improve after these adjustments,
BAM is a condition where patients           it may be necessary to stop the
do not absorb bile acids properly           treatment altogether and find an
from their intestine. This can cause        alternative instead.
diarrhoea and has been identified
as the cause of diarrhoea in some           Often other causes of diarrhoea, like
patients taking lenalidomide.               a mild stomach upset, can resolve
                                            themselves and so treatment for
Other illness and conditions and            diarrhoea may not be necessary.
their treatment                             However, any complications that
                                            have arisen, such as dehydration, will
Other illnesses and conditions
                                            need to be treated.
can cause diarrhoea, for example
inflammatory bowel disease (IBS) or         Prescribed treatments
coeliac disease.
                                            If your doctor decides that you
Treatments for other illnesses              need treatment for your diarrhoea
or conditions may also cause                then you may be prescribed a
diarrhoea, for example antibiotics.         treatment to slow down the motility
You can check whether any other             (movement) of the bowel, examples

                                                         Infoline: 0800 980 3332   11
Type                          Examples                   Side effects
  Antimotility drugs            Loperamide                 Abdominal cramps,
                                (Norimode, Imodium)        dizziness, drowsiness
                                                           and skin reactions
  Opioid painkillers            Codeine phosphate          Abdominal pain
  Antispasmodic drugs Dicycloverine                   Bloating, heartburn,
                                Hyoscine butylbromide constipation, dry
                                (Buscopan)            mouth

 Table 2. Types of treatment for diarrhoea.

of which are listed Table 2.                  the best course of treatment for the
                                              infection and diarrhoea.
Over-the-counter treatments
                                              Painkillers, like paracetamol, can
There are treatments for diarrhoea            be taken to help any discomfort
available over-the-counter, for               or pain experienced. However,
example Norimode®, Imodium®                   myeloma patients should not take
and Buscopan®, many of which                  non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
have the same active ingredients              drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen as
as prescribed treatments. It is               NSAIDs can worsen kidney damage
advisable to check with your doctor           which is a common complication in
or nurse before you take any over-            myeloma patients.
the-counter treatments and do not
take loperamide for more than two             For more information see the Myeloma and
days for treatment of diarrhoea               the kidney Infoguide from Myeloma UK
without checking with your doctor or
                                              BAM treatment
If your diarrhoea is caused by an
                                              If you are found to have BAM,
infection, it is not advisable to use
                                              you will need to modify your diet
over-the-counter treatments as
                                              to reduce your fat intake. Your
these may ease symptoms without
                                              doctor will usually also prescribe a
dealing with the underlying infection.
                                              treatment, for example colesevelam.
Your doctor will be able to determine

Treating complications of                skin and instead try warm (not hot)
diarrhoea                                water baths, a bidet or a sitz bath
                                         and allow the skin to air dry or gently
Dehydration                              dab the area dry.
Rehydration salts (for example           Sitting down for long periods of time
Dioralyte™ and Electrolade®) can         may worsen any soreness so try
treat dehydration due to diarrhoea.      to avoid prolonged sitting and use
They provide a mixture of salts          cushions to soften the seat.
needed by the body to replace those
that have been lost in your stools.      Tips for self-management
Rehydration salts are available over-
                                         There are ways to help manage
the-counter as a powder in sachets
                                         diarrhoea at home:
or in tablet form and are dissolved in
water to drink.                          „„Keep hydrated by drinking clear
                                           fluids such as water, diluted juice,
Skin discomfort                            sports drinks or soup/broth. Take
Frequent diarrhoea can cause               frequent small sips rather than
discomfort to the skin around your         drinking large amounts of fluid in
anus and it may become sore.               one go
There are creams that can help to        „„Avoid drinks that contain lots of
soothe the area and prevent the skin       sugar (e.g. cola or fizzy drinks),
from breaking which can happen             alcohol or caffeine
in severe cases of diarrhoea. Ask
                                         „„Use rehydration salts
your doctor or nurse about soothing
creams.                                  „„Try to keep eating small, frequent
                                           meals made from light, plain foods
Frequent wiping can make the skin
                                           – soup, potatoes, bananas, bread,
around your anus irritated, so use
                                           pasta or rice. Avoid highly spiced
high quality, soft toilet tissue. You
                                           or fatty foods that might upset
can also try using moist toilet tissue
                                           your stomach and eat your meals
to wipe the area or damp cotton
wool, both of which can be less
aggravating than dry toilet tissue.      „„Some bacteria found in live
Avoid any wipes which contain              yoghurt or live-yoghurt drinks
alcohol.                                   may help to ease diarrhoea
                                           caused by antibiotics. Antibiotics
It is important to keep the area clean
                                           can kill off the healthy bacteria
and dry as much as possible. Avoid
                                           normally found in the bowel, but
using soaps which can irritate the

                                                      Infoline: 0800 980 3332   13
the bacteria found in live yoghurt       available which can help you access
  may replace them. However, you           the toilet more easily.
  should avoid live yoghurt if your
  white cell count is low. If you are      Summary
  unsure whether this affects you,         It is important to be honest with
  check with your doctor or nurse          your doctor and nurse about any
„„Plan ahead and find out where the        gastrointestinal disturbances you
  nearest toilet is if you need to go      are having.
  out, so if you need to get to a toilet   If left untreated, nausea, vomiting,
  quickly you know there is one            constipation and diarrhoea can
  nearby                                   have a significant impact on your
„„Be prepared and keep a change            quality of life and lead to serious
  of clothes, spare toilet roll and a      complications, so report any
  bottle of water in your car or a bag     changes to your doctor and nurse
  if you are out of the house              as early as possible. This will enable
„„Wear clothes that are easy to pull       them to help manage the issues as
  on and off, that are comfortable         quickly as possible.
  and not too tight, such as trousers
                                           About this Infosheet
  with elasticated waists
                                           The information in this Infosheet
„„Wear cotton underwear
                                           is not meant to replace the advice
„„Always wash your hands with              of your medical team. They are the
  soap after going to the toilet. If       people to ask if you have questions
  your hands are getting dry from          about your individual situation.
  the soap, use a hand moisturiser
                                           For a list of references used to
  after washing
                                           develop our resources, visit
It is not uncommon to have an    
accident if you have diarrhoea. If you
                                           To give feedback about this
can’t get to the toilet easily because
                                           publication, email
you have difficulty with mobility or
it is located in another area of the
house (e.g. upstairs), you might
find a commode helpful. These can
be positioned around the house
and can help prevent accidents.
Other toilet and bathroom aids are

Other information available from Myeloma UK
Myeloma UK has a range of publications available covering all aspects of
myeloma, its treatment and management.
To order your free copies or to talk to one of our Myeloma Information
Specialists about any aspect of Myeloma, call our Myeloma Infoline on
0800 980 3332 or 1800 937 773 from Ireland.
The Infoline is open from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm and is free to phone
from anywhere in the UK and Ireland.
Information and support about myeloma is also available around the clock at

Published by:       Myeloma UK
Publication date:   May 2018
Last updated:       July 2018
Review date:        July 2021

                                                    Infoline: 0800 980 3332   15
Myeloma UK 22 Logie Mill, Beaverbank Business Park, Edinburgh EH7 4HG
T: 0131 557 3332   E:   Charity No: SC 026116

Myeloma Infoline: 0800 980 3332 or
1800 937 773 from Ireland

Myeloma Awareness Week 21 - 27 June
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