Fruit Flyer FFIPM Bulletin ISSUE 02 March 2021 - e-nema

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Fruit Flyer FFIPM Bulletin ISSUE 02 March 2021 - e-nema
Fruit Flyer
FFIPM Bulletin • ISSUE 02 • March 2021

  Horizon 2020
  European Union Funding
  for Research & Innovation
Fruit Flyer FFIPM Bulletin ISSUE 02 March 2021 - e-nema
table of contents

                                                                                                                                  4      editorial

                                                                                                                                  6      the project

                                                                                                                                  8      the interview

                                                                                                                                  16     the research

                                                                                                                                  21     news + events

                                                                                                                                       This is the second Newsletter
                                                                                                                                       Publication of the EU-funded
                                                                                                                                       research project FF-IPM,
                                                                                                                                       with the aim to protect fruit
                                                                                                                                       production and trade from
                                                                                                                                       threats posed by fruit flies.

                                                                                                                                       The newsletter will be
                                                                                                                                       published quarterly,
                                                                                                                                       highlighting the actions, news,
                                                                                                                                       progress related to the issue
                                                                                                                                       at hand.

                                                                                                                                       Editor: University of Thessaly

                                                                                                                                       Contributors: FF-IPM partners
                                                                                                                                       and experts
    All rights reserved © 2020.
                                                                                                                                       Editing & Graphic design:
    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, stored in a database and / or published in any
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    form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission
    of the publisher.

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Fruit Flyer FFIPM Bulletin ISSUE 02 March 2021 - e-nema
editorial                                                                                                                                                                               editorial

                           Dr. Nikos T. Papadopoulos, PhD
                           Professor of Applied Entomology
                           Director of Entomology + Agricultural Zoology Laboratory
                           University of Thessaly
                           FF-IPM Project Manager

    Over the last six months, despite the                One of the main,
    hurdles faced due to the COVID-19
    pandemic, the FF-IPM project successfully            environmentally friendly, tools
    concluded a series of important field
    studies that set the stage for future                that are considered to combat
    developments. Additional data have been              fruit flies (and other pests)
    generated and technological and modeling
    developments have progressed.                        in many countries all over                    One of the main, environmentally friendly,     art of using entomopathogenic nematodes
                                                                                                       tools that are considered to combat fruit      against the soil-dwelling stages of fruit flies.
    The first annual meeting of our project took         the world is the Sterile Insect               flies (and other pests) in many countries
    place online in mid-October and included                                                           all over the world is the Sterile Insect       We hope you enjoy reading the current
    presentations of all work packages and a             Technique (SIT).                              Technique (SIT). The International Atomic      newsletter that we envisage, besides
    thorough discussion on achievements and                                                            Energy Agency (IAEA) and especially            becoming an important forum of
    future plans. During this meeting, we were                                                         the Joint FAO/IAEA Programme, has had          knowledge exchange and discussion,
    pleased to host an interesting talk from                                                           major contributions in the development,        to enhance the ongoing “relationship”
    Prof. David Horta Lopes from the University         whole evening, round table discussion          promotion, support and implementation          between our project and all of you who
    of Azores, Portugal, who presented the              regarding “New concepts and approaches         of the SIT against fruit flies and other       are interested in fruit fly research and
    major findings of the European funded               in fruit fly management in Europe” was         insect pests. In the current newsletter, Ana   management.
    project “Euphresco” which addresses issues          coordinated by the FF-IPM project within       Larcher and Uli Shiefer discuss with Rui
    regarding fruit fly management. This was a          the premises of the TEAM meeting. The          Pereira (the Head of the Insect Pest Control
    wonderful opportunity to learn about the            short introductions by Marc de Meyer,          in the FAO/IAEA) a range of subjects from
    Euphresco project activities and establish a        Slawomir Lux, Josep Jaques, Ana Larcher        the history of the SIT, to current important        Our second issue is out! We
    tight interaction with this group.                  and myself, stimulated a long and lively       activities of the FAO/IAEA programme,               managed to give you the latest
                                                        discussion that was highly attended.           and the future directions, with particular          news of FF-IPM and to put
    Early in October, the fourth International
                                                                                                       emphasis in Europe.                                 you into the discussion of our
    TEAM meeting, a major event for fruit fly           The FF-IPM project was introduced to
    workers in Europe Africa and the Middle             participants of the Annual Meeting of the      Biological control of fruit flies is a topic
    East, was successfully organized in South           American Entomological Society that took       researched for many decades but the use             We want you to follow us and
    France. The FF-IPM partners Marc de                 place from 15/11/2020 to 25/11/2020 and        of entomopathogenic nematodes has not               think how we can transform your
    Meyer and Helene Delatte served in the              of the 10th meeting of the fruit fly workers   been extensively exploited. Our colleagues          knowledge and your interests in
    organizing committee of the meeting,                of the Western Hemisphere that was held        Arne Peters and Tolis Kapranas give a               a fruitful discussion
    chaired by Valerie Balmes. An interesting,          from 2/11/2020 to 6/11/2020.                   comprehensive analysis on the state of the

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Fruit Flyer FFIPM Bulletin ISSUE 02 March 2021 - e-nema
the project                                                                                                                                                                 the project

    The Fourth International Meeting                                                         The programme of the symposium
                                                                                             consisted of plenary speakers and talks,
                                                                                                                                               were made on: “Alternative to insecticide
                                                                                                                                               applications”, “Area Wide fruit fly
    of Tephritid Workers of Europe,                                                          grouped in nine different sessions, over
                                                                                             a period of five days, covering all major
                                                                                                                                               management in Europe” and “The
                                                                                                                                               economics behind fruit fly management”
    Africa and the Middle East (TEAM)                                                        research aspects. In total, 36 presentations
                                                                                             (including two plenary talks) were given
                                                                                                                                               by Josep Jaques, Rui Pereira, and Anna
                                                                                                                                               Larcher, respectively. Those talks made by
                                                                                             throughout the week. Forty-four posters           the FF-IPM project participants opened
                                                                                             were on display and the authors could             the discussion and a debate around those
                                                                                             shortly summarize their findings and reply        questions was steered by M. De Meyer and
                                                                                             to questions by the delegates during two          N. Papadopoulos for 2.5 hours, with a very
                                                                                             poster sessions. This meeting also, for the       large audience, that included the whole
                                                                                             first time, included explicitly contributions     congress participants.
                                                                                             of researchers focusing on the wing-
                                                                                                                                               Despite the difficult circumstances, this
                                                                                             spotted fruit fly Drosophila suzukii
                                                                                                                                               fourth TEAM meeting was considered a
                                                                                                                                               great success both by the organizers and
                                                                                             Furthermore, a whole evening session              the participants.
                                                                                             was dedicated to a round table discussion
                                                                                                                                               Although physical meetings do have
                                                                                             organized on the theme “New concepts              several advantages and facilitate
                                                                                             and approaches in fruit fly management            interactions and networking, having
                                                                                             in Europe”. This session started with five        the option of a virtual attendance and
                                                                                             short introductory speeches related to the        presentation increases the number of
                                                                                             FF-IPM project developed themes. A first          people who can partake in the meeting.
                                                                                             talk presenting the FF - IPM project was          Members of the local organizing committee
                                                                                             made by Nikos Papadopoulos, which was             and the TEAM steering committee will edit
                                                                                             followed by an “overview of fruit fly IPM         the proceedings of the symposium, which
                                                                                             in Europe and the TEAM area” by Hélène            will be published in a separate open access
                                                                                             Delatte. Those well-known concepts were           e-issue of the peer-review journal Fruits.
                                                                                             further discussed by Slawomir Lux through
                                                                                             his talk entitled: “Is IPM a valid approach for   All relevant information will be made
                                                                                             fruit fly control in the European context?”.      available through the Symposium’s website:
                                                                                             Then, three other short communications  
    The Fourth International TEAM Meeting
    was successfully held in La Grande Motte,
    France from the 5th to 9th of October
    2020. The meeting was organized by
    researchers of French and Belgium
    institutions including ANSES (Mrs V                                                                                                                             You can watch
    Balmès and Mrs R Moutet), CIRAD (Dr H                                                                                                                           the FF-IPM Round
    Delatte), INRAE, (Dr S Fellous), RMCA (Dr                                                                                                                       Table on our
    M De Meyer), and chaired by Mrs Valérie                                                                                                                         YouTube channel:
    Balmès (ANSES). The local organizing
    committee together with the TEAM                                                                                                                                https://www.
    steering committee organized this event                                                                                                                         youtube.
    as a combined physical and virtual          Hemisphere (TWWH) and Tephritid                                                                                     com/channel/
    gathering. As a result, 511 persons from    Workers of Asia, Australia and Oceania                                                                              UCmOq5Svpilo_
    more than 70 countries registered for       (TAAO). Although not all registered                                                                                 PFSfo7_8toQ
    the webinar, including several delegates    persons connected, at least 365 delegates
    from other regional fruit fly networks      followed partially or entirely the meeting
    such as Tephritid Workers of the Western    throughout the week.
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Fruit Flyer FFIPM Bulletin ISSUE 02 March 2021 - e-nema
the interview                                                                                                                                                                   the interview

                                                             Rui Cardoso Pereira                     Could you tell us about the history of
                                                                                                     the Joint FAO/IAEA Programme and the
                                                                                                                                                   as well as livestock pests, such as the
                                                                                                                                                   screwworm and tsetse flies. In the past
                                                             Section Head of Insect Pest Control     Insect Pest Control Section?                  eighteen years, the Section has also
                                                             in the Joint FAO/IAEA Programme                                                       advanced the method to combat human
                                                                                                     Some of the current groups dealing with       disease vectors, like Aedes and Anopheles
                                                             for Nuclear Techniques in Food and
                                                                                                     agriculture, including the Insect Pest        mosquitos. We also have a research
                                                             Agriculture, based in Vienna, Austria
                                                                                                     Control Section, were established at IAEA     laboratory that conducts applied research
                                                                                                     in the early 1960s. The Insect Pest Control   and implements Coordinated Research
                                                             Interview by Ana Larcher                Section was set up in response to Member      Projects (CRPs).
                                                             Carvalho and Ulrich Schiefer            States’ requests for the technology
                                                                                                     following the successful screwworm SIT        The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme also
                                                                                                     programme in Florida.                         provides technical backstopping to its
                                                                                                                                                   IAEA Technical Cooperation projects,
                                                                                                     At the same time, the FAO had initiated       producing manuals, standard operation
                                                                                                     a unit in support of nuclear applications     procedures, and guidelines to help
                                                                                                     in agriculture. As there were increasing      Member States apply the technology.
                                                                                                     overlaps between the activities of the        Our research is always demand-driven.
                                                                                                     Vienna and Rome groups, the Joint FAO/
                                                                                                     IAEA Programme was established in 1964,       We also conduct research as part of
                                                                                                     with the relevant FAO staff and resources     Coordinated Research Projects. When we
                                                                                                     in this area moving to Vienna. The IAEA       identify a bottleneck, we bring together
                                                                                                     already had laboratories working in           scientists from all around the world to
                                                                                                     nuclear applications at its Seibersdorf       find technical solutions. Funding is made
                                                                                                     facility, south-west of Vienna, Austria and   available for scientists in developing
                                                                                                     it was decided that the Joint Division        countries, but we also support costs for
                                                                                                     Director would be from FAO to balance         networking or meetings to exchange
    The interest and concern with agriculture are one        The sterile insect technique (SIT)      the allocation of resources from the two      information and expertise. Together,
    of the main motivations that guide Rui Pereira’s         is an environmentally-friendly          organizations.                                using the same research questions and
    life, since his childhood, growing up in a small rural                                                                                         protocols, we try to overcome these
                                                             insect pest control method              The Joint Division is unique in the UN
    village near Coimbra in Portugal. He pursued this                                                                                              bottlenecks. For example, in Madeira
                                                             involving the mass-rearing and          system in view of its research laboratories   I participated in a CRP where female
    interest throughout his academic life and went           sterilization, using radiation, of a    and Coordinated Research Projects
    on to do a BSc in Agronomy with a specialisation                                                                                               attractants for Mediterranean fruit fly were
                                                             target pest, followed by area-wide      (CRP), and because both FAO and IAEA          developed and tested in many countries
    in Plant Protection, and an MSc in Integrated                                                    contribute funds and staff salaries. The
                                                             releases of sterile insects over                                                      and are today used all over the world.
    Pest Management at the School of Agriculture,                                                    work programme and budget are jointly
    University of Lisbon [Instituto Superior de              defined areas, where they mate
                                                             with wild females resulting in no       approved by the two organizations every
    Agronomia].                                                                                      two years and an oversight committee
                                                             offspring and a declining pest                                                        What are some of the important insect
    In 2005, he received his PhD from the University                                                 with representatives from both FAO and
                                                             population.                             IAEA meets once a year.                       pest control programmes that the Joint
    of Florida, Gainesville-FL, USA, with a dissertation
                                                                                                                                                   FAO/IAEA Programme participated in?
    on the sexual behaviour of the Caribbean fruit fly.      Irradiation from gamma rays and
    From 1994 he worked as head of field activities at       X-rays is used to sterilize mass-                                                     In our section, we are working on three
    the Madeira-Med SIT Programme in Portugal and,           reared insects so that, while they      What are some of the important activities     groups of insects. One is in plant pests,
    since 1997, as its Director.                             remain sexually competitive, they       of the Joint FAO/IAEA Programme in            mainly fruit flies and moths. In the past
    In 2007, he went on to work at the Insect Pest           cannot produce offspring.               insect pest control?                          three years, we have also developed a
    Control Section of the Joint FAO/IAEA Programme                                                                                                SIT package for Drosophila suzukii, which
                                                             The SIT does not involve                The Insect Pest Control Section works         is an emerging pest mainly in Europe
    and, in 2017, became Section Head. He continues                                                  to help countries combat plant pests,
                                                             transgenic (genetic engineering)                                                      and the Americas. The application of
    to work on applied research and support to field                                                 such as fruit flies and moths, and more
                                                             processes.                                                                            SIT for Drosophila can be very useful in
    programmes assisting several countries moving                                                    recently the Spotted Wing Drosophila
    towards more environmentally friendly pest                                                                                                     greenhouses. In Europe, greenhouses are
                                                             Adapted from: https://www.iaea.         (SWD) and the European grape moth,            mostly using biological control methods.
    management and improved food security.                   org/topics/sterile-insect-technique
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Fruit Flyer FFIPM Bulletin ISSUE 02 March 2021 - e-nema
the interview                                                                                                                                                                      the interview

     When you have a pest and need to use            We also work on tsetse; this pest was            One of our main goals                            for agriculture results in poverty in rural
     insecticides you are not just damaging          eradicated 20 years ago from Zanzibar                                                             communities in low-income countries.
     the environment, but you are jeopardising       which is still free from it. Work is going       is to expand SIT to                              In the region of Senegal where we are
     all your biological control programme           on in South Africa and Senegal; we                                                                working, tsetse is still not eradicated, but
     because you are killing predatory mites,        hope to be able to declare one region            other insect species.                            strongly suppressed, so Senegal was able
     insect predators, parasitoids, everything.      close to Dakar as tsetse free soon. This                                                          to import cattle that produce much more
     We are already testing in greenhouses and       agriculturally important region is isolated                                                       milk than the local breeds, which are
     doing some pilot trials. We also started        from other zones in the south where the                                                           tsetse resistant but produce little milk.
     work on Lobesia botrana which causes            pest continues to exist.                                                                          The increase of milk production by the
     problems in southern America. We don’t                                                           So, one of the bottlenecks is to have a          factor 20 has a huge impact and is a big
     have to develop the technology from             In the last 18 years, we have a group            cost-efficient sex separation method for         achievement already.
     scratch, we have to adapt it to the new         working on Mosquito vectors of disease.          mosquitos.
     species.                                        We have been working intensively after                                                            These are some examples of successful
                                                     the Zika outbreak in 2015. With funding          We are also working together with the            projects.
     Then we work in livestock pests. After          mainly from the USA, as well as from             FAO in supporting the International Plant
     work started in the late 1950s in Florida,      Japan and UK, and have been working              Protection Convention (IPPC). We are very        There is an interesting research paper on
     in a few years the screwworm was                on SIT for Aedes mosquitoes, both                involved in the technical panel on fruit         the socio-economic impact of the fruit
     eradicated, first from all southern states of   Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus.              flies and phytosanitary treatments. There        fly projects in Peru. It says that it is not
     the USA and then in Mexico and Central          They are major vectors of Zika, dengue,          is a series of international standards that      only the big farmers who benefit but also
     American countries, and since 2004 as far       chikungunya, etc.                                we have been supporting. This is the big         the small farmers in areas that are under
     south as Panama. Now there are talks that                                                        picture of our work here.                        Integrated Pest Management (IPM) using
     Uruguay might start to use SIT to fight the     We have been also working to a less                                                               SIT or where the fruit flies have been
     screwworm its southern region to stop           extent on Anopheles, which is a malaria                                                           eradicated and that opened the doors to
     spread towards the north.                       vector. We have been mainly working in           What do you consider to be the most              other markets. This indicates that the SIT
                                                     South Africa, which is the southern limit        important contributions of the work of           benefits also small farmers.
     Just a few years ago there was a                for malaria in Africa, and Sudan, which is       the Insect Pest Control Section?
     screwworm introduction in the Florida           the northern limit, since in these regions
     Keys again and it was successfully              there are only one or two species of             The most important achievement is                How do you see the future of SIT in
     controlled and eradicated using SIT.            malaria vectors, making it easier to control     the contribution to trade if we look at          Europe?
                                                     using the method. The SIT is species             fruit flies. Fruit flies are very relevant for
                                                     specific. In the central part of Africa, you     trade because they can be easily spread          In the last ten years a lot of cheap
                                                     have 10, 15 or 20 species that transmit the      inside the fruits and can cause major            insecticides disappeared as they can no
                                                     disease, so if you control one species, it       economic damage worldwide. In 2015,              longer be used due to stricter regulations,
                                                     will not effectively control the disease and     in the Dominican Republic, a fruit fly           so the need for SIT is there. The SIT was
                                                     SIT will not be effective.                       invasion caused import bans for fruits           used in the past mainly as an eradication
                                                                                                      and led to a drop of 40 million euros            tool. Today it is much more used as a
                                                     One of our main goals is to expand SIT           of exports to the US in nine months.             suppression tool in specific areas. In
                                                     to other insect species. We are also             Within months, through cooperation with          Spain, for example, you can establish a
                                                     working towards developing genetic               other international organisations and the        low prevalence for fruit fly considering
                                                     sexing strains for mosquitoes to avoid           Ministry of Agriculture, the fruit fly was       SIT and then come with additional post-
                                                     the release of sterile females. We try to        eradicated and the year after the exports        harvest measures and reach consumer
                                                     develop strains in mosquitoes where we           came back to the normal figures of about         markets.
                                                     can easily separate females and males. If        60 million euros per year.
                                                     we release sterile males it is ok, but if we                                                      There is an interesting project on the
                                                     release females, even if sterile, they are       If we look at tsetse flies, poverty is           onion fly (Delia antiqua) but if some of
                                                     a vector as they bite, and this is ethically     also very relevant. Tsetse kills people          the farmers do not participate in the
                                                     not acceptable. In fruit flies, if you release   and animals, where you have tsetse               suppression measures for their fields
                                                     sterile females, they cause little damage,       you have poverty. You have sleeping              (area-wide approach), they are creating
                                                     and it is not a major problem. But with          sickness, which is called Nagana when            hotspots. This is one of the major
                                                     human diseases this is not acceptable.           in animals. No meat, no milk, no traction        problems faced.

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Fruit Flyer FFIPM Bulletin ISSUE 02 March 2021 - e-nema
the interview                                                                                                                                                                   the interview

     The SIT is more and more used against        how it is applied and how it is managed. It     What are the limitations of SIT?                 The SIT is not
     the codling moth (Cydia pomonella),          is very management intensive, which can
     which attacks apples and pears. There        be a problem.                                   The SIT is not applicable for all species.       applicable for all
     are not many large cultivation areas for                                                     There are insect species where SIT has no
     such production like you have for citrus     When you have a situation where fruit           role to play. I want to mention just a few       species. There are insect
     in Spain, but you have some areas like       production is not mixed, but relatively         relevant examples.
                                                  homogeneous, like citrus in Valencia or                                                          species where SIT has
     in the valley of Trentino, where you can                                                     For example, locusts. We cannot release
     combine the sexual confusion technique       mandarins in the Neretva valley, where                                                           no role to play.
                                                  mandarins are 90% of the production             millions of locusts that are contributing
     with SIT. This combination of techniques                                                     to the damage. We cannot release
     considerably reduces insecticide use         areas and you have a product with a
                                                  high commercial value, SIT is highly            Homoptera that are vectors of plant
     and fruits can thus be exported to low                                                       diseases, because as adults they transmit
     pesticide residue market.                    recommendable. However, if we go to
                                                  places like Madeira, where I worked, it is      it. Another example is the European
     It is more difficult to get area-wide        extremely complicated, because you have         cherry fruit fly (Rhagoletis cerasi). Due to
     programmes in Europe than in other           a diversity of fruits, maturing one after the   its dormancy, at the moment, we don’t
                                                                                                                                                   SIT is also management intensive and not
     places. In Europe, we have a lot of small    other, all year round. So you need to apply     have a way to mass-rear the fly in the
                                                                                                                                                   always economically recommendable; it is
     farms. We know that SIT works area-wide,     control methods all year round, as fruit        laboratory.
                                                                                                                                                   not adequate for all species and it needs
     but if you don’t get everybody involved,     flies are present all year round. It is much    Recently the fall armyworm (Spodoptera           to be applied in area-wide integrated pest
     it gets complicated. For SIT to gain more    more complicated.                               frugiperda) invaded Africa, and now Asia.        management 1. If it is not in an area-wide
     ground in Europe, there is a need for                                                        But, for control of the fall armyworm, SIT       approach, it does not work. And it should
     everybody to work for the same objective.    In Turkey, we have encountered favourable
                                                                                                  is not suitable, because the fall armyworm       be combined with other control methods.
     But this is more challenging when there      conditions for SIT. Turkey is a big producer
                                                                                                  moves up to a hundred kilometres per             It is not a standalone methodology nor a
     are thousands of farmers who need to be      and exporter of citrus fruit and so we have
                                                                                                  generation so the area to be covered             silver bullet.
     involved.                                    a project under design. Economics play a
                                                  big role in decision making. You only can       would be too vast and would not make
     Getting governments involved may also        go ahead with a project with a technical        economic sense. Their larvae are also
     be difficult. The issue is not technology.   and economic feasibility study done at the      cannibals, they eat each other when they         What are the future areas of concern for
     We know that the technology works. It is     beginning.                                      are in confinement in small spaces in            pest control in the world?
                                                                                                                                                   The most relevant aspect is invasive
                                                                                                  There are also differences in the context        species. People are moving more and
                                                                                                  that affect the success of the technology.       more; backpackers and travellers are
                                                                                                  If you go to a country and if you have           transporting fruits. I am really concerned.
                                                                                                  power failures twice a day, it is much           We have seen how quickly Bactrocera
                                                                                                  more difficult to work and maintain a mass       dorsalis invaded all of Africa in 2003 and
                                                                                                  rearing facility than in a place with rare
                                                                                                  power cuts.
                                                                                                  So, SIT is only feasible when it is              1       Area-wide integrated pest manage-
                                                                                                                                                   ment (AW-IPM) is a coordinated, sustainable
                                                                                                  economically important and when
                                                                                                                                                   and preventive approach that targets entire
                                                                                                  it is technically possible. Another              pest populations. It aims at integrating envi-
                                                                                                  consideration is the number of species           ronment-friendly control measures such as
                                                                                                  present: I think it is feasible to use SIT for   the Sterile Insect Technique, to reduce loss-
                                                                                                  up to two or three species. In southern          es and insecticide use, and to facilitate the
                                                                                                  California they have been using two              expansion of international agricultural trade,
                                                                                                  machines on the same plane to release            while minimizing the further global spread of
                                                                                                  Mediterranean and Mexican fruit flies at         some major invasive pests. Source: https://
                                                                                                  the same time in areas where they have 
                                                                                                  outbreaks of both. Otherwise, it will turn       trol-insect-pests-from-research-to-field-im-
                                                                                                  the technology much more expensive.              plementation

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the interview                                                                                                                                                                the interview

     spread all over the Continent in the Sub-     Which invasive species do you consider         However, the Covid-19                          Bactrocera zonata displaces almost
     Saharan region.                               most important?                                                                               completely the Mediterranean fruit fly in
                                                                                                  situation does not                             Egypt. If it arrives in southern Europe,
     In southern Europe, we have seen an           For Europe, clearly Bactrocera dorsalis                                                       maybe it displaces Mediterranean fruit
     increase in invasions. This is linked with    and Bactrocera zonata. This is clear. But      favour invasive species.                       fly. It may be established, maybe not. The
     the work that you are doing in the FF-IPM     other Bactrocera are a potential problem                                                      risk is high, in my opinion. There is a nice
     project. One of the objectives is to study    as well. In my opinion, the third most         Fewer people are
                                                                                                                                                 study that shows that Bactrocera always
     in detail potential invasive species of       important one, the melon fly (Zeugodacus       moving, fewer fruits                           displaces Ceratitis because they are more
     relevance.                                    cucurbitae) that is now invading Africa as                                                    aggressive. The damage they cause can
                                                   well.                                          are transported in                             be bigger despite the host range being
     Of course, another aspect, that we
     cannot avoid, is climate change. Pests        Besides fruit flies, there have recently       backpacks.                                     not that different.
     are expanding their range. For example,       been invasions of mosquitoes in Europe                                                        Also, you have some markets that Europe
     the Mediterranean fruit fly has started to    related mainly to climate change. They are                                                    supplies, and which don’t consider the
     appear more and more in Central Europe,       now in the southern European countries;                                                       Mediterranean fruit fly as quarantine
     we don’t know for sure if it is established   in Portugal and namely in Madeira, this is                                                    pest, but if you have the Oriental fruit fly
     or if it comes every year. They are causing   very relevant. Anopheles was endemic in                                                       (Bactrocera dorsalis) or the Bactrocera
     trouble in latitudes where they previously    the Sado delta in Portugal in the first part                                                  zonata some trade barriers might go up.

                                                                                                                                                 How does the current crisis affect plant
                                                                                                                                                 It is curious because 2020 was the
                                                                                                  of the XX century and then disappeared:        International Year of Plant Health.
                                                                                                  I will not be surprised if it shows up again
                                                                                                  in some wetlands in southern Europe. For       The Covid-19 pandemic has brought some
                                                                                                  other species, I would not be surprised if     constraints, for example on the shipments
                                                                                                  the fall armyworm would reach Europe.          of insects from Europe to Senegal for
                                                                                                                                                 the use of SIT against tsetse, and also
                                                                                                  But where I have more background               some mass-rearing of insects decreased
                                                                                                  information to share is about fruit flies.     or stopped. Some researchers, instead
                                                                                                  Clearly, the Oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera    of having the insects in the laboratory,
                                                                                                  dorsalis) is by far the one with the most      are bringing them home to maintain the
                                                                                                  potential and the most dangerous at            colony and keep the research going,
                                                                                                  the same time. The Oriental fruit fly was      if possible. Field experiments are also
                                                                                                  detected in Italy, in Southern France, in      suffering constraints in some areas.
                                                                                                  Paris, and in Vienna.
                                                                                                                                                 However, the Covid-19 situation does not
                                                                                                  Bactrocera zonata is also coming closer,       favour invasive species. Fewer people are
                                                                                                  it is already in Egypt and Libya. It is        moving, fewer fruits are transported in
                                                                                                  not as aggressive as the Oriental fruit        backpacks. Less travel, less international
                                                                                                  fly. For example, Bactrocera zonata was        movement, so there is less spread of pests
                                                                                                  in Mauritius for many years, and it was        this way. However, I don’t think that the
                                                                                                  now almost completely displaced by             supply and access to fruit is a problem
                                                                                                  the Oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis.   since the regulated fruit trade has kept
                                                                                                  Maybe in a drier climate is different,         going.
                                                                                                  because Bactrocera dorsalis seem better
                                                                                                  adapted to the tropics.                        We want to thank you for this interview.

14                                                                                                                                                                                                15
Fruit Flyer FFIPM Bulletin ISSUE 02 March 2021 - e-nema
the research                                                                                                                                                                  the research

                                                                                                                                                 free-living stage, can be stored for one
                                                                                                                                                 to several months. They are sufficiently

           Entomopathogenic Nematodes                                                           Their suitability                                small to pass through standard spraying
                                                                                                                                                 equipment and they actively move in
                                                                                                for industrial mass                              suitable moist environments like the soil or
           for fruit-fly control                                                                production is a major
                                                                                                                                                 galleries in wood, fruits, or leaves (Wright
                                                                                                                                                 et al. 2005). Soon after discovering the first
                                                                                                                                                 Steinernema species by Krausse in 1917 the
                                                                                                reason for the successful                        nematode Steinernema glaseri, produced
                                                                                                                                                 on an artificial medium based on dog-food,
                                                                                                commercialization of                             was used in controlling the scarabaeid
                                                                                                Entomopathogenic                                 Popillia japonica in the USA in 1940. At that
                                                                                                                                                 time, the symbiotic relation with bacteria
                                                                                                Nematodes.                                       was unknown and, subsequently, mass
                                                                                                                                                 production on artificial media collapsed
                                                                                                                                                 after a few cycles probably due to
                                                                                                                                                 contaminating bacteria taking over, which
                                                                                                                                                 did not support growth and propagation
                                                                                                Biology of                                       of the nematode. The renaissance of
                                                                                                entomopathogenic nematodes                       using Steinernema and Heterorhabditis
                                                                                                                                                 started in the mid-1980s fostered by an
                                                                                                Both nematode genera have similar                increasing public concern about the use
                                                                                                life-cycles starting with an infective           of chemical crop protection products and
                                                                                                juvenile which vectors the symbiotic             the widespread adoption of biological
                                                                                                entomopathogenic bacteria inside                 pollination and biocontrol in greenhouses.
                                                                                                the haemocoel of a suitable host.                Since then, the market continues to grow
                                                                                                Subsequently, the bacteria multiply in           rapidly at a rate of about 15% per year.
                                                                                                the insect’s haemocoel, the insect is
                                                                                                killed, and the nematode propagates
                                                                                                feeding on the bacteria. When the                The use of nematodes
                                                                                                food in the insect cadaver is depleted,          to control fruit flies
                                                                                                an enduring third stage juvenile, the
                                                                                                infective juvenile, is formed and leaves         Fruit flies are important pests because
                                                                                                the cadaver if conditions outside are            they cause direct economic losses to
                                                                                                suitable (i.e. sufficiently moist and of         growers and also affect fruit trading since
        Arne Peters & Apostolos Kapranas                                                        adequate temperature). The nematode              many species are considered quarantine
                                                                                                and the symbiotic bacteria act together in       pests such as the Mediterranean fruit fly
        Introduction                                                                            overcoming the insect’s immune response          or medfly, Ceratitis capitata, Bactrocera
                                                                                                (Dowds and Peters, 2002).                        zonata and Rhagoletis cerasi. Fruit flies
        Nematodes, if known at all, are usually regarded as a threat. Plant parasitic species                                                    in the family Tephritidae and to a lesser
        cause significant crop losses every year. Other species infect livestock or pets and    The suitability for industrial mass              extend other families (e.g., Drosophilidae)
        there are several species that cause severe human diseases. The vast majority,          production is surely a major reason for          spend a period of their biological cycle
        however, are non-parasitic free-living species.                                         the successful commercialisation of              in the soil, as mature larvae (maggots)
                                                                                                entomopathogenic nematodes. Besides,             fall and burrow in the soil to pupate
        Nematodes have hence explored almost every food source including insects. It is         they have a moderately wide host range           or in some cases larvae and pupae
        estimated that they recruit about 80% of all metazoan species worldwide. Among          allowing for applications against a variety of   overwinter in fallen fruits on the ground.
        entomopathogenic nematodes, the rhabditid genera Steinernema and Heterorhabidtis        different insect groups but still minimising     The use of entomopathogens such as
        have been developed into a powerful tool for controlling insect populations.            adverse effects to non-target insects.           entomopathogenic nematodes and fungi
                                                                                                The infective juvenile, which is the only

16                                                                                                                                                                                                17
Fruit Flyer FFIPM Bulletin ISSUE 02 March 2021 - e-nema
the research                                                                                                                                                                                         the research

     against the soil-dwelling stage of tephritid                                                                        studies have been conducted almost              specific in this area and not commercially
     flies offers an excellent opportunity for an                                                                        exclusively in laboratory conditions. It        available; for instance, Steinernema
     effective management. The susceptibility                                                                            is difficult to compare findings of these       riobravae, Steinernema yirgalemense,
     of C. capita to entomopathogenic                                                                                    studies mostly because there is enormous        Heterorhabditis baujardi, Heterorhabditis
     nematodes and their efficacy was                                    The use of                                      variation in the trial conditions; different    noenieputensis seem particularly adapted
     assessed early from the 1980’s (Poinar                                                                              strains of nematodes of the same                on medfly showing increased efficacy
     and Hislop 1981; Lindegren and Vail,                                Entomopathogenic                                species, different temperature regimes,         in laboratory and field tests (Gazit 2000;
     1986; Lindegren et al. 1990). Gazit et al.                                                                          different soil media and different dose         Minas et al. 2016; James et al. 2018). The
     (2000) conducted detailed laboratory                                Nematodes and Fungi                             of nematodes/density of larvae and/or           same also holds true for different locally
     tests comparing many species and                                                                                    pupae used. Nonetheless the majority            adapted strains of commercially available
     different strains showing that Steinernema
                                                                         against the soil-dwelling                       of these studies have shown at least the        EPN species (e.g., Mokrini et al. 2020).
     riobrave, a species that is not cultured                            stage of Tephritid flies                        potential of using EPN for fruit fly control,
                                                                                                                                                                         Therefore, whether and under what
     commercially, leads to >80% medfly                                                                                  especially the steinernematids S. feltiae
                                                                                                                                                                         conditions, commercial EPN species are
     larval mortality. Since then there have                             offers an excellent                             and S. carpocapsae. In the field, few
                                                                                                                                                                         effective for fruit fly control remains an
     been numerous other studies assessing                                                                               studies from Latin America have shown
     EPN (entomopathogenic nematodes)                                    opportunity for an                              promising results: Minas et al. (2016) using    important and up-to-date research quest.
     potential and efficacy in controlling medfly                                                                        Heterorhabditis baujardi against C. capitata    Furthermore, the timing of application
     and other fruit fly species. Most of these                          effective management                            in guava, Silva et al. (2010) using H. indica   and residual activity of EPN species
                                                                                                                         against medfly larvae in guava, Toledo et       at different conditions should also be
                                                                                                                         al. (2005) using H bacteriophora against        investigated, in every pest-specific
                                                                                                                         larvae of Anastrepha ludens in Mangos,          context.
                                                                                                                         and Barbosa-Negrisoli et al . (2009) using      Within the FF-IPM project, four
                                                                                                                         S. riobrave and H. bacteriophora in peach       commercially available nematode
                                                                                                                         orchards.                                       species (Heterorhabditis bacteriophora,
                                                                                                                         Other studies have also indicated that          H. downesi, Steinernema carpocapsae,
                                                                                                                         EPN can infect fruit fly larvae inside fruits   and S. feltiae) have been tested for the
                                                                                                                         (Toledo et al. 2006; Sirjani et al. 2009;       efficacy against medfly larvae. Besides,
                                                                                                                         Kamali et al. 2013; Mokrini et al. 2020)        nematodes were applied as a mulch-
                                                                                                                         which can serve as a sanitation measure         barrier to infest emerging fruit-fly adults.
                                                                                                                         of the infested fruits that fall to the         The susceptibility of the adults was low
                                                                                                                         ground at the end of the season.                but, interestingly, the life-expectancy of
                                                                                                                                                                         treated medfly adults was shortened.
                                                                                                                         There are certain challenges in using           As expected, medfly larvae were more
                                                                                                                         EPN against fruit flies such as the correct     susceptible and the most efficient
                                                                                                                         species of nematode, determining the            nematode was Steinernema feltiae. This
                                                                                                                         right dose based also on the density            nematode even infested larvae inside
                                                                                                                         of fly pest population, timing of the           the fruit on the soil when applied to
                                                                                                                         application, based on temperature and           the soil, so they are actively searching
                                                                                                                         pest phenology as well as assessing the         for susceptible hosts. The nematode S.
                                                                                                                         influence of soil composition/ texture and/     feltiae is infecting insects at temperatures
                                                                                                                         or possible cover crop and its interaction      from 8 to 28°C and is therefore ideally
                                                                                                                         with all these parameters. Many studies         suited for off-season control of medflies.
                                                                                                                         that documented increased efficacy              The efficacy in suppressing medfly
                                                                                                                         against fruit flies have been conducted         populations will be tested within the FF-
                                                                                                                         using local, indigenous strains that are        IPM project this winter.
     Fig. 1: Infective juvenile of the entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema feltiae. Close-up of the vesicle in the
     first part of the intestine containing the symbiotic bacteria Xenorhabdus bovienii (1000-fold magnification). The
     intake shows infective juveniles at full length (approx. 800 mm).

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                       19
the research                                                                                                                                                                             news + events
                                                                                                           news update

     References                                                                                           Annual Meeting of the                             Temperature monitoring
     Barbosa-Negrisoli CRC, Garcia MS, Dolinski        s41598-020-76170-7                                 American Entomological                            within fruit on the tree
     C, Negrisoli JR, Bernardi D, Nava DE (2009)
                                                       Lindegren, J.E. & Vail, P.V. (1986)                Society                                           system developed and
     Efficacy of indigenous entomopathogenic
     nematodes (Rhabditidae: Heterorhabditidae,        Susceptibility of Mediterranean fruit fly,                                                           successfully tested
     Steinernematidae), from Rio Grande do Sul         Melon fly, and Oriental fruit fly (Diptera:        The FF-IPM Project and its
     Brazil, against Anastrepha fraterculus Wied       Tephritidae) to the entomogenous nematode          expected results were presented
     (Diptera: Tephritidae) in peach orchards. J       Steinernema feltiae in laboratory tests.           at the Annual Meeting of the                       A custom-made prototype logger has been
     Invertebr Pathol 102:6–13                         Environmental Entomology 15, 465- 468.             American Entomological Society                     developed by our colleague (Efi Bataka,
                                                                                                          by Prof. Papadopoulos (University                  Laboratory of Biometry UTH) to collect
     Gazit, Y., Rossler, Y. & Glazer, I. Evaluation    Lindegren, J.E., Wong, T.T. & McInnis, D.O.        of Thessaly), project coordinator.                 temperature data within overwintering fruits
     of entomopathogenic nematodes for the             (1990) Response of Mediterranean fruit fly                                                            in UTH’s Pilot Site, Lehonia, Magnesia, Greece.
     control of Mediterranean fruit fly (Diptera:      (Diptera: Tephritidae) to the entomogenous                                                            The first successful preliminary test has been
                                                                                                          EXPECTED RESULTS
     Tephritidae). Biocontrol Sci. Technol. 10, 157–   nematode Steinernema feltiae in field tests in                                                        conducted from 12 to 14 September 2020.
     164.       Hawaii. Environmental Entomology 19, 383-              Tools and databases to predict                 Temperature was recorded for 2 consecutive
     (2000).                                           386.                                                   where and when invasive pests                  days every 5-6 mins in fruit core, under fruit
                                                                                                              are likely to enter Europe                     surface and outside fruit using needle-like
     James, M., Malan, A. P. & Addison, P.             Poinar, G.O., jr & Hislop, R.G. (1981) Mortality                                                      probes. Commercial apples were selected as
     Surveying and screening South African             of Mediterranean fruit y adults Ceratitis              Rapid detection and
                                                                                                                                                             hosts from the official Pilot Units in the Site,
     entomopathogenic nematodes for the                capitata from parasitic nematodes                      identification tools - electronic
                                                                                                              traps or electronic noses
                                                                                                                                                             and preliminary results are presented below.
     control of the Mediterranean fruit fly,           Neoaplectana and Heterorhabditis spp.
     Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann). Crop Prot.        International Research Communications                                                                 The developed equipment will be used to
                                                                                                              Management toolkit to suppress
     105, 41–48. (2018).                               System, Medical Science: Microbiology,                 any established fruit flies                    precisely assess temperature in overwintering
                                                       Parasitology and Infectious Diseases 9, 641.                                                          hosts of the Mediterranean fruit fly in the
     Kamali S, Karimi J, Hosseini M, Campos-                                                                  Design a novel approach for                    frameworks of the FF-IPM project.
                                                                                                              all pest organisms putting EU
     Herrera R, Duncan LW (2013) Biocontrol            Sirjani, F. O., Lewis, E. E. & Kaya, H. K. 2009
                                                                                                              horticultural industry at risk
     potential of the entomopathogenic                 Evaluation of entomopathogenic nematodes
     nematodes Heterorhabditis bacteriophora           against the olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae
     and Steinernema carpocapsae on cucurbit           (Diptera: Tephritidae). Biol. Control 48, 274–     Prof. Papadopoulos shared the FF-
     fly, Dacus ciliatus (Diptera: Tephritidae).       7280.                                              IPM vision to create a paradigm shift
     Biocontrol Sci Technol 23:1307–1323                                                                  towards the off-season management
                                                       Toledo, J. et al. Abiotic factors affecting        of emerging pests.
     Minas, R. S., Souza, R. M., Dolinski, C.,         the infectivity of Steinernema carpocapsae
     Carvalho, R. S. & Burla, R. S. Potential of       (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae) on larvae of
     entomopathogenic nematodes (Rhabditida:           Anastrepha obliqua (Diptera: Tephritidae).
     Heterorhabditidae) to control Mediterranean       Biocontrol Sci. Technol. 19, 887–898. https://                                          Establishment of traps in S. Africa
     fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) soil stages. (2009).
     Nematoda 3, e02016.                                                                                              FF-IPM South African team (Citrus Research
     nematoda.02016 (2016).                            Toledo J, Ibarra JE, Liedo P, Gómez A,                                                 International) collecting baseline information on the
                                                       Rasgado MA, Williams T. 2005. Infection of                                              phenology of the invasive fruit fly species- Bactrocera
     Mokrini, F., Laasli, SE., Benseddik, Y. et al.    Anastrepha ludens (Diptera: Tephritidae)                                                dorsalis (Oriental fruit fly) in several areas of low
     Potential of Moroccan entomopathogenic            larvae by Heterorhabditis bacteriophora                                                 prevalence in northern South Africa. Data collected over
     nematodes for the control of the                  (Rhabditida: Heterorhabditidae) under                                                   two years will be used for development of an optimized
     Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata        laboratory and field conditions. Biocontrol                                             detection system for this pest. The novel automated
     Wiedemann (Diptera: Tephritidae). Sci Rep         Science and Technology, 15: 627-634. http://                                            early detection system will integrate e-Traps developed
     10, 19204 (2020).                                                    and deploy them in novel spatio-temporal arrangements
                                                                                                                                               to test hypothetically efficient surveillance strategies.

20                                                                                                                                                                                                              21
news + events                                                                                                                                                                                 news + events

                                                                 Αutumn application                           Establishment of traps in Israel
                                                                 of Entomopathogenic                          David Nestel’s group in the Agricultural
     University of Thessaly                                      nematodes                                    Research Organization of Israel (ARO) realized
     Approximation of critical                                                                                the establishment of e-traps at an apple orchard
                                                                 Benaki Phytopathological Institute           in the Northern border of Israel. The scope of
     temperatures                                                applied Entomopathogenic nematode            this experiment is to monitor the presence of
                                                                 Steinernema feltiae suspension in            fruit flies in the area. In addition and in order to
     Insect Biology Lab - UTH’s team is                          citrus for Off-season control of medfly      compare the results, a conventional trap was
     conducting trials for the approximation                     larvae in the soil and fallen fruits. The    also placed in the region.
     of CTmin and CTmax for 3 medfly                             activity took place in Koniario Institute,
     biotypes to identify physiological and                      Korinthos, Greece.
     molecular mechanisms that regulate
     plasticity and adaptive responses to                                                                                                                Annual meeting
     stressful conditions.
                                                                                                                                                         The Annual Meeting brought together more than 40
                                                                                                                                                         scientists from 16 countries (representing 21 project
                                                                                                                                                         partners) to share progress and findings achieved
                                                                                                                                                         during the 1st year of the project. The overall project
                                                                                                                                                         overview was presented by Prof. Nikos Papadopoulos
                                                                                                                                                         from the University of Thessaly, project coordinator.
                                                                                                                                                         Regardless of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions
                                                                                                                                                         and the seasonality of data collection, FF-IPM’s
                                                                                                                                                         researchers managed to produce the high-quality
                                                                                                                                                         results expected. Following a series of presentations,
                                                                                                                                                         participants had the opportunity to attend the
                                                                                                                                                         session given by Prof. David João Horta Lopes
                                                                                                                                                         (University of Azores, Portugal) who outlined the
                                                                                                                                                         main findings of the recently concluded European
                                                                                                                                                         funded project “Euphresco”, offering a view on
                                                                                                                                                         comparative research on the fruit fly’s challenge.


         Milestone achieved         Extensive testing of mass   Evaluation of e-trap    Temperature monitor
                                                                                                              American Congress of Fruit Flies
     Electronic FF detection trap   trapping devices at UTH          & e-nose             system by UTH       Congreso Americano de moscas de la fruta 2-6 November 2020
          advanced & tested

                                                                                                              Dr. David Nestel presented FF-IPM EU at the            The second important part of his
                                                                                                              American Congress of Fruit Flies that took             presentation was the synergy that
                                                                                                              place in Colombia, among the works of the              emerged via the FF-IPM project among
             APR 2020                     JUN 2020                  AUG 2020                SEP 2020
                                                                                                              10th Meeting of the Working Group on Fruit             many international stakeholders. This
                                                                                                              Flies of the Western Hemisphere.                       synergy helped the FF-IPM project to
           TEAM meeting                 Application of              FF-IPM                Trap installation   Dr. Nestel stressed that since neonicotinoids          establish a prevention system based on
                                      Entomopathogenic           Annual meeting              in S.Africa
                                                                                                              were banned, which was an additional                   EU needs which are different from the
                                     nematodes in Greece
                                                                                                              burden on fruit growers in Europe, and along           regulatory uniform, macro-regional scales
                                                                                                              with the new knowledge we gained for the               of the USA and Australia, which are the
                                                                                                              FF control, a solid starting base for the FF-          main providers of pest control knowledge
                                                                                                              IPM project was created.                               and pest handling systems.
             OCT 2020                     OCT 2020                 OCT 2020                 NOV 2020

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Horizon 2020
                                                   European Union Funding
                                                   for Research & Innovation   fruitfliesipm   H2020Ipm
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