Line up fall 2018 - France TV

Page created by Russell Keller
Line up fall 2018 - France TV
line up
fall 2018

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Line up fall 2018 - France TV
line up
                                                                                                                                                  fall 2018

science & technology
GIANT VIRUSES | VIRUS GÉANTS ............................................................................................................................................................                                        8
JAMY’S WORLD | LE MONDE DE JAMY ..................................................................................................................................................                                               9
ÉTONNANTES VERTUS DE LA MÉDITATION ......................................................................................................................................                                                       8
MYSTERIES OF THE GIANTS | LA TERRE DES GÉANTS NEW ...............................................................................                                                                                               7
THE WHIZZ REPORT | C’EST PAS SORCIER ....................................................................................................................................                                                       9

nature and wildlife
FARM IN THE WILDERNESS | UNE FERME SAUVAGE .....................................................................................................                                                                                13
IN FROM THE WILD | PAS SI SAUVAGES NEW ........................................................................................................................                                                                 11
LIVING WITH WOLVES | VIVRE AVEC LES LOUPS ................................................................................................................                                                                      13
OSO, WILD VISIONS FROM ASTURIAS | OSO, SIMPLEMENT SAUVAGE NEW...................................                                                                                                                                10
SLEEPING IN NATURE | LE SOMMEIL DES ANIMAUX ...................................................................................................                                                                                 12
THE SECRET LIFE OF THE GARDEN | LA VIE SECRÈTE DU DU JARDIN NEW .................................                                                                                                                               11
ZOO LOVERS | UN AMOUR DE ZOO .....................................................................................................................................................                                              12

21 RUE LA BOÉTIE ............................................................................................................................................................................................................   23
APOCALYPSE: HITLER | APOCALYPSE : HITLER ....................................................................................................................                                                                   17
APOCALYPSE : LA PAIX IMPOSSIBLE, 1918-1926 NEW ....................................................................................................                                                                             16
APOCALYPSE: STALIN | APOCALYPSE : STALINE ..................................................................................................................                                                                    17
APOCALYPSE: THE BATTLE OF VERDUN | APOCALYPSE : VERDUN ............................................................                                                                                                             17
APOCALYPSE : LA GUERRE DES MONDES NEW ..........................................................................................................................                                                                16
APOCALYPSE: WWI | APOCALYPSE : LA PREMIÈRE GUERRE MONDIALE ..............................................                                                                                                                       17
APOCALYPSE: WWII | APOCALYPSE : LA DEUXIÈME GUERRE MONDIALE ............................................                                                                                                                        17

Line up fall 2018 - France TV
travel & adventure
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 BEYOND THE CLOUDS | NEPAL, PAR-DELÀ LES NUAGES NEW........................................................................                                                                                                                            35
history                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          CHAMPIONS FACTORY ..................................................................................................................................................................................................                                  37
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 HUMAN ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................    37
AUSCHWITZ TRIAL: THE END OF SILENCE |                                                                                                                                                                                                            IDITAROD: THE RACE OF A LIFETIME |
LE PROCÈS D’AUSCHWITZ, LA FIN DU SILENCE NEW ........................................................................................................                                                                                       22   IDITAROD, LA DERNIÈRE COURSE DE NICOLAS VANIER .................................................................................................                                                                                                      33
DRANCY 1943, THE BIG ESCAPE | LES ÉVADÉS DE DRANCY ............................................................................                                                                                                             24   SOMEWHERE ON EARTH | VU SUR TERRE ................................................................................................................................                                                                                    40
HITLER’S CHAMPIONS | LES CHAMPIONS D’HITLER .....................................................................................................                                                                                           24   THALASSA...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................   40
HITLER WIRETRAPPED | HITLER SUR TABLE D’ÉCOUTE NEW ............................................................................                                                                                                             19   THE PEOPLE ABOVE THE CLOUDS | LE PEUPLE AU-DESSUS DES NUAGES NEW ...................                                                                                                                                                                  39
I BETRAYED HITLER | NOTRE ESPION CHEZ HITLER ....................................................................................................                                                                                           19   WAY(S) TO SCHOOL | LE(S) CHEMIN(S) DE L’ÉCOLE ......................................................................................................                                                                                                  36
LA MISS & THE GENERAL | SUSAN, HÉROÏNE CACHÉE DE BIR HAKEIM ............................................                                                                                                                                    22   WRU | T’ES OÙ ? ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................                           40
MUSSOLINI’S LAST DAY | LES TROIS MORTS DE MUSSOLINI ............................................................................                                                                                                            23
VARIAN FRY | LA LISTE DE VARIAN FRY ...........................................................................................................................................                                                             24
SECRETS OF THE WORLD’S RICHEST WOMAN |                                                                                                                                                                                                           cinematography & culture
FORTUNE ET INFORTUNES DES BETTENCOURT .......................................................................................................................                                                                               21
THE BIRTH OF A NEW WORLD |                                                                                                                                                                                                                       CAMILLE PISSARRO: THE IMPRESSIONIST LEGACY |
1956, NAISSANCE D’UN NOUVEAU MONDE ...................................................................................................................................                                                                      23   CAMILLE PISSARRO, SUR LES TRACES DU PÈRE DES IMPRESSIONNISTES ...........................................                                                                                                                                             45
THE N°5 WAR | LA GUERRE DU N°5 ..................................................................................................................................................                                                           21   CHAPLIN VS. KEATON – DUEL OF LEGENDS |
THE PETER PAN CHILDERN | ENFANTS DE PETER PAN NEW ..............................................................................                                                                                                            20   CHAPLIN VS. KEATON, LE CLOCHARD MILLIARDAIRE ET LE FUNAMBULE DÉCHU .....................                                                                                                                                                              43
THE REAL WAR OF THRONES                                                                                                                                                                                                                          DELACROIX | DELACROIX, ART À TOUT PRIX NEW.............................................................................................................                                                                                               44
LA GUERRE DES TRÔNES, LA VÉRITABLE HISTOIRE DE L’EUROPE NEW season 2........................                                                                                                                                                15   GENE KELLY: LIVE TO DANCE | GENE KELLY, VIVRE ET DANSER ....................................................................                                                                                                                          42
TWO AGAINST HITLER | MAD, UNE HÉROÏNE DE L’OMBRE ...................................................................................                                                                                                        19   FAKING GIACOMETTI | UN FAUX AIR DE GIACOMETTI NEW...................................................................................                                                                                                                  44
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 LAUREN BACALL, A LOOK FROM SKY | LAUREN BACALL, OMBRE ET LUMIÈRE .......................                                                                                                                                                              42
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ORSAY, CHRONICLES OF A MUSEUM | ORSAY, CHRONIQUES D’UN MUSÉE........................................                                                                                                                                                  45
current affairs, portrait & society                                                                                                                                                                                                              ROBERT MITCHUM, HOLLYWOOD’S BAD BOY |
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ROBERT MITCHUM, LE MAUVAIS GARÇON D’HOLLYWOOD ........................................................................................                                                                                                                41
2 DEGREES, THREATS TO THE PARIS AGREEMENT |                                                                                                                                                                                                      TRUFFAUT VS. GODARD – THE STORY OF A BREAKUP |
2 DEGRÉS, MENACES SUR LES ACCORDS DE PARIS NEW ............................................................................................                                                                                                 25   TRUFFAUT VS. GODARD, SCÉNARIO D’UNE RUPTURE ......................................................................................................                                                                                                    43
BRIGITTE MACRON, A FRENCH SAGA |                                                                                                                                                                                                                 VERHOEVEN VERSUS VERHOEVEN |
BRIGITTE MACRON, UN ROMAN FRANÇAIS NEW.....................................................................................................................                                                                                 26   PAUL VERHOEVEN, CINÉASTE DE LA PROVOCATION ...........................................................................................................                                                                                                41
ELISABETH II : LA RÉVOLUTION D’UNE REINE .............................................................................................................................                                                                      31
ERDOGAN, THE RISE TO ABSOLUTE POWER | LA TURQUIE SELON ERDOGAN ..........................                                                                                                                                                   29   lifestyle
IRAN: A GIANT AWAKES | IRAN, LE RÉVEIL D’UN GÉANT .....................................................................................                                                                                                     30
MALARIA BUSINESS NEW ........................................................................................................................................................................................                               30   CULINARY ROAD TRIP | LES CARNETS DE JULIE ...............................................................................................................                                                                                             46
MOKA MALO ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................   32   THE COMPETITION | LE CONCOURS ...................................................................................................................................................                                                                     46
ON THE ROAD IN FRANCE | LA TRAVERSÉE .................................................................................................................................                                                                      27   WHO WILL BE THE NEXT GREAT PASTRY CHEF? |
POPE FRANCIS, THE VATICAN’S LAST CHANCE |                                                                                                                                                                                                        QUI SERA LE PROCHAIN GRAND PÂTISSIER ? ...............................................................................................................................                                                                                46
FRANÇOIS, LE PAPE QUI VOULAIT CHANGER LE MONDE ..................................................................................................                                                                                           31
POPULATION | DÉMOGRAPHIE ........................................................................................................................................................................                                           30
PUTIN, MASTER OF THE GAME | LA VENGEANCE DE POUTINE .....................................................................                                                                                                                   28   newsroom
L’HOMME DERRIÈRE LE MYTHE, PORTRAIT INTIME DE FIDEL CASTRO ............................................................                                                                                                                     31   A WORLD IN VIEW | UN ŒIL SUR LA PLANÈTE ....................................................................................................................                                                                                          47
WHEN I WAS SIX, I KILLED A DRAGON |                                                                                                                                                                                                              ENVOYÉ SPÉCIAL .................................................................................................................................................................................................................                      47
QUAND J’AVAIS SIX ANS, J’AI TUÉ UN DRAGON ........................................................................................................................                                                                          32   FURTHER INVESTIGATION | COMPLÉMENT D’ENQUÈTE ..........................................................................................                                                                                                               47

Line up fall 2018 - France TV
factual   | science & technology
                                                                                                                                                                                                               factual                 |       science & technology

                   FROM PAST TO PRESENT

                                                                                                                                          MYSTERIES OF THE GIANTS                                           LA TERRE DES GÉANTS                                      HD

                                                                                                                                           6 x 52’                                                                                             French Connection Films    2018

                                                                                                                                          Join us as we search for giants of both the past and present.
                                                                                                                                          After the extinction of the dinosaurs, the Earth was populated by other, astonishingly gigantic animals: a 13-metre snake

                                                          © FRENCH CONNECTION FILMS © 2018 FRANCE TV DISTRIBUTION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
                                                                                                                                          weighing as much as a truck, a shark as big as a school bus, a 20-ton rhinoceros and a sloth 200 times the size of sloths
                                                                                                                                          today. Although they dominate their ecosystems, giant animals are often more vulnerable than others. They are susceptible
                                                                                                                                          to climate change, loss of habitat, shortages of food and competitors invading their territory. In fact, today’s last giants – the
                                                                                                                                          descendants of those behemoths – are all in decline. Some of them are even threatened with imminent extinction.
                                                                                                                                          The series looks back on the evolutionary history of eight giant prehistoric animals and their eight modern descendants.
                                                                                                                                          The first two episodes examine four particularly amazing animals, seeking to explain why they became so huge and why
                                                                                                                                          they later disappeared. We join four experts as they study those ancient species.

                                                                                                                                          The four following episodes turn to today’s giants, exploring their evolutionary history and past to see if their ancestors
                                                                                                                                          suffered from their great size. We discover their story with the help of the finest biologists and paleontologists specializing
                                                                                                                                          in these creatures.

                                                                                                                                                A dynamic, entertaining scientific approach with an innovative concept: an interaction between
                                                                                                                                                scientists and animals of the past recreated in virtual reality.
                                                                                                                                                An account based on new discoveries about the evolution and extinction of some of the largest
                                                                                                                                                mammals to have populated our planet.
                                                                                                                                                A riveting journey offering insights into the evolution of today’s giant animals and the Earth.
                                                                                                                                                More than 20 scientists from all over the world interviewed: biologists, paleontologists.

           |   6                                                                                                                                                                                                                       |   7
Line up fall 2018 - France TV
factual   |       science & technology                                                            factual              |       science & technology

                                         MEDITATION,                                       HD       JAMY’S WORLD                                               HD
                                         A NEW THERAPEUTIC                                          LE MONDE DE JAMY
                                         APPROACH?                                                   10 x 52’ | 5 x 110’        France tv studio        2014-2015
                                         ÉTONNANTES VERTUS
                                         DE LA MÉDITATION
                                                                                                    Confronting the Earth’s fury, preventing
                                          1 x 52’                     France tv studio    2017      catastrophes and even making the best of them.

                                         Over the past decade, meditation has enjoyed               This is the first of humanity’s great challenges
                                         meteoric success in the Western world. Today,              explored by Jamy.
                                         however far removed it may be from the tradi-              From the glowing slopes of Kilauea in Hawaii to the
                                         tional approaches of Western medicine, millions            Erta Ale lava lake in Ethiopia, the deck of a ship
                                         of enthusiasts claim it offers great benefits. This        boring into the Earth’s crust off Japan, Jamy invites
                                         documentary has some astonishing revelations in            us on a voyage to explore a living, vibrant planet
                                         store. Specific cases are illustrated by patient feed-     that is cared for by great witnesses of our times.
                                         back and scientific research conducted by leading
                                         experts.                                                   Volcanoes – Builder Secret – Adventures in
                                                                                                    Wildlife – The Hidden Life of the Mountains –
                                                                                                    Forests and People

                                         GIANT VIRUSES                                     HD       THE WHIZZ REPORT
                                         VIRUS GÉANTS                                               C’EST PAS SORCIER

                                          1 x 52’           Transparences Productions     2016       550 x 26’                                     France tv studio
                                                                                                    Get smarter the Fun way!
                                         Mimiviruses (for microbe mimicking viruses) were
                                         first reported in Nature magazine in 2003. They            What is recyclable? What is a clone? How does
                                         are the first members to be discovered of a family         music spread? Can ants speak? How does a soap
                                         of formerly unknown organisms. They differ widely,         bubble form?
                                         but all are astonishing in terms of size, genes and        The Whizz Report provides children of all ages with
                                         “performance”. One of them has survived 30,000             answers to their questions.
                                         years in the Siberian permafrost.                          2 hosts, 1 lab van, full-scale observations and
                                         These giant viruses seem to be the missing link            experiments.
                                         between the worlds of viruses and living cells. Are        Step-by-step descriptions to better understand and
                                         they a new type of life on our planet? Were their          discover the world in a fun way.
                                         distant ancestors living creatures? And could those
                                         ancestors have been the source of all eukaryotic           Themes: Aeronautics, environment,
                                         life, including us? In other words, could mankind          animals, medicine, geology, economy.
                                         have descended from a giant virus?

          |   8                                                                                                        |   9
Line up fall 2018 - France TV
factual               |    nature & wildlife                                                                                            factual               |    nature & wildlife

                                NEW                                                                                             NEW   THE SECRET LIFE                                 HD
                                                                                                                                      OF THE GARDEN
                                                                                                                                      LA VIE SECRÈTE DU JARDIN

                                                                                                                                       1 x 52’                    France tv studio   2018

                                                                                                                                      Every garden is home to thousands of creatures,
                                                                                                                                      with hundreds of tiny dramas playing out as part of
                                                                                                                                      a wider story: the tale of an ecosystem shaped by
                                                                                                                                      the imagination of a creator, the gardener, whose
                                                                                                                                      work produces a living, constantly evolving tableau.
                                                                                                                                      As an artist, they must adapt to the vagaries of the
                                                                                                                                      weather and respect natural cycles. Their human
                                                                                                                                      hand steers rather than controls this creation to
                                                                                                                                      achieve a subtle, shifting balance between fan-
                                                                                                                                      tasy and reality, between an ideal and what nature
                                                                                                                                      This film provides unique insights into a stunning
                                                                                                                                      wild diversity unrealized by many gardeners, yet
                                                                                                                                      one that exists just outside their door.

                                                                                                                                NEW   IN FROM THE WILD                                HD
                                                                                                                                      PAS SI SAUVAGES

                                                                                                                                       1 x 52’                    France tv studio   2018

                                                                                                                                      More than 130 individuals of various species live
                                                                                                                                      on a vast reserve near Avignon, southern France.
                                                                                                                                      They were rescued all across Europe. Some were
                                                                                                                                      found injured by the roadside, others were sent by
                                                                                                                                      parks that could not take care of them. Much of the
                                                                                                                                      wildlife in this place of safety is orphaned. Now,
OSO, WILD VISIONS FROM ASTURIAS                                                                                          HD           for the first time, a crew has been allowed to enter
OSO, SIMPLEMENT SAUVAGE                                                                                                               the reserve to discover the secrets of its special
                                                                                                                                      world where very close bonds are formed between
 1 x 52’                                                                                         France tv studio   Fall 2018         humans and animals.
                                                                                                                                      The residents regularly feature in movies.They are
An immersive exploration of the breathtaking wild environment of the Cantabrian Mountains (Spain). It takes the viewer                cared for by an extraordinary woman whose skills
on an amazing journey into nature to meet Cantabrian brown bears.                                                                     are recognized internationally.
Following in the footsteps of these emblematic creatures, we discover their natural, primitive environment whose flora
and fauna make up an unspoiled ecosystem. The steep slopes of the mountain range are also home to gray wolves,
capercaillie, deer, mountain goats, griffon vultures and black woodpeckers.

Vincent Munier is an impassioned nature photographer acclaimed as one of the greatest of his generation. Capturing
furtive glimpses and then moving in closer to observe the wildlife in greater detail, he conveys all the poetry of this wild,
little-known environment.

                      |   10                                                                                                                                  |   11
Line up fall 2018 - France TV
factual   |    nature & wildlife                                                               factual                 |    nature & wildlife

                                   SLEEPING IN NATURE                                 HD     LIVING WITH WOLVES                                 HD
                                   LE SOMMEIL DES ANIMAUX                                    VIVRE AVEC LES LOUPS

                                    1 x 52’                     France tv studio     2017     1 x 52’                      France tv studio    2016

                                   How to sleep and survive in the wild.                     Wolves have fascinated mankind for time immemo-
                                                                                             rial and are present in the oral traditions of most
                                   Sleeping upside-down, on one leg, lying down,             civilizations. The way wolves are perceived has
                                   standing up, buried, eyes wide open, fists clenched,      changed and evolved depending on populations,
                                   floating like a buoy, or taking it in turns. In nature,   beliefs, eras and historical events. Wolves have
                                   every species has its own technique for taking a nap      been diversely represented as strong or weak, posi-
                                   without becoming a snack!                                 tive or negative, majestic or devilish. These dualities
                                   This documentary tells some surprising stories of         can consistently be noted in myths or legends over
                                   remarkable sleepers. Every day, different animal          the centuries. Mankind has rarely had such mixed
                                   species go in search of essential rest in an unpre-       feelings about an animal.
                                   dictable environment. Inevitably, they share their        Humans and wolves have been fighting over terri-
                                   world with neighbors who do not necessarily keep          tories for more than 3,000 years in a conflict that
                                   the same hours.                                           continues to this day.

                                   ZOO LOVERS                                         HD     FARM IN THE WILDERNESS                             HD
                                   UN AMOUR DE ZOO                                           UNE FERME SAUVAGE

                                    1 x 52’                                                   1 x 52’                      France tv studio    2016
                                    Gédéon Programmes | France tv studio             2017
                                                                                             The story is set in the Swiss Jura mountains, on a
                                   This documentary explores the unique world of a           little farm with cows, sheep, pigs, hens, cats and a
                                   zoo, where every enclosure is the scene of complex        dog... However this place is different than others.
                                   displays that reveal amazing affinities and affec-        Through the eyes of a fox cub, viewers discover a
                                   tions. It examines the unique patterns of behavior        unique setting where sharing is the rule.
                                   that bring together all kinds of animals – for whom       Driven by hunger and curiosity, the young fox ven-
                                   the issue of mating is often crucial. Among these         tures into an unknown world inhabited by man.
                                   species, some families stay together and some             There, it embarks on a series of unexpected encoun-
                                   couples are faithful for life… but there can also be      ters where the domestic and wild worlds meet in
                                   harem rivalries and high-risk encounters.                 mutual observation and discovery.

          |   12                                                                                                       |   13
Line up fall 2018 - France TV
factual   |    history                                                                                          factual                 |    history

                         THE REAL WAR OF THRONES                                                                                                 HD

                          Season 1: 4 x 45’ | 4 x 52’   Season 2: 6 x 52’ in production • Fall 2018                      Pernel Media       2017-2018

                         The legendary dynasties that shaped Europe.
                         In the turbulent formative centuries of early Europe, power-hungry family dynasties fought for domination of the continent.
                         They clashed on the battlefields in an explosion of blood and iron... but their real wars were complex, personal power
                         struggles played out behind the scenes. There were no altruistic codes of chivalry: those who were not crowned with
                         glory soon perished in the shadows.
                         Discover how power, greed and human passions shaped our European nations.

                              The epic saga of rival dynasties who wrote modern Europe’s great history, from the Hundred Years
                              War to the beginning of the Renaissance era.
                              A high-end docudrama production (filmed in 4K) with a particular emphasis on costumes and
                              directing that conveys a real sense of history.
                              Games of conquest and power played out by merciless figures: a world of strategic alliance, adultery,
                              treason and murder.

          |   14                                                                                                                        |   15
Line up fall 2018 - France TV
factual   |    history                                                                                                       factual                 |     history

                         THE LANDMARK SERIES                                                 APOCALYPSE:                                                        HD

                         ON THE 20TH CENTURY                                                 THE BATTLE OF VERDUN
                                                                                             APOCALYPSE : VERDUN
                                                                                              2 x 45’ | 1 x 90’                          CC&C | ECPAD        2016
                                                                                             The battle of Verdun raged for 300 days of nightmarish combat over
                                                                                             an area of 100 square kilometres. In terms of strategic objectives, it
NEW                               APOCALYPSE:                                         HD     achieved nothing. In the course of those 300 days, 700,000 men
                                  NEVER-ENDING WAR:                                          were killed, wounded or reported missing in action.
                                  APOCALYPSE :
                                                                                             APOCALYPSE: STALIN                                                 HD
                                  LA PAIX IMPOSSIBLE : 1918-1926
                                                                                             APOCALYPSE : STALINE
                                   2 x 45’ | 1 x 90’                                          3 x 52’                                             CC&C         2015
                                   CC&C | Ideacom International Inc.             Fall 2018
                                                                                             Bolshevik, professional revolutionary, gangster, terrorist, mass
                                  It’s 1918, a time of chaos, conflicts and precarious       murderer… Who really is the “Man of steel” who became, after
                                  equilibrium. Survivors have lost everything.               defeating Hitler, both the most feared and admired man on the
                                  As the world reels and tries to right itself, misery       planet? How did such a man manage to rise to power by spreading
                                  and uncertainty give rise to nationalism and the evil      terror, secrecy and propaganda?
                                  forces of totalitarianism.
                                  Will peace ever come?
                                                                                             APOCALYPSE: WWI                                                    HD
                                                                                             APOCALYPSE : LA PREMIÈRE GUERRE MONDIALE
                                                                                              5 x 52’         CC&C | Idéacom International Inc. | ECPAD        2013
                                                                                             How did the Great War, which was so disastrous for humanity,
                                                                                             become possible? How did the men, women, and children of the
                                                                                             warring countries live through this conflict?

NEW                               APOCALYPSE:                                         HD
                                  WAR OF WORLDS
                                  APOCALYPSE : LA GUERRE DES MONDES                          APOCALYPSE: HITLER                                                 HD
                                                                                             APOCALYPSE : HITLER
                                   6 x 52’   CC&C | Ideacom International Inc.       2020
                                                                                              2 x 52’                                              CC&C        2011
                                  The fantastic period of history between 1945 and           The origins that captures the roots of the banality of evil. Built
                                  1991 was defined by the confrontation of two wor-          like a criminal investigation around Hitler, these films retrace the
                                  lds and two systems. The capitalist West, dominated        inevitable rise of an outsider at the head of Germany.
                                  by the ever-powerful United States, is pitted against
                                  the Communist East, the Soviet Empire. Both sides
                                  possess the ultimate weapon, the Nuclear Bomb.
                                  This terrifying balance of fear paradoxically ensures
                                  a half-century of peace and prosperity in the West.        APOCALYPSE: WWII                                                   HD
                                  There are many heated moments during this “Cold            APOCALYPSE : LA DEUXIÈME GUERRE MONDIALE
                                  War”, and Asia is the chosen place for these “loca-
                                  lized” wars in which the Superpowers confront               6 x 52’                                     CC&C | ECPAD         2011
                                  each other through other populations engaged in            A story of this huge conflict through the often tragic destinies
                                  merciless battles.                                         of those who lived it, those who submitted to it, and those who
                                                                                             conducted it. The “horrible yet familiar” war led to the deaths of 50
                                                                                             million men and women across the world, with, for the first time,
                                                                                             as many civilian victims as there were military ones.

          |   16                                                                                                                                     |    17
Line up fall 2018 - France TV
factual   |    history                                                                               factual                  |     history

                                         “They spied on Hitler” collection
                                         COLLECTION : « ILS ONT ESPIONNÉ HITLER »                                                  HD

                                          3 x 52’                                                       Label Image       2015-2018

                                                                       NEW          HITLER WIRETAPPED
                                                                                    HITLER SUR TABLE D’ÉCOUTE

                                                                                    April 20, 1942. Three Resistance agents led by
                                                                                    engineer Robert Keller are listening directly to the
                                                                                    voice of Adolf Hitler, the Führer himself! They have
                                                                                    wiretapped him! They will also be spying on other
                                                                                    top dignitaries of the Third Reich, including Goering.
                                                                                    Indeed, during World War II, Keller pulled off one of
                                                                                    the greatest feats of underground resistance in Occu-
                                                                                    pied Europe. For the benefit of French and British
                                                                                    intelligence, he listened in and recorded all the state
                                                                                    secrets passing down the vast stretches of under-
                                                                                    ground telephone cable between Paris and Berlin.

                                                                                    TWO AGAINST HITLER
                                                                                    MAD, UNE HÉROÏNE DE L'OMBRE

                                                                                    Love, Espionage, Patriotism.
                                                                                    How a young Frenchwoman, Madeleine Richou,
                                                                                    became “Source Mad”, one of the most valuable
                                                                                    intelligence agents of the Second World War and
                                                                                    how, thanks to Nazi officer Erwin Lahousen,
                                                                                    she came to reveal Hitler’s most closely-guarded
                                                                                    secrets. A tale of espionage and secret love,
                                                                                    Madeleine Richou’s war is truly one of life’s lessons.

                         © LABEL IMAGE
                                                                                    I BETRAYED HITLER
                                                                                    NOTRE ESPION CHEZ HITLER

                                                                                    Hans-Thilo Schmidt, codenamed “Asché” or “Source D”,
                                                                                    was a well-placed German spy who, during the 1930s,
                                                                                    sold secrets about the Germans’Enigma machine and
                                                                                    the most important Nazi secrets to the French Intel-
                                                                                    ligence. The materials he provided facilitated Polish
                                                                                    mathematician Marian Rejewski’s reconstruction of the
                                                                                    wiring in the Enigma’s rotors and reflector; enabling the
                                                                                    ultimate collapse of Hitler’s Third Reich and the Allies
                                                                                    to won two years earlier than expected.

          |   18                                                                                                               |   19
factual               |    history                                                                                                                                    factual          |      history

                               NEW                                                                                            THE N°5 WAR                                                        HD
                                                                                                                              LA GUERRE DU N°5

                                                                                                                               1 x 52’                                   Siècle Productions      2017

                                                                                                                              The story of the most famous perfume in the world
                                                                                                                              is worthy of the best novels.
                                                                                                                              Since its truly revolutionary conception back in
                                                                                                                              1921, it has been wildly coveted, causing a finan-
                                                                                                                              cial battle in 1940: Coco Chanel went to great
                                                                                                                              lengths to get rid of her Jewish associates, the
                                                                                                                              Wertheimer brothers.

                                                                                                                              SECRETS OF THE WORLD’S                                             HD
                                                                                                                              RICHEST WOMAN
                                                                                                                              FORTUNE ET INFORTUNES
                                                                                                                              DES BETTENCOURT

                                                                                                                               1 x 90’ | 2 x 45’
                                                                                                                               Flach Film Production | Deux Cafés l'Addition                     2017
THE PETER PAN CHILDREN                                      ENFANTS DE PETER PAN                                       HD
                                                                                                                              The saga of the Bettencourt family from the begin-
 1 x 52’                                                                                                 The Prod     2018    ning of the last century and the creation of their
                                                                                                                              kingdom: L’Oreal. The incredible adventure of a
Between 1960 and 1962, 14,000 children were shipped out of Cuba. Panicking middle-class Cuban parents sent                    small business which became the symbol of beauty
their children to the United States in huge numbers, hoping to join them later. The reason for this hysteria? A skillfully    and glamor incarnate, told through the lives of the
orchestrated rumor claiming that Fidel Castro intended to ‘nationalize’ the country’s children.                               extraordinary characters who drove that success,
                                                                                                                              starting with the founder, Eugene Schueller - the
Our report tells the story of a spectacular CIA black-ops initiative aimed at overthrowing the Castro government: Operation   father of Liliane Bettencourt. The astonishing,
Peter Pan.                                                                                                                    incredibly rich, mysterious family’s story, built on
                                                                                                                              successes, hidden secrets, a cult of discretion and
                                                                                                                              public scandals.

                      |   20                                                                                                                                                           |   21

                                                                                                                                    R-VIOLLET © LOBSTER © GPA © AFP
factual   |    history                                                                                  factual                 |       history

                               LA MISS & THE GENERAL                             HD     THE BIRTH OF                                       HD
                               SUSAN, HÉROÏNE CACHÉE                                    A NEW WORLD
                               DE BIR HAKEIM                                            1956, NAISSANCE D’UN NOUVEAU MONDE

                                1 x 52’                     CFRT Production     2017     1 x 52’                Flach Film Production      2016

                               Flamboyant, heroic and dynamic, Susan Travers            In early November 1956, the Red Army was rushing
                               was an unforgettable woman. Her position was             to Budapest to crush Hungarians fighting for their
                               unique: normally, only men served in the Legion.         freedom. In Egypt, French, British and Israeli troops
                               Susan was the exception. Throughout her life, she        took the Suez Canal by storm. Their goal was to
                               was known as “La Miss” to the legionnaires. They         overthrow Gamal Abdel Nasser, the leader of Arab
                               had huge respect for this fearless woman, who            nationalism. Only eleven years after WWII, the world
                               was the first to reach the British lines in her rusty    was on the verge of disaster. This documentary pro-
                               Ford during the battle of Bir-Hakeim in 1942. She        vides an overview of the year 1956, a key period in
                               brought the French General Koenig back alive after       the Cold War when new geopolitical cards were dealt
                               they had begun a passionate love affair. Yet it was      and would shape the coming decades.
                               not until she was 86 that she was awarded the
                               Légion d’Honneur.

                                                                                        MUSSOLINI’S LAST DAYS                              HD
                                                                                        LES TROIS MORTS DE MUSSOLINI

                                                                                         1 x 52’                Flach Film Production      2016

                                                                                        70 years after the end of Italian fascism, the mys-
                                                                                        tery of Mussolini’s death lingers on. Who killed him?
                                                                                        Why? And in what circumstances?
                                                                                        Mussolini’s Last Days retraces the dictator’s ‘three
                         NEW   AUSCHWITZ TRIAL:                                  HD     Deaths: his political death when Allied troops
                               THE END OF SILENCE                                       landed in the summer of 1943; his physical death
                               LE PROCES D’AUSCHWITZ,                                   when he was executed after partisans captured him
                               LA FIN DU SILENCE                                        on the shore of Lake Cuomo in circumstances that
                                                                                        remain mysterious to this day; his symbolic death
                                1 x 52’                       13 Production     2018    when his corpse was lynched by the mob on Loreto
                                                                                        Square in Milan on April 29th, 1945.
                               December 1963, Frankfurt. For the first time,
                               Germans guilty of the worst crimes committed at the
                               Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp are stan-
                               ding trial before their own countrymen. 22 former        21 RUE LA BOÉTIE                                   HD
                               SS soldiers stand accused. Politicians and even the      21 RUE LA BOÉTIE
                               German public are against the trial. For two months,
                               it will reveal the unspeakable, forcing the German        1 x 52’                                      2017
                               people to face their wartime responsibilities. It will    Imagissime | Stromboli Pictures | Garnier&Domm
                               also give nearly 200 survivors the chance to have
                               their voices heard as they describe their experiences    Art dealer Paul Rosenberg, a close acquaintance of
                               in the camp for reporters from all around the world.     Picasso, Matisse and other great painters, owned
                                                                                        one of Europe’s greatest art galleries between the
                                                                                        wars but was forced to flee Paris when it was occu-
                                                                                        pied by the Nazis. Returning after the city’s libera-
                                                                                        tion to find his collection looted, he spent the rest
                                                                                        of his life hunting down 400 lost paintings.

          |   22                                                                                                                |   23
factual   |    history                                                                                                            factual               |    current affairs, portrait & society

                         HITLER’S CHAMPIONS                                HD                                                                                                              NEW
                         LES CHAMPIONS D’HITLER

                          2 x 52’ | 1 x 102’             Artline Films    2016

                         As soon as the Nazis came to power, they perverted
                         sporting and Olympic values, turning them into a                                                                                                COP 24 • Poland
                         means of creating a “New Man”. Faster, Higher,                                                                                                   3-14 Dec. 2018
                         Stronger: Germany had to prove its racial superiority
                         in all disciplines, whatever it took.

                         VARIAN FRY                                        HD
                         LA LISTE DE VARIAN FRY
                          1 x 52’                       Mano a Mano       2016
                         On June 22, 1940, the armistice with Germany was
                         signed, France surrendered and the Wehrmacht was
                         marched up the Champs-Elysées. Article 19 of the
                         armistice terms stipulated that Vichy police must hand
                         over all enemies of the regime to the Gestapo. Poli-
                         ticians, labor union officials, as well as artists and
                         intellectuals who opposed Hitler, were in danger.
                         Three days later, in the opulent setting of a grand
                         New York hotel, more than 200 guests responded           2 DEGREES, THREATS TO THE PARIS AGREEMENT                                                                            HD
                         to an appeal by the Emergency Rescue Committee:          2 DEGRÉS, MENACES SUR LES ACCORDS DE PARIS
                         Europe’s intelligentsia had to be saved. One man was
                         chosen to lead the mission.                               1 x 52’                                                                                       Siècle Productions   2018

                                                                                  The climate war in the form of a thriller.
                         DRANCY 1943,                                      HD     It addresses current issues relating to climat. It looks behind the scenes with the special eyewitnesses we were able to
                         THE BIG ESCAPE                                           meet, first and foremost Laurent Fabius, the man behind the Agreement. Throughout, it seeks to recreate the tensions,
                         LES ÉVADÉS DE DRANCY                                     constant suspense, complications and dramatic twists of the intricate, unfamiliar and yet essential negotiations, all set
                                                                                  against the background of a climate emergency where more bad news is announced every day. Our intention is to reveal
                          1 x 52’                        Label Image      2016    what went on away from the public eye during the climate war for the Paris Agreement, with its various characters and
                                                                                  ticking clock. The vital story that unfolded before our eyes and, of course, events in the wings.
                         September 1943, 70 Jewish prisoners in the transit
                         camp of Drancy decide to dig a tunnel to escape.
                         For two months, they dig away in shifts day and               2018 as the climactic year as it will reveal the results of the Paris Agreement. COP 24 will be held
                         night. They are just a few meters from safety when            in december 2018 in Poland, a notoriously climate-sceptic country. Trump and Putin will be at work,
                         SS guards discover their plan. Fourteen of them are           leading a coalition of climate-change deniers. The climate war is only just beginning.
                         unmasked. Arrested and tortured, they are loaded              High-status participants.
                         onto a train bound for the death camps. Not dis-              An unique educational resource.
                         couraged by their previous failure, they manage to
                         escape from the wagons carrying them to Auschwitz.
                         All recover their freedom… for good.

          |   24                                                                                                                                        |   25
factual               |    current affairs, portrait & society                                                                                                                                                                          factual             |     current affairs, portrait & society

              NEW                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              NEW

                                                                                                                               © Dominique Jacovides - Sébastien Valiela / Bestimage
BRIGITTE MACRON, A FRENCH SAGA                                                                                          HD                                                             ON THE ROAD IN FRANCE                                     LA TRAVERSÉE                                              HD

                                                                                                                                                                                        3 x 45’ | 1 x 139’                                                                           Siècle Productions   2018
 2 x 45’                                                                                          Siècle Productions   2018
                                                                                                                                                                                       Fifty years after the events of May 1968 in France, Dany Cohn-Bendit and Romain Goupil have decided to start a journey
A woman in the shadows? A key element in the dazzling rise of Emmanuel Macron? Discover the secret side of France’s                                                                    across France. In this “road movie” they explore the territories of the French Republic. Observing, listening, debating,
First Lady. Both professionally and personally, she made a name for herself in the political world, becoming the candidate’s                                                           discovering the state of the country. Its crises and its hopes. Its ordinary heroes, its gravediggers, its innovators.
agent during the presidential campaign and controlling the use of the Macron image from A to Z. Brilliant, analytical and                                                              On the road in France or the tour and detours in France of two old children of 1968.
lucid, she leaves nothing to chance. The couple, whose age difference is 24 years, are a gift to the media and becoming
a major brand worldwide.
                                                                                                                                                                                              Festival       Special screenings section at Cannes Film Festival 2018

     Successful TV ratings in France: 3,4 million viewers

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factual               |    current affairs, portrait & society                                                                                                             factual               |    current affairs, portrait & society

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    at FIGRA

PUTIN, MASTER OF THE GAME                                                                                            HD     ERDOGAN, THE RISE TO ABSOLUTE POWER                                                                                HD

LA VENGEANCE DE POUTINE                                                                                                     LA TURQUIE SELON ERDOGAN
 1 x 52’ | 1 x 70’                                                                                Galaxie Presse    2018     1 x 52’                                                                                          Causette Prod   2017

The balance of world power is in his hands.                                                                                 In the space of just a few years, Recep Tayyip Erdogan has achieved the tour de force of becoming the strong man of the
                                                                                                                            Middle East and a key diplomatic partner for Brussels and Washington, but also and especially the unchallenged ruler
“Without Putin, there is no Russia”, a deputy head of the Russian presidential administration declared. In the new Russia   of a Turkey in complete disarray.
of the 21st century, power is personified and Putin has become a key figure in international relations.                     The attempted coup on July 15, 2016 left him even more powerful and more determined than ever to rule Turkey alone
                                                                                                                            and indefinitely – with, it would seem, the tacit consent of Europe.
     Remarkable first-hand accounts from former ministers, counselors, diplomats and experts who discuss                    The documentary tells the slow transformation of a man. Once democratic and pro-European, he is now a reactionary
     their encounters with Putin and the confrontation, manipulation and intrigues they have experienced.                   head of state with autocratic aims. From the abrupt cessation of Turkey’s EU accession talks in 2010 to the colossal
     A modern Tsar at the head of a pseudo-democracy? How far can Putin go in realizing his vast                            purges destabilizing the country today, we study the implementation of a ruthless strategy aimed at making the Turkish
     ambitions? This documentary provides an instructive analysis of his political and military strategy and                president the new Sultan of the Middle East. We explore changes in Turkish society, map the fault lines that divide the
     its impact on the entire world.                                                                                        country today and examine the conflicting dynamics that have turned modern Turkey into a country that is increasingly
                                                                                                                            torn between East and West.

                                                                                                                                   Festival   Nominated at FIGRA 2018

                      |   28                                                                                                                                                                     |   29
factual   |    current affairs, portrait & society                                                        factual   |      current affairs, portrait & society

NEW                                            MALARIA BUSINESS                                    HD               ELIZABETH II:                                        HD
                            REPORTER                                                                                A QUEEN’S REVOLUTION
                        WITHOUT BORDERS         1 x 70’                Camera One Television      2017              ELISABETH II : LA RÉVOLUTION D’UNE REINE
                           FIGRA 2018
                                               In telling the story of Artemisia and those who are                      1 x 52’                      Elephant Doc       2015
                                               fighting for the wider dissemination of this plant,
                                               Malaria Business puts those institutions who for the                 Today, she is seen as a unique icon worldwide.
                         AUDIENCE AWARD        last 50 years have been trying to combat malaria up                  Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom has been
                           FIGRA 2018          against the wall. In 2017 the disease continues to                   firmly seated on her throne for 63 years. Yet from
                                               kill one child every 2 minutes and the vaccination                   the start of the 90s, her future looked uncertain. For
                                               promised for 2018 is falling short of expectations. In               a decade, she went from one crisis to the next. The
                                               the meantime, researchers in Africa and elsewhere                    death of Lady Di caused rumblings of discontent
                                               reveal that a simple infusion of Artemisia can prevent               and the monarchy trembled. The Queen’s two spe-
                                               and treat malaria.                                                   cial PR weapons, vocation and sacrifice, were no
                                                                                                                    longer enough. Elizabeth had to change, putting
                                                          Festival   Audience Award, FIGRA 2018                     aside royal aloofness and giving up her remote sta-
                                                                     Reporters without Borders,                     tus to become the nation’s grandmother.
                                                                     FIGRA 2018

                                               POPULATION                                          HD               POPE FRANCIS, THE                                    HD
                                               DÉMOGRAPHIE, LA THEORIE DES NOMBRES                                  VATICAN’S LAST CHANCE
                                                                                                                    FRANÇOIS, LE PAPE QUI VOULAIT
                                                1 x 70’ | 1 x 52’            Flair Production     2017              CHANGER LE MONDE
                                               Global demography? Since the three postwar decades,                      2 x 60’                             Yami2       2015
                                               the situation has become critical. World population
                                               has tripled, natural environments have been devas-                   The election of Cardinal Bergoglio on 13th March,
                                               tated and the planet has been ravaged by overcons-                   2013 was a special moment indeed. Just seconds
                                               umption, pollution and other scourges. So are there                  after the traditional habemus papam announce-
                                               too many of us on Earth? Is our consumption unsus-                   ment, a small, cheerful man who would go on to
                                               tainable? To find out, we join Daniel Cohn-Bendit on                 shake the world appeared on the Vatican balcony.
                                               a journey to India, a key nation that will soon be the               After just a few words, everybody realized that they
                                               most heavily populated in the world.                                 were witnessing a most unexpected, improbable

                                               IRAN: A GIANT AWAKES                                HD
                                               IRAN LE RÉVEIL D’UN GÉANT
                                                                                                                    THE MAN BEHIND THE MYTH,                             HD
                                                1 x 70’                                 Yami      2017              AN INTIMATE PORTRAIT OF
                                                                                                                    FIDEL CASTRO
                                               Today, Iran is a rising power. It is advancing rapidly
                                                                                                                    L’HOMME DERRIÈRE LE MYTHE, PORTRAIT
                                               on every front and nothing seems able to stop it. The
                                                                                                                    INTIME DE FIDEL CASTRO
                                               capture of Aleppo by Bashar al-Assad’s government?
                                               The Russians controlled the air, but the Iranians and                    1 x 52’                      Radio Canada       2015
                                               Hezbollah provided the boots on the ground. The bat-
                                               tle of Mosul? There again, Shiite militias controlled by             Fidel Castro was a historic figure of the 20th cen-
                                               Iran were in the front line. Lebanon has just elected a              tury, the last “monstre sacré” of international politics.
                                               president allied to Hezbollah. In Yemen, Saudi Arabia                Loathed by some and praised by others, he leaves
                                               is struggling to defeat the rebels that Iran has finally             no one indifferent. He has been at the helm of power
                                               decided to back. Everywhere, Tehran seems to be                      in Cuba and of a unique party regime for almost 50
                                               holding the trump cards. But what does it intend to                  years. But aside the head of state, the comman-
                                               do with them?                                                        der-in-chief, what man was he really?

          |   30                                                                                                    |     31
factual   |    current affairs, portrait & society                                                                                                                          factual               |     travel & adventure

                                               MOKA MALO                                        HD

                                                1 x 52’ • Docu-animation (3D, 2D and Stop Motion)
                                                Vivement Lundi !                                2016

                                               The story of coffee, seen as the black gold of
                                               the 18th century, which remains the world’s
                                               bestselling product after oil.

                                               In February 1708, two frigates sailed to Yemen
                                               from the French port of Saint-Malo. One of King
                                               Louis XIV’s privateers, Mr. de la Merveille, led the
                                               expedition. His destination was Mocha, the main
                                               trading post for coffee, which was a precious, rare
                                               product at the time. In the 18th century, Yemen was
                                               the only country in the world to grow it. The Dutch
                                               East India Company had a coffee trading monopoly
                                               in Europe, but the French wanted their share of the
                                               highly lucrative market and launched a naval war
                                               against the cartel.

                                               WHEN I WAS SIX,                                  HD
                          JURY SPECIAL         I KILLED A DRAGON
                            LUCHON             QUAND J’AVAIS SIX ANS,
                          FESTIVAL 2018        J’AI TUÉ UN DRAGON

                                                1 x 70’ | 1 x 52’ | 1 x 26’
                                                Keren Production                               2015

                                               On April 5th 2012, director Bruno Romy and illus-
                                               trator Annabelle Cocollos learned that their daughter
                                               Mika - who was 6 six years old at the time - had
                                               leukemia. Eight months later the family decided to
                                               make a record of her battle with the disease and
                                               took up the challenge of shooting a documentary.

                                               The film is a combination of drawings, photos, ani-
                                               mation and live footage with voiceovers by Mika,        IDITAROD: THE RACE OF A LIFETIME                                                                                      HD
                                               her father Bruno, her mother Annabelle and Odile,       IDITAROD, LA DERNIÈRE COURSE DE NICOLAS VANIER
                                               her doctor and Head of the Oncology Department
                                               of the University Hospital Center of Caen.               1 x 90’                                                                                             MC4 | Taïga     2017

                                                      AWARD          2016 Jury Special Mention,        The last great race on earth.
                                                                     Luchon Festival.
                                                                                                       The Iditarod is the most legendary sled-dog race in the world. It crosses the whole of Alaska, a distance of 1,700 km. The
                                                                                                       great lover of the Far North and veteran musher Nicolas Vanier is famous for his polar exploits in every icebound region
                                                                                                       of the world. The Iditarod will be his ultimate challenge.

          |   32                                                                                                                                                                                   |   33
factual   |    travel & adventure                                                                                                   factual               |    travel & adventure


                                                                BEYOND THE CLOUDS                                 NEPAL, PAR-DELÀ LES NUAGES                                        HD

                                                                 2 x 45’ | 1 x 90’                                                                                 Galatée Films   2018

                                                                How a community rebuilds itself after two earthquakes.

                                              © GALATEE FILMS
                                                                9,000 dead, 23,000 injured: the toll of the double earthquake that shakes Nepal in the spring of 2015.
                                                                Rescue workers flock to Katmandu but cannot reach the high valleys. One of these areas at the foot of Mount Manaslu
                                                                is completely cut off.
                                                                We follow two young boys, now mule drivers on the track that leads to the high valley of Nubri. They show how people
                                                                cooperate in original ways to survive. Showing great resourcefulness and communal spirit, careless of their differences,
                                                                women and men work together to deal with adversity in one of the world’s highest valleys.
                                                                Nepal, Beyond the Clouds is the story of that solidarity.

                                                                     A documentary directed by Éric Valli, photographer (National Geographic, Life, Geo, Paris Match,
                         A DOCUMENTARY FILM                          Stern and Smithsonian magazines, the London Sunday Times) and director (Himalaya). Nepalese at
                             BY ERIC VALLI                           heart and an expert on the Himalayas
                                                                     4K footage shot by drone-mounted cameras. An entirely Nepalese team. Edited by Vincent Schmitt,
                                                                     the longstanding editor of Jacques Perrin’s productions (Oceans).
                                                                     A moving documentary shot during the reconstruction work that followed the catastrophe in a hostile,
                                                                     impoverished environment where the population must bow to nature.

          |   34                                                                                                                                          |   35
factual               |    travel & adventure                                                                                factual              |     travel & adventure

                                                                                                                             CHAMPIONS FACTORY                                HD

                                                                                                                              6 x 52’
                                                                                                                              Camera One Television | beINSPORTS             2016

                                                                                                                             Today, only sports shows can unite nations all
                                                                                                                             around the world. In many countries, sport plays
                                                                                                                             a key role in the construction of a national identity
                                                                                                                             and specific sports have become inseparable from
                                                                                                                             the image of the nation practicing them.
                                                                                                                             Champions Factory explores these cases of sports
                                                                                                                             that are inseparably linked to nations. It shows the
                                                                                                                             emergence of future champions, interviews athletes
                                                                                                                             who have become icons in their country and fea-
                                                                                                                             tures new, spectacular sports footage.

                                                                                                                             Ethiopian Runners – New Zealand’s Black Blood
                                                                                                                             – Swimming The French Way
                                                                                                                             The New Colombian Cyclists – And at the End
                                                                                                                             Germans Wins – The Lords of the Ring (4K)

                                                                                                                             HUMAN                                            HD
                                                                                                                              TV movie: 1 x 133’
                                                                                                                              Complementary documentaries: 3 x 52’
WAY(S) TO SCHOOL                            LE(S) CHEMIN(S) DE L’ÉCOLE                                                HD      Making Of : 2 x 52’
                                                                                                                              The Human experience: 1 x 77’
                                                                                                                              GoodPlanet Foundation5
 Season 1: 20 x 26’ | 3 x 52’ Season 2: 6 x 26’ | 3 x 52’
 Winds | Macha Prod | Havas Makers | Tupasami | Propaganda | Cloudstone Productions                             2015-2017    A film project by Yann Arthus-Bertrand.
                                                                                                                             HUMAN, the movie, is a unique documentary com-
For all of them, at the end of their journey, there is a school.                                                             bining interviews and exclusive aerial photography.
                                                                                                                             Its emotional experience looks into our current iden-
Achieving a better life through education: an ideal underlined by the efforts children all over the world make to get to     tity as communities, but also, most importantly, as
school. They share a common thirst for learning, instinctively knowing their future depends on study and knowledge.          individuals.
In every corner of the world, these kids dream of the classroom and its blackboard, but face endless difficulties in their   Exploring wars, inequalities and discrimination, but
quest to reach the benches of their remote school. Their paths to knowledge cross majestic landscapes and are as perilous    also love and families, HUMAN brings us face to
as they are exhilarating.                                                                                                    face with the realities and diversity of our human
Season 1: Madagascar – Kirghizia – Vietnam – West Bank – Mali – Malaysia – India – Nepal – China                             Looking beyond the world’s darker side, interviews
Mexico – Russia – Philippines                                                                                                show our potential for empathy and solidarity.
Season 2: Cameroon – Mayotte – Romania – Peru – Burma – India                                                                HUMAN takes into account our innate contradic-
                                                                                                                             tions as it encourages us to think today about the
                                                                                                                             future we want for ourselves and the planet.
                                                                                                                             A project supported by the Bettencourt Schueller
                                                                                                                             Foundation and the GoodPlanet Foundation.

                      |   36                                                                                                                       |   37
factual   |    travel & adventure                                                                      factual                 |    travel & adventure


                                    THE PEOPLE ABOVE THE CLOUDS                                                                                         HD

                                    LE PEUPLE AU-DESSUS DES NUAGES
                                     1 x 52’                                                        Etoile Noire Production | Injam Production | CGTN   2018

                                    The mountains of Central China are home to an ancient ethnic minority: the Qiangs. They have maintained their pastoral
                                    lifestyle and are close to nature. In 2008, they were hit by a deadly earthquake and now number 300,000.
                                    This documentary sets out to spend a spring, summer and fall with four of them.

                                         A fascinating journey to the heart of a little-known region to discover an ancestral culture
                                         imperiled by an earthquake.
                                         An enthralling account that revolves around four villagers, each presenting a different aspect
                                         of Qiang culture.
                                         A documentary conveying strong values: sharing, respect for tradition and nature.

          |   38                                                                                                               |   39
factual   |    travel & adventure                                                                                     factual         |    cinematography & culture

                                    THALASSA                                             HD                                ROBERT MITCHUM,                                    HD
                                                                                                                           HOLLYWOOD’S BAD BOY
                                     650 x 26’                     France 3         1988-2018
                                                                                                                           ROBERT MITCHUM,
                                                                                                                           LE MAUVAIS GARÇON D’HOLLYWOOD
                                    Thalassa encourages us to explore all the aspects
                                    of the fascinating, mysterious environment that
                                                                                                                            1 x 52’                   Siècle productions     2017
                                    covers two-thirds of our planet. Examining econo-
                                    mic, scientific and ecological topics, it introduces us                                Robert Mitchum was the most startling idol of the
                                    to intriguing individuals who have incredible stories                                  golden age of Hollywood. He flagrantly defied the
                                    to tell. For three decades now, Thalassa has been                                      rules of the pitiless, perfectly regulated movie indus-
                                    expressing its fascination with people whose lives                                     try, flouting its codes and social mores. Unlike other
                                    are in some way connected to the sea.                                                  stars of his generation, he never seemed fated for
                                                                                                                           success and yet he built a rich, rising career that no
                                                                                                                           scandal or outrage, or even prison, could damage.
                                                                                                                           Far from suffering, his personality and acting
                                    SOMEWHERE ON EARTH                                   HD                                appeared to thrive on these things. This documen-
                                    VU SUR TERRE                                                                           tary tells the story of the “man with two faces”, with
                                                                                                                           the assistance of his son, the people close to him
                                     51 x 26’ | 51 x 52’ • 8 seasons                                                       and personal records.
                                     Patly Productions                              2010-2017
                                    The aim of this collection is to shine the spotlight
                                    on some of the few places on earth where nature
                                    and man exist in harmony.

                                                                                                © RKO/Lobster Films
                                    A positive, inspiring series about captivating
                                    peoples, their cultures and the ways they have
                                    found to adapt to life in symbiosis with their native
                                    environment. The destinations we have chosen
                                    for this series are timeless, beautiful… and barely
                                    touched by human hand.                                                                 VERHOEVEN VERSUS                                   HD
                                    Latest season: Cambodia, Guatemala, Australia,                                         PAUL VERHOEVEN,
                                    Scotland, Ladakh (India)                                                               CINEASTE DE LA PROVOCATION

                                                                                                                            1 x 52’                                Kuiv      2016
                                    WRU                                                  HD                                From his first movies in the Netherlands to his Hol-
                                    T’ES OÙ ?                                                                              lywood blockbusters (RoboCop, Total Recall, Basic
                                                                                                                           Instinct, Starship Troopers), Paul Verhoeven has
                                     78 x 7’                           Bela films       2016                               made his name as one of the world’s most contro-
                                                                                                                           versial popular directors, bringing us amoral worlds,
                                    A unique way of traveling.                                                             driven characters and explicit sex and violence.
                                                                                                                           This documentary tells the story of both the man
                                    Alex and Tanya meet at the airport and promise                                         and the filmmaker.
                                    to share their journeys with each other remotely.
                                    They take us off to every corner of the world on
                                    an incredible voyage of discovery, including videos,
                                    photos, texts and emoji.

                                          Animated computer graphics form
                                          unique instructional input with images
                                          that adapt to children’s questions.
                                          A modern vibe: text messages,
                                          pictograms and humor!

          |   40                                                                                                                      |   41
factual   |    cinematography & culture                                                                                                  factual         |    cinematography & culture

                                          LAUREN BACALL,                                     HD                                               CHAPLIN VS. KEATON –                               HD
                                          A LOOK FROM SKY                                                                                     DUEL OF LEGENDS
                                          LAUREN BACALL, OMBRE ET LUMIÈRE                                                                     CHAPLIN VS. KEATON, LE CLOCHARD
                                                                                                                                              MILLIARDAIRE ET LE FUNAMBULE DÉCHU
                                           1 x 52’                                       2016
                                           Siècle productions | ARTE France | TCM Cinéma
                                                                                                                                               1 x 52’                                MK2       2015
                                          Lauren Bacall titled her memoirs By Myself. They                                                    They were two giants of the golden era of comedy
                                          read like the “making of” a movie about her inner                                                   films. They both were genius actors/directors who
                                          world and this documentary is a very personal                                                       were long seen as perfect antagonists. In truth that
                                          portrait. “I spent a large part of my life trying to                                                artistic rivalry was the story of two. However Keaton
                                          figure out who I really was. It wasn’t easy. And it                                                 and Chaplin also stand for two opposite ways of
                                          still isn’t.” Lauren Bacall always felt this chink in                                               seeing comedy embodied by their fundamentally
                                          her armor to be an integral part of her personality                                                 different characters. Their way of seeing the world

                                                                                                    © Roy Export Company Establishment
                                          and our documentary explores that idea. So what                                                     was as different as their way of considering film
                                          was the real nature of the lady who, along with                                                     directing.
                                          Humphrey Bogart, became the “stuff that dreams                                                      In this case the duel is led by the audience itself and
                                          are made on”?                                                                                       shows how viewers have made the artists’ works
                                                                                                                                              their own.

                                                                                                    © Getty Images - Hulton Archive
                                          GENE KELLY:                                        HD                                               TRUFFAUT VS. GODARD –                              HD
                                          LIVE TO DANCE                                                                                       THE STORY OF A BREAKUP
                                          GENE KELLY, VIVRE ET DANSER                                                                         TRUFFAUT VS. GODARD,
                                                                                                                                              SCÉNARIO D’UNE RUPTURE
                                           1 x 52’                   Adamis Production      2016
                                                                                                                                               1 x 52’                 Morgane Production       2015
                                          Gene Kelly masterpieces such as An American in                                                       Rights: Europe
                                          Paris and Singing in the Rain were a real revolution
                                          in the field of musicals. Actor, dancer, singer,                                                    The New Wave made them famous yet antagonistic
                                          choreographer and director, Kelly was also a true                                                   in the minds of film lovers, filmmakers and cri-
                                          innovator.                                                                                          tics. Truffaut and Godard was a “legendary” movie
                                          Gene Kelly acquired a “cool” image that made him                                                    couple. A couple that ended up bitterly fighting
                                          the first “blue collar” star, his movies a far cry from                                             while giving birth to two lines that include the major
                                          the top hats and waxed floors of pre-WWI musical                                                    names of independent French film directors. Nowa-
                                          comedies. He also introduced a typically Ameri-                                                     days one can finally enjoy both Godard and Truffaut.
                                          can way of dancing that was manly, athletic and                                                     This documentary offers insight on their relationship
                                          powerful.                                                                                           and the very special way they considered films
                                                                                                                                              thanks to archive footage, film excerpts, interviews
                                                                                                                                              and accounts from people who worked with them.

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factual   |    cinematography & culture                                                            factual         |    cinematography & culture

                                                                                                                   NEW          FAKING GIACOMETTI                                 HD          CAMILLE PISSARRO:                                   HD
                                                                                                                                UN FAUX AIR DE GIACOMETTI                                     THE IMPRESSIONIST LEGACY
                                                                                                                                                                                              CAMILLE PISSARRO, SUR LES TRACES
                                                                                                                                 1 x 52’             French Connection Films     2018
                                                                                                                                                                                              DU PÈRE DES IMPRESSIONNISTES
                                                                                                                                Alberto Giacometti was one of the great artists of the         1 x 52’                     Films de l'Odysée     2017
                                                                                                                                20th century. Although he took the art of self-effa-
                                                                                                                                cement to extremes, he is paradoxically the sculptor          Camille Pissarro may not be as celebrated as
                                                                                                                                whose work sells for the highest prices worldwide.            some of his contemporaries, but he was actually
                                                                                                                                He is also among the most copied. This came to                the patriarch of the Impressionist movement, both
                                                                                                                                light when the Lothar Senke affair broke. Senke was           because he was one of the first artists to apply its
                                                                                                                                a German art dealer who coordinated a vast scam               principles and because as the elder of that brilliant
                                                                                                                                trafficking forged Giacometti sculptures. For more            generation, he played an essential, unifying role in
                                                                                                                                than ten years, he dealt in thousands of works faked          the movement’s organization.. Indeed, he was the
                                                                                                                                by Robert Driessen, a Dutch counterfeiter who clo-            only painter to take part in the eight Impressionist
                                                                                                                                sely copied Giacometti’s style and techniques.                exhibitions organized between 1874 and 1886.

                                                                                                                   NEW          DELACROIX                                         HD          ORSAY, CHRONICLES                                   HD
                                                                                                                                DELACROIX, ART À TOUT PRIX                                    OF A MUSEUM
                                                                                                                                                                                              ORSAY, CHRONIQUES D’UN MUSÉE
                                                                                                                                 1 x 52’
                                                                                                                                 GEDEON Programmes | Musée du Louvre             2018          1 x 52’
                                                                                                                                                                                               Nord-Ouest Documentaires | Musée d’Orsay          2016
                                                                                                                                When exploring Delacroix’s original work, how can
                                                                                                                                we best grasp the artist and the spirit that moved            In December 2016, the museum has celebrated its
                                                                                                                                him?                                                          30th anniversary. Its vitality is apparent: its energy
                                                                                                                                Delacroix came on the scene at a turning point                is constantly put to use to stimulate curiosity and to
                                                                                                                                for both the 19th century and art in general. Join            invite the public to want to learn more.
                                                                                                                                us in an immersive experience that examines the
1831 La liberté guidant le peuple ® M.Fraudreau – GedeonProgramme – Musée du Louvre

                                                                                                                                emotions and tensions which emerge and animate                It is an invitation also put forth by this film: to step
                                                                                                                                the man’s work. Analyzing the details of his pain-            into the inner workings of the museum, to observe
                                                                                                                                tings, from the best-known to the more obscure,               how it lives from day to day, and to discover the
                                                                                                                                and looking at his writing, we present an insightful          untold stories behind the masterpieces. To see what
                                                                                                                                portrait of the artist, exploring the essence of his          is normally hidden.
                                                                                                                                genius, originality and modernity.

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