Fruit quality: updated definition and modern methods of assessment - Soi
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Review n. 37 – Italus Hortus 26 (1), 2019: 41-49 doi: 10.26353/j.itahort/2019.1.xxxx Fruit quality: updated definition and modern methods of assessment Guglielmo Costa Università di Bologna Qualità delle ciliegie: definizione nowadays cultivated fits marketing and consumer aggiornata e nuovi metodi di deter- expectations? Cherry breeding has been always active minazione both at national as well as at international levels (Sansavini and Lugli, 2008; Kappel et al., 2012; Riassunto. L’aspetto, la dimensione ed alcuni Bujdosó and Hrotkó , 2017; Dondini et al., 2018) caratteri organolettici della frutta hanno una forte although some of the breeding objectives still up to influenza sull’accettazione del prodotto da parte del date are described in details since quite a long time consumatore. I parametri qualitativi più apprezzati (Bargioni, 1964). However, the most important goals sono sicuramente la dimensione, la dolcezza ed il have been oriented in the past and, nowadays as well, colore della buccia dei frutti. Altri parametri possono according to specific needs, recently mainly towards essere più o meno importanti a seconda del tipo di “Tree and fruiting structure ”, “Flower characteristics trasformazione a cui la frutta è soggetta. Alcuni di ”, “Tolerance to abiotic and biotic stresses ”, questi parametri, come le dimensioni dei frutti ed il colore della buccia, possono essere migliorati attra- “Extension of harvest period ” to cover a larger verso la tecnica colturale, per la quale riportiamo marketing time, “Suitability for mechanical harve- alcuni esempi (es. l’applicazione di regolatori di cre- sting ” (Quero-Garcia et al., 2017). Other objectives scita e la realizzazione di coperture fisiche degli concerning more the fruit quality traits have been impianti). Infine, sono elencati i principali metodi stan- taken into consideration, such as fruit size, fruit firm- dard e ed innovativi per la valutazione dei principali ness, skin and flesh colour, sugar content and flavour. parametri qualitativi. It has to be underlined that significant achievements have been obtained on fruit size and firmness, and Parole chiave: caratteristiche qualitative della frut- fruit cracking resistance but the increase of fruit orga- ta, metodi per migliorare la qualità della frutta e l’omo- noleptic characters, although considered to some geneità di maturazione, frutteto protetto, extent, became a primary objective only recently. Fitoregolatori. Main fruit quality parameters Introduction The main quality parameters studied concern “fruit size”, “flesh firmness”, “colour of the fruit skin and of The term quality implies the degree of excellence the flesh”, “soluble solids content” and “aroma”, of a product or its suitability for a particular use. although other morphological and physiological cha- Quality is a human construct comprising many pro- racters are important. Taking into consideration the perties and characteristics that the fruits must have to “quality parameters” that do characterize the “ideal satisfy the requirements and the needs of the producti- cherry fruit” and that are able to influence the consu- ve chain. However, fruit quality definition is compli- mers demand the following considerations can be cate since the productive chain is formed by: grower, made. packer, distributor, wholesaler, shopper and the ulti- mate consumer who eats the fruits, who have different Fruit size: growth and development expectations from the fruit and, as a consequence, the Cherry belongs to Rosacee family and the fruit definition of fruit quality can not be unique. growth follows a double sigmoid curve as in other What determines a "good quality cherry" is still an Prunus spp., (Coombe, 1976). Fruit growth consists of open topic, but surely the size, the flesh firmness and three stages. Stage I is characterized by a rapid the sweetness of the fruit have always been funda- growth due mainly to the cell division, in stage II, mental characters. Does the fruit quality of the variety fruit growth diminish consistently since all the resour- * ces are diverted toward the embryo development and 41
Costa the endocarp hardening (pit hardening phase). In stage weight (Crisosto et al., 2003; Valero and Serrano, III, growth becomes exponential again ending with 2010) as related to microclimatic conditions, root- fruit maturation and harvest (Olmstead et al., 2007). stock selection and planting system, and the time of Since fruit size has a clear economic impact on crop harvest (González-Gómez et al., 2010; Goulas et al., value, several researches have been carried out to 2015). It is also interesting to note that the soluble investigate the influence of some cultural manage- solids content of the cherry grown in the recent past ment techniques and of the environmental factors on does not differ significantly from that of the variety fruit size and quality (Whiting and Lang, 2004; grown nowadays. There are exceptions that must be Lenahan et al., 2006). However, breeding is certainly underlined, i.e. the series of the “Sweet” variety of the determinant in achieving fruits of bigger size and it is Bologna University, whose values reach higher SSC appropriate to make light on a recent breeding pro- levels than that of the variety still present on the gram carried out at Bologna University, named “30 market, although the SSC values are conjugated to cum laude” that aims to increase the size of the fruits high size (tab. 1) (Lugli, pers. comm). up to 30-32 mm (tab. 1). This challenging breeding program is justified by the fact that it has also been reported that SSC must Flesh firmness (FF) be above the threshold of 14.0–16.0 g/100 g FW to be Flesh firmness and crispness are important attribu- fully accepted by the market (Crisosto et al., 2003). In tes for consumer acceptability. Firmness values have the sweet cherry fruits, sweetness is determined by been found ranging from 2.52 to 4.75 N (Hampson et glucose and fructose content and the sum of the main al., 2014). Flesh firmness does not only influence sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose and sorbitol) range eating quality, but it also affects fruit storage and shelf between 125 up to 265 g/kg of fresh weight. life. In fact, firmness correlates with susceptibility to mechanical damage that can occur in the field and in Titratable acidity (TA) packing-house during fruit movement and sizing, to Titratable acidity is another important attribute in cope with the high speed packing lines, avoiding the cherry, since it is directly related to the consumer’s later appearance of pitting on the fruits exposed in the acceptability. Titratable acidity is highly cultivar- market. Fruit firmness has been associated with seve- dependent and is mainly determined by malic acid ral factors linked to texture, cell wall strength, cell-to- that is the main organic acid in cherry, representing cell adhesion, and is influenced by cell wall- and pec- the 98% of the total acidity (Valero and Serrano, tin-related enzymes, cell turgor, and environmental 2010), although other acids (citric, succinic, shikimic, conditions during maturation. fumaric and oxalic acids) are also present (Usenik et al., 2008) and the total amount range from 3.67 up to Soluble solid content (SSC) 8.66 g/kg FW. Sweet cherries fruits reach a pH values The soluble solids are an important factor in deter- between 3.7 and 4.2, while sour cherries range from mining consumer’s acceptability. The SSC values of pH 3.1 to 3.6 (Ballistreri et al., 2013; Serradilla et al., the cherry fruits can reach up to 24.5g/100 g fresh 2016). Tab. 1- Caratteristiche qualitative dei frutti di ciliegio della serie “Sweet”, ottenuti nell’ambito del programma di miglioramento genetico dell’Università di Bologna a confronto con le cv. “Burlat” e “Lapins” assunte come riferimento. (Lugli com. pers. Data from 2016-2018). Tab. 1 - Quality traits of the “Sweet” cherry series belonging to the breeding program of Bologna University compared with Burlat and Lapins as reference cultivars.(Lugli com. pers. Data from 2016-2018). Cultivar Size Weight IAD Durofel Flesh SSC Acidity L Chroma firmness (Brix°) Burlat 25.3 9.4 0.83 57 0.28 14.8 7.6 28.9 20 Sweet Lorenz 28.8 10.7 1.73 58 0.67 19.7 7.7 26.8 15.1 Sweet Aryana 28.6 11.0 1.30 58 0.6 18.1 7.3 27.6 18 Marysa 29.2 11.9 1.4 52 0.3 14.7 9.6 28.5 23.7 Sweet Valina 30.7 14.0 1.40 61 0.29 17.5 8.7 28.6 20.4 Sweet Gabriel 30.4 13.3 2.41 64 0.42 19.2 11.2 28.1 13.6 Grace Star 32 15.9 1.51 63 0.43 19.2 9.5 28.8 18.9 Lapins 26.6 9.8 0.82 58 0.51 17.3 10.8 32.7 31.3 Sweet Saretta 31.2 14.5 2.48 57 0.42 20.8 12.3 28.9 13 Sweet Stephany 29.4 12.4 1.89 59 0.44 21 14 29.7 18.7 42
Fruit quality: definition and assessment SSC/TA ratio degenerative diseases caused by oxidative stress, such The consumers choice does not only consider the as cardiovascular and cancer (Tomás-Barberán et al., sweetness of the fruit but also the titratable acidity, 2013). and it is therefore appropriate to consider these two parameters together. Some Authors (Guyer et al., Flavonoids 1993; Dever et al., 1996) have found that the SSC/TA The flavanoids or bioflavonoids are a class of ratio is fundamental and have proposed quality stan- plant secondary metabolites that include dards for some cultivars capable of achieving accepta- anthoxanthins (flavones and flavonols), flavanones, bility from part of consumers. The studies evaluating flavanonols, flavans and anthocyanidins. They protect the relationship between soluble solids content and against UV radiation, enzyme inhibitors, and precur- acidity with soluble solids/acidity ratio pointed out sors of toxic substances, flavour components and that when the soluble solids values reach only the antioxidants, and they also provide pathogens resi- 16%, a reduction in consumer preference is determi- stance (Piccolella et al., 2008). The anthocyanidins ned (Crisosto et al., 2003). are natural pigments, responsible for the attractive colour of cherries (Valero and Serrano, 2010). Their Volatile compounds functionality in human health has been proved in The flavanoids or bioflavonoids are a class of plant numerous studies suggesting protective effects again- secondary metabolites that include anthoxanthins (fla- st cardiovascular diseases, cancers and other age-rela- vones and flavonols), flavanones, flavanonols, flavans ted diseases. These aspects have recently attracted a and anthocyanidins. They protect against UV radia- great deal of attention from the media and are often tion, enzyme inhibitors, and precursors of toxic sub- touted, sometimes even excessively, as "panacea" or stances, flavour components and antioxidants, and potential control agents of some diseases. This could they also provide pathogens resistance (Piccolella et also be used by the agricultural world as a tool for tar- al., 2008). The anthocyanidins are natural pigments, geted marketing campaigns.. responsible for the attractive colour of cherries (Valero and Serrano, 2010). Their functionality in Methods of fruit quality assessment human health has been proved in numerous studies suggesting protective effects against cardiovascular The criteria for determining fruit quality are distin- diseases, cancers and other age-related diseases. guished by a degree of complexity and are represen- These aspects have recently attracted a great deal of ted by "visual" methods that allow evaluating the attention from the media and are often touted, someti- size, shape and color of the fruit. For greater precision mes even excessively, as "panacea" or potential con- and characterization, analytical methods are normally trol agents of some diseases. This could also be used used to determine soluble solids content, flesh firm- by the agricultural world as a tool for targeted marke- ness and titratable acidity. These methods are practi- ting campaigns. cal, require "easy to use" instruments that are largely used, and can give information in real time. The qua- Phenolic compounds lity can be determined even more precisely by defi- Phenolic compounds are doing important function ning the composition and the content of the individual contributing to several aspects of fruit quality. The sugars or acids, of the volatile substances and their composition and the concentration of these com- identification. However, these analyzes require equip- pounds are affected by several factors such as harvest ped laboratories and trained personnel and have the time, variety, climatic conditions and growing season. limit of not providing real time information. Cherry polyphenols include phenolic acids (hydroxy- Furthermore, most analytical analyzes, regardless of cinnamic and hydroxybenzoic acids) and flavonoids their degree of precision, require the destruction of (anthocyanins, flavonols and flavan-3-ols). Those the examined fruit sample. To avoid this problem, secondary metabolites are known to be involved in instruments have been recently developed that do not anti-oxidative defense against biotic and abiotic stres- require the destruction of the fruit sample and that can ses such as high and low temperatures, drought, alka- also be used throughout the production chain, in the linity, salinity, UV stress and pathogen attack field, in the packing-house up to the point of sale. (Viljevac et al., 2012). The skin of the cherry fruits contains the highest levels of total polyphenolic com- Fruit size pounds. Beside positively affecting fruit aspect, The size of the fruits is usually determined with colour and taste, they have a great ability to prevent caliper, simply represented by "a stick" (usually with 43
Costa a series of 8 diameters from 18 to 32 mm), or manual value is expressed in Shore degrees, range of refe- and digital caliper that can be also connected via blue- rence for the hardness of a material (fig. 2). tooth to mobile phones or computers allowing an • Fruit firmer TR, developed in New Zealand that automatic transfer of the data collected in the field on allows to quickly quantify the fruit firmness by excel sheets and perform statistical analysis (fig. 1). measuring the deceleration of a small hammer Particular mention should be made on the develop- that hits the surface of a fruit through a small, ment of the sorting machines from some calibrators non-penetrating tip. An integrated processor manufacturers, who have studied and created automa- records the collision, analyzes the waveform and tic sizing machines for cherries, equipped with a displays the data collected on a digital display system called “Cherry vision”, able to detect internal that can be connected to a program to record, and external quality of cherries (size, color, internal download and analyze the data (fig. 2). defects), softness, absence or less of stem, Brix degree (fig. 1). Fruit colour • Colorimetric charts developed by CTIFL, fol- Flesh firmness lowing the progression of the epidermis color The instruments used are penetrometers equipped with a 6 mm probe that measures the hardness of the pulp through the resistance opposite to penetration, expressing the value in kg/cm2. There are different tools for the determination of the firmness distributed by different American and European companies. Non-destructive devices • Durofel measures the elasticity of the fruit epider- mis, expressing it in an arbitrary unit of Durofel index values. The piston of the instrument is pla- ced on the fruit and a pressure is exerted pressing until it disappears. • Durometer TR is a non-destructive tool that allows evaluating the degree of ripening achieved by the fruits. The instrument is easy to use: the plunger is placed against the fruit and a progressi- ve force is applied until the fruit is completely against the grey basement of the plunger. The Fig. 1 Macchine per la calibrazione delle ciliegie equipaggiate con una tecnologia (Cherry Vision 3.0 ) per la rilevazione auto- matica di dimensioni, colore e difetti interni ed esterni, ammacca- ture e contenuto in solidi solubili (°Brix). Fig. 2 - Durofel TR e Durometer TR per la misura dell’elasticità Fig. 1 - Sorting, machines for cherries grading, equipped with a del frutto e Cherry-meter per la deterinazione del grado di matu- Technology (named Cherry Vision 3.0) for the detection of the razione (come indice IAD). size, color, internal and external defects, softness and soluble Fig. 2 - Durofel TR and Durometer TR for measuring fruit elasti- solids content (Brix°). city and Cherry-meter for measuring ripening (as IAD Index) 44
Fruit quality: definition and assessment from pink (1) to red (7), allowto establish the some effects that can be obtained with pre-harvest moment of collection. Colorimeter instruments application of plant bioregulators and with net or pla- measure the color of the epidermis through three stic films covers used to protect the orchard. colorimetric indices, L (brightness), a* and b* allowing to calculate the C (Chroma), h° (hue) Pre-harvest treatment with Plant growth regulators and the parameters a* and b*. The values of L* • GA: GAs are used during the transition between and h° decrease with increasing maturation; L*, the pit-hardening and cell expansion phases of measures the intensity of the measured surface fruit growth and this application has become a from 0 (black) to 100 (white) while a* and b* standard practice in different production areas to represent the chromatic coordinates that vary positively influence the size of the fruit, while from -60 to +60 respectively, describing color when applied later in the season, like at the begin- variations from green (-60) red (+60) and blue (- ning of stage III, it might increase the flesh firm- 60) to yellow (+60) (Crisosto et al., 2003). ness and the fruit size (Kappel and MacDonald, • The Cherry meter is a non-destructive instrument 2007; Lenahan et al., 2006). It must be underlined that can be used in field conditions on the fruits that, as most of the PBRs, GAs application has still on the plant up to storage and processing by some collateral effects such as a possible matura- measuring the radiation of the NIR band, more tion delay that might cause a reduction in soluble precisely the absorbance in the first layers of the solids and an increase in acidity (Cline and fruit flesh (Fig. 2). It provides an Index, called Trought, 2007; Zhang and Whiting, 2011) and Absorbance Difference Index (IAD), which is affect flower differentiation. This last collateral obtained by reading the amount of light emitted effect, clearly undesirable, might become intere- by the instrument, by three light sources reflected sting since reducing fruit load might consequently by the fruit at certain wavelengths: 800 nm as increase fruit size, an aspect that is recently more reference, 560 nm and 640 nm are the other two and more appreciated by the market. The attempts considered wavelengths. The values of IAD cor- to achieve a fruit load reduction in order to relate perfectly with the main quality parameters, increase fruit size with blossom thinners did not such as soluble solids, pulp hardness and fruit epi- led to enough reliable results to be translated into dermis coloring (Nagpala et al., 2017a). The practice. Cherry-meter device, besides assessing the fruit • Ethephon: this ethylene releaser compound has maturity, also allows to determine the fruit homo- been used on cherry for different purposes. In the geneity and represents a potential Decision 1980/1990 Ethephon was used to increase the Support System to evaluate the efficacy of diffe- performance of mechanical harvesting, although rent cultural management techniques. . the effect on fruit and on tree (gummosis in some cases) (Olien and Bukovac, 1982) raised concern Soluble solids content and titratable acidity on its use. Ethephon might cause significantly Soluble solids content is determined with portable lower soluble solids concentration and anthocya- refractometers that can also be digital. These instru- nin content, reducing the flesh firmness of the ments are determining the critical angle of refraction treated fruits as compared to untreated control. through a sample expressing the value as Brix° repre- Ethephon is also used in combination with senting the sugar content of an aqueous solution. growth retardants to control the new vegetation Titratable acidity is determined with Titrator devi- and positively affect flower bud differentiation. ces that chemically neutralize organic acids with a • Growth retardants: Paclobutrazol (commercial NaOH solution. Some of these instruments are semi- name Cultar) has been widely experimented in automatic allowing to perform the reading on several the 1980/1990 and released only in few European samples. There are also portable instruments that do countries. Cultar use was interesting when no allow to read Brix and acidity contemporarily. efficient dwarfing rootstocks were available, the planting density was low and the excess of vege- Methods to influence fruit quality tation was a problem. Cultar was able to effecti- vely control the new growth and to determine Several researches have shown that the choices some interesting effects on some reproductive made at the moment of the orchard realization as well aspects (flower differentiation and yield increase) as some cultural management techniques are able to either when used alone or in combination with affect fruit aspect and quality. Below are reported Ethephon (Cline et al., 2005). 45
Costa • Prohexadione-Ca (P-Ca, Regalis® in Europe and trials carried out on cvs. Georgia and Ferrovia with a Apogee® in USA) is another growth retardant, biostimolant containing plant extracts, methionine, acting as gibberellin biosynthesis inhibitor. This phenylalanine and monosaccharides (Sunred) allowed formulate was used alone or in combination with to increase fruit yield and quality and to induce a bet- Ethehon to control the excess of vegetative vigour ter fruit homogeneity as compared to control. (tab. 4 and to increase fruit weight and some quality and fig. 4). traits. The results, although promising were It must be underlined that the results obtained with dependent upon cultivar, plant growth regulator the PBRs and the biostimulants are preliminary and application rate, time and number of applications need to be further studied to be confirmed, although (Elfving et al., 2003, 2005; Guak et al., 2005, the obtained effect on the advanced fruit ripening and Cline 2017). homogeneity were interesting. More recently, other PBRs such as abscisic acid and 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) have also been experimentally tested in our cherry growing areas. Although preliminary research has shown that the formulations induced an increase in fruit size and in anthocyanins content speeding up ripening (Nagpala et al., 2017b) (tab. 2 and 3) and confirming previous results obtained in different cir- cumstances by other researchers (Tijero et al., 2018), the results can still be considered preliminary and need to be further studied. Another interesting effect induced by these two new PBRs is the possibility to affect the ripening homogeneity in plants. In figure 3 some effects indu- ced by ABA application and determined with the use of the Cherry-meter are reported. Fig. 3 - Classi di maturazione dei frutti (espresse in IAD) influen- zate dall’applicazione di acido abscissico. Also, some biostimulants have been capable to Fig. 3- Fruit ripening classes (expressed as IAD) as affected by affect fruit ripening and homogeneity. For instance, ABA application. Tab. 2 - Caratteristiche qualitative dei frutti della cv Lala Star trattati con 300 ppm di ABA (acido abscissico), somministrato in diversi momenti della stagione vegetativa. Per ogni parametro, i valori seguiti dalla stessa lettera non variano significativamente (p=0.05, DMRT). Tab. 2- Cherry fruits treated with 300 ppm ABA at different application times with their corresponding quality parameters. Means for the same quality parameter followed by the same letter do not vary significantly (p=0.05, DMRT). Parte superiore dell’albero Parte basale dell’albero Parametri qualitativi Controllo Pre-invaiatura Invaiatura Post-invaiatura Controllo Pre-invaiatura Invaiatura Post-invaiatura IAD (A640-A750) 1.27c 1.29c 1.50b 1.63a 1.28b 1.36b 1.66a 1.57a Grado Zuccherino (°Brix) 117.2ab 17.12ab 17.36a 17.18b 15.82c 16.02bc 18.04a 16.59b Croma 20.42a 18.81a 15.71b 15.82b 20.05a 18.66a 14.01c 16.75b Contenuto in antocianine Polpa 40.35c 44.08c 66.90b 61.31a 43.04b 48.05b 57.31a 67.82a (mg/100g PF) Epicarpo 68.16c 72-02c 81.50b 86.42a 71.36b 74.81b 88.52a 84.55a Tab. 3 - Caratteristiche qualitative di frutti di ciliegio dela cv Lala Star sottoposti a diversi dosaggi di ACC (400 and 500 ppm). Per ogni parametro qualitativo, i valori seguiti dalla stessa lettera non variano significativamente (p=0.05, DMRT). Tab. 3- Cherry fruits as influenced by different dosages of ACC (400 and 500 ppm). Means for the same quality parameter followed by the same letter do not vary significantly (p=0.05, DMRT). 200ppm Parametri qualitativi Controllo 200ppm 400ppm 500ppm (applicati due volte) IAD (A640-A750) 0.98° 1.09c 1.23b 1.26B 1.25b Grado Zuccherino (°Brix) 14.29c 14.83bc 15.20b 15.38b 16.42a Chroma 23.49° 22.08ab 20.26b 21.12b 20.21b Contenuto in Antocianine Polpa 29.07b 31.26b 39.04a 41.24a 40.63a (mg/100g PF) Epicarpo 55.94c 60.65b 69.60a 70.91a 70.33a 46
Fruit quality: definition and assessment Tab. 4 – Produttività e caratteristiche qualitative di frutti trattati con il formulato Sunred. Per ogni parametro qualitativo, i valori seguiti dalla stessa lettera non variano significativamente (p=0.05, DMRT). Tab. 4 - Yield and fruit quality traits as affected by Sunred application. Means for the same quality parameter followed by the same letter do not vary significantly (p=0.05, DMRT). Produttività Peso del frutto Durezza Grado Zuccherino Acidità (g/l Cultivar L* Chroma (kg/albero) (g) (kg/cm2) (°Brix) acido malico) Giorgia Control 51.2 6.60b 0.50b 13.93b 6.39 34.21b 29.08 Sunred 45.9 7.58a 0.54a 14.47a 7.06 35.01a 26.91 Ferrovia Control 19.1 10.12a 0.48b 18.88° 7.21 29.02b 20.15b Sunred 24.6 9.11b 0.53a 15.53b 7.46 32.87a 29.51a Fig. 4 - Distribuzione delle classi di maturazione dei frutti (espresse in IAD) influenzate dall’applicazione di “Sunred” nella cv. Giorgia. Fig. 4 - Fruit ripening classes’ distribution (expressed as IAD) as affected by “Sunred” application in the cv. Giorgia Protected cultivation ract some diseases. Here, some results obtained in the Nowadays the climatic change requires a physical Northern Italy are reported. These plastic films allow protection of the orchards. A big evolution in this the control of fruit cracking caused by the rain and technique did occur in the last years since the nets, the hail and also allow increasing SSC, and inducing which originally were mainly designed to protect the early ripening (in particular Oroplus plastic film orchards from the hail, are now multi-purposes net, alone or in combination with the reflecting mulch) thanks to plastic films of new generation that allow that was clearly evident early in the season (tab. 5 and only to specific wavelengths to pass through, or are figs. 5 and 6). heat-protective, allowing not just a hail or rain pro- The plastic film covers also positively affect the tection, but also to delay or speed up the ripening or fruit ripening reducing the differences among the fruit to reduce the fruit ripening variability on the tree, to carried out in the upper and the lower part of the tree increase the fruit quality and in some cases to counte- (tab. 2). Tab. 5 - Effetto della copertura con film plastici o reti sul contenuto in solidi solubili e sul grado di maturazione (espresso in IAD) (Costa et al., 2015) di frutti di ciliegio. Per ogni parametro qualitativo i valori seguiti dalla stessa lettera non variano significativamente (p=0.05, DMRT). Tab. 5 - Influence of the plastic film and net protection on fruit soluble solid content and ripening (expressed as IDA) (Costa et al., 2015). Means for the same quality parameter followed by the same letter do not vary significantly (p=0.05, DMRT) Grado Zuccherino (Brix°) IAD Trattamento Parte superiore della Parte inferiore della Parte superiore della Parte inferiore della chioma chioma chioma chioma Reti anti-grandine 16.96 cA 15.64 bB 0.53 cA 0.41 bB Oroplus 18.53 bA 16.36 bB 0.71 abA 0.53 bB Oroplus + telo riflettente 19.84 aA 17.44 aB 0.81 aA 0.80 aA Controllo non coperto 18.22 bA 15.79 bB 0.63 bcA 0.43 bB 47
Costa improved with the cultural management and are here reported some examples (i.e. PGRs application and protected cultivation). Finally the main standard and innovative devices for characterizing the main quality parameters are listed. Keywords: fruit quality traits, methods to enhance fruit quality and ripening homogeneity, innovative methods of determination, protected orchard, PBRs. Fig. 5 - “Film plastici diffusi Oroplus” per la protezione del frutte- References to, associati a pacciamatura riflettente per riflettere la luce nelle parti basali della chioma (Fonte: Costa et al., 2015). BALLISTRERI, G., CONTINELLA, A., GENTILE, A., AMENTA, M., Fig. 5 - “Oroplus diffused plastic film” to protect the orchard and FABRONI, S. RAPISARDA, P. 2013. Fruit quality and bioactive below “reflecting mulch” to reflect the light in the lower part of compounds relevant to human health of sweet cherry (Prunus the canopy (Source: Costa et al., 2015). avium L.) cultivars grown in Italy. Food Chemistry 140, 630–638. BARGIONI G., 1964. Stato attuale, prospettive e problemi della Acknowledgements cerasicoltura italiana. Atti del 1° convegno nazionale “La coltura del ciliegio”, Verona, 13 giugno 2014: 21-48 Thanks to Stefano Lugli for the text critical reading BUjDOSó, G. AND HROTKó K.. 2017. Cherry production in Cherry, Botany, Production and uses Edited by Quero Garcia j., and for research result provided and to the “INNO- Iezzoni A., Pulawska, j, and Lang G. CAB International 2017 CER Project- Regione Veneto: Innovazioni di prodot- pp1-14. to e di processo per una cerasicoltura di qualità”. CLINE, j.A. TROUGHT, M. 2007. Effect of gibberellic acid on fruit cracking and quality of Bing and Sam sweet cherries. Canadian journal of Plant Science 87, 545–550. Abstract COOMBE, B.G. 1976. The development of fleshy fruits. Annual Review of Plant Physiology 27, 507–528. CRISOSTO, C.H., CRISOSTO, G.M. METHENEy, P. 2003. Consumer The fruit appearance, the size and some organolep- acceptance of ‘Brooks’ and ‘Bing’ cherries is mainly depen- tic quality parameters have a strong influence on con- dent on fruit SSC and visual skin color. Postharvest Biology sumer acceptance. The most appreciated parameters and Technology 28, 159–167 DEVER, M.C., MACDONALD, R.A., CLIFF, M.A. LANE, W.D. 1996. are certainly the size, the sweetness and the color of Sensory evaluation of sweet cherry cultivars. HortScience 31, the fruit skin. Other parameters are important as relat- 150–153. ed to the processing destination of the fruit. Some of DONDINI,L., LUGLI, S. AND SANSAVINI, S. 2018. Cherry Breeding: Sweet Cherry (Prunus avium L.) and Sour Cherry (Prunus these parameters as the size and the skin color can be cerasus L.). In Advances in Plant Breeding Strategies: Fruits Fig. 6 - Evoluzione del grado di maturazione dei frutti durante la stagione vegetativa in funzione della copertura con film plastici e reti antigrandine (Costa et al., 2015). Fig. 6 - Fruit ripening evolution during the season as affected by plastic film and hail net protection (Costa et al., 2015). 48
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