Page created by Derrick Parker
   MARCH 10, 2022

       10:30 A.M.

            CINCINNATI, OHIO 45202

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(Motion to approve and/or amend minutes)
Meeting Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting
                   Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of Governments
                              February 10, 2022 – 10:30 a.m.
                                      OKI Boardroom

Call to Order – OKI Board President David Painter noted there was a quorum and called the meeting to
order at 10:40 a.m. The following members were in attendance:

David Painter, President, Clermont County Board of Commissioners
Judge/Executive Gary Moore, Boone County Fiscal Court
Judge/Executive Steve Pendery, Campbell County Fiscal Court
Rick Probst, Dearborn County Board of Commissioners
Stephanie Summerow Dumas, Hamilton County Board of Commissioners
Judge/Executive Kris Knochelmann, Kenton County Fiscal Court
Michelle Williams, Covington, KY
Matthew Davidson, Fairfield, OH
Susan Vaughn, Hamilton, OH
Mark Fette, Lawrenceburg, IN
Talbott Moon, Middletown, OH
Lauren O’Brien, Newport, KY
Sarah Stankorb Taylor, Wyoming, OH
Dan Driehaus, Wyoming, OH
Josh Gerth, Anderson Township
Geoff Milz, Colerain Township
Michael Logue, Union Township
Lee Wong, West Chester Township
Tom Peck, Clermont County Township Association
Jonathan Sams, Warren County Association of Township Trustees & Clerks
Brian Painter, Campbell County Fiscal Court
David Okum, Hamilton County Regional Planning Commission
Sharmili Reddy, PDS of Kenton County
Ryan Cook, Warren County Regional Planning Commission
Chris Wahlman, Indiana Dept. of Transportation
Tom Arnold, Ohio Dept. of Transportation
Darryl Haley, SORTA
Andrew Aiello, TANK
Christopher Lawson, BCRTA
Roger Kerlin, Resident
Kenneth F. Reed, Treasurer and Resident
Karl B. Shultz, Resident
V. Anthony Simms-Howell, Ohio Commission on Hispanic/Latino Affairs
Thomas Voss, Resident

Charlie Cleves, Bellevue, KY
Ken Bowman, Ft. Thomas, KY

(Con’t Board of Directors)

Steve Krehbiel, Indian Hill, OH
J. Doug Moormann, Madeira, OH
Susan Hoover, Norwood, OH
Jason Bracken, Oxford, OH
Jeffrey P. Anderson, Springdale, OH
Seth Thompson, Villa Hills, KY
Cathy H. Flaig, Boone County Fiscal Court
Mark McCormack, Dearborn County Planning Commission
Liz Hayden, Hamilton (City) Planning Commission
Claire B. Corcoran, Clermont County Board of Commissioners
Rob Franxman, Boone County Engineer
Nick Hendrix, Kenton County Engineer
Hank Menninger, Resident
Pete Metz, Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber
Alicia Reece, Hamilton County Board of Commissioners
Mark Welch, West Chester Township
Bonnie Batchler, Clermont County Board of Commissioners
Eric J. Beck, Hamilton County Engineer
Todd Listerman, Dearborn County Engineer

James Lukas, Sharonville, OH
Tracie Braun, Clermont County Board of County Commissioners
Judith Konica, Clermont County Board of County Commissioners
Jennifer Haley, Clermont County Board of County Commissioners
Scott Falkowski, City of Forest Park
Jay Hamilton, Mead & Hunt
Jeff Wallace, CT Consultants
Colleen Reynolds, DSD
Jennifer Shuey, DLZ
Garry Williams, DLZ
Gary Bowen, DLZ
Carl Ruf, Strand Associates
Alex Peppers, City of Cincinnati – Dept. of City Planning

Edward D. Diller, Senior Counsel, Taft
Luke Blocher, Senior Counsel, Taft

Lorrie Platt                    Melissa Jones                Summer Jones
David Shuey                     Mark Policinski
Florence Parker                 Jake Hesseling
James Pickering                 Bob Koehler
Brett Porter                    Andy Reser

President Painter asked Trustee Josh Gerth, Anderson Township to lead the Pledge of Allegiance.
President Painter stated this is an Executive Committee meeting and asked members to review the 2022
board roster, and that if any updates were needed, to please see OKI staff person Lorrie Platt.


B. Approval of the January 13, 2022 Board of Director’s meeting minutes

President Painter requested approval of the January 13, 2022 Board of Director’s meeting minutes.
Treasurer Ken Reed moved that the minutes be approved as mailed. Judge Executive Gary Moore
seconded the motion; motion carried.

President Painter announced a request for an appointment to the ICC for board consideration. The
request was to add Mr. Matthew Hulme to represent the City of Cincinnati streetcar. Trustee Michael
Logue of Union Township moved to appoint Matthew Hulme to the ICC. Commissioner Rick Probst
seconded the motion; motion carried.

President Painter invited Judge Executive Gary Moore to the podium to share his feedback from the
National Association Regional Council’s annual policy conference. Attending on behalf of OKI, Judge
Moore shared that all hotels and restaurants in Washington D.C. are requiring guests to show their
vaccination ID card. He also noted that historically, the conference would typically have 200-250
attendees; this year, it had 100 attendees of which half were new attendees. He remarked it was
refreshing to see new persons engaged in local government.

Judge Executive Gary Moore said this year’s conference was a hybrid format (in-person and virtual
meetings). He added that there was a lot of discussion about the role of regions will play in the American
Rescue Plan and Infrastructure Plan. The number of programs at the local, regional, and state level is huge.
As many as 40 various funding codes/programs will be part of the rollout of the new Plan. Of that, 25 are
competitive grants that will have to be administered by FHWA and DOT, along with various other entities
within infrastructure funding. The Federal government estimates it will hire 4,000 employees to
administer these programs.

Moore noted that it will be many months for the roll-out for the 6-year Infrastructure Plan. Due to the
cumbersome nature, do not expect to see money flowing (other than state, formula dollars) anytime soon.

He stated there was nothing specific to report on the Brent Spence Bridge, adding that it continues to be
at the forefront and the center of discussion when it comes to the funding of projects of national

C. CEO’s Report

Mr. Mark Policinski shared that Ohio passed House Bill 51, which allows public/governmental meetings
the option to be held virtually. He noted that the Federal Highway Administration has designated the State
of Ohio as the cognizant agent, meaning OKI follows the State of Ohio’s administrative capabilities and
how we operate.

He stated the previous virtual meeting authority ended July 1, 2021. Under current OKI by-laws, votes
must be made in-person to count. Additionally, we must have a quorum to operate. If OKI allows a virtual
option, this may discourage board members from attending in-person, thus increasing the likelihood of

not meeting a quorum, which stalls the work of OKI. The virtual option will be made available on an
emergency basis. OKI is working through this scenario and welcomes thoughts and comments from board

On March 8, OKI is hosting a funding workshop for the jurisdictions to go through the Prioritization
Process. This year $60 million is available. He encouraged jurisdictions to attend so they understand how
the process works and are aware of the deadlines. He noted that there are changes in the scoring process
and he encouraged members to attend the workshop. If anyone has questions, please contact OKI Deputy
Executive Director Bob Koehler. Key dates as follows:

         2022 Cycle - STBG/SNK/TA Schedule & Funding
   March 8, 2022          Program Announcement and Workshop
   June 3, 2022           Applica�ons Due
   September 6, 2022      Priori�za�on Subcommi�ee
   September 13, 2022     Priori�za�on Subcommi�ee (if needed)
   October 11, 2022       ICC Approval
   October 13, 2022       OKI Board Approval
   December 2022          Ohio CMAQ OARC approval
   Spring 2023            Included in OKI TIP
                        Ques�ons? Contact Bob Koehler at rkoehler @oki.org

Mr. Policinski asked jurisdictions to contact OKI staff when they are in the initial stages of planning
projects, as staff can provide valuable guidance on applications.

In closing, he shared that OKI’s finance department was recognized by the State of Ohio Auditor, Keith
Faber. The department received the Ohio Auditor of State Award for exemplary financial reporting in
accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and compliance with applicable laws
for fiscal year ended 2021.

D. Finance Officer’s report

Ms. Melissa Jones, OKI Director of Finance noted that copies of the Finance Officer’s Report was
distributed to all in attendance. Ms. Jones reported the Council’s financing activities, as of February 4,
2022, OKI had:

$466,780 in PNC checking account

$22,929 HAS/FSA checking account

$312,321 STAR Ohio money market mutual fund

Ms. Jones reported there has been no recent activity on OKI’s line of credit and there is no outstanding
balance at this time. She further reported on Balance Sheet, Revenue and Expense information. The report
concluded with the general fund balance information and the total funds committed to active projects.

President Painter requested a motion to approve the minutes. Mr. Ken Reed motioned to approve the
Finance Officer’s Report and Mr. Michael Logue seconded the motion; motion carried.

E. Authorization to Reclass Accounts Payable Item to the General Fund

Ms. Melissa Jones shared that OKI had an outstanding accounts payable to the Kentucky Transportation
Cabinet (KYTC) in the amount of $13,941.18 from June 14, 2006. During an audit conducted by ODOT in
FY2006, they disallowed some payment claims, including this one to KYTC. OKI attempted to return the
funds, but KYTC refused the funds resulting in the outstanding accounts payable item.

Ms. Jones requested a resolution to reclass the $13,941.18 funds from accounts payable to OKI’s General
Fund, as the accounts payable item has been outstanding beyond the period of five years, thus the money
could be reverted to the general fund per Ohio Revised Code Section 9.39.

Board member Anthony Simms-Howell requested that there be a footnote included in the financials for
the month the adjustment is made to the general fund balance regarding OKI’s attempt to return the funds.

Incorporating that amendment, Judge Executive Kris Knochelmann provided a motion to reclass the funds
to the general fund with a second from Trustee Lee Wong, West Chester Township; motion carried.

ITEM #2 – FHWA Update did not occur due to a scheduling miscommunication.

ITEM #3 Intermodal Coordinating Committee Report

Mr. Andy Reser, OKI Manager of Transportation Programming noted the Intermodal Coordinating
Committee (ICC) met on February 8. He stated that Deputy Director Bob Koehler presented staff
recommendations for minor changes to the upcoming Project Prioritization Process to score applications
for OKI federal funds, the ICC committee concurred with the recommendation. Additionally, the ICC
committee approved TIP Administrative Modification #16. Two resolutions were recommended for board
approval. The first resolution was an update to the OKI Public Participation Plan and the second resolution
involved support of statewide transportation safety targets.

ITEM #4 Participation Plan

Ms. Florence Parker, OKI’s Environmental Justice/Public Involvement Specialist reviews and updates our
Participation Plan every four years to ensure federal funds are used fairly and without discrimination,
referring to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Ms. Parker provided background about the Participation
Plan and then highlighted the following updates to the Plan:

    •   Availability of Virtual Public Involvement in addition to in-person opportunities
    •   New criteria for defining Environmental Justice communities; where the concentration of an EJ
        population meets or exceeds 50 percent above the regional average and has an EJ population of
        more than 250 individuals, the EJ population is considered to be a part of a target group and area

President Painter requested approval of Resolution OKI 2022-03 Participation Plan Update. Commissioner
Stephanie Summerow Dumas moved to accept Resolution OKI 2022-03 Participation Plan Update and
Trustee Jonathan Sams seconded the motion; motion carried.

ITEM #5 Support of Transportation Safety Performance Measure Targets for the States of Ohio,
Kentucky, and Indiana

Mr. Brett Porter, OKI’s Senior Transportation Planner stated that the FAST Act mandated the states to
establish and maintain a performance and outcome-based program to guide transportation decisions.
This includes developing quantitative measures to address transportation safety on the National Highway
System. He added that annually each state is required to update targets for five transportation safety
performance measures. They are 1.) number of fatalities, 2.) number of serious injuries, 3.) fatality rate,
4.) serious injury rate and 5.) number of non-motorized fatalities and serious injuries.

Mr. Porter shared that MPOs have 180 days following the establishment and reporting of state safety
targets to determine whether to support those safety targets or establish their own targets. As in past
years, OKI has elected to support each state’s safety targets for 2022 calendar year. He also said that each
state’s total fatality and fatality rate targets for calendar year 2022 are slightly higher than the prior year’s
targets, while the number of serious injuries and serious injury rate and non-motorized fatalities and
serious injury targets are lower.

He closed with sharing that in the OKI region, three of the five performance measure have trended upward
between 2016 and 2020. Reflected in the below chart.

               OKI Region Transportation Safety Measures 2016-2020
                                                                                   % Change
               Year                  2016     2017      2018     2019      2020
          Total Fatalities           163       168       159      149       169      3.7%
    Fatality Rate / 100 MVMT        0.77      0.83       0.82     0.76      0.98     27.3%
      Total Serious Injuries        1,255     1,150     1,341    1,134     1,146     -8.7%
 Serious Injury Rate / 100 MVMT     5.94      5.68       6.04     5.78      6.65     12.0%
 Total Non-Motorized Fatalities
                                     172       172      180       137       131      -23.8%
       and Serious Injuries

President Painter requested a motion for Resolution 2022 – 04, Support of Transportation Safety
Performance Measure Targets for the states of Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana. Judge Gary Moore moved to
accept Resolution 2022 – 04, Support of Transportation Safety Performance Measure Targets for the
states of Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana. Commissioner Rick Probst seconded the motion; motion carried.

ITEM #6 Other Business

President Painter asked if there was any other business, there was none. He reminded all that the next
meeting is an Executive Committee meeting scheduled for March 10, 2022.
ITEM # 7 Adjournment
President Painter asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Ken Reed moved to adjourn the
Executive Committee meeting. Mr. Andrew Aiello, TANK seconded the motion; meeting adjourned at
11:26 a.m.

03/02/2022 14:02:15                                          1

OKI Board of Directors               01/13/2022 02/10/2022

 Andrew Aiello
 TANK                                 Y         Y
 Linda Allen
 South Lebanon, OH
 Jeffrey P. Anderson
 City of Springdale                   E         Y
 Tommy Arnold, Jr.,Plann. Engineer
 ODOT                                           Y
 Robert Ashbrock
 City of Reading
 Bonnie Batchler
 Clermont county Brd of Comm                    Y
 Eric Beck, PE
 Hamilton County Engineer's Off       Y         Y
 Craig Beckley
 Sparta Township                      Y
 Dan Bell
 City of Taylor Mill                  Y
 Mike Bezold, P.E.
 Kentucky Transportation Cabine
 Ken Bowman
 City of Fort Thomas                            Y
 Jason Bracken
 City of Oxford, OH                             Y
 John Brazina
 City of Cincinnati
 Gailen Bridges
 Kenton Co. Planning Comm.            E
 Laura N. Brunner
 The Port                             E         E
 Mary Burns
 City of Ft. Mitchell
 Tammy Campbell
 ODOT                                 E
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OKI Board of Directors            01/13/2022 02/10/2022

 Jeff Capell
 City of Blue Ash                  Y
 Brent Centers
 Warren Co. Regional Planning C
 Charlie Cleves
 City of Bellevue                  Y         Y
 Nicole Condrey

 Ryan Cook
 Warren County RPC
 Brent Cooper
 Northern Kentucky Chamber of C    E
 Claire Corcoran
 Clermont County Brd of Comm.      Y         Y
 Matthew Davidson
 City of Fairfield OH                        Y
 Mary Dewald
 City of North College Hill
 Chris Dobrozsi
 City of Montgomery                Y
 Matt Dowling
 Elmsmere KY
 Denise Driehaus
 Hamilton County Brd of Comm.      Y
 Dan Driehaus
 City of Wyoming
 Matthew Dutkevicz
 Butler County RTA
 Jeff Earlywine
 Boone County Fiscal Court
 Matt Elberfeld
 Campbell County Fiscal Court
 Jeremy Evans, P.E.,P.S.
 Clermont County Engineers Offi
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OKI Board of Directors            01/13/2022 02/10/2022

 Tom Farrell
 Liberty Township
 David C. Fehr
 Butler County Planning Commiss
 David C. Fehr
 Butler County Planning Commiss
 Beth Fennell
 City of Newport                   E         E
 Mark Fette
 City of Lawrenceburg              Y         Y
 Jessica Fette
 City of Erlanger                  Y
 Cathy Flaig
 Boone County Fiscal Court         E         Y
 Michael Florez
 Ohio Commission on Hispanic/La
 Rob Franxman
 Engineer/Public work              Y         Y
 Keith Funk
 City of Monroe
 Brian Garner
 City of Union
 Josh Gerth
 Anderson Township                 Y         Y
 Adam Goetzman
 Green Township
 Kathy Grossman
 City of Mason                     Y
 Tom Grossmann
 Warren County Commissioners
 Scott Guenther
 Darryl Haley
 SORTA                             Y         Y
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OKI Board of Directors            01/13/2022 02/10/2022

 Jennifer Harris
 City of Trenton
 Shannon Hartkemeyer
 Butler Co. Assoc. of Township
 Liz Hayden
 City of Hamilton                  Y         Y
 Sharon Haynes
 Campbell Co. Plann.& zoning
 Jude Hehman
 City of Ft. Mitchell              Y
 Nick Hendrix
 Kenton County                     Y         Y
 Darin Hinners
 Clermont County Plan Comm Memb
 Teresa Hinners
 Clermont Co. Township Associat
 Mark Jeffreys
 City of Cincinnati                          Y
 Shannon Jones
 Warren County Board of Commiss
 Don Jones
 Forest Park, OH
 Greg Kathman
 Fairfield (City) Planning Comm    E
 Katherine Keough-Jurs
 Cincinnati(City) Planning         E         R
 Roger L. Kerlin, AIA
                                   Y         Y
 Kris Knochelmann
 Kenton County Fiscal Court        Y         Y
 Eric Kranz
 Dearborn County Chamber of Com    Y
 Steve Krehbiel
 Village of Indian Hill                      Y
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OKI Board of Directors            01/13/2022 02/10/2022

 Tom Lampe

 Christopher Lawson
                                   Y         Y
 Charles Lippert
 City of Sharonville               Y         R
 J. Todd Listerman, PE
 Dearborn County                   Y         Y
 Michael Logue
 Union Township                              Y
 Mike Mains
 City of Harrison                  Y         E
 Mary Makley Wolff, MS
 Coalition for a Drug Free Cler    Y
 Christine L. Matacic
 Liberty Township Board of Trus    Y         E
 Larry H. Maxey
 Resident Member                   E
 Mark McCormack
 Dearborn County Plan Commissio    Y         Y
 Candace S. McGraw
 Kenton County Airport Board       Y         E
 Henry (Hank) Menninger
 City of Harrison                            Y
 Pete Metz
 Cincinnati USA Reg. Chamber                 Y
 James Metz
 Middletown Planning Commission
 Greg Meyer
 Warren County
 Joseph U. Meyer
 City of Covington
 Jennifer Moody
 City of Mt. Healthy
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OKI Board of Directors            01/13/2022 02/10/2022

 Talbott Moon
 City of Middletown                Y         Y
 Gary W. Moore
 Boone County Fiscal Court         E         Y
 Doug Moormann
 City of Madeira                             Y
 Pamela E. Mullins
 Lauren O'Brien
 City of Newport, KY                         Y
 David L. Okum
 Brian Painter
 Campbell County Fiscal Court      Y         Y
 David L. Painter
 Clermont County Board of Commi    Y         Y
 Kim Patton
 Boone County planning Commissi
 Tom Peck
 Monroe Township                   Y         Y
 Steve Pendery
 Campbell County Fiscal Court      Y         Y
 David Penque
 City of Cold Spring
 Ted Phelps
 City of Loveland                  Y
 Rick Probst
 Dearborn County Brd of Comm.      Y         Y
 Sharmili Reddy, AICP
 PDS of Kenton County              Y         Y
 Benjamin Redman
 City of Milford, OH
 Alicia Reece
 Hamilton County Brd of Comm.      Y         Y
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OKI Board of Directors            01/13/2022 02/10/2022

 Kenneth F. Reed
                                   Y         Y
 Christopher Reinersman
 City of Independence
 Mitch Rhodus
 City of Fairfield
 T. C. Rogers
 Butler County Board of Commiss    Y         E
 Tony Rosiello
 Green Township                              E
 Jonathan D. Sams
                                   Y         Y
 Sal Santoro
 Commonwealth of Kentucky          E
 Andy Schabell
 City of Alexandria
 Steve Schramm
 Liberty Township
 Karl B. Schultz
 Miami Township                    Y
 Khaled Shammout
 Joe Shriver
 Kenton County Fiscal Court
 V. Anthony Simms-Howell
 Ohio Comm. on Hispanic/Latino               Y
 Sarah Stankorb Taylor
 City of Wyoming, OH                         Y
 Merrie Stillpass
 Amberley Village
 Dee Stone
 Anderson Township
 Stephanie Summerow Dumas
 Hamilton County                   Y         Y
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OKI Board of Directors            01/13/2022 02/10/2022

 Terry Summers
 INDOT-Seymour District
 James Sunderhaus
 City of Cheviot
 Jeff Thelen
 Seth Thompson
 Villa Hills                       Y         Y
 Ron Tolliver
 City of Deer Park
 Neil Tunison
 Warren County Engineer
 Daniel Unger
 Colerain Township                           R
 Susan Vaughn
 City of Hamilton, OH                        Y
 Andrew Videkovich AICP
 PDS of Kenton County
 Jeff Volter
 City of Dayton
 Thomas G. Voss
                                   Y         Y
 Chris Wahlman
 INDOT                             R         Y
 Thomas Weidman
 Sycamore Township
 Alan Weiss
 City of Greendale                 Y
 Mark S. Welch
 West Chester Township             Y         Y
 Bernie Wessels
 City of Ft. Wright
 Gregory J. Wilkens, P.E., P.S.
 Butler County Engineer
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OKI Board of Directors            01/13/2022 02/10/2022

 Michelle Williams
 City of Covington                           Y
 Stan C. Williams, AICP
 Warren County Regional PC                   R
 Gary Winn
 City of Florence                  Y
 Lee Wong
 West Chester Township                       Y
 Jeff Wright
 Miami Township
 Krista Wyatt
 City of Lebanon
 Robert Yeager
 Kentucky Transportation Cabine    Y
 David G. Young
 Warren County Board of Commiss              E
ITEM #3:

Resolution OKI 2022-05
                       INFRASTRUCTURE LAW (BIL)

BACKGROUND:             FTA allocates Section 5303 funds to OKI for transit planning
                        activities. KYTC Office of Transportation Delivery requires the
                        MPO Policy Board to authorize the application for funds and
                        commit to providing non-federal match. These FTA funds are
                        commonly received by OKI and blended with FHWA PL funds for
                        the purpose of conducting the metropolitan planning process.

                       Staff has determined that there is adequate funding available or
                       anticipated to be available for this project.

ACTION RECOMMENDED: Adoption of Resolution OKI 2022-05

EXHIBIT:               Resolution (OKI 2022-05) Authorizing the Filing of an Application
                       with the Department of Transportation, United States of America,
                       for a Grant under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) and a
                       Resolution Committing the Local Share of Funds necessary to secure
                       a Section 5303 Grant Application
OKI 2022-05


                         OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE

                SECTION 5311/5339/5310/5303/5304 GRANT APPLICATION.

      WHEREAS, the Secretary of Transportation is authorized to make grants for mass transportation
projects; and

      WHEREAS, the contract for financial assistance will impose certain obligations upon the
applicant, including the provision by it of the local share of the project costs; and

      WHEREAS, it is required by the U.S. Department of Transportation in accordance with the
provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, that in connection with the filing of an
application for assistance under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), the applicant gives an
assurance that it will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Department of
Transportation requirements thereunder; and

      WHEREAS, it is required by the U.S. Department of Transportation in accordance with the
provisions of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, that in connection with the filing of an
application for assistance the applicant gives an assurance that it will comply with Section 504 of
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the U.S. Department of Transportation requirements thereunder; and

      WHEREAS, it is required by the U.S. Department of Labor in accordance with the provisions of
Section 5333(b) of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), that in connection with the filing of an
application for assistance under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), and in the absence of a waiver
from the U.S. Department of Labor, the applicant gives an assurance that it will comply with Section
5333(b) of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), and the U.S. Department of Labor requirements
thereunder; and

      WHEREAS, it is the goal of the applicant that disadvantaged business enterprises be utilized
to the fullest extent possible in connection with this project, and the definite procedures shall be
established and administered to ensure that disadvantaged businesses shall have maximum feasible
opportunity to compete for contracts when procuring construction contracts, supplies, equipment
contracts or consultant and other services. Now, therefore,

      BE IT RESOLVED that the Executive Committee, hereinafter referred to as Applicant’s Governing
Board, of the Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of Governments (OKI), hereinafter referred to
as Applicant, authorizes the following in regard to Mark R. Policinski, CEO/Executive Director,
hereinafter referred to as Agency Representative:

 Section 1.   That Agency Representative of the Applicant is authorized to execute and file an
              application on behalf of the Applicant with the U.S. Department of Transportation, to
              aid in the financing of the planning projects described in the attachment.

 Section 2.   That Agency Representative is authorized to execute and file with such application an
              assurance, or any other document required by the U.S. Department of Transportation
              effectuating the purpose of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Section 3.    That Agency Representative of the Applicant is authorized to set forth and execute
              affirmative minority business policies in connection with the project’s procurement

Section 4.    That Agency Representative of the Applicant is authorized to set forth and execute with
              such application an assurance that the Applicant will comply with the conditions of the
              Section 5333(b) Warranty as required by the U.S. Department of Labor effectuating the
              purposes of Section 5333(b) of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL).

 Section 5.   That Agency Representative is authorized to furnish such additional information as the
              U.S. Department of Transportation may require in connection with the application or the

 Section 6.   That Agency Representative is authorized to execute grant contract agreements on
              behalf of Applicant with the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet for aid in the financing of
              the planning projects.

 Section 7.   That Agency Representative is authorized to sign all grant, budgets, application and
              contract agreements via electronic signature on behalf of Applicant with the Kentucky
              Transportation Cabinet.

 Section 8.   This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after the date of its adoption.

    WHEREAS, Applicant is authorized by KRS 96A to apply for and accept grants of money to assist in
 the implementation of a transit system or for transportation planning in the OKI Region; and

   WHEREAS, Applicant has applied to the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet and the Federal Transit
 Administration of the United States Department of Transportation Act of 1964, in connection with the
 Section 5311/5339/5310/5303/5304 project; and

   WHEREAS, said Applicant requires assurance of the Applicant’s Governing Board relative to the
 commitment of the local share for the Section 5311/5339/5310/5303/5304 project(s). Now, therefore,

   BE IT RESOLVED by the Executive Committee of the Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of
 Governments (OKI),
1. That the Applicant’s Governing Board hereby gives assurance that it is the intent of this Body to
   commit its local share of the funds necessary to support this project to improve transit service in
   Applicant’s service area, as stated above, for a minimum of five years from the inception of the
   project. Said local share of expenses is to be resolved from OKI;
2. That the Applicant’s Governing Board hereby gives assurance that it is the intent of this Body to
   continue the operation of transit service or planning for transit service for a minimum of five years.

ADOPTED by vote of the Applicant’s Governing Board this 10th day of March 2022.


DAVID PAINTER                                        OKI PRESIDENT
Printed Name                                         Title


LUKE BLOCHER                                         LEGAL COUNSEL
Printed Name                                         Title


I, being the duly appointed legal counsel of the Applicant, do herby certify that the foregoing is a
true and correct copy of Resolution No.                          , adopted by the Applicant’s
Governing Board,                                             (Date).

RWK 3/10/22
ITEM #5:

Resolution OKI 2022-06
ITEM #5:                AMENDMENT #11 OF THE OKI FISCAL YEARS 2021-2024

DESCRIPTION:            The attached exhibit, in resolution form, describes the specific revision proposed.

BACKGROUND:             OKI is responsible for preparing biennially a four-year program of projects in this
                        region that will make use of available Federal-Aid Highway funds and Federal
                        Transit Administration funds. Inclusion in this program is a prerequisite for such
                        federal assistance. Because the scope, cost, and timing of the included projects are
                        subject to change, and because new projects are continually being developed, the
                        TIP is periodically amended as needed.

                        The amendment reflected in the proposed resolution includes the addition of five
                        highway/pedestrian projects in Ohio, the addition of six highway/bike-ped projects
                        in Kentucky and the addition of one highway project in Indiana. Many of the new
                        projects resulted from the conclusion of OKI’s Prioritization Process to select
                        projects using OKI allocated federal funds. Projects were selected by the OKI Board
                        of Directors in October. One highway project in Kentucky is being removed from
                        the TIP per request from the project sponsor. Ten new transit projects will be added
                        for BCRTA, MTS and SORTA. All projects are exempt from air quality conformity

                        Prior to presentation to the Executive Committee, the proposed amendment is
                        posted to the OKI website for at least 14 days and public comments are accepted.
                        Staff presents the amendment to the Intermodal Coordinating Committee (ICC),
                        the ICC considers the issue, and makes a recommendation to Executive Committee.
                        Any public comments will be presented to the Executive Committee prior to
                        scheduled action.
AUTHORITY:              23 CFR, §450.324.

FUNDING:                The fiscally constrained items proposed for the amendment have an associated
                        funding amount and source specified. Staff has determined that there is adequate
                        funding available, or anticipated to be available, and the funding amounts are
                        shown in year of expenditure figures for this project.

ACTION RECOMMENDED: Adoption of Resolution OKI 2022-06.

EXHIBIT:                Resolution (OKI 2022-06) Concerning Amendment #11 of the OKI Fiscal Years
                        2021-2024 Transportation Improvement Program.
OKI 2022-06

                              OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE

                               CONCERNING AMENDMENT #11 OF THE

           WHEREAS, the Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of Governments (OKI) is designated as
the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) by the Governors of Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana acting
through the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT), the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) and
the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) and in cooperation with locally elected officials in the
OKI region; and

           WHEREAS, the Intermodal Coordinating Committee (ICC), as the technical advisory committee
to OKI, has reviewed and recommended the projects and phases listed in the resolution and recommend
that they be amended into the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP); and

           WHEREAS, all federally funded transit and highway projects in the Ohio Counties of Butler,
Clermont, Hamilton and Warren, the Kentucky Counties of Boone, Campbell and Kenton and the Indiana
County of Dearborn must be included in the TIP prior to the expenditure of federal funds and be listed
with year of expenditure dollars; and

          WHEREAS, the amendments are consistent with the OKI 2050 Metropolitan Transportation
Plan as amended on January 13, 2022 and the OKI Regional ITS Architecture adopted on September 8,
2016; and

         WHEREAS, all projects included in Amendment 11 – Fiscal Years 2021-2024 Transportation
Improvement Program are exempt from transportation conformity requirements for air quality; and

            WHEREAS, the opportunity for public participation has been provided per OKI’s Public
Participation Plan; and

          WHEREAS, the environmental justice impacts of these amendments have been considered
with “Executive Order 12898 Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations
and Low Income Populations”; and

             WHEREAS, this amendment will result in a TIP that remains fiscally constrained: Now,

          BE IT RESOLVED that the Executive Committee of the Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council
of Governments at its regular public meeting on March 10, 2022 hereby amends the Fiscal Years 2021 –
2024 Transportation Improvement Program as shown in the attached Amendment #11 project tables:

                                                        DAVID PAINTER, PRESIDENT

                PROPOSED ACTIONS - Amendment #11 March 10, 2022
                                             Location                           Description                    AQ conformity       Sponsor       Award/
                                                                                                   Programmed costs                              Let Date
TIP ID      MTP ID   Facility                         Fund Type Phase                  FY 21         FY 22      FY 23                  FY 24         FUTR

    Hamilton County
116545        O/M    HAM Banks VMS     The Banks Mutlimodal Center          Installation of parking space detector        Exempt     The Banks     FY23
                     Phase 3                                                system                                                   Public
Add Project                                                                                                                          Partners
                                                        OKI-STBG     CO                     0              0     4,420,113                0            0
                                                            Local    CO                     0              0     1,105,028                0            0
116547        O/M    HAM CR 128/161    Intersection of Hutchinson and Convert stop-controlled intersection to             Exempt     Green Twp     FY25
                     3.40/0.00         Ebenezer Roads                 roundabout
                                                        OKI-STBG RW                  0               0                     0       300,750             0
 Add Project
                                                            Local    RW                     0              0               0       300,750             0
                                                        OKI-STBG     CO                     0              0               0              0      586,511
                                                            Local    CO                     0              0               0              0      586,511
116548        O/M    HAM CR 158/460    Intersection of Werk Road and Addition of right-turn lanes and replace             Exempt     Green Twp     FY25
                     2.04/0.54         Westbourne Drive              traffic signals
                                                        OKI-STBG RW                   0              0                     0       422,000             0
 Add Project                                                Local    RW                     0              0               0       422,000             0
                                                        OKI-STBG     CO                     0              0               0              0      501,451
                                                            Local    CO                     0              0               0              0      501,451
116550        O/M    HAM US 22/CR      Plainfield Road from St. JamesReconstruct Plainfield Rd with curb, gutter Exempt Silverton                  FY25
                     273 9.74/0.89     to NCL. Montgomery at         and sidewalk; realign Plainfield and
                                       Section/Alpine intersection   Montogery intersection; realign
                                                                     Montogmery and Alpine/Section
  Add Project                                                        intersection; traffic control improvements
                                                        OKI-STBG PE-RWS                0              0           0     20,000                         0
                                                            Local PE-RWS                    0              0               0         5,000             0
                                                        OKI-STBG     CO                     0              0               0              0    5,038,929
                                                            Local    CO                     0              0               0              0    1,259,732
116551        9558   HAM CR 358 4.36   North side of Clough Pike   New sidewalk and pedestrian refuge island Exempt Anderson                       FY25
                                       between YMCA and Eight Mile and HAWK at mid-block crossing                    Twp
  Add Project                                             OKI-TA RW               0             0             0     35,000                             0
                                                            Local    RW                     0              0               0        35,000             0
                                                          OKI-TA     CO                     0              0               0              0      210,095
                                                            Local    CO                     0              0               0              0      210,095

      Boone County
6-185         9585   CVG Trail North   Along KY 20 and KY 236 from Construct 10' wide multi-use path                      Exempt     Boone County FY25
                     and East Segments Conner Road to Mineola Pike
                                                        OKI-SNK D-SF               0             0                    30,000              0            0
                                                            State   D-SF                    0              0           7,500              0            0
  Add Project                                            OKI-SNK        D                   0              0         280,000              0            0
                                                            Local       D                   0              0         280,000              0            0
                                                         OKI-SNK     RW                     0              0               0       100,000             0
                                                            Local    RW                     0              0               0       100,000             0
                                                         OKI-SNK     CO                     0              0               0              0    2,028,487
                                                            Local    CO                     0              0               0              0    2,028,487

         23-Feb-22                                                                                                       Page 1 of 3
Location                      Description               AQ conformity         Sponsor      Award/
                                                                                                Programmed costs                           Let Date
TIP ID      MTP ID    Facility                          Fund Type Phase              FY 21        FY 22      FY 23               FY 24         FUTR

        Campbell County
6-297         10021   KY 8 (Fairfield   Along KY 8 (Fairfield Av) from Replace sidewalks, install full curbs and     Exempt     Bellevue     FY25
                      Avenue) Sidewalks Riviera to Berry               provide separation from motorists
                                                           OKI-SNK D-SF                0                0        10,000             0            0
Add Project                                                    State   D-SF              0             0        2,500               0            0
                                                           OKI-SNK      D                0             0       94,000               0            0
                                                               Local    D                0             0       23,500               0            0
                                                           OKI-SNK     RW                0             0            0         100,000            0
                                                               Local   RW                0             0            0          25,000            0
                                                           OKI-SNK     UT                0             0            0          80,000            0
                                                               Local   UT                0             0            0          20,000            0
                                                           OKI-SNK     CO                0             0            0               0      332,541
                                                               Local   CO                0             0            0               0        83,135
6-3030.00     O/M     Lincoln Road       Along Lincoln Road               New sidewalk between Van Voast Av and Exempt          Bellevue     FY25
                      Sidewalk                                            Ward Av, replace bad segmens of sidewalk
                                                                          in other locations near Grandview
                                                              OKI-TA    D                  0             0     54,000               0            0
 Add Project                                                   Local    D                0             0       13,500               0            0
                                                              OKI-TA   D-SF              0             0        6,000               0            0
                                                               State   D-SF              0             0        1,500               0            0
                                                              OKI-TA   RW                0             0            0           8,000            0
                                                               Local   RW                0             0            0           2,000            0
                                                              OKI-TA   UT                0             0            0           8,000            0
                                                               Local   UT                0             0            0           2,000            0
                                                              OKI-TA   CO                0             0            0               0      212,493
                                                               Local   CO                0             0            0               0        53,123
6-340         O/M     Sunset Drive       Near South Mller Avenue to       Reconstruction, eliminate 90 degree turns, Exempt     Highland     FY25
                                         US27                             provide better traffic flow and improve               Heights
                                                                          overall safety
                                                           OKI-SNK     D-SF                0               0      18,000            0            0
 Add Project                                                   State   D-SF              0             0        4,500               0            0
                                                           OKI-SNK      D                0             0      132,000               0            0
                                                               Local    D                0             0       33,000               0            0
                                                           OKI-SNK     RW                0             0            0         340,000            0
                                                               Local   RW                0             0            0          85,000            0
                                                           OKI-SNK     UT                0             0            0         200,000            0
                                                               Local   UT                0             0            0          50,000            0
                                                           OKI-SNK     CO                0             0            0               0      621,594
                                                               Local   CO                0             0            0               0      155,398

         Kenton County
6-3031.00     O/M     Elmwood Drive      Along Elmwood Drive from     Add missing sidewalk to improve           Exempt          Edgewood     FY25
                      Sidewalk           3120 Elmwood to Lyndale Road pedestrian connections to Caywood
                                                                      Elementary/Turkeyfoot Middle/Tichenor
                                                                      Middle Schools
                                                          OKI-TA    D                 0            0        80,000                  0            0
Add Project                                                    Local    D                0             0       20,000               0            0
                                                              OKI-TA   D-SF              0             0        8,000               0            0
                                                               State   D-SF              0             0        2,000               0            0
                                                              OKI-TA   RW                0             0            0          20,000            0
                                                               Local   RW                0             0            0           5,000            0
                                                              OKI-TA   UT                0             0            0          20,000            0
                                                               Local   UT                0             0            0           5,000            0
                                                              OKI-TA   CO                0             0            0               0      196,482
                                                               Local   CO                0             0            0               0        49,120

        23-Feb-22                                                                                                  Page 2 of 3
Location                          Description               AQ conformity       Sponsor      Award/
                                                                                                   Programmed costs                         Let Date
TIP ID     MTP ID    Facility                            Fund Type Phase                FY 21        FY 22      FY 23               FY 24       FUTR
6-321          O/M   KY 1829             Intersection of Industrial Road  Capacity improvements at intersection,      Exempt     Elsmere      FY25
                     (Industrial Road)   and Foundation Drive             including additional EB through lane, WB
                                                                          RTL, SB LTL and traffic signal rebuild
                                                           OKI-SNK     D-SF                0        12,000             0               0          0
                                                               State   D-SF                  0        3,000            0               0          0
 Add Project
                                                           OKI-SNK         D                 0       84,000            0               0          0
                                                               Local       D                 0       21,000            0               0          0
                                                           OKI-SNK     RW                    0             0           0       116,000            0
                                                               Local   RW                    0             0           0        29,000            0
                                                           OKI-SNK     UT                    0             0           0        80,000            0
                                                               Local   UT                    0             0           0        20,000            0
                                                           OKI-SNK     CO                    0             0           0               0    807,112
                                                               Local   CO                    0             0           0               0    201,778
6-419.01       O/M   Bromley Crescent    Between the two segments of         Reconstruct Bromley Crescent Springs     Exempt     Kenton        FY21
                     Springs Phase 2     Amsterdam Road                      Road and improve intersection with St.              County Fiscal
                                                                             Johns Road                                          Court
                                                           OKI-SNK         D                0      269,600             0             0             0
Remove                                                         Local       D                 0       67,400            0               0          0
Project                                                    OKI-SNK     RW                    0      504,000            0               0          0
                                                               Local   RW                    0      126,000            0               0          0
                                                           OKI-SNK     UT                    0      560,000            0               0          0
                                                               Local   UT                    0      140,000            0               0          0
                                                           OKI-SNK     CO                    0      276,000            0               0          0
                                                               Local   CO                    0       69,000            0               0          0

    Dearborn County
NP             O/M   Dearborn County     Various locations within          Inspect and load rate all Dearborn County Exempt Dearborn          FY24
                     Small Structure     Dearborn County                   maintained drainage structures from 4 ft.         County
                     Inventory                                             to 20 ft., to determine weight limit
                                                                           postings and identify maintenance and
                                                                           replacement needs
 Add Project                                              OKI-STBG      PE                   0             0          0    220,000                0
                                                               Local    PE                   0             0           0        55,000            0
O/M - Non capacity projects are consistent with the operations/maintenance aspects of the MTP. See OKI 2050 MTP,

        23-Feb-22                                                                                                     Page 3 of 3

 TRANSIT - PROPOSED ACTIONS - Amendment #11 March 10, 2022
                                                                                         Project Description
FY       TIP ID       FTA ALI Code     Type     Project Name           Quantity                 Fund Type Programmed cost

Butler County Regional Transit Authority
2022      116515      44.26.14       Planning FY 22 Regional Gap                         Regional Gap Study (a Transit Collaborative Project)
 Add Project                                                                          5307 - Urban Formula        20,000
                                                                                                       Local        5,000
                                                                                                                Total Project Cost:          $25,000
2022      116515      44.26.14       Planning FY 22 Short Range                          Short Range Planning Study
                                              Planning Study
  Add Project                                                                         5307 - Urban Formula       163,856
                                                                                                       Local      40,964
                                                                                                                Total Project Cost:         $204,820
2022      116515      44.26.15       Planning FY 22 Alternative Fuel                     Alternative Fuel Study (a Transit Collaborative Project)
  Add Project                                                                         5307 - Urban Formula        16,000
                                                                                                       Local        4,000
                                                                                                                Total Project Cost:          $20,000

Middletown Transit Service
2022      113359      11.13.07        Capital   FY 22 Middletown            1            Commuter Coach Acquisition
                                                Transit Bus
   Add Project                                  Replacement
                                                                                       STBG (includes TDC)       770,000
                                                                                                                Total Project Cost:         $770,000
2022      113359      11.13.07        Capital   FY 22 Middletown            2            Commuter Coach Acquisition
                                                Transit Bus
  Add Project
                                                                        5307 - Urban Formula (includes TDC)    1,207,947
                                                                                                                Total Project Cost:       $1,207,947
2022      116519      44.26.15       Planning FY 22 Middletown                           Transit Hub Investment/Decision Planning
                                              Transit Hub Planning
     Add Project                                                                      5307 - Urban Formula       100,000
                                                                                                       Local      25,000
                                                                                                                Total Project Cost:         $125,000

Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority
2022      112403      11.42.09        Capital   SORTA 2022 Security                      2022 5307 Formual Funds
     Add Project                                                                       5307-Urban Formula        148,567
                                                                                                       Local      37,142
                                                                                                                Total Project Cost:         $185,709
2022      112403      11.7A.00       Operating SORTA 2022                                2022 5307 Formual Funds
                                               Preventive Maintenance

     Add Project                                                                       5307-Urban Formula 14,596,721
                                                                                                       Local   3,649,480
                                                                                                                Total Project Cost: $18,246,201
2022      112403      11.7K.04        Capital   SORTA 2022 Safety                        2022 5307 Formual Funds
                                                                                       5307-Urban Formula        111,425
     Add Project
                                                                                                       Local      27,856
                                                                                                                Total Project Cost:         $139,281

          24-Feb-22                                                               Ohio-Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority Page 2

 TRANSIT - PROPOSED ACTIONS - Amendment #11 March 10, 2022
                                                                                    Project Description
FY     TIP ID       FTA ALI Code    Type     Project Name         Quantity                 Fund Type Programmed cost

2023    116549      11.33.04       Capital   SORTA Walnut Hills                     Walnut Hills Transit Center Construction (funding coming
                                             Transit Center                         from Colerain Park&Ride Award)
  Add Project                                                                              STP (2014)     1,374,121
                                                                                                 Local     343,530
                                                                                                          Total Project Cost:        $1,717,651
2023    116552      11.71.11       Services Alternative Energy                      Alternative Energy Consultant (2020 Section 5339 Formula)
  Add Project                                                                             Section 5339      50,000
                                                                                                 Local      12,500
                                                                                                          Total Project Cost:          $62,500

        24-Feb-22                                                            Ohio-Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority Page 3
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