FEBRUARY 27 - APRIL 5 2020 - CASTILLO THEATRE 543 WEST 42ND ST NEW YORK NEW YORK 10036 - New Federal Theatre

Page created by Samantha Banks
                                                   Association with

                                           P   R   E   S    E    N    T   S

                                       written by Trevor Rhone
                                  directed by Clinton Turner Davis

                                  FEBRUARY 27 – APRIL 5 2020
                                  CASTILLO THEATRE 543 WEST 42ND ST
                                     NEW YORK NEW YORK 10036
Celebrating                             Years of Excellence in Theatre!
                                                                                 Woodie King, Jr.                                                              Patricia White
               Thoughts on TWO CAN PLAY                                                Producing Director                                                          Executive Director

                     by Michael Manley                                                                                     in Association with
                                                                                   Dan Friedman                                                                  Diane Stiles
The theme of domination is woven through all history and                                Artistic Director                                              Managing Director/Director of Production

across all continents. Always, it is the use of force that
                                                                                                                  P R E S E N T S
establishes the peculiar relationship - the subjugation of
people and peoples by other, more powerful groups. And
always, whether it be soon or late, the dominated rise up to
claim their freedom.
In Two Can Play, Trevor Rhone presents this universal theme
of domination and struggle in a decidedly human form. Jim,
the husband, expects to be served hand and foot by his wife.
Meanwhile, he is ignorant of her needs and expectations - he
cannot bring Gloria to orgasm, because no one thought to
tell him how (or even that he needed to know). As such, Jim                             written by Trevor Rhone
represents a prototype: His counterparts may be found in
Birmingham, Alabama and in London, England no less than                            directed by Clinton Turner Davis
in Kingston, Jamaica.
Yet it is a credit to Trevor Rhone’s talent that, in his hands,                        Michael Rogers*  Joyce Sylvester*
Gloria and Jim remain absolutely Jamaican - absolutely down-                   stage manager Bayo* assistant stage manager Rosita Timm*
town Kingston - while their problem achieves its universality.                  set design by Chris Cumberbatch costume design by Kathy Roberson
The play measures the dialectical interaction between them,                          technical direction by Anthony Davidson/Crystal Horizon, llc
                                                                                  lighting design by Antoinette Tynes sound design by Bill Toles
a process necessarily triggered by the woman’s journey of                                         *The Actors and Stage Managers are members of Actors’ Equity Association

Trevor Rhone’s triumph lies in the fact that he makes credible               FEBRUARY 27 – APRIL 5 2020
an ending filled with the promise of a new possibility - a                             THURS - SAT 7:30pm                                            SUN 2:30pm
possibility that transcends the limitations of their house, the             CASTILLO THEATRE 543 W. 42                                    ND   S NEW YORK, NY 10036

disappointments of America, the frustrations of Jamaica,                   www.NEWFEDERALTHEATRE.com NEWFEDERAL@AOL.COM Tel 212.353.1176
and the failures of their own shared past.                                   www.CASTILLO.org Tel 212.941.5800 BOX OFFICE: 212-941-1234
                                          —Michael Manley
                                                                                                             FIND US ON YOUR FAVORITE SOCIAL MEDIA SITE

                                                                  Major funding for TWO CAN PLAY is provided in part by New York City Council Committee, James Van Bramer, Chairman; Ford
                                                                                                          FIND Chadwick
                                                                  Foundation; Louis & Anne Abrons Foundation;   US ON YOURBoseman;
                                                                                                                            FAVORITE SOCIAL
                                                                                                                                     ShubertMEDIA SITE
                                                                                                                                              Foundation;  Normandie Foundation; The Estate of
                                                                  Robert Joel Schwartz; New York State Council on the Arts/A State Agency; and contributions from other corporations, foundations
                                                                  and individuals.
CAST                                                                                  WHO’S WHO
                                                                                                  TREVOR DAVE RHONE (Playwright)           CLINTON TURNER DAVIS (Director)
                                                                                                  was a Jamaican writer, playwright        has directed productions Off-Broad-
                                                                                                  and film maker. He co-wrote,             way, and at regional theatres, colleges
                                                                                                  with director Perry Henzell, the         and universities. A noted interpret-
                                                                                                  internationally successful film “The     er of August Wilson’s “20th Century
                                                                                                  Harder They Come” (1972). Trevor         Cycle of Plays,” his productions have
                                                                                                  Rhone, was the last child of twenty-     received multiple AUDELCO awards,
                                                                                                  three, grew up in a tiny town of         regional commendations, and a spe-
                                                                                                  Bellas Gate in Jamaica. After seeing     cial citation from the US Senate. A
                                                                                                  his first play at the age of nine he     recipient of the Lloyd Richards Direct-
                Michael Rogers                       Joyce Sylvester                              fell in love with theatre. Educated      ing Award from the National Black
                                                                                                  at Beckford & Smith High School          Theatre Festival, he directed Divine
Michael Rogers..................................................................... Jim           now known as the St. Jago High           Comedy, The Conjur Man Dies, Har-
Joyce Sylvester..................................................................Gloria           School, He began his theatre career      riet’s Return, and Joe Turner’s Come
                                                                                                  as a teacher after a three-year stint    and Gone for New Federal Theatre.
                                                                                                  at Rose Bruford College, an English      He also directed One Night by Pulit-
                                                                                                  drama school, where he studied           zer Prize winning playwright, Charles
     Time: 1970s                                                                                  in the early 1960s on scholarship.       Fuller, for Cherry Lane Theatre, and
                                                                                                      He was part of the renaissance of    productions for Everyman Theatre,
     Place: Kingston, Jamaica                                                                     Jamaican theatre in the early 1970s.     Oregon and Alabama Shakespeare
                                                                                                  Rhone participated in a group called     Festivals, Actors Theatre of Louisville,
                                                                                                  Theatre ‹77, which established The       Arena Stage, Trinity Rep, Children’s
                                                                                                  Barn, a small theatre in Kingston,       Theatre of Minneapolis, Cincinnati
                                                                                                  Jamaica, to stage local performances.    Playhouse in the Park, Dallas Theatre
                                                                                                  The vision of the group that came        Center, Theatreworks, and the Negro
                                                                                                  together in 1965 was that in 12 years,   Ensemble Company, among many
                                                                                                  by 1977, there would be professional     others. Collaborating with the Taiyuan
                                                                                                  theatre in Jamaica.[5] In addition to    Puppet Theatre Company (Taiwan),
                                                                                                  Two Can Play, include the films The      he created the award-winning pro-
                                                                                                  Harder They Come (1972), co-             ductions, Pregrinação and Taipei by
               Actors’ Equity Association founded in 1913, is the labor union that represents
               more than 45,000 Actors and Stage Managers in the United States. Equity seeks
                                                                                                  author; Smile Orange (1974), based       Night--which inaugurated his on-go-
               to advance, promote and foster the art of live theatre as an essential component   on his play of the same name; “Top       ing collaboration with the company.
               of our society. Equity negotiates wages and working conditions and provides a
               wide range of benefits, including health and pension plans, for its members.       Rankin”; “Milk and Honey”(1988),         With extensive experience developing
                                                                                                  winner;”One Love”(2003), Cannes          new work nationally and internation-
                                                                                                  Film Festival favorite. He was awarded   ally, his future projects include Fault
                                       The Director is a member of Stage Directors and            the Musgrave Gold Medal in 1988 for      Lines, a Bunraku informed opera/mu-
                                       Choreographers union
                                                                                                  his work by the Institute of Jamaica.    sic theatre production exploring the
                                                                                                                                           resonances of the African presence in

4                                                                                                                                                                                5
WHO’S WHO                                                                           WHO’S WHO
Asia; and Kieu, Davis’ adaptation of       JOYCE SYLVESTER (Gloria) is a            CA, Dramalogue Critics Award/CA, 4         CHRIS CUMBERBATCH (Set De-
the 19th century Vietnamese national       multi-award-winning actor, play-         Audelco Awards including the distinc-      signer) Mr. Cumberbatch is a grad-
epic poem. For New Federal Theatre         wright, and director from New York       tion as the first recipient for the 2005   uate of Art and Design High School,
he is collaborating as director/drama-     City. She is an alumna of the pres-      August Wilson Playwrights award for A      and Parsons School of Design. He is
turge with playwrights Allen Luther        tigious Negro Ensemble Company           Freeman’s Hope (originally produced        an acclaimed artist who has cultivat-
Wright on STAGED, a challenging            during the reign of Douglas Turner       at the Billie Holiday Theatre, Execu-      ed his creative skills for over 30 years.
work about black gay males during          Ward, Robert Hooks, and Gerald S.        tive Producer Marjorie Moon.) Her          Mr. Cumberbatch is an active mem-
the height of the AIDS epidemic; The       Krone. In over 40 years to her credit    N.Y. acclaimed play Women in The Pit       ber of the Local 829 Scenic Artist
Carelessness of Love, Michael Dinwid-      she performed in film, television, re-   is currently debuting at the Hattiloo      Union. He is the founder and CEO
die’s significant work about Harlem        gional theater and on and off Broad-     Theatre in Memphis, TN/ 2019-2020          of Above the Surface Inc., a decora-
Renaissance poet/playwright, Ange-         way. Theater credits include: Inacent    season. Very special thanks to Mr.         tive paint company. 2012 Upcoming
lina Weld Grimke’s struggle to navi-       Black by A. Marcus Hemphill (Broad-      Woodie King Jr and the New Federal         exhibit “Lets Grow Together” a virtu-
gate the familial and cultural realities   way & Billie Holiday Theatre starring    Theatre for yet another opportunity.       al walk thru, feature a combination
of forbidden love; and Jube Charles’       Melba Moore, Samuel L. Jackson), Pe-     It is an honor to work with director       of Chris’ art, scenic design, video
SAPEUR, a play with music and dance        cong by Steve Carter, (National Black    Clinton Turner Davis. Praise God           and still photography. In November
that considers the expressive social       Theatre, NY), For Colored Girls Who      from Whom All Blessings Flow. Email:       2011, Chris participated with the De-
movement, “La Sap” (Dandies) in the        Have Considered Suicide When The         Rejoysyl@aol.com.                          signers Show Case Millionaires Man-
Congo and its diasporic implications.      Rainbow is Enuf by Ntozake Shange                                                   sion, where he converted a four car
                                           (National Tour),and The Trial Of One     BAYO       (Stage Manager)…Been            garage into the “Living Forest.” Addi-
MICHAEL ROGERS (Jim) Mr. Rog-              Short Sited Black Woman Vs. Mam-         around the block…                          tionally, Chris has created unique in-
ers has worked at theatres across the      my Louise and Safreeta Mae (Tour).       Much Love, Peace, LLL& Blessings to        teriors using innovated shape, form
United States and internationally in       This mark’s Ms. Sylvester’s fifth Pro-   all involved with this production.”        and color for the 2006 Showcase
roles varying from Titania, Othel-         duction at Woodie King Jr’s New Fed-     GotchaBack Productions L.L.C.              Millionaires Designers Mansion and
lo, Dracula, “Robert Mugabe” (USA)         eral Theatre the others include W.E.     917-202-3979                               the West Harlem Group Assistance
and “God” (ITALY). Most recently:          B.Dubois: The Most Dangerous Man         sankofanine@aol.com                        Inc., Renaissance Home Designs.
Generations, Marley, The Call, The         In America by Amiri Baraka, The Stut-                                               September of 2010 Chris’ art was
Merchant of Venice, The Winter’s           tering Preacher by Levy Lee Simon,       ROSITA TIMM (Assistant Stage               on exhibit at the New York Port Au-
Tale. On television Mr. Rogers has         The Dance On Widows Row by Samm-         Manager) Her credits include but           thority. In October 2008 Chris com-
appeared on many of the major epi-         Art Williams, (National Black Theatre    not limited to Looking for Leroy,          pleted an enormous mural and life
sodic shows, most recently: “Madam         Festival/ Jomandi Theatre Atlanta,       Harriet’s Return…, Freight the 5           size faux tree that was exhibited at
Secretary” and “Alternatino.” Films:       Georgia) and Steal Away by Ramona        Incarnations of Abel Green, Zora           the Christian Cultural Center’s chil-
“The Mosquito Coast,” “Weekend             King. Television & Film: “The Right      Neale Hurston: A Theatrical Biogra-        dren nursery. In the spring of 2006,
At Bernie’s,” “Side Streets,” “Dope        To Remain Silent” as Officer Collins     phy, Adam, the 50th Anniversary of         he had a one man show at the Bed-
Fiend,” “God’s Pocket,” “Inscape,”         (TV Movie starring Robert Loggia, Lea    In White America, and Amiri Bara-          ford Stuyvesant Restoration Plaza’s
“Dance of The Quantum Cats,” and           Thompson, Christopher Lloyd and LL       ka’s final play, Most Dangerous Man        “Skylight Gallery,” where he exhib-
“Moonfire.” Mr. Rogers is a graduate       Cool J) and numerous independent         in America. She wishes the Cast and        ited over 30 pieces. Chris’ theatrical
of the Yale school of Drama.               films by Mr. Juney Smith. Awards In-     Production Crew Much Love, Bless-          productions have received 4 Audel-
                                           clude: the NAACP Theatre Award/          ings and Prosperity!                       co Nominations; Nuyorican Poets

6                                                                                                                                                                     7
WHO’S WHO                                                                              WHO’S WHO
Café, presentation of “Meeting Miss      in 2000 for New Federal Theatre’s           ANTHONY          DAVIDSON-CRYSTAL           ONSTAGE! and also serves as a
Lilly,” and Julius Caesar set in Afri-   James Baldwin, Soul On fire and             HORIZON, LLC. (Technical Director)          multi-racial home for Black theatre.
ca” and National Black Theater pre-      in 2004 for Diss Diss & Dat Dat             is the 39th AUDELCO Award Winning           Castilo Theatre; 543 West 42nd
sentation of “The Shaneequa Chron-       and having won her first award in           Set Designer for NFT’s production of        Street, New York, NY 10036.;
icles” Chris is the recipient of three   1993 for New Federal Theatre’s              Knock Me A Kiss. He has constructed         E-mail: castillo@allstars.org.Web-
Audelco Awards. His design for the       Robert Johnson: Trick the Devil. Her        sets for New Federal Theatre’s recent       sites: castillo.org, allstars.org.
piece “Accept Except,” was selected      other credits include New Federal           productions: Knock Me A Kiss, Cool
by the 2011 National Black Theater       Theatre’s Sweet Songs of the Soul,          Blues, Court-Martial at Fort Devens,
Festival in N.C. He received the best    starring Melba Moore, The Stuttering        Puberty Rites, Sowa’s Red Gravy Sto-
set design AUDELCO Award in 2018         Preacher, Champion, American                ries, Plenty of Time, and In The Wine
for Harriet’s Return… and in 2019        Menu, Checkmates directed by                Time, Dr. Du Bois and Miss Oving-
for Looking for Leroy.                   Woodie King Jr., The Most Dangerous         ton, The Fabulous Miss Marie; Accept
                                         Man In America, The Fabulous Miss           (Except)LGBT among others. He con-
KATHERINE ROBERSON (Costume              Marie by Amiri Baraka and directed by       structed sets for The Negro Ensemble
Designer) Her most recent produc-        Woodie King Jr. Presently, Antoinette       Company, Inc. The Picture Box and
tion was Fences in Queens The-           is the Technical and Lighting Director      Martin: A New American Musical.               NFT is a member of the
atre of The Living Word, the NEC         for the Mount Vernon Gifted and             Designed and constructed sets for Na-
current production A photograph,         Talented+Performing Arts Magnet             tional Black Touring Circuit, Inc. An-        COALITION OF THEATRES
Black Spectrum, Thurgood. She has        school in the Mount Vernon, NY              thony Davidson, the Master Carpenter
                                                                                                                                   OF COLOR (CTC). The CTC is a
also costume Looking for Leroy and       school district.                            for all your set needs!
Adam for NFT, other companies                                                        347-766-7588; 2chllc@gmail.com.               gathering of 16 of the most revered
such as Out The Box Theatre, Morn-       BILL TOLES (Sound/Visual Designer)
ing Side Players, Hadley Players,        An AUDELCO Award winner and Gram-           CASTILLO          THEATRE            was      theatre arts organizations and
Public Theatre . It is always an honor   my nominee, Bill Toles works across         established in 1984 by a collective
                                                                                                                                   institutions in the New York State
to work with and for my original the-    specialties as a composer, designer, di-    of political activists/artists. Privately
atre mentor Woodie King.                 rector, creator and producer with a con-    funded from the beginning, it has             area. We are community based
                                         stellation of theater, film, performance,   gained recognition as a leading voice
ANTOINETTE TYNES (Lighting               installation and music groups. A Black      in the world of avant-garde and               theatres who have joined together
Designer) is a veteran of the theatre    Rock Coalition founding member and          political theatre, creating works that
in and out of New York. A graduate of    long-time Vision Festival TD, he has col-   are both topical and entertaining.            to become a cultural force that
Hampton Institute (University) with      laborated with Sekou Sundiata, Craig        Castillo is program of the non-profit
                                                                                                                                   will ensure the sustainability and
a degree in Speech and Drama and a       Harris, Shimon Attie, Rodney Evans,         All Stars Project, which runs an
member of United Scenic Artist. She      Yoruba Richen and St. Clair Bourne.         award-winning volunteer program.              longevity of our individual theatre
was the Recipient of the Outstanding     Additional: Dianne McIntyre, Olu Dara,      Its annual theatrical seasons feature
Achievement in Lighting Design           Amiri Baraka, Avery Brooks, Arrested        improvisational comedy, the plays             organizations and institutions in
Award from the 2017 National Black       Development, Meshell Ndegeocello,           of the late Fred Newman, as well
                                                                                                                                   the State of New York.
Theatre Festival. Nominated for an       Caron Wheeler, NYT Folksbiene, Garth        as Heiner Müller and others.
Audelco award for lighting design        Fagan. billtoles.com                        Castillo has a youth theatre, YOUTH

CELEBRATING                        YEARS OF EXCELLENCE IN THEATRE!                                                    CELEBRATING                   YEARS OF EXCELLENCE IN THEATRE!

           1 9 70– 1971                  For Colored Girls Who Have                    1978–1979                                  1980–1981               Louis                                THE WOMEN’S SERIES
Suddenly Last Summer                     Considered Suicide When the        Anna Lucasta                              Branches from the Same Tree         Written by Don Evans                 Hospice
Written by Tennessee Williams            Rainbow Is Enuf                    Written by Phillip Yordan                 Written by Marge Elliot             Directed by Gil Moses                Written by Pearl Cleage
Directed by Woodie King, Jr.             Written by Ntozake Shange          Directed by Ernestine Johnson             Directed by Arthur French                                                Directed by Frances Foster
                                         Directed by Oz Scott                                                                                             Love
Charlie Can’t Win No Wars on The                                            Birdland                                  Connection                          Written by Carolyn Rodgers           THE WOMEN ’S SERIES
Ground & Misjudgement                    Gilbeau                            Written by Barry Kaleem                   Written by Jack Gelber              Directed by Shauneille Perry         Incandescent Tones
Written by Earl Anthony                  Written and Directed by            Directed by Anderson Johnson              Directed by Carl Lee                                                     Written by Rise Collins
Directed by                              Clayton Riley                                                                                                    ETHNIC HERIT AGE SERIES              Directed by Marjorie Moon
Bill Charles & Woodie King, Jr.                                             Black Media                               ETHNIC HERIT AGE SERIES             Paper Angels
                                         Greatest Man on Earth              Written by Ernest Ferlita                                                     Written by Genny Lim                 Last Dance Man
                                         Written by Val Coleman                                                       Dance and the Railroad
One                                                                         Directed by Glenda Dickerson              Written by David Henry Hwang        Directed by John Lone                Written by Alan Foster Friedman
Conceived & Directed by                  Directed by Ed Rambola                                                                                                                                Directed by John Pychon Holmes
                                                                            Flamingo Flomongo                         Directed by John Lone
Dick A. Williams                                                                                                                                          Shango Diaspora
                                         Mondongo                           Written by Lucky Cienfugeo                                                    Written by Angela Jackson            Oh Oh Obesity
                                         Written by Ray Ramirez                                                       Git on Board
                                                                            Directed by Erick Santamaria              Written by Trazana Beverly          Directed by Abena Joan Brown         Written by Dr. Gerald Deas
           1 9 71– 1972                  Directed by Dean Irby
                                                                                                                      Directed by Trazana Beverly                                              Directed by Bette Howard
Black Girl                                                                  God of Vengeance                                                              Steal Away
Written by J.e. Franklin                 Section D                          Written by Sholem Asch,                                                       Written by Ramona King
                                         Written by Reggie Vel Johnson                                                Grand street                                                             THE WOMEN’S SERIES
Directed by Shauneille Perry                                                trans. by Joseph C. Landis                Written by Robert Reiser            Directed by Anderson Johnson
                                         Directed by Anderson Johnson                                                                                                                          Parting
                                                                            Directed by Stanley Brechner              Directed by Elaine Kanas
                                                                                                                                                          Who Loves the Dancer                 Written by Nubai Kai
           1 9 72– 1973                  Tea                                A BLACK RETROSPECTIVE:                                                        Written by Rob Penny                 Directed by Bette Howard
Dudder Love                              Written by Irwin Lerner                                                      ETHNIC HERIT AGE SERIES
                                                                                                                                                          Directed by Shauneille Perry
                                         Directed by Gennard Montanino      1. Hot Dishes                             La Morena                                                                THE WOMEN ’S SERIES
Written by Walter Jones                                                     Written by Maurice Peterson
Directed by Walter Jones                                                                                              Written by Beth Turner              World of Ben Caldwell                Searock Children
                                         Toe Jam                            Directed by Irving Lee                    Directed by Raul Davila             Written by Ben Caldwell              Is Strong Children
Jamimma                                  Written by Elaine Jackson                                                                                        Directed by Richard Gant             Written by Paul Webster
                                         Directed by Anderson Johnson       2. In Splendid Error                      No
Written by Marta-Evans Charles                                              Written by William Branch                                                                                          Directed by Paul Webster
Directed by Shauneille Perry                                                                                          Written by Alexis DeVeaux
                                                                            Directed by Chasles Turner                Directed by Glenda Dickerson                    1982– 1983               Selma
What the Winesellers Buy                            1 9 7 6 –1 9 7 7                                                                                      Adam                                 Written by Thomas Butler
                                         Defense                            In My Many Names and Days                 Something Lost
Written by Ron Milner                                                       Written by Charles Fuller                                                     Written by June Tansey               Directed by Cliff Rocquemore
Directed by Woodie King, Jr.             Written by Edgar White                                                       Written by Anthony Wisdom           Directed by Don Evans
                                         Directed by Dennis Scott           Directed by Irving Vincent & Larry Neal   Directed by Richard Gant                                                 Shades of Brown
                                                                            3. Raisin in the Sun                                                          Champeen!                            Written by Michael Picarde
           1 9 73– 1974                  Divine Comedy                                                                Things of the Heart                 Written by Melvin Van Pebbles        Directed by Joan Kemp-Welch
                                         Written by Owen Dobson             Written by Lorraine Hansberry             Written by Shauneille Perry
Brisburial                                                                  Directed by Ernie McClintock                                                  Directed by Melvin Van Pebbles
Written by Ed Pomerantz                  Directed by Clinton Turner Davis                                             Directed by Denise Hamilton                                              Trial of Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.
Directed by Richard Vos                                                     4. Take a Giant Step                                                          Jazz Set                             Written by Billy Graham
                                         Do Lord Remember Me                                                                                              Written by Ron Milner                Directed by Diane Kirksey
                                         Written by Jim De Jongh            Written by Louis Peterson                 ETHNIC HERIT AGE SERIES
Candidate                                                                   Directed by Oz Scott                      Trial of Doctor Beck                Directed by Norman Riley & Ron
Written by Charles Fuller                Directed by Regge Life                                                       Written by Hughes Allison           Milner                               Twenty Year Friends
Directed by Harold Dewindt                                                  5. Trouble in Mind                        Directed by Phillip Lindsey                                              Written by Sonny Jim Gaines
                                         Macbeth                                                                                                          Liberty Call                         Directed by Andre Mtume
                                         Written by Orson Welles            Written by Alice Childress
Commitment                                                                  Directed by Shauneille Perry              When the Chickens                   Written by Burial Clay
Written by Joseph Lizardi                Directed by Ed Cambridge                                                                                         Directed by Samm-Art Williams
                                                                                                                      Came Home to Roost and Zora
Directed by Carla Pinza                                                                                               Written by Laurence Holder                                                          1984– 1985
                                         Written by Soledad Santiago                   1979–1980                      Directed by                         Nuyorican Poets Cafe                 Americain Gothic
                                                                            Amiri Baraka in Concert                   Allie Woods & Elizabeth Van Dyke    Written by Tato Laveria              Written by Paul Carter Harrison
           1 9 74– 1975                  Directed by Regge Life                                                                                           Directed by Tato Laveria             Directed by Woodie King, Jr.
                                                                            Written by Amiri Baraka
Aid to Dependent Children                Showdown                           Directed by Norman Riley                  Widows
Written by Umar Bin Hassen                                                                                            Written by Mfundi Vundla            Portrait of Jennie                   Long Time Since Yesterday
                                         Written by Don Evans                                                                                             Written by                           Written by P.J. Gibson
Directed by Helanie Head                 Directed by Shauneille Perry       As Long as You’re Happy Barbara           Directed by Vantile Whitfield
                                                                            Written by Gary Lasdun                                                        Enid Futterman & Dennis Rosa         Directed by Bette Howard
Confession                                                                  Directed by Otto Pirchner                                                     Directed by Dennis Rose
Written and Directed by                                                                                                           1981–1982                                                    Thrombo
                                                    1 9 7 7 –1 9 7 8                                                                                      Trio                                 Written by Albert Bermel
Ken Rubinstein                           African Interlude                  Brewery Puppets                           Black People’s Party
                                                                            Written by Brad Brewer                    Written by Earl Anthony             Written by Bill Harris               Directed by Leo Shapiro
Drink Water                              Written by Martie Evans-Charles                                                                                  Directed by Nathan George
                                         Directed by Shauneille Perry       Directed by Brad Brewer                   Directed by Norman Riley
Written and Directed by Ifa Baez                                                                                                                                                               Waltz of the Stork Boogie
                                                                            Crazy Horse Have Jenny Now                Boy & Tarzan Appear in a Clearing   Upper Depths                         Written by Melvin Van Pebbles
Prodigal Sister                          Block Party                                                                                                      Written by David Steven Rapport      Directed by Melvin Van Pebbles
                                         Written by Joseph Lizardi          Written by Louis Peterson                 Written by Amiri Baraka
Written by J.e. Franklin & Mikki Grant                                      Directed by Charles Maryan                Directed by George Ferenz           Directed by Bob Kalfin
Directed by Shauneille Perry             Directed by Joseph Lizardi                                                                                                                            Welcome to Black River
                                                                            Daddy                                     Child of the Sun                    Wilderness of Shur                   Written by Samm-Art Williams
Sidnee Poets Heroic                      Don’t Let it Go to Your Head                                                                                     Written by Nicholas Biel             Directed by Walter Dallas
                                         Written by J. E. Gaines            Written by Ed Bullins                     Written by Damien Leake
Written by Amiri Baraka                                                     Directed by Woodie King, Jr.              Directed by Harold Scott            Directed by Gordon Edelstein
Directed by Amiri Baraka                 Directed by Gil Moses
                                                                            Friends                                                                                                                       1985– 1986
Taking of Miss Janie                     Initiation                                                                   ETHNIC HERIT AGE SERIES                         1983– 1984               Appear and Show Cause
                                         Written by Rosemarie Guirard       Written by Crispen Langeria
Written by Ed Bullins                                                       Directed by Leo Shapiro                   Day out of Time                     Basin Street (Storyville)            Written by Stephen Taylor
Directed by Gil Moses                    Directed by Rosemarie Guirard                                                Written by Allen Foster Friedman    Written by                           Directed by Woodie King, Jr.
                                                                            Glorious Monster                          Directed by Harold Guskin           Michael Hulett & G. William Oakley
Transition                               Mahalia                                                                                                                                               December Seventh
                                         Written by Don Evans               in the Bell of the Horn                                                       Directed by G. William Oakley
Written by Ken Rubinstein                                                   Written by Larry Neal                     ETHNIC HERIT AGE SERIES                                                  Written by George Ratner
Directed by Ken Rubinstein               Directed by Oz Scott                                                                                             Becoming Garcia                      Directed by Gordon Edelstein
                                                                            Directed by Glenda Dickerson              Dreams Deffered
                                         Night Song                                                                   Written by Laurence Holder          Written by Tato Laveria
                                                                            Puerto Rican Obituary                                                         Directed by Carlos Gobera            I Have a Dream
           1 9 75– 1976                  Written by Patricia Lea                                                      Directed by Allie Woods
                                                                            Written by Pedro Pietri                                                                                            Written by Josh Greenfield
A Recent Killing                         Directed by Walter Jones                                                                                         Fraternity                           Directed by Woodie King, Jr.
                                                                            Directed by Jose Machado                  ETHNIC HERIT AGE SERIES
Written by Amiri Baraka                  Runners                                                                                                          Written by Jordan Budde
Directed by Irving Vincent                                                  Suspenders                                Keyboard                            Directed by Gideon Schein            In the House of Blues
                                         Written by Ivey McCray                                                       Written by Matt Robinson                                                 Written by David Charles
                                         Directed by Novella Nelson         Written by Umar Bin Hassan
Bargaining Thing                                                            Directed by Al Freeman, Jr.               Directed by Shauneille Perry        THE WOMEN’S SERIES                   Directed by Buddy Butler
Written by Dan Owens                     Season’s Reason                                                                                                  Games
Directed by Billie Allen                                                    Take it from the Top                      ETHNIC HERIT AGE SERIES                                                  Long Time Since Yesterday
                                         Written & Directed by Ron Milner                                                                                 Written by Joyce Walker-Joseph       Written by P.J. Gibson
                                                                            Written by Ruby Dee                       La Chefa                            Directed by Elizabeth Van Dyke
Cotillion                                                                   Directed by Ossie Davis                   Written by Tato Laveria                                                  Directed by Bette Howard
Written by John O. Killens                                                                                            Directed by Raul Davila             Hooch
Directed by Allie Woods                                                                                                                                                                        Ma Maw Blacksheep
                                                                                                                                                          Written by Charles Michael Moore     Written by Stafford Ashanti
                                                                                                                                                          Directed by Chuck Smith              Directed by Stafford Ashanti
10                                                                                                                                                                                                                               11
CELEBRATING                  YEARS OF EXCELLENCE IN THEATRE!                                                     CELEBRATING                       YEARS OF EXCELLENCE IN THEATRE!
Nonsectarian                       Survival                                        1996–1997                     The Missing Face                        Ntozake Shange: A Retrospective          Plenty of Time
Conversations with the Dead        Written by                           Joe Turner’s Come and Gone               Written by Osonye Tess Onwueme          A ONE-MONTH CELEBRATION OF THE WORKS     Written by John Shévin Foster
Written by Laurie Carlos           Fana Kekana, Thema Ntinga, Seth      Written by August Wilson                 Directed by Patricia White              OF NTOZAKE SHANGE, INCLUDING PANELS,     Directed by Jackie Alexander
Directed by Latanya Richardson     Sibanda, Selaelo Maredi, Mshengu     Directed by Clinton Turner Davis                                                 READINGS AND A SHOWCASE PRODUCTION OF:
                                   Directed by Jerry Mofokeng                                                    Every Day A Visitor
Once Upon the Present Time                                                                                                                               It Hasn’t Aways Been This Way                       2013-2014
                                                                        Do Lord Remember me                      Written by Richard Abrons
Written by Geri Lipschultz                                                                                                                               Directed and Choreographed by            In the Wine Time
                                                                        Written by James de Jongh                Directed by Arthur Strimling
Directed by Geri Lipschultz                   1 9 9 0 –1 9 9 1                                                                                           Dianne McIntyre                          Written by Ed Bullins
                                                                        Directed by Regge Life                                                           Music by Olu Dara
                                   The Balm Yard                                                                 30TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION & DINNER                                            Directed by Mansoor Najee-ullah
Second Hurricane                   Written by Don Kinch                 The Last Street Play                     A Star-Studded performance at the
Written by Aaron Copland                                                                                                                                 Moon on Rainbow Shawl                    Everyday A Visitor
                                   Directed by Shauneille Perry         Written by Richard Wesley                Majestic Theater followed by a Dinner   Written by Errol John
Directed by Tazwell Thompson                                            Directed by Tom Bullard                                                                                                   Written by Richard Abrons
                                   Jelly Belly                                                                   Reception at Sardi’s                    Directed by Shirley Parkinson-Wright     Directed by Margarett Perry
Williams and Walker                Written by Charles Smith
Written by Vincent Smith           Directed by Dennis Zacek                        1997–1998                                2001–2002                                                             Dr. Dubois and Miss Ovington
Directed by Shauneille Perry                                                                                     Taking Back Our City:                              2007– 2008                    Written by Clare Coss
                                                                        Incommunicado                                                                    Gutta Beautiful
                                   Wizard of Hip                        Written & Directed by                    30 Play Reading Series                                                           Directed by Gabrielle Kurlander
                                   Written by Tom Jones                                                          Various Directors                       Written by Nina Angela Mercer
                                                                        Lee Gundersheimer                                                                                                         Choreography by Lonné Moretton
           1 9 86– 1987            Directed by Kenny Leon                                                                                                Directed by Eric Ruffin
Boogie Woogie & Booker T                                                My One Good Nerve:                                                                                                        The Fabulous Miss Marie
Written by Wesley Brown                                                 A Visit With Ruby Dee                               2002–2003                    Three Travelers
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Written by Ed Bullins
Directed by Dean Irby                         1 9 9 1 –1 9 9 2                                                   Whose Family Values                     Written by Richard Abrons
                                                                        Written by Ruby Dee                                                                                                       Directed by Woodie King, Jr.
                                   Chain/Late Bus to Mecca                                                       Written by Richard Abrons               Directed by Jay Broad
                                                                        Directed by Charles Nelson Reilly
My Father and the Wars             by Pearl Cleage                                                               Directed by Philip Rose
Written by Robbie McCauly          Directed by Imani                    Christopher Columbus                                                             TWO ONE-ACTS:                                       2014-2015
Directed by Robbie McCauly                                              Written by Niko Kazantzakis              American Menu                           1. Josh: The Black Babe                  Accept “Except” LGBT NY
                                   Testimony                            Directed by Lloyd Richards               Written by Don Wilson Glenn             Written by Michael A. Jones              Written by Karimah
Lillian Wald:                      Written by Safiya Henderson-Holmes                                            Directed by Ajene Washington                                                     Directed by George Faison
At Home on Henry Street            Directed by Raina von Waldenburg     Valentine’s Day                                                                  2. Satchel: A Requiem for Racism
Written by Clare Coss                                                   Written by Val Coleman                   A Last Dance for Sybil                  Written by Fred Newman                   Dutchman
Directed by Bryna Wortman          Zion!                                Directed by Ann Bowen                    Written by Ossie Davis                  Directed by Eric Coleman                 Written by Amiri Baraka
                                   Written by Beverly Trader                                                     Directed by Edward Smith                                                         Directed by Woodie King, Jr.
Sovereign State                    Directed by Thomas Jones II                                                   Supervising Director: Lloyd Richards    Sweet Mama Stringbean
of Boogedy Boogedy                                                                 1998–1999                                                             Written by Beth Turner                   Most Dangerous Man in America
Written by Lonnie Carter                                                The Trial of One Short Sighted Black     Urban Transition:                       Directed by Elizabeth Van Dyke           Written by Amiri Baraka
Directed by Dennis Zacek                      1 9 9 2 –1 9 9 3          Woman vs Mammy Louise and                Loose Blossoms                                                                   Directed by Woodie King, Jr.
                                   Christchild                                                                   Written by Ron Milner                   In Search of My Father… Walkin’
                                                                        Safreeta Mae
The Meeting                        Written by J.e Franklin                                                       Directed by Woodie King, Jr.            Talkin’ Bill Hawkins
                                                                        Written by Marcia L. Leslie
Written by Jeff Stetson            Directed by Irving Vincent           Directed by Paul Carter Harrison
                                                                                                                                                         Written & Perfomed by W. Allen Taylor               2015-2016
Directed by Judy Ann Elder                                                                                                                               Directed by Ellen Sebastian Chang
                                   Robert Johnson:                      Rose McClendon:
                                                                                                                            2003- 2004                                                            50TH ANNIVERSARY PRODUCTION
Time out of Time                   Trick the Devil                                                               Diss Diss & Diss Dat                                                             In White America
                                                                        Harlem’s Gift to Broadway                                                                   2008-2009                     Written by Martin Duberman
Written by Clifford Mason          Written by Bill Harris               Written by Vinie Burrows                 Written & Directed by
Directed by Al Freeman, Jr.        Directed by Woodie King, Jr.                                                  Rajendra Ramoon Maharaj                 Three One-Acts: Bullins,                 Directed by Charles Maryan
                                                                        Directed by Douglas Turner Ward                                                  Baraka with Fletcher
                                                                                                                 Great Men of Gospel                     1. The Toilet
           1 9 87– 1988                       1 9 9 3 –1 9 9 4
                                                                        In Dahomey
                                                                                                                 Written & Directed by                   Written by Amiri Baraka
                                                                        Written and Directed by                                                                                                   Zora Neal Hurston
After Crystal Night                In Bed with the Blues: the                                                    Elizabeth Van Dyke                      Directed by Hampton V. Clanton
                                                                        Shauneille Perry                                                                                                          A Theatrical Biography
Written by John Herman Shaner      Adventures of Fishy Waters                                                                                            2. Salaam Huey Newton, Salaam
Directed by Max Mayer              Written by Guy Davis                                                                                                                                           Written by Laurence Holder
                                                                                                                            2004–2005                    Written by Ed Bullins
                                   Directed by Shauneille Perry                    1999–2000                                                                                                      Directed by Woodie King, Jr.
From the Mississippi Delta                                                                                       Waitin’ 2 End Hell                      Directed by Mansoor Najee-ullah
                                                                        The Trial of One Short Sighted                                                   3. Amari                                 Adam
Written by                         Looking Back                                                                  Written by William A. Parker
                                                                        Black Woman vs Mammy Louise and                                                  Written by Hugh Fletcher                 Written by Peter DeAnda
Dr. Endesha Ida Mae Holland        Written by Micki Grant                                                        Directed by Woodie King, Jr.
                                                                        Safreeta Mae – Revised                                                           Directed by Freedome Bradley             Directed by Ajene D. Washington
Directed by Ed Smith               Directed by Shauneille Perry         Written by Marcia L. Leslie              Sweet Songs of the Soul
Mr. Universe                                                            Directed by Paul Carter Harrison         written by Melba Moore                  Kernel of Sanity
                                   The Spirit Moves
Written by Jim Grimsley            Written by Trazana Beverley                                                   Directed by Passion                     Written by Kermit Frazier                           2017-2018
                                                                        The Brothers Berg                                                                Directed by Petronia Paley               Freight: The 5 Incarnations
Directed by Steven Kent            Directed by A Dean Irby              Written by Richard Abrons                                                                                                 of Abel Green
Trinity                                                                 Directed by Jay Broad                               2005- 2006                                                            Written by Howard L. Craft
Written by Edgar White                        1 9 9 4 –1 9 9 5          James Baldwin:
                                                                                                                 Sweet Songs of the Soul
                                                                                                                                                         The River Crosses Rivers:
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Directed by Joseph Megel
Directed by Oz Scott               Bessie Speaks                                                                 written by Melba Moore
                                                                        A Soul on Fire                           Directed by Passion                     7 Plays by Women of Color                Harriet’s Return: based upon the
                                   Written by China Clark               Written by Howard Simon
                                   Directed by Dwight R. B. Cook                                                                                                                                  legendary life of Harriet Tubman
           1 9 88– 1989                                                 Directed by Chuck Patterson              Paul Robeson                            24 Great Black Plays and
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Written by Karen Jones Meadows
A Thrill a Moment                                                                                                Written by Phillip Dean Hayes           Playwrights Reading Series
                                   The Matador of 1st & 1st             The Dance on Widows’ Row
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Directed by Clinton Turner Davis
Written by William M. Stevenson    Written by Oliver Lake                                                        Directed by Shauneille Perry
Directed by Ed Love                                                     Written and Directed by                                                                     2010-2011
                                   Directed by Oz Scott                 Samm-Art Williams                        Real Black Men Don’t Sit                Knock Me A Kiss                                     2018-2019
Good Black                                                                                                       Crosslegged on the Floor                Written by Charles Smith                 Ntozake Shange
Written by Rob Penny
                                   20TH ANNIVERSARY                     Spermegga: One Woman Play                Written by Malik                        Directed by Chuck Smith                  November Reading Series 2018
Directed by Claude Purdy           For Colored Girls Who Have           Written and performed by                 Directed by Passion                                                              Various Directors
                                   Considered Suicide When the          Clarice Taylor                                                                   Cool Blues
Jika                               Rainbow Is Enuf                                                                                                       Written by Bill Harris                   Looking for Leroy
Written by Maishe Maponya          Written and Directed by              Defending the Light                      TWO ONE-ACTS:
                                                                                                                                                         Directed by Ed Smith
                                                                                                                 1. Champion                                                                      Written by Larry Muhammad
Directed by Maishe Maponya         Ntozake Shange                       Written by Ron Milner
                                                                                                                 Written by David Paladino                                                        Directed by Petronia Paley
                                                                        Directed by Jay Broad
Tis the Mornin’                                                                                                  Directed by Tommy Redmond Hicks                    2011-2012
Written by                                    1 9 9 5 –1 9 9 6                                                                                           Puberty Rites                                       2019-2020
Ruth Beckford & Ron S. Thompson
                                                                                   2000–2001                     2. The Stuttering Preacher              Written by Elaine Jackson                Miles
                                   EXTENSION AT TRIBECA                 Conflict Of Interest                     Written by Levy Lee Simon               Directed by A. Dean Irby
Directed by Ron Stacker-Thompson   PERFORMING ARTS CENTER                                                        Directed by Woodie King, Jr.                                                     Adapted and Arranged by Glenn
                                                                        Written and Directed by Jay Broad
                                   Aug.16–Sept. 24, 1995                                                                                                                                          Young
                                                                                                                                                         Court-Martial at Fort Devens
                                                                        The Conjure Man Dies                                                                                                      Directed by Ajene D. Washington
           1 9 89– 1990            Black Girl                           Written by Rudolph Fisher                           2006–2007                    Written by Jeffrey Sweet
God’s Trombones                    Written by J.e Franklin                                                                                               Directed by Mary Beth Easley             Two Can Play
                                                                        Directed by Clinton Turner Davis         The Taking of Miss Janie
Written by James Weldon Johnson    Directed by Anderson Johnson                                                  Written by Ed Bullins                                                            Written by Trevor Rhone
Directed by Woodie King, Jr.                                            The African Project: Beautiful                                                                                            Directed by Clinton Turner Davis
                                                                                                                 Directed by Shauneille Perry                       2012-2013
Goree                                                                   Things & The Missing Face                                                        Sowa’s Red Gravy
                                   Written by Ron Milner                Written and Directed by Selaelo Maredi
Written by Matsemela Manaka        Directed by Woodie King, Jr.                                                                                          Written by Diane Richards
Directed by John Kani                                                                                                                                    Directed by Woodie King, Jr

12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   13
“TWO CAN PLAY” - PRODUCTION STAFF                                                                              NEW FEDERAL THEATRE                         SUPPORTERS                     CONTRIBUTORS
                                                                                                                                            BOARD OF DIRECTORS                          Michelle Payne                   African Voices
Technical Director/Carpenter .......................Crystal Scenic Light & Sound/Anthony Davidson
                                                                                                                                                  June R. Ballinger                  Anna Maria Horsford              Samuel E. Anderson/
Master Electrician/Light Board Operator ....................................................... Antoinette Tynes                                                                                                        Rosmari Mealy
                                                                                                                                                    Marie Brown                       Elizabeth Van Dyke
Wardrobe Supervisor. ...................................................................................... Kennette Banks                                                                                               June Ballinger
                                                                                                                                                 Norma Jean Darden                       Edna Watson
Box Office Treasurer .........................................................................................Castillo Theatre                                                                                             Adrian Best
                                                                                                                                          James de Jongh/Acting President                Petronia Paley
Press Representative .................................................................... .Jonathan Slaff & Associates
                                                                                                                                                    Dr. Gloria Ellis                                                      Eric Coleman
Sound Board Operator........................................................................... Christopher Nicholson                                                                  Annette L. Purnell
                                                                                                                                                Cliff Frazier/President                                                 Stephen A. Davis
Flyer Distribution Services ........................................................................ Kojo Ade Associates
                                                                                                                                                   Valerie Graves                         DONORS                     Denise Burse Fernandez
Art Direction & Graphic Design .................................................................SeanOHalloran.com
                                                                                                                                                                                        June Ballinger                     Micki Grant
Photographer ................................................................................................. Gerry Goodstein                      A. Dean Irby
                                                                                                                                                                                         Ernest Baxter                  Richard Harmon
Electric & Production Crew..................................................... Ulric O’Flaherty, Norman Lander                                    Woodie King Jr.
                                                                                                                                                                                        Fontella Boone                    Jeanette Hill
                                                                                Chris Nicholson, “Lucky” Gilbert Pearto                            Joseph C. Lewis
Set Crew .......................................................................Charles “Choo” Mickens, Angel Smith                                                                     Jewel Brimage               Dr. James Arthur Holmes
                                                                                                                                                  Deborah McGee
Fire Guards................................................................................... Alex Yoe and Anthony Jones                                                      Jacquelyn M. & Willie C. Carpenter         Lee Hunkins
                                                                                                                                          Rev. Rhonda Akanké McLean-Nur/
Printers ..................................................................................................................Patane Press              Treasurer                 Clare Coss & Blanche Wiesen Cook         Chequita Jackson
Director Observer............................................................................................. SaCha Coleman                        Evelyn Nelson                      Mickey Davidson                  Dr. James Holmes
                                                                                                                                                    Petronia Paley                      Davidson Micky                  Dr. Shirley Jordan
                                      NEW FEDERAL THEATRE STAFF                                                                                      Kay Radtke                        Timothy Douglas                    Terria Joseph
Producing Director ......................................................................................... Woodie King, Jr.                      Diane Richards                Prof. Charles Dumas & Family              Vera J. Katz
Executive Director ...............................................................................................Patricia White                   John Scutchins                        Kathryn Ervin                     A. Myra Lee
Assistant to the Producing. Director .............................................................................Karimah                        Gail Wright Sirmans                   Frankie R. Faison                   Regge Life
Workshop Coordinator ............................................................................Ajene D. Washington                            Susan Watson Turner            Denise Burse & Peter J. Fernandez          Leah Maddrie
Social Media Consultant ................................................................................... Jazmin Puentes                                                                J.e Franklin
                                                                                                                                            Elizabeth Van Dyke/Secretary                                                  Carol Maillard
Instructors/ Acting Workshop .................................................... Petronia Paley, Charles Turner                                                                         Arthur French
                                                                                                                                                 Dr. Glory Van Scott                                                      John McCain
                                                                                   Nora Cole, Arthur French, Alice Spivak
                                                                                                                                                                                     Raymond L. Gaspard               Manard Ralph McCain
Instructors Beginning Acting Workshop..................................Eric Coleman, Rosalyn Coleman                                                  ANGELS                          Dr. Brenda Greene                  A. Muhammad
                                                                                                Mary Hodges, Joyce Sylvester                     Chadwick Boseman
                                                                                                                                                                                       Geraldine Gregg                    Evelyn L. Neal
Instructors/Playwriting Workshop.................................... Michael Dinwiddie, Laurence Holder                                               Vin Diesel
                                                                                                                                                                                         Linda Herring                     Jill Nelson
                                                                                         Cassandra Medley, Richard Wesley                         Ford Foundation
Business/Bookkeeping Services ........................................ CHJ Financial Services/Carl Jaynes                                                                               Tommy R. Hicks                Mary Louise Patterson
                                                                                                                                          Louis & Anne Abrons Foundation
Certified Public Accountant ........................................................................... P. Boyd CPA, LLC                                                                 Jeanette Hill                  JoAnna Rhinehart
                                                                                                                                           Lucius & Eva Eastman Fund, Inc.
Attorney ................................................................................................................... Jay Kramer                                              Ron & Heather Himes             Ruben Santiago-Hudson
                                                                                                                                              New York City Council/
Insurance Brokers ................................................................................ Arthur J. Gallagher, Co.                James Van Bramer, Chairman of               Robert E. Holmes                   Juney Smith/
Interns........................................................................................ Cherisse Herbert, Marlon Riley                    Arts & Libraries                       Sharon Hope                Rainbow Media Group LLC
                                                                                                                                            New York City Department of                 Glenn A. Hunter                    Diane Stiles
                                                    CASTILLO STAFF                                                                                Cultural Affairs
                                                                                                                                                                                       Marjorie Johnson                   Kim Sullivan
Artistic Director ................................................................................................... Dan Friedman          New York State Council on the                                               Robert Toomer Jr.
                                                                                                                                                Arts/A State Agency                  Kojo Ade Enterprises
Vice President / All Stars Project of New York Programs                                                                                                                                 Richard Lawson               Jennifer Vermont-Davis
                                                                                                                                               Normandie Foundation
    & Managing Director, Castillo Theatre ........................................................ Diane Stiles                                                                           Regge Life                  Jeree & Adam Wade
                                                                                                                                          Richard & Iris Abrons Foundation
Associate Managing Director ............................................................................John Rankin, III                                                             Manard Ralph McCain                 Valerie Wesley
                                                                                                                                                 Shubert Foundation
Box Office Manager ...................................................................................... Kate Henselmans
                                                                                                                                          The Estate of Robert Joel Schwartz            McGriff Brenda
Project Lead, Database and Box Office Administration ................................. Michael Dockery                                                                                                                   SUPPORTERS
                                                                                                                                                                                     Lawrence Muhammad                     S. E. Baker
Theatre Sales and Fundraising Coordinator ....................................................... Rachel Kessler
                                                                                                                                                  BENEFACTORS                     Ellease Ebele Noxolo Oseye
Technical Director ...............................................................................................Joseph Spirito                                                                                          Nora M. Cole
                                                                                                                                                    Michelle Deal                       Luciana Polney                  Mary Constance
                                                                                                                                                 Starletta E. Du Pois
                                                  VOLUNTEER STAFF                                                                                                                         Seret Scott                   Domingo DePina
                                                                                                                                                 John Golden Fund                       Sermons Alive
Theatre Producers ........................................................... Madelyn Chapman, L. Thecla Farrell                                                                                                      Deaon Griffin-Pressley
                                                                                                                                                    Fern Metcalf                          Pawnee Sills
                                       Kate Henselmans, Jessica Massad, John Rankin III, Diane Stiles                                                                                                                    Frank Hennessy
                                                                                                                                                 Claude L. Winfield                    Christopher Street
Resident Costume Designer ............................................................................ Emilie Charlotte                                                                                                Laurence C. Holder
Resident Set & Video Designer ..........................................................................Joseph Spirito                               PATRONS
                                                                                                                                                                                       Joyce N. Sylvester                 Carl H. Jaynes
Box Office Coordinator ........................................................................................ Margo Grant                          Anonymous                           Edna Watson                     Daphne Myers
Box Office Staff ..................................................... Maureen Albanese, Reanisha Bartholomew                                     Andre DeShields                         Emily Yancy                     Cortez Nance
                                      Nora Bleich, Caren Crawford, Margo Grant, Octavio Hernandez                                                   Kermit Frazier                       Glenn Young                     Marcus Naylor
                                          Jeanne Ollivierre, Denise Pasour, Theresa Philips, Emily Renz
                                                                                                                                                    David Garza                                                          Lady Peachena
             David Rodriguez, Richard Ronner, Alice Rydel, Charisse Tompkins, Marsha Weil
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Chiquita JR Sanders
House Staff Director ............................................................................................ Elyse Mendel
House Staff Manager .........................................................................................Sheryl Williams                                                                                             Audrey Smaltz

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             15

    o Supporter $25-49                   o Sponsor $250-$499
    o Contributor $50-$99                o Patron $500-$999
    o Donor $100-$249                    o Benefactor $1000-$4999
                                         o Angel $5000+



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                           Make All Payments to:
                        New Federal Theatre
                         c/o All Stars Project, Inc.
                          543 West 42nd Street
                        New York, New York 10036
                                                                    Program Design & Layout: SeanOHalloran.com | SO’ Creative

                For More Information and Contributions:
                         Phone: 212-353-1176
                     Email: newfederal@aol.com
                 Website: www.newfederaltheatre.com

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