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Recueil de la recherche RESEARCH DIGEST #18 Le « Recueil de la recherche » publié par le Centre de prévention de la radicalisation menant à la violence (CPRMV) a pour objectif d’alimenter la diffusion et le partage des connaissances en ce qui a trait aux phénomènes de radicalisation menant à la violence et leur prévention. Aussi, nous croyons qu’il est essentiel d’exercer une veille scientifique sur les connaissances produites à ce propos au Québec, au Canada et à l’international. Le « Recueil de la recherche » permet d’offrir sur une base régulière, un aperçu des dernières publications de recherche et des événements scientifiques pertinents sur ces enjeux de la radicalisation menant à la violence. The "Research Digest" published by the Center for the prevention of radicalization leading to violence (CPRLV) aims to fuel the dissemination and sharing of knowledge with regards to radicalization leading to violence and its prevention. Also, we be- lieve it is essential to carry out scientific monitoring of the knowledge produced on this topic in Quebec, Canada and abroad. The "Research Digest" aims to provide, on a regular basis, an overview of the latest research publications and relevant scientific events pertaining to the issue of radicalization leading to violence. LECTURES SCIENTIFIQUES Scientific readings Les radicalisations. Culture et postmodernité : Avant-propos, Vir- Preventing violent extremism through the United Nations: the ginie Tournay, Emmanuel Taïeb et Julien Giry, (2018), Quaderni Rise and Fall of a Good Idea, David H. Ucko, (2018), International Affairs doi/10.1093/ia/iix235/4851908?redirectedFrom=fulltext Comment qualifier les relations entre les médias sociaux et les processus de radicalisation menant à la violence ?: Note de syn- thèse international, Séraphin Alava, Divina Frau-Meigs, Ghayda The Prevent Strategy and the UK ‘War on Terror’: Embedding Hassan, (2018), Quaderni Infrastructures of Surveillance in Muslim communities, Fahid Qu- rashi, (2018), Palgrave Communications La radicalisation sous emprise ? Le processus de radicalisation au prisme de Stop Djihadisme, Julien Fragnon, (2018), Quaderni A Dangerous Science: Psychology in Al Qaeda’s words, Emma Grace, (2018), Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict 762 Driving Factors behind Foreign Fighters in Syria and Iraq, Elena Pokalova, (2018), Studies in Conflict & Terrorism Pathologizing “Radicalization” and the Erosion of Patient Privacy Rights, Kelly Morgan, (2018), Boston College Law Review 842?af=R l awd ig i ta lc o m m o ns.b c.e d u /c g i /v i ewc o nte nt.c g i?a r- ticle=3628&context=bclr 1
Recueil de la recherche Research Digest #18 Identifying Potential Mass Shooters and Suicide Terrorists With L’islam dans une France et une Europe laïques : comment dé- Warning Signs of Suicide, Perceived Victimization, and Desires jouer les pièges de l’extrémisme prétendu musulman ?, Maurice for Attention or Fame, Adam Lankford, (2018), Journal of Perso- Blanc, (2018), Pensée Plurielle nality Assessment 018.1436063 A Comparison of Two Structured Professional Judgment Tools Making women terrorists into “Jihadi brides”: an analysis of for Violent Extremism and Their Relevance in the French context, media narratives on women joining ISIS, Alice Martin, (2018), Martine Herog-Evans, (2018), European Journal of Probation Critical Studies on Terrorism 18.1448204?af=R Rational Overreaction to Terrorism, William Spaniel, (2018), Jour- nal of Conflict Resolution Making Jihadis, Waging Jihad: Transnational and Local Dimen- sions of the ISIS Phenomenon in Indonesia and Malaysia, Kirsten E. Schulze & Joseph Chinyong Liow, (2018), Asian Security Policing of Terrorism Using Data from Social Media, Robert Pelzer, (2018), European Journal for Security Research Muslim Youth Unemployment and Expat Jihadism: Bored to Death, Moamen Gouda & Marcus Marktanner, (2018), Studies in Conflict & Terrorism The Time for Causal Designs: Review and Evaluation of Empi- rical Support for Mechanisms of Political Radicalisation, Oluf Gøtzsche-Astrup, (2018), Aggression and Violent Behaviour The Strategy of Exclusion in American Counterterrorism, Michael ht tps ://w w w.scie nc e dire ct.c om /scie nc e /a r ticle /pii / Newell, (2018), Studies in Conflict & Terrorism S1359178917303336 Comparison of Honor Killings to Anti-LGBTQ homicides, Tri Keah Henry, (2018), Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research The Strategic Logic of Women in Jihadi Organizations, Hamoon Khelghat-Doost, (2018), Studies in Conflict & Terrorism Countering Violent Extremism Policy in the United States: Are CVE programs in America effectively Mitigating the Threat of Archetypal Terrorist Events in the United States, Russell Homegrown Violent Extremism?, Craig M. Stewart, (2017) Lundberg, (2018), Studies in Conflict & Terrorism Stewart_Craig.pdf?sequence=1 Terrorism Watch Lists, Suspect Ranking and Decision-Ma- The Use of Facebook in ISIS Recruitment - An Exploratory Study, king Biases, Peter J. Philips & Gabriela Pohl, (2018), Studies in Nor Hanim Binti Ibrahim, (2017), Journal of Media and Informa- Conflict & Terrorism tion Warfare Terrorist Group Rivalries and Alliances: Testing Competing Expla- Locke and Hate Speech Law: A Critical Review, J.K. Numao, nations, Brian J. Philips, (2018), Studies in Conflict & Terrorism (2018), Locke Studies Understanding Hate Crimes Against Immigrants: Considerations Right-Wing Terrorism and Violence in Western Europe: A for Future Research, Janice A. Iwama, (2018), Sociology Compass Comparative Analysis, Jacob Aasland Ravndal, (2017) 2
Recueil de la recherche Research Digest #18 Black-boxing the Black Flag: Anonymous Sharing Platforms Identity, Ideology, and Information: The Sources of Iraqi Public and ISIS Content Distribution Tactics, Ahmad Shehabat, Teodor Support for the Islamic State, Karl Kaltenhaler, Daniel Silverman, Mitew, (2018), Perspectives on Terrorism Munqith Dagher, (2018), Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 18.1433447?af=R Radicalisation: A Subtype of Religious Conversion?, Julien van Elzen, (2018), Perspectives on Terrorism Every Time it Happens, You Question Continuing as an Officer': The Experiences of Police Officers as Victims of Hate Crime, R.C. Mawby, I. Zempi, (2018), Policing: An International Journal Terrorist Prison Breaks, Trevor Cloen, Yelena Biberman, Farhan Zahid, (2018), Perspectives on Terrorism Policing Extreme Political Protest: A Historical Evaluation of Police Prejudice, Iain Channing, (2018), Policing Terrorist Tactics by Criminal Organizations: The Mexican Case in tract /doi /10.1093/police /pay010 /4903019?redirecte- Context, Brian J. Philips, (2018), Perspectives on Terrorism dFrom=fulltext Green-Washes of Hate : Disguising Anti-Immigrant Sentiments Explaining Civilian Attacks: Terrorist Networks, Principal-Agent As Heroic Environmental Concerns, P. Stevens Harris, (2018), Problems and Target Selection, Max Abrahms, Matthew Ward, Environmental Concerns Ryan Kennedy, (2018), Perspectives on Terrorism =hein.journals/ jael9&div=7&id=&page= Reconsidering Radicalization: Fanaticism and the Link Between Crafting the “Well-Rounded Citizen”: Empowerment and the Ideas and Violence, Bart Schuurman, Max Taylor, (2018), Pers- Government of Counterradicalization, Niklas Altermark, Ham- pectives on Terrorism pus Nilsson, (2018), International Political Sociology, doi/10.1093/ips/olx028/4897873?redirectedFrom=fulltext 200+ Academic Theses (Ph.D. and MA) on Terrorism- and Counter-Terrorism – related Issues, written in French, Spanish, The "lone wolf" terrorist and radicalization: the role of forensic Italian, German, Dutch, and Norwegian, Ryan Scrivens, (2018), psychology, J.A. Marvasti, M. Rahman, (2017), Journal of Foren- Perspectives on Terrorism sic Psychology w w /pt/index.php /pot/ar ticle / view/685/1356 tions.viewdetails&citationIds[]=citjournalarticle_573810_13 Recent Online Resources for the Analysis of Terrorism and Related The Decline of Civil Discourse and the Rise of Extremist Debate : Subjects, Berto Jongman, (2018), Perspectives on Terrorism Words Matter, Timothy Conner, (2018), Tennesse Journal of Law and Policy =hein.journals/ tjrlp12&div=12&id=&page Counterterrorism Bookshelf : 18 Books on Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism-Related Subjects, Joshua Sinai, (2018), Perspectives on Terrorism Countering Jihadist Terrorism: A Comparative Analysis of French and German Experiences, Jean-Loup Samaan & Andreas Jacobs, (2018), Terrorism and Political Violence Bibliography: Social Aspects of Terrorism, Judith Tinnes, (2018), Perspectives on Terrorism Securitization and the Proscription of Terrorist Organizations in Spain, Angela K. Bourne, (2018), Terrorism and Political Violence 18.1432218?af=R 3
Recueil de la recherche Research Digest #18 Terrorist Organization Proscription as Counterinsurgency in the Kur- Points of Departure: Re-examining the Discursive Formation of dish Conflict, Vicki Sentas, (2018), Terrorism and Political Violence the Hate Crime Statistics Act of 1990, Maxwell Leung, (2018), Patterns of Prejudice 18.1432215?af=R The Proscription or Listing of Terrorist Organisations: Understan- It Takes More than Translating a Flier: Considerations in Serving ding, Assessment, and International Comparisons, Lee Jarvis & Immigrants as Victims of Crime in a Large Midwestern City, Kelly Tim Legrand, (2018), Terrorism and Political Violence A. Yotebieng et al., (2018) 18.1432199?af=R Apocalypse Later: A Longitudinal Study of the Islamic State brand, “More Symbolic—More Political—Than Substantive”: An Interview Charlie Winter, (2018), Critical Studies in Media Communication with James R. Clapper on the U.S. Designated Foreign Terrorist Or- ganizations, Tim Legrand, (2018), Terrorism and Political Violence 18.1432220?af=R ISIS Child Soldiers in Syria: The Structural and Predatory Re- cruitment, Enlistment, Pre-Training Indoctrination, Training, and Deployment, Asaad Almohammad, (2018), International Centre Proscription’s Futures, Marieke de Goede, (2018), Terrorism and for Counter-Terrorism – The Hague Political Violence ral-and-predatory-recruitment-enlistment-pre-training-indoctrina- 18.1432219?af=R tion-training-and-deployment/ Yesterday’s Law: Terrorist Group Listing in Canada, Craig Forcese Brand Management in Terrorism: The Case of Hezbollah, & Kent Roach, (2018), Terrorism and Political Violence Jonathan Matusitz, (2018), Journal of Policing, Intelligence, and Counter Terrorism 18.1432211?af=R 17.1412489?af=R The Tamil Proscriptions: Identities, Legitimacies, and Situated Practices, Suthaharan Nadarajah, (2018), Terrorism and Political The Influence of Leadership on the Strategies and Tactics of Isla- Violence mic State and its Predecessors, Mehmet F. Bastug & Ahmet Guler, (2018), Journal of Policing, Intelligence, and Counter Terrorism 18.1432879?af=R The Proscription of Terrorist Organisations in Australia, Nicola McGarrity & George Williams, (2018), Terrorism and Political Violence Police Community Engagement and Outreach in a Counterterrorism Context , Adrian Cherney, (2018), Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism Facebook, Defamation, and Terrorism: Who Is Responsible for 18.1432880?af=R Dangerous Posts on Social Media, Caitlin McKeown, (2018), Tu- lanc Journal of International and Comparative Law The Portuguese Foreign Fighters Phenomenon: A Preliminary As- sessment , Maria do Céu Pinto Arena, (2018), Journal of Policing, licl26&div=9&id=&page= Intelligence and Counter Terrorism Autism Spectrum Disorder and Hate Crime, Eddie Chaplin & 18.1432881?af=R Samyukta Mukhopadhyay, (2017), Advances in Autism Detecting Truth, Deception, and Innocence in a Mock Coun- ter-terrorism Scenario: The Use of Forced-choice Testing, Linda Incitement to Hatred and Countering Terrorism: Policy Confusion in R. Zhong & Mark R. Kebbell, (2018), Journal of Policing, Intelli- the UK and Australia, Katharine Gelber, (2017), Parliamentary Affairs gence and Counter Terrorism 18.1438640?af=R 4
Recueil de la recherche Research Digest #18 More than the Medium: How the Communication Literature The Malaysian “Islamic” State versus the Islamic State (IS): Helps explain ISIS’s Success in Recruiting Westerners, Michael evolving definitions of “terror” in an “Islamising” nation-state, G. Zekulin, (2018), Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Nicholas Chan, (2018), Critical Studies on Terrorism Terrorism 18.1447217?af=R 17.1412490?af=R Boko Haram's Conquest for the Caliphate: How Al Qaeda Helped Media Effects in Youth Exposed to Terrorist Incidents: a Historical Islamic State Acquire Territory, Jacob Zenn, (2018), Studies in Perspective, Betty Pfefferbaum et al., (2018), Current Psychiatry Conflict & Terrorism Reports 18.1442141?af=R ARTICLES DE VULGARISATION Essays Au Danemark, le pari de la réintégration des djihadistes, (2018), Reassessing Belgium’s ‘Failed’ Counterterrorism Policy, Thomas Courrier International Renard et Rik Coolsaet (2018), Lawfare le-pari-de-la-reintegration-des-djihadistes terterrorism-policy Media and terror in the age of social media, Sofia Patel, (2018), Policy Roundtable: What Is the Future of the Jihadist Move- The Strategist ment?, Stephen Tankel, Kim R. Cragin, D. Garstein-Ross et J. Geltzer (2018), TNSR dist-movement/ « Prévenir pour protéger » : Analyse et mise en perspective du programme Français de lutte contre le terrorisme et la radicalisa- tion, Nicolas Hénin, (2018), Action Resilience Jihadist Radicalization and Terrorism in Italy: A Happy Exception?, Francesco Marone, (2018), European Eyes on Radicalization lyse-et-mise-en-perspective-du-programme-francais-de-lutte- contre-le-terrorisme-et-la-radicalisation/ rorism-in-italy-a-happy-exception/ Terror, Online and Off : Recent Trends in Islamic State Propagan- Identifying Radical Content Online, Ryan Scrivens et Garth Davis da Operations, Charlie Winter & Haroro J. Ingram, (2018), War (2018), Vox-Pol on the Rocks cent-trends-in-islamic-state-propaganda-operations/ The Islamic State’s Manipulation of Gender in Their Online Infor- mation Operations, Kiriloi M. Ingram, (2018), Vox-Pol Al-Qaeda’s Resurrection, Bruce Hoffman, (2018), Council on Foreign Relations der-in-their-online-information-operations/ The spread of true and false news online, Soroush Vosoughi, Lessons from history on what to do with foreign fighters returning Deb Roy, Sinan Aral, (2018), Science from Syria, Nir Arielli, (2018), The Conversation to-do-with-foreign-fighters-returning-from-syria-92455 5
Recueil de la recherche Research Digest #18 Hate thrives as much in the open as in the dark, Eureka Street, Terrorism on Trial: The Problem of Prosecuting International Jiha- Fatima Measham (2017), Eureka Street dists, Antonia Ward, (2018), The Rand Blog /documentSummar y;d- h t t p s : // w w w. r a n d .o r g / b l o g / 2 018 / 0 3 / te r r o - n=397862593311807;res=IELLCC rism-on-trial-the-problem-of-prosecuting-international.html Mosques launch anti-radicalisation scheme as alternative to Prevent (2018), The Guardian /uk-news /2018/mar/22/ mosques-launch-anti-radicalisation-scheme-as-alterna- tive-to-prevent LECTURES AUTRES Other readings Bringing Down the Digital Caliphate: A Breaking the ISIS Brand Surveys and Countering Violent Extremism : A Practitioner Guide, Counter-Narratives Intervention with Albanian Speaking Face- Matthew Nanes & Bryony Lau, (2018), The Asia Foundation book Accounts, Anne Speckhard et al, (2018), International Center for the Study of Violent Extremism Surveys-and-Countering-Violent-Extremism.pdf liphate-a-breaking-the-isis-brand-counter-narratives-interven- tion-with-albanian-speaking-facebook-accounts/ #WeWillNotBeSilent : What is Hate Speech and What Has it Got to Do with Gender?, (2018), National Institute for Health and Wel- fare, Centre for Gender Equality Information Returnees : Who Are They, Why Are They (Not) Coming Back, w w /bitstream /handle /10024/135990 /URN_ and How Should We Deal With Them?, Thomas Renard & Rik ISBN_978-952-343-042-6.pdf?sequence=1 Coolsaet (eds.), (2018), Egmont Institute papers.101_online_v1-3.pdf?type=pdf CREST Security Review No. 7 : Transitions, (2018), Centre for Research and Evidence on Security Threats (CREST) Evaluating the Resources Rural Law Enforcement Management Needs to Counter Violent Extremist Behaviours, Melvin S. Ri- chards, (2017) Enhancing the Understanding of the Foreign Terrorist Fighters h t tp s : //s e a rc h.p ro q u e s t.c o m /o p e nv i ew / 3 8 a a c18 d - Phenomenon in Syria, Hamed el-Said & Richard Barrett, (2018), 53 d a 53 0 39 fa497d 9 c 4 3 afd f 8 /1? p q- o r i g s i te = g s c h o - United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism lar&cbl=18750&diss=y files/2018/02/ONU_Report_Final_2017.pdf The Year in Hate: Trump Buoyed White Supremacists in 2017, Sparking Backlash Among Black Nationalist Groups, (2018), Counter Conversations : A Model for Direct Engagement with Southern Poverty Law Centre Individuals Showing Signs of Radicalisation Online : Executive ht tp s : // w w w.s p l c e n te r.o rg / n ew s / 2018 / 02 / 21/ ye a r- Summary, (2018), Institute for Strategic Dialogue hate-trump-buoyed-white-supremacists-2017-sparking- backlash-among-black-nationalist tive-summary.pdf Afghan Women and Violent Extremism: Colluding, Perpetrating, Jihadists’ Grievance Narratives against France, Laurence Binder, or Preventing?, (2018), United States Institute of Peace (2018), International Centre for Counter-Terrorism The Hague and-Violent-Extremism.pdf dists-Grievance-Narratives-Against-France-February2018.pdf 6
Recueil de la recherche Research Digest #18 Terrorism (High Risk Offenders) Act 2017 Commences, Natalie Islamic State’s English-language Magazines, 2014-2017: Trends & Marsic, (2018), Judicial Officer’s Bulletin Implications for CT-CVE Strategic Communications, Haroro J. In- gram, (2018), International Centre for Counter Terrorism – The Hague /documentSummar y;d- n=383384774644186;res=IELHSS ht tps :// /publication /islamic-states-engli- s h-l a ng u ag e -m ag a zin e s-2014-2017-tre nd s-im p li c a- tions-for-ct-cve-strategic-communications/ How can Hollywood help fight ISIS and Similar Terrorist Groups?, Anne Speckhard & Ardian Shajkovci, (2018), International Centre for the Study of Violent Extremism Evaluating Countering Violent Extremism Programs: Current Practices, Challenges, and a Means Forward, (2018), Center for Global Policy isis-and-similar-terrorist-groups/ Caitlin-Ambrozik-Policy-Brief-final.pdf Les jeunes face à la tentation de la radicalisation : que faire ?, (2018), Vers Le Haut The globalisation of Countering Violent Extremism Policies: Un- dermining Human Rights, Instrumentalising Civil Society, Arun tation-de-radicalisation-faire/ Kundnani & Ben Hayes, (2018), Transnational Institute Prison Management of Terrorism-Related Offenders: Is Separa- lisation_of_countering_violent_extremism_policies.pdf tion Effective?, Julia Rushchenko, (2018), Henry Jackson Society Jihadists’ Grievance Narratives against France, Laurence Bind- HJS-Prison-Management-Report.pdf ner, (2018), International Center for Counter Terrorism – The Hague dists-Grievance-Narratives-Against-France-February2018.pdf MÉDIAS Medias Conférence : “Radicalités Violentes : Perspectives Comparatistes” : Conférence “Othering Across Times” par Ryan Scrivens, (2018), Table Ronde, (2017), International Panel for Exiting Violence Centre international de criminologie compare (CICC) dicalities-with-farhad-khosrokhavar-jerome-ferret-domi- nique-thomas/ 7
Recueil de la recherche Research Digest #18 DERNIERS TRAVAUX AU CPRMV Recent work at CPRLV « Retournants » : Quelles Mesures Adopter ? », Centre de Women and Violent Radicalization, Conseil du statut de la prévention de la radicalisation menant à la violence, (2018) femme & Centre for the Prevention of Radicalization Leading to Violence (2016). 1fd57ab877d8 tion_recherche_anglais.pdf L’engagement des femmes dans la radicalisation violente, Conseil du statut de la femme & Centre de prévention de la Pursuant to the mandate in the 2015-2018 Government Action radicalisation menant à la violence (2016). Plan, Radicalization in Québec: Act, Prevent, Detect and Live To- gether, the Secrétariat à la condition féminine and the Conseil du statut de la femme were asked to work together to document tion_recherche_francais.pdf the differentiated radicalization factors among women and men in Québec. The two agencies also drew on the expertise of the Conformément au mandat inscrit dans le Plan d’action gouver- Centre for the Prevention of Radicalization Leading to Violence nemental 2015-2018, La radicalisation au Québec : agir, prévenir, (CPRLV) to illustrate this phenomenon. détecter et vivre ensemble, le Secrétariat à la condition féminine The report resulting from this mandate and entitled " Women et le Conseil du statut de la femme ont été invités à collaborer and Violent Radicalization" seeks, firstly, to define what consti- pour documenter les facteurs différenciés de radicalisation chez tutes radicalization leading to violence. Secondly, It addresses les femmes et les hommes dans le contexte québécois. Les deux women's involvement in violent radicalization throughout history organismes ont également fait appel à l’expertise du Centre de and in a variety of situations; this step-back in time allows for prévention de la radicalisation menant à la violence (CPRMV) afin a better understanding of the current phenomenon of women d’illustrer ce phénomène. joining jihadist groups in Syria and in Iraq. Adopting a theore- Le rapport issu de ce mandat, intitulé « L’engagement des tical framework which is both feminist and postcolonial, the re- femmes dans la radicalisation violente », s’attache, dans un pre- port aims at deconstructing a number of media discourses and mier temps, à définir ce que constitue la radicalisation menant stereotypical representations vis-à-vis women and radicalization à la violence. Il aborde, dans un second temps, la situation de leading to violence. The last part of the report focuses specifi- l’engagement des femmes dans la radicalisation violente à tra- cally on the case of Quebec women who have chosen or tried vers l’histoire et selon une multiplicité de contextes afin de per- to leave for Syria / Iraq since 2013. To explore their motivations mettre de saisir avec recul le phénomène actuel des femmes re- and their path to radicalization, the report draws on unpublished joignant certains groupes jihadistes en Syrie et en Irak. Adoptant empirical data from a field survey conducted in Quebec. une grille théorique féministe et postcoloniale, ce rapport permet de déconstruire un certain nombre de discours médiatiques et de représentations stéréotypées vis-à-vis de l’engagement des femmes dans la radicalisation menant à la violence. La dernière partie du rapport s’intéresse plus spécifiquement au cas des Québécoises ayant choisi ou tenté de partir pour la Syrie/Irak de- puis 2013. Afin d’explorer leurs motivations et leurs parcours de radicalisation, ce rapport s’appuie sur des données empiriques inédites provenant d’une enquête de terrain menée au Québec. 8
Recueil de la recherche Research Digest #18 PUBLICATIONS À VENIR DU CPRMV Upcoming publications of CPRLV Enjeux et défis des « retournants » pour le Québec : Prise en Crimes et incidents haineux au Québec : D’un état des lieux à charge et réinsertion, Centre de prévention de la radicalisation une politique de prévention, Centre de prévention de la radicali- menant à la violence. sation menant à la violence. Restez à l'affût KEEP INFORMED Pour recevoir le Recueil de la recherche, To suscribe to the CPRLV’s Research veuillez envoyer un courriel à l’adresse : Digest, please send us an email at: 9
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