Financial Wellness - Rhode Island Manufacturers Association

Page created by Scott Maxwell
Financial Wellness - Rhode Island Manufacturers Association

©2021 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Member SIPC
Financial Wellness - Rhode Island Manufacturers Association
Morgan Stanley Financial Wellness

The Case for Financial Wellness
Financial Wellness - Rhode Island Manufacturers Association
What Prevents Your Firm from Thriving?
We Surveyed 1,000 Full-Time Employees of Mid-Sized to Large US Companies and Found
Employees at All Income Levels Are Financially Stressed                                                                   Financial Stress Impacts Productivity (3)

 How much stress are you experiencing in the following areas of your life? (1)

                                                                                               Over half
                                                                                               of workers whose
       58%                          51%                 45%                      44%           households earn
                                                                                               $100,000+ say their                         3 out of 4
                                                                                               finances cause them           of employees with high financial stress say
     Financial                      Work                Health                   Family        stress                                  it distracts them at work
     Concerns                      Situation            Issues                   Issues

                                                                                                                          Employees Are Looking to Their
Employees Have Diverse Financial Needs                                                                                    Employers for Holistic Solutions (4)

 Where do employees need help? (2)                                                                                                       Say it’s important for
                                                                                                                            74%          an employer to offer
     53%            50%                                                                                                                  financial wellness benefits
                                       46%         44%             39%            38%        36%            35%
                                                                                                                                         Say they would be more
                                                                                                                            60%          likely to stay at a job that
    Building      Planning for        Building   Choosing and   Managing Bills   Improving   Managing       Assessing
   Retirement    Their Families’     Emergency     Monitoring   and Spending       Credit      Debt     Insurance Needs
                                                                                                                                         provided useful financial
    Savings          Future           Savings     Investments                                             and Coverage                   wellness programs

Source: Better for Employees, Better for Business: The Case for Employers to Invest in Employee Financial Health, Financial Health Network, 2018. Data comes from a survey of
1,000 U.S. workers employed full-time for companies with more than 500 employees. The survey was conducted on behalf of Financial Health Network in November and December
2018 by Greenwald & Associates, with strategic contributions and financial support from Morgan Stanley.
1. Answered “an extreme amount”, “a great deal” or “a fair amount of stress”
2. Answered ”A great deal or some help”
3. Answered “Very often, often, or sometimes”
4. Answered “Strongly agree or slightly agree”

MORGAN STANLEY FINANCIAL WELLNESS | MAY 2021                                                                          FOR USE WITH INSTITUTIONAL CLIENTS ONLY                   3
Financial Wellness - Rhode Island Manufacturers Association
Highlights from Survey Results
Employees Have Short, and Long-Term Financial Goals

                                                                  Savings Priorities

           Retirement/wealth accumulation                                                                                                        82%

                 Building emergency savings                                                                                            73%

        Large item purchase; car or home                                                                           51%

                            Education expenses                                              29%

                                                       BABY BOOMER                     GEN X           MILLENNIAL

Alight report: 2020 Employee Wellbeing Mindset Study

MORGAN STANLEY FINANCIAL WELLNESS | MAY 2021                                                                      FOR USE WITH INSTITUTIONAL CLIENTS ONLY    4
Financial Wellness - Rhode Island Manufacturers Association
Highlights from Survey Results
Employees Need Help with Attaining their Goals

                     61%                                                                                                                  53%
Believe there’s no way they’ll be                                                                                   Say they are often intimidated by
able to retire at the age they want                                                                                        financial matters

                                                              Feel that their level of debt is
                                                                        ruining the
                                                                    quality of their life

Alight report: 2020 Employee Wellbeing Mindset Study

MORGAN STANLEY FINANCIAL WELLNESS | MAY 2021                                                                      FOR USE WITH INSTITUTIONAL CLIENTS ONLY   5
Financial Wellness - Rhode Island Manufacturers Association
Highlights from Survey Results
Financial Wellness is an Opportunity for Employers Across All Generations

                                           1/3                                                                      78%

                Fewer than 1/3 of workers
                                                                                                 Employees with high
             surveyed have access to benefits
                                                                                               financial stress who say
              that can help them with critical
                                                                                            stress impacts them at work.
                      financial needs.

      Do you currently offer a Financial Wellness Benefit?

Data comes from a survey of 1,000 U.S. workers employed full-time for companies with more than 500 employees. The survey was conducted on behalf of Financial Health
Network in November and December 2018 by Greenwald & Associates, with strategic contributions and financial support from Morgan Stanley.

MORGAN STANLEY FINANCIAL WELLNESS | MAY 2021                                                                    FOR USE WITH INSTITUTIONAL CLIENTS ONLY                6
Financial Wellness - Rhode Island Manufacturers Association
When Employees Thrive, Companies Thrive Too

      Comprehensive                                                          Employees                                                      Company
     Workplace Solutions                                                       Thrive                                                        Thrives

          Compensation & benefits                                            Reduced stress                                             Increased retention

       Financial education & support                               Increased satisfaction at work                                     Increased productivity

    Investment & retirement solutions                                       Increased loyalty                                   Increased utilization of benefits

Source: Better for Employees, Better for Business: The Case for Employers to Invest in Employee Financial Health, Financial Health Network, 2018

MORGAN STANLEY FINANCIAL WELLNESS | MAY 2021                                                                        FOR USE WITH INSTITUTIONAL CLIENTS ONLY         7
Financial Wellness - Rhode Island Manufacturers Association
Morgan Stanley Financial Wellness

Financial Wellness Program
What is Morgan Stanley’s Financial Wellness Offering?
Comprehensive Solutions to Help Address Employee Needs, Wherever They Are Today.

   Financial Education                                                                                                         Financial Coaching (1)
   • Individual onsite financial                                                                                               • One-on-one telephonic-
     consultations, delivered in                                                                                                 based coaching for
     conjunction with seminars and                                                                                               employees with basic
     webinars                                                                                                                    financial needs
   • Self-service digital Financial
     Wellness Portal, matching
     employees with personalized
     educational journeys
   Financial Planning                                                       SOLUTIONS                                          Executive Financial
   Solutions                                                                                                                   Planning Services
   • Employee has the                                                                                                          • Financial Advisors help with
     capability to implement the                                                                                                 understanding complex
     financial plan to meet their                                                                                                investment and wealth
     goals                                                                                                                       structuring needs
   • Financial Advisors                                                                                                        • Personal tax solutions
     create and implement                                                                                                        available (2)
     personalized wealth plans

1. Financial Coaching provided by My Secure Advantage.
2. Tax Preparation and Planning Services are offered for an additional fee through PricewaterhouseCoopers and Ernst & Young.

MORGAN STANLEY FINANCIAL WELLNESS | MAY 2021                                                                     FOR USE WITH INSTITUTIONAL CLIENTS ONLY        9
Morgan Stanley Financial Wellness

Our Digital Financial Wellness
Empower Your Employees Through Our Custom Digital Portal
Tailored Education and Solutions for Employees to Help Achieve Their Financial Goals.

            Journey begins with a
            financial wellness

            Gamified experience
            based on assessment

            Learn from 150+
            articles, webinars,
            videos and tools

            Receive detailed
            insights on employee


Financial Education: Wellness Assessment
Your Employees Have the Option to Measure Their Financial Fitness and be Matched with
Personalized Journeys Through Our Wellness Assessment.

          ASSESSMENT                                   OUTCOME                                          ACTION

                                             Financial Wellness medals will guide
   We start by asking questions to better                                                      Each journey will provide your
                                             the employee on the strength of their
  understand who your employee is, how                                                     employees with steps to complete, with
                                                  financial fitness followed by
    they feel about their finances and                                                     the goal to help improve their financial
                                            showcasing personalized journeys that
        what’s important to them.                                                                        wellbeing.
                                              are specific to their financial needs.

MORGAN STANLEY FINANCIAL WELLNESS | MAY 2021                                           FOR USE WITH INSTITUTIONAL CLIENTS ONLY        12
Interactive Digital Portal – Sample User Journey
We Make It Easy for Employees to Get Started, Wherever They Are on Their Financial Journey.
                            LANDING PAGE                          FINANCIAL WELLNESS ASSESSMENT

                                                      USER JOURNEYS



Morgan Stanley Financial Wellness

Our Human Advice Channel
Engaging Education at All Levels
Helping Your Employees Make Better Decisions Through Onsite Seminars and Webinars.

                                                      EXAMPLE SEMINAR TOPICS
                                                                         • Morgan Stanley Financial Wellness
                                                       FINANCIAL           Program Overview
                                                       FUNDAMENTALS      • The Path to Financial Wellness
                                                                         • Investing 101

                                                                         • Retirement Planning Basics
                                                                         • Choosing Investments for Your
                                                                           401(k) / 403(b)

                                                                         • Planning for Long-Term Care
                                                                         • Planning and Saving for College
    Delivered by trained Financial Advisors            PLANNING
                                                                         • Financial Considerations for Divorce

    Offered to your broad employee base                CLIENT SEGMENTS   • Raising Money-Savvy Kids
                                                       & LIFE            • Assuming the Role of Caregiver
    Rich library of ready-to-present seminars, live    TRANSITIONS       • Planning for Special Needs Children
    and on-demand webinars
                                                       WEALTH            • Impact Investing
    Seminar customization and content production       MANAGEMENT        • The Value of Professional Advice
                                                                         • Women and Wealth
    services available
                                                                         • Equity 101
                                                       CUSTOM EQUITY
    Ability to target subgroups of your population     TOPICS            • Setting Your Equity Up for Success
                                                                         • ESPP 101

Individual Financial Consultations
One-on-One Consultations with a Morgan Stanley Financial Advisor to Help Employees
Answer Financial Questions in a Private Setting.

      What’s the best way to save for                                                         How can I maximize usage of
       my child’s college education?                                                            my company benefits?

   How can creating a budget                                                                              What are some options
   help me reach my financial                                                                           for repaying or refinancing
             goals?                                                                                          my student loans?

                                            EXAMPLE CONSULTATION TOPICS
                                                                                                            •   Divorce: Planning for the New
                               •   Planning for Long-Term Care
          FINANCIAL                                                                   LIFE                      Beginning
                               •   Raising Money-Savvy Kids
          FUNDAMENTALS                                                                TRANSITIONS           •   Assuming the Role of Caregiver
                               •   Retirement Income Planning
                                                                                                            •   Starting a Family
          FINANCIAL            •   The Fundamentals of Investing
                                                                                                            •   The Value of Professional Advice
          PLANNING             •   Retirement Saving Through Your                     WEALTH
                                                                                                            •   Investing with Impact
          BASICS                   401(k) / 403(b)                                    MANAGEMENT
                                                                                                            •   Diversification and Allocation
                               •   Planning for the Future

            Consultations are typically delivered in conjunction with seminars and / or webinars. Topics listed are examples only.

MORGAN STANLEY FINANCIAL WELLNESS | MAY 2021                                                  FOR USE WITH INSTITUTIONAL CLIENTS ONLY            16
Financial Planning Solutions for All Levels
Addressing a Spectrum of Needs, from the Broad Employee Base to the C-Suite,

      PHONE-BASED                                                 MID-LEVEL MANAGER                                            EXECUTIVE FINANCIAL
      FINANCIAL COACHING (1)                                      FINANCIAL PLANNING                                           PLANNING

      Common Topics Include:                                      Common Topics Include:                                       Common Topics Include:
      •   Understanding and establishing                          •   Validating savings strategies for                        •   Complex wealth management
          a budget                                                    retirement                                                   strategies
      •   Managing debt and credit                                •   Basic wealth management services                         •   Estate planning strategies and
      •   Beginning to save for retirement                        •   Maximizing investment strategies                             tax planning (2)
          and college expenses                                    •   Planning for education costs                             •   Understanding unique
      •   Understanding the importance of                                                                                          compensation
          long-term savings                                                                                                    •   Wealth structuring and transition

      Coaches available to                                        A Financial Advisor works                                    A highly experienced
      discuss basic financial topics                              with your managers to                                        Financial Advisor works with
      and deliver support and                                     develop and implement a                                      your executives to coordinate
      guidance                                                    goals-based financial plan                                   a holistic wealth strategy

1. Financial Coaching provided by My Secure Advantage.
2. Tax Preparation and Planning Services are offered for an additional fee through PricewaterhouseCoopers and Ernst & Young.

MORGAN STANLEY FINANCIAL WELLNESS | MAY 2021                                                                       FOR USE WITH INSTITUTIONAL CLIENTS ONLY             17
Financial Coaching to Help Build Healthy Financial Habits
Your Employees Have Questions – Connect Them With Coaches that Can Help.

                How will                        What are                                    UNBIASED
           I fund my child’s                   some ways                                    OFFERING
                 college                     I can decrease                                 Provides one-on-one financial coaching through
                                                                                            a product agnostic, phone-based service called
               education?                       my debt?
                                                                                            My Secure Advantage.

 How can I create                                        What are my
  a budget plan                                           options for                       APPEALS TO ALL
 to help me reach                                          repaying                         EMPLOYEES
     my goals?                                          student loans?                      Offers guidance for every age, professional level,
                                                                                            salary and life event – topics include budgeting,
                                                                                            saving for goals, debt management and credit issues.

                                                                                            MAXIMIZE EMPLOYEE
                                                                                            Helps employees navigate complex financial
                                                                                            decisions with a proven methodology that can help support
                                                                                            behavior change.

Financial coaching services are provided through our partnership with My Secure Advantage

MORGAN STANLEY FINANCIAL WELLNESS | MAY 2021                                                           FOR USE WITH INSTITUTIONAL CLIENTS ONLY          18
Financial Planning for Mid-Level Managers
Helping Managers Understand the Importance of Establishing a Financial Plan.


  Access to a                   Complete a goals-            Investment                   Retirement                   Company-            Tax services
  dedicated                     based financial plan,        strategies including         readiness                    sponsored benefit   available for an
  Financial Advisor             delivered annually           asset allocation, tax-       and education                consultation        additional cost (1)
                                with mid-year                efficient strategies,        funding planning
                                check-in to adjust           and investment
                                for any life changes         implementation


           DISCOVER                                        ADVISE                                  TAKE ACTION                        TRACK PROGRESS

1. Tax Preparation and Planning Services are offered for an additional fee through PricewaterhouseCoopers and Ernst & Young.

MORGAN STANLEY FINANCIAL WELLNESS | MAY 2021                                                                       FOR USE WITH INSTITUTIONAL CLIENTS ONLY       19
Comprehensive Executive Financial Planning
   Work With a Highly Experienced Financial Advisor to Coordinate a Holistic Wealth Strategy,
   Including an In-Depth Overview of Company Benefits That are Unique to Executives.
                                                                             INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT
                                                                             Asset Allocation, Traditional Investments,
                                                                             Alternatives, Risk and Liquidity Management
                    MANAGEMENT SERVICES                                                                                                TAX STRATEGIES
               Advice on Planned Giving Vehicles                                                                                       Tax-Efficient Investment
                    e.g. Charitable Trusts, Family                                                                                     Strategies, Tax Preparation
                                                                              FINANCIAL ADVISOR TEAM
               Foundations, Donor-Advised Funds                                                                                        Coordination (4)
                                                                                    What’s Included
                                                                             • Comprehensive financial plan,
                          CASH MANAGEMENT                                      delivered annually                                      TRUST AND ESTATE
                               AND LENDING                                   • Estate planning strategy reviews                        PLANNING STRATEGIES
                                                                               with family office team
                           Active Assets Account,                            • Minimum of 4 meetings per year,                         Wealth Transfer Strategies,
                 Morgan Stanley Credit Cards from                              delivered quarterly                                     Intergenerational Needs,
                   American Express, Residential                             • Access to additional planning                           Trust & Estate Planning
                      Mortgage Loans, Securities                               specialists as needed                                   Strategy Professionals (1) (2)
                                   Based Lending

                                                                                                                                     COMPENSATION &
                                        INSURANCE                                                                                    BENEFITS PLANNING
                               Life, Long-Term Care,                                                                                 Compensation Planning &
                                          Disability (3)                                                                             Analysis, Stock Awards, Stock

1. Although they may be admitted attorneys, Wealth and Estate Planning Strategists and other Estate Planning Strategies personnel holding legal degrees are acting purely in a non-
   representative capacity. Neither they or Morgan Stanley provide tax or legal advice to clients or to Morgan Stanley.
2. Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC does not accept appointments nor will it act as a trustee but it will provide access to trust services through an appropriate third-party corporate trustee.
3. Insurance products are offered in conjunction with Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC's licensed insurance agency affiliates.
4. Tax Preparation and Planning Services are offered for an additional fee through PricewaterhouseCoopers and Ernst & Young.

   MORGAN STANLEY FINANCIAL WELLNESS | MAY 2021                                                                             FOR USE WITH INSTITUTIONAL CLIENTS ONLY                       20
Morgan Stanley Financial Wellness

Program Implementation and
The Importance of a Benefits Review and Analysis
We Understand how Finances Impact All Aspects of Your Employee’s Wellbeing – From
Everyday Money Management and Supporting Loved Ones to Financing Life Experiences.
We thoughtfully analyze your existing benefits and wellness offerings to guide our programming and identify opportunities
to integrate financial messaging across existing services so your employees can better navigate their financial journey.
Our program addresses the following:

                               Centralized Portal                         Cross-Promote Services
                           One designated place where                     Educates and informs vendors
                            employees can access all                      of the suite of services they can
                           finance-related information,                     refer employees to that can
                         facilitating vendor consolidation.                support their financial needs.

         Seamless Delivery                        Strategic Communications                              High-Touch Support
       Alleviates the burden on HR                      Strategic messaging to                        Offers employees more
     Teams by providing a strategic                    effectively drive financial                  seamless access to one-on-
     framework, ideas and verbiage                  wellbeing topics across various               one support to assist them with
          to integrate the MSFW                           employee offerings.                     their unique needs – when and
                 program.                                                                                where they need it.

MORGAN STANLEY FINANCIAL WELLNESS | MAY 2021                                             FOR USE WITH INSTITUTIONAL CLIENTS ONLY    22
Our Process to Financial Wellness Programming
We Strive to Streamline Onboarding to Drive Utilization Through Communications and
Educational Seminars while Facilitating High-Touch Support and Financial Planning Services.

STEP 1:                                             STEP 2:                                             STEP 3:
•    Disperse the Financial Wellness                •   Assessment results are reviewed and your        •   Upon receipt of your calendar, all
     Assessment to gather what the top                  Financial Wellness calendar is customized to        recommended communication
     financial priorities / concerns are for your       ensure services incorporated are the most           campaigns, educational seminars and
     employees.                                         relevant.                                           high-touch support opportunities are
•    Morgan Stanley Financial Wellness              •   The financial planning services our Financial       visible in one, consolidated view.
     Team reviews your organization’s key               Advisors and educators will deliver are noted
     times of the year, leadership goals,               in your calendar, addressing a spectrum of
     industry trends and existing benefits.             employee needs.

    We collaborate with you to build a cohesive experience for your employees – one that integrates your
    current benefit services and programs into one, cohesive offering. By leveraging our digital portal and
       in-house curriculum, your benefits will be brought to life and help showcase the robust offerings

MORGAN STANLEY FINANCIAL WELLNESS | MAY 2021                                                       FOR USE WITH INSTITUTIONAL CLIENTS ONLY         23
Sample Financial Wellness Dashboard
Financial Wellness Program Results – Q3 2020
OVERALL FINANCIAL WELLNESS                                                                                                                            PROGRAM ENGAGEMENT

Overall Financial Wellness Assessment Score                                Assessment Score Trend                                                     Financial Wellness Engagement

  25th                                                                        70                                                                      Q3 Visits                    2,342
                                     52                                       60
                                     AVG.                                                                                                             YTD Visits                  10,223      Q3 Journeys
                                                                              50                Platform Average
                                        75th                                                                                                          % Returning                   44%       385
                                      PERCENTILE                              30
                                                        This Quarter
                                                                              20                                                                      Q3 Assessments                851       YTD Journeys
                                                                                                                                                      YTD Assessments              1,115      823
                                                                                                 Q3 2019       Q4 2019       Q1 2020       Q2 2020
       0                     70                                                                        00 - 30         31 - 56         57 - 70        % Assessed                    15%

OVERALL INSIGHTS                                                       USER JOURNEY ENGAGEMENT                                                        ONLINE CONTENT: TOP RESOURCES & TOOLS

                                                                                        Journey                     Assigned   Engaged    Completed   Top-5 Articles
                                               do not contribute to
  27%        feel unprepared for     38%       company-sponsored                            1 Paying Down Debt        100%       95%         75%
                                                                                                                                                      1   Retirement: What are your needs?
             retirement                                                                                                                               2   How to Build a Budget
                                               retirement plans
                                                                       Top-5 Journeys

                                                                                              Retirement:                                             3   Consolidating Student Loans
                                                                                            2                          80%       82%         66%
             do not have a                     are not familiar with                          Getting to the Max                                      4   Understanding Your 401(k) Plan
  62%        financial plan put in   65%       different types of                             Creating &                                              5   Do-it-Yourself Mutual Fund Investing
             place to help                     investment products                          3                          77%       78%         60%
                                                                                              Keeping a Budget                                        Top Tools / Calculators
             achieve their goals
                                                                                                Planning your                                         1   How much will I need for retirement?
                                                                                            4                          84%       66%         55%
                                               Currently, have                                  Finances                                              2   How much should I save for my goal?
  70%        are stressed about      74%       some form of debt
                                                                                                                                                      3   How much am I spending?
             their finances                                                                   Paying off
                                                                                            5                          55%       42%         48%
                                                                                              Student Loans                                           4   What is impact of increasing 401k contributions?

     FINANCIAL EDUCATION &                              4                                   635                       9                  851                       31                            107
     PLANNING (TO DATE)                              Seminars                           Attendees                  Webinars             Attendees         Q3 Financial Plans            YTD Financial Plans

                                                                                                For Illustrative Purposes Only.
MORGAN STANLEY FINANCIAL WELLNESS | MAY 2021                                                                                                   FOR USE WITH INSTITUTIONAL CLIENTS ONLY                        24
Who Can You Contact?

                  The Zitzmann Group at Morgan Stanley
                                          One Financial Plaza

                                         Providence, RI 02903




Morgan Stanley Financial Wellness

Financial Planning Services Available
                                                                                                       DIRECTOR OR SENIOR
                                                                GENERAL EMPLOYEE BASE                                                       EXECUTIVE OR C-SUITE
                                                            •    Help in understanding            •   Personalized Wealth Planning      •   Tax Planning and Preparation
                                                                 personal finances.                   based on life stages, needs and       from third-party service providers
                                                            •    Assistance in building and           goals.                            •   Managing complex wealth with
POSSIBLE NEEDS                                                   sticking to a budget.            •   Understanding different               limited time
Tailored Services Dedicated to the Unique                   •    Understanding the long-term          investment strategies.            •   Wealth and Estate Planning
Needs of All Employees                                           impact of debt.                  •   Expanding financial knowledge.        Strategies

To Empower Employees to
Make Sound Financial
                                  As Needed, Phone
                                  Based Financial Coach                  
                                                                                                                                                     
Decisions                         Dedicated Financial
                                  Advisor, with In-Person

Tailored Based on
Level of Need
                                  Personalized Financial
                                  Journeys                               
                                  Complete Financial
From Personalized Financial       Plan, Delivered
Journeys to Robust, Ongoing       Annually
Wealth Management from a

Dedicated Financial Advisor       Ongoing
                                  Financial Planning

                                                                                                               
                                Financial Education
                                Focused on Building
To Help Employees at all Levels the Fundamentals
Pursue Their Financial Goals

                                                                                                                                                     
Increased Care and Coverage     Tax Planning and
                                Preparation Services (1)                                                               Extra Fee (1)                       Extra Fee (1)
as Needs Grow Increase
Specialized Services for Senior

Leaders and Executives            Wealth and Estate
                                  Planning Strategies

                                  Comprehensive Wealth
                                  Planning Dedicated to
                                  Executive Level                                                                                                     
1. Tax Preparation and Planning Services are offered for an additional fee through PricewaterhouseCoopers and Ernst & Young.

MORGAN STANLEY FINANCIAL WELLNESS | MAY 2021                                                                       FOR USE WITH INSTITUTIONAL CLIENTS ONLY                       27

This material has been prepared for informational purposes only. It does not provide individually tailored investment advice. It has been prepared without regard to the individual
financial circumstances and objectives of persons who receive it. Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC (“Morgan Stanley”) recommends that investors independently evaluate particular
investments and strategies, and encourages investors to seek the advice of a Morgan Stanley Financial Advisor. The appropriateness of a particular investment or strategy will
depend on an investor's individual circumstances and objectives.

Asset Allocation and diversification do not assure a profit or protect against loss in declining financial markets.

Insurance products are offered in conjunction with Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, LLCs licensed insurance agency affiliates.

Past performance is not an indication or a guarantee of future results.

Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC does not accept appointments nor will it act as a trustee but it will provide access to trust services through an appropriate third‐party corporate

Certain content on Morgan Stanley Financial Wellness Portal including, but not limited to, calculators is being provided to Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC (“Morgan Stanley”)
pursuant to an agreement with Financial Fitness Group (“FFG”). That content and materials on the Portal have been prepared for educational purposes only and do not constitute
either a recommendation or a solicitation by Morgan Stanley and its employees to purchase or sell any investment or strategy. The calculators are hypothetical and are for illustrative
and informational purposes only and do not represent the return on any investment. Actual results may vary.

Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC (the “Firm”) and its affiliates do not currently offer tax services provided by PricewaterhouseCoopers and Ernst & Young (“the Service Providers”).
The Service Providers are not affiliates of the Firm. Any review of the Service Providers performed by the Firm was based on information from sources that we believe are reliable but
we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness. This referral should in no way be considered to be a solicitation by the Firm for business on behalf of the Service Providers. The
Firm makes no representations regarding the tax services provided by the Service Providers. There may be additional tax service providers that can provide you similar services for
comparative purposes. If you choose to contact the Service Providers, do thorough due diligence, and make your own independent decision.

The Firm will not receive a referral fee for referring you to the Service Providers. The Firm is a diversified financial services company with millions of clients in several countries around
the world. The Firm routinely enters into a variety of business relationships for which either the Firm receives compensation or pays for services, and such business relationships may
include the named Service Providers, its employees or agents, or companies affiliated with the Service Providers.

Individuals should consult their tax advisor for matters involving taxation and tax planning and their attorney for matters involving trust and estate planning, charitable giving,
philanthropic planning and other legal matters. Tax laws are complex and subject to change. Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC (“Morgan Stanley”), its affiliates and Morgan Stanley
Financial Advisors and Private Wealth Advisors do not provide tax or legal advice and are not “fiduciaries” (under ERISA, the Internal Revenue Code or otherwise) with respect to the
services or activities described herein except as otherwise provided in writing by Morgan Stanley and/or as described at Individuals are
encouraged to consult their tax and legal advisors (a) before establishing a retirement plan or account, and (b) regarding any potential tax, ERISA and related consequences of any
investments made under such plan or account.

The returns on a portfolio consisting primarily of sustainable investments or Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) aware investments may be lower or higher than a portfolio
that is more diversified or where decisions are based solely on investment considerations. Because sustainability/ESG criteria exclude some investments, investors may not be able to
take advantage of the same opportunities or market trends as investors that do not use such criteria.

Morgan Stanley offers a wide array of brokerage and advisory services to its clients, each of which may create a different type of relationship with different obligations to you. Please
consult with your Financial Advisor to understand these differences.

MORGAN STANLEY FINANCIAL WELLNESS | MAY 2021                                                                                FOR USE WITH INSTITUTIONAL CLIENTS ONLY                        28
Differences between a brokerage and an investment advisory relationship:
You should understand the differences between a brokerage and advisory relationship. When providing you brokerage services, our legal obligations to you are governed by the
Securities Act of 1933, the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the rules of self‐regulatory organizations such as the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), and state
securities laws, where applicable. When providing you advisory services, our legal obligations to you are governed by the Investment Advisers Act and applicable state securities
laws. These latter advisory obligations govern our conduct and disclosure requirements, creating a legal standard which is referred to as a “fiduciary” duty to you. Please call the help
desk if you have questions about your rights and our obligations to you, including the extent of our obligations to disclose conflicts of interest and to act in your best interest. For
additional answers to questions about the differences between our advisory and brokerage services, please visit our web site at
relationshipwithms/pdfs/understandingyourrelationship.pdf or contact us at 866‐866‐7426.

This is not a financial plan: This material is not a financial plan. A financial plan generally seeks to address a wide spectrum of your long‐term financial needs, and can include
recommendations about insurance, savings, tax and estate planning, and investments, taking into consideration your goals and situation, including anticipated retirement or other
employee benefits. Morgan Stanley will only prepare a financial plan at your specific request using Morgan Stanley approved financial planning software where you will enter into a
written agreement with a Financial Advisor. If you would like to have a financial plan prepared for you, please consult with a Morgan Stanley Financial Advisor. This material provides
a snapshot of your current financial position and can help you to focus on your financial resources and goals, and to create a strategy designed to get you closer toward meeting your
goal. Because the hypothetical results are calculated over many years, small changes can create large differences in potential future results. You should use this material to help you
focus on the factors that are most important to you.

Financial Coaching, provided by My Secure Advantage, in partnership with Morgan Stanley Financial Wellness is for informational and educational purposes only. It does not provide
individually tailored investment advice and has been prepared without regard to the individual financial circumstances and objectives of persons who receive it. Morgan Stanley Smith
Barney LLC (“Morgan Stanley”) recommends that investors independently evaluate particular investments and strategies, and encourages investors to seek the advice of a Morgan
Stanley Financial Advisor for related questions. The appropriateness of a particular investment or strategy will depend on an investor’s individual circumstances and objectives.

The products or services referenced herein are provided by My Secure Advantage, an unaffiliated party. Neither Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC ("Morgan Stanley") nor its affiliates
are the provider of such products or services and will not have any input or responsibility concerning an individual’s eligibility for, or the terms and conditions associated with, these
products or services. Neither Morgan Stanley nor its affiliates shall be responsible for content of any advice, guidance or services provided by My Secure Advantage. Morgan Stanley
or its affiliates may participate in transactions on a basis separate from My Secure Advantage. Morgan Stanley or its affiliates may receive compensation in connection with referrals
made to My Secure Advantage. Any review of the My Secure Advantage performed by Morgan Stanley was based on information from sources that we believe are reliable but we
cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness. This referral should in no way be considered to be a solicitation by the Firm for business on behalf of My Secure Advantage. The Firm
makes no representation regarding the appropriateness or otherwise of the products or services provided My Secure Advantage. There may be additional service providers for
comparative purposes. If you choose to contact My Secure Advantage, do thorough due diligence, and make your own independent decision.

The Morgan Stanley routinely enters into a variety of business relationships for which either the Firm receives compensation or pays for services, and such business relationships may
include the named Service Provider(s), its employees or agents, or companies affiliated with the Service Provider(s). The views, opinions, guidance or advice provided by My Secure
Advantage and/or their financial coaches (who are not Morgan Stanley employees) are solely those of their own, and do not necessarily reflect those of Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
LLC, or its affiliates. Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, its affiliates and Morgan Stanley Financial Advisors and Private Wealth Advisors do not provide tax or legal advice. Individuals
should consult their tax advisor for matters involving taxation and tax planning and their attorney for matters involving trust and estate planning, charitable giving, philanthropic
planning and other legal matters.

Alternative investments often are speculative and include a high degree of risk. Investors could lose all or a substantial amount of their investment. Alternative investments are
appropriate only for eligible, long‐term investors who are willing to forgo liquidity and put capital at risk for an indefinite period of time. They may be highly illiquid and can engage in
leverage and other speculative practices that may increase the volatility and risk of loss. Alternative Investments typically have higher fees than traditional investments. Investors
should carefully review and consider potential risks before investing.

The Morgan Stanley Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc. (“MS GIFT, Inc.”) is an organization described in Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. MS
Global Impact Funding Trust (“MS GIFT”) is a donor‐advised fund. Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC provides investment management and administrative services to MS GIFT.
MORGAN STANLEY FINANCIAL WELLNESS | MAY 2021                                                                                 FOR USE WITH INSTITUTIONAL CLIENTS ONLY                            29
While we believe that MS GIFT provides a valuable philanthropic opportunity, contributions to MS GIFT are not appropriate for everyone. Other forms of charitable giving may be more
appropriate depending on a donor's specific situation. Of critical importance to any person considering making a donation to MS GIFT is the fact that any such donation is an
irrevocable contribution. Although donors will have certain rights to make recommendations to MS GIFT as described in the Donor Circular & Disclosure Statement, contributions
become the legal property of MS GIFT when donated.

The Donor Circular & Disclosure Statement describes the risks, fees and expenses associated with establishing and maintaining an MS GIFT account. Read it carefully before

Individuals executing a 10b5‐1 trading plan should keep the following important considerations in mind:
(1) 10b5‐1 trading plans should be approved by the compliance officer or general counsel of the individual’s company.
(2) A 10b5‐1 trading plan may require a cessation of trading activities at times when lockups may be necessary to the company (i.e., secondary offerings, pooling transactions, etc.).
(3) A 10b5‐1 trading plan does not generally alter the restricted stock or other regulatory requirements (e.g., Rule 144, Section 16, Section 13) that may otherwise be applicable.
(4) 10b5‐1 trading plans that are modified or terminated early may weaken or cause the individual to lose the benefit of the affirmative defense.
(5) Public disclosure of 10b5‐1 trading plans (e.g., via press release) may be appropriate for some individuals.
(6) Most companies will permit 10b5‐1 trading plans to be entered into only during open window periods.
(7) Morgan Stanley, as well as some issuers, imposes a mandatory waiting period between the execution of a 10b5‐1 trading plan and the first sale pursuant to the plan.

The products or services referenced herein are provided by, an unaffiliated party. Neither Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC ("Morgan Stanley") nor its affiliates are the
provider of such products or services and will not have any input or responsibility concerning an individual’s eligibility for, or the terms and conditions associated with, these products
or services. Neither Morgan Stanley nor its affiliates shall be responsible for content of any advice, guidance or services provided by Morgan Stanley or its affiliates may
participate in transactions on a basis separate from Morgan Stanley or its affiliates may receive compensation in connection with referrals made to Any
review of performed by Morgan Stanley was based on information from sources that we believe are reliable but we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness. This
referral should in no way be considered to be a solicitation by the Firm for business on behalf of The Firm makes no representation regarding the appropriateness or
otherwise of the products or services provided There may be additional service providers for comparative purposes. If you choose to contact, do thorough
due diligence, and make your own independent decision. The Morgan Stanley routinely enters into a variety of business relationships for which either the Firm receives compensation
or pays for services, and such business relationships may include, its employees or agents, or companies affiliated with The views, opinions, guidance or
advice provided by and/or their employees (who are not Morgan Stanley employees) are solely those of their own, and do not necessarily reflect those of Morgan
Stanley Smith Barney LLC, or its affiliates.

The Active Assets Account is a brokerage account offered through Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC.

The Morgan Stanley Debit Card is currently issued by UMB Bank, n.a., pursuant to a license from MasterCard International Incorporated. MasterCard and Maestro are registered
trademarks of MasterCard International Incorporated. The third‐party trademarks and service marks contained herein are the property of their respective owners.

The Morgan Stanley Credit Card from American Express is only available for clients who have an eligible Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC brokerage account (“eligible account”).
Eligible account means a Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC brokerage account held in your name or in the name of a revocable trust where the client is the grantor and trustee,
except for the following accounts: Charitable Remainder Annuity Trusts, Charitable Remainder Unitrusts, irrevocable trusts and employer‐sponsored accounts. Eligibility is subject to
change. American Express may cancel your Card Account and participation in this program, if you do not maintain an eligible account. Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC may
compensate your Financial Advisor and other employees in connection with your acquisition or use of the Morgan Stanley Credit Card from American Express.

The Morgan Stanley Credit Card from American Express is issued by American Express Bank, FSB, not Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Services and rewards for the Cards are
provided by Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, American Express, or other third parties. Restrictions and other limitations apply. See the terms and conditions for the Cards for
details. Clients are urged to review fully before applying. See the terms and conditions for the Cards for details. Clients are urged to review fully before applying. Morgan Stanley, its
affiliates, and Morgan Stanley Financial Advisors and employees are not in the business of providing tax or legal advice. Clients should speak with their tax advisor regarding the
potential tax implications of the Rewards Program upon their specific circumstances.

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The Morgan Stanley Mobile App is currently available for iPhone® and iPad® from the App StoreSM and AndroidTM on Google PlayTM. Subject to certain terms and conditions.
Standard messaging and data rates from your provider may apply.

Borrowing against securities may not be appropriate for everyone. You should be aware that there are risks associated with a securities based loan, including possible maintenance
calls on short notice, and that market conditions can magnify any potential for loss. For details please see the important disclosures below.

Tailored Lending is a loan/line of credit product offered by Morgan Stanley Private Bank, National Association, an affiliate of Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. A Tailored Lending
credit facility may be a committed or demand loan/line of credit. All Tailored Lending loans/lines of credit are subject to the underwriting standards and independent approval of
Morgan Stanley Private Bank, National Association. Tailored Lending loans/lines of credit may not be available in all locations. Rates, terms, and programs are subject to change
without notice. Other restrictions may apply. The information contained herein should not be construed as a commitment to lend. Morgan Stanley Private Bank, National Association is
a Member FDIC that is primarily regulated by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.

Important Risk Information for Securities Based Lending: You need to understand that: (1) Sufficient collateral must be maintained to support your loan(s) and to take future
advances; (2) You may have to deposit additional cash or eligible securities on short notice; (3) Some or all of your securities may be sold without prior notice in order to maintain
account equity at required maintenance levels. You will not be entitled to choose the securities that will be sold. These actions may interrupt your long‐term investment strategy and
may result in adverse tax consequences or in additional fees being assessed; (4) Morgan Stanley Bank, N.A., Morgan Stanley Private Bank, National Association or Morgan Stanley
Smith Barney LLC (collectively referred to as “Morgan Stanley”) reserves the right not to fund any advance request due to insufficient collateral or for any other reason except for any
portion of a securities based loan that is identified as a committed facility; (5) Morgan Stanley reserves the right to increase your collateral maintenance requirements at any time
without notice; and (6) Morgan Stanley reserves the right to call securities based loans at any time and for any reason.

To be eligible for a securities based loan, a client must have a brokerage account at Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC that contains eligible securities, which shall serve as collateral
for the securities based loan.

Residential mortgage loans/home equity lines of credit are offered by Morgan Stanley Private Bank, National Association, an affiliate of Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. With the
exception of the pledged‐asset feature, an investment relationship with Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC does not have to be established or maintained to obtain the residential
mortgage products offered by Morgan Stanley Private Bank, National Association. All residential mortgage loans/home equity lines of credit are subject to the underwriting standards
and independent approval of Morgan Stanley Private Bank, National Association. Rates, terms, and programs are subject to change without notice. Residential mortgage loans/home
equity lines of credit may not be available in all states; not available in Guam, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Other restrictions may apply. The information contained herein
should not be construed as a commitment to lend. Morgan Stanley Private Bank, National Association is an Equal Housing Lender and Member FDIC that is primarily regulated by the
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System Unique Identifier #663185. The proceeds from a residential mortgage loan (including draws
and advances from a home equity line of credit) are not permitted to be used to purchase, trade, or carry eligible margin stock; repay margin debt that was used to
purchase, trade, or carry margin stock; or to make payments on any amounts owed under the note, loan agreement, or loan security agreement; and cannot be deposited
into a Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC or other brokerage account.

Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC is a registered Broker/Dealer, Member SIPC, and not a bank. Where appropriate, Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC has entered into
arrangements with banks and other third parties to assist in offering certain banking related products and services.

Investment, insurance and annuity products offered through Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC are: NOT FDIC INSURED | MAY LOSE VALUE | NOT BANK GUARANTEED

© 2021 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Member SIPC.                                                                                            CRC 3439801 02/2021

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