Facing the future 30 years to save the world - Population Matters

Facing the future 30 years to save the world - Population Matters
Issue 38 Spring 2021 | 30th anniversary edition

30 years to
save the world
Every choice we make and each
action we take will have an impact

It’s not too late
Jonathon Porritt – as much of
an activist as he ever was

Facing the future
Chris Packham and Megan McCubbin on
our chance to rebuild a post-pandemic
world that’s better for people and planet

ISSN 2053-0412 (Print) ISSN 2053-0420 (Online)
Facing the future 30 years to save the world - Population Matters
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Contents                                                                                                            Chapter 4: Human Impact on the Biosphere

                                                                                                                    Figure 4.11 The Economy is Embedded in the Biosphere
                                                               3 From the Director
About us                                                             Robin Maynard looks at how, from a meeting                                                                                                           7
                                                                     of interested parties three decades ago,
Population Matters is a UK-based charity
                                                                     Population Matters has grown to become a
working globally to achieve our vision of
humanity co-existing in harmony with nature                          small but mighty charity that’s taking on
and prospering on a healthy planet. We drive                         the immense challenges of the future.
positive action through fostering choices
that will help achieve a sustainable human                     4 News round-up
population and regenerate our environment.                           Population news stories, PM poll
We promote positive, practical, ethical                              results and Endgame 2050.
solutions – encouraging people to choose
smaller families and inspiring people to                       6 Going nowhere fast
consume sustainably – to enable everyone to                          How population growth is holding
enjoy a decent quality of life whilst sustaining
                                                                     back efforts to tackle climate change.
the natural ecosystems upon which all life
depends. We support human rights, women’s
empowerment and global justice.
                                                               7 Can economists
                                                                 save the planet?
Population Matters is a registered charity in England and            The Dasgupta Review challenges the
Wales (1114109) and a company limited by guarantee in
England (3019081) registered address 135-137 Station Road,           way economic success is measured and                                           Box 4.8
                                                                     asks for transformative change. Plus,
London, E4 6AG. Population Matters is the working name of                                                                        Land-Use Change and the Spread of Viruses
the Optimum Population Trust Registered trademark.
                                                                     news of PM’s 2021 Conference.      It is customary to regard trade in goods as ways that smooth local disruptions across space
                                                                                                                      and time. Globalisation is also applauded because it expands output and has been shown to

Magazine                                                       8 The campaigning generation
                                                                                                                      have helped to reduce global poverty. But because globalisation has taken place when much
                                                                                       of the biosphere is not merely free for all to use as we like but is also subsidised for our use

Printed in the UK by Jamm Print &                                    PM’s President Jonathon Porritt is put  in
                                                                                                          (Annex 8.1, Chapter 8), it has increased the likelihood of societal crashes. It has done that b
                                                                                                          connecting economic units closely to one another via firms’ supply chains and the movemen
Productions using vegetable-based inks                               the hotseat by PM activist Stella Wright.
                                                                                                          of people. Close connections among its parts make the global economy less modular
                                                                                                                      (Chapter 2): a crash in one part spreads to other parts.
on 100% recycled paper.
Design, infographics & illustrations:                          10 Pullout poster – 30 years
                                                                                          There are further drivers of societal crashes. Our remarkable ability to enter every ecological
                                                                                          niche has raised the chances of pandemics (Daily and Ehrlich, 1996; Jones et al. 2008).
Miller Design                                                     to save the world       Humans now enter niches occupied by organisms with which we have not evolved. Intimate
                                                                                          associations between humans and wildlife disease reservoirs have raised the risks of exposur
Editor: Anna Harris                                                  To commemorate 30 years of Population
                                                                                                         to zoonotic viruses. Being unfamiliar pathogens, they are able to spread rapidly across the
                                                                                                         globe (Gottdenker et al. 2014). Moreover, biodiversity loss creates niches for pathogens that
Cover image: Tom Gilks/BBC Wildlife Magazine                         Matters, here are 10 facts, 10 actions
                                                                                                         are lying in wait in small numbers to explode in their populations, and for new pathogens
Population Matters Magazine is produced twice a year by              and 10 possible outcomes that could to evolve.                154

Population Matters, 135-137 Station Road, London E4 6AG              see us heading towards 2050 with hope.

                                                               13 Want change? Take action!
Registered charity: 1114109 Tel: 020 8123 9116                                                                      154
                                                                                                                        As elsewhere in the Review, we use expressions that could suggest organisms have intention. But as noted previously, such
                                                                                                                    expressions are used routinely among scientists with no such intention, as for example when they say Nature abhors a vacuum.
For further information, e-versions and back copies log onto
                                                                     Conservationists Chris Packham and
                                                                     Megan McCubbin share their thoughts on
                                                                                                                                                                                             The Economics of Biodiversity: The Dasgupta Re

Stay connected                                                       building a positive post-pandemic future.

      populationmatters.org                                    14 One team for the planet
       PopulationMatters                                             It’s time for the environmental community to
       PopnMatters                                                   come together to address our environmental
       popnmatters                                                   crises, urges PM’s Olivia Nater.
                                                               15 A sustainable future
t:    020 8123 9116                                                  Dr Yasmeen Sabeeh Qazi looks at the
e:    enquiries@populationmatters.org                                opportunities arising from Pakistan’s
ed:   magazine.editor@populationmatters.org                          demographic transition if the potential of
a:    135-137 Station Road, London E4 6AG                            the country’s women and girls is harnessed.

                                                               16 Transforming lives                                                                                                                             19
                                                                     An update on some of PM’s Empower to

WORLD                                                                Plan projects in Uganda, Kenya and the
                                                                     UK, funded by our members.

POPULATION                                                     18 Women under pressure
                                                                     PM’s Alistair Currie reports on the
                                                                     toxic mix of governments promoting

                                                                     population growth and restricting
                                                                     women’s rights.

                                                               19 Q&A with Alisha Graves
                                                                     The newest member of PM’s Expert
WHEN YOU HAVE FINISHED READING                                       Advisory Group on the work of OASIS,
THIS MAGAZINE PLEASE RECYCLE IT                                      which is focused on advancing education
BY PASSING IT ON                                                     and choice for women and girls in the Sahel.
Facing the future 30 years to save the world - Population Matters
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From the Director
From a meeting in a House of Commons committee room three
decades ago to a charity with global reach, our belief in positive
action continues to drive us forward to face the challenges ahead.
                                                                                                Chaurasia’s research, published in our
                                                                                                Journal of Population and Sustainability,
                                                                                                reveals that ongoing population growth
                                                                                                is overwhelming reductions in carbon
                                                                                                emissions achieved through energy
                                                                                                efficiency. Similarly, as highlighted on
                                                                                                page 14, the shift by millions of people
                                                                                                to plant-based diets and the consequent
                                                                                                eco-benefits are outstripped by increasing
                                                                                                population and consumption.
                                                                                                   Despite such contradictions, despite
                                                                                                the science, optimism and the belief in
                                                                                                positive action motivates us and our
                                                                                                supporters, as they did the founders of
                                                                                                the Optimum Population Trust.

                                                                                                HOPE RISING
In this, our 30th Anniversary                     Today, our researchers                        Optimism spans the decades, inspiring
issue, I must firstly pay tribute to the far-     and consultants are                           a new generation of campaigners. Our
sightedness of the founders of Optimum                                                          President, Jonathon Porritt, sees hope
Population Trust (OPT), now known as              working in the UK,                            rising out of the “intergenerational rage”
Population Matters (PM). Issue number             France, Africa, Australia                     of the third of the world’s population
one of OPT’s magazine, Better World, was                                                        under 18 who must contend with
published in January 1993, a little under
                                                  and the US. Our Patrons                       worsening ecological challenges, but
two years after, as that first issue phrased      and Expert Advisory                           whose rage can fuel greater activism.
it, “OPT was conceived, if readers will           Group members include                         Similarly, our Patron Chris Packham
pardon the word, in a committee room                                                            laments the “unexceptional leaders”
of the House of Commons on March 21,              academics, broadcasters,                      currently in power for these “exceptional
1991”. The occasion was marked by a               conservationists,                             times”, whose paucity of vision leaves
debate on population. Four months later                                                         them blustering about ‘returning to
on 24 July, a little after its first trimester,
                                                  scientists and women’s                        normal’ and ‘getting back to business’,
at a meeting in a London language school,         empowerment activists.                        when it is ‘business as normal’ that has got
with David Willey (who, dedicated to the          PM supporters number                          us and our planet in this present plight.
cause, continued to lead and inspire OPT                                                        His stepdaughter, Megan McCubbin,
until his death in 2000), his wife Yvette         more than 20,000                              directs her ‘intergenerational rage’ at clear
Willey, David Richardson and others in            from 120 countries.                           targets and tactics: “The new generation,
attendance, the Optimum Population                                                              when they reach positions of power, the
Trust was born.                                   activists from across the world. PM           big change will come then.”
   A lot has happened over the past three         supporters number more than 20,000               Population Matters continues to build
decades, with Population Matters finally          from 120 countries worldwide.                 on the foresight of our predecessors. Our
achieving charitable status in 2006,                 There’s consistency and continuity         strategy, currently undergoing review, will,
enhancing its ability to increase members         too: our overall objective can still be       emulating Megan’s energy and optimism,
and finances and transition from being            summed up as seeking to achieve a ‘Better     be focused on clear targets, extending our
dependent entirely on volunteers to an            World’. However, to quote Professor           existing global partnerships, promoting
organisation employing full-time staff.           Alok Ranjan Chaurasia, 30 years on            positive solutions and offering increased
   Today, team members, our researchers           there’s still, “a conspicuous silence about   opportunities for more people, young and
and consultants are actively working for          the role of population in the debate          old, to be active in our ongoing campaign
PM in the UK, France, Africa, Australia           on environmental sustainability”.             to build a ‘Better World’.
and the US. Our Patrons and Expert                Mainstream environmental groups
Advisory Group members include                    Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace and          Robin Maynard
internationally recognised academics,             the RSPB remain reluctant to promote          Director, Population Matters
broadcasters (if one can describe Sir David       positive action on population, despite
Attenborough as merely a ‘broadcaster’!),         the growing body of science linking
campaigners, conservationists, scientists         biodiversity loss and climate change to
and women’s empowerment and rights                human population impacts. Professor

        populationmatters.org                                                                                      every choice counts     3
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                                                                                                                                                           Population Matters news round-up
                                                                                                                                                           People want action on extinctions

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             © Unsplash/Simon Greenwood
                                                                                                                                                           As PM Patron Sir David                        “very concerned” about the loss of
                                                                                                                                                           Attenborough’s documentaries                  animal and plant species, 41% thought
                                                                                                                                                           highlight the biodiversity crisis, a PM       it should have the same priority as
                                                                                                                                                           poll shows two-thirds of people in the        tackling climate change and 32%
                                                                                                                                                           UK want the same or more priority on          thought it should have more.
                                                                                                                                                           species loss as on climate change.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Last September, a Leaders’ Pledge for
                                                                                                                                                           The poll, taken just after broadcast          Nature was announced, prior to the
                                                                                                                                                           of Sir David’s powerful Extinction:           United Nation’s biodiversity summit,
                                                                                                                                                           the facts documentary on BBC One              committing to reverse the decline in
                                                                                                                                                           found that 91% of respondents were            biodiversity by 2030. The pledge was        global leaders to do what they say they
                                                                                                                                                           concerned about biodiversity loss.            signed by the leaders of more than          will this time, and that includes truly
                                                                                                                                                           And, while climate change and plastic         60 nations. We’ve seen fine words and       addressing the most important indirect
                                                                                                                                                           pollution are the greatest concerns,          promises before and they haven’t been       drivers – expanding consumption and
                                                                                                                                                           nearly half of those polled were              delivered. At PM, we’re pushing for         human population.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         By numbers
                                                                                                                                © Unsplash/Hello I’m Nik

                                                                                                                                                                                             It’s now or never
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Biodiversity is declining
                                                                                                                                                                                             An important new study warns that the world is failing                                      faster than at any time in
                                                                                                                                                                                             to grasp the gravity of our environmental crises and                                        human history
                                                                                                                                                                                             that without urgent action on the underlying causes –
                                                                                                                                                                                             population and consumption growth – we face a
                                                                                                                                                                                             ‘ghastly future’ of catastrophic mass extinction,                                           70%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         The amount that vertebrate
                                                                                                                                                                                             climate disruption, and human suffering.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         wildlife populations have shrunk
                                                                                                                                                           The paper, published in Frontiers in               decades. The damage will be felt for centuries                             during the last 50 years*
                                                                                                                                                           Conservation Science by Corey Bradshaw,            and threatens the survival of all species.”
                                                                                                                                                           PM Patron Professor Paul Ehrlich and
                                                                                                                                                           15 other leading scientists, summarises            The report’s authors suggest that the lack                                 1 million
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         The number of species estimated
                                                                                                                                                           more than 150 major studies on the state           of urgency is down to several factors. These
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         to be threatened with extinction*
                                                                                                                                                           of our planet and predicts that future             include the failure to connect and relay
                                                                                                                                                           environmental conditions will be far               planetary crises and solutions identified by
                                                                                                                                                           worse than what is generally believed.             individual academics (who tend to specialise
***Food system impacts on biodiversity loss – Tim G Benton, Carling Bieg, Helen Harwatt, Roshan Pudasaini and Laura Wellesley

                                                                                                                                                                                                              in one particular topic) in a meaningful way
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Agriculture occupies half of all
By numbers panel sources: *World Wildlife Fund’s Living Planet Report 2020, **ourworldindata.org/land-use, pnas.org,

                                                                                                                                                           In an article for The Conversation, the            to policy makers and the wider audience.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         habitable land on Earth and is
                                                                                                                                                           authors state: “The problems, all tied to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         the main driver of habitat and
                                                                                                                                                           human consumption and population growth,           Turn to pages 10-11 for details of how we can
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         biodiversity loss**
                                                                                                                                                           will almost certainly worsen over coming           all have a positive impact on our future >>

                                                                                                                                                           COVID-19 – what lessons have we learnt?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         of all mammal species on the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         planet are farm animals**
                                                                                                                                                           In March 2020, as COVID-19 was revealing its
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               © Unsplash/Kevin Grieve

                                                                                                                                                           deadly impact on the world, PM published a
                                                                                                                                                           blog about the link between population growth,
                                                                                                                                                           environmental destruction and pandemics. Since                                                                                70%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         of all bird species on Earth are
                                                                                                                                                           then, a major report has been published by the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         farmed poultry**
                                                                                                                                                           Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on

                                                                                                                                                           Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, summarising
                                                                                                                                                           how our exponential rise in consumption, trade

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Our modern food
                                                                                                                                                           and population pressure is driving a rapid                                                                                            systems are responsible
                                                                                                                                                           increase in the risk of pandemics, with more       not shy away from the hard truth in a recent                                       for a third of all
                                                                                                                                                           than five new diseases emerging every year.        address, but he added: “Human activities are                               greenhouse gas emissions***
                                                                                                                                                                                                              at the root of our descent toward chaos. But
                                                                                                                                                           PM Patron Jane Goodall stated in a recent          that means human action can help to solve it.”                             Find out more about changing
                                                                                                                                                           interview: “We brought it (COVID-19) on                                                                                       our food consumption
                                                                                                                                                           ourselves by our disrespect of nature.” UN         A change for the better? Chris Packham and                                 patterns on page 14 >>
                                                                                                                                                           Secretary-General Antonio Guterres also did        Megan McCubbin comment on pages 12-13 >>

                                                                                                                                                           4    populationmatters.org                                                                                                               every choice counts
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                                  Thumbs up from our members
© Unsplash/Jacqueline Munguia

                                                                  A big thank you to everyone
                                                                  who took part in our first
                                                                  annual survey, released late
                                                                  last year. We heard from
                                                                  more than 400 members
                                                                  from 22 countries and it’s
                                                                  really encouraging to find
                                                                  that 90% are ‘very satisfied’
                                                                  or ‘somewhat satisfied’
                                                                  with their experience to
                                  date. In addition, 79% feel ‘very connected’ or ‘somewhat
                                                                                                     Can we change our ways?
                                  connected’ to the work taking place – with the top two             “Humanity has backed itself into an ecological
                                  topics most resonating with members being global                   endgame as we approach mid-century.”
                                  population growth and that of nature and biodiversity.
                                                                                                     What will the future be like in the year 2050? A mere three
                                  In terms of member benefits, the monthly email newsletter
                                                                                                     decades away, most of us hope to still be around. So, what
                                  came out on top, with this magazine being a close second!
                                                                                                     kind of future are we heading into? ENDGAME 2050 gives
                                  Many of you enjoy our themed talks and Q&A sessions, which
                                                                                                     us a glimpse – and it does not look good.
                                  we’re hoping to feature more frequently as part of a growing
                                                                                                       In February, PM held a live screening of the population
                                  programme of online events this year. With 94% saying they’re
                                                                                                     segment of this important new documentary, which is
                                  likely to renew their membership, it’s great that so many PM
                                  members will continue to support our campaigns.                    an urgent call to action to tackle the existential crises
                                                                                                     bearing down on the planet. This was followed by a
                                                                                                     panel discussion with the film-maker Sofia Pineda Ochoa
     © Unsplash/Dainis Graveris

                                                                                                     – a physician-turned-environmentalist; reproductive
                                                                                                     health expert Alisha Graves; and our esteemed Patrons
                                                                                                     Professor Paul Ehrlich, renowned ecologist and author
                                                                                                     of the seminal Population Bomb, and Leilani Münter,
                                                                                                     environmental activist and childfree advocate.
                                                                                                       When asked about why film can have a bigger impact
                                                                                                     on attitudes and actions than traditional campaigning,
                                                                                                     Sofia Pineda Ochoa said: “Our emotional centre has a
                                                                                                     very strong say in how we behave. Film can be visceral
                                                                                                     – tapping into our instincts and emotions in such a way
                                  Birth control: where are                                           that moves us to change our ways.” This sentiment was
                                                                                                     echoed by Professor Ehrlich, who added: “Emotions are
                                  the male options?                                                  an incredibly important part of our lives and just telling
                                                                                                     people more science doesn’t have as much impact as
                                  Decades of research have led to the development of pills,
                                                                                                     telling stories does.”
                                  injections, implants, coils, patches, rings and barriers.
                                                                                                       All the panellists agreed that there was a need to talk
                                  However, almost all of these have to be implemented by
                                                                                                     more openly about population and that negative reactions
                                  the female partner. Even today, men only have the choice
                                                                                                     to women who choose to have smaller families or be
                                  between vasectomy (male sterilisation), and condoms.
                                                                                                     childfree should be challenged. Alisha Graves commented:
                                  Increasingly, many men wish to play a more active role in          “We need to break the silence around it.” Robin Maynard
                                  family planning. A survey by the US-based Male Contraceptive       added: “This documentary promotes the effective
                                  Initiative found that almost four in 10 men are very interested    population solutions we advocate for at Population Matters,
                                  in potential new methods for male contraception. And, as           particularly the empowerment of women and girls.”
                                  unplanned pregnancies still account for nearly half of all
                                  pregnancies worldwide, increasing the number of options            Visit populationmatters.org and search for ‘ENDGAME’ to
                                  available to men could help reduce these.                          watch the live discussion. Read our Q&A with Alisha Graves
                                                                                                     on page 19 >>
                                  Despite a lack of investment, several exciting research projects
                                  are underway, including a gel containing testosterone and a
                                  synthetic analogue of progesterone, developed by the Population
                                  Council. However, without more funding, experts say it’ll take
                                  up to 20 years for new drugs to become publicly available.
                                  Nevertheless, we salute male contraceptive developers for laying
                                  the much-needed groundwork for a more equal society in             Sofia Pinedoa Ochoa, Professor Paul Ehrlich, Alisha Graves and
                                  which everyone is empowered to plan their family.                  Leilani Münter taking part in the live discussion.

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Climate change

                                                                                                                                        © Unsplash/Riccardo Annandale
progress being
cancelled out
Despite increased energy
efficiency, a major new study
finds that population growth
is holding back efforts
to tackle climate change.                                           energy use due to increasing cleaner energy supplies. However,
                                                                    as people and societies across the world become more affluent,
                                                                    their average economic activity grows, which pushes up energy
While significant strides have been taken over the last             use and carbon emissions.
30 years to improve energy efficiency, which reduces both
the amount of energy needed and the levels of CO2 emitted,        INTEGRATING POPULATION IS ESSENTIAL
additional demand, caused partly by population growth, has        So, while the link with population is clear, the study’s
meant that these solutions are effectively driving with the       author points out that there is a distinct lack of discussion
brakes on.                                                        about it, stating: “There is a conspicuous silence about
  These are the findings of a substantial new study by Professor the role of population in the debate on environmental
Aalok Ranjan Chaurasia, titled Population effects of increase     sustainability. For example, the United Nations 2030 Agenda
in world energy use and CO2 emissions: 1990 - 2019. The           for Sustainable Development pays only passing attention
study examines the effects of four factors on total                                   to population related issues and concerns
energy use and CO2 emissions across 44 countries:                                     in the quest to secure environmental
population change, economic growth, energy             “There is a                    sustainability. My analysis highlights the
intensity (the amount of energy use/production                                        need to integrate population as a factor in
needed to achieve a certain amount of economic         conspicuous                    environmental sustainability. Reducing
activity) and carbon intensity (level of emissions     silence about the and ultimately achieving zero population
per unit of energy).
                                                       role of population growth              can contribute significantly towards
                                                                                      environmental sustainability by considerably
ECONOMIC ACTIVITY IS A KEY DRIVER                      in the debate on               decelerating the increase in energy use and
The peer-reviewed research has been published          environmental                  CO2 emissions.”
in the Journal of Population and Sustainability,                                         Commenting on the study, PM’s Director,
an editorially independent academic periodical         sustainability.”               Robin Maynard, said: “There are many drivers
published by Population Matters twice a year.          Professor Aalok                of climate change and all must be considered.
It finds that globally, the growth in economic         Ranjan Chaurasia               Addressing population or any of those drivers
activity per person is the main driver of energy                                      alone will not be enough. We need radical
use and CO2 emissions – in each case responsible                                      change across the board, exercising all options
for around twice the contribution of population growth on         and available actions in behaviour (especially in the high-
average. And, while economic growth has been far faster           consuming Global North), policy and the economic system to
than population growth, this nevertheless demonstrates that       achieve the targets set out in the Paris Agreement on climate
population growth has accounted for a third of emissions          change. However, this study demonstrates that if population is
during the period analysed. This means that the total amount      ignored then progress in other areas will be overwhelmed and
of emissions generated by population growth is equal to           even cancelled out. Population has to be central to the debate.”
two-thirds of the emissions saved through improved energy
efficiency measures – essentially knocking back any positive
environmental gains that have been made.
                                                                      FIND OUT MORE
AFFLUENCE AND ENERGY                                                  You can read more about the
Globally, over 29 years from 1990 to 2019, we have reduced            relationship between population
energy intensity by more than a third because fewer of the            and climate change in our fully
things we do require as much energy as in the past and the            referenced Population Matters Climate
energy we use is produced and used more efficiently. We have          Change Briefing 2020, available as a PDF at
also reduced the carbon intensity of that energy – we now             populationmatters.org/resources
produce a lower level of emissions for the same amount of

6    populationmatters.org                                                                                       every choice counts
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Can economists save the planet?
The environment in which we live can no longer sustain us. It’s time
for a paradigm shift, where success is measured in terms of thriving
economies, not those in perpetual growth, argues PM’s Alistair Currie.
For generations, economists have perceived the natural                                                            at more than $6 trillion – in the report’s words: “paying people
world as a source of stuff that can be bought and sold, and a                                                     more to exploit Nature than to protect it”.
plughole down which stuff that isn’t needed can be thrown.
Our relationship with nature has been based on the principle                                                      HOW WE MEASURE SUCCESS
that it will always keep providing what we want and never                                                         The review identifies “deep-rooted, widespread institutional
stop absorbing what we don’t. For thousands of years,                                                             failure”. It also joins many progressive economists in
that understanding has worked for us.   Chapter  However,
                                                   4: Human Impactas           many
                                                                          on the    Biosphere                     challenging the way in which economic success is measured,
economists are now recognising, that time is over, and that                                                       both in crude terms of growth and specifically in Gross
assumption is killing us.               Figure 4.11 The Economy is Embedded in the Biosphere                        Domestic Product (GDP), which measures only economic
                                                                                                                                      output and activity, but doesn’t account for whether
LIVING IN THE SPACE BETWEEN                                                                                                                    the fundamental “assets” underpinning it –
Among them, Kate Raworth’s (senior                                                                                                                    including nature – are strong. Because of this,
research associate at Oxford University’s                                                                                                                 rising GDP conveys a sense of progress,
Environmental Change Institute)                                                                                                                              even when the thing it depends on, the
principle of ‘doughnut economics’ is one                                                                                                                       environment in which we live, is being
that has caught the public imagination                                                                                                                          degraded to the point where it can no
because of its simplicity. Raworth’s                                                                                                                            longer sustain us. Effectively, future
model illustrates the idea that “a                                                                                                                             generations are subsidising our present
healthy economy should be designed                                                                                                                           affluence: we enjoy prosperity because we
to thrive, not grow”. It represents the                                                                                                                   are taking what belongs to them.
level of economic activity that is needed
for everyone to have a decent standard and                                                                                                     TRANSFORMATIVE CHANGE                               The Economi
                                                                                                                                                                                                   of Biodivers
                                                                                                                                                                                                  The Dasgup :
quality of life as a circle. It then imagines another                                                                                 The review calls for three key changes:                     Review

concentric circle, which is the level of economic activity                                           Box 4.8 policies which reward protecting nature;
that exceeds what the planet can sustain. In order Land-Use               to ensure      Changeaand the Spread    measuring of Viruses “wealth” in a way that reflects

decent life for everyone, without wrecking               the planet,      is also we        must   because it people’s
                                                                                                                   expands outputwellbeing                    now    to and in the longer
                                          It is customary to regard trade in goods as ways that smooth local disruptions across space
                                          and time. Globalisation                   applauded                                           and has been shown
live in the ‘doughnut’, the space between            thoseistwo              circles.          Into use as weterm;    like but isand
                                          have helped to reduce global poverty. But because globalisation has taken place when much
                                          of the biosphere          not merely     free for all                                           reducing
                                                                                                                                  also subsidised      for our ouruse demands on nature.
a world in which deep poverty and inequality
                                          connecting economic   co-exists
                                                                        units closely withto onean another viaOne            waychains
                                                                                                                     firms’ supply     it proposes
                                          (Annex 8.1, Chapter 8), it has increased the likelihood of societal crashes. It has done that by
                                                                                                                                               and the movement    to ease that pressure is
environmental crisis driven by unsustainable                    consumption, it’s steps to reduce and end population growth,
                                          of people. Close connections among its parts make the global economy less modular
                                          (Chapter 2): a crash in one part spreads to other parts.
clear that our economic system is failing There are tofurther
                                                          achieve drivers ofthat.
                                                                               societal crashes. Our remarkable   through             family
                                                                                                                             ability to  enter everyplanning
                                                                                                                                                        ecological       and generating new
                                          niche has raised the chances of pandemics (Daily and Ehrlich, 1996; Jones et al. 2008).
                                          Humans now enter niches occupied by organisms with                      expectations                  aboutIntimate
                                                                                                                        which we have not evolved.              family size. In recognising
The economy is                        THE       CYCLE      viruses.OF
                                          associations between humans and wildlife disease reservoirs have raised the risks of exposure
                                          to zoonotic                 Being unfamiliar pathogens, theythe                  need
                                                                                                                     are able          to rapidly
                                                                                                                                to spread    address  across the not just consumption behaviour but the
                                          are lying in wait in small numbers to explode in theirnumber                                offorconsumers,
                                          globe (Gottdenker et al. 2014). Moreover, biodiversity loss creates niches for pathogens that
                                                                                                                                               new pathogens the report shows courage and clear-
a wholly owned                        In January,
                                          to evolve.
                                                                                                                    populations, and

                                                                                                                  sightedness. Some economists are calling for still more radical
subsidiary of the                     economist              and        Population                                changes than the Dasgupta report proposes. Many, however,
                                           As elsewhere in the Review, we use expressions that could suggest organisms have intention. But as noted previously, such

environment –                         Matters          Patron Sir Partha                                          see no need to change at all. That is no longer an option.
                                        expressions are used routinely among scientists with no such intention, as for example when they say Nature abhors a vacuum.

                                      Dasgupta             issued a major
not the reverse.
                                        128                                                                        The Economics of Biodiversity: The Dasgupta Review

                                      new report, commissioned
Herman Daly, former                   by the UK’s Treasury,                                                             PM CONFERENCE 2021
World Bank economist,                 The Economics of
Population Matters                    Biodiversity, which called                                                        The economic implications of reducing
Expert Advisor, 1977                  for “transformation” in                                                           and ending population growth will be
                                      our economic systems. It                                                          the subject of Population Matters’
details how the environmental costs of economic activity are                                                            public conference this autumn. An authoritative and diverse
very rarely factored into the financial cost, so that the prices                                                        range of speakers will discuss the opportunities for a better
of goods and services don’t reflect their impacts. That makes                                                           economic system, and, in the face of increasing scare
them cheaper, fostering a cycle of more consumption and                                                                 stories about ageing societies, explore how demographic
more environmental damage.                                                                                              changes which help solve our environmental crisis can also
   Nor has conventional economics recognised the value of                                                               be good for people. For the first time, our conference will be
nature in underpinning it – the example of bees and other                                                               available as a live, online participatory event.
insects pollinating commercial crops at no cost, being the                                                              To find out more and join us, either online or in London on
most famous. Conservative estimates put the level of                                                                    the day, visit populationmatters.org/conference-2021
government subsidies internationally which damage nature

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                                                                                                                                © Unsplash/Markus Spiske
On Population Matters’ 30th anniversary,
activist Stella Wright from our London
group asks our President, Jonathon Porritt,
some searching questions...
Stella Wright: You’ve been a Patron         to solve with fewer people, and harder
of Population Matters for more than         – and ultimately impossible – to solve
10 years, and a long-term campaigner        with ever more people.” And, not               repugnant, deeply authoritarian
surrounding population issues. Has the      surprisingly, I find myself endlessly          campaigns to control women’s fertility
subject got any easier to talk about over   returning to that figure of 270 million        (in both China and India, for example),
the last decade?                            women of reproductive age who are not          and it’s not hard to unearth racist and
Jonathon Porritt: I sometimes find it       able to manage their own fertility. Up         misogynistic individuals who weave
hard to explain just how different the      from 232 million in 1990.                      population control into their hateful
‘population debate’ today is compared                                                      world views. But all this is so far from
to the 1970s and 1980s. The idea of         SW: At the London Group, we’re setting         the kind of work done today by
talking about the long-term prospects       up a youth action group, to encourage          population advocacy organisations,
for humankind without putting the           younger people to get involved. In your
population question at the heart of         experience, do younger generations tend
those inquiries would have been seen        to be more understanding and accepting
then as ridiculous. The combined            of population issues?                          We have to go on
impact of humankind on the natural          JP: As a young activist in my 20s, back        speaking the truth to
world is obviously a function of how
many people there are on the planet,
                                            in the 1970s, population was just
                                            accepted as a critical part of the web of
                                                                                           the environment and
and of how those people live their          issues and challenges that had to be           development NGOs who
lives. Two sides of the same coin.          engaged with. But there was nobody at          will still not properly
   This changed in the 1990s.               that time trying to ‘de-legitimise’ the
Paradoxically, the hugely important         debate, let alone call into question the       acknowledge that
UN Conference on Population and             values and political integrity of those        population growth is one
Development in Cairo in 1994,
following on directly from the Earth
                                            who felt particularly strongly about
                                            population and family planning. There’s
                                                                                           of the principal drivers of
Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992,           far too much of that going on today, and       both the climate and the
turned out to be the high point in          I think that sometimes discourages             ecological emergencies.
addressing unsustainable population         young people from getting involved.
growth rather than the solid foundation     As I heard rather plaintively from a
on which to build a global consensus        young member of the Green Party in a           including Population Matters here in
around the pre-eminent importance           recent Zoom session: ‘I’m not sure that        the UK, of which I am proud to be the
of rights-based, progressive family         I want to go stumbling into the                President. The emphasis for NGOs
planning. We simply have to rebuild         population minefield!’.                        operating today is on women’s rights,
that foundation.                                                                           non-coercive family planning, on the
                                            SW: Do you expect population growth to         wider benefits of education for girls and
SW: Is there a single quote, or statistic   one day be accepted as a widespread            of reproductive healthcare, and on
that really seems to hit home for people    issue, or do you see it remaining as a         ensuring that women can manage their
who are reluctant to accept population      controversial topic or even opinion?           own fertility, especially in repressive
growth as a threat?                         JP: I fear it will never be uncontroversial.   and male-dominated cultures.
JP: Perhaps unimaginatively, I still        And let’s be honest about part of the
find my fellow Patron Sir David             reason why that’s so: the backstory of         SW: The majority of people would like to
Attenborough’s quote to be the most         some population campaigning in the             hope that they won’t witness the serious
appropriate and useful: “All our            past is deeply regrettable. No-one can         environmental effects of a growing
environmental problems become easier        deny that there have been some                 population and consumption in their

8    populationmatters.org                                                                                       every choice counts
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lifetime. But how much time do we
really have before it’s too late to make
positive change?
JP: To a certain extent, everybody
involved in the debate about climate
change agrees that it’s already ‘too late’
for some things if not for others: it’s too
late, for instance, to get concentrations
of CO2 in the atmosphere back to the
level they were at before the Industrial
Revolution. This in turn means that
it’s too late to avoid massive climate-
                                               STELLA WRIGHT is a member of the Population Matters London Group. Already aware of
induced disruption over the next few
                                               how everyone’s life choices impact on the planet, she decided to attend PM’s 2019 annual
decades. There’s more or less complete
                                               conference, which she calls a ‘light bulb moment’: “I realised the biggest way I could reduce
consensus on that score. Beyond that,
                                               my impact on the planet and make it a better place for future generations was to have
many scientists now feel it’s too late
                                               fewer or no children and encourage and empower others to do the same. Since then, I’ve
to restrict the average temperature
                                               spent my free time volunteering for Population Matters with the London group, working on
increase to below 1.5°C by the end of
                                               the social media channels as well as playing an active role in the committee and attending
the century, but still believe it is not too
                                               events to champion better choices.” You can read Stella’s blog on championing better
late to stay below 2°C. And that means
                                               choices at populationmatters.org.
we still have a reasonable chance of
avoiding runaway climate change                JONATHON PORRITT CBE is a leading environmental campaigner, who headed up Friends
before things start moving so fast that        of the Earth from 1984-90 during some of its most effective campaigning around nuclear
there’s nothing we can do about them.          power, tropical deforestation, and food and farming issues. Prior to that he was co-chair
                                               of the Green Party. In 1996, he established Forum for the Future, now the UK’s leading
SW: We know that having one fewer              sustainable development charity working to achieve practical solutions in partnership with
child is the biggest thing a person can do     proactive businesses, policymakers and the voluntary sector. Throughout his career, he
to lessen their impact on the planet, but      has championed the case for addressing human population as the ultimate, underpinning
is this enough? What other choices have        sustainability issue and is currently President of Population Matters. Find out more about his
you made in your own personal life, that       latest book, Hope in hell: A decade to confront the climate emergency, at jonathonporritt.com.
you think others should also consider?
JP: It is indeed – and we need to keep
spelling that out loud and clear.
However this angers the growing                population growth is one of the                  of ‘intergenerational rage’ will become
number of pro-natalists who believe            principal drivers of both the climate            one of the most significant factors of the
that the destiny of their country or           and the ecological emergencies.                  next decade, not least as that kind of
ethnic group depends on persuading/                                                             rage will be so important in sustaining
incentivising women to have more               SW: What would you say to the current            young people’s hopes.
rather than fewer children. Most               generation about the importance of
pro-natalists today subscribe to               continuing to campaign for change? Do            SW: After such a long career as an
right-wing, deeply intolerant and              you think we should be even more radical         activist, do you feel just as driven as
divisive views that seek to advance the        and vocal than even your generation?             you always have?
interests of their own particular race/        JP: I feel really bad that this burden now       JP: I do indeed!
tribe/culture/people. Apart from that, in      rests on the shoulders of so many young
terms of our lifestyles, eat less meat, live   people today, and that so many feel
simply, shop rarely and waste nothing.         understandable anger that it should                CAMPAIGN
                                               have come to this – that our generation            WITH US
SW: What gives you the motivation              should have been so woefully neglectful
to carry on spreading the                      in addressing these priorities. So what            NOW
population message?                            happened in 2019, with schoolchildren              As one of the key organisations
JP: Because it’s so blindingly obvious!        going on strike and the explosion of               that focuses on urgently needed
Just as we have to go on speaking the          young climate activist voices in our               ethical and empowering solutions
truth to those in power, so we have to         midst, was enormously important. I                 to the population issue and their
go on speaking reason to all reasonable        see no reason why the anger of young               implementation, we need your help.
and caring people – as articulated so          people will not continue to grow and               Find out more about supporting
eloquently in the 2017 Scientists’             grow as the full extent of our betrayal of         our vision of a future in which our
Warning to Humanity. And we have to            them is revealed. Nearly 30% of today’s            population co-exists in harmony
do that especially to the significant          global population is under the age of              with nature and prospers on a
number of environment and                      18, increasingly well-informed about               healthy planet, to the benefit of all at
development NGOs in the West who               climate change, increasingly connected             populationmatters.org/campaigns.
will still not properly acknowledge that       through the internet. The phenomenon

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             GLOBAL                                                10 FACTS
                                                                  Globally, almost half of
                                                                  pregnancies are unplanned.
                                                                  Source: Guttmacher Institute

                                                          Major environmental charities such as WWF,
                                                          Friends of the Earth and the RSPB don’t
                                                          currently promote actions to address population

                                                          growth. PM is the only organisation focusing on
                                                          ethical solutions to the population issue.

                                                          On average, people in the UK are responsible
                                                          for 11 times the CO2 emissions of someone in
                                                          Nigeria. Global net human-caused emissions
             On Population Matters’ 30th                  of CO2 need to fall by 45% from 2010 levels by
                                                          2030, to reach ‘net zero’ by 2050.
             anniversary we’re asking all                 Sources: Global Carbon Atlas, Intergovernmental
                                                          Panel on Climate Change
              our supporters to make a
           commitment towards working
            together for a better, brighter                        80% of biodiversity loss is caused by
                                                                   agriculture and 80% of agricultural
            future for people and planet.                          land is used for livestock.
                                                                   Source: UN Environment Programme

       Every choice you make and each
       action that you take can and will                        Gender equality reduces population
                have an impact.                                 growth: empowered women
                                                                normally choose smaller families.

                                                              Humanity is currently using 70%
                                                              more of the Earth’s renewable
                                                              resources than it can regenerate.
                                                              Source: Global Footprint Network

                                                                             Childfree people and
                                                                             those with small families
                                                                             still face criticism, stigma
                                                                             and intrusive questioning.

                                                                        The population of the Least Developed
                                                                        Countries is projected to rise from just over
                                                                        1bn in 2020 to 1.9bn in 2050.
                                                                        Source: United Nations Population Division

                                                               Only 5% of income gains from
                                                               Gross Domestic Product growth
                                                               go to the world’s poorest 60%.
                                                               Source: Jason Hickel

                                                             Policies to address population are not yet included
                                                             in major environmental agreements such as
                                                             the UN Framework Convention on Climate
                                                             Change and Convention on Biodiversity.
    OU R
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10 ACTIONS                                                         10 OUTCOMES
 Practise safe sex. Put pressure on                                                     Unwanted pregnancies will be
 global leaders to support family                                                       reduced and improved child and
 planning and help end the unmet                                                        maternal health provision will
 need of 270 million women.                                                             be established on a global scale.

Become a member of Population Matters and                                Other environmental and conservation
encourage others to join, support our campaigns                          charities start promoting ethical
and help us raise awareness of the population                            population solutions to tackle our
issue, which is contributing to almost all of the                        environmental crisis.
major problems facing us today.

                                                                Personal CO2 emissions are slashed, helping other climate
                          Take a transport challenge –          solutions be more effective. There are far fewer cars,
                           drive less, bike, hike, use          cities have adapted to be more pedestrian and bike
                            public transport, go                friendly, with more green spaces and rooftops
                              flight-free.                      hosting solar panels, plants and vegetable gardens.

                                                                    Transformative changes to our global food patterns
 Take a diet challenge such as Veganuary                            with a shift from industrial agriculture and much
 to reduce your intake of meat and dairy                            less dependency on meat-heavy diets will preserve
 products. Choose organic and local foods.                          biodiversity and reduce the chance of zoonotic
 Plan meals to reduce food waste.                                   diseases such as COVID-19 developing.

 Volunteer for or support a women’s rights charity. Find out
 more about PM’s Empower to Plan projects that support                    Increased awareness around the key
 small grassroots NGOs in empowering girls, women and                     issues will lead to greater women’s
communities through the delivery of family planning                       empowerment, smaller families, better
and environmental conservation services, using the                        lives and a healthier planet.
power of crowdfunding.

                  Reduce, reuse, recycle.                                      Reducing personal footprints inspires those around you
                  Buy less.                                                    to make positive choices. Politicians recognise there is
                                                                               genuine concern about the environmental impact of
                                                                               consumption and are taking action.

             Celebrate small families, only children, and
             those who choose to be childfree. Engage                          Choosing to have smaller families
             in discussions about why these are                                or be childfree is normalised.
             positive choices.

      Seek out, learn from and amplify                                    Shared understanding and respect for the
      the voices and experiences of                                      challenges faced by people everywhere.
      people in the Global South.                                       Collaboration across the world
                                                                       promotes sustainable solutions.

                                                                                The economy is focused on sustainability
                   Support campaigns                                            and wellbeing, not growth, to alleviate
                   for global justice.                                          poverty and move towards global equality.

                  Campaign! Understand the issues, bust                 There is government-level support and
                  the myths, take action, sign petitions, add           cooperation to work together on an
                  your voice as a campaigner for positive                international level so that a sustainable
                  change that benefits people and planet.                 population co-exists in harmony with nature and
                                                                          prospers on a healthy planet, to the benefit of all.
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                                    WHY WE MUST
                                    SEIZE THIS CHANCE FO
© Tom Gilks/BBC Wildlife Magazine

                                                                                                                                 I’m confident we can find solutions.
                                                                                                                                 We need to look at all the issues
                                                                                                                                 as being interconnected – climate
                                                                                                                                 change, biodiversity and population
                                                                                                                                 are intrinsically linked. And we have to
                                                                                                                                 consider everyone in the world as our
                                                                                                                                 neighbours and work together.

                                                                                                                                 The people in power are old, the structure
                                                                                                                                 of our institutions is outdated. Right now,
                                                                                                                                 we need the energy of young people who
                                                                                                                                 have the courage to take risks for the sake
                                                                                                                                 of our future and the future of our planet.
                                                                                                                                 The activism that has come out of the
                                                                                                                                 depths of COVID-19 is astonishing – Black
                                    If we’ve learnt anything from the devastating                                                Lives Matter, the HS2 protests, women
                                    impact of COVID-19, it’s that life will never                                                demonstrating on Clapham Common
                                                                                                                                 and in Australia. People are realising
                                    be quite the same again, which, according                                                    that if they want things to change they

                                    to conservationists Chris Packham and
                                                                                                                                 have to take action – like we did when
                                                                                                                                 I was a young conservationist. But we
                                    Megan McCubbin, opens up a whole world of                                                    failed. We just didn’t fight hard enough.

                                    opportunity – if we’re brave enough to stand up                                              We have potential solutions to our
                                                                                                                                 problems, although we’re not going to
                                    for change. Here, they share their thoughts on                                               implement them without pain. Our job
                                    what needs to be done, right here, right now...                                              right now is to inform and stimulate

                                    CHRIS: For me, being isolated during the       times with unexceptional leaders who
                                    global pandemic hasn’t been a problem.         lack imagination and integrity.               People are realising
                                    I’ve found it invigorating, reaffirming and                                                  that if they want things
                                    re-energising to spend time with nature        Despite calls that we need to ‘get back
                                    in my own personal oasis. But, looking         to normal’ and it should be ‘business
                                                                                                                                 to change they have to
                                    outwards, I’ve watched a world in              as usual’, do we really want this when        take action – like we
                                    turmoil, fear, frustration and distress.       it’s a bad normal and bad business? It’s      did when I was a young
                                    It looked like an experiment to test us,       now clear to many people that we have
                                    to see what we’re made of.                     a boundless opportunity to respond to         conservationist. But we
                                                                                   this crisis in a positive way. Yet those      failed. We just didn’t
                                    We came out of it brilliantly. Scientists      in positions of power are still driven by
                                    took action, using the latest technologies     this craving to get back to how things
                                                                                                                                 fight hard enough.
                                    to create a vaccine to beat the disease        were – normal education, normal
                                    and a means of administering it. This          economics – they’re not seeing this as
                                    demonstrates that when the human               a chance to change.
                                    race is put under pressure and gets
                                    the world’s best scientists on to it, no       We’ve heard the warnings from climate
                                    problem is ever too big for humans to          scientists for years. Now biodiversity
                                    solve. There are no excuses.                   scientists are adding their voices. It’s an
                                                                                   urgent call that’s not being listened to.
                                    However, what I’d hoped is that this           Enormous damage has been done and
                                    horrible hiatus that we brought upon           it’s scary. When we break ecology, we
                                    ourselves would enable us to look at the       break it forever. But fear is incredibly
                                    things we’d done wrong and set them            important as that’s what makes us get
                                    right. Yet, we find ourselves in exceptional   things done.

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  people to have conversations so they can       of the word ‘activist’. You’re an activist
  draw their own conclusions. If we don’t        by all the actions that you do, no matter
  talk about it we’ll never see change but,      how small. You don’t have to join
  ultimately, I remain hopeful.                  Extinction Rebellion. You can write to
                                                 your MP, sit down with your daughter
  MEGAN: Those in positions of power             and talk about the world’s population
  may give lip service to the fact that          issue and why empowering women and
  climate change is terrible, but taking         girls across the globe to be able to choose
  action means they’ll be out of pocket          smaller families will help take the heat off
  when they’ve already invested heavily          the planet and reduce the pressure of           YOU CAN MAKE A
  in environmentally destructive schemes         human encroachment on every wildlife
  such as fossil fuels and HS2. Those            habitat. Whatever positive choices you          BETTER FUTURE
  making decision are the older                  make, all the small things add up to            POSSIBLE
  generation and the full impact of climate      enable real, transformative change.
                                                                                                 This year marks Population Matters
  change is not going to affect them –
                                                                                                 30th anniversary and the 30-year
  but it will affect their grandchildren.
                                                                                                 countdown to 2050 – a significant
                                                 People are scared to talk                       milestone for reshaping our
  In the UK, we’re cushioned from the
  devastation of what’s already happening
                                                 about changing their                            relationship with Earth by
                                                                                                 mid-century before it’s too late.
  to our planet – apart from those who’ve        behaviours and attitudes
  been unfortunate enough to have their          because it’s difficult.                         You can help us accelerate our
  homes flooded. By a fact of geography,                                                         campaigns and inspire essential action
  we’re not in the midst of the hurricane –      But we have to change                           by making a donation of £30 (or any
  Australia and California are burning, but      the narrative to reduce                         amount you can spare) to enable us to
                                                                                                 elevate our message of empowerment
  these places are thousands of miles away
  from us. It’s a case of out of sight, out of
                                                 consumption, habitat                            and choice-based solutions as being
  mind – if a threat doesn’t feel real and       loss and population                             the key to all our futures.
  imminent, neurologically, our brains           – and we can.                                   We promise to use your contribution
  can’t compute it. When we do experience
                                                                                                 to campaign for a better future in
  a threat first-hand, whether that be rising
                                                                                                 harmony with nature. We promise
  sea levels or food and water shortages,
                                                                                                 to continue empowering women
  then we’ll feel a powerful connection with
                                                                                                 and girls across the world to choose
  the impact of climate change.
                                                                                                 their family size. We promise to
                                                                                                 lobby policymakers worldwide to
  As humans, we’re hardwired to find it
                                                                                                 ensure population is included in
  difficult to change our minds. If someone
                                                                                                 environmental strategies.
  expresses a difference in opinion we tend
  to see it as a personal attack. People are                                                     Please give whatever you can to our
  scared to talk about changing their                                                            30th anniversary appeal today at:
  behaviours and attitudes because it’s                                                          populationmatters.org/30-years or
  difficult. But we have to change the                                                           send a cheque to: Freepost
  narrative – and we can. We have to work                                                        POPULATION MATTERS.
  together to reduce consumption, habitat
  loss and population. The media should
  be more honest – the amount of news             Chris Packham is one of the UK’s leading naturalists and
  dedicated to climate science is miniscule.      wildlife TV presenters and Patron of Population Matters.
  But we can use social media as a                In October 2016, he earned the Christopher Parsons
                                                  Award for Outstanding Achievement in recognition
  powerful tool for storytelling, to share
                                                  of his significant contribution to wildlife filmmaking,
  the important messages in an engaging
                                                  conservation and the public’s understanding of the
  way to open up that dialogue. I can             environment. Megan McCubbin is a zoologist, wildlife TV
  already see this happening. The new             presenter, conservationist and photographer and is the
  generation – me and those younger than          founder of The Self-Isolating Bird Club on Twitter. The duo have been inspired to
  me – when they reach positions of               write a book together – Back to Nature: How to Love Life – and Save It, published by
  power, the big change will come then. I         Two Roads and available via chrispackham.co.uk.
  also think it’s important to not be scared

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                                                                                                                                          © Unsplash/Jonathan Kemper
Why our planet
needs us to all be
on the same team
What’s the most environmentally damaging
industry? The energy sector? Construction?
It’s actually modern agriculture, explains PM’s
Olivia Nater, and our choices can change things.

To truly achieve sustainability, our       systems and increasing the proportion           food system would continue to trash the
choices – whether related to family        of protein we eat from plant sources.”          planet. We zoomed past 7.3 billion back
planning or diets – matter, which is why                                                   in 2016 and the human enterprise was
we need to reach across the table to       MEAT PRODUCTION RISING                          not much more sustainable then, or even
everyone – from population activists to    However, despite the positive intention,        10 or 15 years ago.
vegan campaigners – who is concerned       the facts reveal we’re heading in
about the future of our world. There’s no  completely the wrong direction. Long-           ADDRESSING ALL THE ISSUES
denying the science – a growing number     time vegan Sofia Pineda Ochoa – a               Dr Ochoa believes the time has come for
of reports are calling for transformative  physician-turned-environmentalist –             everyone to face up to reality: “We owe it
changes to our global food systems         admits that the recent rise in veganism         to the animals, the planet, and ourselves
because the way we produce, consume,       seemed to indicate a positive step              to be honest about this situation – that
process and distribute food is wrecking    forward: “Ditching animal foods was             humans are continuing to breed and kill
our planet.                                going mainstream. Famous athletes were          ever more billions of animals for food.
   Unsurprisingly, many scientific         going vegan. Documentaries on Netflix           We cannot help the situation unless we
authorities are urging a global shift      were promoting veganism. Popular vegan          address all the issues driving this trend in
towards more plant-based diets. In         influencers were popping up and even            the wrong direction. Our relentless growth
developing countries, many people rely     McDonalds and Starbucks were offering           is affecting wild animals in countless
on meat as their only source of protein,   vegan options. But then I read a UN             ways too – from our plastic waste that
but most of us living in wealthy countries report projecting that, in just 10 years,       fills whales’ stomachs, to destroying
are able to reduce or eliminate our meat   chicken meat and dairy consumption              habitats for ever more production of palm
and dairy intake without any ill health    would increase by 20%, and beef and             oil and cacao. That’s why, in addition to
effects. A University of Oxford study      pig meat would increase by 14%. How             raising awareness about the impact of
found that with the growing calorie        could this be? It turns out that population     animal agriculture and promoting plant-
demands of a population approaching        growth and rising affluence are outpacing       based diets, I’ve shifted my activism to
10 billion by mid-century, beef and milk   the growth of diet changes, so in the end,      also address our unsustainable human
consumption in western countries would     the number of animals used for food is          population growth. It’s pretty self-evident
need to fall by 90% and 60%,                                          not decreasing at    that we need to address both.”
respectively, to limit global      It’s time for the                  all. It’s not even       While we set in motion urgently
climate warming to 2°C.                                               staying even.        needed, empowering population solutions
   Philip Lymbery, Global          environmental                      It’s actually        which take decades to come into effect,
CEO of farm animal welfare         community to move increasing –                          we cannot ignore the readily available
charity, Compassion in World
Farming International, is keen
                                   past silo thinking                 and by a lot.”
                                                                          Just as some
                                                                                           actions to shrink humanity’s massive
                                                                                           footprint. It’s time for the environmental
to see a shift from industrial     and acknowledge the vegans aren’t                       community to move past silo thinking
agriculture with much less         whole smorgasbord aware that                            and acknowledge the whole smorgasbord
dependency on meat-heavy                                              we can and           of solutions. We all share the same
diets. He says: “We see the        of solutions.                      should be doing      values of respect and compassion and a
role for regenerative farming                                         something            powerful desire to reduce suffering and
in rebooting tired soils – needed for      about population, some population               build a happier, healthier world. Let’s
plant-based foods – and bringing back      activists don’t realise that ending             assume responsibility for the things we
nature. We see the need for a radical      population growth alone, although key,          can control, such as personal family size
reduction in the number of animals         will not solve our environmental crises.        and what we eat, and join together in our
farmed (reduce by more than half),         Even if we achieve the UN’s low projection      campaigning efforts for a better future
introducing mixed, rotational farming      of 7.3 billion people by 2100, our current      for people, animals and nature.

14   populationmatters.org                                                                                        every choice counts
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