First International Conference on Nuclear Law: The Global Debate PROGRAMME

Page created by Zachary Estrada
First International Conference on
           Nuclear Law:
            The Global Debate

              25-29 April 2022


                Organized by the
   International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

      IAEA Headquarters Vienna, Austria
IAEA Secretariat:
Scientific Secretary:     W. Tonhauser, OLA
Project Manager:          I. Pletukhina, OLA
Event Organizer:          T. Danaher, MTCD
Administrative Support:   C. Potsch, OLA

Location of the Event:
                          International Atomic Energy Agency
                          Vienna International Centre (VIC)
                          Building M, BR-B/M1

                          Wagramer Strasse 5
                          A-1400 Vienna, Austria
                          Tel.: (+43 1) 2600 27111, 27141

Working Language:         English

Resolutions:              No resolutions may be submitted for consideration
                          on any subject; no votes will be taken.

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Monday, 25 April 2022
Time                    Session Title / Break                           Venue
10:00-12:00   OPS       Opening Plenary Session                         BR-B/M1
                        Nuclear Law: The Vision
12:00-12:15             Book Signing by the DG                          M01 Espace
12:15-14:00             DG Reception                                    M0E
14:00-14:15             Conference Introduction and Overview               BR-B/M1
14:15-15:30   PL1       Plenary Session No. 1                              BR-B/M1
                        Nuclear Safety: Issues and Trends
15:30-16:00             Coffee/Tea Break                                   M0E/M01
16:00–17:30   RT1       Roundtable No. 1                                   BR-B/M1
                        Social Involvement and Transparency and its Effect
                        on Nuclear Law

Tuesday, 26 April 2022
Time                    Session Title / Break                           Venue
09:00-10:30   PL2       Plenary Session No. 2                           BR-B/M1
                        Nuclear Security: Issues and Trends
10:30–11:00             Coffee/Tea Break and Side Events                M0E/M01
11:00-12:30             Parallel Technical Sessions
              TS I.a.     - CPPNM and its 2005 Amendment: Theory        M4
                            and Practice
              TS I.b.     - Topical Issues in Nuclear Safety            M5
              TS I.c.     - National Legal Frameworks: Regulatory       M6
12:00-12:30             Special Session: Codes of Conduct               M2
                        Evolution and Practical Effects – The Way
12:30–14:00             Lunch Break and Side Events
14:00–15:30   PL3       Plenary Session No. 3                           BR-B/M1
                        Nuclear Liability: Global Regime
15:30–16:00             Coffee/Tea Break                                M0E/M01
16:00–17:30   RT2       Roundtable No. 2                                BR-B/M1
                        Role of Nuclear Law in the Broader Context of
                        Other Areas of Law
17:45                   The Legal Brief: Nuclear Law Today and          BR-A

Wednesday, 27 April 2022
Time                      Session Title / Break                            Venue
09:00–10:30   PL4         Plenary Session No. 4                            BR-B/M1
                          Safeguards: Issues and Trends
10:30–11:00               Coffee/Tea Break and Side Events                 M0E/M01
11:00–12:30               Parallel Technical Sessions
              TS II.a.      - Application of Safeguards under NWFZ         M4
              TS II.b.      - Nuclear Liability: National Experiences      M5
              TS II.c       - Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources   M6
              TS II.d.      - Radioactive Waste Management and             M7
12:30–14:00               Lunch Break and Side Events
14:00–15:30   PL5         Plenary Session No. 5                            BR-B/M1
                          New Technologies: Issues and Trends (Advanced
15:30–16:00               Coffee/Tea Break                                 M0E/M01
16:00–17:30   RT3         Roundtable No. 3                                 BR-B/M1
                          Non-proliferation and Peaceful Uses of Nuclear
                          Energy: Strengthening Verification and

Thursday, 28 April 2022
Time                      Session Title / Break                            Venue
09:00–10:30   PL6         Plenary Session No. 6                            BR-B/M1
                          Nuclear New Build: Issues and Trends
10:30–11:00               Coffee/Tea Break and Side Events                 M0E/M01
11:00–12:30               Parallel Technical Sessions
              TS III.a.     - Nuclear New Build: Economics, Financing,     M4
                              Contracting and Procurement
              TS III.b.     - National Experience and Capacity Building:   M5
                            - Legal Framework for New Nuclear              M6
              TS III.c.
                              Technologies: Comprehensive Approach for
                              Advanced Reactors (SMRs)
12:30–14:00               Lunch Break and Side Events
14:00–15:30               Parallel Technical Sessions
              TS IV.a.      - Legal Framework for New Nuclear              M4
                              Technologies: Fusion
              TS IV.b.      - Nuclear Liability: Issues and Trends         M5
              TS IV.c.      - Emerging Threats and Legal Instruments       M6
15:30–16:00               Coffee/Tea Break and Side Events                 M0E/M01

Time                         Session Title / Break                             Venue
16:00–17:30       RT4        Roundtable No. 4                                  BR-B/M1
                             Legislative Assistance and Capacity Building in
                             Nuclear Law
17:30-18:30                  Side Event                                        M7

Friday, 29 April 2022
Time                         Session Title / Break                             Venue
09:00–10:30                  Young Generation Forum                            BR-B/M1
                             Nuclear Law: Effectiveness and Proactivity
09:00–10:30                  Parallel Technical Session
                  TS V.a       - Legal Framework for New Nuclear               M4
                                 Technologies: Outer Space

10:30–11:00                  Coffee/Tea Break                                  M01
11:00–12:30       RT5        Roundtable No. 5                                  BR-B/M1
                             Nuclear Power and Climate Change
12:30–14:00                  Lunch Break
14:00–15:00                  Closing Session                                   BR-B/M1


 Tuesday, 26 April

       Espace M02
         Demonstration on Radiological Crime Scene Management: Entry and Evidence
         Exploitation and Nuclear Forensics Examination as per IAEA Implementation Guidance
         NSS 22-G and NSS 2-G (NSNS)
         Nuclear Security e-Learning (NSNS)

 Tuesday, 26 April

       Espace M01
         International Nuclear Law Association (INLA)

 Wednesday, 27 April


The Privileges and Immunities of the IAEA – Enabling Implementation of the Nuclear
     Law Framework through IAEA Officials, Inspectors, Experts on Mission and Equipment
     – What You Need to Know (OLA)

Wednesday, 27 April

    Espace M01
      Communication Arrangements for the Implementation of the Emergency Conventions
      and the Voluntary Sharing of Information in Nuclear or Radiological Emergencies (IEC)

Wednesday, 27 April

     Promotion of and Assistance in the Conclusion of Safeguards Agreements and
     Additional Protocols and the Amendment of Small Quantities Protocols (DGO, SG, OLA)

Wednesday, 27 April

     Criteria Based Approach to Assess the Implementation of the Amendment to the
     Convention on Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (CPPNM/A) (USA/NNSA’s Office
     of International Nuclear Security (INS)

Thursday, 28 April

     Success of a Legally Non-binding Instrument: The Code of Conduct on the Safety and
     Security of Radioactive Sources (NSRW, NSNS)

Thursday, 28 April

    Espace MO1
     A Career in Nuclear Law – Opportunities and Challenges (Youth Segment, OLA)
     EU-IAEA Collaboration on Nuclear Security: Joining Forces for the Universalization of
     the CPPNM and its Amendment (NSNS)
     Legal Frameworks for Emerging Small Modular Reactor Technologies (NENP)

Thursday, 28 April

     IAEA Support in Developing a Nuclear Security Regulatory Infrastructure (NSNS)

MONDAY, 25 April 2022
10:00–12:00        Opening Plenary Session                                       BR-B/M1
                   Nuclear Law: The Vision
Moderator:         Hannah Vaughan Jones
Technical          Inna Pletukhina, Project Manager, Office of Legal Affairs (OLA), IAEA

Name                          Organization           Topic
Rafael Mariano Grossi         IAEA                   Keynote – Nuclear Law: The Global
Director General                                     Debate
Baotong Dong                  China Atomic           Nuclear Law for Promotion of the
Vice-Chairman                 Energy Authority       Development of Peaceful Uses of Nuclear
                              (CAEA)                 Energy
Bonnie Denise Jenkins         U.S. Department        The Efficacy of the Global Nuclear Security
Under Secretary of State      of State               Legal Regime and States’ Implementation
for Arms Control and                                 Capacity in Light of the Forthcoming
International Security                               Development of Advanced Nuclear
                                                     Reactor Technologies
HE Mr Hamad Al-Kaabi          Permanent              Nuclear Newcomer Countries – The Path
Ambassador and Resident       Mission of the         of the United Arab Emirates
Representative                UAE

Sama Bilbao y Leon            World Nuclear          The Humanitarian Atom: The Role of
Director General              Association            Nuclear Power in Addressing the United
                              (WNA)                  Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Trevor Findlay                University of          Safeguards for the Future
Principal Fellow              Melbourne,
12:00–12:15 Book Signing by the DG                   M01 Espace
12:15–14:00 DG Reception                             M0E

MONDAY, 25 April 2022
14:00-14:15    Conference Introduction and Overview                          BR-B/M1
               Peri Lynne Johnson, Legal Advisor and Director, Office
               of Legal Affairs, IAEA

Scientific     Wolfram Tonhauser, Head, Nuclear and Treaty Law
Secretary:     Section, Office of Legal Affairs, IAEA

14:15-15:30    PL1
               Plenary Session No. 1
               Nuclear Safety: Issues and Trends

Keynote:       Lydie Evrard, Deputy Director General, Head of the Department of Nuclear
               Safety and Security, IAEA
Moderator:     Wolfram Tonhauser, Head, Nuclear and Treaty Law Section, OLA, IAEA

Technical      Anthony Wetherall, Legislative Assistance Programme Lead, Nuclear and
Officer:       Treaty Law, OLA, IAEA

Name                          Organization         Topic
Anthony Wetherall             IAEA-OLA             Introduction: Overview and Recent
IAEA Legislative Assistance                        Developments
Programme Lead
Richard Meserve               Covington and        Strengthening the Global Nuclear Safety
Senior Of Counsel             Burling LLP, USA     Regime

Nuria Prieto Serrano          Spanish              Issues in Radioactive Waste Management
Senior Lawyer and             Radioactive Waste
Technician, Dept. for         Management
International Coordination    Organization
and R&D, Technical Division   (ENRESA)

Gunther Handl                 Tulane University    Harmonization of Nuclear Off-Site
Eberhard Deutsch Professor    Law School, USA      Emergency Preparedness and Response:
of public International Law                        New Regulatory Challenges and
Khalil Bukhari                Nuclear Transport    Issues in Transport of Radioactive Material
General Counsel               Solutions Ltd., UK

Andrei Ionut Florea           European Atomic      EU Law on Nuclear Safety
Deputy Head of Unit,          Energy Community
Nuclear energy, safety and    (EURATOM)
ITER – Euratom Policy
Zhaohui Li                    China National       Practical Experience in Safety: Multiple
General Counsel               Nuclear              Types of Reactors
Moderated Q & A
15:30–16:00 Coffee/Tea Break

MONDAY, 25 April 2022
16:00–17:30       RT1                                                          BR-B/M1
                  Roundtable No. 1
                  Social Involvement and Transparency and its Effect on
                  Nuclear Law

Moderator:        Lisa Thiele, Vice-President, Legal and Commission Affairs & Senior
                  General Counsel, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC)
Technical         Camille Scotto de Cesar, Legal Officer, Nuclear and Treaty Law Section,
Officer:          OLA, IAEA

Name                            Organization              Topic
Sam Emmerechts                  Council of the            Enviro nmental law, Social Licensing and
Legal Advisor                   European Union            Nuclear Law

Fiona Marshall                  Aarhus Convention         The Aarhus Convention and Public
Environmental Affairs Officer   Secretariat, UN-ECE       Participation in Environmental Decision-
– Secretary to the                                        Making on Nuclear Activities
Compliance Committee
 Matthew Bunn                   Harvard Kennedy          Nuclear Law: Balancing Societal Benefits
Professor of Practice           School, Harvard          and Risks
                                University, USA
Lisa Berthelot                  IAEA-TCPC                 Stakeholder Engagement in Operating
Stakeholder Involvement                                   and New Nuclear Power Programmes
Sophie Boutaud de la            IAEA-OPIC                 Why informing is not enough: the
Combe                                                     communication path to being transparent
Director, Office of Public                                and engaging audiences
Information and
 Lixin Shen                     China National Nuclear    International Cooperation and
Deputy Director General,        Corporation (CNNC)        Marketing: Uniqueness of the Nuclear
Department of Business                                    Industry
Development and
International Cooperation
Yves Lheureux                                             How a successful involvement of civil
                                ANCCLI, France
                                                          society could influence nuclear law
Moderated Q & A

TUESDAY, 26 April 2022
09:00–10:30       PL2                                                        BR-B/M1
                  Plenary Session No. 2
                  Nuclear Security: Issues and Trends

Keynote:          Regine Gaucher, Head of International and Regulatory Affairs, Ministry of
                  Energy, Defense and Security Directorate, Nuclear Security Department,
Moderator:        Peri Lynne Johnson, Legal Advisor and Director, Office of Legal Affairs,
Technical         Jonathan Herbach, Legal Officer, Nuclear and Treaty Law Section, OLA,
Officer:          IAEA

Name                           Organization         Topic
Jonathan Herbach               IAEA-OLA             Introduction: Overview and Recent
Legal Officer, Nuclear and                          Developments
Treaty Law Section
Masood Karimipour              UN Office on Drugs   Preventing and Suppressing Nuclear
Chief, Terrorism               and Crime            Terrorism
Prevention Branch (TPB)        (UNODC)

Samantha Neakrase              U.S. Department of   The Global Nuclear Security Architecture:
                               Energy, NNSA         Strengthening Implementation and
Frederic Morris                Pacific Northwest    Demonstrating Compliance with International
Advisor                        National             Instruments for Nuclear Security: Theory and
                               Laboratory (PNNL)    Practice (together with Madalina Man, PNNL)
Jiabin Bao                     State Nuclear        International Cooperation in Nuclear Security:
Deputy Director General        Security             COE project Between China and the United
                               Technology Center    States
                               (SNSTC), China

Madalina Man                   Pacific Northwest    Nuclear Material Accounting and Control for
                               National             Nuclear Security in the International Legal
                               Laboratory (PNNL)    Framework for Nuclear Energy and in
                                                    International Nuclear Security Guidance:
                                                    Gaps and Opportunities
Moderated Q&A
10:30–11:00 Coffee/Tea Break and Side Events

TUESDAY, 26 April 2022
11:00–12:30       TS I.a                                                         M4
                  Technical Session No. I.a
                  CPPNM and its 2005 Amendment: Theory and Practice

Moderator:        Elena Buglova, Director, Division of Nuclear Security, Department of
                  Nuclear Safety and Security, IAEA
Technical         Jonathan Herbach, Legal Officer, Nuclear and Treaty Law Section, OLA,
Officer:          IAEA

Name                           Organization            Topic
HE Mr Benno Laggner            Permanent Mission       2022 A/CPPNM Conference
Ambassador, Resident           of Switzerland
Representative of
Switzerland to the IAEA
Jessica Bufford                Nuclear Threat          Interpreting the Amended Convention on
                               Initiative (NTI)        the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material
                                                       in an Evolving World

Gosego Pilane                  Ministry of Tertiary    The Notion of Physical Protection – the
Legal Advisor                  Education,              A/CPPNM Perspective
                               Research, Science
                               and Technology,
Irma Arguello                  Nonproliferation for    The A/CPPNM, a key tool to strengthen
Founder and Chair              Global Security-        national and international security
                               NPS Global
Michael Penny                  Ministry of Foreign     Legislative Assistance in the Context of the
                               Affairs, St. Kitts      A/CPPNM: Ideal for SIDS but there are
                               and Nevis               Challenges
Thomas Brown                   Verification        Legislative Implementation of Nuclear
                               Research, Training Security International Instruments in Practice
                               and Information
                               Centre (VERTIC), UK
Moderated Q & A
12:30–14:00 Lunch Break and Side Events

TUESDAY, 26 April 2022
11:00–12:30      TS I.b                                                        M5
                 Technical Session No. I.b
                 Topical Issues in Nuclear Safety

Moderator:       Anna Bradford, Director, Division of Nuclear and Installation Safety, IAEA

Technical        Judit Silye, Legal Officer, Nuclear and Treaty Law Section, OLA, IAEA

Name                          Organization            Topic
 Neeru Chadha                 International           Responsibility of States to Protect Marine
Judge                         Tribunal for the        Environment: Contribution of the International
                              Law of the Sea          Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
Sergey Grigorov               TVEL JSC                Legal Regulation of Cross-Border Movement
                                                      of Fuel Made from Spent Nuclear Fuel
Fulufhelo Ndou                South African           Responding to the Hard Knocks of Nuclear
                              National Nuclear        Safety: Interface Between Nuclear Law
                              Regulator               and Other Relevant Areas of Law
Andrei Shlyakhtov             TENEX JSC               International Matters of Spent Nuclear Fuel
Director for Business                                 Reprocessing and Radioactive Waste
Support, Legal and                                    Management in Russia
Corporate Matters
Lili Yang                     Nuclear and             The Chinese Practices of Translating the
                              Radiation Safety        Safety Culture Concept into Legal
                              Center (NSC),           Requirement: Chinese National
                              China                   Perspective (together with Yiman Dong)
Ian Salter                    Burges Salmon           How can safety laws facilitate new nuclear
Head of Nuclear Law           LLP, UK                 technologies

Moderated Q & A
12:30–14:00 Lunch Break and Side Events

TUESDAY, 26 April 2022
11:00–12:30      TS I.c                                                       M6
                 Technical Session No. I.c
                 National Legal Frameworks: Regulatory Authorities

Moderator:       Zoryana Vovchok, Director, Department of Legal Affairs, Federal
                 Authority for Nuclear Regulation (FANR), UAE

Technical        Matthew D’Orsi, Legal Officer, Nuclear and Treaty Law Section, OLA,
Officer:         IAEA

Name                         Organization            Topic
Marian Zobler                Nuclear Regulatory      The Legal and Regulatory Framework of the
General Counsel              Commission              U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
                             (NRC), USA
Ogwezzy Michael              Rivers State            Nigerian Atomic Energy Commission Act and
Chukwujindu                  University, Nigeria     the Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection
Professor, Faculty of Law                            Act as the Fulcrum of Nigeria’s Energy
                                                     Legislative Framework (together with
                                                     Desmond Agwor, Lecturer, Faculty of Law,
                                                     Rivers State University, Nigeria)
Rosmy Joan                   National Law            Nuclear Energy to Combat Climate Change:
Assistant Professor          University Jodhpur,     An Analysis of Nuclear Energy Law Regime
                             India                   in India (together with Mary Joan, Associated
                                                     Professor, Department of Radiation
                                                     Oncology, Christian Medical College and
                                                     Hospital Ludhiana, India)
Branko Brajic                Serbian Radiation       Legislative Frameworks and the Role,
Assistant Director           and Nuclear Safety      Functions, and Independence of Regulatory
                             and Security            Bodies (together with Jasmina Milovanovic,
                             Directorate             Special Advisor for Oversight, and Sladan
                             (SRBATOM)               Velinov, Director, SRBATOM)
Fanny Tonos Paniagua         Ministry of Energy      Achieving Effective Legal and Regulatory
Advisor                      and Mines,              Interrelations for a Nuclear Power
                             Dominican               Programme
Jacques K. Kabiru            Rwanda Utilities        National Legal and Regulatory Framework
Senior Manager for Legal,    Regulatory              for Radiation Safety and Security of
Licensing & Enforcement      Authority               Radioactive Material in Rwanda

Augustin Simo                Cameroon                Cameroon’s Experience in Developing a
                             National Agency of      Comprehensive Law on Radiological and
                             Radiation               Nuclear Safety, Nuclear Security, Civil
                             Protection              Liability and Safeguards Enforcement
Moderated Q & A
12:30–14:00 Lunch Break and Side Events

TUESDAY, 26 April 2022
12:00–12:30    Special Session                                        M2
               Codes of Conduct: Evolution and Practical Effects –
               The Way Forward

Key Note:     Abel Gonzalez, Senior Advisor, Nuclear Regulatory Authority of Argentina
Moderator and Wolfram Tonhauser, Head, Nuclear and Treaty Law Section, OLA, IAEA

Moderated Q & A
12:30–14:00 Lunch Break and Side Events

TUESDAY, 26 April 2022
14:00–15:30      PL3                                                         BR-B/M1
                 Plenary Session No. 3
                 Nuclear Liability: Global Regime

Moderator:       Ben McRae, Assistant General Counsel for Civilian Nuclear Programs,
                 U.S. Department of Energy
Technical        Christiane Ahlborn, Legal Officer, Nuclear and Treaty Law Section, OLA,
Officer:         IAEA

Name                          Organization          Topic
Anthony Wetherall             IAEA-OLA              Introduction: Overview and Recent
Legislative Assistance                              Developments
Programme Lead
Jamie Fairchild               Natural Resources     Friends of the CSC and CSC Meetings
Senior Advisor, Nuclear       Canada
Roland Dussart-Desart         NEA Nuclear Law       The entry into force of the revised Paris
Chair                         Committee (NLC)       Convention and of the Brussels Convention:
                                                    two steps at once, what’s next?
Omer Brown                    Contractors           A Global Nuclear Liability Regime is Overdue
Legal Counsel                 International Group   (together with Nathalie Horbach, Legal
                              on Nuclear            Counsel, CIGNL)
                              Liability (CIGNL)
Claire Portier                Center for            Can and Should the International Nuclear
                              International and     Third-Party Liability Regime Be a Model for a
                              Community Studies     Global and Evolutionary Liability Regime for
                              and Research,         High-Risk Activities?
Moderated Q & A
15:30–16:00 Coffee/Tea Break

TUESDAY, 26 April 2022
16:00–17:30      RT2                                                   BR-B/M1
                 Roundtable No. 2
                 Role of Nuclear Law in the Broader Context of Other
                 Areas of Law

Moderator        Wolfram Tonhauser, Head, Nuclear and Treaty Law Section, OLA, IAEA
and Technical

Name                           Organization          Topic
Paul Bowden                    The Nottingham
Honorary Professor of Law      Law School,
                               Nottingham Trent
                               University, UK
Miguel Sousa Ferro             University of
Professor                      Lisbon Law School,
Denise Cheong                  Centre for
Head of Nuclear Law and        International Law,
Policy                         National University
                               of Singapore
David Ong                      Nottingham Trent
Professor of International &   University, UK
Environmental Law
Roland Dussart-Desart          NEA Nuclear Law
Chair                          Committee (NLC)

Moderated Q & A

TUESDAY, 26 April 2022
17:45          The Legal Brief                                           BR-A
               Nuclear Law: Today and Tomorow

Moderators:    Inna Pletukhina, Project Manager, Nuclear and Treaty Law Section, OLA,
               Chenchen Liang, Legal Officer, Nuclear and Treaty Law Section, OLA,
Technical      Inna Pletukhina, Project Manager, Nuclear and Treaty Law Section, OLA,
Officer:       IAEA

Name                       Country             Topic
Murat Cengizlier           Turkey              Licensing SMRs Worldwide: A Game
                                               Changer for Climate Action?

Nataliia Aksenova          Russia              Trends in improving legislation in the
                                               transboundary movement of floating
                                               nuclear power plants
Lena Raxter                USA                 A DORMANT SOLUTION: The
                                               Consequence for Nuclear Security of
                                               Failing to Implement the 2005
                                               Amendments to the Convention for the
                                               Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the
                                               Safety of Maritime Navigation
Alexander Gilbert          USA                 Space, the Final Frontier of International
                                               Nuclear Law

Moderated Q & A

WEDNESDAY, 27 April 2022
09:00–10:30      PL4                                                           BR-B/M1
                 Plenary Session No.4
                 Safeguards: Issues and Trends

Keynote:         Massimo Aparo, Deputy Director General, Head of the Department of
                 Safeguards, IAEA
Moderator:       Laura Rockwood, Director, Open Nuclear Network
Technical        Ionut Suseanu, Head, Non-Proliferation and Policy-Making Section, OLA,
Officer:         IAEA

Name                          Organization            Topic
Ionut Suseanu                 IAEA-OLA                Introduction: Overview and Recent
Head, Non-Proliferation and                           Developments
Policy-Making Section
Noah Mayhew                   Vienna Center for       The IAEA’s State-Level Concept for
Research Associate            Disarmament and         Safeguards: The Legal Origins
Wael El-Gammal               Egyptian Nuclear         Establishing Criteria for Determination of
Head, Nuclear Safeguards and and Radiological         Starting Point of Safeguards in Accordance
Nuclear Security Sector      Regulatory               with Article 34© of INFCIRC/153 (Corrected)
                             Authority (ENRRA)

Hollis Rammer                 James Martin            Safeguarding Advanced Reactor
Graduate Research             Center for              Technologies: Challenges and Opportunities
Assistant                     Nonproliferation
                              Studies, USA
Eleanor Krabill               United Nations          Incorporating New Technologies: Lessons
Graduate Professional         Institute for           from ‘Special Circumstances’ (together with
                              Disarmament             and Wilfred Wan)
                              Research (UNIDIR)
Scott Roecker                 Nuclear Threat          The Future of Wide Area Environmental
Vice President for Nuclear    Initiative (NTI)        Sampling
Materials Security

Alexander Bilodeau            Permanent Mission       Strengthening the IAEA Safeguards
Counsellor, Deputy Resident   Of Canada

Moderated Q & A
10:30–11:00 Coffee/Tea Break and Side Events

WEDNESDAY, 27 April 2022
11:00–12:30       TS II.a                                                 M4
                  Parallel Technical Session No. II.a
                  Application of Safeguards under NWFZ Treaties

Moderator:        Jenni Rissanen, Team Leader, Safeguards Strategic Planning,
                  Department of Safeguards, IAEA
Technical         Ionut Suseanu, Head, Non-Proliferation and Policy-Making Section, OLA,
Officer:          IAEA

Name                          Organization        Topic
Alan Ponce Blancas            Agency for the      The Control System of the (Treaty of
Research and                  Prohibition of      Tlatelolco) and the Application of IAEA
Communication Officer         Nuclear Weapons     Safeguards in States of Latin America and
                              in Latin America    the Caribbean
                              and the Caribbean
Cristian de Francia           IAEA-OLA            The IAEA’s Role under NWFZ Treaties
Legal Officer, Non-
proliferation and Policy
Making Section
Moné Dye                      Permanent Mission   Safeguards requirements under the Treaty of
Acting Minister               of South Africa     Pelindaba
Moderated Q & A
12:30–14:00 Lunch Break and Side Events

WEDNESDAY, 27 April 2022
11:00–12:30    TS II.b                                                       M5
               Parallel Technical Session No. II.b
               Nuclear Liability: National Experiences

Moderator:     Ben McRae, Assistant General Counsel for Civilian Nuclear Programs,
               U.S. Department of Energy
Technical      Chenchen Liang, Legal Officer, Nuclear and Treaty Law Section, OLA,
Officer:       IAEA

Name                        Organization          Topic
Florence Touitou-Durand     French Alternative    Nuclear Civil Liability in France
Head of Legal Affairs       Energies and
                            Atomic Energy
                            Commission (CEA)
Wararat Phitakpakorn,       Office of Atoms for   Civil Liability for Ionizing Radiation
Legal Officer               Peace, Thailand       Damage in Thailand (together with
                                                  Chaiyod Soontrapa, Nuclear Engineer,
                                                  Office of Atoms for Peace, Thailand)
Liang Chen                  China Institute of    Legislation of Nuclear Damages in the
Associate Research Fellow   Nuclear Industry      Perspective of Chinese Tort Law (together
                            Strategy              with Mo Wang and Haijun Zhang)
Taro Hokugo                 Decommissioning       Compensation for Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear
                            Facilitation          Power Plants Accident in 2011 and its
                            Corporation of        Lessons in the context of Nuclear Liability
                            Japan                 System (together with Toyohiro Nomura)
Yoshitada Hishida           Japan Energy Law      Examination of the Japanese
                            Institute             Government’s Liability for the Fukushima
                                                  Accident: The Crossroads and Degree of
                                                  Judging Government’s Liability
Moderated Q & A
12:30–14:00 Lunch Break and Side Events

WEDNESDAY, 27 April 2022
11:00–12:30      TS II.c                                                       M6
                 Parallel Technical Session No. II.c
                 Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources

Moderator:       Cristina Dominguez, Head, Legal Department, Argentine Regulatory
                 Authority (ARN)
Technical        Matthew D’Orsi, Legal Officer, Nuclear and Treaty Law Section, OLA,
Officer:         IAEA

Name                           Organization           Topic
 Bahram Ghiassee                International         The Need to Enhance the International Legal
Visiting Academic, Physics      Nuclear Law           and Institutional Frameworks Governing
Dept, University of Surrey (UK) Association (INLA)    Radioactive Sources and Radiological
and Associate Fellow, Henry                           Facilities
Jackson Society, London, UK

George Moore                   Middlebury Institute   The Need for Mandatory International
Scientist in Residence         of International       Reporting of Loss of Control over other
                               Studies at             Radioactive Materials and Sources
                               Monterey, USA
David Donnelly                 Pacific Northwest      Incorporating Financial Assurances for the
                               National               Management of Disused Sources in national
                               Laboratory (PNNL)      Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks
                                                      (together with Frederic Morris, Advisor, and
                                                      Madalina Man, PNNL)
Richard T. Cupitt              The Henry L.           National Legal Frameworks for Radiological
Senior Fellow and Program      Stimson Center,        Security: Update and assessment
Director                       USA
Qifu Zhou                      Nuclear and            Radiation Safety Regulation of Nuclear
Deputy Director General        Radiation Safety       Technology Utilization in China
                               Center (NSC),
Arame Boye Faye                Authority for          Regional Cooperation to Address Safety and
Director General               Radiation              Security of Radioactive Sources
                               Protection and
                               Nuclear Safety,
Moderated Q & A
12:30–14:00 Lunch Break and Side Events

WEDNESDAY, 27 April 2022
11:00–12:30       TS II.d                                                    M7
                  Parallel Technical Session No. II.d
                  Radioactive Waste Management and Decommissioning

Moderator:        Douglas Tonkay, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Waste and
                  Materials Management, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of
                  Environmental Management
Technical         Judit Silye, Legal Officer, Nuclear and Treaty Law Section, OLA, IAEA

Name                           Organization          Topic
Kimberly Sexton Nick           OECD Nuclear           Legal Frameworks for Long-term Operation
Head, Division of Nuclear      Energy Agency,        of Nuclear Power Reactors
Law                            (NEA)

Tokishiro Takao                Japan Energy Law      Consideration on the Operation Period of
                               Institute             Nuclear Power Plants
Marc Beyens                    ENGIE                 Legal Issues on Financing Nuclear
                               ELECTRABEL,           Decommissioning and Waste Management
General Counsel
 Ju Wang                      Beijing Research       Law and Regulations for the Safe
Vice President, Head of High- Institute of Uranium   Management of High Level Radioactive
level Radioactive Waste       Geology, China         Waste in China
Disposal Program in China

Moderated Q & A
12:30–14:00 Lunch Break and Side Events

WEDNESDAY, 27 April 2022
14:00–15:30       PL5                                                         BR-B/M1
                  Plenary Session No.5
                  New Technologies: Issues and Trends (Advanced

Keynote:          Aline des Cloizeaux, Director, Division of Nuclear Power (NENP),
                  Department of Nuclear Energy, IAEA

Moderator         Anthony Wetherall, Legislative Assistance Programme Lead, Nuclear and
and Technical     Treaty Law Section, Office of Legal Affairs, IAEA

Name                           Organization         Topic
Brian Boyer                    IAEA-NENP            Legal and institutional issues related to the
Section Head, International                         introduction of transportable nuclear power
Project on Innovative                               plants (TNPPs)
Nuclear Reactors and Fuel
Cycles (INPRO)
Lisa Thiele                    Canadian Nuclear     Harmonizing Regulatory Approaches to New
Vice-President, Legal and      Safety Commission    Technologies: Increasing Regulatory
Commission Affairs & Senior    (CNSC)               Cooperation, Maintaining National
General Counsel                                     Responsibilities

Frederic Morris                Pacific Northwest    Advanced Reactors and the International
Advisor                        National             Legal Framework for Nuclear Safety, Security
                               Laboratory (PNNL)    and Safeguards
James Warden                   Bureau of            Evolve or Decline: Why the Global Nuclear
Director, Office of Nuclear    International        Legal Regime Must Urgently Adapt to Meet
Energy, Safety and Security    Security and         New Challenges
                               U.S. Department of
 Yuliang Sun                   Tsinghua             HTGR R&D and Implementation
Professor, Institute of        University, China
Nuclear and New Energy
Moderated Q & A
15:30–16:00 Coffee/Tea Break

WEDNESDAY, 27 April 2022
16:00–17:30        RT3                                                         BR-B/M1
                   Roundtable No. 3
                   Non-Proliferation and Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy:
                   Strengthening Verification and Complementarity

Moderator:         HE Mr Gustavo Zlauvinen, President-designate of the 10th NPT RevCon
Technical          Ionut Suseanu, Head, Non-Proliferation and Policy-Making Section, OLA,
Officer:           IAEA

Name                                          Organization
HE Mr Omar Hilale                             Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation
Ambassador, Permanent Representative of       and Moraccan Expatriates
the Kingdom of Morocco, New York
Masato Hori                                   Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
Yusuf Ahmed                                   Nigeria Atomic Energy Commission (NAEC)
Executive Chairman
Trevor Findlay                                University of Melbourne, Australia
Principal Fellow
HE Ms Dominika Krois                          Permanent Mission of Poland to the IAEA
Ambassador and Resident Representative of
Poland to the IAEA
 HE Mr J. Manuel Gomez-Robledo                Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mexico
Former Deputy Foreign Minister and
member of the UN International Law
Moderated Q & A

THURSDAY, 28 April 2022
09:00–10:30       PL6                                                         BR-B/M1
                  Plenary Session No.6
                  Nuclear New Build: Issues and Trends

Keynote:          HE Mr Hamad Al-Kaabi, Ambassador, Resident Representative of the
                  Permanent Mission of the United Arab Emirates to the IAEA
Moderator:        Tatjana Jevremovic, Team Leader, Water Reactor Technology
                  Development, Nuclear Power Technology Development Section, Division
                  of Nuclear Power, Department of Nuclear Energy IAEA
Technical         Anthony Wetherall, Legislative Assistance Programme Lead, Nuclear
Officer:          and Treaty Law Section, Office of Legal Affairs, IAEA

Name                           Organization          Topic
Liliya Dulinets                IAEA-NENP             IAEA Milestones Approach
Head, Nuclear Infrastructure
Development Section (NIDS)
Zoryana Vovchok                Federal Authority     UAE’s Perspective on the Role of Nuclear
Director, Department of        for Nuclear           Lawyers in a Regulatory Body
Legal Affairs                  Regulation
                               (FANR), UAE

Eddie Omondi                   Federal Authority     UAE’s Perspective on the Role of Nuclear
Managing Partner               for Nuclear           Lawyers in a Regulatory Body
                               (FANR), UAE
Ian Salter                     Burges Salmon         Nuclear New Build: A Law Firm
Head of Nuclear Law            LLP, UK               Perspective
 Yuliya Chernyakhovskaya       JSC Rusatom           Predictive Risk Management for Licensing
                               Service               Framework Advancement in the Embarking
                                                     Countries Based on and Beyond the
                                                     Milestones Approach
 Gia Phuc Dao                  University of         The Role of Nuclear Power in Combating
Managing Director, Institute   Economics and         Climate Change: Policy Implications for
of International and           Law, Viet Nam         Southeast Asian Countries
Comparative Law
Di Zhang                       China National        China’s Practice: Enhance the Institutional
Division Director of General   Energy                Building of the Nuclear Power Industry
Affairs, Nuclear Power         Administration
Moderated Q & A
10:30–11:00 Coffee/Tea Break and Side Events

THURSDAY, 28 April 2022
11:00–12:30     TS III.a                                                    M4
                Parallel Technical Session No. III.a
                Nuclear New Build: Economics, Financing, Contracting
                and Procurement

Moderator:      William Fork, Partner, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP, USA
Technical       Matthew D’Orsi, Legal Officer, Nuclear and Treaty Law Section, OLA,
Officer:        IAEA

Name                         Organization          Topic
George Borovas               Hunton Andrews        Newcomer Countries Selecting the Right
Head of Nuclear, Tokyo       Kurth LLP, USA        Technology and Contractor
Office Managing Partner
Mikhail Rassokhin            JSC Rusatom           Localization in NPP New Builds: Practical
                             Overseas              View on Contractual Model and contractual
Natalia Artamonova           JSC ASE               Nuclear New Build: Responsibilities of
                                                   Recipients and Suppliers
Konstantin Kryazhevskikh     JSC REIN              Legal Aspects of Economics and Financing
General Counsel                                    of Nuclear Power Plants
Huan Qi                      China University of   Application of the ISDS Mechanism to
                             Political Science     Nuclear Energy Investment
                             and Law
 Jihong Wang                 Zhong Lun LLP,        Financing and Compliance of Nuclear New
Senior Partner, Co-Head of   China                 Builds
of Energy and Natural
Resources Industrial
Eddie Omondi                 Humphrey &            Financing and Funding Challenges for
Managing Partner             Company LLP,          Nuclear New Builds: Case of Kenya
Moderated Q & A
12:30–14:00 Lunch Break and Side Events

THURSDAY, 28 April 2022
11:00–12:30     TS III.b                                                     M5
                Parallel Technical Session No. III.b
                National Experience and Capacity Building

Moderator:      Maria de Lourdes Vez Carmona, International Nuclear Law Expert
Technical       Sylvain Fanielle, Legal Officer, Non-Proliferation and Policy Making
Officer:        Section, OLA

Name                          Organization           Topic
Cecile Mangwi Wandjie         Cameroon National      Cameroon’s Experiences in the
Head of Agreements,           Agency of              Implementation of Safeguards through
Treaties and Conventions      Radiation              Legislative Framework: Non-Nuclear Country
Service (SATC)                Protection

Taha H. Mermer                Turkish Nuclear        Development of Safeguards Related
Head of Group on              Regulatory             Legislation and Regulations in Turkey
Safeguards and Security       Authority (NRA)

Soontrapa Chaiyod             Office of Atoms for    Thailand’s Experience in Developing its
Nuclear Engineer              Peace,Thailand         National Legal and Regulatory Framework for

Masato Hori                   Japan Atomic           Efforts and Findings through Capacity
                              Energy Agency          Building Support by ISCN/JAEA for
                              (JAEA)                 Additional Protocol and Revised Small
                                                     Quantity Protocol to Comprehensive
                                                     Safeguards Agreement
Ionut Suseanu                 IAEA-OLA               Development of National Safeguards
Head, Non-Proliferation and                          Regulations
Policy-Making Section
Moderated Q & A
12:30–14:00 Lunch Break and Side Events

THURSDAY, 28 April 2022
11:00–12:30       TS III.c                                                     M6
                  Parallel Technical Session No. III.c
                  Legal Framework for New Nuclear Technologies:
                  Comprehensive Approach for Advanced Reactors

Moderator:        Wolfram Tonhauser, Head, Nuclear and Treaty Law Section, OLA, IAEA
Technical         Jonathan Herbach, Legal Officer, Nuclear and Treaty Law Section, OLA,
Officer:          IAEA

Name                           Organization           Topic
Helen Cook                     GNE Advisory Law       Proactive Legal and Regulatory Solutions to
                               Firm, Australia        Facilitate SMR Deployment
Nadezhda Salnikova             JSC “Afrikantov        Legal and Regulatory Framework for TNPPs
                               OKBM”                  Including Maritime Law and Law of the Sea
Vladimir Kuchinov              National Research      International Legal Interaction Between the
                               Nuclear University     State of Manufacture and the Host State on
Associate Professor,
                               “MEPhI”                the Use of Floating Small Modular Reactors
Department of International
                                                      Including IAEA Safeguards (together with
Relations of the National
                                                      Anton Khlopkov and Mikhail Lysenko, Center
                                                      for Energy and Security Studies, Russia)
Hugo Lopez                     Paris Saclay           The Rule of Law: a Fragile Tool for the
                               University, France     Development of Emerging Nuclear
PhD Candidate
                                                      Technologies (together with Cyril Pinel,
                                                      Director of European and International Affairs
                                                      Department, IRSN)
Mark Bassett                   IAEA-DGO               Nuclear Harmonization and Standardization
Special Assistant to the                              Initiative
Director General for Nuclear
Safety and Security, and
Allan Carson                   World Nuclear          Timely and Cost-Effective New Nuclear
CORDEL Programme Lead          Association (WNA)      Deployment Needs: Licensing and
                                                      Regulatory Streamlining

Elina Teplinsky                Pillsbury Winthrop     Proposed Licensing Solutions for Emerging
                               Shaw Pittman LLP,      Nuclear Markets
Moderated Q & A
12:30–14:00 Lunch Break and Side Event

THURSDAY, 28 April 2022
14:00–15:30      TS IV.a                                                    M4
                 Parallel Technical Session No. IV.a
                 Legal Framework for New Nuclear Technologies:

Moderator:       Laetitia Grammatico, Head of Legal Affairs, The International
                 Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) Organization
Technical        Camille Scotto de Cesar, Legal Officer, Nuclear and Treaty Law Section,
Officer:         OLA, IAEA

Name                          Organization         Topic
Dana Ridikas                  IAEA-NAPC            Nuclear Fusion: What is State of the Art?
Head, Physics Section
(PHY), Division of Physical
and Chemical Sciences
Karoly Tamas Olajos           Fusion for Energy,   Towards an International Approach to
ITER Site & Buildings Legal   France (The          Regulate Nuclear Fusion
Affairs Group Leader          European Joint
                              Undertaking for
                              ITER and the
                              Development of
                              Fusion Energy)
Abel Gonzalez                 Nuclear Regulatory   Fusion: Do the IAEA Safety Standards
                              Authority of         Apply?
Senior Advisor, Nuclear
Regulatory Authority of       Argentina
Argentina (ARN)

Edward Lewis-Smith            Department for       Towards Fusion Energy: the UK
Head, Fusion Policy and       Business, Energy     Government’s Proposals for a Fusion
Domestic R&D programmes       and Industrial       Regulatory Framework
                              Strategy, UK
Amy Roma                      Hogan Lovells US     The Regulation of Fusion—An Innovation
                              LLP, USA             Friendly Approach
Partner and Global Energy
Practice Area Leader

Beatrice Balp                 French Alternative   ITER Radioactive Waste Management: Legal
Head of Legal Affairs,        Energies and         Perspectives from the French State
Agence ITER France            Atomic Energy
                              Commission (CEA)
Moderated Q & A
15:30–16:00 Coffee/Tea Break and Side Events

THURSDAY, 28 April 2022
14:00–15:30      TS IV.b                                                       M5
                 Parallel Technical Session No. IV.b
                 Nuclear Liability: Issues and Trends

Moderator:       Jamie Fairchild, Chair, CSC Meetings of the Contracting Parties and
                 Signatories, Canada
Technical        Christiane Ahlborn, Legal Officer, Nuclear and Treaty Law Section, OLA,
Officer:         IAEA

Name                          Organization          Topic
Fiona Geoffroy                Électricité de        Liability for International Nuclear Transport:
Senior Legal Advisor          France (EDF)          Realities of Industry vs. Principles of the
Anita Capoferri               U.S. Department of    Transportable Nuclear Power Plants (TNPP):
Associate General Counsel, Energy                   How TNPPs Fit Within Existing International
Office of the General Counsel                       Nuclear Liability Regimes
for the United States
Department of Energy

Ben McRae                     U.S. Department of    Liability of Long-term Management of
Assistant General Counsel for Energy                Radioactive Waste: Challenges
Civilian Nuclear Programs

Monika Hinteregger            Institute of Civil    Heads of Damage: Preventive Measures
Professor of Civil Law        Law, Foreign and
                              Private Law,
                              University of Graz,
Mark Popplewell               Nuclear Risk          Claims Handling Process
Managing Director             Insurance Limited
                              (NRI), UK
 Nathalie Horbach             Contractors           International Civil Liability Regimes for
Legal Counsel                 International Group   Activities Causing Environmental Damage
                              on Nuclear            Comparison (together with Omer Brown,
                              Liability (CIGNL)     Legal Counsel, CIGNL)
Moderated Q & A
15:30–16:00 Coffee/Tea Break and Side Events

THURSDAY, 28 April 2022
14:00–15:30      TS IV.c                                                        M6
                 Parallel Technical Session No. IV.c
                 Emerging Threats and Legal Instruments

Moderator:       Khammar Mrabit, Former Director General, Moroccan Agency for Nuclear
                 Safety and Security (AMSSNuR) and Member of the Moroccan Parliament
Technical        Jonathan Herbach, Legal Officer, Nuclear and Treaty Law Section, OLA,
Officer:         IAEA

Name                            Organization           Topic
Charles Massey                  IAEA-NSNS              Implications of New Technologies and
Team Lead for Science and                              Threats for Nuclear Security – Design,
Technology, Nuclear                                    Operational, and Legal Issues
Security of Materials outside
of Regulatory Control
Section (MORC)
Maria Lorenzo Sobrado           United Nations         Role of ICSANT in Strengthening the Legal
Programme Officer               Office on Drugs        Framework to Deal with Emerging Threats
                                and Crime
Robert Anderson                 Idaho National         Exploration of Nuclear Law as Applied to
                                Laboratory (INL)       Cyber Attacks Against the Nuclear Industry:
                                                       Questions for Discussion
Kelsae Adame                    Lawrence               Establishing an Effective Nuclear Security
                                Livermore National     Framework for Newcomer Countries
                                Laboratory (LLNL)
Jiabin Bao                      State Nuclear          China’s Legal Framework for Nuclear
Deputy Director General         Security               Security
                                Technology Center
                                (SNSTC), China
Moderated Q & A
15:30–16:00 Coffee/Tea Break and Side Events

THURSDAY, 28 April 2022
                  RT4                                                         BR-B/M1
                  Roundtable No.4
                  Legislative Assistance and Capacity Building in
                  Nuclear Law

Moderator:        Stephen Burns, Former Commissioner and Chairman, U.S. Regulatory
Technical         Anthony Wetherall, Legislative Assistance Programme Lead, Nuclear and
Officer:          Treaty Law Section, Office of Legal Affairs, IAEA

Name                           Organization          Topic
Anthony Wetherall              IAEA-OLA              IAEA Legislative Assistance Programme:
Legislative Assistance                               Past, Present and Future (together with
Programme Lead, Nuclear                              Wolfram Tonhauser, Head, Nuclear and
and Treaty Law Section                               Treaty Law Section, OLA, IAEA)

Faradally A Ollite             Radiation Safety      Building Capacity in Nuclear Law: Addressing
Director                       and Nuclear           the Needs of Member States
                               Security Authority
                               (RSNSA) Mauritius
Christelle Drillat             Federal Authority     UAE’s Experience in Training Nuclear
Specialist, Legal Affairs      for Nuclear           Lawyers: The “Legal Developee” Programme
                               (FANR), UAE
Rômulo de Castro Souza         National Nuclear      Challenges of Brazilian Nuclear Law
Lima, Legal Advisor, Deputy    Energy                (together with Fernanda Mesquita Ferreira,
Head of CNEN Legal Office      Commission            Head of Consulting Division, CNEN, and
                               (CNEN), Brazil        Rafael Rade Pacheco, Safeguards
                                                     Advisor, Brazlian Navy)
Maria Rizza Calimag            Science and
                               Committee of the
                               Philippine Senate
Amb. Brigitte Brenner          Office of the
                               Permanent Observer
Permanent Observer – Head
                               of the IPU to the
of the Vienna Office
                               United Nations and
                               other International
                               Organizations in

Tracy C. Brown                 IAEA Liaison Office   Challenges to Building Capacity in Nuclear
Liaison/Public Information     New York              Law in Non-Member States
Moderated Q & A
17:30-18:30 Side Event

FRIDAY, 29 April 2022
09:00–10:30     TS V.a                                                       M4
                Parallel Technical Session No. V.a
                Legal Framework for New Nuclear Technologies:
                Outer Space

Moderator:       Simonetta Di Pippo, SDA Bocconi Professor of Practice of Space
                 Economy and Director, at SDA Bocconi, of the Space Economy Evolution
                 Lab.; Former UNOOSA Director
Technical        Christiane Ahlborn, Legal Officer, Nuclear and Treaty Law Section, OLA,
Officer:         IAEA
                 Chenchen Liang, Legal Officer, Nuclear and Treaty Law Section, OLA,

Name                         Organization            Topic
Priyanka Jawale              University of Pune,     In Search of New Law of Land: An Appraisal
                             India                   of Deploying Nuclear in the Outer Space
Dominique Delattre           IAEA-NSOC               The Safety Framework on the Use of Power
Head, Safety Standards                               Sources Applications in Outer Space
and Security Guidance
Development Section
Emmanuel Bourdoncle          Ministry of Foreign     Current Legal Framework and the
Sub-Directorate for Public   Affairs, France         Discussions within COPOUS (Committee on
International Law (DJ/DIP)                           the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space)

Matthew Forsbacka            National Aeronautics    An Updated and Risk-Informed Process for
Director, Safety and         and Space               Launching Space Nuclear Systems in the
Assurance Requirements       Administration          United States and How this Process
Division                     (NASA), USA             Considered the Goals and Guidance
                                                     Contained in the Principles Relevant to the
                                                     Use of Nuclear Power Sources in Outer
                                                     Space and the Implementation Guidance set
                                                     forth in the Safety Frameworks for Nuclear
                                                     Power Source Applications in Outer Space
Amy Roma                     Hogan Lovells US        The State of Nuclear and Fusion Power in
Partner and Global Energy    LLP                     Space
Practice Area Leader
Moderated Q & A
10:30–11:00 Coffee/Tea Break

FRIDAY, 29 April 2022
09:00–10:30       Young Generation Forum                                       BR-B/M1
                  Nuclear Law: Effectiveness and Proactivity

Moderators        Sylvain Fanielle, Legal Officer, Non-Proliferation and Policy Making
and Technical     Section, OLA, IAEA
                  Camille Scotto De Cesar, Legal Officer, Nuclear and Treaty Law Section,
                  OLA, IAEA

Name                           Organization           Topic
Katherine Tucci                American               Applicable uses of Distributed Ledger
Law Student and Senior         University,            Technology in Nuclear Development
Articles Editor for the        Washington
Administrative Law Review      College of Law

Mulyadi                        University of          Running Behind Technology: How Can
Master Student                 Indonesia              Nuclear Law Be More Effective?

Elif Aksoy                     IAEA-OLA               Developing Nuclear Law at National Level:
Legal Officer, Non-                                   The Importance of Proactive Regulatory
proliferation and Policy                              Authorities
Making Section
Pamela Refuerzo Lira        University of the         Refining Nuclear Safety Laws for the Public
Geology Undergraduate,      Philippines –             and Stakeholders
Nuclear Advocate and Author Diliman

Boris Biksadsky                Nuclear Regulatory     Hard Law v. Soft Law – A Preferred
International Legal Advisor    Authority of the       Approach for Nuclear Law?
                               Slovak Republic

Michael Moffatt                University of          Expanding the IAEA Mandate: The Statute as
Lecturer and PhD Candidate     Vienna, Austria        a Living Instrument?

10:30-11:00 Coffee/Tea Break

FRIDAY, 29 April 2022
11:00–12:30      RT5                                                           BR-B/M1
                 Roundtable No. 5
                 Nuclear Power and Climate Change

Moderator:       Wei Huang, Director, Division of Information, Planning and Knowledge
                 Management, Department of Nuclear Energy, IAEA
Technical        Inna Pletukhina, Project Manager, OLA, IAEA

Name                            Organization          Topic
Olga Algayerova              United Nations           Sustainable Nuclear Energy for
United Nations Under-        Economic                 Sustainable Energy Future
Secretary-General and        Commission for
Executive Secretary of UNECE Europe (UNECE)
Liisa Heikinheimo               Ministry of Economic The Role of Nuclear Power in the Low
Deputy Director General,        Affairs and          Carbon Energy Systems
Energy Department               Employment, Finland

 Keisuke Sadamori               International         Legal, Regulatory and Policy Environment to
                                Energy Agency         Incentivise Financing of Nuclear and Other
Director, Energy Markets
                                (IEA)                 Low Carbon Energy Projects.
and Security
Bernard Le Guen                 Électricité de        Nuclear Industry Perspective: Adjustments in
Deputy Director of              France (EDF)          National Policy and Regularly Framework for
International Affairs and EDF                         a Levelled Playing Field for Nuclear Energy
Liaison Officer for the IAE
 Andy Griffith                  U.S. Department of    International Policy and Legislative
Acting Assistant Secretary      Energy                Framework to Facilitate Deployment of
for Nuclear Energy                                    Innovative Nuclear Power Technologies

Rudiger Tscherning              University of         A New Nuclear, Carbon and Hydrogen
Associate Professor, Faculty    Calgary, Canada       Alliance: Small Modular Reactors and the Net
of Law                                                Zero 2050 Opportunity in the Canadian
                                                      natural Resources Value Chain
Chris Heffer                    Department for        Outcomes of COP26 and The Role of
Director, Nuclear Power and     Business, Energy      Nuclear for Climate Change Mitigation
Decommissioning                 & Industrial
                                Strategy (BEIS)
Moderated Q & A
12:30–14:00 Lunch Break

FRIDAY, 29 April 2022
14:00–14:30     Closing Session                                      BR-B/M1

Name                         Organization          Topic
Peri Lynne Johnson           IAEA-OLA              Closing Remarks
Legal Advisor and Director
Rafael Mariano Grossi        IAEA                  Closing Address
Director General
14:30–14:50 Book Signing by the DG               M01 Espace

Governments of Member States and those organizations whose activities are relevant to the
conference subject matter are invited to designate participants. In addition, the IAEA itself may
invite a limited number of scientists as invited speakers. Only participants designated or invited in
this way are entitled to present papers and take part in the discussions.
Scientists interested in participating in any of the IAEA conferences should request information
from the Government authorities of their own countries, in most cases the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs or national atomic energy authority.


The proceedings of the conference containing all presentations and posters delivered at the
conference, as well as the findings and recommendations, will be published by the IAEA as soon
as possible after the conference.

No registration fee is charged to participants, but they are encouraged to order for themselves or
on behalf of their supporting organization at least one copy of the proceedings. These can be
obtained at a special price representing half the estimated sales price provided that they are
ordered and paid for during the conference at the Conference Desk.

Nuclear Law: The Global Debate
Nuclear Law | SpringerLink
Compendium of Legal Instruments
Compendium of Legal Instruments | IAEA
Non-serial Publication, STI/PUB/1456, Publ 2010, English
Handbook on Nuclear Law: Implementing Legislation | IAEA
Non-serial Publication, STI/PUB/1456, Publ 2011, Arabic
‫ﺗﻧﻔﯾذ اﻟﺗﺷرﯾﻌﺎت‬: ‫ | ﻛﺗﯾب ﻋن اﻟﻘﺎﻧون اﻟﻧووي‬IAEA
Non-serial Publication, STI/PUB/1456, Publ 2011, French
Manuel de droit nucléaire : Législation d'application | AIEA (
Non-serial Publication, STI/PUB/1456, Publ 2011, Russian
Справочник по ядерному праву. Имплементирующее законодательство | МАГАТЭ (
Non-serial Publication, STI/PUB/1456, Publ 2012, Spanish
Manual de derecho nuclear: Legislación de aplicación | OIEA (
Non-serial Publication, STI/PUB/1160, Publ 2003, English
Handbook on Nuclear Law | IAEA

Non-serial Publication, STI/PUB/1160, Publ 2006, Arabic
‫ | ﻛﺗﯾب ﻋن اﻟﻘﺎﻧون اﻟﻧووي‬IAEA
Non-serial Publication, STI/PUB/1160, Publ 2006, French
Manuel de droit nucléaire | AIEA (
Non-serial Publication, STI/PUB/1160, Publ 2006, Russian
Справочник по ядерному праву | МАГАТЭ (
Non-serial Publication, STI/PUB/1160, Publ 2006, Spanish
Manual de derecho nuclear | OIEA (
International Law Series No. 3 (Rev. 2), Publ 2020
The 1997 Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage and the 1997 Convention on
Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage - Explanatory Texts | IAEA
International Law Series No. 5, Publ 2013
The 1988 Joint Protocol Relating to the Application of the Vienna Convention and the Paris
Convention — Explanatory Text | IAEA
International Law Series No. 4, Publ 2011
The International Legal Framework for Nuclear Security | IAEA
International Law Series No. 3, Publ 2007
The 1997 Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage and the 1997 Convention on
Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage — Explanatory Texts | IAEA
International Law Series No. 2, Publ 2006
Amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material | IAEA
International Law Series No. 1, Publ 2006
Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste
Management | IAEA

Other IAEA Publications
All IAEA publications may be ordered directly from the Sales and Promotion Unit, International
Atomic Energy Agency, P.O. Box 100, A-1400 Vienna, Austria.
Fax:      (+43 1) 2600-29302


International Conference on Accelerators for Research and Sustainable Development: from Good
Practices towards Socioeconomic Impact, 23-27 May, Vienna, Austria
International Conference on the Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources, 20-24 June, Vienna,
International Symposium on Managing Land and Water for Climate-Smart Agriculture, 25-29 July,
Vienna, Austria
Second International Conference on Applications of Radiation Science and Technology (ICARST-
2022), 22-26 August, Vienna, Austria
International Conference on Occupational Radiation Protection: Strengthening Radiation Protection
of Workers - Twenty Years of Progress and the Way Forward, 5-9 September, Geneva,
International Conference on Challenges Faced by Technical and Scientific Support Organizations
(TSO) in Enhancing Nuclear Safety and Security: Enhancing Science and Adaptability in a
Changing World and Creating Perspective for a Young Generation, 10-13 October, Saint
Peterburg, Russian Federation
International Conference on Topical Issues in Nuclear Installation Safety: Strengthening Safety of
Evolutionary and Innovative Reactor Designs, 18-21 October, Vienna, Austria
IAEA International Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Power in the 21st Century, 26-28 October,
Washington DC, United States of America
Symposium on International Safeguards: Reflecting on the Past and Anticipating the Future, 31
October-4 November, Vienna, Austria
International Conference on Integrated Medical Imaging in Cardiovascular Diseases (IMIC-2022),
13-16 December, Vienna, Ausria
For information on forthcoming scientific meetings, please consult the IAEA web site:

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