First GM pigs for allergies. Could xenotransplants be next?

Page created by Amy Fowler
First GM pigs for allergies. Could xenotransplants be next?

First GM pigs for allergies. Could xenotransplants
be next?
The FDA greenlights α-Gal allergy-safe meat, but its makers have organs for transplants in their sights.

        he first genetically engineered pig
        products could soon be coming to
        a dinner plate—or pharmacy—near
you. Late last year, the US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) authorized a facility
in northern Iowa to raise hogs that lack
the gene needed to produce galactose-α-
1,3-galactose (α-Gal), a sugar molecule
found naturally on the surface of porcine
cells. Trademarked under the name ‘GalSafe’,
the pigs could now provide a source of meat
for people who develop tick bite–induced
allergic reactions to the sugar, a condition
known as α-Gal syndrome. Byproducts of
pork production could also be harvested
to make allergy-free pharmaceuticals and
medical implants. The porcine tissue could
help overcome deficiencies in the donor
supply of skin and nerve grafts.
    The pigs were never made with any
of those applications in mind, though. In
the early 2000s, following failed attempts
to use unmodified porcine tissue for skin
grafts, pancreatic islet cell transplants and
outside-the-body blood perfusions, David
Ayares and his colleagues at Scotland’s
                                                       Gene-edited pigs could solve the human organ transplant shortage. Credit: Pulsar Imagens / Alamy
PPL Therapeutics used a combination
                                                       Stock Photo
of recombinant DNA and cloning
technologies—first described in Nature
Biotechnology—to create the pigs as a
source of solid organs for pig-to-human                Other xenotransplantation companies                 Paul Holzer, that six-person, phase 1 trial
xenotransplantation. Soon thereafter, PPL              and academic groups hope to build on                “truly went better than I could have hoped
spun out Revivicor as a standalone company.            Revivicor’s success with the FDA to advance         for,” and the company plans to apply for
    Revivicor, now a subsidiary of United              their own modified pigs and cross-species           accelerated approval on the basis of the
Therapeutics, is still angling to transplant           transplant products. Some companies are             small study’s unpublished results later this
pig kidneys and hearts into human                      also partnering with Revivicor to develop           year. However, it may seek approval with
patients—just not with GalSafe-derived                 GalSafe-based products for burns and                GalSafe skin, rather than the miniature
organs. According to Ayares, who serves of             peripheral nerve injury. Axonova Medical,           swine hide, now that the Revivicor animals
CSO of Revivicor, the company is hoping                for example, uses neurons from GalSafe              have passed regulatory muster. (The GalSafe
to launch clinical trials with organs from             embryos as the starting material for the            pigs are also larger and more fecund than
more elaborately engineered pigs within                company’s tissue-engineered nerve grafts.           the miniature swine, thus offering more
the next year or two. And he views the                 Earlier this year, research director Kritika        tissue for transplantation.)
landmark approval of first genetically                 Katiyar and her colleagues reported that                Although Revivicor has no plans to
modified pigs as “an important                         the grafts elicited axon regeneration in rats.      commercialize the GalSafe pigs themselves,
stepping-stone” toward that goal.                      Pig-to-pig studies are planned next.                Ayares says his team is looking for more
    “All the pieces that went into the FDA                 Meanwhile, XenoTherapeutics, the                licensing opportunities with partners
approval of the GalSafe pigs”—safety                   company behind the first human trial of             interested in selling allergy-free pork or pig
evaluations, environmental impact                      tissue from a genetically engineered porcine        derivatives. For people living with α-Gal
assessments, molecular characterizations of            donor, had previously used skin from a              syndrome, a group that counts at least
the genetic alteration—“those same pieces              different α-Gal-deficient pig—miniature             34,000 individuals in the United States
are going to be required” for approval                 swine bred by Immerge BioTherapeutics,              alone, such food products, if made available
of other engineered pigs intended for                  a rival to PPL, in the early 2000s—to               for purchase, would be a “game-changer,”
xenotransplantation purposes, he says.                 provide temporary wound closure for                 says Scott Commins, an allergist at the
    The regulatory path is thus better                 patients with severe burns. According to            University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
defined now—and not just for Revivicor.                XenoTherapeutics cofounder and CEO                  who specializes in treating the condition.

Nature Biotechnology | VOL 39 | April 2021 | 393–400 |                                                                 397
First GM pigs for allergies. Could xenotransplants be next?

                                               “The food use is part of the story,” he             balance between what’s just right and what’s
 Lentiviral vector cleared                     says, “but in my mind it’s arguably not             too much and unnecessary,” Scobie says.
 of causing blood cancer                       as important as the other medical and                   Building on the foundation of an
                                               implantable uses of the GalSafe pig.”               α-Gal-lacking pig, xenotransplantation
 Just three weeks after bluebird bio                                                               researchers have eliminated more
 suspended trials of its bb1111 and a           “The food use is part of the                       pig-specific antigens that were contributing
 related gene therapy due to concerns that      story, but in my mind it’s                         to interspecies incompatibilities. Disrupting
 its candidates might increase the risk of                                                         two genes in particular—cytidine
 cancer, the company has reported that          arguably not as important                          monophospho-N-acetylneuraminic
 its lentiviral vector is “very unlikely” to                                                       acid hydroxylase (CMAH) and β-1,4-N-
                                                as the other medical and                           acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 2
 be the cause. These findings clear the
 vector—a relief for the company and the        implantable uses of the                            (B4GALNT2)—proved critical to that effort.
 broader gene therapy community.                                                                   When researchers knocked out CMAH
                                                GalSafe pig.”                                      and B4GALNT2 alongside α-1,3-galactosyl
     Bluebird bio’s bb1111 is an ex vivo
                                                   Still, any implantable product more             transferase (GGTA1), the enzyme
 gene therapy candidate that uses
                                               elaborate than, say, a heart valve or               responsible for synthesizing the α-Gal
 a lentiviral vector called BB305 to
                                               short-term skin graft would need further            epitope, cells from the ‘triple knockout’
 introduce a hemoglobin gene into
                                               genetic tweaks to prevent organ rejection.          (TKO) pigs bound substantially fewer
 patient’s blood-producing hemapoeitic
                                               Some say only a couple more knockouts of            human antibodies.
 stem cells for the treatment of sickle cell
                                               pig carbohydrate antigens should do the                 “This suggests that organs from
 disease. The company halted trials of this
                                               trick. But decades of painfully slow progress       TKO animals will be far less prone to
 candidate in February after discovering
                                               in large-animal transplantation studies             antibody-dependent mediated rejection
 that one patient, treated over five years
                                               suggest the elimination of a few pig glycans        when transplanted into humans,” says Agnes
 ago, had been diagnosed with acute
                                               will be insufficient; more steps, such as           Azimzadeh, president of the International
 myeloid leukemia (AML) and another
                                               introducing human transgenes or removing            Xenotransplantation Association and a
 had been diagnosed with myelodysplastic
                                               porcine endogenous retroviruses (PERVs)             researcher at the Massachusetts General
 syndrome (MDS). These findings
                                               are likely to be needed to protect porcine          Hospital’s Center for Transplantation
 renewed long-standing concerns over
                                               kidneys, hearts, livers and lungs from injury       Sciences in Boston. That TKO construct,
 insertional mutagenesis.
                                               in human recipients.                                she adds, is now the “backbone of any pig”
     Further investigations have helped
                                                   In the 1990s, following reports that            intended for use as an organ donor.
 assuage these fears. In the patient
                                               PERVs embedded in the pig genome could                  On top of that backbone, some
 with AML, bluebird bio found that its
                                               take up residence in cultured human cells,          teams have also inserted human genes
 lentiviral vector, although present in
                                               many researchers and regulatory bodies              involved in tempering immune responses
 AML blast cells, is inserted into the
                                               worried about the potential infectious              to the transplant. These include genes
 VAMP4 gene, which has no known role
                                               complications of pig-to-human transplants.          encoding components of the complement
 in AML or cancer. In the case of the
                                               This was an important concern—one of                activation pathway (CD46, CD55 and
 other patient, the evidence—which has
                                               many regarding safety— that put the brakes          CD59), regulators of platelet coagulation
 not included blasts or dysplastic cells
                                               on the field for most of the 2000s. With the        (thrombomodulin, tissue factor pathway
 in the bone marrow—“is not sufficient
                                               advent of CRISPR–Cas9, Harvard Medical              inhibitor and endothelial protein C receptor)
 for a diagnosis of MDS,” the company
                                               School geneticist George Church, his former         and others with immune-quelling effects
 added. Further evaluation of this patient
                                               student Luhan Yang and their colleagues             such as heme oxygenase-1 and CD47. Last
 is ongoing.
                                               used gene editing to inactivate every single        year, for example, scientists at Qihan Biotech
     But bluebird bio is not yet fully in
                                               PERV in their first-generation pig. Yang’s          and eGenesis—affiliated companies both
 the regulatory clear. The company is
                                               logic: “If it’s safer and does not impact the       founded by Church and Yang—described
 in discussions with the FDA to lift
                                               health” of the pig, she says, why not get rid       pigs carrying the triple knockout plus nine
 clinical holds from bb1111 and from
                                               of the PERVs?                                       of these human transgenes.
 β-thalassemia candidate Zynteglo
                                                   But other researchers think that step               Revivicor, meanwhile, has engineered
 (betibeglogene autotemcel), which uses
                                               is unnecessary to progress to clinical              pigs with six human transgenes plus a
 the same vector. The EMA approved
                                               xenotransplantation. “We have amassed               fourth knockout in the porcine growth
 Zynteglo in 2019, but has now launched a
                                               a plethora of data” over the past 20 years,         hormone receptor gene, a change designed
 safety review of that therapy as well.
                                               and “to date, on no occasion has anyone             to prevent organs slated for transplantation
 Published online: 12 April 2021               found any evidence that PERVs have caused           from getting too large in the donor pigs.    infection in human recipients who have been         The resulting ‘ten-gene’ pigs will form the
                                               exposed to xenotransplantation,” says Linda         basis of the company’s pending clinical
                                               Scobie, a virologist who studies the safety of      applications, Ayares says.
                                               xenotransplantation at Glasgow Caledonian               Some scientists, though, say that the
                                               University, UK. “PERV is considered to be           Revivicor and Qihan/eGenesis pigs are
                                               low risk, and a more pressing concern is            overengineered. Christopher Burlak, for
                                               regarding unknown or emerging pathogens.”           one, worries about whether the companies
                                                   Opinions differ, however, and the genetic       can achieve consistent transgene expression
                                               sweet spot for the number of alterations            in porcine organs from one transplant
                                               to pig cells sufficient to support safe             to the next. “The more complicated the
                                               xenotransplantation remains a matter of             genetic engineering of these pigs is, the
                                               intense scientific debate. “We have to find a       more difficult it is to produce animals

398                                                           Nature Biotechnology | VOL 39 | April 2021 | 393–400 |

reliably,” says Burlak, a xenotransplantation          Innovation Program—that offers extensive
researcher at the University of Minnesota in           hand-holding by FDA experts for sponsors            First-in-class and
Minneapolis.                                           seeking approval of animal cell-based or            discovered in India
    And as Joseph Tector, an abdominal                 biotech products. (Revivicor was one of the
                                                                                                           A Massachusetts-based biotech with a
transplant surgeon at the University of                program’s first participants.) In Carvajal’s
                                                                                                           first-in-class bifunctional/trap antibody
Miami Miller School of Medicine, points                opinion, “That’s one way of saying to
                                                                                                           candidate discovered in India has spun
out, cross-species transplants typically fail          industry, ‘We hear you. We think this
                                                                                                           out of Biocon, the Bengaluru-based
because of antibody-mediated rejection.                technology has a lot of value to it. We want
                                                                                                           pharma giant best known for its
“Other issues like coagulation regulation              to try to help you navigate this review and
                                                                                                           biosimilars and generics. Biocon
and complement regulation—those are                    approval process.’”
                                                                                                           provided the first $40 million in seed
all downstream effects of the antibodies                   That’s an important message for
                                                                                                           funding to launch Bicara Therapeutics,
binding to the cell,” he says. At his company,         xenotransplantation veterans like
                                                                                                           with the express aim of developing
Makana Therapeutics, a subsidiary of                   Cooper, who first identified α-Gal as
                                                                                                           first-in-class therapeutics for a
Recombinetics, Tector is thus moving ahead             the major target of the human immune
                                                                                                           global market.
with basic TKO pigs, no transgenes involved.           system’s response against pig tissue in the
                                                                                                               Bicara’s lead candidate is the
As with human-to-human allotransplants,                early 1990s and has collaborated with
                                                                                                           EGFR/TGFβ-targeting antitumor agent
he thinks that cross-match methods and                 the Revivicor team on pig-to-primate
                                                                                                           BCA101, which entered phase 1/2 trials
human leukocyte antigen (HLA) typing                   studies for more than 15 years. “We
                                                                                                           in 2020. Approved EGFR-targeted
should be sufficient to allow successful               shouldn’t wait for the perfect pig before we
                                                                                                           agents including Erbitux (cetuximab)
xenotransplants from TKO pigs.                         start clinical trials,” he says. Once researchers
                                                                                                           have already validated the clinical
    Fios Therapeutics is similarly working             identify the right immunosuppressive
                                                                                                           utility of EGFR blockade in cancer
with TKO pigs, but with one key difference:            drug regimens, build the appropriate
                                                                                                           treatment. Because BCA101 also blocks
in addition to the triple knockout, the                pathogen-free facilities
                                                                                                           immunosuppressive TGFβ signaling in
company has incorporated a transgene                   and design suitable genetically engineered
                                                                                                           the tumor microenvironment, Bicara
encoding human CD46, a critical regulator              pigs, human testing should follow.
                                                                                                           hopes it will achieve better antitumor
of the complement system that contributes              “We’re getting close to all of those,” Cooper
                                                                                                           activity, a wider therapeutic window
to both innate and adaptive immune                     says, and the GalSafe approval provides a
                                                                                                           and broader therapeutic opportunities.
responses after organ transplantation. “You            blueprint to navigate the regulatory thicket.
                                                                                                           TGFβ-neutralizing candidates in the
have to control complement early on to
                                                         “PERV is considered to be                         clinic include Sanofi’s SAR439459 and
avoid hyperacute rejection,” says company
                                                                                                           Novartis’s NIS793, antibodies that are
founder and CEO Christopher McGregor,                    low risk, and a more pressing                     being combined with PD-1/PD-L1
a cardiac surgeon at the University of
                                                                                                           blockers for cancer indications.
Minnesota and University College London.                 concern is regarding unknown                      Preclinical data suggest that BCA101
    Others hope to achieve the
same immune-dampening effects
                                                         or emerging pathogens.”                           has synergistic effects as compared with
                                                                                                           the combination of an EGFR-targeted
pharmacologically—although, as surgeon–                    Outside of the xenotransplantation
                                                                                                           therapy and a TGFβ-blocking agent, says
scientist David Cooper, who co-directs the             community, however, the approval is likely
                                                                                                           Claire Mazumdar, Bicara’s CEO.
University of Alabama at Birmingham’s                  to have far less of an impact on the animal
                                                                                                               “We see this program exemplifying
xenotransplantation program, points out:               biotechnology sector writ large. Under the
                                                                                                           our strategy, using one arm of a
“The standard immunosuppressive drugs are              terms of the FDA’s go-ahead, the Revivicor
                                                                                                           bifunctional to target the tumor and
just not up to the task.” Cooper anticipates           pigs are limited to one enclosed facility, one
                                                                                                           the other arm to provide some kind
that newer, experimental therapies directed            herd of no more than 1,000 animals and
                                                                                                           of immunomodulatory activity,” says
at the costimulatory protein CD40 or its               one abattoir for meat processing—a drop in
                                                                                                           Mazumdar. Bicara will tap Biocon’s
ligand, CD154, will allow longer survival of           the industry’s bucket considering there are
                                                                                                           internal biologics expertise to discover
xenografts. However, clotting complications            an estimated 66,000 US swine producers
                                                                                                           other novel bifunctional anticancer
have plagued the drug class for decades,               churning out more than 72 million pigs
                                                                                                           candidates, including two more biologics
and as yet only one experimental agent                 every year.
                                                                                                           that it expects to advance into trials
directed at the CD40 axis has ever                         Other companies hoping to bring
                                                                                                           in 2022. “What Bicara wants to do is
progressed past phase 2 development                    genetically engineered pigs to the mass
                                                                                                           establish that India can be a center for
(dapirolizumab pegol, a humanized                      market may have to demonstrate similar
                                                                                                           R&D innovation,” adds Mazumdar. The
anti-CD154 IgG1 Fab′ fragment from                     levels of molecular characterization
                                                                                                           biotech’s R&D team consists of more than
Brussels, Belgium–based UCB Biopharma                  to Revivicor’s, but the environmental
                                                                                                           50 protein engineers, immunologists
in phase 3 testing for treating lupus).                impact assessments will undoubtedly be
                                                                                                           and manufacturing experts employed
    Despite the many outstanding scientific            more onerous—and those stewardship
                                                                                                           by Biocon and based in Bangalore, but
uncertainties, Ricardo Carvajal, an expert             requirements are “still being designed as
                                                                                                           contracted to Bicara. Mazumdar and the
in food law and biotechnology at Hyman,                we’re going,” says Elena Rice, CSO of Genus,
                                                                                                           rest of the executive management team
Phelps & McNamara in Washington, DC,                   which has used CRISPR gene-editing to
                                                                                                           are located in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
sees a willing partner in the FDA’s Center             make pigs resistant to infection with the
for Veterinary Medicine to move the                    virus responsible for porcine reproductive          Published online: 12 April 2021
field forward. Consider the center’s Plant             and respiratory syndrome, a costly scourge
and Animal Biotechnology Innovation                    of the swine industry.
Action Plan, unveiled in 2018. It includes                 That regulatory ambiguity is a problem
a pilot project similar to the breakthrough            for the entire livestock biotechnology sector,
designation for drugs—the Veterinary                   says Alison Van Eenennaam, an animal

Nature Biotechnology | VOL 39 | April 2021 | 393–400 |                                                          399

geneticist at the University of California,    typically face little to no scrutiny from            Elie Dolgin
Davis. “The lack of regulatory certainty       federal agencies in the United States, with          Somerville, MA, USA
and the cost [of R&D] has basically dried      gene-edited animals “the system is set up
up all investment in this field,” she says.    as if you’re dealing with kryptonite,” Van           Published online: 12 April 2021
Unlike with CRISPR-edited crops, which         Eenennaam says.                            ❐


 GM chestnut, Sierra Club darling
 The first genetically modified chestnut
 tree now has a thumbs up from Sierra
 Club, an environmental organization that
 normally opposes genetic technology.
 Sierra Club objections may have
 crumbled because, unlike in corporate
 industrial agriculture, the purpose
 behind genetically engineering the
 chestnut tree is to save it. Blight
 has all but wiped out the American
 chestnut, Castanea dentata. The blight
 fungus, Cryphonectria parasitica, was
 introduced in the late 1800s with
 imported Japanese chestnut nursery
 stock. By 1950, four billion American
 chestnuts (99.9% of the species) had
 died. The transgenic tree, known as
 Darling 58, is engineered to resist blight.
 The project to restore the American
 chestnut to its former glory is ongoing
 at the State University of New York’s
 College of Environmental Science
 and Forestry. Scientists at SUNY              American chestnut in flower. Credit: Nick Kurzenko / Alamy Stock Photo
 used Agrobacterium to insert a
 wheat oxalate oxidase gene into the
 wild-type American chestnut. The
 oxalate oxidase reduces the blight’s          that the trees are protected. SUNY is               Lisa Melton
 pathogenicity by converting oxalate           now seeking official approval before the
 from the fungus into hydrogen peroxide        transgenic chestnuts can be released                Published online: 12 April 2021
 and carbon dioxide. Tests so far indicate     into the wild.                          ❐

400                                                            Nature Biotechnology | VOL 39 | April 2021 | 393–400 |
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