Factors and Ethical Values that Foster a Sense of Belonging Toward the Host Society: The Case of South Asian Communities in Montreal's ...

Factors and Ethical Values that Foster a Sense of Belonging
   Toward the Host Society: The Case of South Asian Communities in
         Montreal’s Parc-Extension Neighbourhood (Canada)
                 by Yanick Farmer* (Université du Québec à Montréal UQAM)

     Place attachment studies developed scales for measuring the sense of belonging using a
     range of determinants. However, ethical values are rarely dealt with as such in the literature
     on belonging. This study’s primary objective was thus to understand and rank the factors
     that, within an immigrant community whose culture of origin is somewhat different from
     that of the host society, foster development of a sense of place attachment (neighbourhood,
     city, state, or country). Then, to grasp the role of ethical determinants in constructing a sense
     of place attachment, the study’s secondary objective was to see, also by ranking, which of
     the values present in the host society are perceived by members of immigrant communities
     as fostering their attachment to it. To attain these objectives, the study interviewed forty
     adult members of South Asian communities living in a Montreal multiethnic neighbourhood.
     The results show that interpersonal relations, low crime rate and infrastructures are the
     most important factors to foster place attachment, while fraternity, equality and safety are
     the most important ethical values.
     Keywords: sense of belonging, ethical values, host society, South Asian immigrants, Canada

Populations in Canada, Quebec, and the city of            in multi-ethnic communities (Zapata-Barrera
Montreal have increasingly varied ethnic ori-             2017; Caponio & Borkert 2010; Vertovec 2007;
gins (Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal,              Castels 2002). This was the case in France, with
2013; Dewing, 2009; Bating et al., 2007; Li, 2000).       the Stasi Commission (Stasi 2003), the Neth-
This creates new challenges for public adminis-           erlands (Michalowski, 2005) and, of course, in
trations, particularly in terms of integration and        Quebec, with the Bouchard-Taylor Commission
social cohesion. In recent years, several western         (Bouchard & Taylor 2008), and the more recent
nations have initiated broad collective contem-           debate on the Charter of Quebec Values (Gou-
plation of the models that are most conducive             vernement du Québec 2013). The tensions that
to fostering integration and social cohesion              sometimes manifest around these issues seem
                                                          to be partially provoked by conflicting values that
* The author would like to show his gratitude to          fundamentally come from a single source: the
Laurence Normand (research assistant), whose con-
tribution to the project was very important, and to       legitimate desire of both minority and majority
the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council       community members to feel like they belong in
of Canada for their generous financial support. He        the place where they live, that is, to have a sense
also would like to thank his community partners from
                                                          of living in a place that is like them, and where
Afrique au féminin, PACT de rue et X-Art for their help
in recruiting participants for the interviews.            they can have the life they aspire to (Banting &

                                 NEW DIVERSITIES Vol. 23, No. 1, 2021
                             ISSN-Print 2199-8108 ▪ ISSN-Internet 2199-8116
NEW DIVERSITIES 23 (1), 2021                                                                Yanick Farmer

Soroka 2012; Ager & Strang 2008). In this ideal          ment (family home, friends, neighbours, com-
that drives them, what is immediately stressed           munity, cultural and work lives, etc.), the sense
is the key importance of the sense of belonging,         of belonging in a place, sometimes called “social
which can be defined as individuals’ feeling that        belonging,” “rootedness” or “place of attach-
they matter to the other people in the group and         ment” (Barbeau et al., 2013; Enns et al., 2013;
can get their needs met through their involve-           Rioux & Mokounkolo 2010; Alphandéry & Ber-
ment with the group (McMillan & Chavis, 1986).           gues 2004; Bonnemaison 1981), is one essential
   For several decades now, scientific research          dimension (as we can also belong to a family,
has made it possible to understand the sense             profession, sports team, etc.) of the resulting
of belonging through its individual and psycho-          sense of belonging and well-being. This is why, in
social aspects, among others. Several studies            numerous studies in the fields of economy, poli-
argue that the sense of belonging is a funda-            tics and society, the sense of belonging in a place
mental human need (Guérin-Pace 2006; Guilbert            is generally considered to be the glue of social
2005; de Coninck 2001; Schlachet 2000; Maslow            cohesion, cultural identity, integration, or citi-
1970) that is highly determinant of overall well-        zenship (Spoonley & Peace 2007; Di Méo 2004;
being, that is, human physical and mental health         Heckmann & Schnapper 2003; Forrest & Kearns
(Hill, 2006; Andersen et al. 2000; Richer & Val-         2001; Phinney et al. 2001; Abou 1981). Some of
lerand 1998; Hagerty et al. 1996; Baumeister &           the place attachment studies developed scales
Leary 1995). In this way, the sense of belonging         for measuring the sense of belonging using a
is a major factor in a person’s level of satisfaction    range of determinants, such as identification,
and positive perception of themselves (Young et          shared values, social participation, the sense
al. 2004; Richer & Vallerand 1998; Baumeister &          of acceptance or rejection, sense of personal
Leary 1995). However, the sense of belonging is          value, etc. (Markus 2010; Avanza and Laferté
not only accompanied by mental and physical              2005; Jenson 1998; Berry 1997; Bollen & Hoyle
well-being; it is also based on a relationship of        1990). These determinants implicitly suggest
inclusion between an individual or a group and           that the strength of the sense of belonging in a
a defined social category (nationality, ethnic-          place (country, state, city, neighbourhood, etc.)
ity, society, social class, etc.). A positive sense of   is closely linked to value systems that shape the
belonging and well-being therefore imply an indi-        individual’s personal ethic. Yet ethical determi-
vidual’s perception of his adaptation to his envi-       nants are never dealt with as such in the litera-
ronment, insofar as that environment features            ture on belonging (Walters 2007).
the social categories used to assess whether or
not he belongs to the group (Fisher 2010; Leloup         Purpose of the study
& Radice 2008; Oriol 1985). Conversely, the loss         The study’s primary objective was to understand
of an individual’s sense of belonging in his envi-       and rank the factors that, within an immigrant
ronment is an important dissatisfaction factor           community whose culture of origin is somewhat
that can lead to anguish, depression, or anti-           different from that of the host society, foster
social or self-destructive behaviour (UK Social          development of a sense of place attachment, i.e.
Exclusion Unit 2001; Hagerty & Williams 1999).           the neighbourhood, city, state or country. Then,
In other words, a sense of belonging creates a           to grasp the role of ethical determinants in con-
sense of internal harmony, as well as harmony            structing a sense of place attachment, the study’s
between individuals and their environments               secondary objective was to see, also by ranking,
(Brettell & Reed-Danahay 2011; Reed-Danahay &            which of the values present in the host society
Brettell 2008; Dorais 2004; Hogg & Turner 1985).         (in relationships between citizens or with insti-
   Immediately, given the key place the living           tutions) are perceived by members of immigrant
environment plays in the individual’s environ-           communities as fostering their attachment to it.

Open Forum | Factors and Ethical Values                                   NEW DIVERSITIES 23 (1), 2021

Theoretical Framework                                   be more intangible, associated with significant
Our research team opted to address the sense of         events that create positive or negative memories
belonging primarily from its psychosocial dimen-        about a place, or values that define the place’s
sion, starting with the subjective evaluation           social structure and interactions between its
expressed by members of the South Asian com-            people. Our conceptualization of belonging is
munities living in Montreal (Quebec, Canada).           thus based on the idea that place attachment
Rather than taking a “distantiated” approach to         develops from “valences” between the subject’s
belonging, involving, for example, observations         affective predispositions, rooted in values that
of an immigrant’s integration with a social insti-      shape personal ethics, and the place’s objec-
tution based on external socioeconomic char-            tive characteristics which define its specificity.
acteristics, belonging was examined through its         Although this approach founded on valences
affective dimension, associated with the attach-        associated with personal values is fairly unusual
ment a person has for a place. This evaluation          in the literature, it is nonetheless embedded in
is partially determined by the personal (ethical)       numerous studies, particularly in environmental
values behind that person’s judgements about            psychology, in which the determinants of place
others and about institutions. A value is an            attachment are physical, spatial, social or emo-
emotionally rooted form of personal preference          tional (Altman & Low 2012; Debenedetti 2005;
which structures our evaluation of things, and          Hidalgo & Hernandez 2001).
which propels actions (Farmer & Versailles 2019).          This conceptual background was used in
The value can also be associated with purposes          developing the interview guide (see table 2), as
that are expressed in actions that are intended to      well as in analyzing (coding) the study data. The
achieve them. For example, the value of equality        interview guide’s first section asked members of
is not only a determinant for the emotional and         South Asian communities to assess their level
intellectual structure that guides the subject’s        of attachment to their neighbourhood, the city
actions; it is also a kind of state of the world        of Montreal, Quebec, Canada and their country
that the subjects who place importance on this          of origin. In the second section, we asked them
value are seeking to achieve (a purpose). Ethics        about the ethical or moral values that are most
is a search for the “good” in action. It seeks to       important to them in their social and private
answer the question: “what to do to do well?”           lives. We also asked them to tell us what val-
(Ricoeur 1990). Therefore, to achieve good, eth-        ues a society should promote to foster a sense
ics must be based on values. As a result, a per-        of belonging in the people who live in it. Further
son’s “morality,” “personal ethics” or “worldview”      details on data collection appear in the method-
are made up of ordered values that shape how            ology section.
he or she perceives and acts on the world around
him or her, including the place where he or she         Methodology
lives (Weber, 1993; Ravlin & Meglino 1987).             Population and sample
   Accordingly, the research team needed to             To better understand the notion of belonging and
question study participants directly about their        its ethical determinants, the study questioned
attachment to various places (neighbourhood,            adult members of South Asian communities
city, country, etc.). To discern that attachment,       who live in the Parc-Extension neighbourhood in
they also had to ask about certain more salient         Montreal. Either they or their parents were from
facets that characterize a place. Such facets           four countries: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and
may include such things as urban infrastructure         Sri Lanka. These communities’ cultural practices
(parks, playing fields, libraries, public transporta-   and traditional believes are generally fairly differ-
tion, places of worship, etc.), architecture, the       ent from those of Quebecers of European origin
economy, people, and so on. Such facets can also        (Fiore 2013; Paré 2008; Walters 2007; Poirier

NEW DIVERSITIES 23 (1), 2021                                                                Yanick Farmer

2006; Dhruvarajan 1993; Meintel 1993). For            lived in Parc-Extension. Twenty-six subjects were
example, and in contrast with most Quebecers,         women (65%) and fourteen were men (35%).
South Asian social networks are largely formed        Since the study’s main aim was to establish a
around families and religious leaders, which          ranking of the factors and values that are the
makes members’ desire for individual emanci-          most “attractive” in contributing to a sense of
pation less evident, particularly among women         place attachment, the sample size was initially
(Rajiva & D’Sylva 2014; Zaidi et al. 2014; Var-       determined with a view to representativity. The
ghese & Jenkins 2009; Voigt-Graf 2005; Walton-        team wanted to ensure that the picture of the
Roberts 2004). In general, the neighbourhood’s        South Asian communities the research created
population has less education (over 50% have a        was sufficiently complete. We believe we have
high school diploma or less), and is poorer (over     achieved that, insofar as the characteristics of the
40% are low-income people) than the Quebec            population under study (age, sex, place of origin,
population as a whole; Parc-Extension is the          etc.) are all well represented in the sample. The
neighbourhood with the highest proportion of          details on study participants’ sociodemographic
its labour force working in a language other than     profiles are provided in table 1.
English and French (Bakhshaei & McAndrew
2011; Ville de Montréal 2010; CDÉC 2002).             Table 1: Sociodemographic Profile of Study
   The choice of these communities is therefore                Participants
particularly appropriate for the study’s purposes.                                     N          N%
Unlike many European immigrants, for exam-             Age
                                                             > 40                      26        65%
ple, for the South Asians, most of the process
                                                             < 40                      14        35%
of constructing belonging remains to be done
when they get to Canada (Vatz-Laaroussi 2009;                Men                       14        35%
Laczko 2005; St-Germain et al. 2005). It thus                Women                     26        65%
seemed easier to isolate the factors that enable       Marital status
the transition between “before” and “after” in              Married                    21        53%
                                                            Single                     14        35%
the development of a sense of belonging after
                                                            Other                       5        12%
they arrived in Canada. In general, although of
                                                       Language spoken at home
course there may be exceptions, the disjunction             English                     2         5%
is less radical among immigrants with Western               French                      1         2%
backgrounds and may make it more difficult to               Other                      37        93%
identify “local” factors in the construction of the    Education
                                                            Primary school             6         15%
sense of belonging (Gilkinson & Sauvé, 2012;
                                                            High school               10         25%
Xue, 2007). The choice of Montreal and Quebec               College                    8         20%
in Canada is also noteworthy in that it allows us           University                16         40%
to see whether the perception of belonging to          Economic situation
place is modified by the competing integration              Below average               8        20%
                                                            Average                    29        73%
models promoted by the central government
                                                            Above average               3         7%
(Canada) and a “substate nation” (Quebec) (Ban-
                                                       Years in Canada
ting & Kymlicka, 2012).                                       0 to 5                  16         40%
   As a result of a solicitation1 on classified ad            5 to 10                  5         13%
sites such as Kijiji and with neighbourhood com-             > than 10                19         47%
munity organizations that spread the word, the         Religious practice
                                                             Often                     30        75%
study team was able to recruit 40 adults who
                                                             Sometimes                  5        12%
                                                             Rarely                     2         5%
  The entire project approach was approved by the
                                                             Never                      3         8%
university’s research ethics board.

Open Forum | Factors and Ethical Values                                 NEW DIVERSITIES 23 (1), 2021

Data collection                                       pant. Some interviews were conducted in public
The data was collected by means of a sociodemo-       places, such as coffee shops or restaurants. Oth-
graphic questionnaire and semi-structured inter-      ers were held in an office at a community orga-
views. The questionnaire contained fifteen ques-      nization or university. Some took place at par-
tions on age, sex, marital and professional status,   ticipants’ homes. Prior to recruitment and data
dependent children, languages spoken at home          collection, the team walked the neighbourhood
and at work, economic situation, date of arrival      for several weeks to create ties with the commu-
in the country, and religious beliefs. The ques-      nities by participating in activities, such as vol-
tionnaire allowed the study team to establish, if     unteer activities, that were not directly related
desired, cross-checks between the sociodemo-          to the study. This preparatory work facilitated
graphic data and perspectives expressed during        the recruitment of members as well as word-of-
interviews. The interviews lasted an average of       mouth.
forty-five to ninety minutes, although some were         To align with study objectives, the interview
longer. In general, participants were very gener-     guide separated the questions into two distinct
ous and comfortable with their comments. The          categories: questions on factors that contributed
interviews were conducted in French or English.       to the sense of belonging, and questions on the
In two cases, the interview was carried out with      role of ethical or moral values. The questions in
the help of an interpreter. The interview location    the interview guide appear in table 2.
was selected based on what suited the partici-

Table 2: Interview guide questions on belonging and values


 Q1: In general, how would you describe the strength of your sense of belonging toward your country
 of origin? Toward Canada? Québec? Montreal? Your neighbourhood?

 Q2: What situations or events explain the differences? Are there any particularly striking moments?

 Q3: What characteristics must a place have (neighbourhood, city, country, state, etc.) to be attrac-

 Q4: What should a host society do to foster a sense of belonging in the members of your community?

 Q5: What should the members of your community do to become close to the host society?

                                           ROLE OF VALUES

 Q6: Which of these aspects played an important role in constructing your sense of belonging?
 Explain why and compare.

     a)   The sense of being surrounded by family and/or good friends?
     b)   The sense of being accepted by the host society (politics, people, etc.)?
     c)   The possibility of having some level of comfort (job, health, education)?
     d)   A legal system that protects basic rights (such as religion)?

 Q7: What values are most important in a society? Fraternity (interpersonal connections)? Individual
 liberty? Equality? Religion? Safety? Explain.

NEW DIVERSITIES 23 (1), 2021                                                                Yanick Farmer

Data analysis                                            ter belonging both due to the frequency at which
In addition to the forty questionnaires filled           participants mentioned them, and their real influ-
out by participants, the study team assembled            ence stemming from the ranking they were given.
empirical materials that included 1,248 pages            In general, participants explicitly ordered factors
of verbatim transcripts of the interviews. Using         when answering questions. Sometimes, however,
qualitative analysis software to navigate within         in the absence of an explicit ranking, we had to
the transcriptions was deemed unnecessary.               interpret the ranking based on the contextual
Since it would have taken too much space to              elements of the response and the emphasis that
simultaneously present a detailed analysis of            was placed on certain factors by the interviewee.
the interview excerpts on our research themes               To address the second objective, which was
with the ranking of factors and values that fos-         to identify the role of values, we used the same
ter belonging, this article instead focuses on           approach as with the factors that foster belong-
the last aspect (ranking). Another article will be       ing. We had to differentiate between the values
published based on a more in-depth qualitative           based on their importance. Once again, we also
analysis of the interviews and will report on par-       established their frequency and ranking based
ticipants’ words and experiences. Thus, to fulfil        on a score. For each interview, we identified the
the study’s primary objective, which addressed           values listed in response to the questions on
the factors that fostered development of a sense         the topic, noting their ranking and the number
of place attachment, the team simply compiled            of times they were mentioned. As with the fac-
all the factors participants named, then estab-          tors, the importance ranking was established
lished a ranking based on the number of times            based on the explicit ranking applied by the
(frequency) participants named them, and the             participants, or based on a contextual analysis
ranking they were each given (factor named first,        of statements in which we assessed the empha-
second, third, etc.). This data analysis method          sis placed on certain values using key language
draws on the prototypical analysis method                markers, such as adjectives, adverbs, place in the
developed to investigate social representations,         statement, etc.
among other things (Lo Monaco et al. 2016;
Vergès 1992). To calculate and rank the factors          Results
in order of importance, we assigned a “score” to         The results obtained for the importance of the fac-
the factor named according to its rank. A factor         tors that foster place attachment (primary study
named first received three points, a factor listed       objective) are summarized in table 3. The results
second received two, and a factor named third            that enable an understanding of the role of ethi-
received one point. This data allowed us to iden-        cal values (secondary objective) in constructing a
tify the overall importance of the factors that fos-     sense of belonging are provided in table 4.

Table 3: Factors that foster place attachment

                  Factors named                         Frequency and rank                   Score
                   Economy (jobs)                           2 x 2nd; 5 x 3rd                   9
     Infrastructure (roads, transportation, parks,     5 x 1st; 13 x 2nd; 11 x 3rd             52
                  playgrounds, etc.)
               Interpersonal relations                 16 x 1st; 4 x 2nd; 7 x 3rd              63
             Language and local culture                     2 x 2nd; 2 x 3rd                   6
              Political and legal system                    3 x 2nd; 1 x 3rd                   7
               Safety (low crime rate)                 10 x 1st; 5 x 2nd; 2 x 3rd              42
 Similar culture (presence of culture of origin)        1 x 1st; 5 x 2nd; 3 x 3rd              16
      Social programs (health, education, etc.)         3 x 1st; 5 x 2nd; 7 x 3rd              26

Open Forum | Factors and Ethical Values                                          NEW DIVERSITIES 23 (1), 2021

Table 4: Role of ethical or moral values

               Values named                              Frequency and rank                      Score
             Equality (treatment)                            8 x 1st; 5 x 2nd                      34
  Fraternity (friendship, mutual assistance)                12 x 1st; 5 x 2nd                      46
           Honesty (integrity, trust)                            1 x 1st                           3
              Liberty (individual)                       2 x 1st; 7 x 2nd; 4 x 3rd                 24
                Piety (religion)                         1 x 1st; 2 x 2nd; 1 x 3rd                 8
         Respect (for others and self)                   5 x 1st; 1 x 2nd; 1 x 3rd                 18
               Safety (personal)                         8 x 1st; 6 x 2nd; 1 x 3rd                 37
              Wealth (financial)                                 1 x 1st                           3

Discussion                                                   etc.) and equipment needed for a territory to
Ranking of factors                                           operate properly (Steele & Legacy 2017). Accord-
In the results tables, we used bold for the three            ing to the data collected, this factor is seen as
highest scores in each of the categories (factors            being as important as safety. In the Parc-Exten-
and role of values). Among the factors that foster           sion neighbourhood, one of Montreal’s poorest,
place attachment, the quality of interpersonal               the proximity of services is reported as being
relations is, by far, the factor that is seen as the         very advantageous, given that nearly everything
most positive (63 points). 29 out of 40 partici-             is in walking distance, which means households
pants named this factor (72.5%). Interpersonal               do not have to purchase a car, a very heavy finan-
relations mean the relationships people have                 cial constraint.
with family, friends, neighbours and colleagues,                Among the other factors that participants
but it also includes interactions in daily life. Here,       mentioned less frequently, social programs such
many participants said they were delighted with              as health, education and support programs of
how nice people were in their neighbourhood,                 all types (material help, language classes, etc.)
and in Quebec and Canadian society in general.               have a meaningful position. Several participants
Few reported having been subjected to racist                 reported, with emotion, that they had very much
statements or actions. The two other factors                 appreciated the help they got from various tiers
with the most positive impact on place attach-               of government, as well as from community orga-
ment are tied at 42 points: the sense of safety              nizations that are highly active in Parc-Extension.
associated with the low crime rate and the qual-             Nine participants (22.5%) also mentioned that
ity of urban infrastructure. Given that the sample           they placed some importance on cultural similar-
featured a clear majority of women (65%), it is              ity in fostering their attachment to the place. This
unsurprising to see safety rank this high, since             expression refers to aspects of the culture of ori-
women are the most frequent targets of harass-               gin found in the host society, for example, places
ment and aggression (Kavanaugh 2013; Jeyasee-                of worship, grocery stores, and neighbourhood
lan et al. 2007; Wesely & Gaarder 2004). Note,               festivals that celebrate the traditions of the coun-
though, that several men also reported that                  try of origin. Finally, and interestingly, although
this factor was important. The feeling of safety             it was sometimes suggested in the interview
refers to the confidence people have in circulat-            questions, the political and legal system, which
ing freely on the street without being subjected             includes the charters that protect individual
to crimes or rudeness. The notion of urban infra-            rights and freedoms, do not appear to be a key
structure refers to roads (streets, avenues, etc.),          factor in the construction of a sense of belong-
the transportation system, parks, playgrounds,               ing, at least not expressly. Only one of ten partici-
and all physical facilities (libraries, businesses,          pants presented it as a significant factor in build-

NEW DIVERSITIES 23 (1), 2021                                                                   Yanick Farmer

ing his own sense of belonging in the host society.      profound, immediate emotional needs, which
Besides, only one participant (2.5 %) mentioned          no doubts explains its dominance. The sec-
the debate on secularization (Charter of Quebec          ond most important value is safety (thirty-nine
values)2 as “negative”, even if that topic was hot       points), which is understood as a type of peace
in the news when he was interviewed. The fac-            of mind associated with preserving the person’s
tor with the lowest score is language and local          physical and psychological integrity over time.
culture, but it is not generally suggested in the        Safety and fraternity seem to directly echo the
questions, so that participants who selected it          two factors that were deemed the most mean-
did so spontaneously. Moreover, in contrast with         ingful, i.e. the quality of interpersonal relations
received opinion, our study showed that there            and the sense of safety associated with the low
is a Francophile current within the South Asian          crime rate. The third most important value is
communities. Some stated that they loved Mon-            equality (thirty-four points). This value refers to a
treal’s French language and culture, even though         person’s feeling that they are treated like others
they sometimes struggled to learn French. Some           (regardless of their origin or social status), with
even said that they had visited other Canadian           the same respect and privileges. On this mat-
cities, like Toronto, but chose Montreal in the          ter, it is remarkable to note that, although many
end because of the local culture, the pace, which        study participants (40%, five years or less) had
is seen as slower, the safety and quality of life in     just come to Quebec, they stressed how much
Parc-Extension, and the less prohibitive cost of         they valued being treated with respect, despite
living.                                                  their “immigrant” or “refugee” status. Moreover,
                                                         some participants deplored the fact that equal-
Ranking of ethical or moral values                       ity is not valued more in their country of origin
The values that were named as the most impor-            (particularly with respect to gender and socio-
tant in fostering a sense of belonging echo the          economic status).
factors. This is not surprising, since the selection        Among the next values in the ranking, freedom
of factors, which are, in a sense, the “external         (twenty-four points) and respect (twenty points)
attributes” of places, is determined by the values,      earned fairly high scores. In our study, freedom
which we define as forms of personal preference          was associated with individual liberty, the ability
that structure our assessments of things. We did         to do what one wants to do, achieve one’s ambi-
not analyze the intersections between values             tions, and assert one’s personality. Respect was
and factors for each participant; however, the           associated with “regard” for oneself and others,
overall results suggest that it would be worth-          politeness, courtesy. Although these two values
while to investigate how, in each individual, the        proved to be fairly meaningful to participants, it
values determine the social behaviours associ-           is still surprising to see that, in fourth place, free-
ated with construction of belonging. The value           dom ranks fairly low among the most popular val-
that stood out as the most important in foster-          ues, given that it is fairly customary to consider it
ing belonging to a place is fraternity (forty-six        as the primary motivation for the migration pro-
points). For the purposes of analyzing the partici-      cess. The three other values participants cited
pants’ statements, this value included anything          scored much lower: piety (eight points), honesty
pertaining to the family, friendship, mutual assis-      (three points) and financial wealth (three points).
tance, and solidarity. Fraternity refers to very         With respect to piety, defined as attachment to
                                                         religion (devotion, zeal), it is interesting to note
2  The Quebec Charter of Values was a draft charter      the discrepancy between participants’ diligence
of secularism. It aimed to establish the common rules
of a secular state and to regulate requests for accom-   in religious practice, as expressed in the sociode-
modation. It also proposed to prohibit the wearing       mographic questionnaire (75% practice often),
of conspicuous religious symbols by government em-       and its appeal as a factor fostering the sense

Open Forum | Factors and Ethical Values                                 NEW DIVERSITIES 23 (1), 2021

of place attachment. This could be due to the         guide was of course designed based on a pre-
fact that the vast majority of study participants     determined theoretical framework, but it was
(or their parents, if the participants were born in   sufficiently “open” to allow participants to tell
Canada) did not choose to leave their country of      their stories. Our results show that there is clear
origin on primarily religious grounds (stigmatiza-    interest in opening up the “space of subjectiv-
tion or religious violence in their country of ori-   ity” to establish connections between certain
gin), but rather for reasons associated with their    personality structures, such as ethical or moral
well-being and safety, or to provide their children   values, which shape thought and behaviour, and
with a better future. Participants who discussed      the socialization process usually highlighted by
this issue certainly valued the presence of places    research into these matters.
of worship in their neighbourhood but, except in         As we note in the introduction, studies on the
one case (participant thirty-eight), they did not     sense of belonging often revolve around clinical
seem to have a negative view of the host soci-        or social psychology, highlighting its importance
ety’s relatively low level of religious zeal.         in personal psychic balance. Most such studies
                                                      also draw on quantitative methodologies that
Comparison of results with results in the current     are based on the statistical analysis of answers
literature                                            to closed questions (frequently including Likert
The literature develops several models for accul-     scales). Like the studies on acculturation, studies
turation and integration. The most well-known         on the sense of belonging start from a theoreti-
are: Berry’s Bi-Dimensional Model of Accultura-       cal framework (construct) whose contours can be
tion, which places the various degrees of accul-      established and measured using psychometric
turation on a continuum that is bounded by the        instruments (Hagerty & Patusky 1995). In stud-
culture of origin on one side and the host soci-      ies on belonging, the theoretical framework is
ety’s culture on the other; it deals with behav-      built around two notions: 1) the feeling of being
iours such as assimilation, integration, separa-      valued by others and one’s environment; 2) the
tion or segregation and marginalization (Berry        feeling of being suited to a group or environment
1997); Rudmin’s Acculturative Learning Model,         by means of shared characteristics (Hagerty et
which puts a great deal of emphasis on internal       al. 1996). Even if they challenge subjects’ self-
factors like personal motivation and the result-      assessments of their emotions and feelings, the
ing learning process (Rudmin 2003); and the           studies aim to measure an individual’s “fit”; that
Multidimensional Intercultural Training Accul-        is, how others see him or her, and how they
turation Model (MITA), which adds variables           navigate the pre-existing standards that regulate
to take into consideration the situation of refu-     social interactions. This perspective on the actors
gees who are displaced abruptly due to tragic         in belonging or acculturation (the individual, oth-
events such as armed conflicts (Fathi et al. 2018).   ers, the environment and its standards) is con-
A critical analysis of these models reveals that,     strained to a somewhat superficial type of “func-
methodologically, the research into accultura-        tionalism.” Yet, given the central role they play in
tion has neglected phenomenological research          an individual’s cognitive universe, it is fairly natu-
that focuses on lived experience and perception       ral to consider ethical and moral values as the
in favour of “confirmatory” studies intended to       underpinnings of evaluation and social behav-
validate existing models (Chirkov 2009). This is      iour pertaining to the development of a sense
one reason we opted to privilege a data collec-       of place connection. Clearly, a qualitative study
tion method that allowed participants to explain      such as ours is not as generalizable as quantita-
how, in their opinion, the encounter with the         tive research, but our respectable sample size
host society was shaped through the develop-          and the clarity of the results tend to suggest that
ment of their sense of belonging. The interview       values offer some interesting explanatory power

NEW DIVERSITIES 23 (1), 2021                                                                Yanick Farmer

for understanding connection to place. We could         is interesting because it raises the issue of the
even add that, given the very intimate relation-        preponderance of “deep” psychological dimen-
ship between ethical or moral values and person-        sions, such as values and needs, in the ranking
ality, they have a type of “anteriority” in the psy-    of preferences for places’ external attributes. It
chic economy that helps grasp the acculturation         provides a better understanding of why factors
and integration behaviour they trigger.                 that have a more indirect influence on people’s
   In studies on place attachment, the psycho-          lives, such as laws and the political system, are
metric perspective also dominates (Brown & Ray-         perceived to be less significant. This once again
mond 2007; Knez 2005; Shamai & Ilatov 2005;             refers back to the idea of valences (connections
Williams & Vaske 2003). The most frequent vari-         between subjective or psychological determi-
ables used in measuring it are place dependence         nants such as values and external attributes)
and place identity. Like the studies on sense           that we mentioned earlier. Here, while our study
of belonging, the studies on place attachment           opens up a new perspective on values and their
explore such things as a person’s general emo-          role in the dynamics of connection to place, it
tional bond with a place, without using more            leaves the matter of the shared place of needs
detailed psychological variables like values. As        and values in this dynamic unanswered. Dealing
for the attachment studies’ consideration of a          with it would require some reflection on the dis-
place’s “external” characteristics (physical, spa-      tinctions between values and needs, which was
tial, social, cultural, etc.), they spend very little   not the study’s objective.
time on the specific context of the relationship
between immigrants and the places where they            Study limitations
choose to remake their lives. Our study identi-         In our opinion, the study has some limitations in
fied some of these key factors for communities          terms of generalizing the results and reproducing
that are very understudied in Quebec. Here,             them in similar contexts. The first and no doubt
note that our results for the ranking of factors        the most significant limitation is the language
that foster belonging converge with other results       barrier. Here, the barrier cannot be reduced sim-
in educational psychology for place attachment          ply to transitioning from one language to another,
predictors (Lewicka 2010).                              as in going from French to English and vice versa.
   To conclude our comparison of the results            Rather, it involves radically different lexical reg-
with the existing literature, it seems relevant to      isters. For example, it was not always easy to
mention needs theory, insofar as it may be fairly       convey to some participants what a concept
obvious to think there is a connection between          like “belonging” means. It took time to explain a
an individual’s hierarchy of needs, that person’s       notion that, for some, was not self-evident. Even
values, and stated preferences with respect to a        though we believe we were able to overcome
place. The environmental psychology literature          this barrier through dialogue, it seems reason-
on place attachment primarily looks at attach-          able to assert that this obstacle had an impact
ment theory (Morgan 2010; Giuliani 2003). How-          on the results. The results could potentially have
ever, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (1943) identi-        been different with communities in which this
fies fundamental needs that can easily be asso-         lexical barrier was absent.
ciated with factors or values that influence the           The second limitation also relates to the lan-
dynamics of connection to place. Thus, beyond           guage barrier. Participants were not always able
physiological needs, which we can overlook              to name the “factors” or “values.” The interview
given the study’s context, the safety, belong-          guide therefore planned to make suggestions.
ing and love, esteem, and self-actualization can        Clearly, this approach may have “guided” the
no doubt be related to factors or values evoked         answers in some cases. Although the interview-
in our results. Conceptually, this association          ers strove to be neutral, it can still be easier for

Open Forum | Factors and Ethical Values                                 NEW DIVERSITIES 23 (1), 2021

participants to limit their answers to the selec-      of South Asian communities who remain largely
tions offered. That said, the team was aware of        unknown in French-speaking Canada, and per-
this obstacle from the outset. In spite of this, we    haps elsewhere. Moreover, by investigating the
believe we were able to capture the essence            role of values in the construction of a sense of
of what the participants wanted to share               belonging, the study seems to show the rele-
with us.                                               vance of linking certain fundamental psychologi-
   The third limitation concerns the methodolog-       cal functions and their impact on the affinities
ical approach used. If data collection had been        (or valences) that develop between the social
restricted solely to the use of questionnaires, it     behaviours of a place’s residents, and the place’s
would have been possible to develop a quantita-        apparent characteristics.
tive research design and carry out statistical anal-      While the qualitative methodological approach
yses that delineate the scope of the results more      privileged in our study--predominantly phenom-
sharply. However, we believe that establishing         enological--enabled a better grasp of the subjec-
an in-depth dialogue with the participants, one        tive meaning that a place’s residents assign to
that was characterized by trust, authorizes us to      the construction of their sense of belonging to
assert that we were able to more clearly estab-        the host society during a specific migratory jour-
lish the meaning of their thoughts on the issue        ney, the fact remains that the entire issue of the
of belonging. A closed questionnaire would have        relations between the internal variables associ-
denied us this opportunity. We should add that         ated with individual personalities and the exter-
the study included other facets and objectives         nal variables associated with place attributes
not dealt with here. Lastly, with respect to data      could lead to further discoveries. For example, it
triangulation, we opted not to apply systematic        would be very useful to know how the valences
cross-checks between the data from the sociode-        mentioned earlier in the article evolve over time
mographic questionnaire and data from the              in the framework of a longitudinal study design.
interviews. This is because, in light of a review         In the context of the mass migrations of the
of the verbatims, we judged that triangulation         early twenty-first century and the political
would not really enable a better understand-           upheaval they triggered, the issue of belong-
ing of the construction of a sense of belonging        ing, and the resulting social cohesion are of
within these communities. Certain variables that       clear interest, as shown by the many studies
could intuitively seem to favour development           that explore this question. However, beyond the
of a strong sense of belonging, such as date of        enthusiasm it generates, the theme does create
arrival or place of birth, did not seem significant.   many controversies in which ideological consider-
We therefore put them aside in the more in-            ations blithely mingle with scientific imperatives.
depth analysis.                                        This mixed genre is seen fairly often in the mass
                                                       media, in which the handling of social phenom-
Conclusion                                             ena also follows marketing rules, but it should be
In our opinion, our study has successfully spot-       avoided in scientific research and in the public
lighted key factors that help make a place appeal-     policy it is supposed to orient. The desire to let
ing to newly arrived immigrant communities. The        the facts speak for themselves, and to separate
results appear especially interesting because          science from ideology, lies at the heart of this
they were obtained through the contribution            study’s design, and its dissemination.

NEW DIVERSITIES 23 (1), 2021                                                                  Yanick Farmer

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