Full year results presentation - Bupa

Page created by Claude Moss
Full year results presentation - Bupa
Full year results
12 months ended 31 December 2016
Full year results presentation - Bupa
Overview                             Financial review                Outlook & operating priorities

2016 full year results presentation


Section 1                             Section 2                        Section 3

 Overview                              Financial                         Outlook and
                                       review                            operating
                                       Joy Linton CFO
 Evelyn Bourke Group CEO               Gareth Evans Group Treasurer      Evelyn Bourke Group CEO

Full year results presentation - Bupa
Overview                  Financial review   Outlook & operating priorities

Section 1


Evelyn Bourke Group CEO

Full year results presentation - Bupa
Overview                                       Financial review                        Outlook & operating priorities

  Our business model

  Funding and providing services to
  help people live longer, healthier, happier lives

                               We fund                                           We provide
                   Helping customers fund health and                   Providing health and care services
                 care through domestic and international             through primary care clinics, hospitals,
                    health insurance, as well as other                     dental centres, and aged
                             funding models                                      care services

Our services                                                                                                           Delivering for





Underpinned by

Full year results presentation - Bupa
Overview                                  Financial review                           Outlook & operating priorities

Our refreshed Strategic Framework

Our strategy to drive the next phase
of Bupa’s growth in today’s digital age

                                                  Investing in strength and depth

                                                Winning locally, enabled globally
            Ever-focused on quality, efficiency, safety and compliance. Disciplined in risk and capital management
Full year results presentation - Bupa
Overview                                                                 Financial review                                          Outlook & operating priorities

FY 2016 Group highlights

Revenue and profit growth in challenging market conditions

Operating highlights:                                                                                         Operating environment characterised by:

       Good profit growth in three largest Market Units                                                              Consumer and government affordability pressures

       Australia's leading health insurer                                                                            Weaker macro backdrop and political change

       Reshaped UK portfolio, exiting home healthcare
       and purchasing Oasis Dental Care (1)                                                                          Changing customer and regulatory expectations

       Reduced from five to four Market Units
       Appointments to executive team

 (1)   Sale of Bupa Home \Healthcare in July 2016. Purchase of Oasis Dental Care on 09 February 2017 subject to CMA approval                                           6
Full year results presentation - Bupa
Overview                                                                   Financial review                                                           Outlook & operating priorities

FY 2016 Group highlights

Revenue                                                                          +4% CER                         Customers

                                                                                                                  16.5m                                 Insurance                              +6%

Underlying profit before tax                                                  +10% CER
                                                                              +2% CER(1)                          10.6m                                Provision                              +14%

                                                                                                                  33,100                                Aged Care                              +2%

Statutory profit before tax                                                    +40% AER

Net cash flow from operations                                                  +13% AER                        Employee Net Promotor Score (eNPS)

£891.0m                                                                                                        +30 Oct                                                                       +9pts
                                                                                                                                                                                         Since July

Solvency coverage ratio (2)                                                      +24% pts

(1)   Underlying profit is up 2% at CER and up 12% at AER when excluding the impact of the IFRIC 12 adjustment relating to our Spanish Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in 2015.
(2)   The Solvency II capital coverage ratio for 2016 is an estimated value. This is prior to the completion of the Oasis Dental Care purchase.
Full year results presentation - Bupa
Overview                             Financial review                             Outlook & operating priorities

Australia and New Zealand
Revenue up 7%; profit up 9%

Revenues                   +7% CER                       Operating Environment

£4,360.6m                  +20% AER                      • Customer affordability remains an industry-wide challenge;
                                                           Bupa maintaining focus on service and value
(FY 2015: £4,078.3m CER)
                                                         • Continue to engage with Government regarding expected
Underlying profit           +9% CER                        adverse impact of reduced Aged Care Funding Instrument
                           +23% AER
(FY 2015: £314.7m CER)
                                                         • Resilient growth in Health Insurance business, becoming
   4.0m Insurance                                          Australia’s largest health insurer
    1.9m Provision
                                                         • Health Services Australia business maintained strong market
  10,800 Aged care                                         position; Bupa is the country’s largest dental provider
Revenues by business                                     • Bupa Aged Care Australia remains the country’s leading private
                                                           aged care provider, caring for nearly 7,000 residents
                                                         • Aged care business in New Zealand grew, with four new care
                                                           homes and three retirement villages
                                                         • Building new tools and capabilities for meaningful and
                                                           personalised customer interactions

Full year results presentation - Bupa
Overview                     Financial review                                                 Outlook & operating priorities

United Kingdom
Revenue down 3% (up 5% like-for-like(1)); profit up 7%

                                                 Operating Environment
                                                 • Further increases to the Insurance Premium Tax (IPT).
£2,785.9m                                          Committed to making quality, value-for-money healthcare
(FY 2015: £2,857.8m)                               more affordable and accessible

Underlying profit
                                                 • Continue to negotiate with local authorities to cover the true
                                                   cost of care including impact of National Living Wage
£194.9m                                          • Limited impact from Brexit at this stage
(FY 2015: £182.6m)

   2.4m     Insurance                            • Decline in revenue of 3% due to sale of Bupa Home
                                                   Healthcare in July, up 5% when comparing like-for-like (1)
   1.2m     Provision
 17,400 Aged care                                • Health insurance business performed well, with profit
                                                   driven by improved corporate and consumer loss ratios
Revenues by business
                                                 • Digital transformation and innovation remains a priority
                                                 • Active management of our Care Services portfolio
                                                 • Significant re-shaping of UK portfolio with sale of Home
                                                   Healthcare and Oasis Dental Care purchase(2)

                                                  (1)   When excluding Bupa Home Healthcare from 2015 and 2016.
                                                  (2)   Bupa Home Healthcare sole July 2017. Purchase of Oasis Dental Care completed February 2017 subject to CMA approval.
Full year results presentation - Bupa
Overview                                       Financial review                          Outlook & operating priorities

United Kingdom
Purchase of Oasis Dental Care

UK Dental market size                               Rationale

£7.1bn                                              • Dentistry is a strategic growth area for Bupa, as it enables us to build
                                                      relationships with a broader base of customers
Total Bupa UK dental clinics post purchase          • Unique opportunity to establish a national retail presence and cross-sell

                                                    Oasis overview
                                                    • Customer-centric model: accessible, transparent pricing, high quality care
1,800                                               • Strong customer satisfaction: Net Promoter Score 2x market average
Customers                                           • First dental chain to advertise nationally

                                                    Transaction summary
Pro forma Group Solvency ll coverage ratio(1)
                                                    • Purchase announced on 18 November 2016
165%                                                • Transaction completed 9 February 2017 with an enterprise value of £835m (2)

                                                    Solvency Impact
                                                    • Reduced our coverage ratio to an estimated 165%, comfortably within our
                                                      capital risk appetite

  (1)   Estimated figure                                                                                                            10
  (2)   Subject to CMA approval.
Overview                             Financial review                                                           Outlook & operating priorities

Europe and Latin America
Revenue up 10%; profit up 63% (up 10% like-for-like(1))

                                                             Operating Environment
Revenues                   +10% CER
                                                             • Challenging Spanish political environment; we remain
£2,474.7m                  +22% AER
                                                               confident in our PPPs
(FY 2015: £2,251.8m CER)                                     • Mitigating the adverse impact of uncertainties relating to the
                                                               Chilean premium increase process on Isapre through tighter
Underlying profit          +63% CER                            cost management
                           +84% AER
£165.6m                                                      Performance
(FY 2015: £101.8m CER)
                                                             • Revenue growth across a number of business units in Spain,
                                                               including continued growth in our Sanitas insurance business
   2.9m Insurance
                                                             • Achieved strong year-on-year revenue growth in Bupa Chile
   6.7m Provision                                              driven in part by Isapre performance improvement
  4,900 Aged care
                                                             • Ongoing investment in full digital transformation delivering
Revenues by business                                           improved customer journey
                                                             • Aged care business, Sanitas Mayores, delivering consistently
                                                               high occupancy rates
                                                             • Increased ownership of Bupa Chile from 73.7% to 100%
                                                             • LUX MED in Poland achieved significant revenue growth

                                         (1)   Under IFRIC 12, which applies to service concession contracts such as Public-Private Partnerships, we use the average operating
                                               margin for the life of the contract (based on historic performance plus projections) as a means for recognising results. Once there is a
                                               change in performance compared to expectations, the operating margin is reassessed and an adjustment made to the current year
                                               results to bring the contract performance to date in line with the revised margin. In 2015, this negative non-cash adjustment of £52.0m    11
                                               included an amount relating to the current year of £8.8m together with a retrospective adjustment for the years preceding 2015 of
                                               £43.2m. To compare the result on a ‘like for like’ basis with 2016, we have excluded £48.6m (being £43.2m retranslated at 2016 rates)
                                               from underlying profit in 2015.
Overview                                                                  Financial review                                 Outlook & operating priorities

International Markets
Revenue up 1%; profit down 52% driven by Bupa Global

                                                                                                   Operating Environment
Revenues(1)                                             +1% CER
                                                                                                   • Operate in diverse markets with healthcare regulation and
£1,427.8m                                              +10% AER
                                                                                                     economic environment constantly evolving
(FY 2015: £1,418.9m CER)                                                                           • Challenging market conditions in Saudi Arabia, including a
                                                                                                     slowing economy
Underlying profit                                      -52% CER
                                                       -48% AER
                                                                                                   • Indian health insurance sector attracting new entrants and
£65.9m                                                                                               highly competitive
(FY 2015: £138.1m CER)

      7.2m Insurance                                                                               • Decline in Bupa Global profit driven by the ongoing impact of
                                                                                                     our 2013 decision to exit non-strategic markets, investment in
      0.7m Provision                                                                                 capability and infrastructure, and lower than anticipated rate
                                                                                                     of growth in Individual and Small Medium Enterprise books
Revenues by business(2)                                                                            • Strengthened position in Hong Kong
                                                                                                   • Strong customer and revenue growth in Bupa Arabia despite
                                                                                                     challenging backdrop
                                                                                                   • Increased shareholder in Max Bupa from 26% to 49% in June
                                                                                                   • Acquired Care Plus in Brazil in December

(1)   Revenue of £1,427.8m does not include the revenues of our equity accounted associates (Max
      Bupa, India, Bupa Arabia and Highway to Health, part of Bupa Global North America)
(2)   Chart includes 100% of Bupa revenues from all businesses to give a sense of scale
Overview                        Financial review   Outlook & operating priorities

Section 2

Joy Linton, CFO
Gareth Evans, Group Treasurer

Overview                    Financial review   Outlook & operating priorities

FY 2016 Financial overview

Strong financial management discipline
with focus on sustainable growth

Financial highlights:

 Strong cash generation

 Credit rating improved

 Debt restructured

 Robust capital base

Overview                                                                    Financial review                                                            Outlook & operating priorities

FY 2016 Financial overview

Continued growth in revenue and underlying profit


                                                                                            +4% at CER                      • Revenue increased by 4%, with good growth in
 FY 2016                                £11.0bn
                                                                                          +12% at AER                         Australia and New Zealand, UK(1) and Europe and
                                                                                                                              Latin America
 FY 2015 (CER)                          £10.6bn

Underlying profit before tax(2)
                                                                                         +10% at CER                        • Excluding the impact of the IFRIC 12 non-cash
  FY 2016                                £700.7m                                                                              adjustment relating to our Spanish PPPs in 2015(4),
                                                                                        +2%(3) at CER
                                                                                                                              underlying profit before taxation is up 2% at CER
  FY 2015 (CER)                         £638.1m                                          +20% at AER                          and up 12% at AER

 (1)   Like for like growth when adjusted for the disposal of Bupa Home Healthcare in July 2016.
 (2)   In order to reflect trading performance in a consistent manner year on year, a number of non-trading items that limit comparability are removed from our statutory profit before tax to arrive at underlying profit. This
       distinguishes underlying profit from other constituents of the statutory profit before tax, excluding items relating to business combinations and disposals, fluctuations in foreign exchange, property revaluations and
       investment returns on return-seeking assets, along with other one-off items.
 (3)   Underlying profit is up 2% at CER and up 12% at AER when excluding the impact of the IFRIC 12 adjustment relating to our Spanish Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in 2015
 (4)   Under IFRIC 12, which applies to service concession contracts such as PPPs, we use the average operating margin for the life of the contract (based on historic performance plus projections) as a means for recognising    15
       results. Once there is a change in performance compared to expectations, the operating margin is reassessed and an adjustment made to the current year results to bring the contract performance to date in line with the
       revised margin. In 2015, this non-cash adjustment of £52m included an amount relating to the current year of £8.8m together with a retrospective adjustment for the years preceding 2015 of £43.2m. To compare the
       result on a “like for like’ basis with 2016, we have excluded £48.6m (being £43.2m retranslated at 2016 rates) from underlying profit in 2015.
Overview                                Financial review                  Outlook & operating priorities

FY 2016 Financial overview

Statutory profit up 40%

                                   +4% at CER
 FY 2016            £11.0bn
                                  +12% at AER
 FY 2015 (CER)      £10.6bn

Underlying profit before tax
                                  +10% at CER
 FY 2016             £700.7m       +2% at CER
 FY 2015 (CER)       £638.1m      +20% at AER

Statutory profit before tax
                                                            • No significant write downs in 2016 compared to
 FY 2016                       £522.9m     +40% at AER        £181.9m in the UK Care Services business in 2015

 FY 2015 (AER)                 £374.3m                      • Net loss of £112.3m on the redemption of the
                                                              secured loan notes in April 2016
                                                            • Favourable FX movements

Overview                                      Financial review                  Outlook & operating priorities

FY 2016 Financial overview

Continued strong cash generation

                                         +4% at CER
 FY 2016            £11.0bn
                                        +12% at AER
 FY 2015 (CER)      £10.6bn

Underlying profit before tax
                                        +10% at CER
 FY 2016             £700.7m
                                         +2% at CER
 FY 2015 (CER)       £638.1m            +20% at AER

Statutory profit before tax

 FY 2016                      £522.9m   +40% at AER

 FY 2015 (AER)                £374.3m

Net cash generated from operating activities
                                                                  • Strong net cash generated from operating
  FY 2016                     £891.0m          +13% at AER          activities with £102.9m increase
                                                                  • Increase driven by growth in earnings, positive
  FY 2015 (AER)               £788.1m                               working capital movements in ANZ and
                                                                    favourable impact of FX

Overview                                    Financial review                                  Outlook & operating priorities

FY 2016 Financial overview

High capital coverage pre-Oasis Dental Care completion

Revenue                                                         Statutory profit before tax
                                       +4% at CER
 FY 2016           £11.0bn                                       FY 2016                             £522.9m
                                      +12% at AER                                                                             +40% at AER
 FY 2015 (CER)     £10.6bn                                       FY 2015 (AER)                      £374.3m

Underlying profit before tax                                    Net cash generated from operating activities
                                      +10% at CER
 FY 2016            £700.7m                                      FY 2016                   £891.0m
                                       +2% at CER                                                                             +13% at AER
 FY 2015 (CER)      £638.1m           +20% at AER                FY 2015 (AER)             £788.1m

Solvency II coverage ratio

 FY 2016 (1)                   204%         +24% pts v HY16

 HY 2016                       180%

  FY 2015 (2)                  178%

                                                                    (1)   The Solvency II Capital Position (Own Funds and Solvency Capital
                                                                          Requirement) and related disclosures are estimated values
                                                                    (2)   The 2015 Solvency coverage ratio was updated to 178% from the 180%
                                                                          estimate disclosed in the 2015 Annual Report and Accounts.
Overview                                                 Financial review                         Outlook & operating priorities


Estimated Solvency capital coverage ratio: 204%, pre-Oasis

Solvency II coverage ratio

FY 2016                Own funds                                £4.2bn
                       HY 2016
                       SCR              £2.1bn
                                                                 180%                        204%(1)               coverage

HY 2016                HY   2015 (AER)
                       Own funds                                £3.4bn
                        HY 2015 (AER)
                       HY 2016                                   180%
    FY 2015            Own funds                                £3.1bn
                       SCR              £1.8bn
Risk sensitivities

    Solvency Coverage Ratio                                                        204%         • As Bupa generates substantial profits
    Solvency coverage ratio
    Interest rate +/- 100bps
                                                                                                  and cash surpluses, solvency
    Interest rate +/- 100bps                                                                      capital builds relatively quickly
    Credit spreads + 100bps assuming no credit transaction                         204%
    Credit spreads + 100bps assuming no credit transaction                                      • A £400m tier 2 subordinated bond
    Equity markets - 20%                                                           204%
    SCR                                                                                           issued in December 2016 is a key
    Property values – 10%                                                       193%              contributor to the 24% increase in
    GBP appreciates by 10%                                                        201%            coverage
    Pension risk +10%                                                              203%         • Bupa’s Solvency II capital position is
    USP + 0.2%                                                                    201%            relatively insensitive to market related
    Loss ratio worsening by 2%                                                  196%
0                       50                     100                      150            200
                                                                                                (1)    The Solvency II Capital Position (Own Funds and Solvency Capital
                                                                                                       Requirement) and related disclosures are estimated values
Overview                                       Financial review                                                      Outlook & operating priorities

FY 2016 Financial overview

Leverage down following cash repatriations and favourable
FX movements
Revenue                                                            Net cash generated from operating activities
                                         +4% at CER
 FY 2016            £11.0bn                                          FY 2016                         £891.0m                               +13% at AER
                                        +12% at AER
 FY 2015 (CER)      £10.6bn                                          FY 2015 (AER)                   £788.1m

Underlying profit before tax                                       Solvency II coverage ratio
                                        +10% at CER
 FY 2016             £700.7m
                                         +2% at CER                  FY 2016                    204%                                    +24% pts v HY16
 FY 2015 (CER)       £638.1m            +20% at AER                  HY 2016                    180%

                                                                     FY 2015                    178%
Statutory profit before tax

 FY 2016                      £522.9m   +40% at AER
 FY 2015 (AER)                £374.3m
                                                                     FY 2016                                        22.6%                      -1.7% pts v HY16

                                                                     HY 2016                                        24.3%

                                                                         FY 2015                                    27.7%

                                                                   (1)    Gross debt (including hybrid debt) / gross debt plus equity

Overview                                               Financial review                                     Outlook & operating priorities

FY 2016 Financial overview

A strong year for funding as leverage reduced and our senior
debt rating improved

• Leverage fell to 22.6% (HY16: 24.3%)
• Good cash repatriations and favourable FX
                                                                                 Dec-16                                   22.6%
• Senior debt ratings A- (Fitch) and Baa1
                                                                                 Jun-16                                        24.3%
  (Moody’s) following one notch Moody’s
  upgrade in September                                                           Dec-15                                                  27.7%
• Simpler debt structure following bond
                                                                                 Jun-15                                                   28.0%
  maturity and securitisation redemption
                                                                                 Dec-14                                                  27.6%
• £650m acquisition facility signed January
  2017 to part fund Oasis Dental Care
                                                                                Debt maturity
                                                                                      Jun-18 profile at 31 December 2016

                 Bupa Finance plc Senior                                   £m
                 Bupa Finance plc Tier 2 Subordinated                           1000

                 Bupa Finance plc Tier 1 Subordinated perpetual guaranteed
                 Other Senior unsecured
                 Bank Loans                                                      600



Overview                                  Financial review                                        Outlook & operating priorities

FY 2016 Financial overview

Good bond returns; we continue to manage cash prudently

• £3.6bn cash and financial investments                       CASH AND INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO

• Approximately 86% of portfolio held in
                                                              FY16                                                    £3.6bn
  investments rated at least A-/A3
• £367m return-seeking assets (externally-                    HY 16                                                   £3.6bn
  managed bond and loan funds) held in UK
  and Australian regulated entities                           FY 15                                                   £3.4bn

• Good returns in 2016 from bond and loan                              Cash (e.g. deposits, liquidity funds)
                                                                       Return seeking assets
  portfolio £22.9m (2015 £7.0m)
• Low yield environment continues to provide
  a challenging investment backdrop
                                                              FY16 CASH
                                                                    Jun-18AND INVESTMENTS BY CREDIT RATING (%)

Overview                   Financial review   Outlook & operating priorities

Section 3

Outlook and
Evelyn Bourke, Group CEO

Overview                                   Financial review       Outlook & operating priorities

Outlook and operating priorities

Market conditions remain challenging; focused on enhancing
our services for customers in this digital age

    • Demand for high quality, value-for-money healthcare
      expected to remain strong
    • Consumer and government affordability pressures with
      medical costs outpacing inflation
    • Changing political environments, including UK preparing
      to exit the EU
    • Rapidly-changing customer standards of personalisation,
      ease and choice; high expectations of quality, safety,
      privacy and transparency

Operating priorities:
    • High quality, value-for-money services in the digital age
    • Empowering our people to deliver for our customers
    • Focus on management of risk and compliance, upholding
      the high standards our customers and regulators expect
    • Disciplined capital management
    • Investing in growth in our key existing markets; selective
      expansion into new growth markets
Overview      Financial review   Outlook & operating priorities

and answers

Overview     Financial review   Outlook & operating priorities


Overview                                                                Financial review                                  Outlook & operating priorities


Organisation structure
                                                                                                 Market Units

  Australia and                                            UK (1)                                        Europe &                                International
  New Zealand                                                                                            Latin America                           Markets

  • Bupa Health Insurance                                 • Bupa UK Insurance                            • Sanitas Seguros                       • Bupa Global
  • Bupa Health Services                                  • Bupa Care Services                           • Sanitas Hospitales and                • Bupa Arabia
  • Bupa Aged Care Australia                                                                               New Services
                                                          • Bupa Health Clinics                                                                  • Bupa Hong Kong
  • New Zealand Care Services                                                                            • Sanitas Dental
                                                          • Bupa Cromwell Hospital                                                               • Quality HealthCare
                                                                                                         • Sanitas Mayores                         (Hong Kong)
                                                          • Oasis Dental Care          (2)

                                                                                                         • LUX MED                               • Max Bupa (India)
                                                                                                         • Bupa Chile                            • Bupa Thailand
                                                                                                                                                 • Bupa China

(1)    The sale of Bupa Home Healthcare to Celesio completed on 1 July 2016
(2)    Bupa completed the purchase of Oasis Dental Care on 09 February 2017
Overview                                                                  Financial review                                                   Outlook & operating priorities


Bupa’s footprint and participation

                                                                  Australia and                                        Europe and Latin
                                                                                                UK                                                                   International Markets
                                                                  New Zealand                                              America

                                                                               New                                                                 Bupa         Hong        Saudi                          (1)
                                                             Australia                          UK             Spain        Chile         Poland                                        Thailand   India
                                                                              Zealand                                                              Global       Kong       Arabia (1)

                             Funding customers                         4.0m                    2.4m                         2.9m                                             7.2m
                      Private medical insurance

                      Dental insurance

                      Travel insurance

                            Provision customers                        1.9m                   1.2m   (3)                    6.7m                                             0.7m
                                                                                                                                                        (4)          (5)

                      Dental clinics


                           Aged care residents                        10,800                  17,400                        4,900
                      Care homes
 Aged care
 provision                                                                         (7)
                      Retirement villages

(1)     Bupa Arabia in Saudi Arabia and Max Bupa in India are associate businesses
(2)     Global international insurance available in most countries. Includes 49% stake in Highway to Health (GeoBlue) in
        the US
(3)     Excludes Oasis Dental Care 2017
(4)     Domestic insurance and clinics in Brazil                                                                                                                                                                 28
(5)     In addition to Quality HealthCare Hong Kong, two clinics in development in Guangzhou, China
(6)     Home healthcare rather than care homes
(7)     In addition to care homes, New Zealand also has brain rehabilitation and home alarm businesses
Overview                                    Financial review   Outlook & operating priorities


Breakdown of borrowings

                                                                      FY 2016            HY 2016         FY 2015
                                                                          £m                 £m              £m

Borrowings under £800m bank facility                                            0                  90          -

£500m subordinated bond due 2023                                             501                  500        500

£330m perpetual hybrid bond (g’teed by Bupa Insurance Ltd)                   387                  407        387

£350m senior bond due 2016                                                       -                363        363

£350m senior bond due 2021                                                   348                  348        348

£400m subordinated bond due 2026                                             395                     -         -

£235m care homes securitisation due 2029 / 2031                                  -                   -       238

Bupa Chile borrowings                                                        207                  197        153

Other                                                                         83                   83         85

Total borrowings                                                          1,921                  1,988     2,074

Overview                             Financial review   Outlook & operating priorities


Analysis of Bupa’s Solvency Capital Requirement

                                                                FY 2016             HY 2016      FY 2015

Insurance risk                                                        19%                 23%       19%
Market risk                                                           60%                 56%       61%
  Spread risk                                                          2%                  2%        3%

  Equity risk                                                          2%                  2%        1%

  Property risk                                                       34%                 32%       31%

  Currency risk                                                       16%                 12%       13%

  Pension scheme                                                       6%                  8%       13%

Counterparty risk                                                      4%                  3%        3%

Operational risk                                                      11%                 11%       11%

Participations (Associates and JVs)                                    6%                  7%        6%

Total                                                               100%                  100%     100%

Overview                                 Financial review                        Outlook & operating priorities


Cautionary statement concerning
forward-looking statements

This document may contain certain forward-looking statements with respect to
certain of the British United Provident Association Limited Group’s (“Bupa’s”)
plans and its current goals and expectations relating to future financial condition,
performance and results.
By their nature forward-looking statements involve risk and uncertainty because
they relate to future events and circumstances which are beyond Bupa’s control,
including, among others, global economic and business conditions, market related
risks such as fluctuations in interest rates and exchange rates, the policies and
actions of governmental and regulatory authorities, the impact of competition, the
timing, impact and other uncertainties of future mergers or combinations within
relevant industries. As a result, Bupa’s actual future condition, performance and
results may differ materially from the plans, goals and expectations set out in
Bupa’s forward-looking statements. Bupa does not undertake to update forward-
looking statements contained in this document or any other forward-looking
statement it may make.

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