Freedom Revisited - 7-8 MAY 2020 - 50TH ST. GALLEN SYMPOSIUM

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Freedom Revisited - 7-8 MAY 2020 - 50TH ST. GALLEN SYMPOSIUM


       7-8 MAY 2020
Freedom Revisited - 7-8 MAY 2020 - 50TH ST. GALLEN SYMPOSIUM
         7-8 MAY 2020
Freedom Revisited - 7-8 MAY 2020 - 50TH ST. GALLEN SYMPOSIUM
PEOPLE                        50TH EDITION

              The International Students’ Committee is a
            student-driven initiative seeking to establish a
            platform for dialogue between generations. We
           believe that young people must have a responsi-
             bility, as well as a right, to take part in today's
             decision making. For one year, thirty students
          invest all their heart, energy, and time contributing
           to the organisation of the St. Gallen Symposium.

          The St. Gallen Symposium is more than a two-day
           conference. It is a meaningful contribution to an
            international debate about topics that matter.

            We look forward to welcoming you in St. Gallen
          from 7–8 May 2020 to become part of our initiative
              and play a role in our dialogue across three
                        generations of leaders.

                Leonard Castritius, Marco Jost
                    and Maximilian Wörlein
               Head of the Organising Committee

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Freedom Revisited - 7-8 MAY 2020 - 50TH ST. GALLEN SYMPOSIUM
PEOPLE                      50TH EDITION

          The St. Gallen Symposium is the world's leading
             initiative for intergenerational debates on
           economic, political, and social developments.

          We bring together key decision makers, thought
            leaders, and brilliant young minds to address
               current challenges and opportunities on
          transforming ideas into action. We have fostered
             healthy debates and created an outstanding
                community for exchange since 1969.

             We are a student-run initiative combining
             excellence with innovation: a unique and
                    extraordinary experience.

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Freedom Revisited - 7-8 MAY 2020 - 50TH ST. GALLEN SYMPOSIUM
PEOPLE                      50TH EDITION

               To inspire and be inspired by the most
          important topics of our time and spark new ideas
           and solutions across generations, three genera-
          tions of leaders from more than 90 nations meet
                       in St. Gallen every year.

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Freedom Revisited - 7-8 MAY 2020 - 50TH ST. GALLEN SYMPOSIUM
PEOPLE                                                                  50TH EDITION

           Communities                                                           Senior Leaders
 Every community contributes according to its own characteristics and      Senior Leaders at the St. Gallen Symposium represent companies,
experiences, as well as the common goal of inspiring other generations    as well as political and academic institutions, from all over the world.
              for future impact on business and society.                 They challenge younger generations on their ideas, are inspired by their
                                                                               questions and comments, and are at the heart of change.

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Freedom Revisited - 7-8 MAY 2020 - 50TH ST. GALLEN SYMPOSIUM
PEOPLE                                                                            50TH EDITION

 Aspiring Leaders                                                           Leaders of Tomorrow
       Aspiring Leaders represent the corporate world as                        Leaders of Tomorrow are carefully selected brilliant young thinkers from
potential future executive decision makers or the entrepreneurial                   around the world. They challenge the beliefs of all participants,
 environment as founders. They pair experience with creativity                 spark ideas, and ignite actions. They are the drivers of transformation and
      and come up with practical ideas for transformation.                      change: invited either through the St. Gallen Global Essay Competition
                                                                                                   or through a nomination process.

                                                                    “The Leaders of                                           GLOBAL ESSAY COMPETITION

                                                                    Tomorrow are not                                          SINCE 1989
                                                                                                                              The St. Gallen Global Essay Compe-
                                                                    there to only listen to                                   tition is the world’s most prestigious

                                                                    their elders; they are
                                                                                                                              essay competition aimed at graduate
                                                                                                                              students. It requires bright ideas, excel-

                                                                    there to challenge                                        lent writing skills, and a critical mind to
                                                                                                                              impress the jury. The top 100 contri-
                                                                    staid orthodoxies,                                        butors are selected by an independent
                                                                                                                              jury to attend the St. Gallen Symposium,
                                                                    advance new ideas,                                        while finalists take the symposium’s

                                                                    and propel the global
                                                                                                                              big stage to defend their ideas. Since
                                                                                                                              1989, about 800 students have taken

                                                                    debate forward.”                                          part every year, contributing to an im-
                                                                                                                              pressive pool of 30,000 bold ideas.
                                                                    Scott Young, Leader of Tomorrow Alumni

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Freedom Revisited - 7-8 MAY 2020 - 50TH ST. GALLEN SYMPOSIUM
PEOPLE                                                                                                        50TH EDITION

                     Past Speakers
                Each year, a distinguished array of international personalities
               explores and develops views on present and long-term issues
                 in business, politics, and society (affiliation when attended).

Martin Wolf, Chief Economics Commentator of the         Heng Swee Keat, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister   Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the Interna-       Fatima Bhutto, Writer
Financial Times                                         for Finance of Singapore                             tional Monetary Fund

Dominic Barton, Global Managing Partner Emeritus        Prof. Niall Ferguson, Senior Fellow at the Hoover    Fu Ying, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of the           Prof. Linda Hill, Wallace Brett Donham Professor of
of McKinsey & Company                                   Institution, Stanford University                     People’s Republic of China                                 Business Administration, Harvard University

Arancha González, Executive Director of the Interna-    Doris Leuthard, Federal Councillor of the Swiss      Lord Brian Griffiths of Fforestfach, Vice Chairman,        Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Former Secretary General
tional Trade Center                                     Confederation                                        Goldman Sachs International                                of NATO

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Freedom Revisited - 7-8 MAY 2020 - 50TH ST. GALLEN SYMPOSIUM

                    Each year, the St. Gallen Symposium revolves
                         around a core theme – linked to some
                     of the most pressing economic and political
                      challenges of our time. At the symposium,
                    we explore the theme’s relevance for business,
                       but also show that corporations have an
                           integral role in shaping solutions.


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Freedom Revisited - 7-8 MAY 2020 - 50TH ST. GALLEN SYMPOSIUM
TOPIC                                                                                                                   50TH EDITION

   Key Findings of the                                                                                                                                        Freedom
49th St. Gallen Symposium                                                                                                                                     Revisited
 During the symposium, participants examined the very nature of the system that has                                             In the face of populism, climate change, and rapid technological disruption,
   organised our economies and preoccupied politicians for centuries. In the face of                                          liberalism – with individual freedom at its core – has been called into question.
 profound, existential threats, they agreed that capitalism and the way we do business                                            50 years after the foundation of our initiative, we believe that it is crucial
  must change, but opinions differed on who should primarily be in charge, and how.                                                          to rethink what these values mean to us and to you.
THE CONTESTATION OF CAPITALISM                              “If we don’t start right now and start to invest, we will   At the 50th St. Gallen Symposium, three generations
                                                            not manage to reach the Sustainable Development                                                                              FREEDOM AND ENVIRONMENTAL
Discussions took place amongst increasingly critical                                                                    will discuss the future of individual, economic, and po-
                                                            Goals. The sense of urgency is not yet here – and we as                                                                      DEGRADATION
perceptions of capitalism worldwide – particular-                                                                       litical freedom in light of key challenges of our time.
                                                            leaders have to push that urgency that we do more and                                                                        Global youth marching for decisive climate action
ly among young people – rooted in rising inequality,                                                                    Which aspects of freedom are currently under attack
                                                            [do it] faster.” Anna Ryott, Chair of Board, Summa Equity                                                                    remind us that one’s own freedom ends where the
climate change, and lack of investment in the “real”                                                                    and call for a strong defence? And where will we need
                                                                                                                                                                                         freedom of others is constrained. Leaders of to-
economy.                                                                                                                to recalibrate our concept of freedom, or the balance
                                                            Others cautioned against such a radical re-visioning                                                                         day now face the question how to reconcile free-
                                                                                                                        we strike with other values, such as equality, sustain-
                                                            of the corporation, noting that business above all has                                                                       dom – particularly in its individual and economic
“One has to decide whether one wants to go for growth                                                                   ability, and security?
                                                            to be economically sustainable. Ultimately, visions of                                                                       variants – with saving the planet.
and innovation and accept a greater level of inequali-
ty, or whether one wants a more egalitarian society.”       integrated business models for purpose beyond profit
Prof. Niall Ferguson, Senior Fellow at the Hoover Insti-    remained opposed to more traditional views of doing           FREEDOM AND ITS POLITICAL                                      FREEDOM AND RAPID TECHNOLOGICAL
tution, Stanford University                                 business first, doing good later.                             CONTESTANTS                                                    CHANGE
                                                                                                                          The liberal model faces growing opposition.                    Contemporary capitalism expands the propor-
Participants acknowledged that if capitalism is to          AGENTS FOR CHANGE                                             In various countries, liberal democracy is under               tion of social life open to data collection and pro-
survive, it must be reshaped to alleviate these mul-                                                                      pressure; on the international stage, liberal multi-           cessing. While it has been argued that big data
                                                            The discussion also turned to where and how change
tiple crises. While consensus largely prevailed over                                                                      lateralism is falling out of favour.                           threatens privacy, free market competition and
                                                            would best be initiated. Many participants viewed indi-
the grand challenges we face, decision-makers                                                                                                                                            democracy, others emphasize its unmatched po-
                                                            viduals as the strongest force for change within corpo-
clashed over how, and by whom, solutions should                                                                           With non-democratic political systems gaining                  tential for societal progress and economic pros-
                                                            rations. The potential of a global wave of young people
be designed.                                                                                                              confidence about exporting their model, the core               perity. This raises the question how related risks
                                                            moving into positions of decision-making power and
                                                                                                                          qualities of a post-liberal global order – and its impli-      and opportunities must be shaped by core stake-
                                                            demanding more effective measures for inclusion,
PURPOSE BEYOND PROFIT?                                                                                                    cations for the business world – are far from clear.           holders in politics, business, and society.
                                                            sustainability, and positive impact of business beyond
Sustainability and conservation of nature are often still   profits, was considered immense.
seen as separate from the sphere of normal business;
however, a more integrated view is increasingly gaining     “Young people are not the future. They are the most
traction. Participants discussed the conjecture, advo-      powerful force right now.” Bobby Jones, Chief Market-
cated most strongly by the Leaders of Tomorrow, that        ing and Communications Officer, Peace First
business should promote, among its core purposes,
long-term goals other than profit.

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TOPIC                                                                                                                      50TH EDITION


ANDRI SILBERSCHMIDT                                         INGRID HARB                                                   PROF. JUDITH WALLS                                         ANDREAS MÜLLER
Member of the Swiss Parliament                              Founder and Chief Executive Officer,                          Professor and Chair (Sustainability Management) at         Chief Executive Officer, Georg Fischer AG
and Chairman of kaisin. GmbH                                Women Ambassadors Forum                                       University of St. Gallen

The rapid development of artificial intelligence and bio-   As humans, our evaluation of freedom is tied to our           Climate change and environmental degradation have          The freedom of each individual to think and act is one
technology poses an unprecedented challenge to the          right to protect our lives, liberty, and acquired property.   enormous implications for human freedom. For ex-           of the privileges of democratic economic systems. Re-
freedom of every individual. This makes a return to         As long as we do not violate the rights of others, we         ample, due to rising temperatures and altered natural      strictions endanger more than just our prosperity. They
moral convictions and philosophical principles more         should be sovereign over our own affairs. However, our        ecologies, we anticipate mass environmental mi-            also threaten our way of living and thinking. Instead of
important than ever before. This includes – in particular   ability to determine our affairs comes with checks and        gration. In some places like South Africa, we already      issuing prohibitions and other stately interventions,
– civil liberties, which must also apply to the internet.   balances systems, the government, and society. The            observe rationing of critical resources like fresh wa-     result-oriented targets within the context of current
Those who make use of their freedom must bear the re-       three elements – ourselves, government, and society –         ter, which infringes human activities. The burning of      geopolitical issues are more likely to be effective be-
sponsibility: also for ecological effects. Climate change   are in constant adjustment about just how much each           massive areas of tropical rain forests in the Amazon       cause they allow free choice of the means to achieve
must not, however, lead to an increase in arbitrariness     should influence and modify others. Our reaction and          and Indonesia are other examples of vital resources        these goals. In my opinion, the consistent promotion
and unnecessary intervention. The proven system             acceptance of any situation is based on our perceived         that affect business and international politics. Nature    of technological, social and economic innovations is a
of market economy, good sense, progress, freedom,           control of the circumstances. That perceived control          is intimately tied to socio-economic forces. We urgently   more useful way forward. Our great advances did not
and responsibility does not need to be rethought. All it    is inherently based on our realisation and wielding of        need to lower our carbon footprint and adapt our land      come about through prohibition, isolation or walls, but
needs are adjustments to meet the current challenges.       our agencies.                                                 use choices if we want to preserve the current free-       through the promotion of talent, research, and the free
                                                                                                                          doms that humans experience.                               exchange of goods and ideas.

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PEOPLE                        50TH EDITION

             Two days of energising debates on and off the
            main stage offer an opportunity to delve into the
           symposium theme. By involving three generations,
             we aim to provide diverse – and at times even
            surprising – perspectives. With our discussions,
                         we inspire aspirations.

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PROGRAMME                                                                                                50TH EDITION

        Debate and Create
      From Plenary Sessions addressing a large audience, to Insight Sessions
  providing an intimate exchange of ideas among a small selection of participants,
            the St. Gallen Symposium offers a wide range of discussions.

                      WEDNESDAY | 6 MAY             THURSDAY | 7 MAY         FRIDAY | 8 MAY
                                                                                               1   PLENARY SESSIONS                                      4    INTERACTIVE SESSIONS
                                                                                              Plenary Sessions inspire the symposium’s participants      Interactive Sessions take place parallel to our Insight
                                                                                              in the main auditorium and set the tone through key-       Sessions; together, they form two core elements of the
                                                                                              notes, panels, and one-on-one debate sessions. A           symposium programme. Interactive Sessions focus on
                                                                                              constructive exchange of views is fostered through         a central issue related to the overall symposium theme,
                                                                                              participation in the assembly, moderated by one of our     with the aim of developing solutions; in a workshop
                                                             1   Plenary Sessions             renowned Topic Leaders.                                    setting, participants can co-create together.

                                                                                              2    INSIGHT SESSIONS                                      5    SOCIAL SESSIONS
                                                                                              Smaller groups of around 40 participants engage in in-     While the meeting formats provide food for thought and
                                                                                              depth discussions, on equal footing and off the record.    the opportunity to engage in moderated discussions,
                         Leaders                                                              Insight Sessions are the most suitable format for direct   Social Sessions’ informal atmosphere is equally impor-
                         of Tomorrow                                                          and unrestricted discussion between speakers and           tant. Vibrant settings range from informal gatherings in
                         Programme                                                            participants. Plenary speakers may wish to expand on       a student flat to exquisite dinner nights on campus or
                                                                                              their remarks in a smaller setting, or speakers provide    in the city of St. Gallen.
                                                                                              exclusive expertise on a topic that more deeply ex-
                                                                                              plores the overall symposium theme.
                                                                                                                                                         SIDE EVENTS
                                                                                                                                                         Besides the main programme, we organise several
                                                             2   Insight Sessions             3    PUBLIC INSIGHT SESSIONS
                                                                                                                                                         side events, such as country gatherings, Leaders of
                                                            3    Public Insight Sessions
                                                                                              Dive deeper with our Public Insight Sessions. With         Tomorrow talks, Aspiring Leader and interest-specific
                                                            4    Interactive Sessions
                                                                                              great speakers, participants can lean back, soak up        meetings as well as executive roundtables. These side
                                                                                              the input, and enjoy fresh insights into both current      events offer an excellent opportunity for networking and
                                                                                              affairs and ongoing debates in the fields of business      informal exchange.
                                                                                              and politics.

                         for Partners                       5    Social Sessions

                                                                                                                                                         for further information please visit our website:

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PEOPLE                       50TH EDITION

               A wide range of renowned organisations
           and companies support us financially, materially,
            or in advisory roles. They allow the inspiration
             of aspirations, among different generations
              of leaders throughout the year and during
                      the St. Gallen Symposium.

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PARTNERS                                                                                                    50TH EDITION

                      Our Partners
 The support of various institutions and private persons enable the exchange of ideas                    Preferred Partners
   across generations at the St. Gallen Symposium. They play an important role in
                                                                                                         AIBrain Inc.              JT International                Lemann Foundation           Ria & Arthur Dietsch-
       financing the St. Gallen Symposium, as well as in advising the students                                                                                                                 weiler Stiftung
                                                                                                         Glencore International AG Kanton St. Gallen               Max Schmidheiny-
                         and ensuring the initiative’s continuity.                                       HILTI AG                  LafargeHolcim Ltd.              Foundation                  Sergeant AG
                                                                                                                                                                                               Würth Group

Main Partners                                                                                            Partners

                                                                                                         123                           Ernst & Young AG            L                           Dr Stephan Rietiker
                                                                                                                                                                   Leica Geosystems AG
                                                                                                         2Xideas AG                    F                           LEO Innovation Lab          S
                                                                                                                                       F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.                               SAP (Schweiz AG)
                                                                                                         A                             Falcon Private Bank Ltd.
                                                                                                                                                                   Liebherr-International AG
                                                                                                                                                                                               Schellenberg Wittmer AG
                                                                                                         Akris AG                                                  Lombard Odier & Cie SA
                                                                                                                                       Farner Consulting AG        Lufthansa Group             Sika AG
                                                                                                         All India Management
                                                                                                                                                                   Lyreco Switzerland AG       Singapore Exchange
        an official         the official innovation           an official            an official main    Alu Menziken
                                                                                                                                       G                                                       Limited
                                                                                                                                                                                               SIX Group AG
  main partner of the          consultant of the        main partner of the           partner of the     Extrusion AG                  gategroup                   M
                                                                                  Leaders of Tomorrow                                  Givaudan SA                                             smARTec Veranstaltungs-
 St. Gallen Symposium       St. Gallen Symposium       St. Gallen Symposium                              Arbonia AG                                                McKinsey & Company          technik AG
                                                                                                                                       Goldman Sachs               Mobiliar Versicherungen
                                                                                                                                       International                                           Sopra Steria SE
                                                                                                         B                                                         Mutschler Ventures
                                                                                                                                       Greenhill & Co.                                         St. Galler Kantonalbank AG
                                                                                                         Bank Julius Baer & Co. Ltd.
                                                                                                                                       Europe LLP                                              Sulzer Ltd.
                                                                                                         Bär & Karrer AG
                                                                                                                                       Groz-Beckert KG             N                           Swiss Post Solutions AG
                                                                                                         Bewital Holding GmbH &                                    Novartis AG
                                                                                                                                       Gunnebo AB                                              Swiss Prime Site AG
                                                                                                         Co. KG
                                                                                                                                       Gunvor SA                   Novo Swiss AG
                                                                                                         Blasto AG                                                                             Switzerland Global
                                                                                                         BNP Paribas (Suisse) SA
                                                                                                                                       H                           O
  an official information                               an official information          an official     Brauerei Locher AG
                               the official brand
                                                                                                                                       HAWE Hydraulik SE           Omya Management AG          T
technology partner of the      consultant of the      technology partner of the    main partner of the   Bucher Industries AG                                      Orifarm Group A/S
                                                                                                                                       Helsinn Healthcare SA                                   The PR Factory AG
  St. Gallen Symposium      St. Gallen Symposium        St. Gallen Symposium      St. Gallen Symposium                                                             Nicolas Oltramare
                                                                                                                                       Hendricks Corp Pte Ltd                                  THI Investments GmbH
                                                                                                                                       Homburger AG                                            Trumpf GmbH + Co. KG
                                                                                                         C.H. Boehringer Sohn AG &                                 P
                                                                                                         Co. KG
                                                                                                         Caixin Global                 I                           Perella Weinberg            U
                                                                                                                                                                   Partners UK LLP
                                                                                                                                       IMD Business School                                     Union Bancaire Privée
                                                                                                         Capvis AG                                                 PERI GmbH
                                                                                                                                       Innosight                                               UNIQA Insurance Group AG
                                                                                                         Clariant International AG
                                                                                                                                       IWC Schaffhausen            R
                                                                                                         E                                                                                     V
                                                                                                                                                                   Raiffeisen Schweiz
     the official tele-        an official main         the official document                            Edelweiss Air AG              K                           RASCH Axel Springer
                                                                                                                                                                                               Victorinox AG
                                                                                                                                       KAMAX Holding GmbH                                      Vontobel Holding AG
communication services          partner of the         services provider of the                          EnBW Energie Baden-                                       Schweiz AG
                                                                                                         Württemberg AG                & Co. KG
      provider of the                                   St. Gallen Symposium
                            Leaders of Tomorrow
                                                                                                         EQT Partners AG
                                                                                                                                                                   Rieter Machine Works Ltd.   Z
 St. Gallen Symposium
                                                                                                                                                                                               Zürcher Kantonalbank

                                                 28 | SGS                                                                                                     29 | SGS
PARTNERS                                                                                                           50TH EDITION

123                        BlueOrchard Finance Ltd        F                           High Meadows                  Lilienberg Unternehmer-     P                          Monika und Wolfgang       U
                           BRAINFORCE AG                                              Foundation                    forum                                                  Schürer
                                                          Ferring Pharma-                                                                       Paul Hartmann AG                                     Universitätsspital Basel
1plusX AG                  Bratschi AG                    ceuticals SA                Hilcona AG                    Lincoln International AG                               SCOR Services
                                                                                                                                                Prager Dreifuss AG         Switzerland AG            Universitätsspital Zürich
                           btov Partners AG               Festo Holding GmbH          HP Schweiz GmbH               Linz Textil Holding AG
                                                                                                                                                PricewaterhouseCoop-                                 USM U. Schärer Söhne AG
A                                                         Flughafen Zürich AG         HSG Alumni                                                ers AG
                                                                                                                                                                           Scott Sports SA
a-connect (group) ag       C                              Forbes Marshall Pvt. Ltd.   Huber + Suhner AG             M                           Proximus Luxembourg S.A.
                                                                                                                                                                           Securitas AG
Actieninvest AG                                                                       Nick Huber                    Maerki Baumann & Co. AG                                Sefar Holding AG
                           Careerplus AG                  Forma Futura Invest AG                                                                PRS Group, Mumbai                                    Valcambi sa
ACXIT Capital Partners                                                                Hyposwiss Private Bank        Mammut Sports Group AG                                 SFS Holding AG
                           Cargolux Airlines                                                                                                    PSP Group Services AG                                Vetropack Holding AG
                                                                                      Genève SA                                                                            Siegfried Holding AG
Adecco Group               International S.A.             G                                                         Mangrove Capital Partners
                                                                                                                                                                                                     VISCHER AG
                                                                                                                                                                           Dr Gralf Sieghold
Alfred Müller AG           CAT Aviation AG                Gallus Ferd. Rüesch AG                                    Martel AG St. Gallen        Q
ALID AG                    China Construction Bank                                    I                             Mazars                      Quinn Emanuel
                                                                                                                                                                           Siemens AG                VP Bank Ltd
                                                          Geberit AG
Allholding Beteiligungs-   Conova Consulting AG                                       IBM (Schweiz) AG              medienwerkstatt ag          Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP   Skyadvisory AG
verwaltungs GmbH
                                                          Gebrüder Weiss GmbH
                                                                                      IKEA Foundation                                                                      Spectrum Value            W
                           Conzzeta AG                    Georg Fischer AG                                          Mikron Holding AG
                                                                                                                                                                           Management                Eugene Wong
AMS Österreich
                                                          Glatz AG
                                                                                      ING AG                        MLS Dr. Max Schnopp AG      R
Archer Daniels Midland                                                                                                                                                     SpotMe SA
                           D                              Glen Fahrn AG
                                                                                      innogy Česká republika a.s.   Müller-Möhl Group           Rahn + Bodmer Co.
                                                                                                                                                                           Stadt St. Gallen
                           Danzer Holding AG              Goba AG                                                                               Rivella AG
Arcron AG                                                                             J                                                                                    Stahl Beteiligungs-GmbH   Ypsomed AG
Avaloq Group AG
                           Dätwyler Holding AG            Goh Swee Chen                                             N                           Robert Bosch AG
                                                                                                                                                                           Gertrud Stoll-Fein
                           Deloitte AG                                                Japan Tobacco Inc.            Namics AG                   Robert Bosch GmbH
AXA XL                                                    Golien Ltd
                                                                                      Jaquet Partners AG                                                                   Yuji Suzuki               Z
                           Deutsche Apotheker-            Graubündner                                               NEOPERL AG                  Rothschild & Co Bank AG
                           und Ärztebank eG                                           Jebsen & Co. Ltd                                                                     SWISS KRONO Holding AG    Zehnder Group
                                                          Kantonalbank                                              Neue Aargauer Bank AG       RUAG Holding AG
B                          DvH Medien GmbH                                            Jura Elektroapparate AG                                                              Swiss Life AG             International AG
                                                          Growthpoint Properties                                    Neutrik AG                  Russell Reynolds                                     Zühlke Engineering AG
B. Grimm Power pcl                                        Limited                                                                               Associates                 SYMA-SYSTEM AG
                                                                                                                    Novozymes A/S                                                                    Zumtobel Group AG
Baker & McKenzie           E                              Gurit Holding AG            K
Zurich                                                                                                              Nuremberg Institute for
                           E. Gutzwiller & Cie,                                       Kantonsspital St. Gallen      Market Decisions (NIM)      S                          T
Bâloise Holding AG
Banque de Commerce
                           Banquiers                      H                           Dr Sonja Kiss                                             Schneeberger Holding AG    TAGBLATT/ CH
                                                                                                                                                                           Regionalmedien AG
et de Placements SA
                           EBP Schweiz AG                 Habib Bank AG Zurich        Kontivia AG                   O                           Schroder & Co Bank AG
                                                                                                                                                                           Tamedia AG
                           Dr Pierre Edelmann             Halfmoon Bay Capital        KPMG AG                       Odgers Berndtson
Banque Pictet & Cie SA
                           Egon Zehnder                   Limited                                                                                                          TCI Consult GmbH
Barandun AG                                                                           KUHN RIKON AG
                           Elcotherm AG                   Hälg & Co. AG
Bataillard AG
BB Biotech AG
                           elea Foundation for            Haws Switzerland AG         L
                           Ethics in Globalization        HBM Partners AG
BDO AG                                                                                Leaders Solutions AG
                           Emil Capital Partners          Heidrick & Struggles
BearingPoint                                                                          Lee Ming San
                           Ermenegildo Zegna
Beiersdorf AG              Group
                                                          Helvetia Holding AG         Leister AG                    Supporting Institutions
                                                          Heraeus Holding GmbH        LEITZ ACCO Brands
Belimo Holding AG          EurAsia Competence
                                                          Hermann Pfanner             GmbH & Co KG
Bellevue Asset             eventData-services             Getränke GmbH
Management AG              Austria GmbH                                               Lenz & Staehelin
                                                          Hesta Services AG           LGT Group Foundation
Bergos Berenberg AG
                                                          HIAG Immobilien

                                                     30 | SGS                                                                                                         31 | SGS
PARTNERS                                                  50TH EDITION

                Leaders of Tomorrow

            123                       C                              H                       S
                                      CAT Aviation AG                HELP University         Scout24 Schweiz AG
            2Xideas AG
                                      Credit Suisse Group AG         HIAG Immobilien         St.Galler Kantonalbank AG
                                                                                             Starrag Group Holding AG
            ABACUS Research AG
                                      D                              I                       Sungjoo Foundation
                                      Dätwyler Holding AG            ISC St. Gallen Club     Swiss Re
            ABB Ltd                                                  of Japan
                                      Dr. Schwarz Rechtsan-
            ACATIS Investment
                                      wälte GbR                                              U
            gesellschaft mbH                                         K                       USM U. Schärer Söhne AG
            Accenture (Schweiz) AG    E                              Kasikornbank Public
                                                                     Company Limited
            Albers & Co AG            EBCO Fiduciaria SA                                     V
                                      Ecolab Europe GmbH             Kellerhals Carrard
            Albin Pedrotti Stiftung                                                          Valcambi SA
            Allholding Beteilgungs-   elea Foundation for                                    Vontobel Holding AG
            verwaltungs GmbH          Ethics in Globalization        M
            AMS Österreich                                           Mediconsult AG
                                      F                              Merifin Capital
            Autoneum Holding AG
                                                                                             Wietlisbach Foundation
            Avaloq Group AG           Falke KGaA                     Müller-Möhl Group
            AVIA AG                   FISBA AG
            AXA XL                                                   P
                                                                                             Xaxera GmbH
                                      G                              PSP Group Services AG
            B                         Geberit AG
            BDO AG                    Georg Fischer AG               R
                                                                                             Zürcher Kantonalbank
            BearingPoint              Glencore International AG      Raiffeisen Schweiz
            Belimo Holding AG         Graubündner

 32 | SGS                                                       33 | SGS
PEOPLE                        50TH EDITION

              Support us in bringing together key decision
           makers, thought leaders, and brilliant young minds
            to address current challenges and opportunities
              on transforming ideas into action as a Partner
                      of the St. Gallen Symposium.

34 | SGS                        35 | SGS
OFFERING                                                         50TH EDITION

                               Our Offering
Become a Partner of the St. Gallen Symposium and help inspire aspirations throughout the year and during the
main event. As a partner of the St. Gallen Symposium, you have first access to new and exciting viewpoints for
your business. The symposium will enable you to challenge your beliefs, spark ideas, and ignite action.

Participate in the St. Gallen Symposium, be inspired, and inspire others. You will debate and interact with key
decision makers, thought leaders, and carefully selected brilliant young thinkers from all around the world.

Support us in bringing Leaders of Tomorrow from all over the world to Switzerland to contribute to the success
of the St. Gallen Symposium.

                                                    LEADER OF      MEMBER         PARTNER       PREFERRED
                                                    TOMORROW                                     PARTNER

  Enable the Inspiration of the Aspirations

  Listing on website, publications and at the

  Participation in the symposium

  Aspiring Leader Participants

  Invitation for the “Dinner for Partners”

  Transfer of Tickets among Senior Leaders

  Communication of the partnership (via social
  media channels)
  Participation at the St. Gallen Symposium
  year-round events

  Individualised Participant Matching

  Executive Roundtable Invitation

  Leaders of Tomorrow Talk

                                                     36 | SGS                                                       37 | SGS
PEOPLE                       50TH EDITION

           The St. Gallen Symposium is organised annually
            by the International Students’ Committee (ISC),
                   an independent student initiative at
               the University of St. Gallen. For ten months,
            a team of approximately 30 students voluntarily
             engages in the challenging task of organising
           an outstanding St. Gallen Symposium. During the
             symposium week, the ISC Team is supported
                    by about 450 student volunteers.

38 | SGS                       39 | SGS
ORGANISATION                                                                                50TH EDITION

   International Students’
      Committee (ISC)
                 The ISC Team is involved with the development of the conceptual       Members of the 50th ISC Team
               framework and content of the St. Gallen Symposium, as well as with
                                                                                       Gianin Bergamin (CH)                                                        Andreas Nef (CH)
                   designing and planning the conference. Responsibilities range
                                                                                       Vivian Bernet (CH)                                                          Eduard zu Putlitz (DE)
                 from contact with our partners or working with leading universities   Alessandra Cerutti (CH)                                                     Sian Ruoss (CH/GH)
                   around the world, to supervising long-term projects in the fields   Martina Damiani (IT)                                                        Lukas Schmid (DE)
                           of communication and information technology.                Johannes Hendrix (DE)                                                       Hannah Schmitz (CH/DE)
                                                                                       Silvan Hofer (CH)                                                           Maximilian Skupien (CH/PL)
                                                                                       Valérie Hüppi (CH)                                                          Désirée Sommer (CH)
                                                                                       Chloé Ligner (FR)                                                           Florian Stocker (CH/DE)
                                                                                       Eduardo Ludwig Bernardo (DE/ES/AR/US)                                       Dennis-Takuya Strotbek (DE/JP)
                                                                                       Nadine Merz (CH/SK)                                                         Aisha Thüring (CH)
                                                                                       Giorgio Metz (CH)                                                           Pleun Vaartjes (NL)
                                                                                       Christian Mühlebach (CH)                                                    Julius Weitzel (CH/DE)
                                                                                       Ricardo Müller (DE/IT)

                                                                                       Head of the Organising Committee
                                                                                       Leonard Castritius (CH/DE)
                                                                                       Marco Jost (CH)
                                                                                       Maximilian Wörlein (DE)

                                                                                       Strategic Associate
                                                                                       Alexandra Seeberger (CH)

                                                                                       “A team of young, highly committed students
                                                                                       invest a year of their study time into personal
                                                                                       growth to organise an inspiring and profes-
                                                                                       sional conference – that’s worth supporting!”
The members of the 50th International Students’ Committee                              Dr Christoph Loos, Chief Executive Officer, Hilti Group and alumnus of the International Students’ Committee

                                                              40 | SGS                                                                                      41 | SGS
ORGANISATION                                          50TH EDITION

           St. Gallen Foundation for
             International Studies                                                                 Imprint
               Activities of the International Students’ Committee are guided                         Publisher
               by the St. Gallen Foundation for International Studies to ensure                St. Gallen Symposium
           the St. Gallen Symposium’s long-term success. The Board of Trustees                      P.O. Box 1045
                                                                                                   9001 St. Gallen
             supervises the deployment and efficient use of available resources.

                                                                                              Phone +41 71 227 20 20
Board of Trustees
Peter Voser                                         Dr Christian Mumenthaler         
ABB Ltd., Zurich                                    Swiss Re, Zurich

Prof. Thomas Bieger                                 Dr Ralph Schmitz-Dräger                         Follow us
University of St. Gallen, St. Gallen                Arcron AG, Zurich                           #freedomrevisited

Bénédict G.F. Hentsch                               Dr Claudia Suessmuth Dyckerhoff
Banque Bénédict Hentsch & Cie. SA, Geneva;          F. Hoffmann – La Roche AG, Basel
Prof. Ulrike Landfester                             Bettina Würth                              St. Gallen Symposium
University of St. Gallen, St. Gallen                Würth Group, Künzelsau
                                                                                                    Karen Ettlin
Dr Christoph Loos                                   Dr Josef Ackermann
Hilti AG, Schaan                                    Honorary Chairman                               Photography
                                                                                               St. Gallen Symposium
                                                                                                   Tim Habermann
Foundation Team
Beat Ulrich (CH)                                    Felix Rüdiger (DE)                                Print
Chief Executive Officer                             Associate Programme Manager                medienwerkstatt AG
                                                                                               Steinackerstrasse 8
Dr Alexandra Ettlin (CH)                            Marion Wittke (DE)
Head Programme                                      Executive Assistant                         CH–8583 Sulgen

Yannick Miller (CH)                                 Valentine Daendliker (CH)                       Circulation
Head Community & Partnerships                       Project Manager Leaders of Tomorrow
                                                                                                   1,000 copies
Dr Frauke Kops (DE)                                 Mathias Harter (CH)
Head Strategic Projects & Operations                Project Manager Innovation & Technology          Copyright
Christine Raschle (CH)                              Melanie Monstein (CH)                      St. Gallen Symposium
Head Communication                                  Project Manager Communication

Claudia Rapp (DE)                                   Beat Moser (DE)
Relationship Manager Speakers                       Project Manager Speakers

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