FACULTY RECRUITMENT GUIDE - UF College of Journalism and ...

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FACULTY RECRUITMENT GUIDE - UF College of Journalism and ...
Guide to successful faculty recruitment: How
to prepare for the process, roles and
responsibilities, and job ad structure


This document belongs to CJC Human Resources
Last Revised: 9/9/2021
OUR                           THE PLAN:
                              To ensure CJC is strengthening its mission and goals
The University of Florida     through its faculty recruitment and hiring policies,
                              practices, and initiatives, this CJC Faculty Recruitment
College of Journalism and
                              Guide has been established. This plan is designed to
Communications (CJC) is       ensure all CJC chairs and faculty are equipped with
committed to a diverse        the training, tools and resources to ensure the
and inclusive                 recruitment and hiring of faculty is timely, inclusive
environment, preeminent       and aligns with UF policy, regulation and Collective
scholarship, cross-           Bargaining Agreements.

disciplinary education,
                              As the University of Florida continues to demonstrate
superior skills               that it values diverse perspectives and research
development, and              experiences, attracting and retaining top talent from
collaboration spanning        underrepresented groups remains a priority. It is
the science and practice      paramount that selection and hiring processes
                              include strategies and best practices that connect
of communication to
                              with, market to, and recruit diverse talent.
produce significant
societal impact on a local,   Although selection and/or hiring decisions cannot be
state, and global scale.      based on a protected class, this tool has been
                              developed to walk you through best practices found
                              at every stage of the recruitment, selection, and
                              hiring process and to provide you with strategies and
                              resources that support inclusive hiring.

                                      In conjunction with the Chair, CJC-HR and
 OUR GOAL IS TO                       Business Office, the Dean and/or designee
 ESTABLISH CJC AS A                   will approve both the classification and
 LEADER IN THE                        compensation for all faculty positions. All

 RECRUITMENT,                         faculty searches must be approved by the
                                      Provost/Vice President, Dean or Department
 RETENTION, AND                       Chair of a particular college or unit.
 FACULTY, STAFF AND                   Thank you,

 STUDENTS.                            Dean Hub Brown & CJC Human Resources

Equity Advisor:
To continue engaging in inclusive hiring practices, an Equity Advisor will be added to assist each
search committee. The role of the Equity Advisor is to assist the Dean in the selection process
of the search committee and its chair.
    Coordinate with CJC-HR to ensure the search ad is posted in multiple venues that attract a
    diverse pool of applicants.
    Provide advice as needed to the chair/Dean and to the search committee to ensure that
    contributions to diversity are being considered and that proactive search practices are used
    for recruiting and selecting new faculty.
    Review list of interview questions to ensure there is no inherit bias.
    Discuss research on selection bias with the search committee.
    Review the diversity of the availability pool and the applicant pool. If the diversity of the
    applicant pool does not reasonably reflect the diversity of the availability pool, suggest
    proactive measures to enhance the diversity of the applicant pool.
    Review the short list of candidates selected for interviews. If this group is not diverse, review
    the files of other applicants (particularly those under serious consideration) to determine if
    candidates of equivalent quality have been overlooked.

CJC Equity Advisors:                                      Equity Advisor Trainings:
   Keisha Reynolds – Human Resources                         Managing Hidden Biases that Affect
   Julia Seay – Human Resources                              the Hiring Process – UF_GET250_ILT
   Harrison Hove – Journalism                                Interviewing and Hiring –
   Joanna Hernandez – Journalism, IDEA co-chair              UF_SCS040_ILT
   Ryan Vasquez – Innovation News Center, IDEA               Faculty Search Tutorial – PVO800
   Huan Chen – Advertising                                UF Equity Advisor Resource:
   Juliana Fernandes – Advertising                        http://training.hr.ufl.edu/instructionguid
   James Babanikos – Associate Dean,                      es/faculty_search/fac_equityadvisor.pdf
   Undergraduate Affairs
   Roxane Coche – Media Production,
   Management, and Technology
   Jasmine McNealy – Media Production,
   Management, and Technology
   Carla Fragomeni – Professional Advising and
   Teaching Hub
   Daressa Howard Hope – Graduate Division
   Erika Henderson – Advancement/WUFT
   Angela Bradbery - Public Relations
   Merline Durant - Division of Media Properties

Providing The Details:
The Dean and CJC Human Resources will collaborate in consultation with the Department Chair
to determine the follow position details:




Position #:

Funding Source:

Recruitment Salary Range:

Relocation Availability (Y/N):

Work Location:

Search Committee Chair:

Search Chair Assistant (if applicable):

Equity Advisor (CJC HR will assign):

Additional Information:
Dean/Executive Associate Dean:

   Obtain approval to fill position from the Provost
   Establish classification and compensation for position
   Establish recruitment budget
   Give charge and expectations to the search committee
   Approve job ad once developed by the search committee
   Ensure a diverse and inclusive pool of candidates that is reflective of the industry and
   student populations
   Provide ongoing guidance to the search committee
   Review and approve recommended candidates prior to scheduled interviews
   Review final list of up to three recommended candidates unranked but with strengths and
   weakness for each
   Work with search committee to make such appointments as appropriate under established
   standards, qualifications and criteria (UFF 12 – 12.1)
   After receiving the recommendation(s) of the faculty search committee, input from the
   department faculty, and the chair’s recommendation(s), the Dean will appoint the candidate
   they deem most qualified.
   The Dean may appoint a candidate that is not recommended by the faculty only after
   obtaining the Provost’s approval.
   The Provost or Provost’s Office designee shall explain the decision to the faculty in a
   meeting. (UFF 12.2 - f2)
   Conduct reference checks: https://hr.ufl.edu/manager-resources/recruitment-
   Negotiate and finalize job offer with successful candidate.
   Notify interviewed candidates that they were not selected as the finalist
CJC Human Resources:

   Collaborate with the Dean to develop a Faculty Recruitment Plan
   Assist search committee with job advertisement creation
   Ensure Equity Advisor is assigned to the search
   Ensure search chair, search committee members and Equity Advisor have completed
   required training
   Give sub-charge to search committee
   Ensure position is posted at highly diverse and strategic sites
   Coordinate with Communication Department on marketing the position
   Determine if position requires sourcing via UFHR Talent Acquisition
   Ensure review of candidates are equitable and inclusive
   Ensure recruitment timelines are achieved
   Consult with Dean regarding final candidates
   Notify candidates that did not make the first round of the interview process that they are
   not moving forward - email
   Coordinate secret ballot administration with department chair
   Review offer and appointment letter for accuracy
   Once offer letter is executed, prepare for onboarding
   Notify communications department to close all advertisements
   Ensure all hiring documents are collected for recordkeeping
   Collect letters of recommendations

CJC Communication Department:

   Work with CJC-HR on promotional strategy for each position
   Create social media posts for each individual positions and positions in aggregate
   Create promotional ads, if needed
   Add position to Employment Opportunities page on CJC website
Department Chair:

When anticipating vacancies, each college and/or unit should have an established plan for
educating and equipping individuals who serve on selection committees or interview panels
prior to the start of the process.

   Consult with the Dean on faculty classification and compensation prior to recruitment
   Identify search committee members – This should be a diverse representation of our
   students, faculty and staff.
   Search committees composed of faculty members from the appropriate department(s) shall
   be established by the department chair for all tenure-track faculty appointments and other
   faculty appointments as may be appropriate or as specified in the department’s bylaws.
   (UFF 12.2 c)
   No less than 3/4 of committee shall be departmental faculty
   In collaboration with search chair, make presentation to all department faculty and facilitate
   secret ballot to register recommendations (UFF 12.2 d). The vote should follow the following
   three categories:
       Not acceptable
   Collaborate with CJC-HR on onboarding process to include assigning new faculty member a
   mentor and CJC Buddy.
Search Chair:

   Complete all required training
   Ensure all search committee members have completed the required training
   Coordinate charge meeting with the Dean/designee and CJC-HR team member
   Collaborate with search committee members and HR to create job advertisement and job
   posting sites aligned with the Dean’s criteria
   Obtain final job ad approval from the Dean and CJC-HR
   Ensure search committee establishes screening criteria prior to screening candidates
   Review applicant pools:
   Schedule timely meetings with search committee to ensure recruitment timelines are
   Faculty search committee meetings fall under Florida’s Open Meetings and Open Record
   Laws. This means that search committee meetings must be posted within a reasonable
   period before gathering. As a best practice, we recommend three to seven days when
   possible. The notice can occur in one of two places; the college or unit’s website and/or the
   Recruitment and Staffing’s Search Committee Public Meeting Notices section.
       For the latter, please send your request to talent@hr.ufl.edu with the following
            Position Title, Department, Location, Date, Time, Contact Information
   Prior to scheduling interviews (Zoom or in-person), email the Dean and CJC-HR for approval.
   The final interview lists should include three recommended candidates unranked identifying
   both strengths and weakness for each.
   In conjunction with department chair, make presentation to all department faculty and
   facilitate secret ballot to register recommendations (UFF 12.2 d)
   Ensure that all applicants have a positive experience at all stages of the search process
   Check in with the Dean, HR and Department Chair to provide search updates
   Provide each candidate interviewed in the bargaining unit with the URL address for the
   UFBOT-UFF Agreement (UFF 12.2 b)
   Ensure voting is: Acceptable, Not Acceptable, Abstain
       Provide results to the Dean
   Provide final candidate recommendation to the Dean (unranked with strengths and
   Once search has concluded, forward all recruitment and selection records to cjc-

How to Review Applicants in Interfolio:
Search Committee Members:

   Complete required training
   Participate as an active participant on the search committee
   Provide additional avenues for recruitment
   Remain flexible in schedule to ensure recruitment process is timely
   Provide expertise and knowledge
   Many resources for Faculty Search Committees may be found in the Human Resources
   Toolkits: https://learn-and-grow.hr.ufl.edu/toolkits-resource-center/human-resources-

During the planning process, the main goal of the search committee and its chair is to develop
a recruitment plan that includes the following:

   The job description used to advertise the position
   The basic qualifications all applicants must possess to be considered for the position
   The advertising plan for the position
   The criteria used to determine which applicants will be selected for interviews

During the search, identify specific data/information that could assist in assessing the size,
depth, and range of candidates in the pool. At the time of outreach and applicant pool review, it
is essential to complete the following:

   Actively reach out to a broad pool of applicants. Consider whether the demographics of the
   pool broadly reflect the national availability
   Keep track of recruitment efforts taken during the outreach period
   Determine whether applicants who submitted an application meet the minimum
   requirements stated in the advertisement for the position. Notate reasons for individuals
   who did not meet the basic qualifications
   Assess if the recruitment period needs to be extended
   Fully evaluate all applicants for the position using objective criteria and established
   evaluation mechanisms. Notate reasons for applicants who do not move forward for
   further consideration as a committee
   Select first round candidates

How to Review Applicants in Interfolio:

Dean/Exec. Assoc. Dean:        CJC Human Resources:             CJC Communication Dept:
   Provost approval               Assist with recruitment          Promote strategic
   Position details               plan                             execution
   Budget                         Assist with job ad creation      Create/manage social
   Charge/expectations            Assign equity advisor            media job ads
   Approve job ad                 Ensure training                  Create promotional ads
   Ensure diversity               completion                       Upload position to CJC
   Provide guidance               Sub-charge for committee         website
   Approve recommended            Ensure job ad appears on
   candidates                     diverse sites
   Review finalists               Ensure equitable/inclusive
   Appoint candidate              review of candidates
   Reference checks               Ensure timeline is met
   Negotiate                      Provide consult to Dean
   Issue final job offer          Review job offer
   Notify interviewed             Notify candidates not
   candidates that were not       being interviewed
   selected as the finalist       Prepare onboarding
                                  Collect hiring documents

Department Chair:              Search Chair:                    Search Committee
   Ensure faculty                 Complete trainings            Members:
   preparedness for search        Coordinate meetings              Complete trainings
   Consult with Dean on           Create job ad draft              Participate actively
   position details               Create screening criteria        Provide expertise
   Select search committee        Comply with Open Record          Assist chair in creating job
   members                        Laws                             ad and criteria
   Present candidates to all      Submit records to CJC HR         Evaluate candidates using
   department faculty             Obtain approvals from            established criteria
   Facilitate secret vote         Dean/CJC HR at each step         Assist in selecting first
   Collaborate with CJC HR        Present candidate to all         round candidates
   regarding onboarding           department faculty
                                  Ensure all applicants have
                                  a positive experience
                                  Provide updates
                                  Facilitate secret vote
                                  Provide final
Search Committee Training

   Faculty Search Tutorial:
      Class Code: PVO800 (Required)
      Link to Register: https://mytraining-ufshands.sumtotal.host/Core/pillarRedirect?
   Managing Hidden Biases that Affect the Hiring Process:
      Class Code: UF_GET250_ILT
      Link to Register: https://mytraining-ufshands.sumtotal.host/Core/pillarRedirect?
   Interviewing and Hiring:
      Class Code: UF_SCS040_ILT
      Link to Register: https://mytraining-ufshands.sumtotal.host/Core/pillarRedirect?

Additional Training Resources:

LinkedIn Learning is free for UF Employees
Access here and use the link on the right hand side: https://elearning.ufl.edu/

Here are some examples of trainings:
   Uncovering Unconscious Bias in Recruiting and Interviewing
   Diversity Recruiting
   Remote Recruiting
   Inclusive Hiring
   Hiring Red Flags
   Interviewing Techniques
1. Opening Statement/Summary
     Something that will grab a potential candidates attention
     "Bring Your Innovation to a Winning Team"
     Provide a summary that is more than just basic information about the posting
          This is where you want to sell the job to the candidate to convince them to apply
2. The Opportunity
     Information about the position
     Do not copy and paste the job description
     Give highlights and opportunities of the position
3. About College/Unit
     Time to brag - what makes CJC awesome?
     Current ranking
     Scope of program
4. Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
     Select a statement: https://www.jou.ufl.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/CREATING-
     Make sure you select a statement that is genuine and authentic to your area
5. About UF and the City of Gainesville
     Use links to videos like "Explore Gainesville in 60 Seconds" to sell our location
6. Examples of What a Successful Candidate Looks Like:
     This helps the candidate see themselves in the position
     However, make sure the examples are broad enough that you don't box out an amazing
     candidate that has diverse or non-traditional experiences
7. Qualifications
     Be clear about which qualifications are required and which are preferred
8. Applicant Instructions
     A statement on a commitment to diversity in teaching and mentoring
     Dive deep with your selection committee to determine what materials you need from
     the candidate to identify the most qualified individual
     Make sure the instructions are clear and easy to understand
College of Journalism and Communications
Consortium on Trust in Media and Technology
Assistant Professor/Associate Professor, Tenure-Track
Artificial Intelligence
Position number #XXXXX

Bring Your Innovation to a Winning Team!

The University of Florida, ranked No. 6 best public university, has launched an initiative to
become the world’s top university in the study and teaching of artificial intelligence. The
centerpiece of this initiative is the acquisition of the most powerful supercomputer in U.S.
higher education, which will be made available to all UF faculty. The UF College of Journalism
and Communications has a strong foundation of AI work, particularly around identification and
elimination of misinformation, trust in AI, equitable AI, human-machine communication.

The Opportunity

The College of Journalism and Communications at the University of Florida invites applications
for a nine-month tenure-track/tenured position focused on the role of artificial intelligence in
strategic communication, particularly as regards multicultural audience insights, ethics and
bias, and targeted message design. This faculty member will contribute to CJC’s strengths in
strategic communication – science, storytelling and social good – by focusing on the role of AI in
conducting audience insight research at a larger scale, gaining more precise insights and a
better understanding of group identities.

This position may be hired at either the assistant or associate levels, dependent on
qualifications. The appointment is to begin January 1, 2022.

This faculty members will work in partnership with UF’s Consortium on Trust in Media and
Technology, which is based at CJC. The Consortium is distinctive in its response to the global
trust crisis, connecting scholars and thought leaders across disciplines to conduct research and
develop applications supporting media and technology that is credible and equitable. Its
interdisciplinary approach provides opportunities to work with colleagues at CJC, UF and the
field more broadly, helping to build an unparalleled ecosystem of scholars and practitioners.
The Consortium’s work is part of UF’s commitment to artificial intelligence as the centerpiece of
a major, long-term initiative combining world-class research infrastructure, cutting-edge
research, and a transformational approach to curriculum. To learn more about the Consortium
on Trust in Media and Technology, please click on the link: https://trust.jou.ufl.edu.
The College of Journalism and Communications
(www.jou.ufl.edu) has 74 full-time faculty members teaching in four departments: Advertising,
Journalism, Public Relations, and Media Production, Management, and Technology (MMT). A
recognized national leader in the field, the College is accredited by the Accrediting Council on
Education in Journalism and Mass Communications (ACEJMC). The College also houses a full-
service communications agency, led by professionals and staffed by students. The University of
Florida is a member of the Association of American Universities and is categorized in the
Carnegie Commission's top tier of research universities. UF’s more than 52,000 students come
from all 50 states and more than 100 countries.

Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The College of Journalism and Communication is committed to a diverse and inclusive
environment, preeminent scholarship, cross-disciplinary education, superior skills
development, and collaboration spanning the science and practice of communication to
produce significant societal impact on a local, state, and global scale. To learn more about CJC
IDE efforts, please click on the link: https://www.jou.ufl.edu/diversity-and-inclusion/diversity-

We welcome nominations of and applications from anyone who would bring additional
dimensions to the university’s research, teaching and clinical mission, including women,
members of underrepresented groups, protected veterans and individuals with disabilities.

The City of Gainesville
Gainesville (http://cityofgainesville.org) is home to Florida's largest and oldest university, and so
is one of the state's centers of education, medicine, cultural events and athletics. Additionally,
the city owns a regional transit system, a regional airport, and a 72-par championship golf
course. Known for its preservation of historic buildings and the beauty of its natural
surroundings, Gainesville's numerous parks, museums and lakes provide entertainment to
thousands of visitors. Because of its beautiful landscape and urban "forest," Gainesville is one
of the most attractive cities in Florida.
Explore Gainesville in 60 Seconds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?

Gainesville is also central location to many of Florida's most popular activities:
1-2 hours - Beaches on both coast lines
1.5 hours - St. Augustine
1.5 hours - Jacksonville: Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens
2 hours - Orlando, FL: Walt Disney World, Universal, Islands of Adventure
2 hours - Valdosta, GA: Wild Adventures
2 hours - Tampa, FL: Busch Gardens, Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Responsibilities and examples of work for a successful candidate include, but are not
limited to:

   Conducting research in AI as it relates to creating strategic messaging tailored to an
   individual or group for beneficial outcomes. Examples could include the role of massive
   datasets in understanding and predicting activities, behaviors and conversations; AI’s
   capability for supporting culturally tailored messaging that build message trust; the use of
   AI in voice-assisted and automated social media technology to deliver culturally relevant
   Exploring AI beyond proficiency in using artificial intelligence tools to include examinations
   of topics such as the ethical use of AI in strategic messaging; ways AI can help mitigate
   polarization on contentious social issues; the ways AI influences public dialogue, equity and
   inclusion; how AI affects the collection and dissemination of trusted information.
   Emphasizing practical applications of research.
   Collaborating with faculty both within the College of Journalism and Communications and in
   partnership with academic units across UF.
   Testing applications through the College of Journalism and Communications’ media
   properties and tracking outcomes.
   Teaching and mentoring undergraduate and graduate students.
   Engaging in governance and other service activities.
   Contributing to online education, diversity, and the internationalization of the college and

Qualifications and Requirements:
  Must possess an earned Ph.D. in communication, journalism, media or related field and a
  record of original scholarly research commensurate with appointment at the
  assistant/associate professor level.
  Preference will be given to applicants demonstrated expertise in one or a combination of
  the following areas: machine learning and natural language processing and their application
  to journalism and communication; media literacy and AI; ethics; multicultural
  communication in an AI context.
  Preference will be given to applicants with professional experience in strategic
  communication and/or advertising.
  Other qualifications include evidence of excellence in teaching, a significant publication
  record, potential to secure grant funding, and productivity and effectiveness in contributing
  to a collegial environment.
Nomination and Application Instructions
Applications must be submitted online via (Interfolio link). Applications must include an
electronic copy of the following:
    A letter of interest
    Complete curriculum vitae
    Teaching evaluation data, where available, or evidence of teaching effectiveness
    A statement on a commitment to diversity in teaching and mentoring
    Names, addresses, e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three references
    The Search Committee may request additional materials at a later time

Selected candidate will be required to provide an official transcript to the hiring department
upon hire. A transcript will not be considered "official" if a designation of "Issued to Student" is
visible. Degrees earning from an education institution outside of the United States are required
to be evaluated by a professional credentialing service provider approved by National
Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES). If an accommodation due to a disability
is needed to apply for this position, please call (352) 392-4621 or the Florida Relay System at
(800) 955-8771 (TDD). Hiring is contingent upon eligibility to work in the US.

The University of Florida is an Equal Opportunity Employer. The University is committed to non-
discrimination with respect to race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation,
gender identify and expression, marital status, national origin, political opinions or affiliations,
genetic information and veteran status in also aspects of employment including recruitment,
hiring, promotion, transfers, discipline, terminations, wage and salary administration, benefits
and training.

The “government in the sunshine” laws of Florida require that all documents relating to the
search process, including letters of application/nomination and reference, be available for
public inspection.
The interview process should be structured and designed in a way that allows for checks and
balances. It is first required that you develop selection criteria before reviewing your

Evaluation Criteria:

   Create objective selection criteria that can be used to determine the best qualified
   candidate from all applicants who have met the minimum qualifications
   Create identifiers for favorable candidates to be considered for interview
   Criteria should go beyond minimum qualifications, for example:
       Quantity, quality and relevance of education
       Experience, knowledge and other job-related skills
       Qualifications that may be unique to the job and department
   Cultural competence should be considered as a criterion for all recruitment efforts and
   supported by questions that assist with inclusive hiring

Faculty Rubric Template: https://www.jou.ufl.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Faculty-

Interview Questions:

   Behavioral based interview guide:
      With this style of questioning, candidates are asked how they handled past situations,
      giving you a sense of how they will think/perform in the future
   SBO Model:
      Stands for Situation, Behavior and Outcome
      Below is an example of a good behavioral interview question that uses the SBO model:

       Sometimes policy and procedure changes are made that require a shift in your practice.
                           Share with us a time when you might have faced such changes. (S)
                                                                 How did you respond? (B)
                                                           And what was the outcome? (O)

    The interview experience:
      Best practices regarding where and how interviews should be conducted

AAAA: https://www.aaaa.org/                   Careers at UF: https://jobs.ufl.edu/
AEJMC: http://www.aejmc.org/                  College of Journalism & Communications:
Air Media: https://airmedia.org/jobs/         http://www.jou.ufl.edu/
Alliance for Women in Media:                  ColorComm: Women of Color in
https://allwomeninmedia.org/                  Communications: www.colorcommsearch.com
American Academy of Advertising:              Corporation of Public Broadcasting:
https://www.aaasite.org/                      http://www.cpb.org/jobline/
American Conference of Academic Deans:        Current.org/American University School of
https://acad.org/                             Comm: http://jobs.current.org/
American Meteorological Society:              Florida Association of Broadcasters:
www.ametsoc.org                               http://www.fab.org/
American Women in Radio & TV:                 GreaterPublic.org: https://greaterpublic.org/
http://media411.tvjobs.com/                   Higher Education:
Asian American Journalists Association:       https://www.insidehighered.com/
http://www.aaja.org/                          UF College of Education:
Association for Continuing Higher Education   https://education.ufl.edu/higher-education/
Inc: https://www.acheinc.org/                 Hispanic Public Relations Association:
Association for Educational Communications    https://hprausa.org/
and Technology: https://www.aect.org/         IEEE Jobs: https://jobs.ieee.org/
Association for Fundraising Professionals:    Indeed.com: www.indeed.com
https://afpglobal.org/                        Insight Into Diversity:
Association for National Advertising:         https://diversity.gmu.edu/insights-diversity-0
https://www.ana.net/                          International Communication Association:
Association for Women in Communication:       https://www.icahdq.org/
https://www.womcom.org/                       International Public Relations Research
Association of Deans & Directors of           Conference: https://www.iprrc.org/
University Colleges & Undergraduates          Latinx in AI: https://www.latinxinai.org/
Studies: https://www.adandd.org/              Monster: http://www.monster.com
Black in AI: https://blackinai.github.io/#/   National Hispanic Media Coalition - members
Broadcast Career Link:                        only: https://www.nhmc.org/
 https://www.broadcastcareerlink.com/         National Association of Hispanic Journalists:
Broadcast Education Association:              https://www.nhmc.org/
https://www.beaweb.org/wp/                    National Association of Black Journalist:
Broadcasting & Cable:                         NABJ Career Center: www.nabjcareers.org

National Association of Broadcasters:           Public Media Jobs: publicmediajobs.com
http://www.nab.org/                             Radio & Television Business Report:
National Association of Hispanic Journalists:   www.rtdna.org
http://www.nahj.org/                            Radio Ink: radioink.com
National Association of Black Journalists:      Radio Television Digital News Association:
http://www.nabj.org/                            www.rtdna.org
National Black Public Relations Society:        Radio Business Report/TV Business Report:
careers.nbprs.org                               http://rbr.com
National Communication Association:             RTDNA: https://www.rtdna.org/
https://www.natcom.org/                         Social Media Package (Linkedin Groups,
National Educational Telecommunications         Facebook, Twitter): CJC Marketing and
Association: http://www.netaonline.org          Communications Department
National Federation of Community                Society for Technical Communication:
Broadcasters: nfcb.org                          https://www.stc.org/
National Hispanic Media Coalition:              Society of Professional Journalist:
http://www.nhmc.org/                            https://www.spj.org/jobs.asp
National Lesbian & Gay Journalists              The Chronicle of Higher Education:
Association: http://www.nlgja.org/              https://www.chronicle.com/
National Weather Association: nwas.org          TV and Radio Jobs:
National/Nonprofits.org:                        http://www.tvandradiojobs.com
nationalnonprofits.org                          Women In Higher Education:
Native American Journalists Association:        https://www.wihe.com/
http://www.naja.com/                            Workplace Diversity Network Combo:
NPR: http://www.npr.org                         workplacediversitynetwork.com
Philanthropy Women: philanthropywomen.org       World Journalism Education
Public Broadcasting Management                  Council/Conference: https://wjec.net/
Association: http://www.pbma.org                ZipRecruiter: www.ziprecruiter.com
Public Media Business Association:              iHire.com: https://www.ihirepublishing.com/
Public Relations Society of America (PRSA):
   UF Interview Guide:
   UF Behavioral Based Interview Guide:
   Reference checks:
   UF Hiring Policies:
   Review Faculty Search Process Overview:
   UFF Collective Bargaining Agreement on new Appointments:
   The Interview Experience:
   Faculty Rubric Template: https://www.jou.ufl.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Faculty-
   Reviewing Applicants in Interfolio:
   Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action:
   Link to UFF Bargaining Agreement:

To gain additional insight on inclusive hiring practices or identifying, attracting, and engaging
talent, connect with UF’s Strategic Talent Group:
    Website: https://hr.ufl.edu/manager-resources/recruitment-staffing/talent-search/
    Email: Talent@hr.ufl.edu

College of Journalism and Communications Human Resources Office
Website: www.jou.ufl.edu/cjc-human-resources/
Email: cjc-hr@jou.ufl.edu
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