FORWARD FUTURE VANCOUVER, BC - Project Management and Business ...

Page created by Ann Williamson
FORWARD FUTURE VANCOUVER, BC - Project Management and Business ...
NOVEMBER 1–4, 2021


Earn up to 22 PDUs & CDUs
Early Bird Pricing until October 1, 2021
FORWARD FUTURE VANCOUVER, BC - Project Management and Business ...

WHY ATTEND:                                                                                                        GREETINGS
                                                                                                                   FROM THE

    1                                                                                                              CONFERENCE
      EARN UP TO                           BAWORLD VANCOUVER
      22 PDUs AND CDUs
      over 4 days
                                           ADVISORY BOARD                                                          VICE PRESIDENT

                                           Priyanka Agrawal     CGI
                                           Deneen Asano         HSBC Bank
      TOP QUALITY EDUCATION                Osama Aziz           Fraser Health Authority       FUTURE FORWARD
      AT COMPETITIVE PRICES                Ben Bell-Scott       CMC

                                           Lily Cheung          BC Liquor Distribution 		     Are you ready for a challenge and an opportunity? As conference
      REGIONAL ADVISORY BOARD                                                                 Vice-President, my team and I would like to offer both. We have
                                           Raquel Collins       Continuing Business
      THAT TARGETS LOCAL ISSUES                                 Studies | UBC Sauder 		       prepared one of the most unique combinations of sessions and
                                                                School of Business            workshops available to you across North America.

                                           Pindy Gill           Worksafe
      UNIQUE CONFERENCE MODEL                                                                 As Project Managers and/or Business Analysis Professionals, you are
                                           John Hawkins         Telus                         often tasked with managing teams, predicting shifting scenarios and
      PMBA COMBINED                        Siobhan Heaney       City of Vancouver             ensuring careful direction, all while understanding the importance of
                                                                                              the bottom line. Our conference, ProjectWorld*BusinessAnalystWorld

                                           Hollis Hodson        Avocette
                                           Eddie Isted          Peter B. Gustavson School     is designed to create scenarios that deliver these skill-set enhancing
      NETWORKING                                                of Business | University of
      UNLIMITED NETWORKING                                      Victoria

      OPPORTUNITIES WITH YOUR              Bachar Khawajah      City of Burnaby               Whether it’s through classroom-style sessions by recognized experts
      PEERS                                Iana Kramarovskaia   BC Hydro                      and innovators or peer-to-peer casual conversations, the learning
                                                                                              process will be natural and above all, fun!

                                           Wendy Leithead       Royal Roads University
                                           Eunice MacCharles    BCAA                          Along with gaining knowledge and making new acquaintances, it’s
      LOCAL & CONVENIENT                   Asif Masood          Amazon                        important to remind you that attendees can claim one credit for every
      LOCATION                             Holly-Dale Monych    Global Knowledge              hour of education, up to 22 in total over 4 days, which goes a long way
                                           Diana Morris         Ministry of Finance, 		       to renewing your certification.
                                                                Information Management
                                                                Branch                        I encourage you to take advantage of all the learning and networking
                                           Carol Noble          City of Vancouver
                                                                                              opportunities this event provides. Please do not hesitate to contact me
                                                                                              directly if you have any questions!
                                           Tamisha Parris       Parris Consulting
                                           Parm Randhawa        BC Liquor Distribution

    FOLLOW US!                             John Ricard
                                                                Ceshell Management
                                                                Services inc.                 Amy Ruddell | Vice-President, Business Unit
    @PROJECTWORLD                          Martha Teate         Norket Projects Inc.          ProjectWorld*BusinessAnalystWorld
       #PWBAWVAN                           Caprice White        Coast Capital Savings
                                           Harry Wong           Workday
                                           Tracy Wong           HSBC Bank
                                           Brad Wray            MNP Technology Solutions
                                           Li Yang              Wideman Foundation

FORWARD FUTURE VANCOUVER, BC - Project Management and Business ...


    NOVEMBER 1 | 8:30AM - 9:45AM                                                                                       NOVEMBER 2 | 8:30am - 9:45am

    We are currently living through a global crisis, unlike anything we have experienced in our lifetime. The          There are times in life when something resonates with you. Something connects and it elevates us to what we
    pandemic has shown us that in the midst of great change, we can look for the opportunities that are available      know to be our critical path in our career. What if we could elevate that path sooner? You can; you tap into your
    to serve our organization and the planet. We are not the people we were a year ago. We are being called upon       power of 3. Every decision and step along the path of discovering who you are and who you want to be has
    to expand the vision of who we are and what we, and our organizations can do. This is the edge of change           an impact to your career trajectory. Do you want to play it safe near the ground or gain some altitude without
    where we have to sharpen our capacity to lead. It starts with each one of us – regardless of our job title.        getting air sickness? Or maybe, rocket into a career worthy of the stars! Let’s come together to learn the power
                                                                                                                       of 3: the traits that will transform you into a self-aware, successful project professional. Learn which decisions
                                                                                                                       and actions change the course of your career trajectory, and how you can pull from your very own power of 3
                                                                                                                       to create a unique, amazing and deserving career.

    NOVEMBER 1 | 2:30pm - 3:30pm                                                                                       NOVEMBER 2 | 2:30pm - 3:30pm

    There aren’t enough hours in the day. There’s too much work to do. I can’t keep up between work, family,           What does it take to be a Stand Out leader? Leadership isn’t the easiest path, but it is a meaningful and
    and myself. Everything is a top priority. Everything is already late. I’m never going to catch up. Work smarter.   potentially rewarding one. How can you lead through your actions - with or without an authority? What makes
    Work harder. Work longer. This is why so many of our teammates are walking the line for burnout. We’re             some leaders stand out from the crowd? The Purple Cow Leader has willing followers. Create positive morale,
    trying to do the right things because we care. What sincerely want to help. We try to fit one more thing in        energy, and successful projects. Learn how to become the best leader you can be. It’s not good enough these
    because everything is a top priority. What if I told you that our work habits were actually making things worse,   days to be a great leader, be a stand-out leader.
    impacting our quality, and jamming our throughput? We’re accepting all changes instead of only ones with high
    ROI. Switching costs are reducing our productivity causing us to work longer. The list of wrong things done
    for the right reasons goes on. We’re going to Stop the Insanity! There will always be times where extra effort
    is needed, but we’ll discover ways to significantly improve your productivity to help you get more done with
    the time you have. The key is to understand what is really important, how to stop doing or delegate what isn’t
    important, and how to recognize the difference.

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FORWARD FUTURE VANCOUVER, BC - Project Management and Business ...

Schedule at-a-glance                                                                                                    Schedule at-a-glance
Monday November 1                                                                                                       Tuesday November 2
    7:30 am -                                                                                                           7:30 am -
    8:30 am                                                Networking Breakfast                                         8:30 am                                                   Networking Breakfast

                                      Gregg Brown                                                                                                         Jennifer Battan
                                      Change Ready Leadership                                                                                             Out of the Box BA/The Uncommon League
    8:30 am -                                                                                                           8:30 am -
    9:45 am                                                                                                             9:45 am
                                      LEADING AT THE EDGE: 3 STEPS TO SHAPE THE FUTURE OF WORK                                                            YOUR PERSONAL POWER OF 3: TRAITS OF SELF-AWARE,
                                                                                                                                                          SUCCESSFUL PROJECT PROFESSIONALS

                   PROJECT MANAGEMENT             SHARED SKILLS           BUSINESS ANALYSIS               AGILE                        PROJECT MANAGEMENT             SHARED SKILLS             BUSINESS ANALYSIS                  AGILE

                 10 Best Practices of       Compass For Team          Diversity by Design –    Even Large                            Overcoming                 Tango with a Bear:          These are Not Your           Weaving Agile into a
                 Project Management         Building: 5 Easy Ways     Where BA meets the       Enterprises Have to                   the Hurdles of             Dancing with Conflict       Parent’s Flowcharts!         Waterfall World
                 Darren Mann                To Leading Teams To       big IDEA (Inclusion,     Learn to be Agile                     Distraction                to Innovate                 Business Process             PJ Janson
                 Simon Fraser University    Success                   Diversity, Equity, and   Rochelle Tan                          Jimmy Godard               Paul Crosby                 Modeling Tips for            BCLBB
    10:00 am -
    11:00 am                                Jimmy Godard              Access)                  Chevron                               Bank of America            The Uncommon League         Digital Transformation       Mark Knauf-
                                            Bank of America           Sherry McMillan                                   10:00 am -                              - The Uncommon              Edmund Metera
                                                                      Canadian Western Bank                             11:00 am                                Foundation                  Canadian Western
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Liquor Distribution
                                                                                                                                                                                            Bank, Northern Alberta       Branch
                                                                                                                                                                                            Institute of Technology,
                                                                                                                                                                                     Manami Calvo
                 Project Recovery           Employee                  Writing Successful       Delivering Projects                                                                                                       BC Liquor Distribution
                 Process - Does it          Engagement – Is it        Business Cases Amidst    from Idea to                                                                                                              Branch
                 Have to be so Hard?        the Meeting Place for     a Pandemic - Tips        Customer Using the
                 Bill Dow                   Digital Transformation    From the Field           Disciplined Agile                     PM Also Stands for         A Beginner’s Guide          Story Maps that Work         Agile Theory is Scrum
    11:15 am -   Dow Publishing LLC         and Innovation?           Priyanka Agrawal         Toolkit                               People Manager             to Avoiding an AI           – Hands on Creating a        Practice
    12:15 pm
                                            Tad Haas                  TransLink                Klaus Boedker                         Jason Scriven              Apocalypse                  Story Map                    Timothy Guay
                                            edison365                                          Disciplined Agile Inc.
                                                                                                                                     The Accidental Manager     Asif Masood                 Jennifer Battan              AgileWorks
                                                                                                                        11:15 am -                              Amazon                      Out of the Box BA/The
                                                                                                                        12:15 pm                                                            Uncommon League

    12:15 pm -
    1:15 pm                                                   Networking Lunch

                 Negotiating with           Driving Innovation:       Rolling out Multi-       Kanban or Scrum?
                 Confidence:                When the BA and the       Factor Authentication    Which One to             12:15 pm -
                                                                                                                                                                                   Networking Lunch
                 Mastering the              PM are in the Driver’s    (MFA) across the BC      Choose?                  1:15 pm
                 Win-Win Approach           Seat                      Gov’t                    Guillermo Garcia                      Building Emotional         Flying Above                The Big Picture BA           Agile Best Practices
    1:15 pm -    Vijay Verma                Lesley Sutton             Ian Frazer               Systemlabs Consulting                 Fitness to Lead            the Cloud - How             Priyanka Agrawal             and Lessons Learned
    2:15 pm      University of British      CGI Inc.                  IPF Consulting Inc.                                            During Difficult           Value Streams and           TransLink
                 Columbia and Samanda       Amanda Scarbro                                                                           Times                      Capabilities Moved
                 Enterprises Inc.           CGI Inc.                                                                                                            an Airline to a Higher
                                                                                                                                     Hans Eckman
                                                                                                                                     Info-Tech Research         Altitude
                                                                                                                        1:15 pm -
                                                                                                                        2:15 pm      Group                      Paul Crosby
                                                                                                                                                                The Uncommon League
                                                                                                                                                                - The Uncommon
                                      Hans Eckman                                                                                                               Foundation
    2:30 pm -                         Info-Tech Research Group                                                                                                  Jon Firnstahl
    3:30 pm                                                                                                                                                     Delta Air Lines
                                      ACHIEVE MORE BY DOING LESS

    3:45 pm -
    5:00 pm                                Networking Reception and Sponsor Showcase                                                                      Saby Waraich
                                                                                                                        2:30 pm -                         CIO | CISO, CCC
                                                                                                                        3:30 pm
                                                                                                                                                          PURPLE COW LEADERSHIP: STAND OUT AS AN
                                                                                                                                                          EFFECTIVE LEADER

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FORWARD FUTURE VANCOUVER, BC - Project Management and Business ...
VANCOUVER, BC | NOVEMBER 1–4, 2021 | JW MARRIOTT PARQ VANCOUVER                                                       >>> REGISTER TODAY AT PMBACONFERENCES.COM/VANCOUVER

Workshop Schedule at-a-glance                                                                                              Workshop Schedule at-a-glance
Wednesday November 3 | 9:00am - 4:00pm                                                                                     Thursday November 4 | 9:00am - 4:00pm
                                                              Paul Crosby
                                                              PMP, Co-Founder & CEO, The Uncommon League -                  DIVERSITY INTELLIGENCE: INSPIRING BY                     Paul Pelletier
    A BUSINESS ANALYST AND A PROJECT                          The Uncommon Foundation                                       INCLUDING                                                Principal, Paul Pelletier Consulting (PPC)
    MANAGER WALK INTO AN AGILE BAR                            Jennifer Battan
                                                              CSM, CBAP, Cofounder, Chief Creativity Officer, Out of the
                                                              Box BA/The Uncommon League
                                                                                                                            This Diversity Intelligence workshop provides                be used create a culture where people and
                                                                                                                            leaders with insight necessary to improve your               performance thrive, driving innovation.
    Sounds like the start of a good story. The most           Learning Objectives                                           understanding of those you lead. Leaders must            •   Participants will understand diversity intelligence
    common problem facing Agile practitioner isn’t            • Walk through an Agile project from beginning to             develop high levels of diversity intelligence in order       blind spots, comfort zones and other barriers to
    the basics – it’s how it all fits together on a typical     the end in this interactive fast paced workshop that        to inspire effectively.                                      their personal approach to diversity.
    project. How does an Agile project get started?             will bring deeper understanding to how the Agile                                                                     •   Participants will have new tools to assist them
    Once it gets started, how do you plan it in sprint          fundamentals fit together into an efficient process.        Learning Objectives                                          in improving their diversity intelligence and
    zero? How do you pull an Agile sprint back from           • Learn how to pull sprint back from the brink of             • This workshop will enable participants to                  inspiring their teams and colleagues.
    the brink of failure? What’s the best way to show           failure and manage risk in an Agile environment.               understand how diversity intelligence can
    status on a sprint? In this workshop we take you on       • Discover new approaches to techniques to
    a ride through a typical Agile project with all the         manage communication, expectations setting,
    turns and twists along the way from planning, epics,        status reporting, resource management, and
    theme, user stories, backlogs, spikes, status and risk.     much more.                                                  ANALYZE YOUR POLITICAL LANDSCAPE FOR                     Vijay Verma
                                                                                                                            PROJECT SUCCESS: SWIMMING WITH SHARKS                    PMI Fellow, PMP, MBA, P.Eng, TRIUMF, University of British
                                                                                                                            WITHOUT BEING EATEN ALIVE                                Columbia and Samanda Enterprises Inc.

                                                              Jimmy Godard
    A COMPASS TO LEADING IN UNCERTAIN TIMES                   MCIS, MBA, PMP, ITIL, Senior Change Manager, Service          Ignoring the external and internal politics                  and manage their people and projects.
                                                              Delivery Manager, Program Manager, Bank of America
                                                                                                                            surrounding your project can be hazardous.               •   Develop skills to become politically sensible by
                                                                                                                            The more power you have and know how to                      increasing your power and circle of influence
    Leaders face challenges that set the tone                 should demonstrate, practices for acting despite              use effectively, the better you can navigate                 and creating good working relationships with
    for their entire organization. These uncertain            uncertainty, and gain tools to exercise effective             organizational politics. Analyze your political              stakeholders.
    times are painful, devastating, and have tested           leadership both within organizations and society.             landscape effectively for swimming with sharks           •   Recognize the importance and dynamics of
    many organizational leaderships. How leaders                                                                            without being eaten alive.                                   politics in project management. Analyze the
    respond can make all the difference to future             Learning Objectives                                                                                                        political landscape in your organization and
    success. Throughout this presentation, you                • Leading with moral narratives                               Learning Objectives                                          identify three political positions of stakeholders
    will have a unique opportunity to learn how to            • Acting purposefully                                         • Understand how naïve, sharks, and politically              (naïve, sharks, and politically sensible).
    lead in uncertain times. Explore behaviors you            • Keeping the team focus                                        sensible people view politics, deal with politics,

                                                                                                                                                                                     Paul Crosby
                                                              Jason Scriven
    BUILD A PROJECT TEAM WITH STRENGTH                        Coach, The Accidental Manager
                                                                                                                            THE AGILE PROJECT MANAGER                                PMP, Co-Founder & CEO, The Uncommon League -
                                                                                                                                                                                     The Uncommon Foundation

    Take the guesswork out of building your project           Learning Objectives                                           Has your organization been swinging around                   that vision together
    team by learning how to identify the inherent             • Identify the inherent strengths of your team                the Agile magic wand trying to make project              •   It’s a process – understanding how the working
    strengths of your team members and position                 members                                                     management disappear? Are you getting pressure               agreement is used to facilitate multiple teams,
    them in roles that maximize the use of those              • Position your team members in roles that                    to be more Agile, but your projects are more                 frameworks, multiple teams working in parallel,
    strengths.                                                  match their strengths                                       chaotic? Using the Agile framework on projects               release planning and mitigating risk
                                                              • Become a better PM by managing to your own                  doesn’t make a PM obsolete.                              •   Planning isn’t a task list – understanding the
                                                                inherent strengths                                                                                                       planning activities in the Agile Framework
                                                                                                                            Learning Objectives                                          including handling risk mitigation, fail fast – fail
                                                                                                                            • Building a common vision – even with                       safe, release trains and management, spikes,
                                                              Edmund Metera                                                   multiple Agile teams – to create a common                  tech cards, dependencies across multiple teams
    THE PRACTICAL, HOW-TO GUIDE TO HIGH                       PMP, Program Manager, Instructor, Author, Canadian              understanding of vision and goals then holding             and systems, and status reporting approaches
    QUALITY BUSINESS PROCESS MODELS                           Western Bank, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology,

                                                                                                                                                                                     Priyanka Agrawal
    Despite proven process management, regulatory             Learning Objectives
    compliance and digital transformation                     • How-To: Come Prepared - Not only to produce
                                                                                                                            THE BIG PICTURE BA                                       CBAP, ITIL, IIBA-AAC, Prosci Change Mgt, Specialist,
    methodologies, excellent modeling tools, and                process models that meet the needs of process
    robust modeling notations like BPMN, and despite            improvement and regulatory compliance
    all the well-intentioned efforts spent by business          methodologies, but also digital transformation              Do you often find yourself engrossed in the details      Learning Objectives
    analysts and business subject matter experts,             • How-To: Get Event/Outcome Oriented –                        of Business Analysis often losing touch with the         • Identify what big picture thinking is and why it
    a lot of business process models don’t meet                 Perceive, normalize and define all business                 overall picture or goals? Alternatively, are you           is important
    expectations. Why? Business analysts, managers,             processes or activities as event driven and                 so abstract and high level that you can find it          • Cite the key elements of and steps towards big
    productivity improvement specialists, and                   outcome oriented services.                                  challenging to relate back the tactical information        picture thinking
    consultants who develop process models by trial           • How-To: Take advantage of BPMN – To illustrate              to the high level scenarios? Fear no more. The ‘Big      • Illustrate, through real life examples, tried and tested
    and error are prone to fail.                                the most common logical process model                       Picture BA’ is a happy medium!                             tips and tricks that help with big picture thinking
                                                                refinements using proven BPMN patterns.
                                                                                                                              PROJECT                 BUSINESS                SHARED                   AGILE
8                                                                                                                           MANAGEMENT                ANALYSIS                                                                                    9
FORWARD FUTURE VANCOUVER, BC - Project Management and Business ...

 REGISTER TODAY                                                                                                      CORPORATE PROGRAM
 Register Before October 1, 2021 to Save 10%!
                                                                                                                     GROUP BENEFITS
                                             EARLY BIRD
                                         Until October 1, 2021
                                      Individual          Groups of 3 +
                                                                                    After October 1, 2021
                                                                                  Individual         Groups of 3 +
                                                                                                                      1                      2                         3
     4 Day Pass
     (Includes 2 Symposia            $2,614.14             $2,352.73            $2,904.60              $2,614.14
                                                                                                                     SAVE                FLEXIBLE                  SPECIALIZED
     Days and 2 Workshops)                                                                                           ADDITIONAL          BILLING                   GROUP
     3 Day Pass
     (Includes 2 Symposia
     Days and 1 Workshop)

     2 Day Pass
     (Includes 2 Symposia




                                                                                                                     10      %           OPTIONS                   REPORTS

     2 Day Workshop
     (Includes 2 Workshops)
                                     $1,575.90             $1,418.31             $1,751.00             $1,575.90                            PROGRAM
                                                                                                                                            Organizations registering 3 or more
     2 Day Combo Pass
     (Includes 1 Symposia            $1,469.30             $1,322.37             $1,632.55            $1,469.30                             attendees receive group discount rates.
     Day and 1 Workshop)                                                                                                                    If your company is interested in this special
     1 Day Symposium Pass                                                                                                                   offer, please contact me directly!
                                      $706.37               $635.74               $784.86               $706.37
     (Includes 1 Symposia Day)
                                                                                                                                            Jennifer White
     1 Day Workshop Pass                                                                                                                    E:
                                      $954.81               $859.33             $1,060.90               $954.81
     (Includes 1 Workshop)                                                                                                                  Include PW*BAW Vancouver Group Inquiry
                                                                                                                                            in the subject line.
                         All registrations are on an individual basis. Badge sharing is not allowed.
               Prices listed above do not include tax. HST (5%) will be added at the time of registrations.

                  NOTE: Continental breakfast, snack breaks and lunch are included with registration!

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FORWARD FUTURE VANCOUVER, BC - Project Management and Business ...

     BUILD A CASE FOR ATTENDING                                                                                UPCOMING EVENTS

         PRODUCTIVITY                     STRATEGY               INDUSTRY           COLLABORATION

     employees who
     received training are
                                     HEIGHTEN                  UP-TO-DATE ENHANCE
                                     creative and analytical   on the latest trends,    agility and move up,

 17       % more
             than those who did
             not receive training.
                                     skills to generate
                                     better solutions and
                                                               and align them to your
                                                               company goals and
                                                                                        down and across the

                                                               Adopt:                      motivation and
        Efficiency,                  Build:                    NEW                         morale among
        accurate results and
                                     Leadership/                                           employees
        profitability.                                         Technologies
                                     Recognition               Methods                     Employee turnover

12                                                                                                                                                                    13
FORWARD FUTURE VANCOUVER, BC - Project Management and Business ...


                 JW MARRIOTT PARQ
                39 Smithe Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6B 0R3
     Call +1 604-676-0888 and quote PS/BAW Vancouver 2021 or click here to book online.
           Book by October 3, 2021 to secure the PS*BAW group rate.
            Group Nightly Rate: $279. Quote: PS*BAW VANCOUVER 2021

                       COMMITMENT TO CLEAN
   As we welcome you back to our hotels around the world, we are committed
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 working to defeat COVID-19. Consisting of in-house and outside experts in food
   and water safety, hygiene and infection prevention, and hotel operations, our
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 Marriott Cleanliness Council is redefining our cleaning and safety standards. We
   will actively monitor and evolve our solutions to ensure a continued focus on
                 the health and safety of our guests and associates.

                        For details visit

FORWARD FUTURE VANCOUVER, BC - Project Management and Business ... FORWARD FUTURE VANCOUVER, BC - Project Management and Business ...
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