Page created by Marion Morgan

               A Quarterly Publication of the West Allis Senior Center

    West Allis Senior Center                 Winter Weather Closures
            414-302-8700                    Listen to local news and when Mil-
        Monday thru Friday                  waukee Public School District clos-
                                            es due to inclement weather, all
         Hours: 9:00 - 4:30                 Milwaukee County Senior Dining
       Important Holiday                    sites will close.
                                                                   All West Allis Senior
               Closing                                             Center programs,
On January 17th, 2022, the West                                    and group activities
Allis Senior Center and the Senior Dining                          are also canceled.
Program will be closed in observance of
Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
                                                  COVID Restrictions
    Special Appreciation                    Masks are required while participating in
                                            activities at the West Allis Senior Center
                                                             Thank you.
Heritage West Allis Senior
Living Complex for sponsoring the
Senior Center’s annual magazine sub-
scriptions in our lobby area.

Food for the Hungry, Inc. for the           Let us know what programs
wonderful assortment of breads and bak-
ery items donated to the Senior Center          would you like at the
throughout the year. Our special thanks
to Gary and Fred, who volunteer for them               Senior Center?
and deliver items weekly to the Senior
                                                Book Club             Music Appreciation
                                                Cribbage              Yahtzee
           THANK YOU!
                                                Chess                 Canasta
                                                Trivial Pursuit       Royal Rummy

MONDAY                                                        WEDNESDAY
 Fitness Center                 9 - 11              P/Free    Fitness Center                      9 - 11       P/Free
 Billiards                      9-4                  $0.50    Senior Breakfast (3rd Wed.)         9 - 10          P/$

 Arthritis Exercise Class       10 - 11               Free    Billiards                           9-4           $0.50
 Card Making Group              10 - 12               Free    Arthritis Exercise Class            10 - 11        Free
 Senior Dining                  11:15 - 12        P/$3/$8     Senior Ambassador                   10 - 12        Open

 Computer Tech                  12 - 3                Free    Senior Dining                       11:15 - 12   P/$3/$8

 Sheepshead                     12 - 4                Free    Computer Tech                       12 - 3         Free
                                                              Stained Glass                       12 - 4          P/$
                                                              Sheepshead                          12 - 4         Free
TUESDAY                                                       Knit & Crochet Group                12:30 - 2      Free
Fitness Center                  9 - 11              P/Free    Beat the Blues Group (2nd & 4th 12:30 - 2          Open
Billiards                       9-4                  $0.50

Quilting Group                  9 – 11                Free    THURSDAY
Singing with Salud              10 - 11               Free
                                                              Fitness Center             9 - 11                 P/Free
Senior Dining                   11:15 - 12        P/$3/$8
                                                              Billiards                  9-4                     $0.50
Computer Tech                   12 - 3                Free
                                                              Chair Yoga                 10:30 - 11               Free
Wii Bowling Group               12 - 2                Free
                                                              Meditation                 11 - 11:15               Free
Dominoes                        12:30 - 2:30          Free    Senior Dining              11:15 - 12            P/$3/$8
Movie Matinee (2nd & 4th Tues) 12:30 - 2:30           Free    Computer Tech              12 - 3                   Free
                                                              Wii Bowling Group          12 - 2                   Free
                                                              Dartball                   12:30 - 2:30             Free
Registration is continuous until a class is filled. Ongoing
classes and activities accept new participants throughout
the year. The majority of classes and activities are taught
or led by volunteers. Register by calling 414-302-8700.
SENIOR DINING RESERVATIONS                                    Fitness Center             9 - 11                 P/Free
In person or by phone 414-302-8703. Due by 11 the day         Billiards                  9-4                     $0.50
                                                              Arthritis Exercise Class 10 - 11                    Free
                                                              Senior Dining              11:15 - 12            P/$3/$8
      Free        With Senior Center membership card
                                                              Computer Tech              12 - 3                   Free
        P         Pre-registration required
                                                              Sheepshead                 12 - 4                   Free
        $         Fee or suggested donation required
      Open        No membership required

 Senior Breakfast Group                        Singing with Salud
3rd Wednesday, meets at 9.                New for 2022, Starting Tuesday, Jan-
This fun social group meets once a        uary 11th,at 10 and Tuesday morn-
month at various restaurants. Partici-    ings thereafter. Enjoy singing along to
pants pay for their own meal, including   the oldies. Don’t know the words, the
tax and tip.                              lyrics will be there for you to see.
Enjoy good conversation and meet new      Join us for another fun and entertain-
people.                                   ing activity at the Senior Center.
Group Leader is Kathy Fermanich.
Call her at 414-302-8700 the day be-
fore if you plan to attend.
January 19
84th Classic Café                         Random Jokes and Trivia!
1650 S 84 St.
                                          If you’re interested in receiving a daily,
February 15
                                                      entertaining email.
Pegasus Restaurant
7727 W Greenfield Ave.                                 Email Sharon at
March 16                                   It’s guaranteed to brighten your day!
Mad Rooster Café
4401 W Greenfield Ave

April 20
Braun’s Power House
7100 W National Ave.

          Games and Cards                        Jigsaw Puzzles
Pocket Billiards                         Studies have shown that jigsaw puz-
Monday - Friday                          zling strongly engages cognitive abili-
                                         ties and long-term memory. Keep your
                                         brain en-
(.50 donation per game. Funds collect-   gaged with
ed maintain equipment.)
                                         our ongoing
Computer Games (in Computer Lab)         puzzle area.
Monday - Friday
12– 3*

Sheepshead (beginning and sea-
soned players)
Mondays - Wednesdays - Fridays
12 - 4*

Mexican Train Dominoes
12:30 - 2*
Barb Forster, Group Leader

Wii Bowling Group
Tuesdays and Thursdays
12 - 2.*
Dennis Kopp, Group Leader
                                                 .Movie     Matinee
                                         2nd and 4th Tuesdays from 12:30 in our
                                         Lower Level. Call 414-302-8700 on
12:30 - 2:30*
                                         Tuesday morning for information on the
John Langford Group Leader               afternoon’s featured film. Group Leader
* Unless a special event is scheduled.   is Mary Sullivan.
       City of West Allis                      Caring for Your Eyes as You
         Winter Week!                                      Age
      Blankets and Bingo                      Join Brenda McGinley, OTR, CLVT, Certi-
                                              fied Occupational Therapist and Low Vision
The West Allis Business District asked us     Specialist, as she discusses what vision
to host Bingo, prizes included, at the Sen-   changes are normal as we age and what
ior Center on January 21, 2-4.                you can do to keep your eyes healthy. This
                                              presentation will stress the importance of
Also we will be selling & raffling Senior     good vision as it relates to safety and pre-
Center made fleece blankets. Tickets are      vention of falls. Learn about age related eye
3 for $5. It may be your lucky day.           diseases and local programs that can assist
                                              those with permanent vision loss.
Enjoy a couple of hours of fun with other     Thursday, February 17th at 1.
Bingo enthusiasts. It’s going to be a
great day!                                        Planning for Your Care in
         Everyone is Welcome!                            Later Life
                                               Please join us as Milwaukee County De-
                                               partment of Health and Human Services –
                                               Aging and Disabilities Services (ADS) Out-
                                               reach Social Worker, Andy Bethke, pro-
                                               vides an overview of information and re-
                                               sources to help you plan for your future.
                                               Learn more about actions that you can
                                               take now to make things easier as you
     Wonderful Women of                        grow older, and also about ways to get
                                               help when you need it.
              West Allis                       Monday, February 21st at 1.
Thursday, February 10, 12:30.
Devan Gracyalny, Vice Chairman of the
                                               Downsizing: It’s Just “Stuff”
West Allis Historic Preservation Commis-
sion and President of the West Allis His-      Join us Thursday, February 24th at
                                               12:30 with Margaret Finley of The Laure-
torical Society will present his PowerPoint
                                               ate Group.
on all the contributions that West Allis
women made to our Great City.                  We’ll explore how we “think” about our be-
                                               longings and consider how to move from
Please RSVP by February 8th at 414-302-        “having to get rid of “ mind set to a ”paying
8700.                                          it forward” one. And yes, you’ll walk away
                                               with FUN tips on how to cull your posses-
                                               sions as well. Lets get motivated?

    Dental, Vision, Hearing,                                     Rickover:
   Houshold Chores—Where                                  Father of the Navy
        can I get help?                            Join us for a fascinating and historical
                                                   look at the most famous and controversial
Thursday, March 10, at 1 find information                              flag officer of his era
about how to get the things that we need.
                                                                       (1950-1980) Hyman G.
For older adults, it can be especially difficult
to find resources for dental care, vision                              Rickover ’Father of the
care, hearing care, household chore ser-                               Navy’ on Monday,
vices, and durable medical equipment.                                  March 21st at 12:30.
Please join us as Milwaukee County Depart-                             Guest speaker, John
ment of Health and Human Services – Ag-                                Lindstadt, is a former
ing and Disabilities Services (ADS) Out-                               nuclear submarine of-
reach Social Worker Andy Bethke provides
                                                                       ficer will educate us on
an overview of resources and information to
meet these needs.                                  the man who built the first nuclear-
                                                   powered submarine. Pre-registration re-
                                                   quested; call 414-302-8700.
    Effective Techniques for
   Enhancing Mental Fitness                        Be prepared and don’t be-
Our speaker will share various techniques to            come a victim!
keep you mentally fit and cognitively alert.
                                                   Lisa Schiller is the Director of Investiga-
You will learn how brain exercises can stim-
                                                   tions and Media Relations for the Better
ulate both sides of the brain and boost            Business Bureau Serving Wisconsin.
memory. Another program from The Laure-            The BBB covers the entire state of Wis-
ate Group. Stay tuned date/ time: TBD              consin, but is located right here in West
       ‘911’ EMERGENCY                             Lisa will give a presentation on Thurs-
                                                   day, April 7 at 1 about common scams
Eric Jansen, Communications Supervisor for         - what to look out for so that you don't
the West Allis Police Department will explain      become a victim, as well as how to
the ins and outs of our ‘911’ emergency sys-       properly report scams and fraud. She'll
              tem. He’ll also share important      discuss computer tech
              things you should know when          scams, online purchase
              calling ‘911’. Reservations re-      scams, the grandparent
              quested; call 414-302-8700.          scams and many more. It’s
Stay tuned date/ time: TBD                         great to be in the aware.

**NEW** TRIPS FOR 2022
 Day Trippers Travel Club                          Casino Bus Trip
Do you enjoy exploring inter-                 Enjoy a variety of table games,
esting places around Wis-                     machines, slots, and bingo at
consin and surrounding are-                   Ho- Chunk casino in Wisconsin
as?                                           Dells. On our way home, we
This year we are fortunate to be cooper-      will stop at the Wisconsin Dells Craft &
ating with the City of Greenfield to offer    Antique Mall for a little shopping.
these trips for you.
Whether you are the adventurous-type,         Thursday, April 21, event #109701-04
looking for an exciting day trip, or you’re
interested in meeting new friends there       9:15 AM Depart Greenfield City Hall
is a trip for you!                            5:30 PM Approximate Return to
The Greenfield “Day Trippers” offers          Greenfield City Hall
comfortable, carefree one-day tours,          Fee: $36 (per person)
traveling by restroom equipped motor          RSVP by Monday, March 28
coach (unless otherwise noted) in a non       If minimum registration has not been
-smoking environment.                         reached by March 28th, the trip will be
Enjoy your days amongst friends and           canceled and participants refunded. No
add value to your life!                       refunds for cancellations on or after
Must register in person at the Greenfield     March 28, 2022 unless a replacement
City Hall, 7325 W Forest Home Ave.            can be found.
Mention that you are a West Allis Senior             Lambeau Field Tour
Center Member.
                                              This tour has something for everyone
   Progressive Ethnic Meal                    from the casual football viewer to the die
         Food Tour                            -hard Packer fan.
                                              Includes a stadium tour, Hall of Fame
Join us on a tour of Milwaukee’s unique       visit, lunch, Packers Heritage Trail bus
ethnic heritage and meals, from Ger-          tour, and shopping.
man to Polish, Irish and more! Includes
                                              Friday, May 20, event #109701-05
lunch and shopping.
                                              7:30 AM Depart Greenfield City Hall
Friday, March 4, event #109701-06
                                              6:30 PM Approximate Return to
10:30 AM Depart Greenfield City Hall          Greenfield City Hall
5:00 PM Approximate Return to                 Fee: $110 (per person)
Greenfield City Hall                          RSVP by Monday, May 9
Fee: $85 (per person)
RSVP by Monday, February 14
AARP Foundation Tax-Aide is planning to operate a ‘Drop Off’
tax site at the West Allis Senior Center each Friday from 9:30 AM
to 3:30 PM beginning Friday 2/18/2022 and ending Friday
This will be an Appointment Only tax site and all tax counselors
and taxpayers must wear masks and practice social distancing.
make an appointment online at website be-
ginning January 17th, 2022.
All required forms can be downloaded from the website or picked
up at the West Allis Senior Center beginning 1/17/2022.
                    AT WASC**
Your initial appointment will be in the morning. Once at the tax
site, we will make a second appointment for the afternoon of the
same day for you to return to pick up your completed return.
The time allowed for each appointment will be limited to 15
minutes so you must have all of the required forms completely
filled out when you arrive for your appointment.
To limit exposure to others, please do not arrive until 5 minutes
before your appointment time. Please remember to bring your
copy of last year’s tax return.
Because of COVID and the procedures that must be followed,
the number of appointments available are limited this year.
Thank you for your patience.
       Arthritis Exercise
Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays
10:00—11:00 a.m.
Relieve your arthritis pain through gentle
motion and activities designed to help in-
crease joint flexibility, range of motion
and maintain muscle strength. Sessions
feature gentle stretching, low intensity,
aerobics and chair exercises. Shirley
Laux is the Certified Arthritis Exercise In-
structor; Chuck Chapeta and Maria Vega,

          Beat the Blues
Wednesdays 12:30 – 2:00 p.m.
2nd and 4th of Month
Feeling depressed or anxious? Join our
peer support group that meets every oth-
er week. Each session offers a safe and
caring environment where you can take
comfort in talking to others and know that
you aren’t alone. Sandy King, Group Fa-

       Toe Nail Trimmers                                   Chair Yoga
                                               Thursdays, 10:30 – 11:00 a.m.
2nd Monday of ODD Month                        Instructor Susie Melott has been teach-
1:30 - 3:30 p.m.                               ing her classes on ZOOM. Join us in
This program has registered nurses who         the lobby to stretch and be together.
are specially trained to trim nails. No        Breathing techniques are included at
soaking of feet is needed. Registration is     the end of the class. Visit
required by calling 262-719-0336. The, for a full list of avail-
cost is $31 each visit, make check paya-       able classes.
ble to Toe Nail Trimmers. Appointments                    We All Love Susie!!
available: January 10, March 14, May 9.

   Get Fit and Fabulous in
Our “State of the Art” Fitness Room is
here for you. We have club-quality tread-
mills, pneumatic Keiser weight lifting ma-
chines, Schwinn recumbent bikes and Nu

A few forms will have to be filled out and
approved by your Doctor prior to working

Then Wendy B, our amazing member
and technician at Froedtert Hospital con-
ducts our orientations every other
Wednesday. She can also help you with
your fitness goals.

She’ll keep you on your toes and you’ll
get healthier while doing it.
                                                   COVID VACCINES
                                             The West Allis Health Department of-
                                             fers a weekly COVID vaccine clinic
                                             Tuesday—Friday. The Pfizer vaccine is
                                             available for 1st dose, 2nd dose, and
                                             booster appointments.

                                             Visit vac-
                                             cine or call 414-302-8600 to schedule
                                             an appointment.
Monday – Friday, 9:00 – 11:00 a.m.           Want a Moderna or Johnson & Johnson
Afternoons available, Call the Office        vaccine? Visit to find
to schedule your time. 414-302-8700.         a local provider.
Knit & Crochet: Wednesdays,
12:30 - 2:00 Share your afternoon with
new friends while you work on your own
project. Enjoy lively conversation and sto-
ries with other ‘Yarnsmiths’.
                                              Stained Glass:       Group meets
                                              Wednesdays from 12 – 4 Beginners
                                              and Intermediates welcome. Work on
                                              your own project. Sandy Steckler, Lynn
                                              Zwitter, and Lynn Sidabris are the Group
                                              Leaders. Prices TBD
Creative Cards:       Mondays, 10-
12 Explore card making techniques.
Proceeds from sales used to replenish
supplies. Donations gladly accepted.
June Trehus and JoAnn Eversdyk,
Group Leaders.

Three-Leaf Clover Stained Glass-Beginner
Just in time for St. Patrick’s Day. No experience necessary.
We have all the supplies for you to learn a new skill.
Wednesdays, March 9 and 16 from 12 - 3 Cost $5;.
RSVP deadline is March 3. Sandy Steckler, Lynn Zwitter,
and Lynn Sidabris are the Group Leaders.

Pre-registration is required for all classes and workshops. Call 414-302-8700.
Classes fill fast. Payments are due by the specified deadlines.
Pretty In Pink:                           ‘Luck of the Irish’ Tuesday, Feb 22
Tuesday - Jan. 18                         from 12 - 3 Create this table runner to
from 12 -3 Create                         set your ‘Pot of Gold’ on. Deadline is
this Valentine mini                       Feb. 18, $5.00.
wall hanging. Dead-
line is Jan. 14 $5.00

                                          Let’s Make Fabric Baskets:
 Heart Love Pocket: Tuesday, Jan.         Tuesday, March 1, 8, 15 from 12 - 3
 25 from 12 - 3 Learn a new technique:    Create a lovely clutter buster fabric bas-
 paper piec-                              ket to go with your decor for all your
 ing. Just in                             odds and ends. 2 designs to choose
 time for                                 from. Maybe a new Easter basket?
 Valentines                               Deadline Feb 25, $15.00.
 Day. Dead-                               Spring Wall Hangings:
 line is Jan.
 21 $5.00.                                Tuesday, Apr. 5, 12 - 3 ‘I See the Easter
                                          Bunny’ 12”x14”. Deadline Apr 1, $5.00.
                                          Tuesdays, Apr. 12, 19, 26 12 - 3 ‘Little
Recycled Denim Tote: Tuesdays             Butterflies’ 14”x18”. Deadline Apr 8,
Feb 1, 8, 15, 12 - 3 Create this useful   $15.00.
tote from your unused jeans. If you
have jeans that you haven’t been using,
please bring along. Deadline Jan 28.

        **NEW FOR 2022**                                 Snuffle Mats
     The Recycling Sisters:                  Are you starting to feel the dreaded annu-
                                             al Cabin Fever? Did you know that your
Join in the fun with Janet and Kitty while
                                             pets can feel it, too?
making new friends.
Starting January 6 and the first Thurs-      Join us to make a Snuffle Mat for your
day of the month they will teach you         pooch or kitty. Soft and washable, this en-
how to create something amazing out of       gagement toy re-
recycled items.                              lieves boredom and
                                             is an easy way to in-
Every month will
                                             teract with your pet,
be a surprise.
                                             Thursday, January
Deadline the Mon-                            27th 1-3
day prior to the                             Deadline January 24.
first Thursday.

         Watering Can Art
Make your watering chores more joyful.
Decorate a plain watering into a work of
art. On Thursday, March 31st at 12:30,
Sara G., Artist, will teach you how to de-
coupage with fabric for a “splashy” gar-
dening tool. Cost $5.00
Deadline March 28,

                                             SPECIAL REFUND NOTE: Due to pur-
                                             chasing supplies for all of our CRAFT-
                                             ING classes, there will be no refunds af-
                                             ter the deadline date.
    Gifts of Warmth Volunteers
Thank you for all you do. In 2021 the
West Allis Senior Center donated many
items to the following:
   West Allis Community Collective
   Apostle Presbyterian Church
   Caring Angels
   St. Croix Hospice                                 Heartfelt Thanks
   West Allis Schools
                                              A huge thank you goes out to all 70 of
   Era’s Senior Network
                                              our volunteers for generously giving their
   Women’s Care Center
                                              time and talents to the West Allis Senior
   Milwaukee Birthright                      Center.
   Christ St. Peter’s School
                                              Special thanks to our Shirley and June
   Barbie’s Share the Warmth Coat Drive
                                              and their Christmas cookie bakers, who
   Veteran’s Administration
                                              baked over 3,900 cookies and 50
Please consider joining our Gifts of          pounds of fudge in 1 week.
Warmth (GOW) group. Members work at           Also thanks to the amazing volunteers in
their leisure to create handmade mittens,     the office/hospitality crew, instructors,
scarfs, hats and afghans. These wonder-       group leaders, Gift of Warmth crafters,
fully warm and colorful items are collected   special event helpers, senior dining crew
and then donated to area schools and          and monitors for our fitness and comput-
agencies.                                     er areas and now someone to take care
The Senior Center accepts donations of 4      of our fish tank. We need all of you.
-ply and specialty yarns throughout the       You all ROCK!
year for the GOW projects. Completed
items may be dropped off anytime.
Please call 414-302-8700 to notify them
when you’d like to pick up yarn or drop off
your completed items.
Help keep Milwaukee warm.

       Share Your Talents:
We are looking for excited volunteers
who are interested in sharing their tal-
Do you play guitar, piano, or ukulele?
We’d love to hear music playing in the
Center again.
Maybe you know how to teach dancing,
Zumba, or jewelry making?
If you would like to teach please con-
tact us.
Email or
call 414-302-8700 with your ideas and
we’ll schedule you in.
                                               West Allis Senior Center
                                                     Trust Fund
                                           Donations to the West Allis Senior Center
    Commission on Aging                    Trust Fund are tax deductible according
The West Allis Commission on Aging         to current tax code. Funds are held sepa-
generally meets on the fourth Monday       rately by the City of West Allis for the
of each month at 3:45 No meetings in       West Allis Senior Center.
July or December.                          Individuals and organizations wishing to
The public is invited to attend and ob-    make a donation to the Trust Fund should
serve these meetings.                      contact the Commission on Aging or the
                                           Senior Center Services Coordinator.
Members include: Patricia Wik-
enhauser, Chair; Deborah Tiegs, Assis-     Donations may be made at any time dur-
tant Chair; Diane Langford, Margee         ing the year and should be made payable
Maydak; Dave Rymaszewski; Linda            to the West Allis Senior Center Trust
Timm; John Zentgraf and Heather            Fund. Restricted donations are subject to
Uzowulu, Eras Representative.              approval by the West Allis Commission on

                        Hunger Task Force Stockbox
This Commodity Supplemental Food
                                            Those with last names starting with the
Program run by Hunger Task Force pro-
                                            letter A - L pick up between 1 - 2 p.m.
vides healthy and nutritious supplemen-
                                            Last names starting with M - Z pick up
tary food to low-income seniors who
                                            between 2 - 3 p.m.
meet the following requirements:
                                            You will need to provide a photo ID with
   60 years or older
                                            your name and current address. Your
   Milwaukee County residents              Stockbox will be loaded into your vehi-
   Monthly income:                         cle.
   1 person household—$1,396               Hunger Task Force’s Senior Outreach
                                            Program helps connect low-income sen-
    2 person household—$1,888
                                            iors to programs, like FoodShare, that
Stockboxes generally include cereal,        provide access to adequate nutrition.
milk, canned veggies and fruits, pasta or   The Senior Benefit Specialist can help
rice, protein, fruit juice, canned meats    with the application process, including
and two pounds of fresh Wisconsin           interviews and submitting verification in
cheese.                                     order to ease the burden of the applica-
Currently, Hunger Task Force is distrib-    tion process for home-bound seniors.
uting the Stockboxes at Pick ’n Save’s      Contact Tammy Keen at 414-588-7132
parking lot located at 68th and National    or via email:
Avenue in West Allis. For information on
additional sites, call Impact at ’211’.
Seniors meeting the requirements can
pick up a Stockbox between 1pm and
3pm on the following Tuesdays:
         January 11
         February 8
         March 15
         April 12

      Milwaukee County                              ERAs Senior Network
    Aging Resource Center                       Eras Senior Network provides seniors in
                                                Milwaukee County with rides to medical
Andy Bethke, Human Service Worker -
                                                appointments and grocery stores.
Outreach for Milwaukee County can as-
sist you with your questions regarding:         Adults age 60 and over who need rides
                                                or seasonal yard clean-up, should call
                                                Eras at 414-488-6500.
                                                The organization is also seeking volun-
                                                teer drivers and helpers. Visit

                                                     Senior Ambassador
                                                Not sure where to get information on ser-
   Senior meals and home delivered meals       vices, benefits or resources? Senior Am-
   Transportation                              bassador, Mary
                                                Devitt, will help
   Assistance for legal or financial issues
                                                you understand
   Resources for those with dementia and       the programs
    their caregivers
                                                available for old-
   Services in your home: medical or non-      er adults. Stop
    medical                                     by and see her
   Chores: housekeeping, errands, shop-        on Wednesday
    ping                                        mornings 10-12
   Resources for your safety or another old-   for information
    er adult’s safety                           on housing,
   Long term care programs                     caregiving, finan-
                                                cial assistance,
For these and any other questions you
might have, call us at 414-289-6874,            and more. Call                      for an appoint-
                                                ment, 414-302-
Meet Andy at one of his two programs here
                                                8700. She’s
on February 21st, and March 10th
                                                ready to help.
.      Curbside Dining                      Please arrive after 11:15 to avoid long
Enjoy delicious, nutritious, balanced       lines and traffic issues. For more infor-
curbside lunches at the West Allis Sen-     mation visit:
ior Center.                       
Anyone 60 and over is welcome to par-       Department-on-Aging
ticipate regardless of income along with
his/her spouse of any age. The sug-
gested contribution per meal is $3 for
diners 60 and older; $8 is the cost for
guests under 60.
Curbside meals are served Monday
through Friday beginning at 11 a.m.
You will need to pre-register for a
diner’s card and then make reserva-
tions at least 24 hours in advance by
calling 414-302-8703.
Download the registration form from the
West Allis Senior Center’s web page:               Meals on Wheels
                                            The Meals on Wheels Program pro-
Center or call 414-302-8703 to arrange
                                            motes independent living for home-
to pick one up. Current menus are also
                                            bound older adults through a delivery
available on the above website.
                                            of a hot, nutritious meal Monday
Return completed registration forms         through Friday
during curbside meal distribution from
                                            A suggested contribution of $3 per
11 a.m. - Noon, or mail it to Senior Din-
                                            meal is appreciated to offset the cost of
ing Program, 7001 W. National Avenue,
                                            the program.
West Allis, WI 53214. Call 414-302-
8703 for more information.                  If you, or someone you know could
                                            benefit from having meals delivered,
To keep our amazing volunteers warm
                                            please call the Aging Resource Center
we are distributing lunches from the
                                            at (414) 289-6874 to request an as-
parking lot again. Please line up on
70th Street and they will usher you in.
Check us out!
There’s multitude of ways to keep up to date
and in touch with the many things happening
at West Allis Senior Center. Not all pro-
grams are listed in the newsletter. We invite
you to check out the following.
Make sure to ’like’ us on the West Allis
                                                 Visit our Computer
Health Department’s Facebook page:                       Lab                Connect with family and
dept.                                           friends near and far on Face-
Visit the Senior Center’s webpage at: http://   book and email. Learn new
www/          crafts on YouTube and Pin-
View our calendar and photos highlighting       terest.     Open      Monday
recent events. Don’t forget to sign up to re-   through Friday, Noon –3:00.
ceive our program notifications.                Call 414-302-8700 to confirm
                                                the lab is open.
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