Page created by Chad Morgan
BuilDing stRAtEgiEs FOR thE nEW DEcADE


                      Additional sponsorship from
Key Trends Discussed                                  Key Trends Discussed                                Key Trends Discussed
   • Society/Spread of Wealth
ACKnoWLeDGMents                                          • Sustainability
                                                 Mike Fitzpatrick, nestlé                                    • Aging
                                                                                                   Ben newton,       population
   • Technology-Enabled Consumers                        • Technology-Enabled
                                                 Peter Florenz,  Henkel          Consumers                   • Sustainability
                                                                                                   erland nielsen, Gs1 Denmark
   • Health and Wellbeing (including Safety)             • Health
                                                 nicolas Florin,   and
                                                                 Gs1    Wellbeing
                                                                     switzerland                   Alejandra •Montes
                                                                                                               Technology-Enabled consumers
                                                                                                                     de oca, Gs1 México
The Consumer Goods Forum (TCGF)                  Rob Fox, JM smucker Company                       Donna olszowka, Georgia-Pacific
         Key Initiatives Identified
wishes to thank the following executives         Bernard Key   Initiatives
                                                          Fradin,           Identified
                                                                   Kraft Foods                     Fernando Key    Initiatives
                                                                                                              orozco,  sigma Identified
for their•time,
            For asupport
                              valuable insight            • Shared
                                                 xavier Franco,      Supply& Chain
                                                                 Johnson     Johnson                          • Supply
                                                                                                   Benoît Pacaud,        Chain Collaboration
into the•2020
            Supply  Chain
                 Future    Information
                        Value Chain: Sharing     Paulette •Frank,
                                                             Industry  Sustainability
                                                                  Johnson   & Johnson                         • Consumer
                                                                                                   serge Papin,   système U Distribution
       • Mobility and Safety                     onno Franse,
                                                          • NewAhold
                                                                  Ways of Working Together         Meena Patel,   Capgemini
                                                                                                              • New   Business Models and Platforms
                                                 David Friedler, Procter & Gamble                  Miguel Angel Peralta, Gs1 México
2020 Future Value Chain Project Team
                                                 Alejandro Fuster, Capgemini                       Clyde Pereira, Coca-Cola Hellenic
sabine Ritter, the Consumer Goods Forum
        MEXICO                                            UNITED
                                                 Jorge Garcés          STATES
                                                                D., tiendas  Garcés                           NETHERLANDS
                                                                                                   Philip Petersen,  tFLC
nigel Bagley, Unilever
                                                 Pierre Georget, Gs1 France                        Gérald Poncet, Capgemini
Dr. Gerd Wolfram, Metro Group
                                                 Peter Gietelink, Gs1 netherlands                  Jörg Pretzel, Gs1 Germany
Kees Jacobs, Capgemini
                                                 Gemma Gordon, Macklin transport                   Chris Purcell, onesteel
Micha van Meeteren, Capgemini
                                                 nina Groothuijzen, Microsoft                      Bo Raattamaa, Gs1 sweden
Brian Girouard, Capgemini
                                                 María Asunción espinosa Guzmán, Capgemini         David González Ramirez, Gs1 México
Priscilla Donegan, Capgemini
                                                 Lorike Hagdorn, tno/VU                            Roberto Rocha Ramirez, Bimbo
                                                 Bram Hage, Partner Logistics                      tero Rautsola, Gs1 Finland
2020 Future Value Chain Steering Group
                                                 Ruediger Hagedorn, the Consumer Goods Forum       Giedre Razinskiene, Gs1 Lithuania
ellen Gladders, tesco
                                                 Michael Haines, Westgate Ports                    Katrin Recke, eCR europe
tony Vendrig, Ahold
                                                 elzbieta Halas, Gs1 Poland                        Bob Richardson, Clorox Company
saliha Barlatey, nestlé
                                                 August Harder, Coop                               Pascal Rigaud, Danone eaux France
Jim Flannery, Procter & Gamble
                                                 Derek Harris, Aust Rail track Corp                eduardo Rios, Bimbo
Milan turk, Procter & Gamble
                                                 Carlos Hernández, Gs1 México                      Francisco Javier Rodríguez, Kraft Foods
John Phillips, PepsiCo, Inc.
                                                 Gerardo Zwieger Herrán, PepsiCo, Inc.             José Luis Ibañez Rojas, La Costeña
Philippe Lambotte, Kraft
                                                 Gregor Herzog, Gs1 Austria                        Leticia González Romero, Pasión Mexicana
                                                 Fred Holvast, Heineken nederland supply           Ian Ross, Australian Logistics Council (ALC)
Bruno Aceto, Gs1 Italy
                                                 Jos van Huizen, nestlé nederland                  sharon Rossi, Unilever
Chris Adcock, Gs1
                                                 Daryll Hull, ALC/transport and Logistics Centre   Dave Rost, sC Johnson & son
Maria teresa Aguilar, Capgemini
                                                 Ian Hunter, national transport Commission (ntC)   Will Ruiz, HP
erik Angot, nestlé France
                                                 Monica Hysell, Abbott nutrition                   François Rullier, ILeC
Flor Argumedo, Comercial Mexicana
                                                 Miroslav Ilic, Gs1 serbia                         sabina saksena, Gs1 Us
Ricardo Ausin, Kraft Foods
                                                 sigmund Berle Jensen, Gs1 norway                  Rodolfo osnaya salas, sC Johnson & son
David Bailey, Microsoft
                                                 sharon Jeske, the Consumer Goods Forum            David salisbury, ACCC
tim Beckmann, Kuehne + nagel
                                                 nigel Jesson, Gro-Market Logistics                Jean-Marc saubade, the Consumer Goods Forum
Johan Boeijenga, Jumbo
                                                 Marisa Jimenez, Gs1                               trip shutze, the Coca-Cola Company
Frans van den Boomen, Mars nederland
                                                 Jeff Johnson, sC Johnson & son                    Rimantas sidlauskas, Gs1 Lithuania
etienne Boonet, Gs1 Belgilux
                                                 Richard Jones, Gs1                                olivier siegler, Capgemini
Frits van den Bos, Gs1 nederland
                                                 stewart Jones, Commonwealth DItRDLG               Andrew smith, PepsiCo, Inc.
Jim Bracken, Gs1 Ireland
                                                 Laurence Jumeaux, Capgemini                       Jan somers, Gs1 Belgilux
Bob Branham, General Mills, Inc.
                                                 Klara Karivan, Gs1 Croatia                        Alejandro souza, Capgemini
Dale Brockwell, Kraft Foods
                                                 Rob Karman, spar International                    Franz speer, Henkel
Chris Brooks, Woolworths
                                                 David Ketszeri, Gs1 in europe                     Greg spiker, Qantas
Clay Broussard, PepsiCo, Inc.
                                                 Manvendra Khati, Capgemini                        Peter swan, Amway
Jean-Michel Bru, Carrefour
                                                 Michael Kilgariff, Australian Logistics Council   nadia taleb, Gs1
Duco Buijze, Lekkerland
                                                 Mehmet Kunter, Unilever                           Marnix tax, sara Lee International
Joe Burton, Mars Petcare Us
                                                 olivier Labasse, eCR France                       Marianne timmons, Wegmans
Brett Campbell, Graysonline
                                                 Dominique Lacaze, Bel                             Alejandro Reyes torres, Unilever
Jeff Chahley, Kraft Foods
                                                 Hervé Laureau, Unilever                           todd turner, Grocery Manufacturers Association
Ben Church, Bluescope steel
                                                 Grégoire Lebret, nestlé France                    Mauro Ungheretti, GnD
Pavla Cihlarova, Gs1 Czech Republic
                                                 enrique Legorreta, Kraft Foods                    Victoria Garcia Urrutia, PepsiCo, Inc.

ted Combs, Microsoft
                                                 Philippe Lemoine, Laser                           Luis Ricardo Valencia, Capgemini
scott Craig, Delhaize America
                                                 eduardo Leon, Procter & Gamble                    Micha Veenman, Bakkersland
Roland Dachs, Crown europe

                                                 Patrick Lheure, Capgemini                         Fokke van der Veer, Unilever Benelux
nathalie Damery, Gs1
                                                 Chris Librie, sC Johnson & son                    Liliana Villalpando, Gs1 México
thierry Desouches, système U
                                                 Mary Long, Campbell soup                          Mario Vollbracht, HP
Ivanny Ramos Díaz, PepsiCo
                                                 Miguel Lopera, Gs1                                tom Vuorinen, Capgemini
Ingilby Dickson, Bluescope steel
    The Future Value Chain initiative is largely based on the outcomes of local, regional
Ann Dozier, the Coca-Cola Company
                                                 Ciprian Losep, Gs1 Romania                        Luk van Wassenhove, InseAD
                                                 Gary Lynch, Gs1 UK                                Dave White, Capgemini
    and global workshops with participants from the consumer goods and retail industry.
Rose elphick, VFLC
                                                 nicola Macniven, Procter & Gamble                 Michael Whiting, Johnson & Johnson Consumer
Alfonso Franco endo, La Costeña
    For the 2020 Future Value Chain project country-specific workshops took place
Hans erdmann, Claessens erdmann
                                                 Chris Mangan, QMMFC                               Christine Whitney, Wegmans
                                                 Juergen Matern, Metro Group                       Colleen Wickering, Meijer
    in Australia, France, Mexico, Netherlands and the United States, and a regional work-
Mario escárcega, Gs1 México
                                                 Kerry Mcnair, the Coca-Cola Company               Hans Wielinga, Bakkersland
Mario Padilla espinosa, Unilever
    shop took place with GS1 in Europe. For the 2018 Future Value Chain project country
Glenn exton, HP
                                                 Leona Meikle, Land o’ Lakes, Inc.                 Jill Wilkinson, Capgemini
                                                 eduard Molkenboer, DHL                            Robert Wilkinson, the Coca-Cola Company
    workshops were held in India and Japan and a regional workshop for Southeast Asia
Bob Fassett, Capgemini
                                                 Rafael tena Morelos, ConAgra Foods                troy Witt, Clorox Company
xavier Filou, L’oréal
                                                                                                   Paul Woltering, Akzonobel Coatings
    took place in Hong Kong. The objective of these workshops was to examine the most
neil Findlay, QtLC
                                                 Ian Munro, Kraft Foods
                                                 neil Murphy, sAFC                                 neil Wong, national transport Commission (ntC)
timothy Fischer, Bumble Bee Foods
    relevant trends from a local and regional perspective, and from there to define and
Ginny Fisher, Capgemini
                                                 Hugo sánchez neri, Capgemini                      Jacob Yau, Chiquita
                                                 Helen newell, Asciano                             Pieter Zwart, Coolblue B.V.
    develop initiatives that could help address these trends.

02   Foreword                                          22      Objectives: What We Want to Achieve
04   Executive Summary                                 36      Tactics: How We Will Achieve Our Objectives as an Industry
08   The Evolution of the Future Value Chain           46      How to Use the Future Value Chain in Your Company
14   Trends: What Is Driving Our Objectives            56      Conclusion

                                               ©2011 The Consumer Goods Forum, Capgemini, HP, Microsoft. All rights reserved.
                                               Printed on a recycled paper produced from 75% recycled waste at a mill awarded
                                               with ISO14001 environmental management certification.
2    2020 Future Value Chain Building strategies for the new Decade


From Nigel Bagley, Unilever, and Dr. Gerd          In the five years that the Future Value     And in this year’s workshops we have
Wolfram, METRO Group, Co-Chairmen,                 Chain initiative has been operating,        seen, again, fantastic participation
2020 Future Value Chain                            more than 400 professionals from            and concrete outcomes:
                                                   our industry have directly engaged
the Future Value Chain initiative operates         in workshops that have taken place          � In Australia the workshop team
on two connected and complementary                 in europe, north America, Latin               is now working with government
platforms: the report and the workshops.           America, Asia and Australasia.                on establishing the blueprint for
                                                                                                 a collaborative supply chain.
In your hand is the third Future Value             It is at the workshops that the Future
Chain report, “Building strategies for             Value Chain project comes alive.            � In the netherlands and Mexico the
the new Decade.” this report lays out              Participants leave the workshops              output from the workshops has be-
the trends that will most impact our               excited and enthusiastic.                     come the central theme for those
business over the next 10 years. It                                                              countries’ industry programs.
presents the strategic objectives that             During the 2008 workshops, in Hong
will help us, as a collective industry,            Kong, a participant from a regional         � A communication platform
to continue to meet the needs of our               retailer told us: “In the 10 years I have     developed in the U.s. workshop is
ever-changing shoppers, consumers                  been in this industry, I have never           now being adapted for global use
and communities. And it demonstrates               before sat down with my industry              as part of the Consumer Goods
how the programs under way in the                  partners and talked frankly about how,        Forum’s “Knowledge sharing” pillar.
Consumer Goods Forum will help                     by working together, our industry can
us to achieve those objectives.                    better serve our joint consumers.”          � the “Gs1 in europe” workshop
                                                                                                 has resulted in significantly better
But it is on the second platform,                  In the same year, in India, we were           alignment between national Gs1
the workshops, that the Future                     told that “this workshop has brought          programs and the global vision.
Value Chain, we believe, now                       together leaders from the biggest
provides the biggest benefits.                     businesses in India in a way that
                                                   has never happened before.”

since this last round of workshops we     From Jean-Marc Saubade, Managing             sustainability, the shared supply Chain,
have also seen many national associa-     Director The Consumer Goods Forum            Consumer technology and Health and
tions, as well as individual companies,                                                Wellbeing are all topics that we address
initiating their own workshops based      It is with great pleasure that we share      today and will continue to address
on the Future Value Chain framework.      this third Future Value Chain report         tomorrow. And we look forward to the
                                          with you.                                    Future Value Chain initiative continuing
this is where the real success of the                                                  to help us bring the right focus across
program lies; in the way that the         this initiative is one of the cornerstones   our portfolio.
principles and concepts are being         of the Consumer Goods Forum program
adopted across our industry to drive      and continues to bring valuable and          success, though, comes through
real collaborative action that delivers   usable deliverables into the Forum.          implementation of these programs by
value to our consumers.                                                                our members and across the industry.
                                          this current report uniquely provides us     In this, I ask for your continued support
our reward for leading this initiative    with the opportunity to consider the         and engagement on the Forum’s
is to see and hear that enthusiasm.       many activities that we have under way       initiatives and projects.
                                          in the Consumer Goods Forum in
                                          relation to the 10-year vision for our
                                          industry. In particular, we can review our
                                          program against the industry objectives
                                          that have emerged from the workshops.

                                          I am pleased to see that the
                                          initiatives and projects under way
                                          across the Forum’s five strategic
                                          pillars are right on track to deliver
                                          these objectives.
4    2020 Future Value Chain Building strategies for the new Decade

     ExEcutivE summARy

What do you want to achieve in 2020? Are you focused on making
your business more sustainable, optimizing a new shared supply
chain, engaging with technology-enabled consumers or helping
consumers improve their health and wellbeing? Do you expect to
achieve all this by yourself, or will you look for collaboration?

our ability to achieve these objectives            this new report provides the
is essential for the success of the                industry and companies with the
consumer goods industry over the                   framework – in the form of trends,
coming decade. this lies at the heart of           objectives and tactics – to build
the 2020 Future Value Chain project.               strategies and action plans for
                                                   2020. And the time to act is now.
In the conclusion of the prior “2018
Future Value Chain” report, we noted               Trends: What Is Driving Our Objectives
that the difference between success and            the first phase of the 2020 Future
failure in the consumer goods industry             Value Chain project involved identifying
in the next 10 years would be our                  and analyzing the trends that will have
ability to adapt to rapid and significant          the greatest impact on our industry
change. this is still true. However, it            in the coming 10 years. twelve global
is clear that success will also require            root trends were identified that address
focused strategies and effective                   change in society, shopper behavior,
tactics – for individual companies                 environment and technology.
and for the industry as a whole.
ExEcutivE summARy       5

                                                                        “2020 Future Value Chain” on the Web
                                                                         more information about the “2020 Future value
                                                                         chain” report and program can be found at

1. Increased Urbanization and the       3. Increasing Spread of Wealth           5. Increase in Consumer Service
   rise of megacities will impact          will lead to a growing middle            Demands will define new service
   the size of stores, logistics           class in developing regions,             models, offered via the Internet,
   and the supply chain, and               impacting consumption and                that move beyond selling
   distribution infrastructures,           availability of food items and           individual products and will bring
   among other factors.                    providing a source of growth for         different types of “solutions”
                                           manufacturers and retailers.             to consumers and shoppers.
2. Aging Population will have
   economic and political               4. Increased Impact of Consumer          6. Increased Importance of Health
   consequences related to the             Technology Adoption will be              and Wellbeing will have significant
   amount of money spent on                reflected not only in consumers’         ramifications as sales of healthful
   necessities like food and drink,        own behavior but also in their           products and services are
   and the type of delivery services,      ability to influence the buying          expected to nearly quadruple
   store formats and locations             behavior of other consumers              in the coming five years.
   offered to older consumers.             as the use of social and digital
                                           media continues to spread.
6   2020 Future Value Chain Building strategies for the new Decade

     ClOSE-UP ON
       COUNTRIES             LoCAL IMPACt In A GLoBAL Context
                             During the course of the 2020 Future Value          on developing a sustainable supply chain with a
                             Chain project, a series of workshops was held,      goal of helping to shape the overall sustainability
                             including a global session, a pan-european          agenda. In the U.s. the team determined
                             workshop and country-specific workshops in          that creating a sustainable value chain and
                             Australia, France, Mexico, netherlands and the      engaging with technology-enabled consumers
                             United states. these markets were selected to       were particularly relevant in their market. In
                             provide a broad cross-section of the industry.      Mexico the group focused not only on trends
                             the objective of these country workshops was to     like technological developments and product
                             examine the most relevant trends from a local       safety, but also on crime and national security.
                             perspective, and from there to define and develop
                             initiatives that could help address these trends.   throughout this report, you will find sidebars that
                                                                                 take a close-up look at the country workshops.
                             All workshops used the same Future Value Chain      note: For a closer look at Asia, please see the
                             framework and globally identified trends as the     earlier report, titled “2018 Future Value Chain:
                             starting point, but each country workshop had its   succeeding in a Volatile Market,” which highlighted
                             own specific focus, depending on the market. For    the results of similar workshops held in Hong Kong
                             example, in Australia the group chose to focus      (focused on southeast Asia), India and Japan.

                             7. Growing Consumer Concern about                    Objectives: What We Want to Achieve
                                Sustainability will lead consumers to look        the overall impact of these root trends is
                                to governments and companies to play a            significant, and will require a fundamental
                                major role in combating climate change.           change in the way consumer products
                                                                                  companies and retailers run their businesses
                             8. Shifting of Economic Power to countries           and serve consumers and shoppers. things
                                like China and India will cause trade             not only need to be done differently, they
                                areas to evolve and a new generation              also need to be done collaboratively. By
                                of globally competitive companies from            working together – not only as an industry
                                these developing markets to emerge.               but also with governments, nGos and
                                                                                  consumers – we can achieve collectively
                             9. Scarcity of Natural Resources like energy,        what none of us can achieve alone.
                                water and food will become a growing issue
                                as demand is projected to outstrip easily         the analysis of the trends was the starting
                                available supplies over the next decade,          point to help the industry determine what our
                                resulting in increasing production costs.         strategic objectives – defined as “what we
                                                                                  want to achieve” – should be for the next 10
                             10. Increase in Regulatory Pressure will be seen     years. the 2020 Future Value Chain project
                                 particularly for hot-button areas like the       went through a thorough process to identify the
                                 environment, sustainability and food safety.     global strategic objectives on which the industry
                                                                                  should focus. the objectives identified were:
                             11. Rapid Adoption of Supply Chain
                                 Technology Capabilities will enable a             1. Make Our Business More Sustainable
                                 more synchronized value chain with
                                 greater visibility and traceability.              2. Optimize a Shared Supply Chain

                             12. Impact of Next-Generation Information             3. Engage with Technology-Enabled Consumers
                                 Technologies like cloud computing
                                 will lead to a new way to deal, jointly,          4. Serve the Health and Wellbeing of Consumers
                                 with business and technology in
                                 the consumer goods industry.
ExEcutivE summARy       7

the trends link to these objectives. For                includes a company track that can be used
example, trends such as scarcity of                     to help businesses develop long-term action
natural resources and increased regulatory              plans to respond to the external trends.
pressure will be direct change drivers for
the industry’s supply chain in the coming           2. Implement the relevant tactics and ideas
decade. And the rapid adoption of consumer             from the Future Value Chain initiative.
technology and the increase in consumer                In addition to industry global, regional
service demands will require industry and              and local programs, many initiatives that
companies to rethink the way they engage               address the four strategic objectives are
with technology-enabled consumers.                     already ongoing inside companies. A
                                                       sampling of these initiatives is presented in
these four industry objectives are not                 this report to offer ideas and inspiration.
only relevant at the global level; they also
apply at the regional and country levels,           3. Challenge yourself to see how robust
although sometimes with differences in                 your 2020 strategy really is. of course,
their “accents” and degree of impact.                  your company already has strategies in
                                                       place. And of course, you believe that
Tactics: How We Will Achieve Our                       you are addressing the trends in the
Objectives as an Industry                              market that are relevant to you. But is
After knowing what we want to achieve, the             your strategy really robust in the context
next step is to determine how to achieve it. the       of the rapid and dramatic changes that
good news is that we don’t have to start from          will impact the industry over the next
scratch to develop tactics that address the            10 years? We recommend you challenge
four global strategic objectives. A wide range         yourself with the list of questions
of global programs are already in place, as            presented near the end of the report.
demonstrated by a review of current initiatives
run by the Consumer Goods Forum under the           A Call to Action for the Industry
organization’s pillars of sustainability, safety    the conclusions of the report are clear:
and Health, and operational excellence.
                                                    � to be ready for 2020 (and 2018
Matching the four strategic objectives with           and 2016) we need to increase the
the current scope and strategic priorities            collaboration across our industry.
of the Consumer Goods Forum shows good
alignment. All four objectives are addressed        � the Consumer Goods Forum companies
in global industry initiatives and projects,          need to fully support the Forum programs
many of which are outlined in this report.            – and the appropriate regional and
the respective global, regional and local             local programs that are under way.
organizations will need to continue to work
closely to align their activities, provide          � Companies across our industry need
company-driven focus on some key priorities           to challenge themselves on how
and help avoid duplication of efforts.                prepared they are for 2020.

How to Use the Future Value                         � Companies should use the Future Value
Chain in Your Company                                 Chain framework to develop a strategy and
From the first Future Value Chain project in          tactical plan that responds to the external
2006 it was clear that companies were taking          shopper, consumer and societal trends.
the Future Value Chain ideas and output and
using them internally to drive their own thinking   the following pages provide a close-up look
and actions.                                        inside the 2020 Future Value Chain: the
                                                    trends that will have the greatest impact on
there are at least three ways companies can         the industry for the coming 10 years; the
leverage the Future Value Chain in their own        objectives on which the industry should focus;
business:                                           and the tactics that will help us achieve
                                                    these objectives. We strongly recommend you
1. Apply the Future Value Chain framework           read the full report to evaluate what actions
   inside your company. the recommended             you need to take today to ensure that our
   and proven three-step Future Value Chain         companies and our industry are ready for
   framework (trends, objectives, tactics)          the challenges and opportunities of 2020.
8   2020 Future Value Chain Building strategies for the new Decade

    thE EvOlutiOn OF thE
    FutuRE vAluE chAin

A windowless hotel meeting room at schiphol Airport in Amsterdam
was the birthplace, in 2005, of the Future value chain initiative.

in the room was a handful of executives from leading manufacturers
and retailers who were meeting to discuss how our global industry
associations could move to the next level in facilitating collaboration
across our industry. collaboration that would bring benefit to our
shoppers and consumers as well as removing inefficiency from our
shared business activities.

the consideration of this next level              development of a series of business
did not imply that the industry                   case reports by the Global Commerce
was not progressing well on areas                 Initiative on programs such as
of collaboration. In fact, the first              Global Data synchronization and
few years of the new century saw                  the electronic Product Code.
tremendous progress, including the
merging of eAn and UCC to create                  so, you might ask, why did the
Gs1, the collaborative principles                 people in that schiphol meeting
of eCR being institutionalized                    room think there was a need
within our businesses, and the                    to look for another level?
thE EvOlutiOn OF thE FutuRE vAluE chAin    9

the answer was simple. Much of the         the explosion of consumer                  At the schiphol meeting the view was
success taking place around the in-        communication and technology –             taken that while we, as an industry,
dustry activity was based on concepts      from social networking to the mobile       should continue to fully support
and ideas that had been developed          Internet – is perhaps the most             the programs under way, we also
in the 1990s or even earlier. But the      visible change. But if you cast your       needed to establish a think tank that
new century was bringing change at a       mind back 10 years, how focused            would develop a collective future
phenomenal pace, change that would         was your company in 2000 on                vision and response for our industry
fundamentally impact our industry and      environmental sustainability, obesity      in light of the rapid changes.
would trigger the need for new collabor-   or increasing regulatory pressure?
ative business models for our industry.                                               Hence the establishment of the
                                                                                      Future Value Chain initiative.
10   2020 Future Value Chain Building strategies for the new Decade

                              the objectives were clear. the Future                               From the outset, clear principles
                              Value Chain initiative would:                                       were also established:

                              � Provide the consumer goods industry                               � the initiative would publish a report
                                with a comprehensive, connected and                                 every two years that would be based
                                updated view of the critical trends that                            on a 10-year perspective.
                                will impact companies over the coming
                                decade, with a goal to identify action                            � Input would come from workshops that
                                plans that address these trends.                                    would bring together experts in marketing,
                                                                                                    supply chain, sales, commercial and
                              � Identify key areas where we believe                                 across the business. this would ensure
                                companies should collaborate in order to                            that the initiative reflected what our
                                successfully manage the value chain.                                industry felt – it would truly be an initiative
                                                                                                    by the industry, for the industry.
                              � Identify, initiate and implement
                                appropriate industry activities.                                  � While the initiative would benefit from
                                                                                                    the support of consultants it would
                                                                                                    not be a consultant project.1

                              2016: A Vision of the Future Value Chain                               that prevent it, the benefits that can be
                              In mid-2006 the 2016 Future Value                                      derived from doing so, and the possible
                              Chain project kicked off with two global                               technical solutions that could enable it.
                              workshops that involved nearly 80 people.
                                                                                                  � The industry must Develop New Ways of
                              the resulting report, “2016: the Future Value                         Working Together. A senior executive team
                              Chain,” was launched in late 2006. the                                was established to address innovative forms
                              report laid out a series of scenarios of how                          of collaboration between manufacturers and
                              our consumers would behave and how our                                retailers. Aimed at stimulating sustainable
                              industry would operate in 2016. each of the                           changes in culture, collaborative business
                              report’s three key findings led to the creation                       planning and new measures and rewards, the
                              of a global industry project. the findings were:                      new Ways of Working together framework
                                                                                                    has been adopted for the Consumer Goods
                              � The industry must Redefine the 2016                                 Forum’s operational excellence pillar.
                                Supply Chain. the ensuing project has
                                specifically focused on the industry’s                            the report was well received across the
                                physical supply chain and has designed an                         industry. Regional and national associations
                                integrated supply chain model that takes                          (including eCR and Gs1) took the report to
                                into account sustainability parameters                            heart and starting aligning their programs to the
                                as well as traditional measures.2                                 report outcomes and to the three new global
                                                                                                  projects. Individual companies internalized
                              � Trading partners must more readily and                            the findings, challenging their own business to
                                freely Share Information in their Bi-Lateral                      see how prepared they were for 2016. Board-
                                Relationships. to address this a project                          level presentations at a number of companies
                                was launched to examine how the industry                          confirmed the significance of the findings.
                                can better share information, the barriers

                                  in this respect the project has benefited in the past five years from the support of capgemini, which has acted as lead
                                  consultant and has provided independent facilitation of the workshops and reports.
                                  For more information see www.futuresupplychain.com.
thE EvOlutiOn OF thE FutuRE vAluE chAin     11

2018: Succeeding in a Volatile Market              one of the takeaways from the 2018 report
For the second iteration of the initiative         was that despite the apparent differences
in 2008, the team decided to drill                 among regions and countries, the regional
down from a global perspective to                  priorities and the local priorities were nearly
regional and national levels.                      always fully aligned. At all levels the need for
                                                   greater collaboration and improved efficiencies
the choice of region to focus on was simple:       are apparent. Countries may be at different
Asia. In addition to the rapid economic growth     places on a spectrum but it was the same,
in the region, Asia also contains extremes on      globally applicable spectrum. this meant
just about every aspect of our industry. An        that global collaborative programs really are
emerging middle class on one hand, a massive       applicable at regional and national levels and
low-income population on the other. Rapid          that learning in one market can easily benefit
migration to urban environments coupled            other, seemingly very different, markets.
with vast under-populated rural expanses.
Global leadership in technology in a region
dominated by a supply chain infrastructure
decades – and, in some cases, centuries – old.

2020: Building Strategies for the New Decade       Value Chain initiative. the focus shifted to
As a result of the outcomes of the Asian           providing a framework to help the industry
workshops several regional and national            and individual companies understand the
associations approached the Future Value           trends that impact our business, envision how
Chain team through 2009 looking to run             they will impact, and then formulate plans to
workshops in their markets to help them            benefit our business from those changes.
build their own industry work plans.
                                                   Collaboration and, of course, the global
this, coupled with the use by member               industry projects under way in the
companies of the “2016 Future Value Chain”         Consumer Goods Forum would remain
report internally to trigger long-term strategic   the platform for resulting actions.
planning, led to a refocusing of the Future
12   2020 Future Value Chain Building strategies for the new Decade

                              The Future Value Chain Framework                         the framework allows for two tracks: an
                              the Future Value Chain framework was                     industry track and a company track.
                              developed in an iterative process throughout
                              the eight workshops that took place in                   the industry track would be used by global,
                              the 2020 project between February and                    regional and national associations to formulate
                              september 2010. the framework’s roots are                strategic non-competitive industry objectives
                              in the “scan,” “focus,” “act” methodology                and to set a tactical agenda based on
                              that has been used successfully in all                   collaboration. the company track would be
                              the Future Value Chain project workshops                 used by individual companies to set their own
                              since the initiative started in 2005.                    strategic objectives and competitive agenda.

                              these three phases have now                              For both the company and the industry
                              been translated to:                                      tracks, however, the starting point
                                                                                       – trends – would be the same.
                              � Trends: Understanding what is happening in
                                our world and how it will impact our industry          It is also the case that industry objectives
                                or organization in the next 10 years.                  and company objectives should have common
                                                                                       themes. And, in the tactics, a company may
                              � Objectives: Identifying where the                      include engagement with trading partners on
                                industry or organization wants to be in                industry projects as part of its tactical plan.
                                10 years, what it wants to achieve.                    so the two tracks are continually connected.

                              � Tactics: the activities that must start                While different countries or regions may
                                now to enable the industry or organization             have different priorities, we have found
                                to achieve its 10-year objectives.                     that the same trends and objectives come
                                                                                       through at both the global and local levels.
                              through a facilitated workshop, project
                              participants progress through the three                  this new report presents the findings from
                              phases, arriving at a set of tactics that will           the 2020 Future Value Chain workshops and
                              help them achieve their objectives and be                provides the industry and individual companies
                              well positioned for the anticipated trends.              with the framework to plan for 2020.

                              BUILDInG stRAteGIes FoR tHe neW DeCADe

                                                     TRENDS              OBJECTIVES                            TACTICS

                                                                                                          Global Programs
                                 INDUSTRY                                  Industry
                                                                                                         Regional Programs
                                   TRACK                                  Strategic
                                                                                                           Local Programs
                                                                                                    Industry Collaboration Tactics
                                                                          Company                     1:1 Collaboration Tactics
                                                                          Objectives                     Competitive Tactics
thE EvOlutiOn OF thE FutuRE vAluE chAin      13


                 What started in 2005 with a handful of executives    2018 Future Value Chain
                 from a few leading manufacturers and retailers       � the 2018 project involved 130 participants
                 has grown over the years to include more than          representing local and international retailers
                 400 participants from across the industry as           and manufacturers, third-party partners,
                 well as academia, logistics service providers,         academia and industry associations.
                 consultants and subject matter specialists.
                                                                      � Four workshops were held: a global workshop
                 Consider a few facts about the Future Value Chain:     in Utrecht, the netherlands; an Asian regional
                                                                        workshop in Hong Kong; a Mumbai workshop
                 2016 Future Value Chain                                focused on the Indian market; and a tokyo
                 � the 2016 project involved two global                 workshop focused on the Japanese market.
                   workshops held in Utrecht in the
                   netherlands and Chicago in the U.s.                2020 Future Value Chain
                                                                      � the 2020 project involved nearly 200
                 � Participants comprised nearly 80 people              participants in eight workshops.
                   from retailers, consumer products
                   manufacturers, logistics service providers         � two global workshops were held, one at the
                   and technology companies.                            start of the project in Brussels, Belgium,
                                                                        and one at the end that took place at
                 � the project was led by the Global Commerce           Les Fontaines (Chantilly) in France.
                   Initiative and endorsed by AIM - european
                   Brands Association, CIes - the Food Business       � A regional workshop was held in Antwerp,
                   Forum, eCR europe, Food Marketing Institute          Belgium, for Gs1 in europe, along with
                   (FMI), Grocery Manufacturers Association             country workshops in Australia, France,
                   (GMA), Gs1, Gs1 Us and Voluntary                     the netherlands, U.s. and Mexico.
                   Interindustry Commerce solutions (VICs).

                 While different countries or regions may
                 have different priorities, we have found
                 that the same trends and objectives come
                 through at both the global and local levels.
14   2020 Future Value Chain Building strategies for the new Decade

     tREnDs: WhAt is DRiving
     OuR OBjEctivEs

     the speed of change is accelerating. Organizations and
     industries must respond faster and faster. But how do
     we ensure that change happens for us instead of to us?
     And that decisions are made with full information?

     the first phase of the Future value chain framework
     addresses these questions by identifying and
     analyzing the trends that will have the greatest
     impact on the industry for the coming 10 years.
tREnDs: WhAt is DRiving OuR OBjEctivEs   15
16     2020 Future Value Chain Building strategies for the new Decade

starting with extensive research as a                             the combined effect of trends will also result
foundation, the trends and scenarios were                         in new trends being identified. For example,
developed with engagement and input from                          the growth of online shopping is a trend
different functions and backgrounds across                        that is driven by four of the 12 global root
the industry as well as input from academia                       trends: increased urbanization (in densely
and consultants – all jointly addressing these                    packed cities smaller retail outlets will not
trends from their different perspectives                          be able to carry the range that shoppers ask
through facilitated interactive workshops. the                    for but home delivery can source from the
net result is seeing beyond the obvious.                          wider assortment of a warehouse), the aging
                                                                  population (older people don’t want to carry
For the 2020 Future Value Chain project                           heavy shopping bags back from the store – and
12 global root trends were identified                             they are computer literate!), the increased
that address change in society, shopper                           impact of consumer technology adoption and
behavior, environment and technology.                             the increase in consumer service demands.

these trends should not be considered in                          the Future Value Chain approach of looking
isolation. It is important to understand the                      beyond the ordinary and identifying the
influence that the trends have on each other.                     unexpected consequences of the root
Increasing urbanization, for example, can                         trends is instrumental to the development
impact availability of resources; the increasing                  of the industry strategies and tactics.
spread of wealth is a factor driving the shift                    these global trends provide an excellent
of economic power; and rapid consumer                             starting point for any organization embarking
technology adoption has led to greater service                    on a Future Value Chain project.
demands in the web-based economy.

let’s have a closer look at the 12 identified root trends.

1. Increased Urbanization                                         Among the consequences of urbanization
                                                                                                                                 SURVIVING IN
over half of humanity now lives in cities, and                    for the consumer goods and retail industry
there is no end in sight for urban growth. By                     will be a shift to smaller-footprint stores,
2050, roughly 70% of the world’s population                       with no room for unproductive inventory. In
will live in urban centers.3 the number of                        addition, the industry will face significant
cities with populations greater than 8 million                    supply and logistical challenges, and new
is expected to double by 2015.4 Many of these                     distribution infrastructures will
megacities will be in Asia, but also in Africa,                   be required. the industry has an
europe and Latin America. By 2020, Mumbai,                        opportunity to work with cities that
Delhi, Mexico City, sao Paulo, new York,                          will massively invest in modernizing
Dhaka, Jakarta and Lagos all will have achieved                   and expanding their infrastructures.
metacity status (more than 20 million people).5

    “siemens anticipates massive investments worldwide in sustainable urban infrastructure,” 360 Degree view of money, http://
    infrastructure/#ixzz13y8PjRmA, nov. 25, 2009
    “long term global Demographic trends: Reshaping the geopolitical landscape,” ciA, 2001
    “un-habitat: state of the World’s cities 2006/7,” un-hABitAt, 2007

       Printed on paper made from 100% recycled material using a bio fuel energy
       source. the natural shade is due to the omission of optical brightening agents.
100%   Blue Angel, nordic swan and eU ‘Flower’ accredited paper.
tREnDs: WhAt is DRiving OuR OBjEctivEs   17

Older consumers have substantial economic power and devote a greater
proportion of their total expenditure to necessities like food and drink.

2. Aging Population                                              the needs of an older population. this
the aging of societies will have unexpected                      might include shuttle services, more home                   POWER
economic and political consequences. the view
of an older population as being relatively poor
                                                                 delivery, wider aisles, stores in nursing
                                                                 homes and assisted-living facilities, large-
                                                                                                                              TO THE
does not hold up. older consumers, in fact,                      print labels, among other developments.                     SENIORS
have substantial economic power and devote
a greater proportion of their total expenditure                  At the same time, population aging will
to necessities like food and drink and housing,                  likely depress growth rates in advanced
fuel and power than do younger households.6                      economies, while more youthful
In many countries, consumers 50 and older                        developing countries may enjoy a growth
may soon represent the majority of the                           boost as working-age populations increase.
voting public, making it harder to implement                     even with productivity increases, slower
political policies that adversely affect them.7                  employment growth caused by the shrinking
                                                                 workforce in some countries will likely reduce
Retailers will need to consider changes                          already tepid GDP growth, impact labor
to their business model to accommodate                           supply and put pressure on social programs.

3. Increasing Spread of Wealth                                   the rise in the developing world’s
the middle class, particularly in developing                     middle class will lead to an increase
                                                                                                              SAY HELLO
regions, is rapidly expanding, with the                          in consumption, which may have
                                                                                                              TO THE NEW
population in low- and middle-income                             implications for availability and price
                                                                                                             MIDDLE CLASS
countries with purchasing power parity                           of commodities like oil and food-
(PPP) expected to triple by 2030.8 In                            stuffs. It may also result in protectionist
2000, developing countries were home to                          policies by countries with a middle class
56% of the global middle class; by 2030                          that feels threatened by growth abroad. But
that figure is expected to reach 93%.9                           the new middle class will also be the source
                                                                 of growth for manufacturers and retailers.

    “is business ready for an ageing nation?” Department for Business innovation & skills, march 2010
    “how will demographic change affect the global economy?” www.imf.org, 2004
    “global Economic Prospects,” the World Bank, 2007
    “the new global middle class: Potentially Profitable – but Also unpredictable,” Knowledge@Wharton, july 2008
18    2020 Future Value Chain Building strategies for the new Decade

4. Increased Impact of Consumer                                    the use of these new tools will impact               ALWAYS WIRED
     Technology Adoption                                           not only consumers’ own behavior but will           IS A WAY OF LIFE
over the next 10 years, shoppers will continue                     also influence the buying behavior of other
to become more empowered through the                               consumers as the use of social media continues
use of new communication technologies.                             to spread. Keys to success will be selecting
the growth of mobile features and device                           the right social communities to effectively
convergence such as wallet phones will drive                       interact with the target consumer groups,
mobile commerce. By 2013 more than 2                               managing communication on the sites,
billion mobile users globally will have made                       and determining how to leverage the huge
a purchase via their handsets.10 At the same                       amounts of online consumer data. Consumer
time, store visits will be enhanced by dynamic                     products and retail companies will need to
digital displays and personalization through a                     become more transparent and collaborative
hand-held device or the customer’s own phone.                      in their interactions with shoppers while
                                                                   keeping a close eye on privacy concerns.

5. Increase in Consumer Service Demands                            Internet: over the next decade the
                                                                                                             AT YOUR
the exponential growth and adoption of                             online channel will grow to 25%         SERVICE …
consumer technologies will drive new levels of                     to 30% of total retail sales, up           ON THE
service demands by shoppers and consumers.                         from the current 4% to 15%.11            INTERNET
We will see the rise of a stronger web-based
service economy, giving consumers greater                          this trend will also define new
choice of shopping options and improved                            service models, offered via the
transparency. In this environment, consumers                       Internet, that move beyond selling
will expect and demand services 24/7. the                          individual products and will bring
most prominent occurrence of this trend is                         different types of “solutions”
shown by the expected impact of sales via the                      to consumers and shoppers.

6. Increased Importance of Health                                  sustainability) will help drive the safety
     and Wellbeing                                                 and health market in the next decade.
                                                                                                                        COUCH POTATOES
                                                                                                                           ARE OUT!
Health, safety and wellbeing are increasingly
important to consumers as well as to                               In the U.s., for example, the LoHAs market
manufacturers and retailers, and will have                         is estimated to comprise approximately
significant ramifications in the future as                         19% of the adult population, representing
shoppers place greater attention on more                           a market of 41 million consumers.12 sales
healthful products as well as healthier                            from LoHAs consumers are expected to
lifestyles. emerging consumer segments                             nearly quadruple in the coming five years.
like LoHAs (Lifestyles of Health and

   “Fifth of online retailers use mobile microsites to push promotions,” Retail Bulletin, november 2008
   “Future channel shopping,” capgemini, 2009
   “going green: the Future of the Retail Food industry”, www.ats.agr.gc.ca, march 2009
tREnDs: WhAt is DRiving OuR OBjEctivEs   19

7. Growing Consumer Concern                                       exposed to carbon-emissions                 CARBON
    about Sustainability                                          costs and future regulation risks         FOOTPRINT
Consumer awareness and carbon-footprint                           due to their relatively high levels         SCARIER
regulations are expected to significantly                         of emissions compared with                   THAN
increase, as consumers look to governments                        revenues. Waste is also becoming            BIGFOOT
and companies to play a major role in combat-                     a key focus of sustainability
ing climate change. According to the natural                      discussions. In the food industry,
Marketing Institute (nMI), the green market-                      in particular, there are major waste losses
place in the U.s. is predicted to grow from                       due to inefficient processes across the value
$420 billion in 2010 to $845 billion by 2015.13                   chain. At the consumer level, 14% to 26%
                                                                  of purchased food in the United states and
Food and beverage and personal and                                around 25% of food and beverages in the
household goods sectors are particularly                          United Kingdom are wasted in households.14

8. Shifting of Economic Power                                     from developing markets will emerge, helping                     THE POWERS OF
In the next decade new economic powers                            to further solidify their position in the global                 TODAY WILL NOT
like China and India will continue to rise.                       marketplace: Brazil in agribusiness and off-                     BE THE POWERS
China’s share of total world GDP in terms                         shore energy exploration; Russia in energy and                       OF 2020
of PPP has increased from 7.1% in 2000                            metals; India in It services, pharmaceuticals
to 13.3% in 2010 and is expected to reach                         and auto parts; and China in steel, home ap-
20.7% by 2020. China will overtake the                            pliances and telecommunications equipment.
U.s. to become the world’s largest economy
as early as 2017.15 And by 2012, India will                       the recent recession has severely affected
have overtaken Japan to become the world’s                        the global commodity markets, thereby
third largest economy, with GDP accounting                        calling into question the impact future
for 5.8% of the world total in PPP terms.16                       recessions may have on global economic growth
                                                                  across most industries. In addition, although
As this power shift occurs, a volatile global                     this cannot be predicted in great detail, the
economy will remain the norm for the com-                         occurrence of disruptions such as natural
ing decade. trade areas will evolve and a new                     disasters, military conflicts and terrorism
generation of globally competitive companies                      will have a great impact on the economy.

china will overtake the u.s. to become the world’s largest economy as
early as 2017. And by 2012, india will have overtaken japan to become
the world’s third largest economy.

   “Driving sustainable consumption: value chain Waste,” World Economic Forum, October 2009
   Euromonitor international from imF, international Financial statistics and World Economic Outlook/un/national statistics
20   2020 Future Value Chain Building strategies for the new Decade

9. Scarcity of Natural Resources                              with wind and solar becoming viable sources               DEMAND
By 2030, the world’s population will reach                    of energy in some parts of the world.                    OUTSTRIPS
8.3 billion, with the demand for food and                                                                              SUPPLIES
energy increasing by 50% and for fresh water                  Water: Water-related disruptions in the
by 30%.17 this growth will continue to put                    agricultural supply chain will have a
pressure on natural resources like energy, water              dramatic impact on the industry’s economic
and food, with demand projected to outstrip                   performance. Additional challenges may come
easily available supplies over the next decade,               in the form of plant siting obstacles in water-
resulting in increasing production costs. the                 stressed countries and stricter water policies.
UsDA, for example, expects unit costs of cereal
production to rise by up to 15% by 2016-17.18                 Food: Global economic growth and climate-
the industry will need to collaborate to address              change impact on the availability of food
sustainability in business practices going                    ingredients will lead to volatile food prices
forward, particularly as consumers consider                   over the next decade. Food prices will also
sustainability aspects in their buying decisions.             be impacted by the use of raw material for
                                                              generating alternative energy like biofuels.
Energy: As the cost of fossil fuel remains                    As food demand increases, pressures on
volatile and supplies finite, an energy                       quality and safety will also mount.
revolution could occur in the coming decade

10. Increase in Regulatory Pressure                           Food safety will also be a key        BIG BROTHER WILL
over the next decade regulatory pressure                      focus for regulatory action.            CONTROL IF WE
is expected to increase, particularly for                     For example, China, Japan               DON'T CHANGE
hot-button areas like the environment and                     and Korea have signed a food
sustainability. the recent global economic                    safety pact that enables the three
meltdown serves as a timely reminder of                       nations to notify each other im-
the inter-connected nature of global trade                    mediately if a food safety problem
today, and how without proper regulatory                      surfaces and to clarify the pro-
frameworks in place, companies could                          cess of investigation.19 Activities
face significantly worse scenarios.                           to improve the effectiveness of food
                                                              safety recalls will need to be addressed.

the industry will need to collaborate to address sustainability in business
practices going forward, particularly as consumers consider sustainability
aspects in their buying decisions.

   “Rising food prices: A global crisis,” Overseas Development institute, 2008
   “china, japan, south Korea sign food safety pact,” www.ap-foodtechnology.com, november 2009
tREnDs: WhAt is DRiving OuR OBjEctivEs   21

11. Rapid Adoption of Supply Chain                                 We will see an increasing ability to constantly      FINALLY, REAL-TIME
     Technology Capabilities                                       read, analyze, exchange and react to informa-            VISIBILITY
In the coming decade, improved collaboration                       tion inside and outside the company boundar-
together with new supply chain/logistics                           ies. Visibility will be enhanced by suppliers
technologies and information transparency will                     that have access to better demand signals,
enable a more synchronized value chain with                        enabling them to efficiently use their capac-
greater visibility and traceability. Already 73%                   ity and other resources. Communication and
of fast-moving consumer goods companies say                        high-quality data sharing will be the most
they have implemented or improved logistics-                       critical factor in successful collaboration. eDI,
related technology tools or enablers.20                            GDs and RFID will be key enablers for this
                                                                   supply chain transparency in the future.

12. Impact of Next-Generation                                      new waves of business technology
    Information Technologies                                       solutions will enable manufactur-
                                                                                                                   FREEING UP FROM
Information technology will no longer be just                      ers and retailers to quickly and
                                                                                                               CONSTRAINTS, EMPOWERING
                                                                                                                  NEW OPPORTUNITIES
an indispensable support function, but an                          dynamically simulate, describe,
expansion of the organization’s intelligence,                      model, execute and manage business
a universal connector, the way to become                           processes – for example, to collaboratively
adaptive. With executives, employees, partners,                    manage promotions, categories, inventories or
shoppers and consumers experiencing                                joint value chain performance. this opens up
information technology in a new way, with                          vast opportunities for new value and innovation.
business making technology its own, there will                     In addition, new technology solutions (readily
be a new way to deal, jointly, with business and                   deployable on-demand via the Internet, the
technology in the consumer goods industry.                         so-called “cloud”) will help companies to free
                                                                   themselves from current constraints provided
                                                                   by often inflexible and costly It landscapes.

Establishing a clear understanding of these trends and the potential
impact to our industry led to the identification of the strategic objectives
that will help the industry – and companies – to set the agendas for 2020.

     2010 third-Party logistics study, capgemini, september 2010
22   2020 Future Value Chain Building strategies for the new Decade

     OBjEctivEs: WhAt
     WE WAnt tO AchiEvE

     the overall impact of all these root trends is significant, and
     will require a fundamental change in the way consumer
     products companies and retailers run their businesses and
     serve consumers and shoppers. things not only need to be
     done differently, they also need to be done collaboratively.
     By working together – not only as an industry but also with
     governments, ngOs and consumers – we can achieve
     collectively what none of us can achieve alone.
OBjEctivEs: WhAt WE WAnt tO AchiEvE   23
24   2020 Future Value Chain Building strategies for the new Decade

                              the analysis of the trends was the starting point     the trends link to these objectives. For example,
                              to help the industry determine what our stra-         trends such as scarcity of natural resources and
                              tegic objectives – defined as “what we want to        increased regulatory pressure will be direct
                              achieve” – should be for the next 10 years. the       change drivers for the industry’s supply chain in
                              2020 Future Value Chain project went through          the coming decade. And the rapid adoption of
                              a thorough process to identify the global strate-     consumer technology and the increase in
                              gic objectives on which the industry should fo-       consumer service demands will require industry
                              cus its energies. the objectives identified were:     and companies to rethink the way they engage
                                                                                    with technology-enabled consumers.
                               1. Make Our Business More Sustainable
                                                                                    these four industry objectives are not only
                               2. Optimize a Shared Supply Chain                    relevant at the global level; they also apply at
                                                                                    the regional and country levels. We live in a
                               3. Engage with Technology-Enabled Consumers          global world and in local societies at the same
                                                                                    time. In each of the country workshops these
                               4. Serve the Health and Wellbeing of Consumers       four objectives were identified as important,
                                                                                    although there are different “accents” in
                              the true power of these objectives is based on the    different countries or regions. For example,
                              fact that they result from a synthesis of extensive   in Mexico the focus of “serve the health
                              research on the identified trends blended with the    and wellbeing of consumers” relates largely
                              outcomes of the country and global workshops.         to security, as people feel insecure due to
                                                                                    the increasing crime rates. And in Australia,
                                                                                    because of its particular geographical
                                                                                    situation, “optimize a shared supply chain”
                                                                                    requires a strong focus on import/export and
                                                                                    on urban vs. rural distribution collaboration.

                              these industry objectives require a new and different type
                              of collaboration within the industry. let’s see what industry
                              success looks like for each of these objectives.
OBjEctivEs: WhAt WE WAnt tO AchiEvE   25

                                                   make Our Business more sustainable
                                                   Optimize a shared supply chain
                                                   Engage with technology-Enabled consumers

                                                   serve the health and Wellbeing of consumers

Make our Business More sustainable:
From niche to norm

the urgency to achieve a more sustainable          In this environment, companies need to take
business is driven by a number of trends. the      responsibility – in fact, if they don’t consumers
continued growth of economies like China,          will force them to do so. the regulatory
India and Brazil will put a further strain on      environment as it relates to environmental
the world’s natural resources, whether food,       issues may significantly change, but the
energy or water. the predicted scarcity of some    industry has the opportunity to get ahead of
of these critical resources will increasingly be   it by taking responsibility and acting now.
top-of-mind topics for media attention and
societal discussions. People will be more and      sustainability must be viewed holistically,
more aware of the impact of their behavior and     with a lifecycle approach that includes
be more cautious about the choices they make,      consumer use. this means that influencing
as sustainability grows from niche to norm.        consumer behavior will likely be the biggest
                                                   challenge for the industry and the biggest
                                                   opportunity to make a difference.
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