GAMES INFORMATION PACKET - Introduction Season Timeline and Venues Paperwork COVID-19 Protocols 3-5 6-9

Page created by Todd Lloyd
GAMES INFORMATION PACKET - Introduction Season Timeline and Venues Paperwork COVID-19 Protocols 3-5 6-9

                    Table of Contents
       Introduction                      2
Season Timeline and Venues               2
        Paperwork                        3
    COVID-19 Protocols                  3-5
          Awards                         6
         Lunches                         6
     Registration Fees                   6
       Sports Rules                     6-9

           2023 Special Olympics Montana Bowling Championships
SOMT is excited to announce the format for the 2023 Bowling Championships, which fall within the
current Special Olympics International Return to Activity protocols.

SOMT will bring localized tournaments to 6 statewide locations! Tournaments will be run in multiple
locations the same day, with competitors from each alley being placed in separate divisions.

The competition offering will allow athletes to compete in either singles or unified doubles.

   •    Games information packet and roster/registration form distributed: November 23, 2022
   •    Official bowling season start: December 5, 2022
   •    Roster Deadline: December 23,2022 submit to Bill Polk, Sports Director:
   •    Divisioning scores/all paperwork due: January 6, 2023
   •    Tournament dates and team assignments:
            o Sunday, January 29, 2023
                   ▪ Billings
                   ▪ Helena
            o Monday, February 6, 2023
                   ▪ Bozeman
                   ▪ Missoula
            o Thursday, February 9, 2023
                   ▪ Big Fork
                   ▪ Glasgow

   •    State Bowling will offer a first choice, second choice option when registering for competition.
        While selecting a competition location, remember there is a limited attendance capacity at
        each venue. Venues have been selected based on delegation attendance/geography, so in
        most cases, select the venue closest to you. In the event a competition venue becomes too
        large, teams would be moved to their second-choice option.

       ***Competition locations and dates may be subject to change***

Tentative “Day Of” Tournament Schedule: Detailed tournament schedules will be sent out with
divisioning reports prior to each tournament and may vary from location to location.

   •   Team check-in: 8:00 AM – 8:30 AM
   •   Opening Ceremony: 8:45 AM
   •   Singles Competition: 9:00 AM – 10:20 AM
   •   Second flight (if necessary): 10:30 AM – 11:50 AM
   •   Doubles Competition: 12:00 PM – 1:20 PM
   •   Second flight (if necessary): 1:30PM – 2:40 PM
   •   Awards will be presented immediately upon the completion of each flight/division

All athletes and unified partners who plan to compete will be required to be current with paperwork:
athlete medical, consent, unified partner application, and athlete code of conduct.
    • In addition, athletes/unified partners and/or their guardians or caregivers will be required to
       review and sign off on the COVID-19 Code of Conduct and Participant Risk Assessment
       Form. This document needs completing only once. Please be sure to submit both pages,
       including the checkbox page (pages 1 and 2) of the document.
    • Also required will be the Communicable Diseases Waiver. This document will be required
       every three years.

All volunteers (area directors, local program coordinators, coaches, and volunteers) will need to
have current paperwork: volunteer application, protective behaviors, and concussion for coaches.
    • They will also be asked to review and sign off on the COVID-19 Code of Conduct and
        Participant Risk Assessment Form if they are volunteering with the team during the 2023
        Bowling Championships. This document needs completing only once. Please be sure to
        submit both pages, including the checkbox page (pages 1 and 2) of the document.
    • Also required will be the Communicable Diseases Waiver. This document will be required
        every three years.

All paperwork is to be submitted to Sue Hill at the state office.
          • Email:
          • Fax: 406-770-4451

                          Due Date for paperwork: Friday, January 6, 2023

SOMT Return to Activity Guidelines
                                 Last updated August 30, 2022

Guiding Principles
   •   Special Olympics Montana (SOMT) is committed to the health and safety of
       athletes, volunteers and staff while participating in programing, competition, and
   •   SOMT’s goal is to monitor COVID-19 transmission rates for the state, monitor and follow
       guidelines from CDC (Centers for Disease Control) and consult health officials as
       needed. Adjustments will be made to the Return to Activities Guidelines if necessary.
   •   Anyone considered high risk needs to consult the CDC website to better understand the
       risk involved.
   •   Participation is optional and SOMT respects and understands anyone who is unable
       to return to activities.
All participants (athletes, unified partners, coaches, team volunteers, and “day of”
volunteers) must complete the COVID-19 Code of Conduct and the Communicable Disease

If you have symptoms:
People who have symptoms (CDC symptom checker) of respiratory or gastrointestinal
infections, such as cough, fever, sore throat, vomiting, or diarrhea should complete the
following steps.
    • Complete a COVID-19 test
          o Testing is strongly recommended for people with symptoms of COVID-19 as
              soon as possible after symptoms begin and are required before returning
              to Special Olympics practices, activities, competition, and travel.
    • Isolate
          o Isolate for at least 5 days and refrain from SOMT practices,
              activities, competition, and travel.
          o If your test is negative, your symptoms have improved and you are fever free
              for 24 hours, you can end your isolation.
If you test positive:
    • Isolate
          o Tell people that you recently had contact with that they may have been exposed.
          o Stay home for 5 days and isolate yourself from others in your home.
          o Wear a mask if you must be around others.
          o Monitor for symptoms.

   •   If you have no symptoms, you may end isolation after day 5 but wear a mask
       when around others until day 10. Contact a Healthcare Provider
           o People who test positive for COVID-19 should consult a healthcare
               provider right away for possible treatment, even if their symptoms are
           o Contact a healthcare provider immediately if symptoms worsen.
    • Contact your Coach or Local Program Coordinator (LPC)
           o Athletes and volunteers should contact their coach or LPC (Local
               Program Coordinator) right away.
If you were exposed but have no symptoms:
       • Monitor for symptoms.
       • Mask wearing encouraged
       • Take extra precautions if you are around others with health risks.
       • Complete a COVID-19 test at least 5 days after exposure.

Overnight travel is allowed at this time. Before traveling to a Special Olympics event
or activity-Coaches/LPCs are asked to survey their athletes verbally and ask the
following questions:
           o In the last 14 days, have you had contact with someone who had Covid 19? No
           o Have you had a fever in the last week of 100.4 or higher?      No    Yes
           o Do you have a cough and/or difficulty breathing?       No     Yes
           o Do you have any other signs or symptoms of Covid-19 (fatigue, muscle or
              body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion
              or runny nose, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea)?        No     Yes

If the answer is no to each question, an individual is ready to travel.
If the answer is yes to any question, please follow the participation guidelines listed above.
Tracking sheets are no longer required. However, if you have any questions please contact
Vickie Donisthorpe, COO 406-315-4215 or Lisa Romig, Executive Assistant 406-315-4196.

Hand washing and/or sanitization is highly recommended for all shared areas and frequently
touched surfaces. This includes equipment between uses. Hand sanitizer should be made
available at all events.

Event organizers must have a health point of contact identified who can assist with
identifying and isolating individuals with COVID-19 or cold like symptoms.

Questions or Trouble Shooting
Vickie Donisthorpe, COO 406-315-4215

 Lisa Romig, Executive Assistant 406-315-4196

In-Person Bowling Events:
   • Traditional and unified medals (gold, silver, bronze) and ribbons (4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and

Lunches will be provided at the 2023 Bowling Championships. If your team prefers a non-
lunch option, please make note of that on the registration form.

There will be a $20.00 registration fee for the 2023 Bowling Championships.

Special Olympics Montana
2023 Bowling Rules
Max Effort Rule and Honest Score Submission Rule
The Max Effort Rule will be in effect for the 2023 Bowling Championships. As a reminder, the Max
Effort Rule states- “If a participant’s final performance at a state-level competition exceeds their
submitted divisioning score by x%, they will be subject to restrictions.” These restrictions and more
details about the Max Effort Rule can be found at this LINK. The Max Effort Rule aims to have all
participants and teams submit honest scores to ensure fair competition.

For the 2023 Bowling Championships, the % of improvement to violation is on a sliding scale for
participants. For scores submitted 49 or less, participants may improve up to 60%. For scores
submitted 50-99, participants may improve up to 50%. For scores submitted 100+, participants may
improve up to 40%.

The LPC and Coach Honest Score Submission Rule- “If more than 25% of a team’s participants
violate the Max Effort Rule, the LPC and/or team will be subject to restrictions.” See the link above for
more information about those restrictions. The LPC and Coach Honest Score Submission Rule aims
to ensure teams are practicing as expected (at least 10 hours) and are submitting honest divisioning

For example, Joe Smith has an average game score of 84 submitted from practice. Joe’s competition
score may improve up to 50%, which would be 42 pins, therefore, Joe may improve to 126. If Joe
improves to 127, that score would be above 50%, which means Joe would be flagged for a violation.

General Information and Rules
  • Athletes and unified partners are allowed to select 1 event for participation.
         o Assisted bowlers will not be allowed to register for unified doubles. They must register
            for singles assisted ramp only.
  • When submitting scores for registration, scores should be the total of the athlete or unified
     partners’ best 3 scores from completed games. Divisions will be determined based on these
     scores, gender, and age.
  • Foul lights will be on during competition.
  • Any team arriving late will begin play with the score to count from the frame being bowled. A
     zero will be given for all prior frames.
  • Ramp bowling
         o If a delegation has ramp bowlers, it is expected the delegation provide their own ramp.
            Each alley may have ramps to use, but in the event the alley’s ramps are few or
            damaged, delegations need to be prepared.
  • “Powdering” of shoes is strictly prohibited and will result in disqualification.

       For any questions on equipment modifications that may or may not be allowed, contact
       the Special Olympics Montana Sports Department.
Individual (athlete only)
   •   Singles bowlers will bowl 3 games.
   •   Singles bowlers will bowl straight games.
   •   Bowlers can participate in one of the following events:
          o Singles
                 ▪ This is traditional, unassisted bowling. If an athlete receives assistance of any
                    kind, besides stability assistance, they will be disqualified and receive a
                    participation ribbon.
          o Singles Ramp Unassisted
                 ▪ Athlete aims ramp into position unassisted
                 ▪ Athlete may receive assistance lifting ball onto ramp.
                 ▪ Athlete pushes ball down ramp toward target.
                 ▪ Athlete resets ramp unassisted.
                 ▪ A bowler may be asked to bowl a complete game without taking a break between
                    frames. Coaches need to ensure bowlers are prepared for this.
                 ▪ Athlete may reset the ramp unassisted after each roll.
          o Singles Ramp Assisted
                 ▪ An assistant may aim the ramp towards the pins but must at all times have their
                    back to the pins and aim based on directions (either verbally or by physical cues)
                    from the athlete.

                       •    Use of technology for the purpose of giving directions is permitted if
                            preapproved by the Special Olympics Montana Sports Department.
                            Contact the Sports Department to receive approval.
                ▪   A bowler may be asked to bowl a complete game without taking a break between
                    frames. Coaches need to ensure bowlers are prepared for this.
                ▪   Athlete may receive assistance lifting the ball onto the ramp.
                ▪   Athlete must have or make a reasonable effort to have at least one hand on the
                    ball as it is being delivered.
                ▪   After the first roll, assistants may reset the ramp, so that the ramp is pointing
                    down the center of the lane. From there, the assistant will await cues from the
                    athlete on ramp direction and placement.

Unified Doubles (Athlete + Unified Partner)
  •   Doubles will use the Baker System format.
  •   Doubles will bowl 3 games.
  •   Scoring: Instead of each player having his/her own score, the combined effort of the team
      constitutes a game.
  •   In the Baker System, doubles partners take turns bowling frames within one game (as
      opposed to two bowlers bowling separate games). Each bowler bowls one frame at a time,
      regardless of the number of pins on the lane (i.e. if Player A throws a strike, he/she completes
      the frame and then Partner B bowls the next frame).

                            Bowler rotation for Doubles
                                    Frame     Bowler
                                       1        A
                                       2        B
                                       3        A
                                       4        B
                                       5        A
                                       6        B
                                       7        A
                                       8        B
                                       9        A
                                      10        B

  •   Between games, doubles pairs may change up their bowling order; meaning the athlete that
      bowled first in one game, would bowl second in the next game. This is optional but is
      permissible. Doubles pairs may not change up their order mid-game.
  •   Athletes in doubles must practice in accordance with the Baker System.

   •  Score entered on state-level registration form should be the doubles score (not an individual
      score) of three games completed by the pair.
  • If a bowler bowls a strike, he/she is done for that frame. Bowler B would bowl the next frame.
      For example, if Sara bowls a strike in frame 1, she is done for that frame. Jessica bowls frame
      2 since frames are alternated for each bowler. *If the bowler of the tenth frame rolls a strike or
      spare after their first two rolls, they also roll the third ball of the frame.
  • Doubles competition will not use the league format. All doubles will play in “Open Bowling
      Format,” meaning doubles will bowl on the same lane for all games.
Special Olympics International Rules
The rules above are meant to be all encompassing of Special Olympics Montana competitions. Any
rules not covered above can be found by accessing the Special Olympics International Bowling Rules
at this LINK. The Special Olympics Montana Bowling Rules take precedence over any other
organization’s bowling rules.
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