Frankfurt 2016 New and forthcoming titles
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Literature Bruno Pischedda, A Guide to Umberto Eco’s “The Name of the Rose” Alberto Beretta Anguissola, Readers in Love History Domenico Losurdo, A World with No War: The Idea of Peace, from Past Promises to Today’s Tragedies Antonella Campanini, Food and History: Medieval Europe Adriana Valerio, Women and the Church: A Gendered History Philosophy Mauro Bonazzi, Through the Eyes of the Greeks: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times Andrea Sani, Lights, Camera… Think! Discovering Philosophy at the Movies Psychology Andrea Marini, What is Cognitive Neuroscience Communication Studies Dario Edoardo Viganò, Brothers and Sisters, Good Evening: Pope Francis and Communication Science Silvano Fuso, Natural = Good? Pietro Greco, History o( π
Bruno Pischedda A Guide to Umberto Eco’s “The Name of the Rose” Eco: guida al Nome della rosa Way back in 1980, Umberto Eco’s “The Name o& the Rose” ,rst appeared in book- stores and rapidly became an international bestseller. Far &rom being a super,cial novel, Eco’s text requires a con,dent and expert guide such as the one written by Pischedda. The author explains not only the novel’s lit- erary &eatures, but also explores its histori- cal, philosophical and political content. The text also explains Italian post-modernity and Eco’s role in it. Bruno Pischedda teaches Contemporary Italian Literature at the University o& Milan. Literature 2016 • pp. 144 Carocci editore 5
Alberto Beretta Anguissola Readers in Love Il lettore innamorato In “Sodom and Gomorrah” Proust takes it &or granted that the pleasure o& reading en- tails the trans&ormation o& a character into an object o& desire. Beretta Anguissola exploits this insight and provides an overview o& the great works o& literature, &rom antiquity to the early 20th century. Adopting a long- term perspective based on a search &or lost beauty, he shows that those works’ authors “seduced” millions o& readers by emphasising the appeal o& their “heroes”. Alberto Beretta Anguissola teaches French Literature at the University o& Tuscia in Vi- terbo (Italy). Literature 2016 • pp. 256 6 Carocci editore
Domenico Losurdo A World with No War The Idea of Peace, from Past Promises to Today’s Tragedies Un mondo senza guerre. L’idea di pace dalle promesse del passato alle tragedie del presente In 1989 a world without war seemed to be within reach o& humanity; today we are not only plagued by terrorism and local conficts, but also live under the threat o& a third world war. How did this situation come about? The author provides a novel and engaging account o& the idea o& peace, &rom the French Revolution to the present day. The text, highlighting the role o& great intellectuals (Kant, Fichte, Hegel, Constant, Comte, Spencer, Marx, Popper, etc.) and important statesmen (Washington, Robe- spierre, Napoleon, Wilson, Lenin, Bush, Sr., etc.), addresses the major issues o& our times. Is it even possible to imagine a world without war&are? Can we rely on non-vio- lence? What is the speci,c role o& women? Does democracy authentically guarantee peace, or can it be trans&ormed into a bel- ligerent ideology? Domenico Losurdo is pro&essor emeritus at the University o& Urbino and has been awarded an honorary doctorate by the Flu- History minense Federal University in Niterói-Rio de 2006 • pp. 384 Janeiro. Carocci editore 7
Antonella Campanini Food and History: Medieval Europe Il cibo e la storia: il Medioevo europeo More than a thousand years separate the &all o& the Western Roman Empire and the dis- covery o& America. Over that lengthy time span, European &ood cultures, at ,rst quite di&&erent &rom one another, introduced and developed a dialogue that would result in their extensive trans&ormation. The move- ment o& people, products, words and ideas brought about a substantial unity on the Eu- ropean continent. The book leads the reader on a journey among ingredients, recipes, cus- toms and choices, involving monarchs, peas- ants, high-ranking elites (aristocrats, ambassa- dors, bishops and popes), scientists, men o& culture, cooks, cra&tsmen, and ordinary indi- viduals, including (a &ew) women – in other words, society as a whole. Food – whether it is desired or turned down, sought out or discarded, universal or local – is a key tool &or interpreting the gradual process o& building a culturally uni,ed Europe. Antonella Campanini conducts research in the ,eld o& medieval history and teaches His- History tory o& Food Cultures and Traditional Local 2016 • pp. 176 Products, as well as History o& Cuisine, at the University o& Gastronomic Sciences in Pol- lenzo (Italy). 8 Carocci editore
Adriana Valerio Women and the Church: A Gendered History Donne e chiesa. Una storia di genere What is the point o& a new account, using a gendered perspective, o& the history o& the Roman Catholic Church? For the ,rst time in international historiography, this book applies an inclusive methodology to inter- pret the evolution o& the Church. Using an original periodisation, stretching &rom Jesus o& Nazareth to the present day, the author places men’s and women’s experiences in a multi-level &ramework in order to describe the Church’s spiritual, cultural and political development. The ensuing portrayal brings to light the contrasts between the exercise o& power within the Church and women’s active struggles in their &aith experiences. This innovative overview o& the past leads the reader to examine critically the present and identi,es bold options &or changing the &uture. AdrianaValerio teaches History o& Christian- ity and Churches at the Federico II University in Naples and is a &ormer president o& the European Society o& Women in Theological History Research (AFERT). 2016 • pp. 248 Carocci editore 9
Mauro Bonazzi Through the Eyes of the Greeks Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times Con gli occhi dei Greci. Saggezza antica per tempi moderni Happiness, love, death, justice, &orce, &riend- ship and nostalgia – the ancient Greeks ad- dressed a wide array o& problems with an admirably high degree o& &reedom and irrev- erence. The author o& this book doesn’t shy away &rom mixing “high” and “low” topics (and how, really, can one tell them apart?) and adroitly avoids the traps o& classical man- nerisms. The text shows that, by turning our gaze towards those apparently remote cul- tures, we can ,nd a valuable guide to under- standing today’s complex issues. Mauro Bonazzi teaches History o& Ancient Philosophy at the University o& Milan. Philosophy 2016 • pp. 144 10 Carocci editore
Andrea Sani Lights, Camera… Think! Discovering Philosophy at the Movies Ciak si pensa! Come scoprire la flosofa al cinema The book explains a set o& &undamental re- sults drawn &rom the history o& philosophy through a discussion o& the visual, emo- tional and cognitive experiences provided by exceptionally important ,lms. Some o& the movies explored &rom a philosophical perspective are classics: Al&red Hitchcock’s thrillers and Stanley Kubrick’s masterpieces. Others are more recent works: Clint East- wood’s “Herea&ter” (2010), David Cronen- berg’s “A Dangerous Method” (2011) and Christopher Nolan’s “Interstellar” (2014). Andrea Sani is an expert in cinema, philoso- phy and comic strips. Philosophy 2016 • pp. 208 Carocci editore 11
Andrea Marini What Is Cognitive Neuroscience Che cosa sono le neuroscienze cognitive Using an accessible and engaging style, this book introduces the reader to cognitive neuroscience. A&ter describing the main structures o& the brain, the text examines the historical and philosophical underpin- nings o& the ideas that have led to the cur- rent understanding o& how the mind works and its relationship with the brain. The cur- rent view, in &act, is that mental processes are based on complex neural networks, the organisation o& which refects individual experience. The book also &eatures a dis- cussion o& the latest scienti,c ,ndings con- cerning perception, movement, attention, memory and language. The ,nal chapter sheds light on the current &rontiers o& this &ascinating ,eld o& study. Andrea Marini teaches Psychology o& Lan- guage, as well as Cognitive Neuroscience, at the University o& Udine. Psychology 2016 • pp. 160 12 Carocci editore
Dario Edoardo Viganò Brothers and Sisters, Good Evening Pope Francis and Communication Fratelli e sorelle, buonasera. Papa Francesco e la comunicazione With his considerable knowledge and re- ,nement in managing linguistic and cultur- al codes, Pope Francis is able to reach just about anybody with his communication skills. O&ten Pope Bergoglio, thanks to his relational competence, abandons prepared texts, improvises, and resorts to parables, metaphors and anecdotes in order to connect his message to everyday li&e. Al- though Francis is not particularly attached to television and the media in general, he has mastered them with extraordinary ease. How does he do it? What types o& symbolic constructions underpin his communication? A care&ul analysis o& various aspects o& the “public per&ormance” o& Francis’ papacy – including his greetings &rom St. Peter’s, apostolic journeys, homilies, and encyclical letters – allows the author to explain how Bergoglio’s messages a&&ect us. Msgr. Dario EdoardoViganò is the Pre&ect o& the Secretariat &or Communications o& the Holy See and teaches Theology o& Commu- Communication Studies nication at the Ponti,cal Lateran University 2016 • pp. 176 in Rome. From 2013 to 2015 he was the director o& the Vatican Television Centre. Carocci editore 13
Silvano Fuso Natural = Good? Naturale = buono? Science and technology have been the source o& outstanding contributions to im- proving the quality o& human li&e. Yet con- temporary society also expresses a desire &or a more natural li&estyle and nostalgia &or an idealised past. Lots o& people are infu- enced by the overwhelming appeal o& the “good old days”, the favours o& the past, home-made remedies, certain products’ “authenticity”, and harmony with nature. The adjective “natural” has become syn- onymous with goodness, health, sa&ety, and wholesomeness in a variety o& human activ- ities, including agriculture, eating, medicine, cosmetics, sexuality, etc. But is everything that is “natural” actually “good”? And when a thing is called “natural”, is this truly an ac- curate description? Rejecting the &açades o& ideology and advertising slogans, the author critically analyzes these issues. Silvano Fuso teaches Chemistry and is an expert in science teaching and popularisa- tion. Asteroid 2006 TF7, in orbit between Science Mars and Jupiter, is named a&ter him. 2016 • pp. 256 14 Carocci editore
Pietro Greco History of π Storia di π Well be&ore anybody called it “pi” or used the now universal symbol π, Egyptians and Sumerians were aware that the ratio o& a circum&erence o& a circle to its diameter is a constant. And the ancient Greeks knew that it was an unlimited and non-periodic num- ber and called it “irrational”. But Archime- des, in Syracuse, was the ,rst to study it in great detail, calculate its value with extreme accuracy and conceive o& the modern idea o& limits. The tale o& π is an exhilarating one and has been the &ocus o& a thrilling cre- scendo o& studies by all the great mathe- maticians, but is has also inspired poets and le&t its mark on the history o& peoples. Even today π draws attention, as computers at- tempt to determine its value to trillions o& decimal places. It has even earned – as no number had ever done be&ore – its very own worldwide annual celebration: Pi Day! Pietro Greco – a science journalist and au- thor – writes &or several newspapers and magazines and hosts a radio programme Science devoted to science. 2016 • pp. 208 Carocci editore 15
Carocci editore s.p.a. Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 229 00186 Roma tel. 06 42 81 84 17 fax 06 42 74 79 31 For inquiries and appointments in Frankfurt (Hall 5.0 B61): Foreign Rights Paola Pecchioli tel. +39 051 25 60 11 fax +39 051 25 60 34
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