Federal Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) - Direct Payment to Tenant Policy
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Federal Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) Direct Payment to Tenant Policy June 25, 2021 Last Updated: 6/24/2021 6/28/2021
ENGAGEMENT BEST PRACTICES Please Mute Engage During Meeting Please join the meeting muted during the session to 1.Teams Chat keep interruptions to a minimum Send a message in the Teams Chat panel 1. Type in your question 2. Hit Enter 1 2 2. Questions • We will be monitoring the Teams Chat for questions • During the designated checkpoints for questions, please come off mute to ask your questions once the moderator calls on you • You can also use the raise your hand feature via Teams and ask your question once the moderator calls on you 6/28/2021
MEET YOUR FACILITATORS Amy Mullen Jeremy Jacobson Tanya Raymond Natalie Goodman TRAINING SUPPORT Claire Marcus Berkley Jenkins 6/28/2021
Welcome, Goals, & Objectives Our Journey 10 mins Today Direct Payment to Tenant Policy Overview 90 MINUTES Direct Payment to Tenant Criteria 40 mins Termination of ERAP Benefits Direct Payment to Tenant Documents Case Studies 15 mins Policy Reminders, Next Steps, & Resources 5 mins Questions 20 mins 6/28/2021
TRAINING OBJECTIVE Purpose Review the new ERAP direct payment to tenant guidance and provide an understanding of the criteria, process, and roll out Goal Provide RAA staff with guidance to understand the direct payment to tenant process 6/28/2021
DIRECT PAYMENT TO TENANT OVERVIEW Starting on June 28, 2021, RAAs may use ERAP to pay tenants directly for rental payments that would otherwise be paid directly to the landlord (arrears, stipends, security deposits, etc.) Arrears payments to tenants are limited to a maximum of $15,000 In situations where tenant arrears exceed $15,000, the landlord must agree to accept payment from the RAA for ERAP to cover 100% of arrears There is no dollar cap on direct tenant payments for other costs (stipends, first/last month’s rent, or security deposits) that would normally be paid to the landlord Eligibility criteria still needs to be met in order to direct payments to tenants 6/28/2021
DIRECT PAYMENT TO TENANT OVERVIEW (CONT’D) As with all ERAP benefits Stipends are capped at the Stipend commitments Stipend payments are amount equal to the cannot exceed three months scheduled for each month monthly contract rent without reapplication or due (not paid in a lump recertification sum) ERAP eligibility requirements still must be met: (80% AMI, COVID Impact, Risk of Homelessness/Housing Instability, Currently Renting or Moving to a New Rental, 18 Month Limit) 6/28/2021
RENTAL ASSISTANCE PROCESSING (RAP) CENTER ROLE The Rental Assistance Processing (RAP) Center will not process any direct payments to tenants Instead, the RAP Center will send the client file back to the RAA if a tenant has been determined eligible for ERAP, but their landlord is refusing assistance or has not responded to outreach within designated timeframes (details outlined later in training) 6/28/2021
IMPLEMENTING NEW FEDERAL REQUIREMENT BACKGROUND ON UNRESPONSIVE LANDLORDS • 15,640 applications processed statewide during month of April. – 32% were approved – 5% were denied formally, with
CRITERIA OVERVIEW ATTEMPT TO PAY LANDLORD ENGAGE IN FACE-TO-FACE MEETING Tenant payment can only be issued if the landlord is Need to meet (virtually or in-person) with the tenant non-responsive or confirms that they choose not to before funds can be issued in order to verify their participate. identity and clearly explain the rules to them. VERIFY THAT PAYMENTS HAVEN'T SIGN TERMS OF FUNDING ALREADY BEEN MADE AGREEMENT LETTER Need to confirm in HAPPY that months of rent being RAA must require the tenant to sign letter (provided requested haven't previously been paid to the tenant by DHCD) outlining program or landlord. requirements/expectations and payment details. CONDUCT PUBLIC RECORDS CHECK TRANSMIT TERMS OF FUNDING Confirm that the landlord listed on the tenant AGREEMENT LETTER application is actually the owner of the property. RAA must transmit the signed letter to both the tenant and landlord. 03/11/2021 DRAFT FOR POLICY AND PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT 14
ATTEMPT TO PAY LANDLORD RAAs and RAP Center MUST attempt to pay the landlord first in ALL cases Per U.S. Treasury guidance, tenant payment must be made when the landlord is: • Non-responsive after 7 days to a letter sent via certified US postal mail with return receipt requested • Non-responsive to 3 phone, email, or text messaging attempts over 5 days • OR when landlord confirms in writing that they choose not to participate § Outreach best practices: • At least one outreach by telephone, followed by subsequent text messages or emails • If the tenant does not have email or cell phone contact information for the landlord, or if the landlord’s voicemail is full, then the RAA must contact the landlord via letter by certified mail 6/28/2021
ATTEMPT TO PAY LANDLORD (CONT’D) All contact attempts MUST be documented in the client file For phone calls For texts All phone call attempts should be documented in the Upload a screenshot of the text/replies and client file showing that the attempt was made and the attach in the client file outcome of the call If no screenshot available, add a note similar to Phone attempt (3) – Called Insert the following: Text Attempt (#) sent to Insert Owner/Landlord Name on Insert Date at Insert Owner/Landlord Name on Insert Phone Number – (Outcome – either No Date with following text: (RAA to add text) answer, No answer left voicemail,Voicemail full, Landlord not available, Spoke with landlord, etc.) For emails For letters sent via certified mail Save or upload a copy of all email Scan a copy of the letter and attach in the client attempts/replies and attach in the client file file Upload any landlord responses either confirming or refusing direct payment 6/28/2021
ATTEMPT TO PAY LANDLORD (CONT’D) All emails or letters to the landlord requesting Property Owner documentation or participation must include the following language (RAAs must add this language to any existing Property Owner Packets by Monday, June 28): “You should be aware that refusal of emergency rental assistance may, under some circumstances, violate Chapter 151B of the Mass. General Laws, which prohibits discrimination against a tenant receiving housing subsidies. In addition, if you, as landlord, do not respond to this communication by [DATE] or refuse to accept this emergency rental assistance, then our agency may issue a payment directly to the tenant.Any payment to the tenant for arrears shall not exceed $15,000.” Text messages must include this language: “Refusing to accept rental assistance may be a violation of Massachusetts law that prohibits discrimination. If you do not respond by [DATE], assistance may be paid to the tenant directly.” 6/28/2021
VERIFY THAT PAYMENTS HAVEN'T ALREADY BEEN MADE Prior to processing the payments, RAA’s must look in HAPPY for both the Tenant and Landlord listed in the application/contact file and review the amount of assistance, property address and unit, and months of assistance applied for to make sure payments haven't already been made or scheduled Because of the risk of fraud/nonpayment, it’s especially important to do this step before paying a tenant If payment has already been made for the same month(s) requested, do not proceed with payment 6/28/2021
CONDUCT PUBLIC RECORDS CHECK Confirm that the landlord listed on the tenant application is actually the owner of the property by checking at least one of the following: 1 masslandrecords.com 2 County Registry of Deeds 3 Local assessor's website If… Then… RAA must attempt to reach out to the owner identified in the public Someone else is listed as the owner records check Tenant found to have listed a completely false owner Tenant not eligible to receive payment and denied for suspected fraud Tenant listed an owner's broker, family member, or other RAA must attempt to contact actual owner representative of the owner who is nonresponsive RAA has alternate information for owner from prior payment to RAA must attempt outreach using that contact information that owner 6/28/2021
QUESTIONS 6/28/2021
ENGAGE IN FACE-TO-FACE MEETING RAA must engage in face-to-face meeting (either virtual or in-person) with the tenant before funds can be issued to them RAA to verify identity by checking the person applying against a photo ID • Such as, but not limited to, a driver's license or passport • If tenant is unable to produce photo ID in a reasonable timeframe, RAA managers may approve waivers to accept alternate documentation • If a waiver is approved, RAAs must document reason for accepting alternate documentation (auditing purposes) § RAA to review Terms of Funding Agreement and confirm tenant understanding that: • They may face civil or criminal penalties if they do not use funds for paying rent to the landlord as intended • They must collect and retain a receipt or some other documentation to show they have become current on rent • They must repay rent if landlord does not accept it Need for face-to-face meeting can be waived by RAA (at manager's discretion) as part of a reasonable accommodation or based on the applicant’s technology or transit needs. In this situation, a phone meeting is required. 6/28/2021
ENGAGE IN FACE-TO-FACE MEETING (CONT’D) Outreach Best Practices Initial outreach should be via phone, followed by text/email with an explanation of the purpose of the meeting Confirm preferred format for interview In-person Web Conference (Zoom, Skype, Teams, etc.) FaceTime Other Confirm that tenant wants to move forward with the interview 6/28/2021
ENGAGE IN FACE-TO-FACE MEETING (CONT’D) Interview Guidance Start by reviewing key application info to confirm that it is correct (update as needed) o Personal ID info o Rent amount o Renter info o Arrears o Landlord info o Stipends requested Review the applicant's photo ID Go through Terms of Funding Agreement item by item o Stress that they must give payment to landlord within 30 days of signing agreement o Stress that they must collect a receipt 6/28/2021
SIGN TERMS OF FUNDING AGREEMENT LETTER RAA must require the tenant to sign a Terms of Funding Agreement letter as provided by DHCD � If interview is in person, tenant should sign a copy in person � If interview is virtual, send tenant a copy to be returned in 7 days (payment cannot be issued until returned) The Terms of Funding Agreement letter outlines program requirements and expectations, namely: � Payment must be returned to the RAA if the landlord doesn't accept it � Payment must be returned to the RAA if the tenant fails to pay the landlord within 30 days of signing agreement � Tenants may not use the funds to pay other costs, even if those costs are also housing-related § The Terms of Funding Agreement letter also includes: � The amount of the payment � The address of the unit it is paying for � The intended use of the payment (i.e., arrears, stipends) 6/28/2021
TRANSMIT TERMS OF FUNDING AGREEMENT LETTER RAA must transmit by email or US mail the signed Terms of Funding Agreement letter to both the tenant and the landlord (so that the landlord will anticipate the rent payment is pending) Landlords must provide official written receipts to the tenants once they receive payment (and retain copies of these receipts) The letter will inform the landlord that they may notify the RAA if the tenant does not make the payment within 30 days of signing the agreement 6/28/2021
TERMINATION OF ERAP BENEFITS If the landlord contacts the RAA and says the tenant did not make a payment, the RAA will send a termination of assistance letter to both parties explaining that: Payment was made to tenant, but due to dispute over whether landlord was paid, all ERAP will be terminated Termination can be avoided if, within 7 days, tenant returns payment to RAA, or proof of payment is provided If rent remains unpaid, the landlord has the right to evict for nonpayment Tenant retains the right to an administrative review at the RAA DHCD will review cases where violations occur and determine whether to refer the matter for criminal prosecution or civil penalties 6/28/2021
TERMINATION OF ERAP BENEFITS Dispute Process If landlord contacts RAA claiming tenant has not made a rent payment, check client file to see if 30 days have gone by since agreement was signed o If under 30 days, discuss with landlord that tenant has 30 days, and to call back on [date] if they have still not received a payment o If over 30 days, explain to landlord that a termination of benefits letter will be issued to both parties, and the tenant has 7 days to return funds or provide proof of payment After validating that a violation has occurred, RAAs must: o Stop all planned future payments/stipends to the tenant o Terminate eligibility for future ERAP recertifications/applications o Contact the DHCD Fraud Hotline: dhcdhotline@massmail.state.ma.us or 617-573-1100 6/28/2021
TERMS OF FUNDING AGREEMENT LETTER The purpose of the agreement letter is to formalize the agreement with the tenant, and outline the terms and expectations The letter includes: RAA Information Tenant Information Landlord Information Payment Details Terms of the Agreement Sample Receipt 6/28/2021
PAYMENT RECEIPT SAMPLE & TERMINATION LETTER Payment Receipt Sample Termination Letter Sample receipt of payment that should be sent with every Terms of Funding Agreement Letter Receipt of payment may be requested through the dispute process 6/28/2021
HAPPY PAYMENT ENTRY HAPPY will allow users to make a payment directly to the “Tenant” contact instead of the “Owner” or “Vendor” contact When scheduling transaction, select “Tenant” as payee instead of “Owner” From there, lock in transactions following normal process Molly Butman will work with HAPPY Super User group to demonstrate how to run reports based on “Contact Type” 6/28/2021
CASE STUDIES 6/28/2021
CASE STUDY 1 Scenario: I have a client named Lucas Garcia. He lives in an apartment in Worcester with his wife and children. He has fallen behind on his rent due to being unemployed for 6 months during the pandemic. Lucas applied for rental assistance and provided all of the documentation that I requested from him, but his landlord has been unwilling to participate which has prevented me from providing him and his family with funds.Therefore, in order to provide Lucas with a direct payment, I have: Called Lucas’s landlord and left a voicemail, then sent two follow-up emails over the course of a week, documenting each of those contact attempts in his client file Lucas Garcia Verified in HAPPY that no payments have been made to Lucas for the months of arrears he’s requesting Confirmed on Masslandrecords.com that the landlord listed on Lucas’s application is in fact the owner of that property (they are) “I fell into arrears after losing Did a Zoom call with Lucas in order to confirm his identity and explain the terms of my job due to COVID. I providing him with a direct payment submitted all of my Had Lucas sign the Terms of Funding Acceptance letter documentation for rental Sent copies of the signed letter to both Lucas and his landlord assistance, but my landlord refused to participate.” 03/11/2021 DRAFT FOR POLICY AND PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT 34
WORKING TOGETHER ACTIVITY - MENTI LIVE POLL (ANONYMOUS) • Can Lucas receive a direct benefit? • Why or why not? How to Participate 1. Go to Menti.com on your smartphone or computer browser. 2. Enter the code 7314 9837 into the field shown to the right 03/11/2021 DRAFT FOR POLICY AND PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT 35
CASE STUDY 2 Scenario: I have a client named Jane Davis who lives in an apartment in Springfield. She has fallen behind on her rent due to being laid off from her job during COVID. She has accumulated $8,000 of arrears and has applied for rental assistance. She has provided all of the necessary documentation on her end, but her landlord has been unresponsive. Therefore, in order to provide Jane with a direct payment, I have: Called the landlord to leave a voicemail but the inbox was full. Therefore, I sent a text message and two emails over a 5-day period, documenting each of these attempts in the client file. Verified in HAPPY that no payments have been made to Jane for the months of arrears Jane Davis she’s requesting Searched the Hampden County Registry of Deeds to confirm that the landlord listed on Jane’s application is in fact the owner of that property HOWEVER, the name listed on the deed is different than the landlord listed on the “I can't get rental assistance application because my landlord has been unresponsive, and I have no other way to pay off my arrears." 03/11/2021 DRAFT FOR POLICY AND PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT 36
WORKING TOGETHER ACTIVITY - MENTI LIVE POLL (ANONYMOUS) What should I do first? How to Participate 1. Go to Menti.com on your smartphone or computer browser. 2. Enter the code 7314 9837 into the field shown to the right 03/11/2021 DRAFT FOR POLICY AND PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT 37
CASE STUDY 3 Scenario: I have a client named Steve Malone who lives in Boston. He has 10 months’ worth of arrears and has stated a COVID impact on his application. He has provided the necessary documentation, but his landlord has been unresponsive. Therefore, in order to provide a direct payment, I have: Attempted to the pay the landlord Verified in HAPPY that payments haven’t already been made Conducted a public records check Engaged in a face-to-face meeting Gotten the tenants signature on the Terms of Funding Acceptance letter and transmitted it to the tenant and landlord Steve Malone HOWEVER, a month later I received a call from the landlord stating that they never received the payment from the tenant 03/11/2021 DRAFT FOR POLICY AND PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT 38
WORKING TOGETHER ACTIVITY - MENTI LIVE POLL (ANONYMOUS) What should I do first? How to Participate 1. Go to Menti.com on your smartphone or computer browser. 2. Enter the code 7314 9837 into the field shown to the right 03/11/2021 DRAFT FOR POLICY AND PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT 39
ERAP 1 & ERAP 2 As of June 4, 2021, ERAP has a second funding source that allows households to receive up to 18 months in assistance (rather than 12 or 15) ERAP 1 & ERAP 2 ERAP 1 (“existing ERAP”): The benefit cap is a maximum of 12 months’ worth of assistance, including both arrearage payments and any forward stipend, with an additional 3 months of assistance available for those households with continued risk of housing instability. ERAP 2 (“new/expanded ERAP”): The benefit cap is a maximum of 18 months’ worth of assistance between full or partial arrearage payments and any forward stipends. Forward stipends can be awarded in three (3) month increments for those households with continued risk of housing instability. 06/04/2021 41
ERAP 2 BENEFIT LIMIT The benefit cap for ERAP 2 is a maximum of 18 months’ worth of assistance between full or partial arrearage payments and any forward stipends. Forward stipends can be awarded in 3-month increments for households with a continued risk of housing instability. For any given month, households still may not receive more than the equivalent of its monthly contract rent amount. Households that have previously received ERAP 1 can receive ERAP 2 if the total combined between ERAP 1 and ERAP 2 does not exceed 18 months total between arrears and stipends 06/04/2021 42
ADDITIONAL LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES Office Hours Join weekly Office Hours next week to hear a recap of this policy and an open Q&A session July 2 | 1:00 PM – 2:00PM ERAP Direct Payment to Tenant Policy Please read and become familiar with the new ERAP Direct Payment to Tenants policy, which can be found on the RAA Resource Portal. RAA Readiness Your designated DHCD Point of Contact continues to be a resource to assist with this and other policy changes. 6/28/2021
RESOURCES RAA Resource Portal Central resource to provide RAA staff with key updates, 1 training and learning opportunities, and helpful information to support programs 2 Direct Payment to Tenant Checklist & Overview Reference Guide Further Questions 3 Contact the RAA support inbox (dhcdraaraft@mass.gov) as a point of escalations for questions. A member of the RAA Support Team will respond. 6/28/2021
QUESTIONS 6/28/2021
THANK YOU! + 6/28/2021
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