Framing Online Media Era Covid-19 (Case Study News Pro and Cons of PSBB Jakarta at Detik.Com and Kompas.Com)

Page created by Jeremy Welch
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 570
        Proceedings of the International Conference on Economics, Business, Social, and Humanities (ICEBSH 2021)

     Framing Online Media Era Covid-19 (Case Study
     News Pro and Cons of PSBB Jakarta at Detik.Com
                   and Kompas.Com)
                                   Aldo Maivin Gosal1 Doddy Salman1*
Faculty of Communication, Universitas Tarumanagara, Jakarta 11440, Indonesia
Corresponding author. Email:

Indonesia is the country affected by the COVID-19 virus. One of the cities that became epicentrum of the
spread of the Covid-19 virus is DKI Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia. Therefore, the Government enacted
PSBB (Large-Scale Social Restrictions) DKI Jakarta policy on April 10, 2020 to slow the spread of the
COVID-19 virus. However, the government's decision to impose a policy of PSBB reaps the pros and cons.
The purpose of this research is to identify the news about the Pro Cons of PSBB DKI Jakarta in both online
media editions from April 7 to May 30, 2020. By using The Framing Theory of Robert N. Entman Model,
with qualitative approach. Based on the problem formulation in this study, researchers found and framing in presenting a news story. one of the media that is counter, while is a media pro to PSBB policy in DKI Jakarta. The ideology used by is the economy,
it can be seen through the perspective of the media that emphasize of economic growth.
Meanwhile healthcare ideology by supporting policies and paying attention to the health of

Keywords: Covid-19, Pro-Cons PSBB, Framing Analysis, Jakarta

1. INTRODUCTION                                                       The topic seems to be rated as an issue that has high news
                                                                      value for both media. Both and
Throughout human history, when infectious diseases                    have their own perspectives and interests in delivering or
appeared was a phase that never escaped from human                    producing news to be presented to an audience commonly
life. Infectious diseases become a threat in the                      referred to as framing news.
community. Based on world health organization facts,                  Framing is the way the media preaches events that come
there have been several new diseases that are contagious              from the point of view that they want to convey to the
and potentially epidemic [1]. COVID-19 (coronavirus                   reader. Framing analysis has a purpose in knowing how
disease-19) is a new type of infectious disease that causes           reality (groups, actors, and events) will be framed by the
epidemics in 2020. WHO has warned that COVID-19 is                    media. Framing is centered to see the media telling
an infectious disease that causes public health to be                 stories about the events that occurred and the media
threatened and has come to international attention on                 constructing the news because there are facts from the
January 30, 2020 and has been declared a pandemic on                  construction results [3]. In framing related to the issue of
March 11, 2020 [2]. Large-scale social restriction policies           Pros and Cons of PSBB policy, the media talks about the
(PSBB) are a way to prevent the spread of the COVID-19                pros and cons then the understanding of the pros is a good
virus in Indonesia, especially in the DKI Jakarta area. It            response, or agree on a thing. Whereas cons are a bad
turns out that the government's decision to implement a               view, breaking, or disagreeing of a thing. The relationship
large-scale Social Restriction (PSBB) policy throughout               with Large-Scale Social Restrictions is that researchers
the DKI Jakarta area, reaped the pros and cons among the              want to assess from both online media the direction in
people of DKI Jakarta. One of the reasons for the                     which both media are impartial. Media that is Pro will
rejection of the PSBB policy is caused by some parties                highlight the support of a figure, reveal the development
who feel harmed in terms of economic and social aspects.              of a figure, and present news in accordance with existing and are two of the media that are                problems. While The Cons in the media are violating the
constantly trying to provide the latest news about                    ethics and privacy of a character, giving a great
COVID- 19 in Indonesia. One of the sub-topics in the                  opportunity for people to have opinions, and present fake about the pros and cons of PSBB                  news from citizen journals.
DKI Jakarta.

                                  Copyright © 2021 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.
     This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license -   813
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 570

Therefore, the purpose of the establishment of this                 of Covid-19 so that it will lead to Indonesia returning to
research to find out how and                   health.
framing the pro-cons of PSBB Jakarta in the mass media.             The latest research is a with the author Nishya Gavrila,
And researchers have a problem formulation that is how              Farid Rusdi [6] entitled Framing Analysis and
online media and framing the          on the Worst Jakarta Air Quality News in
pros and cons of PSBB Jakarta in the mass media. And                the World coming from the Faculty of Communication
what the ideologies of the two online media in the pros-            Sciences Tarumanagara University which has a problem
cons news PSBB Jakarta.                                             formulation how to framing online media and
                                                           in the worst Jakarta air quality news in the
1.1. Related Work                                                   world.
                                                                    Based on the results of his research, Framing Media
Hari Sevriyanto Siregar [4] made a thesis with the title            Online Overall frames the worst
Constructive Journalism Practice on The Issue of Moral              Jakarta air quality news in the world always discusses the
Panic During the COVID-19 Pandemic (Robert N.                       response of Anies Baswedan as governor of DKI Jakarta
Entman Framing Model Analysis in Corona Indonesia                   to provide solutions to overcome the bad air in Jakarta,
News in the Period 2-4 March 2020). Problem               the author also summarizes the causes of poor air quality
Formulation of this thesis is how to framing the                    in Jakarta version of, namely due to heavy on the issue of moral panic, how the practice of          vehicles crossing the JORR (Jakarta Outer Ring Road) through framing the issue of moral panic. The             toll road area and project development. The moral
results of research on framing practices of this study are          message conveyed by is the need to plant trees
researchers concluded that frame always put a             in the Jakarta area, urge the public to reduce the use of
solution greater than information that makes the public             private vehicles, as well as to test gas emissions checks
more panicked. Although, there is one news that provides            issued by vehicles. Treatment Recommendation or
solutions with fewer portions. But overall                settlement offered by to overcome the poor air
always provide information solutions from every news                quality in Jakarta is to conduct regulations on emissions
published.                                                          checks, together with the manager of JORR (Jakarta
Kheyene Molekandella Boer, Mutia Rahmi Pratiwi, Nalal               Outer Ring Road).
Muna [5] from Mulawarman University Samarinda, Dian
Nuswantoro University, APP Jakarta Polytechnic. making              2. METHODS
a Journal with Problem Formulation How the process of
framing online media in the coverage of Covid- 19                   Research that has been done by the author, using
handler policies and the role of millennials.                       qualitative research approach. This qualitative approach
The results of research in framing analysis, can be drawn           is used because researchers obtain data from news article
a conclusion that the role of the media is not limited to           analysis and have no connection with images and
information sharing, the development of the era demands             numbers. In this study, the authors used the Critical
the media to perform the role of 'watch dog' or guard dog           paradigm to analyze the articles that will be used as
for the upper elite in formulating every policy for the             results and findings. And to analyze the article that has
benefit of society. The results showed that CNN media               been obtained researchers choose framing model Robert, and provided                 N. Entman. Based on the concept of framing this model is
clarification space for the government, namely the Covid-           used by the author to illustrate two selection processes as
19 task force for the pro-cons response from the public             well as to emphasize its own aspects of the reality of a
regarding the involvement of influencers. And the results           medium. Framing according to Robert himself amounts to
of this study show several important points; First, define          four points, namely defining a problem, estimating the
the problem that is controversial to the community in this          problem or source of the problem, making a moral
case netizens for the efforts that the task force wants to          decision, and making an emphasis on solving a problem.
collaborate with influencers as an effort to educate                Therefore, researchers want to see the four points that have
millennials. Second, the government believes that the               been presented, through the pros-cons coverage of large-scale
largest source of spread of the virus is dominated by               social restrictions in the DKI Jakarta Area in and
millennials. Third, make moral judgment where              through framing Robert N. Entman. Data
influencers emphasize that their contribution is solely             collection techniques used by researchers through primary
without pay and proof of dedication to the nation in                data are based on data from the Online news portal itself,
helping the government suppress the spread of Covid-19,             namely ten news articles from, and ten news
especially      in    millennials.     Fourth,     treatment        articles from related to the issue of Pro Cons of
recommendations from four media are considered                      Large-Scale Social Restrictions in the DKI Jakarta Area. as
important for various parties to collaborate, unite to play a       well as to obtain secondary data According to Sugiyono [7],
role in efforts to prevent the spread of the virus. Not just        explained that the three stages to conduct qualitative research
from the government but from influencers and the public.            data analysis is to sort out and focus on the important thing,
The emphasis in these four media is that everyone has               secondly do a brief description, third look for the core to draw
their own role in providing awareness about the dangers             the final conclusion.

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 570

                                                                    Table 2 Pros and Cons of
3. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS                                          No     Article Title     Date      Pro & Cons
                                                                     1      Menkes Setujui    7 April   Pros
Based on ten online media reports related to                      PSBB Jakarta,     2020
large-scale social restriction policies implemented by the                  Ojol Dilarang
Governor of DKI Jakarta. There are seven counter news,                      Bawa Penumpang

Table 1 Pros and Cons of                                   2      Pakar               8 April    Pros
  No       Article Title      Date           Pro & Cons                     Transportasi        2020
 1     Penerapan PSBB          10 April    Pros
                                                                            Permenhub Tak
       Hari Pertama, Jalan     2020
                                                                            Sinkron dengan
                                                                            Aturan PSBB
 2      Pakar Transportasi     12 April    Cons
                                                                     3      Ikuti Aturan        9 April    Cons
        Kritik Permenhub       2020
                                                                            Menkes. Anies       2020
        Tak Sinkron
                                                                            Tegaskan Ojek
        dengan Aturan
                                                                            Tak Boleh Bawa
        PSBB Lain
                                                                            Penumpang di
 3      Ikuti Aturan           13 April    Cons
        Menkes. Anies          2020
                                                                     4      Pemerintah:         10 April   Pros
        Tegaskan Ojek Tak
                                                                            Sebelum PSBB        2020
        Boleh Bawa
                                                                            Kasus Corona
        Penumpang di
                                                                            DKI 50%
                                                                            Nasional, Kini
 4      Pemerintah:            11 Mei      Pros
        Sebelum PSBB           2020
                                                                     5      1.066               10 April   Pros
        Kasus Corona DKI
                                                                            Perusahaan          2020
        50% Nasional, Kini
                                                                            Langgar PSBB
                                                                            Jakarta: 184
 5      1.066 Perusahaan       12 Mei      Cons
                                                                            Ditutup, 882
        Langgar PSBB           2020
        Jakarta: 184
                                                                     6      PSBB Mau            10 April   Pros
        Ditutup, 882
                                                                            Dilonggarkan,       2020
                                                                            Nggak Takut
 6      PSBB Mau               18 Mei      Cons
        Dilonggarkan,          2020
        Nggak Takut
                                                                            Kedua Corona?
                                                                     7      Anies: PSBB         14 April   Pros
        Gelombang Kedua
                                                                            Belum Berakhir.     2020
                                                                            Yang Katakan
 7      Anies: PSBB            26 Mei      Cons
                                                                            Mal Buka 5 Juni
        Belum Berakhir.        2020
                                                                            Itu Imajinasi!
                                                                     8      Ikuti Aturan        22 April   Cons
                                                                            PSBB DKI, KPK       2020
Source: Personal Documentation (2020)                                       Perpanjang Masa
                                                                            Bekerja dari
Based on the findings of the media researchers referred to                  Rumah Hingga 4
as counter bad views, violating, or disagreeing of a thing,                 Juli
the counter-media policy presents news by pressuring the             9      46 Hari             13 Mei     Cons
public not to opinion, and based on its title as if it                      Pelaksanaan         2020
disagrees with the policy. Here are ten online media                        PSBB Jakarta,
coverage related large-scale social                              Ada 79.930
restriction policies imposed by the Governor of DKI                         Orang Yang
Jakarta, namely:                                                            Melanggar

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 570

 10     Pasar Hewan         26 Mei         Pros                      Make moral         Regulation of        Large-scale
        Jatinegara Masih    2020                                     judgement          Large-Scale          Social
        Dipadati Warga                                                                  Social               Restrictions
        Pada Saat PSBB,                                                                 Restrictions         (PSBB) is a
        Imbauan Jaga                                                                    (PSBB) DKI           policy imposed
        Jarak Diabaikan                                                                 Jakarta Area         by the Governor
Source: Personal Documentation (2020)                                                   must be obeyed       of DKI Jakarta.
                                                                                        by the               In this case there
Based on the findings of the media researchers referred to                              community.           are exceptions to
as pros that is a good response, or agree on a thing. Media                             Otherwise, the       people who have
Pro to the policy presents news in accordance with existing                             government will      an interest
problems and support a figure.                                                          crack down           outside the
In Table 1 and Table 2 on the issue of large-scale social                               firmly on people     home to work.
restrictions in the DKI Jakarta Region by Governor Anies                                who violate the
Baswedan, researchers have conducted a framing analysis                                 policy.
of the Robert N. Entman model. As many as 20 news from               Treatment          The government       This Large- media for that analysis results                 recommendation expects the              Scale Social
can be as follows:                                                                      public to comply     Restriction
                                                                                        with the policy      Regulation is
Table 3. Framing Analysis                                                               of Large-Scale       indeed in force
     Element                                     Social               to stop the
 Define problems The government          Large-scale                                    Restrictions         spread of the
                  imposes Large-         Social                                         (PSBB) that          COVID-19
                  Scale       Social     Restriction                                    have been            Virus in the DKI
                  Restrictions           Regulation                                     implemented.         Jakarta Area. In
                  (PSBB) to be           (PSBB) has                                     Because the          this case there
                  adhered to by the      been                                           policies             needs to be a
                  community, but         implemented by                                 implemented are      role of the
                  there are people       the Government.                                useful to stop the   government in
                  who still ignore       This step is                                   spread of the        paying attention
                  the regulations        considered                                     COVID-19 virus       to the people
                  of the                 appropriate to                                 in the DKI           who are going
                  Government.            save the                                       Jakarta Area. As     through a
                                         community from                                 well as this         difficult time
                                         the threat of the                              PSBB regulation      when the current
                                         COVID- 19 virus.                               is extended or       policy is put in
 Diagnose causes     Large-scale         Large-scale                                    not it is not        place.
                     Social              Social                                         actually the
                     Restriction         Restriction                                    government but
                     Regulation has      Policy that has                                what determines
                     been stipulated     been determined                                is the behavior of
                     through PP No.      by the Governor                                the community
                     21 of 2020 as       of DKI Jakarta.                                in the PSBB
                     stipulated in       Must be able to                                Region.
                     Article 60 of       manage         the         Source: Personal Documentation (2020)
                     Law Number 6        community and
                     Year 2018.          maintain       the         The results, obtained by researchers using Robert N.
                     Policies that       welfare of the             Entman's framing device, looked at similarities and
                     have been given     community.                 differences in viewpoints between them. and
                     by            the                     on the pros and cons of large-scale social
                     Government                                     restrictions in the DKI Jakarta area. If you look at the
                     must be obeyed                                 similarities, these two media both give an assessment of
                     by            the                              the policies that have been implemented in the DKI Jakarta
                     community.                                     area. news that has similarities between the two is the
                                                                    Government: Before PSBB Corona DKI Case 50%
                                                                    National, Now 39% in edition of May 11, 2020.
                                                                    In this news article the editor seems to give his assessment
                                                                    of the policies applied, but reminds the public to stick to
                                                                    the policies that have been implemented to date. The editor

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 570

also highlighted the Pro side of this policy by quoting the          [5] Kheyene Molekancella Boer, Mutia Rahmi Pratiwi
Minister of Health's statement. In addition, in an article           dan Nalal Muna. Analisis Framing Pemberitaan
published by entitled South Jakarta Tighten               Generasi Millenial dan Pemerintah terkait Covid-19 di
PSBB with The Closing of 14 Road Sections, edition 26                Media Online. Jurnal Universitas Mulawarman
May 2020. In this article, the editorial looks Pro to                samarinda, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro, Politeknik
government policy that restricts access in and out of                APP Jakarta. Vol. 4, No. 1, 2020.
Jakarta with the aim of inhibiting the addition of Covid- 19
cases in the DKI Region. On the other hand, the difference           [6] Nishya Gaurila, Farid Rusdi. Analisi Framing
in the way of and is very clear. In
                                                            dan terhadap pemberitaan
the article on the there are editors who seem to
                                                                     Kualitas Udara Jakarta Terburuk di dunia. Jurnal
preach counter behavior against large- scale social
restriction policies that have been implemented in the DKI
                                                                     Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Untar. Vol. 3 No. 2, Februari
Jakarta Area. Examples of two related articles are                   2020.
Transportation Experts Criticism Permenhub Out of Sync
with other PSBB Rules edition 12 April 2020. And the                 [7] Sugiyono. Metode Penelitian: Kuantitatif, Kualitatif,
second article related to differences related to Anies Insists       R&D. Bandung: Alfabeta, 2016.
Ojek Can Not Bring Passengers in PSBB edition of April
13, 2020.


Based on research questions this research aims to
describe the framing of and
about pro and cons of PSBB Jakarta and the ideologies of
the two online media. Researchers found and framing in presenting a news story. one of the media that is counter, while is a media pro to PSBB policy in DKI
Jakarta. The ideology used by is the economy, it
can be seen through the perspective of the media that emphasize of economic growth.
Meanwhile healthcare ideology by
supporting policies and paying attention to the health of


[1] Balkhair, A. A. Covid-19 pandemic: A new chapter
in the history of infectious diseases. Oman Medical
Journal 2020, 35(2), pp 2–3.

[2] Balkhair, A. A. Covid-19 pandemic: A new chapter
in the history of infectious diseases. Oman Medical
Journal 2020, 35(2), pp 2–3.

[3] Eriyanto. Analisis Framing: Konstruksi, Ideologi,
dan Politik Media. Yogyakarta: LkiS, 2008.

[4] Heri Suvriyanto Siregar. Praktek Jurnalisme
Konstruktif pada Isu Kepanikan Moral Selama Pandemi
Covid-19. Skripsi. Fakultas Komunikasi & Diploma
Universitas Pertamina. Jakarta, 2020.

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