February 12, 2017 (with post meeting corrections) - The First Baptist Church of Worcester

Page created by Bernard Morgan
February 12, 2017 (with post meeting corrections) - The First Baptist Church of Worcester
Annual Report
February 12, 2017
(with post meeting corrections)
February 12, 2017 (with post meeting corrections) - The First Baptist Church of Worcester
The First Baptist Church of Worcester
             Annual Meeting
            February 12, 2017


       Opening Prayer – Rev. Brent Newberry, Pastor

       General Business – Thomas Grisso (Moderator)

           Approval of Minutes of the 2016 Meetings

    Acceptance of the Annual Reports Contained in this Book

              Election for Positions of Leadership

      Treasurer’s Message – Stephen Loring (Treasurer)

Proposed Operating Budget for 2017 – Richard Wolf (Finance)

              Description of the Proposed Budget

                  Vote on the Proposed Budget

        Proposed New FBC Bylaws – Thomas Grisso

              Description of the Proposed Bylaws

                      Vote on the Bylaws

            New Business from the Congregation

          Pastor’s Remarks – Rev. Brent Newberry

        Adjourn with “Blest Be the Tie That Binds”
February 12, 2017 (with post meeting corrections) - The First Baptist Church of Worcester
Table of Contents

Minutes ................................................................................................................. 4
Minutes of Annual Meeting, February 28, 2016 .................................................... 4
Minutes of Mid-Year Business Meeting, October 23, 2016 .................................... 6

Nominations for Positions of Leadership.......................................................9

Reports of Ministerial and Support Staff .....................................................10
Pastor ......................................................................................................................10
Minister of Music and Arts ....................................................................................12
Youth Ministry Assistant ........................................................................................13
Building Manager ...................................................................................................14

Reports of the Congregation ..............................................................................16
Coordinating Council ............................................................................................16
Deacons ..................................................................................................................17
Human Resources ......................................................................................................18

Core Teams .........................................................................................................19
Adult Ministry ........................................................................................................19
Youth Ministry ...........................................................................................................20
Outreach ....................................................................................................................21
Worship, Arts and Music ........................................................................................22

Support Teams ...................................................................................................24
Building and Grounds ............................................................................................24
Communications ....................................................................................................25
Finance ...................................................................................................................27

Reports of Affiliates ..........................................................................................28
American Baptist Churches of MA .......................................................................28
First Friends ............................................................................................................29
Salem Community Corporation ................................................................................29

Reports of Officers .............................................................................................31
Moderator ..............................................................................................................31
Clerk .......................................................................................................................32
Treasurer ................................................................................................................34

Budget Reports ...................................................................................................36
Results for 2016 and Proposed 2017 Budget................................................................37
Outreach Contributions .........................................................................................38
Transitory Funds ....................................................................................................40
Balance Sheet..........................................................................................................42
Church Funds .........................................................................................................44
Minutes of the Annual Business Meeting (pending approval)
First Baptist Church of Worcester
February 28, 2016

More than fifty members (quorum) were present at the Annual Meeting, held after worship in
Gordon Hall from approximately 11:20 to 12:00 noon. Copies of the Annual Report had been
made available electronically and in print (at the church) one week prior to the meeting.

Moderator Tom Grisso called the meeting to order (and chaired the meeting).

Rev. Brent Newberry offered an opening prayer.

Approval of 2015 Minutes: The Moderator accepted a motion and second to approve the three
sets of minutes in the Annual Report (Annual Meeting of February, 2015; Fall Business Meeting
of October, 2015; Special Meeting to call Brent Newberry to Pastor of FBC, November 2015).
Discussion raised no amendments, and the three sets of minutes were approved unanimously.

Approval of Annual Reports: The Moderator directed the congregation’s attention to reports,
pages 9-31, of the Pastor, past Interim Pastor, Officers, Building Manager, Facilitators of each
of the Core and Support Teams, and various other organizations associated with FBC. The
Moderator noted the following amendments to the reports:

    • Church Life Team: Members in 2016 to be those listed for the past year, in addition to
    Zadock Malesi.
    • Deacons: Added to the 2016 members are Rod Ferris and Elysabeth Wetton.
    • Worship, Arts and Music Team: Members for 2016 will be all those listed for the past year.
    • Communications: The 2016 members will be Lynne Carroll, Karen Brockney, T.C.
    Gaudette, Dick Whitten, and Richard Wolf.

The Moderator accepted a motion and second to approve the reports as amended. A question
was raised about the accuracy of the membership number in the Clerk’s report (and answered by
the Clerk to indicate that this was the current number in the official member list, but that a process
was underway for reviewing the membership list). A question was asked about the meaning of
Human Resources on-boarding of new staff (and answered by the Moderator). The motion to
approve the reports as amended passed unanimously.

Election of Officers and Team Facilitators: The Moderator presented the nominations for
officers (Moderator, Tom Grisso; Treasurer, Steve Loring; Clerk, Karl Bjork) and Coordinating
Council Members-at-Large (Erwin “Dusty” Miller, T.C. Gaudette). A motion and second to elect
these nominees was made and passed unanimously.

The Moderator presented the nominations for Facilitators of the nine Core and Support Teams,
adding to the printed list, Barbara Ward, for Church Life Team. A motion and second to elect
these nominees was made and passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Comments: Steve Loring offered comments about the state of the church’s
financial condition, which is now healthy (despite the national investment market). This is because
of our ability to have reduced expenditures, and increased our revenues, to an extent that we
are now drawing very little annually on our endowment beyond the 4% estimated investment
interest it produces. Expenditure decreases have been possible because of staff restructuring,
as well as advantageous arrangements with WPI for property maintenance. Revenue has been
improving with new tenant arrangements and anticipated event rentals of the property. The 2016
congregational pledge has also increased more than 8% over 2015, and actual congregational
giving in 2015 (pledges and plate) was greater than the 2015 projections.

Finance and Budget: Richard Wolf, chair of Finance, presented the 2016 proposed budget.
He also offered an additional budget document at the meeting with minor corrections compared
to the budget document in the Annual Report. A motion and second to approve the budget was
made. Questions were raised by the congregation regarding:

    • A seeming reduction in the Youth budget (with an explanation that it was not reduced).
    • The budget did not reflect a building-maintenance reserve of $25,000 (with an
    explanation on why this could be deferred for the present).
    • A number of comments about various “Transitory Accounts” that might be moved to
    Team budgets (e.g., “Graduates” to “Adult Ministry Team”), as well as “Restricted Funds,”
    mostly drawing attention to the potential to explore creative uses for the funds that would
    be consistent with the funders’ restrictions.
    • A request for more detailed descriptions of Restricted Funds, and a reply that the FBC
    “Green Funds Book” does this (and is available) but is in need of updating.

After this discussion, the motion to approve the 2016 budget passed unanimously. Richard Wolf
was acknowledged with applause for his dedicated stewardship on Finance.

Moderator’s Comments: The Moderator focused on current projects that were already
ongoing for 2016:

    • There has been a recent restructuring of the Church Life Team and Christian Education
    Team, with their names now changed to “Adult Ministry” and “Youth Ministry.”
    • With a large part of the three-year Transition plan coming to fruition, we will now be
    able to turn even more of our focus on assisting the Teams to build their ministries both
    within FBC and outward to the community.
    • Discussions are ongoing about a potential restructuring of FBC Communications
    (electronic and print), which might seek a modest investment financially to sustain the
    considerable advances made by volunteers.
    • New Bylaws have been drafted and will undergo a process of Coordinating Council
    review, FBC legal counsel review, and congregational review and approval as 2016
    • The Clerk and an ad hoc group will soon begin reviewing the FBC membership list to
    identify various categories of those on the list, as well as identify segments of our
    membership for which pastoral and ministry objectives are needed.
    • We look forward to the Installation Service for Pastor Brent Newberry, and plans are well
    underway for that event on April 10.

New Business: The Moderator’s request for new business was answered by Tom Ward         (who
offered comments on opportunities for ministry to young people through Open Mike) and Gordon
Swan (who offered affirmative comments on our ministries to and relations with Briarwood).

Pastor’s Comments: At Pastor Brent Newberry’s suggestion, the congregation acknowledged
with applause the work of the Moderator during the past year. Brent commented on three words
that came to mind when he thinks of this church: Welcoming (and also affirming), Faithful,
through all of the transition, and Courageous, in our willingness to take risks knowing that God
would be with us. He looked forward to the coming year when we could find our new rhythm
together. He asked that we consider “If the church ceased to exist, what needs would go unmet
in the community?” And what greater impact can we have in Worcester and beyond? Brent
then thanked each of the staff by name for their dedication, and acknowledged the officers, team
facilitators, deacons, and all who voluntarily give of their time to make our church what it is.

Closing: As is our tradition, the congregation joined hands and sang a verse of “Blest Be the Tie
that Binds,” and the Moderator adjourned the meeting.

Tom Grisso
FBC Moderator

Minutes of the Fall Business Meeting (pending approval)
First Baptist Church of Worcester
October 23, 2016

The meeting, held in the sanctuary, was called to order at 11:14 AM by Thomas Grisso, Moderator.
(By prior arrangement, Sarah Sams kept notes of the proceedings for development of the Minutes.)
Tom explained the purpose of today’s meeting to those gathered and opened with prayer.

Moderator’s Comments: Tom reported new contracts have been developed with Wesley Hall
(Minister of Music), Jeremy Berry (Youth Ministry Assistant), Laurie Canavan (Communications
Specialist) and Sarah Sams (Handbell Director). Tom commented that the church’s support staff
has been working together for over a year now, and he acknowledged their fine teamwork, noting
especially the continuity of services provided and an increase in the use of the building by other
groups, providing new revenue and greater exposure of people to FBC.

Tom reported that there has been ongoing work on the development of the new bylaws to reflect
our transition in governance in recent years. The drafting currently is in the last phase, having
recently been reviewed by the attorneys. He expects that they will be ready for Coordinating
Council review and approval by December, as well as congregational review and approval by the
annual business meeting on February 12, 2017.

Tom also commented on the recent flooding of the basement on Friday, October 21st. He
commended the building staff for their diligent work removing the water.

Finance Report: Richard Wolf, facilitator of the Finance Team, offered a large-screen PowerPoint
review of the state of the budget. He reported that he has moved from “happy” (one year ago) to
“giddy and overjoyed” regarding the fiscal health of the church. The budget now reflects a five-

year church goal—now accomplished—to reduce the annual overdraw on the budget, so that we
now draw only the roughly 4% interest that our assets produce.

Richard commented on the process used to develop the budget. The year-to-date budget is
progressing as predicted, currently about $10,000 ahead of budget. He noted that the category
of “Other Income Rental” is greater than anticipated when the budget was developed, thanks
to Support Staff’s efforts. He noted that all teams are operating within or under budget, with
the exception of Building and Grounds because of special physical repair needs this year. He
observed that the increased rental income is balancing the increased expenditures of Building
and Grounds. He encouraged teams to use the funds allotted in their budgets before the end of
the year.

Richard reported on the progress made on building improvements approved for 2016, including
running new cable, cleaning and repairing the steeple and steeple lights. He then reported the
need to replace and repair the front outside stairs, walkway and lighting located at the main
entrance outside the sanctuary, and he provided visual evidence of the need and the specific work
that needs to be done. The current quote is about $61,000. In addition, the flat roof over the
caboose (First Friends), currently leaking, has to be replaced at a cost of $14,200. The elevator
needs new switches at a cost of $4,800. We are also moving into round two of improving audio
and media capabilities. The total amount needed for all Building and Grounds improvements is
approximately $90,600, although cost over-runs are possible once work has begun.

He reported that there is some money to handle this in the Building Capital Reserve account, and
that there are other funds available to be used for this purpose. He presented a chart illustrating
the amounts that could be utilized from several funds including Maintenance Reserve, Spencer
Parsons Gift, Persis and Robert Slater Gift, and Landscaping Fund, as well as an amount to be
drawn from the Building Capital Reserve (BCR) account.

The BCR currently has about $350,000 and has increased throughout this year because of the
way it is invested. However, when the BCR was established, FBC voted a cap on its use to allow
no more than 10% to be taken at one time. Balancing the costs of the imminent repairs noted
above against the current sources from which the necessary amount can be taken, we might need
to have access to more than 10% of the BCR.

Motions to Fund and Implement Building Renovation and Repairs: Therefore, Richard
offered a motion (which was seconded) to remove the 10% cap on the Capitol Reserve. Dusty
Miller recommended that the motion be amended to waive the 10% cap requirement for this
event only, and Richard amended the motion. The Moderator instructed only members of FBC
to vote on the motion. The motion passed unanimously with the amendment.

In accordance with Bylaws requirements that the congregation approve all non-budgeted
expenditures over $30,000, Joe Wetton, facilitator of Building and Grounds, moved that the
projects presented by Richard be funded, totaling approximately $90,600, as follows:

    •    Front Steps Project
    •    Repairs to Roof of “Caboose”
    •    Elevator Repair (Door Safety Mechanism/Control Box)
    •    Communications Network and Upgrading Project

The motion was seconded. The Moderator called for discussion. There being none, a vote was
taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Discussion: The Moderator opened the floor for general comments and questions.

Patty Hubbard complimented the Building and Grounds team for the beautiful work that has
been completed, especially the lighting of the steeple, recognizing that many have wanted this to
happen for some time.

Nancy Siddle asked whether there was a staffing plan that might include a youth minister, focused
on youth and family membership. Tom commented that during the past year there has been an
observable increase in the number of families with children as is noticed in the number of children
and youth participating in the children’s message time during the service and youth activities. He
also reported that Coordinating Council and staff have just begun to think about a long-range
“staff model” that could include support for youth, but that there are many models to consider,
which could involve a youth director, a minister, or some combination, whether part-time or full-
time. No plans have been made, however, because the decision requires that we provide a bit more
time to monitor our needs as we grow, and that we balance our decisions with careful attention
to our budget.

Nancy Muszinski commented that any plan for adding to ministerial staff should consider the needs
of Sunday School staff. Brent commented that the model for Sunday School may also change so
that all can be included in worship. Tom assured the congregation that as alternative ideas begin
to evolve, all Teams would have ample opportunity to be part of that deliberation. Courtney
Stevens, facilitator of Youth Ministries, requested that people consider joining the Sunday School
team of teachers.

Gordon Swan observed that there is much to celebrate at FBC, and he requested more clarification
on the various funds that are in the endowment and budget. Richard commented that all of the
information is in the annual report, although it is sometimes difficult to digest, and he promised
to provide a “plain-language” summary explanation at the annual meeting in February.

Jan Bjork asked about the amount of the rental revenue from AppleSpice Caterers and how it
will be replaced now that AppleSpice will be moving elsewhere. John Carroll explained that the
AppleSpice rental of our kitchens had been considered temporary and had been arranged to
accommodate a pressing request for space by AppleSpice while it found permanent space. Their
stay was extended from the original request of 3 months to 7 months. The rental income from
AppleSpice was not anticipated in the budget and therefore was considered additional revenue.
As such, the revenue so far, and its future loss, does not affect the budget. Much of the revenue was
used for small projects to improve the facility. The income, after figuring for utilities, was $1,200
per month. John also noted that WPI will soon add several offices to their rental agreement and
that this amount will be close to the amount generated in past months by rental to AppleSpice.

No more discussion was indicated. Brent led the congregation in a closing prayer, and the
Moderator adjourned the meeting at 11:55 am.

The following one-year renewable terms of office require a vote of the members to serve during

Church Officers: The Coordinating Council has nominated the following members as Church
Officers for one-year renewable terms:

    Moderator		Thomas Grisso
    Treasurer		Karl Bjork
    Clerk			Karl Bjork

Head Deacon: The Deacons and Coordinating Council have nominated the following member
as Head Deacon for a one-year renewable term:

    Head Deacon       Rod Ferris

The following positions of leadership as members of Coordinating Council do not require a vote
because they are serving terms that have not yet expired and all have agreed to continue their
service during 2017:

Members-at-Large serve three-year non-renewable terms. Both of the 2017 Members-at-Large
are serving terms that have not yet expired:

    Dusty Miller (now third year)
    T. C. Gaudette (now second year)

Team Facilitators are elected for four-year terms. All Team Facilitators serving during 2017 are
in the third year of their terms, thus requiring no election this year:

    Lynne Carroll (Communications)
    Courtney Stevens (Youth Ministry
    Sarah Sams (Worship, Arts and Music)
    Lyn Stevens (Outreach)
    Barbara Ward (Adult Ministry)
    Joe Wetton (Building and Grounds)
    Richard Wolf (Finance)

Pastor’s Report

In trying to capture the Spirit at work in the life of First Baptist, the word enthusiasm keeps
coming to the front of my mind. In 2016, the next chapter of our long history began to unfold
before us: the transition further settled our new normal: a new pastor, a new vision, a renewed
enthusiasm. Several factors illuminate this church-wide excitement.

Participation in our church life is unmistakable, and it’s one of the biggest indicators of the
enthusiasm at play in the church. A few highlights:

Briarwood Dinners: With the help of Edith and Gordon Swan, I have had the joy of meeting
quarterly with the FBC members who live at Briarwood. On at least one of these occasions, non-
resident members (of Briarwood) also joined as we spent time together over meals and snacks and
good beverages. Subsequently, we had a dinner with our FBC members who reside at the Willows
not too long afterward. This has encouraged a sense of community amongst the members of
FBC who live at Briarwood (and the Willows), as well as communicated a sense of continued
belonging to FBC overall.

Adult Education: During Lent, we had thoughtful discussions on Thursdays at noon around
Lauren Winner’s book, Mudhouse Sabbath. We also saw continued participation with Bibles and
Bagels, and the birth of a second offering: Coffee and Conversation.

Youth Ministry: We have seen an impressive growth in both numbers and diversity of our youth
program. This is a credit to Jeremy as Youth Ministry Assistant and the Youth Ministry Team led
by Facilitator, Courtney Stevens. This brings to bear one important need for 2017 and beyond:
Sunday School teachers. The more who can volunteer a Sunday once a month or every other
month, the less each teacher has to bear individually in the important and good work of investing
in our youth and children.

Worship Services: Whether it was adding new worship experiences or adding twists to our existing
worship services, those in attendance actively participated and remained open to the Spirit’s leading
in new ways. Credit to Sarah Sams of the WAM team for her diligent efforts at diversifying and
expanding our worship leadership on Sunday mornings during services. Wesley Hall, Minister of
Music and Arts, brings fresh perspectives, thoughtful considerations, and a flexibility that enables
creative worship design.

Wednesdays in the Park: We gathered together each Wednesday in June at Institute Park. Bagpipes,
children, dogs, games, blankets, snacks, and good conversation were in abundance! A big assist
from Barbara Ward, Facilitator of Adult Ministry Team, and Courtney from the Youth Ministry

Backyard Hangouts: For the months of July and August, various church members hosted the
church family in their homes and on their back porches for food and fellowship. Recounts are still
ongoing as to which home hosted the most people…

Gordon Hall Worship Services: These were highly attended during the summer, and creative
opportunities for the church to try new ideas. It also fostered a more intimate space, and gave
many members a chance to see one another and recognize new faces they hadn’t met before.

Worcester Pride Parade and Prayer Breakfast: We had about 40 people gather together on a
Saturday morning in September to pray and share breakfast. Following this, about 40 of us
marched together in the Worcester Pride Parade with signs, guitars, cameras, and a banner that
read, “Celebrating the Gift of LGBTQ Lives Since 1993,” the year we became Welcoming
and Affirming. This bold step of faithfulness and witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ widely
communicated our enthusiasm and loving spirit to the broader community of Worcester.

Do Not Be Afraid: Following on the momentum of the Pride Parade participation, more than 40
people from several churches in MA gathered at FBC as we hosted a conversation on Conflict
Transformation in matters of racial justice, called Do Not Be Afraid. From this, a subgroup has
discussed forming to focus primarily on social justice issues such as racial justice, environmental
stewardship, LGBTQ equality, etc.

50 Year Member Celebration: we had a good group of members celebrating their 50 year
membership, and with it, we found an accompanying picture of their baptism Sunday.

Newcomers: We renewed our Newcomers (new members) class in large part because of the influx
of newcomers and visitors from the area. In total, from June-December, we had over 130 unique
visitors who live in the Worcester area. This does not include the number of out-of-town visitors,
family, and friends. One reality this brings to bear: a need for a Welcoming Team to be organized
and implemented to properly spot, welcome, and follow-up with guests.

New Members: We celebrate many members who have sought to renew their membership to me
privately, though this was unnecessary. We also welcomed to the church family 16 new members
in 2016. We also joined with one family in the dedication of their daughter.

The Supper Club: A monthly dinner with “youngish adults” in our church. This has generated
a great sense of community and friendship among the 20 or so who are able to get together

Generosity is the other significant indicator in judging the enthusiasm of our church. This year
we achieved our financial goals—without overdrawing on our endowment. It’s an amazing and
encouraging accomplishment that would not be possible without faithful stewardship! That means
pledges and gifts, and it also means wise and creative use of our building facilities. Well done,

Lastly, the commitment of our leadership teams, support staff, and ministerial staff needs to be
acknowledged. We are a growing church in a big building with the bulky weight of a long and
significant history. None of us does this work alone, least of whom the Pastor. Under the guidance
of the Spirit, through the hard work of the transition, and because of your faithfulness to persevere
in uncertain times, we have arrived at a bright moment.

As I have said elsewhere, following the Way of Christ as a church is like snow sledding. Hard work
up to the top of the hill, followed by an exciting ride down for a while, only to repeat it again. It

is clear: we are on the cusp of a great next chapter. The enthusiasm in the church suggests we all
agree. Here’s to what’s to come, thanks be to God!

Reverend Brent Newberry

Minister of Music and the Arts

During its first full year with new ministerial staff, the First Baptist Church music program
experienced unequivocal growth and maturation in a number of respects. Thanks to a generous
donation from Dean and Orene Schoenfeld, a partnership began between WPI and FBC in the
creation of a singing scholar program. The Chancel Choir enjoyed having four regular section
leaders in the choir with as many as eight students participating in services and rehearsals. The
choir also welcomed three new parish members during the calendar year. While the part-time
nature of the Minister of Music position does not allow for a proper children’s music program, I
worked with several children throughout the year in a private or semi-private lesson structure to
teach percussion, piano, and general music. In lieu of a children’s choir, this seems to have been
a successful compromise. The choir made noticeable progress, improving their skills and stylistic
flexibility from gospel to some forms of chant that have not, to my knowledge, been sung at FBC
in over 2 decades.

During the 2016 year, Sarah Sams was hired as the Interim Handbell Director. The choir met
and participated in worship and performances in the months of January – June and September
through December. The choir was able to fill all 13 ringer positions for the year. The choir
performed at Briarwood on December 6th and has been asked to present programs at other area
churches in the coming year. The 8th Annual Handbell Extravaganza was held on December
16th. Three choirs from area churches and one bell soloist participated in this event of Christmas
joy. The program featured the debut of a recent gift to the church of Deagan Shaker Chimes, a
rare instrument featuring chimes that are played by shaking. The choir looks forward to advancing
their repertoire, going on the road and holding a handbell workshop.

In the winter, the Chancel Choir participated for the first time in what was formerly “the Worcester
Festival of Four Choirs,” where they sang a solo work, and movements from the Rutter Requiem.
There was a positive response to singing in a larger ensemble and musically connecting with
other parishes, and WAM seeks to continue this tradition in the future. No winner was awarded
in the Anthem Competition, but the programming was strong for Music and Art’s weekend,
with a concert from les Souls d’Amour, and a robust Sunday worship service. We had a strong
Lenten season and Holy Week, supported by Doug Weeks’ brass ensemble. The summer services
provided a platform for increased solo and small-ensemble music with involvement from a number
of parishioners. The staple services of Lessons and Carols and Christmas Eve were received

In the fall, we welcomed the Wesley United Methodist Ghanaian Choir to sing a service of
contemporary Ghanaian music, and we look forward to welcoming them back again in the near

The instruments are in good repair and were regularly serviced. WAM authorized the purchase
of an electric/acoustic guitar and amplifier in order to broaden our musical capabilities in the

coming year, and it was first used on Christmas Eve, to good effect.

In October the basement music areas and Minister of Music’s office experienced unexpected
flooding due to a severe rainstorm. While rehearsal rooms were quickly restored to church use
the carpet in the Minister of Music’s office was destroyed and required replacing leaving me
without an office for the balance of the year, a significant inconvenience.

2016 left us a strong foundation upon which to build in the coming year. Thanks to all who made
it so.

Wesley Harrison Hall
Minister of Music and Arts

Youth Ministry Assistant

First and foremost, I would like to extend a special word of thanks to all of those who helped
support the team and myself as the program continues to grow. This year witnessed a tremendous
amount of growth in the number of young families and children that have attended the church. As
it stands now, we currently have 27 enrolled in our program, ranging from grades pre-kindergarten
to juniors in high school. This number does not include many of the other youth that have
attended Sunday school while visiting the church. This growth highlights that all of the efforts
of everyone at the church is truly encouraging us to succeed. Even though we have begun to see
major growth in the program, our job is not complete and we still have a long way to go.

This past summer, First Baptist was given the opportunity to work with Wesley Methodist Church,
located on Main Street in Worcester, to assist in hosting a Vacation Bible School during the month
of July. While First Baptist did not have any students attend, this was a great opportunity for the
two churches to begin to create a relationship and plan on working together again this summer.

This summer also proved to be very busy as I undertook the challenge of remodeling the youth
lounge for the students. The hope was that as we gain more students, we would have the ability of
creating a space that was both welcoming and educating for the youth. The youth have claimed
that they love their new classroom and feel more welcome with the comfy chairs and bright colors.

As we move into the new year, I am pleased to see it filled with numerous opportunities for the
youth here at First Baptist. For the first time in the year and a half that I have been here, we have a
youth group consisting of grades 6th through 12th that meet after the service in my office. These
students have taken part in different church-wide events and they also have their own events. Some
of the events that we have planned for the upcoming year consist of making use of the Wii game
system (a donation to the church) and possibly attending different offsite events, such as laser tag.

As the church continues to grow, we hope to continue to foster a community of youth who feel
comfortable and welcome here at the church. The future of the church is through the youth,
therefore we must continue to dedicate ourselves to the children so that they can carry everything
that we have started.

Jeremy Berry
Youth Ministry Assistant

Building Manager

2016 marked a year of increased building use (rentals) and building improvements, repairs and
maintenance. There is a relationship between the two, and it is a positive one. Increased rental
income provides funds for additional building improvements beyond what is budgeted, such as
painting, purchase of needed equipment, tables, storage racks, portable sound equipment, etc.

Early in the year, we purchased two expensive but labor saving pieces of equipment. The first
was a walk behind floor scrubber/vacuum unit that eliminates having to mop numerous floors,
hallways, kitchens, etc. The second is a heavy weighted scrubbing machine used to restore the
terrazzo floors and stairways. The restoration process is very lengthy so we have only been able
to refinish the floor and stairs between the sanctuary and Gordon Hall. The “before and after”
is a marked difference. More terrazzo to tackle in 2017 and 2018.

Rental of our kitchens to Apple Spice catering, albeit temporary, provided surplus funds to paint
the base trim in the sanctuary, re-stain the main doors to the office entrance and to do other
discretionary projects.

Weddings at FBC are one of the ways the church can enhance its rental income and introduce the
greater Worcester community to the church. In January, the church participated in a Bridal Expo
at the DCU Center. Both church staff and volunteers worked the booth over two days, which
resulted in two weddings being booked.

Being a welcoming and affirming church means so many things including opening the doors
to the people of Worcester. FBC did just that on New Year’s Eve when it was a major venue
for Worcester First Night celebrations. From 4:00 pm until 10:45 pm, the various individuals
and groups provided performances in the sanctuary and Gordon Hall. An estimated thousand
individuals came through the doors and were welcomed by over twenty-seven church volunteers.

The partnership with WPI on space use continues to grow. This is the third year that the WPI
choirs rehearse and perform at FBC. In return for use of Gordon Hall and the Sanctuary FBC
is paid $15,000 a year and receives inkind services of grounds keeping and snow removal. The
property has never looked better and FBC and First Friends are pleased with the promptness and
quality of snow removal services. It is estimated that the grounds mowing, leaf collection, hedge
trimming, etc. and winter snow removal services amount to over $25,000. In addition, WPI
facilities’ managers are available to consult us on building maintenance, electrical, plumbing,
sprinkler and boiler issues. They have been extremely helpful, particularly directing us to area

At WPI’s expense, storage racks for their choir music were installed in the basement “tunnel”.
Also, WPI is renting the offices on the second floor of the main church building. At their expense,
these were remodeled, painted, carpeted and furnished for use by WPI staff. In some cases the
occupants are short term until WPI readies new offices on campus. These offices were essentially
vacant and not producing income nor used by FBC. The church has ample space options on
Sundays for a growing youth ministry population.

WPI is overextended on finding campus space for meetings, symposiums, workshops, etc. and has
started renting FBC rooms for such. Several major events were held in Gordon Hall during 2016
for which we received meaningful rent and praise.

Administratively the church is in good hands! Andrea Letourneau, Assistant Treasurer, has
been rock steady with maintaining the financial records, bookkeeping and confidential pledge
information. Mark Dorsey, custodian, is always present, keeping the building clean and tending
to Sunday morning arrangements for worship and fellowship.

Many thanks to the part-time staff members who keep the church operating full time! Emily Smith,
as Kitchen Administrator, has been present on Sundays, on monthly Mustard Seed days and on
special church events. Joan Gonyea, Office Administrator, continues to make a big difference in
the day-to-day running of the office, managing rentals and promoting weddings at FBC. Laurie
Canavan, Communications Specialist, joined the staff in May and quickly assumed responsibility
for most all printed and digital materials (orders of worship and news inserts, eblasts, website,
newsletters, posters, etc.).

John Carroll
Building Manager

Coordinating Council

This was the second year of operation for the Coordinating Council (CC) after FBC revised its
governing structure from the earlier “Governing Board” model. In the previous model, the board
was constituted by congregational elections, and the board appointed committees to carry out its
work. The new structure has congregationally-elected leaders of “Teams” for FBC’s ministries,
and the Team Leaders (Facilitators) become members of the Coordinating Council. The Teams
have considerable independence from the Coordinating Council to carry out their missions.

The CC consists of the Moderator and Chair of CC, two Members-at-Large elected by the
congregation, the Head Deacon, and the Facilitators (also elected by the congregation) of each
of the five Core Teams and three Support Teams. The CC meets monthly.

In 2016, the CC members were: Thomas Grisso (chair); T.C. Gaudette and Dusty Miller
(Members-at-Large), Elaine Holt (Head Deacon) replaced by Rod Ferris mid-year, and the Team
Facilitators--Lynne Carroll, Sarah Sams, Courtney Stevens, Lyn Stevens, Barbara Ward, Joe
Wetton, and Richard Wolf. Ex-officio members were Pastor Brent Newberry and Clerk Karl
Bjork, and meetings often were attended by Jeremy Berry, Youth Ministry Assistant, and John
Carroll, Building Manager. All of the Members-at-Large and Team Facilitators are in the middle
of their terms of office and thus will return to CC in 2017.

Activities of CC During 2016

The Coordinating Council (CC) serves two broad purposes, which can be used to report its
activities during 2016.

First, the CC exercises authority for FBC’s operations related to its legal non-profit status, as well
as broader policies affecting the congregation and all Teams. Among its activities in this role in
2017, the CC:

     • Drafted, revised, and approved a new set of Bylaws that are being recommended to the
     congregation at this Annual Meeting.

     • Approved the creation and hiring of two new staff positions: Hand Bell Director and
     Communications Specialist.

     • Approved the Human Resource Committee’s draft of a new set of Policies and Practices
     for employees of FBC, including an expansion of benefits and of parental leave policies.

     • Approved several non-routine expenditures for property maintenance and improvement,
     including Lee Room upgrades, FBC internet expansion, and various external repairs of
     church property.

     • Approved a new Tenants/Renters Policy for use of FBC property, including restricting
     tenancy to non-profit organizations and regulating event rentals to limit conflict with FBC
     activities and missions.

• Decided on several specific matters of church property use (e.g., participation in
    First Night; decision to not extend the short-term tenancy of AppleSpice Caterers).

    • Approved FBC’s involvement in external activities representing the church (e.g., the
    Worcester Pride events).

The second purpose of the CC is to assist the Teams in their missions. Much of the CC’s meeting
time is devoted to sharing information about the Teams’ activities and plans, offering collective
advice, and serving as a forum for inter-Team coordination. Those activities need not be reported
here, because they are reflected substantially in the Team reports elsewhere in the Annual Report.

Activities Anticipated in 2017

Recent CC meetings suggest that the following matters will be on its 2017 agenda:

    • Development of an FBC “Operations and Guidelines” document, which will offer
    more detailed and practical guidance for church operations than are typically contained in
    Bylaws of an organization.

    • Development of a vision for broader FBC missions and a strategic plan for accomplishing
    them, including a long-range plan for both ministerial and support staffing associated with
    this vision.

    • Developing ways to facilitate church members’ leadership and participation in the Team
    structure, assuring that (a) we cultivate leaders to replace the original Team Facilitators as
    they approach the ends of their terms, and (b) we offer ample opportunities for our
    growing number of new members to become involved in the Teams and their missions.

Thomas Grisso
FBC Moderator


2016: Elaine Holt (Head Deacon, Jan-June), Rod Ferris (Head Deacon, July-Dec), Chet Caswell,
Don Crosby, Donna Grisso, Lois Hagberg, Craig Holt, Pu Ta Ku, Jackie Mole, Anita Veal, Paw
Wah, Jacalyn Wetton

2017: Rod Ferris (Head Deacon), Jan Bjork, Chet Caswell, Donna Grisso, Lois Hagberg, Pu Ta
Ku, Jackie Mole, Anita Veal, Paw Wah, Elysabeth Wetton

2016 has been a year of transition for the deacons. With Elaine and Craig Holt’s departure, Rod
Ferris joined the deacons and became Head Deacon. Looking to 2017, we are still short two
deacons and are seeking new members to join us. In addition to performing our communion and
welcoming of new members roles, several of the Deacons provide many visits to members of
the congregation who are ill or otherwise cannot attend worship with us. While ministering to
others, we have also endeavored to lift our spiritual lives with the study of The Wisdom Jesus and

The Meaning of Mary Magdalene. These two books will be a continuing focus as we look forward to

Rod Ferris
Head Deacon

Human Resources

2016: Tom Grisso (Moderator), Martha Aney, Patty Hubbard, Steve Loring, Richard Wolf

2017: Tom Grisso (Moderator), Martha Aney, Patty Hubbard, the elected Treasurer, Richard

The Human Resources (HR) Team is responsible for all contracts with Ministerial and Support
Staff, meeting the professional development needs of Support Staff, assisting the Building Manager
in matters of personnel, and evaluating staff performance. The HR Team is chaired by the
Moderator, with members being the Treasurer, Finance Team Facilitator, and two members-at-
large appointed by the Team. Pastor Brent Newberry is ex officio member, and meetings generally
are attended by John Carroll, Building Manager and supervisor of support staff.

During 2016, the HR Team met monthly from January through December. HR developed and
managed the following contractual arrangements with ministers and staff, including determination
of salaries, benefits, duties, and performance reviews:

     • Renewed contracts with Wesley Hall, Minister of Music and Arts, and Jeremy Berry,
     Youth Ministry Assistant.
     • Managed the development and hiring for two new positions: Hand Bell Director (Sarah
     Sams) and Communications Specialist (Laurie Canavan).

HR also performed the following functions:

     • Managed annual performance reviews for Andrea Letourneau, Jeremy Berry, John
     Carroll, Joan Gonyea, Laurie Canavan, and Mark Dorsey.
     • Managed staff bonuses early in 2016.
     • Assisted in re-constructing the Pastoral Advisory Committee.

The FBC Policies and Practices document had been modified in 2015, but in 2016, HR completely
redeveloped the policies, which were approved by Coordinating council late in the year.

Finally, HR assisted the Pastor in appointing a new Pastoral Advisory Committee to
offer confidential advise to the Pastor 2-4 times a year. The members of this committee are Amy
Cuthbert, Sue Minott, Stephanie Gaudette, Dusty Miller, Gordon Swan, and Barbara Ward.
This committee has no term limits and will rotate as determined by the Pastor and the committee
members advised by HR.

Thomas Grisso
FBC Moderator and Chair, Human Resources

Adult Ministry (formerly known as Church Life)

2016: Barbara Ward (Facilitator), Anne Goff, Janice Hitzhusen, Zadock Malesi, Jim Pease,
Tom Ward

2017: Barbara Ward (Facilitator), Anne Goff, Janice Hitzhusen, Zadock Malesi, Jim Pease,
Tom Ward, Joseph Zuniga

Born from the former Church Life Team, the Adult Ministry Team is a committed group of
people who are continually working to discern God’s will in providing educational, social and
outreach opportunities for adults.

There are three Sunday options for education and conversation for adults. Bibles and Bagels,
under the leadership of Donna and Tom Grisso and Phyllis Whitten, meet at 9 a.m. for Bible
study. Also, at 9 is a new choice, facilitated by Janice Hitzhusen and Jim Pease, called Coffee and
Conversation. Each week, a topic of interest to the group is discussed. Following worship, there
are Forums led by members/friends of our congregation or guests, and this also includes the
Scrogin Book Forum which meets monthly to discuss books which have been chosen by the group
during their June gathering and read during the year. Anne Goff organizes the forums and we are
deeply grateful to her. These programs are open to all, providing opportunities to learn together
and get to know each other better.

Working with the Youth Ministry Team, the Summer Wednesday Socials were launched. In June,
we met in Institute Park for conversation, games and snacks. In July and August, people graciously
hosted evenings in their homes. Thanks to all who participated.

Brent Newberry and Barbara Ward organized our involvement in the Worcester Pride Parade,
held in September. Members and friends of our congregation, some coming from other parts
of the state, joined together for a prayer breakfast and then marched in the parade. We were
privileged to put into action our church’s value of inclusiveness: being welcoming and affirming.

In October, along with the Mission Team, we hosted a workshop on race relations entitled Do
Not Be Afraid: Changing the Narrative in the Midst of Racial Conflict. Members/friends of our
congregation, and other American Baptist Churches in our region, were participants.

An idea brought to us by Brent Newberry was approved and we purchased FBC mugs to give to
newcomers as another tangible way in which to welcome people.

Janice Hitzhusen and Jim Pease helped with a table at the Advent Workshop so that people could
have an opportunity to make Christmas cards for those who are not always able to be with us.

Zadock Malesi has graciously agreed to take on the responsibility of the Library. We are in the
process of finding someone to work with him: cataloging, stamping and displaying new books and
maintaining record-keeping of the books borrowed.
The Adult Ministry Team continues to discuss ways in which to minister to our congregation and

to those outside of our walls. We take seriously our call to minister to the best of our abilities in
the way of Christ. It is a privilege to serve with Anne Goff, Zadock Malesi, Janice Hitzhusen, Jim
Pease, Tom Ward and our Pastor, Brent Newberry.

With Appreciation,
Barbara L. Sinclair Ward

Youth Ministry (formerly known as the Christian Education Team)

2016: Courtney Stevens (Facilitator), Donna Grisso, Bill Muzinski, Nancy Muzinski, Edith Swan

2017: Courtney Stevens (Facilitator), Stephanie Gaudette, Bill Muzinski, Nancy Muzinski, Edith
Swan, Laura Yellick

In the middle of the year, the Youth Ministry Team engaged in a discussion to rename the
Christian Education Team. The term “Christian Education” was found to be too broad a label
for what our team specifically did, which was working primarily with youth. To clarify confusion
we settled on the term “Youth Ministry” to clearly represented the goals and purposes of our

Throughout the year the number of youth at First Baptist Church has grown; 27 children are
now registered. About 8 students attend the youth group Sunday School class that is held after
the worship service. Between 15-20 children attend the regular Sunday School class that begins
following the Children’s Message and concludes at 11:30. There are 3 children who utilize the
Nursery every Sunday from First Baptist Church and Park Congregational Church. The Nursery
is available starting at 8:45 am and runs until the end of service. Nursery Care continues to be
diligently provided by Lena Cami (employee of First Friends) assisted by Brianna Gagne.

Nancy and Bill Muszinski and Courtney Stevens have consistently taught Sunday School throughout
the year. Starting in September Edith Swan and Melissa Schachterle volunteered to assist in the
Sunday School classrooms with Courtney. We continue to hold Sunday School as a “one-room
schoolhouse” structure, but because of the increase in enrollment we are beginning to discuss
the possibility of having multi-aged classrooms. We are also discussing the possible rooms in the
church we can access for these purposes, in addition to recruiting additional volunteers.

During the summer, the Team created a space in the back of the sanctuary (as an alternate to
Sunday School) called the “Children’s Pew.” The purpose was to provide a place for children
to sit following the Children’s Message where a volunteer would model appropriate etiquette
during worship and educate the children on different aspects of the service (i.e., which book is the
hymnal, how to find scripture readings, how to pass an offering plate, when to stand and sit, etc.)

During the summer, the Youth Ministry Team changed the Sunday School curriculum to “Dig
In,” which is unlike past curriculums which followed the lectionary. “Dig In” follows the life of
Christ and also explores stories in the Old Testament chronologically.

On September 11, “Festival Sunday” was held. Also in September we organized a “Blessing of
the Backpacks” during the worship service. The Team hosted several Movie Nights throughout
the year - each one seeing an increase in attendance. The Team also organized a Providence
Bruins Game in April, a trip to a Red Sox Game (2nd year in a row), and hosted a kickball game
in June and a softball game in August at WPI, organized a Cookie Baking event for the Mustard
Seed, had a Gingerbread Making Event in December, and hosted several Paint Nights hosted
free of charge by Courtney Stevens. This year we held the annual Advent Workshop Sunday,
December 4, and was successfully carried out thanks to the many volunteers (including members
from Park Congregational Church).

A multitude of thanks for all the members of FBC who participated in any and all Youth Ministry
events and activities. The Youth Ministry Team continues to brainstorm ways to encourage
members of the congregation to take an active part in the education of Christian values to all our
youth here at FBC.

Respectfully submitted,
Courtney Stevens

Outreach Team

2016: D. Lyn Stevens (Facilitator), Carl Benander, B.J. Perkins, Anne Puffer, Dorothy Savice, Ken
Wolfe, Sharon Wolfe,

2017: D. Lyn Stevens (Facilitator), Carl Benander, B.J. Perkins, Anne Puffer, Ken Wolfe, Sharon

The Outreach Team budget was increased to $60,000.00 for 2016. This represents 10% of The
First Baptist Church of Worcester’s operating budget. In addition to carefully distributing these
funds to our Wider and Local Missions, we have also found some special projects to support. See
pages 37 - 39 for the accounting of such distributions.

The Giving Tree receives funds to make up for the shortfall when gift tags remain on the Christmas
tree. During the Advent Craft Fair this year, the members of the congregation were invited to
complete a mission by filling Ditty Bags (which were sewn by Denise Wolf and Lyn Stevens) with
clothing and comfort objects. These Ditty Bags were delivered to the Department of Children
and Families to be given to children in times of crisis. We also contributed to Tasks for Transit
which purchased one day bus passes that were then given to free clinics in Worcester. These
bus passes were used to help low income patients get transportation to necessary medical testing
or treatment. International and national disasters such as the earthquake in Ecuador and the
flooding in W. Virginia also received funds during their time of need.

During the summer, Lyn Stevens applied for the Matthew 25 Grant through the ABCUSA
(American Baptist Churches of the United States of America). A grant of $960.00 was awarded
to the Outreach Team which helped us purchase twenty bus passes to be given to refugees being
helped by Ascentria. Ascentria is the leading refugee resettlement organization in Worcester,

MA. The bus passes will help various refugees travel to English classes, medical appointments, the
laundromat and grocery stores.

The Outreach Budget also funds the purchasing of food which is used to prepare a meal for
the Mustard Seed once a month. This meal preparation is overseen by Emily Smith, Jim Pease,
Janice Hitzhusen and several FBC volunteers each month. Thank you.

During 2016, opportunities were presented to the congregation to participate in collections for
Jeremiah’s Inn, the Victory Center, the Walk for the Homeless and the Crop Walk.

Our Community Circle of volunteers continue to provide transportation to medical appointments
and shopping, as well as English tutoring to our refugee family from Burundi.

D. Lyn Stevens
Outreach Team Facilitator

Worship Arts and Music Team

2016: Sarah Sams (Facilitator), Barbara Ward, Kendra Tessier, Gordon Swan,John Minott, Jackie
Wetton, Lance Schacterlie, Stephanie Gaudette, Wesley Hall, Brent Newberry

2017: Sarah Sams (Facilitator), Barbara Ward, Kendra Tessier, Gordon Swan,John Minott, Jackie
Wetton, Emilie Miller Quinlan, Wesley Hall, Brent Newberry

It has been a joy this past year to collaborate with our pastor and minister of music to develop
and implement inclusive and meaningful paths to worship. We are grateful for the willingness
of so many to participate in worship by reading scripture, leading in the Call to Worship and
Invocation, or providing a Children’s Message. It is an honor to sing or play or experience the
music of worship each week. We recognize the commitment of those who are willing to lead
and serve. We particularly recognize the efforts of our music ensembles, Chancel Choir and First
Handbells, and thank them for their dedication to the mission and music of FBC. One of the
most meaningful experiences of 2016 is that we have learned firsthand to appreciate the gifts of
so many in our congregation and look forward to a widening the diverse circle of those who lead
in worship.

2016 was a year filled with music events that were varied and inspirational. From the FBC
Chancel Choir participation in the Five Choir Festival at All Saints Church in February to the
exquisite music of Les Souls D’Amour in Gordon Hall in May to the Taize Service in the Fall to
Lessons and Carols and Handbell Extravaganza in December, WAM partnered with our Minister
of Music to provide spiritually meaningful music and arts experiences.

WAM has become the lead FBC Team to coordinate the FBC participation in the annual stART
on the Street event in Worcester. September 2016 was our third year of participation and it
exemplified the spirit of cooperation and community involvement exemplified by our congregation.
The success of our presence in this event is made possible by the participation of so many in the
congregation. Thanks to all.

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