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Photo by Shawn Angg on Unsplash ALLIANZ RESEARCH EXPORT PERFORMANCE IN EUROPE: A SINK OR SWIM GAME 08 September 2021 04 European exporters losing out to China 07 Competitiveness (price and quality) explains around three-quarters of China’s export growth since 2001 08 What does this mean for policymakers in Europe?
Allianz Research European exporters, and France in particular, have lost significant market share over the past two decades as China emerged as a global exporter for manufactured goods. EXECUTIVE China’s remarkable export expansion has coincided with the dramatic decline of France’s export shares since 2001: -1.7pp, compared to -1.3pp in Germany and -1.1pp in Italy. With the Covid-19 crisis, the situation has only worsened: France has continued SUMMARY to lose export market shares (-0.2pp y/y), even as Germany and Italy have managed to preserve theirs. What’s the culprit? Not sectoral specialization but rather weak competitiveness in flagship export industries, including aircraft, pharmaceuticals, vehicles, electrical machinery and equipment. Our decomposition analysis reveals that French and, to a greater extent, German exporters have specialized in sectors with dynamic growth worldwide. However, they underperformed their global peers in terms of export value growth due to weak competitiveness, in particular vis-à-vis exporters from China. For instance, between 2001 and 2019, German exporters seem to have suffered from poor (price) competitiveness in highly dynamic sectors such as machinery and electrical ma- Selin Ozyurt, Senior Economist for France and Africa chinery and equipment in particular. However, Germany’s underperformance gap was smaller compared to France, thanks to its specialization towards fast-growing markets selin.ozyurt@eulerhermes.com (notably China) and positioning in “high-end” industrial products. While Italy’s export performance has also suffered from the rise of China, its overall competitiveness has significantly improved since 2011, reflecting the cost-cutting reforms implemented af- ter the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis. Italy’s export performance happens to be highly cyclical, strongly correlated with global demand dynamics. In 2020, its exports grew faster than the world average in the vehicles sector, a sign of the greater resilience of Italian exports during the Covid-19 crisis compared to French exports. Competitiveness in terms of price and quality explains around three-quarters of China’s export growth since 2001. Interestingly, taking all sectors together, we do not find that Chinese exports significantly benefit from a specialization in fast-growing sectors. China’s strong competitiveness in the machinery and electrical machinery and equipment sectors displays the opposite trend to competitiveness developments in Germany, Italy and France. European export market share losses in these sectors are certainly not only the outcome of China’s unbeatable cost competitiveness, but also the country’s astonishing success in climbing up the quality ladder. What does this mean for policymakers in Europe? Competitiveness is a complex issue that involves multiple dimensions (e.g. price, quality, regional specialization) so there is no silver bullet to quickly tackle structural issues. Nevertheless, bold and targeted po- licy action could boost export competitiveness. This would include measures to improve price competitiveness (e.g. tax relief, continuation of production tax cuts), as well as efforts to speed up the reallocation of the labor force via structural reforms that impro- ve the flexibility of labor contracts. In addition, active and effective labor-training polici- es are essential to address skill shortages in fast-growing sectors. Finally, supporting industries with high growth potential, but also accompanying traditional industries during the low-carbon transition phase will be key to preserving the market share of European exporters going forward. 2
08 September 2021 Photo by Rinson Chory on Unsplash -1.7pp Decline in France's export market share since 2001 3
Allianz Research EUROPEAN EXPORTERS LOSING OUT TO CHINA European exporters, notably France significant than that seen in Germany and, to a greater extent, German ex- but also Germany, have lost significant (-1.3pp) and Italy (-1.1pp). Moreover, porters have specialized in sectors with market shares over the past two France has continued to lose export dynamic growth worldwide. Unfortuna- decades after the emergence of China market shares (-0.2pp y/y) in the tely, in these sectors, they underper- as a global exporter for manufactured context of the Covid-19 crisis, even as formed their global peers in terms of goods. The dramatic increase in Germany and Italy have managed to export value growth. These weak Chinese exports since the 2000s has preserve theirs. export performances in highly dynamic fundamentally changed the global sectors reflect the countries’ weak trade landscape. China has quickly In Germany and France, sectoral competitiveness compared to peers, in gained export market shares in manu- specialization is not the culprit for particular to exporters from China. factured goods at the expense of major export market share losses but weak advanced economies, particularly in competitiveness is! In France, there is a the electrical equipment, machinery common belief that unfavorable secto- and vehicles sectors. Its remarkable ral specialization has significantly export expansion coincided with the hindered the country’s export dramatic decline of France’s export performance over time. However, our shares over the past two decades (see decomposition analysis (see Appendix Figure 1), which at -1.7pp was more for methodology) reveals that French Figure 1: Cumulative change in world export shares in values (pp) 8 6 4 2 0 -0.4 -0.21 -2 -4 Germany US -1.3 -6 France Italy -8 UK China -10 2001-2010 2011-2019 2020 Sources: Euler Hermes, Allianz Research, ITC Trade Map 4
08 September 2021 Figure 2: Export performance decomposition: A tale of four countries-Goods export growth decomposition (pp)-annual, all sectors France Germany 15 15% 40 40% Competitiveness Sectoral specialisation (industry mix) 10 10% 30 30% 7% 5 5% 20 Global factors Annual export growth (rhs) 20% 0 1% 0% 10 10% 9% -5 Competitiveness -5% 2% 0 -1% 0% Sectoral specialisation (industry mix) -10 -10% -10 -10% Global factors -15 -14% -15% Annual export growth (rhs) -20 -20% -20 -20% -30 -30% 2001-2010 2011-19 2020 2001-2010 2011-19 2020 Italy China 16 25 25% Competitiveness Sectoral specialisation (industry mix) Competitiveness Sectoral specialisation (industry mix) 12% 22% 12 20 20% Global factors Annual export growth (rhs) 8% Global factors Annual export growth (rhs) 8 7% 15 15% 4% 4 10 10% 2% 0% 5 5% 5% 0 -1% -4 -4% 0 0.4% 0% -8 -8% -5 -5% 2001-2010 2011-19 2020 2001-2010 2011-19 2020 Sources: Euler Hermes, Allianz Research, ITC Trade Map Notes: We obtained the overall decomposition above by adding up HS-2 digit level sectoral decompositions based on the shift share methodology described in Appendix. Looking at the sectoral level, we find nent changes to some sectors; the particular, German exporters seem to that France has recorded strong export aircraft and fossil fuel vehicle sectors have suffered from poor (price) compe- share losses since 2011 in flagship may not even recover to their pre-crisis titiveness vis-à-vis China. sectors, such as aircraft, pharmaceuti- dynamics in the next few years. In this cals, vehicles, electrical machinery and context, “intelligent” industrial policies The picture gets brighter when we equipment (see Appendix Figure 7). will be key to reallocate the existing compare Germany’s competitiveness Interestingly, exports in these sectors idle technology and other resources to with France. True, German exports remained dynamic in the rest of the fast-growing and more environmental- grew slower than global peers in the world, outpacing overall world export ly sustainable sectors. flagship export sectors but their under- growth. Our decomposition analysis performance gap was smaller compa- reveals that at the aggregate level, When it comes to Germany, we find red to France’s (see Appendix Figure 9). sectoral specialization made a neutral that overall sectoral specialization In fact, German manufacturing expor- contribution to France’s export perfor- boosted export performance between ters are benefiting from the buoyant mance between 2011 and 2019 while 2001 and 2019, while in 2020 this con- demand from fast-growing Emerging weak competitiveness was by far the tribution became neutral (see Figure 2). Market consumers and also their posi- main drag on exports (Figure 2). Loo- The sectoral breakdown shows that the tioning in “high-end” industrial pro- king at the largest export sectors, we vehicles and electrical machinery and ducts. To illustrate this, in the first half of find that export specialization in the equipment sectors have especially 2021, the share of German car brands aircraft, pharmaceuticals, electrical benefitted from strong growth dyna- in total Chinese car sales was around machinery and equipment and vehicles mics worldwide. Only these two sectors 23%, against only 0.4% for French car sectors positively contributed to combined already accounted for over brands. Looking ahead, transition France’s export performance between 25% of total German exports of goods challenges towards a low CO2 2011 and 2019, thanks to strong de- between 2011 and 2019 (see Appendix economy represent a key risk for Ger- mand dynamics. Yet, 2020 is likely to Figure 8). On the other hand, the many’s export performance in traditio- mark a turnaround in this respect as growing export shares of China in these nal flagship industries such as vehicles mobility restrictions due to the pande- sectors was bad news for Germany, as and machinery. The possible mic hit the exports of the aircraft and we observe from the negative contribu- emergence of China as a global expor- vehicles sectors hard. This economic tion of competitiveness to Germany’s ter in electrical vehicles could translate fallout translated into a large negative export performance over time. In fact, into significant market share losses for contribution of sectoral specialization between 2001 and 2019, Germany has Germany as we observed in the past for to export performance for the first time underperformed global peers in highly photovoltaic modules and other in 20 years. Importantly, the Covid-19 dynamic sectors: in machinery and Chinese renewable-energy technology crisis is likely to result in some perma- electrical machinery and equipment in exports. 5
Allianz Research Figure 3: France: Contribution of sectoral specialization and competitiveness to export growth (USDbn) Sectoral Specialization Competitiveness 4 2 Iron and Steel 3 0 2 1 Electrical Machinery and -2 Equipment 0 -1 Vehicles -4 -2 -6 -3 Pharma -4 -8 -5 Machinery -10 -6 -7 Aircraft -12 2001-2010 2011-19 2020 2001-2010 2011-19 2020 Sources: ITC Trade Map Notes: See Appendix for decomposition methodology, average cumulative share of these 6 sectors in total exports is 49%. Figure 4: Germany: Contribution of sectoral specialization and competitiveness to export growth (USDbn) Sectoral Specialization Competitiveness 10 6 5 Iron and Steel 4 0 Electrical Machinery and Equipment 2 0 -5 Vehicles -2 -10 -4 Pharma -15 -6 Machinery -8 -20 -10 Aircraft -25 -12 2001-2010 2011-19 2020 2001-2010 2011-19 2020 Sources: ITC Trade Map Notes: See Appendix for decomposition methodology, average cumulative share of these 6 sectors in total exports is 55%. Figure 5: Italy: Contribution of sectoral specialization and competitiveness to export growth (USDbn) Sectoral Specialization Competitiveness 2 1.0 1 Iron and Steel 0.5 0 0.0 Electrical Machinery and Equipment -0.5 -1 Vehicles -1.0 -2 -1.5 -3 Pharma -2.0 -2.5 -4 Machinery -3.0 -5 -3.5 Aircraft -4.0 -6 2001-2010 2011-19 2020 -4.5 2001-2010 2011-19 2020 Sources: ITC Trade Map Notes: See Appendix for decomposition methodology, average cumulative share of these 6 sectors in total exports is 41%. Turning to Italy, we find that its overall down shows that Italy’s export perfor- ry, electrical machinery and equipment, competitiveness has significantly mance has been boosted by high com- suggesting a similar “China effect” as improved since 2011, certainly reflec- petitiveness in the pharmaceuticals seen in Germany. Interestingly, in 2020, ting the cost-cutting impact of internal sector between 2011 and 2019 (see Italy’s exports grew faster than the devaluation and the structural reforms Figure 5) but also in other sectors such world average in the vehicles sector, implemented after the Eurozone sove- as metal and metal products and other highlighting the resilience of Italian reign debt crisis. Italy’s export perfor- chemicals. However, our sectoral exports during the Covid-19 crisis, mance happens to be highly cyclical, decomposition analysis also shows that especially compared to France whose strongly correlated with global de- Italy’s export performance has suffered vehicle exporters lost market shares. mand dynamics. The sectoral break- from weak competitiveness in machine- 6
08 September 2021 COMPETITIVENESS (PRICE AND QUALITY) EXPLAINS AROUND THREE-QUARTERS OF CHINA’S EXPORT GROWTH SINCE 2001 China’s remarkable export perfor- shows that sectoral specialization in the machinery and electrical machinery mance and market share gains since electrical machinery and equipment and equipment sectors displays the 2001 were mainly driven by high com- sector was a good exception, bringing opposite trend to what we see for these petitiveness. We find that competi- a significant boost to China’s exports sectors in Germany, Italy and France. tiveness explained around ¾ of China’s over the past decade. On the other Importantly, European export market export growth over the past two hand, the contribution of sectoral share losses in these sectors are not decades (see Figure 6). In contrast to specialization in the aircraft, phar- only the outcome of China’s unbea- the general belief, taking all sectors maceuticals and iron and steel sectors table cost competitiveness, but also the together, we do not find that Chinese to export growth is meager, nearing county’s astonishing success in climbing exports significantly benefit from a only USD0.2bn per year all together. up the quality ladder over time. specialization in fast-growing sectors. Turning to competitiveness, China’s The sectoral analysis (see Figure 6) strong competitiveness in the Figure 6: China: Contribution of sectoral specialization and competitiveness to export growth (USDbn) Sectoral Specialization Competitiveness 20 6 Iron and Steel 4 15 Electrical Machinery and Equipment 2 0 10 Vehicles -2 -4 5 Pharma -6 0 Machinery -8 -10 Aircraft -12 -5 2001-2010 2011-19 2020 2001-2010 2011-19 2020 Sources: ITC Trade Map Notes: See Appendix for decomposition methodology, average cumulative share of these 6 sectors in total exports was 35% between 2001-2010 and 49% thereafter. 7
Allianz Research WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR POLICYMAKERS IN EUROPE? There is no silver bullet to tackle struc- sectors in the post-Covid-19 era. Policy- deemed "strategic", such as pharma- tural issues but policymakers can imple- makers can also actively support the ceuticals, agrifood and IT and commu- ment bold and targeted action. Com- transition towards a low-carbon econo- nications, could incur significant oppor- petitiveness is a complex issue that en- my by incentivizing green investments tunity costs. Such strategies may lead to compasses various dimensions such as and also offering temporary compen- inefficient allocation of public in- productivity and cost (price), quality sation for the losses in traditional indus- vestment at the expense of other sec- (non-price) and regional specialization tries due to stranded assets. Finally, a tors with greater growth potential (towards fast/slow growth markets). wide range of policy instruments could (advanced technologies or green indus- Improving export competitiveness is a promote the development of exports tries). lengthy process that first requires a towards fast-growing geographies and deep understanding of the major op- sectors (e.g. assistance and information, Insufficient European demand is ano- portunities and threats for exporters in pre-financing of export projects and ther obstacle to local production of different industries. Nevertheless, after export credit insurance). certain large-scale industrial goods. having played a key role in absorbing Take the example of semiconductors, a the economic shock of the Covid-19 The Covid-19 crisis has triggered pro- strategic sector for European industry. crisis, European policymakers can act at found transformations in certain sec- The global shortage emerging from the both the national and the European tors, but reshoring traditional industries sanitary crisis put the vulnerability of Union levels to boost export competi- back home is certainly not the “ideal” European producers in the spotlight tiveness. Bold and targeted policy ac- solution. Over the past decades, the due to their over-reliance on East Asian tion may help to ignite profound trans- globalization of world trade has suppliers. As a consequence, Europe formations of our economic, educatio- brought great benefits (in terms of va- has set itself the objective of increasing nal and regulatory frameworks and riety of goods and low prices) that con- its global market shares in semiconduc- improve competitiveness down the sumers might not be ready to give up. tor production to 20% (against 6% cur- road. Supporting industries with high However, the supply-chain disruptions rently) by 20301. This ambitious goal growth potential, but also accompa- during the pandemic that created shor- means that in addition to meeting the nying traditional industries during the tages of essential medical goods demand of local producers, Europe low-carbon transition phase, will be key (surgical masks, ventilators etc.) re- would become a globally competitive to preserving the market share of Euro- vealed the vulnerability of our extre- exporter for these goods. However, pro- pean exporters going forward. mely concentrated production pro- ducing semiconductors on a large scale cesses. Moreover, the interdependence is unlikely to boost the competitiveness First of all, policymakers can implement of our production systems failed to en- of European exporters vis-à-vis global measures to improve price competi- sure a coordinated distribution of these exporters such as South Korea or Tai- tiveness (e.g. tax relief, continuation of essential products. We certainly need to wan. Thus, instead of setting quantita- production tax cuts). They could also overcome this vulnerability, not by tive targets, it might be strategic for speed up the reallocation of the labor reshoring production back home but by force via structural reforms that im- diversifying the risks associated with prove the flexibility of labor contracts. possible disruptions (whether sanitary, In addition, active and effective labor- cyber or environmental) to improve training policies will become crucial to resilience. Reducing our dependence address skill shortages in fast-growing on foreign production in sectors 1 See our recent report Semiconductors realpolitik : A reality check for Europe 8
08 September 2021 Europe to encourage specialization in profound restructuring of our value the future. No matter which technolo- segments where competition is less chains. Indeed, any increase in the pri- gies are adopted, this transition will intense and where local firms would cing of carbon-intensive inputs would incur some costs that would erode the have a technological advantage. increase production costs. This would purchasing power for the consumer modify the competitiveness of expor- and/or the profit margins of compa- The necessity of speeding up the ecolo- ters, but also create incentives for the nies. In this context, active public poli- gical transition will profoundly change substitution of inputs towards less car- cies would become essential to speed international trade and policymakers bon-intensive ones. In addition, public up the ecological transition but also to also have an important role to play commitments to respect the Paris support polluting industries throughout there. Globalization has intensively Agreement would have two other im- the transition period. Second, the chal- relied on purely economic motives, with portant implications over the coming lenges of the energy transition will cer- the goal of minimizing production costs decades: the fall in imports of fossil tainly reshuffle the cards between re- while ignoring the environmental costs fuels (coal and oil) and a greater regio- gions, modify trade routes and intensify of production and transport. The need nalization of international trade. First, trade within regional blocs. For ins- to act against climate change and the certain technological changes, such as tance, we expect the African continent associated transition policies (carbon robotics, computerized manufacturing to gain key importance in the next de- taxes, border taxes, environmental re- or artificial intelligence, are expected to cade, thanks to its abundant rare earth gulations etc.) are set to profoundly make less use of the international frag- resources (to produce electric batteries modify the process of production frag- mentation of production in countries and for the hydrogen sector), but also mentation and the prices of in- that are far apart geographically, dra- to its geographical proximity to Europe termediate goods, hence triggering a matically changing trade patterns in compared to East Asia. 9
Allianz Research APPENDIX Methodology: We use a shift share analysis at a sectoral level to decompose export growth in a given time period into three components following the methodology of Cheptea and al. 2005 (insert link http://www.cepii.fr/pdf_pub/wp/2005/ wp2005-23.pdf). Actual Export Growth = Global trade growth + Sectoral specialization + Competitiveness Global trade growth: The share of export growth in the sector/country that is driven by the global export growth rate. Sectoral specialization (industry mix): The component of export growth that is driven by the export growth rate of the specific sector and the growth rate differential between global export growth. From a country perspective, being specia- lized dynamic sectors (that grow faster than the global exports) would bring a boost to export performance and vice- versa. Competitiveness: Corresponds to the component of export growth that is explained by the difference between the ob- served growth rate in a specific country and sector and the worldwide growth rate of the sector. If in a given country the sector’s exports grow faster than globally, we consider that the country has a competitive edge in this sector and vice ver- sa. Competitiveness is a broad concept that encompasses multiple dimensions such as price, quality as well as specializa- tion towards fast-growing markets Figure 7: France: Sectoral contributions to cumulative market share Figure 8: Sector shares in countries’ total exports 2011-2019 (%) change (pp, %) Others 40% Aircraft Iron and Steel 35% Pharma Electrical Machinery and Equipment Vehicles Vehicles 30% Electrical Machinery and Equipment Pharma 25% Machinery Aircraft 20% 15% 10% -0.2% -0.4% 5% -1.3% 0% France Germany China -2.0% 2001-2010 2011-2019 2020 Sources: Euler Hermes, Allianz Research, ITC Trade Map Sources: Euler Hermes, Allianz Research, ITC Trade Map Figure 9: Sectoral exports growth rates: World, France and Germany 2001-2010 2011-19 2020 2001-2010 2011-19 2020 2001-2010 2011-19 2020 Global export growth 144% 24% -8% France Germany Aircraft 89% 50% -36% 169% 15% -46% 80% 40% -35% Machinery 100% 24% -8% 53% 15% -19% 109% 18% -10% Pharma 247% 48% 10% 179% 6% 7% 282% 42% 8% Vehicles 94% 38% -15% 24% 12% -17% 104% 20% -14% Electrical Machinery and Equipment 125% 38% 2% 29% 0% -11% 102% 17% -4% Iron and Steel 242% -5% -12% 119% -16% -23% 168% -14% -13% Sources: Euler Hermes, Allianz Research, ITC Trade Map Notes: Sectors with export growth higher (lower) than global export growth are in green (red) cells. Sectors in orange cells follow the global export growth rates. At the country level, sector exports growing higher (lower) than worldwide growth rate of the sectors are in green (red). Sectors in orange follow the export growth the pace of the sector at the global level. 10
OUR TEAM Chief Economist of Allianz Ludovic Subran Chief Economist ludovic.subran@allianz.com Head of Macroeconomic and Sector Research Head of Capital Markets Research Head of Insurance, Wealth and Trend Research Ana Boata Eric Barthalon Arne Holzhausen ana.boata@eulerhermes.com eric.barthalon@allianz.com arne.holzhausen@allianz.com Macroeconomic Research Selin Ozyurt Katharina Utermöhl Adrienne Benassy Senior Economist for France and Senior Economist for Europe Senior Economist for LatAm and Trade Africa katharina.utermoehl@allianz.com adrienne.benassy@eulerhermes.com selin.ozyurt@eulerhermes.com Françoise Huang Manfred Stamer Dan North Senior Economist for APAC Senior Economist for Middle East Senior Economist for North America francoise.huang@eulerhermes.com and Emerging Europe dan.north@eulerhermes.com manfred.stamer@eulerhermes.com Sector Research Maxime Lemerle Aurélien Duthoit Head of Sector Research Sector Advisor for Retail, Electronics-related sectors, Textile maxime.lemerle@eulerhermes.com and Household Equipment aurelien.duthoit@eulerhermes.com Marc Livinec Sector Advisor for Chemicals, Pharma, Paper, Ano Kuhanathan Transportation, Agrifood and Transport Sector Advisor for Energy, Construction, Metals, Machinery, Equipment and Data Scientist marc.livinec@eulerhermes.com ano.kuhanathant@eulerhermes.com Insurance, Wealth and Trends Research Michaela Grimm Markus Zimmer Senior Expert, Demographics Senior Expert, ESG michaela.grimm@allianz.com markus.zimmer@allianz.com Alexis Garatti, Senior Economist for ESG Patricia Pelayo Romero and Public Policy Expert, Insurance alexis.garatti@eulerhermes.com patricia.pelayo-romero@allianz.com Capital Markets Research Jordi Basco Carrera Patrick Krizan Pablo Espinosa Uriel Fixed Income Strategist Senior Economist for Italy and Capital Markets Research Analyst jordi.basco_carrera@allianz.com Greece, Fixed Income pablo.espinosa-uriel@allianz.com patrick.krizan@allianz.com 11
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