Experimental Analysis of a Web-Based Training Intervention to Develop Positive Psychological Capital

Page created by Danny Mccarthy
姝 Academy of Management Learning & Education, 2008, Vol. 7, No. 2, 209 –221.


               Experimental Analysis of a
                  Web-Based Training
            Intervention to Develop Positive
                 Psychological Capital
                                                                    FRED LUTHANS
                                                             University of Nebraska–Lincoln

                                                                     JAMES B. AVEY
                                                             Central Washington University

                                                                   JAIME L. PATERA
                                                             University of Nebraska–Lincoln

            Psychological capital with components of hope, self-efficacy, optimism, and resiliency has
            recently emerged as a core construct in taking positive psychology to the workplace. A
            distinguishing feature is that it is “state-like” and thus open to development. We analyze
            whether such psychological capital can be developed through a highly focused, 2-hour
            web-based training intervention. Using a pretest, posttest experimental design (n ⴝ 187
            randomly assigned to the treatment group and n ⴝ 177 to the control group), we found
            support that psychological capital can be developed by such a training intervention.

Although the importance of positivity has been                                             personal development literature and techniques),
given attention through the years, only recently                                           and also being state-like. This “state-like” criterion
has it been proposed as a new (or at least renewed)                                        means that the capacity must be malleable and
lens to focus study on organizational behavior                                             open to development, as opposed to trait-like, rel-
(Cameron, Dutton, & Quinn, 2003; Luthans, 2002a,                                           atively fixed, as is found in widely recognized Big
2002b; Luthans & Youssef, 2007; Luthans, Youssef, &                                        Five personality characteristics (Mount & Barrick,
Avolio, 2007; Nelson & Cooper, 2007; Roberts, 2006;                                        1995); core self-evaluations (self-esteem, general-
Turner, Barling, & Zacharatos, 2002; Wright, 2003).                                        ized efficacy, locus of control, and emotional sta-
Drawn from the recent positive psychology move-                                            bility; Judge & Bono, 2001); or positive affectivity
ment (Peterson, 2006; Peterson & Seligman, 2004;                                           (Watson, Clark, & Tellegen, 1988). The psychologi-
Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi, 2000; Snyder &                                                cal resources that have been determined to best
Lopez, 2002) and to differentiate from the more                                            meet these definitional criteria of positive organi-
macro-oriented positive organizational scholar-                                            zational behavior are hope, efficacy, optimism,
ship (Cameron & Caza, 2004; Cameron et al., 2003;                                          and resilience (Luthans, 2002a; Luthans & Youssef,
Spreitzer & Sonenshein, 2004), Luthans (2002b: 59)                                         2007; Luthans, Youssef, & Avolio, 2007).
has defined positive organizational behavior as                                              Theory development (Luthans & Avolio, 2008;
“the study and application of positively oriented                                          Luthans & Youssef, 2004; Luthans & Youssef, 2007;
human resource strengths and psychological ca-                                             Luthans, Youssef, & Avolio, 2007) and accumulat-
pacities that can be measured, developed, and ef-                                          ing research (Avey, Wernsing, & Luthans, 2008;
fectively managed for performance improvement                                              Avey, Patera, & West, 2006; Luthans, Avolio, Avey,
in today’s workplace.”                                                                     & Norman, 2007; Luthans, Avey, Clapp-Smith, & Li,
  As indicated in this definition, the specific crite-                                     2008; Luthans, Avolio, Walumbwa, & Li, 2005) indi-
ria to determine positive capacities include being                                         cate that the identified positive organizational be-
based on theory and research with valid measure-                                           havior states may represent a single latent, core
ment (to differentiate from the popular positive                                           factor termed psychological capital, or simply Psy-
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210                                Academy of Management Learning & Education                               June

Cap. PsyCap is defined as “an individual’s posi-          resilience as indicators of the core factor of psycho-
tive psychological state of development and is            logical capital be developed in a highly focused,
characterized by: (1.) having confidence (self-effi-      short duration, web-based intervention?”
cacy) to take on and put in the necessary effort to
succeed at challenging tasks; (2.) making a posi-         THEORETICAL FOUNDATION
tive attribution (optimism) about succeeding now
and in the future; (3.) persevering toward goals,         The theory building for the four positive states and
and when necessary, redirecting paths to goals            the core construct of PsyCap have been covered in
(hope) in order to succeed; and (4.) when beset by        detail elsewhere (e.g., see Luthans, 2002a, 2002b;
problems and adversity, sustaining and bouncing           Luthans & Avolio, 2008; Luthans, Avolio et al., 2007;
back and even beyond (resiliency) to attain suc-          Luthans & Youssef, 2007; Luthans, Youssef, &
cess” (Luthans, Youssef, & Avolio, 2007: 3).              Avolio, 2007). However, for the purposes of this
   Although research studies are demonstrating            study, we will briefly summarize this theoretical
the impact that PsyCap may have on performance            foundation and then concentrate more on the de-
(Luthans, Avolio et al., 2007; Luthans, Avey et al.,      velopmental potential of PsyCap through a short
2008; Luthans et al., 2005; Luthans, Norman et al.,       web-based training intervention.
2008; Youssef & Luthans, 2007), satisfaction and/or
commitment (Larson & Luthans, 2006; Luthans,              The Hope State
Avolio et al., 2007; Luthans, Norman et al., 2008;        Although each of the four identified states under-
Youssef & Luthans, 2007) and absenteeism (Avey,           lying PsyCap are commonly used in everyday lan-
Patera, & West, 2006), to date there has only been        guage, in the field of positive psychology, they are
practical guidelines and unpublished preliminary          characterized by a strong theoretical foundation,
evidence that it can be developed through the pro-        considerable research, and valid measures. For
posed Psychological Capital Intervention (PCI)            example, Snyder and colleagues have defined
model (see Luthans, Avey, Avolio, Norman, &               hope as a “positive motivational state [italics
Combs, 2006; Luthans, Youssef, & Avolio, 2007). In        added] based on an interactively derived sense of
particular, development and empirical assessment          successful (a) agency (goal directed energy) and (b)
of PsyCap through a technology (i.e., Internet) me-       pathways (planning to meet goals)” (Snyder, Irv-
diated intervention has not been attempted.               ing, & Anderson, 1991: 287). Thus, hope consists of
   Explicit in this web-based intervention model is       three major conceptual foundations: agency, path-
the focus on the developmental nature of each             ways, and goals. Specifically, hope is the aggre-
component (i.e., hope, self-efficacy, optimism, and       gate of the agency, or goal-directed determination/
resilience), as well as when combined, develop-           willpower, and the pathways, the ways to achieve
ment of the underlying core construct of PsyCap.          goals (Snyder et al., 1991). The willpower-and-path-
We propose this web-based PsyCap intervention             ways thinking operates in a combined iterative
represents a conceptual and pragmatic progres-            process in order to generate hope (Snyder, 2000).
sion from teaching and training principles deliv-            Although sometimes presented as dispositional,
ered face-to-face that have traditionally focused on      the developmental capacity of hope has been
developing human capital (who you are in terms of         clearly supported (Snyder, 2000; Snyder et al., 1991;
knowledge, experience, and skills) to expanding to        Snyder et al., 1996). For example, in clinical appli-
the development of the more recently recognized           cations, there is evidence that hope can be learned
psychological capital (who you are and what you           through an intentional focus on solution-based
can become; Luthans, Luthans, & Luthans, 2004;            training interventions (Snyder, 1994), and more re-
Luthans, Youssef, & Avolio, 2007).                        cently, Snyder and colleagues (2000, 2002) have
   We propose the time has come to focus training         demonstrated the developmental nature of state
interventions on developing positive psychologi-          hope across multiple studies using a goal-based
cal state-like capacities, such as PsyCap, that can       framework. Based on this body of research, we
be constructed and operationalized for web deliv-         posit that hope can also be developed in organiza-
ery. Such web-based interventions can take ad-            tional participants through a carefully designed
vantage of the benefits of speed, convenience, cost,      (described in the following Methods section) web-
and effectiveness in the field of leadership and          based training intervention.
human resource development. The purpose of this
study is to test the feasibility and effectiveness of
                                                          The Efficacy State
such a development strategy by addressing the
following research question: “Can the four psycho-        Self-efficacy, or “one’s conviction (or confidence)
logical resources of hope, efficacy, optimism, and        about his or her abilities to mobilize the motiva-
2008                                        Luthans, Avey, and Patera                                         211

tion, cognitive resources or courses of action             cussed plausible change in an optimistic direction
needed to successfully execute a specific task             and propose the need of intervention strategies to
within a given context” (Stajkovic & Luthans, 1998:        portray the developmental nature of optimism.
66) is based on Bandura’s (1986, 1997) social cogni-       Overall, optimism development has been used in
tive theory. His widely recognized sources of effi-        clinical interventions, practitioner-oriented leader-
cacy development include task mastery, vicarious           ship books, and has been theorized and researched
learning or modeling, social persuasion, and psy-          by widely recognized positive psychologists. Thus,
chological or physiological arousal.                       we propose that the optimism of organizational par-
   First, when employees successfully execute a            ticipants can be open to development in a web-
given task, they have enacted task mastery over            based training intervention.
that particular task, increasing self-efficacy. Sec-
ond, employees’ efficacy may be increased when
                                                           The Resilience State
they vicariously learn by watching relevant others
accomplish the task (i.e., modeling processes). This       Resilience, the fourth state-like construct deter-
source of efficacy development has foundations in          mined to meet the criteria of psychological capital,
Bandura’s (1986) social learning theory with an em-        is identified in positive psychology as one’s abil-
phasis on the modeling process. Third, when rele-          ity, when faced with adversity, to rebound or
vant, respected others (e.g., managers or peers)           “bounce back” from a setback or failure (Block &
express confidence in the employee’s ability to            Kremen, 1996; Masten et al., 1985). It has been tra-
execute a given task or provide positive feedback          ditionally focused on “at risk” youth who succeed
on progress, efficacy is enhanced. Fourth, efficacy        despite severe odds and adversity. Positive emo-
is developed through psychological and physio-             tions have been shown empirically to enhance re-
logical arousal, or the belief that one is mentally        silience in the face of negative events (Tugade,
and/or physically fit to accomplish the task. Each         Fredrickson, & Barrett, 2004). As this dynamic
source of efficacy can be considered a strategy for        learning process of resilience focuses on positive
use in a web-based training intervention whereby           adaptation, developmental interventions serving
participants may learn to be efficacious in task- or       to maximize assets or resources and minimize risk
domain-specific applications.                              factors (Masten, 2001; Masten & Reed, 2002) provide
                                                           successful strategies for resilience-focused inter-
                                                           ventions (Bonanno, 2005; Luthans, Vogelgesang, &
The Optimism State
                                                           Lester, 2006; Schoon, 2006) that can be incorporated
Similar to hope, optimism is commonly discussed,           into a web-based training intervention.
but in positive psychology, Seligman (1998) utilizes
an attribution or explanatory style to understand
                                                           The Psychological Capital Core Construct
it. He defines optimists as those who make inter-
nal, stable, and global attributions regarding pos-        The theory and research on a higher order, core
itive events (e.g., goal achievement), but attribute       construct of psychological capital (PsyCap) com-
external, unstable, and specific reasons for nega-         prised of hope, efficacy, optimism, and resilience
tive events (e.g., a missed deadline). Carver and          has been supported by recent research (Luthans,
Scheier (2002) offer complementary work with dis-          Avolio et al., 2007). The identification of such
tinct theoretical underpinnings utilizing an expect-       second-order factors has become increasingly
ancy framework noting, “optimists are people who           common in organizational behavior research. Exam-
expect good things to happen to them; pessimists           ples include transformational leadership comprised
are people who expect bad things to happen to              of idealized influence, individualized consideration,
them” (2002: 231).                                         intellectual stimulation, and inspirational motiva-
   Like hope, optimism has been theorized to have          tion (Avolio, Bass, & Jung, 1999); empowerment com-
both trait-like and, more applicable to this theoret-      prised of meaning, competence, self-determination,
ical foundation for PsyCap, state-like characteris-        and impact (Spreitzer, 1995); and core self-evalua-
tics. For example, Seligman (1998) demonstrates            tions consisting of self-esteem, generalized efficacy,
the developmental nature of optimism with his              locus of control, and emotional stability (Judge &
concept of “learned optimism.” This argument was           Bono, 2001).
suggested many decades ago as Beck (1967) pro-                The conceptual independence and discriminant
vided theory and research on developing optimis-           validity of hope, optimism, efficacy, and resilience
tic expectations in clinical patients. In addition,        have been theoretically presented (e.g., see
although often associated with dispositional opti-         Luthans, Avolio et al., 2007; Snyder, 2002) and em-
mism, Carver and Scheier (2002) have recently dis-         pirically demonstrated (e.g., Avey et al., 2006; Bry-
212                                Academy of Management Learning & Education                              June

ant & Cvengros, 2004; Carifio & Rhodes, 2002;             someday be the practical legacy of positive psy-
Luthans, Avolio et al., 2007; Magaletta & Oliver,         chology” (Seligman, Steen, Park, & Peterson, 2005:
1999; Youssef & Luthans, 2007) in the positive psy-       410).
chology and positive organizational behavior liter-          Despite the continuous technological advance-
ature. In addition, allied theoretical support for        ments and increased knowledge surrounding In-
PsyCap as a second-order core construct can be            ternet interventions in clinical psychology (e.g.,
found in psychological resources theory (see Hob-         see Ritterband et al., 2003), except for Seligman et
foll, 2002) and Fredrickson’s (2001) broaden-and-         al.’s (2005) work on the learned properties of hap-
build theory of positive emotions. Law, Wong, and         piness and optimism, little work has focused on
Mobley (1998) have also suggested that multidi-           on-line positivity interventions, and none has been
mensional constructs such as psychological re-            applied to the development of PsyCap. However,
sources, or, in this case psychological capital, may      an increasingly suggested supplement for tradi-
be better understood in terms of an underlying core       tional interventions has been the use of the Inter-
factor. This is especially evident when constructs        net as a viable media and, especially relevant to
are highly related yet integrated with each other.        this study’s training intervention, with the direct
For example, faced with a setback, if highly resil-       focus on developing positivity and the flourishing
ient employees with the ability to bounce back are        of individuals in both the academic classroom and
also self-efficacious and highly hopeful, they will       the workplace.
be motivated to persist and put forth the required           Much debate has surfaced in the past 20 years in
effort to overcome the problem, as well as pursue         the learning and education scholarly community
alternate pathways in order to return to their orig-      with regard to the attributes and effectiveness of
inal level or beyond where they were before the           various media on learning. For example, many
adverse event. Moreover, those high in optimism           years ago Clark (1983) made the claim that there
may have a positive perspective in general, but
                                                          are no learning benefits gained from the media,
combined with efficacy and hope, may also have
                                                          but rather the media is a vehicle that only delivers,
the persistence to pursue many alternative path-
                                                          not “causes,” learning. Furthermore, he posited
ways when necessary to achieve their optimistic
                                                          that it is the instructional methods that cause
expectations and goals.
                                                          learning, not the media (Clark, 1994). Despite the
   Related support for PsyCap as a core construct
                                                          controversial arguments around the issue of
can also be drawn from the broaden-and-build the-
                                                          whether media impacts learning, there is general
ory. Frederickson provides both theoretical and
                                                          agreement that media and its attributes have sig-
empirical evidence that positive emotions trigger
“upward spirals” of broader thinking, functioning,        nificant influences on the cost and speed of learn-
and well-being (Fredrickson & Joiner, 2002). These        ing, and relevant to the on-line intervention used
processes act in a combinatorial way with each            in the present study, that “only the use of adequate
other to effect what she refers to as “broaden-and-       structural methods will influence learning” (Clark,
build.” PsyCap is proposed to also act in such an         1994: 27). The intent of the web-based delivery of
integrated, interactive, and broadening way with          the PsyCap intervention used in this study was not
its factors of hope, efficacy, optimism, and resil-       only to take advantage of the ease of implementa-
iency in the motivated and motivating pursuit of          tion, delivery, cost, and accessibility, but to focus
success and desirable organizational outcomes             on the structural methods used to impact learning
(see Luthans, Avolio et al., 2007; Luthans & Youssef,     and development of PsyCap.
2007; Luthans, Youssef, & Avolio, 2007).                     In the last decade, with dramatically increasing
                                                          use of on-line methods to deliver education, train-
                                                          ing, and interventions, a number of studies have
ON-LINE INTERVENTION TECHNOLOGY                           examined its effectiveness. Recent meta-analytic
Besides the theoretical and research foundation for       results of these studies indicate that web-based
psychological capital, a brief review of on-line in-      instruction may in some ways be as effective, or for
tervention technology is also needed as background        certain types of learning more effective, than
for the study. The greatly increased demand of web-       traditional face-to-face classroom instruction (Sitz-
based products, service, and treatment delivery car-      mann, Kraiger, Stewart, & Wisher, 2006). Specifi-
ries over to human resource development. Analo-           cally, equivalent support for face-to-face and web-
gously, Seligman and colleagues recently called           based delivery was found for trainee satisfaction
for the advancement of positive interventions in          and procedural knowledge, but for learning, de-
clinical applications that can “supplement tradi-         clarative knowledge the web-based approach was
tional interventions that relieve suffering and may       more effective (Sitzmann et al., 2006). Such findings
2008                                        Luthans, Avey, and Patera                                        213

support the use of the on-line PsyCap training in-         spectrum of behavioral health programs, such as
tervention.                                                tobacco cessation and hypnotherapy (Jerome et al.,
   Ritterband and colleagues (2003) provide some           2000). Given the emergence of technological so-
specific steps that Internet interventions should          phistication in Internet delivery, learning, develop-
follow to be effective. These guidelines include           ment, data collection, and accessibility, we pro-
personalization and a multimedia approach. The             pose that PsyCap as a core construct can be
PsyCap training intervention in the present                developed through a web-based intervention by
study followed these suggestions by utilizing              drawing on the recognized developmental guide-
personalized animation, detailed PowerPoints,              lines of each PsyCap component (i.e., hope, effi-
and personalized exercises coupled with video              cacy, optimism, and resilience).
commentary by a facilitator (one of the research-             Based on the theory building and research to
ers). The intent was to maximize the learning
                                                           date on psychological capital and the emergence
and development of PsyCap (more specific de-
                                                           of technologically sound Internet, web-based de-
tails of the intervention are provided in the pro-
                                                           livery of experimental interventions, we derive the
cedures section that follows). A meta-analysis by
                                                           following hypothesis for this study to test:
Bernard and colleagues (2004) on distance edu-
cation also supports the use of our multimedia             Hypothesis: Psychological capital as a core positive
approaches. This meta-analysis found that non-                          construct can be developed in employ-
interactive video was one of the top predictors of                      ees through a short, highly focused web-
learning and achievement and provides further                           based intervention structured around
support for the use of supplementary visual ma-                         the recognized developmental guide-
terials (Bernard et al., 2004).                                         lines of the four PsyCap components
   Beyond the potential advantages to learning and                      (hope, efficacy, optimism, and resil-
development, the use of web-based interventions                         ience).
in research provides other significant benefits. For
example, Internet data collection allows for the
direct downloading of data, which decreases the
risk of human error. A larger, more distinct advan-
tage of Internet interventions is the cost effective-      This study used a pretest, posttest control group
ness and the potential of vast accessibility. De-          experimental design utilizing a heterogeneous
spite these recognized advantages, considerable            sample of 364 working adults representing a wide
debate has recently surfaced regarding the use of          cross-section of industries including manufactur-
the Internet for research purposes. For example,           ing, service, sales, and government. The sample
Gosling and colleagues (2004) addressed the bias           size for the treatment group included 187 partici-
controversies of Internet research and concluded           pants, and the control group included 177 partici-
that Internet data can be just as diverse as tradi-        pants. Participants were recruited through univer-
tional methods of research. They argue that partic-        sity contacts and then were sent an e-mail by the
ipants in web-based studies are no more psycho-            researchers for participation in an on-line “posi-
logically disturbed, and are no less likely to take        tive leadership training” session. Respondents
the study seriously than those participating in tra-       were randomly assigned to either the control or
ditional research methods. These types of findings
                                                           treatment group through a private and secure sur-
support the delivery of experimental interventions
                                                           vey generator. A slight majority (59%) of the partic-
via the Internet.
                                                           ipants were in nonmanagement roles, but a signif-
   The rapid development of technology and in-
                                                           icant amount (41%) were first-level supervisors or
creased sophistication in delivering various meth-
ods enabled the present study to adequately lever-         higher. Additional demographics of the sample in-
age and operationalize PsyCap developmental                cluded a mean age of 32.2 years and an average
models such as the recently proposed PCI (psycho-          job tenure of 12.1 years. The majority of partici-
logical capital intervention) model (see Luthans,          pants were Caucasian (88.5%) with 5.8% unre-
Avey et al., 2006; Luthans, Youssef, & Avolio, 2007)       ported, 3.3% Asian, 1.4% African-American, and
for quicker adaptation and implementation at a             Hispanic and Native American groups comprising
fraction of both the time and cost of traditional          less than 1% of the total sample. The majority of the
training interventions, and also have more ready           participants had an associate’s degree or higher. A
accessibility. For example, clinical and behavioral        third of the total participants had obtained a bach-
development programs have recently surfaced                elor’s degree and 11% had a master’s or doctorate
with Internet applications. These include a broad          degree.
214                                Academy of Management Learning & Education                               June

Intervention Procedures and Treatment                     ate specific courses of action for the work situa-
                                                          tions they previously termed challenging and
All participants were sent a URL, which led them to
                                                          that lacked a course of action.
the initial intervention web page. Here they regis-
                                                             To put closure on the first session, the Flash
tered using their e-mail address and were pro-
                                                          presentation was stopped, and participants were
vided an 8-digit random identification code used
                                                          prompted to engage in self-reflection exercises.
for aligning pre- and postmeasures. Following this
                                                          These reflection exercises included specific tech-
registration, participants completed all survey
                                                          niques that cued participants to focus on past
measures for Time 1 and were then randomly as-
                                                          thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. In addition, the
signed to either a 45-minute positive PsyCap inter-
vention (treatment group) or a decision-making ex-        exercises cued their intentions for future steps and
ercise that included the same time duration and           actions to take during these challenging situa-
multimedia techniques (control group). All aspects        tions. Upon completion of these written reflection
of the intervention were completed on-line, that is,      exercises, the Flash presentation was resumed,
data collection, delivery, and content of both the        and the facilitator concluded with a summary that
treatment and control conditions. One week after          included the PsyCap components’ definitions, a
completion of the first training session, all partic-     reminder of what was learned, and how to apply
ipants (both treatment and control groups) were           what was learned about these positive capacities
sent a final URL, which took them to the second           to their jobs by using the same techniques that
45-minute session. Three days after the second ses-       they had just practiced in the exercises. The intent
sion, the final PsyCap survey (Time 2) was admin-         of this conclusion was to facilitate the transfer of
istered on-line to both treatment and control             the training to the participants’ jobs.
groups.                                                      The second session for the treatment group em-
   The implementation of the intervention for the         phasized the development of hope and optimism.
treatment group included two on-line sessions             As Snyder (2000) argues that people are inherently
each beginning after participants logged onto the         task or goal oriented, or always trying to accom-
website. In the first session, the facilitator (one of    plish something, considering personal goals was
the researchers used for all sessions in both the         the starting point for session two. In a narrated
treatment and control conditions) focused on the          Flash presentation, the same facilitator discussed
introduction of the positive capacities of resilience     the importance of personal values, the realistic
and efficacy. This video presentation included def-       challenge of accomplishing tasks and goals, and
initions coupled with a general explanation of how        then directed participants to write down several
each capacity is applicable in the workplace in           tasks they would like to accomplish that were re-
general and their job in particular. The web-based        alistically challenging, applicable to the work-
delivery format was a narrated PowerPoint presen-         place, and personally valuable. Again drawing
tation embedded in Flash animation. This Flash            from Snyder’s (2000) work on hope development,
technology provided a medium for creating and             the facilitator used, and indicated to the partici-
presenting the basic information in videolike for-        pants, the term goal to mean an objective, task, or
mat. In addition, flash files were embedded within        something an individual wants to accomplish. Af-
the presentation. These files allowed participants        ter discussion and examples of what constitutes a
to view short video clips from popular movies that        realistically challenging goal and how to deter-
the facilitator used as examples of resilience and        mine if the goal was personally valuable, partici-
efficacy in dramatized settings.                          pants chose one of the several goals they had
   The final phase of the first session was used for      previously listed as the framework for the remain-
participants to consider personal work-related sit-       der of this second session.
uations in their organizations. Specifically, partic-        It is important to note that the adjectives of “re-
ipants were asked to consider challenging work            alistically challenging” and “personally valuable”
situations for which they felt “stuck” or “in a bind”     in terms of goals are quite subjective. A methodol-
in terms of resilient processes, resilience thinking,     ogy or manipulation check to ensure goals were
and efficacious thoughts and behavior. For exam-          framed in this manner was not possible here. How-
ple, participants were asked to write down what           ever, the facilitator made a very deliberate effort to
circumstances at work were within or outside of           provide a clear discussion of these goal character-
their direct control. Next, participants were asked       istics and many examples were given. As impor-
to list a series of actions they could take based on      tant, Snyder (2000) has demonstrated in his clinical
those circumstances that were within their direct         work that framing goals as both personally valu-
control. This process allowed participants to cre-        able and realistically challenging increases the
2008                                         Luthans, Avey, and Patera                                         215

motivating agentic capacity of individuals, that is,        session provided feedback of what others had
the “will power” component of hope.                         done and why on this exercise. Based on this feed-
   The facilitator then directed the participants to        back, the participants were then allowed to reflect
take the goals that were realistically challenging          and change their choices. After completion of this
and break them down into smaller goals. This is             exercise, the facilitator provided the control partic-
what Snyder (2000) refers to as “stepping.” This            ipants suggested solutions and discussed the im-
process of dividing large goals into smaller more           plications the exercise had for effective decision
manageable ones was also designed to increase               making.
the agentic capacity of hope. The participant could
see that the overarching goal was more attainable
                                                            PsyCap Measure
through small “subgoals,” which in turn affects the
willpower dimension of hope. The idea here was              Psychological capital was measured both pre- and
that as goals appear to be more attainable, gen-            postintervention using the 24-item PsyCap ques-
eral expectations of success in the applicable area         tionnaire (PCQ; Luthans, Avolio et al., 2007;
(the participant’s area of responsibility) are in-          Luthans, Youssef, & Avolio, 2007). The items used in
creased, thus influencing participant’s levels of           this PCQ were originally drawn from published
optimism and hope, but also their self-efficacy.            validated scales commonly used in positive psy-
Most directly, however, optimism was targeted in            chology. These individual scales have also been
this technique as participants practiced identify-          used in previous studies in the workplace (e.g.,
ing positive outcomes and successful activities             Peterson & Luthans, 2003, Luthans et al., 2005;
that would lead to personal goal attainment. The            Youssef & Luthans, 2007). Six items in this PCQ
increased positive expectations about those out-            represented each of the four components that make
comes were intended to contribute to developing             up PsyCap. These items were adapted for the
optimism for achieving success. In addition, when           workplace from the following standard scales: (1.)
participants practice developing strategies to at-          Hope (Snyder et al., 1996); (2.) Resilience (Wagnild
tain personal goals, negative expectations may be           & Young, 1993); (3.) Optimism (Scheier & Carver,
reduced, and thus, positively influence optimism.           1985); and (4.) Efficacy (Parker, 1998).
   The goal of this second session was for each                The entire 24-item PCQ is published in Luthans,
participant to have attained some degree of task            Youssef, and Avolio (2007: 237–238). Some sample
mastery (efficacy building) through identification          items for each subscale include the following: “I
of a personally valuable goal then parceling this           feel confident helping to set targets/goals in my
goal into more manageable subgoals. The path-               work area” (efficacy); “If I should find myself in a
ways component of hope was influenced by the                jam at work, I could think of many ways to get out
identification and generation of multiple path-             of it” (hope); “I always look on the bright side of
ways to accomplish the same goal, as well as                things regarding my job” (optimism); and “I usu-
creating contingency plans for overcoming poten-            ally manage difficulties one way or another at
tial obstacles and problems.                                work” (resiliency). To emphasize the “state-like”
   The overall objective of this web-based interven-        nature of the measure, the participants were asked
tion consisting of the two sessions focused on an           to respond by describing “how you may think
integrated developmental strategy for all four              about yourself right now.” Then all responses for
PsyCap state-like capacities in an effort to en-            the PCQ were anchored on a 6-point Likert scale:
hance the overall PsyCap of participants in the             1 ⫽ strongly disagree, 2 ⫽ disagree, 3 ⫽ somewhat
treatment group. The intervention consisted of dis-         disagree, 4 ⫽ somewhat agree, 5 ⫽ agree, and 6 ⫽
tinct, yet in many ways similar, sessions for overall       strongly agree. Each PsyCap component demon-
PsyCap development.                                         strated acceptable reliability in this study (effi-
   The control group, on the other hand, received an        cacy ⫽ .92, hope ⫽ .87, resilience ⫽ .83, optimism ⫽
alternate, very different— but still relevant to lead-      .77), as well as overall PsyCap (.93).
ership and human resource development— deci-                   Although acceptable psychometric properties
sion-making exercise. After the control partici-            and support for the construct validity of this PCQ
pants, who were blind to their condition, linked to         have been demonstrated (see Luthans, Avolio et
a website, the same facilitator used similar proce-         al., 2007), because it is a relatively recent scale,
dures as the treatment training intervention to take        confirmatory factor analysis of the PCQ consider-
them through the decision exercise using Flash              ing PsyCap as a second-order factor was con-
animation on video. The facilitator emphasized the          ducted in the present study as well. The 6 items
importance of reflection and thinking through               were set for each component to load on their re-
choices in the first session and then in the second         spective component. Each of the four components
216                                         Academy of Management Learning & Education                                             June

was then set to load on to the PsyCap factor. All of                                  TABLE 2
the item loadings were significant (p ⬍ .01) on their                 Means, ANOVA, Effect Sizes, and Confidence
respective latent factor as well as each component                              Intervals for PsyCap
loading on the second-order factor PsyCap. Results
                                                                                             Treatment                  Control
of the CFA were as follows: SRMR ⫽ .048, RMSEA ⫽
.054, CFI ⫽ .958. Based on Hu and Bentler’s (1999)                 Mean Time 1 (SD)          4.58 (.610)a             4.69 (.591)
recommendations of SRMR ⬍ .08, RMSEA ⬍ .06 and                     Mean Time 2 (SD)          4.70 (.643)              4.64 (.605)
CFI ⬎ .95, results from the CFA suggest strong fit                 p value                    .016                     .061
for the second-order factor model. Overall, the CFA                Effect Size d              .191                    ⫺.042
                                                                   Effect Size r              .095                    ⫺.083
results support that the four PsyCap components
                                                                   95% CI                ⫹/⫺.084 (.035 – .204)   ⫹/⫺.058 (⫺.003 – .114)
do represent an underlying latent, core construct of
overall PsyCap.                                                       a
                                                                       The group means from the treatment group in Table 1 are
                                                                   slightly different than Table 2 given mortality from Time 1 to
                                                                   Time 2.
The results of the study are shown in Table 1.                     a more rigorous test of mean differences. Specifi-
Given the focus of the analysis on mean differ-                    cally, PsyCap data at Time 2 were compared be-
ences within the treatment and control groups,                     tween the treatment and control conditions, con-
ANOVA and ANCOVA were determined to be the                         trolling for PsyCap at Time 1. The analyses
appropriate statistical techniques. In addition to                 focused on the difference between the two groups
ANOVA and ANCOVA, we calculated confidence                         as a result of group (treatment or control) assign-
intervals, effects sizes, and binomial effect size                 ment, controlling for any effects of the previous
displays (BESD). Although random assignment to                     PsyCap scores. In addition to controlling for the
treatment and control groups promotes initial                      effect of PsyCap at Time 1, we also included the
equivalence between the groups, before conduct-                    covariates of age, gender, job level, ethnicity, and
ing the analyses, initial equivalence was deter-                   education. Results shown in Table 3 suggest that
mined by an ANOVA between the levels of PsyCap                     the group variable (treatment or control conditions)
of the treatment and control groups. Based on a                    was a significant predictor of PsyCap at Time 2
nonsignificant result (p ⫽ .256), we concluded ran-                (p ⬍ .001), whereas age, gender, job level, ethnicity,
dom assignment was indeed effective in establish-                  and education were not (p ⬎ .05).
ing initial equivalence between the two groups, as                    Binomial effect size display (BESD; Rosenthal &
no significant differences were found between                      Rubin, 1982) is a practical method that demon-
their levels of PsyCap.                                            strates the anticipated utility of a given develop-
   Effect sizes were also calculated for the mean                  mental intervention and uses the effect size r in its
differences observed between treatment and con-                    calculation. This statistic is useful because “com-
trol groups. Specifically, as shown in Table 2, the                puting a BESD to show just how much of a differ-
effect size for the difference from Time 1 to Time 2               ence we make by applying the knowledge we pro-
for the treatment group was d ⫽ .191 (r ⫽ .095). The               duce can relieve feelings of importance that are
effect size for the difference from Time 1 to Time 2               likely to be aroused by effect sizes expressed in
for the control group was d ⫽ ⫺.042 (r ⫽ ⫺.084). In                terms of the proportion of variance explained”
addition to ANOVA, we conducted an ANCOVA for                      (Eden, 2002: 845). The BESD provides the researcher
                                                                   with a range of values that highlight the antici-
                  TABLE 1
ANOVAs to Validate Initial Equivalence Between                                          TABLE 3
     Treatment and Control Conditions                                     ANCOVA Controlling for PsyCap at Time 1,
                                                                              Demographic and Job Variables
                     Treatment    Control
      Source             M          M          F test   p value              Variables                     F value             p value

PsyCap at Time 1        4.61         4.69       0.738    .391      PsyCap at Time 1                         605.958               .000
Age                    32.18        32.85       0.043    .836      Age                                        1.029               .312
Gender                  1.48         1.50       0.093    .761      Ethnicity                                   .691               .407
Job Level               1.96         1.87       0.364    .547      Job Level                                   .495               .482
Ethnicitya              1.06         1.07       0.024    .877      Education                                   .146               .703
Education               2.58         2.50       0.773    .380      Gender                                      .735               .392
                                                                   Randomly Assigned Group                    6.551               .011
    Given the majority of participants were Caucasian, ethnic-       (Treatment or Control)
ity was dummy coded Caucasian (1) and non-Caucasian (2).
2008                                       Luthans, Avey, and Patera                                        217

pated success rate of the developmental interven-         analyses here builds on previous research support
tion for those participants in the treatment group        for a second-order, core construct of PsyCap indi-
by calculating one half of the treatment effect size      cated by self-efficacy, hope, resilience, and opti-
added to .5 for the treatment group and subtracted        mism.
it from .5 for the control group.                           A notable strength in the internal validity of this
   Given that each participant was randomly as-           study was the random assignment of participants
signed to either the treatment or control group, it       into treatment and control groups. The major ben-
would be expected that participants in both the           efit of random assignment is that it assumes initial
treatment and control groups have an equal                equivalence on all potentially confounding vari-
chance of increasing their PsyCap apart from the          ables in the study, and analysis of the Time 1
intervention (e.g., day-to-day life or work events).      levels of PsyCap showed no significant difference
This equal chance of success, apart from the inter-       between experimental and control groups. In terms
vention, is an assumption when calculating BESD.          of external validity, the heterogeneous nature of
The observed treatment effect size was r ⫽ .095.          the sample provides support for generalizing the
Applying the formula for BESD, the display range          results. Specifically, the effects for a web-based
was .452 to .548. The implication of this BESD range      PsyCap intervention may not be limited to one
is that participants without this PsyCap interven-        particular organization, industry, or demographic
tion will score above average on the PsyCap in-           group, as multiple organizations, industries, and
strument 45.2% of the time, whereas participants          demographics were represented within the study
receiving the intervention will score above aver-         sample. However, although the study utilized ran-
age on the PsyCap instrument 54.8% of the time.           dom assignment to conditions, it was not possible
                                                          to generate random selection of participants.
                                                          Therefore, even though the participants for the
                                                          study came from a wide variety of organizations,
The purpose of this study was to determine                job levels, and types, they could be a unique sub-
whether a short web-based training intervention           set of the population and thus this could be a
could be effective in human resource development          threat to the external validity of the study find-
of PsyCap. Specifically, our research question was        ings. Overall, given the strengths of the pretest,
whether a training intervention focused on effi-          posttest control group design and the diverse cross-
cacy, hope, optimism, and resilience as indicators        sectional sample, the results can generally rule
of a second-order, core factor of PsyCap could be         out alternative explanations. Yet, some potential
effectively developed in a 2-hour on-line training        limitations still need to be noted.
intervention. Through a pretest, posttest control
group experimental design, the treatment group
did experience a significant increase in their
PsyCap, while the randomly assigned control               As opposed to the internal and external validity
group that went through a different, but relevant         threats to the study findings, most of the potential
intervention, did not show a significant increase in      limitations are concerned with the web-based in-
their PsyCap. In addition, results of the ANCOVA          tervention. First, this study did not compare this
demonstrated that the PsyCap intervention posi-           web-based intervention to a typical face-to-face
tively developed PsyCap, as the group variable            classroom or training intervention. Thus, we can
predicted PsyCap at Time 2 while controlling for          not say nor do we intend to imply that this web-
pre-PsyCap scores, demographics, and job level.           based training intervention works as well, better,
Overall, the results of this experimental study pro-      or worse than a face-to-face intervention in devel-
vide at least initial support that the psychological      oping PsyCap. The results simply suggest that
capital of a broad cross-section of organizational        web-based delivery for the PsyCap intervention
participants can be developed through a short             may be effective. However, when considering web-
web-based training intervention.                          based versus traditional face-to-face training in-
   Beyond this beginning support for the effective-       terventions, the Sitzmann et al. (2006) meta-analy-
ness of this type of an approach to human resource        sis noted in the introductory discussion did find
development of PsyCap, the study also provides            that web-based approaches such as used in this
additional evidence of PsyCap being a higher or-          study may be as, or even more, effective than tra-
der, core construct. Building on previous work in         ditional face-to-face delivery of an intervention.
psychological resource, core self-evaluation, and         However, from a pedagogical standpoint, future
broaden-and-build theories in positive psychology         research comparing face-to-face with web-based
and organizational behavior, confirmatory factor          delivery of PsyCap training would be beneficial.
218                               Academy of Management Learning & Education                               June

   Another potential limitation was that the study       Implications
design did not permit individual components in
                                                         Our results here have some practical implications
the development process to be measured and as-
                                                         not only for developing PsyCap per se, but also for
sessed. Thus, it is possible that some components
                                                         leadership and human resource development.
of the training worked better than others. A related
                                                         They suggest that web-based developmental inter-
limitation is that specific facets of PsyCap were        ventions focused on participants’ hope, efficacy,
not provided separate programs. For example, lit-        optimism, resilience, and overall PsyCap may be
erature on goal setting supports the idea that more      accomplished in a relatively inexpensive and con-
challenging goals may increase self-efficacy             venient, yet effective, manner. And once again,
(Locke & Latham, 1990). Given it was not possible        given the recent research showing a positive rela-
in this study design to obtain multiple measures of      tionship between PsyCap and performance, a
PsyCap taken at multiple time points throughout          PsyCap development intervention may be able to
the intervention, overall PsyCap development may         influence performance and other desired out-
have been related to goal-setting effects through        comes.
increased self-efficacy.                                    Besides the implications surrounding PsyCap
   Still another limitation is that the only outcome     development is the potential advantageous role
variable in this study was PsyCap. While previous        that information technology may play in leader-
research has demonstrated a positive relationship        ship and human resource development. As com-
between PsyCap and important outcomes such as            puters and the Internet have become key tools for
performance (e.g., Luthans, Avey et al., 2008;           research and practice in the field of psychology
Luthans, Avolio et al., 2007; Luthans et al., 2005;      (e.g., see Barak, 1999; Jerome, DeLeon, James,
Luthans, Norman et al., 2008), satisfaction and/or       Folen, Earles, & Gedney, 2000), this study’s results
commitment (Larson & Luthans, 2006; Luthans,             help contribute to the growing case for the use of
Avolio et al., 2007; Luthans, Norman et al., 2008),      this technology in leadership and human resource
and absenteeism (Avey et al., 2006), the specific        development. For example, the virtual context for
learning, behaviors, or outcomes were not ob-            this intervention indicates that this type of technol-
tained from this specific study. Thus, the effect of     ogy may be used to deliver development and train-
this web-based PsyCap training intervention study        ing across the globe simultaneously or sequen-
results can not be extended beyond developing            tially. Given that we are now in a “flat world”
PsyCap.                                                  (Friedman, 2005) global environment where virtual
   In terms of limitations to the actual value of        teams and multinational corporations are the
implementing such PsyCap training, although the          norm, the need for virtual training can be expected
BESD results provide support for the potential util-     to increase and perhaps, as Seligman and col-
ity for increasing participant PsyCap, it cannot         leagues (2005) have noted for positive psychology,
substitute for a cost– benefit analysis. While the       be the legacy of applying positive organizational
study results do provide at least initial support        behavior interventions.
that the intervention was able to increase PsyCap,          In addition to the implications for leadership
and previous research does support that PsyCap is        and human resource development, web-based ap-
related to performance outcomes, a cost– benefit         plications to medical care— especially to remote
analysis would need to be calculated to determine        parts of the world (i.e., telemedicine)—and web-
the appropriateness of the intervention in a spe-        based interventions for both psychological and be-
cific context. This may also be considered as return     havioral clinical treatments are being increasingly
on development (ROD) for the PsyCap intervention.        recognized and implemented (Ritterband et al.,
Utility analysis has demonstrated such an ROD for        2003). We propose that such technological innova-
PsyCap (e.g., see Luthans, Avey et al., 2006;            tions will escalate and be made even more user-
Luthans, Youssef, & Avolio, 2007).                       friendly. The use of web-based interventions will
   Each limitation provides areas for future re-         continue to gain in popularity not only in global
search. For example, intervention designs may            business, academic, medical, and clinical applica-
seek to target one or more facets of PsyCap in an        tions, but also in the training and development
effort to identify if one component can be more          efforts in today’s and especially future workplaces.
easily developed than others. Future researchers
may also seek to examine more detailed planned
comparisons by having differing lengths of train-
ing, forms of interface, and types of technology,        The recent wave of negative publicity stemming
such as Flash animation.                                 from corporate and geopolitical problems high-
2008                                                      Luthans, Avey, and Patera                                                      219

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