Francis Scott Key Post No. 11

Page created by Tony Cooper
Francis Scott Key Post No. 11

                      Francis Scott Key Post No. 11
Official Bulletin Vol. XXXIX No.7
JANUARY — 2022

                             Masks not required if you have been vaccinated
 Francis Scott Key Post 11’s success depends entirely on active membership, participation and volunteerism.

                                           COMMANDER’S ROLL CALL
                Happy New year to all Legionnaires, Sons of American Legion, Auxiliary Members,
                Legion Riders, and your family members. May everyone's New Year be filled with
                Good Health, Love, Joy and Peace. 2021 was filled with many challenges, thankfully
                not as many as 2020. I believe it's because this and many communities took initiative
                and responsibility to fight the COVID Pandemic head on in an effort to get back to
some sense of normalcy. Because of the effort, I want to thank everyone for doing their part. That
said; this is not the time to let up and become complacent. The new strain of the Virus should keep
us all ever mindful, watchful and attentive to detail. Please continue to practice social distancing
when you are not comfortable with your surroundings, wearing a mask, and washing your hands
frequently will keep others safe and secure.

As I reflect on the past year and generally how volunteers and paid staff put forward their best effort
daily to make The American Legion Post 11 a safe and comfortable place to patronize, I want to
thank you. Seasonal and Holiday decorations gave the Post the festive look and feel that had been
absent the past couple of years and when the opportunity permits; say thank you to those responsi-
ble for bringing it back. Maintaining these seasonal and festive looks require time, energy, and ide-
as. We welcome as many volunteers as we can get to lessen the effort by the limited pool of volun-
teers currently providing these looks and feelings.

Membership is very important to our Post. If you have not renewed your membership, the New
Year is a fine time to do so. Members can renew by mail, online, or my favorite - stop into the Post
and see the admin staff. If you are having a financial hardship and not able to renew, please con-
tact our admin staff to see how we may be able to help. I encourage you to ask others who qualify
for membership to sign up as well. Recruiting 5 new members (active duty or veterans) will earn
you a free membership for 2023. Once your membership is renewed, I ask you to consider giving
of your time by volunteering in the many programs that the Post is involved with and assist in mak-
ing a difference in the community.

Volunteering in my opinion is a heartfelt act of kindness and there is a clear need in our community.
If your passion is helping retired veterans and their families or programs involving children and
youth, the American Legion Post 11 is the organization for you.

Let us all continue to be healthy, well and stay safe. One Band, One sound.
Francis Scott Key Post No. 11

              AMERICAN LEGION
           FRANCIS SCOTT KEY POST 11                     FSK Post 11 Temporary Business Hours
         Elected Officers—2021-2022
  Willie Jenkins                    Commander @*           Monday - Thursday 11:00 am - 10:00 pm*
                   OFFICERS                                     Friday 11:00 am - Midnight*
  Otis Smith         1st Vice Commander @*                     Saturday 2:00 pm - 10:00 pm*
  Kimberly Davis     2nd Vice Commander @*                      Sunday 12:00 pm - 8:00 pm*
  Charles Davis      3rd Vice Commander @*             *If no customers in lounge, bar manager may close early.
  Joe Rizzo, PC      Adjutant @*                       Lunch served Monday - Friday 11 am – 2 pm
  Wayne Kaikko, PC   Finance Officer @*
                                                       Monday night pizza 5 pm - 7 pm (except on SAL
  Steve Garrahy      Sgt. At Arms *
                                                       Steak Night)
  Don Blakey         Chaplain *
  Sheldon Shealer    Historian *                       Tuesday Night Lite Fare 5 pm - 7 pm
  Otis Smith         Service Officer *                 Lite Fare: Wednesday – Friday 2 pm – 4 pm
  William Lach, PC   Judge Advocate *
                                                       Dinner served:
                                                       Wednesday, Thursday & Saturday 4 pm – 7 pm
                   Executive Committee
                                                                    Friday 4 pm - 9 pm
PC Keith Clevenger, PC Mike Harbaugh, Curt Harper,
   Tom R. Pryor, Oscar Shankle, George Smith III,
                  PC Matt Staden
               Operations Committee                            Need help filing a VA Claim?
   Oscar Shankle (Chairman*), Wayne Crum, PC Bill      The Post Service Officer, Otis Smith is available, by
Lach, David Quin, Matthew Moy, PC David Swiderski,     appointment, to meet with Veterans, spouses, or
        Patricia Swiderski, Wayne Fox (SAL),
                                                       family members of a veteran to help file a claim with
                Maggie Stinson (AUX).
           ________________________________            the VA. Appointments may be made by calling Otis
*Indicates member of the Executive Committee.          at 301-662-9345 extension 109.
@ Indicates member of the Operations Committee
Copies of the Post Constitution and By-Laws are
available to Legion Members from the Post Adjutant.
Debbie Cline ……....………. Auxiliary President
Jeffrey Seiler………….…….. S.A.L. Commander               FSK Post 11 is proud of our heritage and honored to
Tim Smith …..………...…..… ALR Director
             ___________________                       have the following individuals as members:
Newsletter Staff: Jami Clevenger, Patricia Swiderski   Past Department Commanders
Webmaster: Michael Duears
                                                       D. John Markey, 1923 - 1924
Bus: 301-662-9345 - 301-662-6941
Fax: 301-662-8664                                      Charles S. Houck Jr, PC 1935-1936
Banquet Manager: 301-662-8042                          David Winpigler, PC, 2003-2004
This Official Bulletin is published for and about      Past Department Auxiliary Presidents
members of the American Legion
Francis Scott Key Post No. 11                          1st Dept. President, Frances H. Birely, 1922-1923
1450 Taney Avenue                                      Susie I Ramsburg, 1928-1929
Frederick, MD 21702                                    Cornelia Rodock, 1940-1941
Comments may be forwarded to our e-mail:               Bonnie Lamson, PP, 2006-2007
Web Site:                                Patti Lach, PP, 2010-2011
Facebook Page :                                        Past Detachment. S.A.L Commander
Francis Scott Key Post 11 American Legion              Jeffrey Seiler, PC, 2015-2016
Francis Scott Key Post No. 11

                  membership                                     CHAPLAIN’S CORNER
                 by: Otis Smith                           The following comrades of FSK Post 11 were
              1st Vice Commander                          transferred to Post Everlasting:
American Legion Post #11 welcomes the following
new members:
                                                                         Nelson M. Schwaner II
David A. Albertini; Russell A. Barker; Reuben Doornink;                         November 25, 2021
Yvonne C. Hansche; Karen L. Keller; Michael E. Kline;                      Kenneth E. Luckow
Gabriel G. Ledesma; Christopher A. Manley; Robert X.                             December 3, 2021
Martinez; L. Alex Nowlin, Sr; Thomas W. Plunkett, Jr;
                                                                            David E. Hawkins
Christopher Springs; Richard Widmyer; Donald L.
                                                                                 December 5, 2021
Banks; Joseph Ford; Philip A. White.
                                                                            Harry H. Haslam
                   Dues structure:                                              December 13, 2021

NEW MEMBERS—1ST YEAR ……………….……. $25.00                    May their souls, through the Mercy of God, rest
ACTIVE DUTY 1ST YEAR…………….……………….. FREE                   in peace.
RENEWALS 2ND YEAR & BEYOND…………...…$35.00                  Faithfully,
You may pay your dues online (preferred method) -         Don Blakey,
(, by mail, or by stop-       Chaplain
ping by the Membership Office. Please make check
payable to “FSK Post 11”.
                                                          Wanted for Museum display
Thanks to all who have brought members on board
or have renewed already.                                  Medium Long Sleeve Marine Corps khaki shirt
Goal: 1533 Renewed for 2022 - 1191 (77.69%) as of         with tie and clip. Needed to complete a Marine
December 16, 2021. Includes the Paid-Up-For-Life.         Uniform.

Please contact the Membership Office if you change                       Free 2023 Dues
your address.
                                                           Recruit five new Legion members (veterans) be-
                                                          fore June 1, 2022 and your 2023 dues will be paid
            Top Recruiters for 2022                        by the post. You can also win a free membership
                                                          by attending the monthly post meeting held at 7:30
       9 New members: Patricia L. Swiderski
                                                                 pm on the 2nd Tuesday of the month.
           5 New members: PC Joe Rizzo
                                                             Top Recruiter for December 2021
           4 New members: Kevin Joyner                         4 New members: Patricia L. Swiderski

     3 New members: PC Howard Hoy, Willie
  Jenkins; George Smith III, PC David Swiderski,                           ACE OF SPADES
              Keith Midberry (SAL)                                      Estimated Value $4,563.00
                                                                          as of December 21, 2021
        2 New Members: PC Wayne Kaikko                        Updated rules are available in the lounge.
                  1 New Member:
  George Cook, Kim Davis, Harold Dorsey, Wayne             Tickets are $1.00 and the drawing takes place
 Fox (SAL), Willie Gammage, Charles Johnson, PC            every Tuesday Night at 7:00 pm. (Except the
  Curtis Jones, Roosevelt Kemp, Clyde Law, Mark            3rd Tuesday of each month when it is drawn at
  Minter, David Quin, Oscar Shankle, Otis Smith,           6:50 pm). You do not need to be present to win.
                                                           Make sure that you have your current member-
             Pat Williams, David Wirtz.
                                                           ship card before playing. Good Luck!
Francis Scott Key Post No. 11

                                        S.A.L. News by: Jeffrey Seiler, Commander

                The Sons of The American Legion would like to wish everybody a Happy New Year and we hope
                your Christmas was everything that you wanted it to be. We hope everyone enjoyed the Post Christ-
                mas Party, and hope that everyone that attended the Auxiliary/SAL/American Legion Riders Christ-
                mas party had a wonderful time. Look for some photos on the bulletin board.
We would like to thank everyone that attended the Army - Navy game at the Legion. The American Legion Family
contributed to the Toys-For-Tots program during the Army - Navy football game for an all time high. (Navy has the
bragging rights this year!) Wayne Fox, Lee Dilda and Jeff & Julia Seiler went shopping at Wal-Mart where Toys-for-
Tots met us and we filled their truck up with toys totaling $2,124.21 along with a $1,000.00 check from the Detach-
ment of Maryland. We also received a check from the American Legion Auxiliary in the amount of $500.00. Again,
a HUGE Thank you to all.

On February 4th The American Legion Family will be doing the Polar Bear Plunge at Sandy Point State Park. The
Sons of The American Legion National Commander Michael Fox will be doing the plunge with us and will be with us
throughout the weekend. We will be having our Mid-Term Squadron Officer Training and Special Olympics Mary-
land draw down on Saturday February 5th and the Detachment Executive Meeting on Sunday February 6th at The
Grand Hotel in Ocean City, Maryland.
If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to help at the American Legion more, please contact Patricia or Norma in the
office and they will be more than glad to let you know when and where we could use help. We really need help with
Bingo on Wednesdays and the First Sunday of the month.
The American Legion is asking for some suggestions and activities that you might want to see at our Post. This is
your chance to have your voice heard. We want to know what our members want. Areas for ideas, maybe you have
additional or expand on these.
        Types of music                  Ideas for family night                   Video night
        Family game night               Family dinner night                      Game room ideas

No suggestions are bad. Not all suggestion will be implemented. This is your Post Home. It’s not just a bar/lounge.
Let’s make this a place to come and bring your family and friends.
The Sons of The American Legion membership calendar year is from July 1st, 2021 to June 30th, 2022. The dues are
$35.00 per member and $15.00 for junior members. If you have not paid your dues this is a reminder that your dues
are now PAST DUE. Please stop by the post and pay your dues as they are now due. We are just at 50% however
that means that about 50% of our members have NOT paid their dues.
The Sons of The American Legion continue to support the programs that benefit our veterans, our active duty military
and the children of our country. A program that is starting up now is the Oratorical Contest.
Our next meeting will be on February 7th 2022 at 6:30 pm in the lounge. Please put this on your calendar and come
and attend the S.A.L. meeting.
Sons Continuing the Tradition of Caring!!
Francis Scott Key Post No. 11

                                        Auxiliary News By Deb Cline, President
               I hope everyone had a great holiday season with family and friends. Our next regular Unit meet-
               ing is January 18th at 7:00 pm. We hope to see you there. Our Junior’s would like to thank all
               the members that donated cakes for their raffle in December. It was so great to see the support
               of the Toys for Tots from our Legion Family this year raising over $3,000. Thanks to Jeff Seiler
and Wayne Fox for collecting and shopping for this great cause.
Please if you have some time to spare, come help us on Wednesday evening with concessions for Bingo.
Doors open at 4:30 pm, with concessions open from 5:00 pm to 6:45 pm and at halftime. This is one of our
fundraisers to help our unit support programs at the unit, department and national level. We REALLY need
your help. Contact Patricia Swiderski in the admin office at 301-662-9345 if you can help or need more infor-
mation. Thanks in advance if you are willing to give us some of your time.
There will be a Mid-Winter Conference for the Department of Maryland American Legion Auxiliary on Janu-
ary 14-16 held at our Post Home. This would be a great time to meet members from all over our great state.
They have a fun-filled/educational weekend planned for you! There will be an ice cream social on Friday
evening. Fun and educational meetings on Saturday and Sunday morning.
A few reminders to everyone, we have containers in the lobby to the Post lounge for the Frederick Food Bank
and clothes for the Homeless Shelter. Our National Security Chairman, Norma Smith, collects manufactures
coupons to send to our troops overseas. She works in the admin office at the post part time and would be
grateful for any extra coupons you may have. Our Juniors are collecting pajamas for “Casey Cares Founda-
tion”. Pajamas of all sizes are needed throughout the year. Also, through “Hammy’s Heart”, which is part of
Casey’s Cares, they will be collecting gift cards for grocery and drug stores. These are presented to families in
need of assistance. Any amount is appreciated.
Our next Western Maryland District meeting will be at held at Steadman-Keenan Post 96 in Brunswick, MD
on January 23 at 2:00 pm. Please let us know if you would like to attend.
Auxiliary Department of Maryland membership theme for this year is “LEAVE NO VETERAN BEHIND”.
This brings us to Membership, and you should have received your annual renewal notice from National for
2022. Please don’t wait for it come. Just pay them as soon as you can! The way our postal service has been
you may not receive yours. Your membership matters! Dues are $30.00 and $7.00 for junior members (17
and younger). You can renew FOUR ways – 1) Stop at the legion and pay dues at the office or drop them at
the bar. 2) Mail your dues (checks payable to FSK Unit 11) to the Post home at 1450 Taney Ave., Frederick,
MD 21702. 3) Renew online at 4) Call National Auxiliary Organization (Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 4:30 pm EST) at 317-569-4570 to pay over the phone. You must have your membership ID availa-
ble if you are paying online or calling National.
 Remember to like our page on Facebook - Francis Scott Key Unit 11 American Legion Auxiliary.

                                    The Clifford Yinger Scholarship
 The American Legion, Francis Scott Key Post #11, and the estate of Past C

 All descendants of 1 thru 3.
 Graduate students are not eligible for scholarships
 Applications are available in the lounge or in the Admin Office beginning on January 3, 2022. The scholar-
 ship will be in the amount of $2,000 per year for two years. The second year’s award is contingent upon the
 Post receiving a letter of acceptance/continuation from your scholastic institution along with a transcript of
 your grades from the previous year. Overall GPA must be 2.5 or higher. Application are due back in the Ad-
 min Office by April 15, 2022.
Francis Scott Key Post No. 11

                                            Legion Riders By: Tim Smith, Director
                I want to wish all our Legion family a happy new year. I hope 2022 brings prosperity, happiness, safety,
                and some normalcy to all. I am looking forward to a new year for our Riders, with new rides and fund
                raising. This time of year, we make our New Year resolutions (unless last year you resolved not to make
any resolutions…) and the Riders will be as well. Sometime this spring, we will be organizing a Ride-In, hosting the
Posts with ALR chapters to bring everyone together and talk about collectively raising money, and supporting our vet-
eran communities. I believe we can do this better by combining efforts than fundraising as an individual Post. I am hop-
ing the Ride-In will be a yearly tradition passed onto other Posts. With Riders in our name, I am hoping we can come
together and enjoy many motorcycle rides together, as a chapter, having fun, enjoying the camaraderie, and representing
Post 11 in our community. The Riders also provide color guard, rifle detail, and taps to service member’s funerals and
other occasions that require them within our community. I will be looking forward to seeing everyone at the Post. I am
hoping to hit the Ace of Spades at least once this year! Be safe.
If you would like to become a member or supporting member, please attend our meetings. You can also contact our
Membership Chairman (Jami Clevenger) at or go to our website. Membership is free, but
you must be a Legionnaire, Auxiliary, or SAL member with dues paid up to date. You do not need to own a motorcycle
to become a supporting member. We meet on the 1st Thursday of every month at 7:00 pm sharp in the meeting bay.
You must renew your membership annually to stay an active member and continue to receive emails. For all members,
please contact our Membership Chairman with any changes to your contact status to continue receiving up to date infor-
Please visit our website WWW.ALRFSKPOST11.ORG for all scheduled rides, events, applications, etc., and more in-
formation on the American Legion Riders. Please also check out our Face Book page, The American Legion Riders of
FSK Post 11, and give us a like. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at
or 301-704-4947.

                                                                   Thank You
                             The FSK Post 11 Leadership and I want to thank all of the Legion Family so much for
                             supporting the Wreaths Across America Program this year. Almost 500 wreaths were
                             sponsored by individuals and businesses from the FSK Legion Family. Those wreaths,
                             along with the 2800 donated by other community groups, were placed by volunteers
                             at Mount Olivet Cemetery on Wreaths Across America Day, where they will remain
                             until mid-January. FSK Post 11’s original goal for 2021 was 250 wreaths. We did our
                             part to place a wreath on every veteran’s grave at Mt Olivet Cemetery. Our Post Exec-
                             utive committee voted to continue this program for 2022. For every two wreaths pur-
                             chased, we will get one free. This should help us reach the goal of every veteran’s
grave receiving a wreath at Mount Olivet Cemetery to Remember and Honor them. Again, my personal thanks to all
who donated, and we will start up again soon for the 2022 year.
The money raised this year from the donated wreaths will be used to buy new flags for placement on veteran’s
graves at Mount Olivet Cemetery on Memorial Day and to help with the restoration of the Bladensburg Peace Cross
in Bladensburg, MD.
Help Us to Keep Going! REMEMBER the Fallen. . . HONOR those who Serve. . . TEACH our children the value of
PC Keith Clevenger

                                  Frederick County Community Blood Drive. The American Red Cross holds a
                                  monthly Blood Drive at the Frederick Donor Center located at 141 Thomas
                                  Johnson Drive, Frederick. The date varies each month, call 1-800-733-2767
                                  for an appointment and date for their upcoming drive.
Francis Scott Key Post No. 11

                                           Lucky Three Daily Draw
Lucky Three Daily Draw is back for February 2022. Tickets are available in the Administrative Office, or at the
Bar. Sign out tickets from the office to sell to friends and family

                                    Lucky Three Daily Draw Rules
Purchase ticket for $10.00. Only 500 tickets to be sold per game.
Game last all month, specific to the month/year listed on the ticket. Fifty-six chances to win.
Each ticket has two random three-digit numbers in the upper left and right corners. These numbers are
unique to each ticket.
Using the Maryland Pick Three evening drawing. If one of your numbers matches the evening pick three
number for that specific day, you win the amount listed for that day. Payout ranges from $50.00 - $500.00
How to collect your winnings: The admin office will contact you the following day of the drawing or on
Monday for the drawings held Friday - Sunday to let you know you won and how you want to receive the
check (mailed or picked up at the bar).
Winners have sixty (60) days from the end of the game to collect their money. Any money not claimed will
be donated back to the Post.

           Sunday Bingo -                                               Every Wednesday
           January 2, 2022
                                                           Doors open at 4:30 pm. Bingo sales start at 5:00 pm.
 Doors open at 11:30 am - Lunch served                                   Games start at 7:00 pm.
 at noon.                                                    GAMES: Early Bird, Winner Take All, Specials,
 Games start at 2:00 pm - Twenty (20)                        Quickies, Regular Bingo, Senior Jackpot, Grand
                                                                         Slam (Jackpot $2,500).
 games - $500.00 payout per game.
 Two $1,000.00 Jackpot Games. Two                                           30 games in total.
 50/50 Games.                                               Players receive a Loyalty card and earn a free 6
                                                               pack of regular games with a filled card.
         $50.00 Advance Ticket
          $60.00 At The Door                                      Ball Games prior to Early Bird games
                                                                            Tip Jars available.
 Reserve seating available for advance                     Concession open 5:00 - 6:45 pm and at halftime.
 ticket sales. Advance tickets available
                                                                Payout is determined by the number of players.
 in the lounge - 1450 Taney Ave.
                                                                          Minimum payout $60.00
Francis Scott Key Post No. 11

                                     FSK Post Oratorical Contest
                                      Starting January 22, 2022

 FSK Post 11 will hold its contest on January 22, 2022, at 1:00 pm. Prizes will be 1stplace $500, 2nd place
$300, 3rd place and beyond $100. Winner will advance to District competition in February. State Competi-
tions will follow in March.
Everyone is invited to come out to support our local high school contestants. Help is needed with time
keepers, tabulators, room monitor and escorting each contestant to and from the holding area. Please con-
tact Wayne Kaikko if you are able to help .
To get involved Contact: Tony Driebelbies or Wayne Kaikko
Or call or email Post 11 at 301-662-9345 or

                                                                   FSK Post 11 Library
                                              The Library is available for the enjoyment of Post 11 Ameri-
                                              can Legion Family Members, and it is an Honor System Li-
                                              brary. Books may be taken out, or read in the Library.
                                                                   Post 11 Library Hours
The Auxiliary and SAL have a scholar-
                                                        Monday – Friday           11:00 AM - 7:00 PM
ship program for high school seniors.                   Saturday & Sunday          2:00 pm - 5:00 PM
These are two different applications in
                                                      We request that you check in with the Bartender
addition to the Yinger Scholarship that                before and after you go to the Library Area.
is sponsored by the Post. You may ap-
ply for all three scholarships, but you                 Book Check Out/Return Procedure
must provide a separate transcript for                         Sign Out Procedure:
each scholarship you apply for. Applica-               Books may be borrowed as long as needed.
tions will be available on or before Feb-                Sign Out Books in Library Binder.
ruary 1st, 2022. Please turn them in at                         Return Procedure:
the front office by April 15, 2022.                 Sign In Books in Library Binder when Returned.
                                                        Placed returned book in Return Box.

                              Did you know… Our oldest Legion member (veteran) was born in 1919 and
                              our youngest Legion member (veteran) was born in 2001

                                                 military life
              FSK Post 11 is looking for stories and memories of your service time for our Military
              Life section of the newsletter. Stories are also welcome from the children or spouse of
              a veteran. Send your articles by e-mail to: or by letter
              to FSK Post 11, 1450 Taney Ave, Frederick MD 21702. Please include your Name,
              Branch of Service (if applicable) and a phone number (in case we have a question).

                                 HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
                              TO THE FOLLOWING POST #11 LEGIONNAIRES
                                 CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS IN JANUARY*

Franklin D Augustino    Wayne C Ausherman     Max A Baer Sr           Gary A Baker          George L Banko
Christian D Bard        Charles W Bare        Russell A Barker        Anthony D Bassett     John W Bongard Jr
Carlton J Boujai        G. H Bowers Jr        Harold Bowers           Gary H Boyer          Dennis M Boyland
Migdalia V Boyle        Orville M Brand       Brandon T Bray          Idel Breland          Larry N Brown
Marvin M Brown          Gary L Bunting        Clara J Burton          Norman L Carroll      David M Casterlin
Edward E Chaney         Keith W Clevenger     William L Conyers       Earl Corrigan         John M Creager
William F Cummings      Richard C Cutting     Reginald B Davis Sr     Derek Dawdy           Bobby D Deeds
Donald A Deering        Robert T Doane        John W Droneburg        Nancy M Droneburg     David Eardley
Ethan Ehrhart           Marianne M Elliott    Paul D Fairburn         Cornelius R Fay III   Robert D Ferris Jr
Janet L Fish            R L Fisher            Patrick W Ford          Ralph D French        C. R Frymyer
Richard E Gladhill Jr   John J Golski         William R Goode         Donald E Greenfield   Fred W Gregory
James H Grove III       Jason Gusman          Paul L Hamilton         Robert J Harris       Harry H Haslam
James H Hensen          John F Horwath Jr     Jeffrey S Hutchison     Percy James Jr        Richard A James
Sharon D Jaques         Noah T Jefferson Jr   Rodney Jeter            Richard M Johnson     John M Karnes
Harold K Keller Jr      Carl M Keyser         Richard R Kline         George A Koutras      John M Kroschinsky
James P Lamers          Christopher Le        Wesley G Lewis          Eric R Linthicum      Lee Longmire
Ray E Lucas Jr          Renard E Lumpkin      Gary R Main Sr          Joseph A Malinowski   Edward P Manning
Robert M Marrone        William F Martin Jr   Andrew J Matzko         Willard F McLean      Terry Moses
David S Most            James P Moxley        Jaime Munoz             Marcos E Munoz        Lorenzo Nichols
William L Nichols       Thomas C Nikirk       Paul J Nolen            Mary C Onley          Bernard A Palmer
William M Philpott      George Pittas         Chester Pleasant        James P Randle        Robert C Read
Chester L Redmond       Donald C Rice         Edward B Riddick Sr     Mariela Roca          Danny Rodriguez
Heberto Rodriguez       Randy J Rumpf         Charles Scott           Carroll E Selby       Charles J Shafer
Donald G Shorter        Mark C Siegert        Don W Simpson           Robert A Smith        Lukas A Spurrier
Carolyn J Stamper       Louis D Stewart       Franklin D Stillrich    Patti L Strong        Joseph J Stup
James C Sylvester       Gary Tevis            Benjamin R Tyeryar Jr   Theodore Vaughan II   Michael Vongrey
Ray L Walter            John Werner           Theodore J White        Randall S Wylie

*If you are a Legion Member (Not SAL or Auxiliary) and your name is not listed and your birthday is this
month, please contact the front office (301-662-9345) to update our records.

                        Friday Night Entertainment - FSK Lounge 7:00 pm
Friday night entertainment had not been determined prior to this newsletter going to the printers. Entertain-
ment will be posted on our website, Facebook page and posted in the lounge.

  Lunch: 11:00 am - 2:00 pm Monday - Friday
  Lite Fare: Wednesday - Friday 2:00 - 4:00 pm
  Dinner: Wednesday, Thursday & Saturday - 4:00 - 7: 00 pm
           Friday - 4:00 - 9:00 pm

  SUN.            MON.             TUES.               WED.       THURS.           FRI.        SAT.

                                                                                          Ham & Cabbage,
                                                                                          Potatoes & Roll
                                                                                          11 am - 4 pm
                                                                                          Legion Closed at
                                                                                          7:00 pm
                                                                                          New Year’s Day

    2                3                4                   5            6            7               8
Operations                                                     L) 2 pc. Fried
 Mtg 9 am                                                      Ckn., M. Pota-
                               Ace of Spades 7                 toes, Gravy, Veg.
             Pizza 5 - 7 pm    pm                 Bingo 7 pm   & Roll
  Bingo                           Executive
 11:30 am    SAL Mtg 6:30 pm                                   Riders Mtg 7pm
                                 Mtg 7:30 pm

    9               10                11                 12           13            14           15
                                                               L) 2 pc. Fried
                                                               Ckn., M. Pota-
                               Ace of Spades                   toes, Gravy, Veg.
                               7:00 pm            Bingo 7 pm   & Roll
             Pizza 5 - 7 pm
                               Post Mtg 7:30 pm
                                                               New Member
                                                               7:00 pm

    16              17                18                 19           20            21           22
                                                               L) 2 pc. Fried             Oratorical
                                                               Ckn., M. Pota-             Contest
                                                               toes, Gravy, Veg.          1:00 pm
                               Ace of Spades      Bingo 7 pm   & Roll
             Pizza 5 - 7 pm    6:50 pm

                               Auxiliary Mtg
                               7:00 pm

    23              24                25                 26           27            28           29
                                                               L) 2 pc. Fried
                                                               Ckn., M. Pota-
                                                               toes, Gravy, Veg.
                                                  Bingo 7 pm   & Roll

                               Ace of Spades
             Pizza 5 - 7 pm    7pm

    30              31              Feb. 1                2            3            4               5
                                                               L) 2 pc. Fried
                                                  Bingo 7 pm   Ckn., M. Pota-
Operations                     Ace of Spades 7                 toes, Gravy, Veg.
 Mtg 9 am                      pm                              & Roll
                                  Executive                    Riders Mtg 7 pm
                                 Mtg 7:30 pm

                                         Francis Scott Key Post 11
                                   Temporary Menu (updated 8/15/2021)

  Chicken Tenders (4)                          $6.50        Mozzarella Sticks                       $5.50
  Hot Wings Breaded (10)                       $9.00        Wing Dings Breaded (8)                  $7.50
  Thai Wings Breaded (10)                      $9.00        Naked Wings (7)                         $8.00
  Haddock Bites (10)                           $8.00


 Side Salad                               $3.25            Grilled Chicken Salad                    $8.00
 Tuna Salad Platter                       $8.00            Chicken Salad Platter                    $7.50
 Chef Salad                               $8.00

     Soup of the Day                                   Cup - $3.50                   Bowl – $4.50

                                               Sides Items - $1.75

         French Fries (FF)       Curly Fries             Sweet Potato Fries           Cole Slaw
         Onion Petals            Onion Rings             Mashed Potatoes              Applesauce

                                                Sandwiches - Cold
                             All cold sandwiches are served with chips and pickles.
                               Topping choices: Lettuce, Tomato, Mayo, Onion
                 Add cheese for an additional $0.25 (American, Cheddar, Swiss, or Provolone)

Ham & Turkey Club                           $8.75               Ham Club                             $8.00
Turkey Club                                 $8.00               Ham Wrap                             $7.75
Turkey Wrap                                 $7.75               Tuna Salad                           $5.50
Chicken Salad                               $5.50               BLT                                  $5.50
Turkey                                      $4.50               Ham & Cheese                         $4.50

                                                                                                      Page 1 of 2

                                             Sandwiches - Hot
                   All hot sandwiches are served with chips and pickles except where noted.
                               Topping choices: Lettuce, Tomato, Mayo, Onion

Hamburger w/FF                       $7.25           Bacon Cheeseburger w/FF                         $8.50
Cheeseburger w/FF                    $7.75           Cheese Steak Sub w/FF                           $8.50
Hot Dog                              $3.25           Turkey Rueben w/FF                              $8.25
Rueben w/FF                          $8.25           Tuna Melt (on Rye Bread)                        $7.00
Patty Melt w/FF                      $8.25           Haddock w/FF & Cole Slaw                        $8.25
Grilled Cheese                       $3.50           Grilled Chicken w/FF & Cole Slaw                $8.25
Grilled Cheese & Ham                 $4.50           Hot Turkey (1 side)                             $8.25
Grilled Cheese & Bacon               $4.75           Shrimp Basket w/FF & Cole Slaw                  $9.25

                          Dinner                                Lunch: 11:00 am - 2:00 pm Monday - Friday
 All dinners served with 2 side items and a small salad.        Lite Fare:
                             Chicken                            Tuesday 5:00 - 7:00 pm
4 pc All White or Mixed Fried Chicken $14.75                    Wednesday - Friday 2:00 - 4:00 pm
2 pc White or Dark Chicken               $ 11.00                Dinner:
                                                                Wednesday, Thursday & Saturday
                                                                                4:00 - 7: 00 pm
Haddock (fried or broiled)              $14.00
Fried Shrimp (7)                        $13.25                  Friday 4:00 - 9:00 pm

  Please ask your server for the list of desserts.                                           Page 2 of 2

Dates to Remember:                                                     Friday Night Specials*
January 1 - Ham & Cabbage 11:00 am - 4:00 pm                                     4:00 - 9:00 pm
January 2 - Operations meeting - 9:00 am
                                                                 Nachos Supreme                            $8.75
January 2 - Bingo - Doors open at 11:30 am
January 3 - SAL meeting 6:30 pm                                  Hot Roast Beef Sandwich
                                                                 with 1 side                               $9.00
January 4 - Executive meeting - 7:30 pm
January 6 - Riders meeting - 7:00 pm                             Shrimp
January 11 - Post meeting - 7:30 pm                              1/2 pound                                 $7.00
January 13 - New Member Orientation 7:00 pm                      1 pound                                   $14.00
January 17 - Martin Luther King Day
                                                                 * Limited Availability
January 18 - Auxiliary Meeting 7:00 pm
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