Page created by Amber Gordon

           Pride with Purpose, Brighton & Hove Pride
           has raised over £920,000 for community
           good causes in the past seven years thanks
           to the support of businesses, sponsors
           and the many thousands of people that
     purchase tickets for the Pride Festival in Preston
     Park and Pride Village Party.

     Brighton Pride CIC is a not-for-profit community
     interest company asset locked to and fundraising
     for for The Brighton Rainbow Fund, a Brighton
     and Hove based grant-giving charity for local
     LGBTQ+ and HIV/AIDS organisations.

     Brighton Pride CIC is not established for private gain - any surplus or assets are used principally for
     the benefit of the community. As quoted in the original incorporation documents, it’s objectives are:

          •      to carry on activities which benefit        •   to enable participating local
                 the community and in particular                 business, charities, coluntary
                 to enhance the lives of the citizens            organisations and other
                 of Sussex by encouraging the                    organisations to increase their skill
                 inclusion, acknowledgement and                  base and gain more insight into the
                 understanding of the transgender,               LGBT community
                 lesbian, gay and transsexual
                 community principles

24                                                                                  P R I D E   F O R    T H E   F U T U R E

The Brighton Rainbow Fund is registered with the             of fundraising, with varying degrees of success. As
      Charity Commission as a Charitable Incorporated              a Community Interest Company and under the
      Organisation (CIO) with a remit to receive donations,        leadership of director Paul Kemp and his team,
      mainly from funds raised within our local LGBTQ+             there has been a declared intention of creating a
      communities, and to distribute them as grants                “Pride With Purpose” with a minimum £1 from every
      to LGBTQ+ and HIV groups and organisations in                ticket sold for the Pride Festival in Preston Park, and
      Brighton and Hove. We have no premises, or paid              £1 from every wrist band sold for the Pride Village
      workers, so all donations can go to the good causes.         Party coming directly to The Rainbow Fund, and our
                                                                   independent grants panel, to assess applications for
      For fundraisers, whether it be local businesses and          grants.
      venues, individuals, or local fundraising groups, we are
      a trusted and transparent way of making sure that            The Brighton Rainbow Fund distributes funds
      that the funds they work so hard to raise go where           enabling groups and organisations to continue their
      they are needed, without having to make difficult            work, and to fund some innovative new projects. On
      choices between competing requests for support               their behalves I would like to thank you for the support
      from local organisations.                                    you give them by supporting Pride.

      In the 30 year history of Brighton Pride, in it’s various                                                 Chris Gull,
      incarnations, there has always been an element                                           Chair of The Rainbow Fund.

          THE RAINBOW CHORUS                            PEER ACTION                       BRIGHTON & HOVE LBGTQ
      Outreach For Sign Language Users            Complementary Therapy And                      GROUPS
                Up To £1,800                            Yoga Sessions                      Supported By Latest Cic
                                                         Up To £6,750                          Up To £9,500
                RADIO REVERB
              The Hiv Happy Hour                        TRANS CAN SPORT                        LUNCH POSITIVE
                    £2,000                                Video Project                        Friday Lunch Club
                                                          Up To £7,200                            Up To £9,600
              LUNCH POSITIVE
             The 50+ Supper Club                     QTIPOC NARRATIVES                   SWITCHBOARD AND LUNCH
                 Up To £3,100                            COLLECTIVE                               POSITIVE
                                                  Community Led Mental Health           Seed Funding For New LGBTQ+
                  MINDOUT                                  Support                           Befriending Service
      Out Of The Blue And Peer Support                   Up To £7,500                              £10,000
                 Group Work
                Up To £6,000                          THE SUSSEX BEACON                          MINDOUT
                                                    Positive Living Programme                 Counselling Service
             MEN TALK HEALTH                               Up To £8,300                            £10,000
          Development And Capacity
                  Building                             THE CLARE PROJECT                      RADICAL RHIZOME
                Up To £6,000                             Tuesday Drop In                   Safe QTIPOC Social Space
                                                          Up To £8,500                           Up To £10,000
                BLUEPRINT 22
       L Zone – Lesbian Visibility Project                SWITCHBOARD                            BLUEPRINT 22
                 Up To £6,200                             Grief Encounters                     Inside Out Project
                                                           Up To £9,600                          Up To £10,800
              RAINBOW CHORUS
                 RC+ Project                          THE CLARE PROJECT                        SWITCHBOARD
                 Up To £6,500                       Core Funding And Charity              The Rainbow Cafe – LGBTQ+
                                                          Development                         Dementia Support
              OLDER AND OUT                               Up To £9,700                           Up To £11,700
            LGBT Elders Lunch Club
                Up To £6,600                                                                      ALLSORTS
                                                                                       Support For YoungLGBTQ+ People
                                                                                                Up To £15,300

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     LONGHILL SCHOOL AND                 provide peer support for LGBTQ        project for LGBTQ people
     LATEST CIC                          people who experience suicidal        who have experienced a
     The grant from the Rainbow          distress ‘Out of the Blue’. We        bereavement. The sessions
     Fund has allowed us to reach        provide a safe space for people       provide a confidential, safe
     out to the LGBTQ+ groups            to share their experiences and        and supportive space for
     that exist in local state schools   learn from each other.                LGBTQ people to share their
     and provide them with the                                                 experiences and coping
     opportunity to express their        MEN TALK HEALTH                       strategies and explore their
     views and their aspirations         “MenTalkHealth believes that          feelings surrounding grief”
     through the medium of               stigma around mental health
     television. These groups are        prevents people from reaching         SWITCHBOARD – THE
     supported by amazing teachers       out for help when they need           RAINBOW CAFE
     and support staff in their own      it and so aims to get our             “The Rainbow Fund grant for
     time, they believe as we do, that   community talking.                    our Rainbow Café enables us
     this is vital and the work that                                           to support LGBTQ people living
     they do with us is both exciting    With the funds awarded from           with dementia, providing them
     and groundbreaking.                 The Brighton Rainbow fund             with a safe space to socialise,
                                         we will be able to provide free       take part in creative activities
     ALLSORTS                            & reduced cost Mental Health          and access information and
     The grant from the Rainbow          First Aid training to LGBTQ+          support”
     fund allows us to support           venues and performers on the
     children and young people           Brighton scene who are our            SWITCHBOARD – LGBTQ+
     from the ages of 5-25 who           front line to those struggling.       BEFRIENDING SERVICE
     are LGBT+ or unsure of their                                              “Our Rainbow Fund grant is
     sexuality and/or gender identity    Mental Health First Aid               enabling us to work with our
     through group work, one-to-         training is expensive, costing        communities to develop a
     one emotional support and           an individual between £300-           specialised befriending service
     outreach work to other youth        450. We are able to train up          for LGBTQ people and people
     projects across the City. This      our own Mental Health First           living with HIV. This will provide
     vital funding helps to reduce       Aid Trainer who will then be          support for the most isolated
     isolation, enables peer support     able to train our community           in our communities, as well as
     and helps to build resilience       in the necessarily skills to listen   volunteering opportunities for
     whilst empowering children          to and signpost those in our          those who wish to get involved.”
     and young people.                   community who are struggling
                                         the most. ”                           LUNCH POSITIVE HIV LUNCH
     MINDOUT – COUNSELLING                                                     CLUB:
     “The grant from the Rainbow         THE SUSSEX BEACON                     “Funding for the HIV lunch
     Fund will enable us to              “The grant from the Rainbow           club helps us reach and
     continue to provide a low cost      fund enables us to deliver our        support hundreds of people
     counselling service run by          Positive Living Programme             each year. The lunch club is
     and for LGBTQ communities,          for people living and ageing          a locally unique and genuine
     this much needed service has        with HIV. We run twice weekly         community based project.
     excellent outcomes for the          exercises classes, mindfulness        A safe and supportive space
     people who use it.                  groups and online resources, in       that brings people together
     The Rainbow Fund has                order to holistically support the     for food and friendship, peer-
     provided seed funding for us to     physical and mental wellbeing         support and breaks the cycle
     pilot a relationship counselling    of our clients and combat frailty”    of social isolation. With over
     service and a relationship skills                                         30 committed and highly
     peer support group.”                SWITCHBOARD – GRIEF                   motivated volunteers, this
                                         ENCOUNTERS                            project involves everyone and
     MINDOUT – OUT OF THE BLUE           “Thanks to our Rainbow                reaches those very most in
     Our second grant from the           Fund grant we are able to             need”
     Rainbow Fund enables us to          run our Grief Encounters

26                                                                                      P R I D E   F O R   T H E   F U T U R E

50+ HIV SUPPER GROUP                 BLUEPRINT 22 – THE L-ZONE             THE CLARE PROJECT
             “The Rainbow Fund grant              Funding form The Rainbow              THE DEVELOPMENT FUNDING:
             supports this monthly                Fund to run ‘The L Zone’ a youth      “The continuation of
             gathering of people with             led lesbian visibility project. The   development funding from
             HIV aged 50 and over. A safe,        funding means that we are             The Rainbow Fund will
             relaxed and peer-led place           able to give young adults the         enable us to continue our
             to share and socialise, with a       opportunity and support they          investment in the growth
             special focus on peer support as     need to explore their identity,       and sustainability of services
             we get older. For many people        sexuality and self worth in a         supporting trans, non-binary,
             this is often remarked as “the       safe environment without              intersex and gender-variant
             first time they have seen anyone     judgement or prejudice. The           folk. It will allow us to empower
             for a long time” or pleased they     project will bring a the voice        our trans-led organization to
             came as it is “the only reason for   of the next generation to the         provide more opportunities
             going out this week”.“               wider LGBT* community in              for both engagement, work
                                                  Brighton and Hove and will be         and volunteering for our TNBI
             RADIO REVERB HIV HOUR                used to inform future work in         community members”
             “The grant from the Rainbow          this area.
             Fund will allow us to continue                                             THE CLARE PROJECT
             broadcasting the UK’s only radio     INSIDE OUT                            TUESDAY DROP-IN FUNDING:
             show about living with HIV,          The project which has been            “This grant from the Rainbow
             and to distribute it as a podcast    funded by The Rainbow fund is         Fund supports the continuation
             in order to reach a global           something that offers anyone          of our weekly Tuesday Drop-
             audience. The programme              from the LGBT* community the          in for trans, non-binary,
             educates listeners about HIV,        chance to have 1-2-1 support          intersex and gender-variant
             connects people living with the      for any issues they are facing in     adults. Approaching our 20th
             virus with local support services,   relation to their sexuality and/      year of supporting the TNBI
             and destigmatises HIV by             or gender identity. This project      community, the fund enables
             encouraging open discussion.         also offers the chance for young      us to provide regular mental
             The grant also allows us to          adults to facilitate their own        health support spaces and
             continue a training partnership      peer led workshops where they         socialising opportunities for our
             with the Terrence Higgins Trust’s    can discuss and share specific        members.”
             Work Positive programme,             issues which they have and
             which helps those who are            do face when growing up. All          RADICAL RHIZOME
             long-term unemployed due to          of these services are of huge         “ “The grant from the Rainbow
             health issues back into work.”       importance to the youth LGBT*         Fund makes it possible for Black
                                                  community in and around the           and brown queer people in
                                                  city and would not be possible        Brighton and Hove to regularly
             SIGN LANGUAGE USER                   without the support from the          meet, helping us to build
             OUTREACH                             Rainbow Fund                          and fortify our burgeoning
             The grant from the Rainbow                                                 community, reducing
             Fund will allow us to become         RAINBOW CHORUS – RC+                  isolation and enhancing social
             more inclusive, reaching out         The grant from the Rainbow            connectivity.”
             to those within the LGBT+            Fund will allow us to continue
             communities who are deaf             this unique monthly workshop          PEER ACTION
             or are sign language users           choir, open to all in the             “ The grant from the Rainbow
             and enable them to enjoy our         LGBT+ communities. In a safe,         Fund has allowed us to
             performances and concerts.           friendly space, members can           support people living with
             This has included working            drop in when their personal           HIV in Brighton & Hove by
             collaboratively with other choirs    circumstances allow or                making available affordable
             & Marco Nardi to provide a fully     attend regularly. They explore        complementary therapies and
             interpreted performance at the       their singing voice, grow in          yoga sessions in a space where
             annual World Aids Day concert        confidence and make new               they can relax and openly talk
             last December.                       friends at the social after each      about what is going on with
                                                  session.                              their lives without judgement.’”

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PRIDE FUNDRAISING                                                                                    PRIDE
                                                                                                     Solidarity Fund

     SUSSEX BEACON                                           PRESTON MANOR AND CITY PARKS

     The Sussex Beacon is the leading HIV charity            Preston Manor received £5,000 to:
     based in Brighton.                                      • Improve the planting in the two flower beds
                                                                at the SE and SW corners of the Manor
     “We are proud to be supported by Brighton               • Install period-appropriate, bow-top fencing
     Pride, one of the UK’s biggest, boldest and                around these flower beds, to protect the new
     best Pride events with community fundraising               planting and to deter anti-social behaviour
     at its heart. Through selling Brighton Pride               taking place under the Manor’s veranda;
     Festival tickets in our charity shops, The Sussex       • Install additional
     Beacon has been able to fundraise £3,453                   CCTV cameras to
     from the handling fee that was received from               key points across the
     each ticket sold. Such fundraising support is              rear elevation of the
     crucial for the charity to offer its important             Manor and under the
     services and continue supporting the lives of              veranda, to monitor
     people living with HIV. “                                  an area known to be
                                                                vulnerable to anti-
     The Sussex Beacon provides both inpatient and              social behaviour.
     outpatient services for HIV+ individuals living in
     Sussex and beyond. This includes the charities          CityParks received £5,000 to improve the
                     10-bedded Inpatient Unit, as well       Coronation Garden at the north end of
                     as weekly Day Service sessions,         Preston Park, one priority being the repair and
                     a Women and Families’ Support           refurbishment of the shelter on the eastern edge
                     Group, a Peer Support Project,          of the garden.
                     and additional Wellbeing Groups.

     The Pride Solidarity Fund was established in 2018 to support underfunded projects and organisations,
     many of which have had their funding cut in recent years.

     With £5,000 each going to The Peter Tatchell Foundation and Kaleidoscope Trust, the Pride Solidarity
     Fund is proud to support these independent organisations who dedicate their service to upholding
     the human rights of LGBTQ+ people in the UK and internationally.

     Commenting on the donation, Peter Tatchell,             The Kaleidoscope Trust work to uphold the
     Director of The Peter Tatchell Foundation, which        human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans
     campaigns for LGBT+ and human rights in the             people in countries where they do not have
     UK and worldwide, said:                                 their equal rights and are discriminated against
                                                             because of their sexual orientation and/or gender
     “We are delighted and honoured to receive               identity. Phyll Opoku-Gyimah, Executive Director
     this very generous donation from the Pride              of The Kaleidoscope Trust said:
     Solidarity Fund to aid our work supporting
     LGBT+ rights in the UK and internationally.             “I want to express huge thanks to Brighton
     As a small, under-funded LGBT+ and human                Pride for their donation to Kaleidoscope Trust.
     rights charity, this grant means a lot. It will         This global movement for LGBTQI liberation
                         enable us to do even more           and human rights needs
                         to challenge homophobia,            as many people as possible
                         biphobia and transphobia.           working towards common
                         Among other causes, this            goals of freedom, unity and
                         funding will help us support        dignity. Your donation helps
                         LGBT+ campaigners in                us to continue do this work
                         Arab countries and LGBT+            and we are so grateful.”
                         Muslims here in the UK.”

28                                                                                    P R I D E   F O R   T H E   F U T U R E

Community groups across Brighton and Hove can put               Tim Ridgway, chair of the Brighton Pride Social Impact
      a little bit of pride back into their city thanks to Pride      Fund, said: “This year saw a record number of entries
      Social Impact Fund grants worth nearly £30,000 this             with bids from more than 57 applications from across
      year.                                                           the city requesting more than £44,000 to make their
                                                                      communities a better place.
      In what has been a record year, nearly 40 groups
      representing people of all ages from Mile Oak to                “With the fund oversubscribed, making decisions on
      Moulsecoomb, Saltdean to the city centre will benefit           individual bids was not an easy process, but those
      from money awarded by the independent panel.                    groups who have been awarded money will ensure
                                                                      that the legacy of Pride is far-reaching, extending to all
      Grants awarded this year will see parks and open                corners of the city.
      spaces improved; community groups host events and
      day trips; equipment provided to sports groups; and             “We hope it will help some of the city’s amazing
      charities supporting some of the city’s most vulnerable         community and voluntary groups create a colourful
      given a boost.                                                  rainbow of happiness and inclusivity all year round.”

             AMEX AREA                           CHOMP                   FRIENDS OF PRESTON              ST PETERS PRESTON PARK
      NEIGHBOURHOOD FORUM                £1,000.00 – after school                PARK                    £380.00 – install new water
        £500.00 – Plants for a         sessions offering hot meals    £2,000.00 – new rose arch in        butt (with 100 for plants)
         Rejuvination Garden                   to families                     the park
                                                                                                            TARNER COMMUNITY
          BEE IN THE WOODS                CREW CLUB UNITED                HANGLETON AND WEST                      PROJECT
      £1,000.00 – inter-generationl      £1,000.00 – expand the            BLATCHINGTON FOOD             £1,000.00 – cookery club for
              forest school            youth football club and buy                  BANK                        young people
                                          hoodies for the team            £1,000.00 – top-up shops,
                 BEVFEST                                                   aprons, table cloths and      THE BLACK AND MINORITY
         £1,000.00 – community         DORSET MEWS RESIDENTS                   meat vouchers              ETHNIC YOUNG PEOPLE’S
          festival in Bevendean               ASSOCIATION                                                         PROJECT
                                        £1,000.00 – new planter to               LATEST CIC              £500.00 – two workshops to
            BOHEMIA ARTS                    reduce congestion               £950.00 – lit trees in St      mark 15 year anniversary
           AND MUSIC CIC IN                                                    James’s Street
       CONJUNCTION WITH THE                EARLY CHILDHOOD                                                  THE GREEN CENTRE
         VERDICT JAZZ CLUB                PROJECT AT TARNER             MOULSECOOMB AND                      £200.00 – support
           £400.00 – a theatre          £1,000.00 – buy resources     BEVENDEAN COMMUNITY                 volunteers at the project
       performance in the annual              for toy library              VOLUNTEERS
         community festival in                                         £850.00 – Moulsecoomb                  THE OLD BOAT
             Dorset Gardens                    EXTRATIME                 Supper Club Project               COMMUNITY CENTRE
                                        £1,000.00 – family fun day                                       £500.00 – purchase a large
         BRIGHTON AND HOVE             for 200 children with SEND              NESTOR COURT              new fridge to offer further
         HOUSING COALITION                      and carers                £1,671.00 – repair fence for   options for people living in
       £200.00 – support ongoing                                           block of flats for elderly           food poverty
               activities              FOOD AND FRIENDSHIP                          people
                                        £1,000.00 – continue bi-                                               THE OLD BOAT
          BRIGHTON PHOENIX             weekly cooked lunches for      NORFOLK SQUARE GROUP                 COMMUNITY CENTRE
          FLAMES BASKETBALL                  older people               £500.00 – community                 £1,000.00 – set up a
                   CLUB                                                   gardening project                 community kitchen
        £976.00 – new equipment          FRIENDS OF BLAKERS
       and kit for the youth teams               PARK                          OFF THE FENCE                THE OTHER SCREEN
                                         £600.00 – tree planting          £500.00 – general clothing     £550.00 – host film event for
         BRUNSWICK TOWN IN                                                to support rough sleepers      deaf / disabled community
                BLOOM                  FRIENDS OF BRUNSWICK
         £120.00 – cover entry to              SQUARE                   PATCHAM DUCK FAYRE                     WAVE PROJECT
          South East in Bloom            £500.00 – community          £600.00 – community event           £1,000.00 – offer club surf
                                           gardening project                                              sessions to young people
               CAROUSEL                                                 QUIET DOWN THERE                        with anxiety
       £643.00 – music equipment        FRIENDS OF PRESTON                £400.00 – creative
         to support regular live                 PARK                 community artwork project          WINDMILL YOUNG ACTORS
              music nights               £1,000.00 – volunteer          for local multicultural           £924.00 – cover costs of 12
                                       gardening in the park and                women                    week term of drama club in
                   CASE                       new roses                                                         east Brighton
           £500.00 – free family-                                     ST PETERS PRESTON PARK
        friendly science festival in      FRIENDS OF PRESTON           £180.00 – repair pathway          YOUNG PEOPLE’S CENTRE
               Hollingdean                         PARK                                                   £470.00 – revamped entrance
                                       £1,000.00 – Easter Egg hunt                                              way to building
                                               for 200 kids

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                              The Friends of Preston        We have 9 committee members and around
                              Park was founded 9 years      500 ‘Friends’. It’s free to join and there are regular
                              ago as a not-for-profit       communications by email to let people know
                              voluntary organisation.       what’s happening in the park. We’re currently
                                                            organising an evening bat walk and Preston
                               We wanted to involve the     Village Open Day. The contribution from Pride’s
      local community in park issues and celebrate the      Social Impact Fund made a massive difference
      park by organising events. We are keen that park      to us: by enabling us to hire a large marquee to
      users, especially young people, know about and        host our Halloween Lantern Walk again in 2017.
      treasure the park’s special history, architecture,    An evening, family event that attracts hundreds
      flora and fauna. We liaise with various               of local people, we’ve held it for several years but
      departments in the council so that we have a          had to cancel it in 2016 as there was no venue.
      two-way communication between park-users              The fund also paid for 3 elm trees for the park.
      and the council. For instance, there are changes      The gracious old elms are nearing the end of their
      being made to a couple of areas of the park and       lives and these new trees will be a wonderful
      the Friends’ group have worked with the council       lasting legacy for future generations.
      to ensure the changes will enhance the park.

                             Brighton & Hove Housing        leading deputations or asking questions of that
                             Coalition was launched         committee.
                             on 19 August 2017 in the       The funds from the Pride Social Impact Fund
                             presence of MPs Caroline       have helped us to meet basic costs such as the
                             Lucas and Lloyd Russell-       hire of meeting rooms at the Crypt and for print.
                             Moyle. Our motivation          We have ambitious plans – for example improving
      was that housing and homelessness was too             legal training for volunteers to create what we
      important a matter to be left to bureaucrats and      call ‘Street Advocates’ – people with sufficient
      that view was shared by the twenty organisations      knowledge to help the vulnerable when faced
      that signed up to our Aims and Objectives that        with seemingly insurmountable problems of
      day.                                                  poverty, homelessness and injustice.

      On a day-to-day basis the Executive hold the city
      council’s Housing Committee to account and no
      housing committee meeting goes by without our

30                                                                                       P R I D E   F O R   T H E   F U T U R E

                                           Established over           broad range of specialisms to share and teach.
                                           20 years ago,              Last year we were able to support a group of
                                           Tarner Community           about 20 young people a week, who were
                                           Project (TCP) is           not in education, employment or training
                                           a charity based            (NEET). This is a particularly at-risk group and
             dedicated to running children and young                  it emerged that there were multiple issues
             people’s services in the Tarner area of Brighton         including very low-level basic skills and special
             in partnership with the local community.                 needs. The group was a huge success and
                                                                      supported young people aged from 12-24. Many
             With OFSTED outstanding accreditation, the               of these individuals have issues with sexual
             provision offers a caring, inclusive, service.           exploitation, substance misuse, sexual health,
             Healthy living and wellbeing are at the heart of         exclusion from school and family relationship
             the project with an emphasis on physical and             breakdowns.
             outdoor activities.
                                                                      We are now focussing on providing a diverse
             The funding we have received supports the                offer for young women attending the weekly
             activities we undertake with the young people,           girls group, especially supporting women
             running a range of different interesting projects        around sexual health, personal care, positive
             and bringing to the session’s facilitators with a        healthy relationships and safety.

                                        Brighton Oasis Project        recognised substance misuse services in the
                                        (BOP) is a substance          South East whilst remaining true to the original
                                        misuse service for            vision of addressing inequality in access to
                                        women and families.           treatment.
                                        We provide a range
                                        of recovery-focused           The Pride Social Impact Fund Grant has
                                        treatment services            enabled us to offer a range of activities for
             to support and empower women who have                    children and young people during the Easter
             difficulties with drink or drugs to make positive        holidays. Groups of children took part in
             changes in their lives.                                  a number of activity days, including a trip
                                                                      to Saddlescome Farm where they had an
             Established by women who felt that substance             opportunity to engage in creative, outdoor play,
             misuse treatment services did not meet their             have fun and explore. School holidays can be
             needs, Brighton Oasis Project has been making            difficult times for any family, so being able to
             a difference to vulnerable women and families            offer activities like this to families affected by
             in Brighton and Hove for the last 20 years. The          substance misuse has been invaluable. We plan
             project has grown to become one of the most              to deliver activities during the Summer holidays

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