Findings from the SEREDA project in Wales - Forced migration and sexual and gender-based violence
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Forced migration and sexual and gender-based violence: findings from the SEREDA project in Wales May 2022
SEREDA Forced migration and sexual and gender-based violence: findings from the SEREDA project in Wales Executive Summary Introduction Forced migration is gendered with men and women experiencing displacement in different ways and nearly half of the world’s forced migrants are women and children. All forced migrants are vulnerable to sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) which includes any form of violence whether physical, emotional, sexual, structural or symbolic inflicted on the basis of socially ascribed gender Contents roles. However, women and children are most vulnerable to SGBV. The SEREDA project sought to understand the nature and incidence of SGBV experienced by forced migrants residing in countries of Executive Summary..................................................................................................................................................3 refuge. This report outlines the findings of SEREDA interviews in Wales focusing on the Welsh policy context and how SGBV survivors might be better protected and supported within this context. Introduction.................................................................................................................................................................6 SGBV in Wales............................................................................................................................................................7 Forced migration and SGBV public authorities, local government and the Welsh Government. However, fulfilling Methods.........................................................................................................................................................................9 Findings....................................................................................................................................................................... 10 in Wales commitments can be undermined by immigration Wales has made a political commitment to being reserved to the UK government. Experiences of SGBV................................................................................................................................ 10 the protection of the rights of migrants and Talking about SGBV................................................................................................................................... 11 those impacted by SGBV. There are multiple Disclosing SGBV......................................................................................................................................... 11 frameworks in place to support good practice Methods when working with forced migrant SGBV Semi-structured interviews were undertaken Factors increasing vulnerability to SGBV........................................................................................ 12 survivors including the Right to be Safe Strategy, between February and March 2022 with 13 Factors enabling resilience.................................................................................................................... 13 the Violence against Women, Domestic Abuse forced migrant SGBV survivors, and 13 service Models of working..................................................................................................................................... 14 and Sexual Violence (Wales) Act 2015, the Race provider stakeholders who worked with SGBV Funding.......................................................................................................................................................... 14 Equality Action Plan, the Gender Equality Plan, survivors in seven different organisations. All the LGBTQIA+ Action Plan and the Action on forced migrant SGBV survivors and service Interventions and Service Provision.................................................................................................. 15 Disability. Immigration policy is reserved to providers were based in Wales. Survivors Challenges to meeting need.................................................................................................................. 16 the UK Government which can also legislate in interviewed were all women from eleven Monitoring and recording SGBV......................................................................................................... 16 matters that are devolved so there are tensions different countries in the Asia, Africa, and South SGBV and Integration.............................................................................................................................. 16 around the actions that can be taken in Wales to America. Ethical approval was received from mitigate the impacts of UK policy. the University of Birmingham Ethical Review Scope for supporting SGBV survivors in Wales............................................................................. 18 Committee for the SEREDA project. Conclusions and recommendations............................................................................................................... 20 In 2019, the Welsh Government announced Bibliography.............................................................................................................................................................. 22 that Wales would become the world’s first “Nation of Sanctuary”. It follows the Welsh Findings Government’s recommendation to the Senedd Experiences of SGBV were extremely varied not to consent to the UK Nationality and Borders occurring across time and place at the hands of Bill in its current form because it will increase different perpetrators. The survivors experiences vulnerability especially for migrant women. The included forced and child marriage, FGM or threats of FGM directed at female children, rape Research management: Plan includes a series of actions intended to within country of origin by individuals or groups, improve the lives of sanctuary seekers in Wales. SEREDA Principal Investigator: Professor Jenny Phillimore, Institute for Research into Superdiversity, It includes a commitment to support survivors witnessing sexual assault, SGBV in transit, University of Birmingham of SGBV and stresses the importance of meeting pregnancy by rape, death threats associated the needs of asylum seekers and refugees. The with sexual identity, sex trafficking and abuse SEREDA Wales Interviewer: Jeanine Hourani, University of Birmingham directed at a woman who gave birth to a disabled Uncharted Territory report (2013), offered a starting point to understand how Wales deals child. Two men recounted stories of trafficking SEREDA Wales Team: Professor Sin Yi Cheung and Dr Kombola Ramadhani Mussa, Cardiff University with violence against migrant, refugee and and modern slavery. One man had to flee his Collaborators: BAWSO, Public Health Wales and Welsh Strategic Migration Partnership country of origin because he had refused to asylum seeking women and girls. The follow-up Contact email: Report Review (2021) provided an overview of allow his daughters to be cut. Victims of human the most relevant UK and Welsh Government trafficking and modern slavery and survivors Project website: legislation and policy, reviewing the extent to fleeing interpersonal violence remained at risk of which the recommendations of 2013 report had exploitation or abuse within Wales. been actioned. It identifies that while progress Several respondents experienced racist Funding: ACE Support Hub and QR Funding. has been made actions are necessary to meet the harassment. Asylum seekers and rejected asylum Design: needs of those with No Recourse to Public Funds seekers were subject to structural violence, (NRPF) legislation, build the capacity of public living in poverty, in very poor housing conditions Acknowledgements: SEREDA Team wishes to thank the survivors and service providers who participated in this bodies to support forced migrant victims of with very restricted access to work or study. study, as well as project partners and collaborators listed above. gender-based violence, and address the isolation Many lived in a prolonged state of uncertainty experienced by migrant, refugee and asylum while they waited lengthy periods for a decision seeking women in Wales. on their asylum claim and lived in fear of being Political commitment and the strategies outlined deported. mean that there is scope for partnership with Within Wales providers had no common 2 3
SEREDA Forced migration and sexual and gender-based violence: findings from the SEREDA project in Wales language to talk about SGBV using a variety They were said to be hugely under-funded racist harassment left survivors feeling that it y Additional services – survivors wanted to of different terms dependent on the remit of and thus unable to address the scale of need would not be possible to feel that they belonged see safe and trusted services that they can their work. Some organisations were not sure within Wales. Providers said that their services in Wales. approach without referral. Women’s groups what terminology to use. Survivors reported a were so underfunded that they were unable to are also needed, especially in rural areas. Wales does not have devolved responsibility for normalisation of violence within their country meet the all urgent needs of clients who were y Extending Covid support – several immigration and asylum policy, nonetheless the of origin with some unsure what constituted referred to them and could do little to help respondents said that “Everyone In” had led to devolved nature of health and housing policy violence. individuals in the long-term. Survivors in less some useful developments in Wales that had means there is potential to develop policy and diverse areas felt isolated and experienced reduced the vulnerability of survivors and so Disclosure was facilitated when survivors felt fund practice for forced migrant SGBV survivors racist harassment. Several survivor and service should be continued. safe and that they could trust services. It could regardless of their immigration status. While provider respondents noted the absence of take months and ability to offer gender and the Welsh Government has acknowledged y Information sharing – better sharing between appropriate mental health services for forced trauma sensitive services to enable people to that current responses to human trafficking Welsh Government departments to enable migrant survivors. In particular there was only build enough trust to share their experiences. and modern slavery need improvement, there working together across portfolios and one service able to work with PTSD and this was Co-location of services and training staff to is also potential to improve services for other lobbying for services for SGBV survivors. so oversubscribed that survivors had to wait at have sensitive conversations were also helpful. survivors of SGBV. These include using the y Training – Although the National Training least 18 months. Survivors struggled to identify LGBTQIA+ survivors needed to disclose gender Violence Against Women, Domestic Violence Framework (under the VAWDASV Act) clear pathways into mental health support. identity or sexuality as soon as possible to and Sexual Violence (VAWDASV) (Wales) Act, provides training on VAWDASW, all service Also, they struggled to know about eligibility to facilitate housing in safe accommodation. 2016, as a legislative instrument that can be used providers called for more training about services, what services were available and how to advocate for more support for survivors, and modern slavery, human trafficking and Survivors were placed at risk of SGBV by long services work. continuing the measures introduced for people other forms of SGBV to be offered to all waiting times and difficult asylum processes, A lack of skills and training and meaningful with no recourse to public funds under the organisations that may have contact with precarious visa status; unsafe or inappropriate engagement with communities about forced “Everyone In” Covid-19 arrangements. It was also forced migrants. housing; negative experiences of authorities migration and SGBV meant most organisations suggested that the Welsh Strategic Migration and mistrust of authorities; power imbalances y Education and professional learning could not meet the needs of specific populations. Partnership be given a remit to coordinate cross- with perpetrators and lack of understanding opportunities for new arrivals – language Translation of materials was rare and staff were sector working to better meet the needs of SGBV or awareness of violence, rights, and law. The classes empower survivors to speak for not supported to develop cultural competency. survivors. Welsh service providers, reflecting means and route by which individuals travelled themselves, education and training provide a No people with lived experience of forced the responses of those in the rest of the UK, to the UK shaped vulnerability to SGBV en route distraction from distressing trauma and the migration were represented on local health expressed concerns about the likely effect of the with lengthy journeys along informal pathways uncertainty of waiting on an asylum claim. boards leading to a lack of awareness of needs. Nationality and Borders Bill on SGBV survivors, particularly dangerous.Uncertainty around y Better safeguards for children - more Further, there was little understanding among in particular the likelihood that it will increase asylum claims and being criminalised rather safeguards for children who have been providers about the stigma associated with levels of destitution and associated unsafe work than protected after trafficking exacerbated trafficked into the country and to identify talking about violence in some communities. and sexual and labour exploitations. trauma.Visa conditions and immigration status individuals trafficked as children. Organisations lacked knowledge of how to could produce vulnerability by making survivors identify, support and refer around modern y Housing – more joined-up working between dependent on perpetrators. Lack of awareness slavery with referral pathways unclear. The Conclusions and Welsh local authorities and Home Office of rights and entitlements meant survivors could spend lengthy periods being abused or exploited overall lack of capacity and expertise around recommendations accommodation providers to support forced migration and SGBV in Wales exacerbated ‘matching’ people for housing that is with no knowledge that there were mechanisms In conclusion there is clear evidence that forced the over-reliance on BAWSO. In terms of appropriate for them, especially single to support their protection. migrant SGBV survivors in Wales need additional monitoring and recording of SGBV, service mothers and LGBTQIA+ people. support. There is only one organisation with Survivors were enabled to be safer or to recover providers argued there need to be better systems y Asylum system - more transparency and the expertise to work with forced migrant when they had choice in their lives, the power around monitoring access and determining need. efficiency is needed around asylum processes survivors and this organisation is under- to leave abusive relationships, and could access Currently, need is assessed only on the basis of to minimise waiting times, case workers funded and over-capacity. Yet the Welsh policy trauma-informed services.Survivors highlighted how many people access services, with little data need to be more empathetic, and the nature environment and the devolved nature of health, the importance of keeping busy and of making available on unmet needs. of evidence needed (i.e. to prove SGBV or social care, education and housing policy lend friends. Being part of an organisation as a sexuality) should be clarified. In Wales policy deviates from the UK in that themselves to the development and cross-sector volunteer or member of the congregation offered integration is understood to begin on arrival. implementation of initiatives for survivors. By y The right to work and study – those in the routes to distraction from lengthy wait periods. Nonetheless those without leave to remain building on the existing work funding public asylum system should have easy access to Some survivors did not feel they were resilient talked about the impossibility of integration services within its devolved powers, the work and study so that they can be distracted and felt alone and desperate. when not allowed to choose where to live, and Welsh Government could ensure all services from trauma and uncertainty The Welsh Government was said to operate a very limited opportunities to work, study or can sufficiently support victims and survivors y LGBTQIA+ and Older people – Further work governance model which facilitated partnership learn the language because of the way the Home regardless of their immigration status, for with organisations leading the way in Wales working and cross-referrals. These include Office manages the asylum accommodation example, by making funding available for those on understanding the needs of these groups. governance groups around human trafficking and and dispersal arrangements. Regardless with NRPF. y Race Equality – look for opportunities to modern slavery in which multiple stakeholders of status, experiences of violence make Providers and survivors made suggestions about strengthen the Race Equality Action Plan are made aware of any such situations and integration particularly challenging. Physical how provision might be improved in Wales. These and VAWDASV strategy refresh to focus sometimes engaged in cross-agency working. and psychological trauma can make engaging in include: on forced migrants and in particular those The majority of service providers stressed that work or study difficult with survivors sometimes who are struggling to access services as a collaboration works well in Wales. However, struggling to build social connections for fear of y Funding - long-term and core funding and result of their immigration status and racial there was agreement that there was a dearth being stigmatised as a survivor of SGBV. Most funding that is specific to forced migrant discrimination. of services that could address the needs of spoke of the debilitating effect on their health SGBV service provision, for mental health minoritised individuals experiencing SGBV. and wellbeing of being made to be dependent services and to increase capacity within BAWSO were the only organisation seen as on the asylum system when they wanted to be Wales. offering a holistic service for such individuals. independent. As noted above experiences of 4 5
SEREDA Forced migration and sexual and gender-based violence: findings from the SEREDA project in Wales Introduction SGBV in Wales Forced migration is gendered – women and men experience displacement in different ways While Nationality, Immigration and Asylum policy is reserved to the UK government and therefore (Freedman 2010). Over 82 million people were forcibly displaced in 2020, around half of whom are has little scope for adaptation by the devolved administrations, some policy areas in Wales offer female (UNHCR 2021). The recent conflict in Ukraine has added around 10 million people to those potential for specific actions or interventions around SGBV and forced migration because they numbers with displacement predominantly affecting women and children (UNHCR, 2022). Although are areas of devolved competence within the Wales Act 2017, or because there is specific Welsh women and girls face specific vulnerabilities when forced to migrate (Rohwerder 2016; Ozcurumez legislation that enables this as part of the functions that support people in Wales, regardless of et al 2018), men and sexual minorities are also vulnerable (WRC 2020). Risks include heightened immigration status. In the remainder of this section we outline some key Welsh policies and legislation vulnerability to sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV). The Women’s Refugee Commission that may be useful in this regard. (WRC 2019) have highlighted extraordinary levels of SGBV experienced by refugees during recent conflicts, throughout refugees’ flight, in temporary camps and in immigration detention centres (Schlecht 2016). There is clear evidence that forced migrants experience high levels of structural and Policies on Sexual and if they are supported in the asylum process, which does include consideration of refuge interpersonal violence as they migrate (Friedman 1992; Freedman 2016; Ozcurumez et al 2018). Gender-Based Violence and accommodation. Yet, barriers to accessing Hourani et al. (2021) highlighted the ways in which structural violence exacerbates the risks and consequences of inter-personal violence across migration pathways and refugee contexts. Forced Migration in Wales refuges include the need to complete paperwork to ensure Home Office funding for the refuge The Welsh Government recognises through the space. Such actions take time, as well as requiring Violence Against Women, Domestic Abuse and the appropriate specialist provider to support The exact proportion of forced migrants of refuge. The purpose of this report is to Sexual Violence (Wales) Act 2015, that violence language and cultural considerations necessary reporting experiences of SGBV remains outline the findings from interviews with Welsh against women is a violation of human rights to meet women’s needs when they are forced unknown, although it generally exceeds 50% of survivors and service providers and to identify and both a cause and consequence of inequality, migrants. If they are failed asylum seekers, all women and with under-reporting the norm current needs and provision in Wales. We begin that violence happens because individuals are funding provision for refuge places is even (Dorling et al. 2012; Dudhia 2020). Sexual and by outlining the methods used to collect data women, and that women are disproportionately more difficult to obtain, leading to women who gender-based violence (SGBV) includes rape and before summarising key findings around the impacted by all forms of violence. The Welsh have experienced abuse, but have no recourse sexual assault, as well as physical, psychological nature and impact of SGBV. We continue by Government has legislative competence for to public funds (NRPF), being unable to access or emotional violence; forced marriage; forced outlining the barriers to disclosure and accessing the Violence Against Women, Domestic Abuse support. sex work; and denial of resources, opportunities, services and identifying three main ways in which and Sexual Violence through the Act and also services and freedom of movement on the basis UK immigration systems interacted with SGBV. has devolved responsibility for health, social The report Uncharted Territory (2013), offered a of socially ascribed gender roles and norms We then share findings around resilience and care and education of migrants, refugees and starting point to understand how Wales deals (UNHCR 2011). integration of SGBV survivors before setting out asylum seekers as members of Welsh society1. with violence against migrant, refugee and recommendations for improving provision Local authorities in Wales have duties under a asylum seeking women and girls. The follow-up The SEREDA project sought to understand the range of legislation to support those who live in Report Review (2021) provided an overview of in Wales. nature and incidence of SGBV experienced by Wales, including housing and homelessness and the most relevant UK and Welsh Government refugees fleeing conflict and residing in countries the duties placed on them by the Social Services legislation and policy, reviewing the extent to and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014. For example, which the recommendations of 2013 report had the UK government retains responsibility for been actioned. It also considers the impact of the accommodation of asylum seekers who are the pandemic which disproportionately affected destitute and in initial accommodation or are diverse and marginalised subjects. The report then dispersed under the arrangements made for finds that Wales has made substantial progress destitute under the Immigration and Asylum Act in developing practices and designing solutions 1999. However, refugees, asylum seekers and to end violence against women. Nonetheless, significantly, rejected asylum seekers in Wales, most disadvantaged women and girls struggle are entitled to receive free NHS treatment under to access services and protection. Uncharted the National Health Service (Wales) Act 2006, Territory identifies problems and issues which, which is different from England. as highlighted in the Report Review, still need addressing. These include: Refuge provision funding for forced migrants who are victims of domestic, sexual and gender- 1. Meeting the needs of those with No Recourse based violence is a contentious issue outlined to Public Funds legislation (NRPF). in a briefing by Welsh Women’s Aid (WWA). 2. Building the capacity of public bodies to Currently, the UK Government Destitute and have knowledge about and offer provision Domestic Violence Concession (DDVC) is for, forced migrant victims of gender-based available only for those survivors experiencing violence. violence and abuse who are eligible to apply for the Domestic Violence Rule, i.e. those who 3. Addressing the isolation experienced by entered on a spousal/partner visa. Home Office migrant, refugee and asylum seeking women guidance is clear that anyone experiencing in Wales by supporting the development of domestic abuse must be found safe, alternative more migrant-led services. accommodation by the accommodation provider 2 Only as far as the power confers. For example initial accommodation and financial support for destitute asylum seekers are matters for the UK government 6 7
SEREDA Forced migration and sexual and gender-based violence: findings from the SEREDA project in Wales There are several Welsh policies which have relevance for forced migration and SGBV. These are discussed below. Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 Methods In 2015 the National Assembly for Wales passed the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Semi-structured interviews were undertaken between February and March 2022 with 13 forced Right to be Safe Strategy Act 2015. It reflects Welsh society’s commitment migrant2 SGBV survivors, and 13 service provider stakeholders who work with SGBV survivors in ‘The Right to be Safe’ Strategy was published by to a better quality of life for both current and seven different organisations. All forced migrant SGBV survivors and service providers were based the 2011-2016 Welsh Government. It was aimed future generations. The Act lays out seven goals in Wales. Survivors interviewed included men, women and LGBTQIA+ forced migrants from 11 at tackling all forms of violence against women. addressing the four dimensions of sustainable different countries in Africa, South America and South-East Asia (see Table 1). The service provider The six-year strategy identified four key priority development in Wales (environmental, economic, respondents included clinicians, project workers and managers from public sector bodies and local, areas: 1) prevention and raising awareness of social and cultural). The goals are relevant to non-governmental organisations. violence against women and domestic abuse; VAWDASW. They include: A Healthier Wales; 2) providing support for victims and children; A More Equal Wales; and A Wales of Cohesive 3) improving the response of criminal justice Communities. VAWDASV support services for Table 1 Survior interviewees agencies; and 4) improving the response of all are to be provided by incorporating them health services and other agencies. To support in the implementation plans of other key Number of interviews the Strategy, a three-year implementation plan legislations: the Race Equality Action Plan, the Category with 89 actions for delivery was devised. Eighty (13 in total) Gender Equality Plan, the LGBTQIA+ Action actions were reported to be completed by the 4th Plan and the Action on Disability. Other relevant Male 4 Report published in 2014. The Strategy is being legislation include the 2015 Modern Slavery Gender Female 9 refreshed following a public consultation by the Act and the FGM Protection Orders which Welsh Government. apply to both England and Wales. The Destitute Africa 9 Domestic Violence Concession (DDVC) enables Country of origin South-East Asia 2 Violence against Women, Domestic Abuse partners/spouses of British citizens or those with South America 2 and Sexual Violence (Wales) Act 2015 indefinite leave to remain to access services. This Act seeks to bring about an improved public Single 6 The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act sector response to violence against women, 2014 was taken forward from April 2016 as Marital status Married 4 gender-based violence, domestic abuse and the basis of a transformation of social services Divorced / separated 3 sexual violence (VAWDASV). Section 3 of the Act in Wales and provides the legal framework requires Welsh Ministers to prepare, publish, Asylum seeker 1 for improving the well-being of people who Immigration status and review a National Strategy following the need care and support, and carers who need Refused asylum seeker 12 General Election. The “Consultation on the refresh support. The Act is important in the context Primary 2 of the violence against women, domestic abuse of forced migration because it imposes duties and sexual violence National Strategy for 2022 to Secondary 1 on local authorities, health boards and Welsh Level of education 2026”, published on 7 December 2021, has six Ministers that require them to work to promote Tertiary 4 objectives. The proposed sixth objective outlines the well-being of those who need care and Not disclosed 6 the importance of providing all victims with support, or carers who need support; and at equal access to services. It also highlights the Straight 8 the local level authorities, health boards and importance of looking at VAWDASV through an NHS trusts must work closely to ensure better Sexual identity Gay 1 intersectional perspective. integration of health and social care through Not disclosed 4 partnership boards. Later in this report we set Nation of Sanctuary Plan out stakeholders’ views on how the Welsh policy In 2019, the Welsh Government announced that landscape could be used to help improve support Wales would become the world’s first “Nation of for forced migrant SGBV survivors. All interviews were carried out in English. data and monitoring, and treatments and Sanctuary”. This plan is endorsed by the United Survivor respondents were identified via interventions as well as to reflect on the impact Nations. It follows the Welsh Government’s BAWSO. Respondents self-identified as of SGBV on survivors’ integration processes. recommendation to the Senedd not to consent to experiencing SGBV when answering broad the UK Nationality and Borders Bill in its current Ethical approval was received from the screening questions. Interviews explored form because it will increase vulnerability, University of Birmingham Ethical Review experiences of SGBV, identity of perpetrators, especially for migrant women. The Plan sets Committee for the SEREDA project. All support received, factors shaping vulnerability out a series of actions intended to improve the interviews were undertaken with full informed and resilience, help needed and the effects lives of sanctuary seekers in Wales, including a consent with interviewees assured of anonymity of SGBV on resettlement. Service provider commitment to support survivors of VAWDASV, in subsequent reports, discussions and interviewees were identified in conjunction which stresses the importance of meeting the publications. Interviews were recorded and with BAWSO, the Welsh Strategic Migration needs of asylum seekers and refugees. transcribed. Steps were taken to reduce the Partnership and Public Health Wales. Service potential for re-traumatisation, and respondents providers were asked to give an overview of in need of support were referred to the survivors’ experiences, vulnerabilities and appropriate agencies. resilience factors, the services they provided, 2 We use the term forced migrant to denote individuals who have experienced some form of involuntary displacement. It is used to shift attention away from legal definitions to individual experiences. 8 9
SEREDA Forced migration and sexual and gender-based violence: findings from the SEREDA project in Wales Findings should be circumcised or not, but that the father’s consent SEREDA project, uncertainty was experienced as a kind of violence leaving survivors unable to plan for the future and live in fear of return to Disclosing SGBV Disclosure was facilitated when survivors felt Experiences of SGBV or the father’s direction or persecution. safe and that they could trust services. Trust was built through meeting cultural and religious Service providers described the experiences order that’s needed. So, they needs, using a trauma-informed approach, and of SGBV that they encountered as being believe that if my wife has Talking about SGBV giving people the time they need both in terms of varied across services and with some having escaped, they believe that While it is important that definitions incorporate length of appointment but also the duration they much more contact with survivors than differences in modes of working and the remit are supported by an organisation. BAWSO talked others. Many services received disclosures of definitely it must have been of different organisations, there needs to be a about ensuring that service delivery is embedded SGBV but BAWSO was identified as the only based on my own order or our unified understanding of SGBV which can help in a culturally safe and relevant way, for example organisation working extensively with forced- mutual agreement. And as strengthen responses across services. We found by ensuring religious needs are met to build trust migrant survivors of SGBV. All services who a result of that, they believe that there was no common language used by and eventually support disclosure. Some other received disclosures of SGBV stressed that organisations in Wales to discuss SGBV. The respondents thought that BAWSO was the only every experience of SGBV was different. These that whatever punishment or terminology used depended on the nature of organisation in Wales capable of dealing with included SGBV which occurred at the hands of consequence she deserves for the organisation and the role of the individual gender, forced migration and violence issues multiple perpetrators along the continuum of doing so, I also deserve we interviewed. BAWSO viewed SGBV as simultaneously. Most respondents recognised violence from pre-departure, through conflict, embedded within the social indicators of health, that survivors’ needs changed over time. In flight and refuge. the same. so considered lack of housing or legal support the period after arrival, most were focused on Busuyi also as SGBV. They also referred to specific meeting basic needs such as housing. One Welsh Often SGBV was not disclosed or addressed types of experience i.e. forced marriage or Government respondent felt that meeting those until survivors were referred to BAWSO. Service Risks of violence do not necessarily end after domestic violence. Those working for the Welsh needs and then “leaving the door open” might providers also mentioned family violence individuals have claimed asylum. Victims of Government in some capacity tended to utilise encourage people to disclose at a later stage. or highlighted that the intensity of violence human trafficking and modern slavery remain at the expression violence against women, domestic A NHS respondent said that repeated contact increased with the length of the journey. One risk of exploitation. In addition, survivors who abuse, and sexual violence (VAWDASV) which with individuals i.e. through vaccinations and organisation had written a report highlighting have fled interpersonal violence in their country was said to act as an umbrella term encompassing consultations combined with trauma-informed how unsafe LGBTQIA+ people were in asylum of origin or within Wales can remain at risk if specific harms. Organisations focussing on practice builds trust with forced migrants and housing where many have been subject to located by perpetrators. One respondent faced modern slavery and human trafficking used thus supports those who may have experienced physical and verbal abuse, with trans women an ongoing risk that their children would be those expressions to fit the remit of their work. SGBV to disclose when they are ready. being at particular risk. kidnapped and returned to her country of origin One organisation used domestic violence and for FGM. Although incidents were reported to Co-locating services was said to be an effective The survivors interviewed had experienced wide coercive control, believing all violence fits under the Police, it was difficult to predict whether mechanism to encourage disclosure as survivors ranging forms of violence. These included forced this umbrella as all violence, as an abuse of future kidnap attempts might occur. build familiarity with a setting and the people and child marriage, FGM or threats of FGM power, is a form of coercion. Some organisations within it. There was a consensus that service directed at female children, rape within country said they were unsure what expressions to use providers needed training to be able to have of origin by individuals or groups, witnessing Someone hinted me that some and tended to interchange terminology. These “sensitive conversations” and to know how to sexual assault, SGBV in transit, pregnancy by organisations tended to refer all cases on to rape, death threats associated with sexual of my family were planning BAWSO. respond to disclosure. We were told that some individuals did disclose to organisations shortly identity, sex trafficking and abuse directed at a on coming to the UK, maybe Amongst survivors, many expressed that after arrival in Wales but no referral was made, woman who gave birth to a disabled child. Two to come and kidnap my child, there was a normalisation of violence in leaving them without specialised support. One men recounted stories of trafficking and modern slavery and one had been subject to a forced I don’t know. So, we called their communities or country of origin. This organisation referred women who had not the police and social services. acceptance of violence as normal made seeking disclosed after “having a feeling” that something marriage to an older woman when he was a child. protection difficult. For example, respondents was not right. One man had to flee his country of origin because So now they can’t take the who had experienced or escaped FGM said he had refused to allow his daughters to be cut. Also, he contravened gender norms wherein he children out of the UK because that laws against FGM were not implemented We give people a bit more was expected to ensure the women in his family they’ve been registered with because society at large was in favour of cutting. time (longer appointments) Many said they would not discuss SGBV within obey him. the courts by social care. their communities because of the stigma around and we have co-located Red Bass sexual assault. Another survivor excused the In my community or in my perpetrator who enslaved him, arguing that Cross support workers in our tribe, there is a belief and is In addition to SGBV, many respondents he was grateful for having clothes, food and department and two of those saying, and a tradition that experienced racist harassment which was somewhere to stay in the UK. Some survivors did are women, and one of them particularly common in less diverse settlement the husband is the head of areas. Several respondents discussed the not perceive experiences of violence as violence, speak Somali and one of them even when discussing incidents during the the family. They believe that structural violence they were subject to living interview. speaks Arabic and two of them whatever decision that has in poverty, with highly restricted access to work also have lived experience of or study and unable to make even basic choices to take place in the family, it in their life, i.e. about where and with whom to I have been assaulted. Like, seeking asylum as well, and is the responsibility of a man. live. Regardless of their situation Social Services they stole things from me in now have refugee status, and We believe that no woman were said to only be interested in the living public areas. I’ve been robbed. so I think just the fact that we conditions of forced migrant children, sometimes employ individuals like that, can take an action or take a leaving vulnerable adults living in extremely Is that violence? decision about whether a child poor conditions. As reported elsewhere in the Lisa with lived experience in our department to show sort of 10 11
SEREDA Forced migration and sexual and gender-based violence: findings from the SEREDA project in Wales an understanding and that we the lawyers, they don’t really I’m talking to God and I think Finally, several respondents highlighted that the absence of mental health support for survivors want to hear the service user want to work with me – they that maybe God just wants me undermined their resilience and ability to engage voice basically, that has really feel like it’s a waste of time to end everything but I don’t with services placing them at risk of further helped build massive trust. and all that… Like, because know how to commit suicide – exploitation and violence. NHS Service Provider I’ve been refused two times, I’m just not that brave. But I’m I went to court one time for also not brave enough to face I’ve been experiencing a lot of While there was an agreement amongst all problems, and one of them is service providers that disclosures of violence an appeal, it has been refused the Home Office. should happen at the survivors’ pace, this was and I applied for a fresh claim Pushpa mental health. I think one of not the case for disclosure of sexuality or gender- and it was also refused so they the principal things that we identity. The LGBTQIA+ organisation argued that This woman leaves her house once a week to can improve is mental health waiting for a disclosure was problematic and that feel like I’m just another failed access food and clothes from BAWSO. survivors should be encouraged to disclose their asylum seeker…They just don’t because when you come A number of respondents pointed to vulnerability gender identity and sexuality as early as possible believe that I’m gay. I gave being generated by an individual’s visa or here, for example, when I was so that they could be placed in safe housing away them lots of evidence, but they immigration status. These included: leaving in my homeland, I used from potentially homophobic co-residents. This is because basic support needed for LGBTQIA+ still say that they don’t believe y Residence in Wales being dependent on to have, you know my career, individuals, such as housing and healthcare, rely I’m gay. Maybe, probably remaining married when on a spousal visa. my friends, my family, also, my on such disclosure. because I have a child or Individuals were subject to intimate partner culture, my food, my language, violence and labour exploitation but would something, I don’t know. not report abuse for fear of detention my form of expression… I Factors increasing Tum and deportation. In addition, the stigma mean when you come here it’s vulnerability to SGBV associated with divorce in their country of like you don’t have any goal Another survivor described being caught in two origin meant they were unable to escape There are a number of factors that make systems: the National Referral Mechanism and abuse by returning. and you just focus on survival. individuals more at-risk to being subjected to SGBV or exacerbating of SGBV traumas. These asylum systems both requiring lots of evidence You’re so intent on surviving, y Victims bound to abusive partners who are include long waiting times and difficult asylum which was not shared across the systems. Others lead applicants in an asylum claim. you have a least to have good processes, precarious visa status; unsafe or described lengthy interviews during which time mental health. inappropriate housing; negative experiences they received no support despite the expectation y Undocumented or rejected asylum seekers that they disclose SGBV. without recourse to public funds were Kingsley of authorities and mistrust of authorities; power imbalances with perpetrators and lack of vulnerable to modern slavery. The age at which an individual was trafficked understanding or awareness of violence, rights, into the UK impacted on their ability to access The nature of asylum accommodation was Factors enabling resilience and law. knowledge and resources. For example, two seen as particularly problematic for LGBTQIA+ Service provider respondents reported that respondents were trafficked when less than individuals who risked homophobic attacks if resilience comes when survivors have choice and The means and route by which individuals twelve years of age. They described situations their sexual identity was disclosed. In addition, agency in their lives, often through encountering travelled to the UK shaped vulnerability to SGBV in which they had slipped through the cracks of the low levels of asylum support, widely client-centred or trauma-informed approaches en route with lengthy journeys along informal child protection services. Neither were aware acknowledged to be below the poverty line, within support. Survivors highlighted the pathways particularly dangerous. that they were undocumented and once known or not having access to any cash on Section importance of keeping busy and trying to develop Survivors described extremely long asylum claim to immigration services, rather than receiving 4 support, sometimes drove individuals into skills. Volunteering gave survivors waiting waiting times, lack of transparency of asylum support, they were criminalised, struggled to informal work where they were subject to on their asylum claims, and thus with limited claim assessment processes, having to reapply access appropriate legal support and then spent exploitation and abuse. opportunities to work or study, a purpose. multiple times, and lack of appropriate legal or many years in immigration systems without They hoped the experience gained would help psychological support. The uncertainty around Inability to speak English or Welsh and lack them get a job once they gained status. Some receiving medical or psychological care. One of knowledge about rights and entitlements the outcome of asylum claims and possibility of respondent, who was trafficked into the UK as respondents talked of investing particular effort return to persecution left individuals living in fear were identified as further factors preventing to make friends, recognising the importance of a child, described being imprisoned within the individuals from reporting SGBV. These included: of return for months and years which severely criminal justice system. Both victims of child social networks to their resilience. Volunteering impacted on their mental health. One individual trafficking were expected to provide evidence y The normalisation of violence in some meant they would meet people, feel part of an had been waiting three years for an initial asylum of entry into the UK and of being trafficked cultures meaning victims were unaware that organisation and make friends. Others attended interview while others had been interviewed that was not available to individuals arriving domestic violence (including coercive control) events organised by migrant organisations, several times and were still awaiting a decision. as children. Experiences of those in the asylum is illegal. churches and local communities. One individual Many had their initial claim rejected and were in and immigration systems compounded existing used the ‘BFF mode’ on Bumble and made the process of appeal. One respondent’s asylum y Lack of awareness that racist abuse is a crime friendships through the application. Another harms, leaving them traumatised and suicidal. or where to report such abuse. claim was rejected several times because she had One survivor who had been dispersed to a rural stressed the importance of women’s support not provided enough ‘evidence’ that she is gay. area and had no friends explained: y Lack of knowledge of how and where to groups. Having friends and “a community” made She shared photos and videos but this was still report violence. survivors feel that they belonged when their considered inadequate, leaving her frustrated experiences of the asylum system meant they and unable to know what might constitute I told my husband that y Fear that reporting violence would undermine were outside of mainstream society. Friends an asylum claim. appropriate evidence. sometimes I just can’t control could provide succour in difficult times and made myself. You know when y Lack of knowledge about support services. respondents feel less isolated. The thing is, because my case I’m sleeping in the room, y Inability to trust authorities, with statutory Some survivors described being ‘resilient’ has been exhausted so most of sometimes I’ll be thinking that services in particular mistrusted. because it’s the only ‘option’ they have. Many 12 13
SEREDA Forced migration and sexual and gender-based violence: findings from the SEREDA project in Wales survivors described that their families keep them going. Children provided both a distraction, in to undertake health screenings with newly arrived asylum seekers and receives referrals Interventions and Service of local language classes which had helped her to learn English while making new friends. Two that individuals could focus their energies on directly from the Home Office. They are co- Provision respondents mentioned the importance of access keeping them busy, and ensuring they had the located with the Red Cross and frequently Organisations provide a range of different to the NHS. In one instance, the GP connected best possible lives within the constraints of the make referrals across and also out to BAWSO. services, both collectively and as individual Bab to a number of local organisations who asylum system. Others described continuing to Other organisations described diverse referral organisations but we were told that only offered support despite their having limited endure current deprivations in the hope that pathways with BAWSO appearing to be the only BAWSO’s services were able to support forced knowledge of forced migration. they would be reunited with family again. Some destination that caters to both forced migrants migrant SGBV survivors. SGBV survivors Several survivor and service provider respondents talked of the emotional support and SGBV victims, with all other services in were able to call the Wales National Helpline, respondents noted the absence of appropriate received from partners. Finally survivors referred Wales either specialising in violence support Live Fear Free, managed by Welsh Women’s mental health services for forced migrant to the importance of faith and how praying and (without a BAME or forced migrant lens) or Aid, but specialist support in terms of forced survivors. In particular, there was only one attending church enabled them to cope with their settlement and forced migrant social support migration are referred on to BAWSO. Support service able to work with PTSD and this was current situation. services (without an SGBV lens). such as casework, material aid, settlement so oversubscribed that survivors had to wait at support, health and other wrap around services least 18 months. Survivors struggled to identify Models of working Funding are provided by a range of providers. Service providers offered health screening and support clear pathways into mental health support. Two The Welsh Government was said to operate a Funding for services for SGBV survivors NHS respondents were well aware of the paucity (NHS) and referrals to other services as needed. of mental health services for forced migrant governance model which facilitated partnership appeared to be extremely limited. BAWSO One respondent provides settlement support working and cross-referrals. These include are funded under the National Referral survivors and argued that individuals in need of for new arrivals plus those who are transitioning help were being medicated instead of receiving governance groups around human trafficking and Mechanism (NRM) but much of their work to mainstream services after positive decision modern slavery in which multiple stakeholders is spent supporting women before and after help. It was argued that investing in co-located but work most intensively with individuals in the mental health services would better meet the are made aware of any such situations and survivors go down the NRM route. BAWSO first three months after arrival. This organisation sometimes engaged in cross-agency working, also receives Welsh Government funding mental health needs of survivors. Ideal provision sought to offer services that are client focussed would include a service for psychoeducation for example BAWSO and the Red Cross to support VAWDASV victims, this includes based on the needs of individuals or families and accompanied the Police on suspected modern those experiencing SGBV as well as early and short-term coping mechanisms so people included social support services, housing and develop skills and strategies to cope on arrival. slavery or human trafficking raids. There are also intervention, preventative and educational help with the asylum system. Another provider a range of groups within the VAWDASV regional support, perpetrator intervention programmes, build capacity around voice for advocacy and structure and local strategies that are established and therapeutic recovery interventions for people including training on violence and how There’s a massive gap in to work a range on VAWDASV issues. They adopt the ongoing support of those impacted by a localised approach in terms of funding wherein VAWDASV. Despite this, BAWSO described to work with traumatised SGBV survivors but Cardiff so I end up generally they were not able to routinely offer training assessments are undertaken at local level, and multiple other activities that they undertake on cultural competency or on working with not referring anybody delivery plans prepared setting out local needs. without funding and argued they receive many individuals without recourse to public funds. anywhere with PTSD because However, the approach relies on buy-in from referrals and do much more for their funds than local authorities, which may not be forthcoming. most other organisations. They sometimes apply Survivors listed a range of organisations they there’s nowhere to refer to… The Welsh Government also funds training to for, and receive, funds for specific projects, but used to gain different kinds of support. Most So, I have 3 places to refer help organisations recognise VAWDASV under these are time limited and action specific, and do were housed by the Home Office in one of people with mental health their National Training Framework. not offer the flexibility they need to be agile and the five established dispersal areas in Wales. person-centred. Two of the NHS respondents Material interventions such as access to food problems. Firstly, if someone’s The majority of service providers stressed described receiving funding from the NHS for was available in some areas i.e. via the Red got anxiety or depression or that collaboration works well in Wales both in terms of working together and cross-referring. specific activities, one of which was time-limited. Cross, Migrant Help and the Salvation Army. OCD I can refer them to our Another NHS respondent reported that County One survivor also accessed help from an African We were given many examples of effective Community Association. Few survivors had been primary mental health service, Voluntary Councils worked with registered collaboration. community groups to enable access to funds but able to access the mental health services they that’s like a really low tier for was concerned that informal groups do not get need although James and Marie had eventually psycho-education, a bit of Partnership work I would say support despite offering important links into new found mental health interventions had helped group sessions and a bit of is really quite tight, so we will communities. them to begin to recover from trafficking experiences. Another respondent mentioned one-to-one counselling. They work with both statutory and The devolved nature of the Welsh Government the help she had received from her church with don’t deal with PTSD – they was seen to present opportunities for investment voluntary (organisations) and in SGBV services for forced migrants, including several highlighting the importance of social say it’s outside their remit some areas we’ve got really those who were undocumented. Interviewees support received from their wider community. because it’s too specialist. Marie said the most useful support received good working relationships felt that devolved health and housing policy was the sense of community and belonging that So, I then could refer them with probation offered an opportunity to help individuals with no recourse to public funds, as has been the she has felt when engaging with LGBTQIA+ to the CMHT (Community organisations Hoops & Loops and Glitter Cymru. Welsh Refugee Council Service Provider case during the Welsh Government’s ‘Everyone Imam, who had been persecuted in her country Mental Health Teams), the BAWSO received referrals from the police, from In’ initiative during the Covid-19 pandemic. of origin after giving birth to a disabled child, local CMHT and what they The Uncharted Territory Review also identified other organisations who are not experienced possible avenues to explore further in terms of found the activities and days out arranged by would then do is they have in working with minoritised victims and also organisations enabled her to be occupied. The to refer them to a tertiary availability of support that could be provided to parents’ group, at the special needs school received self-referrals. Each new person is assessed and then triaged based on needs. people with NRPF using the Social Services and her child attended, made her feel supported PTSD service which there is Wellbeing Act 2014. Some will be offered emergency services. They and that she is not alone. Several respondents in Cardiff. The waiting list for refer out for counselling, primary medical care, mentioned the importance of having friends who that is 18 months language lessons and housing. NHS2 is funded had been through similar experiences and could NHS Service Provider offer support. Fran pointed to the importance 14 15
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