Fidalgo Elementary School Parent/Student Handbook 2021-22

Page created by Albert Reynolds
Fidalgo Elementary School Parent/Student Handbook 2021-22
Fidalgo Elementary School Parent/Student Handbook

    Fidalgo Falcons - Vision                                                  Fidalgo Falcons - Mission
               Caring,                                                          We educate all students
              inspired,                                                              to realize their
            productive                                                            individual potentials
        lifelong learners.                                                       and contribute to their

                                        Fidalgo Falcons - Pledge
                   I am a confident Fidalgo Falcon. I am caring, smart, and creative.
               I achieve my goals through effort. I am inspired by my hopes and dreams.
                    I have ideas for the future. I am capable of success – Yes, I am!

                            13590 Gibralter Road – Anacortes, WA 98221
                               (360) 503-1600

Dear Fidalgo Families,
    A warm welcome to the 2021-22 school year at Fidalgo. The purpose of this handbook is to provide a clear
and central source of information about Fidalgo Elementary School.
    Throughout the year, watch for the electronic Fidalgo Family Flyer that is sent out regularly to families. To
reduce paper use and postage costs, the school uses email as our primary source of written communication,
so please make sure that your email address/addresses are accurate on your child’s emergency form, and
notify the office if they change during the school year. If you are not able to receive email, contact the school
office to request hard copies. The Fidalgo Family Flyer will keep you informed about school activities, many of
which are supported by our wonderful Fidalgo PTA.
    Fidalgo has a strong tradition of parent involvement. I encourage you to support your PTA and the many
activities they provide.
    No handbook can anticipate every question, so I encourage you to contact me whenever you have
questions throughout the year (360) 503-1600, or email me at . I am always happy to
help! Also, please contact me if you have input on improving the handbook. It is updated annually, and your
feedback is an important part of the revisions that are made.


Tara Dowd, Principal

Fidalgo Elementary School Parent/Student Handbook 2021-22

Staff Roster, Staff Contact Information                    3

General Information
      Assessment Data – District and School                4
      Attendance                                           4
               Attendance and Becca Bill
               Release of Student Before Dismissal
      Bicycles, Skateboards, Rollerblades, and Scooters    5
      Birthdays                                            5
      Bus Information                                      5
               Infofinder/ To Receive Services
               Kindergarten Riders
               Last Minute Calls/ Transportation Changes
      Calendar for ASD                                      5
      Car Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures                   5
      Civility Policy                                       6
      Counseling                                            6
      Daily Schedule                                        6
      Dress Code                                            7
      Family Communication – Fidalgo Family Flyer           7
      Family Legal Papers                                   7
      Family Privacy                                        7
      Food Services                                         7
      Homework                                              8
      Lost and Found                                        9
      Military Families                                     9
      Pets                                                  9
      PTA                                                   9
      Personal Belongings                                  10
      Recesses                                             10
      Reporting of Student Progress                        10
               Report Cards and Parent Conferences
      Snow and Other Emergency Closures                    10
               Adverse Weather Closures/ Delays
               Other Closures
               Emergency Dismissal
               Emergency Preparedness
      Special Programs                                     11
      Technology, Textbooks, and Other Supplies            11
      Telephones – Student Use of                          11
      Visitors and Volunteers                              11
      Withdrawals                                          12

Behavior Expectations and Proactive Supports               12-16

Health and Safety                                          16-17

Nondiscrimination Statement                                17

Staff Roster

 Teachers                                                        Office Staff
 Stacy Adam                         Kindergarten                 Kristie Calvert           Office Manager
 Michelle Goodwin                   Kindergarten                 Tara Dowd                 Principal
 Kelly Pantoleon                    Kindergarten                 Kimberly Smith            Attendance
 Dana Starck/ Chelsey Olsen         Kindergarten
 Barbara Meaders                    1st Gr.                      Health Room Staff
 Kris Roney                         1st Gr.                      Kristen Lujan             Health Room Aide
 Terri Sommers                      1st Gr.                      Jordyn Vereecken          School Nurse
 Mindy Fisher/ Shannon Pickens      2nd Gr.
 Stephanie Ward                     2nd Gr.                      Classroom and
 Jaime Zullo                        2nd Gr.                      School Support
 Megan Anderson                     3rd Gr.                      Brandi Black              Para Educator
 Colleen Marinkov                   3rd Gr.                      Nicole Coleman            Para Educator
 Elizabeth Ritter                   3rd Gr.                      Jean Crookes              Para Educator
 David Hancock                      4th Gr. Departmentalized     Kristin Dawley            Para Educator
 Jon Sheriff                        4th Gr. Departmentalized     Kristy Pigeon             Para Educator
 Kirk McCarthy                      4th Gr. Student Teacher      Kathryn Postera           Para Educator
 Danica Almvig                      5th Gr. Departmentalized     Jesse Robles              Para Educator
 Nozipho “Zee” Sheriff              5th Gr. Departmentalized     Carrie Strom              Para Educator
 Dawn Uroff                         5th Gr. Departmentalized
 Tony Davidson                      Science
 Tina Franulovich-Martin            Music                        School Support
 Jeff Thomas                        Physical Education           Janet Wilken              Library Para
                                                                 Sarah Bradshaw            Custodian
 Support Services                                                Ryleigh Lloyd             Custodian
 Julia Adams-Jordanger              School Psychologist          Riza Campbell             Kitchen
 Kelly Cox                          Support Teacher (MTSS)       Jennifer Tarleton         Kitchen
 Courtney Miner                     School Counselor
 Victoria Obermeier                 Resource Room Teacher
 Jessica Sturgeon                   Speech
 Kayla Brooks                       Occupational Therapist

To contact staff by email, use the first letter of their first name followed by their last name and
For example, you can email Principal Tara Dowd at

To contact instructional staff by phone, please email them and ask them to call you during a non-
instructional time.

To contact office staff or the principal by phone, call (360)503-1600.

To contact health room staff by phone, call (360)503-1610.

Assessment Data – District and School

District and School Data
    The OSPI Report Cards are parent-friendly resources for data on student demographics, student
performance, and school staff at the school, district, and state levels. Click on this link to access these
resources The Office of the Superintendent of Public
Instruction (OSPI) is the primary agency charged with overseeing K-12 public education in Washington
    SBAC: Students in grades 3-5 take the state SBAC test in reading and math each spring, and 5 th
graders also take a state science assessment. Due to COVID closures, these assessments were not
given in the 2020-21 school year.
    MAP: Additionally, our school district assesses all elementary students in the fall, mid-year, and spring
in reading and math using the Measurement of Academic Progress (MAP) test. The MAP is a
computerized test that gives us information about whether or not a student, as well as an entire grade level, is
making satisfactory progress in basic math and reading skills. In the MAP system the difficulty of the test is
adjusted to the student’s performance. That is, the difficulty of each question is based on how well the student
has answered all of the questions up to that point. As the student answers correctly, the questions become
more challenging. If the student answers incorrectly, the questions become easier. This ensures that each
student is working at an appropriately rigorous level.


Attendance and Becca Bill
    Consistent attendance is fundamental for school success. Research (and common sense) is clear, every
absence negatively impacts academic achievement. With this in mind, please make sure that your child is on
time and at school every day (unless ill, or given extenuating circumstances - such as injury, family emergency,
or religious observance).
    If your child is absent from school for any one of these reasons, notify the school office by phone (360) 503-
1600, or email our Office Manager at that morning to explain the nature of the absence.
If you do not notify us about an absence, we must record it as an unexcused absence.
    The Compulsory School Attendance Law of Washington State, also referred to as the Becca Bill (RCW
28A.225.020), requires that schools report any student with seven or more unexcused absences during a one-
month period, or ten for the year, to the Skagit County Juvenile authorities. Additionally, if a student exceeds
ten absences of any kind in one school year, the school may require a doctor’s note to verify that any
additional absences are excused.
    As much as possible, please schedule appointments outside of the school day and plan family trips for the
long weekends and weeks when school is not in session.
     Attendance and punctuality are learned habit that are critical for school, work, and life success. Thank you
for promoting these habits in your child.
    Students are to be in their classroom when the second bell rings at 9:05 a.m. (a warning bell will ring at 9:00
a.m.). Students who are late to school must bring a note to the office from their parent explaining the reason
for the tardiness, or be signed in by their parent in person. A student who is repeatedly tardy misses important
instruction that occurs at the beginning of class. Please make sure that your child is on time every day.

Release of Students Before Dismissal
   For student safety, parents/guardians picking up their children before the regular dismissal time are
required to sign out their child at the school office before the student is released to them. Please limit early
pickups to family emergencies and appointments that cannot be scheduled outside of the of the school day.

Bicycles, Skateboard, Rollerblades, and Scooters

    Due to our location on a busy road without sidewalks, for students’ safety bikes, skateboards,
rollerblades/skate shoes, and scooters are not allowed at school.

                                       Birthdays – Monthly Celebrations

    Instead of classroom parties, the PTA and principal work together to acknowledge students on their
birthday or birthday month.
    Regarding outside-of-school birthday parties: they are one of the highlights of childhood, for both the
celebrant and the guest. However, to prevent hurt feelings we ask that you not distribute invitations at school.
An exception is if all of the children in the classroom are invited. Otherwise, please mail, email, or make
phone invitations.

                                                 Bus Information

    If your child is coming to and from school by the bus, please use the transportation website to request
transportation services If you have other
questions about bus service, the Transportation Department can be reached at (360) 503-1155.

Kindergarten Riders
   A parent or guardian must be present at the bus stop to pick up their Kindergarten child at the end of the
day. If a guardian is unable to be present, they may designate another adult by submitting a written note to the
Transportation Office in advance. Submit your request to the Transportation Director, Karen
Garrison, or call (360) 503-1155.

Students may only ride their assigned bus routes. The Transportation Department is not able to
accommodate requests to have students ride on other buses, for example to go home with a friend. If your
child usually rides the bus, but will be a car pick up on a given day, please call the school office by 2:30 p.m.

                                                Calendar for ASD

   For this year’s school calendar, click on this link: ASD Calendar. Please monitor the Fidalgo Family Flyer
that is typically emailed to parents each week for more school calendar items.

                                     Car Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures

    If you are dropping off or picking up your child by car, use the northeast entrance on Gibralter Road and
follow the loop which is designed to prevent cars from getting backed up on the road. Do not use the main
south entrance (by the flagpole and front doors to the school) at arrival and dismissal as that is reserved for
school busses during those times.
     • Earliest drop off in the morning is 8:50 a.m. (there is no supervision available before this time)
     • Parents must remain in their vehicles at drop off and pick up (for safety and traffic flow reasons)
     • Each household is provided a number and visor placards for their child (same number for siblings in the
         same household). Please rubber-band the placard to your visor and flip it down to display the number
         when picking up your child. We assign all families at Fidalgo a number. Even if your child typically
         rides the bus, attach this number on your car visor, or stick it in your glove compartment, so you have it
         if you need it.
     • As parents arrive at dismissal (3:35 on Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri., and 2:35 on Wed.), an adult supervisor
         will release students from the inside hallway waiting area into your vehicle.
     • Do not use cell phones so that you are alert to students and ready to move forward as needed
     • If you need to come into the school, please park your car in a parking slot - never leave your car
         unattended in the drop-off/ pick-up line.
If you misplace your placard, park in the lot and come into the office with your ID where we will issue you
a new placard. Do not leave your car in the drop-off/ pick-up line.
   If you need to have a friend or family member who does not have the visor placard pick up your
student for you, call the school office an hour before dismissal and let us know who will be picking up your
student for that day. Tell your friend/family member to park and bring their ID to the office to sign the student
out when school is dismissed. The student will then be notified to come to the office to be picked up.
   If you need to change your student’s pick-up plan (from bus to car) for the day, call the school office
before 2:30 p.m. - 360-503-1600. Changes should only be made when it is an emergency.

                                                     Display your family number on car visor.

                                                     Stay in your car.

                                                     Pull all the way forward to prevent backups on
                                                     Gibralter Road.

                                                 Civility Policy

   To promote a safe and productive learning environment, the Anacortes School District has Civility Policy
and Procedures that address interactions between staff, parents, and other community members during district
and school-sponsored activities and events. These interactions, whether in person, via phone, text, email,
written correspondence, social media or any other medium, are to be civil and mutually respectful.
   Following are some key points of the Civility Policy: “The Board believes that the overwhelming majority of
individuals will conduct themselves in a civil manner…The District encourages open communication, but will
not tolerate aggressive, antagonistic, rude, hostile, or abusive conduct and/or communication by any person in
any form… The civility policy does not deprive any person of his or her right to freedom of expression or
access to any District property, as long as such conduct is mutually respectful…”
   Please see the links below for the full policy/procedure:
ASD Civility Policy 4025
ASD Civility Procedure 4025P


   Our school counselor, Courtney Miner, works four days a week and can help students with personal, social,
and academic issues. She can also refer families to mental health therapists if they want more intensive and
ongoing sessions. Courtney can be reached at, or (360)503-1640.

                                                Daily Schedule

School Start Times
9:00 Warning bell (For their safety, do not drop your child off before 8:50 as there is no prior supervision.)
9:05 Classes begin

School Dismissal Times
3:35 Dismissal on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays
2:35 Dismissal on Wednesdays - (School is dismissed an hour earlier on Wednesdays to provide time for
       teachers to collaborate on instructional practice. On these days, the busses will deliver students home
       approximately 60 minutes earlier than the other days of the week.)

Dress Code

    Student dress and physical appearance should be neat, clean, safe and school-appropriate. Clothing
must not interfere with the educational process or create safety concerns. The following guidelines for
appropriate dress support the learning climate, while also providing parental discretion in helping their children
choose what to wear to school. Please review the following dress code with your child, pointing out that not all
popular fashion is school-appropriate:
   • Because our instructional program includes daily recess, active play, and PE class, students must wear
       clothing that allows them to run and jump, including closed-toed shoes. Tennis shoes must be worn on
       PE days, and due to daily recess, ideally on every day. Do not wear sandals, flip-flops, or heels to
   • Students go outside for recess, and should come prepared for chilly weather. Hats may be worn
       outside, but are to be taken off when inside the school building.
   • Clothing should have appropriate coverage. For example, no bare mid-riffs or low-cut tops. Pants
       must be worn above the hips. No clothing that reveals undergarments. Shorts and skirts should be
       fingertip length or longer.
   • Clothing cannot have logos, slogans, words, or pictures promoting or depicting alcohol, tobacco, drugs,
       vandalism, bigotry, violence, sexual connotations, profanity, or be gang-related.

              Family Communication Via Email: Fidalgo Family Flyer and Fidalgo Handbook

  To reduce paper use and postage costs, we use email as our primary source of written communication to
parents. By including your email address/addresses on your student information form, most future school
communications, including the weekly Fidalgo Family Flyer, will be sent to you electronically. You will also be
added to a confidential email list for use by your child’s teacher. Please notify both the office and teacher of
any email address updates throughout the school year.
   We post our Fidalgo Handbook on our school website ( instead of sending hard
copies home with each child. However, hard copies will be available in the office if would like one or if you
don’t have access to the Internet.

                                             Family Legal Papers

   If you have legal papers for your child (such as guardianship, custody, parent plan, restraining order, or
others), please provide the most recent copy to the school office.

                                                Family Privacy

   Please do not ask for address and phone numbers of students as due to family privacy, the school cannot
share this information.

                                Food Services – Free Meals for All this Year!

    To help families with the hardships of COVID, again this year school breakfasts and lunches are offered
daily free of charge to all students. A bagged breakfast for every student will be delivered to classrooms and
will be eaten during the school day as a mid-morning snack. There is a 60¢ charge for milk if students want it.
Menus can be found online at If you have questions, contact ASD Food Services staff
members Juanita Maltsberger at, or Paul Lindbo at

Free/Reduced-Price Meal Applications – Not required, but still encouraged
   Although we are offering meals at no cost to all students during the 2021-22 school year, we strongly
encourage parents/guardians who think that they might qualify, to submit a Free/Reduced-price meal
application anyway, because qualifying for Free/Reduced eligibility has many other benefits for your students
and your school:
• Some school fees are waived or lowered in cost
   • College admission tests and application fees may be waived
   • Students may be eligible for P-EBT benefits
   • Funding is provided for some academic and enrichment programs in our district
   When families who would qualify do not apply, resources are lost both for the student and the
school. Pick up an application at any school or download one from our website at Completing an application is easy and takes less than 10 minutes. Only
one application is needed per family. A completed form can be dropped off at any school, or
mailed to the Child Nutrition Office, 1600 20th St Anacortes, WA 98221. Contact Juanita
Maltsberger at 360-503-1377 for more information about Free and Reduced price applications.


                      Homework Purpose                                      Homework Time Guidelines
             Homework is a tool for students to:                              4-5 Nights Each Week
    •   develop positive work habits, especially the habit of              • Kindergarten: 5 minutes
        daily reading                                                      • First through third grade: 10
    •   practice skills learned during the school day                         to 30 minutes
    •   independently apply skills learned – a meaningful                  • Fourth and fifth grades: 40 to
        extension of what was learned in class                                50 minutes.
    •   regularly communicate with parents what their
        children are learning in school

     These total homework times are maximum times and should be used at a guideline. Generally,
students’ homework should not exceed these grade level guidelines. However, students who do not
utilize their time well during the school day may be asked to complete work at home in addition to their
homework assignments.
     Additionally, Fidalgo has 20 minutes minimum of required reading each night (15 minutes for K). This
can include reading aloud to your children. Parents are asked to verify this r eading by signing the
student’s reading log.
     By working together (student, parent, and teacher), we can decrease any tension associated with
homework and increase student learning. Please read and discuss the following with your child:

     The Student’s Role:                    The Parent’s Role:                    The Teacher’s Role:

  • Listen carefully during       • Provide a quiet, uncluttered place to       • Assign homework
    lessons so I understand         do homework, free of distractions              assignments that:
    assignments                     and with necessary supplies.                1. give students practice
  • Read or be read to at         • Establish a homework time that fits            with the skills learned
    least 20 minutes a night        with after school activities.                  during the school day, or
    (15 for K)                    • Don’t sit with children and do their           that
  • Remind my parents to            homework with them as they need to          2. provide students
    sign my reading log             practice independently what they               opportunities to extend
  • Start my homework               learned in class. Instead, check in            and apply what they
    without being reminded          periodically to monitor progress and           learned.
    to                              acknowledge effort, providing just          • Provide timely feedback
  • Complete my homework            enough help if they get stuck.                 on homework
    daily and put it in my        • Make sure your child reads or is            • Contact the parent if
    homework folder                 read to at least 20 minutes a night            there is a pattern of
  • Practice my math facts          (15 for K), and sign the reading log.          missing assignments
    until they are automatic
• Do my best work at all       • Honor bedtime. When it is time for       • Modify homework as
      times.                         bed, stop your child, even if              necessary to
                                     homework is not finished. Just write       accommodate individual
                                     the teacher a note or email so they        needs
                                     know. Contact the teacher if
                                     homework is consistently taking
                                     longer than it should so that they
                                     can make modifications.
                                   • Help your child practice the math
                                     facts for their grade level.

                                             Lost and Found

   Please label all articles of clothing that a child might remove while at school, such as coats, hats,
sweaters, sweatshirts, gloves, boots, etc., as well as items like lunch boxes, water bottles, and
backpacks. Parents are encouraged to stop by and check out our lost and found area. When too many
unlabeled items accumulate during the year, they are donated to a charitable organization.

                                             Military Families

   We are invested in supporting our military students and families in their transition s. We partner with
leadership at NAS Whidbey to support our military families in the following way:

•   Moving to a new school
•   Support during deployment
•   Special Education and 504 process
•   Support for special needs children
•   Student help w/post-secondary plans

RESOURCES - Free academic tutoring resource for military families
MIC3 Parent Resources and Toolkit
Navy Life PNW
Academic Anchor

Patrigna Murphy
Naval Air Station Whidbey Island
Office: (360) 257-6863


   Due to health concerns of students and staff, we cannot accommodate requests for students to bring
animals to school for “show and tell,” school projects, or other reasons.


   We are fortunate to have a terrific PTA at Fidalgo. Information about the Fidalgo PTA can be found on
their website at, and you can also use the site to sign up to be a PTA member
($12 individual, $20 family). All parents are encouraged to join, even if they can’t attend meetings or
volunteer. We just want parents to get involved to whatever extent they are able. Our PTA makes
possible many programs that support and enhance our school goals, such as enrichment in the arts, field
trips, family events, and so much more. For questions or more information, please contact

                                           Personal Belongings

    Many problems can arrive when children bring toys and other personal belongings to school. In an
effort to curtail any issues that might result, we ask parents to help by monitoring what their child brings
to school. Electronic devices (such as game systems and cell phones), toys, collectable cards, and other
valued personal belongings should not be brought to school unless they are required for a specific
classroom assignment. In that case, they should be used only under the direct supervision of the
teacher, and not be shared by other students. Also, please do not send your child to school with money
unless it is to be used for a specific purpose, such as for a field trip.
    The Anacortes School District is not responsible for the loss or damage of personal property.


   Students work hard during the instruction periods and need recess breaks for socialization, fresh air,
and physical activity. Unless it is raining hard, students enjoy three recesses a day outside. Please send
your child with coats and other clothing to stay warm at recess. Be sure to label all coats, hats, etc. with
your child’s name.

                                      Reporting of Student Progress

   Anacortes School District elementary schools report student progress to parents through parent/teacher
conferences and report cards. Report cards are issued twice a year, after the first and second semesters. In
addition to the school conferences, parents may schedule an appointment to meet with their child’s teacher at
anytime during the school year.

                                   Snow and Other Emergency Closures

Adverse Weather Closures/ Delays
    The district’s transportation supervisor and superintendent decide in the early morning hours whether
students can safely reach school in case of snow or ice. We attempt to notify families by 5:30 a.m. if schools
are closed, delayed, or buses are on adverse weather routes. If we have to change from a 2-hour delay to a
full-day closure, we will notify families and staff of this change by 7:30 a.m. If we use adverse weather
routes in the morning, we will notify everyone by noon that day if adverse weather routes remain in effect
for the afternoon ride home.
    Students, staff and families are notified in the following ways:
     • Flash Alert – Families and staff are encouraged to sign up for Flash Alert so that
        they receive a text message with the most current information
     • Emails are sent to families
     • Text messages sent to families, staff and students who have opted in (Text Y to 67587 to opt in if you
        haven’t already done so).
     • Information is posted on the District website, Facebook and Twitter pages

Other Closures
    In the event that schools are delayed or cancelled for other reasons (e.g. power outage), we attempt
to notify families, staff and students as soon as possible. Students, staff and families are notified in the
same ways as for weather-related closures, and we alert families and staff via phone.

Emergency Dismissal
  In the event of unusual circumstances, it may be necessary to dismiss school early. Parents and
students should formulate emergency plans in the event school closes early and there is no adult at
home. Parents will want to make sure their child knows what to do and where to go in advance, since it
may not be possible to alert parents ahead of time. In the case of primary age children, every attempt will
be made to contact the parents or the alternate contact (listed on the Emergency Information Card)
before children are sent home.
Please note that schools will not send elementary students home without contacting a responsible adult.

Emergency Preparedness
  Each Anacortes School District building has an emergency preparedness (crisis management) plan.
Contact the building principal for information about the site’s specific plan.

Quick Tips Reporting System
Flash Alert - Emergency Messaging website
First Alert Weather
Transportation Information/ Adverse Weather Routes
Emergency School District Building Procedures*

                                              Special Programs

    Fidalgo School is fortunate to offer many special programs through the Anacortes School District,
including speech therapy and other Special Education services, Math and Reading support, and
counseling. Additionally, be sure to read your weekly Fidalgo Family Flyer email to learn about the
extracurricular activities that are offered throughout the year.

                               Technology, Textbooks, and Other Supplies

   Necessary instructional resources and technology devices are furnished free of charge to all students.
However, families are charged if these items are lost or damaged. The following link details
responsibilities for care and appropriate use of laptop devices that are checked out to be used at home:
Student Technology Use Agreement

   Students are asked to furnish certain school supplies which can be viewed online at School Supplies
2021-22. Please let your child’s teacher, the school counselor/, or the principal/ know if you need assistance obtaining these school supplies. Scholarships are also
available for field trips or other events throughout the year.

                                        Telephones – Student Use of

    The school telephone number is (360) 503-1600. Since this is a business telephone, students will be
allowed to use it only in case of an emergency. Students will not be allowed to use the telephone to
make arrangements for after-school activities. These plans need to be made prior to coming to school.
We ask that students not have cell phones at school as we do not allow valuable items at school, nor
items can distract from the learning environment.

                                           Visitors and Volunteers

    Due to COVID guidelines, as of the start of the 2021-22 school year we are not able to have
volunteers or visitors. Hopefully that restriction may be removed as the year progresses.
    Following are our visitor and volunteer practices in typical years: Parents are welcome to arrange in
advance with the teacher for a classroom visit. All visitors, including parents and volunteers, must sign in each
visit using the Raptor security system which will print out a visitor badge to be worn during your visit. Only
enter and exit the building through the main entrance (south side of the school by the flagpole). Note: Student-
age visitors cannot be accommodated during school hours. School volunteers are an integral part of Fidalgo’s
success, thank you for volunteering! The district uses an online volunteer application process which can be
found on the district website A reminder to our returning volunteers, all volunteers must
complete a new application and background check each school year prior to serving in our schools.


   Please notify the school office as soon as possible if you plan to relocate to another school district.
Kristie Calvert, Office Manager, will schedule an appointment to go over procedures to withdraw your


                            Fidalgo Behavior Expectations and Proactive Supports

Fidalgo School’s behavior expectations are framed around our RISE guidelines:
                                                Respect self and others
                                                Improve through effort
                                                Show responsibility
                                                Express kindness

STUDENT, STAFF AND PARENT RESPONSIBILITIES: At Fidalgo Elementary School, we desire a school
with an optimum learning environment, built on positive relationships between students, staff and parents.
Being a responsible person is the key.

                                          STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES
       1. Respect yourself                                      3. Respect Learning
          • Be the best you can be                                 • Be quiet and attentive in class
          • Take advantage of learning opportunities               • Treat all learning materials with care
          • Demonstrate self-control                               • Leave distracting toys and items at
                                                                     home – school supplies only at
       2. Respect others                                             school
          • Keep your hands and feet to yourself
          • Follow directions given by all school adults        4. Respect the school building and
          • Follow school, classroom, playground and bus rules     environment
          • Be kind and use respectful language                    • Keep your area neat and clean
          • If you are bothering someone else, show respect for    • When you see litter, dispose of it
            others and STOP when asked.                            • Think safety

                                             STAFF RESPONSIBILITIES
   •     Identify and teach expectations and rules for student behavior and citizenship
   •     Identify and implement consequences for misconduct
   •     Communicate expectations, rules and consequences to students and parents
   •     Be fair, consistent and firm with student discipline, keeping the responsibility with the child

•    Keep parents informed when problems occur
   •    Work cooperatively with parents. Demonstrate civil conduct, communication, and problem-solving
   •    Take responsibility for correcting misconduct on the part of any student, any place at school, whenever
        that student isn’t under the direct supervision of another staff member

                                           PARENT RESPONSIBILITIES
   •    Show interest and support for your child’s schoolwork and positive conduct
   •    Be responsible for your child’s physical, emotional and social well-being
   •    Assure your child’s regular and prompt school attendance
   •    Discuss and support school expectations with your child, keeping the responsibility with the child
   •    Work cooperatively with school staff. Demonstrate civil conduct, communication and problem solving.
   •    Accept financial responsibility for your child’s actions.

                                       MISCONDUCT AND CONSEQUENCES
 Disciplinary measures may include, but are not limited to:
     • Discussion with the child that results in a plan for appropriate behavior and restitution
     • Loss of free time activities for a designated period of time. This may include temporary removal from
         recess play.
     • Time out (away from classroom or activities)
     • Parent notification about the behavior
     • Parent conference
     • Suspension (short term, long term or expulsion)
   These consequences will be administered in a way that is fair and as immediate as possible.
Consequences will focus on changing the unacceptable behavior, rather than on punishment; enabling a new
beginning when completed. Consequences will escalate when misconduct persists.
   CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: In order to protect the confidentiality of all students, information regarding
the discipline of a student will not be released to anyone outside of the district staff involved and that child’s
parent or guardian.

   1. Walk quietly at all times in the halls
   2. Hands and feet to self. No fighting or physical aggression.
   3. Use kind and appropriate language – no profanity, name-calling or put downs
   4. Do not bring toys, electronics or other personal articles to school. Bringing cell phones to school is
      discouraged and they must be turned off, out of sight, and not used at school or on the bus. The school
      is not responsible for loss or damage of personal items that are brought to school.
   5. Students are not allowed to gamble, lend/borrow money, or trade or sell items at school.
   6. No chewing of gum
   7. Respect school and personal property – no destruction or defacing of school or personal property
   8. Obey school staff the first time you are asked.
   9. Harassment: In accordance with state and federal law, verbal and physical intimidation and sexual
      harassment will NOT be tolerated.
   10. Anacortes School District schools are drug, alcohol and weapon-free. The possession, use or
      distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol are forbidden on school premises or at any District sponsored

student activity. The possession of a gun or other weapons is prohibited on school premises (toy
     weapons are also prohibited).

Students will:
  1. Play in designated areas only and remain within the playground boundaries at all times.
  2. Immediately and completely follow the directions of the playground supervisors.
  3. Play safely and cooperatively.
  4. Follow the established rules of the games.
  5. Use equipment in a safe manner and in the designated areas.

 BUS LINE-UP RULES:                                 CAR PICK-UP RULES:
 Students will:                                     Students will:
    1. Be orderly and quiet in bus lines while         1. Be orderly and quiet in car lines, listening for
       waiting for the bus                                their car number to be announced
    2. Follow the directions of the bus line           2. Have an adult help you to your car, and enter
       supervisors                                        your car on the curbside.
                                                       3. Walkers will cross only with the Crossing
    3. Walk to and from buses without pushing

      BASIC BUS RULES                              SEVERE VIOLATIONS
      1. Obey the driver                           1. Disrespect of driver authority
      2. Sit in assigned seat.                     2. Fighting
      3. Stay seated, facing forward               3. Abusing other passengers
      4. Respect others                            4. Use of tobacco, alcohol or drugs
      5. Inside voices only
      6. Act in a safe manner

For more detailed information about Bus Riding Rules, please refer to the ASD Transportation Handbook: ASD
Transportation Handbooks\

                                         TEACHING KINDNESS
                                    SOCIAL/EMOTIONAL LEARNING
   Fidalgo Elementary promotes emotional self-regulartion and prosocial skills through research-based
practices such as RULER, Positive Behavior Intervention System (PBIS), and Kelso’s Choices.

                                                   Kelso’s Choice
   At Fidalgo we use Kelso’s Choice to teach students problem-solving strategies. Children are asked to think
about and apply at least two of the choices to solve the problem. They are taught that these choices should
be used for minor conflicts only (i.e. those that don’t require adult intervention). Examples include
disagreements among friends and playground issues about rules of a game.

• Go to another game or activity                     • Ignore the problem behavior
       • Tell the person to stop                            • Make a deal or compromise
       • Respectfully talk it over                          • Share and take turns
       • Apologize                                          • Wait and cool off
                                                            • Walk away from the problem

                             Social Emotional Learning Using RULER from Yale
   Emotions influence everything: learning, decision-making, creativity, relationships, and health. Research
shows that students’ social/emotional well-being is strongly linked to their academic success. For this reason,
the Anacortes School District uses RULER, a research-based framework from Yale University, to develop
social and emotional learning.

    What is emotional intelligence? Yale
 uses the acronym RULER to define it as:

           Recognizing emotion
           Understanding emotion
           Labeling emotion
           Expressing emotion
           Regulating emotion

    One of the RULER tools is the Mood
 Meter - a square divided into four colored
 quadrants, each representing a different
 set of feelings. These feelings are
 grouped together on the Mood Meter
 based on their “pleasantness” and
 “energy” levels. The Mood Meter helps
 us to recognize specific emotions, in
 ourselves and others, and to then
 develop strategies for managing these
 emotions. It provides us with language to talk about our feelings. A theme of RULER is, “If you can name it,
 you can tame it.” In other words, the simple act of naming/recognizing one’s emotions, contributes to better
 self-awareness and emotional regulation.
    Other components of RULER are morning meetings, classroom charters, striving to be one’s “Best Self,”
 and learning to take a “meta-moment” before reacting.

                                       Harassment, Intimidation & Bullying
    The district is committed to a safe and civil educational environment for all students, employees, parents/legal
guardians, volunteers and patrons that is free from harassment, intimidation or bullying. “Harassment,
intimidation or bullying” means any intentionally written message or image — including those that are
electronically transmitted, — a verbal, or physical act, including but not limited to one shown to be motivated by
any characteristic in RCW 9A.36.080(3), (race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual
orientation including gender expression or identity, or mental or physical disability), or other distinguishing
characteristics, when an act:
• Physically harms a student, staff member or damages the student’s property or staff members property; or
• Has the effect of substantially interfering with a student’s education; or
• Is so severe, persistent or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment for
student on staff; or
• Has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school.

   We provide age appropriate information on the recognition and prevention of harassment, intimidation and
bullying. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Tara Dowd, principal or Courtney
Miner, counselor The compliance officer at the district office is also available to assist you:
Connie Sheridan, Title IX/ Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator, (360) 503-1221. For
more information about ASD’s Intimidation and Bullying policies and procedures: Anti-bullying Information.


                                                    Health and Safety

COVID Transmission Prevention
   Students in the ASD will wear masks, socially distance, and follow other guidelines from the Department of
Health. Because their recommendations are updated regularly, the most current version can be found at:

   All students are required by state law to have a complete and up-to-date immunization record by the first
day of school or they can’t enroll. If you have questions about immunizations, contact ASD Nurse Emily at, (360) 503-1552.

Student Illness or Injury
    Due to COVID, students with any symptoms of illness must stay home from school. Call the school; an
office staff member will walk you through the health flowchart to determine the safe return date.
    If your child should become ill at school, the school office staff must know how to reach you or your
emergency contact designees during the day. Please keep our office updated with your most current
emergency numbers.
    In case of serious injury or illness of any student at school, the primary number is called first. If a parent or
guardian cannot be reached at that number or at the alternate number(s) listed on the Student Emergency
Form, the person listed as emergency contact is called next. If the emergency contact cannot be reached, the
family physician may be called. If the family physician cannot be reached, the student may be taken to Island
Hospital. Complete, accurate contact information is very important. Again, please notify the school promptly if
there has been a change in telephone numbers, address, change in physician, or change in emergency

Medication at School
    When your child’s health requires medication during the school day, both prescription and/or
nonprescription, you must use the district form with written authorization and directions from a licensed
physician, dentist, and/or other licensed health care provider. You may obtain this “Authorization to Give
Medication at School” form from the school office. School employees are not allowed to give medication to
students except under very specific conditions and with appropriate training. Prescription medication must be
provided in its prescription container with directions, and nonprescription medication must be provided in the
original manufacturer’s container. Both prescription and nonprescription medications must be brought to
school by the parent or guardian. Under no circumstances should such medicine, prescription or

nonprescription, be sent to school in lunch boxes/backpacks or with the bus driver. Please check with your
building school nurse for additional details.

Life Threatening Conditions
    Washington state law (RCW28A.210.320) requires that any student with a life-threatening condition must
have a medication or treatment order and a nursing plan in place before the child starts school. A life-
threatening condition is defined as “a health condition that will put the child in danger of death during the
school day if a medication or treatment order and a nursing plan are not in place.” Conditions such as bee sting
or food allergies, asthma, diabetes, seizures and certain heart conditions are under this requirement. For more
information, please contact Emily Wade, School District Nurse, (360) 503-1552.

                                        Nondiscrimination Statement
   The Anacortes School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race,
creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or
identity, disability, and the use of a trained dog guide or service animal. The Anacortes School District provides
equal access to the Boy Scouts of America and other designated youth groups. Inquiries regarding compliance
and and/or grievance procedures may be directed to:
Title IX/ Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator               Section 504/ADA Compliance Coordinator
Connie Sheridan                                             Shannon Gilbert
2200 M Ave.                                                 2200 M Ave.
Anacortes, WA 9821                                          Anacortes, WA 98221                              
(360) 503-1221                                              (360) 503-1216

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