Garden's Echo Mother's Day Brunch p.17 Tulip Festival p.21 - Jardin Royal Garden

Page created by Ana Hunt
Garden's Echo Mother's Day Brunch p.17 Tulip Festival p.21 - Jardin Royal Garden
Garden’s Echo                                        May 2019

                        ✓ Mother’s Day Brunch p.17
                        ✓ Tulip Festival p.21

 MAY                1
Garden's Echo Mother's Day Brunch p.17 Tulip Festival p.21 - Jardin Royal Garden
Garden’s Echo                                                                              May 2019

                                                                      Marcelle Bélec

 May is Mothers’ Day Month! Happy Mothers’ Day to all of you! Make yourself available to be pam-
 pered. You deserve it!

                                 My Mother Kept A Garden
 My Mother kept a garden, a garden of the heart,

 She planted all the good things that gave my life it’s start.

 She turned me to the sunshine and encouraged me to dream,

 Fostering and nurturing the seeds of self-esteem…

 And when the winds and rain came, she protected me enough…

 But not too much because she knew I’d need to stand up strong and tough.

 Her constant good example always taught me right from wrong –

 Markers for my pathway that will last a lifetime long.

 I am my Mother’s garden. I am her legacy –

 And I hope today she feels the love reflected back from me.

 Author Unknown

Garden's Echo Mother's Day Brunch p.17 Tulip Festival p.21 - Jardin Royal Garden
Garden’s Echo                                                                                           May 2019

 Trivia Quiz:

 1. The early Roman calendar had May as the ___ month of the year.
 2. According to many sources, May was named after which Roman goddess?
 3. The Empire State building first opened on May 1st of what year?
 4. What is the birthstone for May?
 5. What is the birth flower for May?
 6. Mother's Day is celebrated each year on the ___ Monday of May.
 7. Although it's not celebrated in Canada and the U.S., May 1st is one of the biggest holidays else-
 where in the world. What is the holiday called?
 8. If you were born at the beginning of the month of May, your star sign is Taurus. What is your star
 sign if you were born towards the end?

 The Most Difficult Tongue Twister

 Theophilus Thistle, the thistle-sifter, sifted a sieve of unsifted thistles. If Theophilus Thistle, the thistle-
 sifter, sifted a sieve of unsifted thistles, where is the sieve of unsifted thistles Theophilus Thistle, the
 thistle sifter, sifted?

 Here are the brain solutions from the month of April 2019

 Bus: When pre-school children are shown this brain teaser, they often answer “left.” Why? “Because
 you can’t see the door.” This teaser illustrates a good concept about how our memory works. Imagine if
 our memories were absolutely perfect. On the one hand, you might have been able to answer this puz-
 zle correctly, since you could compare this image to all the school bus images you have in your mind,
 and only the ones going left would match.


 A        D        B        E        C

 B        E        C        A        D

 C        A        D        B        E

 D        B        E        C        A

 E        C        A        D        B

Garden's Echo Mother's Day Brunch p.17 Tulip Festival p.21 - Jardin Royal Garden
Garden’s Echo                                                                                                                   May 2019

                         Mylaine Bélec                                           Executive Director

For this month of May, a reminder that we will be pro-                     I will ensure you become your little brother’s best friend and
ceeding to the cleaning of interior windows and light                      that you are as close to him as I am with my sister.
fixtures. Mylaine and Danika will begin the cleaning on
                                                                           I will answer all of your questions and will help you grow;
May 1st and will do so for a period of 2 weeks. They will                  Even though I feel like I am just a big child myself.
begin with third floor. Please remove all breakable items
from the window, prior to their visit and anything that                    I will listen to you tell me every day what you’ve learnt at
would be in their way.                                                     school.

       This month, we celebrate nurses’ week starting                      I will comfort you as soon as you become sad.
May 6th. I would like to take this opportunity to wish all
                                                                           I won’t be making your Cars birthday cake, but I will find you
the nursing staff of Royal Garden a fabulous week and                      the best baker that can make you the cake of your dreams.
to thank them for their hard work. The team work I wit-
ness every day and the devotion of our staff to our resi-                  I will be there every time you succeed, but also for your fail-
dents is something to be proud of. We really have an                       ures.
amazing team. I congratulate you all and thank you
                                                                           I will tell you every night, how I was also small like you be-
personally for everything that you do. Don’t forget to                     cause I know how you like those stories and I will rub your
wish them well during that special week!                                   back to help you fall asleep.

To conclude, we also celebrate Mother’s Day this                           I will dance with you to the Gangnam style song although I
month. I would like to share a letter that I found on the                  really hate that song and the guy who invented it.
internet written by a mother (unknown author) to her
                                                                           I will tell you I love you every day of my life.
child that I especially enjoyed and that is titled “Promise
for my son”:                                                               So this is it, I might not always be the mother you dreamed of
                                                                           having, but I promise that I will always be the mom that you
Dear son;,                                                                 need.
I might not always be the mother that you dream of having but I            And for everything else, there’s always your father!
can promise you this :
                                                                           Your mom xxx
I will always be in the first row to watch all your shows at
school, your competitions, and I will always be the one that claps
the hardest. I will also cry alot…
                                                                           For all the women that have without a doubt forgetten
I will always be by your side when you are sick; Even if it means          their own needs to put their children’s happiness first
I have to cancel an appointment with Georges Clooney.
                                                                           and for the ones that gave everytghing they had every
I will do my best so that you can attend all the get togethers with        day so that their children would never miss a thing, we
your friends and all the events you would enjoy…                           celebrate you this month. I would like to wish you all a
                                                                           happy mother’s day surrounded by the ones you so
I will do everything I can to teach you the important values my            dearly love. Allow me to also wish my own mother a
parents also thought me : Generosity, kindness, respect of others
…                                                                          wonderful day. To my eyes, she was and still is the
                                                                           best the mother a girl could have.
I will do everything I can so that your life can be filled with mag-
ical moments.

Garden's Echo Mother's Day Brunch p.17 Tulip Festival p.21 - Jardin Royal Garden
Garden’s Echo                                                                                              May 2019

                          Michelle Varin                               Executive Director

AGENDA – RESIDENTS’ MEETING                                        Thursday April11th, 2019 at 9:30 a.m.
Mylaine (see page 4)

Marie-Eve (see Page 8)

   • Book club
   • RAFO Theater
   • Tanguy – October 18th (see page 20)
   • Brunch– Mother’s Day (see page 15)
         o Reserve quickly!
   • Guests at meals
         o Please always make reservations for your guests at the dining room in advance. This procedure al-
             lows us to serve you better.
   • Incontinence products visit – April 29th
   • Hearing aids verification and hearing tests by the University of Ottawa – May 1st & 2nd

  • Nominate a Resident Champion
  • The RHRA will follow up whether the fees paid by residents are tax deductible. They will also send us a
     copy of the financial report when it is released next September.
  • RHRA Award of Excellence to Outstanding Residents
  • The Frank Kajfes Resident Champion Award is presented to an individual who has promoted, independent-
     ly or through his or her participation on external committees, the needs and rights of seniors living in retire-
     ment homes, and whose efforts have resulted in a noticeable impact on the quality of life of residents.
     While this award recognizes the outstanding efforts of one individual, we realize that retirement homes are
     communities of many exceptional residents.
  • Nomination Criteria
  • Nominees must be a resident in a licensed retirement home.
  • The nominee should have made his or her impact through volunteer work, as a resident or member of a
     working group/committee either at the retirement home or through other external work.
  • Specific examples of the impact of their work must be documented in the submission.
  • Preference will be given to nominees whose actions have had a broad impact on many seniors or sever-
     al, versus on one individual, and where the impact is sustainable.
  • See Michelle with your nominations.

Offer to create a residents council

Next meeting: July

Garden's Echo Mother's Day Brunch p.17 Tulip Festival p.21 - Jardin Royal Garden
Garden’s Echo                                                                                        May 2019

                           Chantal Gagné                                        NUTRITION

It smells good ... Outside, the beautiful spring air…               With each monthly article, I will make the
and in our kitchen; the great food.                          habit of explaining at least one culinary classic
                                                             that you find in my menus ... So, for this month
Good month of May to all. Once again we are in               here are two explanations:
great preparation for our next event: Mother's Day
brunch! This is an event not to be missed.                   Aïoli: a sauce made with mayonnaise and garlic.
                                                             In our chicken hamburger menu served with a
At the last meeting of the Food Committee on April           pesto aioli we added pesto to our basic aioli! En-
2, you told us that:                                         joy!
   •   the "hots dogs" are good!                             Parmentier: the nutritionist agronomist Antoine
   •   You would like to see more cabbage salad; a           Parmentier gave his name to his famous dish of
       big favorite of all.                                  hachi parmentier, A dish that he served to King
   •   Watermelon salad; we are not sure but                 Louis XVI. Since then, the culinary French have
       summer is coming ... Let’s give it a chance.          extended it to all recipes involving potatoes! We
   •   I am also asked for more eggplants, the re-           now have parmentier soups, hashings (like our
       turn of Chinese plates in the rotation of the         lamb pie) and of course; the parmentier fish,
       menus and some key lime pie ....                      which are simply fish with a potato crust!
   •   Riley, one of our waiters, got a full-time job
       in government. He will still stay with us part-       In conclusion, I am still looking for new ideas to
       time. Michael finished school for the summer          create menus. I borrowed an idea from a resi-
       and joins our team of full-time waiters               dent, and I Invite you to do the same. Each time
                                                             that she eats something that she really likes, she
   •   We are still working on improving our table
                                                             cuts the corresponding box in the menu and
       service ... You are satisfied with the changes
                                                             places it in an envelope. In return, once I get the
                                                             envelopes, I will read the most popular choices
   •   Everyone is looking forward to Friday BBQ
                                                             (or even the less popular) to get inspiration for
       lunches, which will be back again this year
                                                             the future menus. What a great idea! Thank you!
       when the weather permits.
   •   We tried a yogurt recipe mixed with oatmeal.
       You liked it and will be seeing it at Mother’s
       Day brunch.                                           As always; gourmet pleasures!

Next nutrition committee meeting will be in 3
months. Remember: all residents are welcome to
attend these meetings. It is our pleasure to see you
and hear your comments.
Garden's Echo Mother's Day Brunch p.17 Tulip Festival p.21 - Jardin Royal Garden
Garden’s Echo                                                                                           May 2019

                           Carolyne Giroux
                                                                           Director of Care

Dear residents,
As you may already know, Mylaine Belec has spo-               It actually takes a lot of concentration to maintain
ken to you all last month about falls prevention and          your balance. Researchers think that cognitive
how we are working hard to decrease the amount                overload (where the brain has too many tasks to
of falls every year. This month, I have decided to
                                                              handle at one time) may play a part in falling. For
concentrate on hearing loss since we have stu-
dents from the university of Ottawa coming to do a            the most part, the brain can only focus on one
free auditory screening! They will be doing hearing           thing at a time. People with acquired hearing loss
tests, for all residents, with or without hearing airs.       have to use more of their mental resources to hear
For those with hearing aids, this is the perfect op-          and interpret speech and other sounds. In doing
portunity to come and get them checked and adjust             this, they may have to use more of their “brain re-
them as needed. Please note that they do not sell             sources” to hear, which shifts their focus and
anything, therefore you can really take their word,
they are not trying to make money. Everyone is                leaves fewer resources left for maintaining bal-
welcomed to book an appointment at the reception              ance.
for May 1st and 2nd between 9h00am and
3h00pm. First come first served.                              Here are a couple of hints that would tell you if you
                                                              are suffering from hearing loss:
Did you know that hearing loss has a big impact on               ➢ You have trouble following a conversation
falls? Someone with hearing loss, is 3 times more                    when people are talking at the same time.
at risk of falling. There could be many reasons that
                                                                 ➢ You have trouble hearing on the telephone.
hearing loss is associated with an increased risk of
falls, here are a few:                                           ➢ The family (or your neighbor!) complains
                                                                     that your TV is too loud.
The part of the inner ear that provides sensory in-              ➢ You’re tired from straining to hear conver-
formation about spatial orientation, motion and                      sations.
equilibrium has a shared location with the part of
                                                                 ➢ You have trouble hearing in noisy environ-
the inner ear responsible for hearing. There may
be connected dysfunctions between the two caus-                      ments.
ing an increased risk of falling.                                ➢ You say “What?” a lot.
                                                                 ➢ People don’t seem to speak clearly.
Decreased hearing may also directly limit one’s                  ➢ You misunderstand what people say.
access to auditory cues that are needed for envi-
                                                                 ➢ You have trouble hearing children and
ronmental awareness. For example, if you can’t
hear your footsteps, you may be less likely to                       women (higher pitch voice)
sense where you are positioned in relation to other              ➢ You become annoyed and frustrated during
things around you, causing an increased risk of                      conversation.
tripping and falling.
                                                              Please come and support our students! We are
                                                              extremely lucky that they have picked us again!
Garden's Echo Mother's Day Brunch p.17 Tulip Festival p.21 - Jardin Royal Garden
Garden’s Echo                                                                    May 2019

                   Marie-Eve Henry-Lalonde
                                                     Activity Director

 Hello to all!!

 On Thursday May 16th, we will go to the
 Tulip Festival followed by a lunch in
 Dow’s Lake. Departure will be at 11:00
 AM. I ask you to give your name to the
 reception by Friday May 10th if you are
 interested. Limited seating!

                                               Now let’s talk about the outdoor
                                               walking club! Once a week, I will
                                               accompany residents who wish to
                                               go outside for a stroll. The duration
                                               of the walk will be around 30
                                               minutes. Join us for the first time
                                               on Thursday May 2nd. We will
                                               meet at the reception at 10:30 AM.

                                               Happy Mother’s
                                               Day to all!!

Garden's Echo Mother's Day Brunch p.17 Tulip Festival p.21 - Jardin Royal Garden
Garden’s Echo                                       May 2019

Here are a few pictures from my trip to…. Hawaii!

Garden's Echo Mother's Day Brunch p.17 Tulip Festival p.21 - Jardin Royal Garden
Garden’s Echo              May 2019


Garden’s Echo                              May 2019


                Easter Brunch

Garden’s Echo                                                                 May 2019

      For the complete list of activities, please consult your monthly calendar.

  BINGO – activity room                        GAMES
  ➢ Tuesday – 19:15                            ➢ Billard
  ➢ Thursday – 19:15                             ✓ Monday – 19:15
  ➢ Sunday– 14:30                              ➢ Lawn Bowling
  ROYAL BINGO                                    ✓ Monday – 14:15
  ➢ Sunday May 26 – 14:30                      ➢ Sand Bag Toss
                                                 ✓ Wednesday – 13:30
  Happy Hour
                                               ➢ Scrabble
  ➢ Sunday to Saturday – 16:00
                                                 ✓ Saturday – 14:00
  Manager’s Cocktail Hour (Mike Joseph)        ➢ Wii Bowling
  ➢ Friday May 24th – 16:00                      ✓ Wednesday – 10:15


➢ Roxy Swan                               ➢ Ensemble Vocal Adagio
  Friday May 3rd – 14h00                    Tuesday May 14 – 19h15
➢ André Gareau                            ➢ Lauren Hall
  Saturday May 11 – 14h00                   Saturday May 18 – 14h00

Garden’s Echo                                                        May 2019

 OPEN                                       Private Dining Room
 To all!                              Nutrition Committee
                                      ➢ July – Date to be determined
      St-Joseph Activity Room         ➢ Conducted by Chantal Gagné
 Resident’s Meeting                   Activity Committee
 ➢ Date to be determined             ➢ June – Date to be determined
 ➢ July                               ➢ Conducted by Marie-Eve

                     Cards Club
                                ➢   Sunday – 19:15
                                ➢   Monday – 19:15
                                ➢   Wednesday – 19:15 (except May 29)
                                ➢   Friday – 19:15 (except May 31)
                                ➢   Saturday – 14:00
                                ➢   Saturday – 19:15
                                ➢   Military Whist -19:00 May 29th

   Monday - 10:00

Garden’s Echo                 May 2019

   • Saturday May 4th 2019
   • 9h00 - 13h00
   • Activity Room
   • More than 20 local

Garden’s Echo                                                 May 2019

       Mothers Day Brunch
                  Menu                           May 12th 2019
                                                  20$ / Person
     Homemade Bread, croissants & muffins             11h00
                Variety of Salads
 Cold asparagus served with mayonnaise sauce
                 Bircher Muesli
                 Smoked salmon
           Famous French toast flambé
           Omelettes & Scrambled eggs
                   Roast Beef
                  Seafood crèpes
                Ham & leek quiche
           Spinach & goat cheese quiche
                   Baked beans
                Breakfast potatoes
           Lime and coconut cheese cake        Reserve by Tuesday
                    Fruit salad
                                                    May 7th
                 Assorted cookies
                                                Seats are limited
Garden’s Echo                                      May 2019

         ❖ Monday – 13:15 to 14:00
         ❖ Tuesday – 14:30 to 15:15
         ❖ Wednesday – 14:30 to 15:15
         ❖ Thursday – 13:15 to 14:00

                                         May 17 & 24
                                          2:00 PM

      Meeting point- Reception

Garden’s Echo                                  May 2019

                Afternoon High Tea
                Friday May 10th
                       2 :00 PM

                     Ice Cream
                     Thursday May 2nd & 23rd
                            2:15 PM

Garden’s Echo                                                        May 2019

  A Prayer

                                 Dear God,
  Some days feel too hard. We’re hurting. Struggling. Fighting fear and
   worry at every turn. Thank you in the midst of it all, you haven’t left
 us to fend for ourselves. Forgive us for doubting you are there. Forgive
 us for thinking you’ve forgotten. Forgive us for believing we somehow
                           know the better way.
 You are fully trustworthy. You are All Powerful. You are Able. You are
 Lord over every situation no matter how difficult it may seem. You are
  Healer and will never waste the grief we carry today. You will use all
  things for good in some way. Anything is possible with you. Nothing is
                            too difficult for you.
   We pray for those who grieve today. We ask for your comfort to sur-
 round those who weep. We pray for the peace of your presence to cov-
    er our minds and thoughts, as you remind us, the enemy can never
   steal us out of your hands. He never has the final say over our lives.
 We are kept safe in your presence forever, whether in life or in death.
     We thank you that your ways are higher than our ways and your
 thoughts are bigger than our thoughts. We lay it all down at your feet,
 every burden, every care. Believing that is the safest place for it to be.
  We love you Lord, we need your fresh grace. In the Powerful Name of
                                Jesus, Amen.
                             - Debbie McDaniel

Garden’s Echo                                                    May 2019

                MASS                  Happy
 ▪ Sunday (Celebrations)              Birthday!
   10:00 – activity room
   May 12 at 9:00 AM (Mother’s                    Residents
   Day)                                  Georgette Séguin – June 4
 ▪ Thursday May 9th                       Lorraine Léger – June 10
                                           Claire Smith – June 10
   10:00 – activity room                  ClémentResidents
                                                   Fillion – June 10
 ▪ Rosary – every day                   Germaine McPhee – June 17
   16:30 – the Chapel                    Jean-Paul  Fillion ––June
                                          Paul Laplante        May19
                                           Helen  Smith -–May
                                               Vanbergen      June15
                                        Marie-Berthe Dubé – June 23
                                         Pauline Vézina - May 19
                                         Fernande Rollin – June 25
                                        Edmond    Fournier – May 19
                                           Lucile Paris – June 29
                                       Riella Charbonneau - May 29
                                                   Grenier - May 30
                                        Cassandra  Busuttil – -June
                                        Annette Tremblay        May1631
                                      Marie-Eve Henry Lalonde   –
                                         Mélodia Leblanc - May 31 23

                                          Believe Kamba - May 7
                                         Carolyne Giroux - May 12
                                         Pierre Lassonde - May 23

Garden’s Echo                                                                May 2019

    Place d’Orléans
    ❖ Tuesdays
    ❖9 h 45 - 11 h 15
    Dollarama/ No frills
    ❖Monday May 6                      Friday, October 18, 2019 at 8 pm

    ❖ 9h45 - 10h45              Édith and Paul Ducas have everything they need
                                to be happy. They are in their mid-50s and lead
    St-Laurent                   successful careers. They are still very much in
    ❖Friday May 10              love, and their relationship is just passionate as
                                 it ever was. They also have a son named Tan-
    ❖ 9h30 - 12h00                guy. At the age of thirty, he has found great
                                    success is the field of Chinese studies and
    Walmart                     teaches at the university. A lady’s man, Tanguy
    ❖Wednesday May 15             is handsome, charming and zen. The perfect
                                son...except that he still lives with his parents!
    ❖ 9h45 – 11h15
                                   (French presentation- Shenkman Centre)
    ❖ Thursday May 30
                                                 Tickets: 50,00$
    ❖ 14h15 - 15h15
                                                Rsvp By May 10th

 Casino Lac Leamy
 Monday May 27
 12h00 – 16h00

Garden’s Echo                               May 2019

                      Outing !
  ▪ Tulip Festival followed by a lunch.
  ▪ Thursday May 16, at 11 : 00 AM
  ▪ If you are interested RSVP by May 10.
  ▪ Limited Seating !

       Alert- Lobster Dinner!!
                Friday May 31st 2019
                   1 service only
                    5:00 PM
Garden’s Echo                                                                    May 2019

➢ On site on Wednesday, Friday & Saturday.
➢ Call directly Liliane for your appointment at

     Manicures with Carole
     ➢ Free!
        ➢ Monday May 13
         • Rsvp at reception


                                               DÉPANNEUR       – 11:30
                                                         ROYAL TUCK SHOP
                                                                           12 : 00
Caisse Populaire                     Articles / Items                       Prix - Price

➢ Thurs. May 10                      Barres de chocolat / Chocolate Bars
                                     Croustilles / Chips
➢ 10:45                              Boissons gazeuses / Soft Drinks           $1.00
                                     Cartes / Cards                            $2.00
                                     Piles / Batteries (4 x AA)                $6.00
50/50 Draw                           Tapis de bain / Bath Mat                  $4.00

➢ Thurs. May 24                      Rideau de douche / Shower Curtain
                                     Mouchoirs / Kleenex
➢ 11:00                              Ampoules / Light Bulbs                    $7.00

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