MORE RATIONAL

Northern Ireland Humanists is a section of
Humanists UK, working with the Humanist
Association of Ireland. Humanists UK is
the national charity working on behalf of
non-religious people. Powered by 100,000
members and supporters, we advance free
thinking and promote humanism to create a
tolerant society where rational thinking and
kindness prevail. We provide ceremonies,
pastoral care, education, and support
services benefitting over a million people
every year and our campaigns advance
humanist thinking on ethical issues, human
rights, and equal treatment for all.
2                                                               3

Anniversary congratulations for
Northern Ireland Humanists have come                                                                                              ‘I congratulate Northern Ireland
                                                                                                                                  Humanists on all the important work
                                                                                    ‘Thank you for all of your endeavours
in from across the political spectrum                                               towards an inclusive and equal
                                                                                                                                  they have done over the last number
                                                                                                                                  of years around issues such as
                                                                                    Northern Ireland and congratulations          abortion rights, same-sex marriage
                                                                                    on your fifth anniversary. We look            and giving a voice to people who
                                                                                    forward to working with you on many           are normally excluded from political
                                                                                    more campaigns including repealing            discourse here. I wish them well on
                                                                                    Northern Ireland’s blasphemy laws.’           their anniversary and I look forward
                                                                                                                                  to seeing the work they complete
                                                                                    Naomi Long MLA                                over the next five years and beyond.’
    ‘Congratulations to Northern           ‘I would like to congratulate Northern   Leader, Alliance Party
    Ireland Humanists on your fifth        Ireland Humanists on your fifth                                                        Gerry Carroll MLA
    anniversary. You’ve achieved so        anniversary. During that time, we                                                      People Before Profit
    much over these past five years        have seen major changes in society
    and I’d like to thank you for the      and important steps towards
    enormous contributions that            equality here in the north. I would
    humanists have made to Northern        like to commend you for being
    Ireland in that time.’                 part of this change through your
                                           important campaigning and wish you
    Paula Bradley MLA                      all the best for the future. Ádh mór!’
    Deputy Leader of the                   Michelle O’Neill MLA
    Democratic Unionist Party
                                           Deputy First Minister
                                           and Leader, Sinn Féin

    ‘Congratulations to all those who      ‘In the last five years Northern
    have worked tirelessly behind          Ireland Humanists has boldly
    the scenes to help the Northern        shaped the agenda in Northern
    Ireland Humanists reach their fifth    Ireland, fearlessly standing up for
    anniversary this year. This marks an   human rights and equality. Wishing
    exciting new chapter for the year      you many congratulations on your
    ahead. Wishing you all the best for    anniversary.’
    the future ahead.’
                                           Colum Eastwood MP
    Doug Beattie MLA
                                           Leader, SDLP
    Leader, UUP

4                                                                                                                                                                         5

FOREWORD                                                                                                                   THE CHANGING FACE OF
                                                                                                                           NORTHERN IRELAND
This report celebrates five years since the                   This is up from 12% a decade ago – in other
founding of Northern Ireland Humanists,                       words, more than doubling in a decade.1 This
which has quickly established itself as                       upward trend matches similar demographic                     Historically Northern Ireland has been             sixteen years, welcoming many of the era’s
one of Northern Ireland’s leading human                       shifts across the rest of the UK.2                           known as a country dominated by two                most prominent secularist speakers, and
rights organisations. As well as charting                                                                                  communities – Catholic and Protestant –            leaders of the early humanist movement.
its accelerating growth, hard work and                        Since its formation, Northern Ireland                        but this belies a rich history of humanism,
achievements, the report also looks to                        Humanists has grown significantly in all                     rationalism, and freethinking. Today,              In 1931, The Literary Guide (now New
the future – at what may be in store for                      directions. Membership has increased                         Northern Ireland’s non-religious community         Humanist), reporting on a provincial
Northern Ireland Humanists in the years                       rapidly from 230 members and supporters                      is coming ever increasingly to the fore.           ‘meeting of Rationalists’ in Northern
to come.                                                      in 2016 to nearly 3,000 today. It has                                                                           Ireland, was confident enough to state
                                                              provided frequent and well-attended                          There has long been a humanist tendency in         the ‘common knowledge that, without
While Humanists UK has been active in                         events, trained dozens of celebrants,                        Northern Ireland, encompassing prominent           exaggeration, practically half the
Northern Ireland for decades, Northern                        pastoral carers, and school speakers across                  Enlightenment freethinkers like John Toland        population are Rationalists at heart’.
Ireland Humanists came together in 2016                       the country, and campaigned successfully                     (1670—1722), described as ‘a man of fine           Belfast members of the Guide’s publishers,
to unite its growing number of members,                       across human rights and equality issues                      parts, great learning, and little religion’, and   the Rationalist Press Association, were
supporters, and campaigners, and respond                      such as legally recognising humanist and                     novelists like Forrest Reid (1875—1947),           encouraged to ‘make a united effort to
to increasing demand to put humanism                          same-sex marriages, public ethical issues                    whose 1926 autobiography was entitled              realize this latent force’. These efforts
into practice, including through work in                      like abortion rights, and equal access for                   Apostate. Throughout Northern Ireland’s            were stagnated by the war, but self-
schools, ceremonies, and campaigns for a                      non-religious pastoral carers in hospitals                   history there have also been many who have         identified ‘humanist’ groups emerged again
more secular, inclusive vision of Northern                    and prisons. This report will expand on                      fought against sectarianism and for equality       during the 1960s, as part of a decade of
Ireland. This in turn helped to motivate                      these many achievements and what the                         and civil rights for all, challenging harmful      widespread activism for civil rights and
Humanists UK, then known as the British                       future holds.                                                religious division in all areas of society.        concerted efforts for integrated education.
Humanist Association, to rename in 2017
to fully include the newly formed Northern                    Here’s to the next five years being as                       Humanists UK’s presence in Northern                Though Humanists UK has had a presence
Ireland Humanists.                                            successful as the first five!                                Ireland dates back to 1896, the same year          and affiliated groups in Northern Ireland
                                                                                                                           the organisation was founded as the Union          going back to 1896, it was only in 2016 that
Despite the population of Northern Ireland                                                                                 of Ethical Societies in London. At that time,      Northern Ireland Humanists came together
being mostly religious (see Figure 1), the                        Boyd Sleator                                             some of Belfast’s most active radicals             in its own right, bringing together existing
non-religious are the fastest-growing                             Northern Ireland Humanists Coordinator                   formed the Belfast Ethical Society, which          Humanists UK members, campaigners,
segment of the population, with the                                                                                        two years later became part of the Union of        celebrants, and service providers under
proportion of people in Northern Ireland                                                                                   Ethical Societies (today’s Humanists UK).          one umbrella, and with the support of
belonging to no religion now at a record                                                                                   The Society promoted ‘right conduct on             the Humanist Association of Ireland. For
high of 27%, according to the Northern                                                                                     a purely natural and human basis and the           the first time, the humanist movement
Ireland Life and Times Survey.                                                                                             intellectual advancement of its Members,’          now found itself in a position to hire
                                                                                                                           aiming ‘at the development of character,           Northern Ireland’s first full-time humanist
                                                                                                                           independent of theological speculations.’          organiser. It was this which allowed for the
1 Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey. 2009. Available at:     Its leaders, J.H. Gilliland and W.M. Knox,         creation of a dedicated, national humanist
2 The British Social Attitudes (BSA) Survey and the Scottish Social Attitudes Survey have charted a long-term and stable   were self-described agnostics, who were            presence in the form of Northern Ireland
trajectory towards a non-religious population albeit at considerably higher levels – over 50% belonging to no religion.    also active in efforts for broad social reform.    Humanists, whose five-year anniversary
Humanists UK. ‘Massive rise in non-religious identity in Northern Ireland’. 2021.                                          The group met for weekly meetings for over         this publication marks.
Available at:
6                                                                                                                                                                                                                          7

                                                                                                                                                                                            OUR CAMPAIGN SUCCESSES
        FIGURE 1
        The Life and Times
        survey responses
                                                                           2009                                                            2020
        Number of people
                                                                                12%                                                              27%
        identifying as                                                                                                                                                                      Northern Ireland Humanists has achieved
        non-religious in                                                                                                                                                                    several-high profile campaign successes
        Northern Ireland in                                                                                                                                                                 since its launch five short years ago. Here
        2009 and 2020                                                                                                                                                                       we will explore these victories, and examine
                                                                                                                                                                                            priorities for future campaigning.

                                                                                                                         Do you regard yourself as                                          HUMANIST MARRIAGES
                                                                                                                         belonging to any particular                                        One of our landmark successes was
                                                                                                                         religion? If yes, which?                                           achieving legal recognition of humanist
20                                                                                                                                                                                          marriages in 2018 after the Belfast Court
                                                                                                                                                                                            of Appeal ruled there was a human right to
15                                                                                                                                                                                          humanist marriages.5 Up until this point,
                                                                                                                                                                                            humanists in Northern Ireland were able
10                                                                                                                                                                                          to have a humanist wedding ceremony
                                                                                                                                                                                            reflecting their beliefs and values which
    5                                                                                                                                                                                       were mirrored by their celebrant, but unlike
                                                                                                                                                                                            religious couples, were unable to have that
    0                                                                                                                                                                                       wedding recognised in law. If they wished
                                                                                                                                                                                            to be legally married, they were forced to                       Photo from the wedding of Laura Lacole

                                                                                                                                                                               Don’t know
           No religion


                                     Church of Ireland/




                                                                                                     Free Presbyterian


                                                                                                                                          Other Protestant

                                                                                                                                                             Other Christian

                                                                                                                                                                                            have a separate civil marriage and face an                       and Eunan O’Kane
                                                                                                                                                                                            additional cost and administrative burden.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Court in 2017 but this was appealed by
                                                                                                                                                                                            The court case was won by Northern                             the Attorney General. The Court of Appeal
                                                                                                                                                                                            Ireland Humanists patrons Laura Lacole,                        initially granted Laura and Eunan the right
The latest Northern Ireland Life and Times                                              Furthermore, younger people in Northern                                                             a model and public speaker, and Eunan                          to have a legally recognised humanist
Survey has the non-religious at a record                                                Ireland are less likely to be religious – in                                                        O’Kane (pictured), then a Leeds United                         marriage, which took place on 22 June
high of 27% of the adult population. This is                                            2019, 37% of 25-34 year olds reported                                                               and Republic of Ireland midfielder, with                       2017, and later upheld the legalisation of
up from 12% a decade ago – in other words,                                              themselves as being not religious –                                                                 Humanists UK and Northern Ireland                              humanist marriages more widely.6 The first
more than doubling in a decade.3                                                        suggesting that recent trends are set                                                               Humanists supporting them in their claim.                      humanist marriage following this judgment
                                                                                        to continue.4 This should have profound                                                             The couple first won their battle at the High                  took place on 25 August 2018.7
Surveys from Britain suggest that around                                                implications for the education system
half of non-religious people hold humanist                                              in particular, where essentially all state
beliefs and values, meaning that around                                                 schools are Christian in character.                                                                 5 Humanists UK. ‘Victory! Court of Appeal in Belfast rules humanist marriages must be legally recognised’. 2018.
                                                                                                                                                                                            Available at:
15% of Northern Ireland’s population has a
humanist outlook on life.
                                                                                                                                                                                            6 Northern Ireland Humanists. ‘First ever legal humanist wedding ceremony takes place in Northern Ireland’. 2017.
                                                                                                                                                                                            Available at:
3 Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey. 2009 and 2020.                                                                                                                                    7 Northern Ireland Humanists. ‘First legal humanist marriages in Northern Ireland since Court ruling to occur this
Available at:                                                                                                                      weekend’. 2018. Available at:
4 Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey. 2020. Available at:                                                                      ireland-since-court-ruling-to-occur-this-weekend/
8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                9

This brought our country into step with
the Republic of Ireland and Scotland,
which have had legally recognised
humanist marriages since 2012 and 2005,
respectively. It is also ahead of England       BELOW: A group of Northern Ireland
                                                Humanists march for Pride.
and Wales, which is yet to grant legal
recognition, to the distress of non-religious   Northern Ireland Humanists
couples there. A current court case there is    billboards celebrating legal same-
looking to build upon the precedent set by      sex marriages.
the Northern Ireland courts.

Significantly, legal recognition of humanist
marriages has served to enhance the
options available to same-sex couples
to get married since the passing of
progressive same-sex marriage reform in
2020. This enables couples to choose how
and where they marry, in line with their
beliefs, and we continue to be one of the
only groups to provide same-sex marriage
in Northern Ireland.

                                                                                     SAME-SEX MARRIAGE                                            Act 2019 by Connor McGinn MP, which were
                                                                                                                                                  also supported by members of the All-Party
                                                                                     Northern Ireland Humanists and Humanists
                                                                                                                                                  Parliamentary Humanist Group in the
                                                                                     UK have campaigned for years for reform
                                                                                                                                                  UK Parliament.8
                                                                                     of marriage laws to enable same-sex
                                                                                     marriages, and humanist celebrants have                      We are proud to have been the first
                                                                                     performed same-sex weddings for decades,                     organisation to advertise legal same-
                                                                                     ever since the invention of humanist                         sex marriages, through billboards across
                                                                                     ceremonies and long before they came with                    Belfast with the jubilant slogan ‘Love wins
                                                                                     any legal recognition.                                       for everyone’, and were delighted to hold
                                                                                                                                                  the first legal same-sex humanist marriage
                                                                                     We worked with Humanists UK to campaign
                                                                                                                                                  in Northern Ireland shortly after the
                                                                                     in favour of the amendments to the
                                                                                                                                                  law changed.9
                                                                                     Northern Ireland (Executive Formation)

                                                                                     8 Humanists UK. ‘Parliament passes landmark Northern Ireland abortion, same-sex marriage legislation with early 2020
                                                                                     implementation date’. 2019. Available at:
                                                                                     9 Northern Ireland Humanists. ‘Humanists launch Northern Ireland’s first billboards advertising legal same-sex
                                                                                     marriages’. 2019. Available at:
10                                                                                                                                                                                                      11

ABORTION RIGHTS                                               the way to the eventual passage of the 2019
                                                              Act – which built on their successes. A and
For decades we have campaigned for
abortion rights in Northern Ireland,
                                                              B also led to women being able to access
                                                              free abortions in Britain, rather than having
                                                                                                                        WHAT’S NEXT FOR NORTHERN
which until recently, had one of the most
restrictive laws in Europe. There were no
exceptions from the ban on abortion even
                                                              to pay.
                                                                                                                        IRELAND HUMANISTS?
                                                              In spite of this progress, we know the
in the cases of fatal foetal abnormality or                   battle for abortion rights is not yet won.
sexual crime. This prohibitive law forced                     The Northern Ireland Human Rights
those seeking abortions to either travel to                   Commission started legal action against the
Britain, or to risk prosecution by procuring                                                                            While we’ve had many successes over the
                                                              Department of Health, the Northern Ireland
illegal online abortion pills, or to continue                                                                           last five years, there is still more change
                                                              Executive, and Secretary of State, over the
their pregnancies against their will and in                                                                             needed for Northern Ireland to become an
                                                              Department’s failure to commission abortions
violation of their human rights.                                                                                        inclusive society. Here we explore some of
                                                              services following decriminalisation one year
                                                                                                                        our priority campaigns for the months and
                                                              ago.10 More recently, the Northern Ireland
After years of campaigning, amendments                                                                                  years ahead, and we expect in five more
                                                              Secretary has decided to intervene to make
supported by members of the All-Party                                                                                   years’ time we’ll have helped progress and
                                                              sure services are commissioned.11 We will
Parliamentary Humanist Group to the                                                                                     achieve these goals.
                                                              continue fighting so that this critical human
Northern Ireland (Executive Formation)
                                                              right is delivered as enshrined in domestic               Our campaign aims are underpinned by our
Act 2019 heralded the decriminisation of
                                                              and international law.                                    unwavering commitment to uphold human
abortion in Northern Ireland. This came into
force in 2020.                                                                                                          rights and equality to enable those living in
                                                                                                                        Northern Ireland to have the fullest possible
Prior to decriminisation, we intervened                                                                                 freedom of choice to shape their own lives,
in all the legal cases to grant abortion                                                                                limited only by the rights and freedoms
rights including the case of Sarah Ewart, a                                                                             of others in a fair and equal society. That
woman who was denied an abortion despite                                                                                includes being committed to women’s
having a tragically fatal foetal abnormality;                                                                           rights, LGBT rights, and ending racism in all
JR76, which involved a mother who was                                                                                   its forms.
prosecuted for unlawfully buying abortion                                                                                                                                         legitimises their use in countries such as
pills for her 15 year old daughter; A and B,                                                                                                                                      Pakistan and Saudi Arabia where people
                                                                                                                        END BLASPHEMY LAWS
whereby a mother and her daughter from                                                                                                                                            are put to death for blasphemy or apostasy.
Northern Ireland had to pay for using NHS                                                                               Blasphemy and blasphemous libel remain                    What’s more, even ‘dead letter’ blasphemy
abortion services after being forced to                                                                                 crimes in Northern Ireland. England and                   laws’ in countries which claim to not use
travel to England for an abortion, when if                                                                              Wales repealed their blasphemy laws in                    them can be revived because they’re still
they had been British residents the services                                                                            2008, followed by the Republic of Ireland                 in law. For example, in 2017 Humanists
would have been free; and a case bought                                                                                 in 2020 and Scotland in 2021. We are                      UK’s patron Stephen Fry was investigated
by the Northern Ireland Human Rights                                                                                    campaigning for Northern Ireland to follow                for blasphemy in the Republic of Ireland!12
Commission surrounding abortion in cases                                                                                suit, and hope success is on the horizon.                 Ireland subsequently held a referendum on
of sexual crime and fatal foetal abnormality.                                                                                                                                     whether to remove its blasphemy laws with
                                                                                                                        As well as violating human rights to freedom
These four cases were essential steps along                                                                                                                                       ‘Yes’ winning by an overwhelming majority.
                                                                                                                        of expression, blasphemy laws protect
                                                                                                                                                                                  Similarly, Denmark’s blasphemy law was
                                                                                                                        religious beliefs, practices, institutions,
                                                                                                                                                                                  revived in 2015, and then repealed by the
                                                                                                                        and leaders from legitimate criticism. Even
10 Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission. ‘Human Rights Commission Takes Legal Action on Lack of Abortion                                                                      Danish Parliament in 2017. It’s time we
                                                                                                                        where they are not used, their presence
Services in NI’. 2021. Available at:                                                             caught up too.’
11 Northern Ireland Humanists. ‘UK Government to intervene to guarantee Northern Ireland abortion provision’. 2021.
Available at:              12 BBC News Online. ‘Campaign to get rid of NI blasphemy laws’. 2019.
abortion-provision-reports/                                                                                             Available at:
12                                                                                                                                                                                                                          13

                                                                                                                       Humanists and the Northern Ireland                          available for transplant and better reflects
                                                                                                                       Interfaith Forum, who all believe Northern                  the willingness of the population to donate,
                                                                                                                       Ireland can do more to put sectarianism                     saving lives.
                                                                                                                       behind it by delivering a broad and inclusive
                                                                                                                       RE curriculum covering the full spectrum                    Northern Ireland is currently the only part of
                                                                                                                       of religious and non-religious beliefs in                   the UK that does not operate under an
                                                                                                                       the country.14                                              opt-out system. We are hopeful that this
                                                                                                                                                                                   may soon change, as the Department of
                                                                                                                       We also want to see high-quality,                           Health recently consulted on a proposal
                                                                                                                       comprehensive Relationships and Sexuality                   to move to an opt-out system and has
                                                                                                                       Education (RSE) lessons in all schools. Not                 committed to bringing legislation forward
                                                                                                                       only would this provide essential knowledge                 within this session of the Assembly.
                                                                                                                       underpinning happy, healthy, and safe
                                                                                                                       lives, but would help to tackle misogynistic                We have warmly welcomed this move
                                                                                                                       attitudes that fuel violence against women                  and called on our members, supporters,
                                                                                                                       and girls, and uphold LGBT rights. This                     and the wider general public to respond
                                                                                                                       would be achieved through the objective                     and support the plans.15 We submitted a
                                                                                                                       teaching of essential topics such as                        response in favour in collaboration with
                                                                                                                       consent and about LGBT relationships.                       humanist philosopher Richard Norman,
                                                                                                                                                                                   Professor Emeritus of Moral Philosophy at
In recent years, we’ve mobilised our                         well the nations of the UK are meeting their              The Department of Education is currently                    the University of Kent.16
members and supporters to write to their                     obligations with respect to the Convention.               setting up an independent review of
MLAs to abolish our outdated blasphemy                       In this we raised our concerns about                      education, with a view to establishing a
laws and gained support from all the major                   religiously segregated schools whereby
                                                                                                                                                                                   CONVERSION THERAPY
                                                                                                                       single education system. We welcome this,
political parties in favour of repealing these               most are still educated apart from one                    and know that all the major political parties               Conversion therapy is a discredited and
laws except for the DUP.13 However, a                        another along Catholic/Protestant lines,                  back this outcome. The only question is how                 harmful practice, usually rooted in false
growing number of DUP MLAs are also now                      with teaching staff and governing bodies                  this is brought about. We will look to play a               and often pseudoscientific religious beliefs
backing repeal. Since the resumption of                      similarly divided. We told them that as well              constructive role in this process.                          about what causes people to be lesbian,
power-sharing, we’ve met with more than                      as presenting a huge barrier to community                                                                             gay, bisexual, or trans. We have campaigned
15 MLAs about this campaign, including the                   cohesion, inclusion, and tolerance, this also                                                                         for a ban on so-called ‘conversion therapy’
Communities and Justice Ministers.                           threatens the freedom of religion or belief of
                                                                                                                       ORGAN DONATION                                              or ‘gay cure’ therapy for many decades.
                                                             pupils educated in this segregated system.                We believe organ donation is one of the
                                                                                                                       most significant things a person can do                     In 2019, we proactively sent freedom of
INCLUSIVE SCHOOLS                                            We want to see an end to collective worship               to help others after their own life has                     information requests to all health trusts and
AND CURRICULUM                                               in school assemblies.                                     come to an end. We have for many years                      discovered that, shockingly, none had any
We want to see an inclusive school system                                                                              campaigned for an ‘opt-out’ system where                    guidance to tackle conversion therapy. As
where all children and young people can                      And we campaign for reform of Religious                   a person is presumed to have consented                      a result, we launched a campaign to make
learn with, from, and about each other,                      Education (RE) which currently, and unlike                to donate their organs after death unless                   sure that government and local health care
regardless of religion or belief.                            in the rest of the UK, teaches almost                     they have specifically opted out. Evidence                  providers in Northern Ireland sign up to
                                                             exclusively about Christianity, with little               shows this increases the number of organs                   the Coalition against Conversion Therapy’s
We recently voiced our concerns to the                       mention of world religions or humanism.
Children’s Law Centre which held a call for                  In 2016 we organised a joint letter signed
evidence to inform the UN Committee on                       by prominent Northern Ireland politicians                 14 Northern Ireland Humanists. ‘Humanists and religious groups join forces to demand religious education reforms for
the Rights of the Child’s next report on how                 and representatives of Northern Ireland                   Northern Ireland‘. 2016. Available at:
                                                                                                                       15 Northern Ireland Humanists. ‘Northern Ireland Government backs opt-out organ donation’. 2020.
13 Northern Ireland Humanists. ‘DUP opposes repealing Northern Ireland’s blasphemy laws while all other parties come   Available at:
out in favour’. 2019. Available at:        16 Northern Ireland Humanists. ‘Northern Ireland Humanists calls for opt-out organ donation’. 2021.
blasphemy-laws-while-all-other-parties-come-out-in-favour/                                                             Available at:
14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        15

                                                             which was a major victory. If successful,
                                                             we will have helped to lead the way for
                                                             Northern Ireland to be the first part of the
                                                             UK to end this practice.
                                                                                                                 COMMUNITY SERVICES
                                                             ASSISTED DYING
                                                             We support the right for those who are
                                                                                                                 In a few short years, Northern Ireland
                                                             terminally or incurably ill who have made
                                                                                                                 Humanists has made great strides in
                                                             a clear decision, free from coercion, to
                                                                                                                 bringing together and serving humanists
                                                             end their lives to be able to access an
                                                                                                                 across the country.
                                                             assisted death.

Memorandum of Understanding, that                            More and more countries around the                  PASTORAL SUPPORT IN
would commit them to support an end to                       world have legalised assisted dying                 HOSPITALS AND PRISONS
conversion therapy, within healthcare and in                 including Austria, Belgium, Canada,
other settings. All NHS trusts in Britain are                Colombia, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg,               Through the Non-Religious Pastoral Support
already signed up.                                           the Netherlands, New Zealand, Spain,                Network we provide high-quality pastoral,
                                                             Switzerland, and parts of the United                spiritual, non-religious care in hospitals and
We also became the first Northern                            States and Australia. Portugal looks set            prisons. To put it simply, just as religious
Ireland members of the Coalition against                     to soon follow. This demonstrates that              people will have religious needs related to
Conversion Therapy, a coalition of leading                   such laws can be introduced with                    their beliefs that require a denominationally
psychological, psychotherapeutic, and                        stringent safeguards.                               specific approach, non-religious people
counselling organisations committed to                                                                           have spiritual and pastoral needs that
ending the inhumane practice.17                              The current law that prohibits assisted             should be approached equally.
                                                             dying is no longer fit for purpose. We want
We were elated when Communities                              to see a compassionate and safe law                 In law, non-religious prisoners have legal
Minister Carál Ní Chuilín said the practice                  introduced to offer a choice to those facing        rights to request and be provided with a
was harmful and must be outlawed in                          heartbreaking and unimaginable situations.          humanist pastoral supporter in the same
September 2020.18 We will continue                                                                               way that religious prisoners have rights to                       In July 2018, non-religious pastoral carers
campaigning to bring forth legislation to                    At the time of writing, the Republic of             see a religious chaplain. However, and as                         entered prisons in Northern Ireland for the
outlaw conversion therapy and have met                       Ireland’s Oireachtas has voted to move              seen across the UK, in practice it has been                       first time at Maghaberry Prison, and clocked
with members of the Executive to push for                    forward to legalise assisted dying via a            a challenge to introduce non-religious                            up more than 100 visits to non-religious
the ban, including the Communities and                       Dying with Dignity Bill which would enable          pastoral care into prisons and hospitals due                      prisoners in the first six months of the
Justice Ministers.                                           those who are terminally ill to have the right      to reluctance by some chaplains and a lack                        programme there.19
                                                             to die. It is currently pending further debate      of understanding about the requirements
To this end, we were one of the founding                     and votes.                                          for equal treatment under the law. In                             Beyond this, Ciarán McWilliams recently
members of Ban Conversion Therapy                                                                                hospitals, chaplaincy departments within                          became the first pastoral carer to be
Northern Ireland which, over four days,                      We have started engaging MLAs on this               the trusts have been reluctant to have them                       appointed to provide support to players,
gained the support of over 25,000 people                     issue and how we can afford for everyone            as part of their teams. Because of this, we                       coaches, and fans at Ophir Rugby Football
who wrote to their MLAs in support of John                   in Northern Ireland to have the choice and          are now seeking that the Department of                            Club in Mallusk reflecting the wider
Stewart’s Bill on Conversion Therapy.                        right to die with dignity.                          Health takes action to make sure non-                             institutional demand and desire for non-
The Bill was voted in favour of by 54 to 29                                                                      religious pastoral care is available.                             religious pastoral care.20

17 Northern Ireland Humanists. ‘Humanists become first Northern Ireland member of member of Coalition Against    19 Northern Ireland Humanists. ‘Non-religious pastoral carers enter Northern Ireland prison for the first time’. 2019. Available
Conversion Therapy’. 2020. Available at:   at:
                                                                                                                 20 Northern Ireland Humanists. ‘First humanist appointed as pastoral carer to rugby team in Northern Ireland’. 2021. Available
18 BBC News Online. ‘Gay conversion therapy should be outlawed, minister says’. 2020.                            at:
Available at:
16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            17

                                                                                                                       PROMOTING UNDERSTANDING                                     Teachers from both the state and integrated
                                                                                                                                                                                   sectors have taken up our teacher training
                                                                                                                       OF HUMANISM                                                 on humanism and we will be delivering more
                                                                                                                       Our trained, talented, and experienced                      courses in tandem with the training colleges
                                                                                                                       school speakers have delivered many                         and other professional education bodies
                                                                                                                       assemblies in Catholic, state, and integrated               over 2021.
                                                                                                                       schools at no cost over the last five years.
                                                                                                                       During the Covid-19 pandemic we quickly                     In 2020, for the very first time we ran our
                                                                                                                       adapted to offer free remote visits by                      ‘One Life’ course for humanists in Northern
                                                                                                                       humanist school speakers, so children                       Ireland to increase understanding of
                                                                                                                       still have the opportunity to hear about                    humanism online through quotes, videos,
                                                                                                                       humanism beyond the textbook.                               images, and other stimuli, via an online
                                                                                                                                                                                   social learning platform. The course probes
                                                                                                                       In 2017, we sent free copies of Michael                     some of life’s big questions and explores the
                                                                                                                       Rosen and Annemarie Young’s book What is                    humanist approach.
                                                                                                                       Humanism? to primary schools across the
                                                                                                                       country following a successful crowdfunding
                                                                                                                       campaign so children, their parents and                     ENGAGING IN INTERFAITH
                                                                                                                       carers, and teachers would have an                          AND BELIEF DIALOGUE
                                                                                                                       opportunity to learn about humanism.22                      Since the launch of Northern Ireland
                                                                                                                                                                                   Humanists we have rapidly developed
                                                                                                                                                                                   our dialogue work with religious people,
                                                                                                                                                                                   to promote mutual understanding and
HUMANIST CEREMONIES                                         The success of our weddings and the talent                                                                             tolerance. We now attend interfaith and
                                                            of our celebrants was recognised last year                                                                             belief forums at the local and national level.
Our accredited and trained celebrants carry
                                                            as Humanist Ceremonies network member
out non-religious ceremonies to mark life’s                                                                                                                                        Most notably, our Coordinator, Boyd Sleator,
                                                            Emma Bailie won Celebrant of the Year at
significant milestones, including weddings,                                                                                                                                        sits on the Northern Ireland Council for
                                                            the fifth Northern Ireland Wedding Awards.21
funerals, and naming ceremonies. These                                                                                                                                             Voluntary Action’s Faith Engagement Project
ceremonies are personal, unique, and                                                                                                                                               which connects faith and belief leaders with
constructed to perfectly match the beliefs                  FUNERALS AND MEMORIALS                                                                                                 the Northern Ireland Executive to respond
and values of the family or couple.                         Humanist funerals and memorials are non-                                                                               to the impact of Covid-19. And equally
                                                            religious ceremonies that support family and                                                                           significantly, Boyd has also been elected
WEDDINGS                                                    friends to mourn and to celebrate the person                                                                           secretary of the Interfaith Forum.
                                                            who has died. Each one is unique and shines
We are Northern Ireland’s only legally
                                                            a light on and is reflective of the individual’s                                                                       In late 2020, a network of volunteers
recognised provider of humanist marriages,
                                                            life. While the global Covid-19 pandemic                                                                               trained to better engage in dialogue was
and provide both opposite-sex and same-
                                                            has had a big impact on how ceremonies                                                                                 established. They have attended over 30
sex services. The popularity of humanist
                                                            are conducted, our celebrants have worked                                                                              interfaith and belief events, and humanist
weddings has rocketed since they were
                                                            with families and friends to remember their                                                                            values have been shared with over 700
legally recognised in 2018, increasing from
                                                            loved ones in meaningful, innovative, and                                                                              people in just the short time since then. We
only 55 taking place in 2018 to 203 in 2019 –
                                                            safe ways, for instance using technology                                                                               will be expanding this work and are set to
a whopping increase of 269%!
                                                            to overcome restrictions in the numbers of                                                                             train more dialogue volunteers in 2021.
                                                            people who can attend in person.

21 Humanists UK. ‘Humanist celebrants win ‘Celebrant of the Year’ at national wedding awards in England and Northern   22 Humanists UK. ‘Schools across the UK receive free copies of What is Humanism from the British Humanist
Ireland’. 2020. Available at:     Association’. 2017. Available at:
national-wedding-awards-in-england-and-northern-ireland/                                                               is-humanism-from-british-humanist-association/
18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       19

                                             Prior to the start of the Covid-19 pandemic
                                             we held weekly, well-attended ‘secular
                                             brunch’ events all over Northern Ireland to
                                             provide a space for families to come together
                                             to discuss their beliefs, and these will resume
                                             as and when it’s safe to do so again.

                                             We have also brought our members and
                                             supporters together to campaign for
BRINGING HUMANISTS                           significant humanist issues. In 2019, we
                                             protested against Northern Ireland’s
TOGETHER                                     blasphemy laws and raised awareness of
In an overwhelmingly religious country,      their damaging impact in justifying similar       PHOTOGRAPHY CREDITS:
it’s important for humanists to have the     laws abroad, where people can face death
time and space to come together with         or extreme punishments for expressing             Christin and Gareth’s wedding (front cover),
people who share their beliefs and discuss   their views on religion.                          Simple Tapestry
humanism, and Northern Ireland Humanists
has stepped up to the plate.                 Our Faith to Faithless service supports those     Laura and Erica’s wedding (p.5)
                                             who are leaving or have left high-control         Simon Hutchinson
Northern Ireland Humanists holds             religions and we are proud to have held           LGBT Humanists at Pride (p.10)
regular events to celebrate and inspire      events including a panel debate entitled          TJ Photography
humanism and humanists. Our annual           ‘Finding Acceptance: LGBT and Apostasy’.
event, ‘A Night of Humanism’, celebrates                                                       Robert and Mervyn’s wedding (p.11)
humanism and informs attendees about         We have also held events on ‘Why LGBT             LIT Photography
the work humanists are doing to advance      Inclusiveness Matters’ and LGBT Awareness
                                                                                               Celebrant Jean Barrett-Quinn. (p.18)
rational thinking and kindness in Northern   training to promote understanding of LGBT
                                                                                               Emma Kennedy
Ireland with high-profile patrons, such as   issues and we are proud to have attended
philosopher A.C. Grayling and comedian       Belfast Pride several years in a row and          Photos from a Night of Humanism. (p20)
Tim McGarry.                                 Pride in Newry and Foyle Pride too.               TJ Torrens Photography
20                                                                                                                                                                              21
Humanists UK is the operating name of the
British Humanist Association, a registered
charity (no. 285987) and a company limited
by guarantee registered in England and
Wales (no. 228781)

Northern Ireland Humanists,
55-59 Adelaide Street, Belfast, BT2 8FE

0207 324 3060
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