Functional Esophageal Disorders - The Rome Foundation
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GASTROENTEROLOGY 2006;130:1459 –1465 Functional Esophageal Disorders JEAN PAUL GALMICHE,* RAY E. CLOUSE,‡ ANDRÁS BÁLINT,§ IAN J. COOK,储 PETER J. KAHRILAS,¶ WILLIAM G. PATERSON,# and ANDRE J. P. M. SMOUT** *University of Nantes, Nantes, France; ‡Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri; §Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary; 储University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia; ¶Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois; #Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada; and **University of Utrecht, Utrecht, the Netherlands Functional esophageal disorders represent processes histopathologic bases (eg, achalasia, scleroderma esopha- accompanied by typical esophageal symptoms (heart- gus) must not be the primary symptom source. burn, chest pain, dysphagia, globus) that are not ex- An important modification in threshold for the third plained by structural disorders, histopathology-based uniform criterion has occurred in this reevaluation of the motor disturbances, or gastroesophageal reflux disease. functional esophageal disorders.1 Satisfactory evidence of Gastroesophageal reflux disease is the preferred diag- a symptom relationship with acid reflux events, either by nosis when reflux esophagitis or excessive esophageal analytical determination from an ambulatory pH study acid exposure is present or when symptoms are closely or through subjective outcome from therapeutic antire- related to acid reflux events or respond to antireflux flux trials, even in the absence of objective GERD evi- therapy. A singular, well-defined pathogenetic mecha- dence, now is sufficient to incriminate GERD (Figure 1). nism is unavailable for any of these disorders; combina- tions of sensory and motor abnormalities involving both The purpose of this modification is to preferentially central and peripheral neural dysfunction have been diagnose GERD over a functional disorder in the initial invoked for some. Treatments remain empirical, al- evaluation so that effective GERD treatments are not though the efficacy of several interventions has been overlooked in management. Consequently, the acid-sen- established in the case of functional chest pain. Man- sitive esophagus is now excluded from the group of agement approaches that modulate central symptom functional esophageal disorders and considered within perception or amplification often are required once local the realm of GERD, even if physiologic data indicate provoking factors (eg, noxious esophageal stimuli) have that hypersensitivity of the esophagus in this setting can been eliminated. Future research directions include fur- encompass stimuli other than acid. Presumably symp- ther determination of fundamental mechanisms respon- toms that persist despite GERD interventions or that are sible for symptoms, development of novel management out of proportion to the GERD findings ultimately strategies, and definition of the most cost-effective di- would be reconsidered toward a functional diagnosis. agnostic and treatment approaches. The role of weakly acidic reflux events (reflux events with pH values between 4 and 7) remains unclear, and tech- unctional esophageal disorders represent chronic nological advances (eg, applications of multichannel in- F symptoms typifying esophageal disease that have no readily identified structural or metabolic basis (Table 1). traluminal impedance monitoring) are expected to fur- ther define the small proportion with functional Although mechanisms responsible for the disorders re- heartburn truly meeting all stated criteria.2 main poorly understood, a combination of physiologic and psychosocial factors likely contributes toward pro- Table 1. Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders voking and escalating symptoms to a clinically signifi- A. Functional esophageal disorders cant level. Several diagnostic requirements are uniform A1. Functional heartburn A2. Functional chest pain of presumed esophageal origin across the disorders: (1) exclusion of structural or meta- A3. Functional dysphagia bolic disorders potentially responsible for symptoms is A4. Globus essential; (2) an arbitrary requirement of at least 3 months of symptoms with onset at least 6 months before diagnosis is applied to each diagnosis to establish some Abbreviations used in this paper: GERD, gastroesophageal reflux degree of chronicity; (3) gastroesophageal reflux disease disease; PPI, proton pump inhibitor. © 2006 by the American Gastroenterological Association Institute (GERD) must be excluded as an explanation for symp- 0016-5085/06/$32.00 toms; and (4) a motor disorder of the types with known doi:10.1053/j.gastro.2005.08.060
1460 GALMICHE ET AL GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 130, No. 5 A1. Functional Heartburn Clinical Evaluation Definition Clarification of the nature of the symptom is an essential first step to avoid overlooking extraesophageal Retrosternal burning in the absence of GERD symptom sources. Additional evaluation primarily is ori- that meets other essential criteria for the functional ented toward establishing or excluding the presence of esophageal disorders typifies this diagnosis. Constraints GERD.6,7 Endoscopy that reveals no evidence of esoph- in the ability to fully recognize the presence or impor- agitis is insufficient in this regard, especially in those tance of GERD in individual subjects likely result in a subjects who are evaluated while remaining on or shortly heterogeneous subject group.1 after discontinuing antireflux therapy. Ambulatory pH monitoring can better classify patients who have normal Epidemiology findings on endoscopic evaluation, including those whose Heartburn is reported by 20%– 40% of subjects symptoms persist despite therapy. A favorable response in Western populations, depending on thresholds for a to a brief therapeutic trial using high dosages of a proton positive response. Studies using both endoscopy and pump inhibitor (PPI) is not specific,8 but lack of response ambulatory pH monitoring to objectively establish evi- probably has a high negative predictive value for GERD. dence of GERD indicate that functional heartburn rep- Physiologic Features resents ⬍10% of patients with heartburn presenting to gastroenterologists.3 The proportion may be higher in Much of the available literature is clouded by primary care settings. inclusion of subjects with undetected GERD in pa- tient groups with presumed functional heartburn. The prevailing view is to consider disturbed visceral per- ception as a major factor involved in pathogenesis.9 A1. Diagnostic Criteria* for Functional Enhanced sensitivity to refluxate having slight pH Heartburn alterations from normal may be responsible in some Must include all of the following: instances. The focus has remained on intraluminal 1. Burning retrosternal discomfort or pain noxious stimulation; little direct evidence for alter- 2. Absence of evidence that gastroesophageal ation in central signal processing is available in these acid reflux is the cause of the symptom subjects with heartburn, although it is suspected. 3. Absence of histopathology-based esophageal motility disorders *Criteria fulfilled for the last 3 months with symptom onset at least 6 months before diagnosis. Justification for Change in Diagnostic Criteria The threshold for the second criterion has been revised to exclude patients with normal esophageal acid exposure yet acid-related symptom events on ambulatory pH monitoring or symptomatic response to antireflux therapy. This group resembles other patients with GERD in terms of presentation, manometric findings, impact on quality of life, and natural history. Outcome is less satisfactory with antireflux therapy, however, and some subjects within this group will be shown to have functional symptoms that persist once their relationship Figure 1. Further classification of patients with heartburn and no evidence of esophagitis at endoscopy using ambulatory pH monitoring to reflux events is eliminated with therapy.4 Two or more and response to a therapeutic trial of PPIs. The subset with functional days weekly of mild heartburn is sufficient in GERD to heartburn has no findings that would support a presumptive diagnosis influence quality of life, but thresholds for symptom of endoscopy-negative reflux disease (ENRD). The precise thresholds for separation of subjects at each step remain uncertain. This figure frequency or severity have not been determined for func- shows classification categories by findings and is not meant to sug- tional heartburn.5 gest a diagnostic management algorithm for use in clinical practice.
April 2006 FUNCTIONAL ESOPHAGEAL DISORDERS 1461 Psychological Features householders survey, and the sexes were equally Acute experimental stress enhances perception represented.14 of esophageal acid in patients with GERD without promoting reflux events.10 Enhanced perception is in- A2. Diagnostic Criteria* for Functional fluenced by the psychological status of the patient. Chest Pain of Presumed Esophageal Thus, psychological factors may participate in heart- Origin burn reporting when evidence of a noxious esophageal stimulus is limited. Psychological profiles do not dif- Must include all of the following: ferentiate subjects with normal esophageal acid expo- 1. Midline chest pain or discomfort that is not of sure and no esophagitis from those with elevated acid burning quality exposure times, but patients whose heartburn does not 2. Absence of evidence that gastroesophageal re- correlate well with acid reflux events on an ambulatory flux is the cause of the symptom pH study do demonstrate greater anxiety and somati- 3. Absence of histopathology-based esophageal zation scores as well as poor social support than those motility disorders with reflux-provoked symptoms.11 *Criteria fulfilled for the last 3 months with symptom onset Treatment at least 6 months before diagnosis Persisting symptoms unrelated to GERD may respond to low-dose tricyclic antidepressants, other Justification for Change in Diagnostic antidepressants, or psychological therapies used in Criteria many functional syndromes, although controlled trials As for other functional esophageal disorders, pain demonstrating efficacy are unavailable. Reduction in episodes linked to reflux events are now considered to fall transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxations with within the spectrum of symptomatic GERD. agents such as baclofen is being investigated.12 Anti- Clinical Evaluation reflux surgery in patients with functional heartburn and non–acid reflux events has not been fully evalu- Exclusion of cardiac disease is of pivotal impor- ated, but surgical management would not be expected tance. Likewise, identification of GERD as the cause of to be as beneficial as in GERD considering known the symptom is essential for diagnostic categorization outcome predictors for these operations. and management. Exclusion of GERD cannot rely on endoscopy alone, because esophagitis is found in ⬍20% of patients with unexplained chest pain.15 Ambulatory A2. Functional Chest Pain of pH monitoring plays a useful role, and determining the Presumed Esophageal Origin statistical relationship between symptoms and reflux Definition events is the most sensitive approach.16,17 When com- bining subjects with and without abnormal acid expo- This disorder is characterized by episodes of un- sure, 40% of patients with normal findings on coronary explained chest pain that usually are midline in location angiograms may have acid-related pain.1 A brief thera- and of visceral quality and therefore potentially of esoph- peutic trial with a high-dose PPI regimen is a rapid way ageal origin. The pain easily is confused with cardiac of determining clinically relevant reflux-symptom asso- angina and pain from other esophageal disorders, includ- ciations and is recommended for its simplicity and cost- ing achalasia and GERD. effectiveness.18 The diagnostic accuracy remains uncer- tain. Other diagnostic studies, including esophageal Epidemiology manometry, have a limited yield when chest pain is the Inferential data extracted from cardiac evalua- sole symptom. tions for chest pain indicate that this is a common disorder. Findings on 15%–30% of coronary angio- Physiologic Features grams performed in patients with chest pain are nor- Abnormalities have been detected in 3 categories: mal.13 Although once considered a diagnosis of elderly sensory abnormalities, distorted central signal process- women, chest pain without specific explanation was ing, and abnormal esophageal motility. Motility abnor- reported twice as commonly by subjects 15–34 years malities, particularly spastic motor disorders, are con- of age than by subjects older than 45 years of age in a spicuous, but their primary role in production of chest
1462 GALMICHE ET AL GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 130, No. 5 pain is not well established. The relationship of recently physiologic or psychological characteristic. Interest in a observed sustained contraction of longitudinal muscle to psychological intervention is reported by the majority of pain is being studied. Enhanced sensitivity to intralumi- patients who are asked, particularly when activity limi- nal stimuli, including acid and esophageal distention, tation and pain intensity or frequency are high. may be a primary abnormality. Patients with chest pain can be completely segregated from control subjects by A3. Functional Dysphagia pressure thresholds using impedance planimetry.19 How Definition subjects with functional chest pain reach the hypersen- sitivity state is not clear. Intermittent stimulation by The disorder is characterized by a sensation of physiologic acid reflux or spontaneous distention events abnormal bolus transit through the esophageal body. with swallowing or belching may be relevant. Recent Thorough exclusion of structural lesions, GERD, and studies also verify alterations in central nervous system histopathology-based esophageal motor disorders is re- processing of afferent signals. A variety of investigational quired for establishing the diagnosis. paradigms involving sensory decision theory, electrical stimulation and cortical evoked potentials, and heart rate Epidemiology variability indicate that chest pain reproduced by local Little information is available regarding the prev- esophageal stimulation is accompanied by errors in cen- alence of functional dysphagia, largely because of the tral signal processing and an autonomic response.20 –22 In degree of exclusionary evaluation required. Between 7% acid-sensitive subjects, the findings are further provoked and 8% of respondents from a householders survey re- by acid instillation. ported dysphagia that was unexplained by questionnaire- ascertained disorders.14 Less than 1% report frequent Psychological Features dysphagia. Functional dysphagia is the least prevalent of Psychological factors appear relevant in functional these functional esophageal disorders. chest pain, with their role potentially being complex. Psychiatric diagnoses, particularly anxiety disorders, de- pression, and somatization disorder, are overrepresented A3. Diagnostic Criteria* for Functional in patients with chronic chest pain.23 These disorders Dysphagia have not segregated well with specific physiologic find- Must include all of the following: ings, suggesting that they may interact toward produc- ing the symptomatic state, possibly by mediating symp- 1. Sense of solid and/or liquid foods sticking, tom severity and health care utilization.24 Psychological lodging, or passing abnormally through the factors also influence well-being, functioning, and qual- esophagus ity of life, which are important outcomes in an otherwise 2. Absence of evidence that gastroesophageal re- nonmorbid disease. flux is the cause of the symptom 3. Absence of histopathology-based esophageal Treatment motility disorders Systematic management is recommended, because *Criteria fulfilled for the last 3 months with symptom onset continued pain is associated with impaired functional at least 6 months before diagnosis status and increased health care utilization and sponta- neous recovery is rare. Exclusionary evaluation including Justification for Change in Diagnostic a therapeutic trial for GERD is indicated. Once the Criteria exclusionary evaluation is completed, management op- tions for functional chest pain become limited. Smooth Dysphagia is not easily linked to reflux events. muscle relaxants are ineffective in controlled trials. In- Nevertheless, the modification of the threshold used for jection of botulinum toxin into the lower esophageal the second criterion (see the introduction) would at- sphincter and esophageal body has had anecdotal use.25,26 tribute the symptom to GERD rather than a functional The most encouraging outcomes come from antidepres- diagnosis if the link were established, even in the absence sant and psychological/behavioral interventions.27,28 Ef- of other objective GERD indicators. ficacy is demonstrated in controlled trials for both tricy- clic antidepressants and more contemporary agents (eg, Clinical Evaluation selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors).29,30 Benefits have Fastidious exclusion of structural disorders is re- not been dependent on the presence of any particular quired initially.31 Endoscopy and esophageal barium ra-
April 2006 FUNCTIONAL ESOPHAGEAL DISORDERS 1463 diography are necessary to exclude intrinsic and extrinsic A4. Globus lesions, with radiographic studies being augmented with Definition radio-opaque bolus challenge during fluoroscopy if re- quired.32 Biopsies at the time of endoscopy are recom- Globus is defined as a sense of a lump, a retained mended for excluding eosinophilic esophagitis. Esopha- food bolus, or tightness in the throat. The symptom is geal manometry, primarily for detection of achalasia, is nonpainful, frequently improves with eating, commonly recommended if endoscopy and barium radiography fail is episodic, and is unassociated with dysphagia or to provide a specific diagnosis. Ambulatory pH monitor- odynophagia. Globus is unexplained by structural le- ing plays a small role but may be helpful in patients sions, GERD, or histopathology-based esophageal motil- whose dysphagia is associated with heartburn or regur- ity disorders. gitation, but a brief therapeutic trial with a high-dose Epidemiology PPI regimen usually is satisfactory for identifying pa- tients with subtle GERD as a cause for dysphagia.33 Globus is a common symptom and is reported by up to 46% of apparently healthy individuals, with a peak Physiologic Features incidence in middle age.14 It is uncommon in subjects Mechanisms responsible for this disorder are younger than 20 years of age. The symptom is equally poorly understood. Peristaltic dysfunction may be re- prevalent in men and women among healthy individuals sponsible in some subjects. Rapid propagation velocity is in the community, but women are more likely to seek accompanied by poor barium clearance that may be health care for this symptom.37 perceived as dysphagia.34 Likewise, failed or low-ampli- tude contraction sequences impair esophageal emptying and can result in dysphagia.35 Dysphagia also can be A4. Diagnostic Criteria* for Globus induced by intraluminal acid and balloon distention, Must include all of the following: suggesting that abnormal esophageal sensory perception may be a factor in some subjects.36 1. Persistent or intermittent, nonpainful sensa- tion of a lump or foreign body in the throat Psychological Features 2. Occurrence of the sensation between meals Acute stress experiments suggest that central fac- 3. Absence of dysphagia or odynophagia tors can precipitate motor abnormalities potentially re- 4. Absence of evidence that gastroesophageal re- sponsible for dysphagia.1 Barium transit is adversely flux is the cause of the symptom altered in asymptomatic and symptomatic subjects dur- 5. Absence of histopathology-based esophageal ing recollection of unpleasant topics or stressful, unpleas- motility disorders ant interviews. Noxious auditory stimuli or difficult *Criteria fulfilled for the last 3 months with symptom onset cognitive tasks alter manometric recordings by increas- at least 6 months before diagnosis ing contraction wave amplitude and occasionally induc- ing simultaneous contraction sequences. The relevance of Justification for Change in Diagnostic these findings to functional dysphagia remains conjec- Criteria tural. By factor analysis, globus is distinct from pain, Treatment and pain often is indicative of a local structural disor- Management includes reassurance, avoidance of der.38 As for other functional esophageal disorders, dem- precipitating factors, careful mastication of food, and onstration that the symptom is directly related to reflux modification of any psychological abnormality that seems events would indicate a diagnosis of GERD, even in the directly relevant to symptom production. Symptom absence of other objective evidence of GERD. modulation with antidepressants and psychological ther- apies can be attempted, considering their effects in other Clinical Evaluation disorders. Empirical dilation may be indicated.32 Smooth The diagnosis is made from a compatible clinical muscle relaxants, botulinum toxin injection, or even history, including clarification that dysphagia is absent. pneumatic dilation can be useful in some patients with Physical examination of the neck followed by nasolaryn- spastic disorders, particularly if incomplete lower esoph- goscopic examination of the pharynx and larynx are ageal sphincter relaxation and delay of distal esophageal advised, although routine use of nasolaryngoscopy in emptying on barium radiography are evident. patients with typical symptoms remains debated. Fur-
1464 GALMICHE ET AL GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 130, No. 5 ther investigation of the simple symptom is not well Recommendations for Future supported; dysphagia, odynophagia, pain, weight loss, Research hoarseness, or other alarm symptoms mandate more ex- Despite their high prevalence rates, functional tensive evaluation. There are grounds for a therapeutic esophageal disorders have not been well studied. In par- trial of a PPI when uninvestigated patients present with ticular, highly effective management approaches have the symptom of globus, particularly when typical reflux not been established. Several areas requiring additional symptoms coexist. research were identified. Physiologic Features 1. Studies validating the diagnostic criteria are needed, and a method for improving the accuracy of symp- Consistent evidence is lacking to attribute globus tom-based criteria while limiting exclusionary to any specific anatomic abnormality, including the cri- workup would be welcomed. copharyngeal bar. Upper esophageal sphincter mechanics 2. The fundamental mechanisms of symptom produc- do not seem relevant, and the pharyngeal swallow mech- tion remain poorly defined. Further application of anism is normal. Urge to swallow and increased swallow new technologies for measuring reflux events, motor frequency might contribute to the symptom by period- physiology, and esophageal sensation as well as cen- ically causing air entrapment in the proximal esophagus. tral signal modulation is recommended (eg, mul- Esophageal balloon distention can reproduce globus sen- tichannel intraluminal impedance monitoring, high- sation at low distending thresholds, suggesting some resolution manometry). degree of esophageal hypersensitivity.39 Likewise, globus 3. Well-structured, controlled treatment trials would be is more common in conjunction with reflux symptoms, welcomed in any of these disorders, because manage- although a strong relationship between GERD and glo- ment remains highly empirical. bus has not been established.40 Additionally, the symp- 4. Treatment trials should include measures of quality of tom does not respond well to antireflux therapy. 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Address requests for reprints to: Ray E. Clouse, MD, Division of 25. Miller LS, Pullela SV, Parkman HP, Schiano TD, Cassidy MJ, Cohen Gastroenterology, Washington University School of Medicine, 660 S, Fisher RS. Treatment of chest pain in patients with noncardiac, South Euclid Avenue, Campus Box 8124, St Louis, Missouri 63110. nonreflux, nonachalasia spastic esophageal motor disorders using e-mail:; fax: (314) 454-5107.
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