Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast ecoregion - Fisheries overview, including mixed-fisheries - ICES

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Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast ecoregion - Fisheries overview, including mixed-fisheries - ICES
ICES Fisheries Overviews
Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast ecoregion
Published 29 November 2019
Version 2: 17 December 2019

6.2           Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast ecoregion – Fisheries overview, including mixed-fisheries

Table of contents
Executive summary ..................................................................................................................................................................1
Definition of the ecoregion ......................................................................................................................................................1
Mixed-fisheries considerations ................................................................................................................................................2
Who is fishing ..........................................................................................................................................................................7
Catches over time ..................................................................................................................................................................10
Description of the fisheries ....................................................................................................................................................12
Fisheries management measures ..........................................................................................................................................14
Status of the resource............................................................................................................................................................15
Mixed fisheries.......................................................................................................................................................................25
Species interaction ................................................................................................................................................................26
Effects of fisheries on the ecosystem ....................................................................................................................................26
Sources and references .........................................................................................................................................................28
Annex .....................................................................................................................................................................................30

Executive summary

This fisheries overview contains details of mixed-fisheries considerations for Iberian waters demersal stocks, as well as a
description of the fisheries and their interactions within the ecoregion.

As examples of these mixed-fisheries considerations, eight scenarios are presented of fishing opportunities for five stocks
fished within ICES divisions 8.c and 9.a: black anglerfish (ank.27.8c9a), hake (hke.27.8c9a), four-spot megrim
(lbd.27.8c9a), megrim (meg.27.8c9a), and white anglerfish (mon.27.8c9a). The single-stock advice for those species is
also taken into account. The mixed-fisheries projections show that for 2020 the limiting stock for fishing opportunities is
hake; black anglerfish, conversely, is the least limiting stock.

The commercial fisheries in the ecoregion target a wide variety of stocks, resulting in a diverse and spatially varied fishing
industry. The countries with the largest landings and effort in the ecoregion are Spain, Portugal, and France, with minor
landings from Ireland, Belgium, and UK. The most common gear used in the area is bottom trawls that target demersal
species. The highest landings, however, are taken by midwater trawls mainly targeting species such as blue whiting,
mackerel, and to a lesser extent species such as sardine.

Of the wide variety of stocks both targeted and caught as bycatch, 69 stocks are evaluated by ICES for spawning-stock
biomass size and fishing pressure. Twenty-three stocks have been evaluated against maximum sustainable yield (MSY) or
precautionary approach (PA) reference points for fishing mortality, and 61% of these are fished below FMSY. Only 20
stocks have been evaluated against biomass reference points, of which 75% are at or above MSY Btrigger.

In addition to biomass removal, ecosystem effects of fisheries include abrasion, ghost fishing, damage to benthic fauna
by demersal trawling, and bycatch of marine mamals, elasmobranchs, and seabirds. Several regulatory and research
efforts are in place or are being developed, aimed at reducing the impact of fishing on the ecosystem.

Definition of the ecoregion

The Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast ecoregion covers the southwestern areas of the EU. It includes areas of the deeper
eastern Atlantic Ocean, as well as coastal areas from Brittany in the north to the Iberian Peninsula and Gulf of Cadiz in
the south. The following areas consistute this ecoregion:

      •      Bay of Biscay (divisions 8.a and 8.b, and part of subdivisions 8.d.2 and 8.e.2);
      •      The Cantabrian Sea (Division 8.c); and
      •      The western coast of Spain, the Portuguese coast, and the Gulf of Cadiz (Division 9.a and part of Subdivision

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At its southeastern limit, this ecoregion is connected to the Mediterranean Basin by the Strait of Gibraltar. Deep-water
currents composed of Mediterranean water have a strong influence on the southwest Iberian and Gulf of Cadiz
circulation patterns.

Figure 1           The Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast ecoregion (highlighted in yellow).

Mixed-fisheries considerations

Mixed-fisheries considerations are based on the single-stock assessments combined with knowledge of the species
composition in the catches of Atlantic Iberian waters fisheries. Mixed-fisheries scenarios are based on central
assumptions that fishing patterns and catchability for individual fleets remain the same in 2019 and 2020 as in the most
recent year (similar to procedures in single-stock forecasts, where growth and selectivity are assumed constant).

Eight example scenarios of fishing opportunities considering mixed fisheries are presented (Figure 2), taking into account
the single-stock advice for fisheries catching black anglerfish (ank.27.8c9a), hake (hke.27.8c9a), four-spot megrim
(lbd.27.8c9a), megrim (meg.27.8c9a), and white anglerfish (mon.27.8c9a). Without specific mixed-fisheries management
objectives, ICES cannot recommend any specific scenario.

Mixed-fisheries projections for 2020 are presented in terms of catch. The limiting stock for fishing opportunities will be
hake, corresponding to an undershoot of the advised catch for the other stocks considered in the mixed-fisheries
analysis. Conversely, black anglerfish is the least limiting stock, corresponding to an overshoot of the advised catch for
the other considered stocks.

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Figure 2           Mixed fisheries for the Bay of Biscay and Atlantic Iberian waters. Projections. Estimates of potential catches
                   (in tonnes) by stock and scenario (described in Table 1) Horizontal lines correspond to the single-stock advice.
                   Striped columns below the value of zero show undershoot (compared to single-stock advice) where catches are
                   predicted to be lower when applying the scenario. Hatched columns above zero represent catches overshooting the
                   single-stock advice.

The scenarios

Table 1            Mixed fisheries for Atlantic Iberian waters. Scenarios.
                                 “Maximum”: For each fleet, fishing stops when all stocks have been caught up to the fleet’s stock
                                 shares *. This option causes overfishing of the single-stock advice possibilities for most stocks.
                                 “Minimum”: For each fleet, fishing stops when the catch for any one of the stocks meets the fleet’s
  min                            stock share *. This option is the most precautionary option, causing underutilization of the single-
                                 stock advice possibilities of other stocks.
                                 “Black anglerfish PA approach”: All fleets set their effort corresponding to their black anglerfish
                                 quota share, regardless of other catches.
                                 “Hake MSY approach”: All fleets set their effort corresponding to their hake quota share, regardless
                                 of other catches.
                                 “Four-spotted megrim MSY approach”: All fleets set their effort corresponding to their four-spot
                                 megrim quota share, regardless of other catches.
                                 “Megrim MSY approach”: All fleets set their effort corresponding to their megrim quota share,
                                 regardless of other catches.
                                 “White anglerfish MSY approach”: All fleets set their effort corresponding to their white anglerfish
                                 quota share, regardless of other catches.
                                 “Status quo effort”: The effort is set equal to the effort in the most recently recorded year for which
                                 landings and discard data are available (2018).
* Throughout this document, the term “fleet’s stock share” or “stock share” is used to describe the share of the fishing opportunities
for each particular fleet, which has been calculated based on the single-stock advice for 2020 and the historical proportion of the stock
landings taken by the fleet.

Catch scenarios

Mixed-fisheries advice considers the implications of mixed fisheries operating under single-stock catch limits, taking into
account the fishing pattern and catchability of the various fleets in recent years. The scenarios, therefore, do not assume

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any amount of quota balancing through adaptation of fishing behaviour. Scenarios that result in under- or overutilization
are useful in identifying the main mismatches between the fishing opportunities of the various stocks. They indicate the
direction in which fleets may have to adapt to fully utilize their catch opportunities.

Catch, fishing mortality, and spawning-stock biomass for each scenario in Table 1 are presented in Tables 2, 3, and 4,
respectively. The “min” scenario is based on the assumption that the landing obligation is implemented for all stocks. For
2019, the “min” scenario results are very similar to the “hke” scenario, indicating that hake is the most limiting stock for
most fleets. The “max” scenario is included to demonstrate the upper bound of potential fleet effort and stock catches,
because it assumes all fleets continue fishing until all their stock shares are exhausted, irrespective of the economic
viability of such actions. For 2020, the “max” scenario is very similar to the “ank” scenario, indicating that the stock of
black anglerfish is the least limiting stock for most fleets.

There are some differences between the single-stock catch and SSB values, and the values obtained from the
mixed-fisheries scenarios. This is partially explained by differences in modelling approach, and also that the
mixed-fisheries method considers that all fleets set their effort corresponding to their quota shares for each given
species. The SSB of hake is estimated to be below MSY Btrigger (11 100 tonnes) in 2021 in scenarios “max”, “ank”, “ldb”
and “mon”. Forecast SSB resulting from the effort of each of the scenarios is presented in Figure 3; SSB under all
scenarios would be below that estimated by single-stock advice for 2021 for hake.

Table 2            Mixed-fisheries scenarios for Atlantic Iberian waters. Catch scenarios for 2020 for single-stock advice (in tonnes) and
                   mixed-fisheries scenarios (see Figure 1 and Table 1).
                      Single-                                    Catches per mixed-fisheries scenario 2020
                    stock catch
                      advice         “max”       “min”       “ank”       “hke”     “ldb”        “meg”          “mon”           “Sq_E”
  ank.27.8c9a             2050         2057          453       2050         455       863            764          1770               726
  hke.27.8c9a             6615        15551        6609       15552        6615     12716         11859          15639            12013
  ldb.27.8c9a             1885         3803          901       3796         901      1885          1688           3449             1744
  meg.27.8c9a               534         688          283        688         268       563            505           644               521
  mon.27.8c9a             2146         2461          544       2457         545      1019            901          2146               978

Table 3          Mixed-fisheries scenarios for Atlantic Iberian waters. TAC year (2020) fishing mortality forecast by scenario (see
                 Figure 1 and Table 1). The F range is averaged across the same ages as those used for the single-stock assessment.
                     Single-                                             F per mixed-fisheries scenario in 2020
                                   Basis for the
      Stock           stock
                                     advice        “max” “min” “ank”            “hke”      “ldb”     "meg"        "mon"       “Sq_E”
                  advice F2020
  hke.27.8c9a             0.25                       1.86      0.34     1.86      0.34       1.09        0.95        1.86        0.99
  ldb.27.8c9a             0.19                       0.58      0.08     0.58      0.08       0.19        0.16        0.48        0.17
  meg.27.8c9a             0.19                       0.74       0.1     0.74       0.1       0.22        0.19          0.6        0.2
  mon.27.8c9a             0.24                         0.3     0.06      0.3      0.06       0.11         0.1        0.26        0.11
* Not presented for category 3 stocks.

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Table 4            Mixed fisheries for Atlantic Iberian waters. SSB results from single-stock advice and different mixed-fisheries
                   scenarios (see Figure 1 and Table 1). Weights are in tonnes.
                     Single-                      SSB (2021) resulting from mixed-fisheries scenarios applied in 2020
                     advice       “max”      “min”       “ank”      “hke”       “ldb”     “meg”       “mon”           “Sq_E”
                    SSB 2021
  hke.27.8c9a         29972       3578        22559        3578      22552       10515       12202       3593                     11677
  ldb.27.8c9a          8673       4751         9477        4765       9477        8325        8554       5387                      8488
  meg.27.8c9a          2330       1067         2564        1068       2578        1849        2282       1175                      2153
  mon.27.8c9a         11251      11518        13433       11522      13433       12959       13077      11833                     13000
* Not presented for category 3 stocks.

Figure 3           Mixed fisheries for Atlantic Iberian waters. Estimates of potential SSB at the start of 2021 by stock after applying the
                   mixed-fisheries scenarios, expressed as a ratio to the single-stock advice forecast. The horizontal line corresponds to
                   the SSB (at the start of 2021) resulting from the single-stock advice. SSB for category 1: Black anglerfish is not
                   presented as it is a category 3 stock.

Quality considerations

There are some differences between the single-stock catch and SSB values, and the values obtained from the
mixed-fisheries scenarios, where all fleets are considered to set their effort corresponding to their quota shares for each
given species. For catch, the difference is around 6% for megrim. For SSB, the difference for hake was around 25% and
for the rest of the stocks it was lower than 5%. For hake and white anglerfish, differences are to be expected because the
length-based seasonal models used in the stock assessments are approximated with annual age-based models in the
mixed-fisheries analysis. The reason for the discrepancy is still unknown in the case of megrim. Qualitatively the ouputs
of the scenarios are consistent with the single-stock forecasts, although this issue needs to be investigated further.

A key assumption in the projections is that catchability by stock and métier and effort distribution (relative proportion of
time spent by each fleet in the various métiers) in 2019 and 2020 remain constant at their 2018 level. In reality, fishing
patterns may change over time – particularly in response to significant changes in policy, such as the introduction of the
landing obligation and the revision of technical rules. In practice, such changes in catchability would affect the outcomes
of mixed-fisheries projections. For example, an increase of catchability would imply that a stock can become more
limiting in the “min” scenario, as fewer fishing days would be required to fish up the fleets’ catch share.

Methods and data

Mixed-fisheries considerations are based on the single-stock assessments combined with knowledge of the species
composition in the catches of Atlantic Iberian waters fisheries. Mixed-fisheries scenarios are based on central

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assumptions that fishing patterns and catchability for individual fleets remain the same in 2019 and 2020 as in the most
recent year.

The species considered here as part of the Atlantic Iberian demersal mixed fisheries are black anglerfish, hake, four-spot
megrim, megrim, and white anglerfish. Projections are presented in terms of catch. The reference points for the included
stocks can be found in the single-stock advice sheets, and the 2018 relative catch distribution is shown by métier in
Figure 4. In the case of black anglerfish, the population dynamic model is first conditioned using SPiCT’s dynamics, but
the advice is provided using the data-limited stocks category 3 formula; the method of “FixedPopulation” included in the
FLBEIA model (ICES, 2018 and 2019g) was used to calculate both the catch of black anglerfish produced by a given effort
and vice versa.

Other demersal stocks were not included because they lack an analytical assessment. Pelagic stocks are not presently
included, despite some of them having mixed-fisheries interactions with demersal fisheries in Iberian waters.

Total landings (2018) of all species considered in the mixed-fisheries advice were 13 229 tonnes, with:

    •      ~ 34% landed by otter trawls;
    •      ~ 35% by gill- and trammelnets;
    •      ~ 20% by bottom pairtrawls;
    •      ~ 8% by set longlines; and
    •      ~ 3% by a miscellaneous group of gears dominated by small-scale vessels.

Total discards were 2 071 tonnes (13% by weight of total catch).

Figure 4           Mixed fisheries for Atlantic Iberian waters. Description of the landings distribution of species by métier in 2018. The
                   métiers used are described in Table A4 in the Annex, according to the group of target species and the technical
                   characteristics of the fishing gear.

There are ten métiers for the mixed-fisheries analysis, according to the group of target species and the technical
characteristics of the fishing gear. With respect to the fleet segments used in the mixed-fisheries analysis, these were
defined combining the country and the fishing gear group.

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Table 5           Mixed fisheries for the Atlantic Iberian waters. The basis of the assessment.
  ICES stock data
                               1 and 3 (ICES, 2018).
  Assessment type              FLBEIA (FLR) (Garcia et al., 2017; ICES, 2018).
                               Assessments on the relevant stocks by the Working Group for the Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast
  Input data
                               Ecoregion (ICES, 2019f); catch and effort by fleet and métiers.
  Discards and bycatch         Included for hake and both megrims as in the respective single-stock assessments.
  Indicators                   None.
  Other information            This assessment was presented for the first time in the ICES advice in 2016.
                               Working Group for the Bay of Biscay and the Iberian Coast Ecoregion (WGBIE) and
  Working groups
                               Working Group on Mixed Fisheries Advice (WGMIXFISH-ADVICE)

Who is fishing

Seven nations currently have fisheries targeting the many marine stocks within this diverse and extensive ecoregion. The
highest landings are by Spain, Portugal, and France. Lesser amounts are landed by the Netherlands, and other countries
including Belgium, Ireland, and UK (Figure 5).


The fleet is comprised of otter trawls, purse-seine, deep-water longline, and small-scale fisheries; it operates primarily in
Division 9.a.

There are 80 bottom otter trawlers; 25 target crustaceans (deep-water rose shrimp and Norway lobster) and blue whiting
in deep waters from 200 to 800 m, while 55 catch finfish in waters shallower than 500 m. The majority of the vessels are
between 18 and 40 m in overall length, and only eight are smaller than 12 m in length.

The purse-seine fleet predominantly operates at depths between 20 and 100 m, and traditionally target sardine. The
fleet comprises around 150 vessels, between 9 and 27 m in overall length. They contribute to more than 50% of the total
catch, and mainly harvest sardine, chub mackerel, anchovy, horse mackerel, and blue jack mackerel.

The small-scale fishery is composed of around 2000 vessels smaller than 12 m in length, operating within 30 miles of the
Portugese coast. They are licensed for several gears, namely gillnet (80 mm mesh size), trammelnet (100 mm mesh size),
hand- and longlines, pots and dredges, small purse-seines, and other gears. This small-scale fleet catches, among others,
hake, anglerfish, octopus, pout, horse mackerel, and clams.

A deep-water longline fleet, composed of 15 vessels with an average of 20 m length, operates offshore at the slope at
depths ranging from 800 to 1450 m; it targets black scabbard fish.


There are around 1500 vessels operating primarily in ICES Subarea 8, representing more than 4000 fishers. 71% of all
vessels operate predominantly within the 12 nautical mile limit. Around 1000 vessels operate in Division 8.a, and 500 in
Division 8.b. Around 20 vessels operate occasionally in Division 8.c.

The mean size of the vessels is 12 m, while more than 1100 vessels are under 12 m. The main gears used by coastal
vessels are nets, lines (longlines and handlines), pots, scoop nets, dredges, and bottom trawls. The offshore fishery is
mostly carried out by bottom trawlers, netters, and a few longliners. The main species caught by French vessels in the
area are hake, anglerfish, sole, sea bass, nephrops, sardines, cuttlefish, albacore, squids, pollack, and anchovy.


There are around 4500 vessels in this fleet, operating mainly in the Northern Spanish waters. The fleet comprises
artisanal vessels, trawlers, purse-seiners, demersal longliners, and gillnetters. Around 4000 vessels are operating in the
artisanal fishery (of 7 m average length) using artisanal gears including dredges, trammelnets, gillnets, pots, bottom
longline, handline, purse-seine, and beam trawl; they are targeting mackerel, clams, and octopus. The trawlers

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(75 vessels of 29 m average length) use bottom- and pairtrawl to target horse mackerel, mackerel, blue whiting, and
hake. The purse-seiners (250 vessels of 22 m average length) target mackerel, anchovy, horse mackerel, and sardine. The
demersal longliners (55 vessels of 16 m average length) target hake as main species, as well as European conger. The
gillnetters (65 vessels of 18 m average length) catch mainly hake and anglerfish.

Around 700 vessels operate mainly in the Gulf of Cadiz Spanish waters. The fleet comprises artisanal vessels, trawlers,
and purse-seiners. Around 500 vessels are operating in the artisanal fishery (of 9 m average length) using artisanal gears
including dredges, trammelnets, gillnets, bottom longline, and handline; they are targeting blackspot seabream, stripped
venus, octopus, and cuttlefish. The trawlers (130 vessels of 19 m average length) target shellfish and cephalopods. The
purse-seiners are composed of 80 vessels of 17 m average length.

The fleets operating in Iberian waters comprise trawlers, trollers, pelagic longliners, and purse-seiners. Around ten
vessels are operating in the trawl fishery (of 25 m average length). The trolling fleet targets albacore.

Around 57 vessels operate mainly in the Bay of Biscay. The fleet comprises trawlers and passive gears (bottom longline
and gillnet). 15 vessels are operating in the trawler fleet targeting hake, anglerfish, and megrim. 42 vessels use passive
gears (mainly bottom longlines and some gillnets) which target hake.


The Netherlands has fishing rights for sole in the Bay of Biscay. In the last two decades, however, the Dutch fleet has not
been active in the area. Since the mid-2000s, the Netherlands has been using their fishing rights in the Bay of Biscay for
quota swaps with Belgium; the Dutch quota in the Bay of Biscay in exchange for Belgian quota in the North Sea.


The Belgian fisheries in the Bay of Biscay mainly take place in Division 8.b. There are fifteen vessels operating, all with
beam trawl, and the fishery takes place from 1 June to 30 September. The main target species is sole with monkfish as a
bycatch species, though monkfish is increasing in importance in the landings.


Ireland has four fisheries in this ecoregion. The highest catches are made by around 8 large vessels (> 40 m in length)
targeting small pelagic fish, mainly boarfish, horse mackerel, and mackerel. Approximately 40 vessels target albacore
tuna, with paired mid-water pelagic trawls in the summer as the fish migrate northward. The gillnet fishery for hake
involves around 15 vessels, and there is minor demersal otter trawl activity involving up to eight vessels in Subarea 8.


The UK fleet operating in the ecoregion mainly operates in divisions 8.a and b, and further offshore in Division 8.d. The
fleet is comprised of pelagic trawlers, gillnetters, and longliners; the fleet size varies, from 7 to 13 vessels over the last
4 years. The pelagic trawlers are the larger of the vessels, with an overall total length of between 50 and 114 m. Pelagic
trawlers mainly target mackerel and horse mackerel in divisions 8.a and b. Longliners and gillnetters target a mix of
species, and have an overall length of between 20 and 35 m; they operate in both divisions 8.a and 8.b and further
offshore in Division 8.d. The main target species of the longliners is hake, whereas gillnetters target hake, anglerfish, and

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Figure 5           Landings (thousand tonnes) from ICES subareas 8 and 9, between 1950 and 2018. The three countries with the
                   highest landings over the period are shown individually, while the remaining countries are aggregated and displayed
                   as “other”.

Figure 6           ICES subareas 8 and 9. Fishing effort (1000 kW days-at-sea) in 2009–2018 for EU Member States.

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Catches over time

In the descriptions below, the term “landings” is used because the analyses are based on landings reported in logbooks.
Elsewhere in ICES advice, the terms “wanted” and “unwanted” catch are used to take into account the EU landing
obligation legislation that has been applied to some species since 2016.

Landings in the ecoregion are variable, but showed an increasing trend over the period from 1950 to 1960 before a
general decline to recent levels (Figure 7). The total landings comprise of a large mix of pelagic, demeral, benthic, and
shellfish species, with pelagic fisheries contributing the highest proportion. The number of species landed by the
different nations makes this a very rich and diverse ecoregion, and not all species could be displayed in the figure,
resulting in a very large combined “Other” category (Figure 8).

Of the species presented in Figure 5, sardine gives the highest proportion of the total landings, followed by blue jack and
horse mackerel; these are all pelagic species. Other notable species in the area include mackerel, hake, blue whiting, and
anchovy. As a large proportion of the landings are comprised of pelagic species, it follows that the pelagic gears also give
the highest landings (Figure 9). Static gears such as nets, lines, and pots are also important in this ecoregion.

Recently, species such blue whiting, mackerel, horse mackerel, and hake (Figure 8) have grown in importance to the
fisheries within the ecoregion.

Figure 7          Landings (thousand tonnes) from ICES subareas 8 and 9 in 1950–2017, by fisheries guild. Table A1 in the Annex
details the species that belong to each fish category.

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Figure 8           Landings (thousand tonnes) from ICES subareas 8 and 9 in 1950–2017, by species. The species groupings with the
                   highest cumulative landings over the entire time-series are displayed separately; the remaining species are
                   aggregated and labelled as “other”.

Figure 9           Commercial landings (thousand tonnes) from ICES subareas 8 and 9 from 2003–2018, by gear type for EU Member

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The discard estimates of elasmobranchs relative to catches are high, at around 60%, although the total elasmobranch
catches are very low (Figure 10). In contrast the percentage of pelagic species discarded is estimated to be very low, with
very high catches. Discards of demersal and benthic species are around 10%, whereas the discard rate for crustacean is
higher at around 25%. The EU landing obligation for pelagic species came into force in 2015, while for demersal stocks it
has come into force incrementally since 2016.

Figure 10          ICES subareas 8 and 9. Left panel (a): Discard rates in 2014–2018 by fish category, shown as percentages (%) of the
                   total annual catch in that category. Middle panel (b): Landings (green) and discards (orange) in 2018 by fish category
                   (in thousand tonnes) of those stocks with recorded discards. Right panel (c): Landings (green) and discards (orange)
                   in 2018 by fish category (in thousand tonnes) including stocks with zero discards or without disard information.
                   There is uncertainty over the elasmobranch data, so they are not presented here.

Description of the fisheries

Fisheries operating within the Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast Ecoregion catch a wide range of different species, including
those considered to be demersal, pelagic, wide-ranging, and deep sea. Various elasmobranch species are also caught.

Demersal otter trawls account for a large proportion of the fishing effort in the ecoregion, followed by static gears.
Demersal trawls have shown a decline in recent years, but still operate throughout the shelf areas of the ecoregion
(Figure 12). Static gears also operate throughout the shelf area, but there are some instances of them operating further

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Figure 11          ICES subareas 8 and 9. Fishing effort (thousand kW days-at-sea) in 2003–2018 by EU vessels, by gear type.

Figure 12          Spatial distribution of average annual fishing effort (mW fishing hours) in the Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast
                   ecoregion from 2015 to 2018, by gear type. Fishing effort data are only shown for vessels > 12 m in length that have
                   vessel monitoring systems (VMS); this will bias the distributions, particularly in coastal areas. Portuguese purse-seine
                   data is not available.

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Otter trawl

Otter trawl is the main gear used in demersal fisheries in the ecoregion. The species caught depends on the area and on
the range of depths range fished, as well as on the cod-end mesh size, but in all cases the catches consist of a mixture of
different species.

Hake is an important target species; other species caught as targets in these fisheries are anglerfishes, megrims, Norway
lobster, horse mackerel, mackerel, blue whiting, sea bass, pollack, and red mullet. This targeting typically utilises,
although not exclusively, 70–100 mm mesh; other species taken as bycatch in relatively low levels include cuttlefish and

Gillnet fisheries

Three fleets of gillnetters operate within the Iberian Coast area. A fleet called Beta uses a mesh size of 60 mm targeting
hake, while the Volanta fleet uses a mesh size of 90 mm and also targets hake. The Rasco fleet uses a mesh size of
280 mm for targeting anglerfish.

In the Bay of Biscay, the main gillnet fishery involving Spanish and French vessels targets hake along the continental
slope. In shallower waters, target species include sole and sea bass.

Purse-seiners are mainly targeting sardine, anchovy, and chub mackerel in the ecoregion.

Longline and line fisheries

Longliners target hake along the continental slope, with bycatches of other deep-water species.

Pelagic trawls

The pelagic trawls are mainly targeting anchovy and sardine in divisions 8.a–b.


Artisanal fisheries are small-scale inshore fisheries targeting demersal, benthic, and crustacean stocks. As well as those
stocks assessed by ICES, a number of non-assesed stocks are targeted throughout the ecoregion. These include, for
example dredging for shellfish such as a mix of clam species, cockles, and oysters. There are also important pot and trap
fisheries for crabs and octopus. Some coastal waters in the ecoregion have fisheries targeting resident immature
European eels or migrating spawners. In addition, there are also fisheries targeting resident or migrating European eel in
some transitional waters.

Fisheries management measures

The ecoregion includes all or parts of the Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) of three current EU Member States (France,
Spain, and Portugal), Within EU waters, management is conducted in accordance with the EU Common Fisheries Policy
(CFP), and catching opportunities for stocks under EU competency are agreed upon during meetings of the Council of
Ministers. Under the CFP’s regionalization policy, proposals on certain issues (for example discard plans) are made by the
South Western Waters Regional Fisheries Group. National authorities manage activities in coastal waters (i.e. within
12 nautical miles). The fisheries for some stocks are managed based on agreements by the North East Atlantic Fisheries
Commission (NEAFC) and by coastal states. Salmon fisheries are managed nationally, based on agreements at the North
Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization (NASCO), and fisheries for large pelagic fish are managed based on
agreements at the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT). International fisheries advice
is provided by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), the European Commission’s Scientific
Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF), and the Standing Scientific Committee of ICCAT.

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Total allowable catch (TAC) is the main fishery management tool in the ecoregion. These were introduced for most stocks
in the 1980s, but the TACs (and quotas) were generally not restrictive until the early 1990s. The 2013 reform of the
Common Fisheries Policy aimed to eliminate discarding through the introduction of the EU landing obligation (LO). The
LO was introduced for pelagic species in 2015 and has been phased in for demersal TAC species since 2016. From 2019
the LO will apply to all TAC species, although there are some exemptions.

A new multiannual plan (MAP) was implemented in 2019 for 11 management units/stocks. The objectives of the plan are
to minimise bycatch and the fishing impacts on the marine ecosystem, and to contribute to the elimation of discards as
well as encompassing the CFP objectives and MSY approach.

A large number of technical measures are in place. These include measures to improve the selectivity of towed gears
(partly in order to reduce bycatch), and gear restrictions.

Spatial management also occurs, both for fisheries and for ecosystem reasons. Closed areas/seasons are used to protect
spawning and juvenile fish, for example. Protected areas have also been designated for habitats and species listed by EU
Nature Directives. Fishery regulations are in place to restrict certain fisheries that may affect vulnerable habitats.

Status of the resource

Within ICES, the scientific assessments of the stocks relevant to this ecoregion are the responsibility of several expert

Within these groups fishing mortalities and spawning-stock sizes have been evaluated against maximum sustainable yield
(MSY) and precautionary approach (PA) reference points; the status of these stocks has also been assessed relative to
safe biological limits, i.e. F < Fpa and SSB > Bpa (Figure 13). Around 60% of the stocks with full analytical assessments,
reference points, and forecast are fished at or below FMSY target levels.

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Figure 13          Status summary of Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast stocks in 2019, relative to the ICES maximum sustainable yield
                   (MSY) approach and precautionary approach (PA) (excluding European eel, salmon, and sea trout). Grey represents
                   unknown reference points. For the MSY approach: green represents a stock that is either fished below FMSY or where
                   the stock size is greater than MSY Btrigger; red represents a stock status that is either fished above FMSY or where the
                   stock size is lower than MSY Btrigger. For the PA: green represents a stock that is fished at or below Fpa while the stock
                   size is equal to or greater than Bpa; orange represents a stock that is either fished between Fpa and Flim or where the
                   stock size is between Blim and Bpa; red represents a stock that is fished above Flim or where the stock size is less than
                   Blim. Stocks with a fishing mortality below or at Fpa and a stock size above Bpa are defined as being inside safe
                   biological limits. If this condition is not fulfilled the stock is defined as being outside safe biological limits. For stock-
                   specific information, see Table A1 in the Annex.

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Figure 14          Status summary of Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast stocks in 2019, relative to the EU Marine Strategy Framework
                   Directive (MSFD) assessment criteria of the level of pressure of fishing activity (D3C1) and reproductive capacity of
                   the stock (D3C2). Green represents the proportion of stocks that are either fished below FMSY or where the stock size
                   is greater than MSY Btrigger, for criteria D3C1 and D3C2. Red represents the proportion of stocks that are either fished
                   above FMSY or where the stock size is lower than MSY Btrigger, for criteria D3C1 and D3C2. Grey represents the
                   proportion of stocks without MSY reference points. For stock-specific information, see Table A1 in the Annex.

ICES provided advice in 2019 on 69 stocks within the Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast Ecoregion. These encompass the
following categories: 10 benthic, 6 crustacean, 17 demersal, 25 elasmobranch, and 11 pelagic stocks. Out of these
categories the pelagic, Nephrops, and demersal stocks are the best known, as they have the highest number of
quantitative assessments with forecasts (ICES data category 1 stocks). Approximately 61% are sustainably fished (i.e.
D3C1 where F < FMSY); these account for less than 7% of the total landings (Figure 14). Other groups, such as the
elasmobranchs, have a more limited knowledge base. These limited data mean there can be no forecasts so these stocks
are placed in ICES categories 3, 5, and 6. While these “data-limited stocks” account for a large proportion of stocks (36%),
they only account for 3% of the total landings (Figure 14). Around 75% of the stocks were assessed to be above
MSY Btrigger (D3C2); these accounted for around 93% of the total biomass caught.

A declining trend in the fishing mortality ratio for category 1 stocks is shown for both demersal and crustacean stocks
since the late-1990s (Figure 15), as well as for the benthic stocks to a lesser extent. The mean fishing mortality is now at
or below the FMSY target, with the exception of demersal stocks, with hake in divisions 8.c and 9.a maintaining the mean
at a high level. The SSB ratio shows an increasing trend over the same period, and the mean values are now above
MSY Btrigger, with the exception of the elasmobranch; only one stock remains below MSY Btrigger for the whole of the
time-series. Note that although the mean fishing mortality and biomass ratios are in a desirable condition for most

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Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast ecoregion

species categories, this does not infer that all stocks are in that condition. The trends for the crustacean stocks are less
clear, but the mean fishing mortality ratio is less than FMSY.

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Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast ecoregion

Figure 15          Temporal trends in F/FMSY and SSB/MSY Btrigger for Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast benthic, crustacean, demersal, and
                   pelagic stocks. Only stocks with defined MSY reference points are considered. Stocks for which only proxy reference
                   points are available are not shown. For full stock names, see Table A1 in the Annex.

The stock status relative to FMSY and MSY Btrigger is shown for stocks with reference points, and partitioned by stock groups
in Figure 16. This shows that the horse mackerel stock in ICES Division 9.a has the best status among all stocks (almost six
times MSY Btrigger and fished below FMSY). Sardine in divisions 8.c and 9.a has the worst stock status, being fished almost
one-and-a-half times higher than FMSY and with SSB below MSY Btrigger. Blue whiting and mackerel account for the highest
landings. Fishing mortality for both stocks is higher than FMSY. The position of Western horse mackerel and sardine in
divisions 8.c and 9.a relative to reference points, in the bottom right quadrant of the pelagic stock status plot (Figure 16),
indicates that they need to be rebuilt and that fishing mortality remains too high. In general, the benthic stocks have a
better stock status than the other stock groups.

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Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast ecoregion

Figure 16          Status of Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast stocks relative to the joint distribution of exploitation (F/FMSY) and stock size
                   (SSB/ MSY Btrigger) [left panels, by individual stocks] and catches (triangles) / landings (circles) from these stocks in
                   2018 [right panels]. The left panels only include stocks for which MSY reference points have been defined (MSY
                   where available). Stocks for which only proxy reference points are available are not shown on the left plots. Stocks in
                   green are exploited at or below FMSY while the stock size is also at or above MSY Btrigger. Stocks in red are either
                   exploited above FMSY or the stock size is below MSY Btrigger, or both. Stocks in grey have unknown/undefined status in
                   relation to reference points. “All stocks” refers to the ten stocks with highest catch and landings across fisheries
                   guilds in 2018. For full stock names, see Table A1 in the Annex.

European eel cannot be assessed against any PA or MSY reference points. Recruitment of European eel has declined
sharply in recent decades, because of a range of potential threats.

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Mixed fisheries

Fishing operations typically catch more than one species at a time (mixed fisheries), although some gears are more
species-selective than others. Pelagic trawling and purse-seining, for example, typically only catch one species with
bycatch of small proportions; demersal trawling, bottom seining, and longlining normally catch several species

In the Bay of Biscay, fisheries are targeting a large range of species with different gears. Trawl fisheries (using otter, beam
and pelagic trawl) take place for Nephrops, hake, anglerfishes, megrims, sole, and sea bass as well as cephalopods
(cuttlefish and squid). Gillnet fisheries target sole, hake, pollack, sea bass, and anglerfishes as well as some crustacean
species, while a longline fishery targets hake. The fisheries are mainly carried out by French and Spanish vessels, though
some Belgian beam trawl vessels target sole.

Analyses of the Spanish demeral fleets in divisions 8.c and 9.a show that the main target species are hake, anglerfishes,
megrims, Nephrops, horse mackerel, mackerel, and blue whiting. Three pelagic/semi-pelagic species (blue whiting,
mackerel, and horse mackerel) are responsible for 64% of the total landings in these demersal métiers. The same type of
analysis, performed for the Portuguese demersal métiers, indicate that the most important species caught by the
demersal fish trawlers are horse mackerel, blue whiting, and hake. The crustacean trawlers target mainly Norway lobster,
rose shrimp, and blue whiting. Hake, anglerfishes, sole, and rays are present in trawl catches but they are mainly caught
by artisanal métiers using gill- and trammelnets.

Figure 17          Main species landings as a percentage within each Spanish demersal métier in divisions 8.c and 9.a.

Hake is present in all the métiers analysed, and is a target species for longlines and gillnets fisheries.

Blue whiting is present in most métiers, and it is the main target species for the small mesh demersal trawls.

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Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast ecoregion

Two stocks of horse mackerel (Table A1 in the Annex) are defined in divisions 8.c and 9.a; both are key stocks in
mixed-fisheries considerations.

Mackerel is caught together with horse mackerel, and is the main species of otter trawls with mesh sizes > 55 mm
(OTB_MPD_>=55_0_0; Figure 15); they are also caught with other pelagic and demersal species in eight other métiers.
Métier definitions are in Table A4 in the Annex.

The trammelnet métier lands a large variety of demersal species, but pollack and sole are of the highest economic

The species interactions and relative proportions of catches in mixed fisheries are not likely to change greatly between
years. Generally, the interactions between species and the selectivity of fisheries change gradually over time.

Species interaction

Fish species are part of the marine foodweb and interact in various ways, including through predation and competition.
Natural mortality is becoming proportionately more significant in the ecoregion, because fishing mortality has been
reduced on many stocks. Predation mortality can occur from other fish, seabirds, and marine mammals.

For this ecoregion, foodweb modelling studies indicate that yields of many commercially exploited stocks are affected by
the abundance of main fish species predators such as hake and anglerfish. Changes in fishing mortality on these species
therefore influence the abundance and yield of the pelagic fish stocks that are their main prey, such as blue-whiting,
mackerel, horse mackerel, sardine, and anchovy; this depends on their spatial distribution across the ecoregion.
Predation mortality cannot be fully quantified as there are no specific multispecies modelling or simulations of the
interactions of species in this ecoregion.

Effects of fisheries on the ecosystem

Fishing can disturb the foodweb. Predator–prey relationships can change, depending on the species and on the amount
of food (prey) that is available for a given predator. Poor management of fishing for one species could have an adverse
effect on the whole foodweb. Multispecies assessment methods can account for some of these interactions, and guide
appropriate management measures.

Fishing also affects the seabed habitats and benthonic species, and it is associated with bottom-contacting mobile fishing
gear, in particular beam trawling and otter trawling. The extent, magnitude, and impact of mobile bottom-contacting
fishing gear on the seabed and benthic habitats varies geographically across the ecoregion (Figure 18). These maps are
calculated in terms of a swept-area ratio. Swept area is calculated as hours fished × average fishing speed × gear width.
Values for each of these factors were derived from VMS data and from other sources. The swept-area ratio is calculated
for all 0.05 × 0.05 degree grid cells and is the sum of the swept area divided by the area of each grid cell. The resultant
values indicate the theoretical number of times the entire grid cell area would have been swept if effort was evenly
distributed within each cell. The swept-area ratio is calculated separately for surface- and subsurface contact. Different
gear types interact with the seabed in different ways, and thus exert different levels of physical disturbance, in terms of
the substrate areas affected and the penetration depth. Surface abrasion is defined as the damage to seabed surface
features; subsurface abrasion as the penetration and/or disturbance of the substrate beneath the seabed surface. For
further information on these effects, see the Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast ecosystem overview (ICES, 2019h).

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Figure 18          Average annual surface (top) and subsurface (bottom) disturbance by mobile bottom-contacting fishing gear
                   (bottom otter trawls, bottom seines, dredges, beam trawls) in the Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast Ecoregion during
                   2015–2018, expressed as average swept-area ratios (SAR).

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Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast ecoregion

Bycatch of protected, endangered, and threatened species

There are bycatches of mammals such as common dolphin, harbour porpoise, and pilot whale this ecoregion; these are
caught in most gears. The information on anthropogenic removal is based on patchy observed information, with often
unknown bias. Bycatch mortality of common dolphins in the Bay of Biscay by midwater trawls and nets might exceed the
1.7% limit for total anthropogenic removal in this region set by ASCOBANS; these common dolphins are part of one large
panmictic population in the Northeast Atlantic. The estimated bycatch mortality of the harbour porpoise subpopulation
in the Celtic Seas assessment unit (that also includes the eastern Bay of Biscay Shelf) ranged between 2.1% and 5.6%; this
also exceeds internationally-adopted thresholds of acceptability.

A number of bird species groups are known to be susceptible to bycatch in various types of fishing gear. Bycatch risk is
generally considered to be closely linked to species-specific foraging behaviour. Bycatch rates of birds in the ecoregion
are mostly unknown. For the Bay of Biscay, bycatch rates are only available for common guillemot in the gillnet fishery
and for the Balearic shearwater in gillnets and trammelnets; they are at generally comparable levels to other ecoregions
in the Northeast Atlantic.

The high numbers of bycaught animals (birds and marine mammals) recorded on the shores of the ecoregion indicate
that a dedicated bycatch observer programme is required for relevant fisheries in this area.

Bycatch of elasmobranchs is common in the ecoregion, with notably high bycatch rates of sandy ray in nets, but also
undulate ray and blackmouth catshark in bottom trawls.

Sources and references

Bordalo-Machado, P., and Figueiredo, I. 2009. The fishery for black scabbardfish (Aphanopus carbo Lowe, 1839) in the
Portuguese continental slope. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 19: 49–67.
Direção-Geral de Recursos Naturais, Segurança e Serviços Marítimos. 2019. Recursos da Pesca, Ano 2018. Série
Estatística, Vol. 31 A–B. DGRM: Lisbon, Portugal. 181 pp.
dgrm, accessed 25 November 2019.
Feijó, D., Marçalo, A., Bento, T., Barra, J., Marujo, D., Correia, M., and Silva, A., 2018. Trends in the activity pattern,
fishing yields, catch and landing composition between 2009 and 2013 from onboard observations in the Portuguese
purse-seine fleet. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 23: 97–106.
Garcia, D., Sanchez, S., Prellezo, R., Urtizberea, A., and Andreas, M. 2017. FLBEIA: a simulation model to conduct bio-
economic evaluation of fisheries management strategies. SoftwareX, 6: 141–147. https://doi:10.1016/j.softx.2017.06.001
ICES. 2018. Bycatch of small cetaceans and other marine animals – review of national reports under Council Regulation
(EC) No. 812/2004 and other information. In Report of the ICES Advisory Committee, 2018. ICES Advice 2018,
8 pp.
ICES. 2019a. Bycatch of protected and potentially vulnerable marine vertebrates – review of national reports under
Council Regulation (EC) No. 812/2004 and other information. In Report of the ICES Advisory Committee, 2019. ICES
Advice 2019, 14 pp.
ICES. 2019b. Working Group on Bycatch of Protected Species (WGBYC). ICES Scientific Reports, 1:51. 163 pp.
ICES. 2019c. Working Group on Mixed Fisheries Advice Methodology (WGMIXFISH-METHODS). ICES Scientific Reports,
1:58. 56 pp.
ICES. 2019d. Working Group for the Bay of Biscay and the Iberian Waters Ecoregion (WGBIE). ICES Scientific Reports,
1:31. 692 pp.
ICES. 2019e. Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast ecosystem overview. In Report of the ICES Advisory Committee, 2019. ICES
Advice 2019, section 5.1. In prep.

ICES Advice 2019                                                                                                          28
ICES Fisheries overviews                                                                             Published 29 November 2019
Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast ecoregion

ICES.    2019f.    Bay    of   Biscay   and         Iberian     Waters     Ecoregion      –    Fisheries    overview      data.

Instituto Nacional de Estatística. 2019. Estatísticas de Pesca – 2018 [Fishery Statistics – 2018]. INE: Lisbon, Portugal.
149 pp.,
accessed 25 November 2019.
Lassalle, G., Lobry, J., Le Loc’h, F., Bustamante, P., Certain, G., Delmas, D., Dupuy, C., et al. 2011. Lower trophic levels and
detrital biomass control the Bay of Biscay continental shelf food web:implications for ecosystem management. Progress
in Oceanography, 91: 561−575.
Sánchez, F., and Olaso, I. 2004. Effects of fisheries on the Cantabrian Sea shelf ecosystem. Ecological Modelling,
172: 151−174.
Silva, C., Mendes, H., Rangel, M., Wise, L., Erzini, K., de Fátima Borges, M., and Ballesteros, M. 2015. Development of a
responsive fisheries management system for the Portuguese crustacean bottom trawl fishery: Lessons learnt. Marine
Policy, 52: 19–25.
Torres, A., Coll, M, Heymans, J. J, Christensen, V., and Sobrino, I. 2013. Food-web structure of and fishing impacts on the
Gulf of Cadiz ecosystem (South-western Spain). Ecological Modelling, 265: 26–44.
Veiga-Malta, T., Szalaj, D., Angélico, M. M., Azevedo, M., Farias, I., Garrido, S., Lourenço, S., et al. 2019 First
representation of the trophic structure and functioning of the Portuguese continental shelf ecosystem: insights into the
role of sardine. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 617–618: 323–340.

   Recommended citation: ICES. 2019. Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast Ecosystem – Fisheries Overview. In Report of
   the     ICES     Advisory     Committee,     2019.    ICES     Advice     2019,     section    5.2.     31 pp.

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Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast Ecoregion


Supporting data used in the Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast Fisheries overview is archived at ICES (2019f).

The following annex table is a status summary of the Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast ecoregion stocks in 2019.

Table A1           Status summary of the Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast ecosystem stocks in 2019, in regards to the ICES maximum sustainable yield (MSY) approach and precautionary
                   approach (PA) for stocks within the Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast ecoregion. Grey represents unknown reference points. For the MSY approach: green represents a
                   stock that is fished below FMSY or the stock size is greater than MSY Btrigger; red represents a stock status that is fished above FMSY or the stock size is less than
                   MSY Btrigger. For the PA: green represents a stock that is fished below Fpa or the stock size is greater than Bpa; yellow represents a stock that is fished between Fpa and Flim
                   or the stock size is between Blim and Bpa; red represents a stock that is fished above Flim or the stock size is less than Blim. SBL = Safe Biological Limits; MSFD = EU Marine
                   Strategy Framework Directive; D3C1 = MSFD indicator for fishing mortality; D3C2 = MSFD indicator for spawning-stock biomass; GES = good environmental status.
                                                                                Fisheries        Data    Assessment Advice                            Reference      Fishing Stock
        Stock                            Stock Description                                                                           SBL     GES                                      D3C1 D3C2
                                                                                  guild        category      year       category                        point       pressure size
ane.27.8                 Anchovy in Subarea 8                               Pelagic           1          2017          MP

ane.27.9a                Anchovy in Division 9.a                            Pelagic           3          2019          PA

                         Black-bellied anglerfish in Subarea 7 and
ank.27.78abd                                                                Benthic           3.2        2019          PA
                         divisions 8.a–b and 8.d

                         Black-bellied anglerfish in divisions 8.c and
ank.27.8c9a                                                                 Benthic           3.2        2019          PA

bss.27.8ab               Sea bass in divisions 8.a-b                        Demersal          1          2019          MP

dgs.27.nea               Spurdog in subareas 1–10, 12 and 14                Elasmobranch      1.2        2018          MSY/PA

                         Hake in subareas 4, 6, and 7, and divisions
hke.27.3a46-8abd                                                            Demersal          1          2019          MSY
                         3.a, 8.a–b, and 8.d, Northern stock

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