Foreseeing what the weather will bring - Vaisala Meteorological and Hydrological solutions

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Foreseeing what the weather will bring - Vaisala Meteorological and Hydrological solutions
what the weather
will bring
/ Vaisala Meteorological
  and Hydrological Solutions
Foreseeing what the weather will bring - Vaisala Meteorological and Hydrological solutions
Forecasting the forces of nature

Wind and water are            The Vaisala difference                   Today, the widespread effects of
                                                                       severe weather and hydrological
the Earth’s quicksilver:      We believe in a world where              events pose challenges to a growing
                              environmental observations improve       part of populated areas. Vaisala aims
elusive, chameleon-like,      daily life. Better measurements,         to provide means for predicting and
often unpredictable.          greater predictability, fewer            thus helping counteract and alleviate
                              unpleasant surprises. As the effects     the impacts of these effects in a way
Their interaction affects     of climate change make themselves        as to protect lives and property.
our lives in many ways        felt, accurate environmental             Better preparedness, increased
                              forecasting and measurement              safety, fewer losses.
each day. Knowing more        solutions are becoming ever more
                              important. Our motivation, however,
precisely what the weather    extends further than that. We are        Experience and
will bring is critical to a   focused on the greater good – we
                              truly believe that quality of life can   As a leading supplier of innovative
safer, more secure living     be improved all around the world,        environmental measurement and
                              every day with better prediction of      observation systems and services,
environment.                  extreme weather events.                  we have been helping to predict
Foreseeing what the weather will bring - Vaisala Meteorological and Hydrological solutions
the unpredictable for decades. We      Commitment and trust                    Put our experience to good use.
have the experience to help you                                                Trust Vaisala.
plan and configure the system that’s   Many of our present client
right for your meteorological and      relationships began decades ago.
hydrological needs. Our extensive      The reasons why our clients turn to
knowledge of meteorology and           us time and again, we believe, are
hydrology applications coupled with    the Vaisala quality, added value, and
our vast experience in observation     positive outlook that we bring along.
technology has allowed us to           Something else that you will find in
create solutions even for the most     Vaisala is dependability – a partner
unimaginable places. Our worldwide     that you can rely on through thick
presence and network of local          and thin. We stand by our products,
partners further enable us to better   our people and our customers,
understand the local environments      wherever in the world they might be.
and design solutions best suited to
Foreseeing what the weather will bring - Vaisala Meteorological and Hydrological solutions
Meteorological and hydrological
solution design
Turnkey solutions for                  as a turnkey delivery or an upgrade      stations, sounding and lightning
virtually any application              to your present capability, we can       detection systems, among others,
                                       design the solution that best fulfills   ensure that relevant information is
As a world leader in environmental     your needs. Vaisala undoubtedly          available to monitor and forecast
measurements, Vaisala provides         has the industry’s largest offering      the constantly changing weather
solutions for your complete range      portfolio for meteorological and         conditions. Designed to last, an
of meteorological and hydrological     hydrological observations.               investment in Vaisala technology is
needs. Our instruments and data                                                 indeed an investment far into the
management systems are relied on                                                future.
the world over – from hydropower       Rain or shine – real-time
optimization systems in Viet Nam to    weather data at hand
                                                                                Easy transmission and
the countrywide National Lightning     Vaisala’s observation instruments
                                                                                management of data
Detection Network in the United        and systems ascertain that you will
States.                                have accurate, reliable, and real-       Our instruments and systems
                                       time weather data when you most          support all relevant methods and
Whether you need a complete            need it − now and in the future. Our     protocols for functional and reliable
observation and forecasting system     top-notch weather radars, weather        data transmission. Vaisala solutions

               DATA SOURCES
                                                                 DATA                            DATA
                                                             TRANSMISSION                    VISUALIZATION
                                                                                             AND WEATHER
       RADIOSONDE                  WIND
         SYSTEMS                 PROFILERS

        AUTOMATIC                 WEATHER
         WEATHER                  RADARS                         DATA

       HYDROMETRIC               LIGHTNING
         STATIONS                DETECTION
Foreseeing what the weather will bring - Vaisala Meteorological and Hydrological solutions
also include integrated, field-proven   Vaisala’s weather systems are          Our hydrological solutions include a
data management for archiving,          being used for purposes as varied      complete range of river forecasting
securing, using and distributing the    as operative weather forecasting,      and monitoring systems: from
data as needed.                         climatological research, public        comprehensive flood warning
                                        safety, and agricultural planning.     systems to hydropower optimization
                                        They can also be utilized to produce   and water management.
From agricultural
                                        commercial weather services, such
processes to enhanced
                                        as mobile weather, or weather
public safety
                                        services for events. Early warning
The acquired data only proves its       systems for predicting severe
worth once turned into information      weather provide information
and put to effective use. Whether       critical to all alike: individuals,
you seek to improve disaster            infrastructure, industry, and the
preparedness, minimize flood            environment.
damages, or increase crop yield,
precise weather information will help
you achieve your goal.

   Synoptic meteorology

   Early warning systems

   River forecasting
   and monitoring

   • Flood warnings

   • Hydropower

   • water management
     Reservoir operations

   Agricultural planning

   Commercial weather

Foreseeing what the weather will bring - Vaisala Meteorological and Hydrological solutions
Vaisala meteorological and
hydrological network



                                                 NATIONAL WEATHER
                                                FORECASTING CENTER
                                                 • NETWORK MANAGEMENT
                                                 • DATA MANAGEMENT
                                                 • DATA VISUALIZATION

                     AND HYDROMETRIC STATION
Foreseeing what the weather will bring - Vaisala Meteorological and Hydrological solutions
Making your job easier

Vaisala services                         With proper care and maintenance,       Our service offering
                                         Vaisala instruments last decades −
To help you effortlessly introduce       that is why they are a staple of the    ■ Training programs for weather
and optimally maintain your              scientific community worldwide.           phenomena, application, operation
observation network, we can              Much of our equipment is modular          and maintenance
make your job easier by providing        and upgradeable, so you can expand      ■ Turnkey project management from
specialized support in all stages        systems and enrich them as your           feasibility study to installation and
of your system’s life cycle:             needs dictate. We also guarantee the      commissioning
planning, installation, operation        availability of replacement parts and   ■ Network administrator
and maintenance. From the                technical support services for the        maintenance tools
initial feasibility study to overall     planned life of the product.            ■ Operation support service
project management and final                                                       agreements including options for:
implementation, to life time support,    We offer remote monitoring and            - Spare part solutions
when you choose Vaisala you can          diagnostic support and routinely          - On-site maintenance and repair
rest assured that your project is        provide highly specialized training     		 services
in good hands. Our track record          programs and on-site services             - Remote technical support
shows that we have successfully          globally with the help of accredited,   		 services
planned and installed sophisticated      licensed local operators.                 - Extended warranty
systems even in some of the world’s
most remote and inclement places,
including Antarctica.

  What’s on the horizon?

  We at Vaisala envision a world         early warning and decision support      that its adverse effects on people
  where weather is no longer an issue.   systems are in place to enable          and the living environment can be
  Regardless of where you work or        making timely and well-informed         minimized − by foreseeing what the
  live you should have easy access       decisions on necessary courses          weather will bring.
  to quality weather data. We also       of action. While controlling the
  perceive a future where weather        weather may not be an attainable
  phenomena no longer claim lives as     goal, we will work towards ensuring
Foreseeing what the weather will bring - Vaisala Meteorological and Hydrological solutions

For more information, visit   Ref. B210807EN-B ©Vaisala 2009
                              This material is subject to copyright protection, with all or contact    copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
us at       rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
                              of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
                              distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
                              in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
                              prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject
                              to change without notice.
Foreseeing what the weather will bring - Vaisala Meteorological and Hydrological solutions Foreseeing what the weather will bring - Vaisala Meteorological and Hydrological solutions
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