From Z to Planets: Phase III - DOE-NNSA grant #DE-NA0003904 (7/1/19- 6/30/22) to Harvard University

Page created by Rick Franklin
From Z to Planets: Phase III - DOE-NNSA grant #DE-NA0003904 (7/1/19- 6/30/22) to Harvard University
DOE-NNSA grant #DE-NA0003904 (7/1/19-
       6/30/22) to Harvard University:
         From Z to Planets: Phase III
        2021 Stewardship Science Academic Programs (SSAP) Symposium
                             February 16-18, 2021
      Harvard University: Stein Jacobsen, Michail Petaev, Dimitar Sasselov, Li Zeng.
        UC Davis: Sarah Stewart, Dylan Spaulding, Bethany Chidester, E. Davies.
Sandia National Laboratory: Patricia Kalita (ZFSP Co-I), Seth Root, Josh Townsend, Thomas
  Mattsson, Daniel Dolan, David Bliss, Chris Seagle, Luke Shulenburger, Raymond Clay.
                 Lawrence Livermore National laboratory: Richard Kraus

 Z Fundamental Science Program (ZFSP): Formation and evolution of Earth-like and Super-
 Earth planets: Fundamental planetary material property experiments on Z – Phase IV

                 Sandia National Laboratories is a multi program laboratory managed and operated by Sandia Corporation, a
                 wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation, for the U.S. Department of Energy's National
                 Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.
From Z to Planets: Phase III - DOE-NNSA grant #DE-NA0003904 (7/1/19- 6/30/22) to Harvard University
Objectives:           • (i) giant impacts, including        To achieve these goals, we
                        Moon-forming events,                continued studies of
Measure the                                                 fundamental material
                      • (ii) early silicate vapor
physical properties     atmospheres,                        properties of major
                                                            components of Earth-like and
of the major          • (iii) interiors of Earth-like and   SuperEarth planets using the
building blocks of      Super-Earth planets,                unique Z accelerator at SNL.
Earth-like and        • (iv) planetary thermal
SuperEarth planets      evolution, differentiation,
                        and core formation, and
in order to develop
                      • (v) why the most common
better models of:       sizes of exoplanets are ~1.5
                        and 2.3 Earth radii.
From Z to Planets: Phase III - DOE-NNSA grant #DE-NA0003904 (7/1/19- 6/30/22) to Harvard University
Earth-like planets                Z measurements of important materials in
                                  rocky planets
                       Phase II: Measure properties of the BSE with the Z
1) Internal               •   BSE = Bulk silicate Earth
                              Finish up work on individual components
   structure              •
                          •   Fe, O, Si, Mg are 90% of the Earth
       Main sequence      •   Add Ni, Al, Ca for 98%
   of planets
2) Planetary           Major minerals
                          • Upper mantle:      (Mg,Fe)2SiO4        (olivine)
   formation by           • Lower mantle:      (Mg,Fe)SiO3         (perovskite now
   “giant impacts”          bridgmanite)
                                               (Mg,Fe)O            (magnesiowüstite)
      New model:                               (Mg,Fe)SiO3         (post-perovskite)
   synestia               • Core:              Fe, Ni (5.5 wt%)    (iron alloy)

                       Major Earth end members: Fe, FeO, MgO, SiO2
From Z to Planets: Phase III - DOE-NNSA grant #DE-NA0003904 (7/1/19- 6/30/22) to Harvard University
Exoplanet observations
• Mass and radius, temperature
• Infer interior structure & composition

                                           All will have rock-metal cores
From Z to Planets: Phase III - DOE-NNSA grant #DE-NA0003904 (7/1/19- 6/30/22) to Harvard University
From Z to Planets: Phase III - DOE-NNSA grant #DE-NA0003904 (7/1/19- 6/30/22) to Harvard University
Nebular Condensation: protoplanetary disk of solar
composition at 10-4 bar.

The fraction of condensed rocky              Methane Clathrate
matter (>200 K) is calculated with the
                                             Ammonia Hydrate

This condensation sequence can be
                                             In reality, ices probably exist
approximated as a piecewise                  as complex mixtures in the
function with 0.5% rock (including           interiors of planets. Thus,
metals) condensed above ~200K and            exploring the properties of
                                             the mixtures under high
0.5% rock + 0.5% H2O ice condensed
                                             pressure is important.
below ~200 K.

                                                               Zeng et al. PNAS 2019
From Z to Planets: Phase III - DOE-NNSA grant #DE-NA0003904 (7/1/19- 6/30/22) to Harvard University
Evidence for cosmic ices in the composition of solar system planets
     • Elemental abundance ratios in the atmospheres of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. “N” in Jupiter
       represents values from ammonia (NH3) abundance measurements made by the Galileo probe (mass
       spectrometer: [J(M)] and attenuation of probe radio signal: J[R]) and the Juno microwave spectrometer
       [J(MWR)], whereas “Ar” values are based on protosolar Ar/H values of Asplund et al. (2009) [J(A)] and Lodders
       et al. (2009) [J(L)]. Saturn’s He and N are labeled S. N/H of Saturn is a lower limit, and S/H is highly
       questionable. Only C/H is determined for Uranus and Neptune from ground-based CH4 but remains uncertain.

Ref: Atreya et al (2017,2018,2020).
From Z to Planets: Phase III - DOE-NNSA grant #DE-NA0003904 (7/1/19- 6/30/22) to Harvard University
• Density-Temperature
• Isentropes
• Isobars
• Phase Domains
• Phase Gaps
• Ionization of Fluid

Zeng & Jacobsen et al. 2021 (in progress)
From Z to Planets: Phase III - DOE-NNSA grant #DE-NA0003904 (7/1/19- 6/30/22) to Harvard University
•    Zoom-out
•    Density-Temperature
•    Isentropes
•    Isobars
•    Phase Domains
•    Phase Gaps
•    Ionization Constants
•    Superionic Phases
•    NH3 expected to be
     similar in the ultra-
     compressional regime

    Zeng & Jacobsen et al. 2021 (in progress)
From Z to Planets: Phase III - DOE-NNSA grant #DE-NA0003904 (7/1/19- 6/30/22) to Harvard University
Mass-Radius log-log plot of
exoplanet candidates (RV)
                              • The planets’ data were downloaded from
                                the NASA Exoplanet Archive.
                              • Exoplanets color-coded by their surface T.
                              • The yellow histogram on the right-hand
                                side shows the logarithmically-binned
                                radius distribution of 4433 Kepler planet
                                candidates, with a hint of bimodality and
                                a gap at 1.8-2 Earth radii.
                              • The dashed cyan arrows and purple
                                arrows are growth trajectories for the
                                addition of H2O-ices, and H2-He gas
                              • The boundaries in radius dividing up
                                different planet types are from model-
                                independent survival function analysis of
                                planet radii, shown as the thick dashed
                                lines parallel to the mass-axis.
Growth Model:
classification of

                    Zeng et al. PNAS 2019
Mathematica Tool under
 development in order to
 Understand Exoplanet Population
• Exoplanet Radius Bi-
  modal Distribution (aka
  Gap) Confirmed with new
  data up to 2021/02/02!
• Cosmic Ices
• Manipulate Exoplanet
  Temperature Range
• Manipulate Host Stars’
• Comparison with solar
  system planets
Zeng & Jacobsen et al. 2021 (in progress)
Mathematica Tool under
 development in order to
 Understand Exoplanet Population
• Exoplanet Radius Bi-
  modal Distribution (aka
  Gap) Confirmed with new
  data up to 2021/02/02!
• Cosmic Ices
• Manipulate Exoplanet
  Temperature Range
• Manipulate Host Stars’
• Comparison with solar
  system planets

Ref: Zeng & Jacobsen et al. 2021 (in progress)
Mathematica Tool under
 development in order to
 Understand Exoplanet Population
• Exoplanet Radius Bi-
  modal Distribution (aka
  Gap) Confirmed with new
  data up to 2021/02/02!
• Cosmic Ices
  (H2O/NH3/CH4) very
• Manipulate Exoplanet
  Temperature Range
• Manipulate Host Stars’
• Comparison with solar
  system planets
Zeng & Jacobsen et al. 2021 (in progress)
We divide             • i) Rocky worlds (1/4, and possibly more than 1/2, by mass) of H2O-
four main               dominated ices in addition to rock.
categories            • iii) Transitional planets (4–10 R⊕) are likely to be ice-rich
according to the        with substantial gaseous envelopes (~5–10% by mass).
                        They are typically a few tens of M⊕ forming a bridge
cumulative planet       between small exoplanets and gas giants on the mass–
radius distribution     radius diagram.
and mass–radius       • iv) Gas giants (>10 R⊕) are dominated by H2–He in the bulk
                        composition and have masses and radii comparable to
diagram                 Jupiter.
Mass-Radius Diagram suggests a peak of planet
 abundance around 2 Earth radii

 These Planets are most likely water worlds

They are very common around sun-like stars,
But our solar system lacks such type of planets
EOS of H2O is well
                           Ices on these Water
                           worlds are mixtures

Ammonia (NH3) and
Methane (CH4) are
important components of
water worlds and we are
funded to use Z for such
The experiments use the cryogenic liquid
cell system, which has been used previously
for CO2, xenon, and deuterium experiments
(Knudson et al. 2004; Root et al. 2010,
 • Schematic view of the flyer-plate impact
   experiment showing the front and rear
   sapphire-quartz top-hat assembly.
 • The flyer approach to the target is measured
   to high precision using VISAR.
 • At impact the shock transits into the sapphire
 • When the shock transits into the quartz
   window, the VISAR begins tracking the shock
   front as it progresses through the quartz
   window and into the liquid sample (CO2 in
   this example)
 • The shock velocities and thermal emission in
   the quartz, sample, and rear quartz window
   are measured directly.
Understanding water worlds evolution and

• Water worlds are made up of significant mass fraction of C, N, O, H-bearing ices plus
  rock, and metals.
• Given their composition, these planets are potential candidates for harboring life.
• Identifying such exoplanets will rely on recognizing diagnostic characteristics in their
  atmospheres. Thus, understanding the formation and structure of the mantles oceans
  and atmospheres of exoplanets is important.
• Our calculations suggest a wide range of possible water-content: from super-Earth
  planets with either shallow global oceans (similar to Earth) or deep global oceans with
  such high pressures at depth that water transforms into high pressure ice phases.
silicate         The pressures and temperatures of these
mantles and      contact points are much different than those
                 found in the Solar System, so we must develop
deep oceans      new models to determine how volatiles will
                 exchange between these planetary reservoirs
or ice mantles   and how these will affect the habitability of the
                 planet and its biogeochemical cycles.
must be
Habitability of water worlds

 • Need to understand both the surface and the
   interior of such an object.
 • Requires a clear understanding of the equations of
   states (EOS) of the mixture of methane (CH4),
   Ammonia (NH3), and a variety of salts added to
   H2O, in particular, the melting curve, evaporation
   curve, and critical points for this multi-component
 • This mixture is considered to be the most likely
   composition of the ocean on these water worlds,
   based on the abundances of chemical elements
   that form planets.
 • We investigate the range of planet models for 2 R⊕
 • We will address whether these objects have an
   ocean or not, and the nature of such oceans in
   relation to their interior thermal evolution and
   their distances to their stars.
Accretion and early history of the planets: Evidence from Cratering

         • Direct evidence for the former
           existence of large bodies comes
           from the observation of craters on
           planets and satellites.
         • Craters of all sizes are present (pits
           due to impact of tiny grains to giant
           craters over 1000 km in diameter.
         • The craters record the previous
           existence of now vanished objects,
           in this case the planetesimals.               A composite photograph of
                                                         Phobos, 26 x 18 km, the larger
         • Planets grew by accretion of smaller          satellite of Mars and an analog
           bodies                                        for a planetesimal

   Planet Earth is believed to have formed by the accretion of planetesimals
The Moon is likely the result of a Giant Impact on the proto-Earth


1) SPH
2) EOS
3) EOS improved with Z

  The outcome of such collisions is a disk from which the Moon formed
Schematic single component phase diagram
The black curves are phase boundaries

The blue curve is the shock Hugoniot,

The green lines show decompression paths
along isentropes from specific shock states
(blue points).

In mixed phase regions, the mass fraction of
each phase is given by the lever rule, where a
parcel at E is a mixture of B and F.
The triple point of silicates is similar to an average pressure
of the solar nebular at 1 AU, about 10-4 bar.
The critical point for silicates is approximately 0.1 bar.

The dark blue line shows an example
vaporization path at constant pressure.
Water- methane-ammonia EOS mixtures

                                       liquid ammonia

                                    1bar = 100 kPa

EOS equations tables and diagrams are being prepared
Forsterite (Mg2SiO4) Shock-and-release data are key for robust forsterite EOS model development.

                                        Our team has expanded the capabilities of the ANEOS code
                                        package developed a new model for forsterite using our Z results.

                                        Shock temperatures are too large in previous forsterite ANEOS
                                        models; our new model is a significant improvement (A). Our
                                        calculation of absolute entropy on the forsterite Hugoniot and Z
                                        shock and free surface release to derive (B) temperatures and (C)
                                        densities on the vapor curve with comparisons to previous and
                                        new ANEOS models for forsterite.
Thermal profiles through the Earth after a canonical Moon-forming impact event, comparing
   two forsterite EOS models for the mantle: ANEOS-G (A) and New ANEOS (B).

Dots show the pressure-entropy
in the midplane (+/-1000 km)
within the Roche radius compared
to the phase boundaries (orange
line: vapor curve from ANEOS-G;
black lines are the melt curve and
vapor curve from New ANEOS.
The highest pressures are at the
core-mantle boundary and the
lowest pressures are in the disk.
The pressure profiles through the
mantle and disk fall above the
forsterite critical point.

      T he case thatmuch ofthe Earth's mantle reaches the supercriticalfluid regime during the Moon
                                                                           -constrained EOS model.
Giant Impact time evolution (SPH simulation)
                                         • Earth-mass body impacted by a
                                           20 km/s half mars-mass
                                         • Colors in the final panel
                                           represent the core (gray) and
                                           layers of the post impact state
                                           which are mapped to the initial
                                         • Material in red is the escaping
                                         • Most of the ejecta comes from
                                           the impact site and the
                                           projectile, making up some of
                                           the most shocked material in
                                           the simulation.

              Melting and vaporization
New Model:
Formation of the
Moon within a
terrestrial synestia.

Test these principles
for water worlds

Earth's mantle reaches the

                             All the stages are to scale.
• Our solar system planets fit into our new classification of planets.
• However, two puzzles remain unsolved:
   • The compactness of many Kepler planetary systems compared with our own solar system
   • The lack of planets intermediate in size between Earth and Neptune in our own solar system.
• The most common planet (2 R⊕) does not exist in our solar system!
• Solving these puzzles may be a key to understanding the unique initial conditions that
  form our own solar system.
• The abundance of these intermediate-size planets (water worlds) in our galaxy
  challenges us to understand their formation, migration, interior structure,
  atmosphere, and habitability.
• Proper EOS in the form P-T, P-ρ, P-S, T-S diagrams for rock, metal components and
  water-ammonia methane ices are essential for progress.
• The case that much of the Earth's mantle reaches the supercritical fluid regime during
  the Moon forming giant impact is much more robust with our new experimentally-
  constrained EOS model.
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