Fish and Seafood GUIDELINE FOR - REWE Group
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The central goal of REWE Group when purchasing fish CONTENTS and seafood is to procure 100 per cent certified private label articles (MSC, GLOBALG.A.P., ASC, organic certification) by the end of 2020. I. UNDERSTANDING AND SCOPE .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 II. FRAMEWORK CONDITIONS AND ISSUES .. .. .. .. .. 5 2.1 People .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .6 2.2 Environment .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 2.3 Animals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 III. MANAGEMENT APPROACH OF REWE GROUP .. .. .. .8 IV. MEASURES AND REQUIREMENTS .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 13 4.1 People .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14 4.2 Environment .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 16 4.3 Animals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 V. GOALS .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 21 VI. REPORTING AND COMMUNICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 VII. LIST OF REFERENCES .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 23
4 · REWE Group · Guideline for Fish and Seafood REWE Group · Guideline for Fish and Seafood · 5 I. UNDERSTANDING AND SCOPE As a leading international trading and travel and tourism company, REWE The present guideline defines a binding framework for REWE Group's actions Group is aware of its special role as an intermediary between manufacturers, and the business relationships with contractual partners. Defined require- service providers and consumers. The production of REWE Group private la- ments and targets are consistently reviewed, and new measures and targets bel products has an impact on people (social), animals and the environment are agreed as required. In addition, the guideline is updated on the basis of (ecological). REWE Group's customers expect and should be able to trust that current trends and developments. REWE Group, as a trading company, is aware of its responsibility in the sup- ply chains of its private labels and addresses the effects. In its "Guidelines for Sustainable Business Practices", REWE Group acknowledges its environmen- tal and social corporate responsibility. The values described therein form the foundation for the responsible actions of the company (REWE Group 2011). II. F RAMEWORK CONDITIONS REWE Group relies on a range of sustainably caught fish and seafood. AND ISSUES This means that only as many fish and seafood may be caught as can regrow. In addition, fishing practices must not cause permanent damage to marine The increase in the global population from currently more than seven to an es- ecosystems. With regard to farmed fish, REWE Group ensures that fish and timated ten billion people by 2055 will lead to an increasing demand for food. seafood come from more sustainable aquaculture farms. Traditional fishing and aquaculture are therefore gaining in importance for food supply. With valuable nutrients such as protein, fatty acids, vitamins and mi- REWE Group therefore requests its suppliers in all supply chains to com- nerals, fish are an important factor in human nutrition. At the same time, the ply with requirements with regard to people, the environment and animals, rising demand for fish also poses challenges when it comes to a more sustain- and sets targets for transparency. This guideline defines these requirements able approach to the marine ecosystem (FAO, 2018). Many fish stocks are for fish and seafood from wild stock and aquaculture. already threatened by overfishing – certain shark and tuna species as well as In addition, REWE Group raises the awareness of its employees and part- eels are at risk of extinction. To counteract this overfishing, fish are increasing- ners in the supply chain for the protection of productivity and the health of the ly being bred in aquacultures. At the same time, the fishing industry in coastal oceans as well as for the more sustainable management of aquaculture farms. regions is an important economic sector and provides many jobs, especially In this guideline, REWE Group points out measures and individual goals. in emerging and developing countries. However, people on fishing vessels, in aquaculture farms and in fish processing plants often work under precarious The scope of the guideline covers all private label food products of REWE working conditions (FAO, 2018). Group, which are sold in Germany by REWE and PENNY containing fish1 as well as the entire range of fresh fish. The guideline also contains details for pet In the following, the problems of fisheries and aquaculture, which are food products. On the basis of the systematic sustainability commitment de- intensifying due to the increasing demand for fish and fish products, are de- scribed herein, the PRO PLANET label can be awarded to the corresponding scribed in more detail. In particular, the challenges with regard to people, an- products 2. imals and the environment will be considered: 1 In the following text, the term fish refers to all fish and seafood. 2 The PRO PLANET label was developed by REWE Group to give consumers orientation and promote sustainable consumption on a broad scale.
6 · REWE Group · Guideline for Fish and Seafood REWE Group · Guideline for Fish and Seafood · 7 2.1 People Wild caught fish According to official statistics, around 40.3 million people worked in the tra- Too many fishing fleets, illegal fishing, the use of harmful fishing methods and ditional fishing sector in 2016, the majority of them in Asia and Africa. Wor- unwanted bycatch are putting a strain on fish stocks (FAO, 2018). Bottom king conditions in these countries often do not meet internationally recognised trawls cause damage to the seabed, while lost and abandoned net parts and standards. Particularly concerned are areas such as child and forced labour, other material from fishing as well as waste, especially plastic and microplastic fair and living wages, anti-discrimination, health and safety standards and the particles, endanger the ecosystem (WWF, 2018c). right to freedom of association. The problems are prevalent above all on fishing vessels and in processing plants (ILO, 2016). Aquaculture Today, around 80 million tonnes of fish and seafood are already produced an- Aquaculture nually in fish farms (FAO, 2018). Aquaculture is associated with ecological As the number of aquaculture farms increases, so does the number of people problems in various respects: The construction of aquaculture plants leads to a employed in this sector: In 2016, around 19.3 million people worked in aqua- loss of valuable natural habitat. In addition, the majority of aquacultures world- culture businesses, 96 per cent of them in Asia (FAO, 2018). The working con- wide are operated as so-called open systems. These are directly connected to ditions there often do not meet international standards – there is an increased the natural surroundings, so that sinking food, faeces, but also antibiotic and risk of child labour, exploitation and forced labour. The right to freedom of as- chemical residues can pollute the environment. Wild fish are often used for sociation, anti-discrimination and payment of fair and living wages is rarely feeding, posing a potential danger for overfished stocks. guaranteed (Heinrich Böll Foundation, 2017). Compared to their wild counterparts, farmed fish often have modified genetic material to adapt them to husbandry conditions and selective growth. Fish that escape from breeding farms may introduce altered genetic material 2.2 Environment and possibly diseases to the wild populations (WWF, 2018b). Wild caught fish The worldwide quantity of fish and seafood caught in the wild amounts to around 90.9 million tonnes annually. However, there has been a decline in wild 2.3 Animals catches, as around 60 per cent of fish stocks are already depleted, and around Wild caught fish 33 per cent of the fish species considered are overfished. Today's fishing methods can have a negative impact on the welfare of fish in various ways and along the entire fishing process. For example, with some fishing methods, catching may take several hours or even days. The landing and release of fish from nets or hooks often results in injuries or suffocation. In addition, certain fishing methods, such as the use of longlines, produce a lot of bycatch, which is usually thrown back into the sea dead or injured (WWF, 2018a).
8 · REWE Group · Guideline for Fish and Seafood REWE Group · Guideline for Fish and Seafood · 9 Aquaculture In aquacultures, animals are often kept at high densities, which can lead to in- The strategy is implemented through a comprehensive management ap- creased stress, greater risk of injury and susceptibility to disease in certain spe- proach that defines the principles and instruments for carrying out the meas cies and facilitate the spread of parasites. Drugs are often administered to the ures. All levels of the management approach are oriented towards the three fish that accumulate in the animals' organism and thus enter the human food defined fields of action: chain. • People Taking the fish out of the water by hand or by using equipment – the • Animals so-called handling – transport and also killing are associated with pain, stress and the risk of injury for the animals (Eurogroup for Animals, 2018). An EU • Environment regulation stipulates that animals must be stunned before killing in order to These fields of action are dealt with at three levels, which form the manage- spare them pain and stress. However, this is not adequately implemented in all ment approach: countries, both inside and outside the EU. Internal management The aim is to further integrate sustainable procurement into REWE Group’s pur- chasing processes in order to take sustainability aspects into account in every III. M ANAGEMENT APPROACH purchasing decision. The company lays the foundation for concrete activities through strategic and organisational projects. For example, REWE Group con- OF REWE GROUP tributes to the awareness within the organisation by providing risk analyses and briefings, coordinating binding targets with the purchasing departments and Through a clear strategic commitment and appropriate measures, REWE providing training on sustainability topics. Group aims to actively contribute to reducing and eliminating ecological, Internal reporting enables the continuous further development within the social and economic effects in the supply chain of fish and seafood. individual sustainability topics. External communication creates transparency Sustainability is firmly anchored in REWE Group's corporate strategy. For towards stakeholders. REWE Group, this means: Promoting more sustainable product ranges and ensuring fair treatment of partners and suppliers, acting in an environment rnal cooperation ally and climate-conscious manner, assuming responsibility for its employees Inte and taking responsibility for contributing to a sustainable society. Within the sustainability strategy, the “Green Products” pillar bundles all activities aimed at making purchasing and production processes more supply chain Cooperati Green sustainable and thus expanding more sustainable product ranges. REWE Products Strategy Group's customers expect and should be able to trust that REWE Group, as a trading company, is aware of its responsibility in the supply chains of its pri- on the w vate labels and addresses the impacts. Through all activities in the “Green ith hin Products” pillar, REWE Group would like to fulfil these expectations and has sta it w ke n ho developed a strategy to identify and evaluate the effects in order to take ef- tio lde era rs Coop fective countermeasures. Figure 1: Management approach and fields of action of the “Green products” pillar
10 · REWE Group · Guideline for Fish and Seafood REWE Group · Guideline for Fish and Seafood · 11 Supply chain management Risks in the supply chain are allocated to the three areas of people, animals Other important elements include participation in external events, multi- and the environment. REWE Group addresses the sustainability risks that stakeholder forums, industry initiatives, partnerships, commitment to the arise with regard to these fields of action in the supply chain in a targeted further development of sustainability standards and monitoring relevant de- manner through systematic supply chain management which is characterised velopments at political and regulatory level. Consumer education also plays by close cooperation with suppliers and commitment at the production site an important role in stakeholder management. Consumers need to under and raw material production level. As a first step, REWE Group’s supply stand the importance of more sustainable products in order to keep them on management increases, where required, transparency along the supply chain the market in the long term. With this in mind, REWE Group informs its cus for the private label products. In this way, risks can be identified and prevented tomers about the origin and particularities of its fish private label products. more easily or reduced. When designing a more sustainable fish range, REWE Group works with In addition, the integration of sustainability is promoted as part of the sup- various standards, which are briefly outlined below: plier evaluation. By raising the contract partners’ awareness and holding them PRO PLANET: With the PRO PLANET label, REWE Group has developed a accountable, concrete rules are created to implement sustainability throughout reliable guidance for consumers. Besides coffee, the label is used for other the supply chain. As far as this is stipulated in the specifications, the require- products and specifies in concrete terms the social or ecological added value ments are also an integral part of the supplier contracts and are checked by offered by the respective product. As part of the PRO PLANET label awarding REWE Group’s Sustainability Department in the purchasing process. process, REWE Group aims to analyse and systematically reduce problems in Audits and standards are intended to improve sustainability on a broad ba- the value chain. A clearly regulated awarding process, accompanied by an sis. If the requirements are not met, the further procedure is discussed and de- independent Sustainability Advisory Board, ensures that the PRO PLANET cided on the grounds of a recommendation by the Sustainability Department. label stands for effective improvements. Thus, the PRO PLANET label REWE Group reserves the right to impose sanctions in the event of deliber enables a purchase decision based on comprehensive information and helps ate gross non-compliance with the requirements. In principle, however, REWE to promote more sustainable consumption across the board. Group relies on individual measures and sustainability projects for supplier de- Marine Stewardship Council (MSC): As an independent and non-profit or- velopment. For example, training programs are aimed at reducing effects along ganisation, the MSC manages two standards: an environmental standard for the supply chain in a targeted manner. Existing systems are used in audits and, sustainable fisheries, and a traceability standard for transparent and trace above all, in training courses in order to pool own strengths with other partners able supply chains. The environmental standard for fisheries assesses whether and to bring about joint improvements. they are sustainable, i.e. whether they leave an intact ecosystem behind. The Stakeholder Management traceability standard for companies ensures that catches from MSC-certified The challenges for dealing with sustainability risks in the production of pri fisheries remain identifiable throughout the supply chain and separate from vate label products are often rooted in global trading structures and conventional goods. The blue MSC label thus gives consumers the opportuni- influenced by political and social conditions. Good stakeholder management ty to choose fish products that originate from sustainably managed fisheries. is therefore an important starting point for identifying the relevant topics Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC): The Aquaculture Steward and implementing the sustainability strategy. REWE Group engages in a ship Council is an independent non-profit organisation that manages a continuous exchange with stakeholders such as the Sustainability Advisory Board or NGOs that are relevant to the subject. REWE Group also organises regular dialogue events.
12 · REWE Group · Guideline for Fish and Seafood REWE Group · Guideline for Fish and Seafood · 13 certification and labelling programme for responsible aquaculture. Its goal is regulated by the EU organic logo – for example requirements regarding to transform aquaculture towards environmental sustainability and social human rights and employment, such as free choice of workplace, freedom of responsibility. Farmers who want to get certified against the ASC standard assembly and access to trade unions, equality, children's rights and health and are required to demonstrate that they are protecting the environment and safety are also taken into account for certification. The association operates securing good working conditions while respecting the needs of surrounding internationally and promotes organic farming worldwide. communities. ASC labelled products can be traced back to their origin, GLOBALG.A.P.: The GGN label stands for certified, responsible farming and allowing consumers to know where the products come from and how they transparency, covering the areas agriculture, floriculture and aquaculture. As were produced. an internationally recognised standard for aquaculture, GLOBALG.A.P., the German organic label: The best-known organic label in Germany identifies standard behind the GGN label, defines criteria for compliance with legal regu- foodstuffs that have been produced and inspected in accordance with the lations, food safety, occupational health and safety and workers welfare, ani- criteria of the EU Eco-regulation. The use of the label is voluntary, and it can be mal health and welfare, environmental protection and ecological responsibility. used in addition to the EU organic logo. It stands for organic agriculture and value-preserving food processing. EU organic logo: The logo identifies products from organic agriculture that have been produced in accordance with the guidelines of the EU Eco-regula IV. MEASURES AND tion. Organic agriculture refrains from using chemical synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, among other things, in order to promote the preservation of REQUIREMENTS biodiversity and protect the climate. The rules cover cultivation and processing as well as trade and compliance is verified by regular checks. REWE Group offers its customers uniform and detailed product labelling on the packaging. The following legally prescribed information is required: Naturland: The organic cultivation association Naturland defines strict guide- lines for the cultivation of organic food for its members. These guidelines focus • Name of species of fish / on a holistic approach, sustainable management, nature and climate protec- seafood in German tion in practice, securing and preserving soil, air and water as well as consu- • Scientific name in Latin mer protection. With its guidelines, Naturland also covers areas that are not • Fishing area (FAO) / REWE Group generally country of origin demands complete traceability • Fishing method for raw materials both for wild caught fish and for fish from aquaculture.
14 · REWE Group · Guideline for Fish and Seafood REWE Group · Guideline for Fish and Seafood · 15 Aquaculture (smoked salmon) Stages in the In addition to the legally prescribed information, REWE Group offers its cus- supply chain tomers further information on many products by means of various traceability instruments: Fish Wild caught fish Aquaculture • Country of origin • Aquaculture farm • Fishing boat / fleet • Type of farming • Fishing period • Fishing date Slaughter • Port of landing • Date of processing • Date of processing • Factory production Wild fish (herring): • Factory production Fileting REWE Group also requires its suppliers to be able to disclose their entire sup- Fishing ply chain upon request. In addition, REWE Group makes concrete demands on its suppliers with regard to people, animals and the environment in fisher- ies and aquaculture and implements its own measures in these areas. These Smokehouse are described below. Landing 4.1 People Trade Wild caught fish and fish from aquaculture Compliance with the basic principles of renouncing forced and child labour, anti-discrimination in the workplace and ensuring freedom of association also Processing applies to the cooperation with suppliers of fish. Accordingly, REWE Group obliges its suppliers to comply with the core labour standards of the Interna- Consumer tional Labour Organisation (ILO). Trade REWE Group's goal is to ensure that human rights are respected and that fundamental social and occupational health and safety standards are adhered to throughout the Consumer entire supply chain. Figure 2: Stages in the supply chain
16 · REWE Group · Guideline for Fish and Seafood REWE Group · Guideline for Fish and Seafood · 17 As a member of amfori BSCI, REWE Group undertakes to comply with the Irrespective of certification and the score of the guidance list, REWE Group amfori BSCI Code of Conduct and to commit itself to its principles. Among categorically excludes trading with the following fish species for reasons of the requirements are the renunciation of exploitative child and forced labour conservation: as well as the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining. As • eels • Atlantic bluefin tuna part of its amfori BSCI membership, REWE Group is also involved in various committees. • sharks • whiting Processing companies in high-risk countries are also contractually obli- • stingrays • John Dory ged to prove compliance with these principles by means of valid social audits. • red snapper • sturgeons (wild caught) Besides the BSCI audit, REWE Group also accepts audits in accordance with the Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audits (SMETA) standard and SA8000 cer- • orange roughy tifications. If suppliers cannot provide the required audits, they are not listed REWE Group also draws its suppliers' attention to the avoidance of illegal, as suppliers by REWE Group. undocumented and unregulated fishing (IUU). By purchasing certified goods, the farms in the aquaculture supply In order to protect stocks and preserve the ecosystem, REWE Group chain are also checked for compliance with the basic principles as part of gives preference to suppliers who use selective fishing methods. These the audits. As there is no established certification for labour and human methods minimise bycatch and use fishing gear that preserves the sea bed. rights for fishing vessels yet, REWE Group is committed to ensuring that so- Since bycatch cannot always be completely avoided, REWE Group is commit- cial principles are included in the standards for wild fish and guaranteed by ted to the strict implementation and control of the EU landing obligation. certifications. This obligation requires fisheries to land unwanted catches instead of throwing them overboard. Only in this way the bycatch can be processed, quantified and taken into account for the determination of a more sustain 4.2 Environment able catch quota. REWE Group is also committed to the establishment and control of a landing obligation on a global level. Wild caught fish To protect fish stocks, REWE Group uses its guidance list drawn up by an In tuna fishing, REWE Group ensures that its suppliers use pole and line external expert as a basis for purchasing wild fish. This list is based on the or hand lines or that no fish aggregation devices (FADs) are used in purse purchasing guides of leading environmental organisations. The recom- seine fishing. If tuna is caught by purse seines or longlines, suppliers have mendations of the different sources are used to calculate a score, which is to guarantee that no dolphins, tortoises or sharks were caught in the pro- considered as a decision criterion for the purchase of wild fish. In addition, cess. The "Dolphin Safe" seal identifies tuna products that are proven to all fish species classified as "endangered" or "critically endangered" on the have been caught in a manner that protects dolphins. If tuna is not MSC cer- IUCN Red List are excluded. The guidance list is updated every year to take tified, it must come from a supplier who is a member of the International account of developments in fish stocks. The use of this list helps to ensure Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF), from a fishing vessel registered in that no goods are purchased from overfished stocks or from critical fishing the Proactive Vessel Register (PVR) or from a Fishery Improvement Project areas and marine reserves. REWE Group also prefers fisheries with reduced (FIP). Procurement from a stock-preserving source must be ensured and bycatch rates and minimal negative impact on ecosystems. documented.
18 · REWE Group · Guideline for Fish and Seafood REWE Group · Guideline for Fish and Seafood · 19 In addition, REWE Group is carrying out various projects for a more consider comes from more sustainable fisheries. In the production of feed, preference ate treatment of the marine ecosystem. By purchasing regional products, the should be given to by-products from fish processing that are not suitable for company also contributes to saving resources such as energy and fuel along human consumption. In the case of soy feed, it must be ensured that it comes the supply chain. from more sustainable cultivation. REWE Group also requires its suppliers to re- frain from using genetically modified soy in feed. Aquaculture In order not to strain the wild fish stocks, breeding material for aquaculture The sustainable use of ecosystems in aquaculture is of great importance to must not be taken from wild cultures – this is only permitted for breeding pur- REWE Group. This includes reducing the negative impacts on the environ- poses such as genetic improvements or the avoidance of inbreeding. The basic ment to a minimum. The company therefore requires its suppliers to comply prerequisite, however, is that the wild stocks have a positive sustainability sta- with the FAO Technical Guidelines on Aquaculture of 2011. tus and are not endangered. In addition, the animals must be kept in systems The aim is to prevent mangrove forests or other sensitive aquaculture with implemented escape monitoring devices that prevent escape. This way, ecosystems from being damaged. In order to keep the impact on surrounding wild populations are not endangered. As a matter of principle, REWE Group ex- waters as low as possible, salination effects must be avoided and the cludes the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in its supply chain. handling of fresh water should be managed responsibly. Effective waste and REWE Group supports innovative companies and research institutions that water management is implemented to reduce nutrient discharge to the develop alternative approaches to rearing with the aim of making the produc- greatest possible extent. If chemicals are used, the EU REACH Regulation tion of fish and seafood in aquaculture more sustainable. must be complied with. Another central aspect of a more sustainable aquaculture is the feed used and its origin. For feed made of wild fish, it must be ensured that it Feed should be used as efficiently as possible to conserve resources. In addition, REWE Group promotes and demands innovative and more sustainable approaches to the development of animal feed in aquaculture.
20 · REWE Group · Guideline for Fish and Seafood REWE Group · Guideline for Fish and Seafood · 21 Pet food In addition, REWE Group will advance and promote the implementation of When purchasing pet food, REWE Group prefers products that contain fish animal welfare criteria. For example, the company works together with the components that are not suitable for human consumption. REWE Group ex- standard setting bodies to integrate aspects into the standards that are cur- cludes the use of tuna in pet food. The proportion of MSC and ASC certified rently not or insufficiently covered, or to tighten the standard requirements products is to be constantly increased. In the medium term, the aim is to ap- with regard to animal welfare. To this end, REWE Group is involved in the ply the same specifications to pet food that are now applicable for food con- "Initiativkreis Tierschutzstandards Aquakultur" (animal welfare standards sumed by humans. in aquaculture initiative) together with other food retailers, research institu tions, NGOs and fish breeders. One of REWE Group's central concerns is to ensure that fish are properly stunned before they are killed. 4.3 Animals As the animal welfare criteria are stricter in Germany than in many Wild caught fish other countries, REWE Group also relies on regional products from local REWE Group also aims to reduce the suffering of fish caught in the wild to aquacultures. the greatest possible extent. A decisive step is the reduction of bycatch. Measures that increase the chances of survival of released fish, or hooks that cause fewer injuries also help to protect the animals. Selective fishing methods are important for animal welfare as well as for the protection of stocks. For example, pole and line fishing helps spare the fish an V. OBJECTIVES unnecessarily long suffering compared to fishing with large nets. The central goal of REWE Group when purchasing fish and seafood is to pro- Aquaculture cure 100 per cent certified private label articles (MSC, GLOBALG.A.P., ASC, REWE Group aims to avoid, where possible, painful procedures carried out organic certification) by the end of 2020 insofar as certified products are on livestock, and rejects procedures and husbandry conditions that contra- available. This goal applies to the areas of frozen food, convenience food, dict generally accepted standards of animal welfare. The handling of the fish fresh produce and canned food. The following special criteria apply to tuna: should be reduced to a minimum and carried out as gently as possible. The If tuna is not MSC certified, it must come from a supplier who is a member of culture conditions should ensure the protection of the animals against para the International Seafood Sustainable Foundation (ISSF), from a fishing sites, pathogens and predators. In unavoidable cases, medication may be vessel registered in the Proactive Vessel Register (PVR) or from a Fishery used to protect the animals. With the exception of vaccines, however, this Improvement Project (FIP). must never be done preventively. Where possible, alternative treatment options are to be preferred. The use of hormones and growth promoters shall be refrained from, and REWE Group is committed to ensuring that the animals are properly stunned before slaughter and that transport is as As a supraordinate objective, REWE Group aims to contributing to the stress-free as possible. protection of people, animals and the environment in the supply chains by purchasing wild caught fish and seafood as well as fish and seafood REWE Group demands compliance with recognised sustainability stan- from aquaculture from more sustainable sources. dards for aquaculture, which also take animal welfare aspects into account.
22 · REWE Group · Guideline for Fish and Seafood REWE Group · Guideline for Fish and Seafood · 23 VI. REPORTING AND References COMMUNICATION REWE Group is convinced that transparency and the provision of comprehens Deutscher Tierschutzbund (2015): WWF (2018a): Eine tödliche ive information are vital for a more sustainable design of supply chains and Töten von Fischen in Aquakulturen, Verschwendung, can contribute to an improvement of the production and working conditions user_upload/Downloads/Positionspapiere/ meere-kuesten/fischerei/beifang/ at source. Artenschutz/Toeten_von_Fischen_Aqua- Accessed on: 31/08/2018 REWE Group reports regularly and publicly on the progress in implemen- kultur.pdf Accessed on: 17/10/2018 WWF (2018b): Sind Fischfarmen die ting the measures and achieving the targets outlined. This is done through Lösung? Zucht in Aquakulturen, press releases, via the REWE Group website or via the sustainability report Eurogroup for Animals (2018): Looking of the Group. Separate reports are prepared on specific topics. In addition, Beneath the Surface. Fish Welfare in Euro- re-kuesten/fischerei/nachhaltige-fischerei/ REWE Group runs communication campaigns for its customers in order to pean Aquaculture. aquakulturen/ Accessed on: 25/07/2018 raise their awareness for more sustainable fish and seafood products. For in- FAO (2018): The State of World Fisheries stance, the company supports the “Fischbestände Online” (fish stock online) and Aquaculture. Meeting the Sustainable WWF (2018c): Bedrohtes Unterwasserpara- platform of the Thünen Institute. Development Goals. Rome, dies: Plastikmüll im Korallendreieck, Accessed on: 20/07/2018 meere-kuesten/plastik/korallendreieck/ Accessed on: 31/07/2018 Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (2017): Meeresatlas 2017. Daten und Fakten über unseren Umgang mit dem Ozean, web_170607_meeresatlas_vektor_v102_1. pdf?dimension1=ds_meeresatlas Accessed on: 25/09/2018 ILO (2016): Fishers First. Good Practices to End Labour Exploitation at Sea. REWE Group (2011): Guidelines for Sustainable Business Practices, loads/2019/06/guideline-sustainable-busi- ness-practices.pdf Accessed on: 24/07/2018
Imprint Published by: REWE Group Corporate Responsibility 50603 Cologne Tel.: +49 221 149 1791 The dialogue on more sustainable fish is of great importance to us. Please contact us with suggestions and questions at: As of: May 2019
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