Fisheries Stock Assessment - A Guide to - Andrew B. Cooper

Page created by Joann Hammond
Fisheries Stock Assessment - A Guide to - Andrew B. Cooper
A Guide to
Fisheries Stock Assessment
             From Data to Recommendations

                     Andrew B. Cooper
                     Department of Natural Resources
                     University of New Hampshire
Fisheries Stock Assessment - A Guide to - Andrew B. Cooper
Fish are born, they grow, they reproduce and they die – whether
from natural causes or from fishing.That’s it. Modelers just use
complicated (or not so complicated) math to iron out the details.
Fisheries Stock Assessment - A Guide to - Andrew B. Cooper
A Guide to
Fisheries Stock Assessment
                           From Data to Recommendations

Andrew B. Cooper
Department of Natural Resources
University of New Hampshire

Edited and designed by Kirsten Weir         This publication was supported by the National Sea Grant
NH Sea Grant College Program                College Program of the US Department of Commerce’s
Kingman Farm, University of New Hampshire   National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration under
Durham, NH 03824                            NOAA grant #NA16RG1035. The views expressed herein do
603.749.1565                                not necessarily reflect the views of any of those organizations.
Fisheries Stock Assessment - A Guide to - Andrew B. Cooper
Funding for this publication was provided by New Hampshire Sea Grant (NHSG) and the Northeast
Consortium (NEC). Thanks go to Ann Bucklin, Brian Doyle and Jonathan Pennock of NHSG and
to Troy Hartley of NEC for guidance, support and patience and to Kirsten Weir of NHSG for edit-
ing, graphics and layout. Thanks for reviews, comments and suggestions go to Kenneth Beal, retired
assistant director of state, federal & constituent programs, National Marine Fisheries Service; Steve
Cadrin, director of the NOAA/UMass Cooperative Marine Education and Research Program; David
Goethel, commercial fisherman, Hampton, NH; Vincenzo Russo, commercial fisherman, Gloucester,
MA; Domenic Sanfilippo, commercial fisherman, Gloucester, MA; Andy Rosenberg, UNH professor
of natural resources; Lorelei Stevens, associate editor of Commercial Fisheries News; and Steve Adams,
Rollie Barnaby, Pingguo He, Ken LaValley and Mark Wiley, all of NHSG. Photo credits: front cover,
Pingguo He; back cover, Kirsten Weir.
Fisheries Stock Assessment - A Guide to - Andrew B. Cooper

1 Stock Assessments: An Introduction. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 5               5 Applying Stock Assessment Models to Data. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 29
2 What Types of Data are Available? . .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 7                     Indices of Abundance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
         Fishery-Dependent Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7                         		                   Catch-per-Unit Effort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
		                Landing Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7                    		                   Estimates of Actual Stock Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
		                Portside Sampling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7                             Index-Only Models. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
		                Onboard Observers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8                               Fitting Models to Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
		                Log Books and Vessel Trip Reports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8                             		                   Frequentist versus Bayesian Approaches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
		                Telephone Surveys. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8                     		                   Biomass Dynamics Models – Theory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
         Fishery-Independent Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9                         		                   Biomass Dynamics Models – Targets and thresholds . . . . 34
3 Biological Reference Points. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 11   		                   Age-Structured Models – Theory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
         Targets versus Thresholds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12                         		                   Age-Structured Models – Targets and thresholds . . . . . . . 37
         Determining Thresholds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13                          		                   Estimating Uncertainty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
         Uncertainty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17                 6 Making Recommendations. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 39
4 Population Dynamics Models:                                                                                               Glossary. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 41
         The Underpinnings of Stock Assessment Models. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 21
         The Basic Population Dynamics Model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
         Adding Complexity: Mortality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
         Adding Complexity: Age Structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
         Adding Complexity: Stock-Recruitment Functions. . . . . . . . . . 26
         Adding Complexity: Weight and Biomass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Stock Assessments:
An Introduction

                     Fishery managers have a range of goals. They          be as large as the Atlantic Ocean or as small as
                     strive to maintain healthy fish populations and       a single river. A fish stock, on the other hand,
                     a healthy fishing industry while still preserving     is defined as much by management concerns
                     vital recreational communities. To achieve their      – such as jurisdictional boundaries or harvesting
                     goals, managers rely on a collection of tools,        location – as by biology. For example, alewives

1                    including quotas, size limits, gear restrictions,
                     season timing and area closures. But how do
                     decision makers determine which combinations
                     of tools will best accomplish their objectives?
                                                                           from the Taylor River are considered a separate
                                                                           population from those in the Lamprey River,
                                                                           but both are part of the Gulf of Maine alewife
                     To choose the best approach to managing a fish
                     stock, managers must equip themselves with as
                     much information as possible.                         A stock assessment provides
                          A stock assessment provides decision mak-
                     ers with much of the information necessary to          decision makers with the
                     make reasoned choices. A fishery stock assess-         information necessary to
                     ment describes the past and current status of a
                     fish stock. How big is the stock? Is it growing         make reasoned choices.
                     in size or shrinking? A stock assessment also at-
                     tempts to make predictions about how the stock
                     will respond to current and future management              Within a fish stock or population, a co-
                     options. Will a slight increase in fishing pressure   hort is a group of fish all born in the same
                     have a negative effect on the stock next year?        year. Within the Gulf of Maine cod stock, all
                     Ten years from now? In the end, the manager           of the cod born in 2004 belong to one cohort
                     must decide how to interpret the information          and those born in 2005 comprise a second
                     from the stock assessment and determine which         cohort. Stock assessments often track a cohort
                     options are best overall.                             over time. Short-term increases or decreases in
                          A complete stock assessment contains a vast      the size of a particular stock can sometimes be
                     array of information on both the fish popula-         explained by the existence of an exceptionally
                     tion and the fishery itself. A fish population is     large or small cohort.
                     a group of individual fish of a single interbreed-         A stock assessment describes a range of
                     ing species located in a given area, which could      life history characteristics for a species, such as

information (derived from other studies) about              This publication is not designed to be an
    age, growth, natural mortality, sexual maturity        all-inclusive description of data and methods      Recommended Reading
    and reproduction; the geographical boundaries          used for stock assessments. Rather, the goal of
    of the population and the stock; critical envi-        this document is to provide an overview of how     Our goal is to provide readers with
    ronmental factors affecting the stock; feeding         stock assessment scientists and managers turn      a basic understanding of the stock
    habits; and habitat preferences. Drawing on the        data into recommendations. We assume readers       assessment process. For readers
    knowledge of both fishermen and scientists,            have some working knowledge of the fisheries       looking for more detailed and technical
    stock assessments give qualitative and quantita-       management process, but no modeling or statis-     descriptions of stock assessment models
    tive descriptions of the fishery for a species, past   tics background is necessary.                      and their role in fisheries management, we
    and present. Final stock assessment reports also            We’ll discuss the range of data that might    recommend the following publications.
    contain all of the raw data used in the assess-        be available to scientists and the types of in-
    ment and a description of the methods used to          formation a stock assessment provides. We’ll
    collect that data.                                     then describe the range of population dynam-
        The mathematical and statistical techniques        ics models (from the simple to the complex)         Quantitative Fisheries Stock
    used to perform a stock assessment are referred        that can underlie the assessment model. Finally,    Assessment: Choice, Dynamics,
    to as the assessment model. Scientists compare         we will discuss how stock assessment scientists     and Uncertainty, by Ray Hilborn
    different assumptions within a given assessment        merge data and models to determine the status       and Carl J. Walters. Published by
    model and may also examine a variety of differ-        of the stock and generate recommendations. A        Champan and Hall, 1992.
    ent assessment models. Ultimately, stock assess-       glossary in the back of this publication defines
    ment scientists will estimate the current status       the technical terms associated with stock           Quantitative Fish Dynamics,
    of the stock relative to management targets and        assessment science.                                 by Terrance J. Quinn and Richard
    predict the future status of the stock given a                                                             B. Deriso. Published by Oxford
    range of management options. They will also                                                                University Press, 1999.
    describe the most likely outcomes of those op-
    tions and the uncertainty around those out-                                                                Fisheries Stock Assessment User’s
    comes.                                                                                                     Manual, edited by Jeffery C. Burst
                                                                                                               and Laura G. Skrobe. Published
                                                                                                               as Special Report No. 69 by the
                                                                                                               Atlantic States Marine Fisheries
                                                                                                               Commission, 2000.

What Types of Data
are Available?

                     Data used in stock assessments can be catego-         distribution of the catch, but such informa-
                     rized as either fishery-dependent or fishery-         tion is rarely precise enough to be used directly
                     independent. Fishery-dependent data are               in a stock assessment. Other forms of data are
                     derived from the fishing process itself and are       required to sort out these landing records into
                     collected through such avenues as self-reporting,     specific size or age distributions.

                     onboard observers, portside surveys, telephone
                     surveys or vessel-monitoring systems.                 Portside Sampling
                          Fishery-independent data are derived from
                     activities that do not involve the commercial or      Some portion of both recreational and commer-
                     recreational harvest of fish, such as trawl, acous-   cial catch is sampled on the docks for size and
                     tic, video and side-scan sonar research surveys       age by government scientists known as portside
                     and some tagging experiments. Stock assess-           observers or port agents. When the observers
                     ments generally require data on catch, relative       are sampling from recreational fishermen, the
                     abundance and the life history of the species in      survey is called a creel survey. In sampling both
                     question. Both fishery-dependent and fishery-         recreational and commercial catch, the size of
                     independent data can help fulfill these needs.        a fish is measured on site. Determining a fish’s
                                                                           age, however, requires taking biological samples
                                                                           to be evaluated in a lab. Scientists can determine
                     Fishery-Dependent Data                                a fish’s age by counting the growth rings in a
                                                                           scale or an otolith (ear bone), much like
                     Landing Records                                       counting the rings of a tree.
                                                                                Because a fish’s age must be determined in
                     The most common sources of fishery-dependent          a lab, many more length samples are taken than
                     data are landings records and port samples.           age samples. Scientists then estimate the length
                     Landing records, which result directly from the       frequency, or the total number of landed fish in
                     sale of caught fish, provide information only on      each length class. These estimates are calculated
                     landed catch. The data is often in the form of        for each type of fishing gear separately, as each
                     total weight and rarely in total numbers of fish.     gear may have its own length-frequency
                          When the market for a given species has          distribution.
                     multiple size categories, the landing records              For example, if 80 percent of the fish
                     can give some coarse information on the size          sampled from a gill net fall within a given size

range, it is assumed that 80 percent of the total           Bycatch are the fish caught during the fish-     tables, scientists can then estimate the number
    number of fish landed by that gill net fall within     ing process that were not specifically targeted for   of discards in each age class.
    this size range. But gill nets with larger or          harvest. Not all bycatch is discarded. Some by-           In the absence of onboard observers, sci-
    smaller mesh sizes would have their own length-        catch is landed and recorded by landing records       entists are forced to make assumptions about
    frequency distributions. If length-sampling            or portside observers. Bycatch that are thrown        how many fish are discarded. They often set the
    data is sparse, though, scientists may not have        back (because they were the wrong size, sex or        amount of discards equal to some proportion
    enough information to reliably estimate the            species, or because trip limits or quotas were        of the landed catch, based on previous research.
    length distribution.                                   met) are called discards. All discards are a form     Scientists also refer to previous research to
                                                           of bycatch. Only a portion of the discarded           estimate the discard mortality (the rate at which
                                                           bycatch will survive the catch and discard-           the discarded fish die.)
                                                           ing process, which means that the estimate of
                                                           landed catch will underestimate, sometimes            Log Books and Vessel Trip Reports
                                                           quite severely, the total amount of fishing-
                                                           related mortality.                                    In some commercial fisheries, either as a
                                                                Usually only a portion of the vessels in a       requirement or as an organized voluntary effort,
                                                           fishery carry onboard observers. To generate a        fishermen keep their own records, called log
                                                           fleet-wide estimate of discards, scientists assume    books or vessel trip reports, which they pass on
         By taking both size and age samples from a        that the unobserved vessels behave in the same        to government officials. Data from landing re-
    number of individual fish, scientists can deter-       fashion as the observed vessels. Scientists often     cords and onboard observers are generally con-
    mine how to estimate the age of a fish based on        calculate the length-frequency distribution of        sidered more reliable than log books in terms
    its length. Fisheries scientists use these estimates   the discards, which allows them to estimate           of estimating landed total weight and numbers.
    to develop a length-age table, or length-age           the number of fish discarded for each length          Nevertheless, the log books can be incredibly
    key. This table allows a stock assessment scientist    class for the entire fleet. Drawing on length-age     valuable for determining the spatial distribution
    to convert the length distribution of the landed                                                             and amount of effort in the fishery. In some
    catch (which is based on many, many samples)                                                                 fisheries, boats also use electronic devices that
    into an age distribution of the landed catch.                 Any fish caught                                automatically record the location of a
                                                                                                                 vessel, called vessel monitoring systems.
    Onboard Observers
                                                            that were not specifically
                                                             targeted for harvest are
    To gain a broader understanding of the ways                                                                  Telephone Surveys
    in which commercial fishermen interact with a
                                                           called bycatch. Bycatch that
    range of species, government personnel known           are thrown back are known                             The primary method for collecting data on
    as onboard observers sometimes accompany                                                                     recreational fisheries is through a telephone
    fishing vessels. Observers are trained to sample
                                                                    as discards.                                 survey conducted as part of the National Marine
    catch for size, and sometimes age, and to esti-                                                              Fisheries Service’s Marine Recreational Fishery
    mate bycatch and discards.                                                                                   Statistics Survey (MRFSS). Scientists use this

survey to estimate the number of recreational       herring survey), or even a specific age-class of a        Results from tagging, mark-and-recapture
fishing trips that target a specific species and    specific species (such as beach seine surveys for    and other studies typically fall under the cat-
those that merely encounter a specific species,     young-of-the-year bluefish).                         egory of fishery-independent data. Such studies
even if that species isn’t targeted.                                                                     may estimate the movement or migration rates
     Each fish encountered during a trip falls                                                           between stocks, the natural mortality rate of the
into one of three categories: caught and sampled      Survey data provide an                             fish, the reproductive output of the fish, growth
by portside observers (labeled type A fish),        index of fish abundance as                           rates, maturity schedules (the percent of individ-
caught but not sampled by portside observers                                                             uals mature at each age), and hooking or discard
(type B1 fish), or caught but thrown back (type      well as information about                           mortality rates. All of this information enhances
B2 fish). An estimated percentage of type B2         size, age and maturity of                           stock assessment models.
fish is assumed to die as a result of the catch-
and-release process, based on information from          the fish in the stock.
other studies.
     For the purposes of stock assessment, the           Regardless of the target or the gear, main-
total mortality associated with the recreational    taining standard survey practices over time is
fishery equals all the fish caught and sampled      crucial. Changes in mesh size, soak times and
by portside observers, all the fish caught and      tow length or speed can all impact the compara-
not sampled, and an estimated portion of the        bility of a survey over time. Whenever new gear
fish that were thrown back. Scientists take the     or sampling methods are adopted, they should
survey data and estimate the number of fish         be calibrated so that results can be directly com-
caught in each length class by applying the         pared to results from the old gear or method. By
length-frequency data from portside sampling to     sampling across the potential range of the fish,
the estimated total number of fish caught.          rather than just its current range, the survey can
                                                    detect shifts in distribution, including range
Fishery-Independent Data                            contraction or expansion.
                                                         The survey data provide an index of fish
The vast majority of fishery-independent data       abundance, typically the number of fish caught
comes from research surveys conducted by the        per unit of effort (such as the number of fish per
federal or state governments. Scientists take       tow). Surveys can also provide information on
samples throughout the potential range of the       the size and age distributions of the stock, esti-
target fish using standardized sampling gear in-    mates of the percentage of fish mature at each
cluding trawls, seines, hydroacoustics and video.   age, and size-age relationships (similar to those
These surveys can target a group of several         derived from portside or onboard observation
species (such as the Northeast Fisheries Science    of the catch). By sampling stomach contents,
Center bottom trawl survey), a single species       survey scientists can even determine a species’
(such as the Northeast Fisheries Science Center     diet.

Reference Points

                   Through stock assessments, scientists attempt to       rate is equivalent to the fishing mortality rate.
                   estimate the amount of fish in a stock and the         Biological reference points based on fishing
                   rate of fishing mortality. They do so with regard      mortality help managers keep the withdrawal
                   to a stock’s biological reference points. A            rate at a level that will ensure the long-term
                   biological reference point is a concrete number,       production or stability of the stock.

                   a value for, say, stock size or fishing mortality. A        The concept of maximum sustainable yield
                   stock assessment produces a series of estimates        (MSY) serves as the foundation for most biolog-
                   for stock size and fishing mortality over time.        ical reference points. The maximum sustainable
                   Biological reference points serve as a way to          yield is typically thought of as the largest
                   judge those estimates based on knowledge and           average catch that can be continuously taken
                   assumptions about the species’ growth, repro-          from a stock under existing environmental
                   duction and mortality.                                 conditions. That is, maximum sustainable yield
                        Biological reference points give decision         is the greatest number of fish that can be caught
                   makers guidance in determining whether popu-           each year without impacting the long-term
                   lations are too small or fishing pressure is too       productivity of the stock.
                   great. They help provide targets for how large              Stock assessment scientists and decision
                   the population or how intense the fishing              makers use the letter B to denote biomass, the
                   pressure should be.                                    total weight of the fish in a given stock. Oc-
                        Why do we care about the fishing mortal-          casionally, rather than total biomass, scientists
                   ity rate? In its simplest form, the fishing mor-       will refer to the spawning stock biomass (SSB),
                   tality rate is the rate at which fish are removed      the total weight of the reproductively mature
                   from the stock by harvesting. Think of a fish          individuals in the stock. The term BMSY is used
                   stock as money in an interest-bearing bank ac-         to indicate the stock size that can produce the
                   count. If the interest is five percent per year, the   maximum sustainable yield. The term SSBMSY
                   bank account balance will grow as long as you          indicates the size of the reproductive mature
                   withdraw less than five percent per year. If you       portion of the stock that will produce the
                   withdraw more than five percent per year, the          maximum sustainable yield. Similarly, the letter
                   bank principal will decrease. If you do that con-      F denotes the fishing mortality rate, while FMSY
                   sistently, you’ll eventually empty the account.        indicates the fishing mortality rate at the level
                        The interest rate in this example is equiva-      that would maintain the maximum sustainable
                   lent to the stock’s growth rate. The withdrawal        yield for a stock at BMSY.

Fisheries scientists aim to determine a stock’s   biological and socioeconomic factors. This is        to withdraw more money than your account
     optimum yield, the amount of catch that will           where optimum yield comes into play. Should          is earning through interest, you’ve crossed a
     provide the greatest overall long-term benefit         the population target be BMSY or something           threshold. When a fishery crosses a threshold,
     to society. The optimum yield must take into           larger than BMSY? Should the target fishing mor-     the stock is being depleted too quickly and ac-
     account the biology inherent in maximum                tality rate be FMSY or something lower? Should       tions must be taken to correct the situation.
     sustainable yield, as well as economics and the        the target fishing mortality rate be managed              Two of the key questions that a stock as-
     attitudes of the public towards risk and envi-         to provide for a relatively constant catch? Or       sessment aims to address are whether overfish-
     ronmental protection. The optimum yield can            should it allow for a relatively constant effort,    ing is occurring and whether the stock is in an
     never be greater than maximum sustainable              within an acceptable range of fishing mortality      overfished state. Although they sound similar,
     yield. In some cases scientists may set optimum        rates?                                               they are actually two distinct concepts. Over-
     yield equal to maximum sustainable yield, but                                                               fishing occurs when the fishing mortality rate
     they often set it at a value less than maximum                                                              exceeds a specific threshold. The stock is being
     sustainable yield.                                     Targets are stock size and                           depleted too quickly, but the stock size may still
          In theory, if the environment is constant          fishing mortality levels                            be fairly large. Conversely, a stock is determined
     a fishery should be able to produce an average                                                              to be overfished when stock size falls below a
     catch equal to maximum sustainable yield for             that managers aim to                               specific threshold, either in terms of numbers or
     eternity. By environment we mean everything              achieve and maintain.                              biomass of fish.
     from water temperature and habitat composi-                                                                      A stock may fall into any of four categories
     tion to predator and prey abundance –                  Thresholds are levels they                           with regard to overfishing and being in an
     anything that affects the birth, growth or death             wish to avoid.                                 overfished state. (See Overfished or Overfish-
     rates of a fish. That’s a pretty tall order.                                                                ing? page 13.) In 2004, for example, the fishing
          The environment is anything but constant                                                               mortality rate for Georges Bank Atlantic cod
     and the ability of fisheries managers to control            Deviations from the targets may or may          was determined to be greater than the fishing
     harvest from year to year can, in some situa-          not result in changes in policy. Control rules,      mortality threshold. The same year, the spawn-
     tions, be quite shaky. Despite this, the concept       designed by scientists but chosen by managers,       ing stock biomass for Georges Bank Atlantic
     of maximum sustainable yield serves as the un-         guide the ways in which the fishing mortality        cod fell well below the spawning stock biomass
     derpinning for many of the biological reference        rates are adjusted over time based on the status     threshold. In other words, overfishing was
     points that are evaluated in a stock assessment.       of the stock.                                        occurring and the stock was overfished.
                                                                 While targets are levels that managers aim
     Targets versus Thresholds                              for, thresholds are levels they aim to avoid.
                                                            Thresholds are also referred to as limits, es-
     Biological reference points provide quantitative       pecially in the realm of international fisheries
     values for targets and thresholds. Targets are         policy. A threshold is often defined as a specific
     values for stock size and fishing mortality rate       fishing mortality rate or stock size that is some
     that a manager aims to achieve and maintain.           fraction of BMSY. Consider again the bank ac-
     Targets are determined by a combination of             count example described earlier. If you begin

If a stock is overfished, or if overfishing
Overfished or Overfishing?                                                                        is occurring, managers are required by law to
                                                                                                  put measures in place to correct the situation.
Stock assessments attempt, in part, to determine whether overfishing is occurring and whether     While the stock assessment produces estimates
a stock is in an overfished state. While the two concepts are obviously related, they are not     of the fishing mortality rate and stock size, the
identical. Overfishing occurs when the fishing mortality rate (F) is greater than the fishing     choice of thresholds is dictated by government
mortality threshold (Fthreshold). A stock is overfished when the stock size (B) falls below the   policy. In the case of federally managed species,
stock size threshold (Bthreshold). Fish stocks fall into one of four categories based on these    the policies are known as the National Stan-
principles.                                                                                       dard Guidelines. These policies have evolved
                                                                                                  over time and have involved a fair bit of debate
                                                                                                  between scientists.

                                                                                                  Determining Thresholds
                                      B < Bthreshold                 B     Bthreshold
                                                                                                  In order to manage a stock, decision makers
                                                                                                  must define a stock size threshold (Bthreshold),
                                                                                                  also called a minimum stock size threshold.
      F    Fthreshold              Stock is overfished           Stock is not overfished               As discussed previously, the stock size that
                                            &                              but                    can produce the maximum sustainable yield is
                                  Overfishing is occuring        Overfishing is occuring          known as BMSY. The stock size threshold can be
                                                                                                  defined in one of two ways, both of which are
                                                                                                  relative to BMSY. The stock size threshold may be
      F < Fthreshold                Stock is overfished          Stock is not overfished          defined simply as a percentage of BMSY – typical-
                                            but                             &                     ly half (but never less than half ) of BMSY. Alter-
                                    Overfishing is not             Overfishing is not             natively, the stock size threshold can be defined
                                         occuring                       occuring                  as the smallest stock size that could grow to BMSY
                                                                                                  in 10 years if the fishing mortality rate was as
                                                                                                  low as possible (which might not be zero, de-
                                                                                                  pending on fishermen’s ability to avoid bycatch).
                                                                                                  Current law requires the stock size threshold to
                                                                                                  be set equal to the larger of these estimates.
                                                                                                       Determining the fishing mortality thresh-
                                                                                                  old (Fthreshold), or maximum fishing mortality
                                                                                                  threshold, is a much more complicated mat-
                                                                                                  ter than determining the stock size threshold.
                                                                                                  Because managers attempt to keep the stock at
or above BMSY, the fishing mortality threshold        by catching all fish at exactly that age, when         it to maximize its potential yield per recruit.
     should be less than the fishing mortality that        the percentage of fish dying of natural causes         In other words, mortality rates are outpacing
     would produce BMSY – that is, less than FMSY.         equaled the percent weight gained by the fish.         growth rates in terms of the overall weight or
     Given that the estimate for natural mortal-                For example, if 10 percent of a cohort of         biomass of the stock.
     ity (M) is an upper limit for FMSY, the fishing       equally sized fish will die due to natural causes
     mortality threshold for many fish stocks should       between now and next fishing season, but the
     also be less than the natural mortality rate. How     cohort will increase in weight by 15 percent
     much less is a function of the reproductive ca-       during that same time period, then this co-
     pacity of the stock.                                  hort will still be five percent larger, in terms of
          A variety of methods exist to estimate fish-     weight, next year. Ignoring changes in price and
     ing mortality thresholds. Some fishing mortal-        the value of a dollar today versus a dollar tomor-
     ity thresholds are based on “yield-per-recruit”       row, one would be better off waiting to fish the
     analyses, where yield is the expected weight of       cohort next year.
     fish caught by the fishery and recruits are fish at        The yield per recruit (the total weight of fish        To combat the anti-conservative nature
     the youngest age entering the fishery. Yield-per-     caught divided by the number of fish from that         of Fmax, researchers developed an alternative
     recruit analyses are performed in the last stages     cohort that originally entered the stock) would        measure based on yield-per-recruit analyses
     of the stock assessment and will be discussed in      increase over the year, and fishermen would            called F0.1. (See Calculating Fishing Mortality
     greater detail later.                                 get a higher yield by waiting. But if the cohort       Thresholds, page 15.) This analysis is based on
          Yield per recruit depends on the growth          would only increase in weight by 10 percent,           the amount of fishing effort, described in terms
     rates of individual fish, natural mortality and       a fisherman would get the same yield this year,        of “units of fishing effort.” In a recreational
     fishing mortality. In the simplest sense, if it       in terms of weight, as he or she would the next        fishery, a single “unit of fishing effort” could be
     was possible to catch fish of just one optimal        year. If the cohort only increased in weight           defined as one fisherman fishing for one day.
     age, one would maximize the yield per recruit         by eight percent, it would have a smaller total        In a trap fishery, it might be defined based on
                                                           weight next year and one would be better off           a trap of standard size soaking for one day. For
                                                           harvesting the fish this year.                         trawl fisheries, defining one “unit of fishing
                                                                The fishing mortality rate that achieves a        effort” would involve factors such as vessel size,
                                                           maximum yield per recruit is called Fmax. How-         net size and the like.
                                                           ever, Fmax is often greater than FMSY and can lead          Imagine that we add one standardized “unit
                                                           to unsustainable harvest levels and an anti-           of fishing effort” to a stock that has been in an
                                                           conservative fishing mortality threshold. Much         unfished state and maintain that effort over
                                                           of this is due to the fact that Fmax does not take     time. The outcome of this increase in one unit
                                                           the reproductive viability of the remaining stock      of fishing effort is a specific fishing mortality
                                                           into account. When the fishing mortality rate          rate and a specific yield per recruit. Adding a
                                                           does exceed Fmax, it’s called growth overfishing.      second unit of effort (a second fisherman fishing
                                                                When growth overfishing occurs, the stock         for one day, for example) will increase the fish-
                                                           is being harvested at a rate that does not allow       ing mortality and the fishery’s yield per recruit,

Calculating Fishing Mortality Thresholds

Some fishing mortality thresholds are based on “yield-per-recruit” analyses, where yield is the weight of fish caught by the fishery and recruits
are fish at the youngest age entering the fishery. In the real world, fishing at a level equal to Fmax (the maximum yield per recruit) can lead to
unsustainable harvest levels. Instead, researchers developed F0.1, a more conservative measure based on yield-per-recruit analyses. This analysis is
based on “units of fishing effort.”
   If fishermen apply a single “unit of fishing effort” to a previously unfished stock, the outcome will be a specific yield per recruit. With each
additional increase in units of fishing effort, yield per recruit will increase – but it will do so by a smaller and smaller margin. Eventually, increasing
fishing effort will actually lead to decreasing the yield per recruit, when fishing mortality is greater than Fmax. In other words, increasing fishing
pressure will increase yield, up to a point. Beyond that point, though, increasing fishing pressure will result in harvesting more fish than the number
of young fish entering the fishery. Past this point (Fmax), yield per recruit will decrease. Using F0.1 as a threshold results in a fishing mortality rate that
is lower than Fmax, and it has proven to be relatively conservative.

                                                                                             10% of the increase in
                                                                                             yield per recruit associated
                              Maximum yield                                                  with first unit of effort
                              per recruit
                                       Yield per Recruit

                                                               Increase in yield                   F0.1                     Fmax
                                                               per recruit associated
                                                               with first unit of effort

                                           Fishing mortality                               Fishing Mortality
                                           caused by first
                                           unit of effort

but the amount of that increase will be less than     of reproductively mature fish per recruit in the      new recruits 50 percent of the time, given the
     the increase from zero effort to one unit of          absence of fishing. Fishing mortality thresholds      observed recruitment history. In other words, if
     effort.                                               (in the form of F%) equal the fishing mortality       future recruitment is similar to past recruitment,
          With each additional increase in fishing         rate that reduces the spawning stock per recruit      fishing at a rate equal to Fmed will remove less
     effort, the yield per recruit will increase by a      to a given percentage in the absence of fishing.      spawning stock biomass than the new recruits
     smaller and smaller margin. Eventually, increas-                                                            will contribute 50 percent of the time, but will
     ing effort, and therefore fishing mortality, will                                                           remove more biomass than the new recruits will
     not increase the overall yield per recruit and
                                                                Spawning stock is the                            contribute 50 percent of the time.
     will even lead to decreasing the yield per recruit,        amount, in numbers or                                 The value Flow is the fishing mortality rate
     when fishing mortality is greater than Fmax. This                                                           that will result in the spawning stock replacing
     is called decreasing marginal rates of return, as
                                                                    in weight, of the                            itself, given historical levels of recruitment, 90
     each additional unit of effort produces smaller            reproductively mature                            percent of the time. (That is, fishing will remove
     and smaller increases in yield per recruit.                                                                 less biomass than new recruits will contribute
          The value of F0.1 equals the fishing mortality
                                                                 individuals in a stock.                         90 percent of the time.) The value Fhigh lies on
     rate when the increase in yield per recruit from                                                            the opposite end of the spectrum. Fhigh is the
     adding a single unit of effort is only 10 percent          For example, F40% is the fishing mortality       fishing mortality rate that will result in the
     of the increase achieved by going from zero to        rate that reduces the spawning stock per recruit      spawning stock biomass replacing itself only 10
     one unit of effort. The value of 10 percent was       to 40 percent of that which would exist in the        percent of the time. One way to remember these
     chosen somewhat arbitrarily based on simula-          absence of fishing. A fishing mortality threshold     is that Flow has a low probability of stock decline
     tion models developed by scientists. But using        set to F40% is relatively common.                     whereas Fhigh has a high probability of stock
     F0.1 as a threshold results in a fishing mortality         On rare occasions, the stock size threshold      decline.
     rate that is lower than Fmax, and it has proven to    itself, rather than the fishing mortality thresh-          Again, a stock assessment will produce esti-
     be relatively conservative.                           old, is based on a percentage of the maximum          mates for these threshold values, but the choice
          Another set of potential fishing mortality       spawning potential. For example, the stock            of which threshold is appropriate is often based
     thresholds is based on spawning-stock-per-            would be considered overfished if the spawning-       on predetermined policies. The risk of stock
     recruit analyses, where spawning stock is the         stock-per-recruit value was below some thresh-        collapse is one of the aspects incorporated into
     amount, in numbers or in weight, of reproduc-         old percentage of maximum spawning potential.
     tively mature individuals in the stock. As with            A final set of potential fishing mortality
     yield-per-recruit analyses, these analyses are        thresholds combines the spawning stock per re-
     performed in the last stages of a stock               cruit and the assumed relationship between this
     assessment.                                           year’s spawning stock biomass and the number
          As fishing pressure increases, the biomass of    of recruits expected for next year.
     reproductively mature fish created by recruits             Without going into the mathematical details
     entering the stock decreases. Essentially, the        of how these are created, Fmed (sometimes called
     more you catch the fewer survive. The maxi-           Frep) is the fishing mortality rate that will allow
     mum spawning potential (MSP) is the biomass           the spawning stock biomass to replace itself with

these policies. Short-lived, highly reproductive
Terms at a Glance                                                                                     species may be able to sustain a higher fishing
                                                                                                      mortality threshold and lower stock size thresh-
                                                                                                      old than a long-lived species with a low repro- mortality rate		                                                        ductive rate.
                                                                                                           More uncertainty will exist in estimates
B.....................stock size, in terms of biomass                                                 for fishing mortality threshold and stock size
                                                                                                      threshold for species with poor data. This great- mortality rate at the level that would produce maximum                     er uncertainty will increase the chance that the
                  sustainable yield from a stock that has a size of BMSY                              estimates are too high or low, thus increasing
                                                                                                      the chances of setting policies that may actually
BMSY...............stock size that can produce maximum sustainable yield when it is fished            lead to a stock collapse. In such data-poor
                  at a level equal to FMSY                                                            situations, scientists may choose a more conser-
                                                                                                      vative measure of fishing mortality threshold or
Bthreshold.........stock size threshold, the threshold below which a stock is overfished              stock size threshold than they might otherwise.

Fthreshold . mortality threshold, the fishing mortality rate that causes a stock       Uncertainty
                  to fall below its stock size threshold
                                                                                                      Through stock assessments, scientists aim to mortality rate that achieves maximum yield per recruit                    determine a numerical value for parameters
                                                                                                      such as stock size and fishing mortality rate.
F0.1..................the fishing mortality rate when the increase in yield per recruit from adding   That value is called a point estimate. Discus-
                  a single unit of effort is only 10 percent of the increase achieved by going from
                                                                                                      sions of stock assessments can give the impres-
                  zero to one units of effort
                                                                                                      sion that when an assessment model produces a
F%. mortality rate that reduces the spawning stock per recruit to a given   point estimate (for, say, the current stock size),
                  percentage of the maximum spawning potential, in the absence of fishing             the modeler has strong confidence that the
                                                                                                      particular value is the “true” state of the stock.
                                                                                                      In reality, point estimates are simply the most
                                                                                                      likely values. In fact, a wide range of values and
                                                                                                      alternative models may exist. Those other values
                                                                                                      or models may explain the data just as well.
                                                                                                          In order to make sense of the range of
                                                                                                      possible values, assessment models produce an
                                                                                                      estimate of the uncertainty about these values.
                                                                                                      Often, uncertainty is simply stated as a range
                                                                                                      within which the true value may lie. That range
is called a confidence interval or confidence
     bound.                                               Comparing Uncertainty
          The wider the confidence interval, the more
     uncertainty exists about where the true value        The two curves in this graph have the same estimated value, or point estimate, for the
     lies. For example, a stock assessment might          stock size (the peak of the curve). However, the two estimates have very different levels of
     determine that the current year’s biomass equals     uncertainty. The steeper curve has a high probability that the point estimate is the true value,
     100,000 metric tons (the point estimate) with        and the range of possible values is tighter. In the flatter curve, there is a lower probability that
     a 95 percent confidence interval of 80,000-          the point estimate is the true value.
     120,000 metric tons. In other words, the most
     likely value for biomass is 100,000 metric tons,
     but we can be 95 percent sure that the true
     estimate lies somewhere between 80,000 and                                                           Point Estimate
     120,000 metric tons.
          Another approach to estimating uncertainty
     produces values, called posterior distributions,
     that actually estimate the relative probability of                                                                     Less Uncertainty
     a value being the true value. These distributions

                                                                Relative Probability
     are defined by the relative height of the curve.
     Wide or flat posterior distributions indicate
     greater uncertainties than do narrow or steep
     distributions. (See Comparing Uncertainty,
                                                                                                                                      Greater Uncertainty
          Uncertainty has many sources. Different
     models allow these uncertainties to affect the
     outputs in different ways. There is a fine line
     when dealing with uncertainty. Ignoring too
     many uncertainties will lead to decision mak-
                                                                                                   Estimated Stock Size
     ers putting too much confidence in the output
     and possibly making poor management choices.
     On the other hand, incorporating all the uncer-
     tainties will likely lead to outputs that are too
     muddled to give managers useful information.
          Uncertainty often exists in the informa-
     tion being input into a stock assessment model.
     What is the true natural mortality rate? Are
     catches fully accounted for or might some be

missing? Are there errors in the way a fish’s age      case, fishing both stocks at the same level has
     Uncertainty and                                                               or weight is estimated based on its length? Are        a greater likelihood of causing problems in the
                                                                                   fish migrating into or out of the stock? Other         stock with greater uncertainty, because it’s more
     Biomass                                                                       uncertainties arise from the choice of stock as-       likely that this stock is already close to or even
                                                                                   sessment model. Is there a relationship between        below its biomass threshold. Formally incorpo-
     Here again is the graph illustrated in
                                                                                   stock size and recruitment? Does a fish’s vulnera-     rating this uncertainty to predict the results of
     Comparing Uncertainty on the previous
                                                                                   bility to the fishing gear change each year? Does      management actions is called risk assessment.
     page. In this case, a biomass threshold is
                                                                                   natural mortality vary from year to year?                  As with stock assessments, the goal of a risk
     also illustrated. Only a small portion of
     the steeper curve lies to the left of the
                                                                                        No model can fit the data perfectly because       assessment is not to provide a single solution
     biomass threshold; the probability is low                                     no model can possibly capture the true com-            to stock management, but rather to provide
     that the true stock size falls below this                                     plexity of the system. The goal is to capture the      decision makers with the information necessary
     threshold. A larger portion of the flatter                                    general trends as accurately as possible. Some         to effectively compare the various choices. Such
     curve lies to the left of the biomass                                         statistical or estimation uncertainty is inevitable.   risk assessments are often included within a
     threshold, indicating a higher probability                                    A number of point estimate values may be               stock assessment to predict a stock’s response to
     that the true stock size is actually below                                    equally defendable from a statistical standpoint,      different levels of fishing pressure.
     the biomass threshold.                                                        due to the nature of the data and the complexity           While a stock assessment cannot remove or
                                                                                   of the models.                                         incorporate all uncertainty, it should explain
                                                                                        Estimating uncertainty allows decision mak-       how uncertainty is incorporated and why it may
                                                                                   ers to get a handle on how accurate the point          be ignored. It should also test the sensitivity of
                       Biomass Threshold
                                                                                   values may be, and allows them to choose their         the model to any assumptions that were made.
                                                                                   actions appropriately. For example, consider
                                                                                   two distinct cod stocks with the same biomass
Relative Probability

                                                        Less Uncertainty
                                                                                   threshold. (See Uncertainty and Biomass, left.)
                                                                                        The stocks share the same point estimate
                                                             Greater Uncertainty
                                                                                   for the current size of the stock, but have very
                                                                                   different levels of uncertainty. We are much
                                                                                   less certain about the true status of the stock
                                                                                   with greater uncertainty. A stock with greater
                                      Estimated Stock Size
                                                                                   uncertainty has much more of its curve to the
                                                                                   left of the biomass threshold than the stock with
                                                                                   less uncertainty. In other words, there is larger
                                                                                   probability that the true stock size is below the
                                                                                   biomass threshold for the stock with the greater
                                                                                        Would you manage these two stocks in
                                                                                   an identical manner? Probably not. In this

Dynamics Models:
The Underpinnings
of Stock            The Basic Population
Assessment          Dynamics Model                                       Calculating
Models                                                                   Next Year’s Population
                    Nearly all the stock assessment models used
                    in fisheries today are based on some kind of         The most basic way to predict the size of

                    population dynamics model, although they each        next year’s fish stock is with this formula:
                    look at the population dynamics model from
                    a different angle. The goal of this section is to    The number of fish alive this year (N1)
                    shed some light on exactly what these popula-        – those that die this year (D1)
                    tion dynamics models are designed to do, and         + those that are born this year (R1)
                    how they may be made more complex. The ways
                    in which these population dynamics models            = the number alive next year (N2)
                    are applied to stock assessment models will be
                    discussed in later sections.                         This is written mathematically as
                         Simply put, fish are born, they grow, they      (N2 = N1 – D1 + R1 ).
                    reproduce and they die, whether from natural
                    causes or from fishing. That’s it. Modelers just
                    use complicated (or not so complicated) math
                    to iron out the details of these processes. We’ll
                    start this section by taking a look at the basic      Population                       Population
                    population dynamics model. Then we’ll examine          This Year
                                                                                                           Next Year
                    the ways in which scientists can make the model
                    more complex.                                              Recruits                  Deaths
                         How many individuals will exist in a fish               (R1)                     (D1)
                    stock next year? The number of fish alive at the
                    beginning of next year will equal the number
                    alive this year, minus those that die, plus the
                    number of recruits entering the stock. (See
                    Calculating Next Year’s Population, right.)
                         Rather than looking at the hard number of
                    fish that die this year, modelers generally assume
that some percentage of the fish will die. If they          Because the growth rate is given as a per-       as a single parameter and doesn’t try to model
     have estimates of the initial population size and      centage, it does not depend on the abundance,         the birth and death processes separately. Differ-
     the percentages of fish that will die and recruits     or density, of individuals. The growth rate is        ent models describe the specific ways in which
     that will survive, they can calculate the popula-      therefore categorized as density-independent.         the growth rate changes with increasing stock
     tion size for each year in the future.                 The density-independent growth rate is also           size. Each of those models will have different
          This initial formula assumes that a fixed         called the intrinsic growth rate. The stock will      implications for the values of maximum sustain-
     number of fish are born and survive to be              grow or shrink at the same rate, regardless of the    able yield.
     counted each year. But it may be more accu-            size of the stock. These dynamics may apply to             The basic population dynamics model dis-
     rate to assume that each reproductively mature         stocks at small abundance levels or over short        cussed in this section is the infrastructure upon
     fish produces, on average, a fixed number of           periods of time. However, the intrinsic growth        which most stock assessment models are built.
     offspring that survive to be counted. This is          rate model doesn’t provide very realistic dynam-      More complex equations are often added to the
     known as net fecundity. While fecundity can be         ics for longer-term modeling, let alone projec-       basic model to improve its accuracy, but the
     defined as the number of offspring produced by         tions of future conditions.                           general principles remain the same.
     an individual, net fecundity is the number of               A more realistic model assumes that there             Stock assessment modelers essentially try to
     recruits (offspring that survive to be counted or      is some limit to the size of the stock. At some       estimate values for mortality rate, the number
     caught) produced by an individual.                     point, due to habitat limitations, the availability   of recruits, and the initial population size, such
                                                            of prey, or the presence of predators, a stock        that the predicted population size follows what-
                                                            will reach an upper limit. This limit is called the   ever trends exist in the data.
      The upper limit for the size                          carrying capacity. Unlike density-independent
                                                            models, density-dependent models assume that
       of a stock is known as its                           the growth rate for a stock is directly related to
           carrying capacity.                               how close the stock is to reaching its carrying
                                                                 At very small stock sizes, the growth rate
          If the net fecundity rate is greater than the     is unaffected by density-dependent forces and
     mortality rate, the stock will grow larger over        is equal to the intrinsic growth rate. As the
     time. If net fecundity equals mortality, the stock     stock moves closer to its carrying capacity, the
     will remain at a constant level. But if the net fe-    mortality rate will increase or the net fecundity
     cundity falls below the mortality rate, the stock      rate will decrease. The result is a decrease in the
                                                                                                                  Adding Complexity:
     will eventually shrink to zero. The relationship       growth rate.
     between the net fecundity rate and the mortal-              For most fisheries, it is assumed that den-      Mortality
     ity rate is called the growth rate for the stock. If   sity dependence appears most prominently
     the mortality rate is 20 percent per year and the      as a change in the net fecundity rate. This is        Rather than thinking of mortality as just an
     net fecundity rate is 25 percent, the stock will       discussed more specifically in the stock-recruit-     annual percentage, stock assessment modelers
     increase at a rate of five percent; the growth rate    ment section on page 26. The basic population         focus instead on the instantaneous mortality
     is equal to five percent.                              dynamics model treats the intrinsic growth rate       rate. Natural mortality is, in theory, occurring

constantly throughout the year. Essentially, a          ing the population into age classes. In an age-
Instantaneous Mortality                          small portion of the population is dying each           structured model, separate mortality rates exist
                                                 day, each hour, each minute, each second. The           for each age class, and the number of recruits
Rates                                            instantaneous mortality is the rate at which the        is only relevant to the first age class. (See Age
                                                 population is shrinking in each one of these tiny       Structure, page 24.)
The total instantaneous mortality rate
                                                 periods of time.                                             Rather than build a model out to some
(Z) equals the instantaneous natural
                                                     For mathematical purposes, the instanta-            maximum age (and thus assume all fish die after
mortality rate (M) plus the instantaneous
fishing mortality rate (F). If scientists have
                                                 neous mortality rate (Z) is converted into an           they reach that age), modelers often include
estimates for M and F, they can calculate        annual survival rate. The table in Instantaneous        what they call a plus group. The plus group
both annual mortality and annual survival        Mortality Rates (left) shows the relationship be-       contains all fish of a certain age and older. For
using a table such as the one below.             tween survival rate values and the instantaneous        example, a species may be separated into classes
                                                 mortality rate.                                         such as age-0, age-1, age-2 and age-3+. In this
                                                     Of course, not all mortality is due to fish-        case, to calculate the size of next year’s plus
 Total Inst.    Annual          Annual
                                                 ing. The instantaneous mortality rate is actually       group (3+), modelers multiply the number of
 Mortality      Survival        Mortality        the combination of the instantaneous natural            this year’s age-3+ individuals by the survival
 Rate (Z)       Rate            Rate             mortality rate (M) and the instantaneous fishing        rate for that class, then add to that the number
                                                 mortality rate (F). When scientists and man-            of age-2 individuals expected to survive to next
      0.0          100 %           0.0 %         agers talk about mortality in a management              year.
      0.1          90.5 %          9.5 %
                                                 context (that is, fishing mortality rate thresholds          Scientists typically define a plus group
                                                 and targets), the instantaneous fishing mortality       based on their ability to predict age from length
      0.2          81.9 %         18.1 %
                                                 rate (F) is the rate to which they are referring.       (which can become more difficult with older
      0.3          74.1 %         25.9 %         The table at left can also be used to convert M         fish whose length may not be changing much
      0.4          67.0 %         33.0 %         and F to annual mortality rates. For example,           over time), or based on the age above which
      0.5          60.7 %         39.3 %         an F of 0.2 means that 18.1 percent of the stock        very few individuals appear in the data set.
      0.6          54.9 %         45.1 %         dies due to fishing.                                         As was the case when we were looking at
      0.7          49.7 %         50.3 %                                                                 just the basic population dynamics model, the
      0.8          44.9 %         55.1 %         Adding Complexity:                                      mortality rate in age-structured models is typi-
      0.9          40.7 %         59.3 %                                                                 cally transformed into instantaneous mortality
                                                 Age Structure
      1.0          36.8 %         63.2 %
                                                                                                         rates. Both fishing mortality rates and natural
                                                                                                         mortality rates may be different for differ-
      1.5          22.3 %         77.7 %         The basic population dynamics model assumes
                                                                                                         ent ages. Fish of a certain size (or age) may be
      2.0          13.5 %         86.5 %         that mortality, both natural and fishing-related,
                                                                                                         more susceptible to a particular fishing gear, for
      2.5           8.2 %         91.8 %         affects all fish equally. In reality, of course, fish
                                                                                                         example, or they may be more vulnerable to
      3.0           5.0 %         95.0 %         of different ages experience different rates of
                                                 mortality. When appropriate data, such as valid
                                                                                                              The pattern of instantaneous fishing mortal-
                                                 length-age keys, are available, modelers often
                                                                                                         ity rates across ages is called the partial recruit-
                                                 add complexity to the basic model by separat-
ment pattern. When the older age classes have
     Age Structure                                                                                  the highest instantaneous fishing mortality rates
                                                                                                    and these rates are relatively constant across
     This diagram illustrates an age-structured population dynamics model, with a plus-group that   these older age classes, the partial recruitment
     starts at age 3. The plus group contains all fish age 3 and older.                             pattern is referred to as “flat-topped.” When the
                                                                                                    intermediate age classes have the highest instan-
                                                                                                    taneous fishing mortality rates and these rates
                                                                                                    decrease for younger and older fish, the partial
                                                                                                    recruitment pattern is referred to as “dome-
                              Age 0         Age 1          Age 2          Age 3+                    shaped.” (See Partial Recruitment, page 25.)
                                                                                                         When different instantaneous fishing
                             Recruits        1-year        2-year          3-year                   mortality rates are calculated for each age, stock
              Year 1          year 1          olds          olds          olds & up                 assessment models will occasionally use what is
                                                                                                    called the separability assumption. Modelers
                                                                                                    assume that the instantaneous fishing mortality
                                                                                                    rate for a specific age class in a specific year can
                                                                                                    be separated into two parts: gear selectivity and
                             Recruits        1-year        2-year          3-year
                                                                                                    instantaneous fishing mortality rate for the fully
              Year 2          year 2          olds          olds          olds & up                 selected age classes.
                                                                                                         Gear selectivity is the probability that a
                                                                                                    fish of a certain age or size will be captured by a
                                                                                                    given gear. The term “fully selected” implies that
                                                                                                    100 percent of the fish that encounter a given
                                                                                                    gear are caught by that gear.
                             Recruits        1-year        2-year          3-year
              Year 3          year 3          olds          olds          olds & up                      Fully selected age classes have a selectivity
                                                                                                    value of 1.0, meaning that when fish of that age
                                                                                                    encounters the gear (whether it be a net, hook,
                                                                                                    pot, etc.), it will be caught 100 percent of the
                                                                                                    time and will experience 100 percent of the fully
                                                                                                    selected instantaneous fishing mortality.
                                                                                                         If an age class has a selectivity of 0.25, a fish
                                                                                                    of that age that encounters the gear will only be
                                                                                                    caught 25 percent of the time, and that age class
                                                                                                    would experience only 25 percent of the fully
                                                                                                    selected instantaneous fishing mortality. When
                                                                                                    multiple fisheries target a single stock, each

fishery has its own selectivity pattern, which will
Partial Recruitment                                                                                                                                                   lead to each fishery having different age-specific
                                                                                                                                                                      instantaneous fishing mortality rates.
“Flat-topped” partial-recruitment patterns occur when the older age classes have the highest                                                                               The term L50 is occasionally used to denote
instantaneous fishing mortality rates and the rates are relatively constant across the older age                                                                      the length at which a fish has a 50 percent prob-
classes. “Dome-shaped” partial-recruitment patterns occur when the intermediate age classes                                                                           ability of being retained by the gear if it en-
have the highest instantaneous fishing mortality rates and the rates decrease for ages above                                                                          counters the gear. This should not be confused
and below the intermediate ages.                                                                                                                                      with the L50 that refers to the length at maturity
                                                                                                                                                                      discussed later.
                                                  Flat-Topped Partial Recruitment
                                                                                                                                                                           In order to actually use an age-structured
                                                                                                                                                                      model, scientists must be able to separate the
                                                                                                                                                                      fishery-dependent and fishery-independent data
                                                                                                                                                                      into age classes. This exercise can be undertaken
 Instantaneous Fishing Mortality

                                   0.2                                                                                                                                as a separate analysis, external to the basic stock
                                                                                                                                                                      assessment model, or it can be incorporated
                                                                                                                                                                      directly into the stock assessment model.
                                   0.1                                                                                                                                     When incorporating age structure exter-
                                                                                                                                                                      nally, scientists generally rely on the length-age
                                                                                                                                                                      keys mentioned previously. When both age

                                     0                                                                                                                                and length data are taken from the same fish,
                                          0   2      4    6    8    10                         12                     14       16
                                                                                                                                                                      scientists can estimate what percentage of fish
                                                                                                                                                                      of a given length fall into each age class. Imag-
                                                                                                                                                                      ine a species in which 10 percent of nine-inch
                                                                                                                           Dome-Shaped Partial Recruitment            individuals are age one, 70 percent are age two
                                                                                                                                                                      and 20 percent are age three. If a fishery caught
                                                                                                           0.25                                                       1,000 fish that were nine inches long, we would
                                                                                                                                                                      classify 100 of them as age one, 700 as age two,
                                                                         Instantaneous Fishing Mortality

                                                                                                                                                                      and 200 as age three.
                                                                                                           0.15                                                            This catch-at-age data is incorporated as
                                                                                                                                                                      a direct input into the basic stock assessment
                                                                                                                                                                      model. Performing this analysis outside of the
                                                                                                                                                                      basic stock assessment model typically ignores
                                                                                                                                                                      the uncertainty inherent in the process, howev-
                                                                                                                  0        2        4   6    8    10   12   14   16
                                                                                                                                                                      er. Therefore, incorporating age structure exter-
                                                                                                                                            Age                       nally often overestimates the degree of certainty
                                                                                                                                                                      in the results.

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