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Vol. XXIX Issue 20; October 2nd fortnight issue 2017   A DDP PUBLICATION                                            Pages : 48+28 Pages Supplement-Experiential Talk ` 50/-

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                   I   Sp                                                        Experiential


        TA                                                                                  Talk

                                                                                      Happy Diwali

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MOT envisages a ‘Swachh’ India
      Lack of cleanliness is a major deterrent for foreign tourists coming into
      India. With renewed optimism, the Ministry of Tourism has taken the
      initiative for a clean India, making sure the country sheds this image.
        NIKHIL ANAND                       message to the entire na-           urged everyone to contribute         all over the country during the
                                           tion. Speaking about the            to make the country clean            period which was kick-started

     C      leanliness and hygiene
            have always been major
      deterrents for foreign tourists
                                           need for this initiative, he
                                           expressed, “The holiest thing
                                           any Indian can do is to keep
                                                                               and welcoming for tour-
                                                                               ists. He also administered a
                                                                                                                    at Mumbai’s Juhu beach on
                                                                                                                    September 15.

      coming into India. In lieu of the    their neighbourhood clean
      ‘Swachhta hi Sewa’ (Cleanli-
      ness is service) campaign
                                           for themselves and help
                                           present India in a better light
                                                                                    The holiest thing any Indian can do is
      initiated by Prime Minister          to the world. This is the mes-        to keep their neighbourhood clean for
      Narendra Modi, the Ministry
      of Tourism organised a nation-
                                           sage we are trying to advo-
                                           cate which requires an effort
                                                                                 themselves and help present India in a
      wide campaign called ‘Swach-         on a daily basis by not only          better light to the world.
      hta Pakhwada’ from Septem-           the government but each and
      ber 16 to October 2, 2017.           every person.”                                                                            K.J. Alphons
      Under this campaign, MOT                                                                                     Minister of State (IC) for Tourism
      organised cleanliness drives at           The Minister volun-
      various tourist and pilgrimage       teered for various cleanliness
      destinations across the coun-        activities at India Gate on         ‘Swachhta’ pledge to all par-              The cleanliness drive also
      try through its India Tourism of-    September 17, at Janpath            ticipants at these places.           laid foundation for the ‘Adopt a
      fices. All educational institutes     market on the World Tour-                                                Heritage’ project whereby the
      under the Ministry of Tourism        ism Day (September 27) and               Apart from major clean-         tourism industry will help make
      adopted at least one tourist         at Smith Village, Shillong,         up activities across India, the      monuments and surrounding
                                                                                                                                                        Tourism Minister K.J. Alphons lending a helping hand at Janpath market in
      place to maintain cleanliness in     Meghalaya on September              campaign also witnessed              areas more tourist habitable.       New Delhi on World Tourism Day
      a sustainable way.                   30. Officers of the Ministry of      pledge swearing, awareness           The Minister informed that
                                           Tourism as well as students         activities, essay competition,       MOT, in close collaboration         their cultural importance, in a         of access for tourists, signage,
           K.J. Alphons, Minister          from the Institutes of Hotel        street theatre and the release       with Ministry of Culture and        planned and phased manner.              etc. and advanced amenities
      of State (IC) for Tourism led        Management (IHM) were               of a film on ‘Swachhta’, to instil    Archaeological Survey of In-        The project focuses on provid-          like cafeterias, surveillance
      from the front in this initia-       also present. The minister          cleanliness in the public. The       dia, envisages developing her-      ing basic amenities such as             system, tourist facilitation cen-
      tive by cleaning various sites       interacted with the visitors        campaign had been organ-             itage sites and making them         cleanliness, public conven-             tre, illumination in and around
      to send out a more resonant          as well as shopkeepers and          ised at more than 80 places          tourist friendly to enhance         iences, drinking water, ease            the monuments.

     Bringing laurels to the travel trade
      The National Tourism Awards, held on September 27, 2017, acknowledged the importance of tourism in the
      country and honoured those who strive hard to make India travel experiences truly incredible. TRAVTALK finds out
      from winners how this accolade inspires them to ensure inclusive tourism as well as economic development.
        TT BUREAU                                                                                                We have received the National Tour-                                   I am honoured to receive such a
                                                                                                             ism Award for the fourth time now, but                               huge recognition from the President of
                                        Receiving the National Award is the                                  it’s the first time we got the first prize                             India for the Corporation’s innovative
                                    greatest recognition. It is rather hum-                                  under Category I. To be recognised by                                initiative. GTDC has worked in the right
                                    bling to join the list of awardees who                                   the highest body in tourism is another                               direction and has given a new face to
                                    have in the past been recipients of this                                 feather in our cap. We went back to the                              Goa Tourism. The ‘Most Innovative Use
                                    award. Being a regional operator, we                                     basics in terms of showcasing incred-                                of Information Technology’ award was
                                    rely on the support from our partner                                     ible India to the world. We rekindled                                for a campaign for the tourists and by
                                    agents and it is that confidence in us                                     partnerships with our existing partners                             the tourists which aimed at building
                                    which has led to this. Over the years      Vikram Madhok                  and refreshed our packages to offer       Nilesh Cabral             the longest running digital testimonial
                                    we have been working on tapping the        India Travel Award winner and                                            Chairman, Goa Tourism
                                                                               MD, Abercrombie & Kent
                                                                                                              more experiential products. We tried      Development Corporation
                                                                                                                                                                                  campaign for a travel brand. The Best
      Suresh Periwal                potential of adventure tourism which                                      to plug the gaps in the demographic                                 State/UT Award recognises Goa as a
      India Travel Award winner and is now bearing fruits. The National
      MD, Clubside Tours & Travels
                                                                               of our source markets to add another layer to the type of mar-           dream destination for all tourists and highlights Goa as a beach
                                    Awards are the ultimate recognition of     kets we catered to. This award helps us to get recognised for our        destination along with other tourism facets.
      these efforts and it has renewed our faith in what we do.                work and is an added advantage on a global platform.                                                                        Contd. on page 9

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      MPTM 2017 set to foster tourism
      The fourth edition of Madhya Pradesh Travel Mart is all set to host buyers
      and exhibitors in constructive B2B sessions from October 27-29, 2017,
      that will help showcase the state as a year-round tourism destination.

        TRIPTI MEHTA                    the state’s presence on the
                                        tourism map of the country               This year, the government has
     M      adhya Pradesh Tourism
            Board (MPTB), a nodal
                                        and the world, as the event
                                        is looking to receive a large                 formed an advisory committee
      body formed for undertaking       number of attendees.                             that will manage the entire event,
      all tourism promotion activi-
      ties for the state of Madhya            This year’s event will see                  a model ideated on the lines of
      Pradesh and representing          in attendance over 200 na-                        Kerala Travel Mart.
      the interests of all stakehold-   tional and international buy-
      ers, is organising Madhya         ers and close to 100 domestic                                                     Hari Ranjan Rao
      Pradesh Travel Mart 2017          exhibitors. With B2B sessions                                                       Secretary-Tourism
      (MPTM) from October 27-29         scheduled over two days, that                                           Government of Madhya Pradesh
      at Hotel Lake View, Bhopal.       is, October 28 and 29, partici-
      The fourth edition of the mart    pants will have the opportunity
      seeks to portray the state as     to form successful collabora-
      a year-round tourism destina-     tions and network with indus-
      tion, with a focus on both do-    try players that would include     explored destinations that the             Supported by various
      mestic and inbound tourism.       airlines, accommodation pro-       state has to offer.                   trade organisations that in-
                                        viders, destination manage-                                              clude ADTOI, ATTOI, IATO,
           Madhya Pradesh is            ment companies, heritage                Hari       Ranjan       Rao,     FAITH, TAAI and TAFI, this
      soaked in heritage that few       hotels, wildlife resorts, etc.     Secretary-Tourism, Govern-            year’s mart will see participa-
      are aware of. This central                                           ment of Madhya Pradesh,               tion from international players
      Indian state has always                 Keeping in line with the     states that this year, the govern-    from European countries of
      brought to the fore innovative    theme for the convention, ‘Dis-    ment has formed an advisory           Spain, Netherlands, Germa-
      concepts such as Jal Mahot-       cover-Seek-Explore’, MPTB          committee that will manage            ny, Norway, Poland, Austria
      sav that has only gained pop-     will also organise post-conven-    the entire event, a model ide-        and Southeast Asian coun-
      ularity since its commence-       tion tours to showcase a world     ated on the lines of Kerala           tries of Singapore and Thai-
      ment. MPTM 2017 will further      of innovative products and un-     Travel Mart.                          land among many others.

FINAL_TT_October-2nd-2017.indd 5                                                                                                                   13-10-2017 18:56:26
                                                                                                                      The rise of cruising in India
                                                                                                                      With an increase in desire to cruise, Indians are also looking at it as a venue
                      VIEWPOINT                                                                                       for events. Peter Kollar, Head of International Training & Development, Cruise
                                                                                                                      Lines International Association (CLIA), outlines the evolving cruise market.
                Small destinations                                                                                   L    ast month we released our
                                                                                                                          CLIA Asia Cruise Trends
                                                                                                                                                                                              cruising, and an upward spiral
                                                                                                                                                                                              begins which historically can
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      passengers have increased
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      quite dramatically this year.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            sis, rather it seems that fami-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            lies (which would lower the

                 pack a big punch                                                                                     report for 2017 which out-
                                                                                                                      lined important cruise data
                                                                                                                      extracted from the Asian
                                                                                                                                                                                              be seen in other strong mar-
                                                                                                                                                                                              kets like Australia which cur-
                                                                                                                                                                                              rently has one in 20 cruising,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            The cruise industry has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      come to Asia stronger than
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            average age because of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            children included) are popu-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            lar groups wanting to cruise.
                                                                                                                      market from 2016, includ-                                               unlike a decade earlier when                                            ever before, and 2017 is an-

         I  ndia and China are considered booming
            markets currently, and international tourism
          boards are making sure that they get the
                                                                                                                      ing a sub-section on Indian
                                                                                                                      cruise statistics. Although
                                                                                                                      most front-line retail travel
                                                                                                                                                                                              it was in a similar position to
                                                                                                                                                                                              India today.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      other record year of deploy-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ment in the area. 66 ships
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      are based in Asia this year
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  It is an exciting time for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            cruising in Asia, and the po-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            tential of India is tremendous
          share of the pie as well. Indians are travelling                                                            agents don’t really engage in                                           Fly-cruise still popular                                                for six months or more, call-                                         – we are right at the point
                                                                                                                      statistics, graphs, and num-                                                 Of course, fly-cruise                                               ing into 293 destinations over                                        where an increased volume
          to all the major destinations around the world,
                                                                                                                      bers, it can provide valuable                                           is still a popular option for                                           18 countries. Given that Indi-                                        and interest of cruising is
          and most of the popular countries already                                                                   insight. Let us have a closer                                           Indians, and the increase                                               ans are more likely to utilise                                        about to take off, but not all
          have a tourism office in India to take care of                                                               look at the findings and what                                            of Indians using the major                                              the hub of Singapore over                                             business falls into your lap
          promotions, marketing and sales. However,                                                                   they mean.                                                              cruise hub of Singapore is a                                            options in Beijing and Shang-                                         just because it is at your
                                                                                                                                                                                              positive story. About 1,20,596                                          hai, the news is also posi-                                           doorstep – you must actively
          even smaller standalone destinations, as                                                                          India will host 128 cruise                                        Indians cruised last year,                                              tive in that Singapore is also                                        work to get this business and
          well as individual regional tourism boards,                                                                 calls in 2017, which is up by                                           and though an increase from                                             hosting more itineraries and                                          it starts with education.
          are making their presence felt in the country.                                                              one-third from last year. This                                          first research conducted in                                              ships in 2017, meaning your
          Whether it’s long haul destinations like Peru                                                               is great for the local economy                                          2012 (49,442 pax) has a                                                 client has never had so many
                                                                                                                      as more passengers visit-                                               25 per cent compound an-                                                choices than before, whether                                                     (The views expressed
          or Eastern European countries like Georgia                                                                  ing means more spending                                                 nual growth rate, over the                                              it is about their budget, type                                                  are solely of the author.
          and even Azerbaijan, everyone is meeting the                                                                ashore. But when we take a                                              last three years, these num-                                            of cruising, itinerary and                                                  The publication may or may
          trade, reaching out to the media and making                                                                 deeper look into this figure, it                                         bers have only increased by                                             brand options.                                                              not subscribe to the same.)

          efforts to offer Indians exclusive experiences                                                              tells us that India only hosted                                         less than 10,000 passen-
                                                                                                                      12 turnaround calls this year                                           gers (including 2,000 pax                                                    As cruise lines come,
          that they excel in. Alternatively, these countries                                                          – definitely a number that is                                            increase from 2015 to 2016).                                            they also bring advertis-
          fill the gap for travel agents looking for new                                                               too low considering India has                                           Considering the vast amount                                             ing, so more exposure to
          destinations to reach out to the well-travelled                                                             five major ports. Having cruise                                          of potential India has, it is                                           the public will also become
          client, who has already been to the popular                                                                 lines use a local port as the                                           progressive, but the potential                                          evident in this market over
                                                                                                                      start and end of the cruise is                                          is immense.                                                             the next few years. So if you
          tourist destinations. Another advantage with                                                                much more attractive to lo-                                                                                                                     haven’t started your educa-
          travelling to such countries is the fact that                                                               cals, and an increase in this                                                When these figures first                                             tion around this sector you
          they offer unique, virgin spots, which suit                                                                 number would mean more In-                                              came out, I approached some                                             could be behind the standard
          the seasoned travellers and the millennials,                                                                dians are cruising. If more In-                                         of the leading cruise lines in                                          very quickly. Also, your client
                                                                                                                      dians cruise, then cruise lines                                         Asia to ask about the Indian                                            will be quite young – India
          who are looking for new experiences without                                                                 start looking at India further as                                       market and whether the stag-                                            has one of the lowest aver-
          burning a hole in the pocket.                                                                               an option to place more ships                                           nant figures have continued                                              age age of passengers (36)                                                                       Peter Kollar
                                                                                                                      in the area as a turnaround                                             into 2017. The response was                                             than any other region in the                                                    Head of International Training
                                                                                                                      option, and this again results                                          a positive one. They indicated                                          world, though this should not                                                   & Development, Cruise Lines
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   International Association (CLIA)

                   Festivities galore                                                                                 in an increase of local people                                          that sales of Indian cruise                                             be taken on a per person ba-

           T                                                                                                          Making India Incredible once more
               he Ministry of Tourism is celebrating a 20-
               day Paryatan Parv with an array of events
           planned at monuments across the country.
           Officials from MOT are making efforts to involve                                                            Even as India’s global ranking (World Economic Forum) has improved, the country has
           the common people as well as the trade to be
           a part of the celebrations. It is certainly an                                                             a huge scope for enhancing its tourism products. Incredible India 2.0 campaign brings a
           innovative way to promote and emphasise on                                                                 new zeal among the trade as MOT aims to engage the millennials through social media.
           the tourism products in the country. By offering
           the monuments for adoption to corporates,                                                                  Most improved countries in the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index 2017
           MOT has taken a new step forward towards
           maintenance of our heritage and culture. With                                                                Rank                 Country                           Global Rank                       Change in                                              Rank                  Country                           Global Rank                  Change in
           programmes like Swachhta Pakhwada, the                                                                                                                                                                performance score                                                                                                                           performance score
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (%) since 2015                                                                                                                              (%) since 2015
           Ministry is trying to spruce up India's image.
                                                                                                                        1                    Japan                             4                                 6.18                                                   9                     Korea, Rep.                       19                           4.33
           Despite these efforts, it was disheartening to
                                                                                                                        2                    Azerbaijan                        71                                5.98                                                                         of
           know that the Army was reportedly asked to
                                                                                                                        3                    Tajikistan                        107                               5.01                                                   10                    Egypt                             74                           4.32
           clear the garbage on mountains leading to
           the Everest and other pilgrimage sites in the                                                                4                    Vietnam                           67                                4.80                                                   11                    Peru                              51                           3.93
           Himalayas. While the debate is on whether it is                                                              5                    Israel                            61                                4.79                                                   12                    India                             40                           3.86
           the army's job to clean the garbage left behind                                                              6                    Algeria                           118                               4.68                                                   13                    Mexico                            22                           3.86
           by pilgrims or not, there is a need to sensitise                                                             7                    Bhutan                            78                                4.52                                                   14                    Chad                              135                          3.83
           the citizenry of being responsible and civilised                                                                                                                                                                                                             15                    Albania                           98                           3.81
                                                                                                                        8                    Gabon                             119                               4.47
           first, be it in India or abroad.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Source: World Economic Forum, The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2017

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FINAL_TT_October-2nd-2017.indd 6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 13-10-2017 18:56:26
AGENTS                                                                                                                                                  OCTOBER 2 ND FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2017   TRAVTALK   7

      Millennials to bring change in tourism
      Thomas Cook India recently held the second edition of its India Travel Summit in New Delhi, which according to
      Madhavan Menon, Chairman and Managing Director, Thomas Cook India (TCI), is the perfect platform to discuss
      and deliberate on issues affecting the travel and tourism industry.
          TT B UREAU                         What are the new             forex and TC travel. We are a   erations and early this year,       What       are     your         ing, I think this is the time that

           What are your thoughts
                                         Q   developments taking
                                         place at Thomas Cook
                                                                          holding company and wher-
                                                                          ever we see an opportunity,
                                                                                                          we acquired their destina-
                                                                                                          tion management busi-
                                                                                                                                          Q   thoughts on tourism in
                                                                                                                                          and out of India currently?
                                                                                                                                                                              the industry is going to see
                                                                                                                                                                              a lot more growth. One of the
      Q    on the second edition
      of India Travel Summit?
                                         India Group and what are
                                         your plans for the future?
                                                                          we will acquire companies as
                                                                          we go forward.
                                                                                                          nesses in 18 countries. As a
                                                                                                          policy, we never merge
                                                                                                                                               Both inbound and out-
                                                                                                                                          bound tourism in India have
                                                                                                                                                                              key drivers of this growth is the
                                                                                                                                                                              e-visa that was instituted three
           We wanted to build a plat-         TCI started a journey                                       companies and retain ex-        seen spectacular growth. Also,      years ago. It has evolved and
      form where stakeholders in         four years ago when we be-          How have things              isting managements, and         our airport infrastructure and      we are seeing the benefits to-
      the travel industry could come
      and use it to discuss various
                                         came a holding company for
                                         Fairfax. We have since done
                                                                          Q  changed for Thomas
                                                                          Cook India after the
                                                                                                          we keep these companies
                                                                                                          as separate because we
                                                                                                                                          the infrastructure within the
                                                                                                                                          country is improving. The in-
                                                                                                                                                                              day with more tourists coming
                                                                                                                                                                              in the country. As the millenni-
      issues. We thought this space      five acquisitions, the latest     acquisition of Kuoni?           believe that managements        come levels are growing, so         als become increasingly aspi-
      which existed in the market        being the acquisition of TATA        We took over Kuoni’s        are good and they are           that people can travel abroad.      rational and inquisitive, we will
      didn’t get addressed. Thus, we     Capital’s two subsidiaries- TC   India and Hong Kong op-         sustainable.                    With all these things happen-       see tourism only growing.

      Madhavan Menon
      Chairman and Managing Director
      Thomas Cook India (TCI)

        We went houseful
        before we even started
        the summit. Such a
        things- acceptance
        that TCI is a large
        player in this space
        and that this as a plat-
        form where important
        issues are discussed

       did it last year in Mumbai and
      this year, we have done it in in
      Delhi. We hope that we will be
      able to do this as an annual
      event with a focus on travel-
      related issues. The theme of
      the second instalment of India
      Travel Summit is Challenges
      of New Age Travel. The focus
      is on outbound and inbound
      business, visa protocols as
      well as the new age technol-
      ogy and the way it was impact-
      ing business. Thus, we’ve cho-
      sen and curated subjects that
      are important to us.

          What has changed in
      Q   the second version
      from what you did
      last year?
           Firstly, the attendance
      has grown. We had a house-
      ful, half-an-hour before we
      even started the summit.
      Such a response reflects two
      things—acceptance that TCI
      Group is a large player in this
      space and can be seen as a
      sponsor and creator of such
      incredible events. Secondly,
      people also see this as a plat-
      form where issues that chal-
      lenge the industry are being
      discussed as well as new
      trends are being examined
      and analysed.

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8      TRAVTALK OCTOBER 2 ND FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2017                                                                                                                               QUICKBYTES
       Is India all set to play host to MICE?
       The industry needs to look at why India hasn’t been able to reverse the MICE traffic and bring in more and
       more events to India. Six stakeholders speak their mind on this issue and suggest ways to improve the same.
          H AZEL J AIN
                                                                                      India is most certainly MICE-ready                                           Yes, India is definitely ready for
           MICE in India is going to be the next                                  but conditions do apply - as long as                                         MICE! Our excellent connectivity from
       big thing as convention centres, exhibi-                                   the MICE movement is not a large                                             major international hubs, presence of
       tion venues and on-ground expos are                                        number of people, within some repeti-                                        hotel brands and unparalleled hospi-
       generating a high degree of response.                                      tive cities and in a handful of cities that                                  tality makes us a good candidate for
       Currently, India is ready for MICE at                                      are well connected by air. These are,                                        MICE. But our MICE infrastructure has
       select destinations only. However, for                                     however, limited and technological in-                                       a long way to go if we compare it with
       smaller groups of around 250-300,                                          frastructure is yet not state-of-the-art.                                    other contenders. India’s location and
       we have adequate facilities across the                                     All infrastructural upgrades require                                         connectivity with all major international
       country to suffice the basic require-                                       huge investments with payback peri- Birju Gariba                             hubs is our main strength. But lack of Mukesh Makhijani
       ments. Of course, India lacks world- Sandeep Ramakrishnan                  ods ranging beyond a decade. Hence, CEO and Executive Director               options for large venues. The govern- Director
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Stimulus Hospitality
                                                                                                                              Platinum World Group
       class facility in terms of space, project Director                         corporate partnerships with govern-                                          ment needs to create a MICE-specific
                                                  Consumer Links Marketing        ment are the need of the hour. This                                          campaign, ease permissions to make things easier for organis-
       facilities, and logistics, etc. Only a few
       cities have noteworthy convention facilities like Hyderabad,               along with some attractive incentives may help the next level                ers and create convention venues which can host big events.
       Ahmedabad and Greater Noida. A friendly tax structure is key               of MICE infra boom.
       to grow MICE.
                                                                                                                     India is certainly ready for MICE                                      India is MICE-ready in a few metros
                                                                                                                 and some of the major cities have ven-                                 or boutique resorts in popular destina-
                                        India is partially ready for MICE. We                                    ues to meet the needs like Hyderabad,                                  tions like Kerala and Rajasthan. India
                                     definitely see a large number of room                                        Chennai, Bengaluru, Delhi, Mumbai,                                     has the hotel inventory to cater to
                                     nights in bigger cities to support MICE.                                    Ahmedabad and Goa. During my inter-                                    MICE. However, we lack sound road
                                     However, larger convention centres                                          actions with organisers in other coun-                                 infrastructure and connectivity in many
                                     and market maturity in usage and re-                                        tries, one of the major concerns is the                                places that can be considered exotic
                                     sponsiveness on MICE tools for RFP                                          traffic and local infrastructure. The Min-                              or bespoke beyond Rajasthan and
                                     evaluation needs improvement. The                                           istry of Tourism needs to look at pro-                                 Kerala. The Tourism Ministry along
                                     ministry and the government need to          Manish Raj                     moting these venues, especially some          Rishabh Shah             with MoEA and other relevant minis-
                                                                                  Board Member, Membership       of the key cities at MICE forums. India       Managing Partner         tries should come together and look
                                     forge joint ventures with private inves-     Committee, The Infrastructure,                                               The Grand Vacationist
       Mubashar Ahmed                                                                                            needs   to improve the infrastructure to                               at promoting each state as a global
                                     tors to build large conventions and          Facility, HR & Realty Associa-
       Regional Category Manager                                                                                 give a better experience to delegates.        MICE-friendly destination with respect to the facilities, beauty
                                     market India as a destination for MICE       tion (iNFHRA)
       (Travel & Meetings Procure-                                                                                                                             and cultural heritage the way Europeans market themselves,
       ment), Capgemini India
                                                                                                                 We must involve industry leaders to
                                     at global forums.
                                                                                  promote India as a MICE destination.                                         whilst also improving connectivity and road infrastructure.

       Knotty affair @Radisson Blu Udaipur
       Radisson Blu Udaipur Hotel Palace and Resort expects to witness an approximately 15 per cent
       year-on-year revenue growth by the end of 2017.
           TT B UREAU                         most importantly, our peo-          tributors for inbound travellers      ness for the hotel. Nair adds,         contributing 40 per cent to the
                                              ple,” she says.                     have been the UK, Italy and the       “We offer a ballroom, meeting          occupancy and revenue of

      A     n inventory of 245 rooms
            and suites, the largest in
       Udaipur, is also one of the
                                                   Nair informs that in 2017,
                                              the hotel hosted 65 destina-
                                                                                  Far East market among other
                                                                                  markets. The other segment
                                                                                  of guests at the hotel includes
                                                                                                                        rooms and open spaces for
                                                                                                                        the MICE segment. We can
                                                                                                                        accommodate 600 pax in the
                                                                                                                                                               the hotel, it also serves as a
                                                                                                                                                               marketing platform to cater to
                                                                                                                                                               the hotel’s largest target group.
       USPs of the property, be-              tion weddings and many MICE         MICE, leisure and FIT and cor-        closed spaces while 1000 pax           Besides this, participation in
       lieves Poonam Nair, Direc-             events which allowed the prop-      porate FITs.”                         can be accommodated in the             various trade fairs, weddings
       tor of Sales, Radisson Blu             erty to achieve newer heights                                             open spaces for various MICE           shows and exhibitions keeps
       Udaipur Hotel, Palace and              of ARRs and occupancy. She              She believes that MICE            activities. We also offer the city’s   the management abreast of
       Resort. “Though the list of            explains, “We recorded an over-     has been a big contributor and        only all-day dining facility which     market trends. The hotel works      Poonam Nair
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Director of Sales, Radisson Blu Udaipur
       our USPs is huge, a few of             all occupancy of about 75 per       the demand is only increasing         can accommodate 200 pax.”              hand in glove with its travel
       them are our grand palatial            cent at the property out of which   especially from markets like                                                 partners and has joined hands
       structure, location, largest           40 per cent was contributed by      Gujarat, Mumbai, etc. The fight             The hotel plans to fo-            with a few big online partners to   “We offer a good commission
       inventory in the city and room         the weddings segment and ap-        connectivity to Mumbai and            cus more on developing its             cope with the changing trends       to our offline and online travel
       size, various indoor and out-          proximately 15 per cent by the      Delhi has also been a blessing,       prime segment of destina-              of travel shifting from offline      partners based on the value
       door banqueting spaces and             inbound guests. The major con-      opening more doors for busi-          tion weddings as apart from            to online. Nair further adds,       generated for the hotel.”

FINAL_TT_October-2nd-2017.indd 8                                                                                                                                                                                             13-10-2017 18:56:30
QUICKBYTES                                                                                                                                                               OCTOBER 2 ND FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2017   TRAVTALK   9

     The crowning glory for travel agents
          Contd. from page 3

          We are immensely proud of the                                                 It feels good when hard work is rec-                                    Gujarat Tourism has been under-
      team and the award itself is a great                                          ognised and I feel happier for my team                                  taking several innovative initiatives to
      and resounding acknowledgment of                                              whose efforts have made this achieve-                                   put Gujarat on the national and glo-
      our collective efforts. At the same                                           ment possible. This is the 10th National                                bal tourist map. Every year, the tour-
      time, the recognition is a motiva-                                            Tourism Award for the company and the                                   ism department organises a variety
      tion for us to pursue and reach new                                           fourth time we have been awarded the                                    of fairs and festivals that showcase
      heights. We are committed to de-                                              first prize. The reason for being awarded                                the beautiful mosaic of the state’s
      livering to our clients a journey of a                                        is the consistency of the company in pro-                               culture, traditions, practices, cui-
      lifetime and we are going to aim to                                           viding the highest standards of service                                 sines, dressing styles, art and craft,
                                              Arjun Sharma                                                                                                                                           Jenu Devan
      ensure we win many more awards India Travel Award winner and                  and venturing into the new areas to suc- Harvinder Singh Duggal         etc. While the state constantly fo- Managing Director
                                                                                                                                  MD, Minar Travels,
      in the future too. At LPTI, we have a Chairman, Le Passage to India           cessfully showcase the incredible India India Travel Award winner       cused on new innovations, ideas and Gujarat Tourism
      proven track record and service de-                                           experience to foreign tourists. Prestig-                                initiatives, the tourism department
      livery which has won us this award in the same category                       ious awards like this one put a seal of trust on the company which      has also concentrated on the livelihood and skill development
      six times of which three were for consecutive years. We re-                   is important in the long run for its brand value and the morale of      through sustainable tourism initiatives. The award symbolis-
      ally appreciate that the Ministry recognised this remarkable                  the team. The foreign tour operators from far and wide feel secure      es its endeavours in promotion of sustainable development
      achievement and inducted us into the Hall of Fame.                            when dealing with an award-winning organisation.                        through tourism.

                                       For Telangana Tourism, it was                                                 This year Madhya Pradesh got 10                                    Kerala Tourism was awarded a
                                    a big win with four awards in dif-                                           awards including the Hall of Fame                                 total of six National Tourism Awards
                                    ferent categories. I am extremely                                            award as the Best State for Com-                                  including Hall of Fame Award for Most
                                    happy with the win and we’re adopt-                                          prehensive Development of Tourism,                                Innovative Use of Information Tech-
                                    ing a different direction in terms of                                        which we have been winning for three                              nology - Social Media / Mobile App
                                    development of tourism products.                                             years in a row. I am really delighted                             and was also the second runner-up in
                                    Everyone is following the beaten                                             on this achievement and the entire                                the category for Best State for Com-
                                    track, and we are going in a dif-                                            credit for this goes to our team which                            prehensive Development of Tourism.
                                     ferent direction, including having                                           has been working tirelessly to make                                It gives us immense pleasure to be
      B. Venkatesham                 niche sector as well as festival of            Hari Ranjan Rao               Madhya Pradesh one of the best des-       Kadakampally Surendran   lauded with the prestigious Nation-
      Secretary, Youth Advancement,                                                 Secretary, Tourism, Madhya    tinations in the country and we look      Minister for Tourism     al Tourism Awards in six different
      Tourism & Culture Department, our own. We don’t want to compete               Pradesh State Tourism Devel-                                            Government of Kerala
      Government of Telangana        with other states, but we are plan-            opment Corporation
                                                                                                                  forward to build upon this and keep                                categories. Kerala Tourism has been
                                     ning to complement them, by work-                                            getting awards like this. We are set to   focused on promoting the concept of ‘Responsible Tourism’
      ing with them and offering extended stay for tourists visit-                  inaugurate the Jal Mahotsav in October which is going to be             for protecting environment and conserving cultural herit-
      ing those destinations. Apart from that we will be focusing                   an 80-day affair this time. Also, we recently held a heritage           age. And, receiving award for this significant initiative of the
      on Health Tourism as well.                                                    run in Orchha and there will soon be a cycling expedition in            state emboldens the tourism department to keep up the posi-
                                                                                    Panchmari, called ‘Tour de Satpura’.                                    tive momentum.

                                             I am delighted to have received
                                         national recognition after years of per-
                                         severance and dedication in the tour-
                                         ism industry. Within three years of the
                                         company’s inception, we became the
                                         largest General Sales Agent (GSA) of
                                         leading luxury trains in India, overtak-
                                         ing all the established players in the
                                          tourism industry. I achieved this due
      Manish Saini                        to the goodwill I created among the
      Director, Worldwide Rail Journeys,
                                          trade partners through my ethical and
      India Travel Award winner
                                          honest dealings and generated foreign        Sanjay Jain
      exchange in this segment. This award will inspire me to cross                    Director
      new milestones and at the same time, offer my trade partners                     Special Holiday Travel
      another reason to repose their trust on me.                                       To receive the award of
                                                                                    the highest repute in our
          It gives us immense pleasure to                                           industry, that too for the
      be a recipient of the National Tourism                                        second time gives us great
      Award for the fourth time. Receiving                                          pride and honour. We are
      this prestigious award, of course, has                                        humbled that the efforts
      its PR value in terms of new custom-                                          we have been tirelessly
      ers that we try to pitch to, but other than                                   putting in to provide a holis-
      that, it is also a huge motivation for our                                    tic experience coupled with
      team. Through relentless efforts, we                                          complete satisfaction to all
      have been achieving significant year-
                                                                                    our associates and clients,
      on-year growth, both in terms of pas- Kapil Goswamy
                                                                                    have been given recogni-
      senger numbers and overall foreign MD, Trans India Holidays,
                                                  India Travel Award winner         tion by the President and
      exchange earnings and it is both these
                                                                                    the Minister of Tourism
      parameters that helped us achieve a virtual Six Sigma quality in
      regards to customer satisfaction and also the national award.                 directly. We would like to
                                                                                    credit this honour to our
                                                                                    extremely dedicated team,
                                  We are honoured on being con-                     the passion that drives us
                              ferred with the tourism industry’s                    in our daily operations and
                              highest accolade, the National Tour-
                                                                                    collative support of all our
                              ism Award. This is our third consec-
                                                                                    longstanding associations
                              utive win in the Best Domestic Tour
                                                                                    and guests from across
                              Operator (Rest of India) category in
                                                                                    the world. We intend to
                              the 10 years of the National Tourism
                              Awards’ existence. Our continuous                     grow from strength to
                               efforts at consumer engagement,                      strength, giving testimony
      Dhruv Shringi            overall user experience coupled                      to this award for the Best
      Co-founder & CEO         with consistent delivery of services                 Inbound Tour Operator/
      Yatra.com                                                                     Travel Agent.
                               on ground have helped us achieve
      this milestone. This significant national recognition further
      inspires us to work tirelessly towards delivering best in
      class service to our customers.                                                        Contd. on page 10

FINAL_TT_October-2nd-2017.indd 9                                                                                                                                                                                       13-10-2017 18:56:32
10      TRAVTALK OCTOBER 2 ND FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2017                                                                                                                 QUICKBYTES
       And the winning streak continues...
           Contd. from page 9
                                                                                                             It is an exhilarating feeling to                                        We are thrilled to have won the
                                 Naturally, it gives us great joy and                                    witness Travelite (India) being con-                                    first prize for Best Tourist Trans-
                             pride to receive this commenda-                                             ferred with the National Hall of                                        port Operator at National Toruism
                             tion. It is a great recognition for the                                     Fame Tourism Award for consist-                                         Awards yet again. This is our third
                             company's pioneering efforts which                                          ently doing well in the inbound tour-                                   win in a row, so we have been able
                             is bound to get noticed by the pro-                                         ism sector. Ultimately, it is the hard                                  to manage a hat-trick at the National
                             spective markets, giving our experi-                                        work put in by the dedicated team
                                                                                                                                                                                 Awards! This win is purely because
                             ential and soft adventure products,                                         working at Travelite (India) that is
                                                                                                                                                                                 of our team’s committed dedication
                             tours and activities greater publicity                                        showing consistent results. The
                                                                           Sarab Jit Singh                                                        Aditya Loomba                   to their work, combined with our
                               and growth potential. Through the                                           National Tourism Award certainly       Jt. Managing Director, ECOS
                                                                           India Travel Award winner and                                                                          clients’ and partners’ faith in ECOS
       Sanjay Basu             last two decades, our company has                                           gives Travelite (India) recognition    (India) Mobility & Hospitality
                                                                           MD, Travelite (India)
       Managing Director                                                                                   and places confidence in the for-                                      (India) Mobility & Hospitality. And if
       Far Horizon Tours       invested over `50 crores in devel-
                                                                                                           eign tour operators, who may be        the fact that winning a National Award wasn’t enough, re-
                               opment of camps, eco-lodges and
       river cruise boats and ships in remote regions which has            dealing with us for the first time, while, the existing tour           ceiving it from the President of India also boosts the morale
       opened up a vast market that is seeing a strong growth both         operators feel better to be working with such reputed and              of the entire company and also validates our stakeholder’s
       for us and the country’s overall tourism.                           recognised organisation.                                               trust in the company.

           It was a proud moment for us at                                    ITC Maurya received National                                            Samode Group of Hotels has been
       the Alpcord network to be felicitated                               Tourism Award for Best Eco-Friendly                                    in the hospitality industry for the past
       with a national award for the third                                 Hotel recently. ITC Maurya is a mani-                                  30 years and it is an honour to receive
       time. The fact that it comes straight                               festation of ITC Hotels’ more than                                     such a prestigious award on behalf of
       from the Government of India makes                                  three-decade old sustainable develop-                                  the organisation. The Samode Haveli
       it all the more special. The recogni-                               ment initiatives. It is an amalgamation                                is a 200-year-old heritage property
       tion will definitely help us when we                                 of world class green best practices                                    and it has been beautifully restored
       pitch for future conferences. bring-                                with contemporary design elements,                                     according to modern standards. It
                                                                           providing the best in luxury, in the
       ing with it a sense of responsibil-                                                                                                        is the people of Samode Haveli who
                                                                           greenest possible manner with eco- Zubin Songadwala
       ity towards the industry and duty to Chander Mansharamani                                                                                  make this experience special with their Malavika Kumar
                                              Managing Director, Alpcord   embedded products, eco-easy serv- General Manager                                                                Assistant Operations
       maintain and supersede our perform- Network Travel & Conferences                                                                           discreet and personalised service for Manager, Samode Hotels
                                                                           ices and eco-sensitised associates. ITC Maurya
       ance. As an award winning compa- Management Company                                                                                        the guests. Awards like the National
                                                                           A role model for the global hospitality
       ny, the onus will fall on us to create                              industry, ITC Maurya, is an epitome of the Responsible Luxury          Tourism Award motivate the team to do well and at the same
       a different brand for ourselves and take things to a higher         ethos and is the World’s largest LEED Platinum rated hotel in          time, they help us in striving harder to achieve the high stand-
       level of service.                                                   the EB Category (Existing Building).                                   ards and goals of the organisation.

FINAL_TT_October-2nd-2017.indd 10                                                                                                                                                                           13-10-2017 18:56:35
FINAL_TT_October-2nd-2017.indd 11   13-10-2017 18:56:37
12     TRAVTALK OCTOBER 2 ND FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2017                                                                                                                                 QUICKBYTES
       Ras Al Khaimah spellbinds travel trade
       Ras Al Khaimah hosted the 3rd OTOAI Annual Convention where the travel trade discussed new opportuni-
       ties and efficient use of technology in tourism to allow its members to implement it to grow business. Attend-
       ees at the conevention share their experiences of the destination with TRAVTALK.

         ANKITA SAXENA FROM RAS AL KHAIMAH                                         The biggest achievement of the                                              We received a very positive feed-
                                                                                convention has been the theme.                                             back for the convention. We hosted
          The convention has been a con-                                                                                                                   participants from across India includ-
       gregation of quality travel agents and                                   The intention was to deliberate and
                                                                                educate the association members                                            ing the four major metros and Tier-II
       tour operators from across the country,
                                                                                on the new opportunities available                                         cities of Nagpur, Jamshedpur, Kochi
       discussing new opportunities for travel
                                                                                to them in the market and how they                                         and Thiruvananthapuram. The reason
       professionals. I feel that with changing
       times, the regular itineraries will not do                               can make the most of it in order to                                        we chose Ras Al Khaimah as our con-
       well as today everything is available                                    grow their business. The convention                                        vention venue is because this is the
       online; anyone and everyone can pack-                                    was also instrumental in allowing                                          third emirate which has high tourism
                                                                                the members to explore a new des-          Rajeev Sabharwal                potential apart from Dubai and Abu Gurdeep Singh Gujral
       age their own tours. The key is to tap                                                                              CEO, Gaurav Travels                                                         Joint Secretary, OTOAI and Co-
       into newer, unexplored destinations, Shravan Bhalla                      tination like Ras Al Khaimah, which                                        Dhabi, which are frequented by Indian chairman, OTOAI Convention
                                                                                                                           and Head-Finance and
       where the travel agent holds monopoly General Secretary                  they can now learn about and add to        Events, OTOAI                   travellers. The pristine coastline, high-
                                                  OTOAI, and CEO, High Flyers   their list of products.
       and also diversify the segment of travel.                                                                                                           value tourism products along with new upcoming projects, Ras
       One has to create customised, niche itineraries and venture into                                                                                    Al Khaimah certainly offers good value to travellers. With the
       segments like events and weddings where hand holding and                                                                                            changing times, it is very important for the outbound tour opera-
       physical presence of the agents is required to grow business.                                       The convention was very well or-                tors to explore newer sectors and create opportunities which
                                                                                                        ganised as well as well attended. We               will be beneficial for business in the long run.
                                      OTOAI conventions have always                                     had the opportunity to network with
                                  been very good. This is one of the                                    our existing partners and fellow travel
                                                                                                                                                                                                    I felt that this year’s convention
                                  serious conventions that takes place                                  agents but more importantly we were
                                                                                                                                                                                                has been unique not only because of
                                  every year in the tourism and hospi-                                  able to meet members of OTOAI from
                                                                                                                                                                                                the informative sessions conducted
                                  tality industry. This year, I feel every                              across the country. I loved the session
                                                                                                                                                                                                through the day, but also because of
                                  participant has got an update about                                   on technology as it was an eye opener.
                                                                                                                                                                                                the destination. Earlier, when the con-
                                  the current trends in outbound mar-                                   I have learnt how to work with a data-
                                                                                                                                                                                                vention was proposed, we were not
                                  ket. The convention touched upon all          Anjum Lokhandwala        base and make use of social media.
                                                                                                                                                                                                convinced as to what Ras Al Khaimah
                                   the challenges faced by the travel           Founder and Director     We have been active on Facebook
                                                                                                                                                                                                can offer us. However, after visiting the
       Sujit Nair                  agents from across the country and           Outbound Konnections     and Instagram for personal purposes
       Founder and Group Managing                                                                                                                                                               destination and listening to the desti-
                                   have also managed to deliberate on                                    but the sessions gave us information
       Director, Akquasun Group                                                                                                                            Tejbir Singh Anand                   nation presentation at the convention,
                                   the solutions and way forward, which         on how we can make use of these platforms for the benefit of                 Founder and Managing                we are happily surprised. I feel if the
                                   has been very helpful. In the times to       our business and grow them further.                                        Director, Holiday Moods
       come, mobile applications will be the future for travel.                                                                                                                                 right months are chosen to travel here,
                                                                                                                                                                                                this destination will be a bestseller.

                                                                                                                                                     The convention has been an in-
                                                                                                                                                  formative platform to gather knowledge
                                                                                                                                                  about the various trends in the industry.
                                                                                                                                                  The highlight for me was the fact that
                                                                                                                                                  the convention deliberated on solutions
                                                                                                                                                  more than on problems. The most im-
                                                                                                                                                  portant part is that we could listen and
                                                                                                                                                  discuss with senior players of the indus-
                                                                                                                                                  try what can be done to overcome the
                                                                                                                 Gursahib Singh Sethi             challenges in business. The destination                   Mahendra Vakharia
                                                                                                                 &KLHI2SHUDWLQJ2IÀFHU         chosen for the convention has been                        0DQDJLQJ'LUHFWRU3DWKÀQGHUV
                                                                                                                 Sahibji Travels and Tours,       excellent and will surely become more                     Holidays & Chairman-Western
                                                                                                                 India Travel Award winner                                                                  Chapter, OTOAI
                                                                                                                                                  popular among Indian clientele.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             The highlight of OTOAI
                                                                                                                     The convention was very informa-                                                    convention is that it is fo-
                                                                                                                 tive and offered a good platform to                                                     cused, compact and we do
                                                                                                                 meet and greet fellow travel indus-                                                     not believe in numbers but in
                                                                                                                 try peers and colleagues. Since the                                                     targeting the right audience.
                                                                                                                 convention is organised in a differ-                                                    Even the sessions have to
                                                                                                                 ent country every year, especially an                                                   be interesting, appropriate
                                                                                                                 emerging destination for outbound                                                       and interactive for the partici-
                                                                                                                 travel, we get to learn about a new                                                     pants. Presently, we are going
                                                                                                                 destination which can be tapped                                                         through interesting times in
                                                                                                                 for business. We could enlighten                   Adl Karim                            the outbound tourism indus-
                                                                                                                 ourselves with the current industry                Director, Creative                   try. With the new regime of
                                                                                                                 trends and products as well.                       Tours and Travels (India)            GST, all of us will have to be
                                                                                                                                                                                                         ready to change our business
                                                                                                                                                                                                         model and adapt. I feel this
                                                                                                                                              The convention was awe-inspiring!                          will be a good change as it
                                                                                                                                          The key focus of the convention was                            will create a level playing field
                                                                                                                                          to address the insecurities of the in-                         for all and it will ensure a long
                                                                                                                                          dustry members regarding the future                            run for those who want to do
                                                                                                                                          of travel business. Various speakers                           ethical business. Not only the
                                                                                                                                          during the sessions highlighted the                            Tier-II and Tier-III markets, I
                                                                                                                                          challenges especially after demoneti-                          feel even the Tier-I market is
                                                                                                                                          sation and GST and also deliberated                            not ready to accept technol-
                                                                                                                                           on the way forward and how to cre-                            ogy or embrace it into the sys-
                                                                                                                 Vineet Gopal              ate newer avenues for business. Ras                           tem. We should have adapted
                                                                                                                 Chapter, OTOAI            Al Khaimah is a new and unexplored                            to technology a few years ago
                                                                                                                                           emirate and given the fact that tourism                       but we can still catch up as it
                                                                                                                 between India and the UAE is thriving, RAK can easily be an                             is the only way forward.
                                                                                                                 added product to the itineraries.                                                                Contd. on page 14

FINAL_TT_October-2nd-2017.indd 12                                                                                                                                                                                                13-10-2017 18:56:41
FINAL_TT_October-2nd-2017.indd 13   13-10-2017 18:56:43
14       TRAVTALK OCTOBER 2 ND FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2017                                                                                                            QUICKBYTES
       Explore Ras Al Khaimah with OTOAI
           Contd. from page 12

                                       The convention for me was an                                       This is my first time at OTOAI            In today’s time, the world has
                                    incredible experience. It is a known                              convention. For me, this is a con-        become a much smaller place and
                                    fact that the outbound travel mar-                                centrated platform where I can meet       with technology this phenomenon
                                    ket from India is booming and trav-                               all my industry partners in one shot.     is taking place at lightning speed.
                                    ellers are looking at new destina-                                It is a three-day affair which is very    In terms of creating opportunities
                                    tions for their holidays. In such a                               convenient. The accommodation and         with the fast paced times, I feel
                                                                                                      venue for the convention, Waldorf         we are networking a lot more. Now
                                    scenario, I feel Ras Al Khaimah will
                                                                                                      Astoria, has been phenomenal with         there are many shows of similar
                                    definitely change the landscape for
                                                                                                       its luxury offerings. The highlight of   nature like the convention where
                                    Indians who are travelling abroad.     Dhruv Raj Gupta
       Sajan K Gupta                                                                                   the convention for me is that it is      we get a chance to meet the right        Manish Kriplani
                                    It will soon become a must-do          Co-founder and CEO                                                                                            CEO, Baywatch Travels and
       CEO, Vayu Seva Tours and                                            Tripshelf                   a one-stop-shop where we get to          kind of people for business which is
       Travels & Chairman-Eastern   destination for the clients who                                                                                                                      Chairman-Southern Chapter,
                                                                                                       network and interact with the indus-     a major advantage.                       OTOAI
       Chapter, OTOAI               visit Dubai.
                                                                           try. It definitely fulfilled my agenda and purpose of attending
                                                                           a convention.

           This is the first time I’m attend-                                   Despite 20 years of experi-                                         This year’s convention has been
       ing an OTOAI convention and it has                                  ence in the travel industry, this is                                 very different from its last edition in
       been a learning experience. We                                      the first time I have travelled for a                                 Bali. I have been to the UAE multiple
       had abundant interactive sessions                                   convention. The destination chosen                                   times but this is my first time to Ras Al
       and networking opportunities with                                   is new and in its nascent stage.                                     Khaimah. Bali is a destination that we
       fellow travel agents. It has been a                                 Thus, it is the right time to visit it                               have been selling from Lucknow to the
       very well-managed event and the                                     and understand it before offering                                    Uttar Pradesh market for a long time
       location chosen for the convention–
                                                                           it to the clients. In three nights we                                but Ras Al Khaimah has come up as
       Ras Al Khaimah–has given us an
                                                                           could explore Ras Al Khaimah and                                     a new, unexplored destination. Today,
       opportunity to explore a new des- Farida Attarwala                                                                                                                                 S. M. A. Sheeraz
                                                                           absorb the essence and also look Sangeeta Berera                     the clients demand off-beat locations Director
       tination which can be easily com- Director
                                                                           at it from various facets as clients, Founder                        for their holidays as they have already Sheeraz Tours
       bined with Dubai, a favourite with %XWWHUÁ\HUV+ROLGD\V                                                    World of Astral
                                                                           honeymooners, MICE, holidays, etc.                                   travelled to South East Asia and Euro-
       the Indian clientele for a weekend
                                                                           apart from being travel agents. I could gather good prod-            pean countries and I feel Ras Al Khaimah can be that next spot.
       holiday. Also, the ease of visa from
       India will add to the popularity of this destination in the         uct knowledge and the sessions and exchange of ideas                 We could see that this destination serves as an apt location for
       Indian market.                                                      was the need of the hour.                                            Indian weddings, FIT travel as well as honeymooners.

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FINAL_TT_October-2nd-2017.indd 15   13-10-2017 18:56:51
16      TRAVTALK OCTOBER 2 ND FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2017                                                                                                      SPECIALFEATURE
       GST deliberations power up conference
       Over 300 UNIGLOBE travel professionals from across South Asia gathered at Imagica, Mumbai, to Feel the
       Power of valuable insights, networking and celebration of individual and collective achievements.

          TT B UREAU                                                                                                   A part of this year’s star
                                                 The annual UNIGLOBE conference is a                              attraction was the keynote ses-            Our theme for this year, ‘Feel the Power’, was
       T   he recently concluded
           12th Annual UNIGLOBE
                                                                               g y net-
                                              great platform to support inter-agency                              sion, where actor Rohit Roy let
                                                                                                                  the attendees in on his ‘mantra
                                                                                                                                                         chosen to inspire UNIGLOBE travel professionals
       Regional Conference and                working, professional devel-
                                                                       vel-                                       for success.’ Over 40 suppliers        to feel the power to conquer indus-
       Excellence Awards, was                 opment and to strengthenn                                           from different categories in-          WU\FKDOOHQJHVDQGÀQGQHZ
       hosted at Imagica in Mum-                                                                                  cluding leisure, technology, in-
       bai. Themed ‘Feel the Power’,          relationships with each other
                                                                       ther                                       surance, banks, hotels, airlines       ways of adding value to client
       the conference attracted over          and with key suppliers of the                                       and destination management             relationships through transpar-
       300 UNIGLOBE travel pro-                                                                                   companies came together for
       fessionals from South Asia.            South Asian region.                                                 ‘The Supplier Showcase’ that           ency, new-age tools and better
       The conference saw two days
                                                                       Raja Natesan
                                                                                                                  served as a platform for partici-      use of travel content.
       of deliberations over GST                                                                                  pants to establish, renew and
       and stimulating educational
                                                     UNIGLOBE Travel (South Asia))
                                                                                                                  build successful partnerships                                Ritika Modi
       sessions on leadership, be-                                                                                with their preferred suppliers              Regional President, UNIGLOBE
       sides the unveiling of two                                                                                 and gain a better understand-                          Travel (South Asia)
       ground-breaking technology                                                                                 ing of their offerings.
       solutions from UNIGLOBE.            the ‘what’ and ‘how’ of the de-   ancing act in acquiring power                                              Awards for top-level sales and       learn with our fellow UNI-
                                           velopments on GST.                and learning how to use it                 “Individually it can be diffi-   revenue growth achievements          GLOBE family members
            The highlight of the con-                                        more effectively as leaders.         cult to accomplish one’s objec-       were given to the owners of          around South Asia at the
       ference was the launch of                An     interactive     and                                        tives, but together we can move       UNIGLOBE member agencies             conference. The rides and
       UKonnect, an end-to-end,            thought-provoking       session         “Our theme for this year,      mountains. The annual UNI-            from across the South Asia           experiences at Imagica
       networking and collabora-           by Raja Natesan, CEO, UNI-        ‘Feel the Power’, was chosen         GLOBE conference is a great           region. The 12th Annual Excel-       Theme and Snow Parks,
       tion tool that brings over 1500     GLOBE Travel (South Asia),        to inspire UNIGLOBE travel           platform to support inter-agency      lence Awards felicitated top in-     along with the ‘Dress as a
       UNIGLOBE professionals on           shed light on how UNIGLOBE        professionals to feel the power      networking, professional devel-       dividual performers across 11        Toon’ and ‘Pirates’ themed
       a single platform to exchange       professionals can recognise       to conquer industry challenges       opment and to strengthen re-          award categories. The awards         dinners on Days 1 and 2
       ideas, share knowledge and          new opportunities to turn them    and find new ways of adding val-      lationships with each other and       included recognition for Coun-       of the conference, only
       discuss the latest trends. Also,    into stepping stones of suc-      ue to client relationships through   with key suppliers of the South       selors, Managers, Sales, Ac-         added the much welcome
       unveiled at the conference          cess for clients. In other ses-   transparency, new-age tools          Asian region,” says Natesan.          counts, Leisure and Facilita-        fun element to the rendez-
       was an improved version of          sions, Raja, revealed what it     and better use of travel content                                           tion personnel at various levels     vous,” concludes Ch. Uma,
       the company’s flagship agent         takes to arrive at the most fa-   to tailor options and experiences         Top performing agencies          of performance assessment.           President, UNIGLOBE Fran-
       booking tool, Complete Ac-          vourable outcome when faced       for travellers,” says Ritika Modi,   were rewarded for achiev-                                                  chise Owners Association.
       cess Online, and a preview of       with tough business dilemmas      Regional President, UNIGLOBE         ing the organisation’s highest            “As every year, it was
       upcoming products, including        and perform the ultimate bal-     Travel (South Asia).                 standards of growth through.          great to bond, interact and            See pictures on page 24

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NTO                                                                                                                                                     OCTOBER 2 ND FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2017   TRAVTALK   17

      Exploring the hidden gems of N. France
      Even as Northern France is catching up in popularity with Indian tourists, Lucie Rousseau,
      Business Manager India, Northern France Tourism, says they are working towards attracting
      MICE groups as well as FITs from India to the region.
                                       well as FITs in India, because    of Indians visiting Northern      “I try to go to India at least   we believe that cinema is a         here, visit the castle and
                                       people who are well travelled     France should be roughly be-      three times a year to meet the   great medium to attract             indulge in a few team

     N    orthern France Tourism
          along with Atout France–
     India recently organised a
                                       are ready to explore a little
                                       more because right now In-
                                       dia is still stuck to Paris and
                                                                         tween 500-1000. Our aim is
                                                                         not to just develop Chantilly
                                                                         and Paris, but also places like
                                                                                                           travel agents and to take part
                                                                                                           in some events. We also work
                                                                                                           closely with Atout France in
                                                                                                                                            Indians to the destination,”
                                                                                                                                            adds Rousseau.
                                                                                                                                                                                building activities. We try
                                                                                                                                                                                and do personalised meals
                                                                                                                                                                                as well. The biggest USP
     familiarisation trip to show-     Nice. We did receive a few        Bay of Somme, which is more       India for promotions, cam-           Chantilly has been a            for Chantilly is that it’s only
     case the region’s myriad of-      groups from India a couple of     niche and is ready to have        paigns, supplements that         popular destination for groups      30 minutes from CDG air-
     ferings. “Northern France is      years back and had around         new markets,” she shares.         showcase our destination. We     and also had a huge Indian          port in Paris and can be-
     not a famous touristic des-       5000-6000 Indian arrivals,                                          also invite agents to explore    wedding recently. “I would          come the last stop for peo-
     tination, but since we are at     but that stopped and now we           Rousseau is working in        the region. The recent Bolly-    like to recommend MICE              ple visiting France, after
     the crossroads from Paris to      have more individual travel-      close proximity with the In-      wood film ‘Befikre’ was shot       groups to come for a day trip       which they can directly fly
     London, many tourists cross       lers. Currently, the number       dian travel fraternity as well.   in the region last year, and     to Chantilly and have lunch         back to India.”

      Lucie Rousseau
      Business Manager India
      Northern France Tourism

        We want to develop the
        Indian market because
        it is an emerging market
        and there are more
        Indians travelling out of
        India. With 5 lakh tour-
        ists coming to France
        every year, we want to
        capture a chunk of that

      our region. Thus, it’s easy
     for them to stop on the way
     and explore beauties like
     Chantilly, for example. As
     the regional tourism board,
     we have a strategy to ac-
     cess emerging markets and
     hence we started with China
     five years ago and now we
     have 25,000 Chinese com-
     ing every year in the region.
     We want to develop the In-
     dian market because it is an
     emerging market and there
     are more Indians travelling
     out of India. With 5 lakh tour-
     ists coming to France every
     year, we want to capture a
     chunk of that number for
     this region as well,” says
     Lucie Rousseau.

          Apart from targeting the
     Indian market, Rousseau
     is also working closely with
     the local tourism stakehold-
     ers, so that they boost their
     business and make it easy
     for them to manage Indian
     clients, as she thinks it’s a
     different market. “From Chi-
     na we have a lot of groups,
     but from India we get a lot
     of FIT business, which does
     not exist with the Chinese
     so far. Hence, we are trying
     to develop both groups as

FINAL_TT_October-2nd-2017.indd 17                                                                                                                                                                      13-10-2017 18:56:54
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