Experian Consumer Services - 17 June 2021

Page created by Megan Howard
Experian Consumer Services - 17 June 2021
Experian Consumer Services
17 June 2021

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Experian Public.
Experian Consumer Services - 17 June 2021
Experian North America
Consumer Services
Jeff Softley
President, D2C
Experian Consumer Services - 17 June 2021
Our strategic priorities and growth agenda are ambitious

                            • We are developing a deeper relationship
          We will be the      with consumers; playing a more central
           pre-eminent        role in their day-to-day lives
           platform for
                            • Our brand and our data give us the
          consumers to        license to support consumers across many
          manage their        areas to enhance their financial lives
          financial lives
                            • We are taking share across markets as
                              we scale
                            • We are accessing substantial new
                              growth markets through accelerating
                              product innovation

3   © Experian
Experian Consumer Services - 17 June 2021
We are evolving our consumer value proposition, our role,
and our brand to achieve scale and growth
        Direct to        Phase 1          Phase 2           Phase 3
        Growth        Commoditization   Business Model   Scaling Ambition   • Use our unique role and
       Horizons        & Disruption      Stabilization                        position to build “first, best,
                                                                              only” products which give
         Timeframe     FY10 to FY16     FY17 to FY19         FY20+            consumers more control
                                                                            • Scale our customer base
             TAM          $1bn+             $2bn+           $10bn+            and expand our brand
                                                                            • Harness consumer
       Member Base                                                            contributed data value
          Size           2m to 5m         5m to 25m      25m to 100m+         propositions to access and
                                                                              disrupt broader markets
          Member        Few times        Every other        Monthly
        Engagement       per year          month                            • Franchise expansion to
                                                                              access further growth
          Targeted          1                 3               10+

4   © Experian
Experian Consumer Services - 17 June 2021
Macro trends play to Experian’s advantage

                    Accelerating digital                       Consumer contributed                               Consumers need help
                      transformation                                everything                                   • 2 out of 3 consumers say they
                 • Generational and technology                • Consumers are getting more                         are worried about their finances
    Macro          shifts advancing rapid adoption              comfortable with sharing their
                                                                data for benefits
                                                                                                                 • Consumers have grown less
                                                                                                                   optimistic about the short-term
    Trends       • The COVID-19 pandemic is
                   accelerating need for digitized            • More and more “real world”                         outlook for the economy and
                   processes                                    outcomes are being realized                        labor market and remain
                                                                through consumer contributed                       concerned about their financial
                                                                data                                               prospects

                    Experian’s Unique                              Experian Boost and                               Consumer Trust as
                        Position                                          More                                         Foundation
                 • Experian’s assets and leading              • First mover advantage and an                     • Consumers trust Experian to
                   role in foundational financial               expanding set of use cases                         produce financial health products
                   processes paired with our                                                                       that they would trust and use
 Experian          growing consumer business
                                                              • New value propositions in
                                                                development against a backdrop                   • Consumers have a confidence in
Advantage          create new opportunities to                  of digital transformation in the                   Experian’s ability to meet their
                   enable consumer control and                  market                                             evolving needs during times of
                   serve partners                                                                                  uncertainty

5   © Experian                                  Sources: ECS COVID-19 & Consumer Confidence Survey, March 2020
                                                          EY-Parthenon PFM Dynamics Consumer Survey
Experian Consumer Services - 17 June 2021
The Experian advantage: Our consumer-contributed data
strategy creates value for consumers, partners and the business

                     Experian Boost Momentum                                                      Favorability             Engagement        Monetization
                         % Aware of Experian Boost                                                 Awareness of             Return rate is    Free customers
                                                                                                  Experian Boost            improved for       who complete
                                                                  54%                             greatly improves         customers who      Boost generate
                                                                                                     favorability            use Boost        higher revenue




           FY20 H1     FY20 H2          FY21 H1                FY21 H2

6   © Experian                                       Sources: Brand Health Tracker Report by Northstar Research Partners
Experian Consumer Services - 17 June 2021
The Experian advantage: Scale is creating new opportunities
and more ways to engage consumers
           Free Customer Base                                Total Login Volume                               Average Number of        Overall Upsell Rate*
                                                                     Free Members                            Logins per Customer           Free Members
                                  41M                                                                             per month
                                                                                                                        Free Members

    FY17     FY18   FY19   FY20   FY21

Scale enables the business                                   More customers                                     Customers are           More customers
 to create meaningful entry                                   are engaged                                         engaged                are invested
      into new markets                                                                                           more often
7   © Experian                                    *Rate of consumers upgrading to one of our paid membership products
Experian Consumer Services - 17 June 2021
The Experian advantage: Partners trust our quality and
consumers trust Experian
                                                                 COVID has created a unique market opportunity to
                                                               serve consumers and partners in meaningful, new ways

                                                Partner • Lending guidance in uncertain market
                            CreditMatch is       Needs • Access to high quality new customers
                            growing; while              • Confidence in long term value and profitability
                            inquiries have                       Partners maintained their relationships with CreditMatch even
                               declined                           while reducing their network and marketing spend
                                                                 CreditMatch onboarded 5 new partners and 6 new credit
    FY21 H2 YOY                                                   product offerings during COVID
                                                      • Advice on how to safeguard their credit
            Bankcard Hard                       Needs • Access to tools that promote financial wellness
              Inquiries                               • Confidence to gain credit
                              Approvals                          Net Promotor Score is elevated for CreditMatch consumers,
                                                                  indicating that access to tools that help them manage their
                                                                  financial lives creates a more favorable view of the brand
                                                                 Expanded Experian Boost to include additional credit line
                                                                  options, e.g., streaming services

8   © Experian
                                                  Source: Experian State of the Market Trends
Experian Consumer Services - 17 June 2021
Our growth agenda will extend into large and adjacent markets
where we are competitively positioned
        HEALTH            $5bn+                                IDENTITY
                                                             MANAGEMENT                            $3bn+                                        MARKETPLACE
                                                                                                                                                                  $10bn+          *


      We will help consumers manage                        Identity services are more than just                                                  Consumers can use their data and
      their financial lives, not just their                a passive insurance and protection                                                     financial profiles to access new
     credit, with new freemium features                       proposition. Consumers can                                                        products across more areas of their
         that assist consumers in                              manage their privacy and                                                                     financial lives.
         improving their financial                         control their data across new and                                                      Partners can access a stream of
       position and saving money.                                 expanding use cases.                                                           qualified, high value customers.

9   © Experian                                Note: Sizing estimates are preliminary. Shaded circles are the markets we currently operate in.
                                                                        *Includes first-party & third-party lead gen
Experian Consumer Services - 17 June 2021
We are expanding with a new breed of “Smart” financial
health products; fueled by consumer contributed data
     FINANCIAL         8:00                                           8:00                                                    8:00

                      Personal Finances

                                                          1.4M                                        $1M                                                   50M+
                                                      Connected                                        Saved                                               Credit Score
                                                       Accounts                                                                                            points added
                          Financial Health                             Bill Negotiation
                                                                                                   (during Beta test)
                                                                                                                                Experian Boost
                  Provide consumers with capabilities             Help consumers eliminate costs                        Improve credit scores instantly – now
                   to build their financial profile and           and save money by negotiating                          utilizing streaming service accounts
                      manage their financial lives                      bills on their behalf.

10   © Experian
Our marketplace is expanding, creating opportunities to help
consumers save money in a whole new way
MARKETPLACE                 8:00                            8:00                                   Auto Insurance Revenue
     Lead Generation

                                                                                        H2 vs H1

                                                                                                       FY21 H1            FY21 H2

                                                                                                       Partner Response
                                                                                                       “CreditMatch, in the span of
                                                                                                        less than 3 months, have
                                                                                                      become a T1 partner and are
                                                                                                     getting attention and priority all
                                                                                                      the way up to the CEO level”
                                                                                                        ~ Auto Insurance Partner
                           Lender Integrations                 Auto Insurance
                          Consumers benefit from pre-
                       approved offers generated through      Better credit can save
                        integrated partner relationships    consumers money in our
                                                           auto insurance marketplace
11   © Experian
We have a clear path ahead of us, strong momentum and
substantial new opportunities which play to our advantage

                       Growth agenda is working - we are taking
     We will be the    share in core markets
      platform for     Uniquely positioned to address macro trends
     consumers to      and evolving consumer needs
     manage their
     financial lives
                       Substantial franchise expansion opportunities
                       available to accelerate growth

12   © Experian
Experian Brazil
Consumer Services
Silvio Frison
Vice President, Brazil Consumer Services
Credit Landscape in Brazil
Punitive interest rates and strict credit policies penalise the population.
      Low credit penetration, due to limited competition, restricted to five major banks
      Huge latent potential for collections and credit services

     Household Credit/GDP Ratio (%)                                                                   Serasa: Challenging the status quo

                                      75%                        84%
                                                                                                                    Local Brand
                  Brazil              USA                         UK

     Defaulters in Brazil (2020)                                                                                      Position

                           62 million
                                                                                                                     Global IP

                                                                                                                    Positive Data

14   © Experian             * Source: Bank for International Settlements (BIS), 2019 | Serasa Experian.
Consumer Services Strategy: Credit for All
Our mission is to provide credit access to the entire Brazilian population regardless of their score

                                                  Consumer’s Financial Life Timeline and Target Products

                          Engagement: Serasa “Free”

                                       Free ID                                             Financial                     Positive
                                       Report                                              Education                     Data

                          Transactional Products
                             Collection Marketplace                 Credit Marketplace            Premium Subscription

                         0                                    300                               700                                 1000

                                                                        Serasa Media/e-wallet

15   © Experian
Engagement Strategy: Serasa “Free”
Serasa has connected with more than 1/3 of the Brazilian Population

                  Free Member Enrollments (millions)

                                                                      37% of
                                                       45      59      adult
                                                32                  population
                     FY17          FY18        FY19   FY20   FY21

                  Brazilian Population (millions)

                    Banked                      212

16   © Experian       * Source: IBGE, 2020.
Collection Marketplace (Limpa Nome)
Limpa Nome solution is already the go-to solution for Brazilians to negotiate their debt and pay their bills

     Limpa Nome: Partners                                                                           Limpa Nome: Discounts Conceded (US$ billions)

                                                                        53                                            +341%
                  FY19                      FY20                      FY21

     Limpa Nome: Transactions (millions)                                                                                             13

                   2                                                                                        1
                  FY19                      FY20                      FY21                                FY19         FY20         FY21

17   © Experian         *Source: Team analysis | LNO came to ECS in FY19 | FY21 Fx rate: R$ 4.12.
Serasa Score Turbo
 Bills paid within our ecosystem boost consumers score.
      Gamification strategy through bills payments
      Real time financial education
      It differs from USA Boost, which is based on behaviour

                                More deals

                                                                HIGHER CREDIT
                      BUREAU DEBT

                     NON-BUREAU DEBT

           eWallet    REGULAR BILLS
                                More deals

18   © Experian
Credit Marketplace (eCred)
 eCred completes the Serasa ecosystem (pay your bills, boost your score and get back to the credit market).

     Brazil: 2020 Credit Market Size (US$)                                                                               eCred: Confirmed Orders (millions)

                       $840 billion                                                                                                                     3


                                                                                                                                       FY19            FY20    FY21

      eCred: Loans (US$ millions)                                                                                        eCred: Credit Cards (thousands)
                                                   44                                                                                                          1,594
                                                                                                                                        138             362
                  FY19                           FY20                             FY21                                                  FY19           FY20    FY21

19   © Experian   * Market size source: Bacen/Febraban; Feb, 2020 | Source: Team analysis | eCred operation began in Sep/18 | FY21 Fx rate: R$ 4.12.
Key Results
 We are already the largest Brazilian fintech from an audience standpoint

      Web Visits           (millions)                                                                             Financial Audience Share (%)                                *Nov/20

                                                                                   589                            20%
                                               291                                        65%                                    10%             10%           10%
                                                                                         Organic                                                                              9%
                             194                                                         Traffic                                                                                         6%

           FY17             FY18              FY19              FY20               FY21                          Caixa         Serasa          Bradesco        Itaú       Santander     Nubank

      Unique Web Users: Monthly Average                                                                      App: Active Users
      (millions)         +31%
                                                                              20                                                                           +34%

                  FY19                        FY20                          FY21                                                        Mar/20                                 Mar/21

20   © Experian   *Source: Google Analytics; Similar Web; Team analysis | Organic Traffic: Direct access to the website | Financial Audience: searches on Google; nov 2020.
What is next?
 Serasa will be the one-stop-shop for financial life


                                                                    • Comprehensive           • Score improvement
                                                                      credit scan

                                                                    • Renegotiate debts       • Personal credit
                                                                    • Get special discounts   • Credit card
                                                                    • E-wallet                • Financing

                                                                    • Financial education     • ID monitoring
      Score 0                                          Score 1000                             • Cashback

21   © Experian
In summary, very attractive prospects for our business
in Brazil
        1         Strong position in the market

        2         Winning strategy in place

        3         Clear competitive advantages to address an evolving credit space

        4         Good momentum enhanced by positive data

        5         Plenty of opportunities in addition to positive data

22   © Experian
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