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February 27, 2022
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                                                         We would like to extend a warm welcome
Fr. Jose Panthaplamthottiyil, CMI.                           to all of our new parishioners!
Parochial Vicars
Fr. Christopher Knight                              Website: http://seaspcfl.org/                   Mission Chapel
frknight@seaspcfl.org                                                                               St. Stephen’s Chapel
Fr. Robert Trujillo                                 Church, Rectory Office,                         2400 E. Highway 100, Bunnell, FL 32110
frrob@seaspcfl.org                                  School & Ministry Center
                                                    4600 Belle Terre Pkwy. Palm Coast, FL 32164     Church Hours
                                                                                                    7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday – Friday
Retired Associates
                                                    Phone: (386) 445-2246 • Fax: (386) 445-7808
Fr. John McElroy                                    School: (386) 445-2411                          Rectory Office & Ministry Center
                                                    Emergency Phone: (386) 283-3420                 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday – Friday
Fr. George Sankoorikal                                                                                                              Holidays
Fr. James May (Pastor Emeritus)                     (after hours ONLY)

Pastoral Ministry
Deacon Perlito (Tom) Alayu
Deacon Bob Devereux                                                                                                           Masses
Deacon Jose Homem
Deacon Ed Wolff                                                                                                            Monday - Friday
Deacon Mike McKenna                                                                                                        7 am and 8:30 am
                                                                                                                           Saturday 8:30 am
Business Manager                                                                                                            and 4 pm Vigil
Elizabeth Foran
Office Assistant                                                                                                              8, & 10 am
Mrs. Elaine Leonard                                                                                                          and 12 noon.
                                                                                                                              St. Stephen
Bookkeeper                                                                                                                  6 pm Saturdays
Leanne Rossi                                                                                                                 5 pm Sundays
                                                           “Your Gift Today is Our Treasure                                  Spanish Mass
Carmen Cruz-Pritchard                                              for Tomorrow”                                             Sunday 5 pm.

Maintenance                                                                                                               Portuguese Mass:
Jose Valverde                                                                                                               First and third
                                                    To ensure the            February 20                                  Saturdays at 6 pm
                                                       protection                                         Additional
School Principal                                        of those      Offertory…….$25,509.00                 CDC            Office Hours
Barbara Kavanagh                                      around us,                                        guidance may       Monday - Friday
                                                      the faithful   Online Giving…..$6,065.00           be obtained        9:00- 4:00 pm
Director of Christian Formation                      are strongly       Total……..…$31, 574.00             at: https:/
Katie Allio                                          encouraged                                         www.cdc.gov/     Church is open 7-4pm
                                                    to wear masks                                           corona-
Director of Youth Ministry                            or suitable     Thank you for your support.         virus/2019-        Sacrament of
                                                          face          Donate to our parish by                              Reconciliation
Jeremy Vest                                                              using Online Giving.           ncov/prevent-
                                                       coverings.                                        getting-sick/   Saturday- 2:45-3:45pm
                                                                                                                          Sunday-30 minutes
Music Director                                                                                                                before Mass
Don Roy                                             Thank you         Go to www.seaspcfl.org            coverings.html     & by appointment
Bulletin Editor
                                                    God bless!
Phyllis Jenkins
pjenkins@seaspcfl.org                                                                                          Online Giving
                                                           myParish App
                                                                                                     • Saves envelopes (saves parish $)
                   Cover                            Daily Readings, prayers & much                   • No need to write checks
                                                    more! Go to the App Store or                       (saves YOU $)
                                                    Google Play and search for myParish.             • No missing donations while away
           Ash Wednesday                            Or search the internet, myparishapp.com          • More efficient form of stewardship
                                                    for the ability to find info on all Catholic       Go to www.seaspcfl.org and click
                                                    churches within the Diocese .
                                                                                                             Online Giving link.
 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 2                                                  February 27, 2022
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From the desk of Fr. Jose Panthaplamthottiyil

                       A Poor Sinner, Your Brother
The Habsburg dynasty had its origin in present-day           tributed during all the Masses.
Switzerland in the 11th century. However, soon they          Masses on Ash Wednesday: 7 am, 8.30 am, 12 noon, 5
became masters of the area which comprises today’s           pm and 7 pm.
Austria. The throne of the Habsburgs in Austria lasted       Lenten Abstinence from meat: The Church requires all
many centuries (1273-1918).                                  the faithful who have reached their 14th year of age to
                                                             abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and all the Fri-
While the Habsburgs were in power, the royal funerals days of Lent. Abstinence forbids the use of meat, but
were always held in a church in Vienna. When the fu-         not of eggs and milk.
neral procession arrived at the entrance of this church, Fasting on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday: All the
the tradition was to keep the church doors closed. Then faithful between the ages of 18 and 59 inclusive are
the mourners would knock at the door. Immediately, a bound to observe fasting regulation on Ash Wednesday
priest would ask from inside. “Who is it who desires         and Good Friday.
admission here?” The leader of the procession would
then reply saying, “His majesty the emperor!” The            Lenten Devotions at Mother Seton:
priest would answer him, “I do not know him.”                1.Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Adoration
                                                                            during weekdays after 8:30 am Mass up
Again the people would knock                                                to 10 am
from outside. The priest would
immediately ask, “Who is there?”                                            2. Stations of the Cross on every Friday at
They would reply, “The highest                                              6.30 pm. Please remember to join us with
emperor!” Raising his voice, the                                            family and friends.
priest would say, “I do not know
him.” The people would knock at                                             Lenten Retreat: March 28, 29, 30.
the door one more time, and the
priest would ask, “Who is                                                   Lenten Penance Service: March 29: 5 pm.
there?” This time the people
would reply, “A poor sinner,                                                Presentation on the Shroud of Turin:
your brother!” Then the doors                                               April 2: 9:30 am – 11.20 am.
would be opened, and the dead
body would be received in the                                               Easter Duty: All the faithful are bound by
church.                                                      obligation to receive Holy Communion at least once a
                                                             year. This precept must be fulfilled during the Easter
In the presence of God, every human being is a sinner. Season, unless for a good reason it is fulfilled in another
Emperors and kings are no exception to this reality. The time during the year. Easter time begins at the Vigil on
Habsburg emperors knew this well, and they wanted to Holy Saturday and concludes with the celebration of
be reminded of this truth. That was why this unusual         Pentecost. By a special indult for the dioceses of the
custom was introduced into their funeral service.            United States, this period is extended to include the pe-
                                                             riod from Ash Wednesday to Trinity Sunday (June 12).
Every year, by celebrating the Season of Lent, the
Church reminds us of the reality of sin in our lives. By Fast and Feast: Fast from pessimism; feast on optimism.
doing this, the Church also urges us to confess our sins Fast from criticism; feast on praise. Fast from self-pity;
and ask for pardon from God. No matter how good we feast on joy. Fast from bitterness; feast on forgiveness.
feel about ourselves, the fact is that we are all sinners in Fast from idle gossip; feast on purposeful silence. Fast
the eyes of God. Like the tax collector in the gospel, we from jealousy; feast on love. Fast from complaining;
should sincerely say, “God, be merciful to me a sin-         feast on appreciation. Fast from fear; feast on faith. Fast
ner” (Luke 18:13).                                           from anger; feast on patience. Fast from self-concern;
                                                             feast on compassion for others. Fast from discontent;
During this Season of Lent, while we ask God to forgive feast on gratitude. (St. Mother Theresa)
us our sins, we should also remember to fast and pray
and give alms as penance for all our sins.                   “Go thou and do likewise!” After a minister preached
                                                             a sermon on spiritual gifts, he was greeted at the door
Lenten Season: Lent is a special period of prayer and        by a lady who said, “Pastor, I believe I have the gift of
penance for all Christians. The Season of Lent begins on criticism.” He looked at her and asked, “Remember the
Ash Wednesday, March 2.                                      person in Jesus’ parable who had the one talent? Do
                                                             you recall what he did with it?” “Yes,” replied the lady,
Ash Wednesday: This is a day of universal fasting and “he went out and buried it.” With a smile, the pastor
abstinence from meat. Ashes will be blessed and dis-         suggested, “Go thou, and do likewise!” (via Fr. Tony)

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 3                                  February 27, 2022
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Desde el Escritorio del Pastor, Padre Jose Panthaplamthottiyil

                              Un Pobre Pecador, Tu Hermano
La dinastía de los Habsburgo tuvo su origen en la actu-      Abstinencia de Carne en Cuaresma: La Iglesia
al Suiza en el siglo XI. Sin embargo, pronto se convirti-   requiere que todos los fieles que hayan cumplido los 14
eron en dueños del área que comprende la actual Aus-        años de edad se abstengan de comer carne el Miércoles
tria. El trono de los Habsburgo en Austria duró muchos      de Ceniza y todos los viernes de Cuaresma. La absti-
siglos (1273-1918).                                         nencia prohibe el uso de carne, pero no de huevos y
Mientras los Habsburgo estuvieron en el poder, los fu-
nerales reales siempre se celebraron en una iglesia de      Ayuno el Miércoles de Ceniza y el Viernes San-
Viena. Cuando el cortejo fúnebre llegaba a la entrada de    to: Todos los fieles entre las edades de 18 y 59 años in-
esta iglesia, la tradición era mantener las puertas de la   clusive están obligados a observar la regulación del
iglesia cerradas. Entonces los dolientes llamaban a la      ayuno el Miércoles de Ceniza y el Viernes Santo.
puerta. Inmediatamente, un sacerdote preguntaría
desde adentro. “¿Quién es el que desea ser admitido         Devociones de Cuaresma en Mother Seton:
aquí?” El líder de la procesión entonces respondería        1. Exposición del Santísimo Sacramento
diciendo: "¡Su majestad el emperador!" El sacerdote le      y Adoración durante los días de semana después de la
respondía: “No lo conozco”.                                 Misa de 8:30 am hasta las 10:00 am.
                                                            2. Vía Crucis todos los Viernes a las 6:30 pm.
Nuevamente la gente tocaba desde afuera. El sacerdote       Recuerde acompañarnos con familiares y amigos.
preguntaba inmediatamente: "¿Quién está ahí?" Re-
sponderían: "¡El más alto emperador!" Alzando la voz,       Retiro de Cuaresma: Marzo 28, 29, 30.
el sacerdote decía: “No lo conozco”. La gente tocaba a
la puerta una vez más y el sacerdote preguntaba:            Servicio de Penitencia de Cuaresma: Marzo 29: 5 pm.
“¿Quién anda ahí?”. Esta vez la gente respondería:
“¡Pobre pecador, tu hermano!”. Entonces se abrirían las     Presentación Sobre la Sábana Santa de Turín: Abril
puertas y se recibiría el cadáver en la iglesia.            2: 9.30 – 11.20 am.

Ante la presencia de Dios, todo ser humano es pecador.  Deber de Pascua: Todos los fieles están obligados a rec-
Los emperadores y reyes no son una excepción a esta     ibir la Sagrada Comunión al menos una vez al año. Este
realidad. Los emperadores Habsburgo sabían esto muy     precepto debe cumplirse durante el Tiempo Pascual, a
bien y querían que se les recordara esta verdad. Por esono ser que por causa justificada se cumpla en otro tiem-
se introdujo esta inusual costumbre en su servicio fu-  po del año. El tiempo pascual comienza en la Vigilia del
nerario.                                                Sábado Santo y concluye con la celebración de Pente-
                                                        costés. Por un indulto especial para las diócesis de los
Cada año, al celebrar el Tiempo de Cuaresma, la Iglesia Estados Unidos, este período se extiende para incluir el
nos recuerda la realidad del pecado en nuestras vidas. período del Miércoles de Ceniza al Domingo de la Trin-
Al hacer esto, la Iglesia también nos insta a confesar  idad (12 de Junio ).
nuestros pecados y pedir perdón a Dios. No importa lo
bien que nos sintamos con nosotros mismos, el hecho es Ayuno y festín: Ayunar del pesimismo; fiesta en el op-
que todos somos pecadores a los ojos de Dios. Como el timismo. Ayuna de la crítica; fiesta en la alabanza.
recaudador de impuestos del evangelio, debemos decir Ayuna de la autocompasión; banquete de alegría.
con sinceridad: “Dios, ten misericordia de mí, pe-      Ayuna de la amargura; fiesta en el perdón. Ayuna de
cador” (Lucas 18:13).                                   los chismes ociosos; fiesta en el silencio decidido.
Durante esta temporada de Cuaresma, mientras le         Ayuna de los celos; festín de amor. Ayuna de quejarse;
pedimos a Dios que nos perdone nuestros pecados,        festín de aprecio. Ayuna del miedo; fiesta en la fe.
también debemos recordar ayunar, orar y dar limosna Ayuna de la ira; fiesta en la paciencia. Ayuna de la pre-
como penitencia por todos nuestros pecados.             ocupación por ti mismo; fiesta en la compasión por los
                                                        demás. Ayuna del descontento; fiesta en la gratitud.
Temporada de Cuaresma: La Cuaresma es un período (Santa Madre Teresa)
especial de oración y penitencia para todos los Cris-
tianos. El Tiempo de Cuaresma comienza el Miércoles "¡Ve tú y haz lo mismo!" Después de que un ministro
de Ceniza, 2 de Marzo.                                  predicara un sermón sobre los dones espirituales, una
                                                        señora lo recibió en la puerta y le dijo: "Pastor, creo que
Miércoles de Ceniza: Este es un día de ayuno universal tengo el don de la crítica". Él la miró y le preguntó:
y abstinencia de carne. Las cenizas serán bendecidas y “¿Recuerdas a la persona de la parábola de Jesús que
distribuidas durante todas las Misas.                   tenía un talento? ¿Recuerdas lo que hizo con él? -Sí -
                                                        respondió la señora-, salió y lo enterró. Con una son-
Misas Miércoles de Ceniza: 7 am, 8.30 am, 12 medio      risa, el pastor sugirió: “¡Ve tú y haz lo mismo!”. (a
dia, 5 pm y 7 pm.                                       través del Padre Tony)

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 4                          February 27, 2022
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Da secretária do Padre José Panthaplamthottiyil

                               O Pobre Pecador, Seu Irmão
A dinastia Habsburg teve a sua origem na Suíça (de          e todas as Sextas-feiras da Quaresma. A abstinência
hoje) no século XI. No entanto, tornaram-se mestres da      proíbe o uso de carne, mas não de ovos e leite.
área que encompassa a Áustria de hoje. O trono dos
Habsburg na Áustria durou muitos séculos (1273-1918).       Jejum na Quarta-feira de Cinzas e Sexta-feira santa:
Enquanto os Habsburg estavam no poder, os funerais          todos os fiéis entre 18 e 59 anos inclusive são obrigados
reais eram sempre realizados numa igreja em Viena.          a observar a regulamentação do jejum na Quarta-feira
Quando a procissão fúnebre chegava à entrada da             de Cinzas e Sexta-feira santa.
igreja, a tradição era manter as portas da igreja
fechadas. Então os enlutados batiam na porta.               Devoções durante a Quaresma na igreja de St.
Imediatamente, um padre perguntaria de parte de             Elizabeth:
dentro. "Quem é que deseja admissão aqui?" O líder da       1. Exposição do Santíssimo Sacramento e Adoração
procissão então responderia dizendo: "Sua majestade, o      durante a semana após a Missa das 8:30 até às10h.
imperador!" O padre responderia- lhe: "Eu não o             2. Estações da Cruz todas as sextas-feiras às 18:30. Por
conheço."                                                   favor, lembre-se de se juntar a nós com a sua família e
Mais uma vez as pessoas batiam do lado de fora. O
padre perguntaria outra vez: "Quem é?" Eles                 Retiro da Quaresma: dias 28, 29 e 30 de Março.
responderiam: "O mais alto imperador!" Levantando a
voz, o padre diria: "Eu não o conheço." As pessoas          Serviço de Penitência da Quaresma: dia 29 de Março às
batiam na porta mais uma vez, e o padre perguntava:         17:00.
"Quem é?" Desta vez, o povo responderia: "Um pobre
pecador, seu irmão!" Então as portas seriam abertas, e o    Apresentação do Shroud of Turin: dia 2 de Abril das
corpo do morto seria recebido na igreja.                    9:30 às 11:20 am.
Na presença de Deus, todo o ser humano é um pecador.
Imperadores e reis não são excepção a esta realidade.       Dever da Páscoa: Todos os fiéis são obrigados pela
Os imperadores de Habsburg sabiam muito bem, e              obrigação de receber a Santa Comunhão pelo menos
queriam ser lembrados desta verdade. Foi por isso que       uma vêz por ano. Este preceito deve ser cumprido
este costume incomum foi introduzido no seu serviço         durante a Temporada da Páscoa, ou, se por uma boa
funerário.                                                  razão seja cumprido noutra época durante o ano. A
                                                            Páscoa começa na Vigília no Sábado Santo e termina
Todos os anos, ao celebrar a Temporada da Quaresma,         com a celebração de Pentecostes. Por uma ordem
a Igreja lembra-nos da realidade do pecado nas nossas       especial para as dioceses dos Estados Unidos, este
vidas. Ao fazer isso, a Igreja também nos instiga a         período é aumentado para incluir o período de Quarta-
confessar os nossos pecados e pedir perdão a Deus.          feira de Cinzas até Domingo de Trindade (2 de junho
Não importa se nos sintamos bem acerca de nós               12).
mesmos, o facto é que somos todos pecadores nos olhos
de Deus. Como o cobrador de impostos no evangelho,          Jejum e Comer bem: Jejuar do pessimismo; Comer
devemos sinceramente dizer: "Deus, seja misericordiosobem do otimismo. Jejuar das críticas; Comer bem dos
para mim, um pecador" (Lucas 18:13).                  louvores. Jejuar de auto-piedade; Comer bem da
Durante esta Temporada da Quaresma, enquanto          alegria. Jejuar da amargura; Comer bem no perdão.
pedimos a Deus que nos perdoe nossos pecados,         Jejuar de calhandrices; Comer bem em silêncio de
também devemos lembrar de jejuar e orar e dar esmolas proposito. Jejuar do ciúme; Comer bem no amor. Jejuar
como penitência por todos os nossos pecados.          de reclamar; Comer bem de apreciação. Jejuar do medo;
                                                      Comer bem na fé. Jejuar da inveja; Comer bem da
Quaresma: Quaresma é um período especial de oração paciência. Jejuar da auto-preocupação; Comer bem de
e penitência para todos os cristãos. A Estação da     compaixão pelos outros. Jejuar de descontentamento;
Quaresma começa na Quarta-feira de Cinzas, no dia 2   Comer bem de gratidão. (St. Mother Theresa)
de Março.
                                                      "Vai tu e faz o mesmo!" Depois do sermão de um
Quarta-feira de Cinzas: Este é um dia de jejum        ministro sobre os dons espirituais, ele foi alertado por
universal e abstinência da carne. As cinzas serão     uma senhora que lhe disse: "Pastor, eu acredito que
abençoadas e distribuídas durante todas as Missas.    tenho o dom da crítica". Ele olhou para ela e perguntou:
Missas na Quarta-feira de Cinzas: 7 am, 8.30 am,      "Lembra-se da pessoa na parábola de Jesus que tinha
12 meio dia, 5 pm e 7 pm.                             sómente um único talento? Você lembra-se o que ele
Abstinência de carne durante a Quaresma: A Igreja     fez com esse talento?” "Sim", respondeu a senhora, "ele
exige que todos os fiéis que atingiram os 14 anos de  saiu e enterrou-o." Com um sorriso, o pastor sugeriu:
idade se abstenham de carne na Quarta-feira de Cinzas "Vai tu, e faz o mesmo!" (via Padre Tony)
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164 , page 5                                February 27, 2022
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Sunday Readings Explained– 136 - Fr. Tony Kadavil

Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Sirach27:4-7; Psalm 92:2-3; 13-16; I Corinthians 15:54-58; Luke 6:39-45

                            Avoid Hypocrisy, Stop Judging
Introduction                                                  of wasting time on useless and sinful conversations
Jesus draws our attention to practical points of              which bring punishment instead of the victory of resur-
Christian living and challenges us to use words as            rection and eternal reward. In today’s Gospel passage,
he used them in his preaching and healing ministry,           taken from the Sermon on the Plain given in Luke’s Gos-
to heal, restore and bring back life, joy, and hope.          pel, Jesus condemns our careless, malicious and rash
Today’s readings also instruct us to share our Chris-         judgments about the behavior, feelings, motives or ac-
tian life, love, and spiritual health by our words, and       tions of others by using the funny examples of one
to avoid gossiping about and passing rash, thought-           blind man leading another blind man and one man
less and pain-inflicting judgments on others, damag-          with a log stuck in his eye trying to remove a tiny speck
ing their good reputation and causing irreparable             from another’s eye.
                                                              First Reading, Sirach 27:4-7
The first reading from the Book of Sirach teaches that         In the Greek version of the Bible, the first title of this
what is inside us is revealed through our conversation -       book was “The Wisdom of Ben Sirach.” It was the book
- as the grain and husks are separated in a farmer’s           most used in the liturgy. In fact, in the early Church it
sieve, as the quality of the newly formed clay pot is re-      was a kind of official catechism used in the catechu-
vealed in the potter’s fire, and as the size and quality of    menate, and hence its Greek name in the Septuagint is
a tree’s fruit reveal the care it has received from the        Ecclesiasticus. According to the prologue and other
planter. Sirach’s teaching serves as an excellent preview      passages in the book, the inspired author was a learned
for today’s Gospel. It reminds us, when we’re feeling          scribe, a humble and zealous man, who lived in Jerusa-
judgmental, to think before we speak because what              lem. From an early age he had meditated deeply on Sa-
comes out of our mouth reveals our heart.                      cred Scripture. This book played an important part in
                                                               shaping the Faith of the Jewish people. It equipped
The Responsorial Psalm (Ps 92) reminds us “It is good to them to cope with the imminent menace of Greek cul-
give thanks to the Lord, to sing praise to Your Name, Most     ture, which ran completely counter to the monotheism
High, to proclaim Your Kindness at dawn and Your Faithful- of the people of the Old Covenant. Since the book was
ness throughout the night!”(Vv 2-3). In the second read-       written in Greek, not in Hebrew, the Jewish scholars
ing St. Paul advises the Corinthian Christians “to be          who finalized the canon of the Hebrew Bible after Jesus’
firm, steadfast, always fully devoted to the work of the Lord, Resurrection did not include it in the canon of the He-
knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain,” instead brew Bible.

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But since it was included in the Septuagint, the Catholic    2. We should not be blind guides: In order to lead a
Church retains it as an inspired book of the Bible. Si-      blind person, one must be sighted; in order to teach,
rach advises us not to praise any man before he speaks,      one must be knowledgeable; otherwise, the blind per-
for it is then those men are tested. Speech is the princi-   son and the student will be lost. The sight and the
pal criterion for evaluating a person’s character.           knowledge specified here are the insights that come
                                                             through Faith and the Holy Spirit, and the knowledge
The sacred author first uses an agricultural image to        that comes from a Faith-filled relationship with the
explain his point. When a sieve is shaken, the grains fall   Lord. The point of this image of the blind leading the
to the basket beneath the sieve and the husks remain in      blind is that we must be careful when choosing whom
the sieve showing their ugly emptiness. The same thing       to follow, lest we stumble into a pit alongside our blind
happens when a man speaks: his faults, his pride, and        guide. A corollary is that we have no business trying to
his ignorance are exposed. The second image used is          guide others unless we ourselves can see clearly. This is
the potter’s furnace. If the clay isn’t completely dry, the  an important message in a day when so many self-
piece explodes in the kiln (furnace). In the same way,       appointed gurus vie for control of our spiritual affairs,
conversation is the test of a man. The fruit of a tree       our financial affairs, our medical affairs, our romantic
shows the care it has had; As an example, sycamore           affairs, our family affairs. Some are blind, but others see
fruit had to be punctured to grow fat and juicy; this was    our vulnerabilities—see where they can take advantage
the job of the “dresser of sycamores.” In the same way,      of us.
a man’s speech discloses the bent of his mind. Praise no
man before he speaks, for it is then that men are tested.    When choosing a guide—particularly a spiritual
                                                             guide—it pays to be very, very careful. Therefore it is
Second Reading, I Corinthians 15:54-58                       most important to go in for regular “eye exams.” Every
 When Paul called the Corinthian Christians to affirm        day, Christians should go to God, our spiritual Eye
their Faith in the power of Jesus over death by his Res- Doctor, to ask Him to check our vision. As we get into
urrection, he challenged them to affirm their freedom        the Word, as we pray, He corrects our sight, and He
from death, from sin, and from the Law, and to exercise shows us what to watch out for. It is vitally important
that freedom “by being fully engaged in the work of the that we have this regular “eye exam,” because we are
Lord,” (v. 58), instead of divesting themselves of the       not alone in the car. There are people who trust us to
body and all that it entails. Thus, the faithful will trans- lead them to safety. It may be our children, or our
form their corruptible physical bodies into incorrupti-      spouse. It may be a friend. It may be people in the
ble spiritual bodies in their resurrection, and experience Church or community who are following where we
immortality. Paul denies the teaching of the Corinthian lead. If we lead them off a cliff because of poor vision,
philosophers that the attainment of the “ideal” exist-       God will hold us accountable.
ence or salvation from this world can be accomplished
in individuals by their own efforts to live “properly.”      Listen to the words of Paul in Romans 2:19-23. “ If you
Paul teaches that the transformation to immortality has are confident that you are a guide for the blind and a light for
been made possible for all only because of Jesus Christ. those in darkness, that you are a trainer of the foolish and
His death on the cross and his rising alone have accom- teacher of the simple, because in the law you have the formu-
plished the victory over death. Hence, Paul concludes: lation of knowledge and truth, then you who teach another,
“Therefore, my beloved brothers, be firm, steadfast, always  are you failing to teach yourself? You who preach against
fully devoted to the work of the Lord, knowing that in the   stealing, do you steal? You who forbid adultery, do you com-
Lord your labor is not in vain.” The hard work of the        mit adultery? You who detest idols, do you rob temples? You
Christian life is not in vain, because the Christian is “in who boast of the law, do you dishonor God by breaking the
the Lord” who has already won the victory.                   law?”

Gospel Reading, Luke 6:39-45                                 3. We have no right to criticize and judge others:
                                                         The first reason Jesus gives us is that we have no right
Luke may have collected together sayings of Jesus        to criticize unless we ourselves are free of faults. That
which were spoken on different occasions, thus giving    simply means that we have no right to criticize at all,
us a kind of compendium of rules for life and living.    because "there is so much bad in the best of us and so
We may be able to trace four pieces of advice from to-   much good in the worst of us that it ill becomes any of
day’s Gospel passage.                                    us to find fault with the rest of us." Jesus clarifies his
                                                         point by presenting the humorous simile of a man with
1. Advice for students & teachers of Scripture: The a log stuck in his own eye trying to extract a speck of
Christian disciples are called upon to be both guides    dust from someone else's eye. The task of fraternal cor-
and teachers. Since a teacher cannot lead his students   rection (removing specks, etc.), should not be attempt-
beyond what he himself has been taught, he must learn ed, then, without prior self-examination, though the
from the best teacher and then continue to learn Scrip- disciple need not be completely without imperfections
ture from all available sources, the best being the Holy before the process can begin.
Spirit Who inspired Holy Scripture. Then, the learner
must apply what he has learned to his own life before    4. We must be good at heart to be good at our
trying to teach others. Our goal in the Christian life
must be to become like our Teacher, Jesus, in our        deeds: In order to distinguish the good tree from the
thoughts, words, and actions.                            bad tree we need to look at the fruit the tree produces

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 7                                 February 27, 2022
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February 27, 2022 - cloudfront.net
(deeds) and not at its foliage (words). "The treasure of      am sure to come out with better vision, and better eye-
the heart is the same as the root of the tree," St Bede ex-   sight, because I looked to myself first.
plains. "A person who has a treasure of patience and of
perfect charity in his heart yields excellent fruit; he       2. We should stop judging others harshly and un-
loves his neighbor and has all the other qualities            reasonably because a) No one except God is good
                                                          enough to judge others because only God sees the
Jesus teaches; he loves his enemies, does good to him     whole truth, and only He can read the human heart;
who hates him, blesses him who curses him, prays for      hence, only He has the right and authority to judge us.
him who calumniates him,                                                                  b) We are often preju-
does not react against him who                                                            diced in our judgment
attacks him or robs him; he                                                               of others, and total fair-
gives to those who ask, does                                                              ness cannot be expected
not claim what they have sto-                                                             from us. c) We do not
len from him, wishes not to                                                               see all the facts, the cir-
judge and does not condemn,                                                               cumstances or the pow-
corrects patiently and affection-                                                         er of the temptation,
ately those who err.                                                                      which have led a person
                                                                                          to do something evil. d)
Life Messages                                                                             We have no right to
1. We need to avoid hypoc-                                                                judge others because we
risy: Let us acknowledge the                                                              have the same faults and
hypocrisy we all live every                                                               often to a more serious
day. It is the word Jesus used.                                                           degree than the person
We tell people how concerned                                                              we are judging
we are about our kidneys and                                                              (remember Jesus’ funny
hearts when we don’t give a                                                               example of a man with a
second thought to the gaping,                                                             log stuck in his eye try-
rotting wounds of sin covering                                                            ing to remove the dust
us from head to toe. It is even                                                           particle from another’s
worse when someone else falls                                                             eye?) St. Philip Neri
into sin. Ignoring the glaring                                                            commented, watching
faults of our own, we point the                                                           the misbehavior of a
finger of accusation, and whis-                                                           drunkard: “There goes
per about them, and say, “How could they?” instead of Philip but for the grace of God.”
asking “How could we?” We must look to our own sin
first. This is the truth of Lk 6:39-42.                   3. Hence, we should leave all judgment to God
                                                          and practice mercy and forgiveness, remembering
As a disciple of Jesus Christ, I must be honest with my- the advice of saints: “When you point one finger of ac-
self. If I have trouble seeing my sin, and my failures, I cusation at another, three of your fingers point at you."
have to go to Jesus and ask Him to point them out to      Let us pay attention to the Jewish rabbi’s advice: “He
me through prayer and through His Word. And He            who judges others favorably will be judged favorably
will. I must be ready for some painful “I” surgery. But I by God.

                                           Stewardship Reflections
Today’s readings exhort us Christian disciples to form rest. What comes forth from our mouths, or keyboard,
ourselves — mind and heart — in imitation of Christ so or phone, reflects what is in our minds and hearts. Our
we can better reflect His goodness in our daily lives.      ability to communicate with each other is itself a gift
                                                            which we must steward well.
The first reading from Sirach offers timeless counsel:
“the fruit of a tree shows the care it has had: so too does In the same Gospel passage, Jesus reminds us, “No dis-
one’s speech disclose the bent of one’s mind. Praise no ciple is superior to the teacher; but when fully trained,
one before he speaks.” Jesus uses the very same analo- every disciple will be like his teacher.” The more time
gy in today’s Gospel reading from Luke: “A good tree we spend with Jesus, our teacher, through regular pray-
does not bear rotten fruit, nor does a rotten tree bear     er and a strong sacramental life, the more we will be-
good fruit. For every tree is known by its own fruit.”      come like Him. Then all that we do and say (and tweet
                                                            and post) will bring others to closer to Him. This is the
Everything we have is a gift from God to be used for        life’s work of the Christian steward. It is privileged
His honor and glory. This includes the gift of speech       work indeed.
and, even more broadly, all forms of modern-day com- — Stewardship Reflections by Catholic Stewardship Con-
munication — email, text, Twitter, Facebook, and the        sultants
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 8                           February 27, 2022
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One Faith, One Family
                    Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal (BASA)
This week, we hope you will make a prayerful decision       Stewardship is an act of faith and should be at the heart
to pledge a gift to our 2022 Bishop’s Annual Steward-       of our lives as faithful and active members of our
ship Appeal. Bishop Estévez invites each of us to join      Church.
as a faith community in support of the beautiful mis-
sion of our Church. As good stewards of God’s gifts,        It means we are ready to recognize all that we are and
giving and sharing of ourselves is how we can express       all that we have are gifts from God. Let us now ask
gratitude for all our blessings.                            what we can do for God.

       Ash Wednesday Mass Schedule                                 La Florida Martyrs -
       7 am, 8:30 am, 12:10 pm, 5 pm & 7 pm                      Under Our Lady's Mantle
                                                             Dr. Mary Soha M.D., Vice postulator for
               Lenten Devotions                              the canonization of the Florida Martyrs,
                                                             will give a presentation in our church on
                                                             Saturday, March 26 at 9:30- 11:30 am on
                    Exposition and Adoration                 "La Florida Martyrs - Under Our Lady's Mantle."
                   of the Blessed Sacrament on
                                                             Come and bring your family and friends and learn
                      Lenten Weekdays after                  about the remarkable courage and heroic witness of
                     8:30 am Mass till 10 am.                these unknown martyrs- Spanish Friars, Apalachee
                                                             men, women and children who paid the ultimate price
                                                             of martyrdom to defend the Holy Eucharist and the
                                                             Catholic Faith.
     Stations of the Cross                                   Lunch will follow. Kindly sign up or call the parish
    on Fridays at 7:00 pm.                                   office to register at 386- 445- 2246. A free will offering
                                                             will be collected and will be deeply appreciated
      Please join us with                                    towards the cause of the canonization of La
      family and friends.                                    Florida Martyrs.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164 , page 9                                  February 27, 2022
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Education Opportunity!
Please join Fr. Knight in an exciting new five-week
series exploring an essential part of our faith, the Ten
Commandments. The Ten Commandments are the
moral foundation of our daily life, helping to teach us
how to interact with God and our neighbors. Each
conference will take place on Tuesday evening or
Friday morning in the Hall.

     Session Two         3/1         7:00 pm        or   3/4    9:15 am
     Session Three       3/8         7:00 pm        or   3/11   9:15 am
     Session Four        3/15        7:00 pm        or   3/18   9:15 am
     Session Five        3/22        7:00 pm        or   3/25   9:15 am

The Men's Club will sponsor the annual St. Patrick's
Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner in the parish hall
Saturday March 12, 2022. Doors open at 5 PM with a
full dinner served at 6 PM. Ticket donations are
unchanged at $15.00 and 12 years and under $8.00.
Soda, wine and beer will available and tickets will be
available after all Masses Feb. 19, 20, 26, 27 and Mar. 5,
6 as the final sale day. Tickets will also be available at
the Rectory Office and after the 8 and 10 AM Coffee
Gatherings. For questions or assistance, please call Jim,
447-9849 or Ted, 585-4291.

                 Hard Rock Casino Tampa
Come join us on our long awaited trip to the Hard
Rock Casino in Tampa on Wednesday, May 11. Our
buses will depart @ 8AM from the church parking lot
with a short stop in Orlando and then directly to the
casino. The cost is $45 per person with raffle on the bus
enroute and danish and water provided, the buses will
depart the casino @ 5PM promptly for a direct trip to
Palm Coast. Reservations can be made by calling
Jim @447-9849 or Willie @446-0501.

                    Worldwide Marriage Encounter
             It takes much effort just to make ends meet
             in our world today. Do you wish you could
talk about something besides all the stresses in your
life? Sign up today to attend an upcoming Worldwide
Marriage Encounter Weekend on July 15-17, 2022 at
Marywood Retreat Center in Jacksonville, FL or No-
vember 4-6, 2022 at St. Stephen Christian Retreat Center
in Titusville, FL. For more information visit our website
at wwme.org or e-mail:              Applications@FLCN-

                     Faith on a Mission
As part of the celebration of the History of
Diocese of St Augustine, our Parish has been
invited to participate in the sale of a book
about it’s history. Available in the gift shop
and the rectory for $25.00.
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 10   February 27, 2022
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Cancer Support Group                                                                Rosary Cenacles
Support Group for anyone affected                                             The Cenacles are worldwide and have been
with Cancer at SEAS in rectory meet-                                          in our parish for many years. The Cenacle
ing room every second Thursday                                                helps us to deepen our understanding and
morning of the month at 9:30 am and
every fourth Thursday afternoon of the                                        live the obligations of our Christian Faith.
month at 2:30 pm.                                                             We meet on Wednesdays at 1pm in the Rec-
                                                                   tory Meeting room to say the Rosary in the
                         Our Lady of Fatima                        languages of the people present. We are always
                        Portuguese Committee                       looking for peo-ple who can speak other languages.
                                                                   For more infor-mation call Marie at 447– 0847.
                 Meets at 7:00pm on Wednesdays in the
                 Rectory Meeting Room. For more info
                 call the Rectory.
                                                                      Legion of Mary
                                                                   The Legion is a lay
 All are Welcome to Kerygma Meeting                                apostolic organization that
                                                                   meets every Tuesday morning at 9:30am in the
The Kerygma Group meets at 6 pm in the Church on                   Rectory Meeting Room or in the Rectory Meeting
the last Monday of every month. The session begins                 Room of Seton Hall.
with praise and worship music, followed by a talk on a                       Free AARP Tax-Aide Preparation
spiritual topic. The meeting ends after discussions and
more praise and worship music. All are welcome to                                 By Appointment Only
join. For more information, contact: Deacon Mike                    AARP Tax- Aide Foundation volunteers will be avail-
McKenna, deaconmike430@gmail.com                                    able February 1 - April 15, 2021 at multiple sites in
                                                                    Flagler County for free tax preparation.
                                                                    All sites are on an "Appointment Only" basis!
         SEASONS of HOPE                                            Starting January 20, 2022, call 386-313-4048,
      Bereavement Support Group                                     between the hours of 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
         Wed @ 10:00am in the                                       Monday through Friday. For further information,
        Rectory Meeting Room.                                       please contact Roger Carlson -rogerc1948@gmail.com

                                                                            Caregiver Support Group
             The Sunday Scripture Prayer Group
                                                                   Support groups create a safe, confidential,
             The Sunday Scripture Prayer Group meet                supportive environment for participates to
             on Friday at 1:00 PM in the Rectory Meet-
             ing Room. We read the scripture readings              develop informal mutual support and social relation-
             for the up coming Sunday and then discuss             ships as they deal with a loved one suffering from Alz-
             them. “Come and see the goodness of the               heimer’s/ Dementia. For more information, please
             Lord.”                                                call Pam Cowles at the rectory.

    St. Joseph & Sorrowful Mother                                           Padre Pio Prayer Group
        Rosary Makers Ministry                                     Our St. Padre Pio Prayer Group will meet
                                                                   every Second Friday of the month at 9:30
We have resumed our weekly meeting in the                          AM from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. in the Rus-
Russo Room on Mondays at 9:30 AM.                                  so. Please join us. All are welcome!

                          Diocese of St. Augustine- How to Report Abuse
ATTENTION: The Diocese of St. Augustine treats all allega-         ATENCION: La Diócesis de San Agustín trata seriamente todas
tions of sexual misconduct seriously and deals with all allega-    las acusaciones de conducta sexual inapropiada, de manera
tions in a prompt, confidential, and thorough manner. To Re-       rápida, confidencial y minuciosa. Para reportar Abuso, llame a
port Abuse, call the police or the Department of Children and      la policía o al Departamento de Niños y Familias al (904) 962‐
Families at (800) 962‐2873. Or call the Diocesan Victim Assis-     2873. O llame al Coordinador Diocesano de Asistencia a Vícti-
tance Coordinator at (904) 208‐6979 or email inquir-               mas (904) 208‐6979 o envíe un correo electrónico a inquir-
ies@dosafl.com. To report abuse by a bishop, call (800) 276‐1562   ies@dosafl.com. Para denunciar abuso por parte de un obispo,
or visit www.reportbishopabuse.org.                                llame al (800) 276‐1562 oviwww.reportbishopabuse.org
ATENÇÃO: A Diocese de St. Augustine toma muito sériamente          PAUNAWA: Ipinagbibigay alam na lubos na pinahahalagahan
todas as alegações de má conduta sexual e resolve todas as         ng Diyosesis ng San Agustin ang mga paratang sa anumang uri
alegações de forma rápida, confidencial e completa. Para de-       ng abusong sekswal, at agad na masusing sinusuri ang anumang
                                                                   alegasyon habang pinananatiling kumpidensyal. Kung meron
nunciar abuso(s), ligue para a polícia ou para o Department of     kayong nalalamang alegasyon tumawag agad sa Pulisya o kaya
Children and Families pelo (800)962-2873. Ou ligue para o Di-      ay sa Department of Children and Families (800) 962‐2873. O
ocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator pelo (904)208-6979 ou         tawagan ang Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator sa (904) 208
por e-mail inquiries @dosafl.com . Para denunciar abusos co-       ‐6979 o kaya ay mag‐email sa inquiries@dosafl.com. Kung ang
metidos por um bispo ligue para (800)276-1562 ou visite a web-     irereport nyo naman ay isang Obispo, tumawag sa (800) 276‐
site www.reportbishopabuse.org.                                    1562 o kaya ay tumungo sa www.reportbishopabuse.org
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 11                                        February 27, 2022
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SEAS Ladies Guild
                                                             All are invited to the SEAS Ladies Guild meeting on
                                                             Thursday, March 17th @ 9:30am in Seton Hall.
                                                             Our guest speaker will be David Alvin, Mayor of Palm
                                                             Coast who will address your community concerns.
                                                             Refreshments will be served.

                                                                     SEAS Library
                                                             The Mother Seton Rolling Li-
                                                             brary Cart will be back in the
                                                             gathering space after Sunday
                                                             masses beginning the first
                                                             weekend of Lent, March 5 & 6.
                                                             We are delighted to bring good Catholic books back for
                                                             parishioners & visitors. On the cart there’s a variety of
                                                             FREE Catholic books & bibles. Please visit the library
                                                             cart after mass, meet our Librarians, browse the books
                                                             and take home a book or bible.
      Valentines Celebration
                                                             St. Joseph Academy Barn Bash
                                                             Saturday, March 12th, 2022 6:00 PM -
                                                             10:00 PM at the Beautiful Tringali Barn
                                                             $75.00 Per Person. Live music with
                                                             Chillula, delicious BBQ, s'mores bar and
                                                             so more! Tickets are on sale now @
                                                             www.sjaweb.org Look for Barn Bash Tickets on the
                                                             home page. There you can also register for the online
                                                             Silent Auction. The silent auction will be on line the
                                                             week of the event starting March 9th at 4PM and will
                                                             close on March 13th @ 7pm Attendance at the Barn
                                                             Bash is not necessary to participate in the online auc-
                                                             tion www.sjabarnbash.maxgiving.bid
                                                             For questions or sponsorship opportunities please con-
                                                             tact jodi.hatin@sjaweb.org/904.669.4376

                                                                 ARE YOU SOMEONE OR DO YOU
                                                                   KNOW SOMEONE WHO…
                                                             •Has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic?
                                                             •Has a child over the age of seven who hasn’t been baptized?
                                                             •Was baptized Catholic as a child, but has not celebrated the
                                                              Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist?

                                                             We offer an opportunity to come together in a small
                                                             group to learn more about our faith. Sessions focus on
                                                             the teachings and experience of Church and prepare
Come join us as we have some coffee & donuts                 individuals to celebrate the Sacraments of Baptism,
                                                             Confirmation, and Eucharist during the Easter season.
and discuss the Mass readings for that day's Mass!           For information please contact Katie Allio at 386-445-
9 am and 11 am in the Cody Room at Seton Hall!               2246, ext 112 or by email at kallio@seaspcfl.org.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164 , page 12                            February 27, 2022
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Readings for the Week of February 27
                                                In Memoriam
                                                 We remember all our          Sunday    8th Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                 departed brothers and                  Sir 27:4-7/ Ps 92:2-3, 13-14, 15
                                                  sisters with love and                 -16/ 1 Cor 15:54-58/ Lk 6:39-
                                                        gratitude.                      45
                                                                              Monday    1 Pt 1:3-9/ Ps 111:1-2, 5-6, 9 &
Monday, February 28                                                                     10c/ Mk 10:17-27
7:00am Zenaida Reyes                           Jerome V. Richards Jr.         Tuesday   1 Pt 1:10-16/ Ps 98:1, 2-3ab,
8:30am Patrick Costello
                                                                                        3cd-4/ Mk 10:28-31
                                                December 14, 1955 -
Tuesday, March 1                                 February 8, 2022             Wednesday Ash Wednesday
7:00am Rick Davies                                                                      Jl 2:12-18/ Ps 51: 3-4, 5-6ab,
8:30am Jack Gallen                                                                      12-13, 14 & 17/ 2 Cor 5:20-
                                                       Elizabeth “Betty” M.             6:2/ Mt 6:1-6, 16-18
Wednesday, March 2                                            Schoch          Thursday  Dt 30:15-20/ Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4 &
7:00am Mary Bassani                                                                     6/ Lk 9:22-25
8:30am  Celi Riera                                      August 15, 1920 -     Friday    Is 58:1-9a/ Ps 51:3-4, 5-6ab,
12:10pm Theresa Cosentino                               January 23, 2022                18-19/Mt 9:14-15
5:00pm John T. Whelan                                                         Saturday  Is 58:9b/ Ps 86:1-2, 3-4, 5-6/
7:00pm Salud Gaoat                                                                      Lk 5:27-32
                                                 Nicholas Cipolla
                                                                              Sunday    First Sunday of Lent
Thursday, March 3
7:00am    John Riesz                                                                    Dt 26:4-10/ Ps 91:1-2, 10-11,
                                                  June 3, 1933 -
8:30am    Joan Scheck                            February 7, 2022                       12-13, 14-15/ Rom 10:8-13/ Lk
Friday,     March 4
7:00am      John E. Lilly                                 Violet Dooley
8:30am      Perpetual Mass Intentions                                                                Worship Aid /
                                                          July 16, 1932 -                            Mass QR Code
Saturday,   March 5                                      February 1, 2022
8:30am      Rev. Antonio Bico & family                                                             Go to our website
4:00pm      Marlene K. Dondona                                                                     http://seaspcfl.org/
6:00pm(*)   Nancy Joynt Molzan                   Stephen Ciganek                                      worship-aids
6:00pm(P)    Manuel Diamantino                                                  to download the Worship Aid.
                                                 October 10, 1942 -
Sunday,     March 6                              February 10, 2022
8:00am      Ana Becerro
10:00am     SEAS Parishioners                                                 Fr. Jose never sends out
12:00pm     Harold Smith Jr.                      Eternal rest, grant unto    email or text messages
                                                       them O Lord            requesting money or gift
5:00pm(S)   Anunciata Lupinacci                   and let perpetual light     cards for his personal use
5:00pm(*)   M/M Henderson                            shine upon them.         or for the benefit of
                              * St. Stephens
                                                  May they rest in peace.     parishioners or anybody
                                                          Amen.               else.
                                                                        Mark Your Calendar
                                                                 Spiritual Life Committee Presents
                                                                    Parish Spiritual Life Events
                                          March 19, 2022: 9.15 AM to 12.35 PM
                                          Dr. Scott Hahn’s Conference
                                          March 26, 2022: 9.30 AM-11.30 AM
   Prayer Garden                          Presentation on Florida Martyrs by Dr. Mary Soha
                                          March 28,29,30, 2022
Our Prayer Garden is a peaceful place for Lenten Retreat with Fr. Roy Palatty, CMI
prayer and meditation. Purchasing a March 29, 2022: 5:00 PM
brick in the Prayer Garden for someone Lenten Penance Service
who has died is a wonderful way to             April 2, 2022: 9.30 AM-11.30 AM
remember that the person is still with         Presentation on the Science of the Shroud of Turin
you in thoughts and through prayer.            by Dr. Jess Socrates
The purchase of a brick is $100.00; please     Sept. 5,6,7,8, 2022
consider honoring a loved one. Contact         Parish Mission with Fr. Wade Menezes
the Rectory Office for more details.           Last Monday of every month, 6 PM:
                                               Kerygma Evening with Fr. Jose
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 13                               February 27, 2022
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Ten Candles Burning in the Holy of Holies                   Please Pray for Our Sick
                        February 26—March 4                   Adele Carson                               Liz Campbell
                                                              Aguilda Bleakley                               Lois Shaw
                           IN MEMORY OF:                      Anna Sandler                                 Louis Lubin
                                                              Anne Garbarino                   Madison Hope DeVane
     Roseann Bradley; Ruth Morrissey; Cunha family;           Anthony Janna                          Margaret Berkley
          Ernest B. Turchette; Aurelio DiSousa;               Anthony Panetta                          Margaret Torell
           Patrick Thrornton; Delares Chintia                 Ariana Marcette                 Margarita Condezuloaga
                                                              Ashley Clarke                                 Marie Berry
                                                              Ashley Cooper                      Maryalice P. Ralston
                  FOR INTENTIONS OF:                          Barbara Parziole                             Mary Clarke
       Natalie Lonry; Carolyn Sugden; Anna Sandelin           Bill Clark                                  Mary Gaudio
                                                              Bina Leahy                          Mary Doris Kolesar
                                                              Bobby Phillips                                Maureen G.
  In our Holy of Holies, we have ten candles al-              Bryan Detro                                      Mel Meo
                                                              Cash Krempecki                             Melanie Rielly
ways burning around the tabernacle, just as in the            Charlene Carbino                        Melinda Scriver
temple in Jerusalem there were ten lights always              Charles & Christine                        Michael Foley
burning around the Ark of the Covenant. They in-              Salerno                                      Michael Post
                                                              Cindy Heiregin                              Michael Rosa
dicate the presence of our precious Lord in the               Diane Purcell                              Michelle Pinto
Blessed Sacrament.                                            Don Reljin                                     Mina Bico
                                                              Donald Martin                              Nicole Merced
                                                              Drude Riba                                 Olga Conway
  The candles used are seven day candles and may              Gail Harris                                 Paul Flaherty
be purchased either in memoriam or for the inten-             Henry Gardner                         Raymond Lawson
tions of a loved one for a $10 donation through the           Jack Leger                          Remington Walczak
                                                              Jack Verrette                             Renee Verostek
Seton Shop. This space lists the names of those for           James Brendan McCallen                 Richard Heinrich
whom candles have been purchased.                             James Russell                                Robert Allen
                                                              Jeanne Eakins                            Robert Dowling
                                                              Jennie Martin                            Roger L. Muller
              Please Pray for Our Military                    Jennifer Cabral                                 Ron Czier
                                                              Jerry (Gerard) Jenkins                        Ron Gaines
 Although we pray for all of our military, space does not     Jim Norris                                     Rose Gulli
          permit everyone’s name to be printed.               Joan Carter                           Rosemarie Modica
      Please advise when a person below is no longer          Joanne DeSouza                              Roy Johnston
                                                              Joanne Mulligan                             Ruth O’Keefe
  deployed so we can remove their name from our list.         John Merced                              Sally Lombardo
 Please contact the parish office if you wish to have the     John Relgan                          Salvatore Catapano
   name of someone listed for 4 weeks. As a courtesy          John Sandor                             Samuel Marzano
 please notify the office when the name can be removed        John Walczak                               Stacey Morris
                                                              Joseph Bartolotta                           Steve Jackson
  or if you wish to have the name continued. Be sure to       Joseph Cigas                              Tera Frassrand
              get the person’s permission first!              Joseph Pavon                                   Terry Lilly
      God bless them all & continue to pray for them!         Joseph Vascellaro                    Theodore Simmons
                                                              Kara Whaley                              Thomas Bradley
    1st Lt. Brendan Leonard (US Army)                         Karen Murphy                         Thomas Hemstreet
 Kyle McCrossen (US Army/Iraq)                                Karen Overbey                       Thomas Solokowski
                                                              Kay Kerins                              Wendy Bentzley
   Terisa Toussaint (USMC/Iraq)                               Larry DeCamillo                            Yvonne Roper
 Erin & Ben Walker (Iraq)
   2nd Lt Christian San Miguel (US Army)                               Please contact the parish office if you
 Stephen Hayes (US Air Force/Iraq)                                      wish to have the name of someone
   Kevin Daley (US Navy)                                                        listed for 4 weeks.
 Cap. Javier Acosta (Air Force)
                                                                      As a courtesy please notify the office
             Prayer for the Unborn                            when the name can be removed or if you wish to have
                                                                              the name continued.
Lord, Creator of Life, you have blessed us                        Be sure to get the persons permission first!
with the privilege of bringing new life into
the world. May your Holy Spirit open our                               Mass on TV for the Homebound
hearts and minds to recognize Your spe-
cial gift of children, and Your great love                          https://www.ewtn.com/tv/schedule
for each of us created in Your image and likeness. You                      Sunday Mass-8:00am
sent Your son Jesus to redeem us and through love He
entered our world. We now turn to Mary, our Mother,           DIRECTV—Channel: 370
for her intercession as we struggle to protect innocent       DISH—Channel 261
unborn children. Following Mary's example may we              SPECTRUM— Channel 169
proclaim the truth of our faith, assist those in crisis and   ATT U—Verse—Channel 562
protect those most vulnerable. We ask this through            SIRIUS Radio—Channel 130 /XM
Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 14                         February 27, 2022
View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com
                                                              The hours of Adoration of
                                                              the Blessed Sacrament are
                                                              from 9 am to 9 pm, seven
                                                              days a week.

                                                              The Exposition and
                                                              Adoration of the Blessed
The Respect Life Ministry of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton          Sacrament on Fridays also
Catholic church will hold it’s monthly ‘Stand for Life’
                                                              are from 9 am to 9 pm.
on March 4th and on the first Friday of each month from
4 PM to 5PM on the sidewalk in front of the church.
Since the closest abortion facilities are in Jacksonville,    Please remember that if the Holy of Holies is filled
this is a great opportunity for us to show our support        you are encouraged to pray in the main worship area
for the mothers and our opposition to abortion. Signs         of the church.
will be provided.
                                                              We are asking that you contact Gilda Sadio, (386 225–
On January 15, 2022, Respect Life Ministry participated       7261 or gilda.sadio@yahoo.com) our Adoration
in the annual March for Life in St. Augustine.                Facilitator, and select ONE hour which you will
                                                              commit to. There's no limit to how many
                                                              parishioners can be present every hour since it's in
                                                              the Church not the Holy of Holies, we just want to be
                                                              sure that there's at least one or two persons who will
                                                              be present every hour.

                                                              Anyone interested in spending time with Our Lord
                                                                   in Adoration should call Gilda Sadio at
                                                                386-225-7261 for availability and information.

                                                                 Las Reunionés del Comité Hispano
On January 22, 2022, SEAS parishioners participated in
the annual Stand for Life event remembering the Roe          son el último martes del mes a las
vs. Wade decision legalizing abortion.                       6:30pm en el Russo Room adjunto al
                                                             salón social. Éste comité sirve para
                                                             hablar todos asuntos de la
                                                             comunidad hispana de la parroquia.
                                                             Todos son invitados. La primera
                                                             reunión es el 22 de febrero. Para más
                                                             información llamen a Marina
                                                             Medina, 386-445-2200.

                                                                              Parish Photo Directory
Pro-Life News:                                                       It is time for a new parish photo directory for
                                                                     our parish. Since our church directory will not
LIVES SAVED IN TEXAS - New data released by the               be complete without you, kindly sign up with Univer-
Texas Health and Human Services Commission this               sal Church Directories immediately.
week revealed that the Texas heartbeat law cut
abortions by 60% in the first month after the legislation      Everyone who Universal photographs will receive a
went into effect in August 2021. More than 5,400              complimentary 8x10 portrait and a directory! Univer-
preborn children were aborted in Texas during the             sal provides a complete professional portrait studio
month of August. In September, that number fell to just       right here at our church.
over 2,200.
                                                               To sign up, please visit ucdir.com, choose photog-
 The Respect Life Ministry of SEAS is always looking          raphy appointment scheduling login. Then log in to
for new members especially the young. Our next                make your appointment. The church code is FL738.
meeting will be March 12, 2022, at 9:30 - Cody Room.          Church password is photos (in lower case).

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164, page 15                               February 27, 2022
                                                                                    View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com
  Every First and Third Sunday of the month after Noon
  Mass. One preparation class is required. Classes are offered
  every second Monday of the month at 7 pm in the Rectory
  Meeting Room. Please contact the Rectory office in advance.
  Holy Matrimony
  Please contact the Rectory office at least 8 months prior to
  Anointing of the Sick
  If you or your loved one is in need of the Sacrament of
  Anointing please call the Rectory office. We also have
  dedicated Eucharistic Ministers to bring Holy Communion
  to the sick and the homebound.                                    March 19, 2022: 9.15 am – 12:35pm
  Sacrament of Reconciliation                                       Cost-$20
  Saturday 2:45-3:45pm, Sunday 30 minutes before Mass, &
  by appt.                                                          4600 Belle Terre Pkwy, Palm Coast, FL
                                                                    To register: stpaulcenter.com/product/palmcoast/
                                 Devotions                          or by phone, please call 740-264-9535.
                                                                    Don’t miss Scott Hahn and the St. Paul Center in Palm
  Eucharistic Adoration                                             Coast on Saturday, March 19, 2022. Study Scripture
  6 am to 9 pm every day except during the time of Mass.            with one of today's most respected Catholic scholars
  Exposition and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from            and make the faith come to life.
  9 am on Fridays till 9 pm.
  8 am on weekdays; 4:30pm on Sundays (Spanish)                                   Give Smarter to Your Church
  Miraculous Medal Novena
  After 8.30 am Mass every Tuesday.
  Novena to St. Joseph                                                           Did you know you can use your IRA, ap-
  After 8:30am Mass for the Year of St. Joseph                                   preciated stock, or real estate to make a
                                                                                 smart gift to your parish, Catholic school,
                                                                                 or favorite ministry? Notify your IRA
                        Religious Education                          administrator that you wish to make a “qualified
                                                                     charitable distribution” to your parish, Catholic
  Parish Religious Education Program (PREP)                          school or favorite ministry . Your IRA gift may fulfill
  Classes for Grades 1-8 on Wednesdays and Thursdays from            all or part of your required minimum distribution -
  6.15 pm to 7.30 pm. For more information, please contact           Your gift (up to $100,000) may avoid taxes. Contact:
  the Director of Religious Education at the Rectory office
  (386-445-2246; extension 112)                                      Cliff      Evans/Catholic            Foundation:
  Children’s Catechism Classes                                       cvans@dosafl.com 904-262-3200, ext. 139
  All children from 1st through 8th grade who are not                cf.dosafl.com
  attending Catholic school should be attending PREP
  classes. Children preparing for the Sacrament of the
  Eucharist or Confirmation need to attend a two-year
  catechetical program.                                                      Seton Shop
  First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion                                 Hours
  Children preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and
  the Sacrament of the Eucharist need to attend a two-year
  catechetical program which includes six Sunday classes of                    OPEN
  Sacramental preparation prior to each Sacrament.                          Tues/Thurs
  Confirmation Formation                                                after 8:30am Mass,
  Children preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation need                 Saturdays
  to attend a two-year catechetical program which includes              after 4:00pm Mass                597-3359
  three Sunday classes of Sacramental preparation and the             and after ALL Masses          Open Mon, Wed, Fri
  annual Confirmation retreat.                                            on Sundays                    10am - 1pm
  For more information about Catechism, First Holy                           CLOSED
  Communion or Confirmation, please contact Katie                                                   Poor Box Donations
  Allio at 386-445-2246 extension 112.                                     Mon/Wed/Fri
                                                                                                       February 20
                                                                     The Seton Shop is offering          $1,057.46
                                                     (RCIA)            25% off all Christmas
                                                                                                       Pantry Needs:
  Please call the Director of Christian Formation at the               merchandise and the
  Rectory office if any non-Catholic is interested in joining the      items are selling fast.    Jelly, pork & beans, canned
  Catholic Church (386-445-2246; extension 112). Classes will                                       fruit, pasta & spaghetti
  begin in October.                                                  So stop by and see what                  sauce.
                                                                     we have to offer and look
                                                                      over our usual items as     Thank you so much for all
            Holy Orders and Religious Life                           well as some new ones.        of the cereal donations!
  If you believe that you or someone you know has a                                                  We appreciate your
  vocation to the priesthood or religious life, please contact                                           continued support!
                   frjared@saccfl.org                                We hope to see you soon.
                                                                                                               God bless!
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Palm Coast, Florida 32164 , page 16                                February 27, 2022
View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com
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