Finnvera's Annual Review and Corporate Responsibility 2020

Page created by Ray Schmidt
Finnvera's Annual Review and Corporate Responsibility 2020
Finnvera’s Annual
Review and Corporate
Responsibility 2020
Finnvera's Annual Review and Corporate Responsibility 2020
Finnvera’s        Strategy and      Responsible        Corporate responsibility
       Annual Report 2020                                    year 2020         role in society   financing          management                                                                  2

                                                                                                                   In 2020, we have combined the
                                                                                                                   traditional Annual Report and the GRI
                                                                                                                   Standards corporate responsibility report.

                                                                                                               Finnvera’s year 2020
                                                                                                               CEO’s review.................................................................. 4

                                                                                                               Strategy and role in society
                                                                                                               How Finnvera creates value......................................... 7
                                                                                                               Strategy.......................................................................... 8
                                                                                                               Operating environment............................................... 13
                                                                                                               Corporate governance................................................ 17
                                                                                                               Stakeholder cooperation............................................ 23

                                                                                                               Responsible financing
                                                                                                               Domestic financing..................................................... 27
                                                                                                               Export financing.......................................................... 32
                                                                                                               ESG risk management in financing operations......... 37
                                                                                                               Asset management..................................................... 41
                                                                                                               Key figures................................................................... 42
                                                                                                               Risk management at Finnvera.................................... 43

                                                                                                               Corporate responsibility management
                                                                                                               Corporate responsibility management at Finnvera.... 47
                                                                                                               Impacts of Finnvera’s own operations....................... 52
                                                                                                               Reporting principles.................................................... 56
Finnvera finances various stages of business with loans, guarantees and export credit                          GRI Standards Content Index..................................... 57

guarantees. Finnvera is a specialised financing company owned by the State of Finland.
Finnvera has official Export Credit Agency (ECA) status.                                                       When creating the PDF documents of Finnvera’s
                                                                                                               Annual Report, the accessibility requirements for
                                                                                                               online services have been taken into account, and
                                                                                                               the publications can be read using a screen reader.
Finnvera's Annual Review and Corporate Responsibility 2020
Finnvera’s             Strategy and                   Responsible                Corporate responsibility
        Annual Report 2020                      year 2020              role in society                financing                  management                                            3

Finnvera’s year              Finnvera’s year was characterised by the coronavirus pandemic
                             The crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic had a strong impact on Finland’s and the world’s
                                                                                                                                             Figures from the year 2020

2020                         economy and, from mid-March onwards, also on Finnvera’s operations: financing, the strategy and
                             organisational operations. This Annual Review describes how Finnvera, as a specialised financing
                                                                                                                                             EUR 25.0 billion
                                                                                                                                             Finnvera’s total exposure
                             company, adjusted its operations to meet the financing needs of the enterprises. We have combined
                                                                                                                                             amounted to EUR 25.0 billion
                             the traditional Annual Review and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards corporate
                             responsibility report into a single publication.
                                                                                                                                             Clients’ willingness to recommend
                                                                                                                                             us (NPS) was on average
                                                               Demand for financing was several times higher than usual
                                                               In the spring, Finnvera’s
                                                               authorisation to grant domestic
                                                                                                      the loans granted by the banks.
                                                                                                      The cooperation made it possible       56
                                                                                                                                             (2019: 64)
                                                               financing was raised from              to respond to the several times
                                                               EUR 4.2 billion to EUR 12 billion      higher demand for financing.
                                                               by a legislative amendment.            Finnvera was also able to secure
                                                               Finnvera and banks created an          financing of large corporates          Domestic financing granted by
                                                               operating model in which clients       during the coronavirus crisis and      month in 2020, MEUR, Loans,
                                                               primarily dealt with their banks and   complement the financing offering      guarantees and export guarantees
                                                               Finnvera focused on guaranteeing       by granting working capital.           350
                                                                                                                                             250                207
                                                                                                                                             200                  184            187
                                                                                                                                                          150       146
                                The first sectors to be           Enterprises primarily                  In the autumn, demand               150
                                                                                                                                             100                           80   88
                                hit by the crisis were the        needed working capital                 for financing returned to                   49 61            54
                                service sector, tourism and       financing to ensure                    close to normal levels.
                                the hospitality industry.         the continuity of their                Enterprises adjusted                        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

                                Granting instalment-free          operations. In the second              their operations and
                                periods was among                 wave of the crisis, demand             used support solutions
                                Finnvera’s first measures         for financing increased                offered by other parties.            Month   1   2  3
                                                                                                                                             Finnvera’s  task was4 to 5ensure
                                                                                                                                                                          6   7
                                                                                                                                                                              that8        9    10    11   12

                                during the crisis.                in larger enterprises.                 Finnvera shifted its focus                    49 61 150 299 207 184 146 54        80   104   88   18
                                                                                                                                             enterprises could operate even
                                                                                                         to enabling new growth
                                                                                                                                             during the crisis year. Our vision is:
                                                                                                         by means of financing.
                                                                                                                                             Our clients’ success strengthens
                                                                                                                                             the Finnish economy.
Finnvera's Annual Review and Corporate Responsibility 2020
Finnvera’s                   Strategy and                Responsible   Corporate responsibility
                          Annual Report 2020                                                          year 2020                    role in society             financing     management                 4

CEO’s review                                                      Finnvera was given capabilities
                                                                  for responding to growing demand
At the beginning of 2020, the economy                             It was crucial that Finnvera was given comprehensive
was prepared for subdued development,                             capabilities for responding to the needs of enterprises.
                                                                  Finland’s Government and Parliament prepared and
but the year was still expected to be ordinary.
                                                                  implemented amendments to the legislation and regulations
Everything took an exceptionally drastic                          concerning Finnvera’s domestic financing, enabling us to
turn when the coronavirus pandemic was                            respond to demand for financing and to reduce the pricing
declared in March. Its impacts could been seen                    of financing.
                                                                      Our authorisation to grant domestic financing was
dramatically in Finnvera’s year. Our main task
                                                                  raised from EUR 4.2 billion to EUR 12 billion. We utilised our
was to help enterprises overcome the crisis                       guarantee products, which the bank applies for on behalf
by means of financing.                                            of the enterprise. We created a new fast track for major
                                                                  financing needs: we can grant guarantees for financing of
Although risk forecasts had recognised a pandemic,                up to EUR 1 million with a quick decision once the bank has
a pandemic as rapid and global as this, leading to lockdowns      conducted a credit risk assessment.
in many societies was not anticipated. Its impacts became             We introduced an 80 per cent guarantee model across
apparent in virtually one week in March. Demand for Finnvera’s    the line, and in May, a guarantee of up to 90 per cent
financing and re-arrangements related to existing loans           became possible.
multiplied and reached a record-breaking level in March–April.        We were given the authorisation to guarantee
    We had very little time to prepare for the situation, but     theworking capital requirements of large corporates up
we managed to make significant process changes quickly.           to EUR 100 million. The preconditions for export were
Together with the financial sector and banks, we created an       strengthened by special permission from the European
operating model in which clients primarily dealt with their       Commission, which made it possible to grant export credit
banks and Finnvera focused on guaranteeing the loans granted      guarantees with short payment periods also for exports to
by the banks. The cooperation made it possible to respond to      Western industrial countries.
the several times higher demand for financing. We tailored our        Since October, enterprises have also been able to apply
service model according to the amount of financing applied for,   for direct loans from Finnvera if a bank loan is not possible            "Clients primarily dealt with
and the processing of financing applications and the related      even with Finnvera’s guarantee.                                          their banks and Finnvera
decision-making were streamlined.                                     The above measures made it possible for us to meet                   focused on guaranteeing the
    The pandemic made us focus on two tasks: securing             the goals of our strategy for the exceptional circumstances.             loans granted by the banks.”
the availability of lending to viable enterprises and ensuring    For a long time already, we have normally granted some
that conditions for export financing could be maintained          EUR 1 billion in new financing in Finland per year, but in
during the crisis.                                                2020, we reached the level of EUR 1.7 billion. We made more
Finnvera's Annual Review and Corporate Responsibility 2020
Finnvera’s                  Strategy and                  Responsible                   Corporate responsibility
                          Annual Report 2020                                                         year 2020                   role in society               financing                     management                                 5

than 23,700 financing and change decisions. The export           for potential future losses. The reserves were sufficient
financing volumes showed that the preparation of new             for covering the loss provisions made, but their amount
major projects slowed down, but in terms of the number of        decreased significantly. Finnvera Group’s result showed
financing arrangements, demand remained high.                    a loss of EUR 748 million after the State Guarantee Fund
    Even in the exceptional circumstances, the spearhead         payment of EUR 349 million.
of our strategy was the impact of our financing and the              The amount of realised losses will be determined later.
foundation of our operations was responsibility. The year
underlined Finnvera’s role as a driving force in the financial   Networks and expertise play a key role
market and highlighted the significance of our financing         The year highlighted the significance of partnerships and
in enabling economic activity and ensuring the operating         stakeholders. Finnvera supplements the financial market,
conditions for enterprises.                                      and cooperation between providers of financing was
                                                                 successful, as was the digitalisation of joint processes.
The cruise shipping crisis and loss provisions                   Digitalisation made quick financing decisions possible.
took the result to a significant loss                                 Our skilled personnel played a key role in enabling us
The coronavirus crisis affected different sectors in very        to make rapid changes. The organisation demonstrated
different ways. After the initial shock, most export sectors     its agility in the critical situation. For the peak period
returned to their normal volumes or even achieved growth.        in financing applications, we recruited 48 temporary
    Other sectors were profoundly shaken by the crisis. One      agency workers.
of these is cruise shipping. Cruise operations all over the           We quickly moved to remote work, for which we were
world were suspended with official decisions. This was a         well prepared. The transition contributed to accelerating the
major blow in the United States, which covers half of the        organisation’s digital leap.
cruise shipping market.                                               In the autumn, demand for financing returned to close
    The collapse of shipping companies’ revenues and             to normal levels. Enterprises adjusted their operations and
the deterioration of their financing situation gradually         primarily used support solutions offered by other Team                   I would like to thank our personnel, partners and clients
weakened their credit ratings to a significant extent.           Finland organisations, for instance. We shifted our focus            for 2020, which was an exceptionally challenging year. The            "The reserves were
According to the IFRS 9 standard, poorer credit ratings          to enabling new business growth by means of financing.               year 2021 will show how the coronavirus situation develops            sufficient for covering
and macroeconomic forecasts change the expected loss             The Finnish economy will need this growth for the post-              and how enterprises perform. For the Large Corporates                 the loss provisions
amounts, which creates deferred loss provisions. In 2020,        coronavirus recovery. According to a study commissioned              business, the recovery of cruise shipping is a crucial factor.        made in export credit
Finnvera had to make extensive loss provisions in export         by us, there is a bottleneck in financing small export               The future outlook is full of uncertainty, but at least one           guarantee and special
credit guarantee and special guarantee operations,               transactions of less than EUR 20 million after the banks             thing is certain: our work to enable enterprises to operate           guarantee operations,
totalling EUR 1.2 billion.                                       withdrew from this financing. We have started preparations           will continue.                                                        but their amount
    Finnvera’s operations had been profitable during             for granting direct export credits to boost small export                                                                                   decreased significantly.”
the company’s 21 years of operation, until 2019. During          transactions and especially SMEs’ export trade. This                 Pauli Heikkilä
this period, the company increased its loss reserves             requires legislative amendments.                                     CEO
Finnvera's Annual Review and Corporate Responsibility 2020
Finnvera’s                 Strategy and                Responsible               Corporate responsibility
        Annual Report 2020                         year 2020                  role in society             financing                 management                                   6

Strategy and                 The strategy focused on the crisis
                             The coronavirus crisis made Finnvera focus on two tasks: securing the availability of lending to
                                                                                                                                                   The coronavirus pandemic

role in society
                                                                                                                                                   brought cruise shipping, an
                             viable enterprises and ensuring that conditions for export financing could be maintained. However,                    important sector for Finnish
                             the Finnish economy overcame the crisis year quite well compared to other countries.                                  exports, to a standstill around
                                                                                                                                                   the world. The recovery of
                                                                                                                                                   the sector will be monitored
                                                                                                                                                   closely. The “Operating
                                                                                                                                                   environment” section
                                                                                                                                                   provides an overview of the
                             Unlike previous crises,                  The organisation and                The year brought a swift                 outlook of cruise shipping.
                             the coronavirus crisis was not           administration demonstrated         digital leap. Finnvera moved
                             a crisis of the financial system.        their agility in the exceptional    almost completely to remote           In 2020, the number of
                             The financing system worked              circumstances. Resources            work. Information systems             client calls increased by

                             well and secured the availability        were allocated to critical client   were updated and many
                             of financing to enterprises.             work and the personnel was          measures were taken to
                                                                      supplemented by recruiting          ensure information security.
                                                                      temporary agency workers.
                                                                                                                                                Finnvera’s “Financing & growth”
                                                                                                                                                overview of financing and growth
                                                                                                                                                estimates that economic recovery
                             Cooperation ensured
                                                                                                                                                will take several years. According to
                                                                                                                                                Chief Economist Timo Lindholm, new
                             corporate financing
                                                                                                                                                structures and operating methods
                             The crisis underlined the importance
                                                                                                                                                will be needed in many respects.
                             of a well-functioning financial market
                             and flexible and active cooperation
                             with stakeholders. Finnvera
                             supplements the financial market,
                             and cooperation between providers
                                                                                                                                                Early on during the crisis, Finnvera
                             of financing was successful, as was                                                                                launched the
                             the digitalisation of joint processes.                                                                             website that offers information about
                             There was also very close cooperation                                                                              corporate financing and services in
                             with the owner, organisations and                                                                                  the crisis. The website was visited
                             the Team Finland network.                                                                                          about 66,000 times in March–April.
Finnvera's Annual Review and Corporate Responsibility 2020
Finnvera’s               Strategy and                      Responsible                      Corporate responsibility
                   Annual Report 2020                                                            year 2020                role in society                   financing                        management                                        7

                                                       How Finnvera creates value
Financial resources                                                                                                                  Number of clients 31 Dec 2020: 26,500                            Impact on society
• Balance sheet EUR 12.7 billion                                                                                                     • Micro-enterprises: 87%                                         & financial impacts
• Equity EUR 0.7 billion, of             Our vision is: Our clients’ success strengthens the Finnish economy                         • SMEs and midcap enterprises: 13%                               • We reinforce the capacity and
  which non-restricted equity                                                                                                        • Large corporates: 0.6%                                           competitiveness of Finnish enterprises
  account for EUR 0.5 billion                                                                                                                                                                         • Number of financed start-ups: 2,697
• Funding from international                                                                                                                                                                          • Number of new jobs created with
  bond markets amounts to                                                                                                            Products and services 1–12/2020                                    the help of domestic financing: 8,717
  EUR 1.0–1.5 billion per year                                                                                                       Loans and guarantees granted                                     • 768 transfers of ownership financed,
                                                                                                                                     EUR 1.4 billion in total
                                                                                                                                                                                                        EUR 141 million
                                                                                                                                     Export credit guarantees and
                                                                                                                                                                                                      • Exports covered by export credit
Personnel                                                                 Impact                                                     special guarantees granted
                                                                                                                                                                                                        guarantees: EUR 3.2 billion to over
• In average 360 employees                                                                                                           EUR 3.2 billion in total
                                                            Financing and controlled risk-taking                                                                                                        90 countries
  in 16 locations in Finland.                                                                                                        Export credits granted
                                                                                                                                     EUR 1.1 billion in total                                         • Our risk management ensures
• Average length of                                                                                                                                                                                     financial self-sustainability
  employment relationship                                                                                                                                                                             • Development of target countries
  15.6 years                                                                                                                         Authorisations and exposures
                                                                                                                                     31 Dec 2020                                                        through export financing projects
• Extensive experience and                           Targeting                                      International                    Loans and guarantees
  competence in the financial                      of financing                                     competitiveness                  • authorisation EUR 12.0 billion
  sector and risk assessment
                                                                                                                                     • exposure EUR 2.5 billion including                             Social impacts
                                                     Customer                                                                          guarantee receivables EUR 32 million                           • Personnel expenses EUR 29 million
                                                                       Loans and guarantees
Stakeholder relations                               experience                                                                       Export credit guarantees                                           and EUR 0.3 million to training
                                                                      Export credit guarantees
• 4,500 meetings and contacts                                              Export credit                                             • authorisation EUR 38.0 billion                                 • Personnel’s job satisfaction index 4.2/5
  with clients and stakeholders                                              financing                                               • exposure EUR 22.1 billion including                            • Sick leave rate 1.7%
• Partner networks with                    Competent personnel                                     Partnerships                        export credit guarantee recivables                             • Assessment and monitoring of
  banks and private providers                                                                                                          EUR 40 million                                                   social and human rights risks of
  of financing                                                                                                                       Export credits                                                     the financed transactions
• The Team Finland network that                                                                                                      • authorisation EUR 35.0 billion
  promotes internationalisation                     Basis of the strategy:                   Values:                                 • exposure EUR 7.6 billion                                       Environmental impacts
  among enterprises                                 Responsibility: Self-sustainability,     Trust,                                  Special guarantees                                               • Assessment and monitoring
• Domestic organisations, such                      Risk management, Environmental           Partnership,                            (shipping and environmental guarantees                             of environmental risks of
  as the Federation of Finnish                      and social responsibility                A focus on solutions                    and raw material guarantees)                                       the financed transactions
  Enterprises, the Chamber                                                                                                           • authorisation EUR 3.2 billion
  of Commerce and the                                                                                                                • exposure EUR 0.4 billion                                       Impacts on stakeholder relations
  Confederation of Finnish                                                                                                                                                                            • Continuous measurement of the
  Industries (EK)                                                                                                                                                                                       customer experience: average NPS of 56
• International organisations,                                                                                                       The exposure defined in the Act on the State’s Export            • Large customer and stakeholder
  such as the Berne Union,                                                                                                           Credit Guarantees includes commitments and half                    satisfaction survey every 2. year:
  The Montreal Group, the OECD,                                                                                                      of offers given at the closing date’s exchange rate.               willingness to recommend Finnvera,
                                                                                                                                     The exposure according to the Act on the State’s
  the EU, the Paris Club, NEFI                                                                                                       Export Credit Guarantees was EUR 19.5 billion on                   average NPS (net promoter score)
  and AECM                                                                                                                           31 December 2020. The total exposure arising from                  of 74.8 (2019)
                                                                                                                                     export credit guarantees and special guarantees
                                        In an exceptional situation, Finnvera’s key task is to focus on managing the crisis.         includes current commitments and offers given at
                                                                                                                                     the reporting date’s exchange rate.
Finnvera's Annual Review and Corporate Responsibility 2020
Finnvera’s                 Strategy and                   Responsible   Corporate responsibility
                          Annual Report 2020                                           year 2020                  role in society                financing     management                 8

When the coronavirus crisis started in the
spring, enterprises’ operating environment
and financing needs changed quickly. Finnvera
also needed to adjust its strategy in line with
the exceptional situation. From the outset of
the crisis, the aim was to ensure the operating
conditions of enterprises as well as, for
example, the continuity of exports.

A short-term strategy for the exceptional circumstances
was established for 2020–2021. It provides a more
detailed description of actions in Finnvera’s SMEs
and Large Corporates business operations during
the coronavirus crisis.
    In normal circumstances, Finnvera’s strategic goal is to
allocate the majority of its financing to enterprises seeking
growth and internationalisation as well as to investments,
transfers of ownership and exports. During the pandemic,
we have expanded the allocation of financing to help all         Finnvera’s strategic choices at the company level in 2020–2021:
viable enterprises to overcome the crisis.
                                                                 •   Communications about the company’s role and solutions are

•   In domestic financing: We secure the availability of
    lending to viable enterprises in all stages of the crisis.
                                                                     active and in line with the strategy – every Finnvera employee also
                                                                     understands the significance of communications.

•   In export financing: We ensure that conditions for export
    financing can be maintained over the crisis.
                                                                 •   We highlight Finnvera’s ability to react quickly to changes, without
                                                                     forgetting the responsibilities and risks associated with our operations.

Resources were heavily concentrated on achieving these
                                                                 •   We ensure sufficient resources and expertise for the implementation of
                                                                     the strategy and use external advisors, if necessary.
goals in the exceptional circumstances. In March–April,
Finnvera quickly adjusted its services and products to
                                                                 •   We work in close cooperation with the MEAE group and
                                                                     the Team Finland network and make a good use of our active
according to the needs of enterprises and the increased              expertise network in our work.
application volumes. From the outset of the crisis, the aim
Finnvera's Annual Review and Corporate Responsibility 2020
Finnvera’s   Strategy and                Responsible                 Corporate responsibility
                          Annual Report 2020                       year 2020    role in society             financing                   management                                    9

was to ensure the operating conditions of enterprises as
well as, for example, the continuity of exports.                                                                                                       Clearer strategy story
                                                                                                                                                       In 2020, the clarification
Finnvera focused on ensuring the                                                                                                                       of Finnvera’s brand and
operating conditions of enterprises                                                                                                                    strategy story was launched.
In the early stages of the crisis, the first measures taken in                                                                                         The goal is to ensure that
domestic financing included instalment-free periods and                                                                                                all Finnvera employees can
other payment arrangements. At the beginning, the need for                                                                                             embrace the strategy and
financing was greatest among the smallest enterprises. Efforts                                                                                         that it can be communicated
were made to ensure fast service for enterprises and find ways                                                                                         more clearly also to our
to make decisions on a large number of applications within                                                                                             cooperation partners.
a few days, in line with the normal service promise. The primary
means of responding to the multiplied demand were Finnvera’s
guarantees and the simplification of processes. The granting
of direct loans was temporarily suspended.
    Finland’s financing system worked well throughout the
crisis. Enterprises were able to re-arrange their payment
schemes and acquire additional financing with the aid of
cooperation between Finnvera and banks.                                              Finnvera’s digital maturity
    Clients were supported with effective financial advisory
services and clear communications. Information about                                 took steps forward
the services was collected on the                             In 2019, the dTEM programme, extending until 2025,
website, which was visited 66,000 times already during                               was launched in the Ministry of Economic Affairs and
March–April.                                                                         Employment’s branch of administration, setting the common
    In the second stage of the crisis, from May onwards,                             mission and goals for guiding digital development.
it could be seen that working capital needs were increasing                              The digital maturity re-evaluation conducted in the
also among larger enterprises, in industry, for instance.                            autumn 2020 in the branch of administration compared
However, demand for financing levelled off during the                                the self-evaluations of the organisations with those of
summer and the autumn, compared to its peak in March–                                external experts. Finnvera received good reviews from
April. Towards the end of the year, Finnvera’s strategic                             experts regarding the development of the digital vision
focus shifted to the reconstruction stage and securing                               and strategy and the development of digitalisation control
the conditions for new growth in cooperation with other                              and management. The strongest area in digital maturity is
providers of financing. For instance, Finnvera highlighted                           cybersecurity and data protection. The main development
the importance of transfers of ownership as part of healthy                          areas are the organisation and culture.
Finnvera's Annual Review and Corporate Responsibility 2020
Finnvera’s                    Strategy and                  Responsible                   Corporate responsibility
                          Annual Report 2020                                                            year 2020                     role in society               financing                     management                                 10

corporate restructuring. Even in normal circumstances,            of enterprises, correct the deficiencies in financing services,
financing transfers of ownership is a key priority in             and contribute to regional development in Finland.                                                                                             In the autumn, all
Finnvera’s strategy.                                                  Finnvera’s vision, “Our clients’ success strengthens the                                                                                   Finnvera employees were
    With the European Commission’s special mandate,               Finnish economy”, also holds true in the strategy for the                                                                                      invited to participate in
Finnvera was given the opportunity to grant export credit         exceptional circumstances.                                                                                                                     strategy work survey.
guarantees with a short risk period (less than two years)                                                                                                                                                        The coronavirus spring
also for exports to so-called marketable risk countries, such     Engaging Finnvera’s personnel in strategy work                                                                                                 could be seen in the
as the EU Member States. This change was important for            In the autumn, all Finnvera employees were invited to                                                                                          answers, for example in
securing the conditions for exports.                              participate in strategy work in the form of a survey, which was                                                                                views of the importance
    In order to respond to the working capital needs of           taken by half of the personnel. The effects of the coronavirus                                                                                 of Finnvera’s impact.
large corporates in the situation caused by the coronavirus       spring could be seen in the answers when respondents were
pandemic, Finnvera can guarantee financing for them up to         asked to indicate where Finnvera’s impact is most evident. One
EUR 100 million – however, in a manner that ensures that          third of the respondents highlighted working capital financing              Finnvera is prepared to secure
Finnvera does not become the main provider of financing.          provided to Finnish enterprises during the coronavirus crisis.              the availability of lending with
    The goal of risk management is to maintain long-term          Nearly the same number emphasised the financing of export                   both guarantees and loans
economic self-sustainability: The income from Finnvera’s          transactions of enterprises acting as drivers in the sector                 The reconstruction of economy is likely to proceed
operations covers the expenses of operations in the long          and the financing of their subcontractors. The financing of                 at a different pace in different sectors. Finnvera’s
term. The review period is 10 years for SME financing and         investments in Finland was also considered important.                       financing still focuses on guarantees. Finnvera is
20 years for export financing.                                        Other questions focused on themes such as the                           prepared to secure the availability of lending to viable
                                                                  development of one’s own expertise, the digital agenda                      enterprises in all stages of the crisis.
Finnvera’s social role grew significantly                         and the issues that the management and Finnvera should
                                                                                                                                                Read more (in Finnish) >
Finnvera’s long-term strategy and targets are still valid, even   pay particular attention to when preparing for 2021. An AI
if they are now in the background.                                application was piloted in analysing the responses under the
     The spearhead of the strategy is impact: our financing       last theme. The topics identified by AI were the organisation,
enables our clients to improve their turnover and profit in       resourcing, development, clients and products, especially in             preparedness was high. Working at the office was allowed if
a way that would not have been possible otherwise. Our            relation to the coronavirus crisis.                                      remote work was not possible, for one reason or another.
most important means of achieving impact are financing                                                                                         As the situation continued, Finnvera’s IT function improved
and controlled risk-taking. We complement deficiencies in         Digitalisation and robotics                                              the operation of remote connections and applications.
the financial markets.                                            accelerated the financing process                                        Priority was given to information system changes related
     The impact of financing and Finnvera’s role in society       The coronavirus situation also induced a digital leap in the work        to the coronavirus situation, and IT cooperated closely in
became very important in the exceptional circumstances            of Finnvera employees, when almost the entire organisation               particular with the SME financing business to ensure that
caused by the coronavirus pandemic.                               moved completely to remote work practically in a few days.               product changes, processing and granting processes could
     According to our mission, Finnvera’s task is, by means       The transition was facilitated by the fact that remote work had          be streamlined through agile development. More than 330
of financing, to promote the internationalisation and exports     already been possible before this and therefore the level of             Jira development tasks related to the coronavirus situation
Finnvera’s                   Strategy and      Responsible   Corporate responsibility
                           Annual Report 2020                                                           year 2020                    role in society   financing     management                                  11

were carried out during the year. The status of IT development
was visualised with Lean methods on virtual walls and                                                                                                                               The digital agenda
dashboards to improve the efficiency of the process and                                                                                                                             describes the direction
make tasks visible. Increasing transparency is one of the key                                                                                                                       of development and the
targets of the digitalisation unit and the IT function, and it                                                                                                                      desired outcome. The aim
could also be promoted during the coronavirus crisis.                                                                                                                               is to provide an excellent
     The use of robotics was an efficient aid in managing                                                                                                                           customer experience
the growing number of applications. The Ronja robot, deployed                                                                                                                       with smooth and fast,
in 2019, entered enterprises financial statements data into                                                                                                                         straightforward services.
systems, which accelerated processing also when the number
of applications increased during the pandemic. The number
of financial statements processed by Ronja increased by
approximately 130 per cent from the previous year. In 2020,
financial statements entries totalled nearly 3,000.

The digital agenda guides development
The digital agenda, updated twice a year, describes the direction
of development related to the digitalisation of Finnvera’s
operations and services as well as the desired outcome. The          Crisis accelerates
digital agenda helps units in their annual planning. The aim
                                                                     positive structural changes
is to provide an excellent customer experience with smooth
transactions and fast, straightforward services. Another aim is      As a post-cyclical economy, Finland will experience the long-
to integrate Finnvera with the increasingly digitalised operations   term effects of the pandemic with slight delay. However, our
of its partners. Finnvera’s goal is to operate efficiently and       industry, even though hit hard by the coronavirus crisis, is
with high quality and to increase preparedness for change in         also showing positive signs. Marjo Miettinen, Chairperson
a transparent manner while also controlling the risks.               of Technology Industries of Finland, believes that both
     The extensive financing system renewal project,                 technology companies and other industries will find the keys
launched at Finnvera in 2019, proceeded as planned during            to new growth in competence development, digitalisation
2020, and the project is now in the competitive tendering            and green innovations.
phase. The project will be linked with Finnvera’s case                   She encourages the Finnish export sector to renew itself
management and the online service renewal.                           even in quiet times – positive things have also emerged in
     In addition to the financing system project, the most           the midst of the crisis.
important future development areas will be the development
                                                                      Read more (in Finnish) >
of Finnvera’s data management and data quality.
Finnvera’s                 Strategy and      Responsible             Corporate responsibility
           Annual Report 2020                                                  year 2020                  role in society   financing               management                                  12

                                                                       Finnvera's role in society
                                                                                       Transfers of ownership financed           Export credit guarantees

                                                                                       MEUR 141
                                      Domestic financing offered                                                                 and special guarantees offered

         2020                         MEUR 1,693                                       768 companies                             MEUR 2,947
                Restructurings of financing                                  Jobs created with the help                                        Guarantees that came into effect

                13,951 pcs                                                                                                                     MEUR 1,990
                                                                             of domestic financing

Start-ups launched                                                                                                                                                   Exports covered by
with the help of financing                                         Financing per new job                                                                             export credit guarantees

2,697 pcs                                                          EUR 194,000                                                                                       MEUR 3,151

                                                                           Number of clients
   Micro                                                                                                                                                    Other SMEs              Large
enterprisest                                                                                                                                                and midcaps           enterprises

87%                                                                               26,500                                                                   13% 0.6%
Finnvera’s   Strategy and                     Responsible               Corporate responsibility
                           Annual Report 2020                       year 2020    role in society                  financing                 management                              13

Operating environment
                                                                                                                                                           During the entire year
In 2020, the economy was dominated by                                                                                                                      2020 global trade
                                                                                                                                                           remained around 10 per
the unprecedented global coronavirus
                                                                                                                                                           cent lower than in
pandemic, which pushed economies into a deep                                                                                                               the previous year.
recession, complicated business operations and
created the need for a massive economic policy
response to mitigate the effects of the crisis.
The crisis also underlined the importance of
the functioning of financial markets.
                                                                                                                                                           According to the Bank
In the first stage, the pandemic complicated industrial
                                                                                                                                                           of Finland’s forecast,
production, disrupted international supply chains and
                                                                                                                                                           Finland’s GDP will
undermined the business of many service sectors. Global
                                                                                                                                                           grow 2.2% in 2021.
trade in goods declined sharply right at the beginning of the
crisis, and during the entire year 2020, global trade remained                        Finnvera's "Financing & growth” overview:
around 10 per cent lower than in the previous year.
    The unprecedented crisis caused great uncertainty
for businesses, consumers, investors and economic policy
                                                                                      Many enterprises are
makers. The eurozone economy contracted more than                                     facing critical times in
the US economy in the second quarter, and the differences
between European countries in terms of adjustment to
                                                                                      the first half of 2021
the crisis have been quite large.                                                     The rise from the pit dug by the coronavirus crisis is
    The exceptionally light monetary policy continued in                              a long and demanding journey, which requires new growth
the eurozone, aiming to ensure bank lending and corporate                             and improved productivity of work. The journey is made
liquidity. Unlike in the financial crisis, financial markets                          even more difficult by the fact that Finland has long lagged
contributed to mitigating the impact of the crisis on the real                        behind Sweden, for instance, when it comes to economic
economy. The good functionality of financial markets and the                          growth. Competitiveness is now needed in international
rapid response of providers of financing to the crisis made                           markets more than in normal times, which underlines
the situation of enterprises considerably easier. Economic                            the significance of export financing.
uncertainty tends to increase the need for the services of public
                                                                                       Read more (in Finnish) >
providers of export financing, which was evident now, too.
Finnvera’s                    Strategy and                   Responsible                   Corporate responsibility
                           Annual Report 2020                                                            year 2020                     role in society                financing                     management                               14

    Even before the outbreak of the pandemic, the economic              In the export financing, the crisis caused by the pandemic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Finnvera’s credit
situation in Finland was deteriorating, which was could be          could be seen as the slowing down and prolongation of                      Countries and Markets review:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   insurance used more
seen as a decline in the number of new orders in industry, for      export project preparations, as companies postponed their                  The COVID-19 pandemic slows down export
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   than in the previous
instance. However, our economy overcame the crisis year quite       significant investments. The number of guarantees granted                  – the role of export credit agencies
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   year – credit insurance
well compared to other countries. Still, the GDP fell by several    for export transactions by mainly large corporates was                     increases in importance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   safeguards exports and
per cent and the outlook is rather weak. According to the Bank      44 per cent lower than in the previous year.                               Companies around the world are waiting to see what
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   improves the exporter’s
of Finland’s forecast, the GDP will grow at a rate of 2.2–2.5 per       On the positive side, the situation in the international               direction the pandemic will take and have postponed
cent in 2021–2022. According to the OECD, the growth rate           economy began to improve in the autumn, and the number of                  their planned investments; this also manifests
is only 1.5–1.8 per cent. Growth is maintained by consumer          new orders in Finnish industry also started to rise.                       as declining order books of Finnish exporters.                       Read more >
spending and the upturn in exports.                                                                                                            A growing economic and political uncertainty
    The short-term outlook for SMEs was clearly weakened            Demand for export financing grew                                           typically increases the need for financing guaranteed
by the business restrictions and uncertainties caused by the        in trade with Latin America                                                by export credit agencies, and export credit agencies
pandemic. In the autumn’s SME barometer survey, the growth          In 2020, the strongest demand for Finnvera’s export                        such as Finnvera are prepared to continue export
orientation of enterprises decreased significantly, especially in   financing was related to trade with Latin America: demand                  financing for good projects.
SMEs employing more than 50 people.                                 for export credit guarantees grew in trade with Brazil,
                                                                                                                                                 Read more >
                                                                    Colombia, Peru and Chile. In Finnvera’s export financing, the
Enterprises’ financing needs                                        geographically largest country exposure by far is the United
increased at different rates                                        States, where the extremely long economic boom seemed to
The rapidly changing state of the economy was reflected in          be turning into a period of slower growth and a shutdown in             quarter of the year ended with China’s normal growth rates
very different ways in the financing of Finnvera’s SME clients      the cruise sector caused by the pandemic.                               of 6.5 percent. The country is one of the few to be able to
and large corporates.                                                   Political risks remained high especially in Argentina               sustain economic growth in 2020. The value of Finland’s
    The domestic financing granted by Finnvera grew                 and Turkey.                                                             exports to China decreased by about one fifth, which was
significantly in 2020, when the coronavirus crisis made                 Especially in trade with Russia, export financing has               felt in the entire Finnish goods export trade, as China is still
enterprises ensure financing for their operations in the            been an important competitive factor for export companies.              Finland’s fifth largest export country, accounting for slightly
exceptional circumstances. During the spring, SMEs actively         Finnvera’s largest politically risky country exposure is Russia,        more than five per cent of Finland’s export trade.
applied for instalment-free periods for their loans. The first      which is one of Finland’s key export markets, accounting                     Due to the coronavirus crisis, the European Commission
sectors to be hit by the crisis were the service sector, tourism    for little less than six per cent of total exports. The outlook         increased Member States’ possibilities to grant export credit
and the hospitality industry. In the second wave, demand for        for trade with Russia became gloomier during the year                   guarantees with short payment periods to their enterprises
financing for larger companies increased. New financing was         when there were closures in the Russian economy and at its              also for exports to so-called marketable risk countries,
needed especially for ensuring working capital but also for         borders due to the coronavirus pandemic. Finland’s goods                such as the EU Member States and other Western industrial
development projects. The availability of financing remained        exports to Russia decreased by approximately one fifth and              countries. The special permission is valid until the end of
good even in the exceptional circumstances, and financial           service exports by approximately 40 per cent.                           June 2021. Indeed, Finnvera’s credit insurance was granted
market cooperation worked well. However, the demand of                  In China, the tight restrictions to combat the coronavirus          to a larger extent than in the previous year, also for exports
financing returned to close to normal level in the autumn.          resulted in an economic upturn in the summer, and the last              to most European countries.
Finnvera’s                   Strategy and                Responsible        Corporate responsibility
                           Annual Report 2020                                                          year 2020                    role in society             financing          management                 15

Industry analysis:
                                                                   and ship quarantines would have a very negative impact on
                                                                   long-term demand in the sector.
The coronavirus pandemic                                               In the autumn, the number of coronavirus cases started
                                                                                                                                         At the moment we estimate that
brought cruise shipping                                            to rise again steeply in Europe and the United States.
                                                                                                                                         demand in the sector will recover,
                                                                   In Asia, the infection situation remained better, which
to a standstill                                                    means that the recovery of cruise shipping business will
                                                                                                                                         thanks to its competitive advantages
                                                                                                                                         and especially Asia’s growth potential.
                                                                   probably also be fastest in Asia. COVID-19 vaccination
The spread of the pandemic from Asia to Europe                                                                                           The earlier levels will probably not
                                                                   programs have begun but have progressed relatively slowly
and North America brought leisure travel largely                                                                                         be reached before 2023–2024.
                                                                   so far. Due to the infection situation, it seems inevitable,
to a standstill and forced cruise shipping companies
                                                                   that the ship capacity used by shipping companies as well
to suspend their cruise offering and to wind down                  as demand for cruises will remain very low in the United
their business operations in March 2020.                           States and Europe at least until the summer 2021.

In the first stage of the crisis, enterprises focused on           Longer-term development and factors influencing it
strengthening liquidity and paying their monthly running costs.    Estimating the long-term development of cruise shipping
Cruise shipping companies tried to adjust their cash flow by       is more challenging than usual. There certainly is demand
renegotiating financing agreements and payment schedules,          for cruises. Some clients have postponed their cancelled
for instance. Led by Germany, five European countries agreed       cruises, and international shipping companies have received
to allow cruise shipping companies to suspend the repayment        new bookings for 2021. At the moment, we estimate that
of export credit instalments associated with cruise ships          demand in the sector will recover, thanks to its competitive
financed by state export credit guarantees for a period of one     advantages and especially Asia’s growth potential, but
year. Finland and Finnvera participated in the arrangement.        even after the fear of infection has disappeared, consumer
The so-called debt holiday initiative strengthened the liquidity   demand will likely be reduced by the weak global economic
of shipping companies and contributed to their ability to          situation. The earlier levels will probably not be reached, at
negotiate changes to other financing programmes and                least not before 2023–2024.
acquire new financing.                                                 Cruise shipping grew strongly during the past decade.
                                                                   In 2015–2019, cruise shipping companies invested heavily
Near-term outlook for the industry                                 in new cruise ships, which also resulted in an estimated
The key factors for cruise shipping are the conditions for         12 per cent annual increase in the turnover of the European
the continuation of shipping companies’ business and the           shipbuilding industry during the same period. The
recovery of demand. Ultimately, the continuation of business       investments have benefited the value chain of the entire
depends on official regulations and the development of             industrial cluster. Therefore, the future investment decisions
the coronavirus pandemic, especially in North America and          of cruise shipping companies will be very important for
Europe, the main markets of the industry. New epidemics            the industry.
Finnvera’s     Strategy and      Responsible                    Corporate responsibility
                                Annual Report 2020                                    year 2020      role in society   financing                      management                                                        16

Total exposure, export credit guarantees and special guarantees 31 Dec 2020                                                                                    Exposure by country classification
                                                                                                                                                               31 Dec 2020

EUR 22.2 billion,                                                                                                           Finnvera had exposure
                                                                                                                            in over 90 countries on
including commitments and binding offers.                                                                                   31 Dec 2020.

Exposure by sector
31 dec 2020                                                                                                                                                        0 Advanced economy, 76%
                                                                                      Other Europe                                                                 1 Very low risks, 0%
           Cruise shipping
           EUR 10.9 bn
                                                                                      EUR 1.8 bn                                                                   2 Low risks, 5%
                                                                                                                                                                   3 Relatively low risks, 5%
           (49%)                                                                      (8%)
                                                                                                                                                                   4 Intermediate risks, 5%
                                                                                                                                                                   5 Relatively high risks, 7%
           Telecommunications                                          EU countries
                                                                                                                                                                   6 High risks, 1%
           EUR 3.7 bn
           (17%)                                                       EUR 6.0 bn                                                                                  7 Very high risks, 1%
           Pulp and paper                                                                                                                                      The biggest country exposures
           EUR 2.9 bn                                                                                                                                          31 Dec 2020, EUR billion
           Others*                                                     Middle East                                                                              8
           EUR 2.5 bn                                                                                                                                           6
                                       North America                   and North Africa                                         Asia                            4
                                       EUR 9.8 bn                      EUR 1.0 bn                                               EUR 1.2 bn                     Legend
                                                                                                                                                               00Advanced economy
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Value in %         Exact value

           Other industries            (44%)                           (5%)                                                     (5%)
                                                                                                                                                                                                          76%                16762569220

                                                                                                                                                                        rm s

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                                                                                                                                                                       Fi any


                                                                                                                                                                         ra il
                                                                                                                                                                        Tu ia

                                                                                                                                                                         ne y
                                                                                                                                                                         Sp ia
           EUR 1.2 bn                                                                                                                                          1 Very low risks                           0%                 0

                                                                                                                                                                      do e
                                                                                                                                                                      i-A az
                                                                                                                                                                     Ge ate



                                                                                                                                                                    In rk

                                                                                                                                                                    ud Br
           (5%)                                                                                                                                                2 Low risks                                5%                 1112926135

                                                                                                                                                               3 Relatively low risks                     5%                 1119063316

           Energy                                                                                                                                              EUR     billion
                                                                                                                                                                4 Intermediate risks
                                                                                                                                                                                         Commitments 5% Offers1198871889
                                                                                                                                                                5 Relatively high risks
           EUR 0.6 bn                                                                                                                                          United     States                     9.5 7%       0.31589902852
                                                                                                                                                                6 High risks                             1%          122233206
           (3%)                                                                                                                                                Germany                               2.7          0.0
                                                     South and                 Sub-Saharan                                                                      7 Very high risks
                                                                                                                                                               Finland                               0.5

           Mining and metals                         Central America           Africa                                                                           Total
                                                                                                                                                               Russia                                0.8

           EUR 0.3 bn
           (1%)                                      EUR 2.3 bn                EUR 0.1 bn                                                                      Chile
                                                     (10%)                     (1%)                                                                            Saudi-Arabia                          0.3          0.4
                                                                                                                                                                                      Yhdys Saksa Suomi           0.1
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Venäjä Chile     Brasi Saudi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           lia   Arabia
* Including other risks such
                                                                                                                                                                  Voimassa,                          0.5          0.0
as sovereign risks related to                                                                                                                                                         9.5    2.7  0.5     0.8    0.7       0.7   0.3             0.5
states and bank risks.                                                                                                                                         Spain
                                                                                                                                                                  mrd. e                             0.5          0.0
                                                                                                                                                                                        0.3   0.0   1.2    0.3         0.2          0.0    0.4   0.1
                                                                                                                                                                 mrd. e
Finnvera’s                   Strategy and                  Responsible                   Corporate responsibility
                        Annual Report 2020                                                         year 2020                    role in society               financing                     management                                      17

Corporate governance                                          Services were adapted to
                                                              the exceptional circumstances                                                                                                             Finnvera’s key guidelines,
During the year, the coronavirus pandemic                     In mid-March, Finnvera’s entire organisation and offices                                                                                  principles and policies include
was strongly reflected in the operations of                   moved almost completely to remote work. Customer service                                                                                  the following:

Finnvera’s governing bodies and management,
                                                              and other operations were continued remotely.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        •  Code of Conduct

both as increased decision-making needs and
                                                                  Finnvera’s internal audit was strengthened by the
                                                                                                                                                                                                        •  risk management principles
                                                              appointment of the Head of Internal Auditing. Heli Pietiläinen,
                                                                                                                                                                                                        •  credit and guarantee policy
as exceptional arrangements. Cooperation                      M.Sc., B.Sc. (Econ.), CIA, CISA, started in the position at the        demand-driven basis. Financing is not allocated to specific
                                                                                                                                                                                                        •  asset management policy
with the Ministry of Economic Affairs                         beginning of June 2020. Petri Einovaara, LL.M., B.Sc. (Econ.),
                                                              was appointed Internal Auditor in September 2020.
                                                                                                                                     industries. Finnvera’s Board of Directors makes the largest
                                                                                                                                     liability decisions itself and has in other respects delegated
                                                                                                                                                                                                        •  principles for managing equities
                                                                                                                                                                                                           and capital adequacy
and Employment was close and concrete.
The organisation was agile in the exceptional
                                                                  At the beginning of 2020, Intrum Oy also started carrying
                                                              out voluntary recovery operations in accordance with the
                                                                                                                                     the decision making to the operative management. Finnvera
                                                                                                                                     can also take into account the State’s industrial policy goals
                                                                                                                                                                                                        •  risk protection policy
                                                                                                                                                                                                           associated with export credit
circumstances, and resources could be                         agreement. Finnvera has the overall responsibility for                 and, if necessary, include projects in the special risk-taking        guarantee operations
allocated to critical client work.                            recovery, its steering and decision-making.                            article defined in the Act on the State’s Export
                                                                                                                                     Credit Guarantees.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        •  environmental and social risk
                                                                                                                                                                                                           management policy
When the coronavirus crisis hit in March 2020, Finnvera’s     Close cooperation with the Ministry
                                                                                                                                                                                                        •  country policy
Board of Directors adopted the practice of weekly meetings.   The seriousness of the crisis caused by the coronavirus                Board’s Risk Committee
                                                                                                                                                                                                        •  anti-bribery policy
After the situation calmed down slightly in the autumn, the   pandemic for enterprises required rapid and concrete                   At the end of February, the Board of Directors set up
                                                                                                                                                                                                        •  tax haven policy
Board of Directors started meeting every two weeks.
    Finnvera’s Management Group also adopted a more
                                                              measures to secure corporate financing and resources.
                                                              There was close cooperation with the Ministry of Economic
                                                                                                                                     a new Risk Committee from among its members to
                                                                                                                                     assist the Board in matters related to risk-taking and risk
                                                                                                                                                                                                        •   publicity policy in export credit
                                                                                                                                                                                                            guarantee operations
frequent meeting schedule in the spring, starting to          Affairs and Employment, which guides Finnvera. In the spring,          management. The committee works alongside the Audit and
                                                                                                                                                                                                        •   personnel policy
meet weekly. To continuously maintain an overview of          Finnvera’s authorisation to grant SME financing was raised             Remuneration Committees.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        •   IT policy outlines
the situation, a separate preparedness task force was
established in accordance with the company’s contingency
                                                              to EUR 12 billion by a legislative amendment and Finnvera’s
                                                              credit and guarantee loss compensation from the State was              Finnvera’s Code of Conduct and key policies
                                                                                                                                                                                                        •   information security and data
                                                                                                                                                                                                            protection policy
plan. The task force consists of the representatives of
different areas of the company: business operations,
                                                              increased to 80 per cent by a government decision. The
                                                              Ministry set updated ownership and industrial policy goals for
                                                                                                                                     Finnvera’s Code of Conduct principles include good
                                                                                                                                     corporate governance and transparency throughout
                                                                                                                                                                                                        •   communications and
                                                                                                                                                                                                            marketing principles
risk management, IT, facilities and security, personnel,
and communications. From mid-March onwards, the
                                                              Finnvera due to the coronavirus pandemic. Finnvera reported
                                                              financing volumes to ministries more frequently than usually.
                                                                                                                                     the organisation. The Code of Conduct, ratified by the
                                                                                                                                     company’s Board of Directors, brings together the legal rules
                                                                                                                                                                                                        •   principles for cooperation
preparedness task force met first on a daily basis and
then on a weekly basis. The work of the preparedness          Finnvera makes financial decisions independently
                                                                                                                                     and ethical principles which apply to Finnvera’s employees
                                                                                                                                     and the members of the governing bodies.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        •   guidelines and procedures
                                                                                                                                                                                                            for procurement
task force still continues. Its task is to monitor the
impact of the coronavirus situation on the organisation,
                                                              Finnvera makes financial decisions independently based on
                                                              careful risk assessment and analysis of each project
                                                                                                                                     Impacts of Finnvera’s own operations.
                                                                                                                                         Finnvera operates according to its ISO 9001 certified
                                                                                                                                                                                                        •   development operating model
                                                                                                                                                                                                            and ISO 9001:2015 certified
agree on the necessary measures and plan how they             as well as takes into account the national and international           operating system, which underwent a follow-up audit towards            operating system.
are communicated.                                             regulation regarding the company. Finnvera operates on a               the end of the year.
Finnvera’s                       Strategy and                          Responsible                         Corporate responsibility
                            Annual Report 2020                                                                year 2020                        role in society                       financing                           management                                                18

Industrial and                             Monitoring of the attainment of industrial and ownership policy goals for 2020
ownership policy goals                                                      Goal
guide Finnvera's operations                                                 At least 80 per cent of Finnvera’s SME financing is allocated to enterprises seeking growth or internationalisation, start-ups, investments, and transfers of ownership.
The State of Finland owns the entire                                        In investments promoting productivity and competitiveness, Finnvera’s guarantee coverage in debt-based financing may be at the maximum 80 per cent
stock of Finnvera. The Innovations         Domestic financing               per project, especially outside urban growth centres. The position of a main provider of financing requires that Finnvera assess the enterprise’s business
                                                                            operations to be profitable and the own contribution to be sufficient, as well as that the project does not distort competition between enterprises.
and Enterprise Financing                                                    By the end of 2023, a total of 50 per cent of SME financing is allocated to clients seeking growth and internationalisation (LTA3 segment).
Department of the Ministry of                                               The Pillar Assessment required by the European Commission is completed in spring 2020. The establishment of EU financing expertise, goals and
                                                                            practices is launched during 2020 if Finnvera is accepted as an implementer or intermediary of financing. The company continues to provide EU financing
Economic Affairs and Employment            EU financing                     advice in line with the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment’s policy and cooperates with other parties in the MEAE group.
is responsible for the ownership and                                        If Finnvera is accepted as an implementer or intermediary of financing, new solutions based on EU financing cooperation will be introduced in 2021 according to the decisions made.
industrial policy steering of Finnvera.                                     The aim of public export financing is to offer internationally competitive financing for exports and domestic ship deliveries. Efficient risk management is an
                                                                            integral part of a competitive export financing system. Finland’s public export financing system consists of Finnvera’s export credit guarantee operations, the
     In April, the ministry gave                                            export credit and ship credit financing operations of its subsidiary Finnish Export Credit Ltd, and state-managed interest equalisation operations.
Finnvera a guidance letter of                                               Finnvera Group and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment continue in cooperation to develop the system of financing exports and ships so that Finnish exporters have access to an
                                           Export financing                 export financing system with terms and instruments that are as competitive as possible. At the same time, the company develops risk management and improves its efficiency as described below.
goals arising from the coronavirus
                                                                            Export financing advice and training for SMEs are developed and continued to increase the number of export companies and enterprises using export financing
pandemic to help enterprises to                                             services (including private services) from the situation at the end of 2019. Finnvera’s clients benefit from its national and international networks.
overcome the crisis. The goals                                              Information exchange and cooperation are increased especially with Business Finland, Finnfund and client enterprises in the field of financing offered to promote Finnish enterprises’ export projects.
included adjusting Finnvera’s                                               Finnvera ensures self-sustainability through risk management: in most years, credit losses stay well below the level of income received from
                                                                            operations and even large unexpected losses remain below the buffers formed by the balance sheet and the State Guarantee Fund.
services and operations to meet the
                                                                            As the maximum authorisations and exposures of Finnvera’s export financing, as defined by law, have increased, it has been noticed that risk concentrations increase
needs of enterprises. The goals set        Risk management
                                                                            and need to be managed. The aim is to make it possible to respond to the growing demand especially from cruise shipping and telecommunications in order to
                                                                            ensure Finland’s exports and the related considerable impacts on employment. Especially with regard to major transactions, the company assesses, as part of
were reached in 2020.                                                       its decision-making, the transaction’s impact on the risk position and the amount of reserves needed in the coming years when the credit is drawn.
     Out of the nine original industrial                                    As far as possible, Finnvera sees to the mitigation of exposure risks with reinsurance and other protection arrangements.
                                                                            In addition, the company aims to share risks with other countries’ ECAs and other providers of financing.
and ownership policy goals set
                                                                            Finnvera provides the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment with an assessment framework by 30 June 2020. The assessment conducted on the basis of the assessment
for the year 2020, two goals were          Impact                           framework is delivered to the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment by the end of 2020, using data based on client enterprises’ financial statements for 2019.
reached, five were reached in part         Self-sustainability
                                                                            Finnvera conducts its business so that the income from the company’s operations covers the expenses of the operations over a period
                                                                            exceeding a business cycle. The review period is 10 years for SME financing and 20 years for export financing.
and two were not reached partly due
                                           Operational efficiency           Finnvera develops its operations in accordance with the Government Programme and its implementation plan. Finnvera continues to pursue operational efficiency.
to the corona pandemic.
                                                                            The company’s capital adequacy in domestic financing operations must be at least 15 per cent when calculated according to the principles of the standard method. If there is threat that capital adequacy
                                                                            falls below this limit, the company must submit a proposal to the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment regarding the measures with which capital adequacy is kept at the required level.
                                           Solvency and                     The adequacy of export financing reserves in relation to current and future exposures is primarily assessed with so-called VaR 99.5%, C-VaR and Expected Loss models to ensure that there
                                           capital adequacy                 would be adequate capital to cover credit risks in normal circumstances. When it comes to major transactions, the company must assess their impact on risk position development and the
                                                                            adequacy of reserves. If forecasts seem to indicate that reserves are inadequate to cover losses caused by exposures and the exposure forecast, the company must inform the Ministry of
                                                                            Economic Affairs and Employment of this and submit a proposal of potentially necessary measures. In addition, risk scenario calculations are made for export financing exposures and the
                                                                            main exposures are monitored separately. Export credit guarantee operations are ultimately based on the State’s balance sheet and entail risk-taking that differs from commercial risk-taking.
                                           Transfer of Finnvera’s
                                           financial supervision
                                                                            Preparations are made in a legislative project launched in 2020.
                                           to the Financial
                                           Supervisory Authority

                                              Goal achieved         Goal partly achieved            Goal not achieved
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